--- loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm 1999/11/18 19:52:46 1.4
+++ loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm 2025/02/07 02:06:07 1.1535
@@ -1,24 +1,172 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# TCP networking package
-# 6/1/99,6/2,6/10,6/11,6/12,6/14,6/26,6/28,6/29,6/30,
-# 7/1,7/2,7/9,7/10,7/12,7/14,7/15,7/19,11/8,11/16,11/18 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.1535 2025/02/07 02:06:07 raeburn Exp $
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This file is an interface to the lonc processes of
+the LON-CAPA network as well as set of elaborated functions for handling information
+necessary for navigating through a given cluster of LON-CAPA machines within a
+domain. There are over 40 specialized functions in this module which handle the
+reading and transmission of metadata, user information (ids, names, environments, roles,
+logs), file information (storage, reading, directories, extensions, replication, embedded
+styles and descriptors), educational resources (course descriptions, section names and
+numbers), url hashing (to assign roles on a url basis), and translating abbreviated symbols to
+and from more descriptive phrases or explanations.
+This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project
+described at http://www.lon-capa.org.
+=head1 Package Variables
+These are largely undocumented, so if you decipher one please note it here.
+=over 4
+=item $processmarker
+Contains the time this process was started and this servers host id.
+=item $dumpcount
+Counts the number of times a message log flush has been attempted (regardless
+of success) by this process. Used as part of the filename when messages are
package Apache::lonnet;
use strict;
-use Apache::File;
-use vars qw(%perlvar %hostname %homecache %spareid %hostdom %libserv $readit);
+use HTTP::Date;
+use Image::Magick;
+use CGI::Cookie;
+use Encode;
+use vars qw(%perlvar %spareid %pr %prp $memcache %packagetab $tmpdir $deftex
+ $_64bit %env %protocol %loncaparevs %serverhomeIDs %needsrelease
+ %managerstab $passwdmin);
+my (%badServerCache, $memcache, %courselogs, %accesshash, %domainrolehash,
+ %userrolehash, $processmarker, $dumpcount, %coursedombuf,
+ %coursenumbuf, %coursehombuf, %coursedescrbuf, %courseinstcodebuf,
+ %courseownerbuf, %coursetypebuf,$locknum);
use IO::Socket;
+use GDBM_File;
+use HTML::LCParser;
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use Storable qw(thaw nfreeze);
+use Time::HiRes qw( sleep gettimeofday tv_interval );
+use Cache::Memcached;
+use Digest::MD5;
+use Math::Random;
+use File::MMagic;
+use Net::CIDR;
+use Sys::Hostname::FQDN();
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
+use LONCAPA::Configuration;
+use LONCAPA::lonmetadata;
+use LONCAPA::Lond;
+use LONCAPA::transliterate;
+use File::Copy;
+my $readit;
+my $max_connection_retries = 20; # Or some such value.
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw (Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(%env);
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------- Logging
+# ------------------------------------ Logging (parameters, docs, slots, roles)
+ my $logid;
+ sub write_log {
+ my ($context,$hash_name,$storehash,$delflag,$uname,$udom,$cnum,$cdom)=@_;
+ if ($context eq 'course') {
+ if (($cnum eq '') || ($cdom eq '')) {
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ }
+ }
+ $logid ++;
+ my $now = time();
+ my $id=$now.'00000'.$$.'00000'.$logid;
+ my $ip = &get_requestor_ip();
+ my $logentry = {
+ $id => {
+ 'exe_uname' => $env{'user.name'},
+ 'exe_udom' => $env{'user.domain'},
+ 'exe_time' => $now,
+ 'exe_ip' => $ip,
+ 'delflag' => $delflag,
+ 'logentry' => $storehash,
+ 'uname' => $uname,
+ 'udom' => $udom,
+ }
+ };
+ return &put('nohist_'.$hash_name,$logentry,$cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+sub logtouch {
+ my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
+ unless (-e "$execdir/logs/lonnet.log") {
+ open(my $fh,">>","$execdir/logs/lonnet.log");
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ my ($wwwuid,$wwwgid)=(getpwnam('www'))[2,3];
+ chown($wwwuid,$wwwgid,$execdir.'/logs/lonnet.log');
sub logthis {
my $message=shift;
my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
my $now=time;
my $local=localtime($now);
- my $fh=Apache::File->new(">>$execdir/logs/lonnet.log");
- print $fh "$local ($$): $message\n";
+ if (open(my $fh,">>","$execdir/logs/lonnet.log")) {
+ my $logstring = $local. " ($$): ".$message."\n"; # Keep any \'s in string.
+ print $fh $logstring;
+ close($fh);
+ }
return 1;
@@ -27,96 +175,466 @@ sub logperm {
my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
my $now=time;
my $local=localtime($now);
- my $fh=Apache::File->new(">>$execdir/logs/lonnet.perm.log");
- print $fh "$now:$message:$local\n";
+ if (open(my $fh,">>","$execdir/logs/lonnet.perm.log")) {
+ print $fh "$now:$message:$local\n";
+ close($fh);
+ }
return 1;
+sub create_connection {
+ my ($hostname,$lonid) = @_;
+ my $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $perlvar{'lonSockCreate'},
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ Timeout => 10);
+ return 0 if (!$client);
+ if ($loncaparevs{$lonid} =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.[\w.]+)-\d+$/) {
+ print $client (join(':',$hostname,$lonid,$1,&machine_ids($hostname))."\n");
+ } else {
+ print $client (join(':',$hostname,$lonid,&machine_ids($hostname))."\n");
+ }
+ my $result = <$client>;
+ chomp($result);
+ return 1 if ($result eq 'done');
+ return 0;
+sub get_server_timezone {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom) = @_;
+ my $home=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ if ($home ne 'no_host') {
+ my $cachetime = 24*3600;
+ my ($timezone,$cached)=&is_cached_new('servertimezone',$home);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ return $timezone;
+ } else {
+ my $timezone = &reply('servertimezone',$home);
+ return &do_cache_new('servertimezone',$home,$timezone,$cachetime);
+ }
+ }
+sub get_server_distarch {
+ my ($lonhost,$ignore_cache) = @_;
+ if (defined($lonhost)) {
+ if (!defined(&hostname($lonhost))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $cachetime = 12*3600;
+ if (!$ignore_cache) {
+ my ($distarch,$cached)=&is_cached_new('serverdistarch',$lonhost);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ return $distarch;
+ }
+ }
+ my $rep = &reply('serverdistarch',$lonhost);
+ unless ($rep eq 'unknown_cmd' || $rep eq 'no_such_host' ||
+ $rep eq 'con_lost' || $rep eq 'rejected' || $rep eq 'refused' ||
+ $rep eq '') {
+ return &do_cache_new('serverdistarch',$lonhost,$rep,$cachetime);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub get_servercerts_info {
+ my ($lonhost,$hostname,$context) = @_;
+ return if ($lonhost eq '');
+ if ($hostname eq '') {
+ $hostname = &hostname($lonhost);
+ }
+ return if ($hostname eq '');
+ my ($rep,$uselocal);
+ if ($context eq 'install') {
+ $uselocal = 1;
+ } elsif (grep { $_ eq $lonhost } ¤t_machine_ids()) {
+ $uselocal = 1;
+ }
+ if (($context ne 'cgi') && ($context ne 'install') && ($uselocal)) {
+ my $distro = (split(/\:/,&get_server_distarch($lonhost)))[0];
+ if ($distro eq '') {
+ $uselocal = 0;
+ } elsif ($distro =~ /^(?:centos|redhat|scientific)(\d+)$/) {
+ if ($1 < 6) {
+ $uselocal = 0;
+ }
+ } elsif ($distro =~ /^(?:sles)(\d+)$/) {
+ if ($1 < 12) {
+ $uselocal = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($uselocal) {
+ $rep = LONCAPA::Lond::server_certs(\%perlvar,$lonhost,$hostname);
+ } else {
+ $rep=&reply('servercerts',$lonhost);
+ }
+ my ($result,%returnhash);
+ if (($rep=~/^(refused|rejected|error)/) || ($rep eq 'con_lost') ||
+ ($rep eq 'unknown_cmd')) {
+ $result = $rep;
+ } else {
+ $result = 'ok';
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+ my $what = &unescape($key);
+ $returnhash{$what}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ return ($result,\%returnhash);
+sub get_server_loncaparev {
+ my ($dom,$lonhost,$ignore_cache,$caller) = @_;
+ if (defined($lonhost)) {
+ if (!defined(&hostname($lonhost))) {
+ undef($lonhost);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined($lonhost)) {
+ if (defined(&domain($dom,'primary'))) {
+ $lonhost=&domain($dom,'primary');
+ if ($lonhost eq 'no_host') {
+ undef($lonhost);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($lonhost)) {
+ my $cachetime = 12*3600;
+ if (!$ignore_cache) {
+ my ($loncaparev,$cached)=&is_cached_new('serverloncaparev',$lonhost);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ return $loncaparev;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($answer,$loncaparev);
+ my @ids=¤t_machine_ids();
+ if (grep(/^\Q$lonhost\E$/,@ids)) {
+ $answer = $perlvar{'lonVersion'};
+ if ($answer =~ /^[\'\"]?([\w.\-]+)[\'\"]?$/) {
+ $loncaparev = $1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $answer = &reply('serverloncaparev',$lonhost);
+ if (($answer eq 'unknown_cmd') || ($answer eq 'con_lost')) {
+ if ($caller eq 'loncron') {
+ my $hostname = &hostname($lonhost);
+ my $protocol = $protocol{$lonhost};
+ $protocol = 'http' if ($protocol ne 'https');
+ my $url = $protocol.'://'.$hostname.'/adm/about.html';
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',$url);
+ my $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($lonhost,$request,'',\%perlvar,4,1);
+ unless ($response->is_error()) {
+ my $content = $response->content;
+ if ($content =~ /
VERSION\:\s*([\w.\-]+)<\/p>/) {
+ $loncaparev = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $loncaparev = $loncaparevs{$lonhost};
+ }
+ } elsif ($answer =~ /^[\'\"]?([\w.\-]+)[\'\"]?$/) {
+ $loncaparev = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('serverloncaparev',$lonhost,$loncaparev,$cachetime);
+ }
+sub get_server_homeID {
+ my ($hostname,$ignore_cache,$caller) = @_;
+ unless ($ignore_cache) {
+ my ($serverhomeID,$cached)=&is_cached_new('serverhomeID',$hostname);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ return $serverhomeID;
+ }
+ }
+ my $cachetime = 12*3600;
+ my $serverhomeID;
+ if ($caller eq 'loncron') {
+ my @machine_ids = &machine_ids($hostname);
+ foreach my $id (@machine_ids) {
+ my $response = &reply('serverhomeID',$id);
+ unless (($response eq 'unknown_cmd') || ($response eq 'con_lost')) {
+ $serverhomeID = $response;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($serverhomeID eq '') {
+ $serverhomeID = $machine_ids[-1];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $serverhomeID = $serverhomeIDs{$hostname};
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('serverhomeID',$hostname,$serverhomeID,$cachetime);
+sub get_remote_globals {
+ my ($lonhost,$whathash,$ignore_cache) = @_;
+ my ($result,%returnhash,%whatneeded);
+ if (ref($whathash) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $what (sort(keys(%{$whathash}))) {
+ my $hashid = $lonhost.'-'.$what;
+ my ($response,$cached);
+ unless ($ignore_cache) {
+ ($response,$cached)=&is_cached_new('lonnetglobal',$hashid);
+ }
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ $returnhash{$what} = $response;
+ } else {
+ $whatneeded{$what} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys(%whatneeded) == 0) {
+ $result = 'ok';
+ } else {
+ my $requested = &freeze_escape(\%whatneeded);
+ my $rep=&reply('readlonnetglobal:'.$requested,$lonhost);
+ if (($rep=~/^(refused|rejected|error)/) || ($rep eq 'con_lost') ||
+ ($rep eq 'unknown_cmd')) {
+ $result = $rep;
+ } else {
+ $result = 'ok';
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+ my $what = &unescape($key);
+ my $hashid = $lonhost.'-'.$what;
+ $returnhash{$what}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ &do_cache_new('lonnetglobal',$hashid,$returnhash{$what},600);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($result,\%returnhash);
+sub remote_devalidate_cache {
+ my ($lonhost,$cachekeys) = @_;
+ my $items;
+ return unless (ref($cachekeys) eq 'ARRAY');
+ my $cachestr = join('&',@{$cachekeys});
+ my $response = &reply('devalidatecache:'.&escape($cachestr),$lonhost);
+ return $response;
+sub sign_lti {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$crsdef,$type,$context,$url,$ltinum,$keynum,$paramsref,$inforef) = @_;
+ my $chome;
+ if (&domain($cdom) ne '') {
+ if ($crsdef) {
+ $chome = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ } else {
+ $chome = &domain($cdom,'primary');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cdom && $chome && ($chome ne 'no_host')) {
+ if ((ref($paramsref) eq 'HASH') &&
+ (ref($inforef) eq 'HASH')) {
+ my $rep;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $chome } ¤t_machine_ids()) {
+ # domain information is hosted on this machine
+ $rep =
+ &LONCAPA::Lond::sign_lti_payload($cdom,$cnum,$crsdef,$type,
+ $context,$url,$ltinum,$keynum,
+ $perlvar{'lonVersion'},
+ $paramsref,$inforef);
+ if (ref($rep) eq 'HASH') {
+ return ('ok',$rep);
+ }
+ } else {
+ my ($escurl,$params,$info);
+ $escurl = &escape($url);
+ if (ref($paramsref) eq 'HASH') {
+ $params = &freeze_escape($paramsref);
+ }
+ if (ref($inforef) eq 'HASH') {
+ $info = &freeze_escape($inforef);
+ }
+ $rep=&reply("encrypt:signlti:$cdom:$cnum:$crsdef:$type:$context:$escurl:$ltinum:$keynum:$params:$info",$chome);
+ }
+ if (($rep eq '') || ($rep =~ /^con_lost|error|no_such_host|unknown_cmd/i)) {
+ return ();
+ } elsif (($inforef->{'respfmt'} eq 'to_post_body') ||
+ ($inforef->{'respfmt'} eq 'to_authorization_header')) {
+ return ('ok',$rep);
+ } else {
+ my %returnhash;
+ foreach my $item (split(/\&/,$rep)) {
+ my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$item);
+ $returnhash{&unescape($name)}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ return('ok',\%returnhash);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return ();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return ();
+ &logthis("sign_lti failed - no homeserver and/or domain ($cdom) ($chome)");
+ }
# -------------------------------------------------- Non-critical communication
sub subreply {
my ($cmd,$server)=@_;
- my $peerfile="$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$server";
- my $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer =>"$peerfile",
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Timeout => 10)
- or return "con_lost";
- print $client "$cmd\n";
- my $answer=<$client>;
- chomp($answer);
- if (!$answer) { $answer="con_lost"; }
+ my $peerfile="$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/".&hostname($server);
+ #
+ # With loncnew process trimming, there's a timing hole between lonc server
+ # process exit and the master server picking up the listen on the AF_UNIX
+ # socket. In that time interval, a lock file will exist:
+ my $lockfile=$peerfile.".lock";
+ while (-e $lockfile) { # Need to wait for the lockfile to disappear.
+ sleep(0.1);
+ }
+ # At this point, either a loncnew parent is listening or an old lonc
+ # or loncnew child is listening so we can connect or everything's dead.
+ #
+ # We'll give the connection a few tries before abandoning it. If
+ # connection is not possible, we'll con_lost back to the client.
+ #
+ my $client;
+ for (my $retries = 0; $retries < $max_connection_retries; $retries++) {
+ $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer =>"$peerfile",
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ Timeout => 10);
+ if ($client) {
+ last; # Connected!
+ } else {
+ &create_connection(&hostname($server),$server);
+ }
+ sleep(0.1); # Try again later if failed connection.
+ }
+ my $answer;
+ if ($client) {
+ print $client "sethost:$server:$cmd\n";
+ $answer=<$client>;
+ if (!$answer) { $answer="con_lost"; }
+ chomp($answer);
+ } else {
+ $answer = 'con_lost'; # Failed connection.
+ }
return $answer;
sub reply {
my ($cmd,$server)=@_;
+ unless (defined(&hostname($server))) { return 'no_such_host'; }
my $answer=subreply($cmd,$server);
- if ($answer eq 'con_lost') { $answer=subreply($cmd,$server); }
+ if (($answer=~/^refused/) || ($answer=~/^rejected/)) {
+ my $logged = $cmd;
+ if ($cmd =~ /^encrypt:([^:]+):/) {
+ my $subcmd = $1;
+ if (($subcmd eq 'auth') || ($subcmd eq 'passwd') ||
+ ($subcmd eq 'changeuserauth') || ($subcmd eq 'makeuser') ||
+ ($subcmd eq 'putdom') || ($subcmd eq 'autoexportgrades') ||
+ ($subcmd eq 'put')) {
+ (undef,undef,my @rest) = split(/:/,$cmd);
+ if (($subcmd eq 'auth') || ($subcmd eq 'putdom')) {
+ splice(@rest,2,1,'Hidden');
+ } elsif ($subcmd eq 'passwd') {
+ splice(@rest,2,2,('Hidden','Hidden'));
+ } elsif (($subcmd eq 'changeuserauth') || ($subcmd eq 'makeuser') ||
+ ($subcmd eq 'autoexportgrades') || ($subcmd eq 'put')) {
+ splice(@rest,3,1,'Hidden');
+ }
+ $logged = join(':',('encrypt:'.$subcmd,@rest));
+ }
+ }
+ &logthis("WARNING:".
+ " $logged to $server returned $answer");
+ }
return $answer;
# ----------------------------------------------------------- Send USR1 to lonc
sub reconlonc {
- my $peerfile=shift;
- &logthis("Trying to reconnect for $peerfile");
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ if ($lonid) {
+ my $hostname = &hostname($lonid);
+ my $peerfile="$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$hostname";
+ if ($hostname && -e $peerfile) {
+ &logthis("Trying to reconnect lonc for $lonid ($hostname)");
+ my $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $peerfile,
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ Timeout => 10);
+ if ($client) {
+ print $client ("reset_retries\n");
+ my $answer=<$client>;
+ #reset just this one.
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ &logthis("Trying to reconnect lonc");
my $loncfile="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonc.pid";
- if (my $fh=Apache::File->new("$loncfile")) {
+ if (open(my $fh,"<",$loncfile)) {
my $loncpid=<$fh>;
if (kill 0 => $loncpid) {
&logthis("lonc at pid $loncpid responding, sending USR1");
kill USR1 => $loncpid;
sleep 1;
- if (-e "$peerfile") { return; }
- &logthis("$peerfile still not there, give it another try");
- sleep 5;
- if (-e "$peerfile") { return; }
- &logthis("$peerfile still not there, giving up");
} else {
- &logthis("lonc at pid $loncpid not responding, giving up");
+ &logthis(
+ " lonc at pid $loncpid not responding, giving up");
} else {
- &logthis('lonc not running, giving up');
+ &logthis('WARNING: lonc not running, giving up');
# ------------------------------------------------------ Critical communication
sub critical {
my ($cmd,$server)=@_;
+ unless (&hostname($server)) {
+ &logthis("WARNING:".
+ " Critical message to unknown server ($server)");
+ return 'no_such_host';
+ }
my $answer=reply($cmd,$server);
if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
- my $pingreply=reply('ping',$server);
- &reconlonc("$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$server");
- my $pongreply=reply('pong',$server);
- &logthis("Ping/Pong for $server: $pingreply/$pongreply");
- $answer=reply($cmd,$server);
+ &reconlonc($server);
+ my $answer=reply($cmd,$server);
if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
my $now=time;
my $middlename=$cmd;
+ $middlename=substr($middlename,0,16);
my $dfilename=
- "$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/delayed/$now.$middlename.$server";
+ "$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/delayed/$now.$dumpcount.$$.$middlename.$server";
+ $dumpcount++;
- my $dfh;
- if ($dfh=Apache::File->new(">$dfilename")) {
- print $dfh "$server:$cmd\n";
- }
+ my $dfh;
+ if (open($dfh,">",$dfilename)) {
+ print $dfh "$cmd\n";
+ close($dfh);
+ }
- sleep 2;
+ sleep 1;
my $wcmd='';
- my $dfh;
- if ($dfh=Apache::File->new("$dfilename")) {
- $wcmd=<$dfh>;
- }
+ my $dfh;
+ if (open($dfh,"<",$dfilename)) {
+ $wcmd=<$dfh>;
+ close($dfh);
+ }
- if ($wcmd eq "$server:$cmd") {
- &logthis("Connection buffer $dfilename: $cmd");
+ if ($wcmd eq $cmd) {
+ &logthis("WARNING: ".
+ "Connection buffer $dfilename: $cmd");
return 'con_delayed';
} else {
- &logthis("CRITICAL CONNECTION FAILED: $server $cmd");
+ &logthis("CRITICAL:"
+ ." Critical connection failed: $server $cmd");
return 'con_failed';
@@ -125,128 +643,17725 @@ sub critical {
return $answer;
+# ------------------------------------------- check if return value is an error
+sub error {
+ my ($result) = @_;
+ if ($result =~ /^(con_lost|no_such_host|error: (\d+) (.*))/) {
+ if ($2 == 2) { return undef; }
+ return $1;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub convert_and_load_session_env {
+ my ($lonidsdir,$handle)=@_;
+ my @profile;
+ {
+ my $opened = open(my $idf,'+<',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id");
+ if (!$opened) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ flock($idf,LOCK_SH);
+ @profile=<$idf>;
+ close($idf);
+ }
+ my %temp_env;
+ foreach my $line (@profile) {
+ if ($line !~ m/=/) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ chomp($line);
+ my ($envname,$envvalue)=split(/=/,$line,2);
+ $temp_env{&unescape($envname)} = &unescape($envvalue);
+ }
+ unlink("$lonidsdir/$handle.id");
+ if (tie(my %disk_env,'GDBM_File',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),
+ 0640)) {
+ %disk_env = %temp_env;
+ @env{keys(%temp_env)} = @disk_env{keys(%temp_env)};
+ untie(%disk_env);
+ }
+ return 1;
+# ------------------------------------------- Transfer profile into environment
+my $env_loaded;
+sub transfer_profile_to_env {
+ my ($lonidsdir,$handle,$force_transfer) = @_;
+ if (!$force_transfer && $env_loaded) { return; }
+ if (!defined($lonidsdir)) {
+ $lonidsdir = $perlvar{'lonIDsDir'};
+ }
+ if (!defined($handle)) {
+ ($handle) = ($env{'user.environment'} =~m|/([^/]+)\.id$| );
+ }
+ my $convert;
+ {
+ my $opened = open(my $idf,'+<',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id");
+ if (!$opened) {
+ return;
+ }
+ flock($idf,LOCK_SH);
+ if (tie(my %disk_env,'GDBM_File',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id",
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ @env{keys(%disk_env)} = @disk_env{keys(%disk_env)};
+ untie(%disk_env);
+ } else {
+ $convert = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($convert) {
+ if (!&convert_and_load_session_env($lonidsdir,$handle)) {
+ &logthis("Failed to load session, or convert session.");
+ }
+ }
+ my %remove;
+ while ( my $envname = each(%env) ) {
+ if (my ($key,$time) = ($envname =~ /^(cgi\.(\d+)_\d+\.)/)) {
+ if ($time < time-300) {
+ $remove{$key}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $env{'user.environment'} = "$lonidsdir/$handle.id";
+ $env_loaded=1;
+ foreach my $expired_key (keys(%remove)) {
+ &delenv($expired_key);
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------- Check for valid session
+sub check_for_valid_session {
+ my ($r,$name,$userhashref,$domref) = @_;
+ my %cookies=CGI::Cookie->parse($r->header_in('Cookie'));
+ my ($lonidsdir,$linkname,$pubname,$secure,$lonid);
+ if ($name eq 'lonDAV') {
+ $lonidsdir=$r->dir_config('lonDAVsessDir');
+ } else {
+ $lonidsdir=$r->dir_config('lonIDsDir');
+ if ($name eq '') {
+ $name = 'lonID';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'lonID') {
+ $secure = 'lonSID';
+ $linkname = 'lonLinkID';
+ $pubname = 'lonPubID';
+ if (exists($cookies{$secure})) {
+ $lonid=$cookies{$secure};
+ } elsif (exists($cookies{$name})) {
+ $lonid=$cookies{$name};
+ } elsif ((exists($cookies{$linkname})) && ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} != 443)) {
+ $lonid=$cookies{$linkname};
+ } elsif (exists($cookies{$pubname})) {
+ $lonid=$cookies{$pubname};
+ }
+ } else {
+ $lonid=$cookies{$name};
+ }
+ return undef if (!$lonid);
+ my $handle=&LONCAPA::clean_handle($lonid->value);
+ if (-l "$lonidsdir/$handle.id") {
+ my $link = readlink("$lonidsdir/$handle.id");
+ if ((-e $link) && ($link =~ m{^\Q$lonidsdir\E/(.+)\.id$})) {
+ $handle = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!-e "$lonidsdir/$handle.id") {
+ if ((ref($domref)) && ($name eq 'lonID') &&
+ ($handle =~ /^($match_username)\_\d+\_($match_domain)\_(.+)$/)) {
+ my ($possuname,$possudom,$possuhome) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ if ((&domain($possudom) ne '') && (&homeserver($possuname,$possudom) eq $possuhome)) {
+ $$domref = $possudom;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $opened = open(my $idf,'+<',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id");
+ return undef if (!$opened);
+ flock($idf,LOCK_SH);
+ my %disk_env;
+ if (!tie(%disk_env,'GDBM_File',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id",
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($disk_env{'user.name'})
+ || !defined($disk_env{'user.domain'})) {
+ untie(%disk_env);
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (ref($userhashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ $userhashref->{'name'} = $disk_env{'user.name'};
+ $userhashref->{'domain'} = $disk_env{'user.domain'};
+ if ($disk_env{'request.role'}) {
+ $userhashref->{'role'} = $disk_env{'request.role'};
+ }
+ $userhashref->{'lti'} = $disk_env{'request.lti.login'};
+ if ($userhashref->{'lti'}) {
+ $userhashref->{'ltitarget'} = $disk_env{'request.lti.target'};
+ $userhashref->{'ltiuri'} = $disk_env{'request.lti.uri'};
+ }
+ }
+ untie(%disk_env);
+ return $handle;
+sub timed_flock {
+ my ($file,$lock_type) = @_;
+ my $failed=0;
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{__DIE__}='DEFAULT';
+ local $SIG{ALRM}=sub {
+ $failed=1;
+ die("failed lock");
+ };
+ alarm(13);
+ flock($file,$lock_type);
+ alarm(0);
+ };
+ if ($failed) {
+ return undef;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+sub get_sessionfile_vars {
+ my ($handle,$lonidsdir,$storearr) = @_;
+ my %returnhash;
+ unless (ref($storearr) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return %returnhash;
+ }
+ if (-l "$lonidsdir/$handle.id") {
+ my $link = readlink("$lonidsdir/$handle.id");
+ if ((-e $link) && ($link =~ m{^\Q$lonidsdir\E/(.+)\.id$})) {
+ $handle = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((-e "$lonidsdir/$handle.id") &&
+ ($handle =~ /^($match_username)\_\d+\_($match_domain)\_(.+)$/)) {
+ my ($possuname,$possudom,$possuhome) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ if ((&domain($possudom) ne '') && (&homeserver($possuname,$possudom) eq $possuhome)) {
+ if (open(my $idf,'+<',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id")) {
+ flock($idf,LOCK_SH);
+ if (tie(my %disk_env,'GDBM_File',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id",
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ foreach my $item (@{$storearr}) {
+ $returnhash{$item} = $disk_env{$item};
+ }
+ untie(%disk_env);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Append Environment
+sub appenv {
+ my ($newenv,$roles) = @_;
+ if (ref($newenv) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$newenv})) {
+ my $refused = 0;
+ if (($key =~ /^user\.role/) || ($key =~ /^user\.priv/)) {
+ $refused = 1;
+ if (ref($roles) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my ($type,$role) = ($key =~ m{^user\.(role|priv)\.(.+?)\./});
+ if (grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@{$roles})) {
+ $refused = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($refused) {
+ &logthis("WARNING: ".
+ "Attempt to modify environment ".$key." to ".$newenv->{$key}
+ .'');
+ delete($newenv->{$key});
+ } else {
+ $env{$key}=$newenv->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ my $lonids = $perlvar{'lonIDsDir'};
+ if ($env{'user.environment'} =~ m{^\Q$lonids/\E$match_username\_\d+\_$match_domain\_[\w\-.]+\.id$}) {
+ my $opened = open(my $env_file,'+<',$env{'user.environment'});
+ if ($opened
+ && &timed_flock($env_file,LOCK_EX)
+ &&
+ tie(my %disk_env,'GDBM_File',$env{'user.environment'},
+ (&GDBM_WRITER()|&GDBM_NOLOCK()),0640)) {
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$newenv})) {
+ $disk_env{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ untie(%disk_env);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+# ----------------------------------------------------- Delete from Environment
+sub delenv {
+ my ($delthis,$regexp,$roles) = @_;
+ if (($delthis=~/^user\.role/) || ($delthis=~/^user\.priv/)) {
+ my $refused = 1;
+ if (ref($roles) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my ($type,$role) = ($delthis =~ /^user\.(role|priv)\.([^.]+)\./);
+ if (grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@{$roles})) {
+ $refused = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($refused) {
+ &logthis("WARNING: ".
+ "Attempt to delete from environment ".$delthis);
+ return 'error';
+ }
+ }
+ my $opened = open(my $env_file,'+<',$env{'user.environment'});
+ if ($opened
+ && &timed_flock($env_file,LOCK_EX)
+ &&
+ tie(my %disk_env,'GDBM_File',$env{'user.environment'},
+ (&GDBM_WRITER()|&GDBM_NOLOCK()),0640)) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%disk_env)) {
+ if ($regexp) {
+ if ($key=~/^$delthis/) {
+ delete($env{$key});
+ delete($disk_env{$key});
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($key=~/^\Q$delthis\E/) {
+ delete($env{$key});
+ delete($disk_env{$key});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ untie(%disk_env);
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+sub get_env_multiple {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my @values;
+ if (defined($env{$name})) {
+ # exists is it an array
+ if (ref($env{$name})) {
+ @values=@{ $env{$name} };
+ } else {
+ $values[0]=$env{$name};
+ }
+ }
+ return(@values);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Locking
+sub set_lock {
+ my ($text)=@_;
+ $locknum++;
+ my $id=$$.'-'.$locknum;
+ &appenv({'session.locks' => $env{'session.locks'}.','.$id,
+ 'session.lock.'.$id => $text});
+ return $id;
+sub get_locks {
+ my $num=0;
+ my %texts=();
+ foreach my $lock (split(/\,/,$env{'session.locks'})) {
+ if ($lock=~/\w/) {
+ $num++;
+ $texts{$lock}=$env{'session.lock.'.$lock};
+ }
+ }
+ return ($num,%texts);
+sub remove_lock {
+ my ($id)=@_;
+ my $newlocks='';
+ foreach my $lock (split(/\,/,$env{'session.locks'})) {
+ if (($lock=~/\w/) && ($lock ne $id)) {
+ $newlocks.=','.$lock;
+ }
+ }
+ &appenv({'session.locks' => $newlocks});
+ &delenv('session.lock.'.$id);
+sub remove_all_locks {
+ my $activelocks=$env{'session.locks'};
+ foreach my $lock (split(/\,/,$env{'session.locks'})) {
+ if ($lock=~/\w/) {
+ &remove_lock($lock);
+ }
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------ Find out current server userload
+sub userload {
+ my $numusers=0;
+ {
+ opendir(LONIDS,$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'});
+ my $filename;
+ my $curtime=time;
+ while ($filename=readdir(LONIDS)) {
+ next if ($filename eq '.' || $filename eq '..');
+ next if ($filename =~ /publicuser_\d+\.id/);
+ next if ($filename =~ /^[a-f0-9]+_linked\.id$/);
+ my ($mtime)=(stat($perlvar{'lonIDsDir'}.'/'.$filename))[9];
+ if ($curtime-$mtime < 1800) { $numusers++; }
+ }
+ closedir(LONIDS);
+ }
+ my $userloadpercent=0;
+ my $maxuserload=$perlvar{'lonUserLoadLim'};
+ if ($maxuserload) {
+ $userloadpercent=100*$numusers/$maxuserload;
+ }
+ $userloadpercent=sprintf("%.2f",$userloadpercent);
+ return $userloadpercent;
# ------------------------------ Find server with least workload from spare.tab
sub spareserver {
- my $tryserver;
- my $spareserver='';
- my $lowestserver=100;
- foreach $tryserver (keys %spareid) {
- my $answer=reply('load',$tryserver);
- if (($answer =~ /\d/) && ($answer<$lowestserver)) {
- $spareserver="http://$hostname{$tryserver}";
- $lowestserver=$answer;
- }
- }
- return $spareserver;
+ my ($r,$loadpercent,$userloadpercent,$want_server_name,$udom) = @_;
+ my $spare_server;
+ if ($userloadpercent !~ /\d/) { $userloadpercent=0; }
+ my $lowest_load=($loadpercent > $userloadpercent) ? $loadpercent
+ : $userloadpercent;
+ my ($uint_dom,$remotesessions);
+ if (($udom ne '') && (&domain($udom) ne '')) {
+ my $uprimary_id = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ $uint_dom = &internet_dom($uprimary_id);
+ my %udomdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($udom);
+ $remotesessions = $udomdefaults{'remotesessions'};
+ }
+ my $spareshash = &this_host_spares($udom);
+ if (ref($spareshash) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($spareshash->{'primary'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $try_server (@{ $spareshash->{'primary'} }) {
+ next unless (&spare_can_host($udom,$uint_dom,$remotesessions,
+ $try_server));
+ ($spare_server, $lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($try_server, $spare_server, $lowest_load);
+ }
+ }
+ my $found_server = ($spare_server ne '' && $lowest_load < 100);
+ if (!$found_server) {
+ if (ref($spareshash->{'default'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $try_server (@{ $spareshash->{'default'} }) {
+ next unless (&spare_can_host($udom,$uint_dom,
+ $remotesessions,$try_server));
+ ($spare_server, $lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($try_server, $spare_server, $lowest_load);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$want_server_name) {
+ if (defined($spare_server)) {
+ my $hostname = &hostname($spare_server);
+ if (defined($hostname)) {
+ my $protocol = 'http';
+ if ($protocol{$spare_server} eq 'https') {
+ $protocol = $protocol{$spare_server};
+ }
+ my $alias = &use_proxy_alias($r,$spare_server);
+ $hostname = $alias if ($alias ne '');
+ $spare_server = $protocol.'://'.$hostname;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $spare_server;
-# --------- Try to authenticate user from domain's lib servers (first this one)
-sub authenticate {
- my ($uname,$upass,$udom)=@_;
+sub compare_server_load {
+ my ($try_server, $spare_server, $lowest_load, $required) = @_;
- if (($perlvar{'lonRole'} eq 'library') &&
- ($udom eq $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'})) {
- my $answer=reply("encrypt:auth:$udom:$uname:$upass",$perlvar{'lonHostID'});
- if ($answer =~ /authorized/) {
- if ($answer eq 'authorized') { return $perlvar{'lonHostID'}; }
- if ($answer eq 'non_authorized') { return 'no_host'; }
+ if ($required) {
+ my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor) = ($required =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/);
+ my $remoterev = &get_server_loncaparev(undef,$try_server);
+ my ($major,$minor) = ($remoterev =~ /^\'?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.[\w.\-]+\'?$/);
+ if (($major eq '' && $minor eq '') ||
+ (($reqdmajor > $major) || (($reqdmajor == $major) && ($reqdminor > $minor)))) {
+ return ($spare_server,$lowest_load);
+ }
+ }
+ my $loadans = &reply('load', $try_server);
+ my $userloadans = &reply('userload',$try_server);
+ if ($loadans !~ /\d/ && $userloadans !~ /\d/) {
+ return ($spare_server, $lowest_load); #didn't get a number from the server
+ }
+ my $load;
+ if ($loadans =~ /\d/) {
+ if ($userloadans =~ /\d/) {
+ #both are numbers, pick the bigger one
+ $load = ($loadans > $userloadans) ? $loadans
+ : $userloadans;
+ } else {
+ $load = $loadans;
+ } else {
+ $load = $userloadans;
- my $tryserver;
- foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
- if ($hostdom{$tryserver} eq $udom) {
- my $answer=reply("enc:auth:$udom:$uname:$upass",$tryserver);
- if ($answer =~ /authorized/) {
- if ($answer eq 'authorized') { return $tryserver; }
- }
- }
- }
+ if (($load =~ /\d/) && ($load < $lowest_load)) {
+ $spare_server = $try_server;
+ $lowest_load = $load;
+ }
+ return ($spare_server,$lowest_load);
+# --------------------------- ask offload servers if user already has a session
+sub find_existing_session {
+ my ($udom,$uname) = @_;
+ my $spareshash = &this_host_spares($udom);
+ if (ref($spareshash) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($spareshash->{'primary'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $try_server (@{ $spareshash->{'primary'} }) {
+ return $try_server if (&has_user_session($try_server, $udom, $uname));
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($spareshash->{'default'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $try_server (@{ $spareshash->{'default'} }) {
+ return $try_server if (&has_user_session($try_server, $udom, $uname));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub delusersession {
+ my ($lonid,$udom,$uname) = @_;
+ my $uprimary_id = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ my $uintdom = &internet_dom($uprimary_id);
+ my $intdom = &internet_dom($lonid);
+ my $serverhomedom = &host_domain($lonid);
+ if (($uintdom ne '') && ($uintdom eq $intdom)) {
+ return &reply(join(':','delusersession',
+ map {&escape($_)} ($udom,$uname)),$lonid);
+ }
+ return;
+# check if user's browser sent load balancer cookie and server still has session
+# and is not overloaded.
+sub check_for_balancer_cookie {
+ my ($r,$update_mtime) = @_;
+ my ($otherserver,$cookie);
+ my %cookies=CGI::Cookie->parse($r->header_in('Cookie'));
+ if (exists($cookies{'balanceID'})) {
+ my $balid = $cookies{'balanceID'};
+ $cookie=&LONCAPA::clean_handle($balid->value);
+ my $balancedir=$r->dir_config('lonBalanceDir');
+ if ((-d $balancedir) && (-e "$balancedir/$cookie.id")) {
+ if ($cookie =~ /^($match_domain)_($match_username)_[a-f0-9]+$/) {
+ my ($possudom,$possuname) = ($1,$2);
+ my $has_session = 0;
+ if ((&domain($possudom) ne '') &&
+ (&homeserver($possuname,$possudom) ne 'no_host')) {
+ my $try_server;
+ my $opened = open(my $idf,'+<',"$balancedir/$cookie.id");
+ if ($opened) {
+ flock($idf,LOCK_SH);
+ while (my $line = <$idf>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ if (&hostname($line) ne '') {
+ $try_server = $line;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close($idf);
+ if (($try_server) &&
+ (&has_user_session($try_server,$possudom,$possuname))) {
+ my $lowest_load = 30000;
+ ($otherserver,$lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($try_server,undef,$lowest_load);
+ if ($otherserver ne '' && $lowest_load < 100) {
+ $has_session = 1;
+ } else {
+ undef($otherserver);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($has_session) {
+ if ($update_mtime) {
+ my $atime = my $mtime = time;
+ utime($atime,$mtime,"$balancedir/$cookie.id");
+ }
+ } else {
+ unlink("$balancedir/$cookie.id");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($otherserver,$cookie);
+sub updatebalcookie {
+ my ($cookie,$balancer,$lastentry)=@_;
+ if ($cookie =~ /^($match_domain)\_($match_username)\_[a-f0-9]{32}$/) {
+ my ($udom,$uname) = ($1,$2);
+ my $uprimary_id = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ my $uintdom = &internet_dom($uprimary_id);
+ my $intdom = &internet_dom($balancer);
+ my $serverhomedom = &host_domain($balancer);
+ if (($uintdom ne '') && ($uintdom eq $intdom)) {
+ return &reply('updatebalcookie:'.&escape($cookie).':'.&escape($lastentry),$balancer);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub delbalcookie {
+ my ($cookie,$balancer) =@_;
+ if ($cookie =~ /^($match_domain)\_($match_username)\_[a-f0-9]{32}$/) {
+ my ($udom,$uname) = ($1,$2);
+ my $uprimary_id = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ my $uintdom = &internet_dom($uprimary_id);
+ my $intdom = &internet_dom($balancer);
+ my $serverhomedom = &host_domain($balancer);
+ if (($uintdom ne '') && ($uintdom eq $intdom)) {
+ return &reply('delbalcookie:'.&escape($cookie),$balancer);
+ }
+ }
+# -------------------------------- ask if server already has a session for user
+sub has_user_session {
+ my ($lonid,$udom,$uname) = @_;
+ my $result = &reply(join(':','userhassession',
+ map {&escape($_)} ($udom,$uname)),$lonid);
+ return 1 if ($result eq 'ok');
+ return 0;
+# --------- determine least loaded server in a user's domain which allows login
+sub choose_server {
+ my ($udom,$checkloginvia,$required,$skiploadbal) = @_;
+ my %domconfhash = &Apache::loncommon::get_domainconf($udom);
+ my %servers = &get_servers($udom);
+ my $lowest_load = 30000;
+ my ($login_host,$hostname,$portal_path,$isredirect,$balancers);
+ if ($skiploadbal) {
+ ($balancers,my $cached)=&is_cached_new('loadbalancing',$udom);
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['loadbalancing'],$udom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'loadbalancing'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $balancers = &do_cache_new('loadbalancing',$udom,$domconfig{'loadbalancing'},
+ $cachetime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $lonhost (keys(%servers)) {
+ if ($skiploadbal) {
+ if (ref($balancers) eq 'HASH') {
+ next if (exists($balancers->{$lonhost}));
+ }
+ }
+ my $loginvia;
+ if ($checkloginvia) {
+ $loginvia = $domconfhash{$udom.'.login.loginvia_'.$lonhost};
+ if ($loginvia) {
+ my ($server,$path) = split(/:/,$loginvia);
+ ($login_host, $lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($server, $login_host, $lowest_load, $required);
+ if ($login_host eq $server) {
+ $portal_path = $path;
+ $isredirect = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ($login_host, $lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($lonhost, $login_host, $lowest_load, $required);
+ if ($login_host eq $lonhost) {
+ $portal_path = '';
+ $isredirect = '';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ($login_host, $lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($lonhost, $login_host, $lowest_load, $required);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($login_host ne '') {
+ $hostname = &hostname($login_host);
+ }
+ return ($login_host,$hostname,$portal_path,$isredirect,$lowest_load);
+sub get_course_sessions {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$lastactivity) = @_;
+ my %servers = &internet_dom_servers($cdom);
+ my %returnhash;
+ foreach my $server (sort(keys(%servers))) {
+ my $rep = &reply("coursesessions:$cdom:$cnum:$lastactivity",$server);
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ unless (($rep eq 'unknown_cmd') || ($rep =~ /^error/)) {
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+ $key = &unescape($key);
+ next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+ if (exists($returnhash{$key})) {
+ next if ($value < $returnhash{$key});
+ }
+ $returnhash{$key}=$value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# --------------------------------------------- Try to change a user's password
+sub changepass {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$currentpass,$newpass,$server,$context)=@_;
+ $currentpass = &escape($currentpass);
+ $newpass = &escape($newpass);
+ my $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $answer = reply("encrypt:passwd:$udom:$uname:$currentpass:$newpass:$context:$lonhost",
+ $server);
+ if (! $answer) {
+ &logthis("No reply on password change request to $server ".
+ "by $uname in domain $udom.");
+ } elsif ($answer =~ "^ok") {
+ &logthis("$uname in $udom successfully changed their password ".
+ "on $server.");
+ } elsif ($answer =~ "^pwchange_failure") {
+ &logthis("$uname in $udom was unable to change their password ".
+ "on $server. The action was blocked by either lcpasswd ".
+ "or pwchange");
+ } elsif ($answer =~ "^non_authorized") {
+ &logthis("$uname in $udom did not get their password correct when ".
+ "attempting to change it on $server.");
+ } elsif ($answer =~ "^auth_mode_error") {
+ &logthis("$uname in $udom attempted to change their password despite ".
+ "not being locally or internally authenticated on $server.");
+ } elsif ($answer =~ "^unknown_user") {
+ &logthis("$uname in $udom attempted to change their password ".
+ "on $server but were unable to because $server is not ".
+ "their home server.");
+ } elsif ($answer =~ "^refused") {
+ &logthis("$server refused to change $uname in $udom password because ".
+ "it was sent an unencrypted request to change the password.");
+ } elsif ($answer =~ "invalid_client") {
+ &logthis("$server refused to change $uname in $udom password because ".
+ "it was a reset by e-mail originating from an invalid server.");
+ } elsif ($answer =~ "^prioruse") {
+ &logthis("$server refused to change $uname in $udom password because ".
+ "the password had been used before");
+ }
+ return $answer;
+# ----------------------- Try to determine user's current authentication scheme
+sub queryauthenticate {
+ my ($uname,$udom)=@_;
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if ((!$uhome) || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
+ &logthis("User $uname at $udom is unknown when looking for authentication mechanism");
+ return 'no_host';
+ }
+ my $answer=reply("encrypt:currentauth:$udom:$uname",$uhome);
+ if ($answer =~ /^(unknown_user|refused|con_lost)/) {
+ &logthis("User $uname at $udom threw error $answer when checking authentication mechanism");
+ }
+ return $answer;
+# --------- Try to authenticate user from domain's lib servers (first this one)
+sub authenticate {
+ my ($uname,$upass,$udom,$checkdefauth,$clientcancheckhost)=@_;
+ $upass=&escape($upass);
+ $uname= &LONCAPA::clean_username($uname);
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,1);
+ my $newhome;
+ if ((!$uhome) || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
+# Maybe the machine was offline and only re-appeared again recently?
