--- loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2012/08/19 00:18:41	1.1185
+++ loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2012/11/10 13:58:31	1.1196
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # TCP networking package
-# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.1185 2012/08/19 00:18:41 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.1196 2012/11/10 13:58:31 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ our @ISA = qw (Exporter);
 our @EXPORT = qw(%env);
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Role Logging
+# ------------------------------------ Logging (parameters, docs, slots, roles)
     my $logid;
-    sub write_rolelog {
-	my ($context,$hash_name,$storehash,$delflag,$udom,$uname,$cdom,$cnum)=@_;
+    sub write_log {
+	my ($context,$hash_name,$storehash,$delflag,$uname,$udom,$cnum,$cdom)=@_;
         if ($context eq 'course') {
             if (($cnum eq '') || ($cdom eq '')) {
                 $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
@@ -1240,8 +1240,8 @@ sub get_lonbalancer_config {
 sub check_loadbalancing {
     my ($uname,$udom) = @_;
-    my ($is_balancer,$dom_in_use,$homeintdom,$rule_in_effect,
-        $offloadto,$otherserver);
+    my ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules,$dom_in_use,$homeintdom,
+        $rule_in_effect,$offloadto,$otherserver);
     my $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
     my @hosts = &current_machine_ids();
     my $uprimary_id = &Apache::lonnet::domain($udom,'primary');
@@ -1266,14 +1266,8 @@ sub check_loadbalancing {
     if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
-        my $currbalancer = $result->{'lonhost'};
-        my $currtargets = $result->{'targets'};
-        my $currrules = $result->{'rules'};
-        if ($currbalancer ne '') {
-            if (grep(/^\Q$currbalancer\E$/,@hosts)) {
-                $is_balancer = 1;
-            }
-        }
+        ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules) = 
+            &check_balancer_result($result,@hosts);
         if ($is_balancer) {
             if (ref($currrules) eq 'HASH') {
                 if ($homeintdom) {
@@ -1331,12 +1325,9 @@ sub check_loadbalancing {
         if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
-            my $currbalancer = $result->{'lonhost'};
-            my $currtargets = $result->{'targets'};
-            my $currrules = $result->{'rules'};
-            if ($currbalancer eq $lonhost) {
-                $is_balancer = 1;
+            ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules) = 
+                &check_balancer_result($result,@hosts);
+            if ($is_balancer) {
                 if (ref($currrules) eq 'HASH') {
                     if ($currrules->{'_LC_internetdom'} ne '') {
                         $rule_in_effect = $currrules->{'_LC_internetdom'};
@@ -1400,6 +1391,32 @@ sub check_loadbalancing {
     return ($is_balancer,$otherserver);
+sub check_balancer_result {
+    my ($result,@hosts) = @_;
+    my ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules);
+    if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+        if ($result->{'lonhost'} ne '') {
+            my $currbalancer = $result->{'lonhost'};
+            if (grep(/^\Q$currbalancer\E$/,@hosts)) {
+                $is_balancer = 1;
+                $currtargets = $result->{'targets'};
+                $currrules = $result->{'rules'};
+            }
+        } else {
+            foreach my $key (keys(%{$result})) {
+                if (($key ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$key\E$/,@hosts)) &&
+                    (ref($result->{$key}) eq 'HASH')) {
+                    $is_balancer = 1;
+                    $currrules = $result->{$key}{'rules'};
+                    $currtargets = $result->{$key}{'targets'};
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules);
 sub get_loadbalancer_targets {
     my ($rule_in_effect,$currtargets,$uname,$udom) = @_;
     my $offloadto;
@@ -2406,7 +2423,7 @@ sub chatsend {
 sub getversion {
     my $fname=&clutter(shift);
-    unless ($fname=~/^\/res\//) { return -1; }
+    unless ($fname=~m{^(/adm/wrapper|)/res/}) { return -1; }
     return &currentversion(&filelocation('',$fname));
@@ -2628,6 +2645,212 @@ sub allowuploaded {
+# Determine if the current user should be able to edit a particular resource,
+# when viewing in course context.
+# (a) When viewing resource used to determine if "Edit" item is included in 
+#     Functions.
+# (b) When displaying folder contents in course editor, used to determine if
+#     "Edit" link will be displayed alongside resource.
+#  input: six args -- filename (decluttered), course number, course domain,
+#                   url, symb (if registered) and group (if this is a group
+#                   item -- e.g., bulletin board, group page etc.).
+#  output: array of five scalars -- 
+#          $cfile -- url for file editing if editable on current server
+#          $home -- homeserver of resource (i.e., for author if published,
+#                                           or course if uploaded.).
+#          $switchserver --  1 if server switch will be needed.
