--- loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2000/02/29 16:24:00	1.11
+++ loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2000/10/10 18:46:53	1.42
@@ -1,18 +1,79 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # TCP networking package
+# Functions for use by content handlers:
+# plaintext(short)   : plain text explanation of short term
+# fileembstyle(ext)  : embed style in page for file extension
+# filedescription(ext) : descriptor text for file extension
+# allowed(short,url) : returns codes for allowed actions 
+#                      F: full access
+#                      U,I,K: authentication modes (cxx only)
+#                      '': forbidden
+#                      1: user needs to choose course
+#                      2: browse allowed
+# definerole(rolename,sys,dom,cou) : define a custom role rolename
+#                      set priviledges in format of lonTabs/roles.tab for
+#                      system, domain and course level, 
+# assignrole(udom,uname,url,role,end,start) : give a role to a user for the
+#                      level given by url. Optional start and end dates
+#                      (leave empty string or zero for "no date") 
+# assigncustomrole (udom,uname,url,rdom,rnam,rolename,end,start) : give a
+#                      custom role to a user for the level given by url.
+#                      Specify name and domain of role author, and role name
+# revokerole (udom,uname,url,role) : Revoke a role for url
+# revokecustomrole (udom,uname,url,rdom,rnam,rolename) : Revoke a custom role
+# appenv(hash)       : adds hash to session environment
+# store(hash)        : stores hash permanently for this url
+# restore            : returns hash for this url
+# eget(namesp,array) : returns hash with keys from array filled in from namesp
+# get(namesp,array)  : returns hash with keys from array filled in from namesp
+# del(namesp,array)  : deletes keys out of array from namesp
+# put(namesp,hash)   : stores hash in namesp
+# dump(namesp)       : dumps the complete namespace into a hash
+# ssi(url,hash)      : does a complete request cycle on url to localhost, posts
+#                      hash
+# coursedescription(id) : returns and caches course description for id
+# repcopy(filename)  : replicate file
+# dirlist(url)       : gets a directory listing
+# directcondval(index) : reading condition value of single condition from 
+#                        state string
+# condval(index)     : value of condition index based on state
+# varval(name)       : value of a variable
+# refreshstate()     : refresh the state information string
+# symblist(map,hash) : Updates symbolic storage links
+# symbread(filename) : returns the data handle
+# rndseed()          : returns a random seed  
+# getfile(filename)  : returns the contents of filename, or a -1 if it can't
+#                      be found, replicates and subscribes to the file
+# filelocation(dir,file) : returns a farily clean absolute reference to file 
+#                          from the directory dir
 # 6/1/99,6/2,6/10,6/11,6/12,6/14,6/26,6/28,6/29,6/30,
 # 7/1,7/2,7/9,7/10,7/12,7/14,7/15,7/19,
 # 11/8,11/16,11/18,11/22,11/23,12/22,
-# 01/06,01/13,02/24,02/28,02/29 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 01/06,01/13,02/24,02/28,02/29,
+# 03/01,03/02,03/06,03/07,03/13,
+# 04/05,05/29,05/31,06/01,
+# 06/05,06/26 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 06/26 Ben Tyszka
+# 06/30,07/15,07/17,07/18,07/20,07/21,07/22,07/25 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 08/14 Ben Tyszka
+# 08/22,08/28,08/31,09/01,09/02,09/04,09/05,09/25,09/28,09/30 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 10/04 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 10/04 Guy Albertelli
+# 10/06,10/09,10/10 Gerd Kortemeyer
 package Apache::lonnet;
 use strict;
 use Apache::File;
 use LWP::UserAgent();
+use HTTP::Headers;
 use vars 
-qw(%perlvar %hostname %homecache %spareid %hostdom %libserv %pr %prp $readit);
+qw(%perlvar %hostname %homecache %spareid %hostdom %libserv %pr %prp %fe %fd $readit);
 use IO::Socket;
+use GDBM_File;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Logging
@@ -56,6 +117,11 @@ sub reply {
     my ($cmd,$server)=@_;
     my $answer=subreply($cmd,$server);
     if ($answer eq 'con_lost') { $answer=subreply($cmd,$server); }
+    if (($answer=~/^error:/) || ($answer=~/^refused/) || 
+        ($answer=~/^rejected/)) {
+       &logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING:".