+ &reconlonc();
+# One more
+ $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,1);
+ if (($uhome eq 'no_host') && $checkdefauth) {
+ if (defined(&domain($udom,'primary'))) {
+ $newhome=&domain($udom,'primary');
+ }
+ if ($newhome ne '') {
+ $uhome = $newhome;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((!$uhome) || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
+ &logthis("User $uname at $udom is unknown in authenticate");
+ return 'no_host';
+ }
+ }
+ my $answer=reply("encrypt:auth:$udom:$uname:$upass:$checkdefauth:$clientcancheckhost",$uhome);
+ if ($answer eq 'authorized') {
+ if ($newhome) {
+ &logthis("User $uname at $udom authorized by $uhome, but needs account");
+ return 'no_account_on_host';
+ } else {
+ &logthis("User $uname at $udom authorized by $uhome");
+ return $uhome;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($answer eq 'non_authorized') {
+ &logthis("User $uname at $udom rejected by $uhome");
+ return 'no_host';
+ }
+ &logthis("User $uname at $udom threw error $answer when checking authentication mechanism");
return 'no_host';
+sub can_switchserver {
+ my ($udom,$home) = @_;
+ my ($canswitch,@intdoms);
+ my $internet_names = &get_internet_names($home);
+ if (ref($internet_names) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @intdoms = @{$internet_names};
+ }
+ my $uint_dom = &internet_dom(&domain($udom,'primary'));
+ if ($uint_dom ne '' && grep(/^\Q$uint_dom\E$/,@intdoms)) {
+ $canswitch = 1;
+ } else {
+ my $serverhomeID = &get_server_homeID(&hostname($home));
+ my $serverhomedom = &host_domain($serverhomeID);
+ my %defdomdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($serverhomedom);
+ my %udomdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($udom);
+ my $remoterev = &get_server_loncaparev('',$home);
+ $canswitch = &can_host_session($udom,$home,$remoterev,
+ $udomdefaults{'remotesessions'},
+ $defdomdefaults{'hostedsessions'});
+ }
+ return $canswitch;
+sub can_host_session {
+ my ($udom,$lonhost,$remoterev,$remotesessions,$hostedsessions) = @_;
+ my $canhost = 1;
+ my $host_idn = &internet_dom($lonhost);
+ if (ref($remotesessions) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($remotesessions->{'excludedomain'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$host_idn\E$/,@{$remotesessions->{'excludedomain'}})) {
+ $canhost = 0;
+ } else {
+ $canhost = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($remotesessions->{'includedomain'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$host_idn\E$/,@{$remotesessions->{'includedomain'}})) {
+ $canhost = 1;
+ } else {
+ $canhost = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($canhost) {
+ if ($remotesessions->{'version'} ne '') {
+ my ($reqmajor,$reqminor) = ($remotesessions->{'version'} =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/);
+ if ($reqmajor ne '' && $reqminor ne '') {
+ if ($remoterev =~ /^\'?(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
+ my $major = $1;
+ my $minor = $2;
+ if (($major < $reqmajor ) ||
+ (($major == $reqmajor) && ($minor < $reqminor))) {
+ $canhost = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $canhost = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($canhost) {
+ if (ref($hostedsessions) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $uprimary_id = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ my $uint_dom = &internet_dom($uprimary_id);
+ if (ref($hostedsessions->{'excludedomain'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (($uint_dom ne '') &&
+ (grep(/^\Q$uint_dom\E$/,@{$hostedsessions->{'excludedomain'}}))) {
+ $canhost = 0;
+ } else {
+ $canhost = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($hostedsessions->{'includedomain'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (($uint_dom ne '') &&
+ (grep(/^\Q$uint_dom\E$/,@{$hostedsessions->{'includedomain'}}))) {
+ $canhost = 1;
+ } else {
+ $canhost = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $canhost;
+sub spare_can_host {
+ my ($udom,$uint_dom,$remotesessions,$try_server)=@_;
+ my $canhost=1;
+ my $try_server_hostname = &hostname($try_server);
+ my $serverhomeID = &get_server_homeID($try_server_hostname);
+ my $serverhomedom = &host_domain($serverhomeID);
+ my %defdomdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($serverhomedom);
+ if (ref($defdomdefaults{'offloadnow'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($defdomdefaults{'offloadnow'}{$try_server}) {
+ $canhost = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($canhost) {
+ if (ref($defdomdefaults{'offloadoth'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($defdomdefaults{'offloadoth'}{$try_server}) {
+ unless (&shared_institution($udom,$try_server)) {
+ $canhost = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($canhost) && ($uint_dom)) {
+ my @intdoms;
+ my $internet_names = &get_internet_names($try_server);
+ if (ref($internet_names) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @intdoms = @{$internet_names};
+ }
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$uint_dom\E$/,@intdoms)) {
+ my $remoterev = &get_server_loncaparev(undef,$try_server);
+ $canhost = &can_host_session($udom,$try_server,$remoterev,
+ $remotesessions,
+ $defdomdefaults{'hostedsessions'});
+ }
+ }
+ return $canhost;
+sub this_host_spares {
+ my ($dom) = @_;
+ my ($dom_in_use,$lonhost_in_use,$result);
+ my @hosts = ¤t_machine_ids();
+ foreach my $lonhost (@hosts) {
+ if (&host_domain($lonhost) eq $dom) {
+ $dom_in_use = $dom;
+ $lonhost_in_use = $lonhost;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($dom_in_use ne '') {
+ $result = &spares_for_offload($dom_in_use,$lonhost_in_use);
+ }
+ if (ref($result) ne 'HASH') {
+ $lonhost_in_use = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ $dom_in_use = &host_domain($lonhost_in_use);
+ $result = &spares_for_offload($dom_in_use,$lonhost_in_use);
+ if (ref($result) ne 'HASH') {
+ $result = \%spareid;
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub spares_for_offload {
+ my ($dom_in_use,$lonhost_in_use) = @_;
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('spares',$dom_in_use);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['usersessions'],$dom_in_use);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'spares'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'spares'}{$lonhost_in_use}) eq 'HASH') {
+ return &do_cache_new('spares',$dom_in_use,$domconfig{'usersessions'}{'spares'}{$lonhost_in_use},$cachetime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub get_lonbalancer_config {
+ my ($servers) = @_;
+ my ($currbalancer,$currtargets);
+ if (ref($servers) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $server (keys(%{$servers})) {
+ my %what = (
+ spareid => 1,
+ perlvar => 1,
+ );
+ my ($result,$returnhash) = &get_remote_globals($server,\%what);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ if (ref($returnhash) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($returnhash->{'perlvar'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($returnhash->{'perlvar'}->{'lonBalancer'} eq 'yes') {
+ $currbalancer = $server;
+ $currtargets = {};
+ if (ref($returnhash->{'spareid'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($returnhash->{'spareid'}->{'primary'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $currtargets->{'primary'} = $returnhash->{'spareid'}->{'primary'};
+ }
+ if (ref($returnhash->{'spareid'}->{'default'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $currtargets->{'default'} = $returnhash->{'spareid'}->{'default'};
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($currbalancer,$currtargets);
+sub check_loadbalancing {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$caller) = @_;
+ my ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules,$dom_in_use,$homeintdom,
+ $rule_in_effect,$offloadto,$otherserver,$setcookie,$dom_balancers);
+ my $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my @hosts = ¤t_machine_ids();
+ my $uprimary_id = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ my $uintdom = &internet_dom($uprimary_id);
+ my $intdom = &internet_dom($lonhost);
+ my $serverhomedom = &host_domain($lonhost);
+ my $domneedscache;
+ my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
+ if (($uintdom ne '') && ($uintdom eq $intdom)) {
+ $dom_in_use = $udom;
+ $homeintdom = 1;
+ } else {
+ $dom_in_use = $serverhomedom;
+ }
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('loadbalancing',$dom_in_use);
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['loadbalancing'],$dom_in_use);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'loadbalancing'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $result = &do_cache_new('loadbalancing',$dom_in_use,$domconfig{'loadbalancing'},$cachetime);
+ } else {
+ $domneedscache = $dom_in_use;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules,$setcookie,$dom_balancers) =
+ &check_balancer_result($result,@hosts);
+ if ($is_balancer) {
+ if (ref($currrules) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($homeintdom) {
+ if ($uname ne '') {
+ if (($currrules->{'_LC_adv'} ne '') || ($currrules->{'_LC_author'} ne '')) {
+ my ($is_adv,$is_author) = &is_advanced_user($udom,$uname);
+ if (($currrules->{'_LC_author'} ne '') && ($is_author)) {
+ $rule_in_effect = $currrules->{'_LC_author'};
+ } elsif (($currrules->{'_LC_adv'} ne '') && ($is_adv)) {
+ $rule_in_effect = $currrules->{'_LC_adv'}
+ }
+ }
+ if ($rule_in_effect eq '') {
+ my %userenv = &userenvironment($udom,$uname,'inststatus');
+ if ($userenv{'inststatus'} ne '') {
+ my @statuses = map { &unescape($_); } split(/:/,$userenv{'inststatus'});
+ my ($othertitle,$usertypes,$types) =
+ &Apache::loncommon::sorted_inst_types($udom);
+ if (ref($types) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $type (@{$types}) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$type\E$/,@statuses)) {
+ if (exists($currrules->{$type})) {
+ $rule_in_effect = $currrules->{$type};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (exists($currrules->{'default'})) {
+ $rule_in_effect = $currrules->{'default'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (exists($currrules->{'default'})) {
+ $rule_in_effect = $currrules->{'default'};
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($currrules->{'_LC_external'} ne '') {
+ $rule_in_effect = $currrules->{'_LC_external'};
+ }
+ }
+ $offloadto = &get_loadbalancer_targets($rule_in_effect,$currtargets,
+ $uname,$udom);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($homeintdom) && ($udom ne $serverhomedom)) {
+ ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('loadbalancing',$serverhomedom);
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['loadbalancing'],$serverhomedom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'loadbalancing'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $result = &do_cache_new('loadbalancing',$serverhomedom,$domconfig{'loadbalancing'},$cachetime);
+ } else {
+ $domneedscache = $serverhomedom;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules,$setcookie,$dom_balancers) =
+ &check_balancer_result($result,@hosts);
+ if ($is_balancer) {
+ if (ref($currrules) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($currrules->{'_LC_internetdom'} ne '') {
+ $rule_in_effect = $currrules->{'_LC_internetdom'};
+ }
+ }
+ $offloadto = &get_loadbalancer_targets($rule_in_effect,$currtargets,
+ $uname,$udom);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($perlvar{'lonBalancer'} eq 'yes') {
+ $is_balancer = 1;
+ $offloadto = &this_host_spares($dom_in_use);
+ }
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ $domneedscache = $serverhomedom;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($perlvar{'lonBalancer'} eq 'yes') {
+ $is_balancer = 1;
+ $offloadto = &this_host_spares($dom_in_use);
+ }
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ $domneedscache = $serverhomedom;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($domneedscache) {
+ &do_cache_new('loadbalancing',$domneedscache,$is_balancer,$cachetime);
+ }
+ if (($is_balancer) && ($caller ne 'switchserver')) {
+ my $lowest_load = 30000;
+ if (ref($offloadto) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($offloadto->{'primary'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $try_server (@{$offloadto->{'primary'}}) {
+ ($otherserver,$lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($try_server,$otherserver,$lowest_load);
+ }
+ }
+ my $found_server = ($otherserver ne '' && $lowest_load < 100);
+ if (!$found_server) {
+ if (ref($offloadto->{'default'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $try_server (@{$offloadto->{'default'}}) {
+ ($otherserver,$lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($try_server,$otherserver,$lowest_load);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (ref($offloadto) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@{$offloadto} == 1) {
+ $otherserver = $offloadto->[0];
+ } elsif (@{$offloadto} > 1) {
+ foreach my $try_server (@{$offloadto}) {
+ ($otherserver,$lowest_load) =
+ &compare_server_load($try_server,$otherserver,$lowest_load);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($caller eq 'login') {
+ if (($otherserver ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$otherserver\E$/,@hosts))) {
+ $is_balancer = 0;
+ if ($uname ne '' && $udom ne '') {
+ if (($env{'user.name'} eq $uname) && ($env{'user.domain'} eq $udom)) {
+ &appenv({'user.loadbalexempt' => $lonhost,
+ 'user.loadbalcheck.time' => time});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($is_balancer) && (!$homeintdom)) {
+ undef($setcookie);
+ }
+ return ($is_balancer,$otherserver,$setcookie,$offloadto,$dom_balancers);
+sub check_balancer_result {
+ my ($result,@hosts) = @_;
+ my ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules,$setcookie,$dom_balancers);
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($result->{'lonhost'} ne '') {
+ my $currbalancer = $result->{'lonhost'};
+ if (grep(/^\Q$currbalancer\E$/,@hosts)) {
+ $is_balancer = 1;
+ $currtargets = $result->{'targets'};
+ $currrules = $result->{'rules'};
+ }
+ $dom_balancers = $currbalancer;
+ } else {
+ if (keys(%{$result})) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$result})) {
+ if (($key ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$key\E$/,@hosts)) &&
+ (ref($result->{$key}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ $is_balancer = 1;
+ $currrules = $result->{$key}{'rules'};
+ $currtargets = $result->{$key}{'targets'};
+ $setcookie = $result->{$key}{'cookie'};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $dom_balancers = join(',',sort(keys(%{$result})));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($is_balancer,$currtargets,$currrules,$setcookie,$dom_balancers);
+sub get_loadbalancer_targets {
+ my ($rule_in_effect,$currtargets,$uname,$udom) = @_;
+ my $offloadto;
+ if ($rule_in_effect eq 'none') {
+ return [$perlvar{'lonHostID'}];
+ } elsif ($rule_in_effect eq '') {
+ $offloadto = $currtargets;
+ } else {
+ if ($rule_in_effect eq 'homeserver') {
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if ($homeserver ne 'no_host') {
+ $offloadto = [$homeserver];
+ }
+ } elsif ($rule_in_effect eq 'externalbalancer') {
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['loadbalancing'],$udom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'loadbalancing'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($domconfig{'loadbalancing'}{'lonhost'} ne '') {
+ if (&hostname($domconfig{'loadbalancing'}{'lonhost'}) ne '') {
+ $offloadto = [$domconfig{'loadbalancing'}{'lonhost'}];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my %servers = &internet_dom_servers($udom);
+ my ($remotebalancer,$remotetargets) = &get_lonbalancer_config(\%servers);
+ if (&hostname($remotebalancer) ne '') {
+ $offloadto = [$remotebalancer];
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (&hostname($rule_in_effect) ne '') {
+ $offloadto = [$rule_in_effect];
+ }
+ }
+ return $offloadto;
+sub internet_dom_servers {
+ my ($dom) = @_;
+ my (%uniqservers,%servers);
+ my $primaryserver = &hostname(&domain($dom,'primary'));
+ my @machinedoms = &machine_domains($primaryserver);
+ foreach my $mdom (@machinedoms) {
+ my %currservers = %servers;
+ my %server = &get_servers($mdom);
+ %servers = (%currservers,%server);
+ }
+ my %by_hostname;
+ foreach my $id (keys(%servers)) {
+ push(@{$by_hostname{$servers{$id}}},$id);
+ }
+ foreach my $hostname (sort(keys(%by_hostname))) {
+ if (@{$by_hostname{$hostname}} > 1) {
+ my $match = 0;
+ foreach my $id (@{$by_hostname{$hostname}}) {
+ if (&host_domain($id) eq $dom) {
+ $uniqservers{$id} = $hostname;
+ $match = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($match) {
+ $uniqservers{$by_hostname{$hostname}[0]} = $hostname;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $uniqservers{$by_hostname{$hostname}[0]} = $hostname;
+ }
+ }
+ return %uniqservers;
+sub trusted_domains {
+ my ($cmdtype,$calldom) = @_;
+ my ($trusted,$untrusted);
+ if (&domain($calldom) eq '') {
+ return ($trusted,$untrusted);
+ }
+ unless ($cmdtype =~ /^(content|shared|enroll|coaurem|othcoau|domroles|catalog|reqcrs|msg)$/) {
+ return ($trusted,$untrusted);
+ }
+ my $callprimary = &domain($calldom,'primary');
+ my $intcalldom = &internet_dom($callprimary);
+ if ($intcalldom eq '') {
+ return ($trusted,$untrusted);
+ }
+ my ($trustconfig,$cached)=&is_cached_new('trust',$calldom);
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my %domconfig = &get_dom('configuration',['trust'],$calldom);
+ &do_cache_new('trust',$calldom,$domconfig{'trust'},3600);
+ $trustconfig = $domconfig{'trust'};
+ }
+ if (ref($trustconfig)) {
+ my (%possexc,%possinc,@allexc,@allinc);
+ if (ref($trustconfig->{$cmdtype}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($trustconfig->{$cmdtype}->{'exc'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ map { $possexc{$_} = 1; } @{$trustconfig->{$cmdtype}->{'exc'}};
+ }
+ if (ref($trustconfig->{$cmdtype}->{'inc'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $possinc{$intcalldom} = 1;
+ map { $possinc{$_} = 1; } @{$trustconfig->{$cmdtype}->{'inc'}};
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys(%possexc)) {
+ if (keys(%possinc)) {
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%possexc))) {
+ next if ($key eq $intcalldom);
+ unless ($possinc{$key}) {
+ push(@allexc,$key);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ @allexc = sort(keys(%possexc));
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys(%possinc)) {
+ $possinc{$intcalldom} = 1;
+ @allinc = sort(keys(%possinc));
+ }
+ if ((@allexc > 0) || (@allinc > 0)) {
+ my %doms_by_intdom;
+ my %allintdoms = &all_host_intdom();
+ my %alldoms = &all_host_domain();
+ foreach my $key (%allintdoms) {
+ if (ref($doms_by_intdom{$allintdoms{$key}}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$alldoms{$key}\E$/,@{$doms_by_intdom{$allintdoms{$key}}})) {
+ push(@{$doms_by_intdom{$allintdoms{$key}}},$alldoms{$key});
+ }
+ } else {
+ $doms_by_intdom{$allintdoms{$key}} = [$alldoms{$key}];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $exc (@allexc) {
+ if (ref($doms_by_intdom{$exc}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@{$untrusted},@{$doms_by_intdom{$exc}});
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $inc (@allinc) {
+ if (ref($doms_by_intdom{$inc}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@{$trusted},@{$doms_by_intdom{$inc}});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($trusted,$untrusted);
+sub will_trust {
+ my ($cmdtype,$domain,$possdom) = @_;
+ return 1 if ($domain eq $possdom);
+ my ($trustedref,$untrustedref) = &trusted_domains($cmdtype,$possdom);
+ my $willtrust;
+ if ((ref($trustedref) eq 'ARRAY') && (@{$trustedref} > 0)) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$domain\E$/,@{$trustedref})) {
+ $willtrust = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ((ref($untrustedref) eq 'ARRAY') && (@{$untrustedref} > 0)) {
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$domain\E$/,@{$untrustedref})) {
+ $willtrust = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $willtrust = 1;
+ }
+ return $willtrust;
# ---------------------- Find the homebase for a user from domain's lib servers
-sub homeserver {
- my ($uname,$udom)=@_;
+my %homecache;
+sub homeserver {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$ignoreBadCache)=@_;
my $index="$uname:$udom";
- if ($homecache{$index}) { return "$homecache{$index}"; }
- my $tryserver;
- foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
- if ($hostdom{$tryserver} eq $udom) {
- my $answer=reply("home:$udom:$uname",$tryserver);
- if ($answer eq 'found') {
- $homecache{$index}=$tryserver;
- return $tryserver;
- }
- }
+ if (exists($homecache{$index})) { return $homecache{$index}; }
+ my %servers = &get_servers($udom,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ next if ($ignoreBadCache ne 'true' &&
+ exists($badServerCache{$tryserver}));
+ my $answer=reply("home:$udom:$uname",$tryserver);
+ if ($answer eq 'found') {
+ delete($badServerCache{$tryserver});
+ return $homecache{$index}=$tryserver;
+ } elsif ($answer eq 'no_host') {
+ $badServerCache{$tryserver}=1;
+ }
return 'no_host';
+# ----- Find the usernames behind a list of student/employee IDs or clicker IDs
+sub idget {
+ my ($udom,$idsref,$namespace)=@_;
+ my %returnhash=();
+ my @ids=();
+ if (ref($idsref) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @ids = @{$idsref};
+ } else {
+ return %returnhash;
+ }
+ if ($namespace eq '') {
+ $namespace = 'ids';
+ }
+ my %servers = &get_servers($udom,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ my $idlist=join('&', map { &escape($_); } @ids);
+ if ($namespace eq 'ids') {
+ $idlist=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ }
+ my $reply;
+ if ($namespace eq 'ids') {
+ $reply=&reply("idget:$udom:".$idlist,$tryserver);
+ } else {
+ $reply=&reply("getdom:$udom:$namespace:$idlist",$tryserver);
+ }
+ my @answer=();
+ if (($reply ne 'con_lost') && ($reply!~/^error\:/)) {
+ @answer=split(/\&/,$reply);
+ } ;
+ my $i;
+ for ($i=0;$i<=$#ids;$i++) {
+ if ($answer[$i]) {
+ $returnhash{$ids[$i]}=&unescape($answer[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ------------------------------------- Find the IDs behind a list of usernames
+sub idrget {
+ my ($udom,@unames)=@_;
+ my %returnhash=();
+ foreach my $uname (@unames) {
+ $returnhash{$uname}=(&userenvironment($udom,$uname,'id'))[1];
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# Store away a list of names and associated student/employee IDs or clicker IDs
+sub idput {
+ my ($udom,$idsref,$uhom,$namespace)=@_;
+ my %servers=();
+ my %ids=();
+ my %byid = ();
+ if (ref($idsref) eq 'HASH') {
+ %ids=%{$idsref};
+ }
+ if ($namespace eq '') {
+ $namespace = 'ids';
+ }
+ foreach my $uname (keys(%ids)) {
+ &cput('environment',{'id'=>$ids{$uname}},$udom,$uname);
+ if ($uhom eq '') {
+ $uhom=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ }
+ if ($uhom ne 'no_host') {
+ my $esc_unam=&escape($uname);
+ if ($namespace eq 'ids') {
+ my $id=&escape($ids{$uname});
+ $id=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $esc_unam=&escape($uname);
+ $servers{$uhom}.=$id.'='.$esc_unam.'&';
+ } else {
+ my @currids = split(/,/,$ids{$uname});
+ foreach my $id (@currids) {
+ $byid{$uhom}{$id} .= $uname.',';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($namespace eq 'clickers') {
+ foreach my $server (keys(%byid)) {
+ if (ref($byid{$server}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $id (keys(%{$byid{$server}})) {
+ $byid{$server} =~ s/,$//;
+ $servers{$uhom}.=&escape($id).'='.&escape($byid{$server}).'&';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $server (keys(%servers)) {
+ $servers{$server} =~ s/\&$//;
+ if ($namespace eq 'ids') {
+ &critical('idput:'.$udom.':'.$servers{$server},$server);
+ } else {
+ &critical('updateclickers:'.$udom.':add:'.$servers{$server},$server);
+ }
+ }
+# ------------- Delete unwanted student/employee IDs or clicker IDs from domain
+sub iddel {
+ my ($udom,$idshashref,$uhome,$namespace)=@_;
+ my %result=();
+ my %ids=();
+ my %byid = ();
+ if (ref($idshashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ %ids=%{$idshashref};
+ } else {
+ return %result;
+ }
+ if ($namespace eq '') {
+ $namespace = 'ids';
+ }
+ my %servers=();
+ while (my ($id,$unamestr) = each(%ids)) {
+ if ($namespace eq 'ids') {
+ my $uhom = $uhome;
+ if ($uhom eq '') {
+ $uhom=&homeserver($unamestr,$udom);
+ }
+ if ($uhom ne 'no_host') {
+ $servers{$uhom}.='&'.&escape($id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ my @curritems = split(/,/,$ids{$id});
+ foreach my $uname (@curritems) {
+ my $uhom = $uhome;
+ if ($uhom eq '') {
+ $uhom=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ }
+ if ($uhom ne 'no_host') {
+ $byid{$uhom}{$id} .= $uname.',';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($namespace eq 'clickers') {
+ foreach my $server (keys(%byid)) {
+ if (ref($byid{$server}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $id (keys(%{$byid{$server}})) {
+ $byid{$server}{$id} =~ s/,$//;
+ $servers{$server}.=&escape($id).'='.&escape($byid{$server}{$id}).'&';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $server (keys(%servers)) {
+ $servers{$server} =~ s/\&$//;
+ if ($namespace eq 'ids') {
+ $result{$server} = &critical('iddel:'.$udom.':'.$servers{$server},$uhome);
+ } elsif ($namespace eq 'clickers') {
+ $result{$server} = &critical('updateclickers:'.$udom.':del:'.$servers{$server},$server);
+ }
+ }
+ return %result;
+# ----- Update clicker ID-to-username look-ups in clickers.db on library server
+sub updateclickers {
+ my ($udom,$action,$idshashref,$uhome,$critical) = @_;
+ my %clickers;
+ if (ref($idshashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ %clickers=%{$idshashref};
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (keys(%clickers)) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'='.&escape($clickers{$item}).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ my $request = "updateclickers:$udom:$action:$items";
+ if ($critical) {
+ return &critical($request,$uhome);
+ } else {
+ return &reply($request,$uhome);
+ }
+# ------------------------------dump from db file owned by domainconfig user
+sub dump_dom {
+ my ($namespace, $udom, $regexp) = @_;
+ $udom ||= $env{'user.domain'};
+ return () unless $udom;
+ return &dump($namespace, $udom, &get_domainconfiguser($udom), $regexp);
+# ------------------------------------------ get items from domain db files
+sub get_dom {
+ my ($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uhome,$encrypt)=@_;
+ return if ($udom eq 'public');
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (@$storearr) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ if (!$udom) {
+ $udom=$env{'user.domain'};
+ return if ($udom eq 'public');
+ if (defined(&domain($udom,'primary'))) {
+ $uhome=&domain($udom,'primary');
+ } else {
+ undef($uhome);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$uhome) {
+ if (defined(&domain($udom,'primary'))) {
+ $uhome=&domain($udom,'primary');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($udom && $uhome && ($uhome ne 'no_host')) {
+ my $rep;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $uhome } ¤t_machine_ids()) {
+ # domain information is hosted on this machine
+ $rep = &LONCAPA::Lond::get_dom("getdom:$udom:$namespace:$items");
+ } else {
+ if ($encrypt) {
+ $rep=&reply("encrypt:egetdom:$udom:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ } else {
+ $rep=&reply("getdom:$udom:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ }
+ }
+ my %returnhash;
+ if ($rep eq '' || $rep =~ /^error: 2 /) {
+ return %returnhash;
+ }
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ if ( $#pairs==0 && $pairs[0] =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+ return @pairs;
+ }
+ my $i=0;
+ foreach my $item (@$storearr) {
+ $returnhash{$item}=&thaw_unescape($pairs[$i]);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+ } else {
+ &logthis("get_dom failed - no homeserver and/or domain ($udom) ($uhome)");
+ }
+# -------------------------------------------- put items in domain db files
+sub put_dom {
+ my ($namespace,$storehash,$udom,$uhome,$encrypt)=@_;
+ if (!$udom) {
+ $udom=$env{'user.domain'};
+ if (defined(&domain($udom,'primary'))) {
+ $uhome=&domain($udom,'primary');
+ } else {
+ undef($uhome);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$uhome) {
+ if (defined(&domain($udom,'primary'))) {
+ $uhome=&domain($udom,'primary');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($udom && $uhome && ($uhome ne 'no_host')) {
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$item}).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ if ($encrypt) {
+ return &reply("encrypt:putdom:$udom:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ } else {
+ return &reply("putdom:$udom:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ }
+ } else {
+ &logthis("put_dom failed - no homeserver and/or domain");
+ }
+# --------------------- newput for items in db file owned by domainconfig user
+sub newput_dom {
+ my ($namespace,$storehash,$udom) = @_;
+ my $result;
+ if (!$udom) {
+ $udom=$env{'user.domain'};
+ }
+ if ($udom) {
+ my $uname = &get_domainconfiguser($udom);
+ $result = &newput($namespace,$storehash,$udom,$uname);
+ }
+ return $result;
+# --------------------- delete for items in db file owned by domainconfig user
+sub del_dom {
+ my ($namespace,$storearr,$udom)=@_;
+ if (ref($storearr) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (!$udom) {
+ $udom=$env{'user.domain'};
+ }
+ if ($udom) {
+ my $uname = &get_domainconfiguser($udom);
+ return &del($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uname);
+ }
+ }
+sub store_dom {
+ my ($storehash,$id,$namespace,$dom,$home,$encrypt) = @_;
+ $$storehash{'ip'}=&get_requestor_ip();
+ $$storehash{'host'}=$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $namevalue='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$storehash})) {
+ $namevalue.=&escape($key).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $namevalue=~s/\&$//;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $home } current_machine_ids()) {
+ return LONCAPA::Lond::store_dom("storedom:$dom:$namespace:$id:$namevalue");
+ } else {
+ if ($namespace eq 'private') {
+ return 'refused';
+ } elsif ($encrypt) {
+ return reply("encrypt:storedom:$dom:$namespace:$id:$namevalue",$home);
+ } else {
+ return reply("storedom:$dom:$namespace:$id:$namevalue",$home);
+ }
+ }
+sub restore_dom {
+ my ($id,$namespace,$dom,$home,$encrypt) = @_;
+ my $answer;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $home } current_machine_ids()) {
+ $answer = LONCAPA::Lond::restore_dom("restoredom:$dom:$namespace:$id");
+ } elsif ($namespace ne 'private') {
+ if ($encrypt) {
+ $answer=&reply("encrypt:restoredom:$dom:$namespace:$id",$home);
+ } else {
+ $answer=&reply("restoredom:$dom:$namespace:$id",$home);
+ }
+ }
+ my %returnhash=();
+ unless (($answer eq '') || ($answer eq 'con_lost') || ($answer eq 'refused') ||
+ ($answer eq 'unknown_cmd') || ($answer eq 'rejected')) {
+ foreach my $line (split(/\&/,$answer)) {
+ my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$line);
+ $returnhash{&unescape($name)}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ my $version;
+ for ($version=1;$version<=$returnhash{'version'};$version++) {
+ foreach my $item (split(/\:/,$returnhash{$version.':keys'})) {
+ $returnhash{$item}=$returnhash{$version.':'.$item};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ----------------------------------construct domainconfig user for a domain
+sub get_domainconfiguser {
+ my ($udom) = @_;
+ return $udom.'-domainconfig';
+sub retrieve_inst_usertypes {
+ my ($udom) = @_;
+ my (%returnhash,@order);
+ my %domdefs = &get_domain_defaults($udom);
+ if ((ref($domdefs{'inststatustypes'}) eq 'HASH') &&
+ (ref($domdefs{'inststatusorder'}) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ return ($domdefs{'inststatustypes'},$domdefs{'inststatusorder'});
+ } else {
+ if (defined(&domain($udom,'primary'))) {
+ my $uhome=&domain($udom,'primary');
+ my $rep=&reply("inst_usertypes:$udom",$uhome);
+ if ($rep =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused)/) {
+ &logthis("retrieve_inst_usertypes failed - $rep returned from $uhome in domain: $udom");
+ return (\%returnhash,\@order);
+ }
+ my ($hashitems,$orderitems) = split(/:/,$rep);
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$hashitems);
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+ $key = &unescape($key);
+ next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+ $returnhash{$key}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ my @esc_order = split(/\&/,$orderitems);
+ foreach my $item (@esc_order) {
+ push(@order,&unescape($item));
+ }
+ } else {
+ &logthis("retrieve_inst_usertypes failed - no primary domain server for $udom");
+ }
+ return (\%returnhash,\@order);
+ }
+sub is_domainimage {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ if ($url=~m-^/+res/+($match_domain)/+\1\-domainconfig/+(img|logo|domlogo|login)/+[^/]-) {
+ if (&domain($1) ne '') {
+ return '1';
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub inst_directory_query {
+ my ($srch) = @_;
+ my $udom = $srch->{'srchdomain'};
+ my %results;
+ my $homeserver = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ my $outcome;
+ if ($homeserver ne '') {
+ unless ($homeserver eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
+ if ($srch->{'srchby'} eq 'email') {
+ my $lcrev = &get_server_loncaparev($udom,$homeserver);
+ my ($major,$minor) = ($lcrev =~ /^\'?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.[\w.\-]+\'?$/);
+ if (($major eq '' && $minor eq '') || ($major < 2) ||
+ (($major == 2) && ($minor < 12))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $queryid=&reply("querysend:instdirsearch:".
+ &escape($srch->{'srchby'}).':'.
+ &escape($srch->{'srchterm'}).':'.
+ &escape($srch->{'srchtype'}),$homeserver);
+ my $host=&hostname($homeserver);
+ if ($queryid !~/^\Q$host\E\_/) {
+ &logthis('institutional directory search invalid queryid: '.$queryid.' for host: '.$homeserver.' in domain '.$udom);
+ return;
+ }
+ my $response = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ my $maxtries = 5;
+ my $tries = 1;
+ while (($response=~/^timeout/) && ($tries < $maxtries)) {
+ $response = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ $tries ++;
+ }
+ if (!&error($response) && $response ne 'refused') {
+ if ($response eq 'unavailable') {
+ $outcome = $response;
+ } else {
+ $outcome = 'ok';
+ my @matches = split(/\n/,$response);
+ foreach my $match (@matches) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$match);
+ $results{&unescape($key).':'.$udom} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($outcome,%results);
+sub usersearch {
+ my ($srch) = @_;
+ my $dom = $srch->{'srchdomain'};
+ my %results;
+ my %libserv = &all_library();
+ my $query = 'usersearch';
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%libserv)) {
+ if (&host_domain($tryserver) eq $dom) {
+ unless ($tryserver eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
+ if ($srch->{'srchby'} eq 'email') {
+ my $lcrev = &get_server_loncaparev($dom,$tryserver);
+ my ($major,$minor) = ($lcrev =~ /^\'?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.[\w.\-]+\'?$/);
+ next if (($major eq '' && $minor eq '') || ($major < 2) ||
+ (($major == 2) && ($minor < 12)));
+ }
+ }
+ my $host=&hostname($tryserver);
+ my $queryid=
+ &reply("querysend:".&escape($query).':'.
+ &escape($srch->{'srchby'}).':'.
+ &escape($srch->{'srchtype'}).':'.
+ &escape($srch->{'srchterm'}),$tryserver);
+ if ($queryid !~/^\Q$host\E\_/) {
+ &logthis('usersearch: invalid queryid: '.$queryid.' for host: '.$host.'in domain '.$dom.' and server: '.$tryserver);
+ next;
+ }
+ my $reply = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ my $maxtries = 1;
+ my $tries = 1;
+ while (($reply=~/^timeout/) && ($tries < $maxtries)) {
+ $reply = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ $tries ++;
+ }
+ if ( ($reply =~/^timeout/) || ($reply =~/^error/) ) {
+ &logthis('usersrch error: '.$reply.' for '.$dom.' - searching for : '.$srch->{'srchterm'}.' by '.$srch->{'srchby'}.' ('.$srch->{'srchtype'}.') - maxtries: '.$maxtries.' tries: '.$tries);
+ } else {
+ my @matches;
+ if ($reply =~ /\n/) {
+ @matches = split(/\n/,$reply);
+ } else {
+ @matches = split(/\&/,$reply);
+ }
+ foreach my $match (@matches) {
+ my ($uname,$udom,%userhash);
+ foreach my $entry (split(/:/,$match)) {
+ my ($key,$value) =
+ map {&unescape($_);} split(/=/,$entry);
+ $userhash{$key} = $value;
+ if ($key eq 'username') {
+ $uname = $value;
+ } elsif ($key eq 'domain') {
+ $udom = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ $results{$uname.':'.$udom} = \%userhash;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %results;
+sub get_instuser {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$id) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ my ($outcome,%results);
+ if ($homeserver ne '') {
+ my $queryid=&reply("querysend:getinstuser:".&escape($uname).':'.
+ &escape($id).':'.&escape($udom),$homeserver);
+ my $host=&hostname($homeserver);
+ if ($queryid !~/^\Q$host\E\_/) {
+ &logthis('get_instuser invalid queryid: '.$queryid.' for host: '.$homeserver.'in domain '.$udom);
+ return;
+ }
+ my $response = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ my $maxtries = 5;
+ my $tries = 1;
+ while (($response=~/^timeout/) && ($tries < $maxtries)) {
+ $response = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ $tries ++;
+ }
+ if (!&error($response) && $response ne 'refused') {
+ if ($response eq 'unavailable') {
+ $outcome = $response;
+ } else {
+ $outcome = 'ok';
+ my @matches = split(/\n/,$response);
+ foreach my $match (@matches) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$match);
+ $results{&unescape($key)} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %userinfo;
+ if (ref($results{$uname}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %userinfo = %{$results{$uname}};
+ }
+ return ($outcome,%userinfo);
+sub get_multiple_instusers {
+ my ($udom,$users,$caller) = @_;
+ my ($outcome,$results);
+ if (ref($users) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $count = keys(%{$users});
+ my $requested = &freeze_escape($users);
+ my $homeserver = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ if ($homeserver ne '') {
+ my $queryid=&reply('querysend:getmultinstusers:::'.$caller.'='.$requested,$homeserver);
+ my $host=&hostname($homeserver);
+ if ($queryid !~/^\Q$host\E\_/) {
+ &logthis('get_multiple_instusers invalid queryid: '.$queryid.
+ ' for host: '.$homeserver.'in domain '.$udom);
+ return ($outcome,$results);
+ }
+ my $response = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ my $maxtries = 5;
+ if ($count > 100) {
+ $maxtries = 1+int($count/20);
+ }
+ my $tries = 1;
+ while (($response=~/^timeout/) && ($tries <= $maxtries)) {
+ $response = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ $tries ++;
+ }
+ if ($response eq '') {
+ $results = {};
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$users})) {
+ my ($uname,$id);
+ if ($caller eq 'id') {
+ $id = $key;
+ } else {
+ $uname = $key;
+ }
+ my ($resp,%info) = &get_instuser($udom,$uname,$id);
+ $outcome = $resp;
+ if ($resp eq 'ok') {
+ %{$results} = (%{$results}, %info);
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif(!&error($response) && ($response ne 'refused')) {
+ if (($response eq 'unavailable') || ($response eq 'invalid') || ($response eq 'timeout')) {
+ $outcome = $response;
+ } else {
+ ($outcome,my $userdata) = split(/=/,$response,2);
+ if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+ $results = &thaw_unescape($userdata);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($outcome,$results);
+sub inst_rulecheck {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$id,$item,$rules) = @_;
+ my %returnhash;
+ if ($udom ne '') {
+ if (ref($rules) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @{$rules} = map {&escape($_);} (@{$rules});
+ my $rulestr = join(':',@{$rules});
+ my $homeserver=&domain($udom,'primary');
+ if (($homeserver ne '') && ($homeserver ne 'no_host')) {
+ my $response;
+ if ($item eq 'username') {
+ $response=&unescape(&reply('instrulecheck:'.&escape($udom).
+ ':'.&escape($uname).':'.$rulestr,
+ $homeserver));
+ } elsif ($item eq 'id') {
+ $response=&unescape(&reply('instidrulecheck:'.&escape($udom).
+ ':'.&escape($id).':'.$rulestr,
+ $homeserver));
+ } elsif ($item eq 'selfcreate') {
+ $response=&unescape(&reply('instselfcreatecheck:'.
+ &escape($udom).':'.&escape($uname).
+ ':'.$rulestr,$homeserver));
+ } elsif ($item eq 'unamemap') {
+ $response=&unescape(&reply('instunamemapcheck:'.
+ &escape($udom).':'.&escape($uname).
+ ':'.$rulestr,$homeserver));
+ }
+ if ($response ne 'refused') {
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$response);
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+ $key = &unescape($key);
+ next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+ $returnhash{$key}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+sub inst_userrules {
+ my ($udom,$check) = @_;
+ my (%ruleshash,@ruleorder);
+ if ($udom ne '') {
+ my $homeserver=&domain($udom,'primary');
+ if (($homeserver ne '') && ($homeserver ne 'no_host')) {
+ my $response;
+ if ($check eq 'id') {
+ $response=&reply('instidrules:'.&escape($udom),
+ $homeserver);
+ } elsif ($check eq 'email') {
+ $response=&reply('instemailrules:'.&escape($udom),
+ $homeserver);
+ } elsif ($check eq 'unamemap') {
+ $response=&reply('unamemaprules:'.&escape($udom),
+ $homeserver);
+ } else {
+ $response=&reply('instuserrules:'.&escape($udom),
+ $homeserver);
+ }
+ if (($response ne 'refused') && ($response ne 'error') &&
+ ($response ne 'unknown_cmd') &&
+ ($response ne 'no_such_host')) {
+ my ($hashitems,$orderitems) = split(/:/,$response);
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$hashitems);
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+ $key = &unescape($key);
+ next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+ $ruleshash{$key}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ my @esc_order = split(/\&/,$orderitems);
+ foreach my $item (@esc_order) {
+ push(@ruleorder,&unescape($item));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (\%ruleshash,\@ruleorder);
+# ------------- Get Authentication, Language and User Tools Defaults for Domain
+sub get_domain_defaults {
+ my ($domain,$ignore_cache) = @_;
+ return if (($domain eq '') || ($domain eq 'public'));
+ my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
+ unless ($ignore_cache) {
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('domdefaults',$domain);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ return %{$result};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %domdefaults;
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['defaults','quotas',
+ 'requestcourses','inststatus',
+ 'coursedefaults','usersessions',
+ 'requestauthor','authordefaults',
+ 'selfenrollment','coursecategories',
+ 'ssl','autoenroll','trust',
+ 'helpsettings','wafproxy',
+ 'ltisec','toolsec','privacy'],$domain);
+ my @coursetypes = ('official','unofficial','community','textbook','placement');
+ if (ref($domconfig{'defaults'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'lang_def'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'lang_def'};
+ $domdefaults{'auth_def'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'auth_def'};
+ $domdefaults{'auth_arg_def'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'auth_arg_def'};
+ $domdefaults{'timezone_def'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'timezone_def'};
+ $domdefaults{'datelocale_def'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'datelocale_def'};
+ $domdefaults{'portal_def'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'portal_def'};
+ $domdefaults{'portal_def_email'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'portal_def_email'};
+ $domdefaults{'portal_def_web'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'portal_def_web'};
+ $domdefaults{'intauth_cost'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'intauth_cost'};
+ $domdefaults{'intauth_switch'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'intauth_switch'};
+ $domdefaults{'intauth_check'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'intauth_check'};
+ $domdefaults{'unamemap_rule'} = $domconfig{'defaults'}{'unamemap_rule'};
+ } else {
+ $domdefaults{'lang_def'} = &domain($domain,'lang_def');
+ $domdefaults{'auth_def'} = &domain($domain,'auth_def');
+ $domdefaults{'auth_arg_def'} = &domain($domain,'auth_arg_def');
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'quotas'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'quotas'}{'defaultquota'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'defaultquota'} = $domconfig{'quotas'}{'defaultquota'};
+ } else {
+ $domdefaults{'defaultquota'} = $domconfig{'quotas'};
+ }
+ my @usertools = ('aboutme','blog','webdav','portfolio','portaccess');
+ foreach my $item (@usertools) {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'quotas'}{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{$item} = $domconfig{'quotas'}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'quotas'}{'authorquota'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'authorquota'} = $domconfig{'quotas'}{'authorquota'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item ('official','unofficial','community','textbook','placement') {
+ $domdefaults{$item} = $domconfig{'requestcourses'}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'requestauthor'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'requestauthor'} = $domconfig{'requestauthor'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'authordefaults'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item ('nocodemirror','copyright','sourceavail','domcoordacc','editors','archive') {
+ if ($item eq 'editors') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'authordefaults'}{'editors'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $domdefaults{$item} = join(',',@{$domconfig{'authordefaults'}{'editors'}});
+ }
+ } else {
+ $domdefaults{$item} = $domconfig{'authordefaults'}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'inststatus'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item ('inststatustypes','inststatusorder','inststatusguest') {
+ $domdefaults{$item} = $domconfig{'inststatus'}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'canuse_pdfforms'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'canuse_pdfforms'};
+ $domdefaults{'usejsme'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'usejsme'};
+ $domdefaults{'inline_chem'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'inline_chem'};
+ $domdefaults{'uselcmath'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'uselcmath'};
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'postsubmit'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'client'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'crseditors'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $domdefaults{'crseditors'}=join(',',@{$domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'crseditors'}});
+ }
+ foreach my $type (@coursetypes) {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ unless ($type eq 'community') {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'credits'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{$type};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'uploadquota'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'quota'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'uploadquota'}{$type};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursequota'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'coursequota'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursequota'}{$type};
+ }
+ if ($domdefaults{'postsubmit'} eq 'on') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'postsubtimeout'} =
+ $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}{$type};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'domexttool'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'domexttool'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'domexttool'}{$type};
+ } else {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'domexttool'} = 1;
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'exttool'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'exttool'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'exttool'}{$type};
+ } else {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'exttool'} = 0;
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'crsauthor'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'crsauthor'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'crsauthor'}{$type};
+ } else {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'crsauthor'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}{'instcode'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @clonecodes = @{$domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}{'instcode'}};
+ if (@clonecodes) {
+ $domdefaults{'canclone'} = join('+',@clonecodes);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}) {
+ $domdefaults{'canclone'}=$domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'};
+ }
+ if ($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'texengine'}) {
+ $domdefaults{'texengine'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'texengine'};
+ }
+ if (exists($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'ltiauth'})) {
+ $domdefaults{'crsltiauth'} = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'ltiauth'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'remote'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'remotesessions'} = $domconfig{'usersessions'}{'remote'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'hosted'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'hostedsessions'} = $domconfig{'usersessions'}{'hosted'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'offloadnow'} = $domconfig{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'offloadoth'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'offloadoth'} = $domconfig{'usersessions'}{'offloadoth'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'selfenrollment'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'selfenrollment'}{'admin'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my @settings = ('types','registered','enroll_dates','access_dates','section',
+ 'approval','limit');
+ foreach my $type (@coursetypes) {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'selfenrollment'}{'admin'}{$type}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my @mgrdc = ();
+ foreach my $item (@settings) {
+ if ($domconfig{'selfenrollment'}{'admin'}{$type}{$item} eq '0') {
+ push(@mgrdc,$item);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@mgrdc) {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'selfenrolladmdc'} = join(',',@mgrdc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'selfenrollment'}{'default'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $type (@coursetypes) {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'selfenrollment'}{'default'}{$type}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%{$domconfig{'selfenrollment'}{'default'}{$type}})) {
+ $domdefaults{$type.'selfenroll'.$item} = $domconfig{'selfenrollment'}{'default'}{$type}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursecategories'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'catauth'} = 'std';
+ $domdefaults{'catunauth'} = 'std';
+ if ($domconfig{'coursecategories'}{'auth'}) {
+ $domdefaults{'catauth'} = $domconfig{'coursecategories'}{'auth'};
+ }
+ if ($domconfig{'coursecategories'}{'unauth'}) {
+ $domdefaults{'catunauth'} = $domconfig{'coursecategories'}{'unauth'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ssl'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ssl'}{'replication'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'replication'} = $domconfig{'ssl'}{'replication'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ssl'}{'connto'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'connect'} = $domconfig{'ssl'}{'connto'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ssl'}{'connfrom'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'connect'} = $domconfig{'ssl'}{'connfrom'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'trust'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my @prefixes = qw(content shared enroll othcoau coaurem domroles catalog reqcrs msg);
+ foreach my $prefix (@prefixes) {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'trust'}{$prefix}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'trust'.$prefix} = $domconfig{'trust'}{$prefix};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'autoenroll'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'autofailsafe'} = $domconfig{'autoenroll'}{'autofailsafe'};
+ $domdefaults{'failsafe'} = $domconfig{'autoenroll'}{'failsafe'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'helpsettings'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'submitbugs'} = $domconfig{'helpsettings'}{'submitbugs'};
+ if (ref($domconfig{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'adhocroles'} = $domconfig{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'wafproxy'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item ('ipheader','trusted','vpnint','vpnext','sslopt') {
+ if ($domconfig{'wafproxy'}{$item}) {
+ $domdefaults{'waf_'.$item} = $domconfig{'wafproxy'}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ltisec'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ltisec'}{'encrypt'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'linkprotenc_crs'} = $domconfig{'ltisec'}{'encrypt'}{'crs'};
+ $domdefaults{'linkprotenc_dom'} = $domconfig{'ltisec'}{'encrypt'}{'dom'};
+ $domdefaults{'ltienc_consumers'} = $domconfig{'ltisec'}{'encrypt'}{'consumers'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ltisec'}{'private'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ltisec'}{'private'}{'keys'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $domdefaults{'ltiprivhosts'} = $domconfig{'ltisec'}{'private'}{'keys'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'ltisec'}{'suggested'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my %suggestions = %{$domconfig{'ltisec'}{'suggested'}};
+ foreach my $item (keys(%{$domconfig{'ltisec'}{'suggested'}})) {
+ unless (ref($domconfig{'ltisec'}{'suggested'}{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
+ delete($suggestions{$item});
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys(%suggestions)) {
+ $domdefaults{'linkprotsuggested'} = \%suggestions;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'toolsec'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'toolsec'}{'encrypt'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'toolenc_crs'} = $domconfig{'toolsec'}{'encrypt'}{'crs'};
+ $domdefaults{'toolenc_dom'} = $domconfig{'toolsec'}{'encrypt'}{'dom'};
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'toolsec'}{'private'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'toolsec'}{'private'}{'keys'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $domdefaults{'toolprivhosts'} = $domconfig{'toolsec'}{'private'}{'keys'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'privacy'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'privacy'}{'approval'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $domtype ('instdom','extdom') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'privacy'}{'approval'}{$domtype}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $roletype ('domain','author','course','community') {
+ if ($domconfig{'privacy'}{'approval'}{$domtype}{$roletype} eq 'user') {
+ $domdefaults{'userapprovals'} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ last if ($domdefaults{'userapprovals'});
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($domconfig{'privacy'}{'othdom'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domdefaults{'privacyothdom'} = $domconfig{'privacy'}{'othdom'};
+ }
+ }
+ &do_cache_new('domdefaults',$domain,\%domdefaults,$cachetime);
+ return %domdefaults;
+sub get_dom_cats {
+ my ($dom) = @_;
+ return unless (&domain($dom));
+ my ($cats,$cached)=&is_cached_new('cats',$dom);
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my %domconfig = &get_dom('configuration',['coursecategories'],$dom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursecategories'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'coursecategories'}{'cats'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %{$cats} = %{$domconfig{'coursecategories'}{'cats'}};
+ } else {
+ $cats = {};
+ }
+ } else {
+ $cats = {};
+ }
+ &do_cache_new('cats',$dom,$cats,3600);
+ }
+ return $cats;
+sub get_dom_instcats {
+ my ($dom) = @_;
+ return unless (&domain($dom));
+ my ($instcats,$cached)=&is_cached_new('instcats',$dom);
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my (%coursecodes,%codes,@codetitles,%cat_titles,%cat_order);
+ my $totcodes = &retrieve_instcodes(\%coursecodes,$dom);
+ if ($totcodes > 0) {
+ my $caller = 'global';
+ if (&auto_instcode_format($caller,$dom,\%coursecodes,\%codes,
+ \@codetitles,\%cat_titles,\%cat_order) eq 'ok') {
+ $instcats = {
+ totcodes => $totcodes,
+ codes => \%codes,
+ codetitles => \@codetitles,
+ cat_titles => \%cat_titles,
+ cat_order => \%cat_order,
+ };
+ &do_cache_new('instcats',$dom,$instcats,3600);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $instcats;
+sub retrieve_instcodes {
+ my ($coursecodes,$dom) = @_;
+ my $totcodes;
+ my %courses = &courseiddump($dom,'.',1,'.','.','.',undef,undef,'Course');
+ foreach my $course (keys(%courses)) {
+ if (ref($courses{$course}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($courses{$course}{'inst_code'} ne '') {
+ $$coursecodes{$course} = $courses{$course}{'inst_code'};
+ $totcodes ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $totcodes;
+sub course_portal_url {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$r) = @_;
+ my $chome = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my $hostname = &hostname($chome);
+ my $protocol = $protocol{$chome};
+ $protocol = 'http' if ($protocol ne 'https');
+ my %domdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($cdom);
+ my $firsturl;
+ if ($domdefaults{'portal_def'}) {
+ $firsturl = $domdefaults{'portal_def'};
+ } else {
+ my $alias = &use_proxy_alias($r,$chome);
+ $hostname = $alias if ($alias ne '');
+ $firsturl = $protocol.'://'.$hostname;
+ }
+ return $firsturl;
+sub url_prefix {
+ my ($r,$dom,$home,$context) = @_;
+ my $prefix;
+ my %domdefs = &get_domain_defaults($dom);
+ if ($domdefs{'portal_def'} && $domdefs{'portal_def_'.$context}) {
+ if ($domdefs{'portal_def'} =~ m{^(https?://[^/]+)}) {
+ $prefix = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($prefix eq '') {
+ my $hostname = &hostname($home);
+ my $protocol = $protocol{$home};
+ $protocol = 'http' if ($protocol{$home} ne 'https');
+ my $alias = &use_proxy_alias($r,$home);
+ $hostname = $alias if ($alias ne '');
+ $prefix = $protocol.'://'.$hostname;
+ }
+ return $prefix;
+# --------------------------------------------- Get domain config for passwords
+sub get_passwdconf {
+ my ($dom) = @_;
+ my (%passwdconf,$gotconf,$lookup);
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('passwdconf',$dom);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ %passwdconf = %{$result};
+ $gotconf = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($gotconf) {
+ my %domconfig = &get_dom('configuration',['passwords'],$dom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'passwords'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %passwdconf = %{$domconfig{'passwords'}};
+ }
+ my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
+ &do_cache_new('passwdconf',$dom,\%passwdconf,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return %passwdconf;
+# --------------------------------------------------- Assign a key to a student
+sub assign_access_key {
+# a valid key looks like uname:udom#comments
+# comments are being appended
+ my ($ckey,$kdom,$knum,$cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname,$logentry)=@_;
+ $kdom=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($kdom));
+ $knum=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($knum));
+ $cdom=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($cdom));
+ $cnum=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($cnum));
+ $udom=$env{'user.name'} unless (defined($udom));
+ $uname=$env{'user.domain'} unless (defined($uname));
+ my %existing=&get('accesskeys',[$ckey],$kdom,$knum);
+ if (($existing{$ckey}=~/^\#(.*)$/) || # - new key
+ ($existing{$ckey}=~/^\Q$uname\E\:\Q$udom\E\#(.*)$/)) {
+ # assigned to this person
+ # - this should not happen,
+ # unless something went wrong
+ # the first time around
+# ready to assign
+ $logentry=$1.'; '.$logentry;
+ if (&put('accesskeys',{$ckey=>$uname.':'.$udom.'#'.$logentry},
+ $kdom,$knum) eq 'ok') {
+# key now belongs to user
+ my $envkey='key.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ if (&put('environment',{$envkey => $ckey}) eq 'ok') {
+ &appenv({'environment.'.$envkey => $ckey});
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ return
+ 'error: Count not permanently assign key, will need to be re-entered later.';
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 'error: Could not assign key, try again later.';
+ }
+ } elsif (!$existing{$ckey}) {
+# the key does not exist
+ return 'error: The key does not exist';
+ } else {
+# the key is somebody else's
+ return 'error: The key is already in use';
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------ put an additional comment on a key
+sub comment_access_key {
+# a valid key looks like uname:udom#comments
+# comments are being appended
+ my ($ckey,$cdom,$cnum,$logentry)=@_;
+ $cdom=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($cdom));
+ $cnum=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($cnum));
+ my %existing=&get('accesskeys',[$ckey],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($existing{$ckey}) {
+ $existing{$ckey}.='; '.$logentry;
+# ready to assign
+ if (&put('accesskeys',{$ckey=>$existing{$ckey}},
+ $cdom,$cnum) eq 'ok') {
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ return 'error: Count not store comment.';
+ }
+ } else {
+# the key does not exist
+ return 'error: The key does not exist';
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------ Generate a set of keys
+sub generate_access_keys {
+ my ($number,$cdom,$cnum,$logentry)=@_;
+ $cdom=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($cdom));
+ $cnum=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($cnum));
+ unless (&allowed('mky',$cdom)) { return 0; }
+ unless (($cdom) && ($cnum)) { return 0; }
+ if ($number>10000) { return 0; }
+ sleep(2); # make sure don't get same seed twice
+ srand(time()^($$+($$<<15))); # from "Programming Perl"
+ my $total=0;
+ for (my $i=1;$i<=$number;$i++) {
+ my $newkey=sprintf("%lx",int(100000*rand)).'-'.
+ sprintf("%lx",int(100000*rand)).'-'.
+ sprintf("%lx",int(100000*rand));
+ $newkey=~s/1/g/g; # folks mix up 1 and l
+ $newkey=~s/0/h/g; # and also 0 and O
+ my %existing=&get('accesskeys',[$newkey],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($existing{$newkey}) {
+ $i--;
+ } else {
+ if (&put('accesskeys',
+ { $newkey => '# generated '.localtime().
+ ' by '.$env{'user.name'}.'@'.$env{'user.domain'}.
+ '; '.$logentry },
+ $cdom,$cnum) eq 'ok') {
+ $total++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &log($env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'},$env{'user.home'},
+ 'Generated '.$total.' keys for '.$cnum.' at '.$cdom);
+ return $total;
+# ------------------------------------------------------- Validate an accesskey
+sub validate_access_key {
+ my ($ckey,$cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname)=@_;
+ $cdom=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($cdom));
+ $cnum=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($cnum));
+ $udom=$env{'user.domain'} unless (defined($udom));
+ $uname=$env{'user.name'} unless (defined($uname));
+ my %existing=&get('accesskeys',[$ckey],$cdom,$cnum);
+ return ($existing{$ckey}=~/^\Q$uname\E\:\Q$udom\E\#/);
+# ------------------------------------- Find the section of student in a course
+sub devalidate_getsection_cache {
+ my ($udom,$unam,$courseid)=@_;
+ my $hashid="$udom:$unam:$courseid";
+ &devalidate_cache_new('getsection',$hashid);
+sub courseid_to_courseurl {
+ my ($courseid) = @_;
+ #already url style courseid
+ return $courseid if ($courseid =~ m{^/});
+ if (exists($env{'course.'.$courseid.'.num'})) {
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$courseid.'.num'};
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$courseid.'.domain'};
+ return "/$cdom/$cnum";
+ }
+ my %courseinfo=&coursedescription($courseid);
+ if (exists($courseinfo{'num'})) {
+ return "/$courseinfo{'domain'}/$courseinfo{'num'}";
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub getsection {
+ my ($udom,$unam,$courseid)=@_;
+ my $cachetime=1800;
+ my $hashid="$udom:$unam:$courseid";
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('getsection',$hashid);
+ if (defined($cached)) { return $result; }
+ my %Pending;
+ my %Expired;
+ #
+ # Each role can either have not started yet (pending), be active,
+ # or have expired.
+ #
+ # If there is an active role, we are done.
+ #
+ # If there is more than one role which has not started yet,
+ # choose the one which will start sooner
+ # If there is one role which has not started yet, return it.
+ #
+ # If there is more than one expired role, choose the one which ended last.
+ # If there is a role which has expired, return it.
+ #
+ $courseid = &courseid_to_courseurl($courseid);
+ my %roleshash = &dump('roles',$udom,$unam,$courseid);
+ foreach my $key (keys(%roleshash)) {
+ next if ($key !~/^\Q$courseid\E(?:\/)*(\w+)*\_st$/);
+ my $section=$1;
+ if ($key eq $courseid.'_st') { $section=''; }
+ my ($dummy,$end,$start)=split(/\_/,&unescape($roleshash{$key}));
+ my $now=time;
+ if (defined($end) && $end && ($now > $end)) {
+ $Expired{$end}=$section;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (defined($start) && $start && ($now < $start)) {
+ $Pending{$start}=$section;
+ next;
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('getsection',$hashid,$section,$cachetime);
+ }
+ #
+ # Presumedly there will be few matching roles from the above
+ # loop and the sorting time will be negligible.
+ if (scalar(keys(%Pending))) {
+ my ($time) = sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%Pending);
+ return &do_cache_new('getsection',$hashid,$Pending{$time},$cachetime);
+ }
+ if (scalar(keys(%Expired))) {
+ my @sorted = sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%Expired);
+ my $time = pop(@sorted);
+ return &do_cache_new('getsection',$hashid,$Expired{$time},$cachetime);
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('getsection',$hashid,'-1',$cachetime);
+sub save_cache {
+ &purge_remembered();
+ #&Apache::loncommon::validate_page();
+ undef(%env);
+ undef($env_loaded);
+my $to_remember=-1;
+my %remembered;
+my %accessed;
+my $kicks=0;
+my $hits=0;
+sub make_key {
+ my ($name,$id) = @_;
+ if (length($id) > 65
+ && length(&escape($id)) > 200) {
+ $id=length($id).':'.&Digest::MD5::md5_hex($id);
+ }
+ return &escape($name.':'.$id);
+sub devalidate_cache_new {
+ my ($name,$id,$debug) = @_;
+ if ($debug) { &Apache::lonnet::logthis("deleting $name:$id"); }
+ my $remembered_id=$name.':'.$id;
+ $id=&make_key($name,$id);
+ $memcache->delete($id);
+ delete($remembered{$remembered_id});
+ delete($accessed{$remembered_id});
+sub is_cached_new {
+ my ($name,$id,$debug) = @_;
+ my $remembered_id=$name.':'.$id; # this is to avoid make_key (which is slow) whenever possible
+ if (exists($remembered{$remembered_id})) {
+ if ($debug) { &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Early return $remembered_id of $remembered{$remembered_id} "); }
+ $accessed{$remembered_id}=[&gettimeofday()];
+ $hits++;
+ return ($remembered{$remembered_id},1);
+ }
+ $id=&make_key($name,$id);
+ my $value = $memcache->get($id);
+ if (!(defined($value))) {
+ if ($debug) { &Apache::lonnet::logthis("getting $id is not defined"); }
+ return (undef,undef);
+ }
+ if ($value eq '__undef__') {
+ if ($debug) { &Apache::lonnet::logthis("getting $id is __undef__"); }
+ $value=undef;
+ }
+ &make_room($remembered_id,$value,$debug);
+ if ($debug) { &Apache::lonnet::logthis("getting $id is $value"); }
+ return ($value,1);
+sub do_cache_new {
+ my ($name,$id,$value,$time,$debug) = @_;
+ my $remembered_id=$name.':'.$id;
+ $id=&make_key($name,$id);
+ my $setvalue=$value;
+ if (!defined($setvalue)) {
+ $setvalue='__undef__';
+ }
+ if (!defined($time) ) {
+ $time=600;
+ }
+ if ($debug) { &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Setting $id to $value"); }
+ my $result = $memcache->set($id,$setvalue,$time);
+ if (! $result) {
+ &logthis("caching of id -> $id failed");
+ $memcache->disconnect_all();
+ }
+ # need to make a copy of $value
+ &make_room($remembered_id,$value,$debug);
+ return $value;
+sub make_room {
+ my ($remembered_id,$value,$debug)=@_;
+ $remembered{$remembered_id}= (ref($value)) ? &Storable::dclone($value)
+ : $value;
+ if ($to_remember<0) { return; }
+ $accessed{$remembered_id}=[&gettimeofday()];
+ if (scalar(keys(%remembered)) <= $to_remember) { return; }
+ my $to_kick;
+ my $max_time=0;
+ foreach my $other (keys(%accessed)) {
+ if (&tv_interval($accessed{$other}) > $max_time) {
+ $to_kick=$other;
+ $max_time=&tv_interval($accessed{$other});
+ }
+ }
+ delete($remembered{$to_kick});
+ delete($accessed{$to_kick});
+ $kicks++;
+ if ($debug) { &logthis("kicking $to_kick $max_time $kicks\n"); }
+ return;
+sub purge_remembered {
+ #&logthis("Tossing ".scalar(keys(%remembered)));
+ #&logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%remembered',length(&freeze(\%remembered))));
+ undef(%remembered);
+ undef(%accessed);
+# ------------------------------------- Read an entry from a user's environment
+sub userenvironment {
+ my ($udom,$unam,@what)=@_;
+ my $items;
+ foreach my $item (@what) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ my %returnhash=();
+ my $uhome = &homeserver($unam,$udom);
+ unless ($uhome eq 'no_host') {
+ my @answer=split(/\&/,
+ &reply('get:'.$udom.':'.$unam.':environment:'.$items,$uhome));
+ if ($#answer==0 && $answer[0] =~ /^(con_lost|error:|no_such_host)/i) {
+ return %returnhash;
+ }
+ my $i;
+ for ($i=0;$i<=$#what;$i++) {
+ $returnhash{$what[$i]}=&unescape($answer[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Get a studentphoto
+sub studentphoto {
+ my ($udom,$unam,$ext) = @_;
+ my $home=&homeserver($unam,$udom);
+ if (defined($env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.showphoto'}) {
+ if ($udom eq $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}) {
+ return(&retrievestudentphoto($udom,$unam,$ext));
+ } else {
+ my ($result,$perm_reqd)=
+ &auto_photo_permission($unam,$udom);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ if (!($perm_reqd eq 'yes')) {
+ return(&retrievestudentphoto($udom,$unam,$ext));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my ($result,$perm_reqd) =
+ &auto_photo_permission($unam,$udom);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ if (!($perm_reqd eq 'yes')) {
+ return(&retrievestudentphoto($udom,$unam,$ext));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '/adm/lonKaputt/lonlogo_broken.gif';
+sub retrievestudentphoto {
+ my ($udom,$unam,$ext,$type) = @_;
+ my $home=&homeserver($unam,$udom);
+ my $ret=&reply("studentphoto:$udom:$unam:$ext:$type",$home);
+ if ($ret eq 'ok') {
+ my $url="/uploaded/$udom/$unam/internal/studentphoto.$ext";
+ if ($type eq 'thumbnail') {
+ $url="/uploaded/$udom/$unam/internal/studentphoto_tn.$ext";
+ }
+ my $tokenurl=&tokenwrapper($url);
+ return $tokenurl;
+ } else {
+ if ($type eq 'thumbnail') {
+ return '/adm/lonKaputt/genericstudent_tn.gif';
+ } else {
+ return '/adm/lonKaputt/lonlogo_broken.gif';
+ }
+ }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------- New chat
+sub chatsend {
+ my ($newentry,$anon,$group)=@_;
+ my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $chome=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
+ &reply('chatsend:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum.':'.
+ &escape($env{'user.domain'}.':'.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$anon.':'.
+ &escape($newentry)).':'.$group,$chome);
+# ------------------------------------------ Find current version of a resource
+sub getversion {
+ my $fname=&clutter(shift);
+ unless ($fname=~m{^(/adm/wrapper|)/res/}) { return -1; }
+ return ¤tversion(&filelocation('',$fname));
+sub currentversion {
+ my $fname=shift;
+ my $author=$fname;
+ $author=~s/\/home\/httpd\/html\/res\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/]*).*/$1\/$2/;
+ my ($udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$author);
+ my $home=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if ($home eq 'no_host') {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ my $answer=&reply("currentversion:$fname",$home);
+ if (($answer eq 'con_lost') || ($answer eq 'rejected')) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return $answer;
+# Return special version number of resource if set by override, empty otherwise
+sub usedversion {
+ my $fname=shift;
+ unless ($fname) { $fname=$env{'request.uri'}; }
+ my ($urlversion)=($fname=~/\.(\d+)\.\w+$/);
+ if ($urlversion) { return $urlversion; }
+ return '';
# ----------------------------- Subscribe to a resource, return URL if possible
sub subscribe {
my $fname=shift;
- &logthis($fname);
+ if ($fname=~/\/(aboutme|syllabus|bulletinboard|smppg)$/) { return ''; }
+ $fname=~s/[\n\r]//g;
my $author=$fname;
my ($udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$author);
my $home=homeserver($uname,$udom);
- &logthis("$home $udom $uname");
- if (($home eq 'no_host') || ($home eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'})) {
- return 'not_found';
+ if ($home eq 'no_host') {
+ return 'not_found';
my $answer=reply("sub:$fname",$home);
+ if (($answer eq 'con_lost') || ($answer eq 'rejected')) {
+ $answer.=' by '.$home;
+ }
return $answer;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- Replicate file
-# ================================================================ Main Program
+sub repcopy {
+ my $filename=shift;
+ $filename=~s/\/+/\//g;
+ my $londocroot = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+ if ($filename=~m{^\Q$londocroot/adm/\E}) { return 'ok'; }
+ if ($filename=~m{^\Q/home/httpd/lonUsers/\E}) { return 'ok'; }
+ if ($filename=~m{^\Q$londocroot/userfiles/\E} or
+ $filename=~m{^/*(uploaded|editupload)/}) {
+ return &repcopy_userfile($filename);
+ }
+ $filename=~s/[\n\r]//g;
+ my $transname="$filename.in.transfer";
+# FIXME: this should flock
+ if ((-e $filename) || (-e $transname)) { return 'ok'; }
+ my $remoteurl=subscribe($filename);
+ if ($remoteurl =~ /^con_lost by/) {
+ &logthis("Subscribe returned $remoteurl: $filename");
+ return 'unavailable';
+ } elsif ($remoteurl eq 'not_found') {
+ #&logthis("Subscribe returned not_found: $filename");
+ return 'not_found';
+ } elsif ($remoteurl =~ /^rejected by/) {
+ &logthis("Subscribe returned $remoteurl: $filename");
+ return 'forbidden';
+ } elsif ($remoteurl eq 'directory') {
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ my $author=$filename;
+ $author=~s/\/home\/httpd\/html\/res\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/]*).*/$1\/$2/;
+ my ($udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$author);
+ my $home=homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ unless ($home eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
+ my @parts=split(/\//,$filename);
+ my $path="/$parts[1]/$parts[2]/$parts[3]/$parts[4]";
+ if ($path ne "$londocroot/res") {
+ &logthis("Malconfiguration for replication: $filename");
+ return 'bad_request';
+ }
+ my $count;
+ for ($count=5;$count<$#parts;$count++) {
+ $path.="/$parts[$count]";
+ if ((-e $path)!=1) {
+ mkdir($path,0777);
+ }
+ }
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',"$remoteurl");
+ my $response;
+ if ($remoteurl =~ m{/raw/}) {
+ $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($home,$request,$transname,\%perlvar,'',0,1);
+ } else {
+ $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($home,$request,$transname,\%perlvar,'',1);
+ }
+ if ($response->is_error()) {
+ unlink($transname);
+ my $message=$response->status_line;
+ &logthis("WARNING:"
+ ." LWP get: $message: $filename");
+ return 'unavailable';
+ } else {
+ if ($remoteurl!~/\.meta$/) {
+ my $mrequest=new HTTP::Request('GET',$remoteurl.'.meta');
+ my $mresponse;
+ if ($remoteurl =~ m{/raw/}) {
+ $mresponse = &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($home,$mrequest,$filename.'.meta',\%perlvar,'',0,1);
+ } else {
+ $mresponse = &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($home,$mrequest,$filename.'.meta',\%perlvar,'',1);
+ }
+ if ($mresponse->is_error()) {
+ unlink($filename.'.meta');
+ &logthis(
+ "INFO: No metadata: $filename");
+ }
+ }
+ rename($transname,$filename);
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from a resource
+sub unsubscribe {
+ my ($fname) = @_;
+ my $answer;
+ if ($fname=~/\/(aboutme|syllabus|bulletinboard|smppg)$/) { return $answer; }
+ $fname=~s/[\n\r]//g;
+ my $author=$fname;
+ $author=~s/\/home\/httpd\/html\/res\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/]*).*/$1\/$2/;
+ my ($udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$author);
+ my $home=homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if ($home eq 'no_host') {
+ $answer = 'no_host';
+ } elsif (grep { $_ eq $home } ¤t_machine_ids()) {
+ $answer = 'home';
+ } else {
+ my $defdom = $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'};
+ if (&will_trust('content',$defdom,$udom)) {
+ $answer = reply("unsub:$fname",$home);
+ } else {
+ $answer = 'untrusted';
+ }
+ }
+ return $answer;
+# ------------------------------------------------ Get server side include body
+sub ssi_body {
+ my ($filelink,%form)=@_;
+ if (! exists($form{'LONCAPA_INTERNAL_no_discussion'})) {
+ $form{'LONCAPA_INTERNAL_no_discussion'}='true';
+ }
+ my $output='';
+ my $response;
+ if ($filelink=~/^https?\:/) {
+ ($output,$response)=&externalssi($filelink);
+ } else {
+ $filelink .= $filelink=~/\?/ ? '&' : '?';
+ $filelink .= 'inhibitmenu=yes';
+ ($output,$response)=&ssi($filelink,%form);
+ }
+ $output=~s|//(\s*)?\s||gs;
+ $output=~s/^.*?\]*\>//si;
+ $output=~s/\<\/body\s*\>.*?$//si;
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($output, $response);
+ } else {
+ return $output;
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------- Server Side Include
+sub absolute_url {
+ my ($host_name,$unalias,$keep_proto) = @_;
+ my $protocol = ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443?'https://':'http://');
+ if ($host_name eq '') {
+ $host_name = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
+ }
+ if ($unalias) {
+ my $alias = &get_proxy_alias();
+ if ($alias eq $host_name) {
+ my $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $hostname = &hostname($lonhost);
+ my $lcproto;
+ if (($keep_proto) || ($hostname eq '')) {
+ $lcproto = $protocol;
+ } else {
+ $lcproto = $protocol{$lonhost};
+ $lcproto = 'http' if ($lcproto ne 'https');
+ $lcproto .= '://';
+ }
+ unless ($hostname eq '') {
+ return $lcproto.$hostname;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $protocol.$host_name;
+# Server side include.