+#          $forceedit -- 1 if icon/link should be to go to edit mode 
+#          $forceview -- 1 if icon/link should be to go to view mode
+sub can_edit_resource {
+    my ($file,$cnum,$cdom,$resurl,$symb,$group) = @_;
+    my ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview,$uploaded,$incourse);
+# For aboutme pages user can only edit his/her own.
+    if ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) {
+        my ($sdom,$sname) = ($1,$2);
+        if (($sdom eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($sname eq $env{'user.name'})) {
+            $home = $env{'user.home'};
+            $cfile = $resurl;
+            if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+                $forceview = 1;
+            } else {
+                $forceedit = 1;
+            }
+            return ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview);
+        } else {
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+        my $crsedit = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'});
+        if ($group ne '') {
+# if this is a group homepage or group bulletin board, check group privs
+            my $allowed = 0;
+            if ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/$group/smppg$}) {
+                if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdg',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+                            ($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''))) ||
+                        (&allowed('mgh',$env{'request.course.id'}.'/'.$group)) || $crsedit) {
+                    $allowed = 1;
+                }
+            } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/bulletinboard$}) {
+                unless ((&allowed(&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdg',$env{'request.course.id'}.($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:'')))) ||
+                        (&allowed('cgb',$env{'request.course.id'}.$group)) || $crsedit) {
+                    $allowed = 1;
+                }
+            }
+            if ($allowed) {
+                $home=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+                if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+                    $forceview = 1;
+                } else {
+                    $forceedit = 1;
+                }
+                $cfile = $resurl;
+            } else {
+                return;
+            }
+        } else {
+# No edit allowed where CC has switched to student role.
+            unless ($crsedit) {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ($file ne '') {
+        if (($cnum =~ /$match_courseid/) && ($cdom =~ /$match_domain/)) {
+            if (&is_course_upload($file,$cnum,$cdom)) {
+                $uploaded = 1;
+                $incourse = 1;
+                if ($file =~/\.(htm|html|css|js|txt)$/) {
+                    $cfile = &hreflocation('',$file);
+                    $forceedit = 1;
+                }
+            } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^/public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus}) {
+                $incourse = 1;
+                if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+                    $forceview = 1;
+                } else {
+                    $forceedit = 1;
+                }
+                $cfile = $resurl;
+            } elsif (($resurl ne '') && (&is_on_map($resurl))) { 
+                if ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_username/\d+/smppg|bulletinboard$}) {
+                    $incourse = 1;
+                    if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+                        $forceview = 1;
+                    } else {
+                        $forceedit = 1;
+                    }
+                    $cfile = $resurl;
+                } elsif (($resurl eq '/res/lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem')) {
+                    $incourse = 1;
+                    $cfile = $resurl.'/smpedit';
+                } elsif ($resurl =~ /ext/) {
+                    $incourse = 1;
+                    # is external
+                }
+            } elsif ($resurl eq '/res/lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem/smpedit') {
+                my $template = '/res/lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem';
+                if (&is_on_map($template)) { 
+                    $incourse = 1;
+                    $forceview = 1;
+                    $cfile = $template;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($uploaded || $incourse) {
+            $home=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+        } else {
+            $file=~s{^(priv/$match_domain/$match_username)}{/$1};
+            $file=~s{^($match_domain/$match_username)}{/priv/$1};
+            # Check that the user has permission to edit this resource
+            my $setpriv = 1;
+            my ($cfuname,$cfudom)=&constructaccess($file,$setpriv);
+            if (defined($cfudom)) {
+                $home=&homeserver($cfuname,$cfudom);
+                $cfile=$file;
+            }
+        }
+        if (($cfile ne '') && (!$incourse || $uploaded) && 
+            (($home ne '') && ($home ne 'no_host'))) {
+            my @ids=&current_machine_ids();
+            unless (grep(/^\Q$home\E$/,@ids)) {
+                $switchserver=1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview);
+sub is_course_upload {