+                " $cmd to $server returned $answer</font>");
+    }
     return $answer;
@@ -76,16 +142,20 @@ sub reconlonc {
             &logthis("$peerfile still not there, give it another try");
             sleep 5;
             if (-e "$peerfile") { return; }
-            &logthis("$peerfile still not there, giving up");
+            &logthis(
+  "<font color=blue>WARNING: $peerfile still not there, giving up</font>");
         } else {
-	    &logthis("lonc at pid $loncpid not responding, giving up");
+	    &logthis(
+               "<font color=blue>WARNING:".
+               " lonc at pid $loncpid not responding, giving up</font>");
     } else {
-        &logthis('lonc not running, giving up');
+     &logthis('<font color=blue>WARNING: lonc not running, giving up</font>');
 # ------------------------------------------------------ Critical communication
 sub critical {
     my ($cmd,$server)=@_;
     my $answer=reply($cmd,$server);
@@ -118,11 +188,13 @@ sub critical {
             if ($wcmd eq $cmd) {
-		&logthis("Connection buffer $dfilename: $cmd");
+		&logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING: ".
+                         "Connection buffer $dfilename: $cmd</font>");
 	        return 'con_delayed';
             } else {
-                &logthis("CRITICAL CONNECTION FAILED: $server $cmd");
+                &logthis("<font color=red>CRITICAL:"
+                        ." Critical connection failed: $server $cmd</font>");
                 return 'con_failed';
@@ -135,6 +207,15 @@ sub critical {
 sub appenv {
     my %newenv=@_;
+    map {
+	if (($newenv{$_}=~/^user\.role/) || ($newenv{$_}=~/^user\.priv/)) {
+            &logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING: ".
+                "Attempt to modify environment ".$_." to ".$newenv{$_});
+	    delete($newenv{$_});
+        } else {
+            $ENV{$_}=$newenv{$_};
+        }
+    } keys %newenv;
     my @oldenv;
      my $fh;
@@ -147,7 +228,9 @@ sub appenv {
         if ($oldenv[$i] ne '') {
            my ($name,$value)=split(/=/,$oldenv[$i]);
-	   $newenv{$name}=$value;
+           unless (defined($newenv{$name})) {
+	      $newenv{$name}=$value;
+	   }
@@ -183,7 +266,7 @@ sub spareserver {
 sub authenticate {
     my ($uname,$upass,$udom)=@_;
+    $upass=escape($upass);
     if (($perlvar{'lonRole'} eq 'library') && 
         ($udom eq $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'})) {
     my $answer=reply("encrypt:auth:$udom:$uname:$upass",$perlvar{'lonHostID'});
@@ -259,7 +342,9 @@ sub subscribe {
 sub repcopy {
     my $filename=shift;
+    $filename=~s/\/+/\//g;
     my $transname="$filename.in.transfer";
+    if ((-e $filename) || (-e $transname)) { return OK; }
     my $remoteurl=subscribe($filename);
     if ($remoteurl eq 'con_lost') {
 	   &logthis("Subscribe returned con_lost: $filename");
@@ -267,9 +352,11 @@ sub repcopy {
     } elsif ($remoteurl eq 'not_found') {
 	   &logthis("Subscribe returned not_found: $filename");
 	   return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
-    } elsif ($remoteurl eq 'forbidden') {
-	   &logthis("Subscribe returned forbidden: $filename");
+    } elsif ($remoteurl eq 'rejected') {
+	   &logthis("Subscribe returned rejected: $filename");
            return FORBIDDEN;
+    } elsif ($remoteurl eq 'directory') {
+           return OK;
     } else {
            my @parts=split(/\//,$filename);
            my $path="/$parts[1]/$parts[2]/$parts[3]/$parts[4]";
@@ -290,28 +377,125 @@ sub repcopy {
            if ($response->is_error()) {
                my $message=$response->status_line;
-               &logthis("LWP GET: $message: $filename");
+               &logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING:"
+                       ." LWP get: $message: $filename</font>");
                return HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE;
            } else {
+	       if ($remoteurl!~/\.meta$/) {