+# Parameters:
+# fn Possibly encrypted resource name/id.
+# form Hash that describes how the rendering should be done
+# and other things.
+# Returns:
+# Scalar context: The content of the response.
+# Array context: 2 element list of the content and the full response object.
+sub ssi {
+ my ($fn,%form)=@_;
+ my ($host,$request,$response);
+ $host = &absolute_url('',1);
+ $form{'no_update_last_known'}=1;
+ &Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt(\$fn);
+ if (%form) {
+ $request=new HTTP::Request('POST',$host.$fn);
+ $request->content(join('&',map {
+ my $name = escape($_);
+ "$name=" . ( ref($form{$_}) eq 'ARRAY'
+ ? join("&$name=", map {escape($_) } @{$form{$_}})
+ : &escape($form{$_}) );
+ } keys(%form)));
+ } else {
+ $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',$host.$fn);
+ }
+ $request->header(Cookie => $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'});
+ my $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $islocal;
+ if (($env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+ ($form{'grade_courseid'} eq $env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+ ($form{'grade_username'} ne '') && ($form{'grade_domain'} ne '') &&
+ ($form{'grade_symb'} ne '') &&
+ (&allowed('mgr',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+ ($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:'')))) {
+ $islocal = 1;
+ }
+ $response= &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($lonhost,$request,'',\%perlvar,
+ '','','',$islocal);
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($response->content, $response);
+ } else {
+ return $response->content;
+ }
+sub externalssi {
+ my ($url)=@_;
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',$url);
+ my $response = &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest('',$request,'',\%perlvar);
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($response->content, $response);
+ } else {
+ return $response->content;
+ }
+# If the local copy of a replicated resource is outdated, trigger a
+# connection from the homeserver to flush the delayed queue. If no update
+# happens, remove local copies of outdated resource (and corresponding
+# metadata file).
+sub remove_stale_resfile {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ my $removed;
+ if ($url=~m{^/res/($match_domain)/($match_username)/}) {
+ my $audom = $1;
+ my $auname = $2;
+ unless (($url =~ /\.\d+\.\w+$/) || ($url =~ m{^/res/lib/templates/})) {
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($auname,$audom);
+ unless (($homeserver eq 'no_host') ||
+ (grep { $_ eq $homeserver } ¤t_machine_ids())) {
+ my $fname = &filelocation('',$url);
+ if (-e $fname) {
+ my $hostname = &hostname($homeserver);
+ if ($hostname) {
+ my $protocol = $protocol{$homeserver};
+ $protocol = 'http' if ($protocol ne 'https');
+ my $uri = &declutter($url);
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request('HEAD',$protocol.'://'.$hostname.'/raw/'.$uri);
+ my $response = &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($homeserver,$request,'',\%perlvar,5,0,1);
+ if ($response->is_success()) {
+ my $remmodtime = &HTTP::Date::str2time( $response->header('Last-modified') );
+ my $locmodtime = (stat($fname))[9];
+ if ($locmodtime < $remmodtime) {
+ my $stale;
+ my $answer = &reply('pong',$homeserver);
+ if ($answer eq $homeserver.':'.$perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
+ sleep(0.2);
+ $locmodtime = (stat($fname))[9];
+ if ($locmodtime < $remmodtime) {
+ my $posstransfer = $fname.'.in.transfer';
+ if ((-e $posstransfer) && ($remmodtime < (stat($posstransfer))[9])) {
+ $removed = 1;
+ } else {
+ $stale = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $removed = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $stale = 1;
+ }
+ if ($stale) {
+ if (unlink($fname)) {
+ if ($uri!~/\.meta$/) {
+ if (-e $fname.'.meta') {
+ unlink($fname.'.meta');
+ }
+ }
+ my $unsubresult = &unsubscribe($fname);
+ unless ($unsubresult eq 'ok') {
+ &logthis("no unsub of $fname from $homeserver, reason: $unsubresult");
+ }
+ $removed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $removed;
+# -------------------------------- Allow a /uploaded/ URI to be vouched for
+sub allowuploaded {
+ my ($srcurl,$url)=@_;
+ $url=&clutter(&declutter($url));
+ my $dir=$url;
+ $dir=~s/\/[^\/]+$//;
+ my %httpref=();
+ my $httpurl=&hreflocation('',$url);
+ $httpref{'httpref.'.$httpurl}=$srcurl;
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(\%httpref);
+# Determine if the current user should be able to edit a particular resource,
+# when viewing in course context.
+# (a) When viewing resource used to determine if "Edit" item is included in
+# Functions.
+# (b) When displaying folder contents in course editor, used to determine if
+# "Edit" link will be displayed alongside resource.
+# input: six args -- filename (decluttered), course number, course domain,
+# url, symb (if registered) and group (if this is a group
+# item -- e.g., bulletin board, group page etc.).
+# output: array of five scalars --
+# $cfile -- url for file editing if editable on current server
+# $home -- homeserver of resource (i.e., for author if published,
+# or course if uploaded.).
+# $switchserver -- 1 if server switch will be needed.
+# $forceedit -- 1 if icon/link should be to go to edit mode
+# $forceview -- 1 if icon/link should be to go to view mode
+sub can_edit_resource {
+ my ($file,$cnum,$cdom,$resurl,$symb,$group) = @_;
+ my ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview,$uploaded,$incourse);
+# For aboutme pages user can only edit his/her own.
+ if ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) {
+ my ($sdom,$sname) = ($1,$2);
+ if (($sdom eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($sname eq $env{'user.name'})) {
+ $home = $env{'user.home'};
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ return ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview);
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+# For /adm/viewcoauthors can only edit if author or co-author who is manager.
+ if (($resurl eq '/adm/viewcoauthors') && ($cnum ne '') && ($cdom ne '')) {
+ if (((&allowed('cca',"$cdom/$cnum")) ||
+ (&allowed('caa',"$cdom/$cnum"))) ||
+ ((&allowed('vca',"$cdom/$cnum") ||
+ &allowed('vaa',"$cdom/$cnum")) &&
+ ($env{"environment.internal.manager./$cdom/$cnum"}))) {
+ $home = $env{'user.home'};
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ return ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview);
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my $crsedit = &allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'});
+ if ($group ne '') {
+# if this is a group homepage or group bulletin board, check group privs
+ my $allowed = 0;
+ if ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/$cdom/$cnum/$group/smppg$}) {
+ if ((&allowed('mdg',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+ ($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''))) ||
+ (&allowed('mgh',$env{'request.course.id'}.'/'.$group)) || $crsedit) {
+ $allowed = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/bulletinboard$}) {
+ if ((&allowed('mdg',$env{'request.course.id'}.($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''))) ||
+ (&allowed('cgb',$env{'request.course.id'}.'/'.$group)) || $crsedit) {
+ $allowed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($allowed) {
+ $home=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/viewclasslist$}) {
+ unless (&allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } elsif (!$crsedit) {
+ if ($env{'request.role'} =~ m{^st\./$cdom/$cnum}) {
+# No edit allowed where CC has switched to student role.
+ return;
+ } elsif (($resurl !~ m{^/res/$match_domain/$match_username/}) ||
+ ($resurl =~ m{^/res/lib/templates/})) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($file ne '') {
+ if (($cnum =~ /$match_courseid/) && ($cdom =~ /$match_domain/)) {
+ if (&is_course_upload($file,$cnum,$cdom)) {
+ $uploaded = 1;
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($file =~/\.(htm|html|css|js|txt)$/) {
+ $cfile = &hreflocation('',$file);
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^/public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus}) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ } elsif (($resurl ne '') && (&is_on_map($resurl))) {
+ if ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_username/\d+/smppg|bulletinboard$}) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ } elsif ($resurl eq '/res/lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem') {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ $cfile = $resurl.'/smpedit';
+ } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ } elsif (($resurl =~ m{^/ext/}) && ($symb ne '')) {
+ my ($map,$id,$res) = &decode_symb($symb);
+ if ($map =~ /\.page$/) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ $cfile = $map;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ $cfile = '/adm/wrapper'.$resurl;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/ext\.tool$}) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/viewclasslist$}) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = ($resurl =~ m{^/} ? $resurl : "/$resurl");
+ }
+ } elsif ($resurl eq '/res/lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem/smpedit') {
+ my $template = '/res/lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem';
+ if (&is_on_map($template)) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ $forceview = 1;
+ $cfile = $template;
+ }
+ } elsif (($resurl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) && ($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/)) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ } elsif (($resurl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/ext\.tool$}) && ($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/)) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ } elsif (($resurl eq '/adm/extresedit') && ($symb || $env{'form.folderpath'})) {
+ $incourse = 1;
+ $forceview = 1;
+ if ($symb) {
+ my ($map,$id,$res)=&decode_symb($symb);
+ $env{'request.symb'} = $symb;
+ $cfile = &clutter($res);
+ } else {
+ $cfile = $env{'form.suppurl'};
+ my $escfile = &unescape($cfile);
+ if ($escfile =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/ext\.tool$}) {
+ $cfile = '/adm/wrapper'.$escfile;
+ } else {
+ $escfile =~ s{^http://}{};
+ $cfile = &escape("/adm/wrapper/ext/$escfile");
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/viewclasslist$}) {
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ $cfile = ($resurl =~ m{^/} ? $resurl : "/$resurl");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($uploaded || $incourse) {
+ $home=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ } elsif ($file !~ m{/$}) {
+ $file=~s{^(priv/$match_domain/$match_username)}{/$1};
+ $file=~s{^($match_domain/$match_username)}{/priv/$1};
+ # Check that the user has permission to edit this resource
+ my $setpriv = 1;
+ my ($cfuname,$cfudom)=&constructaccess($file,$setpriv);
+ if (defined($cfudom)) {
+ $home=&homeserver($cfuname,$cfudom);
+ $cfile=$file;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($cfile ne '') && (!$incourse || $uploaded) &&
+ (($home ne '') && ($home ne 'no_host'))) {
+ my @ids=¤t_machine_ids();
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$home\E$/,@ids)) {
+ $switchserver=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview);
+sub is_course_upload {
+ my ($file,$cnum,$cdom) = @_;
+ my $uploadpath = &LONCAPA::propath($cdom,$cnum);
+ $uploadpath =~ s{^\/}{};
+ if (($file =~ m{^\Q$uploadpath\E/userfiles/(docs|supplemental)/}) ||
+ ($file =~ m{^userfiles/\Q$cdom\E/\Q$cnum\E/(docs|supplemental)/})) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return;
+sub in_course {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$cdom,$cnum,$type,$hideprivileged) = @_;
+ if ($hideprivileged) {
+ my $skipuser;
+ my %coursehash = &coursedescription($cdom.'_'.$cnum);
+ my @possdoms = ($cdom);
+ if ($coursehash{'checkforpriv'}) {
+ push(@possdoms,split(/,/,$coursehash{'checkforpriv'}));
+ }
+ if (&privileged($uname,$udom,\@possdoms)) {
+ $skipuser = 1;
+ if ($coursehash{'nothideprivileged'}) {
+ foreach my $item (split(/\s*\,\s*/,$coursehash{'nothideprivileged'})) {
+ my $user;
+ if ($item =~ /:/) {
+ $user = $item;
+ } else {
+ $user = join(':',split(/[\@]/,$item));
+ }
+ if ($user eq $uname.':'.$udom) {
+ undef($skipuser);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($skipuser) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $type ||= 'any';
+ if (!defined($cdom) || !defined($cnum)) {
+ my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ }
+ my $typesref;
+ if (($type eq 'any') || ($type eq 'all')) {
+ $typesref = ['active','previous','future'];
+ } elsif ($type eq 'previous' || $type eq 'future') {
+ $typesref = [$type];
+ }
+ my %roles = &get_my_roles($uname,$udom,'userroles',
+ $typesref,undef,[$cdom]);
+ my ($tmp) = keys(%roles);
+ return 0 if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i);
+ my @course_roles = grep(/^\Q$cnum\E:\Q$cdom\E:/, keys(%roles));
+ if (@course_roles > 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+# --------- File operations in /home/httpd/html/userfiles/$domain/1/2/3/$course
+# input: action, courseID, current domain, intended
+# path to file, source of file, instruction to parse file for objects,
+# ref to hash for embedded objects,
+# ref to hash for codebase of java objects.
+# reference to scalar to accommodate mime type determined
+# from File::MMagic if $parser = parse.
+# output: url to file (if action was uploaddoc),
+# ok if successful, or diagnostic message otherwise (if action was propagate or copy)
+# Allows directory structure to be used within lonUsers/../userfiles/ for a
+# course.
+# action = propagate - /home/httpd/html/userfiles/$domain/1/2/3/$course/$file
+# will be copied to /home/httpd/lonUsers/1/2/3/$course/userfiles in
+# course's home server.
+# action = copy - /home/httpd/html/userfiles/$domain/1/2/3/$course/$file will
+# be copied from $source (current location) to
+# /home/httpd/html/userfiles/$domain/1/2/3/$course/$file
+# and will then be copied to
+# /home/httpd/lonUsers/$domain/1/2/3/$course/userfiles/$file in
+# course's home server.
+# action = uploaddoc - /home/httpd/html/userfiles/$domain/1/2/3/$course/$file
+# will be retrived from $env{form.uploaddoc} (from DOCS interface) to
+# /home/httpd/html/userfiles/$domain/1/2/3/$course/$file
+# and will then be copied to /home/httpd/lonUsers/1/2/3/$course/userfiles/$file
+# in course's home server.
+sub process_coursefile {
+ my ($action,$docuname,$docudom,$file,$source,$parser,$allfiles,$codebase,
+ $mimetype)=@_;
+ my $fetchresult;
+ my $home=&homeserver($docuname,$docudom);
+ if ($action eq 'propagate') {
+ $fetchresult= &reply('fetchuserfile:'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$file,
+ $home);
+ } else {
+ my $fpath = '';
+ my $fname = $file;
+ ($fpath,$fname) = ($file =~ m|^(.*)/([^/]+)$|);
+ $fpath=$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$fpath;
+ my $filepath = &build_filepath($fpath);
+ if ($action eq 'copy') {
+ if ($source eq '') {
+ $fetchresult = 'no source file';
+ return $fetchresult;
+ } else {
+ my $destination = $filepath.'/'.$fname;
+ rename($source,$destination);
+ $fetchresult= &reply('fetchuserfile:'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$file,
+ $home);
+ }
+ } elsif ($action eq 'uploaddoc') {
+ open(my $fh,'>',$filepath.'/'.$fname);
+ print $fh $env{'form.'.$source};
+ close($fh);
+ if ($parser eq 'parse') {
+ my $mm = new File::MMagic;
+ my $type = $mm->checktype_filename($filepath.'/'.$fname);
+ if ($type eq 'text/html') {
+ my $parse_result = &extract_embedded_items($filepath.'/'.$fname,$allfiles,$codebase);
+ unless ($parse_result eq 'ok') {
+ &logthis('Failed to parse '.$filepath.'/'.$fname.' for embedded media: '.$parse_result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($mimetype)) {
+ $$mimetype = $type;
+ }
+ }
+ $fetchresult= &reply('fetchuserfile:'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$file,
+ $home);
+ if ($fetchresult eq 'ok') {
+ return '/uploaded/'.$fpath.'/'.$fname;
+ } else {
+ &logthis('Failed to transfer '.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$file.
+ ' to host '.$home.': '.$fetchresult);
+ return '/adm/notfound.html';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ( $fetchresult eq 'ok') {
+ &logthis('Failed to transfer '.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$file.
+ ' to host '.$home.': '.$fetchresult);
+ }
+ return $fetchresult;
+sub build_filepath {
+ my ($fpath) = @_;
+ my $filepath=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/userfiles';
+ unless ($fpath eq '') {
+ my @parts=split('/',$fpath);
+ foreach my $part (@parts) {
+ $filepath.= '/'.$part;
+ if ((-e $filepath)!=1) {
+ mkdir($filepath,0777);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $filepath;
+sub store_edited_file {
+ my ($primary_url,$content,$docudom,$docuname,$fetchresult) = @_;
+ my $file = $primary_url;
+ $file =~ s#^/uploaded/$docudom/$docuname/##;
+ my $fpath = '';
+ my $fname = $file;
+ ($fpath,$fname) = ($file =~ m|^(.*)/([^/]+)$|);
+ $fpath=$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$fpath;
+ my $filepath = &build_filepath($fpath);
+ open(my $fh,'>',$filepath.'/'.$fname);
+ print $fh $content;
+ close($fh);
+ my $home=&homeserver($docuname,$docudom);
+ $$fetchresult= &reply('fetchuserfile:'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$file,
+ $home);
+ if ($$fetchresult eq 'ok') {
+ return '/uploaded/'.$fpath.'/'.$fname;
+ } else {
+ &logthis('Failed to transfer '.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$file.
+ ' to host '.$home.': '.$$fetchresult);
+ return '/adm/notfound.html';
+ }
+sub clean_filename {
+ my ($fname,$args)=@_;
+# Replace Windows backslashes by forward slashes
+ $fname=~s/\\/\//g;
+ if (!$args->{'keep_path'}) {
+ # Get rid of everything but the actual filename
+ $fname=~s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/;
+ }
+# Replace spaces by underscores
+ $fname=~s/\s+/\_/g;
+# Transliterate non-ascii text to ascii
+ my $lang = &Apache::lonlocal::current_language();
+ $fname = &LONCAPA::transliterate::fname_to_ascii($fname,$lang);
+# Replace all other weird characters by nothing
+ $fname=~s{[^/\w\.\-]}{}g;
+# Replace all .\d. sequences with _\d. so they no longer look like version
+# numbers
+ $fname=~s/\.(\d+)(?=\.)/_$1/g;
+# Replace three or more adjacent underscores with one for consistency
+# with loncfile::filename_check() so complete url can be extracted by
+# lonnet::decode_symb()
+ $fname=~s/_{3,}/_/g;
+ return $fname;
+# This Function checks if an Image's dimensions exceed either $resizewidth (width)
+# or $resizeheight (height) - both pixels. If so, the image is scaled to produce an
+# image with the same aspect ratio as the original, but with dimensions which do
+# not exceed $resizewidth and $resizeheight.
+sub resizeImage {
+ my ($img_path,$resizewidth,$resizeheight) = @_;
+ my $ima = Image::Magick->new;
+ my $resized;
+ if (-e $img_path) {
+ $ima->Read($img_path);
+ if (($resizewidth =~ /^\d+$/) && ($resizeheight > 0)) {
+ my $width = $ima->Get('width');
+ my $height = $ima->Get('height');
+ if ($width > $resizewidth) {
+ my $factor = $width/$resizewidth;
+ my $newheight = $height/$factor;
+ $ima->Scale(width=>$resizewidth,height=>$newheight);
+ $resized = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($resizeheight =~ /^\d+$/) && ($resizeheight > 0)) {
+ my $width = $ima->Get('width');
+ my $height = $ima->Get('height');
+ if ($height > $resizeheight) {
+ my $factor = $height/$resizeheight;
+ my $newwidth = $width/$factor;
+ $ima->Scale(width=>$newwidth,height=>$resizeheight);
+ $resized = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($resized) {
+ $ima->Write($img_path);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# --------------- Take an uploaded file and put it into the userfiles directory
+# input: $formname - the contents of the file are in $env{"form.$formname"}
+# the desired filename is in $env{"form.$formname.filename"}
+# $context - possible values: coursedoc, existingfile, overwrite,
+# canceloverwrite, scantron, toollogo or ''.
+# if 'coursedoc': upload to the current course
+# if 'existingfile': write file to tmp/overwrites directory
+# if 'canceloverwrite': delete file written to tmp/overwrites directory
+# $context is passed as argument to &finishuserfileupload
+# $subdir - directory in userfile to store the file into
+# $parser - instruction to parse file for objects ($parser = parse) or
+# if context is 'scantron', $parser is hashref of csv column mapping
+# (e.g.,{ PaperID => 0, LastName => 1, FirstName => 2, ID => 3,
+# Section => 4, CODE => 5, FirstQuestion => 9 }).
+# $allfiles - reference to hash for embedded objects
+# $codebase - reference to hash for codebase of java objects
+# $destuname - username for permanent storage of uploaded file
+# $destudom - domain for permanaent storage of uploaded file
+# $thumbwidth - width (pixels) of thumbnail to make for uploaded image
+# $thumbheight - height (pixels) of thumbnail to make for uploaded image
+# $resizewidth - width (pixels) to which to resize uploaded image
+# $resizeheight - height (pixels) to which to resize uploaded image
+# $mimetype - reference to scalar to accommodate mime type determined
+# from File::MMagic.
+# output: url of file in userspace, or error:
+# or /adm/notfound.html if failure to upload occurse
+sub userfileupload {
+ my ($formname,$context,$subdir,$parser,$allfiles,$codebase,$destuname,
+ $destudom,$thumbwidth,$thumbheight,$resizewidth,$resizeheight,$mimetype)=@_;
+ if (!defined($subdir)) { $subdir='unknown'; }
+ my $fname=$env{'form.'.$formname.'.filename'};
+ $fname=&clean_filename($fname);
+ # See if there is anything left
+ unless ($fname) { return 'error: no uploaded file'; }
+ # If filename now begins with a . prepend unix timestamp _ milliseconds
+ if ($fname =~ /^\./) {
+ my ($s,$usec) = &gettimeofday();
+ while (length($usec) < 6) {
+ $usec = '0'.$usec;
+ }
+ $fname = $s.'_'.substr($usec,0,3).$fname;
+ }
+ # Files uploaded to help request form, or uploaded to "create course" page are handled differently
+ if ((($formname eq 'screenshot') && ($subdir eq 'helprequests')) ||
+ (($formname eq 'coursecreatorxml') && ($subdir eq 'batchupload')) ||
+ ($context eq 'existingfile') || ($context eq 'canceloverwrite')) {
+ my $now = time;
+ my $filepath;
+ if (($formname eq 'screenshot') && ($subdir eq 'helprequests')) {
+ $filepath = 'tmp/helprequests/'.$now;
+ } elsif (($formname eq 'coursecreatorxml') && ($subdir eq 'batchupload')) {
+ $filepath = 'tmp/addcourse/'.$destudom.'/web/'.$env{'user.name'}.
+ '_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'/pending';
+ } elsif (($context eq 'existingfile') || ($context eq 'canceloverwrite')) {
+ my ($docuname,$docudom);
+ if ($destudom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $docudom = $destudom;
+ } else {
+ $docudom = $env{'user.domain'};
+ }
+ if ($destuname =~ /^$match_username$/) {
+ $docuname = $destuname;
+ } else {
+ $docuname = $env{'user.name'};
+ }
+ if (exists($env{'form.group'})) {
+ $docuname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $docudom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ }
+ $filepath = 'tmp/overwrites/'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$subdir;
+ if ($context eq 'canceloverwrite') {
+ my $tempfile = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/'.$filepath.'/'.$fname;
+ if (-e $tempfile) {
+ my @info = stat($tempfile);
+ if ($info[9] eq $env{'form.timestamp'}) {
+ unlink($tempfile);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Create the directory if not present
+ my @parts=split(/\//,$filepath);
+ my $fullpath = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
+ for (my $i=0;$i<@parts;$i++) {
+ $fullpath .= '/'.$parts[$i];
+ if ((-e $fullpath)!=1) {
+ mkdir($fullpath,0777);
+ }
+ }
+ open(my $fh,'>',$fullpath.'/'.$fname);
+ print $fh $env{'form.'.$formname};
+ close($fh);
+ if ($context eq 'existingfile') {
+ my @info = stat($fullpath.'/'.$fname);
+ return ($fullpath.'/'.$fname,$info[9]);
+ } else {
+ return $fullpath.'/'.$fname;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($subdir eq 'scantron') {
+ $fname = 'scantron_orig_'.$fname;
+ } else {
+ $fname="$subdir/$fname";
+ }
+ if ($context eq 'coursedoc') {
+ my $docuname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $docudom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ if ($env{'form.folder'} =~ m/^(default|supplemental)/) {
+ return &finishuserfileupload($docuname,$docudom,
+ $formname,$fname,$parser,$allfiles,
+ $codebase,$thumbwidth,$thumbheight,
+ $resizewidth,$resizeheight,$context,$mimetype);
+ } else {
+ if ($env{'form.folder'}) {
+ $fname=$env{'form.folder'}.'/'.$fname;
+ }
+ return &process_coursefile('uploaddoc',$docuname,$docudom,
+ $fname,$formname,$parser,
+ $allfiles,$codebase,$mimetype);
+ }
+ } elsif (defined($destuname)) {
+ my $docuname=$destuname;
+ my $docudom=$destudom;
+ return &finishuserfileupload($docuname,$docudom,$formname,$fname,
+ $parser,$allfiles,$codebase,
+ $thumbwidth,$thumbheight,
+ $resizewidth,$resizeheight,$context,$mimetype);
+ } else {
+ my $docuname=$env{'user.name'};
+ my $docudom=$env{'user.domain'};
+ if ((exists($env{'form.group'})) || ($context eq 'syllabus')) {
+ $docuname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $docudom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ }
+ return &finishuserfileupload($docuname,$docudom,$formname,$fname,
+ $parser,$allfiles,$codebase,
+ $thumbwidth,$thumbheight,
+ $resizewidth,$resizeheight,$context,$mimetype);
+ }
+sub finishuserfileupload {
+ my ($docuname,$docudom,$formname,$fname,$parser,$allfiles,$codebase,
+ $thumbwidth,$thumbheight,$resizewidth,$resizeheight,$context,$mimetype) = @_;
+ my $path=$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/';
+ my $filepath=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+ my ($fnamepath,$file,$fetchthumb);
+ $file=$fname;
+ if ($fname=~m|/|) {
+ ($fnamepath,$file) = ($fname =~ m|^(.*)/([^/]+)$|);
+ $path.=$fnamepath.'/';
+ }
+ my @parts=split(/\//,$filepath.'/userfiles/'.$path);
+ my $count;
+ for ($count=4;$count<=$#parts;$count++) {
+ $filepath.="/$parts[$count]";
+ if ((-e $filepath)!=1) {
+ mkdir($filepath,0777);
+ }
+ }
+# Save the file
+ {
+ if (!open(FH,'>',$filepath.'/'.$file)) {
+ &logthis('Failed to create '.$filepath.'/'.$file);
+ print STDERR ('Failed to create '.$filepath.'/'.$file."\n");
+ return '/adm/notfound.html';
+ }
+ if ($context eq 'overwrite') {
+ my $source = LONCAPA::tempdir().'/overwrites/'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$fname;
+ my $target = $filepath.'/'.$file;
+ if (-e $source) {
+ my @info = stat($source);
+ if ($info[9] eq $env{'form.timestamp'}) {
+ unless (&File::Copy::move($source,$target)) {
+ &logthis('Failed to overwrite '.$filepath.'/'.$file);
+ return "Moving from $source failed";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "Temporary file: $source had unexpected date/time for last modification";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "Temporary file: $source missing";
+ }
+ } elsif (!print FH ($env{'form.'.$formname})) {
+ &logthis('Failed to write to '.$filepath.'/'.$file);
+ print STDERR ('Failed to write to '.$filepath.'/'.$file."\n");
+ return '/adm/notfound.html';
+ }
+ close(FH);
+ if ($resizewidth && $resizeheight) {
+ my $mm = new File::MMagic;
+ my $mime_type = $mm->checktype_filename($filepath.'/'.$file);
+ if ($mime_type =~ m{^image/}) {
+ &resizeImage($filepath.'/'.$file,$resizewidth,$resizeheight);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($context eq 'coursedoc') || ($parser eq 'parse')) {
+ if (ref($mimetype)) {
+ if ($$mimetype eq '') {
+ my $mm = new File::MMagic;
+ my $type = $mm->checktype_filename($filepath.'/'.$file);
+ $$mimetype = $type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($context ne 'scantron') && ($parser eq 'parse')) {
+ if ((ref($mimetype)) && ($$mimetype eq 'text/html')) {
+ my $parse_result = &extract_embedded_items($filepath.'/'.$file,
+ $allfiles,$codebase);
+ unless ($parse_result eq 'ok') {
+ &logthis('Failed to parse '.$filepath.$file.
+ ' for embedded media: '.$parse_result);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($context eq 'scantron') && (ref($parser) eq 'HASH')) {
+ my $format = $env{'form.scantron_format'};
+ &bubblesheet_converter($docudom,$filepath.'/'.$file,$parser,$format);
+ }
+ if (($thumbwidth =~ /^\d+$/) && ($thumbheight =~ /^\d+$/)) {
+ my $input = $filepath.'/'.$file;
+ my $output = $filepath.'/'.'tn-'.$file;
+ my $makethumb;
+ my $thumbsize = $thumbwidth.'x'.$thumbheight;
+ if ($context eq 'toollogo') {
+ my ($fullwidth,$fullheight) = &check_dimensions($input);
+ if ($fullwidth ne '' && $fullheight ne '') {
+ if ($fullwidth > $thumbwidth && $fullheight > $thumbheight) {
+ $makethumb = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $makethumb = 1;
+ }
+ if ($makethumb) {
+ my @args = ('convert','-sample',$thumbsize,$input,$output);
+ system({$args[0]} @args);
+ if (-e $filepath.'/'.'tn-'.$file) {
+ $fetchthumb = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Notify homeserver to grep it
+ my $docuhome=&homeserver($docuname,$docudom);
+ my $fetchresult= &reply('fetchuserfile:'.$path.$file,$docuhome);
+ if ($fetchresult eq 'ok') {
+ if ($fetchthumb) {
+ my $thumbresult= &reply('fetchuserfile:'.$path.'tn-'.$file,$docuhome);
+ if ($thumbresult ne 'ok') {
+ &logthis('Failed to transfer '.$path.'tn-'.$file.' to host '.
+ $docuhome.': '.$thumbresult);
+ }
+ }
+# Return the URL to it
+ return '/uploaded/'.$path.$file;
+ } else {
+ &logthis('Failed to transfer '.$path.$file.' to host '.$docuhome.
+ ': '.$fetchresult);
+ return '/adm/notfound.html';
+ }
+sub extract_embedded_items {
+ my ($fullpath,$allfiles,$codebase,$content) = @_;
+ my @state = ();
+ my (%lastids,%related,%shockwave,%flashvars);
+ my %javafiles = (
+ codebase => '',
+ code => '',
+ archive => ''
+ );
+ my %mediafiles = (
+ src => '',
+ movie => '',
+ );
+ my $p;
+ if ($content) {
+ $p = HTML::LCParser->new($content);
+ } else {
+ $p = HTML::LCParser->new($fullpath);
+ }
+ while (my $t=$p->get_token()) {
+ if ($t->[0] eq 'S') {
+ my ($tagname, $attr) = ($t->[1],$t->[2]);
+ push(@state, $tagname);
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'allow') {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$attr->{'src'},'src');
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'img') {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$attr->{'src'},'src');
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'a') {
+ unless (($attr->{'href'} =~ /^#/) || ($attr->{'href'} eq '')) {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$attr->{'href'},'href');
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'script') {
+ my $src;
+ if ($attr->{'archive'} =~ /\.jar$/i) {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$attr->{'archive'},'archive');
+ } else {
+ if ($attr->{'src'} ne '') {
+ $src = $attr->{'src'};
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$src,'src');
+ }
+ }
+ my $text = $p->get_trimmed_text();
+ if ($text =~ /\Qswfobject.registerObject(\E([^\)]+)\)/) {
+ my @swfargs = split(/,/,$1);
+ foreach my $item (@swfargs) {
+ $item =~ s/["']//g;
+ $item =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $item =~ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ if (($swfargs[0] ne'') && ($swfargs[2] ne '')) {
+ if (ref($related{$swfargs[0]}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@{$related{$swfargs[0]}},$swfargs[2]);
+ } else {
+ $related{$swfargs[0]} = [$swfargs[2]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'link') {
+ if (lc($attr->{'rel'}) eq 'stylesheet') {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$attr->{'href'},'href');
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'object' ||
+ (lc($tagname) eq 'embed' && lc($state[-2]) ne 'object')) {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%javafiles)) {
+ $javafiles{$item} = '';
+ }
+ if ((lc($tagname) eq 'object') && (lc($state[-2]) ne 'object')) {
+ $lastids{lc($tagname)} = $attr->{'id'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($state[-2]) eq 'object' && lc($tagname) eq 'param') {
+ my $name = lc($attr->{'name'});
+ foreach my $item (keys(%javafiles)) {
+ if ($name eq $item) {
+ $javafiles{$item} = $attr->{'value'};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ my $pathfrom;
+ foreach my $item (keys(%mediafiles)) {
+ if ($name eq $item) {
+ $pathfrom = $attr->{'value'};
+ $shockwave{$lastids{lc($state[-2])}} = $pathfrom;
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$pathfrom,$name);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'flashvars') {
+ $flashvars{$lastids{lc($state[-2])}} = $attr->{'value'};
+ }
+ if ($pathfrom ne '') {
+ &embedded_dependency($allfiles,\%related,$lastids{lc($state[-2])},
+ $pathfrom);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'embed' || lc($tagname) eq 'applet') {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%javafiles)) {
+ if ($attr->{$item}) {
+ $javafiles{$item} = $attr->{$item};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $item (keys(%mediafiles)) {
+ if ($attr->{$item}) {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$attr->{$item},$item);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'embed') {
+ if (($attr->{'name'} ne '') && ($attr->{'src'} ne '')) {
+ &embedded_dependency($allfiles,\%related,$attr->{'name'},
+ $attr->{'src'});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'iframe') {
+ my $src = $attr->{'src'} ;
+ if (($src ne '') && ($src !~ m{^(/|https?://)})) {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$src,'src');
+ } elsif ($src =~ m{^/}) {
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $url = &hreflocation('',$fullpath);
+ if ($url =~ m{^/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/docs/(\w+/\d+)/}) {
+ my $relpath = $1;
+ if ($src =~ m{^/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/docs/\Q$relpath\E/(.+)$}) {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$1,'src');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($t->[4] =~ m{/>$}) {
+ pop(@state);
+ }
+ } elsif ($t->[0] eq 'E') {
+ my ($tagname) = ($t->[1]);
+ if ($javafiles{'codebase'} ne '') {
+ $javafiles{'codebase'} .= '/';
+ }
+ if (lc($tagname) eq 'applet' ||
+ lc($tagname) eq 'object' ||
+ (lc($tagname) eq 'embed' && lc($state[-2]) ne 'object')
+ ) {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%javafiles)) {
+ if ($item ne 'codebase' && $javafiles{$item} ne '') {
+ my $file=$javafiles{'codebase'}.$javafiles{$item};
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$file,$item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pop @state;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $id (sort(keys(%flashvars))) {
+ if ($shockwave{$id} ne '') {
+ my @pairs = split(/\&/,$flashvars{$id});
+ foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/\=/,$pair);
+ if ($key eq 'thumb') {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$value,$key);
+ } elsif ($key eq 'content') {
+ my ($path) = ($shockwave{$id} =~ m{^(.+/)[^/]+$});
+ my ($ext) = ($value =~ /\.([^.]+)$/);
+ if ($ext ne '') {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$path.$value,$ext);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+sub add_filetype {
+ my ($allfiles,$file,$type)=@_;
+ if (exists($allfiles->{$file})) {
+ unless (grep/^\Q$type\E$/, @{$allfiles->{$file}}) {
+ push(@{$allfiles->{$file}}, &escape($type));
+ }
+ } else {
+ @{$allfiles->{$file}} = (&escape($type));
+ }
+sub embedded_dependency {
+ my ($allfiles,$related,$identifier,$pathfrom) = @_;
+ if ((ref($allfiles) eq 'HASH') && (ref($related) eq 'HASH')) {
+ if (($identifier ne '') &&
+ (ref($related->{$identifier}) eq 'ARRAY') &&
+ ($pathfrom ne '')) {
+ my ($path) = ($pathfrom =~ m{^(.+/)[^/]+$});
+ foreach my $dep (@{$related->{$identifier}}) {
+ &add_filetype($allfiles,$path.$dep,'object');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub check_dimensions {
+ my ($inputfile) = @_;
+ my ($fullwidth,$fullheight);
+ if (($inputfile =~ m|^[/\w.\-]+$|) && (-e $inputfile)) {
+ my $mm = new File::MMagic;
+ my $mime_type = $mm->checktype_filename($inputfile);
+ if ($mime_type =~ m{^image/}) {
+ if (open(PIPE,"identify $inputfile 2>&1 |")) {
+ my $imageinfo = ;
+ if (!close(PIPE)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Failed to close PIPE opened to retrieve image information for $inputfile");
+ }
+ chomp($imageinfo);
+ my ($fullsize) =
+ ($imageinfo =~ /^\Q$inputfile\E\s+\w+\s+(\d+x\d+)/);
+ if ($fullsize) {
+ ($fullwidth,$fullheight) = split(/x/,$fullsize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($fullwidth,$fullheight);
+sub bubblesheet_converter {
+ my ($cdom,$fullpath,$config,$format) = @_;
+ if ((&domain($cdom) ne '') &&
+ ($fullpath =~ m{^\Q$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}/userfiles/$cdom/\E$match_courseid/scantron_orig}) &&
+ (-e $fullpath) && (ref($config) eq 'HASH') && ($format ne '')) {
+ my (%csvcols,%csvoptions);
+ if (ref($config->{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %csvcols = %{$config->{'fields'}};
+ }
+ if (ref($config->{'options'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %csvoptions = %{$config->{'options'}};
+ }
+ my %csvbynum = reverse(%csvcols);
+ my %scantronconf = &get_scantron_config($format,$cdom);
+ if (keys(%scantronconf)) {
+ my %bynum = (
+ $scantronconf{CODEstart} => 'CODEstart',
+ $scantronconf{IDstart} => 'IDstart',
+ $scantronconf{PaperID} => 'PaperID',
+ $scantronconf{FirstName} => 'FirstName',
+ $scantronconf{LastName} => 'LastName',
+ $scantronconf{Qstart} => 'Qstart',
+ );
+ my @ordered;
+ foreach my $item (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%bynum)) {
+ push(@ordered,$bynum{$item});
+ }
+ my %mapstart = (
+ CODEstart => 'CODE',
+ IDstart => 'ID',
+ PaperID => 'PaperID',
+ FirstName => 'FirstName',
+ LastName => 'LastName',
+ Qstart => 'FirstQuestion',
+ );
+ my %maplength = (
+ CODEstart => 'CODElength',
+ IDstart => 'IDlength',
+ PaperID => 'PaperIDlength',
+ FirstName => 'FirstNamelength',
+ LastName => 'LastNamelength',
+ );
+ if (open(my $fh,'<',$fullpath)) {
+ my $output;
+ my %lettdig = &letter_to_digits();
+ my %diglett = reverse(%lettdig);
+ my $numletts = scalar(keys(%lettdig));
+ my $num = 0;
+ while (my $line=<$fh>) {
+ $num ++;
+ next if (($num == 1) && ($csvoptions{'hdr'} == 1));
+ $line =~ s{[\r\n]+$}{};
+ my %found;
+ my @values = split(/,/,$line,-1);
+ my ($qstart,$record);
+ for (my $i=0; $i<@values; $i++) {
+ if ((($qstart ne '') && ($i > $qstart)) ||
+ ($csvbynum{$i} eq 'FirstQuestion')) {
+ if ($values[$i] eq '') {
+ $values[$i] = $scantronconf{'Qoff'};
+ } elsif ($scantronconf{'Qon'} eq 'number') {
+ if ($values[$i] =~ /^[A-Ja-j]$/) {
+ $values[$i] = $lettdig{uc($values[$i])};
+ }
+ } elsif ($scantronconf{'Qon'} eq 'letter') {
+ if ($values[$i] =~ /^[0-9]$/) {
+ $values[$i] = $diglett{$values[$i]};
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($values[$i] =~ /^[0-9A-Ja-j]$/) {
+ my $digit;
+ if ($values[$i] =~ /^[A-Ja-j]$/) {
+ $digit = $lettdig{uc($values[$i])}-1;
+ if ($values[$i] eq 'J') {
+ $digit += $numletts;
+ }
+ } elsif ($values[$i] =~ /^[0-9]$/) {
+ $digit = $values[$i]-1;
+ if ($values[$i] eq '0') {
+ $digit += $numletts;
+ }
+ }
+ my $qval='';
+ for (my $j=0; $j<$scantronconf{'Qlength'}; $j++) {
+ if ($j == $digit) {
+ $qval .= $scantronconf{'Qon'};
+ } else {
+ $qval .= $scantronconf{'Qoff'};
+ }
+ }
+ $values[$i] = $qval;
+ }
+ }
+ if (length($values[$i]) > $scantronconf{'Qlength'}) {
+ $values[$i] = substr($values[$i],0,$scantronconf{'Qlength'});
+ }
+ my $numblank = $scantronconf{'Qlength'} - length($values[$i]);
+ if ($numblank > 0) {
+ $values[$i] .= ($scantronconf{'Qoff'} x $numblank);
+ }
+ if ($csvbynum{$i} eq 'FirstQuestion') {
+ $qstart = $i;
+ $found{$csvbynum{$i}} = $values[$i];
+ } else {
+ $found{'FirstQuestion'} .= $values[$i];
+ }
+ } elsif (exists($csvbynum{$i})) {
+ if ($csvoptions{'rem'}) {
+ $values[$i] =~ s/^\s+//;
+ }
+ if (($csvbynum{$i} eq 'PaperID') && ($csvoptions{'pad'})) {
+ while (length($values[$i]) < $scantronconf{$maplength{$csvbynum{$i}}}) {
+ $values[$i] = '0'.$values[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ $found{$csvbynum{$i}} = $values[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $item (@ordered) {
+ my $currlength = 1+length($record);
+ my $numspaces = $scantronconf{$item} - $currlength;
+ if ($numspaces > 0) {
+ $record .= (' ' x $numspaces);
+ }
+ if (($mapstart{$item} ne '') && (exists($found{$mapstart{$item}}))) {
+ unless ($item eq 'Qstart') {
+ if (length($found{$mapstart{$item}}) > $scantronconf{$maplength{$item}}) {
+ $found{$mapstart{$item}} = substr($found{$mapstart{$item}},0,$scantronconf{$maplength{$item}});
+ }
+ }
+ $record .= $found{$mapstart{$item}};
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= "$record\n";
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ if ($output) {
+ if (open(my $fh,'>',$fullpath)) {
+ print $fh $output;
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+sub letter_to_digits {
+ my %lettdig = (
+ A => 1,
+ B => 2,
+ C => 3,
+ D => 4,
+ E => 5,
+ F => 6,
+ G => 7,
+ H => 8,
+ I => 9,
+ J => 0,
+ );
+ return %lettdig;
+sub get_scantron_config {
+ my ($which,$cdom) = @_;
+ my @lines = &get_scantronformat_file($cdom);
+ my %config;
+ #FIXME probably should move to XML it has already gotten a bit much now
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ my ($name,$descrip)=split(/:/,$line);
+ if ($name ne $which ) { next; }
+ chomp($line);
+ my @config=split(/:/,$line);
+ $config{'name'}=$config[0];
+ $config{'description'}=$config[1];
+ $config{'CODElocation'}=$config[2];
+ $config{'CODEstart'}=$config[3];
+ $config{'CODElength'}=$config[4];
+ $config{'IDstart'}=$config[5];
+ $config{'IDlength'}=$config[6];
+ $config{'Qstart'}=$config[7];
+ $config{'Qlength'}=$config[8];
+ $config{'Qoff'}=$config[9];
+ $config{'Qon'}=$config[10];
+ $config{'PaperID'}=$config[11];
+ $config{'PaperIDlength'}=$config[12];
+ $config{'FirstName'}=$config[13];
+ $config{'FirstNamelength'}=$config[14];
+ $config{'LastName'}=$config[15];
+ $config{'LastNamelength'}=$config[16];
+ $config{'BubblesPerRow'}=$config[17];
+ last;
+ }
+ return %config;
+sub get_scantronformat_file {
+ my ($cdom) = @_;
+ if ($cdom eq '') {
+ $cdom= $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ }
+ my %domconfig = &get_dom('configuration',['scantron'],$cdom);
+ my $gottab = 0;
+ my @lines;
+ if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($domconfig{'scantron'}{'scantronformat'} ne '') {
+ my $formatfile = &getfile($perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.$domconfig{'scantron'}{'scantronformat'});
+ if ($formatfile ne '-1') {
+ @lines = split("\n",$formatfile,-1);
+ $gottab = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$gottab) {
+ my $confname = $cdom.'-domainconfig';
+ my $default = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$cdom.'/'.$confname.'/default.tab';
+ my $formatfile = &getfile($default);
+ if ($formatfile ne '-1') {
+ @lines = split("\n",$formatfile,-1);
+ $gottab = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$gottab) {
+ my @domains = ¤t_machine_domains();
+ if (grep(/^\Q$cdom\E$/,@domains)) {
+ if (open(my $fh,'<',$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/scantronformat.tab')) {
+ @lines = <$fh>;
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (open(my $fh,'<',$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/default_scantronformat.tab')) {
+ @lines = <$fh>;
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ chomp(@lines);
+ }
+ return @lines;
+sub removeuploadedurl {
+ my ($url)=@_;
+ my (undef,undef,$udom,$uname,$fname)=split('/',$url,5);
+ return &removeuserfile($uname,$udom,$fname);
+sub removeuserfile {
+ my ($docuname,$docudom,$fname)=@_;
+ my $home=&homeserver($docuname,$docudom);
+ my $result = &reply("removeuserfile:$docudom/$docuname/$fname",$home);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ if (($fname !~ /\.meta$/) && (&is_portfolio_file($fname))) {
+ my $metafile = $fname.'.meta';
+ my $metaresult = &removeuserfile($docuname,$docudom,$metafile);
+ my $url = "/uploaded/$docudom/$docuname/$fname";
+ my ($file,$group) = (&parse_portfolio_url($url))[3,4];
+ my $sqlresult =
+ &update_portfolio_table($docuname,$docudom,$file,
+ 'portfolio_metadata',$group,
+ 'delete');
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub mkdiruserfile {
+ my ($docuname,$docudom,$dir)=@_;
+ my $home=&homeserver($docuname,$docudom);
+ return &reply("mkdiruserfile:".&escape("$docudom/$docuname/$dir"),$home);
+sub renameuserfile {
+ my ($docuname,$docudom,$old,$new)=@_;
+ my $home=&homeserver($docuname,$docudom);
+ my $result = &reply("renameuserfile:$docudom:$docuname:".
+ &escape("$old").':'.&escape("$new"),$home);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ if (($old !~ /\.meta$/) && (&is_portfolio_file($old))) {
+ my $oldmeta = $old.'.meta';
+ my $newmeta = $new.'.meta';
+ my $metaresult =
+ &renameuserfile($docuname,$docudom,$oldmeta,$newmeta);
+ my $url = "/uploaded/$docudom/$docuname/$old";
+ my ($file,$group) = (&parse_portfolio_url($url))[3,4];
+ my $sqlresult =
+ &update_portfolio_table($docuname,$docudom,$file,
+ 'portfolio_metadata',$group,
+ 'delete');
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log
+sub log {
+ my ($dom,$nam,$hom,$what)=@_;
+ return critical("log:$dom:$nam:$what",$hom);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Course Log
+# This routine flushes several buffers of non-mission-critical nature
+sub flushcourselogs {
+ &logthis('Flushing log buffers');
+# course logs
+# This is a log of all transactions in a course, which can be used
+# for data mining purposes
+# It also collects the courseid database, which lists last transaction
+# times and course titles for all courseids
+ my %courseidbuffer=();
+ foreach my $crsid (keys(%courselogs)) {
+ if (&reply('log:'.$coursedombuf{$crsid}.':'.$coursenumbuf{$crsid}.':'.
+ &escape($courselogs{$crsid}),
+ $coursehombuf{$crsid}) eq 'ok') {
+ delete $courselogs{$crsid};
+ } else {
+ &logthis('Failed to flush log buffer for '.$crsid);
+ if (length($courselogs{$crsid})>40000) {
+ &logthis("WARNING: Buffer for ".$crsid.
+ " exceeded maximum size, deleting.");
+ delete $courselogs{$crsid};
+ }
+ }
+ $courseidbuffer{$coursehombuf{$crsid}}{$crsid} = {
+ 'description' => $coursedescrbuf{$crsid},
+ 'inst_code' => $courseinstcodebuf{$crsid},
+ 'type' => $coursetypebuf{$crsid},
+ 'owner' => $courseownerbuf{$crsid},
+ };
+ }
+# Write course id database (reverse lookup) to homeserver of courses
+# Is used in pickcourse
+ foreach my $crs_home (keys(%courseidbuffer)) {
+ my $response = &courseidput(&host_domain($crs_home),
+ $courseidbuffer{$crs_home},
+ $crs_home,'timeonly');
+ }
+# File accesses
+# Writes to the dynamic metadata of resources to get hit counts, etc.
+ foreach my $entry (keys(%accesshash)) {
+ if ($entry =~ /___count$/) {
+ my ($dom,$name);
+ ($dom,$name,undef)=
+ ($entry=~m{___($match_domain)/($match_name)/(.*)___count$});
+ if (! defined($dom) || $dom eq '' ||
+ ! defined($name) || $name eq '') {
+ my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+# FIXME 11/29/2021
+# Typo in rev. 1.458 (2003/12/09)??
+# These should likely by $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'} and $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}
+# While these remain as $env{'request.'.$cid.'.domain'} and $env{'request.'.$cid.'.num'}
+# $dom and $name will always be null, so the &inc() call will default to storing this data
+# in a nohist_accesscount.db file for the user rather than the course.
+# That said there is a lot of noise in the data being stored.
+# So counts for prtspool/ and adm/ etc. are recorded.
+# A review of which items ending '___count' are written to %accesshash should likely be
+# made before deciding whether to set these to 'course.' instead of 'request.'
+# Under the current scheme each user receives a nohist_accesscount.db file listing
+# accesses for things which are not published resources, regardless of course, and
+# there is not a nohist_accesscount.db file in a course, which might log accesses from
+# anyone in the course for things which are not published resources.
+# For an author, nohist_accesscount.db ends up having records for other items
+# mixed up with the legitimate access counts for the author's published resources.
+ $dom = $env{'request.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ $name = $env{'request.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ }
+ my $value = $accesshash{$entry};
+ my (undef,$url,undef) = ($entry =~ /^(.*)___(.*)___count$/);
+ my %temphash=($url => $value);
+ my $result = &inc('nohist_accesscount',\%temphash,$dom,$name);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ delete $accesshash{$entry};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my ($dom,$name) = ($entry=~m{___($match_domain)/($match_name)/(.*)___(\w+)$});
+ if (($dom eq 'uploaded') || ($dom eq 'adm')) { next; }
+ my %temphash=($entry => $accesshash{$entry});
+ if (&put('nohist_resevaldata',\%temphash,$dom,$name) eq 'ok') {
+ delete $accesshash{$entry};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Roles
+# Reverse lookup of user roles for course faculty/staff and co-authorship
+ foreach my $entry (keys(%userrolehash)) {
+ my ($role,$uname,$udom,$runame,$rudom,$rsec)=
+ split(/\:/,$entry);
+ if (&put('nohist_userroles',
+ { $role.':'.$uname.':'.$udom.':'.$rsec => $userrolehash{$entry} },
+ $rudom,$runame) eq 'ok') {
+ delete $userrolehash{$entry};
+ }
+ }
+# Reverse lookup of domain roles (dc, ad, li, sc, dh, da, au)
+ my %domrolebuffer = ();
+ foreach my $entry (keys(%domainrolehash)) {
+ my ($role,$uname,$udom,$runame,$rudom,$rsec)=split(/:/,$entry);
+ if ($domrolebuffer{$rudom}) {
+ $domrolebuffer{$rudom}.='&'.&escape($entry).
+ '='.&escape($domainrolehash{$entry});
+ } else {
+ $domrolebuffer{$rudom}.=&escape($entry).
+ '='.&escape($domainrolehash{$entry});
+ }
+ delete $domainrolehash{$entry};
+ }
+ foreach my $dom (keys(%domrolebuffer)) {
+ my %servers;
+ if (defined(&domain($dom,'primary'))) {
+ my $primary=&domain($dom,'primary');
+ my $hostname=&hostname($primary);
+ $servers{$primary} = $hostname;
+ } else {
+ %servers = &get_servers($dom,'library');
+ }
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ if (&reply('domroleput:'.$dom.':'.
+ $domrolebuffer{$dom},$tryserver) eq 'ok') {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ &logthis('Put of domain roles failed for '.$dom.' and '.$tryserver);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $dumpcount++;
+sub courselog {
+ my $what=shift;
+ $what=time.':'.$what;
+ unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
+ $coursedombuf{$env{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ $coursenumbuf{$env{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $coursehombuf{$env{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
+ $coursedescrbuf{$env{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+ $courseinstcodebuf{$env{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.coursecode'};
+ $courseownerbuf{$env{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.courseowner'};
+ $coursetypebuf{$env{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.type'};
+ if (defined $courselogs{$env{'request.course.id'}}) {
+ $courselogs{$env{'request.course.id'}}.='&'.$what;
+ } else {
+ $courselogs{$env{'request.course.id'}}.=$what;
+ }
+ if (length($courselogs{$env{'request.course.id'}})>4048) {
+ &flushcourselogs();
+ }
+sub courseacclog {
+ my $fnsymb=shift;
+ unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
+ my $what=$fnsymb.':'.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'};
+ if ($fnsymb=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/) {
+ $what.=':POST';
+ # FIXME: Probably ought to escape things....
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($key=~/^form\.(.*)/) {
+ my $formitem = $1;
+ if ($formitem =~ /^HWFILE(?:SIZE|TOOBIG)/) {
+ $what.=':'.$formitem.'='.$env{$key};
+ } elsif ($formitem !~ /^HWFILE(?:[^.]+)$/) {
+ if ($formitem eq 'proctorpassword') {
+ $what.=':'.$formitem.'=' . '*' x length($env{$key});
+ } else {
+ $what.=':'.$formitem.'='.$env{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($fnsymb =~ m:^/adm/searchcat:) {
+ # FIXME: We should not be depending on a form parameter that someone
+ # editing lonsearchcat.pm might change in the future.
+ if ($env{'form.phase'} eq 'course_search') {
+ $what.= ':POST';
+ # FIXME: Probably ought to escape things....
