--- loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2001/03/15 14:04:32	1.106
+++ loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2001/05/26 19:57:47	1.124
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 # Functions for use by content handlers:
+# metadata_query(sql-query-string,custom-metadata-regex) : 
+#                                    returns file handle of where sql and
+#                                    regex results will be stored for query
 # plaintext(short)   : plain text explanation of short term
 # fileembstyle(ext)  : embed style in page for file extension
 # filedescription(ext) : descriptor text for file extension
@@ -25,9 +28,18 @@
 # revokecustomrole (udom,uname,url,rdom,rnam,rolename) : Revoke a custom role
 # appenv(hash)       : adds hash to session environment
 # delenv(varname)    : deletes all environment entries starting with varname
-# store(hash)        : stores hash permanently for this url
-# cstore(hash)       : critical store
-# restore            : returns hash for this url
+# store(hashref,symb,courseid,udom,uname)
+#                    : stores hash permanently for this url
+#                      hashref needs to be given, and should be a \%hashname
+#                      the remaining args aren't required and if they aren't
+#                      passed or are '' they will be derived from the ENV
+# cstore(hashref,symb,courseid,udom,uname)
+#                    : same as store but uses the critical interface to 
+#                      guarentee a store
+# restore(symb,courseid,udom,uname)
+#                    : returns hash for this symb, all args are optional
+#                      if they aren't given they will be derived from the 
+#                      current enviroment
 # eget(namesp,array) : returns hash with keys from array filled in from namesp
 # get(namesp,array)  : returns hash with keys from array filled in from namesp
 # del(namesp,array)  : deletes keys out of array from namesp
@@ -49,7 +61,7 @@
 # receipt()          : returns a receipt to be given out to users 
 # getfile(filename)  : returns the contents of filename, or a -1 if it can't
 #                      be found, replicates and subscribes to the file
-# filelocation(dir,file) : returns a farily clean absolute reference to file 
+# filelocation(dir,file) : returns a fairly clean absolute reference to file 
 #                          from the directory dir
 # hreflocation(dir,file) : same as filelocation, but for hrefs
 # log(domain,user,home,msg) : write to permanent log for user
@@ -88,8 +100,11 @@
 # 09/01,10/01,11/01 Gerd Kortemeyer
 # 02/27/01 Scott Harrison
 # 3/2 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 3/15 Scott Harrison
+# 3/15,3/19 Scott Harrison
+# 3/19,3/20 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 3/22,3/27,4/2,4/16,4/17 Scott Harrison
+# 5/26 Gerd Kortemeyer
 package Apache::lonnet;
 use strict;
@@ -625,52 +640,126 @@ sub log {
     return critical("log:$dom:$nam:$what",$hom);
+# --------------------------------------------- Set Expire Date for Spreadsheet
+sub expirespread {
+    my ($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb)=@_;
+    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'}; 
+    if ($cid) {
+       my $now=time;
+       my $key=$uname.':'.$udom.':'.$stype.':'.$usymb;
+       return &reply('put:'.$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
+                            $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}.
+	        	    ':nohist_expirationdates:'.
+                            &escape($key).'='.$now,
+                            $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'})
+    }
+    return 'ok';
+# ----------------------------------------------------- Devalidate Spreadsheets
+sub devalidate {
+    my $symb=shift;
+    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'}; 
+    if ($cid) {
+	my $key=$ENV{'user.name'}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.':';
+        my $status=
+          &reply('del:'.$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
+                        $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}.
+	                ':nohist_calculatedsheets:'.
+                        &escape($key.'studentcalc:'),
+                        $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'})
+          .' '.
+          &reply('del:'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.':'.
+                        $ENV{'user.name'}.
+		        ':nohist_calculatedsheets_'.$cid.':'.
+                        &escape($key.'assesscalc:'.$symb),
+                        $ENV{'user.home'});
+        unless ($status eq 'ok ok') {
+           &logthis('Could not devalidate spreadsheet '.
+                    $ENV{'user.name'}.' at '.$ENV{'user.domain'}.' for '.