+    my ($file,$cnum,$cdom) = @_;
+    my $uploadpath = &LONCAPA::propath($cdom,$cnum);
+    $uploadpath =~ s{^\/}{};
+    if (($file =~ m{^\Q$uploadpath\E/userfiles/docs/}) ||
+        ($file =~ m{^userfiles/\Q$cdom\E/\Q$cnum\E/docs/})) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return;
+sub in_course {
+    my ($udom,$uname,$cdom,$cnum,$type,$hideprivileged) = @_;
+    if ($hideprivileged) {
+        my $skipuser;
+        if (&privileged($uname,$udom)) {
+            $skipuser = 1;
+            my %coursehash = &coursedescription($cdom.'_'.$cnum);
+            if ($coursehash{'nothideprivileged'}) {
+                foreach my $item (split(/\s*\,\s*/,$coursehash{'nothideprivileged'})) {
+                    my $user;
+                    if ($item =~ /:/) {
+                        $user = $item;
+                    } else {
+                        $user = join(':',split(/[\@]/,$item));
+                    }
+                    if ($user eq $uname.':'.$udom) {
+                        undef($skipuser);
+                        last;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ($skipuser) {
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $type ||= 'any';
+    if (!defined($cdom) || !defined($cnum)) {
+        my $cid  = $env{'request.course.id'};
+        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+    }
+    my $typesref;
+    if (($type eq 'any') || ($type eq 'all')) {
+        $typesref = ['active','previous','future'];
+    } elsif ($type eq 'previous' || $type eq 'future') {
+        $typesref = [$type];
+    }
+    my %roles = &get_my_roles($uname,$udom,'userroles',
+                              $typesref,undef,[$cdom]);
+    my ($tmp) = keys(%roles);
+    return 0 if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i);
+    my @course_roles = grep(/^\Q$cnum\E:\Q$cdom\E:/, keys(%roles));
+    if (@course_roles > 0) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
 # --------- File operations in /home/httpd/html/userfiles/$domain/1/2/3/$course
 # input: action, courseID, current domain, intended
 #        path to file, source of file, instruction to parse file for objects,
@@ -3555,8 +3778,8 @@ sub courserolelog {
         } else {
             $storehash{'section'} = $sec;
-        &write_rolelog('course',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$domain,
-                       $username,$cdom,$cnum);
+        &write_log('course',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$username,
+                   $domain,$cnum,$cdom);
         if (($trole ne 'st') || ($sec ne '')) {
@@ -3576,8 +3799,8 @@ sub domainrolelog {
                            end     => $tend,
                            context => $context,
-        &write_rolelog('domain',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$domain,
-                       $username,$cdom,$domconfiguser);
+        &write_log('domain',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$username,
+                   $domain,$domconfiguser,$cdom);
@@ -3595,8 +3818,8 @@ sub coauthorrolelog {
                            end     => $tend,
                            context => $context,
-        &write_rolelog('author',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$domain,
-                       $username,$audom,$auname);
+        &write_log('author',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$username,
+                   $domain,$auname,$audom);
@@ -3713,7 +3936,7 @@ sub get_my_roles {
         my ($rolecode,$username,$domain,$section,$area);
         if ($context eq 'userroles') {
-            ($area,$rolecode) = split(/_/,$entry);
+            ($area,$rolecode) = ($entry =~ /^(.+)_([^_]+)$/);
             (undef,$domain,$username,$section) = split(/\//,$area);
         } else {
             ($role,$username,$domain,$section) = split(/\:/,$entry);
@@ -6494,6 +6717,73 @@ sub allowed {
    return 'F';
+# ------------------------------------------- Check construction space access
+sub constructaccess {
+    my ($url,$setpriv)=@_;
+# We do not allow editing of previous versions of files
+    if ($url=~/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)$/) { return ''; }
+# Get username and domain from URL
+    my ($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+    ($ownerdomain,$ownername) =
+        ($url=~ m{^(?:\Q$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\E|)/priv/($match_domain)/($match_username)/});
+# The URL does not really point to any authorspace, forget it
+    unless (($ownername) && ($ownerdomain)) { return ''; }
+# Now we need to see if the user has access to the authorspace of
+# $ownername at $ownerdomain
+    if (($ownername eq $env{'user.name'}) && ($ownerdomain eq $env{'user.domain'})) {
+# Real author for this?
+       $ownerhome = $env{'user.home'};
+       if (exists($env{'user.priv.au./'.$ownerdomain.'/./'})) {
+          return ($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+       }
+    } else {
+# Co-author for this?
+        if (exists($env{'user.priv.ca./'.$ownerdomain.'/'.$ownername.'./'}) ||
+            exists($env{'user.priv.aa./'.$ownerdomain.'/'.$ownername.'./'}) ) {
+            $ownerhome = &homeserver($ownername,$ownerdomain);
+            return ($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+        }
+    }
+# We don't have any access right now. If we are not possibly going to do anything about this,
+# we might as well leave
+   unless ($setpriv) { return ''; }
+# Backdoor access?