+ foreach my $element ('courseexp','crsfulltext','crsrelated',
+ 'crsdiscuss') {
+ $what.=':'.$element.'='.$env{'form.'.$element};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &courselog($what);
+sub countacc {
+ my $url=&declutter(shift);
+ return if (! defined($url) || $url eq '');
+ unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
+# Mark that this url was used in this course
+ $accesshash{$env{'request.course.id'}.'___'.$url.'___course'}=1;
+# Increase the access count for this resource in this child process
+ my $key=$$.$processmarker.'_'.$dumpcount.'___'.$url.'___count';
+ $accesshash{$key}++;
+sub linklog {
+ my ($from,$to)=@_;
+ $from=&declutter($from);
+ $to=&declutter($to);
+ $accesshash{$from.'___'.$to.'___comefrom'}=1;
+ $accesshash{$to.'___'.$from.'___goto'}=1;
+sub statslog {
+ my ($symb,$part,$users,$av_attempts,$degdiff)=@_;
+ if ($users<2) { return; }
+ my %dynstore=&LONCAPA::lonmetadata::dynamic_metadata_storage({
+ 'course' => $env{'request.course.id'},
+ 'sections' => '"all"',
+ 'num_students' => $users,
+ 'part' => $part,
+ 'symb' => $symb,
+ 'mean_tries' => $av_attempts,
+ 'deg_of_diff' => $degdiff});
+ foreach my $key (keys(%dynstore)) {
+ $accesshash{$key}=$dynstore{$key};
+ }
+sub userrolelog {
+ my ($trole,$username,$domain,$area,$tstart,$tend)=@_;
+ if ( $trole =~ /^(ca|aa|in|cc|ep|cr|ta|co)/ ) {
+ my (undef,$rudom,$runame,$rsec)=split(/\//,$area);
+ $userrolehash
+ {$trole.':'.$username.':'.$domain.':'.$runame.':'.$rudom.':'.$rsec}
+ =$tend.':'.$tstart;
+ }
+ if ($env{'request.role'} =~ /dc\./ && $trole =~ /^(au|in|cc|ep|cr|ta|co)/) {
+ $userrolehash
+ {$trole.':'.$username.':'.$domain.':'.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}.':'}
+ =$tend.':'.$tstart;
+ }
+ if ($trole =~ /^(dc|ad|li|au|dg|sc|dh|da)/ ) {
+ my (undef,$rudom,$runame,$rsec)=split(/\//,$area);
+ $domainrolehash
+ {$trole.':'.$username.':'.$domain.':'.$runame.':'.$rudom.':'.$rsec}
+ = $tend.':'.$tstart;
+ }
+sub courserolelog {
+ my ($trole,$username,$domain,$area,$tstart,$tend,$delflag,$selfenroll,
+ $context,$othdomby,$requester)=@_;
+ if ($area =~ m-^/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/?([^/]*)-) {
+ my $cdom = $1;
+ my $cnum = $2;
+ my $sec = $3;
+ my $namespace = 'rolelog';
+ my %storehash = (
+ role => $trole,
+ start => $tstart,
+ end => $tend,
+ selfenroll => $selfenroll,
+ context => $context,
+ );
+ if ($othdomby) {
+ if ($othdomby eq 'othdombydc') {
+ $storehash{'approval'} = 'domain';
+ } elsif ($othdomby eq 'othdombyuser') {
+ $storehash{'approval'} = 'user';
+ }
+ if ($requester ne '') {
+ $storehash{'requester'} = $requester;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($trole eq 'gr') {
+ $namespace = 'groupslog';
+ $storehash{'group'} = $sec;
+ } else {
+ $storehash{'section'} = $sec;
+ my ($curruserdomstr,$newuserdomstr);
+ if (exists($env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.userdomains'})) {
+ $curruserdomstr = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.userdomains'};
+ } else {
+ my %courseinfo = &coursedescription($cdom.'/'.$cnum);
+ $curruserdomstr = $courseinfo{'internal.userdomains'};
+ }
+ if ($curruserdomstr ne '') {
+ my @udoms = split(/,/,$curruserdomstr);
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$domain\E/,@udoms)) {
+ push(@udoms,$domain);
+ $newuserdomstr = join(',',sort(@udoms));
+ }
+ } else {
+ $newuserdomstr = $domain;
+ }
+ if ($newuserdomstr ne '') {
+ my $putresult = &put('environment',{ 'internal.userdomains' => $newuserdomstr },
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
+ unless (($selfenroll) || ($context eq 'selfenroll')) {
+ if (($context eq 'createcourse') || ($context eq 'requestcourses') ||
+ ($context eq 'automated') || ($context eq 'domain')) {
+ $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.userdomains'} = $newuserdomstr;
+ } elsif ($env{'request.course.id'} eq $cdom.'_'.$cnum) {
+ &appenv({'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.userdomains' => $newuserdomstr});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &write_log('course',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$username,
+ $domain,$cnum,$cdom);
+ if (($trole ne 'st') || ($sec ne '')) {
+ &devalidate_cache_new('getcourseroles',$cdom.'_'.$cnum);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub domainrolelog {
+ my ($trole,$username,$domain,$area,$tstart,$tend,$delflag,
+ $context,$othdomby,$requester)=@_;
+ if ($area =~ m{^/($match_domain)/$}) {
+ my $cdom = $1;
+ my $domconfiguser = &get_domainconfiguser($cdom);
+ my $namespace = 'rolelog';
+ my %storehash = (
+ role => $trole,
+ start => $tstart,
+ end => $tend,
+ context => $context,
+ );
+ if ($othdomby) {
+ if ($othdomby eq 'othdombydc') {
+ $storehash{'approval'} = 'domain';
+ } elsif ($othdomby eq 'othdombyuser') {
+ $storehash{'approval'} = 'user';
+ }
+ if ($requester ne '') {
+ $storehash{'requester'} = $requester;
+ }
+ }
+ &write_log('domain',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$username,
+ $domain,$domconfiguser,$cdom);
+ }
+ return;
+sub coauthorrolelog {
+ my ($trole,$username,$domain,$area,$tstart,$tend,$delflag,
+ $context,$othdomby,$requester)=@_;
+ if ($area =~ m{^/($match_domain)/($match_username)$}) {
+ my $audom = $1;
+ my $auname = $2;
+ my $namespace = 'rolelog';
+ my %storehash = (
+ role => $trole,
+ start => $tstart,
+ end => $tend,
+ context => $context,
+ );
+ if ($othdomby) {
+ if ($othdomby eq 'othdombydc') {
+ $storehash{'approval'} = 'domain';
+ } elsif ($othdomby eq 'othdombyuser') {
+ $storehash{'approval'} = 'user';
+ }
+ if ($requester ne '') {
+ $storehash{'requester'} = $requester;
+ }
+ }
+ &write_log('author',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$username,
+ $domain,$auname,$audom);
+ }
+ return;
+sub authorarchivelog {
+ my ($hashref,$size,$filesdest,$action) = @_;
+ my $lonprtdir = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonPrtDir'};
+ my $londocroot = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+ $filesdest =~ s{^\Q$lonprtdir/\E}{};
+ if ($filesdest =~ m{^($match_username)_($match_domain)_archive_(\d+_\d+_\d+(|[.\w]+))$}) {
+ my ($auname,$audom,$id) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ if (ref($hashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $namespace = 'archivelog';
+ my $dir;
+ if ($hashref->{dir} =~ m{^\Q$londocroot/priv/$audom/$auname\E(.*)$}) {
+ $dir = $1;
+ }
+ my $delflag = 0;
+ my %storehash = (
+ id => $id,
+ dir => $dir,
+ files => $hashref->{numfiles},
+ subdirs => $hashref->{numdirs},
+ bytes => $hashref->{bytes},
+ size => $size,
+ action => $action,
+ );
+ if ($action eq 'delete') {
+ $delflag = 1;
+ }
+ &write_log('author',$namespace,\%storehash,$delflag,$auname,
+ $audom,$auname,$audom);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub get_course_adv_roles {
+ my ($cid,$codes) = @_;
+ $cid=$env{'request.course.id'} unless (defined($cid));
+ my %coursehash=&coursedescription($cid);
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type($cid);
+ my %nothide=();
+ foreach my $user (split(/\s*\,\s*/,$coursehash{'nothideprivileged'})) {
+ if ($user !~ /:/) {
+ $nothide{join(':',split(/[\@]/,$user))}=1;
+ } else {
+ $nothide{$user}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ my @possdoms = ($coursehash{'domain'});
+ if ($coursehash{'checkforpriv'}) {
+ push(@possdoms,split(/,/,$coursehash{'checkforpriv'}));
+ }
+ my %returnhash=();
+ my %dumphash=
+ &dump('nohist_userroles',$coursehash{'domain'},$coursehash{'num'});
+ my $now=time;
+ my %privileged;
+ foreach my $entry (keys(%dumphash)) {
+ my ($tend,$tstart)=split(/\:/,$dumphash{$entry});
+ if (($tstart) && ($tstart<0)) { next; }
+ if (($tend) && ($tend<$now)) { next; }
+ if (($tstart) && ($now<$tstart)) { next; }
+ my ($role,$username,$domain,$section)=split(/\:/,$entry);
+ if ($username eq '' || $domain eq '') { next; }
+ if ((&privileged($username,$domain,\@possdoms)) &&
+ (!$nothide{$username.':'.$domain})) { next; }
+ if ($role eq 'cr') { next; }
+ if ($codes) {
+ if ($section) { $role .= ':'.$section; }
+ if ($returnhash{$role}) {
+ $returnhash{$role}.=','.$username.':'.$domain;
+ } else {
+ $returnhash{$role}=$username.':'.$domain;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $key=&plaintext($role,$crstype);
+ if ($section) { $key.=' ('.&Apache::lonlocal::mt('Section [_1]',$section).')'; }
+ if ($returnhash{$key}) {
+ $returnhash{$key}.=','.$username.':'.$domain;
+ } else {
+ $returnhash{$key}=$username.':'.$domain;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+sub get_my_roles {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$context,$types,$roles,$roledoms,$withsec,$hidepriv)=@_;
+ unless (defined($uname)) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ unless (defined($udom)) { $udom=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ my (%dumphash,%nothide);
+ if ($context eq 'userroles') {
+ %dumphash = &dump('roles',$udom,$uname);
+ } else {
+ %dumphash = &dump('nohist_userroles',$udom,$uname);
+ if ($hidepriv) {
+ my %coursehash=&coursedescription($udom.'_'.$uname);
+ foreach my $user (split(/\s*\,\s*/,$coursehash{'nothideprivileged'})) {
+ if ($user !~ /:/) {
+ $nothide{join(':',split(/[\@]/,$user))} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $nothide{$user} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %returnhash=();
+ my $now=time;
+ my %privileged;
+ foreach my $entry (keys(%dumphash)) {
+ my ($role,$tend,$tstart);
+ if ($context eq 'userroles') {
+ next if ($entry =~ /^rolesdef/);
+ ($role,$tend,$tstart)=split(/_/,$dumphash{$entry});
+ } else {
+ ($tend,$tstart)=split(/\:/,$dumphash{$entry});
+ }
+ if (($tstart) && ($tstart<0)) { next; }
+ my $status = 'active';
+ if (($tend) && ($tend<=$now)) {
+ $status = 'previous';
+ }
+ if (($tstart) && ($now<$tstart)) {
+ $status = 'future';
+ }
+ if (ref($types) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (!grep(/^\Q$status\E$/,@{$types})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($status ne 'active') {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($rolecode,$username,$domain,$section,$area);
+ if ($context eq 'userroles') {
+ ($area,$rolecode) = ($entry =~ /^(.+)_([^_]+)$/);
+ (undef,$domain,$username,$section) = split(/\//,$area);
+ } else {
+ ($role,$username,$domain,$section) = split(/\:/,$entry);
+ }
+ if (ref($roledoms) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (!grep(/^\Q$domain\E$/,@{$roledoms})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($roles) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (!grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@{$roles})) {
+ if ($role =~ /^cr\//) {
+ if (!grep(/^cr$/,@{$roles})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ } elsif ($role =~ /^gr\//) {
+ if (!grep(/^gr$/,@{$roles})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($hidepriv) {
+ my @privroles = ('dc','su');
+ if ($context eq 'userroles') {
+ next if (grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@privroles));
+ } else {
+ my $possdoms = [$domain];
+ if (ref($roledoms) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@{$possdoms},@{$roledoms});
+ }
+ if (&privileged($username,$domain,$possdoms,\@privroles)) {
+ if (!$nothide{$username.':'.$domain}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($withsec) {
+ $returnhash{$username.':'.$domain.':'.$role.':'.$section} =
+ $tstart.':'.$tend;
+ } else {
+ $returnhash{$username.':'.$domain.':'.$role}=$tstart.':'.$tend;
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+sub get_all_adhocroles {
+ my ($dom) = @_;
+ my @roles_by_num = ();
+ my %domdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($dom);
+ my (%description,%access_in_dom,%access_info);
+ if (ref($domdefaults{'adhocroles'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $count = 0;
+ my %domcurrent = %{$domdefaults{'adhocroles'}};
+ my %ordered;
+ foreach my $role (sort(keys(%domcurrent))) {
+ my ($order,$desc,$access_in_dom);
+ if (ref($domcurrent{$role}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $order = $domcurrent{$role}{'order'};
+ $desc = $domcurrent{$role}{'desc'};
+ $access_in_dom{$role} = $domcurrent{$role}{'access'};
+ $access_info{$role} = $domcurrent{$role}{$access_in_dom{$role}};
+ }
+ if ($order eq '') {
+ $order = $count;
+ }
+ $ordered{$order} = $role;
+ if ($desc ne '') {
+ $description{$role} = $desc;
+ } else {
+ $description{$role}= $role;
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ foreach my $item (sort {$a <=> $b } (keys(%ordered))) {
+ push(@roles_by_num,$ordered{$item});
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@roles_by_num,\%description,\%access_in_dom,\%access_info);
+sub get_my_adhocroles {
+ my ($cid,$checkreg) = @_;
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,%info,@possroles,$description,$roles_by_num);
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'} eq $cid) {
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ $info{'internal.coursecode'} = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.internal.coursecode'};
+ } elsif ($cid =~ /^($match_domain)_($match_courseid)$/) {
+ $cdom = $1;
+ $cnum = $2;
+ %info = &get('environment',['internal.coursecode'],
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+ if (($info{'internal.coursecode'} ne '') && ($checkreg)) {
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'};
+ my %rosterhash = &get('classlist',[$user],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($rosterhash{$user} ne '') {
+ my $type = (split(/:/,$rosterhash{$user}))[5];
+ return ([],{}) if ($type eq 'auto');
+ }
+ }
+ if (($cdom ne '') && ($cnum ne '')) {
+ if (($env{"user.role.dh./$cdom/"}) || ($env{"user.role.da./$cdom/"})) {
+ my $then=$env{'user.login.time'};
+ my $update=$env{'user.update.time'};
+ if (!$update) {
+ $update = $then;
+ }
+ my @liveroles;
+ foreach my $role ('dh','da') {
+ if ($env{"user.role.$role./$cdom/"}) {
+ my ($tstart,$tend)=split(/\./,$env{"user.role.$role./$cdom/"});
+ my $limit = $update;
+ if ($env{'request.role'} eq "$role./$cdom/") {
+ $limit = $then;
+ }
+ my $activerole = 1;
+ if ($tstart && $tstart>$limit) { $activerole = 0; }
+ if ($tend && $tend <$limit) { $activerole = 0; }
+ if ($activerole) {
+ push(@liveroles,$role);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (@liveroles) {
+ if (&homeserver($cnum,$cdom) ne 'no_host') {
+ my ($accessref,$accessinfo,%access_in_dom);
+ ($roles_by_num,$description,$accessref,$accessinfo) = &get_all_adhocroles($cdom);
+ if (ref($roles_by_num) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@{$roles_by_num}) {
+ my %settings;
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'} eq $cid) {
+ foreach my $envkey (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($envkey =~ /^\Qcourse.$cid.\E(internal\.adhoc.+)$/) {
+ $settings{$1} = $env{$envkey};
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ %settings = &dump('environment',$cdom,$cnum,'internal\.adhoc');
+ }
+ my %setincrs;
+ if ($settings{'internal.adhocaccess'}) {
+ map { $setincrs{$_} = 1; } split(/,/,$settings{'internal.adhocaccess'});
+ }
+ my @statuses;
+ if ($env{'environment.inststatus'}) {
+ @statuses = split(/,/,$env{'environment.inststatus'});
+ }
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'};
+ if (ref($accessref) eq 'HASH') {
+ %access_in_dom = %{$accessref};
+ }
+ foreach my $role (@{$roles_by_num}) {
+ my ($curraccess,@okstatus,@personnel);
+ if ($setincrs{$role}) {
+ ($curraccess,my $rest) = split(/=/,$settings{'internal.adhoc.'.$role});
+ if ($curraccess eq 'status') {
+ @okstatus = split(/\&/,$rest);
+ } elsif (($curraccess eq 'exc') || ($curraccess eq 'inc')) {
+ @personnel = split(/\&/,$rest);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $curraccess = $access_in_dom{$role};
+ if (ref($accessinfo) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($curraccess eq 'status') {
+ if (ref($accessinfo->{$role}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @okstatus = @{$accessinfo->{$role}};
+ }
+ } elsif (($curraccess eq 'exc') || ($curraccess eq 'inc')) {
+ if (ref($accessinfo->{$role}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @personnel = @{$accessinfo->{$role}};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($curraccess eq 'none') {
+ next;
+ } elsif ($curraccess eq 'all') {
+ push(@possroles,$role);
+ } elsif ($curraccess eq 'dh') {
+ if (grep(/^dh$/,@liveroles)) {
+ push(@possroles,$role);
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ } elsif ($curraccess eq 'da') {
+ if (grep(/^da$/,@liveroles)) {
+ push(@possroles,$role);
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ } elsif ($curraccess eq 'status') {
+ if (@okstatus) {
+ if (!@statuses) {
+ if (grep(/^default$/,@okstatus)) {
+ push(@possroles,$role);
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach my $status (@okstatus) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$status\E$/,@statuses)) {
+ push(@possroles,$role);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($curraccess eq 'exc') || ($curraccess eq 'inc')) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$user\E$/,@personnel)) {
+ if ($curraccess eq 'exc') {
+ push(@possroles,$role);
+ }
+ } elsif ($curraccess eq 'inc') {
+ push(@possroles,$role);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless (ref($description) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($roles_by_num) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my %desc;
+ map { $desc{$_} = $_; } (@{$roles_by_num});
+ $description = \%desc;
+ } else {
+ $description = {};
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@possroles,$description);
+# ----------------------------------------------------- Frontpage Announcements
+sub postannounce {
+ my ($server,$text)=@_;
+ unless (&allowed('psa',&host_domain($server))) { return 'refused'; }
+ unless ($text=~/\w/) { $text=''; }
+ return &reply('setannounce:'.&escape($text),$server);
+sub getannounce {
+ if (open(my $fh,"<",$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/announcement.txt')) {
+ my $announcement='';
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) { $announcement .= $line; }
+ close($fh);
+ if ($announcement=~/\w/) {
+ return
+ '';
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Course ID routines
+# Deal with domain's nohist_courseid.db files
+sub courseidput {
+ my ($domain,$storehash,$coursehome,$caller) = @_;
+ return unless (ref($storehash) eq 'HASH');
+ my $outcome;
+ if ($caller eq 'timeonly') {
+ my $cids = '';
+ foreach my $item (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $cids.=&escape($item).'&';
+ }
+ $cids=~s/\&$//;
+ $outcome = &reply('courseidputhash:'.$domain.':'.$caller.':'.$cids,
+ $coursehome);
+ } else {
+ my $items = '';
+ foreach my $item (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $items.= &escape($item).'='.
+ &freeze_escape($$storehash{$item}).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ $outcome = &reply('courseidputhash:'.$domain.':'.$caller.':'.$items,
+ $coursehome);
+ }
+ if ($outcome eq 'unknown_cmd') {
+ my $what;
+ foreach my $cid (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $what .= &escape($cid).'=';
+ foreach my $item ('description','inst_code','owner','type') {
+ $what .= &escape($storehash->{$cid}{$item}).':';
+ }
+ $what =~ s/\:$/&/;
+ }
+ $what =~ s/\&$//;
+ return &reply('courseidput:'.$domain.':'.$what,$coursehome);
+ } else {
+ return $outcome;
+ }
+sub courseiddump {
+ my ($domfilter,$descfilter,$sincefilter,$instcodefilter,$ownerfilter,
+ $coursefilter,$hostidflag,$hostidref,$typefilter,$regexp_ok,
+ $selfenrollonly,$catfilter,$showhidden,$caller,$cloner,$cc_clone,
+ $cloneonly,$createdbefore,$createdafter,$creationcontext,$domcloner,
+ $hasuniquecode,$reqcrsdom,$reqinstcode)=@_;
+ my $as_hash = 1;
+ my %returnhash;
+ if (!$domfilter) { $domfilter=''; }
+ my %libserv = &all_library();
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%libserv)) {
+ if ( ( $hostidflag == 1
+ && grep(/^\Q$tryserver\E$/,@{$hostidref}) )
+ || (!defined($hostidflag)) ) {
+ if (($domfilter eq '') ||
+ (&host_domain($tryserver) eq $domfilter)) {
+ my $rep;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $tryserver } current_machine_ids()) {
+ $rep = LONCAPA::Lond::dump_course_id_handler(
+ join(":", (&host_domain($tryserver), $sincefilter,
+ &escape($descfilter), &escape($instcodefilter),
+ &escape($ownerfilter), &escape($coursefilter),
+ &escape($typefilter), &escape($regexp_ok),
+ $as_hash, &escape($selfenrollonly),
+ &escape($catfilter), $showhidden, $caller,
+ &escape($cloner), &escape($cc_clone), $cloneonly,
+ &escape($createdbefore), &escape($createdafter),
+ &escape($creationcontext),$domcloner,$hasuniquecode,
+ $reqcrsdom,&escape($reqinstcode))));
+ } else {
+ $rep = &reply('courseiddump:'.&host_domain($tryserver).':'.
+ $sincefilter.':'.&escape($descfilter).':'.
+ &escape($instcodefilter).':'.&escape($ownerfilter).
+ ':'.&escape($coursefilter).':'.&escape($typefilter).
+ ':'.&escape($regexp_ok).':'.$as_hash.':'.
+ &escape($selfenrollonly).':'.&escape($catfilter).':'.
+ $showhidden.':'.$caller.':'.&escape($cloner).':'.
+ &escape($cc_clone).':'.$cloneonly.':'.
+ &escape($createdbefore).':'.&escape($createdafter).':'.
+ &escape($creationcontext).':'.$domcloner.':'.$hasuniquecode.
+ ':'.$reqcrsdom.':'.&escape($reqinstcode),$tryserver);
+ }
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/\=/,$item,2);
+ $key = &unescape($key);
+ next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+ my $result = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ $returnhash{$key}=$result;
+ } else {
+ my @responses = split(/:/,$value);
+ my @items = ('description','inst_code','owner','type');
+ for (my $i=0; $i<@responses; $i++) {
+ $returnhash{$key}{$items[$i]} = &unescape($responses[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+sub courselastaccess {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$hostidref) = @_;
+ my %returnhash;
+ if ($cdom && $cnum) {
+ my $chome = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ if ($chome ne 'no_host') {
+ my $rep = &reply('courselastaccess:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum,$chome);
+ &extract_lastaccess(\%returnhash,$rep);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$cdom) { $cdom=''; }
+ my %libserv = &all_library();
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%libserv)) {
+ if (ref($hostidref) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ next unless (grep(/^\Q$tryserver\E$/,@{$hostidref}));
+ }
+ if (($cdom eq '') || (&host_domain($tryserver) eq $cdom)) {
+ my $rep = &reply('courselastaccess:'.&host_domain($tryserver).':',$tryserver);
+ &extract_lastaccess(\%returnhash,$rep);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+sub extract_lastaccess {
+ my ($returnhash,$rep) = @_;
+ if (ref($returnhash) eq 'HASH') {
+ unless ($rep eq 'unknown_cmd' || $rep eq 'no_such_host' ||
+ $rep eq 'con_lost' || $rep eq 'rejected' || $rep eq 'refused' ||
+ $rep eq '') {
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/\=/,$item,2);
+ $key = &unescape($key);
+ next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+ $returnhash->{$key} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- DC e-mail
+sub dcmailput {
+ my ($domain,$msgid,$message,$server)=@_;
+ my $status = &critical(
+ 'dcmailput:'.$domain.':'.&escape($msgid).'='.
+ &escape($message),$server);
+ return $status;
+sub dcmaildump {
+ my ($dom,$startdate,$enddate,$senders) = @_;
+ my %returnhash=();
+ if (defined(&domain($dom,'primary'))) {
+ my $cmd='dcmaildump:'.$dom.':'.&escape($startdate).':'.
+ &escape($enddate).':';
+ my @esc_senders=map { &escape($_)} @$senders;
+ $cmd.=&escape(join('&',@esc_senders));
+ foreach my $line (split(/\&/,&reply($cmd,&domain($dom,'primary')))) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/\=/,$line,2);
+ if (($key) && ($value)) {
+ $returnhash{&unescape($key)} = &unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Domain roles
+sub get_domain_roles {
+ my ($dom,$roles,$startdate,$enddate)=@_;
+ if ((!defined($startdate)) || ($startdate eq '')) {
+ $startdate = '.';
+ }
+ if ((!defined($enddate)) || ($enddate eq '')) {
+ $enddate = '.';
+ }
+ my $rolelist;
+ if (ref($roles) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $rolelist = join('&',@{$roles});
+ }
+ my %personnel = ();
+ my %servers = &get_servers($dom,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ %{$personnel{$tryserver}}=();
+ foreach my $line (split(/\&/,&reply('domrolesdump:'.$dom.':'.
+ &escape($startdate).':'.
+ &escape($enddate).':'.
+ &escape($rolelist), $tryserver))) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/\=/,$line,2);
+ if (($key) && ($value)) {
+ $personnel{$tryserver}{&unescape($key)} = &unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %personnel;
+sub get_active_domroles {
+ my ($dom,$roles) = @_;
+ return () unless (ref($roles) eq 'ARRAY');
+ my $now = time;
+ my %dompersonnel = &get_domain_roles($dom,$roles,$now,$now);
+ my %domroles;
+ foreach my $server (keys(%dompersonnel)) {
+ foreach my $user (sort(keys(%{$dompersonnel{$server}}))) {
+ my ($trole,$uname,$udom,$runame,$rudom,$rsec) = split(/:/,$user);
+ $domroles{$uname.':'.$udom} = $dompersonnel{$server}{$user};
+ }
+ }
+ return %domroles;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------- Interval timing
-sub BEGIN {
-if ($readit ne 'done') {
-# ------------------------------------------------------------ Read access.conf
- my $config=Apache::File->new("/etc/httpd/conf/access.conf");
+# Caches needed for speedup of navmaps
+# We don't want to cache this for very long at all (5 seconds at most)
+# The user for whom we cache
+my $cachedkey='';
+# The cached times for this user
+my %cachedtimes=();
+# When this was last done
+my $cachedtime='';
- while (my $configline=<$config>) {
- if ($configline =~ /PerlSetVar/) {
- my ($dummy,$varname,$varvalue)=split(/\s+/,$configline);
- $perlvar{$varname}=$varvalue;
+sub load_all_first_access {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$ignorecache)=@_;
+ if (($cachedkey eq $uname.':'.$udom) &&
+ (abs($cachedtime-time)<5) && (!$env{'form.markaccess'}) &&
+ (!$ignorecache)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $cachedtime=time;
+ $cachedkey=$uname.':'.$udom;
+ %cachedtimes=&dump('firstaccesstimes',$udom,$uname);
+sub get_first_access {
+ my ($type,$argsymb,$argmap,$ignorecache)=@_;
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$udom,$uname)=&whichuser();
+ if ($argsymb) { $symb=$argsymb; }
+ my ($map,$id,$res)=&decode_symb($symb);
+ if ($argmap) { $map = $argmap; }
+ if ($type eq 'course') {
+ $res='course';
+ } elsif ($type eq 'map') {
+ $res=&symbread($map);
+ } else {
+ $res=$symb;
+ }
+ &load_all_first_access($uname,$udom,$ignorecache);
+ return $cachedtimes{"$courseid\0$res"};
+sub set_first_access {
+ my ($type,$interval)=@_;
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$udom,$uname)=&whichuser();
+ my ($map,$id,$res)=&decode_symb($symb);
+ if ($type eq 'course') {
+ $res='course';
+ } elsif ($type eq 'map') {
+ $res=&symbread($map);
+ } else {
+ $res=$symb;
+ }
+ $cachedkey='';
+ my $firstaccess=&get_first_access($type,$symb,$map);
+ if ($firstaccess) {
+ &logthis("First access time already set ($firstaccess) when attempting ".
+ "to set new value (type: $type, extent: $res) for $uname:$udom ".
+ "in $courseid");
+ return 'already_set';
+ } else {
+ my $start = time;
+ my $putres = &put('firstaccesstimes',{"$courseid\0$res"=>$start},
+ $udom,$uname);
+ if ($putres eq 'ok') {
+ &put('timerinterval',{"$courseid\0$res"=>$interval},
+ $udom,$uname);
+ &appenv(
+ {
+ 'course.'.$courseid.'.firstaccess.'.$res => $start,
+ 'course.'.$courseid.'.timerinterval.'.$res => $interval,
+ }
+ );
+ if (($cachedtime) && (abs($start-$cachedtime) < 5)) {
+ $cachedtimes{"$courseid\0$res"} = $start;
+ }
+ } elsif ($putres ne 'refused') {
+ &logthis("Result: $putres when attempting to set first access time ".
+ "(type: $type, extent: $res) for $uname:$udom in $courseid");
+ }
+ return $putres;
+ }
+ return 'already_set';
+# --------------------------------------------- Set Expire Date for Spreadsheet
+sub expirespread {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb)=@_;
+ my $cid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+ if ($cid) {
+ my $now=time;
+ my $key=$uname.':'.$udom.':'.$stype.':'.$usymb;
+ return &reply('put:'.$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
+ $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}.
+ ':nohist_expirationdates:'.
+ &escape($key).'='.$now,
+ $env{'course.'.$cid.'.home'})
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+# ----------------------------------------------------- Devalidate Spreadsheets
+sub devalidate {
+ my ($symb,$uname,$udom)=@_;
+ my $cid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+ if ($cid) {
+ # delete the stored spreadsheets for
+ # - the student level sheet of this user in course's homespace
+ # - the assessment level sheet for this resource
+ # for this user in user's homespace
+ # - current conditional state info
+ my $key=$uname.':'.$udom.':';
+ my $status=
+ &del('nohist_calculatedsheets',
+ [$key.'studentcalc:'],
+ $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'},
+ $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'})
+ .' '.
+ &del('nohist_calculatedsheets_'.$cid,
+ [$key.'assesscalc:'.$symb],$udom,$uname);
+ unless ($status eq 'ok ok') {
+ &logthis('Could not devalidate spreadsheet '.
+ $uname.' at '.$udom.' for '.
+ $symb.': '.$status);
+ }
+ &delenv('user.state.'.$cid);
+ }
+sub get_scalar {
+ my ($string,$end) = @_;
+ my $value;
+ if ($$string =~ s/^([^&]*?)($end)/$2/) {
+ $value = $1;
+ } elsif ($$string =~ s/^([^&]*?)&//) {
+ $value = $1;
+ }
+ return &unescape($value);
+sub array2str {
+ my (@array) = @_;
+ my $result=&arrayref2str(\@array);
+ $result=~s/^__ARRAY_REF__//;
+ $result=~s/__END_ARRAY_REF__$//;
+ return $result;
+sub arrayref2str {
+ my ($arrayref) = @_;
+ my $result='__ARRAY_REF__';
+ foreach my $elem (@$arrayref) {
+ if(ref($elem) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $result.=&arrayref2str($elem).'&';
+ } elsif(ref($elem) eq 'HASH') {
+ $result.=&hashref2str($elem).'&';
+ } elsif(ref($elem)) {
+ #print("Got a ref of ".(ref($elem))." skipping.");
+ } else {
+ $result.=&escape($elem).'&';
+ }
+ }
+ $result=~s/\&$//;
+ $result .= '__END_ARRAY_REF__';
+ return $result;
+sub hash2str {
+ my (%hash) = @_;
+ my $result=&hashref2str(\%hash);
+ $result=~s/^__HASH_REF__//;
+ $result=~s/__END_HASH_REF__$//;
+ return $result;
+sub hashref2str {
+ my ($hashref)=@_;
+ my $result='__HASH_REF__';
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%$hashref))) {
+ if (ref($key) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $result.=&arrayref2str($key).'=';
+ } elsif (ref($key) eq 'HASH') {
+ $result.=&hashref2str($key).'=';
+ } elsif (ref($key)) {
+ $result.='=';
+ #print("Got a ref of ".(ref($key))." skipping.");
+ } else {
+ if (defined($key)) {$result.=&escape($key).'=';} else { last; }
+ }
+ if(ref($hashref->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $result.=&arrayref2str($hashref->{$key}).'&';
+ } elsif(ref($hashref->{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $result.=&hashref2str($hashref->{$key}).'&';
+ } elsif(ref($hashref->{$key})) {
+ $result.='&';
+ #print("Got a ref of ".(ref($hashref->{$key}))." skipping.");
+ } else {
+ $result.=&escape($hashref->{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ }
+ $result=~s/\&$//;
+ $result .= '__END_HASH_REF__';
+ return $result;
+sub str2hash {
+ my ($string)=@_;
+ my ($hash)=&str2hashref('__HASH_REF__'.$string.'__END_HASH_REF__');
+ return %$hash;
+sub str2hashref {
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ my %hash;
+ if($string !~ /^__HASH_REF__/) {
+ if (! ($string eq '' || !defined($string))) {
+ $hash{'error'}='Not hash reference';
+ }
+ return (\%hash, $string);
+ }
+ $string =~ s/^__HASH_REF__//;
+ while($string !~ /^__END_HASH_REF__/) {
+ #key
+ my $key='';
+ if($string =~ /^__HASH_REF__/) {
+ ($key, $string)=&str2hashref($string);
+ if(defined($key->{'error'})) {
+ $hash{'error'}='Bad data';
+ return (\%hash, $string);
+ }
+ } elsif($string =~ /^__ARRAY_REF__/) {
+ ($key, $string)=&str2arrayref($string);
+ if($key->[0] eq 'Array reference error') {
+ $hash{'error'}='Bad data';
+ return (\%hash, $string);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $string =~ s/^(.*?)=//;
+ $key=&unescape($1);
+ }
+ $string =~ s/^=//;
+ #value
+ my $value='';
+ if($string =~ /^__HASH_REF__/) {
+ ($value, $string)=&str2hashref($string);
+ if(defined($value->{'error'})) {
+ $hash{'error'}='Bad data';
+ return (\%hash, $string);
+ }
+ } elsif($string =~ /^__ARRAY_REF__/) {
+ ($value, $string)=&str2arrayref($string);
+ if($value->[0] eq 'Array reference error') {
+ $hash{'error'}='Bad data';
+ return (\%hash, $string);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $value=&get_scalar(\$string,'__END_HASH_REF__');
+ }
+ $string =~ s/^&//;
+ $hash{$key}=$value;
+ }
+ $string =~ s/^__END_HASH_REF__//;
+ return (\%hash, $string);
+sub str2array {
+ my ($string)=@_;
+ my ($array)=&str2arrayref('__ARRAY_REF__'.$string.'__END_ARRAY_REF__');
+ return @$array;
+sub str2arrayref {
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ my @array;
+ if($string !~ /^__ARRAY_REF__/) {
+ if (! ($string eq '' || !defined($string))) {
+ $array[0]='Array reference error';
+ }
+ return (\@array, $string);
+ }
+ $string =~ s/^__ARRAY_REF__//;
+ while($string !~ /^__END_ARRAY_REF__/) {
+ my $value='';
+ if($string =~ /^__HASH_REF__/) {
+ ($value, $string)=&str2hashref($string);
+ if(defined($value->{'error'})) {
+ $array[0] ='Array reference error';
+ return (\@array, $string);
+ }
+ } elsif($string =~ /^__ARRAY_REF__/) {
+ ($value, $string)=&str2arrayref($string);
+ if($value->[0] eq 'Array reference error') {
+ $array[0] ='Array reference error';
+ return (\@array, $string);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $value=&get_scalar(\$string,'__END_ARRAY_REF__');
+ }
+ $string =~ s/^&//;
+ push(@array, $value);
+ }
+ $string =~ s/^__END_ARRAY_REF__//;
+ return (\@array, $string);
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------Temp Store
+sub tmpreset {
+ my ($symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) = @_;
+ if (!$symb) {
+ $symb=&symbread();
+ if (!$symb) { $symb= $env{'request.url'}; }
+ }
+ $symb=escape($symb);
+ if (!$namespace) { $namespace=$env{'request.state'}; }
+ $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
+ $namespace=~s/\W//g;
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ if ($domain eq 'public' && $stuname eq 'public') {
+ $stuname=&get_requestor_ip();
+ }
+ my $path=LONCAPA::tempdir();
+ my %hash;
+ if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',
+ $path.'/tmpstore_'.$stuname.'_'.$domain.'_'.$namespace.'.db',
+ &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%hash)) {
+ if ($key=~ /:$symb/) {
+ delete($hash{$key});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub tmpstore {
+ my ($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) = @_;
+ if (!$symb) {
+ $symb=&symbread();
+ if (!$symb) { $symb= $env{'request.url'}; }
+ }
+ $symb=escape($symb);
+ if (!$namespace) {
+ # I don't think we would ever want to store this for a course.
+ # it seems this will only be used if we don't have a course.
+ #$namespace=$env{'request.course.id'};
+ #if (!$namespace) {
+ $namespace=$env{'request.state'};
+ #}
+ }
+ $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
+ $namespace=~s/\W//g;
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ if ($domain eq 'public' && $stuname eq 'public') {
+ $stuname=&get_requestor_ip();
+ }
+ my $now=time;
+ my %hash;
+ my $path=LONCAPA::tempdir();
+ if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',
+ $path.'/tmpstore_'.$stuname.'_'.$domain.'_'.$namespace.'.db',
+ &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+ $hash{"version:$symb"}++;
+ my $version=$hash{"version:$symb"};
+ my $allkeys='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $allkeys.=$key.':';
+ $hash{"$version:$symb:$key"}=&freeze_escape($$storehash{$key});
+ }
+ $hash{"$version:$symb:timestamp"}=$now;
+ $allkeys.='timestamp';
+ $hash{"$version:keys:$symb"}=$allkeys;
+ if (untie(%hash)) {
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ return "error:$!";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "error:$!";
+ }
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------Temp Restore
+sub tmprestore {
+ my ($symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) = @_;
+ if (!$symb) {
+ $symb=&symbread();
+ if (!$symb) { $symb= $env{'request.url'}; }
+ }
+ $symb=escape($symb);
+ if (!$namespace) { $namespace=$env{'request.state'}; }
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ if ($domain eq 'public' && $stuname eq 'public') {
+ $stuname=&get_requestor_ip();
+ }
+ my %returnhash;
+ $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
+ $namespace=~s/\W//g;
+ my %hash;
+ my $path=LONCAPA::tempdir();
+ if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',
+ $path.'/tmpstore_'.$stuname.'_'.$domain.'_'.$namespace.'.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ my $version=$hash{"version:$symb"};
+ $returnhash{'version'}=$version;
+ my $scope;
+ for ($scope=1;$scope<=$version;$scope++) {
+ my $vkeys=$hash{"$scope:keys:$symb"};
+ my @keys=split(/:/,$vkeys);
+ my $key;
+ $returnhash{"$scope:keys"}=$vkeys;
+ foreach $key (@keys) {
+ $returnhash{"$scope:$key"}=&thaw_unescape($hash{"$scope:$symb:$key"});
+ $returnhash{"$key"}=&thaw_unescape($hash{"$scope:$symb:$key"});
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(untie(%hash))) {
+ return "error:$!";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "error:$!";
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Store
+sub store {
+ my ($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname,$laststore) = @_;
+ my $home='';
+ if ($stuname) { $home=&homeserver($stuname,$domain); }
+ $symb=&symbclean($symb);
+ if (!$symb) { unless ($symb=&symbread()) { return ''; } }
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ &devalidate($symb,$stuname,$domain);
+ $symb=escape($symb);
+ if (!$namespace) {
+ unless ($namespace=$env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$home) { $home=$env{'user.home'}; }
+ $$storehash{'ip'}=&get_requestor_ip();
+ $$storehash{'host'}=$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $namevalue='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $namevalue.=&escape($key).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $namevalue=~s/\&$//;
+ &courselog($symb.':'.$stuname.':'.$domain.':STORE:'.$namevalue);
+ return reply("store:$domain:$stuname:$namespace:$symb:$namevalue:$laststore","$home");
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Store
+sub cstore {
+ my ($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname,$laststore) = @_;
+ my $home='';
+ if ($stuname) { $home=&homeserver($stuname,$domain); }
+ unless (($symb eq '_feedback') || ($symb eq '_discussion')) {
+ $symb=&symbclean($symb);
+ }
+ if (!$symb) { unless ($symb=&symbread()) { return ''; } }
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ unless (($symb eq '_feedback') || ($symb eq '_discussion')) {
+ &devalidate($symb,$stuname,$domain);
+ }
+ $symb=escape($symb);
+ if (!$namespace) {
+ unless ($namespace=$env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$home) { $home=$env{'user.home'}; }
+ $$storehash{'ip'} = &get_requestor_ip();
+ $$storehash{'host'}=$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $namevalue='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $namevalue.=&escape($key).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $namevalue=~s/\&$//;
+ &courselog($symb.':'.$stuname.':'.$domain.':CSTORE:'.$namevalue);
+ return critical
+ ("store:$domain:$stuname:$namespace:$symb:$namevalue:$laststore","$home");
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore
+sub restore {
+ my ($symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) = @_;
+ my $home='';
+ if ($stuname) { $home=&homeserver($stuname,$domain); }
+ if (!$symb) {
+ return if ($namespace eq 'courserequests');
+ unless ($symb=escape(&symbread())) { return ''; }
+ } else {
+ unless ($namespace eq 'courserequests') {
+ $symb=&escape(&symbclean($symb));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$namespace) {
+ unless ($namespace=$env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ if (!$home) { $home=$env{'user.home'}; }
+ my $answer=&reply("restore:$domain:$stuname:$namespace:$symb","$home");
+ my %returnhash=();
+ foreach my $line (split(/\&/,$answer)) {
+ my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$line);
+ $returnhash{&unescape($name)}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ my $version;
+ for ($version=1;$version<=$returnhash{'version'};$version++) {
+ foreach my $item (split(/\:/,$returnhash{$version.':keys'})) {
+ $returnhash{$item}=$returnhash{$version.':'.$item};
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Course Description
+sub coursedescription {
+ my ($courseid,$args)=@_;
+ $courseid=~s/^\///;
+ $courseid=~s/\_/\//g;
+ my ($cdomain,$cnum)=split(/\//,$courseid);
+ my $chome=&homeserver($cnum,$cdomain);
+ my $normalid=$cdomain.'_'.$cnum;
+ # need to always cache even if we get errors otherwise we keep
+ # trying and trying and trying to get the course description.
+ my %envhash=();
+ my %returnhash=();
+ my $expiretime=600;
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'} eq $normalid) {
+ $expiretime=120;
+ }
+ my $prefix='course.'.$cdomain.'_'.$cnum.'.';
+ if (!$args->{'freshen_cache'}
+ && ((time-$env{$prefix.'last_cache'}) < $expiretime) ) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ next if ($key !~ /^\Q$prefix\E(.*)/);
+ my ($setting) = $1;
+ $returnhash{$setting} = $env{$key};
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+ }
+ # get the data again
+ if (!$args->{'one_time'}) {
+ $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.last_cache'}=time;
+ }
+ if ($chome ne 'no_host') {
+ %returnhash=&dump('environment',$cdomain,$cnum);
+ if (!exists($returnhash{'con_lost'})) {
+ my $username = $env{'user.name'}; # Defult username
+ if(defined $args->{'user'}) {
+ $username = $args->{'user'};
+ }
+ $returnhash{'home'}= $chome;
+ $returnhash{'domain'} = $cdomain;
+ $returnhash{'num'} = $cnum;
+ if (!defined($returnhash{'type'})) {
+ $returnhash{'type'} = 'Course';
+ }
+ while (my ($name,$value) = each %returnhash) {
+ $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.'.$name}=$value;
+ }
+ $returnhash{'url'}=&clutter($returnhash{'url'});
+ $returnhash{'fn'}=LONCAPA::tempdir() .
+ $username.'_'.$cdomain.'_'.$cnum;
+ $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.home'}=$chome;
+ $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.domain'}=$cdomain;
+ $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.num'}=$cnum;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$args->{'one_time'}) {
+ &appenv(\%envhash);
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+sub update_released_required {
+ my ($needsrelease,$cdom,$cnum,$chome,$cid) = @_;
+ if ($cdom eq '' || $cnum eq '' || $chome eq '' || $cid eq '') {
+ $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ $chome = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.home'};
+ }
+ if ($needsrelease) {
+ my %curr_reqd_hash = &userenvironment($cdom,$cnum,'internal.releaserequired');
+ my $needsupdate;
+ if ($curr_reqd_hash{'internal.releaserequired'} eq '') {
+ $needsupdate = 1;
+ } else {
+ my ($currmajor,$currminor) = split(/\./,$curr_reqd_hash{'internal.releaserequired'});
+ my ($needsmajor,$needsminor) = split(/\./,$needsrelease);
+ if (($currmajor < $needsmajor) || ($currmajor == $needsmajor && $currminor < $needsminor)) {
+ $needsupdate = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($needsupdate) {
+ my %needshash = (
+ 'internal.releaserequired' => $needsrelease,
+ );
+ my $putresult = &put('environment',\%needshash,$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
+ &appenv({'course.'.$cid.'.internal.releaserequired' => $needsrelease});
+ my %crsinfo = &courseiddump($cdom,'.',1,'.','.',$cnum,undef,undef,'.');
+ if (ref($crsinfo{$cid}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $crsinfo{$cid}{'releaserequired'} = $needsrelease;
+ &courseidput($cdom,\%crsinfo,$chome,'notime');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# -------------------------------------------------See if a user is privileged
+sub privileged {
+ my ($username,$domain,$possdomains,$possroles)=@_;
+ my $now = time;
+ my $roles;
+ if (ref($possroles) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $roles = $possroles;
+ } else {
+ $roles = ['dc','su'];
+ }
+ if (ref($possdomains) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my %privileged = &privileged_by_domain($possdomains,$roles);
+ foreach my $dom (@{$possdomains}) {
+ if (($username =~ /^$match_username$/) && ($domain =~ /^$match_domain$/) &&
+ (ref($privileged{$dom}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ foreach my $role (@{$roles}) {
+ if (ref($privileged{$dom}{$role}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (exists($privileged{$dom}{$role}{$username.':'.$domain})) {
+ my ($end,$start) = split(/:/,$privileged{$dom}{$role}{$username.':'.$domain});
+ return 1 unless (($end && $end < $now) ||
+ ($start && $start > $now));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my %rolesdump = &dump("roles", $domain, $username) or return 0;
+ my $now = time;
+ for my $role (@rolesdump{grep { ! /^rolesdef_/ } keys(%rolesdump)}) {
+ my ($trole, $tend, $tstart) = split(/_/, $role);
+ if (grep(/^\Q$trole\E$/,@{$roles})) {
+ return 1 unless ($tend && $tend < $now)
+ or ($tstart && $tstart > $now);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub privileged_by_domain {
+ my ($domains,$roles) = @_;
+ my %privileged = ();
+ my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
+ my $now = time;
+ unless ((ref($domains) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($roles) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ return %privileged;
+ }
+ foreach my $dom (@{$domains}) {
+ next if (ref($privileged{$dom}) eq 'HASH');
+ my $needroles;
+ foreach my $role (@{$roles}) {
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('priv_'.$role,$dom);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ $privileged{$dom}{$role} = $result;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $needroles = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($needroles) {
+ my %dompersonnel = &get_domain_roles($dom,$roles);
+ $privileged{$dom} = {};
+ foreach my $server (keys(%dompersonnel)) {
+ if (ref($dompersonnel{$server}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%{$dompersonnel{$server}})) {
+ my ($trole,$uname,$udom,$rest) = split(/:/,$item,4);
+ my ($end,$start) = split(/:/,$dompersonnel{$server}{$item});
+ next if ($end && $end < $now);
+ $privileged{$dom}{$trole}{$uname.':'.$udom} =
+ $dompersonnel{$server}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($privileged{$dom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $role (@{$roles}) {
+ if (ref($privileged{$dom}{$role}) eq 'HASH') {
+ &do_cache_new('priv_'.$role,$dom,$privileged{$dom}{$role},$cachetime);
+ } else {
+ my %hash = ();
+ &do_cache_new('priv_'.$role,$dom,\%hash,$cachetime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %privileged;
+# -------------------------------------------------------- Get user privileges
+sub rolesinit {
+ my ($domain, $username) = @_;
+ my %userroles = ('user.login.time' => time);
+ my %rolesdump = &dump("roles", $domain, $username) or return \%userroles;
+ # firstaccess and timerinterval are related to timed maps/resources.
+ # also, blocking can be triggered by an activating timer
+ # it's saved in the user's %env.
+ my %firstaccess = &dump('firstaccesstimes', $domain, $username);
+ my %timerinterval = &dump('timerinterval', $domain, $username);
+ my (%coursetimerstarts, %firstaccchk, %firstaccenv, %coursetimerintervals,
+ %timerintchk, %timerintenv, %coauthorenv);
+ foreach my $key (keys(%firstaccess)) {
+ my ($cid, $rest) = split(/\0/, $key);
+ $coursetimerstarts{$cid}{$rest} = $firstaccess{$key};
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys(%timerinterval)) {
+ my ($cid,$rest) = split(/\0/,$key);
+ $coursetimerintervals{$cid}{$rest} = $timerinterval{$key};
+ }
+ my %allroles=();
+ my %allgroups=();
+ my %gotcoauconfig=();
+ my %domdefaults=();
+ for my $area (grep { ! /^rolesdef_/ } keys(%rolesdump)) {
+ my $role = $rolesdump{$area};
+ $area =~ s/\_\w\w$//;
+ my ($trole, $tend, $tstart, $group_privs);
+ if ($role =~ /^cr/) {
+ # Custom role, defined by a user
+ # e.g., user.role.cr/msu/smith/mynewrole
+ if ($role =~ m|^(cr/$match_domain/$match_username/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)_(.*)$|) {
+ $trole = $1;
+ ($tend, $tstart) = split('_', $2);
+ } else {
+ $trole = $role;
+ }
+ } elsif ($role =~ m|^gr/|) {
+ # Role of member in a group, defined within a course/community
+ # e.g., user.role.gr/msu/04935610a19ee4a5fmsul1/leopards
+ ($trole, $tend, $tstart) = split(/_/, $role);
+ next if $tstart eq '-1';
+ ($trole, $group_privs) = split(/\//, $trole);
+ $group_privs = &unescape($group_privs);
+ } else {
+ # Just a normal role, defined in roles.tab
+ ($trole, $tend, $tstart) = split(/_/,$role);
+ my %new_role = &set_arearole($trole,$area,$tstart,$tend,$domain,
+ $username);
+ @userroles{keys(%new_role)} = @new_role{keys(%new_role)};
+ # role expired or not available yet?
