--- loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2010/10/01 16:37:35	1.1089
+++ loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2011/01/21 12:08:28	1.1101
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # TCP networking package
-# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.1089 2010/10/01 16:37:35 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.1101 2011/01/21 12:08:28 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ use Math::Random;
 use File::MMagic;
 use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
 use LONCAPA::Configuration;
+use File::Copy;
 my $readit;
 my $max_connection_retries = 10;     # Or some such value.
@@ -2175,6 +2176,8 @@ sub allowuploaded {
 #        path to file, source of file, instruction to parse file for objects,
 #        ref to hash for embedded objects,
 #        ref to hash for codebase of java objects.
+#        reference to scalar to accommodate mime type determined
+#          from File::MMagic if $parser = parse.
 # output: url to file (if action was uploaddoc), 
 #         ok if successful, or diagnostic message otherwise (if action was propagate or copy)
@@ -2201,7 +2204,8 @@ sub allowuploaded {
 sub process_coursefile {
-    my ($action,$docuname,$docudom,$file,$source,$parser,$allfiles,$codebase)=@_;
+    my ($action,$docuname,$docudom,$file,$source,$parser,$allfiles,$codebase,
+        $mimetype)=@_;
     my $fetchresult;
     my $home=&homeserver($docuname,$docudom);
     if ($action eq 'propagate') {
@@ -2229,13 +2233,16 @@ sub process_coursefile {
             if ($parser eq 'parse') {
                 my $mm = new File::MMagic;
-                my $mime_type = $mm->checktype_filename($filepath.'/'.$fname);
-                if ($mime_type eq 'text/html') {
+                my $type = $mm->checktype_filename($filepath.'/'.$fname);
+                if ($type eq 'text/html') {
                     my $parse_result = &extract_embedded_items($filepath.'/'.$fname,$allfiles,$codebase);
                     unless ($parse_result eq 'ok') {
                         &logthis('Failed to parse '.$filepath.'/'.$fname.' for embedded media: '.$parse_result);
+                if (ref($mimetype)) {
+                    $$mimetype = $type;
+                } 
             $fetchresult= &reply('fetchuserfile:'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$file,
@@ -2351,9 +2358,13 @@ sub resizeImage {
 # --------------- Take an uploaded file and put it into the userfiles directory
 # input: $formname - the contents of the file are in $env{"form.$formname"}
-#                    the desired filenam is in $env{"form.$formname.filename"}
-#        $coursedoc - if true up to the current course
-#                     if false
+#                    the desired filename is in $env{"form.$formname.filename"}
+#        $context - possible values: coursedoc, existingfile, overwrite, 
+#                                    canceloverwrite, or ''. 
+#                   if 'coursedoc': upload to the current course
+#                   if 'existingfile': write file to tmp/overwrites directory 
+#                   if 'canceloverwrite': delete file written to tmp/overwrites directory
+#                   $context is passed as argument to &finishuserfileupload
 #        $subdir - directory in userfile to store the file into
 #        $parser - instruction to parse file for objects ($parser = parse)    
 #        $allfiles - reference to hash for embedded objects
@@ -2364,37 +2375,60 @@ sub resizeImage {
 #        $thumbheight - height (pixels) of thumbnail to make for uploaded image
 #        $resizewidth - width (pixels) to which to resize uploaded image
 #        $resizeheight - height (pixels) to which to resize uploaded image
+#        $mimetype - reference to scalar to accommodate mime type determined
+#                    from File::MMagic if $parser = parse.