+                  my $mrequest=new HTTP::Request('GET',$remoteurl.'.meta');
+                  my $mresponse=$ua->request($mrequest,$filename.'.meta');
+                  if ($mresponse->is_error()) {
+		      unlink($filename.'.meta');
+                      &logthis(
+                     "<font color=yellow>INFO: No metadata: $filename</font>");
+                  }
+	       }
                return OK;
+# --------------------------------------------------------- Server Side Include
+sub ssi {
+    my ($fn,%form)=@_;
+    my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
+    my $request;
+    if (%form) {
+      $request=new HTTP::Request('POST',"http://".$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}.$fn);
+      $request->content(join '&', map { "$_=$form{$_}" } keys %form);
+    } else {
+      $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',"http://".$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}.$fn);
+    }
+    $request->header(Cookie => $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'});
+    my $response=$ua->request($request);
+    return $response->content;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log
+sub log {
+    my ($dom,$nam,$hom,$what)=@_;
+    return reply("log:$dom:$nam:$what",$hom);
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Store
 sub store {
-    my %storehash=shift;
-    my $command="store:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:"
-               ."$ENV{'user.class'}:$ENV{'request.filename'}:";
+    my %storehash=@_;
+    my $symb;
+    unless ($symb=escape(&symbread($ENV{'request.filename'}))) { return ''; }
+    my $namespace;
+    unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
+    my $namevalue='';
+    map {
+        $namevalue.=escape($_).'='.escape($storehash{$_}).'&';
+    } keys %storehash;
+    $namevalue=~s/\&$//;
+    return reply(
+     "store:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$symb:$namevalue",
+		 "$ENV{'user.home'}");
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore
 sub restore {
-    my $command="restore:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:"
-               ."$ENV{'user.class'}:$ENV{'request.filename'}:";
+    my $symb;
+    unless ($symb=escape(&symbread($ENV{'request.filename'}))) { return ''; }
+    my $namespace;
+    unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
+    my $answer=reply(
+              "restore:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$symb",
+              "$ENV{'user.home'}");
+    my %returnhash=();
+    map {
+	my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
+        $returnhash{&unescape($name)}=&unescape($value);
+    } split(/\&/,$answer);
+    map {
+        $returnhash{$_}=$returnhash{$returnhash{'version'}.':'.$_};
+    } split(/\:/,$returnhash{$returnhash{'version'}.':keys'});
+    return %returnhash;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Course Description
+sub coursedescription {
+    my $courseid=shift;
+    $courseid=~s/^\///;
+    my ($cdomain,$cnum)=split(/\//,$courseid);
+    my $chome=homeserver($cnum,$cdomain);
+    if ($chome ne 'no_host') {
+       my $rep=reply("dump:$cdomain:$cnum:environment",$chome);
+       if ($rep ne 'con_lost') {
+	   my %cachehash=();
+           my %returnhash=('home'   => $chome, 
+                           'domain' => $cdomain,
+                           'num'    => $cnum);
+           map {
+               my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
+               $name=&unescape($name);
+               $value=&unescape($value);
+               $returnhash{$name}=$value;
+               if ($name eq 'description') {
+		   $cachehash{$courseid}=$value;
+               }
+           } split(/\&/,$rep);
+           $returnhash{'url'}='/res/'.declutter($returnhash{'url'});
+           $returnhash{'fn'}=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/'.