+ $trole = '' if ($tend != 0 && $tend < $userroles{'user.login.time'}) or
+ ($tstart != 0 && $tstart > $userroles{'user.login.time'});
+ next if $area eq '' or $trole eq '';
+ my $spec = "$trole.$area";
+ my ($tdummy, $tdomain, $trest) = split(/\//, $area);
+ if ($trole =~ /^cr\//) {
+ # Custom role, defined by a user
+ &custom_roleprivs(\%allroles,$trole,$tdomain,$trest,$spec,$area);
+ } elsif ($trole eq 'gr') {
+ # Role of a member in a group, defined within a course/community
+ &group_roleprivs(\%allgroups,$area,$group_privs,$tend,$tstart);
+ next;
+ } else {
+ # Normal role, defined in roles.tab
+ &standard_roleprivs(\%allroles,$trole,$tdomain,$spec,$trest,$area);
+ if (($trole eq 'ca') || ($trole eq 'aa')) {
+ (undef,my ($audom,$auname)) = split(/\//,$area);
+ unless ($gotcoauconfig{$area}) {
+ my @ca_settings = ('authoreditors','coauthorlist','coauthoroptin');
+ my %info = &userenvironment($audom,$auname,@ca_settings);
+ $gotcoauconfig{$area} = 1;
+ foreach my $item (@ca_settings) {
+ if (exists($info{$item})) {
+ my $name = $item;
+ if ($item eq 'authoreditors') {
+ $name = 'editors';
+ unless ($info{'authoreditors'}) {
+ my %domdefs;
+ if (ref($domdefaults{$audom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %domdefs = %{$domdefaults{$audom}};
+ } else {
+ %domdefs = &get_domain_defaults($audom);
+ $domdefaults{$audom} = \%domdefs;
+ }
+ if ($domdefs{$name} ne '') {
+ $info{'authoreditors'} = $domdefs{$name};
+ } else {
+ $info{'authoreditors'} = 'edit,xml';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $coauthorenv{"environment.internal.$name.$area"} = $info{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $cid = $tdomain.'_'.$trest;
+ unless ($firstaccchk{$cid}) {
+ if (ref($coursetimerstarts{$cid}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%{$coursetimerstarts{$cid}})) {
+ $firstaccenv{'course.'.$cid.'.firstaccess.'.$item} =
+ $coursetimerstarts{$cid}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ $firstaccchk{$cid} = 1;
+ }
+ unless ($timerintchk{$cid}) {
+ if (ref($coursetimerintervals{$cid}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%{$coursetimerintervals{$cid}})) {
+ $timerintenv{'course.'.$cid.'.timerinterval.'.$item} =
+ $coursetimerintervals{$cid}{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ $timerintchk{$cid} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ @userroles{'user.author','user.adv','user.rar'} = &set_userprivs(\%userroles,
+ \%allroles, \%allgroups);
+ $env{'user.adv'} = $userroles{'user.adv'};
+ $env{'user.rar'} = $userroles{'user.rar'};
+ return (\%userroles,\%firstaccenv,\%timerintenv,\%coauthorenv);
+sub set_arearole {
+ my ($trole,$area,$tstart,$tend,$domain,$username,$nolog) = @_;
+ unless ($nolog) {
+# log the associated role with the area
+ &userrolelog($trole,$username,$domain,$area,$tstart,$tend);
+ }
+ return ('user.role.'.$trole.'.'.$area => $tstart.'.'.$tend);
+sub custom_roleprivs {
+ my ($allroles,$trole,$tdomain,$trest,$spec,$area) = @_;
+ my ($rdummy,$rdomain,$rauthor,$rrole)=split(/\//,$trole);
+ my $homsvr = &homeserver($rauthor,$rdomain);
+ if (&hostname($homsvr) ne '') {
+ my ($rdummy,$roledef)=
+ &get('roles',["rolesdef_$rrole"],$rdomain,$rauthor);
+ if (($rdummy ne 'con_lost') && ($roledef ne '')) {
+ my ($syspriv,$dompriv,$coursepriv)=split(/\_/,$roledef);
+ if (defined($syspriv)) {
+ if ($trest =~ /^$match_community$/) {
+ $syspriv =~ s/bre\&S//;
+ }
+ $$allroles{'cm./'}.=':'.$syspriv;
+ $$allroles{$spec.'./'}.=':'.$syspriv;
+ }
+ if ($tdomain ne '') {
+ if (defined($dompriv)) {
+ $$allroles{'cm./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$dompriv;
+ $$allroles{$spec.'./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$dompriv;
+ }
+ if (($trest ne '') && (defined($coursepriv))) {
+ if ($trole =~ m{^cr/$tdomain/$tdomain\Q-domainconfig\E/([^/]+)$}) {
+ my $rolename = $1;
+ $coursepriv = &course_adhocrole_privs($rolename,$tdomain,$trest,$coursepriv);
+ }
+ $$allroles{'cm.'.$area}.=':'.$coursepriv;
+ $$allroles{$spec.'.'.$area}.=':'.$coursepriv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub course_adhocrole_privs {
+ my ($rolename,$cdom,$cnum,$coursepriv) = @_;
+ my %overrides = &get('environment',["internal.adhocpriv.$rolename"],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($overrides{"internal.adhocpriv.$rolename"}) {
+ my (%currprivs,%storeprivs);
+ foreach my $item (split(/:/,$coursepriv)) {
+ my ($priv,$restrict) = split(/\&/,$item);
+ $currprivs{$priv} = $restrict;
+ }
+ my (%possadd,%possremove,%full);
+ foreach my $item (split(/\:/,$Apache::lonnet::pr{'cr:c'})) {
+ my ($priv,$restrict)=split(/\&/,$item);
+ $full{$priv} = $restrict;
+ }
+ foreach my $item (split(/,/,$overrides{"internal.adhocpriv.$rolename"})) {
+ next if ($item eq '');
+ my ($rule,$rest) = split(/=/,$item);
+ next unless (($rule eq 'off') || ($rule eq 'on'));
+ foreach my $priv (split(/:/,$rest)) {
+ if ($priv ne '') {
+ if ($rule eq 'off') {
+ $possremove{$priv} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $possadd{$priv} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $priv (sort(keys(%full))) {
+ if (exists($currprivs{$priv})) {
+ unless (exists($possremove{$priv})) {
+ $storeprivs{$priv} = $currprivs{$priv};
+ }
+ } elsif (exists($possadd{$priv})) {
+ $storeprivs{$priv} = $full{$priv};
+ }
+ }
+ $coursepriv = ':'.join(':',map { $_.'&'.$storeprivs{$_}; } sort(keys(%storeprivs)));
+ }
+ return $coursepriv;
+sub group_roleprivs {
+ my ($allgroups,$area,$group_privs,$tend,$tstart) = @_;
+ my $access = 1;
+ my $now = time;
+ if (($tend!=0) && ($tend<$now)) { $access = 0; }
+ if (($tstart!=0) && ($tstart>$now)) { $access=0; }
+ if ($access) {
+ my ($course,$group) = ($area =~ m|(/$match_domain/$match_courseid)/([^/]+)$|);
+ $$allgroups{$course}{$group} .=':'.$group_privs;
+ }
+sub standard_roleprivs {
+ my ($allroles,$trole,$tdomain,$spec,$trest,$area) = @_;
+ if (defined($pr{$trole.':s'})) {
+ $$allroles{'cm./'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':s'};
+ $$allroles{$spec.'./'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':s'};
+ }
+ if ($tdomain ne '') {
+ if (defined($pr{$trole.':d'})) {
+ $$allroles{'cm./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':d'};
+ $$allroles{$spec.'./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':d'};
+ }
+ if (($trest ne '') && (defined($pr{$trole.':c'}))) {
+ $$allroles{'cm.'.$area}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':c'};
+ $$allroles{$spec.'.'.$area}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':c'};
+ }
+ }
+sub set_userprivs {
+ my ($userroles,$allroles,$allgroups,$groups_roles) = @_;
+ my $author=0;
+ my $adv=0;
+ my $rar=0;
+ my %grouproles = ();
+ if (keys(%{$allgroups}) > 0) {
+ my @groupkeys;
+ foreach my $role (keys(%{$allroles})) {
+ push(@groupkeys,$role);
+ }
+ if (ref($groups_roles) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$groups_roles})) {
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$key\E$/,@groupkeys)) {
+ push(@groupkeys,$key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (@groupkeys > 0) {
+ foreach my $role (@groupkeys) {
+ my ($trole,$area,$sec,$extendedarea);
+ if ($role =~ m-^(\w+|cr/$match_domain/$match_username/\w+)\.(/$match_domain/$match_courseid)(/?\w*)\.-) {
+ $trole = $1;
+ $area = $2;
+ $sec = $3;
+ $extendedarea = $area.$sec;
+ if (exists($$allgroups{$area})) {
+ foreach my $group (keys(%{$$allgroups{$area}})) {
+ my $spec = $trole.'.'.$extendedarea;
+ $grouproles{$spec.'.'.$area.'/'.$group} =
+ $$allgroups{$area}{$group};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $group (keys(%grouproles)) {
+ $$allroles{$group} = $grouproles{$group};
+ }
+ foreach my $role (keys(%{$allroles})) {
+ my %thesepriv;
+ if (($role=~/^au/) || ($role=~/^ca/) || ($role=~/^aa/)) { $author=1; }
+ foreach my $item (split(/:/,$$allroles{$role})) {
+ if ($item ne '') {
+ my ($privilege,$restrictions)=split(/&/,$item);
+ if ($restrictions eq '') {
+ $thesepriv{$privilege}='F';
+ } elsif ($thesepriv{$privilege} ne 'F') {
+ $thesepriv{$privilege}.=$restrictions;
+ }
+ if ($thesepriv{'adv'} eq 'F') { $adv=1; }
+ if ($thesepriv{'rar'} eq 'F') { $rar=1; }
+ }
+ }
+ my $thesestr='';
+ foreach my $priv (sort(keys(%thesepriv))) {
+ $thesestr.=':'.$priv.'&'.$thesepriv{$priv};
+ }
+ $userroles->{'user.priv.'.$role} = $thesestr;
+ }
+ return ($author,$adv,$rar);
+sub role_status {
+ my ($rolekey,$update,$refresh,$now,$role,$where,$trolecode,$tstatus,$tstart,$tend) = @_;
+ if (exists($env{$rolekey}) && $env{$rolekey} ne '') {
+ my ($one,$two) = split(m{\./},$rolekey,2);
+ (undef,undef,$$role) = split(/\./,$one,3);
+ unless (!defined($$role) || $$role eq '') {
+ $$where = '/'.$two;
+ $$trolecode=$$role.'.'.$$where;
+ ($$tstart,$$tend)=split(/\./,$env{$rolekey});
+ $$tstatus='is';
+ if ($$tstart && $$tstart>$update) {
+ $$tstatus='future';
+ if ($$tstart<$now) {
+ if ($$tstart && $$tstart>$refresh) {
+ if (($$where ne '') && ($$role ne '')) {
+ my (%allroles,%allgroups,$group_privs,
+ %groups_roles,@rolecodes);
+ my %userroles = (
+ 'user.role.'.$$role.'.'.$$where => $$tstart.'.'.$$tend
+ );
+ @rolecodes = ('cm');
+ my $spec=$$role.'.'.$$where;
+ my ($tdummy,$tdomain,$trest)=split(/\//,$$where);
+ if ($$role =~ /^cr\//) {
+ &custom_roleprivs(\%allroles,$$role,$tdomain,$trest,$spec,$$where);
+ push(@rolecodes,'cr');
+ } elsif ($$role eq 'gr') {
+ push(@rolecodes,$$role);
+ my %rolehash = &get('roles',[$$where.'_'.$$role],$env{'user.domain'},
+ $env{'user.name'});
+ my ($trole) = split('_',$rolehash{$$where.'_'.$$role},2);
+ (undef,my $group_privs) = split(/\//,$trole);
+ $group_privs = &unescape($group_privs);
+ &group_roleprivs(\%allgroups,$$where,$group_privs,$$tend,$$tstart);
+ my %course_roles = &get_my_roles($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'},'userroles',['active'],['cc','co','in','ta','ep','ad','st','cr'],[$tdomain],1);
+ &get_groups_roles($tdomain,$trest,
+ \%course_roles,\@rolecodes,
+ \%groups_roles);
+ } else {
+ push(@rolecodes,$$role);
+ &standard_roleprivs(\%allroles,$$role,$tdomain,$spec,$trest,$$where);
+ }
+ my ($author,$adv,$rar)= &set_userprivs(\%userroles,\%allroles,\%allgroups,
+ \%groups_roles);
+ &appenv(\%userroles,\@rolecodes);
+ &log($env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'},$env{'user.home'},"Role ".$spec);
+ }
+ }
+ $$tstatus = 'is';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($$tend) {
+ if ($$tend<$update) {
+ $$tstatus='expired';
+ } elsif ($$tend<$now) {
+ $$tstatus='will_not';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub get_groups_roles {
+ my ($cdom,$rest,$cdom_courseroles,$rolecodes,$groups_roles) = @_;
+ return unless((ref($cdom_courseroles) eq 'HASH') &&
+ (ref($rolecodes) eq 'ARRAY') &&
+ (ref($groups_roles) eq 'HASH'));
+ if (keys(%{$cdom_courseroles}) > 0) {
+ my ($cnum) = ($rest =~ /^($match_courseid)/);
+ if ($cdom ne '' && $cnum ne '') {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$cdom_courseroles})) {
+ if ($key =~ /^\Q$cnum\E:\Q$cdom\E:([^:]+):?([^:]*)/) {
+ my $crsrole = $1;
+ my $crssec = $2;
+ if ($crsrole =~ /^cr/) {
+ unless (grep(/^cr$/,@{$rolecodes})) {
+ push(@{$rolecodes},'cr');
+ }
+ } else {
+ unless(grep(/^\Q$crsrole\E$/,@{$rolecodes})) {
+ push(@{$rolecodes},$crsrole);
+ }
+ }
+ my $rolekey = "$crsrole./$cdom/$cnum";
+ if ($crssec ne '') {
+ $rolekey .= "/$crssec";
+ }
+ $rolekey .= './';
+ $groups_roles->{$rolekey} = $rolecodes;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub delete_env_groupprivs {
+ my ($where,$courseroles,$possroles) = @_;
+ return unless((ref($courseroles) eq 'HASH') && (ref($possroles) eq 'ARRAY'));
+ my ($dummy,$udom,$uname,$group) = split(/\//,$where);
+ unless (ref($courseroles->{$udom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %{$courseroles->{$udom}} =
+ &get_my_roles('','','userroles',['active'],
+ $possroles,[$udom],1);
+ }
+ if (ref($courseroles->{$udom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%{$courseroles->{$udom}})) {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$crsrole,$crssec) = split(/:/,$item);
+ my $area = '/'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum;
+ my $privkey = "user.priv.$crsrole.$area";
+ if ($crssec ne '') {
+ $privkey .= '/'.$crssec;
+ }
+ $privkey .= ".$area/$group";
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv($privkey,undef,[$crsrole]);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub check_adhoc_privs {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$update,$refresh,$now,$checkrole,$caller,$sec) = @_;
+ my $cckey = 'user.role.'.$checkrole.'./'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum;
+ if ($sec) {
+ $cckey .= '/'.$sec;
+ }
+ my $setprivs;
+ if ($env{$cckey}) {
+ my ($role,$where,$trolecode,$tstart,$tend,$tremark,$tstatus,$tpstart,$tpend);
+ &role_status($cckey,$update,$refresh,$now,\$role,\$where,\$trolecode,\$tstatus,\$tstart,\$tend);
+ unless (($tstatus eq 'is') || ($tstatus eq 'will_not')) {
+ &set_adhoc_privileges($cdom,$cnum,$checkrole,$caller,$sec);
+ $setprivs = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ &set_adhoc_privileges($cdom,$cnum,$checkrole,$caller,$sec);
+ $setprivs = 1;
+ }
+ return $setprivs;
+sub set_adhoc_privileges {
+# role can be cc, ca, or cr//-domainconfig/role
+ my ($dcdom,$pickedcourse,$role,$caller,$sec) = @_;
+ my $area = '/'.$dcdom.'/'.$pickedcourse;
+ if ($sec ne '') {
+ $area .= '/'.$sec;
+ }
+ my $spec = $role.'.'.$area;
+ my %userroles = &set_arearole($role,$area,'','',$env{'user.domain'},
+ $env{'user.name'},1);
+ my %rolehash = ();
+ if ($role =~ m{^\Qcr/$dcdom/$dcdom\E\-domainconfig/(\w+)$}) {
+ my $rolename = $1;
+ &custom_roleprivs(\%rolehash,$role,$dcdom,$pickedcourse,$spec,$area);
+ my %domdef = &get_domain_defaults($dcdom);
+ if (ref($domdef{'adhocroles'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domdef{'adhocroles'}{$rolename}) eq 'HASH') {
+ &appenv({'request.role.desc' => $domdef{'adhocroles'}{$rolename}{'desc'},});
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ &standard_roleprivs(\%rolehash,$role,$dcdom,$spec,$pickedcourse,$area);
+ }
+ my ($author,$adv,$rar)= &set_userprivs(\%userroles,\%rolehash);
+ &appenv(\%userroles,[$role,'cm']);
+ &log($env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'},$env{'user.home'},"Role ".$spec);
+ unless (($caller eq 'constructaccess' && $env{'request.course.id'}) ||
+ ($caller eq 'tiny')) {
+ &appenv( {'request.role' => $spec,
+ 'request.role.domain' => $dcdom,
+ 'request.course.sec' => $sec,
+ }
+ );
+ my $tadv=0;
+ if (&allowed('adv') eq 'F') { $tadv=1; }
+ &appenv({'request.role.adv' => $tadv});
+ }
+ if ($role eq 'ca') {
+ my @ca_settings = ('authoreditors','coauthorlist');
+ my %info = &userenvironment($dcdom,$pickedcourse,@ca_settings);
+ foreach my $item (@ca_settings) {
+ if (exists($info{$item})) {
+ my $name = $item;
+ if ($item eq 'authoreditors') {
+ $name = 'editors';
+ unless ($info{'authoreditors'}) {
+ my %domdefs = &get_domain_defaults($dcdom);
+ if ($domdefs{$name} ne '') {
+ $info{'authoreditors'} = $domdefs{$name};
+ } else {
+ $info{'authoreditors'} = 'edit,xml';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &appenv({"environment.internal.$name./$dcdom/$pickedcourse" => $info{$item}});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- get interface
+sub get {
+ my ($namespace,$storearr,$udomain,$uname)=@_;
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (@$storearr) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my $rep=&reply("get:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ if ( $#pairs==0 && $pairs[0] =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+ return @pairs;
+ }
+ my %returnhash=();
+ my $i=0;
+ foreach my $item (@$storearr) {
+ $returnhash{$item}=&thaw_unescape($pairs[$i]);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- del interface
+sub del {
+ my ($namespace,$storearr,$udomain,$uname)=@_;
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (@$storearr) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ return &reply("del:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- dump interface
+sub unserialize {
+ my ($rep, $escapedkeys) = @_;
+ return {} if $rep =~ /^error/;
+ my %returnhash=();
+ foreach my $item (split(/\&/,$rep)) {
+ my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $item, 2);
+ $key = unescape($key) unless $escapedkeys;
+ next if $key =~ /^error: 2 /;
+ $returnhash{$key} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ #return %returnhash;
+ return \%returnhash;
+# see Lond::dump_with_regexp
+# if $escapedkeys hash keys won't get unescaped.
+sub dump {
+ my ($namespace,$udomain,$uname,$regexp,$range,$escapedkeys,$encrypt)=@_;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ if ($regexp) {
+ $regexp=&escape($regexp);
+ } else {
+ $regexp='.';
+ }
+ if (grep { $_ eq $uhome } current_machine_ids()) {
+ # user is hosted on this machine
+ my $reply = LONCAPA::Lond::dump_with_regexp(join(":", ($udomain,
+ $uname, $namespace, $regexp, $range)), $perlvar{'lonVersion'});
+ return %{unserialize($reply, $escapedkeys)};
+ }
+ my $rep;
+ if ($encrypt) {
+ $rep=&reply("encrypt:edump:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$regexp:$range",$uhome);
+ } else {
+ $rep=&reply("dump:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$regexp:$range",$uhome);
+ }
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ my %returnhash=();
+ if (!($rep =~ /^error/ )) {
+ foreach my $item (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+ $key = unescape($key) unless $escapedkeys;
+ #$key = &unescape($key);
+ next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+ $returnhash{$key}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# --------------------------------------------------------- dumpstore interface
+sub dumpstore {
+ my ($namespace,$udomain,$uname,$regexp,$range)=@_;
+ # same as dump but keys must be escaped. They may contain colon separated
+ # lists of values that may themself contain colons (e.g. symbs).
+ return &dump($namespace, $udomain, $uname, $regexp, $range, 1);
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- keys interface
+sub getkeys {
+ my ($namespace,$udomain,$uname)=@_;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my $rep=reply("keys:$udomain:$uname:$namespace",$uhome);
+ my @keyarray=();
+ foreach my $key (split(/\&/,$rep)) {
+ next if ($key =~ /^error: 2 /);
+ push(@keyarray,&unescape($key));
+ }
+ return @keyarray;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- currentdump
+sub currentdump {
+ my ($courseid,$sdom,$sname)=@_;
+ $courseid = $env{'request.course.id'} if (! defined($courseid));
+ $sdom = $env{'user.domain'} if (! defined($sdom));
+ $sname = $env{'user.name'} if (! defined($sname));
+ my $uhome = &homeserver($sname,$sdom);
+ my $rep;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $uhome } current_machine_ids()) {
+ $rep = LONCAPA::Lond::dump_profile_database(join(":", ($sdom, $sname,
+ $courseid)));
+ } else {
+ $rep = reply('currentdump:'.$sdom.':'.$sname.':'.$courseid,$uhome);
+ }
+ return if ($rep =~ /^(error:|no_such_host)/);
+ #
+ my %returnhash=();
+ #
+ if ($rep eq 'unknown_cmd') {
+ # an old lond will not know currentdump
+ # Do a dump and make it look like a currentdump
+ my @tmp = &dumpstore($courseid,$sdom,$sname,'.');
+ return if ($tmp[0] =~ /^(error:|no_such_host)/);
+ my %hash = @tmp;
+ @tmp=();
+ %returnhash = %{&convert_dump_to_currentdump(\%hash)};
+ } else {
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair,2);
+ my ($symb,$param) = split(/:/,$key);
+ $returnhash{&unescape($symb)}->{&unescape($param)} =
+ &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+sub convert_dump_to_currentdump{
+ my %hash = %{shift()};
+ my %returnhash;
+ # Code ripped from lond, essentially. The only difference
+ # here is the unescaping done by lonnet::dump(). Conceivably
+ # we might run in to problems with parameter names =~ /^v\./
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {
+ my ($v,$symb,$param) = split(/:/,$key);
+ $symb = &unescape($symb);
+ $param = &unescape($param);
+ next if ($v eq 'version' || $symb eq 'keys');
+ next if (exists($returnhash{$symb}) &&
+ exists($returnhash{$symb}->{$param}) &&
+ $returnhash{$symb}->{'v.'.$param} > $v);
+ $returnhash{$symb}->{$param}=$value;
+ $returnhash{$symb}->{'v.'.$param}=$v;
+ }
+ #
+ # Remove all of the keys in the hashes which keep track of
+ # the version of the parameter.
+ while (my ($symb,$param_hash) = each(%returnhash)) {
+ # use a foreach because we are going to delete from the hash.
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$param_hash)) {
+ delete($param_hash->{$key}) if ($key =~ /^v\./);
+ }
+ }
+ return \%returnhash;
+# ------------------------------------------------------ critical inc interface
+sub cinc {
+ return &inc(@_,'critical');
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- inc interface
+sub inc {
+ my ($namespace,$store,$udomain,$uname,$critical) = @_;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my $items='';
+ if (! ref($store)) {
+ # got a single value, so use that instead
+ $items = &escape($store).'=&';
+ } elsif (ref($store) eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $items = &escape($$store).'=&';
+ } elsif (ref($store) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $items = join('=&',map {&escape($_);} @{$store});
+ } elsif (ref($store) eq 'HASH') {
+ while (my($key,$value) = each(%{$store})) {
+ $items.= &escape($key).'='.&escape($value).'&';
+ }
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ if ($critical) {
+ return &critical("inc:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ } else {
+ return &reply("inc:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- put interface
+sub put {
+ my ($namespace,$storehash,$udomain,$uname,$encrypt)=@_;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$item}).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ if ($encrypt) {
+ return &reply("encrypt:put:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ } else {
+ return &reply("put:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ newput interface
+sub newput {
+ my ($namespace,$storehash,$udomain,$uname)=@_;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $items.=&escape($key).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ return &reply("newput:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+# --------------------------------------------------------- putstore interface
+sub putstore {
+ my ($namespace,$symb,$version,$storehash,$udomain,$uname,$tolog)=@_;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $items.= &escape($key).'='.&freeze_escape($storehash->{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ my $esc_symb=&escape($symb);
+ my $esc_v=&escape($version);
+ my $reply =
+ &reply("putstore:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$esc_symb:$esc_v:$items",
+ $uhome);
+ if (($tolog) && ($reply eq 'ok')) {
+ my $namevalue='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$storehash})) {
+ $namevalue.=&escape($key).'='.&freeze_escape($storehash->{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ my $ip = &get_requestor_ip();
+ $namevalue .= 'ip='.&escape($ip).
+ '&host='.&escape($perlvar{'lonHostID'}).
+ '&version='.$esc_v.
+ '&by='.&escape($env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'});
+ &courselog($symb.':'.$uname.':'.$udomain.':PUTSTORE:'.$namevalue);
+ }
+ if ($reply eq 'unknown_cmd') {
+ # gfall back to way things use to be done
+ return &old_putstore($namespace,$symb,$version,$storehash,$udomain,
+ $uname);
+ }
+ return $reply;
+sub old_putstore {
+ my ($namespace,$symb,$version,$storehash,$udomain,$uname)=@_;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my %newstorehash;
+ foreach my $item (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ my $key = $version.':'.&escape($symb).':'.$item;
+ $newstorehash{$key} = $storehash->{$item};
+ }
+ my $items='';
+ my %allitems = ();
+ foreach my $item (keys(%newstorehash)) {
+ if ($item =~ m/^([^\:]+):([^\:]+):([^\:]+)$/) {
+ my $key = $1.':keys:'.$2;
+ $allitems{$key} .= $3.':';
+ }
+ $items.=$item.'='.&freeze_escape($newstorehash{$item}).'&';
+ }
+ foreach my $item (keys(%allitems)) {
+ $allitems{$item} =~ s/\:$//;
+ $items.= $item.'='.$allitems{$item}.'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ return &reply("put:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+# ------------------------------------------------------ critical put interface
+sub cput {
+ my ($namespace,$storehash,$udomain,$uname)=@_;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$item}).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ return &critical("put:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- eget interface
+sub eget {
+ my ($namespace,$storearr,$udomain,$uname)=@_;
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (@$storearr) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ if (!$udomain) { $udomain=$env{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$uname) { $uname=$env{'user.name'}; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udomain);
+ my $rep=&reply("eget:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ my %returnhash=();
+ my $i=0;
+ foreach my $item (@$storearr) {
+ $returnhash{$item}=&thaw_unescape($pairs[$i]);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ tmpput interface
+sub tmpput {
+ my ($storehash,$server,$context)=@_;
+ my $items='';
+ foreach my $item (keys(%$storehash)) {
+ $items.=&escape($item).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$item}).'&';
+ }
+ $items=~s/\&$//;
+ if (defined($context)) {
+ $items .= ':'.&escape($context);
+ }
+ return &reply("tmpput:$items",$server);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ tmpget interface
+sub tmpget {
+ my ($token,$server)=@_;
+ if (!defined($server)) { $server = $perlvar{'lonHostID'}; }
+ my $rep=&reply("tmpget:$token",$server);
+ my %returnhash;
+ if ($rep =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+ return %returnhash;
+ }
+ foreach my $item (split(/\&/,$rep)) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item);
+ $returnhash{&unescape($key)}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ tmpdel interface
+sub tmpdel {
+ my ($token,$server)=@_;
+ if (!defined($server)) { $server = $perlvar{'lonHostID'}; }
+ return &reply("tmpdel:$token",$server);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ get_timebased_id
+sub get_timebased_id {
+ my ($prefix,$keyid,$namespace,$cdom,$cnum,$idtype,$who,$locktries,
+ $maxtries) = @_;
+ my ($newid,$error,$dellock);
+ unless (($prefix =~ /^\w+$/) && ($keyid =~ /^\w+$/) && ($namespace ne '')) {
+ return ('','ok','invalid call to get suffix');
+ }
+# set defaults for any optional args for which values were not supplied
+ if ($who eq '') {
+ $who = $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'};
+ }
+ if (!$locktries) {
+ $locktries = 3;
+ }
+ if (!$maxtries) {
+ $maxtries = 10;
+ }
+ if (($cdom eq '') || ($cnum eq '')) {
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ }
+ if (($cdom eq '') || ($cnum eq '')) {
+ return ('','ok','call to get suffix not in course context');
+ }
+ }
+# construct locking item
+ my $lockhash = {
+ $prefix."\0".'locked_'.$keyid => $who,
+ };
+ my $tries = 0;
+# attempt to get lock on nohist_$namespace file
+ my $gotlock = &newput('nohist_'.$namespace,$lockhash,$cdom,$cnum);
+ while (($gotlock ne 'ok') && $tries <$locktries) {
+ $tries ++;
+ sleep 1;
+ $gotlock = &newput('nohist_'.$namespace,$lockhash,$cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+# attempt to get unique identifier, based on current timestamp
+ if ($gotlock eq 'ok') {
+ my %inuse = &dump('nohist_'.$namespace,$cdom,$cnum,$prefix);
+ my $id = time;
+ $newid = $id;
+ if ($idtype eq 'addcode') {
+ $newid .= &sixnum_code();
+ }
+ my $idtries = 0;
+ while (exists($inuse{$prefix."\0".$newid}) && $idtries < $maxtries) {
+ if ($idtype eq 'concat') {
+ $newid = $id.$idtries;
+ } elsif ($idtype eq 'addcode') {
+ $newid = $newid.&sixnum_code();
+ } else {
+ $newid ++;
+ }
+ $idtries ++;
+ }
+ if (!exists($inuse{$prefix."\0".$newid})) {
+ my %new_item = (
+ $prefix."\0".$newid => $who,
+ );
+ my $putresult = &put('nohist_'.$namespace,\%new_item,
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($putresult ne 'ok') {
+ undef($newid);
+ $error = 'error saving new item: '.$putresult;
+ }
+ } else {
+ undef($newid);
+ $error = ('error: no unique suffix available for the new item ');
+ }
+# remove lock
+ my @del_lock = ($prefix."\0".'locked_'.$keyid);
+ $dellock = &Apache::lonnet::del('nohist_'.$namespace,\@del_lock,$cdom,$cnum);
+ } else {
+ $error = "error: could not obtain lockfile\n";
+ $dellock = 'ok';
+ if (($prefix eq 'paste') && ($namespace eq 'courseeditor') && ($keyid eq 'num')) {
+ $dellock = 'nolock';
+ }
+ }
+ return ($newid,$dellock,$error);
+sub sixnum_code {
+ my $code;
+ for (0..6) {
+ $code .= int( rand(9) );
+ }
+ return $code;
+# -------------------------------------------------- portfolio access checking
+sub portfolio_access {
+ my ($requrl,$clientip) = @_;
+ my (undef,$udom,$unum,$file_name,$group) = &parse_portfolio_url($requrl);
+ my $result = &get_portfolio_access($udom,$unum,$file_name,$group,$clientip);
+ if ($result) {
+ my %setters;
+ if ($env{'user.name'} eq 'public' && $env{'user.domain'} eq 'public') {
+ my ($startblock,$endblock,$triggerblock,$by_ip,$blockdom) =
+ &Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,'port',$clientip,$unum,$udom);
+ if (($startblock && $endblock) || ($by_ip)) {
+ return 'B';
+ }
+ } else {
+ my ($startblock,$endblock,$triggerblock,$by_ip,$blockdom) =
+ &Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,'port',$clientip);
+ if (($startblock && $endblock) || ($by_ip)) {
+ return 'B';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ return 'F';
+ } elsif ($result =~ /^[^:]+:guest_/) {
+ return 'A';
+ }
+ return '';
+sub get_portfolio_access {
+ my ($udom,$unum,$file_name,$group,$clientip,$access_hash,$portaccessref) = @_;
+ if (!ref($access_hash)) {
+ my $current_perms = &get_portfile_permissions($udom,$unum);
+ my %access_controls = &get_access_controls($current_perms,$group,
+ $file_name);
+ $access_hash = $access_controls{$file_name};
+ }
+ my $portaccess;
+ if (ref($portaccess) eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $portaccess = $$portaccessref;
+ } else {
+ $portaccess = &usertools_access($unum,$udom,'portaccess',undef,'tools');
+ }
+ my ($public,$guest,@domains,@users,@courses,@groups,@ips,@userips);
+ my $now = time;
+ if (ref($access_hash) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$access_hash})) {
+ my ($num,$scope,$end,$start) = ($key =~ /^([^:]+):([a-z]+)_(\d*)_?(\d*)$/);
+ next if (($scope ne 'ip') && ($portaccess == 0));
+ if ($start > $now) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($end && $end<$now) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($scope eq 'public') {
+ $public = $key;
+ last;
+ } elsif ($scope eq 'guest') {
+ $guest = $key;
+ } elsif ($scope eq 'domains') {
+ push(@domains,$key);
+ } elsif ($scope eq 'users') {
+ push(@users,$key);
+ } elsif ($scope eq 'course') {
+ push(@courses,$key);
+ } elsif ($scope eq 'group') {
+ push(@groups,$key);
+ } elsif ($scope eq 'ip') {
+ push(@ips,$key);
+ } elsif ($scope eq 'userip') {
+ push(@userips,$key);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($public) {
+ return 'ok';
+ } elsif (@ips > 0) {
+ my $allowed;
+ foreach my $ipkey (@ips) {
+ if (ref($access_hash->{$ipkey}{'ip'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::check_ip_acc(join(',',@{$access_hash->{$ipkey}{'ip'}}),$clientip)) {
+ $allowed = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($allowed) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ } elsif (@userips > 0) {
+ my $allowed;
+ foreach my $useripkey (@userips) {
+ if (ref($access_hash->{$useripkey}{'ip'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::check_ip_acc(join(',',@{$access_hash->{$useripkey}{'ip'}}),$clientip)) {
+ $allowed = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($allowed) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'user.name'} eq 'public' && $env{'user.domain'} eq 'public') {
+ if ($guest) {
+ return $guest;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (@domains > 0) {
+ foreach my $domkey (@domains) {
+ if (ref($access_hash->{$domkey}{'dom'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$env{'user.domain'}\E$/,@{$access_hash->{$domkey}{'dom'}})) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (@users > 0) {
+ foreach my $userkey (@users) {
+ if (ref($access_hash->{$userkey}{'users'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $item (@{$access_hash->{$userkey}{'users'}}) {
+ if (ref($item) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (($item->{'uname'} eq $env{'user.name'}) &&
+ ($item->{'udom'} eq $env{'user.domain'})) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %roleshash;
+ my @courses_and_groups = @courses;
+ push(@courses_and_groups,@groups);
+ if (@courses_and_groups > 0) {
+ my (%allgroups,%allroles);
+ my ($start,$end,$role,$sec,$group);
+ foreach my $envkey (%env) {
+ if ($envkey =~ m-^user\.role\.(gr|cc|co|in|ta|ep|ad|st)\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/?([^/]*)$-) {
+ my $cid = $2.'_'.$3;
+ if ($1 eq 'gr') {
+ $group = $4;
+ $allgroups{$cid}{$group} = $env{$envkey};
+ } else {
+ if ($4 eq '') {
+ $sec = 'none';
+ } else {
+ $sec = $4;
+ }
+ $allroles{$cid}{$1}{$sec} = $env{$envkey};
+ }
+ } elsif ($envkey =~ m-^user\.role\./cr/($match_domain/$match_username/\w*)./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/?([^/]*)$-) {
+ my $cid = $2.'_'.$3;
+ if ($4 eq '') {
+ $sec = 'none';
+ } else {
+ $sec = $4;
+ }
+ $allroles{$cid}{$1}{$sec} = $env{$envkey};
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys(%allroles) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach my $key (@courses_and_groups) {
+ my %content = %{$$access_hash{$key}};
+ my $cnum = $content{'number'};
+ my $cdom = $content{'domain'};
+ my $cid = $cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ if (!exists($allroles{$cid})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ foreach my $role_id (keys(%{$content{'roles'}})) {
+ my @sections = @{$content{'roles'}{$role_id}{'section'}};
+ my @groups = @{$content{'roles'}{$role_id}{'group'}};
+ my @status = @{$content{'roles'}{$role_id}{'access'}};
+ my @roles = @{$content{'roles'}{$role_id}{'role'}};
+ foreach my $role (keys(%{$allroles{$cid}})) {
+ if ((grep/^all$/,@roles) || (grep/^\Q$role\E$/,@roles)) {
+ foreach my $sec (keys(%{$allroles{$cid}{$role}})) {
+ if (&course_group_datechecker($allroles{$cid}{$role}{$sec},$now,\@status) eq 'ok') {
+ if (grep/^all$/,@sections) {
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ if (grep/^$sec$/,@sections) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys(%{$allgroups{$cid}}) == 0) {
+ if (grep/^none$/,@groups) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (grep/^all$/,@groups) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ foreach my $group (keys(%{$allgroups{$cid}})) {
+ if (grep/^$group$/,@groups) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($guest) {
+ return $guest;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub course_group_datechecker {
+ my ($dates,$now,$status) = @_;
+ my ($start,$end) = split(/\./,$dates);
+ if (!$start && !$end) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ if (grep/^active$/,@{$status}) {
+ if (((!$start) || ($start && $start <= $now)) && ((!$end) || ($end && $end >= $now))) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ if (grep/^previous$/,@{$status}) {
+ if ($end > $now ) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ if (grep/^future$/,@{$status}) {
+ if ($start > $now) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub parse_portfolio_url {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ my ($type,$udom,$unum,$group,$file_name);
+ if ($url =~ m-^/*(?:uploaded|editupload)/($match_domain)/($match_username)/portfolio(/.+)$-) {
+ $type = 1;
+ $udom = $1;
+ $unum = $2;
+ $file_name = $3;
+ } elsif ($url =~ m-^/*(?:uploaded|editupload)/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/groups/([^/]+)/portfolio/(.+)$-) {
+ $type = 2;
+ $udom = $1;
+ $unum = $2;
+ $group = $3;
+ $file_name = $3.'/'.$4;
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($type,$udom,$unum,$file_name,$group);
+ }
+ return $type;
+sub is_portfolio_url {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ return scalar(&parse_portfolio_url($url));
+sub is_portfolio_file {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ if (($file =~ /^portfolio/) || ($file =~ /^groups\/\w+\/portfolio/)) {
+ return 1;
+ return;
+sub is_coursetool_logo {
+ my ($uri) = @_;
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my $courseurl = &courseid_to_courseurl($env{'request.course.id'});
+ if ($uri =~ m{^/*uploaded\Q$courseurl\E/toollogo/\d+/[^/]+$}) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub usertools_access {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$tool,$action,$context,$userenvref,$domdefref,$is_advref)=@_;
+ my ($access,%tools);
+ if ($context eq '') {
+ $context = 'tools';
+ }
+ if ($context eq 'requestcourses') {
+ %tools = (
+ official => 1,
+ unofficial => 1,
+ community => 1,
+ textbook => 1,
+ placement => 1,
+ lti => 1,
+ );
+ } elsif ($context eq 'requestauthor') {
+ %tools = (
+ requestauthor => 1,
+ );
+ } elsif ($context eq 'authordefaults') {
+ %tools = (
+ webdav => 1,
+ );
+ } else {
+ %tools = (
+ aboutme => 1,
+ blog => 1,
+ webdav => 1,
+ portfolio => 1,
+ portaccess => 1,
+ timezone => 1,
+ );
+ }
+ return if (!defined($tools{$tool}));
+ if (($udom eq '') || ($uname eq '')) {
+ $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
+ $uname = $env{'user.name'};
+ }
+ if (($udom eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($uname eq $env{'user.name'})) {
+ if ($action ne 'reload') {
+ if ($context eq 'requestcourses') {
+ return $env{'environment.canrequest.'.$tool};
+ } elsif ($context eq 'requestauthor') {
+ return $env{'environment.canrequest.author'};
+ } elsif ($context eq 'authordefaults') {
+ if ($tool eq 'webdav') {
+ return $env{'environment.availabletools.'.$tool};
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $env{'environment.availabletools.'.$tool};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ($toolstatus,$inststatus,$envkey);
+ if ($context eq 'requestauthor') {
+ $envkey = $context;
+ } elsif ($context eq 'authordefaults') {
+ if ($tool eq 'webdav') {
+ $envkey = 'tools.'.$tool;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $envkey = $context.'.'.$tool;
+ }
+ if (($udom eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($uname eq $env{'user.name'}) &&
+ ($action ne 'reload')) {
+ $toolstatus = $env{'environment.'.$envkey};
+ $inststatus = $env{'environment.inststatus'};
+ } else {
+ if (ref($userenvref) eq 'HASH') {
+ $toolstatus = $userenvref->{$envkey};
+ $inststatus = $userenvref->{'inststatus'};
+ } else {
+ my %userenv = &userenvironment($udom,$uname,$envkey,'inststatus');
+ $toolstatus = $userenv{$envkey};
+ $inststatus = $userenv{'inststatus'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($toolstatus ne '') {
+ if ($toolstatus) {
+ $access = 1;
+ } else {
+ $access = 0;
+ }
+ return $access;
+ }
+ my ($is_adv,%domdef);
+ if (ref($is_advref) eq 'HASH') {
+ $is_adv = $is_advref->{'is_adv'};
+ } else {
+ $is_adv = &is_advanced_user($udom,$uname);
+ }
+ if (ref($domdefref) eq 'HASH') {
+ %domdef = %{$domdefref};
+ } else {
+ %domdef = &get_domain_defaults($udom);
+ }
+ if (ref($domdef{$tool}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($is_adv) {
+ if ($domdef{$tool}{'_LC_adv'} ne '') {
+ if ($domdef{$tool}{'_LC_adv'}) {
+ $access = 1;
+ } else {
+ $access = 0;
+ }
+ return $access;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($inststatus ne '') {
+ my ($hasaccess,$hasnoaccess);
+ foreach my $affiliation (split(/:/,$inststatus)) {
+ if ($domdef{$tool}{$affiliation} ne '') {
+ if ($domdef{$tool}{$affiliation}) {
+ $hasaccess = 1;
+ } else {
+ $hasnoaccess = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($hasaccess || $hasnoaccess) {
+ if ($hasaccess) {
+ $access = 1;
+ } elsif ($hasnoaccess) {
+ $access = 0;
+ }
+ return $access;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($domdef{$tool}{'default'} ne '') {
+ if ($domdef{$tool}{'default'}) {
+ $access = 1;
+ } elsif ($domdef{$tool}{'default'} == 0) {
+ $access = 0;
+ }
+ return $access;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (($context eq 'tools') && ($tool ne 'webdav')) {
+ $access = 1;
+ } else {
+ $access = 0;
+ }
+ return $access;
+ }
+sub is_course_owner {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname) = @_;
+ if (($udom eq '') || ($uname eq '')) {
+ $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
+ $uname = $env{'user.name'};
+ }
+ unless (($udom eq '') || ($uname eq '')) {
+ if (exists($env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.courseowner'})) {
+ if ($env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.courseowner'} eq $uname.':'.$udom) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ my %courseinfo = &coursedescription($cdom.'/'.$cnum);
+ if ($courseinfo{'internal.courseowner'} eq $uname.':'.$udom) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub is_advanced_user {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$nocache) = @_;
+ my ($is_adv,$is_author,$use_cache,$hashid);
+ if ($udom ne '' && $uname ne '') {
+ if (($udom eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($uname eq $env{'user.name'})) {
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($env{'user.adv'},$env{'user.author'});
+ } else {
+ return $env{'user.adv'};
+ }
+ } elsif (!$nocache) {
+ $use_cache = 1;
+ $hashid = "$udom:$uname";
+ my ($info,$cached)=&is_cached_new('isadvau',$hashid);
+ if ($cached) {
+ ($is_adv,$is_author) = split(/:/,$info);
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($is_adv,$is_author);
+ }
+ return $is_adv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %roleshash = &get_my_roles($uname,$udom,'userroles',undef,undef,undef,1);
+ my %allroles;
+ foreach my $role (keys(%roleshash)) {
+ my ($trest,$tdomain,$trole,$sec) = split(/:/,$role);
+ my $area = '/'.$tdomain.'/'.$trest;
+ if ($sec ne '') {
+ $area .= '/'.$sec;
+ }
+ if (($area ne '') && ($trole ne '')) {
+ my $spec=$trole.'.'.$area;
+ if ($trole =~ /^cr\//) {
+ &custom_roleprivs(\%allroles,$trole,$tdomain,$trest,$spec,$area);
+ } elsif ($trole ne 'gr') {
+ &standard_roleprivs(\%allroles,$trole,$tdomain,$spec,$trest,$area);
+ }
+ if ($trole eq 'au') {
+ $is_author = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $role (keys(%allroles)) {
+ last if ($is_adv);
+ foreach my $item (split(/:/,$allroles{$role})) {
+ if ($item ne '') {
+ my ($privilege,$restrictions)=split(/&/,$item);
+ if ($privilege eq 'adv') {
+ $is_adv = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($use_cache) {
+ my $cachetime = 600;
+ &do_cache_new('isadvau',$hashid,$is_adv.':'.$is_author,$cachetime);
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($is_adv,$is_author);
+ }
+ return $is_adv;
+sub check_can_request {
+ my ($dom,$can_request,$request_domains,$uname,$udom) = @_;
+ my $canreq = 0;
+ if (($env{'user.name'} ne '') && ($env{'user.domain'} ne '')) {
+ $uname = $env{'user.name'};
+ $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
+ }
+ my ($types,$typename) = &Apache::loncommon::course_types();
+ my @options = ('approval','validate','autolimit');
+ my $optregex = join('|',@options);
+ if ((ref($can_request) eq 'HASH') && (ref($types) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ my %willtrust;
+ foreach my $type (@{$types}) {
+ if (&usertools_access($uname,$udom,$type,undef,
+ 'requestcourses')) {
+ $canreq ++;
+ if (ref($request_domains) eq 'HASH') {
+ push(@{$request_domains->{$type}},$udom);
+ }
+ if ($dom eq $udom) {
+ $can_request->{$type} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($env{'user.name'} ne '') && ($env{'user.domain'} ne '') &&
+ ($env{'environment.reqcrsotherdom.'.$type} ne '')) {
+ my @curr = split(',',$env{'environment.reqcrsotherdom.'.$type});
+ if (@curr > 0) {
+ foreach my $item (@curr) {
+ if (ref($request_domains) eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($otherdom) = ($item =~ /^($match_domain):($optregex)(=?\d*)$/);
+ if ($otherdom ne '') {
+ unless (exists($willtrust{$otherdom})) {
+ $willtrust{$otherdom} = &will_trust('reqcrs',$env{'user.domain'},$otherdom);
+ }
+ if ($willtrust{$otherdom}) {
+ if (ref($request_domains->{$type}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$otherdom\E$/,@{$request_domains->{$type}})) {
+ push(@{$request_domains->{$type}},$otherdom);
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@{$request_domains->{$type}},$otherdom);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($dom eq $env{'user.domain'}) {
+ $canreq ++;
+ if (grep(/^\Q$dom\E:($optregex)(=?\d*)$/,@curr)) {
+ $can_request->{$type} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $canreq;
+# ---------------------------------------------- Custom access rule evaluation
+sub customaccess {
+ my ($priv,$uri)=@_;
+ my ($urole,$urealm)=split(/\./,$env{'request.role'},2);
+ my (undef,$udom,$ucrs,$usec)=split(/\//,$urealm);
+ $udom = &LONCAPA::clean_domain($udom);
+ $ucrs = &LONCAPA::clean_username($ucrs);
+ my $access=0;
+ foreach my $right (split(/\s*\,\s*/,&metadata($uri,'rule_rights'))) {
+ my ($effect,$realm,$role,$type)=split(/\:/,$right);
+ if ($type eq 'user') {
+ foreach my $scope (split(/\s*\,\s*/,$realm)) {
+ my ($tdom,$tuname)=split(m{/},$scope);
+ if ($tdom) {
+ if ($tdom ne $env{'user.domain'}) { next; }
+ }
+ if ($tuname) {
+ if ($tuname ne $env{'user.name'}) { next; }
+ }
+ $access=($effect eq 'allow');
+ last;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($role) {
+ if ($role ne $urole) { next; }
+ }
+ foreach my $scope (split(/\s*\,\s*/,$realm)) {
+ my ($tdom,$tcrs,$tsec)=split(/\_/,$scope);
+ if ($tdom) {
+ if ($tdom ne $udom) { next; }
+ }
+ if ($tcrs) {
+ if ($tcrs ne $ucrs) { next; }
+ }
+ if ($tsec) {
+ if ($tsec ne $usec) { next; }
+ }
+ $access=($effect eq 'allow');
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($realm eq '' && $role eq '') {
+ $access=($effect eq 'allow');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $access;
+# ------------------------------------------------- Check for a user privilege
+sub allowed {
+ my ($priv,$uri,$symb,$role,$clientip,$noblockcheck,$ignorecache,$nodeeplinkcheck,$nodeeplinkout)=@_;
+ my $ver_orguri=$uri;
+ $uri=&deversion($uri);
+ my $orguri=$uri;
+ $uri=&declutter($uri);
+ if ($priv eq 'evb') {
+# Evade communication block restrictions for specified role in a course or domain
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$role} =~/evb\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ return $1;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($env{'allowed.'.$priv})) { return $env{'allowed.'.$priv}; }
+# Free bre access to adm and meta resources
+ if (((($uri=~/^adm\//) && ($uri !~ m{/(?:smppg|bulletinboard|viewclasslist|aboutme|ext\.tool)$}))
+ || (($uri=~/\.meta$/) && ($uri!~m|^uploaded/|) ))
+ && ($priv eq 'bre')) {
+ return 'F';
+ }
+# Free bre access to user's own portfolio contents
+ my ($space,$domain,$name,@dir)=split('/',$uri);
+ if (($space=~/^(uploaded|editupload)$/) && ($env{'user.name'} eq $name) &&
+ ($env{'user.domain'} eq $domain) && ('portfolio' eq $dir[0])) {
+ my %setters;
+ my ($startblock,$endblock,$triggerblock,$by_ip,$blockdom) =
+ &Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,'port',$clientip);
+ if (($startblock && $endblock) || ($by_ip)) {
+ return 'B';
+ } else {
+ return 'F';
+ }
+ }
+# bre access to group portfolio for rgf priv in group, or mdg or vcg in course.
+ if (($space=~/^(uploaded|editupload)$/) && ($dir[0] eq 'groups')
+ && ($dir[2] eq 'portfolio') && ($priv eq 'bre')) {
+ if (exists($env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ if (($domain eq $cdom) && ($name eq $cnum)) {
+ my $courseprivid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+ $courseprivid=~s/\_/\//;
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'./'.$courseprivid
+ .'/'.$dir[1]} =~/rgf\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ return $1;
+ } else {
+ if ($env{'request.course.sec'}) {
+ $courseprivid.='/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
+ }
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'./'.
+ $courseprivid} =~/(mdg|vcg)\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ return $2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Free bre to public access
+ if ($priv eq 'bre') {
+ my $copyright;
+ unless ($uri =~ /ext\.tool/) {
+ $copyright=&metadata($uri,'copyright');
+ }
+ if (($copyright eq 'public') && (!$env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ return 'F';
+ }
+ if ($copyright eq 'priv') {
+ $uri=~/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\//;
+ unless (($env{'user.name'} eq $2) && ($env{'user.domain'} eq $1)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($copyright eq 'domain') {
+ $uri=~/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\//;
+ unless (($env{'user.domain'} eq $1) ||
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $1)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'request.role'}=~ /li\.\//) {
+ # Library role, so allow browsing of resources in this domain.
+ return 'F';
+ }
+ if ($copyright eq 'custom') {
+ unless (&customaccess($priv,$uri)) { return ''; }
+ }
+ }
+ # Domain coordinator is trying to create a course
+ if (($priv eq 'ccc') && ($env{'request.role'} =~ /^dc\./)) {
+ # uri is the requested domain in this case.
+ # comparison to 'request.role.domain' shows if the user has selected
+ # a role of dc for the domain in question.
+ return 'F' if ($uri eq $env{'request.role.domain'});
+ }
+ my $thisallowed='';
+ my $statecond=0;
+ my $courseprivid='';
+ my $ownaccess;
+ # Community Coordinator or Assistant Co-author browsing resource space.
+ if (($priv eq 'bro') && ($env{'user.author'})) {
+ if ($uri eq '') {
+ $ownaccess = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (($env{'user.domain'} ne '') && ($env{'user.name'} ne '')) {
+ my $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
+ my $uname = $env{'user.name'};
+ if ($uri =~ m{^\Q$udom\E/?$}) {
+ $ownaccess = 1;
+ } elsif ($uri =~ m{^\Q$udom\E/\Q$uname\E/?}) {
+ unless ($uri =~ m{\.\./}) {
+ $ownaccess = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif (($udom ne 'public') && ($uname ne 'public')) {
+ my $now = time;
+ if ($uri =~ m{^([^/]+)/?$}) {
+ my $adom = $1;
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($key =~ m{^user\.role\.(ca|aa)/\Q$adom\E}) {
+ my ($start,$end) = split(/\./,$env{$key});
+ if (($now >= $start) && (!$end || $end > $now)) {
+ $ownaccess = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($uri =~ m{^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?}) {
+ my $adom = $1;
+ my $aname = $2;
+ foreach my $role ('ca','aa') {
+ if ($env{"user.role.$role./$adom/$aname"}) {
+ my ($start,$end) =
+ split(/\./,$env{"user.role.$role./$adom/$aname"});
+ if (($now >= $start) && (!$end || $end > $now)) {
+ $ownaccess = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Course
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'./'}=~/\Q$priv\E\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ unless (($priv eq 'bro') && (!$ownaccess)) {
+ $thisallowed.=$1;
+ }
+ }
+# Domain
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'./'.(split(/\//,$uri))[0].'/'}
+ =~/\Q$priv\E\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ unless (($priv eq 'bro') && (!$ownaccess)) {
+ $thisallowed.=$1;
+ }
+ }
+# User who is not author or co-author might still be able to edit
+# resource of an author in the domain (e.g., if Domain Coordinator).
+ if (($priv eq 'eco') && ($thisallowed eq '') && ($env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+ (&allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'}))) {
+ if ($env{"user.priv.cm./$uri/"}=~/\Q$priv\E\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ $thisallowed.=$1;
+ }
+ }
+# Course: uri itself is a course
+ my $courseuri=$uri;
+ $courseuri=~s/\_(\d)/\/$1/;
+ $courseuri=~s/^([^\/])/\/$1/;
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'.'.$courseuri}
+ =~/\Q$priv\E\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ if ($priv eq 'mip') {
+ my $rem = $1;
+ if (($uri ne '') && ($env{'request.course.id'} eq $uri) &&
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.courseowner'} eq $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'})) {
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ if ($cdom ne '') {
+ my %passwdconf = &get_passwdconf($cdom);
+ if (ref($passwdconf{'crsownerchg'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($passwdconf{'crsownerchg'}{'by'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@{$passwdconf{'crsownerchg'}{'by'}}) {
+ my @inststatuses = split(':',$env{'environment.inststatus'});
+ unless (@inststatuses) {
+ @inststatuses = ('default');
+ }
+ foreach my $status (@inststatuses) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$status\E$/,@{$passwdconf{'crsownerchg'}{'by'}})) {
+ $thisallowed.=$rem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ unless (($priv eq 'bro') && (!$ownaccess)) {
+ $thisallowed.=$1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# URI is an uploaded document for this course, default permissions don't matter
+# not allowing 'edit' access (editupload) to uploaded course docs
+ if (($priv eq 'bre') && ($uri=~m|^uploaded/|)) {
+ $thisallowed='';
+ my ($match)=&is_on_map($uri);
+ if ($match) {
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'./'}
+ =~/\Q$priv\E\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ my $value = $1;
+ my $deeplinkblock;
+ unless ($nodeeplinkcheck) {
+ $deeplinkblock = &deeplink_check($priv,$symb,$uri);
+ }
+ if ($deeplinkblock) {
+ $thisallowed='D';
+ } elsif ($noblockcheck) {
+ $thisallowed.=$value;
+ } else {
+ my @blockers = &has_comm_blocking($priv,$symb,$uri,$ignorecache);
+ if (@blockers > 0) {
+ $thisallowed = 'B';
+ } else {
+ $thisallowed.=$value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $refuri = $env{'httpref.'.$orguri} || $env{'httpref.'.$ver_orguri};
+ if ($refuri) {
+ if ($refuri =~ m|^/adm/|) {
+ $thisallowed='F';
+ } else {
+ $refuri=&declutter($refuri);
+ my ($match) = &is_on_map($refuri);
+ if ($match) {
+ my $deeplinkblock;
+ unless ($nodeeplinkcheck) {
+ $deeplinkblock = &deeplink_check($priv,$symb,$refuri);
+ }
+ if ($deeplinkblock) {
+ $thisallowed='D';
+ } elsif ($noblockcheck) {
+ $thisallowed='F';
+ } else {
+ my @blockers = &has_comm_blocking($priv,'',$refuri,'',1);
+ if (@blockers > 0) {
+ $thisallowed = 'B';
+ } else {
+ $thisallowed='F';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($priv eq 'bre'
+ && $thisallowed ne 'F'
+ && $thisallowed ne '2'
+ && &is_portfolio_url($uri)) {
+ $thisallowed = &portfolio_access($uri,$clientip);
+ }
+# Full access at system, domain or course-wide level? Exit.
+ if ($thisallowed=~/F/) {
+ return 'F';
+ }
+# If this is generating or modifying users, exit with special codes
+ if (':csu:cdc:ccc:cin:cta:cep:ccr:cst:cad:cli:cau:cdg:cca:caa:vca:vaa:'=~/\:\Q$priv\E\:/) {
+ if (($priv eq 'cca') || ($priv eq 'caa')) {
+ my ($audom,$auname)=split('/',$uri);
+# no author name given, so this just checks on the general right to make a co-author in this domain
+ unless ($auname) { return $thisallowed; }
+# an author name is given, so we are about to actually make a co-author for a certain account
+ if (($auname ne $env{'user.name'} && $env{'request.role'} !~ /^dc\./) ||
+ (($audom ne $env{'user.domain'} && $env{'request.role'} !~ /^dc\./) &&
+ ($audom ne $env{'request.role.domain'}))) { return ''; }
+ } elsif (($priv eq 'vca') || ($priv eq 'vaa')) {
+ my ($audom,$auname)=split('/',$uri);
+ unless ($auname) { return $thisallowed; }
+ unless (($env{'request.role'} eq "dc./$audom") ||
+ ($env{'request.role'} eq "ca./$uri")) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ return $thisallowed;
+ }
+# Gathered so far: system, domain and course wide privileges
+# Course: See if uri or referer is an individual resource that is part of
+# the course
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ if ($priv eq 'bre') {
+ if (&is_coursetool_logo($uri)) {
+ return 'F';
+ }
+ }
+# If this is modifying password (internal auth) domains must match for user and user's role.
+ if ($priv eq 'mip') {
+ if ($env{'user.domain'} eq $env{'request.role.domain'}) {
+ return $thisallowed;
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ $courseprivid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+ if ($env{'request.course.sec'}) {
+ $courseprivid.='/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
+ }
+ $courseprivid=~s/\_/\//;
+ my $checkreferer=1;
+ my ($match,$cond)=&is_on_map($uri);
+ if ($match) {
+ $statecond=$cond;
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'./'.$courseprivid}
+ =~/\Q$priv\E\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ my $value = $1;
+ if ($priv eq 'bre') {
+ my $deeplinkblock;
+ unless ($nodeeplinkcheck) {
+ $deeplinkblock = &deeplink_check($priv,$symb,$uri);
+ }
+ if ($deeplinkblock) {
+ $thisallowed = 'D';
+ } elsif ($noblockcheck) {
+ $thisallowed.=$value;
+ } else {
+ my @blockers = &has_comm_blocking($priv,$symb,$uri,$ignorecache);
+ if (@blockers > 0) {
+ $thisallowed = 'B';
+ } else {
+ $thisallowed.=$value;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $thisallowed.=$value;
+ }
+ $checkreferer=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($checkreferer) {
+ my $refuri=$env{'httpref.'.$orguri};
+ unless ($refuri) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($key=~/^httpref\..*\*/) {
+ my $pattern=$key;
+ $pattern=~s/^httpref\.\/res\///;
+ $pattern=~s/\*/\[\^\/\]\+/g;
+ $pattern=~s/\//\\\//g;
+ if ($orguri=~/$pattern/) {
+ $refuri=$env{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($refuri) {
+ $refuri=&declutter($refuri);
+ my ($match,$cond)=&is_on_map($refuri);
+ if ($match) {
+ my $refstatecond=$cond;
+ if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'./'.$courseprivid}
+ =~/\Q$priv\E\&([^\:]*)/) {
+ my $value = $1;
+ if ($priv eq 'bre') {
+ my $deeplinkblock;
+ unless ($nodeeplinkcheck) {
+ $deeplinkblock = &deeplink_check($priv,$symb,$refuri);
+ }
+ if ($deeplinkblock) {
+ $thisallowed = 'D';
+ } elsif ($noblockcheck) {
+ $thisallowed.=$value;
+ } else {
+ my @blockers = &has_comm_blocking($priv,'',$refuri,'',1);
+ if (@blockers > 0) {
+ $thisallowed = 'B';
+ } else {
+ $thisallowed.=$value;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $thisallowed.=$value;
+ }
+ $uri=$refuri;
+ $statecond=$refstatecond;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Gathered now: all privileges that could apply, and condition number
+# Full or no access?
+ if ($thisallowed=~/F/) {
+ return 'F';
+ }
+ unless ($thisallowed) {
+ return '';
+ }
+# Restrictions exist, deal with them
+# C:according to course preferences
+# R:according to resource settings
+# L:unless locked
+# X:according to user session state
+# Possibly locked functionality, check all courses
+# In roles.tab, L (unless locked) available for bre, pch, plc, pac and sma.
+# Locks might take effect only after 10 minutes cache expiration for other
+# courses, and 2 minutes for current course, in which user has st or ta role
+# which is neither expired nor a future role (unless current course).
+ my ($needlockcheck,$now,$crsonly);
+ if ($thisallowed=~/L/) {
+ $now = time;
+ if ($priv eq 'bre') {
+ if ($uri ne '') {
+ if ($orguri =~ m{^/+res/}) {
+ if ($uri =~ m{^lib/templates/}) {
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ $crsonly = 1;
+ $needlockcheck = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $needlockcheck = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my ($crsdom,$crsnum) = split('_',$env{'request.course.id'});
+ if (($uri =~ m{^(adm|uploaded|public)/$crsdom/$crsnum/}) ||
+ ($uri =~ m{^adm/$match_domain/$match_username/\d+/(smppg|bulletinboard)$})) {
+ $crsonly = 1;
+ }
+ $needlockcheck = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($priv eq 'pch') || ($priv eq 'plc') || ($priv eq 'pac') || ($priv eq 'sma')) {
+ $needlockcheck = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($needlockcheck) {
+ foreach my $envkey (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($envkey=~/^user\.role\.(st|ta)\.([^\.]*)/) {
+ my $courseid=$2;
+ my $roleid=$1.'.'.$2;
+ $courseid=~s/^\///;
+ unless ($env{'request.role'} eq $roleid) {
+ my ($start,$end) = split(/\./,$env{$envkey});
+ next unless (($now >= $start) && (!$end || $end > $now));
+ }
+ my $expiretime=600;
+ if ($env{'request.role'} eq $roleid) {
+ $expiretime=120;
+ }
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$csec)=split(/\//,$courseid);
+ my $prefix='course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.';
+ if ((time-$env{$prefix.'last_cache'})>$expiretime) {
+ &coursedescription($courseid,{'freshen_cache' => 1});
+ }
+ if (($env{$prefix.'res.'.$uri.'.lock.sections'}=~/\,\Q$csec\E\,/)
+ || ($env{$prefix.'res.'.$uri.'.lock.sections'} eq 'all')) {
+ if ($env{$prefix.'res.'.$uri.'.lock.expire'}>time) {
+ &log($env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'},
+ $env{'user.home'},
+ 'Locked by res: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' due to '.
+ $cdom.'/'.$cnum.'/'.$csec.' expire '.
+ $env{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.expire'});
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (($env{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.sections'}=~/\,\Q$csec\E\,/)
+ || ($env{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.sections'} eq 'all')) {
+ if ($env{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.expire'}>time) {
+ &log($env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'},
+ $env{'user.home'},
+ 'Locked by priv: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' due to '.
+ $cdom.'/'.$cnum.'/'.$csec.' expire '.
+ $env{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.expire'});
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Rest of the restrictions depend on selected course
+ unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ if ($thisallowed eq 'A') {
+ return 'A';
+ } elsif ($thisallowed eq 'B') {
+ return 'B';
+ } else {
+ return '1';
+ }
+ }
+# Now user is definitely in a course
+# Course preferences
+ if ($thisallowed=~/C/) {
+ my $rolecode=(split(/\./,$env{'request.role'}))[0];
+ my $unamedom=$env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'};
+ if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$priv.'.roles.denied'}
+ =~/\Q$rolecode\E/) {
+ if (($priv ne 'pch') && ($priv ne 'plc') && ($priv ne 'pac')) {
+ &logthis($env{'user.domain'}.':'.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.home'}.':'.
+ 'Denied by role: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' as '.$rolecode.' in '.
+ $env{'request.course.id'});
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$priv.'.users.denied'}
+ =~/\Q$unamedom\E/) {
+ if (($priv ne 'pch') && ($priv ne 'plc') && ($priv ne 'pac')) {
+ &logthis($env{'user.domain'}.':'.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.home'}.
+ 'Denied by user: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' as '.$unamedom.' in '.
+ $env{'request.course.id'});
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+# Resource preferences
+ if ($thisallowed=~/R/) {
+ my $rolecode=(split(/\./,$env{'request.role'}))[0];
+ if (&metadata($uri,'roledeny')=~/\Q$rolecode\E/) {
+ if (($priv ne 'pch') && ($priv ne 'plc')) {
+ &logthis($env{'user.domain'}.':'.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.home'}.':'.
+ 'Denied by role: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' as '.$rolecode);
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+# Restricted for deeplinked session?
+ if ($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) {
+ if ($env{'acc.deeplinkout'} && !$nodeeplinkout) {
+ if (!$symb) { $symb=&symbread($uri,1); }
+ if (($symb) && ($env{'acc.deeplinkout'}=~/\&\Q$symb\E\&/)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Restricted by state or randomout?
+ if ($thisallowed=~/X/) {
+ if ($env{'acc.randomout'}) {
+ if (!$symb) { $symb=&symbread($uri,1); }
+ if (($symb) && ($env{'acc.randomout'}=~/\&\Q$symb\E\&/)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (&condval($statecond)) {
+ return '2';
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($thisallowed eq 'A') {
+ return 'A';
+ } elsif ($thisallowed eq 'B') {
+ return 'B';
+ } elsif ($thisallowed eq 'D') {
+ return 'D';
+ }
+ return 'F';
+# ------------------------------------------- Check construction space access
+sub constructaccess {
+ my ($url,$setpriv)=@_;
+# We do not allow editing of previous versions of files
+ if ($url=~/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)$/) { return ''; }
+# Get username and domain from URL
+ my ($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+ ($ownerdomain,$ownername) =
+ ($url=~ m{^(?:\Q$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\E|)(?:/daxepage|/daxeopen)?/priv/($match_domain)/($match_username)(?:/|$)});
+# The URL does not really point to any authorspace, forget it
+ unless (($ownername) && ($ownerdomain)) { return ''; }
+# Now we need to see if the user has access to the authorspace of
+# $ownername at $ownerdomain
+ if (($ownername eq $env{'user.name'}) && ($ownerdomain eq $env{'user.domain'})) {
+# Real author for this?