+    my $allowed=&allowed('eco',$ownerdomain);
+# Nope
+    unless ($allowed) { return ''; }
+# Looks like we may have access, but could be locked by the owner of the construction space
+    if ($allowed eq 'U') {
+        my %blocked=&get('environment',['domcoord.author'],
+                         $ownerdomain,$ownername);
+# Is blocked by owner
+        if ($blocked{'domcoord.author'} eq 'blocked') { return ''; }
+    }
+    if (($allowed eq 'F') || ($allowed eq 'U')) {
+# Grant temporary access
+        my $then=$env{'user.login.time'};
+        my $update==$env{'user.update.time'};
+        if (!$update) { $update = $then; }
+        my $refresh=$env{'user.refresh.time'};
+        if (!$refresh) { $refresh = $update; }
+        my $now = time;
+        &check_adhoc_privs($ownerdomain,$ownername,$update,$refresh,
+                           $now,'ca','constructaccess');
+        $ownerhome = &homeserver($ownername,$ownerdomain);
+        return($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+    }
+# No business here
+    return '';
 sub get_comm_blocks {
     my ($cdom,$cnum) = @_;
     if ($cdom eq '' || $cnum eq '') {
@@ -10018,7 +10308,7 @@ sub symblist {
 # --------------------------------------------------------------- Verify a symb
 sub symbverify {
-    my ($symb,$thisurl)=@_;
+    my ($symb,$thisurl,$encstate)=@_;
     my $thisfn=$thisurl;
 # direct jump to resource in page or to a sequence - will construct own symbs
@@ -10054,11 +10344,14 @@ sub symbverify {
                if (
-   eq $symb) { 
+   eq $symb) {
+                   if (ref($encstate)) {
+                       $$encstate = $bighash{'encrypted_'.$id};
+                   }
 		   if (($env{'request.role.adv'}) ||
 		       ($bighash{'encrypted_'.$id} eq $env{'request.enc'}) ||
                        ($thisurl eq '/adm/navmaps')) {
-		       $okay=1; 
+		       $okay=1;
@@ -11922,6 +12215,21 @@ allowed($priv,$uri,$symb,$role) : check
 =item *
+constructaccess($url,$setpriv) : check for access to construction space URL
+See if the owner domain and name in the URL match those in the
+expected environment.  If so, return three element list
+Otherwise return the null string.
+If second argument 'setpriv' is true, it assigns the privileges,
+and returns the same three element list, unless the owner has
+blocked "ad hoc" Domain Coordinator access to the Author Space,
+in which case the null string is returned.
+=item *
 definerole($rolename,$sysrole,$domrole,$courole) : define role; define a custom
 role rolename set privileges in format of lonTabs/roles.tab for system, domain,
 and course level
@@ -11952,6 +12260,17 @@ of role statuses (active, future or prev
 to restrict the list of roles reported. If no array ref is 
 provided for types, will default to return only active roles.
+=item *
+in_course($udom,$uname,$cdom,$cnum,$type,$hideprivileged) : determine if
+user: $uname:$udom has a role in the course: $cdom_$cnum. 
+Additional optional arguments are: $type (if role checking is to be restricted 
+to certain user status types -- previous (expired roles), active (currently
+available roles) or future (roles available in the future), and
+$hideprivileged -- if true will not report course roles for users who
+have active Domain Coordinator or Super User roles.
 =head2 User Modification
@@ -12154,7 +12473,6 @@ data base, returning a hash that is keye
 values that are the resource value.  I believe that the timestamps and
 versions are also returned.
 =head2 Course Modification
@@ -12255,12 +12573,14 @@ returns the data handle
 =item *
-symbverify($symb,$thisfn) : verifies that $symb actually exists and is
-a possible symb for the URL in $thisfn, and if is an encryypted
+symbverify($symb,$thisfn,$encstate) : verifies that $symb actually exists
+and is a possible symb for the URL in $thisfn, and if is an encrypted
 resource that the user accessed using /enc/ returns a 1 on success, 0
-on failure, user must be in a course, as it assumes the existance of
-the course initial hash, and uses $env('request.course.id'}
+on failure, user must be in a course, as it assumes the existence of
+the course initial hash, and uses $env('request.course.id'}.  The third
+arg is an optional reference to a scalar.  If this arg is passed in the 
+call to symbverify, it will be set to 1 if the symb has been set to be 
+encrypted; otherwise it will be null.  
 =item *
@@ -12313,6 +12633,34 @@ expirespread($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb)
 devalidate($symb) : devalidate temporary spreadsheet calculations,
 forcing spreadsheet to reevaluate the resource scores next time.
+=item * 
+can_edit_resource($file,$cnum,$cdom,$resurl,$symb,$group) : determine if current user can edit a particular resource,
+when viewing in course context.
+ input: six args -- filename (decluttered), course number, course domain,
+                    url, symb (if registered) and group (if this is a 
+                    group item -- e.g., bulletin board, group page etc.).
+ output: array of five scalars --
+         $cfile -- url for file editing if editable on current server
+         $home -- homeserver of resource (i.e., for author if published,
+                                          or course if uploaded.).
+         $switchserver --  1 if server switch will be needed.
+         $forceedit -- 1 if icon/link should be to go to edit mode 
+         $forceview -- 1 if icon/link should be to go to view mode
+=item *
+Used in course context to determine if current file was uploaded to 
+the course (i.e., would be found in /userfiles/docs on the course's 
+  input: 3 args -- filename (decluttered), course number and course domain.
+  output: boolean -- 1 if file was uploaded.
 =head2 Storing/Retreiving Data