 # output: url of file in userspace, or error: <message> 
 #             or /adm/notfound.html if failure to upload occurse
 sub userfileupload {
-    my ($formname,$coursedoc,$subdir,$parser,$allfiles,$codebase,$destuname,
-        $destudom,$thumbwidth,$thumbheight,$resizewidth,$resizeheight)=@_;
+    my ($formname,$context,$subdir,$parser,$allfiles,$codebase,$destuname,
+        $destudom,$thumbwidth,$thumbheight,$resizewidth,$resizeheight,$mimetype)=@_;
     if (!defined($subdir)) { $subdir='unknown'; }
     my $fname=$env{'form.'.$formname.'.filename'};
-# See if there is anything left
+    # See if there is anything left
     unless ($fname) { return 'error: no uploaded file'; }
-    chop($env{'form.'.$formname});
-    if (($formname eq 'screenshot') && ($subdir eq 'helprequests')) { #files uploaded to help request form are handled differently
+    # Files uploaded to help request form, or uploaded to "create course" page are handled differently
+    if ((($formname eq 'screenshot') && ($subdir eq 'helprequests')) ||
+        (($formname eq 'coursecreatorxml') && ($subdir eq 'batchupload')) ||
+         ($context eq 'existingfile') || ($context eq 'canceloverwrite')) {
         my $now = time;
-        my $filepath = 'tmp/helprequests/'.$now;
-        my @parts=split(/\//,$filepath);
-        my $fullpath = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
-        for (my $i=0;$i<@parts;$i++) {
-            $fullpath .= '/'.$parts[$i];
-            if ((-e $fullpath)!=1) {
-                mkdir($fullpath,0777);
+        my $filepath;
+        if (($formname eq 'screenshot') && ($subdir eq 'helprequests')) {
+             $filepath = 'tmp/helprequests/'.$now;
+        } elsif (($formname eq 'coursecreatorxml') && ($subdir eq 'batchupload')) {
+             $filepath = 'tmp/addcourse/'.$destudom.'/web/'.$env{'user.name'}.
+                         '_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'/pending';
+        } elsif (($context eq 'existingfile') || ($context eq 'canceloverwrite')) {
+            my ($docuname,$docudom);
+            if ($destudom) {
+                $docudom = $destudom;
+            } else {
+                $docudom = $env{'user.domain'};
+            }
+            if ($destuname) {
+                $docuname = $destuname;
+            } else {
+                $docuname = $env{'user.name'};
+            }
+            if (exists($env{'form.group'})) {
+                $docuname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+                $docudom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+            }
+            $filepath = 'tmp/overwrites/'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$subdir;
+            if ($context eq 'canceloverwrite') {
+                my $tempfile =  $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/'.$filepath.'/'.$fname;
+                if (-e  $tempfile) {
+                    my @info = stat($tempfile);
+                    if ($info[9] eq $env{'form.timestamp'}) {
+                        unlink($tempfile);
+                    }
+                }
+                return;
-        open(my $fh,'>'.$fullpath.'/'.$fname);
-        print $fh $env{'form.'.$formname};
-        close($fh);
-        return $fullpath.'/'.$fname;
-    } elsif (($formname eq 'coursecreatorxml') && ($subdir eq 'batchupload')) { #files uploaded to create course page are handled differently
-        my $filepath = 'tmp/addcourse/'.$destudom.'/web/'.$env{'user.name'}.
-                       '_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'/pending';
+        # Create the directory if not present
         my @parts=split(/\//,$filepath);
         my $fullpath = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
         for (my $i=0;$i<@parts;$i++) {
@@ -2406,27 +2440,31 @@ sub userfileupload {
         open(my $fh,'>'.$fullpath.'/'.$fname);
         print $fh $env{'form.'.$formname};
-        return $fullpath.'/'.$fname;
+        if ($context eq 'existingfile') {
+            my @info = stat($fullpath.'/'.$fname);
+            return ($fullpath.'/'.$fname,$info[9]);
+        } else {
+            return $fullpath.'/'.$fname;
+        }
     if ($subdir eq 'scantron') {
         $fname = 'scantron_orig_'.$fname;
-    } else {   
-# Create the directory if not present
+    } else {
-    if ($coursedoc) {
+    if ($context eq 'coursedoc') {
 	my $docuname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
 	my $docudom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