+ $ownerhome = $env{'user.home'};
+ if (exists($env{'user.priv.au./'.$ownerdomain.'/./'})) {
+ return ($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+ }
+ } elsif (&is_course($ownerdomain,$ownername)) {
+# Course Authoring Space?
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ if (($ownername eq $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}) &&
+ ($ownerdomain eq $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'})) {
+ if (&allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ return if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.crsauthor'} eq '0');
+ unless ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.crsauthor'}) {
+ my %domdefs = &get_domain_defaults($ownerdomain);
+ my $type = lc($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.type'});
+ unless (($type eq 'community') || ($type eq 'placement')) {
+ $type = 'unofficial';
+ if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'internal.coursecode'} ne '') {
+ $type = 'official';
+ } elsif ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'internal.textbook'} ne '') {
+ $type = 'textbook';
+ } else {
+ $type = 'unofficial';
+ }
+ }
+ return if ($domdefs{$type.'crsauthor'} eq '0');
+ }
+ $ownerhome = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
+ return ($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+ } else {
+# Co-author for this?
+ if (exists($env{'user.priv.ca./'.$ownerdomain.'/'.$ownername.'./'}) ||
+ exists($env{'user.priv.aa./'.$ownerdomain.'/'.$ownername.'./'}) ) {
+ $ownerhome = &homeserver($ownername,$ownerdomain);
+ return ($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+ }
+ }
+# We don't have any access right now. If we are not possibly going to do anything about this,
+# we might as well leave
+ unless ($setpriv) { return ''; }
+# Backdoor access?
+ my $allowed=&allowed('eco',$ownerdomain);
+# Nope
+ unless ($allowed) { return ''; }
+# Looks like we may have access, but could be locked by the owner of the construction space
+ if ($allowed eq 'U') {
+ my %blocked=&get('environment',['domcoord.author'],
+ $ownerdomain,$ownername);
+# Is blocked by owner
+ if ($blocked{'domcoord.author'} eq 'blocked') { return ''; }
+ }
+ if (($allowed eq 'F') || ($allowed eq 'U')) {
+# Grant temporary access
+ my $then=$env{'user.login.time'};
+ my $update=$env{'user.update.time'};
+ if (!$update) { $update = $then; }
+ my $refresh=$env{'user.refresh.time'};
+ if (!$refresh) { $refresh = $update; }
+ my $now = time;
+ &check_adhoc_privs($ownerdomain,$ownername,$update,$refresh,
+ $now,'ca','constructaccess');
+ $ownerhome = &homeserver($ownername,$ownerdomain);
+ return($ownername,$ownerdomain,$ownerhome);
+ }
+# No business here
+ return '';
+# ----------------------------------------------------------- Content Blocking
+# Caches for faster Course Contents display where content blocking
+# is in operation (i.e., interval param set) for timed quiz.
+# User for whom data are being temporarily cached.
+my $cacheduser='';
+# Course for which data are being temporarily cached.
+my $cachedcid='';
+# Cached blockers for this user (a hash of blocking items).
+my %cachedblockers=();
+# When the data were last cached.
+my $cachedlast='';
+sub load_all_blockers {
+ my ($uname,$udom)=@_;
+ if (($uname ne '') && ($udom ne '')) {
+ if (($cacheduser eq $uname.':'.$udom) &&
+ ($cachedcid eq $env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+ (abs($cachedlast-time)<5)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $cachedlast=time;
+ $cacheduser=$uname.':'.$udom;
+ $cachedcid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+ %cachedblockers = &get_commblock_resources();
+ return;
+sub get_comm_blocks {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+ if ($cdom eq '' || $cnum eq '') {
+ return unless ($env{'request.course.id'});
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ }
+ my %commblocks;
+ my $hashid=$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ my ($blocksref,$cached)=&is_cached_new('comm_block',$hashid);
+ if ((defined($cached)) && (ref($blocksref) eq 'HASH')) {
+ %commblocks = %{$blocksref};
+ } else {
+ %commblocks = &dump('comm_block',$cdom,$cnum);
+ my $cachetime = 600;
+ &do_cache_new('comm_block',$hashid,\%commblocks,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return %commblocks;
+sub get_commblock_resources {
+ my ($blocks) = @_;
+ my %blockers = ();
+ return %blockers unless ($env{'request.course.id'});
+ my $courseurl = &courseid_to_courseurl($env{'request.course.id'});
+ if ($env{'request.course.sec'}) {
+ $courseurl .= '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
+ }
+ return %blockers if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'.'.$courseurl} =~/evb\&([^\:]*)/);
+ my %commblocks;
+ if (ref($blocks) eq 'HASH') {
+ %commblocks = %{$blocks};
+ } else {
+ %commblocks = &get_comm_blocks();
+ }
+ return %blockers unless (keys(%commblocks) > 0);
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ return %blockers unless (ref($navmap));
+ my $now = time;
+ foreach my $block (keys(%commblocks)) {
+ if ($block =~ /^(\d+)____(\d+)$/) {
+ my ($start,$end) = ($1,$2);
+ if ($start <= $now && $end >= $now) {
+ if (ref($commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'maps'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (keys(%{$commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'maps'}})) {
+ $blockers{$block}{maps} = $commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'maps'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'resources'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (keys(%{$commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'resources'}})) {
+ $blockers{$block}{'resources'} = $commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'resources'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($block =~ /^firstaccess____(.+)$/) {
+ my $item = $1;
+ if (ref($commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my (@interval,$mapname);
+ my $type = 'map';
+ if ($item eq 'course') {
+ $type = 'course';
+ @interval=&EXT("resource.0.interval");
+ } else {
+ if ($item =~ /___\d+___/) {
+ $type = 'resource';
+ @interval=&EXT("resource.0.interval",$item);
+ } else {
+ $mapname = &deversion($item);
+ if (ref($navmap)) {
+ my $timelimit = $navmap->get_mapparam(undef,$mapname,'0.interval');
+ @interval = ($timelimit,'map');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($interval[0] =~ /^(\d+)/) {
+ my $timelimit = $1;
+ my $first_access;
+ if ($type eq 'resource') {
+ $first_access=&get_first_access($interval[1],$item);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'map') {
+ $first_access=&get_first_access($interval[1],undef,$item);
+ } else {
+ $first_access=&get_first_access($interval[1]);
+ }
+ if ($first_access) {
+ my $timesup = $first_access+$timelimit;
+ if ($timesup > $now) {
+ my $activeblock;
+ if ($type eq 'resource') {
+ if (ref($navmap)) {
+ my $res = $navmap->getBySymb($item);
+ if ($res->answerable()) {
+ $activeblock = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($type eq 'map') {
+ my $mapsymb = &symbread($mapname,1);
+ if (($mapsymb) && (ref($navmap))) {
+ my $mapres = $navmap->getBySymb($mapsymb);
+ if (ref($mapres)) {
+ my $first = $mapres->map_start();
+ my $finish = $mapres->map_finish();
+ my $it = $navmap->getIterator($first,$finish,undef,0,0);
+ if (ref($it)) {
+ my $res;
+ while ($res = $it->next(undef,1)) {
+ next unless (ref($res));
+ my $symb = $res->symb();
+ next if (($symb eq $mapsymb) || ($symb eq ''));
+ @interval=&EXT("resource.0.interval",$symb);
+ if ($interval[1] eq 'map') {
+ if ($res->answerable()) {
+ $activeblock = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($activeblock) {
+ if (ref($commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'maps'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (keys(%{$commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'maps'}})) {
+ $blockers{$block}{'maps'} = $commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'maps'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'resources'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (keys(%{$commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'resources'}})) {
+ $blockers{$block}{'resources'} = $commblocks{$block}{'blocks'}{'docs'}{'resources'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %blockers;
+sub has_comm_blocking {
+ my ($priv,$symb,$uri,$ignoresymbdb,$noenccheck,$blocked,$blocks) = @_;
+ my @blockers;
+ return unless ($env{'request.course.id'});
+ return unless ($priv eq 'bre');
+ return if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct');
+ my $courseurl = &courseid_to_courseurl($env{'request.course.id'});
+ if ($env{'request.course.sec'}) {
+ $courseurl .= '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
+ }
+ return if ($env{'user.priv.'.$env{'request.role'}.'.'.$courseurl} =~/evb\&([^\:]*)/);
+ my %blockinfo;
+ if (ref($blocks) eq 'HASH') {
+ %blockinfo = &get_commblock_resources($blocks);
+ } else {
+ &load_all_blockers($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'});
+ %blockinfo = %cachedblockers;
+ }
+ return unless (keys(%blockinfo) > 0);
+ my (%possibles,@symbs);
+ if (!$symb) {
+ $symb = &symbread($uri,1,1,1,\%possibles,$ignoresymbdb,$noenccheck);
+ }
+ if ($symb) {
+ @symbs = ($symb);
+ } elsif (keys(%possibles)) {
+ @symbs = keys(%possibles);
+ }
+ my $noblock;
+ foreach my $symb (@symbs) {
+ last if ($noblock);
+ my ($map,$resid,$resurl)=&decode_symb($symb);
+ foreach my $block (keys(%blockinfo)) {
+ if ($block =~ /^firstaccess____(.+)$/) {
+ my $item = $1;
+ unless ($blocked) {
+ if (($item eq $map) || ($item eq $symb)) {
+ $noblock = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($blockinfo{$block}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($blockinfo{$block}{'resources'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($blockinfo{$block}{'resources'}{$symb}) {
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$block\E$/,@blockers)) {
+ push(@blockers,$block);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($blockinfo{$block}{'maps'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($blockinfo{$block}{'maps'}{$map}) {
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$block\E$/,@blockers)) {
+ push(@blockers,$block);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($noblock) {
+ return @blockers;
+ }
+ return;
+sub deeplink_check {
+ my ($priv,$symb,$uri) = @_;
+ return unless ($env{'request.course.id'});
+ return unless ($priv eq 'bre');
+ return if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct');
+ return if ($env{'request.role.adv'});
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my (%possibles,@symbs);
+ if (!$symb) {
+ $symb = &symbread($uri,1,1,1,\%possibles);
+ }
+ if ($symb) {
+ @symbs = ($symb);
+ } elsif (keys(%possibles)) {
+ @symbs = keys(%possibles);
+ }
+ my ($deeplink_symb,$allow);
+ if ($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) {
+ $deeplink_symb = &Apache::loncommon::deeplink_login_symb($cnum,$cdom);
+ }
+ foreach my $symb (@symbs) {
+ last if ($allow);
+ my $deeplink = &EXT("resource.0.deeplink",$symb);
+ if ($deeplink eq '') {
+ $allow = 1;
+ } else {
+ my ($state,$others,$listed,$scope,$protect) = split(/,/,$deeplink);
+ if ($state ne 'only') {
+ $allow = 1;
+ } else {
+ my $check_deeplink_entry;
+ if ($protect ne 'none') {
+ my ($acctype,$item) = split(/:/,$protect);
+ if (($acctype eq 'ltic') && ($env{'user.linkprotector'})) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$item\Ec$/,split(/,/,$env{'user.linkprotector'}))) {
+ $check_deeplink_entry = 1
+ }
+ } elsif (($acctype eq 'ltid') && ($env{'user.linkprotector'})) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$item\Ed$/,split(/,/,$env{'user.linkprotector'}))) {
+ $check_deeplink_entry = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif (($acctype eq 'key') && ($env{'user.deeplinkkey'})) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$item\E$/,split(/,/,$env{'user.deeplinkkey'}))) {
+ $check_deeplink_entry = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($protect eq 'none') || ($check_deeplink_entry)) {
+ if ($scope eq 'res') {
+ if ($symb eq $deeplink_symb) {
+ $allow = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif (($scope eq 'map') || ($scope eq 'rec')) {
+ my ($map_from_symb,$map_from_login);
+ $map_from_symb = &deversion((&decode_symb($symb))[0]);
+ if ($deeplink_symb =~ /\.(page|sequence)$/) {
+ $map_from_login = &deversion((&decode_symb($deeplink_symb))[2]);
+ } else {
+ $map_from_login = &deversion((&decode_symb($deeplink_symb))[0]);
+ }
+ if (($map_from_symb) && ($map_from_login)) {
+ if ($map_from_symb eq $map_from_login) {
+ $allow = 1;
+ } elsif ($scope eq 'rec') {
+ my @recurseup = &get_map_hierarchy($map_from_symb,$env{'request.course.id'});
+ if (grep(/^\Q$map_from_login\E$/,@recurseup)) {
+ $allow = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return if ($allow);
+ return 1;
+# -------------------------------- Deversion and split uri into path an filename
+# Removes the version from a URI and
+# splits it in to its filename and path to the filename.
+# Seems like File::Basename could have done this more clearly.
+# Parameters:
+# $uri - input URI
+# Returns:
+# Two element list consisting of
+# $pathname - the URI up to and excluding the trailing /
+# $filename - The part of the URI following the last /
+# NOTE:
+# Another realization of this is simply:
+# use File::Basename;
+# ...
+# $uri = shift;
+# $filename = basename($uri);
+# $path = dirname($uri);
+# return ($filename, $path);
+# The implementation below is probably faster however.
+sub split_uri_for_cond {
+ my $uri=&deversion(&declutter(shift));
+ my @uriparts=split(/\//,$uri);
+ my $filename=pop(@uriparts);
+ my $pathname=join('/',@uriparts);
+ return ($pathname,$filename);
+# --------------------------------------------------- Is a resource on the map?
+sub is_on_map {
+ my ($pathname,$filename) = &split_uri_for_cond(shift);
+ #Trying to find the conditional for the file
+ my $match=($env{'acc.res.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$pathname}=~
+ /\&\Q$filename\E\:([\d\|]+)\&/);
+ if ($match) {
+ return (1,$1);
+ } else {
+ return (0,0);
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------- Get symb from alias
+sub get_symb_from_alias {
+ my $symb=shift;
+ my ($map,$resid,$url)=&decode_symb($symb);
+# Already is a symb
+ if ($url) { return $symb; }
+# Must be an alias
+ my $aliassymb='';
+ my %bighash;
+ if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ my $rid=$bighash{'mapalias_'.$symb};
+ if ($rid) {
+ my ($mapid,$resid)=split(/\./,$rid);
+ $aliassymb=&encode_symb($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid},
+ $resid,$bighash{'src_'.$rid});
+ }
+ untie %bighash;
+ }
+ return $aliassymb;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Define Role
+sub definerole {
+ if (allowed('mcr','/')) {
+ my ($rolename,$sysrole,$domrole,$courole,$uname,$udom)=@_;
+ foreach my $role (split(':',$sysrole)) {
+ my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$role);
+ if ($pr{'cr:s'}!~/\Q$crole\E/) { return "refused:s:$crole"; }
+ if ($pr{'cr:s'}=~/\Q$crole\E\&/) {
+ if ($pr{'cr:s'}!~/\Q$crole\E\&\w*\Q$cqual\E/) {
+ return "refused:s:$crole&$cqual";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $role (split(':',$domrole)) {
+ my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$role);
+ if ($pr{'cr:d'}!~/\Q$crole\E/) { return "refused:d:$crole"; }
+ if ($pr{'cr:d'}=~/\Q$crole\E\&/) {
+ if ($pr{'cr:d'}!~/\Q$crole\W\&\w*\Q$cqual\E/) {
+ return "refused:d:$crole&$cqual";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $role (split(':',$courole)) {
+ my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$role);
+ if ($pr{'cr:c'}!~/\Q$crole\E/) { return "refused:c:$crole"; }
+ if ($pr{'cr:c'}=~/\Q$crole\E\&/) {
+ if ($pr{'cr:c'}!~/\Q$crole\E\&\w*\Q$cqual\E/) {
+ return "refused:c:$crole&$cqual";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $uhome;
+ if (($uname ne '') && ($udom ne '')) {
+ $uhome = &homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ return $uhome if ($uhome eq 'no_host');
+ } else {
+ $uname = $env{'user.name'};
+ $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
+ $uhome = $env{'user.home'};
+ }
+ my $command="encrypt:rolesput:$env{'user.domain'}:$env{'user.name'}:".
+ "$udom:$uname:rolesdef_$rolename=".
+ escape($sysrole.'_'.$domrole.'_'.$courole);
+ return reply($command,$uhome);
+ } else {
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+# ---------------- Make a metadata query against the network of library servers
+sub metadata_query {
+ my ($query,$custom,$customshow,$server_array,$domains_hash)=@_;
+ my %rhash;
+ my %libserv = &all_library();
+ my @server_list = (defined($server_array) ? @$server_array
+ : keys(%libserv) );
+ for my $server (@server_list) {
+ my $domains = '';
+ if (ref($domains_hash) eq 'HASH') {
+ $domains = $domains_hash->{$server};
+ }
+ unless ($custom or $customshow) {
+ my $reply=&reply("querysend:".&escape($query).':::'.&escape($domains),$server);
+ $rhash{$server}=$reply;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $reply=&reply("querysend:".&escape($query).':'.
+ &escape($custom).':'.&escape($customshow).':'.&escape($domains),
+ $server);
+ $rhash{$server}=$reply;
+ }
+ }
+ return \%rhash;
+# ----------------------------------------- Send log queries and wait for reply
+sub log_query {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$query,%filters)=@_;
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if ($uhome eq 'no_host') { return 'error: no_host'; }
+ my $uhost=&hostname($uhome);
+ my $command=&escape(join(':',map{$_.'='.$filters{$_}} keys(%filters)));
+ my $queryid=&reply("querysend:".$query.':'.$udom.':'.$uname.':'.$command,
+ $uhome);
+ unless ($queryid=~/^\Q$uhost\E\_/) { return 'error: '.$queryid; }
+ return get_query_reply($queryid);
+# -------------------------- Update MySQL table for portfolio file
+sub update_portfolio_table {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$file_name,$query,$group,$action) = @_;
+ if ($group ne '') {
+ $file_name =~s /^\Q$group\E//;
+ }
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ my $queryid=
+ &reply("querysend:".$query.':'.&escape($uname.':'.$udom.':'.$group).
+ ':'.&escape($file_name).':'.$action,$homeserver);
+ my $reply = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ return $reply;
+# -------------------------- Update MySQL allusers table
+sub update_allusers_table {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$names) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ my $queryid=
+ &reply('querysend:allusers:'.&escape($uname).':'.&escape($udom).':'.
+ 'lastname='.&escape($names->{'lastname'}).'%%'.
+ 'firstname='.&escape($names->{'firstname'}).'%%'.
+ 'middlename='.&escape($names->{'middlename'}).'%%'.
+ 'generation='.&escape($names->{'generation'}).'%%'.
+ 'permanentemail='.&escape($names->{'permanentemail'}).'%%'.
+ 'id='.&escape($names->{'id'}),$homeserver);
+ return;
+# ------- Request retrieval of institutional classlists for course(s)
+sub fetch_enrollment_query {
+ my ($context,$affiliatesref,$replyref,$dom,$cnum) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,$sleep,$loopmax);
+ my $maxtries = 1;
+ if ($context eq 'automated') {
+ $homeserver = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ $sleep = 2;
+ $loopmax = 100;
+ $maxtries = 10; # will wait for up to 2000s for retrieval of classlist data before timeout
+ } else {
+ $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$dom);
+ }
+ my $host=&hostname($homeserver);
+ my $cmd = '';
+ foreach my $affiliate (keys(%{$affiliatesref})) {
+ $cmd .= $affiliate.'='.join(",",@{$$affiliatesref{$affiliate}}).'%%';
+ }
+ $cmd =~ s/%%$//;
+ $cmd = &escape($cmd);
+ my $query = 'fetchenrollment';
+ my $queryid=&reply("querysend:".$query.':'.$dom.':'.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$cmd,$homeserver);
+ unless ($queryid=~/^\Q$host\E\_/) {
+ &logthis('fetch_enrollment_query: invalid queryid: '.$queryid.' for host: '.$host.' and homeserver: '.$homeserver.' context: '.$context.' '.$cnum);
+ return 'error: '.$queryid;
+ }
+ my $reply = &get_query_reply($queryid,$sleep,$loopmax);
+ my $tries = 1;
+ while (($reply=~/^timeout/) && ($tries < $maxtries)) {
+ $reply = &get_query_reply($queryid,$sleep,$loopmax);
+ $tries ++;
+ }
+ if ( ($reply =~/^timeout/) || ($reply =~/^error/) ) {
+ &logthis('fetch_enrollment_query error: '.$reply.' for '.$dom.' '.$env{'user.name'}.' for '.$queryid.' context: '.$context.' '.$cnum.' maxtries: '.$maxtries.' tries: '.$tries);
+ } else {
+ my @responses = split(/:/,$reply);
+ if (grep { $_ eq $homeserver } ¤t_machine_ids()) {
+ foreach my $line (@responses) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$line,2);
+ $$replyref{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $pathname = LONCAPA::tempdir();
+ foreach my $line (@responses) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$line);
+ $$replyref{$key} = $value;
+ if ($value > 0) {
+ foreach my $item (@{$$affiliatesref{$key}}) {
+ my $filename = $dom.'_'.$key.'_'.$item.'_classlist.xml';
+ my $destname = $pathname.'/'.$filename;
+ my $xml_classlist = &reply("autoretrieve:".$filename,$homeserver);
+ if ($xml_classlist =~ /^error/) {
+ &logthis('fetch_enrollment_query - autoretrieve error: '.$xml_classlist.' for '.$filename.' from server: '.$homeserver.' '.$context.' '.$cnum);
+ } else {
+ if ( open(FILE,">",$destname) ) {
+ print FILE &unescape($xml_classlist);
+ close(FILE);
+ } else {
+ &logthis('fetch_enrollment_query - error opening classlist file '.$destname.' '.$context.' '.$cnum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ return 'error';
+sub get_query_reply {
+ my ($queryid,$sleep,$loopmax) = @_;
+ if (($sleep eq '') || ($sleep !~ /^\d+\.?\d*$/)) {
+ $sleep = 0.2;
+ }
+ if (($loopmax eq '') || ($loopmax =~ /\D/)) {
+ $loopmax = 100;
+ }
+ my $replyfile=LONCAPA::tempdir().$queryid;
+ my $reply='';
+ for (1..$loopmax) {
+ sleep($sleep);
+ if (-e $replyfile.'.end') {
+ if (open(my $fh,"<",$replyfile)) {
+ $reply = join('',<$fh>);
+ close($fh);
+ } else { return 'error: reply_file_error'; }
+ return &unescape($reply);
+ }
+ }
+ return 'timeout:'.$queryid;
+sub courselog_query {
+# possible filters:
+# url: url or symb
+# username
+# domain
+# action: view, submit, grade
+# start: timestamp
+# end: timestamp
+ my (%filters)=@_;
+ unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) { return 'no_course'; }
+ if ($filters{'url'}) {
+ $filters{'url'}=&symbclean(&declutter($filters{'url'}));
+ $filters{'url'}=~s/\.(\w+)$/(\\.\\d+)*\\.$1/;
+ $filters{'url'}=~s/\.(\w+)\_\_\_/(\\.\\d+)*\\.$1/;
+ }
+ my $cname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ return &log_query($cname,$cdom,'courselog',%filters);
+sub userlog_query {
+# possible filters:
+# action: log check role
+# start: timestamp
+# end: timestamp
+ my ($uname,$udom,%filters)=@_;
+ return &log_query($uname,$udom,'userlog',%filters);
+#--------- Call auto-enrollment subs in localenroll.pm for homeserver for course
+sub auto_run {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom) = @_;
+ my $response = 0;
+ my $settings;
+ my %domconfig = &get_dom('configuration',['autoenroll'],$cdom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'autoenroll'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $settings = $domconfig{'autoenroll'};
+ if ($settings->{'run'} eq '1') {
+ $response = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $homeserver;
+ if (&is_course($cdom,$cnum)) {
+ $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ } else {
+ $homeserver = &domain($cdom,'primary');
+ }
+ if ($homeserver ne 'no_host') {
+ $response = &reply('autorun:'.$cdom,$homeserver);
+ }
+ }
+ return $response;
+sub auto_get_sections {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$inst_coursecode) = @_;
+ my $homeserver;
+ if (($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) && ($cnum =~ /^$match_courseid$/)) {
+ $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ }
+ if (!defined($homeserver)) {
+ if ($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $homeserver = &domain($cdom,'primary');
+ }
+ }
+ my @secs;
+ if (defined($homeserver)) {
+ my $response=&unescape(&reply('autogetsections:'.$inst_coursecode.':'.$cdom,$homeserver));
+ unless ($response eq 'refused') {
+ @secs = split(/:/,$response);
+ }
+ }
+ return @secs;
+sub auto_new_course {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$inst_course_id,$owner,$coowners) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my $response=&unescape(&reply('autonewcourse:'.$inst_course_id.':'.&escape($owner).':'.$cdom.':'.&escape($coowners),$homeserver));
+ return $response;
+sub auto_validate_courseID {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$inst_course_id) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my $response=&unescape(&reply('autovalidatecourse:'.$inst_course_id.':'.$cdom,$homeserver));
+ return $response;
+sub auto_validate_instcode {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$instcode,$owner) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,$response);
+ if (($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) && ($cnum =~ /^$match_courseid$/)) {
+ $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ }
+ if (!defined($homeserver)) {
+ if ($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $homeserver = &domain($cdom,'primary');
+ }
+ }
+ $response=&unescape(&reply('autovalidateinstcode:'.$cdom.':'.
+ &escape($instcode).':'.&escape($owner),$homeserver));
+ my ($outcome,$description,$defaultcredits) = map { &unescape($_); } split('&',$response,3);
+ return ($outcome,$description,$defaultcredits);
+sub auto_validate_inst_crosslist {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$instcode,$inst_xlist,$coowner) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,$response);
+ if (($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) && ($cnum =~ /^$match_courseid$/)) {
+ $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ }
+ if (!defined($homeserver)) {
+ if ($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $homeserver = &domain($cdom,'primary');
+ }
+ }
+ unless (($homeserver eq '') || ($homeserver eq 'no_host')) {
+ $response=&reply('autovalidateinstcrosslist:'.$cdom.':'.
+ &escape($instcode).':'.&escape($inst_xlist).':'.
+ &escape($coowner),$homeserver);
+ }
+ return $response;
+sub auto_create_password {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$authparam,$udom) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,$response);
+ my $create_passwd = 0;
+ my $authchk = '';
+ if ($udom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $homeserver = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ }
+ if ($homeserver eq '') {
+ if (($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) && ($cnum =~ /^$match_courseid$/)) {
+ $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($homeserver eq '') {
+ $authchk = 'nodomain';
+ } else {
+ $response=&unescape(&reply('autocreatepassword:'.$authparam.':'.$cdom,$homeserver));
+ if ($response eq 'refused') {
+ $authchk = 'refused';
+ } else {
+ ($authparam,$create_passwd,$authchk) = split(/:/,$response);
+ }
+ }
+ return ($authparam,$create_passwd,$authchk);
+sub auto_photo_permission {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$students) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my ($outcome,$perm_reqd,$conditions) =
+ split(/:/,&unescape(&reply('autophotopermission:'.$cdom,$homeserver)),3);
+ if ($outcome =~ /^(con_lost|unknown_cmd|no_such_host)$/) {
+ return (undef,undef);
+ }
+ return ($outcome,$perm_reqd,$conditions);
+sub auto_checkphotos {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$pid) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ my ($result,$resulttype);
+ my $outcome = &unescape(&reply('autophotocheck:'.&escape($udom).':'.
+ &escape($uname).':'.&escape($pid),
+ $homeserver));
+ if ($outcome =~ /^(con_lost|unknown_cmd|no_such_host)$/) {
+ return (undef,undef);
+ }
+ if ($outcome) {
+ ($result,$resulttype) = split(/:/,$outcome);
+ }
+ return ($result,$resulttype);
+sub auto_photochoice {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my ($update,$comment) = split(/:/,&unescape(&reply('autophotochoice:'.
+ &escape($cdom),
+ $homeserver)));
+ if ($update =~ /^(con_lost|unknown_cmd|no_such_host)$/) {
+ return (undef,undef);
+ }
+ return ($update,$comment);
+sub auto_photoupdate {
+ my ($affiliatesref,$dom,$cnum,$photo) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$dom);
+ my $host=&hostname($homeserver);
+ my $cmd = '';
+ my $maxtries = 1;
+ foreach my $affiliate (keys(%{$affiliatesref})) {
+ $cmd .= $affiliate.'='.join(",",@{$$affiliatesref{$affiliate}}).'%%';
+ }
+ $cmd =~ s/%%$//;
+ $cmd = &escape($cmd);
+ my $query = 'institutionalphotos';
+ my $queryid=&reply("querysend:".$query.':'.$dom.':'.$cnum.':'.$cmd,$homeserver);
+ unless ($queryid=~/^\Q$host\E\_/) {
+ &logthis('institutionalphotos: invalid queryid: '.$queryid.' for host: '.$host.' and homeserver: '.$homeserver.' and course: '.$cnum);
+ return 'error: '.$queryid;
+ }
+ my $reply = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ my $tries = 1;
+ while (($reply=~/^timeout/) && ($tries < $maxtries)) {
+ $reply = &get_query_reply($queryid);
+ $tries ++;
+ }
+ if ( ($reply =~/^timeout/) || ($reply =~/^error/) ) {
+ &logthis('institutionalphotos error: '.$reply.' for '.$dom.' '.$env{'user.name'}.' for '.$queryid.' course: '.$cnum.' maxtries: '.$maxtries.' tries: '.$tries);
+ } else {
+ my @responses = split(/:/,$reply);
+ my $outcome = shift(@responses);
+ foreach my $item (@responses) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$item);
+ $$photo{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ return $outcome;
+ }
+ return 'error';
+sub auto_instcode_format {
+ my ($caller,$codedom,$instcodes,$codes,$codetitles,$cat_titles,
+ $cat_order) = @_;
+ my $courses = '';
+ my @homeservers;
+ if ($caller eq 'global') {
+ my %servers = &get_servers($codedom,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ if (!grep(/^\Q$tryserver\E$/,@homeservers)) {
+ push(@homeservers,$tryserver);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($caller eq 'requests') {
+ if ($codedom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ my $chome = &domain($codedom,'primary');
+ unless ($chome eq 'no_host') {
+ push(@homeservers,$chome);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@homeservers,&homeserver($caller,$codedom));
+ }
+ foreach my $code (keys(%{$instcodes})) {
+ $courses .= &escape($code).'='.&escape($$instcodes{$code}).'&';
+ }
+ chop($courses);
+ my $ok_response = 0;
+ my $response;
+ while (@homeservers > 0 && $ok_response == 0) {
+ my $server = shift(@homeservers);
+ $response=&reply('autoinstcodeformat:'.$codedom.':'.$courses,$server);
+ if ($response !~ /(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused)/) {
+ my ($codes_str,$codetitles_str,$cat_titles_str,$cat_order_str) =
+ split(/:/,$response);
+ %{$codes} = (%{$codes},&str2hash($codes_str));
+ push(@{$codetitles},&str2array($codetitles_str));
+ %{$cat_titles} = (%{$cat_titles},&str2hash($cat_titles_str));
+ %{$cat_order} = (%{$cat_order},&str2hash($cat_order_str));
+ $ok_response = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ok_response) {
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ return $response;
+ }
+sub auto_instcode_defaults {
+ my ($domain,$returnhash,$code_order) = @_;
+ my @homeservers;
+ my %servers = &get_servers($domain,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ if (!grep(/^\Q$tryserver\E$/,@homeservers)) {
+ push(@homeservers,$tryserver);
+ }
+ }
+ my $response;
+ foreach my $server (@homeservers) {
+ $response=&reply('autoinstcodedefaults:'.$domain,$server);
+ next if ($response =~ /(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused)/);
+ foreach my $pair (split(/\&/,$response)) {
+ my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$pair);
+ if ($name eq 'code_order') {
+ @{$code_order} = split(/\&/,&unescape($value));
+ } else {
+ $returnhash->{&unescape($name)}=&unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ return $response;
+sub auto_possible_instcodes {
+ my ($domain,$codetitles,$cat_titles,$cat_orders,$code_order) = @_;
+ unless ((ref($codetitles) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($cat_titles) eq 'HASH') &&
+ (ref($cat_orders) eq 'HASH') && (ref($code_order) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my (@homeservers,$uhome);
+ if (defined(&domain($domain,'primary'))) {
+ $uhome=&domain($domain,'primary');
+ push(@homeservers,&domain($domain,'primary'));
+ } else {
+ my %servers = &get_servers($domain,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ if (!grep(/^\Q$tryserver\E$/,@homeservers)) {
+ push(@homeservers,$tryserver);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $response;
+ foreach my $server (@homeservers) {
+ $response=&reply('autopossibleinstcodes:'.$domain,$server);
+ next if ($response =~ /(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused)/);
+ my ($codetitlestr,$codeorderstr,$cat_title,$cat_order) =
+ split(':',$response);
+ @{$codetitles} = map { &unescape($_); } (split('&',$codetitlestr));
+ @{$code_order} = map { &unescape($_); } (split('&',$codeorderstr));
+ foreach my $item (split('&',$cat_title)) {
+ my ($name,$value)=split('=',$item);
+ $cat_titles->{&unescape($name)}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ foreach my $item (split('&',$cat_order)) {
+ my ($name,$value)=split('=',$item);
+ $cat_orders->{&unescape($name)}=&thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ return $response;
+sub auto_courserequest_checks {
+ my ($dom) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,%validations);
+ if ($dom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $homeserver = &domain($dom,'primary');
+ }
+ unless ($homeserver eq 'no_host') {
+ my $response=&reply('autocrsreqchecks:'.$dom,$homeserver);
+ unless ($response =~ /(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused)/) {
+ my @items = split(/&/,$response);
+ foreach my $item (@items) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split('=',$item);
+ $validations{&unescape($key)} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %validations;
+sub auto_courserequest_validation {
+ my ($dom,$owner,$crstype,$inststatuslist,$instcode,$instseclist,$custominfo) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,$response);
+ if ($dom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $homeserver = &domain($dom,'primary');
+ }
+ unless ($homeserver eq 'no_host') {
+ my $customdata;
+ if (ref($custominfo) eq 'HASH') {
+ $customdata = &freeze_escape($custominfo);
+ }
+ $response=&unescape(&reply('autocrsreqvalidation:'.$dom.':'.&escape($owner).
+ ':'.&escape($crstype).':'.&escape($inststatuslist).
+ ':'.&escape($instcode).':'.&escape($instseclist).':'.
+ $customdata,$homeserver));
+ }
+ return $response;
+sub auto_validate_class_sec {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$owners,$inst_class) = @_;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my $ownerlist;
+ if (ref($owners) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $ownerlist = join(',',@{$owners});
+ } else {
+ $ownerlist = $owners;
+ }
+ my $response=&reply('autovalidateclass_sec:'.$inst_class.':'.
+ &escape($ownerlist).':'.$cdom,$homeserver);
+ return $response;
+sub auto_instsec_reformat {
+ my ($cdom,$action,$instsecref) = @_;
+ return unless(($action eq 'clutter') || ($action eq 'declutter'));
+ my @homeservers;
+ if (defined(&domain($cdom,'primary'))) {
+ push(@homeservers,&domain($cdom,'primary'));
+ } else {
+ my %servers = &get_servers($cdom,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ if (!grep(/^\Q$tryserver\E$/,@homeservers)) {
+ push(@homeservers,$tryserver);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $response;
+ my %reformatted = %{$instsecref};
+ foreach my $server (@homeservers) {
+ if (ref($instsecref) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $info = &freeze_escape($instsecref);
+ my $response=&reply('autoinstsecreformat:'.$cdom.':'.
+ $action.':'.$info,$server);
+ next if ($response =~ /(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused|unknown_cmd)/);
+ my @items = split(/&/,$response);
+ foreach my $item (@items) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$item);
+ $reformatted{&unescape($key)} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %reformatted;
+sub auto_validate_instclasses {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$owners,$classesref) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,%validations);
+ $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ unless ($homeserver eq 'no_host') {
+ my $ownerlist;
+ if (ref($owners) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $ownerlist = join(',',@{$owners});
+ } else {
+ $ownerlist = $owners;
+ }
+ if (ref($classesref) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $classes = &freeze_escape($classesref);
+ my $response=&reply('autovalidateinstclasses:'.&escape($ownerlist).
+ ':'.$cdom.':'.$classes,$homeserver);
+ unless ($response =~ /(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused)/) {
+ my @items = split(/&/,$response);
+ foreach my $item (@items) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split('=',$item);
+ $validations{&unescape($key)} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %validations;
+sub auto_crsreq_update {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$crstype,$action,$ownername,$ownerdomain,$fullname,$title,
+ $code,$accessstart,$accessend,$inbound) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,%crsreqresponse);
+ if ($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $homeserver = &domain($cdom,'primary');
+ }
+ unless (($homeserver eq 'no_host') || ($homeserver eq '')) {
+ my $info;
+ if (ref($inbound) eq 'HASH') {
+ $info = &freeze_escape($inbound);
+ }
+ my $response=&reply('autocrsrequpdate:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum.':'.&escape($crstype).
+ ':'.&escape($action).':'.&escape($ownername).':'.
+ &escape($ownerdomain).':'.&escape($fullname).':'.
+ &escape($title).':'.&escape($code).':'.
+ &escape($accessstart).':'.&escape($accessend).':'.$info,
+ $homeserver);
+ unless ($response =~ /(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused)/) {
+ my @items = split(/&/,$response);
+ foreach my $item (@items) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split('=',$item);
+ $crsreqresponse{&unescape($key)} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return \%crsreqresponse;
+sub auto_export_grades {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$inforef,$gradesref) = @_;
+ my ($homeserver,%exportresponse);
+ if ($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
+ $homeserver = &domain($cdom,'primary');
+ }
+ unless (($homeserver eq 'no_host') || ($homeserver eq '')) {
+ my $info;
+ if (ref($inforef) eq 'HASH') {
+ $info = &freeze_escape($inforef);
+ }
+ if (ref($gradesref) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $grades = &freeze_escape($gradesref);
+ my $response=&reply('encrypt:autoexportgrades:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum.':'.
+ $info.':'.$grades,$homeserver);
+ unless ($response =~ /(con_lost|error|no_such_host|refused|unknown_cmd)/) {
+ my @items = split(/&/,$response);
+ foreach my $item (@items) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split('=',$item);
+ $exportresponse{&unescape($key)} = &thaw_unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return \%exportresponse;
+sub check_instcode_cloning {
+ my ($codedefaults,$code_order,$cloner,$clonefromcode,$clonetocode) = @_;
+ unless ((ref($codedefaults) eq 'HASH') && (ref($code_order) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $canclone;
+ if (@{$code_order} > 0) {
+ my $instcoderegexp ='^';
+ my @clonecodes = split(/\&/,$cloner);
+ foreach my $item (@{$code_order}) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$item\E=/,@clonecodes)) {
+ foreach my $pair (@clonecodes) {
+ my ($key,$val) = split(/\=/,$pair,2);
+ $val = &unescape($val);
+ if ($key eq $item) {
+ $instcoderegexp .= '('.$val.')';
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $instcoderegexp .= $codedefaults->{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ $instcoderegexp .= '$';
+ my (@from,@to);
+ eval {
+ (@from) = ($clonefromcode =~ /$instcoderegexp/);
+ (@to) = ($clonetocode =~ /$instcoderegexp/);
+ };
+ if ((@from > 0) && (@to > 0)) {
+ my @diffs = &Apache::loncommon::compare_arrays(\@from,\@to);
+ if (!@diffs) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $canclone;
+sub default_instcode_cloning {
+ my ($clonedom,$domdefclone,$clonefromcode,$clonetocode,$codedefaultsref,$codeorderref) = @_;
+ my (%codedefaults,@code_order,$canclone);
+ if ((ref($codedefaultsref) eq 'HASH') && (ref($codeorderref) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ %codedefaults = %{$codedefaultsref};
+ @code_order = @{$codeorderref};
+ } elsif ($clonedom) {
+ &auto_instcode_defaults($clonedom,\%codedefaults,\@code_order);
+ }
+ if (($domdefclone) && (@code_order)) {
+ my @clonecodes = split(/\+/,$domdefclone);
+ my $instcoderegexp ='^';
+ foreach my $item (@code_order) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$item\E$/,@clonecodes)) {
+ $instcoderegexp .= '('.$codedefaults{$item}.')';
+ } else {
+ $instcoderegexp .= $codedefaults{$item};
+ }
+ }
+ $instcoderegexp .= '$';
+ my (@from,@to);
+ eval {
+ (@from) = ($clonefromcode =~ /$instcoderegexp/);
+ (@to) = ($clonetocode =~ /$instcoderegexp/);
+ };
+ if ((@from > 0) && (@to > 0)) {
+ my @diffs = &Apache::loncommon::compare_arrays(\@from,\@to);
+ if (!@diffs) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $canclone;
+# ------------------------------------------------------- Course Group routines
+sub get_coursegroups {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$group,$namespace) = @_;
+ return(&dump($namespace,$cdom,$cnum,$group));
+sub modify_coursegroup {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$groupsettings) = @_;
+ return(&put('coursegroups',$groupsettings,$cdom,$cnum));
+sub toggle_coursegroup_status {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$group,$action) = @_;
+ my ($from_namespace,$to_namespace);
+ if ($action eq 'delete') {
+ $from_namespace = 'coursegroups';
+ $to_namespace = 'deleted_groups';
+ } else {
+ $from_namespace = 'deleted_groups';
+ $to_namespace = 'coursegroups';
+ }
+ my %curr_group = &get_coursegroups($cdom,$cnum,$group,$from_namespace);
+ if (my $tmp = &error(%curr_group)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error retrieving group: '.$tmp.' in '.$cnum.':'.$cdom);
+ return ('read error',$tmp);
+ } else {
+ my %savedsettings = %curr_group;
+ my $result = &put($to_namespace,\%savedsettings,$cdom,$cnum);
+ my $deloutcome;
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ $deloutcome = &del($from_namespace,[$group],$cdom,$cnum);
+ } else {
+ return ('write error',$result);
+ }
+ if ($deloutcome eq 'ok') {
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ return ('delete error',$deloutcome);
+ }
+ }
+sub modify_group_roles {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$group_id,$user,$end,$start,$userprivs,$selfenroll,$context,
+ $othdomby,$requester) = @_;
+ my $url = '/'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum.'/'.$group_id;
+ my $role = 'gr/'.&escape($userprivs);
+ my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$user);
+ my $result = &assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$end,$start,'',$selfenroll,$context,
+ $othdomby,$requester);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ &devalidate_getgroups_cache($udom,$uname,$cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub modify_coursegroup_membership {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$membership) = @_;
+ my $result = &put('groupmembership',$membership,$cdom,$cnum);
+ return $result;
+sub get_active_groups {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+ my $now = time;
+ my %groups = ();
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($key =~ m-user\.role\.gr\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/(\w+)$-) {
+ my ($start,$end) = split(/\./,$env{$key});
+ if (($end!=0) && ($end<$now)) { next; }
+ if (($start!=0) && ($start>$now)) { next; }
+ if ($1 eq $cdom && $2 eq $cnum) {
+ $groups{$3} = $env{$key} ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %groups;
+sub get_group_membership {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$group) = @_;
+ return(&dump('groupmembership',$cdom,$cnum,$group));
+sub get_users_groups {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$courseid) = @_;
+ my @usersgroups;
+ my $cachetime=1800;
+ my $hashid="$udom:$uname:$courseid";
+ my ($grouplist,$cached)=&is_cached_new('getgroups',$hashid);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ @usersgroups = split(/:/,$grouplist);
+ } else {
+ $grouplist = '';
+ my $courseurl = &courseid_to_courseurl($courseid);
+ my %roleshash = &dump('roles',$udom,$uname,$courseurl);
+ my $access_end = $env{'course.'.$courseid.
+ '.default_enrollment_end_date'};
+ my $now = time;
+ foreach my $key (keys(%roleshash)) {
+ if ($key =~ /^\Q$courseurl\E\/(\w+)\_gr$/) {
+ my $group = $1;
+ if ($roleshash{$key} =~ /_(\d+)_(\d+)$/) {
+ my $start = $2;
+ my $end = $1;
+ if ($start == -1) { next; } # deleted from group
+ if (($start!=0) && ($start>$now)) { next; }
+ if (($end!=0) && ($end<$now)) {
+ if ($access_end && $access_end < $now) {
+ if ($access_end - $end < 86400) {
+ push(@usersgroups,$group);
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ push(@usersgroups,$group);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @usersgroups = &sort_course_groups($courseid,@usersgroups);
+ $grouplist = join(':',@usersgroups);
+ &do_cache_new('getgroups',$hashid,$grouplist,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return @usersgroups;
+sub devalidate_getgroups_cache {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$cdom,$cnum)=@_;
+ my $courseid = $cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ my $hashid="$udom:$uname:$courseid";
+ &devalidate_cache_new('getgroups',$hashid);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Plain Text
+sub plaintext {
+ my ($short,$type,$cid,$forcedefault) = @_;
+ if ($short =~ m{^cr/}) {
+ return (split('/',$short))[-1];
+ }
+ if (!defined($cid)) {
+ $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ }
+ my %rolenames = (
+ Course => 'std',
+ Community => 'alt1',
+ Placement => 'std',
+ );
+ if ($cid ne '') {
+ if ($env{'course.'.$cid.'.'.$short.'.plaintext'} ne '') {
+ unless ($forcedefault) {
+ my $roletext = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.'.$short.'.plaintext'};
+ &Apache::lonlocal::mt_escape(\$roletext);
+ return &Apache::lonlocal::mt($roletext);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((defined($type)) && (defined($rolenames{$type})) &&
+ (defined($rolenames{$type})) &&
+ (defined($prp{$short}{$rolenames{$type}}))) {
+ return &Apache::lonlocal::mt($prp{$short}{$rolenames{$type}});
+ } elsif ($cid ne '') {
+ my $crstype = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.type'};
+ if (($crstype ne '') && (defined($rolenames{$crstype})) &&
+ (defined($prp{$short}{$rolenames{$crstype}}))) {
+ return &Apache::lonlocal::mt($prp{$short}{$rolenames{$crstype}});
+ }
+ }
+ return &Apache::lonlocal::mt($prp{$short}{'std'});
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Assign Role
+sub assignrole {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$end,$start,$deleteflag,$selfenroll,
+ $context,$othdomby,$requester,$reqsec,$reqrole)=@_;
+ my ($mrole,$rolelogcontext);
+ if ($role =~ /^cr\//) {
+ my $cwosec=$url;
+ $cwosec=~s/^\/($match_domain)\/($match_courseid)\/.*/$1\/$2/;
+ if ((!&allowed('ccr',$cwosec)) && (!&allowed('ccr',$udom))) {
+ my $refused = 1;
+ if ($context eq 'requestcourses') {
+ if (($env{'user.name'} ne '') && ($env{'user.domain'} ne '')) {
+ if ($role =~ m{^cr/($match_domain)/($match_username)/([^/]+)$}) {
+ if (($1 eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($2 eq $env{'user.name'})) {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($cwosec =~ m{^/?($match_domain)/($match_courseid)$});
+ my %crsenv = &userenvironment($cdom,$cnum,('internal.courseowner'));
+ if ($crsenv{'internal.courseowner'} eq
+ $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($context eq 'course') && ($othdomby eq 'othdombyuser')) {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($cwosec =~ m{^/?($match_domain)/($match_courseid)$});
+ my ($sec) = ($url =~ m{^/\Q$cwosec\E/(.*)$});
+ my $key = "$uname:$udom:$role:$sec";
+ my %queuedrolereq = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_othdomqueued',[$key],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ((exists($queuedrolereq{$key})) && (ref($queuedrolereq{$key}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ if (($queuedrolereq{$key}{'adj'} eq 'user') && ($queuedrolereq{$key}{'requester'} eq $requester)) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($refused) {
+ &logthis('Refused custom assignrole: '.
+ $udom.' '.$uname.' '.$url.' '.$role.' '.$end.' '.$start.
+ ' by '.$env{'user.name'}.' at '.$env{'user.domain'});
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+ }
+ $mrole='cr';
+ } elsif ($role =~ /^gr\//) {
+ my $cwogrp=$url;
+ $cwogrp=~s{^/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/.*}{$1/$2};
+ if (!&allowed('mdg',$cwogrp)) {
+ my $refused = 1;
+ if (($refused) && ($othdomby eq 'othdombyuser') && ($requester ne '') && ($reqrole ne '')) {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($cwogrp =~ m{^/?($match_domain)/($match_courseid)$});
+ my $key = "$uname:$udom:$reqrole:$reqsec";
+ my %queuedrolereq = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_othdomqueued',[$key],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ((exists($queuedrolereq{$key})) && (ref($queuedrolereq{$key}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ if (($queuedrolereq{$key}{'adj'} eq 'user') && ($queuedrolereq{$key}{'requester'} eq $requester)) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($refused) {
+ &logthis('Refused group assignrole: '.
+ $udom.' '.$uname.' '.$url.' '.$role.' '.$end.' '.$start.' by '.
+ $env{'user.name'}.' at '.$env{'user.domain'});
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+ }
+ $mrole='gr';
+ } else {
+ my $cwosec=$url;
+ $cwosec=~s/^\/($match_domain)\/($match_courseid)\/.*/$1\/$2/;
+ if (!(&allowed('c'.$role,$cwosec)) && !(&allowed('c'.$role,$udom))) {
+ my $refused;
+ if (($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') && ($role eq 'st')) {
+ if (!(&allowed('c'.$role,$url))) {
+ $refused = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $refused = 1;
+ }
+ if ($refused) {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($cwosec =~ m{^/?($match_domain)/($match_courseid)$});
+ if (!$selfenroll && ($othdomby ne 'othdombyuser') &&
+ (($context eq 'course') || ($context eq 'ltienroll' && $env{'request.lti.login'}))) {
+ my %crsenv;
+ if ($role eq 'cc' || $role eq 'co') {
+ %crsenv = &userenvironment($cdom,$cnum,('internal.courseowner'));
+ if (($role eq 'cc') && ($cnum !~ /^$match_community$/)) {
+ if ($env{'request.role'} eq 'cc./'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum) {
+ if ($crsenv{'internal.courseowner'} eq
+ $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($role eq 'co') && ($cnum =~ /^$match_community$/)) {
+ if ($env{'request.role'} eq 'co./'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum) {
+ if ($crsenv{'internal.courseowner'} eq
+ $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($selfenroll == 1) && ($udom eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($uname eq $env{'user.name'})) {
+ if ($role eq 'st') {
+ $refused = '';
+ } elsif (($context eq 'ltienroll') && ($env{'request.lti.login'})) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ } elsif ($othdomby eq 'othdombyuser') {
+ my ($key,%queuedrolereq);
+ if ($context eq 'course') {
+ my ($sec) = ($url =~ m{^/\Q$cwosec\E/(.*)$});
+ $key = "$uname:$udom:$role:$sec";
+ %queuedrolereq = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_othdomqueued',[$key],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ((exists($queuedrolereq{$key})) && (ref($queuedrolereq{$key}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ if (($queuedrolereq{$key}{'adj'} eq 'user') && ($queuedrolereq{$key}{'requester'} eq $requester)) {
+ if ((($role eq 'cc') && ($cnum !~ /^$match_community$/)) ||
+ (($role eq 'co') && ($cnum =~ /^$match_community$/))) {
+ my %crsenv = &userenvironment($cdom,$cnum,('internal.courseowner'));
+ if ($crsenv{'internal.courseowner'} eq $requester) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ } elsif ($role =~ /^(?:in|ta|ep|st)$/) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($context eq 'author') && ($role =~ /^ca|aa$/)) {
+ my $key = "$uname:$udom:$role";
+ my ($audom,$auname) = ($url =~ m{^/($match_domain)/($match_username)$});
+ if (($audom ne '') && ($auname ne '')) {
+ my %queuedrolereq = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_othdomqueued',[$key],$audom,$auname);
+ if ((exists($queuedrolereq{$key})) && (ref($queuedrolereq{$key}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ if (($queuedrolereq{$key}{'adj'} eq 'user') && ($queuedrolereq{$key}{'requester'} eq $requester)) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($context eq 'domain') && ($role ne 'dc') && ($role ne 'su')) {
+ my $key = "$uname:$udom:$role";
+ my ($roledom) = ($url =~ m{^/($match_domain)/\Q$role\E$});
+ if ($roledom ne '') {
+ my $confname = $roledom.'-domainconfig';
+ my %queuedrolereq = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_othdomqueued',[$key],$roledom,$confname);
+ if ((exists($queuedrolereq{$key})) && (ref($queuedrolereq{$key}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ if (($queuedrolereq{$key}{'adj'} eq 'user') && ($queuedrolereq{$key}{'requester'} eq $requester)) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($context eq 'requestcourses') {
+ my @possroles = ('st','ta','ep','in','cc','co');
+ if ((grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@possroles)) && ($env{'user.name'} ne '' && $env{'user.domain'} ne '')) {
+ my $wrongcc;
+ if ($cnum =~ /^$match_community$/) {
+ $wrongcc = 1 if ($role eq 'cc');
+ } else {
+ $wrongcc = 1 if ($role eq 'co');
+ }
+ unless ($wrongcc) {
+ my %crsenv = &userenvironment($cdom,$cnum,('internal.courseowner'));
+ if ($crsenv{'internal.courseowner'} eq
+ $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($context eq 'requestauthor') {
+ if (($udom eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($uname eq $env{'user.name'}) &&
+ ($url eq '/'.$udom.'/') && ($role eq 'au')) {
+ if ($env{'environment.requestauthor'} eq 'automatic') {
+ $refused = '';
+ } else {
+ my %domdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($udom);
+ if (ref($domdefaults{'requestauthor'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $checkbystatus;
+ if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
+ my $disposition = $domdefaults{'requestauthor'}{'_LC_adv'};
+ if ($disposition eq 'automatic') {
+ $refused = '';
+ } elsif ($disposition eq '') {
+ $checkbystatus = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $checkbystatus = 1;
+ }
+ if ($checkbystatus) {
+ if ($env{'environment.inststatus'}) {
+ my @inststatuses = split(/,/,$env{'environment.inststatus'});
+ foreach my $type (@inststatuses) {
+ if (($type ne '') &&
+ ($domdefaults{'requestauthor'}{$type} eq 'automatic')) {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($domdefaults{'requestauthor'}{'default'} eq 'automatic') {
+ $refused = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($context eq 'author') && (($role eq 'ca' || $role eq 'aa'))) {
+ if ($url =~ m{^/($match_domain)/($match_username)$}) {
+ my ($audom,$auname) = ($1,$2);
+ if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('v'.$role,"$audom/$auname")) &&
+ ($env{"environment.internal.manager.$url"})) {
+ $refused = '';
+ $rolelogcontext = 'coauthor';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($refused) {
+ &logthis('Refused assignrole: '.$udom.' '.$uname.' '.$url.
+ ' '.$role.' '.$end.' '.$start.' by '.
+ $env{'user.name'}.' at '.$env{'user.domain'});
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($role eq 'au') {
+ if ($url ne '/'.$udom.'/') {
+ &logthis('Attempt by '.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}.
+ ' to assign author role for '.$uname.':'.$udom.
+ ' in domain: '.$url.' refused (wrong domain).');
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+ }
+ $mrole=$role;
+ }
+ my $command="encrypt:rolesput:$env{'user.domain'}:$env{'user.name'}:".
+ "$udom:$uname:$url".'_'."$mrole=$role";
+ if ($end) { $command.='_'.$end; }
+ if ($start) {
+ if ($end) {
+ $command.='_'.$start;
+ } else {
+ $command.='_0_'.$start;
+ }
+ }
+ my $origstart = $start;
+ my $origend = $end;
+ my $delflag;
+# actually delete
+ if ($deleteflag) {
+ if ((&allowed('dro',$udom)) || (&allowed('dro',$url))) {
+# modify command to delete the role
+ $command="encrypt:rolesdel:$env{'user.domain'}:$env{'user.name'}:".
+ "$udom:$uname:$url".'_'."$mrole";
+ &logthis("$env{'user.name'} at $env{'user.domain'} deletes $mrole in $url for $uname at $udom");
+# set start and finish to negative values for userrolelog
+ $start=-1;
+ $end=-1;
+ $delflag = 1;
+ }
+ }
+# send command
+ my $answer=&reply($command,&homeserver($uname,$udom));
+# log new user role if status is ok
+ if ($answer eq 'ok') {
+ &userrolelog($role,$uname,$udom,$url,$start,$end);
+ if (($role eq 'cc') || ($role eq 'in') ||
+ ($role eq 'ep') || ($role eq 'ad') ||
+ ($role eq 'ta') || ($role eq 'st') ||
+ ($role=~/^cr/) || ($role eq 'gr') ||
+ ($role eq 'co')) {
+# for course roles, perform group memberships changes triggered by role change.