+	       $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$cdomain.'_'.$cnum;
+	   put ('coursedescriptions',%cachehash);
+           return %returnhash;
+       }
+    }
+    return ();
 # -------------------------------------------------------- Get user priviledges
@@ -319,18 +503,21 @@ sub restore {
 sub rolesinit {
     my ($domain,$username,$authhost)=@_;
     my $rolesdump=reply("dump:$domain:$username:roles",$authhost);
+    if (($rolesdump eq 'con_lost') || ($rolesdump eq '')) { return ''; }
     my %allroles=();
     my %thesepriv=();
-    my $userroles='';
     my $now=time;
+    my $userroles="user.login.time=$now\n";
     my $thesestr;
-    &logthis("$domain, $username, $authhost, $rolesdump");
     if ($rolesdump ne '') {
         map {
+	  if ($_!~/^rolesdef\&/) {
             my ($area,$role)=split(/=/,$_);
+            $area=~s/\_\w\w$//;
             my ($trole,$tend,$tstart)=split(/_/,$role);
+            $userroles.='user.role.'.$trole.'.'.$area.'='.
+                        $tstart.'.'.$tend."\n";
             if ($tend!=0) {
 	        if ($tend<$now) {
@@ -342,16 +529,37 @@ sub rolesinit {
             if (($area ne '') && ($trole ne '')) {
-                $userroles.='user.role.'.$trole.'='.$area."\n";
-                my ($tdummy,$tdomain,$trest)=split(/\//,$area);
-	        $allroles{'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':s'};
-                if ($tdomain ne '') {
-                   $allroles{'/'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':d'};
-                   if ($trest ne '') {
-		       $allroles{$area}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':c'};
+               my ($tdummy,$tdomain,$trest)=split(/\//,$area);
+               if ($trole =~ /^cr\//) {
+		   my ($rdummy,$rdomain,$rauthor,$rrole)=split(/\//,$trole);
+                   my $homsvr=homeserver($rauthor,$rdomain);
+                   if ($hostname{$homsvr} ne '') {
+                      my $roledef=
+			  reply("get:$rdomain:$rauthor:roles:rolesdef_$rrole",
+                                $homsvr);
+                      if (($roledef ne 'con_lost') && ($roledef ne '')) {
+                         my ($syspriv,$dompriv,$coursepriv)=
+			     split(/\_/,unescape($roledef));
+ 	                 $allroles{'/'}.=':'.$syspriv;
+                         if ($tdomain ne '') {
+                             $allroles{'/'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$dompriv;
+                             if ($trest ne '') {
+		                $allroles{$area}.=':'.$coursepriv;
+                             }
+	                 }
+                      }
+               } else {
+	           $allroles{'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':s'};
+                   if ($tdomain ne '') {
+                      $allroles{'/'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':d'};
+                      if ($trest ne '') {
+		          $allroles{$area}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':c'};
+                      }
+	           }
-            } 
+            }
+          } 
         } split(/&/,$rolesdump);
         map {
@@ -375,6 +583,591 @@ sub rolesinit {
     return $userroles;  
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- get interface
+sub get {
+   my ($namespace,@storearr)=@_;
+   my $items='';
+   map {
+       $items.=escape($_).'&';
+   } @storearr;
+   $items=~s/\&$//;
+ my $rep=reply("get:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$items",
+                 $ENV{'user.home'});
+   my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+   my %returnhash=();
+   my $i=0;
+   map {
+      $returnhash{$_}=unescape($pairs[$i]);
+      $i++;
+   } @storearr;
+   return %returnhash;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- del interface
+sub del {
+   my ($namespace,@storearr)=@_;
+   my $items='';
+   map {
+       $items.=escape($_).'&';
+   } @storearr;
+   $items=~s/\&$//;
+   return reply("del:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$items",