         if ($env{'form.folder'} =~ m/^(default|supplemental)/) {
             return &finishuserfileupload($docuname,$docudom,
-                                         $resizewidth,$resizeheight);
+                                         $resizewidth,$resizeheight,$context,$mimetype);
         } else {
             return &process_coursefile('uploaddoc',$docuname,$docudom,
-				       $allfiles,$codebase);
+				       $allfiles,$codebase,$mimetype);
     } elsif (defined($destuname)) {
         my $docuname=$destuname;
@@ -2434,8 +2472,7 @@ sub userfileupload {
 	return &finishuserfileupload($docuname,$docudom,$formname,$fname,
-                                     $resizewidth,$resizeheight);
+                                     $resizewidth,$resizeheight,$context,$mimetype);
     } else {
         my $docuname=$env{'user.name'};
         my $docudom=$env{'user.domain'};
@@ -2446,13 +2483,13 @@ sub userfileupload {
 	return &finishuserfileupload($docuname,$docudom,$formname,$fname,
-                                     $resizewidth,$resizeheight);
+                                     $resizewidth,$resizeheight,$context,$mimetype);
 sub finishuserfileupload {
     my ($docuname,$docudom,$formname,$fname,$parser,$allfiles,$codebase,
-        $thumbwidth,$thumbheight,$resizewidth,$resizeheight) = @_;
+        $thumbwidth,$thumbheight,$resizewidth,$resizeheight,$context,$mimetype) = @_;
     my $path=$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/';
     my $filepath=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
@@ -2478,7 +2515,23 @@ sub finishuserfileupload {
 	    print STDERR ('Failed to create '.$filepath.'/'.$file."\n");
 	    return '/adm/notfound.html';
-	if (!print FH ($env{'form.'.$formname})) {
+        if ($context eq 'overwrite') {
+            my $source =  $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/overwrites/'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$fname;
+            my $target = $filepath.'/'.$file;
+            if (-e $source) {
+                my @info = stat($source);
+                if ($info[9] eq $env{'form.timestamp'}) {   
+                    unless (&File::Copy::move($source,$target)) {
+                        &logthis('Failed to overwrite '.$filepath.'/'.$file);
+                        return "Moving from $source failed";
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    return "Temporary file: $source had unexpected date/time for last modification";
+                }
+            } else {
+                return "Temporary file: $source missing";
+            }
+        } elsif (!print FH ($env{'form.'.$formname})) {
 	    &logthis('Failed to write to '.$filepath.'/'.$file);
 	    print STDERR ('Failed to write to '.$filepath.'/'.$file."\n");
 	    return '/adm/notfound.html';
@@ -2494,8 +2547,8 @@ sub finishuserfileupload {
     if ($parser eq 'parse') {
         my $mm = new File::MMagic;
-        my $mime_type = $mm->checktype_filename($filepath.'/'.$file);
-        if ($mime_type eq 'text/html') {
+        my $type = $mm->checktype_filename($filepath.'/'.$file);
+        if ($type eq 'text/html') {
             my $parse_result = &extract_embedded_items($filepath.'/'.$file,
             unless ($parse_result eq 'ok') {
@@ -2503,6 +2556,9 @@ sub finishuserfileupload {
 	   	         ' for embedded media: '.$parse_result); 
+        if (ref($mimetype)) {
+            $$mimetype = $type;
+        }
     if (($thumbwidth =~ /^\d+$/) && ($thumbheight =~ /^\d+$/)) {
         my $input = $filepath.'/'.$file;
@@ -4382,15 +4438,18 @@ sub dump {
     my $rep=&reply("dump:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$regexp:$range:$extra",$uhome);
     my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
     my %returnhash=();
-    foreach my $item (@pairs) {
-	my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
-	$key = &unescape($key);
-	next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
-	$returnhash{$key}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+    if (!($rep =~ /^error/ )) {
+	foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+	    my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+	    $key = &unescape($key);
+	    next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+	    $returnhash{$key}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+	}
     return %returnhash;
 # --------------------------------------------------------- dumpstore interface
 sub dumpstore {
@@ -5966,9 +6025,9 @@ sub auto_get_sections {
 sub auto_new_course {