+ unless ($role =~ /^gr/) {
+ &Apache::longroup::group_changes($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$origend,
+ $origstart,$selfenroll,$context);
+ }
+ &courserolelog($role,$uname,$udom,$url,$origstart,$origend,$delflag,
+ $selfenroll,$context,$othdomby,$requester);
+ } elsif (($role eq 'li') || ($role eq 'dg') || ($role eq 'sc') ||
+ ($role eq 'au') || ($role eq 'dc') || ($role eq 'dh') ||
+ ($role eq 'da')) {
+ &domainrolelog($role,$uname,$udom,$url,$origstart,$origend,$delflag,
+ $context,$othdomby,$requester);
+ } elsif (($role eq 'ca') || ($role eq 'aa')) {
+ if ($rolelogcontext eq '') {
+ $rolelogcontext = $context;
+ }
+ &coauthorrolelog($role,$uname,$udom,$url,$origstart,$origend,$delflag,
+ $rolelogcontext,$othdomby,$requester);
+ }
+ if ($role eq 'cc') {
+ &autoupdate_coowners($url,$end,$start,$uname,$udom);
+ }
+ }
+ return $answer;
+sub autoupdate_coowners {
+ my ($url,$end,$start,$uname,$udom) = @_;
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($url =~ m{^/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)});
+ if (($cdom ne '') && ($cnum ne '')) {
+ my $now = time;
+ my %domdesign = &Apache::loncommon::get_domainconf($cdom);
+ if ($domdesign{$cdom.'.autoassign.co-owners'}) {
+ my %coursehash = &coursedescription($cdom.'_'.$cnum);
+ my $instcode = $coursehash{'internal.coursecode'};
+ my $xlists = $coursehash{'internal.crosslistings'};
+ if ($instcode ne '') {
+ if (($start && $start <= $now) && ($end == 0) || ($end > $now)) {
+ unless ($coursehash{'internal.courseowner'} eq $uname.':'.$udom) {
+ my ($delcoowners,@newcoowners,$putresult,$delresult,$coowners);
+ my ($result,$desc) = &auto_validate_instcode($cnum,$cdom,$instcode,$uname.':'.$udom);
+ unless ($result eq 'valid') {
+ if ($xlists ne '') {
+ foreach my $xlist (split(',',$xlists)) {
+ my ($inst_crosslist,$lcsec) = split(':',$xlist);
+ $result =
+ &auto_validate_inst_crosslist($cnum,$cdom,$instcode,
+ $inst_crosslist,$uname.':'.$udom);
+ last if ($result eq 'valid');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($result eq 'valid') {
+ if ($coursehash{'internal.co-owners'}) {
+ foreach my $coowner (split(',',$coursehash{'internal.co-owners'})) {
+ push(@newcoowners,$coowner);
+ }
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$uname\E:\Q$udom\E$/,@newcoowners)) {
+ push(@newcoowners,$uname.':'.$udom);
+ }
+ @newcoowners = sort(@newcoowners);
+ } else {
+ push(@newcoowners,$uname.':'.$udom);
+ }
+ } elsif ($coursehash{'internal.co-owners'}) {
+ foreach my $coowner (split(',',$coursehash{'internal.co-owners'})) {
+ unless ($coowner eq $uname.':'.$udom) {
+ push(@newcoowners,$coowner);
+ }
+ }
+ unless (@newcoowners > 0) {
+ $delcoowners = 1;
+ $coowners = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (@newcoowners || $delcoowners) {
+ &store_coowners($cdom,$cnum,$coursehash{'home'},
+ $delcoowners,@newcoowners);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub store_coowners {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$chome,$delcoowners,@newcoowners) = @_;
+ my $cid = $cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ my ($coowners,$delresult,$putresult);
+ if (@newcoowners) {
+ $coowners = join(',',@newcoowners);
+ my %coownershash = (
+ 'internal.co-owners' => $coowners,
+ );
+ $putresult = &put('environment',\%coownershash,$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
+ if ($env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'} eq $cnum) {
+ &appenv({'course.'.$cid.'.internal.co-owners' => $coowners});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($delcoowners) {
+ $delresult = &Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['internal.co-owners'],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($delresult eq 'ok') {
+ if ($env{'course.'.$cid.'.internal.co-owners'}) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('course.'.$cid.'.internal.co-owners');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($putresult eq 'ok') || ($delresult eq 'ok')) {
+ my %crsinfo =
+ &courseiddump($cdom,'.',1,'.','.',$cnum,undef,undef,'.');
+ if (ref($crsinfo{$cid}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $crsinfo{$cid}{'co-owners'} = \@newcoowners;
+ my $cidput = &courseidput($cdom,\%crsinfo,$chome,'notime');
+ }
+ }
+# -------------------------------------------------- Modify user authentication
+# Overrides without validation
+sub modifyuserauth {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$umode,$upass)=@_;
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ my $allowed;
+ if (&allowed('mau',$udom)) {
+ $allowed = 1;
+ } elsif (($umode eq 'internal') && ($udom eq $env{'user.domain'}) &&
+ ($env{'request.course.id'}) && (&allowed('mip',$env{'request.course.id'})) &&
+ (!$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.nopasswdchg'})) {
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ if (($cdom ne '') && ($cnum ne '')) {
+ my $is_owner = &is_course_owner($cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($is_owner) {
+ $allowed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($allowed) { return 'refused'; }
+ &logthis('Call to modify user authentication '.$udom.', '.$uname.', '.
+ $umode.' by '.$env{'user.name'}.' at '.$env{'user.domain'}.
+ ' in domain '.$env{'request.role.domain'});
+ my $reply=&reply('encrypt:changeuserauth:'.$udom.':'.$uname.':'.$umode.':'.
+ &escape($upass),$uhome);
+ my $ip = &get_requestor_ip();
+ &log($env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'},$env{'user.home'},
+ 'Authentication changed for '.$udom.', '.$uname.', '.$umode.
+ '(Remote '.$ip.'): '.$reply);
+ &log($udom,,$uname,$uhome,
+ 'Authentication changed by '.$env{'user.domain'}.', '.
+ $env{'user.name'}.', '.$umode.
+ '(Remote '.$ip.'): '.$reply);
+ unless ($reply eq 'ok') {
+ &logthis('Authentication mode error: '.$reply);
+ return 'error: '.$reply;
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- Modify a user
+sub modifyuser {
+ my ($udom, $uname, $uid,
+ $umode, $upass, $first,
+ $middle, $last, $gene,
+ $forceid, $desiredhome, $email, $inststatus, $candelete)=@_;
+ $udom= &LONCAPA::clean_domain($udom);
+ $uname=&LONCAPA::clean_username($uname);
+ my $showcandelete = 'none';
+ if (ref($candelete) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@{$candelete} > 0) {
+ $showcandelete = join(', ',@{$candelete});
+ }
+ }
+ &logthis('Call to modify user '.$udom.', '.$uname.', '.$uid.', '.
+ $umode.', '.$first.', '.$middle.', '.
+ $last.', '.$gene.'(forceid: '.$forceid.'; candelete: '.$showcandelete.')'.
+ (defined($desiredhome) ? ' desiredhome = '.$desiredhome :
+ ' desiredhome not specified').
+ ' by '.$env{'user.name'}.' at '.$env{'user.domain'}.
+ ' in domain '.$env{'request.role.domain'});
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
+ my $newuser;
+ if ($uhome eq 'no_host') {
+ $newuser = 1;
+ unless (($umode && ($upass ne '')) || ($umode eq 'localauth') ||
+ ($umode eq 'lti')) {
+ return 'error: more information needed to create new user';
+ }
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Create User
+ if (($uhome eq 'no_host') &&
+ (($umode && $upass) || ($umode eq 'localauth') || ($umode eq 'lti'))) {
+ my $unhome='';
+ if (defined($desiredhome) && &host_domain($desiredhome) eq $udom) {
+ $unhome = $desiredhome;
+ } elsif($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $udom) {
+ $unhome=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
+ } else { # load balancing routine for determining $unhome
+ my $loadm=10000000;
+ my %servers = &get_servers($udom,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ my $answer=reply('load',$tryserver);
+ if (($answer=~/\d+/) && ($answer<$loadm)) {
+ $loadm=$answer;
+ $unhome=$tryserver;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($unhome eq '') || ($unhome eq 'no_host')) {
+ return 'error: unable to find a home server for '.$uname.
+ ' in domain '.$udom;
+ }
+ my $reply=&reply('encrypt:makeuser:'.$udom.':'.$uname.':'.$umode.':'.
+ &escape($upass),$unhome);
+ unless ($reply eq 'ok') {
+ return 'error: '.$reply;
+ }
+ $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
+ if (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host') || ($uhome ne $unhome)) {
+ return 'error: unable verify users home machine.';
+ }
+ } # End of creation of new user
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Add ID
+ if ($uid) {
+ $uid=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my %uidhash=&idrget($udom,$uname);
+ if (($uidhash{$uname}) && ($uidhash{$uname}!~/error\:/)
+ && (!$forceid)) {
+ unless ($uid eq $uidhash{$uname}) {
+ return 'error: user id "'.$uid.'" does not match '.
+ 'current user id "'.$uidhash{$uname}.'".';
+ }
+ } else {
+ &idput($udom,{$uname => $uid},$uhome,'ids');
+ }
+ }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- Add names, etc
+ my @tmp=&get('environment',
+ ['firstname','middlename','lastname','generation','id',
+ 'permanentemail','inststatus'],
+ $udom,$uname);
+ my (%names,%oldnames);
+ if ($tmp[0] =~ m/^error:.*/) {
+ %names=();
+ } else {
+ %names = @tmp;
+ %oldnames = %names;
+ }
+# If name, email and/or uid are blank (e.g., because an uploaded file
+# of users did not contain them), do not overwrite existing values
+# unless field is in $candelete array ref.
+ my @fields = ('firstname','middlename','lastname','generation',
+ 'permanentemail','id');
+ my %newvalues;
+ if (ref($candelete) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $field (@fields) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$field\E$/,@{$candelete})) {
+ if ($field eq 'firstname') {
+ $names{$field} = $first;
+ } elsif ($field eq 'middlename') {
+ $names{$field} = $middle;
+ } elsif ($field eq 'lastname') {
+ $names{$field} = $last;
+ } elsif ($field eq 'generation') {
+ $names{$field} = $gene;
+ } elsif ($field eq 'permanentemail') {
+ $names{$field} = $email;
+ } elsif ($field eq 'id') {
+ $names{$field} = $uid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($first) { $names{'firstname'} = $first; }
+ if (defined($middle)) { $names{'middlename'} = $middle; }
+ if ($last) { $names{'lastname'} = $last; }
+ if (defined($gene)) { $names{'generation'} = $gene; }
+ if ($email) {
+ $email=~s/[^\w\@\.\-\,]//gs;
+ if ($email=~/\@/) { $names{'permanentemail'} = $email; }
+ }
+ if ($uid) { $names{'id'} = $uid; }
+ if (defined($inststatus)) {
+ $names{'inststatus'} = '';
+ my ($usertypes,$typesorder) = &retrieve_inst_usertypes($udom);
+ if (ref($usertypes) eq 'HASH') {
+ my @okstatuses;
+ foreach my $item (split(/:/,$inststatus)) {
+ if (defined($usertypes->{$item})) {
+ push(@okstatuses,$item);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@okstatuses) {
+ $names{'inststatus'} = join(':', map { &escape($_); } @okstatuses);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $logmsg = $udom.', '.$uname.', '.$uid.', '.
+ $umode.', '.$first.', '.$middle.', '.
+ $last.', '.$gene.', '.$email.', '.$inststatus;
+ if ($env{'user.name'} ne '' && $env{'user.domain'}) {
+ $logmsg .= ' by '.$env{'user.name'}.' at '.$env{'user.domain'};
+ } else {
+ $logmsg .= ' during self creation';
+ }
+ my $changed;
+ if ($newuser) {
+ $changed = 1;
+ } else {
+ foreach my $field (@fields) {
+ if ($names{$field} ne $oldnames{$field}) {
+ $changed = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($changed) {
+ $logmsg = 'No changes in user information needed for: '.$logmsg;
+ &logthis($logmsg);
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ my $reply = &put('environment', \%names, $udom,$uname);
+ if ($reply ne 'ok') {
+ return 'error: '.$reply;
+ }
+ if ($names{'permanentemail'} ne $oldnames{'permanentemail'}) {
+ &devalidate_cache_new('emailscache',$uname.':'.$udom);
+ }
+ my $sqlresult = &update_allusers_table($uname,$udom,\%names);
+ &devalidate_cache_new('namescache',$uname.':'.$udom);
+ $logmsg = 'Success modifying user '.$logmsg;
+ &logthis($logmsg);
+ return 'ok';
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- Modify student
+sub modifystudent {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,$first,$middle,$last,$gene,$usec,
+ $end,$start,$forceid,$desiredhome,$email,$type,$locktype,$cid,
+ $selfenroll,$context,$inststatus,$credits,$instsec)=@_;
+ if (!$cid) {
+ unless ($cid=$env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ return 'not_in_class';
+ }
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- Make the user
+ my $reply=&modifyuser
+ ($udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,$first,$middle,$last,$gene,$forceid,
+ $desiredhome,$email,$inststatus);
+ unless ($reply eq 'ok') { return $reply; }
+ # This will cause &modify_student_enrollment to get the uid from the
+ # student's environment
+ $uid = undef if (!$forceid);
+ $reply = &modify_student_enrollment($udom,$uname,$uid,$first,$middle,$last,
+ $gene,$usec,$end,$start,$type,$locktype,
+ $cid,$selfenroll,$context,$credits,$instsec);
+ return $reply;
+sub modify_student_enrollment {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$uid,$first,$middle,$last,$gene,$usec,$end,$start,$type,
+ $locktype,$cid,$selfenroll,$context,$credits,$instsec,$othdomby,$requester) = @_;
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$chome);
+ if (!$cid) {
+ unless ($cid=$env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ return 'not_in_class';
+ }
+ $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ } else {
+ ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/_/,$cid);
+ }
+ $chome=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.home'};
+ if (!$chome) {
+ $chome=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ }
+ if (!$chome) { return 'unknown_course'; }
+ # Make sure the user exists
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
+ return 'error: no such user';
+ }
+ # Get student data if we were not given enough information
+ if (!defined($first) || $first eq '' ||
+ !defined($last) || $last eq '' ||
+ !defined($uid) || $uid eq '' ||
+ !defined($middle) || $middle eq '' ||
+ !defined($gene) || $gene eq '') {
+ # They did not supply us with enough data to enroll the student, so
+ # we need to pick up more information.
+ my %tmp = &get('environment',
+ ['firstname','middlename','lastname', 'generation','id']
+ ,$udom,$uname);
+ #foreach my $key (keys(%tmp)) {
+ # &logthis("key $key = ".$tmp{$key});
+ #}
+ $first = $tmp{'firstname'} if (!defined($first) || $first eq '');
+ $middle = $tmp{'middlename'} if (!defined($middle) || $middle eq '');
+ $last = $tmp{'lastname'} if (!defined($last) || $last eq '');
+ $gene = $tmp{'generation'} if (!defined($gene) || $gene eq '');
+ $uid = $tmp{'id'} if (!defined($uid) || $uid eq '');
+ }
+ my $fullname = &format_name($first,$middle,$last,$gene,'lastname');
+ my $user = "$uname:$udom";
+ my %old_entry = &get('classlist',[$user],$cdom,$cnum);
+ my $reply=cput('classlist',
+ {$user =>
+ join(':',$end,$start,$uid,$usec,$fullname,$type,$locktype,$credits,$instsec) },
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ if (($reply eq 'ok') || ($reply eq 'delayed')) {
+ &devalidate_getsection_cache($udom,$uname,$cid);
+ } else {
+ return 'error: '.$reply;
+ }
+ # Add student role to user
+ my $uurl='/'.$cid;
+ $uurl=~s/\_/\//g;
+ if ($usec) {
+ $uurl.='/'.$usec;
+ }
+ my $result = &assignrole($udom,$uname,$uurl,'st',$end,$start,undef,
+ $selfenroll,$context,$othdomby,$requester);
+ if ($result ne 'ok') {
+ if ($old_entry{$user} ne '') {
+ $reply = &cput('classlist',\%old_entry,$cdom,$cnum);
+ } else {
+ $reply = &del('classlist',[$user],$cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub format_name {
+ my ($firstname,$middlename,$lastname,$generation,$first)=@_;
+ my $name;
+ if ($first ne 'lastname') {
+ $name=$firstname.' '.$middlename.' '.$lastname.' '.$generation;
+ } else {
+ if ($lastname=~/\S/) {
+ $name.= $lastname.' '.$generation.', '.$firstname.' '.$middlename;
+ $name=~s/\s+,/,/;
+ } else {
+ $name.= $firstname.' '.$middlename.' '.$generation;
+ }
+ }
+ $name=~s/^\s+//;
+ $name=~s/\s+$//;
+ $name=~s/\s+/ /g;
+ return $name;
+# ------------------------------------------------- Write to course preferences
+sub writecoursepref {
+ my ($courseid,%prefs)=@_;
+ $courseid=~s/^\///;
+ $courseid=~s/\_/\//g;
+ my ($cdomain,$cnum)=split(/\//,$courseid);
+ my $chome=homeserver($cnum,$cdomain);
+ if (($chome eq '') || ($chome eq 'no_host')) {
+ return 'error: no such course';
+ }
+ my $cstring='';
+ foreach my $pref (keys(%prefs)) {
+ $cstring.=&escape($pref).'='.&escape($prefs{$pref}).'&';
+ }
+ $cstring=~s/\&$//;
+ return reply('put:'.$cdomain.':'.$cnum.':environment:'.$cstring,$chome);
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Make/modify course
+sub createcourse {
+ my ($udom,$description,$url,$course_server,$nonstandard,$inst_code,
+ $course_owner,$crstype,$cnum,$context,$category,$callercontext)=@_;
+ $url=&declutter($url);
+ my $cid='';
+ if ($context eq 'requestcourses') {
+ my $can_create = 0;
+ my ($ownername,$ownerdom) = split(':',$course_owner);
+ if ($udom eq $ownerdom) {
+ my $reload;
+ if (($callercontext eq 'auto') &&
+ ($ownerdom eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($ownername eq $env{'user.name'})) {
+ $reload = 'reload';
+ }
+ if (&usertools_access($ownername,$ownerdom,$category,$reload,
+ $context)) {
+ $can_create = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my %userenv = &userenvironment($ownerdom,$ownername,'reqcrsotherdom.'.
+ $category);
+ if ($userenv{'reqcrsotherdom.'.$category} ne '') {
+ my @curr = split(',',$userenv{'reqcrsotherdom.'.$category});
+ if (@curr > 0) {
+ my @options = qw(approval validate autolimit);
+ my $optregex = join('|',@options);
+ if (grep(/^\Q$udom\E:($optregex)(=?\d*)$/,@curr)) {
+ $can_create = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($can_create) {
+ unless ($ownername eq $env{'user.name'} && $ownerdom eq $env{'user.domain'}) {
+ unless (&allowed('ccc',$udom)) {
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+ } elsif (!&allowed('ccc',$udom)) {
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- Get Unique ID
+ my $uname;
+ if ($cnum =~ /^$match_courseid$/) {
+ my $chome=&homeserver($cnum,$udom,'true');
+ if (($chome eq '') || ($chome eq 'no_host')) {
+ $uname = $cnum;
+ } else {
+ $uname = &generate_coursenum($udom,$crstype);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $uname = &generate_coursenum($udom,$crstype);
+ }
+ return $uname if ($uname =~ /^error/);
+# -------------------------------------------------- Check supplied server name
+ if (!defined($course_server)) {
+ if (defined(&domain($udom,'primary'))) {
+ $course_server = &domain($udom,'primary');
+ } else {
+ $course_server = $env{'user.home'};
+ }
+ }
+ my %host_servers =
+ &get_servers($udom,'library');
+ unless ($host_servers{$course_server}) {
+ return 'error: invalid home server for course: '.$course_server;
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- Make the course
+ my $reply=&reply('encrypt:makeuser:'.$udom.':'.$uname.':none::',
+ $course_server);
+ unless ($reply eq 'ok') { return 'error: '.$reply; }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
+ if (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
+ return 'error: no such course';
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Course made
+# log existence
+ my $now = time;
+ my $newcourse = {
+ $udom.'_'.$uname => {
+ description => $description,
+ inst_code => $inst_code,
+ owner => $course_owner,
+ type => $crstype,
+ creator => $env{'user.name'}.':'.
+ $env{'user.domain'},
+ created => $now,
+ context => $context,
+ },
+ };
+ &courseidput($udom,$newcourse,$uhome,'notime');
+# set toplevel url
+ my $topurl=$url;
+ unless ($nonstandard) {
+# ------------------------------------------ For standard courses, make top url
+ my $mapurl=&clutter($url);
+ if ($mapurl eq '/res/') { $mapurl=''; }
+ $env{'form.initmap'}=(<
+ $topurl=&declutter(
+ &finishuserfileupload($uname,$udom,'initmap','default.sequence')
+ );
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------- Write preferences
+ &writecoursepref($udom.'_'.$uname,
+ ('description' => $description,
+ 'url' => $topurl,
+ 'internal.creator' => $env{'user.name'}.':'.
+ $env{'user.domain'},
+ 'internal.created' => $now,
+ 'internal.creationcontext' => $context)
+ );
+ return '/'.$udom.'/'.$uname;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Create ID
+sub generate_coursenum {
+ my ($udom,$crstype) = @_;
+ my $domdesc = &domain($udom);
+ return 'error: invalid domain' if ($domdesc eq '');
+ my $first;
+ if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+ $first = '0';
+ } else {
+ $first = int(1+rand(9));
+ }
+ my $uname=$first.
+ ('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9')[int(rand(62))].
+ substr($$.time,0,5).unpack("H8",pack("I32",time)).
+ unpack("H2",pack("I32",int(rand(255)))).$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+# ----------------------------------------------- Make sure that does not exist
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
+ unless (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
+ if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+ $first = '0';
+ } else {
+ $first = int(1+rand(9));
+ }
+ $uname=$first.
+ ('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9')[int(rand(62))].
+ substr($$.time,0,5).unpack("H8",pack("I32",time)).
+ unpack("H2",pack("I32",int(rand(255)))).$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
+ unless (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
+ return 'error: unable to generate unique course-ID';
+ }
+ }
+ return $uname;
+sub is_course {
+ my ($cdom, $cnum) = scalar(@_) == 1 ?
+ ($_[0] =~ /^($match_domain)_($match_courseid)$/) : @_;
+ return unless (($cdom =~ /^$match_domain$/) && ($cnum =~ /^$match_courseid$/));
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my $iscourse;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $uhome } current_machine_ids()) {
+ $iscourse = &LONCAPA::Lond::is_course($cdom,$cnum);
+ } else {
+ my $hashid = $cdom.':'.$cnum;
+ ($iscourse,my $cached) = &is_cached_new('iscourse',$hashid);
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my %courses = &courseiddump($cdom, '.', 1, '.', '.',
+ $cnum,undef,undef,'.');
+ $iscourse = 0;
+ if (exists($courses{$cdom.'_'.$cnum})) {
+ $iscourse = 1;
+ }
+ &do_cache_new('iscourse',$hashid,$iscourse,3600);
+ }
+ }
+ return unless ($iscourse);
+ return wantarray ? ($cdom, $cnum) : $cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+sub store_userdata {
+ my ($storehash,$datakey,$namespace,$udom,$uname,$ip) = @_;
+ my $result;
+ if ($datakey ne '') {
+ if (ref($storehash) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($udom eq '' || $uname eq '') {
+ $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
+ $uname = $env{'user.name'};
+ }
+ my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
+ $result = 'error: no_host';
+ } else {
+ if ($ip ne '') {
+ $storehash->{'ip'} = $ip;
+ } else {
+ $storehash->{'ip'} = &get_requestor_ip();
+ }
+ $storehash->{'host'} = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $namevalue='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$storehash})) {
+ $namevalue.=&escape($key).'='.&freeze_escape($$storehash{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $namevalue=~s/\&$//;
+ unless ($namespace eq 'courserequests') {
+ $datakey = &escape($datakey);
+ }
+ $result = &reply("store:$udom:$uname:$namespace:$datakey:".
+ $namevalue,$uhome);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $result = 'error: data to store was not a hash reference';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $result= 'error: invalid requestkey';
+ }
+ return $result;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Assign Custom Role
+sub assigncustomrole {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$end,$start,$deleteflag,
+ $selfenroll,$context,$othdomby,$requester)=@_;
+ return &assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,'cr/'.$rdom.'/'.$rnam.'/'.$rolename,
+ $end,$start,$deleteflag,$selfenroll,$context,$othdomby,
+ $requester);
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Revoke Role
+sub revokerole {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$deleteflag,$selfenroll,$context)=@_;
+ my $now=time;
+ return &assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$now,undef,$deleteflag,$selfenroll,$context);
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Revoke Custom Role
+sub revokecustomrole {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$deleteflag,$selfenroll,$context)=@_;
+ my $now=time;
+ return &assigncustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$now,
+ $deleteflag,$selfenroll,$context);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Disk usage
+sub diskusage {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$directorypath,$getpropath)=@_;
+ $directorypath =~ s/\/$//;
+ my $listing=&reply('du2:'.&escape($directorypath).':'
+ .&escape($getpropath).':'.&escape($uname).':'
+ .&escape($udom),homeserver($uname,$udom));
+ if ($listing eq 'unknown_cmd') {
+ if ($getpropath) {
+ $directorypath = &propath($udom,$uname).'/'.$directorypath;
+ }
+ $listing = &reply('du:'.$directorypath,homeserver($uname,$udom));
+ }
+ return $listing;
+sub is_locked {
+ my ($file_name, $domain, $user, $which) = @_;
+ my @check;
+ my $is_locked;
+ push (@check,$file_name);
+ my %locked = &get('file_permissions',\@check,
+ $env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'});
+ my ($tmp)=keys(%locked);
+ if ($tmp=~/^error:/) { undef(%locked); }
+ if (ref($locked{$file_name}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $is_locked = 'false';
+ foreach my $entry (@{$locked{$file_name}}) {
+ if (ref($entry) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $is_locked = 'true';
+ if (ref($which) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@{$which},$entry);
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $is_locked = 'false';
+ }
+ return $is_locked;
+sub declutter_portfile {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ $file =~ s{^(/portfolio/|portfolio/)}{/};
+ return $file;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- Mark as Read Only
+sub mark_as_readonly {
+ my ($domain,$user,$files,$what) = @_;
+ my %current_permissions = &dump('file_permissions',$domain,$user);
+ my ($tmp)=keys(%current_permissions);
+ if ($tmp=~/^error:/) { undef(%current_permissions); }
+ foreach my $file (@{$files}) {
+ $file = &declutter_portfile($file);
+ push(@{$current_permissions{$file}},$what);
+ }
+ &put('file_permissions',\%current_permissions,$domain,$user);
+ return;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------Save Selected Files
+sub save_selected_files {
+ my ($user, $path, @files) = @_;
+ my $filename = $user."savedfiles";
+ my @other_files = &files_not_in_path($user, $path);
+ open (OUT,'>',LONCAPA::tempdir().$filename);
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ print (OUT $env{'form.currentpath'}.$file."\n");
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@other_files) {
+ print (OUT $file."\n");
+ }
+ close (OUT);
+ return 'ok';
+sub clear_selected_files {
+ my ($user) = @_;
+ my $filename = $user."savedfiles";
+ open (OUT,'>',LONCAPA::tempdir().$filename);
+ print (OUT undef);
+ close (OUT);
+ return ("ok");
+sub files_in_path {
+ my ($user, $path) = @_;
+ my $filename = $user."savedfiles";
+ my %return_files;
+ open (IN,'<',LONCAPA::tempdir().$filename);
+ while (my $line_in = ) {
+ chomp ($line_in);
+ my @paths_and_file = split (m!/!, $line_in);
+ my $file_part = pop (@paths_and_file);
+ my $path_part = join ('/', @paths_and_file);
+ $path_part.='/';
+ my $path_and_file = $path_part.$file_part;
+ if ($path_part eq $path) {
+ $return_files{$file_part}= 'selected';
+ }
+ }
+ close (IN);
+ return (\%return_files);
+# called in portfolio select mode, to show files selected NOT in current directory
+sub files_not_in_path {
+ my ($user, $path) = @_;
+ my $filename = $user."savedfiles";
+ my @return_files;
+ my $path_part;
+ open(IN, '<',LONCAPA::tempdir().$filename);
+ while (my $line = ) {
+ #ok, I know it's clunky, but I want it to work
+ my @paths_and_file = split(m|/|, $line);
+ my $file_part = pop(@paths_and_file);
+ chomp($file_part);
+ my $path_part = join('/', @paths_and_file);
+ $path_part .= '/';
+ my $path_and_file = $path_part.$file_part;
+ if ($path_part ne $path) {
+ push(@return_files, ($path_and_file));
+ }
+ }
+ close(OUT);
+ return (@return_files);
+#------------------------------Submitted/Handedback Portfolio Files Versioning
+sub portfiles_versioning {
+ my ($symb,$domain,$stu_name,$portfiles,$versioned_portfiles) = @_;
+ my $portfolio_root = '/userfiles/portfolio';
+ return unless ((ref($portfiles) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($versioned_portfiles) eq 'ARRAY'));
+ foreach my $file (@{$portfiles}) {
+ &unmark_as_readonly($domain,$stu_name,[$symb,$env{'request.course.id'}],$file);
+ my ($directory,$answer_file) =($file =~ /^(.*?)([^\/]*)$/);
+ my ($answer_name,$answer_ver,$answer_ext) = &file_name_version_ext($answer_file);
+ my $getpropath = 1;
+ my ($dir_list,$listerror) = &dirlist($portfolio_root.$directory,$domain,
+ $stu_name,$getpropath);
+ my $version = &get_next_version($answer_name,$answer_ext,$dir_list);
+ my $new_answer =
+ &version_selected_portfile($domain,$stu_name,$directory,$answer_file,$version);
+ if ($new_answer ne 'problem getting file') {
+ push(@{$versioned_portfiles}, $directory.$new_answer);
+ &mark_as_readonly($domain,$stu_name,[$directory.$new_answer],
+ [$symb,$env{'request.course.id'},'graded']);
+ }
+ }
+sub get_next_version {
+ my ($answer_name, $answer_ext, $dir_list) = @_;
+ my $version;
+ if (ref($dir_list) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $row (@{$dir_list}) {
+ my ($file) = split(/\&/,$row,2);
+ my ($file_name,$file_version,$file_ext) =
+ &file_name_version_ext($file);
+ if (($file_name eq $answer_name) &&
+ ($file_ext eq $answer_ext)) {
+ # gets here if filename and extension match,
+ # regardless of version
+ if ($file_version ne '') {
+ # a versioned file is found so save it for later
+ if ($file_version > $version) {
+ $version = $file_version;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $version ++;
+ return($version);
+sub version_selected_portfile {
+ my ($domain,$stu_name,$directory,$file_name,$version) = @_;
+ my ($answer_name,$answer_ver,$answer_ext) =
+ &file_name_version_ext($file_name);
+ my $new_answer;
+ $env{'form.copy'} =
+ &getfile("/uploaded/$domain/$stu_name/portfolio$directory$file_name");
+ if($env{'form.copy'} eq '-1') {
+ $new_answer = 'problem getting file';
+ } else {
+ $new_answer = $answer_name.'.'.$version.'.'.$answer_ext;
+ my $copy_result =
+ &finishuserfileupload($stu_name,$domain,'copy',
+ '/portfolio'.$directory.$new_answer);
+ }
+ undef($env{'form.copy'});
+ return ($new_answer);
+sub file_name_version_ext {
+ my ($file)=@_;
+ my @file_parts = split(/\./, $file);
+ my ($name,$version,$ext);
+ if (@file_parts > 1) {
+ $ext=pop(@file_parts);
+ if (@file_parts > 1 && $file_parts[-1] =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $version=pop(@file_parts);
+ }
+ $name=join('.',@file_parts);
+ } else {
+ $name=join('.',@file_parts);
+ }
+ return($name,$version,$ext);
+#----------------------------------------------Get portfolio file permissions
+sub get_portfile_permissions {
+ my ($domain,$user) = @_;
+ my %current_permissions = &dump('file_permissions',$domain,$user);
+ my ($tmp)=keys(%current_permissions);
+ if ($tmp=~/^error:/) { undef(%current_permissions); }
+ return \%current_permissions;
+#---------------------------------------------Get portfolio file access controls
+sub get_access_controls {
+ my ($current_permissions,$group,$file) = @_;
+ my %access;
+ my $real_file = $file;
+ $file =~ s/\.meta$//;
+ if (defined($file)) {
+ if (ref($$current_permissions{$file."\0".'accesscontrol'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $control (keys(%{$$current_permissions{$file."\0".'accesscontrol'}})) {
+ $access{$real_file}{$control} = $$current_permissions{$file."\0".$control};
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$current_permissions})) {
+ if ($key =~ /\0accesscontrol$/) {
+ if (defined($group)) {
+ if ($key !~ m-^\Q$group\E/-) {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($fullpath) = split(/\0/,$key);
+ if (ref($$current_permissions{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $control (keys(%{$$current_permissions{$key}})) {
+ $access{$fullpath}{$control}=$$current_permissions{$fullpath."\0".$control};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %access;
+sub modify_access_controls {
+ my ($file_name,$changes,$domain,$user)=@_;
+ my ($outcome,$deloutcome);
+ my %store_permissions;
+ my %new_values;
+ my %new_control;
+ my %translation;
+ my @deletions = ();
+ my $now = time;
+ if (exists($$changes{'activate'})) {
+ if (ref($$changes{'activate'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my @newitems = sort(keys(%{$$changes{'activate'}}));
+ my $numnew = scalar(@newitems);
+ for (my $i=0; $i<$numnew; $i++) {
+ my $newkey = $newitems[$i];
+ my $newid = &Apache::loncommon::get_cgi_id();
+ if ($newkey =~ /^\d+:/) {
+ $newkey =~ s/^(\d+)/$newid/;
+ $translation{$1} = $newid;
+ } elsif ($newkey =~ /^\d+_\d+_\d+:/) {
+ $newkey =~ s/^(\d+_\d+_\d+)/$newid/;
+ $translation{$1} = $newid;
+ }
+ $new_values{$file_name."\0".$newkey} =
+ $$changes{'activate'}{$newitems[$i]};
+ $new_control{$newkey} = $now;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %todelete;
+ my %changed_items;
+ foreach my $action ('delete','update') {
+ if (exists($$changes{$action})) {
+ if (ref($$changes{$action}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$$changes{$action}})) {
+ my ($itemnum) = ($key =~ /^([^:]+):/);
+ if ($action eq 'delete') {
+ $todelete{$itemnum} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $changed_items{$itemnum} = $key;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # get lock on access controls for file.
+ my $lockhash = {
+ $file_name."\0".'locked_access_records' => $env{'user.name'}.
+ ':'.$env{'user.domain'},
+ };
+ my $tries = 0;
+ my $gotlock = &newput('file_permissions',$lockhash,$domain,$user);
+ while (($gotlock ne 'ok') && $tries < 10) {
+ $tries ++;
+ sleep(0.1);
+ $gotlock = &newput('file_permissions',$lockhash,$domain,$user);
+ }
+ if ($gotlock eq 'ok') {
+ my %curr_permissions = &dump('file_permissions',$domain,$user,$file_name);
+ my ($tmp)=keys(%curr_permissions);
+ if ($tmp=~/^error:/) { undef(%curr_permissions); }
+ if (exists($curr_permissions{$file_name."\0".'accesscontrol'})) {
+ my $curr_controls = $curr_permissions{$file_name."\0".'accesscontrol'};
+ if (ref($curr_controls) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $control_item (keys(%{$curr_controls})) {
+ my ($itemnum) = ($control_item =~ /^([^:]+):/);
+ if (defined($todelete{$itemnum})) {
+ push(@deletions,$file_name."\0".$control_item);
+ } else {
+ if (defined($changed_items{$itemnum})) {
+ $new_control{$changed_items{$itemnum}} = $now;
+ push(@deletions,$file_name."\0".$control_item);
+ $new_values{$file_name."\0".$changed_items{$itemnum}} = $$changes{'update'}{$changed_items{$itemnum}};
+ } else {
+ $new_control{$control_item} = $$curr_controls{$control_item};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ($group);
+ if (&is_course($domain,$user)) {
+ ($group,my $file) = split(/\//,$file_name,2);
+ }
+ $deloutcome = &del('file_permissions',\@deletions,$domain,$user);
+ $new_values{$file_name."\0".'accesscontrol'} = \%new_control;
+ $outcome = &put('file_permissions',\%new_values,$domain,$user);
+ # remove lock
+ my @del_lock = ($file_name."\0".'locked_access_records');
+ my $dellockoutcome = &del('file_permissions',\@del_lock,$domain,$user);
+ my $sqlresult =
+ &update_portfolio_table($user,$domain,$file_name,'portfolio_access',
+ $group);
+ } else {
+ $outcome = "error: could not obtain lockfile\n";
+ }
+ return ($outcome,$deloutcome,\%new_values,\%translation);
+sub make_public_indefinitely {
+ my (@requrl) = @_;
+ return &automated_portfile_access('public',\@requrl);
+sub automated_portfile_access {
+ my ($accesstype,$addsref,$delsref,$info) = @_;
+ unless (($accesstype eq 'public') || ($accesstype eq 'ip')) {
+ return 'invalid';
+ }
+ my %urls;
+ if (ref($addsref) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $requrl (@{$addsref}) {
+ if (&is_portfolio_url($requrl)) {
+ unless (exists($urls{$requrl})) {
+ $urls{$requrl} = 'add';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($delsref) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $requrl (@{$delsref}) {
+ if (&is_portfolio_url($requrl)) {
+ unless (exists($urls{$requrl})) {
+ $urls{$requrl} = 'delete';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless (keys(%urls)) {
+ return 'invalid';
+ }
+ my $ip;
+ if ($accesstype eq 'ip') {
+ if (ref($info) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($info->{'ip'} ne '') {
+ $ip = $info->{'ip'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ip eq '') {
+ return 'invalid';
+ }
+ }
+ my $errors;
+ my $now = time;
+ my %current_perms;
+ foreach my $requrl (sort(keys(%urls))) {
+ my $action;
+ if ($urls{$requrl} eq 'add') {
+ $action = 'activate';
+ } else {
+ $action = 'none';
+ }
+ my $aclnum = 0;
+ my (undef,$udom,$unum,$file_name,$group) =
+ &parse_portfolio_url($requrl);
+ unless (exists($current_perms{$unum.':'.$udom})) {
+ $current_perms{$unum.':'.$udom} = &get_portfile_permissions($udom,$unum);
+ }
+ my %access_controls = &get_access_controls($current_perms{$unum.':'.$udom},
+ $group,$file_name);
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$access_controls{$file_name}})) {
+ my ($num,$scope,$end,$start) =
+ ($key =~ /^([^:]+):([a-z]+)_(\d*)_?(\d*)$/);
+ if ($scope eq $accesstype) {
+ if (($start <= $now) && ($end == 0)) {
+ if ($accesstype eq 'ip') {
+ if (ref($access_controls{$file_name}{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($access_controls{$file_name}{$key}{'ip'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$ip\E$/,@{$access_controls{$file_name}{$key}{'ip'}})) {
+ if ($urls{$requrl} eq 'add') {
+ $action = 'none';
+ last;
+ } else {
+ $action = 'delete';
+ $aclnum = $num;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($accesstype eq 'public') {
+ if ($urls{$requrl} eq 'add') {
+ $action = 'none';
+ last;
+ } else {
+ $action = 'delete';
+ $aclnum = $num;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($accesstype eq 'public') {
+ $action = 'update';
+ $aclnum = $num;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($action eq 'none') {
+ next;
+ } else {
+ my %changes;
+ my $newend = 0;
+ my $newstart = $now;
+ my $newkey = $aclnum.':'.$accesstype.'_'.$newend.'_'.$newstart;
+ $changes{$action}{$newkey} = {
+ type => $accesstype,
+ time => {
+ start => $newstart,
+ end => $newend,
+ },
+ };
+ if ($accesstype eq 'ip') {
+ $changes{$action}{$newkey}{'ip'} = [$ip];
+ }
+ my ($outcome,$deloutcome,$new_values,$translation) =
+ &modify_access_controls($file_name,\%changes,$udom,$unum);
+ unless ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+ $errors .= $outcome.' ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($errors) {
+ $errors =~ s/\s$//;
+ return $errors;
+ } else {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+#------------------------------------------------------Get Marked as Read Only
+sub get_marked_as_readonly {
+ my ($domain,$user,$what,$group) = @_;
+ my $current_permissions = &get_portfile_permissions($domain,$user);
+ my @readonly_files;
+ my $cmp1=$what;
+ if (ref($what)) { $cmp1=join('',@{$what}) };
+ while (my ($file_name,$value) = each(%{$current_permissions})) {
+ if (defined($group)) {
+ if ($file_name !~ m-^\Q$group\E/-) {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY"){
+ foreach my $stored_what (@{$value}) {
+ my $cmp2=$stored_what;
+ if (ref($stored_what) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $cmp2=join('',@{$stored_what});
+ }
+ if ($cmp1 eq $cmp2) {
+ push(@readonly_files, $file_name);
+ last;
+ } elsif (!defined($what)) {
+ push(@readonly_files, $file_name);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @readonly_files;
+#-----------------------------------------------------------Get Marked as Read Only Hash
+sub get_marked_as_readonly_hash {
+ my ($current_permissions,$group,$what) = @_;
+ my %readonly_files;
+ while (my ($file_name,$value) = each(%{$current_permissions})) {
+ if (defined($group)) {
+ if ($file_name !~ m-^\Q$group\E/-) {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY"){
+ foreach my $stored_what (@{$value}) {
+ if (ref($stored_what) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $lock_descriptor(@{$stored_what}) {
+ if ($lock_descriptor eq 'graded') {
+ $readonly_files{$file_name} = 'graded';
+ } elsif ($lock_descriptor eq 'handback') {
+ $readonly_files{$file_name} = 'handback';
+ } else {
+ if (!exists($readonly_files{$file_name})) {
+ $readonly_files{$file_name} = 'locked';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %readonly_files;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Unmark as Read Only
+sub unmark_as_readonly {
+ # unmarks $file_name (if $file_name is defined), or all files locked by $what
+ # for portfolio submissions, $what contains [$symb,$crsid]
+ my ($domain,$user,$what,$file_name,$group) = @_;
+ $file_name = &declutter_portfile($file_name);
+ my $symb_crs = $what;
+ if (ref($what)) { $symb_crs=join('',@$what); }
+ my %current_permissions = &dump('file_permissions',$domain,$user,$group);
+ my ($tmp)=keys(%current_permissions);
+ if ($tmp=~/^error:/) { undef(%current_permissions); }
+ my @readonly_files = &get_marked_as_readonly($domain,$user,$what,$group);
+ foreach my $file (@readonly_files) {
+ my $clean_file = &declutter_portfile($file);
+ if (defined($file_name) && ($file_name ne $clean_file)) { next; }
+ my $current_locks = $current_permissions{$file};
+ my @new_locks;
+ my @del_keys;
+ if (ref($current_locks) eq "ARRAY"){
+ foreach my $locker (@{$current_locks}) {
+ my $compare=$locker;
+ if (ref($locker) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $compare=join('',@{$locker});
+ if ($compare ne $symb_crs) {
+ push(@new_locks, $locker);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (scalar(@new_locks) > 0) {
+ $current_permissions{$file} = \@new_locks;
+ } else {
+ push(@del_keys, $file);
+ &del('file_permissions',\@del_keys, $domain, $user);
+ delete($current_permissions{$file});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &put('file_permissions',\%current_permissions,$domain,$user);
+ return;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Directory lister
+sub dirlist {
+ my ($uri,$userdomain,$username,$getpropath,$getuserdir,$alternateRoot)=@_;
+ $uri=~s/^\///;
+ $uri=~s/\/$//;
+ my ($udom, $uname);
+ if ($getuserdir) {
+ $udom = $userdomain;
+ $uname = $username;
+ } else {
+ (undef,$udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$uri);
+ if(defined($userdomain)) {
+ $udom = $userdomain;
+ }
+ if(defined($username)) {
+ $uname = $username;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($dirRoot,$listing,@listing_results);
+ $dirRoot = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+ if (defined($getpropath)) {
+ $dirRoot = &propath($udom,$uname);
+ $dirRoot =~ s/\/$//;
+ } elsif (defined($getuserdir)) {
+ my $subdir=$uname.'__';
+ $subdir =~ s/(.)(.)(.).*/$1\/$2\/$3/;
+ $dirRoot = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}
+ ."/$udom/$subdir/$uname";
+ } elsif (defined($alternateRoot)) {
+ $dirRoot = $alternateRoot;
+ }
+ if($udom) {
+ if($uname) {
+ my $uhome = &homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if ($uhome eq 'no_host') {
+ return ([],'no_host');
+ }
+ $listing = &reply('ls3:'.&escape('/'.$uri).':'.$getpropath.':'
+ .$getuserdir.':'.&escape($dirRoot)
+ .':'.&escape($uname).':'.&escape($udom),$uhome);
+ if ($listing eq 'unknown_cmd') {
+ $listing = &reply('ls2:'.$dirRoot.'/'.$uri,$uhome);
+ } else {
+ @listing_results = map { &unescape($_); } split(/:/,$listing);
+ }
+ if ($listing eq 'unknown_cmd') {
+ $listing = &reply('ls:'.$dirRoot.'/'.$uri,$uhome);
+ @listing_results = split(/:/,$listing);
+ } else {
+ @listing_results = map { &unescape($_); } split(/:/,$listing);
+ }
+ if (($listing eq 'no_such_host') || ($listing eq 'con_lost') ||
+ ($listing eq 'rejected') || ($listing eq 'refused') ||
+ ($listing eq 'no_such_dir') || ($listing eq 'empty')) {
+ return ([],$listing);
+ } else {
+ return (\@listing_results);
+ }
+ } elsif(!$alternateRoot) {
+ my (%allusers,%listerror);
+ my %servers = &get_servers($udom,'library');
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys(%servers)) {
+ $listing = &reply('ls3:'.&escape("/res/$udom").':::::'.
+ &escape($udom),$tryserver);
+ if ($listing eq 'unknown_cmd') {
+ $listing = &reply('ls2:'.$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.
+ $udom, $tryserver);
+ } else {
+ @listing_results = map { &unescape($_); } split(/:/,$listing);
+ }
+ if ($listing eq 'unknown_cmd') {
+ $listing = &reply('ls:'.$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.
+ $udom, $tryserver);
+ @listing_results = split(/:/,$listing);
+ } else {
+ @listing_results =
+ map { &unescape($_); } split(/:/,$listing);
+ }
+ if (($listing eq 'no_such_host') || ($listing eq 'con_lost') ||
+ ($listing eq 'rejected') || ($listing eq 'refused') ||
+ ($listing eq 'no_such_dir') || ($listing eq 'empty')) {
+ $listerror{$tryserver} = $listing;
+ } else {
+ foreach my $line (@listing_results) {
+ my ($entry) = split(/&/,$line,2);
+ $allusers{$entry} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @alluserslist=();
+ foreach my $user (sort(keys(%allusers))) {
+ push(@alluserslist,$user.'&user');
+ }
+ if (!%listerror) {
+ # no errors
+ return (\@alluserslist);
+ } elsif (scalar(keys(%servers)) == 1) {
+ # one library server, one error
+ my ($key) = keys(%listerror);
+ return (\@alluserslist, $listerror{$key});
+ } elsif ( grep { $_ eq 'con_lost' } values(%listerror) ) {
+ # con_lost indicates that we might miss data from at least one
+ # library server
+ return (\@alluserslist, 'con_lost');
+ } else {
+ # multiple library servers and no con_lost -> data should be
+ # complete.
+ return (\@alluserslist);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return ([],'missing username');
+ }
+ } elsif(!defined($getpropath)) {
+ my $path = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/';
+ my @all_domains = map { $path.$_.'/&domain'; } (sort(&all_domains()));
+ return (\@all_domains);
+ } else {
+ return ([],'missing domain');
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------- GetFileTimestamp
+# This function utilizes dirlist and returns the date stamp for
+# when it was last modified. It will also return an error of -1
+# if an error occurs
+sub GetFileTimestamp {
+ my ($studentDomain,$studentName,$filename,$getuserdir)=@_;
+ $studentDomain = &LONCAPA::clean_domain($studentDomain);
+ $studentName = &LONCAPA::clean_username($studentName);
+ my ($fileref,$error) = &dirlist($filename,$studentDomain,$studentName,
+ undef,$getuserdir);
+ if (($error eq 'empty') || ($error eq 'no_such_dir')) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (ref($fileref) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @stats = split('&',$fileref->[0]);
+ # @stats contains first the filename, then the stat output
+ return $stats[10]; # so this is 10 instead of 9.
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+sub stat_file {
+ my ($uri) = @_;
+ $uri = &clutter_with_no_wrapper($uri);
+ my ($udom,$uname,$file);
+ if ($uri =~ m-^/(uploaded|editupload)/-) {
+ ($udom,$uname,$file) =
+ ($uri =~ m-/(?:uploaded|editupload)/?($match_domain)/?($match_name)/?(.*)-);
+ $file = 'userfiles/'.$file;
+ }
+ if ($uri =~ m-^/res/-) {
+ ($udom,$uname) =
+ ($uri =~ m-/(?:res)/?($match_domain)/?($match_username)/-);
+ $file = $uri;
+ }
+ if (!$udom || !$uname || !$file) {
+ # unable to handle the uri
+ return ();
+ }
+ my $getpropath;
+ if ($file =~ /^userfiles\//) {
+ $getpropath = 1;
+ }
+ my ($listref,$error) = &dirlist($file,$udom,$uname,$getpropath);
+ if (($error eq 'empty') || ($error eq 'no_such_dir')) {
+ return ();
+ } else {
+ if (ref($listref) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @stats = split('&',$listref->[0]);
+ shift(@stats); #filename is first
+ return @stats;
+ }
+ }
+ return ();
+# --------------------------------------------------------- recursedirs
+# Recursive function to traverse either a specific user's Authoring Space
+# or corresponding Published Resource Space, and populate the hash ref:
+# $dirhashref with URLs of all directories, and if $filehashref hash
+# ref arg is provided, the URLs of any files, excluding versioned, .meta,
+# or .rights files in resource space, and .meta, .save, .log, .bak and
+# .rights files in Authoring Space.
+# Inputs:
+# $is_home - true if current server is home server for user's space
+# $recurse - if true will also traverse subdirectories recursively
+# $include - reference to hash containing allowed file extensions. If provided,
+# files which do not have a matching extension will be ignored.
+# $exclude - reference to hash containing excluded file extensions. If provided,
+# files which have a matching extension will be ignored.
+# $nonemptydir - if true, will only populate $fileshashref hash entry for a particular
+# directory with first file found (with acceptable extension).
+# $addtopdir - if true, set $dirhashref->{'/'} = 1
+# $toppath - Top level directory (i.e., /res/$dom/$uname or /priv/$dom/$uname
+# $relpath - Current path (relative to top level).
+# $dirhashref - reference to hash to populate with URLs of directories (Required)
+# $filehashref - reference to hash to populate with URLs of files (Optional)
+# $getlastmod - if true, will set value for each key in innerhash in $filehashref
+# to last modification time of file; value set to 1 otherwise.
+# Returns: nothing
+# Side Effects: populates $dirhashref, and $filehashref (if provided).
+# Currently used by interface/londocs.pm to create linked select boxes for
+# directory and filename to import a Course "Author" resource into a course, and
+# also to create linked select boxes for Authoring Space and Directory to choose
+# save location for creation of a new "standard" problem from the Course Editor.
+sub recursedirs {
+ my ($is_home,$recurse,$include,$exclude,$nonemptydir,$addtopdir,$toppath,
+ $relpath,$dirhashref,$filehashref,$getlastmod) = @_;
+ return unless (ref($dirhashref) eq 'HASH');
+ my $docroot = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+ my $currpath = $docroot.$toppath;
+ if ($relpath ne '') {
+ $currpath .= "/$relpath";
+ }
+ my ($savefile,$checkinc,$checkexc);
+ if (ref($filehashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ $savefile = 1;
+ }
+ if (ref($include) eq 'HASH') {
+ $checkinc = 1;
+ }
+ if (ref($exclude) eq 'HASH') {
+ $checkexc = 1;
+ }
+ if ($is_home) {
+ if ((-e $currpath) && (opendir(my $dirh,$currpath))) {
+ my $filecount = 0;
+ foreach my $item (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } grep(!/^\.+$/,readdir($dirh))) {
+ next if ($item eq '');
+ if (-d "$currpath/$item") {
+ my $newpath;
+ if ($relpath ne '') {
+ $newpath = "$relpath/$item";
+ } else {
+ $newpath = $item;
+ }
+ $dirhashref->{&Apache::lonlocal::js_escape($newpath)} = 1;
+ if ($recurse) {
+ &recursedirs($is_home,$recurse,$include,$exclude,$nonemptydir,$addtopdir,
+ $toppath,$newpath,$dirhashref,$filehashref,$getlastmod);
+ }
+ } elsif (($savefile) || ($relpath eq '')) {
+ next if ($nonemptydir && $filecount);
+ if ($checkinc || $checkexc) {
+ my ($extension) = ($item =~ /\.(\w+)$/);
+ if ($checkinc) {
+ next unless ($extension && $include->{$extension});
+ }
+ if ($checkexc) {
+ next if ($extension && $exclude->{$extension});
+ }
+ }
+ if (($relpath eq '') && (!exists($dirhashref->{'/'}))) {
+ $dirhashref->{'/'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($savefile) {
+ my $value;
+ if ($getlastmod) {
+ ($value) = (stat("$currpath/$item"))[9];
+ } else {
+ $value = 1;
+ }
+ if ($relpath eq '') {
+ $filehashref->{'/'}{$item} = $value
+ } else {
+ $filehashref->{&Apache::lonlocal::js_escape($relpath)}{$item} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ $filecount ++;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dirh);
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $url = $toppath;
+ if ($relpath ne '') {
+ $url = $toppath.'/'.$relpath;
+ }
+ my ($dirlistref,$listerror) = &dirlist($url);
+ my @dir_lines;
+ my $dirptr=16384;
+ if (ref($dirlistref) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my $filecount = 0;
+ foreach my $dir_line (sort
+ {
+ my ($afile)=split('&',$a,2);
+ my ($bfile)=split('&',$b,2);
+ return (lc($afile) cmp lc($bfile));
+ } (@{$dirlistref})) {
+ my ($item,$dom,undef,$testdir,undef,undef,undef,undef,$size,undef,$mtime,undef,undef,undef,$obs,undef) =
+ split(/\&/,$dir_line,16);
+ $item =~ s/\s+$//;
+ next if (($item =~ /^\.\.?$/) || ($obs));
+ if ($dirptr&$testdir) {
+ my $newpath;
+ if ($relpath) {
+ $newpath = "$relpath/$item";
+ } else {
+ $newpath = $item;
+ }
+ $dirhashref->{&Apache::lonlocal::js_escape($newpath)} = 1;
+ if ($recurse) {
+ &recursedirs($is_home,$recurse,$include,$exclude,$nonemptydir,$addtopdir,
+ $toppath,$newpath,$dirhashref,$filehashref,$getlastmod);
+ }
+ } elsif (($savefile) || ($relpath eq '')) {
+ next if ($nonemptydir && $filecount);
+ if ($checkinc || $checkexc) {
+ my ($extension) = ($item =~ /\.(\w+)$/);
+ if ($checkinc) {
+ next unless ($extension && $include->{$extension});
+ }
+ if ($checkexc) {
+ next if ($extension && $exclude->{$extension});
+ }
+ }
+ if (($relpath eq '') && (!exists($dirhashref->{'/'}))) {
+ $dirhashref->{'/'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($savefile) {
+ my $value;
+ if ($getlastmod) {
+ $value = $mtime;
+ } else {
+ $value = 1;
+ }
+ if ($relpath eq '') {
+ $filehashref->{'/'}{$item} = $value;
+ } else {
+ $filehashref->{&Apache::lonlocal::js_escape($relpath)}{$item} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ $filecount ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($addtopdir) {
+ if (($relpath eq '') && (!exists($dirhashref->{'/'}))) {
+ $dirhashref->{'/'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub priv_exclude {
+ return {
+ meta => 1,
+ save => 1,
+ log => 1,
+ bak => 1,
+ rights => 1,
+ DS_Store => 1,
+ };
+sub res_exclude {
+ return {
+ meta => 1,
+ subscription => 1,
+ rights => 1,
+ };
+# -------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Condition
+# gets the value of a specific preevaluated condition
+# stored in the string $env{user.state.}
+# or looks up a condition reference in the bighash and if if hasn't
+# already been evaluated recurses into docondval to get the value of
+# the condition, then memoizing it to
+# $env{user.state..}
+sub directcondval {
+ my $number=shift;
+ if (!defined($env{'user.state.'.$env{'request.course.id'}})) {
+ &Apache::lonuserstate::evalstate();
+ }
+ if (exists($env{'user.state.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.".$number"})) {
+ return $env{'user.state.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.".$number"};
+ } elsif ($number =~ /^_/) {
+ my $sub_condition;
+ if (tie(my %bighash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ $sub_condition=$bighash{'conditions'.$number};
+ untie(%bighash);
+ }
+ my $value = &docondval($sub_condition);
+ &appenv({'user.state.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.".$number" => $value});
+ return $value;
+ }
+ if ($env{'user.state.'.$env{'request.course.id'}}) {
+ return substr($env{'user.state.'.$env{'request.course.id'}},$number,1);
+ } else {
+ return 2;
+ }
+# get the collection of conditions for this resource
+sub condval {
+ my $condidx=shift;
+ my $allpathcond='';
+ foreach my $cond (split(/\|/,$condidx)) {
+ if (defined($env{'acc.cond.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$cond})) {
+ $allpathcond.=
+ '('.$env{'acc.cond.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$cond}.')|';
+ }
+ }
+ $allpathcond=~s/\|$//;
+ return &docondval($allpathcond);
+#evaluates an expression of conditions
+sub docondval {
+ my ($allpathcond) = @_;
+ my $result=0;
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}
+ && defined($allpathcond)) {
+ my $operand='|';
+ my @stack;
+ foreach my $chunk ($allpathcond=~/(\d+|_\d+\.\d+|\(|\)|\&|\|)/g) {
+ if ($chunk eq '(') {
+ push @stack,($operand,$result);
+ } elsif ($chunk eq ')') {
+ my $before=pop @stack;
+ if (pop @stack eq '&') {
+ $result=$result>$before?$before:$result;
+ } else {
+ $result=$result>$before?$result:$before;
+ }
+ } elsif (($chunk eq '&') || ($chunk eq '|')) {
+ $operand=$chunk;
+ } else {
+ my $new=directcondval($chunk);
+ if ($operand eq '&') {
+ $result=$result>$new?$new:$result;
+ } else {
+ $result=$result>$new?$result:$new;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+# ---------------------------------------------------- Devalidate courseresdata
+sub devalidatecourseresdata {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedomain)=@_;
+ my $hashid=$coursenum.':'.$coursedomain;
+ &devalidate_cache_new('courseres',$hashid);
+# --------------------------------------------------- Course Resourcedata Query
+# Parameters:
+# $coursenum - Number of the course.
+# $coursedomain - Domain at which the course was created.
+# Returns:
+# A hash of the course parameters along (I think) with timestamps
+# and version info.