+		    $symb.': '.$status);
+        } 
+    }
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Store
 sub store {
-    my %storehash=@_;
-    my $symb;
-    unless ($symb=escape(&symbread())) { return ''; }
-    my $namespace;
-    unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
+    my ($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) = @_;
+    my $home='';
+    if ($stuname) {
+	$home=&homeserver($stuname,$domain);
+    }
+    if (!$symb) { unless ($symb=&symbread()) { return ''; } }
+    &devalidate($symb);
+    $symb=escape($symb);
+    if (!$namespace) { unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; } }
+    if (!$domain) { $domain=$ENV{'user.domain'}; }
+    if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$ENV{'user.name'}; }
+    if (!$home) { $home=$ENV{'user.home'}; }
     my $namevalue='';
     map {
-        $namevalue.=escape($_).'='.escape($storehash{$_}).'&';
-    } keys %storehash;
+        $namevalue.=escape($_).'='.escape($$storehash{$_}).'&';
+    } keys %$storehash;
-    return reply(
-     "store:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$symb:$namevalue",
-		 "$ENV{'user.home'}");
+    return reply("store:$domain:$stuname:$namespace:$symb:$namevalue","$home");
 # -------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Store
 sub cstore {
-    my %storehash=@_;
-    my $symb;
-    unless ($symb=escape(&symbread())) { return ''; }
-    my $namespace;
-    unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
+    my ($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) = @_;
+    my $home='';
+    if ($stuname) {
+	$home=&homeserver($stuname,$domain);
+    }
+    if (!$symb) { unless ($symb=&symbread()) { return ''; } }
+    &devalidate($symb);
+    $symb=escape($symb);
+    if (!$namespace) { unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; } }
+    if (!$domain) { $domain=$ENV{'user.domain'}; }
+    if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$ENV{'user.name'}; }
+    if (!$home) { $home=$ENV{'user.home'}; }
     my $namevalue='';
     map {
-        $namevalue.=escape($_).'='.escape($storehash{$_}).'&';
-    } keys %storehash;
+        $namevalue.=escape($_).'='.escape($$storehash{$_}).'&';
+    } keys %$storehash;
-    return critical(
-     "store:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$symb:$namevalue",
-		 "$ENV{'user.home'}");
+    return critical("store:$domain:$stuname:$namespace:$symb:$namevalue","$home");
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore
 sub restore {
-    my $symb;
-    unless ($symb=escape(&symbread())) { return ''; }
-    my $namespace;
-    unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
-    my $answer=reply(
-              "restore:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:$namespace:$symb",
-              "$ENV{'user.home'}");
+    my ($symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) = @_;
+    my $home='';
+    if ($stuname) {
+	$home=&homeserver($stuname,$domain);
+    }
+    if (!$symb) {
+      unless ($symb=escape(&symbread())) { return ''; }
+    } else {
+      $symb=&escape($symb);
+    }
+    if (!$namespace) { unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; } }
+    if (!$domain) { $domain=$ENV{'user.domain'}; }
+    if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$ENV{'user.name'}; }
+    if (!$home) { $home=$ENV{'user.home'}; }
+    my $answer=&reply("restore:$domain:$stuname:$namespace:$symb","$home");
     my %returnhash=();
     map {
 	my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
@@ -1186,8 +1275,22 @@ sub definerole {
 # ---------------- Make a metadata query against the network of library servers
 sub metadata_query {
-    my ($query)=@_;
-    my $reply=&reply("querysend:$query",'msul3');
+    my ($query,$custom,$customshow)=@_;
+    # need to put in a library server loop here and return a hash
+    my %rhash;
+    for my $server (keys %libserv) {
+	unless ($custom or $customshow) {
+	    my $reply=&reply("querysend:".&escape($query),$server);
+	    $rhash{$server}=$reply;
+	}
+	else {
+	    my $reply=&reply("querysend:".&escape($query).':'.
+			     &escape($custom).':'.&escape($customshow),
+			     $server);
+	    $rhash{$server}=$reply;
+	}
+    }
+    return \%rhash;
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Plain Text
@@ -1563,7 +1666,7 @@ sub EXT {
     if ($realm eq 'user') {
 # --------------------------------------------------------------- user.resource
 	if ($space eq 'resource') {
-	    my %restored=&restore;
+	    my %restored=&restore();
             return $restored{$qualifierrest};
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- user.access
         } elsif ($space eq 'access') {