+                 $ENV{'user.home'});
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- dump interface
+sub dump {
+   my $namespace=shift;
+   my $rep=reply("dump:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace",
+                $ENV{'user.home'});
+   my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+   my %returnhash=();
+   map {
+      my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$_);
+      $returnhash{unescape($key)}=unescape($value);
+   } @pairs;
+   return %returnhash;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- put interface
+sub put {
+   my ($namespace,%storehash)=@_;
+   my $items='';
+   map {
+       $items.=escape($_).'='.escape($storehash{$_}).'&';
+   } keys %storehash;
+   $items=~s/\&$//;
+   return reply("put:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$items",
+                 $ENV{'user.home'});
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- eget interface
+sub eget {
+   my ($namespace,@storearr)=@_;
+   my $items='';
+   map {
+       $items.=escape($_).'&';
+   } @storearr;
+   $items=~s/\&$//;
+ my $rep=reply("eget:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$items",
+                 $ENV{'user.home'});
+   my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+   my %returnhash=();
+   my $i=0;
+   map {
+      $returnhash{$_}=unescape($pairs[$i]);
+      $i++;
+   } @storearr;
+   return %returnhash;
+# ------------------------------------------------- Check for a user priviledge
+sub allowed {
+    my ($priv,$uri)=@_;
+    $uri=~s/^\/res//;
+    $uri=~s/^\///;
+# Free bre access to adm resources
+    if (($uri=~/^adm\//) && ($priv eq 'bre')) {
+	return 'F';
+    }
+# Gather priviledges over system and domain
+    my $thisallowed='';
+    if ($ENV{'user.priv./'}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) {
+       $thisallowed.=$1;
+    }
+    if ($ENV{'user.priv./'.(split(/\//,$uri))[0].'/'}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) {
+       $thisallowed.=$1;
+    }
+# Full access at system or domain level? Exit.
+    if ($thisallowed=~/F/) {
+	return 'F';
+    }
+# The user does not have full access at system or domain level
+# Course level access control
+# uri itself refering to a course?
+    if ($uri=~/\.course$/) {
+       if ($ENV{'user.priv./'.$uri}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) {
+          $thisallowed.=$1;
+       }
+# Full access on course level? Exit.
+       if ($thisallowed=~/F/) {
+	  return 'F';
+       }
+# uri is refering to an individual resource; user needs to be in a course
+   } else {
+       unless(defined($ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+	   return '1';
+       }
+# Get access priviledges for course
+       if ($ENV{'user.priv./'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) {
+          $thisallowed.=$1;
+       }
+# See if resource or referer is part of this course
+       my @uriparts=split(/\//,$uri);
+       my $urifile=$uriparts[$#uriparts];
+       $urifile=~/\.(\w+)$/;
+       my $uritype=$1;
+       $#uriparts--;
+       my $uripath=join('/',@uriparts);
+       my $uricond=-1;
+       if ($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$uripath}=~
+	   /\&$urifile\:(\d+)\&/) {
+	   $uricond=$1;
+       } elsif (($fe{$uritype} eq 'emb') || ($fe{$uritype} eq 'img')) {
+	  my $refuri=$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'};
+          $refuri=~s/^\/res//;
+          $refuri=~s/^\///;
+          @uriparts=split(/\//,$refuri);
+          $urifile=$uriparts[$#uriparts];
+          $#uriparts--;
+          $uripath=join('/',@uriparts);
+          if ($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$uripath}=~
+	     /\&$urifile\:(\d+)\&/) {
+	     $uricond=$1;
+	  }
+       }
+       if ($uricond>=0) {
+# The resource is part of the course
+# If user had full access on course level, go ahead
+           if ($thisallowed=~/F/) {
+	       return 'F';
+           }
+# Restricted by state?