-    my ($cnum,$cdom,$inst_course_id,$owner) = @_;
+    my ($cnum,$cdom,$inst_course_id,$owner,$coowners) = @_;
     my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
-    my $response=&unescape(&reply('autonewcourse:'.$inst_course_id.':'.$owner.':'.$cdom,$homeserver));
+    my $response=&unescape(&reply('autonewcourse:'.$inst_course_id.':'.&escape($owner).':'.$cdom.':'.&escape($coowners),$homeserver));
     return $response;
@@ -7239,10 +7298,10 @@ sub diskusage {
 sub is_locked {
-    my ($file_name, $domain, $user) = @_;
+    my ($file_name, $domain, $user, $which) = @_;
     my @check;
     my $is_locked;
-    push @check, $file_name;
+    push (@check,$file_name);
     my %locked = &get('file_permissions',\@check,
     my ($tmp)=keys(%locked);
@@ -7251,14 +7310,19 @@ sub is_locked {
     if (ref($locked{$file_name}) eq 'ARRAY') {
         $is_locked = 'false';
         foreach my $entry (@{$locked{$file_name}}) {
-           if (ref($entry) eq 'ARRAY') { 
+           if (ref($entry) eq 'ARRAY') {
                $is_locked = 'true';
-               last;
+               if (ref($which) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                   push(@{$which},$entry);
+               } else {
+                   last;
+               }
     } else {
         $is_locked = 'false';
+    return $is_locked;
 sub declutter_portfile {
@@ -8409,7 +8473,7 @@ sub metadata {
     if (($uri eq '') || 
 	(($uri =~ m|^/*adm/|) && 
 	     ($uri !~ m|^adm/includes|) && ($uri !~ m|/bulletinboard$|)) ||
-        ($uri =~ m|/$|) || ($uri =~ m|/.meta$|) || ($uri =~ /^\*uploaded\/.+\.sequence$/) ) {
+        ($uri =~ m|/$|) || ($uri =~ m|/.meta$|) || ($uri =~ m{^/*uploaded/.+\.sequence$}) || ($uri =~ m{^/*uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/docs/})) {
 	return undef;
     if (($uri =~ /^~/ || $uri =~ m{home/$match_username/public_html/}) 
@@ -8868,7 +8932,8 @@ sub symbverify {
    eq $symb) { 
 		   if (($env{'request.role.adv'}) ||
-		       $bighash{'encrypted_'.$id} eq $env{'request.enc'}) {
+		       ($bighash{'encrypted_'.$id} eq $env{'request.enc'}) ||
+                       ($thisurl eq '/adm/navmaps')) {
@@ -11350,8 +11415,10 @@ userfileupload(): main rotine for puttin
            filename, and the contents of the file to create/modifed exist
            the filename is in $env{'form.'.$formname.'.filename'} and the
            contents of the file is located in $env{'form.'.$formname}
- coursedoc - if true, store the file in the course of the active role
-             of the current user
+ context - if coursedoc, store the file in the course of the active role
+             of the current user; 
+           if 'existingfile': store in 'overwrites' in /home/httpd/perl/tmp
+           if 'canceloverwrite': delete file in tmp/overwrites directory
  subdir - required - subdirectory to put the file in under ../userfiles/
          if undefined, it will be placed in "unknown"
@@ -11373,16 +11440,29 @@ returns: the new clean filename
 =item *
-finishuserfileupload(): routine that creaes and sends the file to
+finishuserfileupload(): routine that creates and sends the file to
 userspace, probably shouldn't be called directly
   docuname: username or courseid of destination for the file
   docudom: domain of user/course of destination for the file
   formname: same as for userfileupload()
-  fname: filename (inculding subdirectories) for the file
+  fname: filename (including subdirectories) for the file
+  parser: if 'parse', will parse (html) file to extract references to objects, links etc.
+  allfiles: reference to hash used to store objects found by parser
+  codebase: reference to hash used for codebases of java objects found by parser
+  thumbwidth: width (pixels) of thumbnail to be created for uploaded image
+  thumbheight: height (pixels) of thumbnail to be created for uploaded image
+  resizewidth: width to be used to resize image using resizeImage from ImageMagick
+  resizeheight: height to be used to resize image using resizeImage from ImageMagick
+  context: if 'overwrite', will move the uploaded file from its temporary location to
+            userfiles to facilitate overwriting a previously uploaded file with same name.
+  mimetype: reference to scalar to accommodate mime type determined
+            from File::MMagic if $parser = parse.
  returns either the url of the uploaded file (/uploaded/....) if successful
- and /adm/notfound.html if unsuccessful
+ and /adm/notfound.html if unsuccessful (or an error message if context 
+ was 'overwrite').
 =item *