version 1.581, 2004/12/20 20:47:23
version 1.582, 2004/12/20 20:51:24
Line 4790 sub symbverify {
Line 4790 sub symbverify {
if ( |
if ( |
&symbclean(&declutter($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid}).'___'.$resid.'___'.$thisfn) |
&symbclean(&declutter($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid}).'___'.$resid.'___'.$thisfn) |
eq $symb) { |
eq $symb) { |
$okay=1; |
if (($ENV{'request.role.adv'}) || |
} |
$bighash{'encrypted_'.$_} eq $ENV{'request.enc'}) { |
$okay=1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
untie(%bighash); |
untie(%bighash); |
Line 6218 returns the data handle
Line 6221 returns the data handle
=item * |
=item * |
symbverify($symb,$thisfn) : verifies that $symb actually exists and is |
symbverify($symb,$thisfn) : verifies that $symb actually exists and is |
a possible symb for the URL in $thisfn, returns a 1 on success, 0 on |
a possible symb for the URL in $thisfn, and if is an encryypted |
failure, user must be in a course, as it assumes the existance of the |
resource that the user accessed using /enc/ returns a 1 on success, 0 |
course initi hash, and uses $ENV(''} |
on failure, user must be in a course, as it assumes the existance of |
the course initial hash, and uses $ENV(''} |
=item * |
=item * |