+           if ($thisallowed=~/X/) {
+	      if (&condval($uricond)) {
+	         return '2';
+              } else {
+                 return '';
+              }
+	   }
+       }
+    }
+    return $thisallowed;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Refresh State Info
+sub refreshstate {
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Define Role
+sub definerole {
+  if (allowed('mcr','/')) {
+    my ($rolename,$sysrole,$domrole,$courole)=@_;
+    map {
+	my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$_);
+        if ($pr{'cr:s'}!~/$crole/) { return "refused:s:$crole"; }
+        if ($pr{'cr:s'}=~/$crole\&/) {
+	    if ($pr{'cr:s'}!~/$crole\&\w*$cqual/) { 
+               return "refused:s:$crole&$cqual"; 
+            }
+        }
+    } split('/',$sysrole);
+    map {
+	my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$_);
+        if ($pr{'cr:d'}!~/$crole/) { return "refused:d:$crole"; }
+        if ($pr{'cr:d'}=~/$crole\&/) {
+	    if ($pr{'cr:d'}!~/$crole\&\w*$cqual/) { 
+               return "refused:d:$crole&$cqual"; 
+            }
+        }
+    } split('/',$domrole);
+    map {
+	my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$_);
+        if ($pr{'cr:c'}!~/$crole/) { return "refused:c:$crole"; }
+        if ($pr{'cr:c'}=~/$crole\&/) {
+	    if ($pr{'cr:c'}!~/$crole\&\w*$cqual/) { 
+               return "refused:c:$crole&$cqual"; 
+            }
+        }
+    } split('/',$courole);
+    my $command="encrypt:rolesput:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:".
+                "$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:".
+	        "rolesdef_$rolename=".
+                escape($sysrole.'_'.$domrole.'_'.$courole);
+    return reply($command,$ENV{'user.home'});
+  } else {
+    return 'refused';
+  }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Plain Text
+sub plaintext {
+    my $short=shift;
+    return $prp{$short};
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Plain Text
+sub fileembstyle {
+    my $ending=shift;
+    return $fe{$ending};
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Description Text
+sub filedecription {
+    my $ending=shift;
+    return $fd{$ending};
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Assign Role
+sub assignrole {
+    my ($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$end,$start)=@_;
+    my $mrole;
+    $url=declutter($url);
+    if ($role =~ /^cr\//) {
+        unless ($url=~/\.course$/) { return 'invalid'; }
+	unless (allowed('ccr',$url)) { return 'refused'; }
+        $mrole='cr';
+    } else {
+        unless (($url=~/\.course$/) || ($url=~/\/$/)) { return 'invalid'; }
+        unless (allowed('c'+$role)) { return 'refused'; }
+        $mrole=$role;
+    }
+    my $command="encrypt:rolesput:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:".
+                "$udom:$uname:$url".'_'."$mrole=$role";
+    if ($end) { $command.='_$end'; }
+    if ($start) {
+	if ($end) { 
+           $command.='_$start'; 
+        } else {
+           $command.='_0_$start';
+        }
+    }
+    return &reply($command,&homeserver($uname,$udom));
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Assign Custom Role
+sub assigncustomrole {
+    my ($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$end,$start)=@_;
+    return &assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,'cr/'.$rdom.'/'.$rnam.'/'.$rolename,
+                       $end,$start);
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Revoke Role
+sub revokerole {
+    my ($udom,$uname,$url,$role)=@_;
+    my $now=time;
+    return &assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$now);
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Revoke Custom Role
+sub revokecustomrole {
+    my ($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename)=@_;
+    my $now=time;
+    return &assigncustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$now);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Directory lister
+sub dirlist {
+    my $uri=shift;
+    $uri=~s/^\///;
+    $uri=~s/\/$//;
+    my ($res,$udom,$uname,@rest)=split(/\//,$uri);
+    if ($udom) {
+     if ($uname) {
+       my $listing=reply('ls:'.$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/'.$uri,
+                      homeserver($uname,$udom));
+       return split(/:/,$listing);
+     } else {
+       my $tryserver;
+       my %allusers=();
+       foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
+	  if ($hostdom{$tryserver} eq $udom) {
+             my $listing=reply('ls:'.$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$udom,
+			       $tryserver);
+             if (($listing ne 'no_such_dir') && ($listing ne 'empty')
+              && ($listing ne 'con_lost')) {
+                map {
+                  my ($entry,@stat)=split(/&/,$_);
+                  $allusers{$entry}=1;
+                } split(/:/,$listing);
+             }
+	  }
+       }
+       my $alluserstr='';
+       map {
+           $alluserstr.=$_.'&user:';
+       } sort keys %allusers;
+       $alluserstr=~s/:$//;
+       return split(/:/,$alluserstr);
+     } 
+   } else {
+       my $tryserver;
+       my %alldom=();
+       foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
+	   $alldom{$hostdom{$tryserver}}=1;
+       }
+       my $alldomstr='';
+       map {
+          $alldomstr.=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$_.'&domain:';
+       } sort keys %alldom;
+       $alldomstr=~s/:$//;
+       return split(/:/,$alldomstr);       
+   }
+# -------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Condition
+sub directcondval {
+    my $number=shift;
+    if ($ENV{'user.state.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}}) {
+       return substr($ENV{'user.state.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}},$number,1);
+    } else {
+       return 2;
+    }
+sub condval {
+    my $condidx=shift;
+    my $result=0;
+    if ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
+       if (defined($ENV{'acc.cond.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$condidx})) {
+          my $operand='|';
+	  my @stack;
+          map {
+              if ($_ eq '(') {
+                 push @stack,($operand,$result)
+              } elsif ($_ eq ')') {
+                  my $before=pop @stack;
+		  if (pop @stack eq '&') {
+		      $result=$result>$before?$before:$result;
+                  } else {
+                      $result=$result>$before?$result:$before;
+                  }
+              } elsif (($_ eq '&') || ($_ eq '|')) {
+                  $operand=$_;
+              } else {
+                  my $new=directcondval($_);
+                  if ($operand eq '&') {
+                     $result=$result>$new?$new:$result;
+                  } else {
+                     $result=$result>$new?$result:$new;
+                  }                  
+              }
+          } ($ENV{'acc.cond.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$condidx}=~
+             /(\d+|\(|\)|\&|\|)/g);
+       }
+    }
+    return $result;
+# --------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Variable
+sub varval {
+    my ($realm,$space,@components)=split(/\./,shift);
+    my $value='';
+    if ($realm eq 'user') {
+	if ($space=~/^resource/) {
+	    $space=~s/^resource\[//;
+            $space=~s/\]$//;
+        } else {
+        }
+    } elsif ($realm eq 'course') {
+    } elsif ($realm eq 'session') {
+    } elsif ($realm eq 'system') {
+    }
+    return $value;
+# ------------------------------------------------- Update symbolic store links
+sub symblist {
+    my ($mapname,%newhash)=@_;
+    $mapname=declutter($mapname);
+    my %hash;
+    if (($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) && (%newhash)) {
+        if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db',
+                      &GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+	    map {
+                $hash{declutter($_)}=$mapname.'___'.$newhash{$_};
+            } keys %newhash;
+            if (untie(%hash)) {
+		return 'ok';
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 'error';
+# ------------------------------------------------------ Return symb list entry
+sub symbread {
+    my $thisfn=declutter(shift);
+    my %hash;
+    my %bighash;
+    my $syval='';
+    if (($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) && ($ENV{'request.filename'})) {
+        if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db',
+                      &GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+	    $syval=$hash{$thisfn};
+            untie(%hash);
+        }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- There was an entry
+        if ($syval) {
+           unless ($syval=~/\_\d+$/) {
+	       unless ($ENV{'form.request.prefix'}=~/\.(\d+)\_$/) {
+                  return '';
+               }    
+               $syval.=$1;
+	   }
+        } else {
+# ------------------------------------------------------- Was not in symb table
+           if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+                            &GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+# ---------------------------------------------- Get ID(s) for current resource
+              my $ids=$bighash{'ids_/res/'.$thisfn};
+              if ($ids) {
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Has ID(s)
+                 my @possibilities=split(/\,/,$ids);
+                 if ($#possibilities==0) {
+# ----------------------------------------------- There is only one possibility
+		     my ($mapid,$resid)=split(/\./,$ids);
+                     $syval=declutter($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid}).'___'.$resid;
+                 } else {
+# ------------------------------------------ There is more than one possibility
+                     my $realpossible=0;
+                     map {
+			 my $file=$bighash{'src_'.$_};
+                         if (&allowed('bre',$file)) {
+         		    my ($mapid,$resid)=split(/\./,$_);
+                            if ($bighash{'map_type_'.$mapid} ne 'page') {
+				$realpossible++;
+                                $syval=declutter($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid}).
+                                       '___'.$resid;
+                            }
+			 }
+                     } @possibilities;
+		     if ($realpossible!=1) { $syval=''; }
+                 }
+	      }
+              untie(%bighash)
+           } 
+        }
+        if ($syval) { return $syval.'___'.$thisfn; }
+    }
+    return '';
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Return random seed
+sub numval {
+    my $txt=shift;
+    $txt=~tr/A-J/0-9/;
+    $txt=~tr/a-j/0-9/;
+    $txt=~tr/K-T/0-9/;
+    $txt=~tr/k-t/0-9/;
+    $txt=~tr/U-Z/0-5/;
+    $txt=~tr/u-z/0-5/;
+    $txt=~s/\D//g;
+    return int($txt);
+sub rndseed {
+    my $symb;
+    unless ($symb=&symbread($ENV{'request.filename'})) { return ''; }
+    my $symbchck=unpack("%32C*",$symb);
+    my $symbseed=numval($symb)%$symbchck;
+    my $namechck=unpack("%32C*",$ENV{'user.name'});
+    my $nameseed=numval($ENV{'user.name'})%$namechck;
+    return int( $symbseed
+	       .$nameseed
+               .unpack("%32C*",$ENV{'user.domain'})
+               .unpack("%32C*",$ENV{'request.course.id'})
+               .$namechck
+               .$symbchck);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Serves up a file
+# returns either the contents of the file or a -1
+sub getfile {
+  my $file=shift;
+  &repcopy($file);
+  if (! -e $file ) { return -1; };
+  my $fh=Apache::File->new($file);
+  my $a='';
+  while (<$fh>) { $a .=$_; }
+  return $a
+sub filelocation {
+  my ($dir,$file) = @_;
+  my $location;
+  $file=~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*$/$1/; ## strip off leading and trailing spaces
+  $file=~s/^$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}//;
+  $file=~s:^/*res::;
+  if ( !( $file =~ m:^/:) ) {
+    $location = $dir. '/'.$file;
+  } else {
+    $location = '/home/httpd/html/res'.$file;
+  }
+  $location=~s://+:/:g; # remove duplicate /
+  while ($location=~m:/../:) {$location=~ s:/[^/]+/\.\./:/:g;} #remove dir/..
+  return $location;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- Declutters URLs
+sub declutter {
+    my $thisfn=shift;
+    $thisfn=~s/^$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}//;
+    $thisfn=~s/^\///;
+    $thisfn=~s/^res\///;
+    return $thisfn;
+# -------------------------------------------------------- Escape Special Chars
+sub escape {
+    my $str=shift;
+    $str =~ s/(\W)/"%".unpack('H2',$1)/eg;
+    return $str;
+# ----------------------------------------------------- Un-Escape Special Chars
+sub unescape {
+    my $str=shift;
+    $str =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
+    return $str;
 # ================================================================ Main Program
@@ -438,12 +1231,23 @@ if ($readit ne 'done') {
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- Read file types
+    my $config=Apache::File->new("$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/filetypes.tab");
+    while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+       chomp($configline);
+       my ($ending,$emb,@descr)=split(/\s+/,$configline);
+       if ($descr[0] ne '') { 
+         $fe{$ending}=$emb;
+         $fd{$ending}=join(' ',@descr);
+       }
+    }
-&logthis('Read configuration');
+&logthis('<font color=yellow>INFO: Read configuration</font>');