+sub get_courseresdata {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedomain)=@_;
+ my $coursehom=&homeserver($coursenum,$coursedomain);
+ my $hashid=$coursenum.':'.$coursedomain;
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('courseres',$hashid);
+ my %dumpreply;
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ %dumpreply=&dump('resourcedata',$coursedomain,$coursenum);
+ $result=\%dumpreply;
+ my ($tmp) = keys(%dumpreply);
+ if ($tmp !~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+ &do_cache_new('courseres',$hashid,$result,600);
+ } elsif ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|no_such_host)/) {
+ return $tmp;
+ } elsif ($tmp =~ /^(error)/) {
+ $result=undef;
+ &do_cache_new('courseres',$hashid,$result,600);
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub devalidateuserresdata {
+ my ($uname,$udom)=@_;
+ my $hashid="$udom:$uname";
+ &devalidate_cache_new('userres',$hashid);
+sub get_userresdata {
+ my ($uname,$udom)=@_;
+ #most student don\'t have any data set, check if there is some data
+ if (&EXT_cache_status($udom,$uname)) { return undef; }
+ my $hashid="$udom:$uname";
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('userres',$hashid);
+ if (!defined($cached)) {
+ my %resourcedata=&dump('resourcedata',$udom,$uname);
+ $result=\%resourcedata;
+ &do_cache_new('userres',$hashid,$result,600);
+ }
+ my ($tmp)=keys(%$result);
+ if (($tmp!~/^error\:/) && ($tmp!~/^con_lost/)) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ #error 2 occurs when the .db doesn't exist
+ if ($tmp!~/error: 2 /) {
+ if ((!defined($cached)) || ($tmp ne 'con_lost')) {
+ &logthis("WARNING:".
+ " Trying to get resource data for ".
+ $uname." at ".$udom.": ".
+ $tmp."");
+ }
+ } elsif ($tmp=~/error: 2 /) {
+ #&EXT_cache_set($udom,$uname);
+ &do_cache_new('userres',$hashid,undef,600);
+ undef($tmp); # not really an error so don't send it back
+ }
+ return $tmp;
+#----------------------------------------------- resdata - return resource data
+# Purpose:
+# Return resource data for either users or for a course.
+# Parameters:
+# $name - Course/user name.
+# $domain - Name of the domain the user/course is registered on.
+# $type - Type of thing $name is (must be 'course' or 'user')
+# $mapp - decluttered URL of enclosing map
+# $recursed - Ref to scalar -- set to 1, if nested maps have been recursed.
+# $recurseup - Ref to array of map URLs, starting with map containing
+# $mapp up through hierarchy of nested maps to top level map.
+# $courseid - CourseID (first part of param identifier).
+# $modifier - Middle part of param identifier.
+# $what - Last part of param identifier.
+# @which - Array of names of resources desired.
+# Returns:
+# The value of the first reasource in @which that is found in the
+# resource hash.
+# Exceptional Conditions:
+# If the $type passed in is not valid (not the string 'course' or
+# 'user', an undefined reference is returned.
+# If none of the resources are found, an undef is returned
+sub resdata {
+ my ($name,$domain,$type,$mapp,$recursed,$recurseup,$courseid,
+ $modifier,$what,@which)=@_;
+ my $result;
+ if ($type eq 'course') {
+ $result=&get_courseresdata($name,$domain);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'user') {
+ $result=&get_userresdata($name,$domain);
+ }
+ if (!ref($result)) { return $result; }
+ foreach my $item (@which) {
+ if ($item->[1] eq 'course') {
+ if ((ref($recurseup) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($recursed) eq 'SCALAR')) {
+ unless ($$recursed) {
+ @{$recurseup} = &get_map_hierarchy($mapp,$courseid);
+ $$recursed = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $item (@${recurseup}) {
+ my $norecursechk=$courseid.$modifier.$item.'___(all).'.$what;
+ last if (defined($result->{$norecursechk}));
+ my $recursechk=$courseid.$modifier.$item.'___(rec).'.$what;
+ if (defined($result->{$recursechk})) { return [$result->{$recursechk},'map']; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($result->{$item->[0]})) {
+ return [$result->{$item->[0]},$item->[1]];
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_domain_lti {
+ my ($cdom,$context) = @_;
+ my ($name,$cachename,%lti);
+ if ($context eq 'consumer') {
+ $name = 'ltitools';
+ } elsif ($context eq 'provider') {
+ $name = 'lti';
+ } elsif ($context eq 'linkprot') {
+ $name = 'ltisec';
+ } else {
+ return %lti;
+ }
+ if ($context eq 'linkprot') {
+ $cachename = $context;
+ } else {
+ $cachename = $name;
+ }
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new($cachename,$cdom);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ %lti = %{$result};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my %domconfig = &get_dom('configuration',[$name],$cdom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{$name}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($context eq 'linkprot') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{$name}{'linkprot'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %lti = %{$domconfig{$name}{'linkprot'}};
+ }
+ } else {
+ %lti = %{$domconfig{$name}};
+ }
+ }
+ my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
+ &do_cache_new($cachename,$cdom,\%lti,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return %lti;
+sub get_course_lti {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$context) = @_;
+ my ($name,$cachename,%lti);
+ if ($context eq 'consumer') {
+ $name = 'ltitools';
+ $cachename = 'courseltitools';
+ } elsif ($context eq 'provider') {
+ $name = 'lti';
+ $cachename = 'courselti';
+ } else {
+ return %lti;
+ }
+ my $hashid=$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new($cachename,$hashid);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ %lti = %{$result};
+ }
+ } else {
+ %lti = &dump($name,$cdom,$cnum,undef,undef,undef,1);
+ my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
+ &do_cache_new($cachename,$hashid,\%lti,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return %lti;
+sub courselti_itemid {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$url,$method,$params,$context) = @_;
+ my ($chome,$itemid);
+ $chome = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ return if ($chome eq 'no_host');
+ if (ref($params) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $rep;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $chome } current_machine_ids()) {
+ $rep = LONCAPA::Lond::crslti_itemid($cdom,$cnum,$url,$method,$params,$perlvar{'lonVersion'});
+ } else {
+ my $escurl = &escape($url);
+ my $escmethod = &escape($method);
+ my $items = &freeze_escape($params);
+ $rep = &reply("encrypt:lti:$cdom:$cnum:$context:$escurl:$escmethod:$items",$chome);
+ }
+ unless (($rep=~/^(refused|rejected|error)/) || ($rep eq 'con_lost') ||
+ ($rep eq 'unknown_cmd')) {
+ $itemid = $rep;
+ }
+ }
+ return $itemid;
+sub domainlti_itemid {
+ my ($cdom,$url,$method,$params,$context) = @_;
+ my ($primary_id,$itemid);
+ $primary_id = &domain($cdom,'primary');
+ return if ($primary_id eq '');
+ if (ref($params) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $rep;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $primary_id } current_machine_ids()) {
+ $rep = LONCAPA::Lond::domlti_itemid($cdom,$context,$url,$method,$params,$perlvar{'lonVersion'});
+ } else {
+ my $cnum = '';
+ my $escurl = &escape($url);
+ my $escmethod = &escape($method);
+ my $items = &freeze_escape($params);
+ $rep = &reply("encrypt:lti:$cdom:$cnum:$context:$escurl:$escmethod:$items",$primary_id);
+ }
+ unless (($rep=~/^(refused|rejected|error)/) || ($rep eq 'con_lost') ||
+ ($rep eq 'unknown_cmd')) {
+ $itemid = $rep;
+ }
+ }
+ return $itemid;
+sub get_ltitools_id {
+ my ($context,$cdom,$cnum,$title) = @_;
+ my ($lockhash,$tries,$gotlock,$id,$error);
+ # get lock on ltitools db
+ $lockhash = {
+ lock => $env{'user.name'}.
+ ':'.$env{'user.domain'},
+ };
+ $tries = 0;
+ if ($context eq 'domain') {
+ $gotlock = &newput_dom('ltitools',$lockhash,$cdom);
+ } else {
+ $gotlock = &newput('ltitools',$lockhash,$cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+ while (($gotlock ne 'ok') && ($tries<10)) {
+ $tries ++;
+ sleep (0.1);
+ if ($context eq 'domain') {
+ $gotlock = &newput_dom('ltitools',$lockhash,$cdom);
+ } else {
+ $gotlock = &newput('ltitools',$lockhash,$cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($gotlock eq 'ok') {
+ my %currids;
+ if ($context eq 'domain') {
+ %currids = &dump_dom('ltitools',$cdom);
+ } else {
+ %currids = &dump('ltitools',$cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+ if ($currids{'lock'}) {
+ delete($currids{'lock'});
+ if (keys(%currids)) {
+ my @curr = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%currids);
+ if ($curr[-1] =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $id = 1 + $curr[-1];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $id = 1;
+ }
+ if ($id) {
+ if ($context eq 'domain') {
+ unless (&newput_dom('ltitools',{ $id => $title },$cdom) eq 'ok') {
+ $error = 'nostore';
+ }
+ } else {
+ unless (&newput('ltitools',{ $id => $title },$cdom,$cnum) eq 'ok') {
+ $error = 'nostore';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $error = 'nonumber';
+ }
+ }
+ my $dellockoutcome;
+ if ($context eq 'domain') {
+ $dellockoutcome = &del_dom('ltitools',['lock'],$cdom);
+ } else {
+ $dellockoutcome = &del('ltitools',['lock'],$cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $error = 'nolock';
+ }
+ return ($id,$error);
+sub count_supptools {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$ignorecache,$reload)=@_;
+ my $hashid=$cnum.':'.$cdom;
+ my ($numexttools,$cached);
+ unless ($ignorecache) {
+ ($numexttools,$cached) = &is_cached_new('supptools',$hashid);
+ }
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my $chome=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ $numexttools = 0;
+ unless ($chome eq 'no_host') {
+ my ($supplemental) = &Apache::loncommon::get_supplemental($cnum,$cdom,$reload);
+ if (ref($supplemental) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ((ref($supplemental->{'ids'}) eq 'HASH') && (ref($supplemental->{'hidden'}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$supplemental->{'ids'}})) {
+ if ($key =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/ext\.tool$}) {
+ $numexttools ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &do_cache_new('supptools',$hashid,$numexttools,600);
+ }
+ return $numexttools;
+sub has_unhidden_suppfiles {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$ignorecache,$possdel)=@_;
+ my $hashid=$cnum.':'.$cdom;
+ my ($showsupp,$cached);
+ unless ($ignorecache) {
+ ($showsupp,$cached) = &is_cached_new('showsupp',$hashid);
+ }
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my $chome=&homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ unless ($chome eq 'no_host') {
+ my ($supplemental) = &Apache::loncommon::get_supplemental($cnum,$cdom,$ignorecache,$possdel);
+ if (ref($supplemental) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ((ref($supplemental->{'ids'}) eq 'HASH') && (ref($supplemental->{'hidden'}) eq 'HASH')) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$supplemental->{'ids'}})) {
+ next if ($key =~ /\.sequence$/);
+ if (ref($supplemental->{'ids'}->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $id (@{$supplemental->{'ids'}->{$key}}) {
+ unless ($supplemental->{'hidden'}->{$id}) {
+ $showsupp = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ last if ($showsupp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &do_cache_new('showsupp',$hashid,$showsupp,600);
+ }
+ return $showsupp;
+# EXT resource caching routines
+# Cache (5 seconds) of map hierarchy for speedup of navmaps display
+# The course for which we cache
+my $cachedmapkey='';
+# The cached recursive maps for this course
+my %cachedmaps=();
+# When this was last done
+my $cachedmaptime='';
+sub clear_EXT_cache_status {
+ &delenv('cache.EXT.');
+sub EXT_cache_status {
+ my ($target_domain,$target_user) = @_;
+ my $cachename = 'cache.EXT.'.$target_user.'.'.$target_domain;
+ if (exists($env{$cachename}) && ($env{$cachename}+600) > time) {
+ # We know already the user has no data
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub EXT_cache_set {
+ my ($target_domain,$target_user) = @_;
+ my $cachename = 'cache.EXT.'.$target_user.'.'.$target_domain;
+ #&appenv({$cachename => time});
+# --------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Variable
+sub EXT {
+ my ($varname,$symbparm,$udom,$uname,$usection,$recurse,$cid,$recurseupref)=@_;
+ unless ($varname) { return ''; }
+ #get real user name/domain, courseid and symb
+ my $courseid;
+ my $publicuser;
+ if ($symbparm) {
+ $symbparm=&get_symb_from_alias($symbparm);
+ }
+ if (!($uname && $udom)) {
+ (my $cursymb,$courseid,$udom,$uname,$publicuser)= &whichuser($symbparm);
+ if (!$symbparm) { $symbparm=$cursymb; }
+ } else {
+ $courseid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+ }
+ my ($realm,$space,$qualifier,@therest)=split(/\./,$varname);
+ my $rest;
+ if (defined($therest[0])) {
+ $rest=join('.',@therest);
+ } else {
+ $rest='';
+ }
+ my $qualifierrest=$qualifier;
+ if ($rest) { $qualifierrest.='.'.$rest; }
+ my $spacequalifierrest=$space;
+ if ($qualifierrest) { $spacequalifierrest.='.'.$qualifierrest; }
+ if ($realm eq 'user') {
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- user.resource
+ if ($space eq 'resource') {
+ if ( (defined($Apache::lonhomework::parsing_a_problem)
+ || defined($Apache::lonhomework::parsing_a_task))
+ &&
+ ($symbparm eq &symbread()) ) {
+ # if we are in the middle of processing the resource the
+ # get the value we are planning on committing
+ if (defined($Apache::lonhomework::results{$qualifierrest})) {
+ return $Apache::lonhomework::results{$qualifierrest};
+ } else {
+ return $Apache::lonhomework::history{$qualifierrest};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my %restored;
+ if ($publicuser || $env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ %restored=&tmprestore($symbparm,$courseid,$udom,$uname);
+ } else {
+ %restored=&restore($symbparm,$courseid,$udom,$uname);
+ }
+ return $restored{$qualifierrest};
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- user.access
+ } elsif ($space eq 'access') {
+ # FIXME - not supporting calls for a specific user
+ return &allowed($qualifier,$rest);
+# ------------------------------------------ user.preferences, user.environment
+ } elsif (($space eq 'preferences') || ($space eq 'environment')) {
+ if (($uname eq $env{'user.name'}) &&
+ ($udom eq $env{'user.domain'})) {
+ return $env{join('.',('environment',$qualifierrest))};
+ } else {
+ my %returnhash;
+ if (!$publicuser) {
+ %returnhash=&userenvironment($udom,$uname,
+ $qualifierrest);
+ }
+ return $returnhash{$qualifierrest};
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- user.course
+ } elsif ($space eq 'course') {
+ # FIXME - not supporting calls for a specific user
+ return $env{join('.',('request.course',$qualifier))};
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------- user.role
+ } elsif ($space eq 'role') {
+ # FIXME - not supporting calls for a specific user
+ my ($role,$where)=split(/\./,$env{'request.role'});
+ if ($qualifier eq 'value') {
+ return $role;
+ } elsif ($qualifier eq 'extent') {
+ return $where;
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- user.domain
+ } elsif ($space eq 'domain') {
+ return $udom;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------- user.name
+ } elsif ($space eq 'name') {
+ return $uname;
+# ---------------------------------------------------- Any other user namespace
+ } else {
+ my %reply;
+ if (!$publicuser) {
+ %reply=&get($space,[$qualifierrest],$udom,$uname);
+ }
+ return $reply{$qualifierrest};
+ }
+ } elsif ($realm eq 'query') {
+# ---------------------------------------------- pull stuff out of query string
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ [$spacequalifierrest]);
+ return $env{'form.'.$spacequalifierrest};
+ } elsif ($realm eq 'request') {
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- request.browser
+ if ($space eq 'browser') {
+ return $env{'browser.'.$qualifier};
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ request.filename
+ } else {
+ return $env{'request.'.$spacequalifierrest};
+ }
+ } elsif ($realm eq 'course') {
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- course.description
+ return $env{'course.'.$courseid.'.'.$spacequalifierrest};
+ } elsif ($realm eq 'resource') {
+ if (defined($courseid) && $courseid eq $env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ if (!$symbparm) { $symbparm=&symbread(); }
+ }
+ if ($qualifier eq '') {
+ if ($space eq 'title') {
+ if (!$symbparm) { $symbparm = $env{'request.filename'}; }
+ return &gettitle($symbparm);
+ }
+ if ($space eq 'map') {
+ my ($map) = &decode_symb($symbparm);
+ return &symbread($map);
+ }
+ if ($space eq 'maptitle') {
+ my ($map) = &decode_symb($symbparm);
+ return &gettitle($map);
+ }
+ if ($space eq 'filename') {
+ if ($symbparm) {
+ return &clutter((&decode_symb($symbparm))[2]);
+ }
+ return &hreflocation('',$env{'request.filename'});
+ }
+ if ((defined($courseid)) && ($courseid eq $env{'request.course.id'}) && $symbparm) {
+ if ($space eq 'visibleparts') {
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ my $item;
+ if (ref($navmap)) {
+ my $res = $navmap->getBySymb($symbparm);
+ my $parts = $res->parts();
+ if (ref($parts) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $item = join(',',@{$parts});
+ }
+ undef($navmap);
+ }
+ return $item;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ($section, $group, @groups, @recurseup, $recursed);
+ if (ref($recurseupref) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @recurseup = @{$recurseupref};
+ $recursed = 1;
+ }
+ my ($courselevelm,$courseleveli,$courselevel,$mapp);
+ if (($courseid eq '') && ($cid)) {
+ $courseid = $cid;
+ }
+ if (($symbparm && $courseid) &&
+ (($courseid eq $env{'request.course.id'}) || ($courseid eq $cid))) {
+ #print '
'.$space.' - '.$qualifier.' - '.$spacequalifierrest;
+# ----------------------------------------------------- Cascading lookup scheme
+ my $symbp=$symbparm;
+ $mapp=&deversion((&decode_symb($symbp))[0]);
+ my $symbparm=$symbp.'.'.$spacequalifierrest;
+ my $recurseparm=$mapp.'___(rec).'.$spacequalifierrest;
+ my $mapparm=$mapp.'___(all).'.$spacequalifierrest;
+ if (($env{'user.name'} eq $uname) &&
+ ($env{'user.domain'} eq $udom)) {
+ $section=$env{'request.course.sec'};
+ @groups = split(/:/,$env{'request.course.groups'});
+ @groups=&sort_course_groups($courseid,@groups);
+ } else {
+ if (! defined($usection)) {
+ $section=&getsection($udom,$uname,$courseid);
+ } else {
+ $section = $usection;
+ }
+ @groups = &get_users_groups($udom,$uname,$courseid);
+ }
+ my $seclevel=$courseid.'.['.$section.'].'.$spacequalifierrest;
+ my $seclevelr=$courseid.'.['.$section.'].'.$symbparm;
+ my $secleveli=$courseid.'.['.$section.'].'.$recurseparm;
+ my $seclevelm=$courseid.'.['.$section.'].'.$mapparm;
+ $courselevel=$courseid.'.'.$spacequalifierrest;
+ my $courselevelr=$courseid.'.'.$symbparm;
+ $courseleveli=$courseid.'.'.$recurseparm;
+ $courselevelm=$courseid.'.'.$mapparm;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------- first, check user
+ my $userreply=&resdata($uname,$udom,'user',$mapp,\$recursed,
+ \@recurseup,$courseid,'.',$spacequalifierrest,
+ ([$courselevelr,'resource'],
+ [$courselevelm,'map' ],
+ [$courseleveli,'map' ],
+ [$courselevel, 'course' ]));
+ if (defined($userreply)) { return &get_reply($userreply); }
+# ------------------------------------------------ second, check some of course
+ my $coursereply;
+ if (@groups > 0) {
+ $coursereply = &check_group_parms($courseid,\@groups,$symbparm,
+ $recurseparm,$mapparm,$spacequalifierrest,
+ $mapp,\$recursed,\@recurseup);
+ if (defined($coursereply)) { return &get_reply($coursereply); }
+ }
+ $coursereply=&resdata($env{'course.'.$courseid.'.num'},
+ $env{'course.'.$courseid.'.domain'},
+ 'course',$mapp,\$recursed,\@recurseup,
+ $courseid,'.['.$section.'].',$spacequalifierrest,
+ ([$seclevelr, 'resource'],
+ [$seclevelm, 'map' ],
+ [$secleveli, 'map' ],
+ [$seclevel, 'course' ],
+ [$courselevelr,'resource']));
+ if (defined($coursereply)) { return &get_reply($coursereply); }
+# ------------------------------------------------------ third, check map parms
+ my %parmhash=();
+ my $thisparm='';
+ if (tie(%parmhash,'GDBM_File',
+ $env{'request.course.fn'}.'_parms.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ $thisparm=$parmhash{$symbparm};
+ untie(%parmhash);
+ }
+ if ($thisparm) { return &get_reply([$thisparm,'resource']); }
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------ fourth, look in resource metadata
+ my $what = $spacequalifierrest;
+ $what=~s/\./\_/;
+ my $filename;
+ if (!$symbparm) { $symbparm=&symbread(); }
+ if ($symbparm) {
+ $filename=(&decode_symb($symbparm))[2];
+ } else {
+ $filename=$env{'request.filename'};
+ }
+ my $toolsymb;
+ if (($filename =~ /ext\.tool$/) && ($what ne '0_gradable')) {
+ $toolsymb = $symbparm;
+ }
+ my $metadata=&metadata($filename,$what,$toolsymb);
+ if (defined($metadata)) { return &get_reply([$metadata,'resource']); }
+ $metadata=&metadata($filename,'parameter_'.$what,$toolsymb);
+ if (defined($metadata)) { return &get_reply([$metadata,'resource']); }
+# ----------------------------------------------- fifth, look in rest of course
+ if ($symbparm && defined($courseid) &&
+ $courseid eq $env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my $coursereply=&resdata($env{'course.'.$courseid.'.num'},
+ $env{'course.'.$courseid.'.domain'},
+ 'course',$mapp,\$recursed,\@recurseup,
+ $courseid,'.',$spacequalifierrest,
+ ([$courselevelm,'map' ],
+ [$courseleveli,'map' ],
+ [$courselevel, 'course']));
+ if (defined($coursereply)) { return &get_reply($coursereply); }
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cascade up
+ unless ($space eq '0') {
+ my @parts=split(/_/,$space);
+ my $id=pop(@parts);
+ my $part=join('_',@parts);
+ if ($part eq '') { $part='0'; }
+ my @partgeneral=&EXT('resource.'.$part.'.'.$qualifierrest,
+ $symbparm,$udom,$uname,$section,1);
+ if (defined($partgeneral[0])) { return &get_reply(\@partgeneral); }
+ }
+ if ($recurse) { return undef; }
+ my $pack_def=&packages_tab_default($filename,$varname,$toolsymb);
+ if (defined($pack_def)) { return &get_reply([$pack_def,'resource']); }
+# ---------------------------------------------------- Any other user namespace
+ } elsif ($realm eq 'environment') {
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- environment
+ if (($uname eq $env{'user.name'})&&($udom eq $env{'user.domain'})) {
+ return $env{'environment.'.$spacequalifierrest};
+ } else {
+ if ($uname eq 'anonymous' && $udom eq '') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ my %returnhash=&userenvironment($udom,$uname,
+ $spacequalifierrest);
+ return $returnhash{$spacequalifierrest};
+ }
+ } elsif ($realm eq 'system') {
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- system.time
+ if ($space eq 'time') {
+ return time;
+ }
+ } elsif ($realm eq 'server') {
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- system.time
+ if ($space eq 'name') {
+ return $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
+ }
+ } elsif ($realm eq 'client') {
+ if ($space eq 'remote_addr') {
+ return &get_requestor_ip();
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+sub get_reply {
+ my ($reply_value) = @_;
+ if (ref($reply_value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @$reply_value;
+ }
+ return $reply_value->[0];
+ } else {
+ return $reply_value;
+ }
+sub check_group_parms {
+ my ($courseid,$groups,$symbparm,$recurseparm,$mapparm,$what,$mapp,
+ $recursed,$recurseupref) = @_;
+ my @levels = ([$symbparm,'resource'],[$mapparm,'map'],[$recurseparm,'map'],
+ [$what,'course']);
+ my $coursereply;
+ foreach my $group (@{$groups}) {
+ my @groupitems = ();
+ foreach my $level (@levels) {
+ my $item = $courseid.'.['.$group.'].'.$level->[0];
+ push(@groupitems,[$item,$level->[1]]);
+ }
+ my $coursereply = &resdata($env{'course.'.$courseid.'.num'},
+ $env{'course.'.$courseid.'.domain'},
+ 'course',$mapp,$recursed,$recurseupref,
+ $courseid,'.['.$group.'].',$what,
+ @groupitems);
+ last if (defined($coursereply));
+ }
+ return $coursereply;
+sub get_map_hierarchy {
+ my ($mapname,$courseid) = @_;
+ my @recurseup = ();
+ if ($mapname) {
+ if (($cachedmapkey eq $courseid) &&
+ (abs($cachedmaptime-time)<5)) {
+ if (ref($cachedmaps{$mapname}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return @{$cachedmaps{$mapname}};
+ }
+ }
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ if (ref($navmap)) {
+ @recurseup = $navmap->recurseup_maps($mapname);
+ undef($navmap);
+ $cachedmaps{$mapname} = \@recurseup;
+ $cachedmaptime=time;
+ $cachedmapkey=$courseid;
+ }
+ }
+ return @recurseup;
+sub sort_course_groups { # Sort groups based on defined rankings. Default is sort().
+ my ($courseid,@groups) = @_;
+ @groups = sort(@groups);
+ return @groups;
+sub packages_tab_default {
+ my ($uri,$varname,$toolsymb)=@_;
+ my (undef,$part,$name)=split(/\./,$varname);
+ my (@extension,@specifics,$do_default);
+ foreach my $package (split(/,/,&metadata($uri,'packages',$toolsymb))) {
+ my ($pack_type,$pack_part)=split(/_/,$package,2);
+ if ($pack_type eq 'default') {
+ $do_default=1;
+ } elsif ($pack_type eq 'extension') {
+ push(@extension,[$package,$pack_type,$pack_part]);
+ } elsif ($pack_part eq $part || $pack_type eq 'part') {
+ # only look at packages defaults for packages that this id is
+ push(@specifics,[$package,$pack_type,$pack_part]);
+ }
+ }
+ # first look for a package that matches the requested part id
+ foreach my $package (@specifics) {
+ my (undef,$pack_type,$pack_part)=@{$package};
+ next if ($pack_part ne $part);
+ if (defined($packagetab{"$pack_type&$name&default"})) {
+ return $packagetab{"$pack_type&$name&default"};
+ }
+ }
+ # look for any possible matching non extension_ package
+ foreach my $package (@specifics) {
+ my (undef,$pack_type,$pack_part)=@{$package};
+ if (defined($packagetab{"$pack_type&$name&default"})) {
+ return $packagetab{"$pack_type&$name&default"};
+ }
+ if ($pack_type eq 'part') { $pack_part='0'; }
+ if (defined($packagetab{$pack_type."_".$pack_part."&$name&default"})) {
+ return $packagetab{$pack_type."_".$pack_part."&$name&default"};
+ }
+ }
+ # look for any posible extension_ match
+ foreach my $package (@extension) {
+ my ($package,$pack_type)=@{$package};
+ if (defined($packagetab{"$pack_type&$name&default"})) {
+ return $packagetab{"$pack_type&$name&default"};
+ }
+ if (defined($packagetab{$package."&$name&default"})) {
+ return $packagetab{$package."&$name&default"};
+ }
+ }
+ # look for a global default setting
+ if ($do_default && defined($packagetab{"default&$name&default"})) {
+ return $packagetab{"default&$name&default"};
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub add_prefix_and_part {
+ my ($prefix,$part)=@_;
+ my $keyroot;
+ if (defined($prefix) && $prefix !~ /^__/) {
+ # prefix that has a part already
+ $keyroot=$prefix;
+ } elsif (defined($prefix)) {
+ # prefix that is missing a part
+ if (defined($part)) { $keyroot='_'.$part.substr($prefix,1); }
+ } else {
+ # no prefix at all
+ if (defined($part)) { $keyroot='_'.$part; }
+ }
+ return $keyroot;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Get metadata
+my %metaentry;
+my %importedpartids;
+my %importedrespids;
+sub metadata {
+ my ($uri,$what,$toolsymb,$liburi,$prefix,$depthcount)=@_;
+ $uri=&declutter($uri);
+ # if it is a non metadata possible uri return quickly
+ if (($uri eq '') ||
+ (($uri =~ m|^/*adm/|) &&
+ ($uri !~ m|^adm/includes|) && ($uri !~ m{/(smppg|bulletinboard|ext\.tool)$})) ||
+ ($uri =~ m|/$|) || ($uri =~ m|/.meta$|) || ($uri =~ m{^/*uploaded/.+\.sequence$})) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (($uri =~ /^priv/ || $uri=~m{^home/httpd/html/priv})
+ && &Apache::lonxml::get_state('target') =~ /^(|meta)$/) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $filename=$uri;
+ $uri=~s/\.meta$//;
+# Is the metadata already cached?
+# Look at timestamp of caching
+# Everything is cached by the main uri, libraries are never directly cached
+ if (!defined($liburi)) {
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('meta',$uri);
+ if (defined($cached)) { return $result->{':'.$what}; }
+ }
+# If the uri is for an external tool the file from
+# which metadata should be retrieved depends on whether
+# the tool had been configured to be gradable (set in the Course
+# Editor or Resource Editor).
+# If a valid symb has been included as the third arg in the call
+# to &metadata() that can be used to retrieve the value of
+# parameter_0_gradable set for the resource, and included in the
+# uploaded map containing the tool. The value is retrieved via
+# &EXT(), if a valid symb is available. Otherwise the value of
+# gradable in the exttool_$marker.db file for the tool instance
+# is retrieved via &get().
+# When lonuserstate::traceroute() calls lonnet::EXT() for
+# hiddenresource and encrypturl (during course initialization)
+# the map-level parameter for resource.0.gradable included in the
+# uploaded map containing the tool will not yet have been stored
+# in the user_course_parms.db file for the user's session, so in
+# this case fall back to retrieving gradable status from the
+# exttool_$marker.db file.
+# In order to avoid an infinite loop, &metadata() will return
+# before a call to &EXT(), if the uri is for an external tool
+# and the $what for which metadata is being requested is
+# parameter_0_gradable or 0_gradable.
+ if ($uri =~ /ext\.tool$/) {
+ if (($what eq 'parameter_0_gradable') || ($what eq '0_gradable')) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ my ($checked,$use_passback);
+ if ($toolsymb ne '') {
+ (undef,undef,my $tooluri) = &decode_symb($toolsymb);
+ if (($tooluri eq $uri) && (&EXT('resource.0.gradable',$toolsymb))) {
+ $checked = 1;
+ if (&EXT('resource.0.gradable',$toolsymb) =~ /^yes$/i) {
+ $use_passback = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($checked) {
+ my ($ignore,$cdom,$cnum,$marker) = split(m{/},$uri);
+ $marker=~s/\D//g;
+ if ($marker) {
+ my %toolsettings=&get('exttool_'.$marker,['gradable'],$cdom,$cnum);
+ $use_passback = $toolsettings{'gradable'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($use_passback) {
+ $filename = '/home/httpd/html/res/lib/templates/LTIpassback.tool';
+ } else {
+ $filename = '/home/httpd/html/res/lib/templates/LTIstandard.tool';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+# Imported parts would go here
+ my @origfiletagids=();
+ my $importedparts=0;
+# Imported responseids would go here
+ my $importedresponses=0;
+# Is this a recursive call for a library?
+# if (! exists($metacache{$uri})) {
+# $metacache{$uri}={};
+# }
+ my $cachetime = 60*60;
+ if ($liburi) {
+ $liburi=&declutter($liburi);
+ $filename=$liburi;
+ } else {
+ &devalidate_cache_new('meta',$uri);
+ undef(%metaentry);
+ }
+ my %metathesekeys=();
+ unless ($filename=~/\.meta$/) { $filename.='.meta'; }
+ my $metastring;
+ if ($uri =~ /^priv/ || $uri=~/home\/httpd\/html\/priv/) {
+ my $which = &hreflocation('','/'.($liburi || $uri));
+ $metastring =
+ &Apache::lonnet::ssi_body($which,
+ ('grade_target' => 'meta'));
+ $cachetime = 1; # only want this cached in the child not long term
+ } elsif (($uri !~ m -^(editupload)/-) &&
+ ($uri !~ m{^/*uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/docs/})) {
+ my $file=&filelocation('',&clutter($filename));
+ #push(@{$metaentry{$uri.'.file'}},$file);
+ $metastring=&getfile($file);
+ }
+ my $parser=HTML::LCParser->new(\$metastring);
+ my $token;
+ undef %metathesekeys;
+ while ($token=$parser->get_token) {
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'package'})) {
+# This is a package - get package info
+ my $package=$token->[2]->{'package'};
+ my $keyroot=&add_prefix_and_part($prefix,$token->[2]->{'part'});
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
+ $keyroot.='_'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
+ }
+ if ($metaentry{':packages'}) {
+ $metaentry{':packages'}.=','.$package.$keyroot;
+ } else {
+ $metaentry{':packages'}=$package.$keyroot;
+ }
+ foreach my $pack_entry (keys(%packagetab)) {
+ my $part=$keyroot;
+ $part=~s/^\_//;
+ if ($pack_entry=~/^\Q$package\E\&/ ||
+ $pack_entry=~/^\Q$package\E_0\&/) {
+ my ($pack,$name,$subp)=split(/\&/,$pack_entry);
+ # ignore package.tab specified default values
+ # here &package_tab_default() will fetch those
+ if ($subp eq 'default') { next; }
+ my $value=$packagetab{$pack_entry};
+ my $unikey;
+ if ($pack =~ /_0$/) {
+ $unikey='parameter_0_'.$name;
+ $part=0;
+ } else {
+ $unikey='parameter'.$keyroot.'_'.$name;
+ }
+ if ($subp eq 'display') {
+ $value.=' [Part: '.$part.']';
+ }
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.part'}=$part;
+ $metathesekeys{$unikey}=1;
+ unless (defined($metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.'.$subp})) {
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.'.$subp}=$value;
+ }
+ if (defined($metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.default'})) {
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey}=
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.default'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+# This is not a package - some other kind of start tag
+ my $entry=$token->[1];
+ my $unikey='';
+ if ($entry eq 'import') {
+# Importing a library here
+ my $location=$parser->get_text('/import');
+ my $dir=$filename;
+ $dir=~s|[^/]*$||;
+ $location=&filelocation($dir,$location);
+ my $importid=$token->[2]->{'id'};
+ my $importmode=$token->[2]->{'importmode'};
+# Check metadata for imported file to
+# see if it contained response items
+ my ($origfile,@libfilekeys);
+ my %currmetaentry = %metaentry;
+ @libfilekeys = split(/,/,&metadata($location,'keys',undef,undef,undef,
+ $depthcount+1));
+ if (grep(/^responseorder$/,@libfilekeys)) {
+ my $libresponseorder = &metadata($location,'responseorder',undef,undef,
+ undef,$depthcount+1);
+ if ($libresponseorder ne '') {
+ if ($#origfiletagids<0) {
+ undef(%importedrespids);
+ undef(%importedpartids);
+ }
+ my @respids = split(/\s*,\s*/,$libresponseorder);
+ if (@respids) {
+ $importedrespids{$importid} = join(',',map { $importid.'_'.$_ } @respids);
+ }
+ if ($importedrespids{$importid} ne '') {
+ $importedresponses = 1;
+# We need to get the original file and the imported file to get the response order correct
+# Load and inspect original file
+ if ($#origfiletagids<0) {
+ my $origfilelocation=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.&clutter($uri);
+ $origfile=&getfile($origfilelocation);
+ @origfiletagids=($origfile=~/<((?:\w+)response|import|part)[^>]*id\s*=\s*[\"\']([^\"\']+)[\"\'][^>]*>/gs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Do not overwrite contents of %metaentry hash for resource itself with
+# hash populated for imported library file
+ %metaentry = %currmetaentry;
+ undef(%currmetaentry);
+ if ($importmode eq 'part') {
+# Import as part(s)
+ $importedparts=1;
+# We need to get the original file and the imported file to get the part order correct
+# Good news: we do not need to worry about nested libraries, since parts cannot be nested
+# Load and inspect original file if we didn't do that already
+ if ($#origfiletagids<0) {
+ undef(%importedrespids);
+ undef(%importedpartids);
+ if ($origfile eq '') {
+ my $origfilelocation=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.&clutter($uri);
+ $origfile=&getfile($origfilelocation);
+ @origfiletagids=($origfile=~/<(part|import)[^>]*id\s*=\s*[\"\']([^\"\']+)[\"\'][^>]*>/gs);
+ }
+ }
+ my @impfilepartids;
+# If tag is included in metadata for the imported file
+# get the parts in the imported file from that.
+ if (grep(/^partorder$/,@libfilekeys)) {
+ %currmetaentry = %metaentry;
+ my $libpartorder = &metadata($location,'partorder',undef,undef,undef,
+ $depthcount+1);
+ %metaentry = %currmetaentry;
+ undef(%currmetaentry);
+ if ($libpartorder ne '') {
+ @impfilepartids=split(/\s*,\s*/,$libpartorder);
+ }
+ } else {
+# If no tag available, load and inspect imported file
+ my $impfile=&getfile($location);
+ @impfilepartids=($impfile=~/]*id\s*=\s*[\"\']([^\"\']+)[\"\'][^>]*>/gs);
+ }
+ if ($#impfilepartids>=0) {
+# This problem had parts
+ $importedpartids{$token->[2]->{'id'}}=join(',',@impfilepartids);
+ } else {
+# Importing by turning a single problem into a problem part
+# It gets the import-tags ID as part-ID
+ $unikey=&add_prefix_and_part($prefix,$token->[2]->{'id'});
+ $importedpartids{$token->[2]->{'id'}}=$token->[2]->{'id'};
+ }
+ } else {
+# Import as problem or as normal import
+ $unikey=&add_prefix_and_part($prefix,$token->[2]->{'part'});
+ unless ($importmode eq 'problem') {
+# Normal import
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
+ $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
+ }
+ }
+# Check metadata for imported file to
+# see if it contained parts
+ if (grep(/^partorder$/,@libfilekeys)) {
+ %currmetaentry = %metaentry;
+ my $libpartorder = &metadata($location,'partorder',undef,undef,undef,
+ $depthcount+1);
+ %metaentry = %currmetaentry;
+ undef(%currmetaentry);
+ if ($libpartorder ne '') {
+ $importedparts = 1;
+ $importedpartids{$token->[2]->{'id'}}=$libpartorder;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($depthcount<20) {
+ my $metadata =
+ &metadata($uri,'keys',$toolsymb,$location,$unikey,
+ $depthcount+1);
+ foreach my $meta (split(',',$metadata)) {
+ $metaentry{':'.$meta}=$metaentry{':'.$meta};
+ $metathesekeys{$meta}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+# Not importing, some other kind of non-package, non-library start tag
+ $unikey=$entry.&add_prefix_and_part($prefix,$token->[2]->{'part'});
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
+ $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
+ }
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'name'})) {
+ $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'name'};
+ }
+ $metathesekeys{$unikey}=1;
+ foreach my $param (@{$token->[3]}) {
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.'.$param} =
+ $token->[2]->{$param};
+ }
+ my $internaltext=&HTML::Entities::decode($parser->get_text('/'.$entry));
+ my $default=$metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.default'};
+ if ( $internaltext =~ /^\s*$/ && $default !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ # only ws inside the tag, and not in default, so use default
+ # as value
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey}=$default;
+ } elsif ( $internaltext =~ /\S/ ) {
+ # something interesting inside the tag
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey}=$internaltext;
+ } else {
+ # no interesting values, don't set a default
+ }
+# end of not-a-package not-a-library import
+ }
+# end of not-a-package start tag
+ }
+# the next is the end of "start tag"
+ }
+ }
+ my ($extension) = ($uri =~ /\.(\w+)$/);
+ $extension = lc($extension);
+ if ($extension eq 'htm') { $extension='html'; }
+ foreach my $key (keys(%packagetab)) {
+ #no specific packages #how's our extension
+ if ($key!~/^extension_\Q$extension\E&/) { next; }
+ &metadata_create_package_def($uri,$key,'extension_'.$extension,
+ \%metathesekeys);
+ }
+ if (!exists($metaentry{':packages'})
+ || $packagetab{"import_defaults&extension_$extension"}) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%packagetab)) {
+ #no specific packages well let's get default then
+ if ($key!~/^default&/) { next; }
+ &metadata_create_package_def($uri,$key,'default',
+ \%metathesekeys);
+ }
+ }
+# are there custom rights to evaluate
+ if ($metaentry{':copyright'} eq 'custom') {
+ #
+ # Importing a rights file here
+ #
+ unless ($depthcount) {
+ my $location=$metaentry{':customdistributionfile'};
+ my $dir=$filename;
+ $dir=~s|[^/]*$||;
+ $location=&filelocation($dir,$location);
+ my $rights_metadata =
+ &metadata($uri,'keys',$toolsymb,$location,'_rights',
+ $depthcount+1);
+ foreach my $rights (split(',',$rights_metadata)) {
+ #$metaentry{':'.$rights}=$metacache{$uri}->{':'.$rights};
+ $metathesekeys{$rights}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # uniqifiy package listing
+ my %seen;
+ my @uniq_packages =
+ grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } (split(',',$metaentry{':packages'}));
+ $metaentry{':packages'} = join(',',@uniq_packages);
+ if (($importedresponses) || ($importedparts)) {
+ if ($importedparts) {
+# We had imported parts and need to rebuild partorder
+ $metaentry{':partorder'}='';
+ $metathesekeys{'partorder'}=1;
+ }
+ if ($importedresponses) {
+# We had imported responses and need to rebuil responseorder
+ $metaentry{':responseorder'}='';
+ $metathesekeys{'responseorder'}=1;
+ }
+ for (my $index=0;$index<$#origfiletagids;$index+=2) {
+ my $origid = $origfiletagids[$index+1];
+ if ($origfiletagids[$index] eq 'part') {
+# Original part, part of the problem
+ if ($importedparts) {
+ $metaentry{':partorder'}.=','.$origid;
+ }
+ } elsif ($origfiletagids[$index] eq 'import') {
+ if ($importedparts) {
+# We have imported parts at this position
+ if ($importedpartids{$origid} ne '') {
+ $metaentry{':partorder'}.=','.$importedpartids{$origid};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($importedresponses) {
+# We have imported responses at this position
+ if ($importedrespids{$origid} ne '') {
+ $metaentry{':responseorder'}.=','.$importedrespids{$origid};
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+# Original response item, part of the problem
+ if ($importedresponses) {
+ $metaentry{':responseorder'}.=','.$origid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($importedparts) {
+ $metaentry{':partorder'}=~s/^\,//;
+ }
+ if ($importedresponses) {
+ $metaentry{':responseorder'}=~s/^\,//;
+ }
+ }
+ $metaentry{':keys'} = join(',',keys(%metathesekeys));
+ &metadata_generate_part0(\%metathesekeys,\%metaentry,$uri);
+ $metaentry{':allpossiblekeys'}=join(',',keys(%metathesekeys));
+ unless ($liburi) {
+ &do_cache_new('meta',$uri,\%metaentry,$cachetime);
+ }
+# this is the end of "was not already recently cached
+ }
+ return $metaentry{':'.$what};
+sub metadata_create_package_def {
+ my ($uri,$key,$package,$metathesekeys)=@_;
+ my ($pack,$name,$subp)=split(/\&/,$key);
+ if ($subp eq 'default') { next; }
+ if (defined($metaentry{':packages'})) {
+ $metaentry{':packages'}.=','.$package;
+ } else {
+ $metaentry{':packages'}=$package;
+ }
+ my $value=$packagetab{$key};
+ my $unikey;
+ $unikey='parameter_0_'.$name;
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.part'}=0;
+ $$metathesekeys{$unikey}=1;
+ unless (defined($metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.'.$subp})) {
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.'.$subp}=$value;
+ }
+ if (defined($metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.default'})) {
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey}=
+ $metaentry{':'.$unikey.'.default'};
+ }
+sub metadata_generate_part0 {
+ my ($metadata,$metacache,$uri) = @_;
+ my %allnames;
+ foreach my $metakey (keys(%$metadata)) {
+ if ($metakey=~/^parameter\_(.*)/) {
+ my $part=$$metacache{':'.$metakey.'.part'};
+ my $name=$$metacache{':'.$metakey.'.name'};
+ if (! exists($$metadata{'parameter_0_'.$name.'.name'})) {
+ $allnames{$name}=$part;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $name (keys(%allnames)) {
+ $$metadata{"parameter_0_$name"}=1;
+ my $key=":parameter_0_$name";
+ $$metacache{"$key.part"}='0';
+ $$metacache{"$key.name"}=$name;
+ $$metacache{"$key.type"}=$$metacache{':parameter_'.
+ $allnames{$name}.'_'.$name.
+ '.type'};
+ my $olddis=$$metacache{':parameter_'.$allnames{$name}.'_'.$name.
+ '.display'};
+ my $expr='[Part: '.$allnames{$name}.']';
+ $olddis=~s/\Q$expr\E/\[Part: 0\]/;
+ $$metacache{"$key.display"}=$olddis;
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------ Devalidate title cache
+sub devalidate_title_cache {
+ my ($url)=@_;
+ if (!$env{'request.course.id'}) { return; }
+ my $symb=&symbread($url);
+ if (!$symb) { return; }
+ my $key=$env{'request.course.id'}."\0".$symb;
+ &devalidate_cache_new('title',$key);
+# ------------------------------------------------- Get the title of a course
+sub current_course_title {
+ return $env{ 'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.description' };
+# ------------------------------------------------- Get the title of a resource
+sub gettitle {
+ my $urlsymb=shift;
+ my $symb=&symbread($urlsymb);
+ if ($symb) {
+ my $key=$env{'request.course.id'}."\0".$symb;
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('title',$key);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ my ($map,$resid,$url)=&decode_symb($symb);
+ my $title='';
+ if (!$map && $resid == 0 && $url =~/default\.sequence$/) {
+ $title = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+ } else {
+ if (tie(my %bighash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ my $mapid=$bighash{'map_pc_'.&clutter($map)};
+ $title=$bighash{'title_'.$mapid.'.'.$resid};
+ untie(%bighash);
+ }
+ }
+ $title=~s/\&colon\;/\:/gs;
+ if ($title) {
+# Remember both $symb and $title for dynamic metadata
+ $accesshash{$symb.'___crstitle'}=$title;
+ $accesshash{&declutter($map).'___'.&declutter($url).'___usage'}=time;
+# Cache this title and then return it
+ return &do_cache_new('title',$key,$title,600);
+ }
+ $urlsymb=$url;
+ }
+ my $title=&metadata($urlsymb,'title');
+ if (!$title) { $title=(split('/',$urlsymb))[-1]; }
+ return $title;
+sub get_slot {
+ my ($which,$cnum,$cdom)=@_;
+ if (!$cnum || !$cdom) {
+ (undef,my $courseid)=&whichuser();
+ $cdom=$env{'course.'.$courseid.'.domain'};
+ $cnum=$env{'course.'.$courseid.'.num'};
+ }
+ my $key=join("\0",'slots',$cdom,$cnum,$which);
+ my %slotinfo;
+ if (exists($remembered{$key})) {
+ $slotinfo{$which} = $remembered{$key};
+ } else {
+ %slotinfo=&get('slots',[$which],$cdom,$cnum);
+ &Apache::lonhomework::showhash(%slotinfo);
+ my ($tmp)=keys(%slotinfo);
+ if ($tmp=~/^error:/) { return (); }
+ $remembered{$key} = $slotinfo{$which};
+ }
+ if (ref($slotinfo{$which}) eq 'HASH') {
+ return %{$slotinfo{$which}};
+ }
+ return $slotinfo{$which};
+sub get_reservable_slots {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$uname,$udom) = @_;
+ my $now = time;
+ my $reservable_info;
+ my $key=join("\0",'reservableslots',$cdom,$cnum,$uname,$udom);
+ if (exists($remembered{$key})) {
+ $reservable_info = $remembered{$key};
+ } else {
+ my %resv;
+ ($resv{'now_order'},$resv{'now'},$resv{'future_order'},$resv{'future'}) =
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_future_slots($cnum,$cdom,$now);
+ $reservable_info = \%resv;
+ $remembered{$key} = $reservable_info;
+ }
+ return $reservable_info;
+sub get_course_slots {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom) = @_;
+ my $hashid=$cnum.':'.$cdom;
+ my ($result,$cached) = &is_cached_new('allslots',$hashid);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ return %{$result};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my %slots=&dump('slots',$cdom,$cnum);
+ my ($tmp) = keys(%slots);
+ if ($tmp !~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+ &do_cache_new('allslots',$hashid,\%slots,600);
+ return %slots;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub devalidate_slots_cache {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom)=@_;
+ my $hashid=$cnum.':'.$cdom;
+ &devalidate_cache_new('allslots',$hashid);
+sub get_coursechange {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+ if ($cdom eq '' || $cnum eq '') {
+ return unless ($env{'request.course.id'});
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ }
+ my $hashid=$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ my ($change,$cached)=&is_cached_new('crschange',$hashid);
+ if ((defined($cached)) && ($change ne '')) {
+ return $change;
+ } else {
+ my %crshash;
+ %crshash = &get('environment',['internal.contentchange'],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($crshash{'internal.contentchange'} eq '') {
+ $change = $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.created'};
+ if ($change eq '') {
+ %crshash = &get('environment',['internal.created'],$cdom,$cnum);
+ $change = $crshash{'internal.created'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ $change = $crshash{'internal.contentchange'};
+ }
+ my $cachetime = 600;
+ &do_cache_new('crschange',$hashid,$change,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return $change;
+sub devalidate_coursechange_cache {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum)=@_;
+ my $hashid=$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ &devalidate_cache_new('crschange',$hashid);
+sub get_suppchange {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+ if ($cdom eq '' || $cnum eq '') {
+ return unless ($env{'request.course.id'});
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ }
+ my $hashid=$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ my ($change,$cached)=&is_cached_new('suppchange',$hashid);
+ if ((defined($cached)) && ($change ne '')) {
+ return $change;
+ } else {
+ my %crshash = &get('environment',['internal.supplementalchange'],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($crshash{'internal.supplementalchange'} eq '') {
+ $change = $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.created'};
+ if ($change eq '') {
+ %crshash = &get('environment',['internal.created'],$cdom,$cnum);
+ $change = $crshash{'internal.created'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ $change = $crshash{'internal.supplementalchange'};
+ }
+ my $cachetime = 600;
+ &do_cache_new('suppchange',$hashid,$change,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return $change;
+sub devalidate_suppchange_cache {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum)=@_;
+ my $hashid=$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ &devalidate_cache_new('suppchange',$hashid);
+sub update_supp_caches {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+ my %servers = &internet_dom_servers($cdom);
+ my @ids=¤t_machine_ids();
+ foreach my $server (keys(%servers)) {
+ next if (grep(/^\Q$server\E$/,@ids));
+ my $hashid=$cnum.':'.$cdom;
+ my $cachekey = &escape('showsupp').':'.&escape($hashid);
+ &remote_devalidate_cache($server,[$cachekey]);
+ }
+ &has_unhidden_suppfiles($cnum,$cdom,1,1);
+ &count_supptools($cnum,$cdom,1);
+ my $now = time;
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'} eq $cdom.'_'.$cnum) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'request.course.suppupdated' => $now});
+ }
+ &put('environment',{'internal.supplementalchange' => $now},
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(
+ {'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.supplementalchange' => $now});
+ &do_cache_new('suppchange',$cdom.'_'.$cnum,$now,600);
+# ------------------------------------------------- Update symbolic store links
+sub symblist {
+ my ($mapname,%newhash)=@_;
+ $mapname=&deversion(&declutter($mapname));
+ my %hash;
+ if (($env{'request.course.fn'}) && (%newhash)) {
+ if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db',
+ &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+ foreach my $url (keys(%newhash)) {
+ next if ($url eq 'last_known'
+ && $env{'form.no_update_last_known'});
+ $hash{declutter($url)}=&encode_symb($mapname,
+ $newhash{$url}->[1],
+ $newhash{$url}->[0]);
+ }
+ if (untie(%hash)) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 'error';
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- Verify a symb
+sub symbverify {
+ my ($symb,$thisurl,$encstate)=@_;
+ my $thisfn=$thisurl;
+ $thisfn=&declutter($thisfn);
+# direct jump to resource in page or to a sequence - will construct own symbs
+ if ($thisfn=~/\.(page|sequence)$/) { return 1; }
+# check URL part
+ my ($map,$resid,$url)=&decode_symb($symb);
+ unless ($url eq $thisfn) { return 0; }
+ $symb=&symbclean($symb);
+ $thisurl=&deversion($thisurl);
+ $thisfn=&deversion($thisfn);
+ my %bighash;
+ my $okay=0;
+ if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ if (($thisurl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) || ($thisurl =~ m{^ext/})) {
+ $thisurl =~ s/\?.+$//;
+ if ($map =~ m{^uploaded/.+\.page$}) {
+ $thisurl =~ s{^(/adm/wrapper|)/ext/}{http://};
+ $thisurl =~ s{^\Qhttp://https://\E}{https://};
+ }
+ }
+ my $ids;
+ if ($map =~ m{^uploaded/.+\.page$}) {
+ $ids=$bighash{'ids_'.&clutter_with_no_wrapper($thisurl)};
+ } else {
+ $ids=$bighash{'ids_'.&clutter($thisurl)};
+ }
+ unless ($ids) {
+ my $idkey = 'ids_'.($thisurl =~ m{^/}? '' : '/').$thisurl;
+ $ids=$bighash{$idkey};
+ }
+ if ($ids) {
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Has ID(s)
+ if ($thisfn =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) {
+ $symb =~ s/\?.+$//;
+ }
+ foreach my $id (split(/\,/,$ids)) {
+ my ($mapid,$resid)=split(/\./,$id);
+ if (
+ &symbclean(&declutter($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid}).'___'.$resid.'___'.$thisfn)
+ eq $symb) {
+ if (ref($encstate)) {
+ $$encstate = $bighash{'encrypted_'.$id};
+ }
+ if (($env{'request.role.adv'}) ||
+ ($bighash{'encrypted_'.$id} eq $env{'request.enc'}) ||
+ ($thisurl eq '/adm/navmaps')) {
+ $okay=1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ untie(%bighash);
+ }
+ return $okay;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- Clean-up symb
+sub symbclean {
+ my $symb=shift;
+ if ($symb=~m|^/enc/|) { $symb=&Apache::lonenc::unencrypted($symb); }
+# remove version from map
+ $symb=~s/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)\_\_\_/\.$2\_\_\_/;
+# remove version from URL
+ $symb=~s/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)$/\.$2/;
+# remove wrapper
+ $symb=~s/(\_\_\_\d+\_\_\_)adm\/wrapper\/(res\/)*/$1/;
+ $symb=~s/(\_\_\_\d+\_\_\_)adm\/coursedocs\/showdoc\/(res\/)*/$1/;
+ return $symb;
+# ---------------------------------------------- Split symb to find map and url
+sub encode_symb {
+ my ($map,$resid,$url)=@_;
+ return &symbclean(&declutter($map).'___'.$resid.'___'.&declutter($url));
+sub decode_symb {
+ my $symb=shift;
+ if ($symb=~m|^/enc/|) { $symb=&Apache::lonenc::unencrypted($symb); }
+ my ($map,$resid,$url)=split(/___/,$symb);
+ return (&fixversion($map),$resid,&fixversion($url));
+sub fixversion {
+ my $fn=shift;
+ if ($fn=~/^(adm|uploaded|editupload|public)/) { return $fn; }
+ my %bighash;
+ my $uri=&clutter($fn);
+ my $key=$env{'request.course.id'}.'_'.$uri;
+# is this cached?
+ my ($result,$cached)=&is_cached_new('courseresversion',$key);
+ if (defined($cached)) { return $result; }
+# unfortunately not cached, or expired
+ if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ if ($bighash{'version_'.$uri}) {
+ my $version=$bighash{'version_'.$uri};
+ unless (($version eq 'mostrecent') ||
+ ($version==&getversion($uri))) {
+ $uri=~s/\.(\w+)$/\.$version\.$1/;
+ }
+ }
+ untie %bighash;
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('courseresversion',$key,&declutter($uri),600);
+sub deversion {
+ my $url=shift;
+ $url=~s/\.\d+\.(\w+)$/\.$1/;
+ return $url;
+# ------------------------------------------------------ Return symb list entry
+sub symbread {
+ my ($thisfn,$donotrecurse,$ignorecachednull,$checkforblock,$possibles,
+ $ignoresymbdb,$noenccheck)=@_;
+ my $cache_str='request.symbread.cached.'.$thisfn;
+ if (defined($env{$cache_str})) {
+ unless (ref($possibles) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($ignorecachednull) {
+ return $env{$cache_str} unless ($env{$cache_str} eq '');
+ } else {
+ return $env{$cache_str};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# no filename provided? try from environment
+ unless ($thisfn) {
+ if ($env{'request.symb'}) {
+ return $env{$cache_str}=&symbclean($env{'request.symb'});
+ }
+ $thisfn=$env{'request.filename'};
+ }
+ if ($thisfn=~m|^/enc/|) { $thisfn=&Apache::lonenc::unencrypted($thisfn); }
+# is that filename actually a symb? Verify, clean, and return
+ if ($thisfn=~/\_\_\_\d+\_\_\_(.*)$/) {
+ if (&symbverify($thisfn,$1)) {
+ return $env{$cache_str}=&symbclean($thisfn);
+ }
+ }
+ $thisfn=declutter($thisfn);
+ my %hash;
+ my %bighash;
+ my $syval='';
+ if (($env{'request.course.fn'}) && ($thisfn)) {
+ unless ($ignoresymbdb) {
+ if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ $syval=$hash{$thisfn};
+ untie(%hash);
+ }
+ if ($syval && $checkforblock) {
+ my @blockers = &has_comm_blocking('bre',$syval,$thisfn,$ignoresymbdb,$noenccheck);
+ if (@blockers) {
+ $syval='';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- There was an entry
+ if ($syval) {
+ #unless ($syval=~/\_\d+$/) {
+ #unless ($env{'form.request.prefix'}=~/\.(\d+)\_$/) {
+ #&appenv({'request.ambiguous' => $thisfn});
+ #return $env{$cache_str}='';
+ #}
+ #$syval.=$1;
+ #}
+ } else {
+# ------------------------------------------------------- Was not in symb table
+ if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+# ---------------------------------------------- Get ID(s) for current resource
+ my $ids=$bighash{'ids_'.&clutter($thisfn)};
+ unless ($ids) {
+ $ids=$bighash{'ids_/'.$thisfn};
+ }
+ unless ($ids) {
+# alias?
+ $ids=$bighash{'mapalias_'.$thisfn};
+ }
+ if ($ids) {
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Has ID(s)
+ my @possibilities=split(/\,/,$ids);
+ if ($#possibilities==0) {
+# ----------------------------------------------- There is only one possibility
+ my ($mapid,$resid)=split(/\./,$ids);
+ $syval=&encode_symb($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid},
+ $resid,$thisfn);
+ if (ref($possibles) eq 'HASH') {
+ unless ($bighash{'randomout_'.$ids} || $env{'request.role.adv'}) {
+ $possibles->{$syval} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($checkforblock) {
+ unless ($bighash{'randomout_'.$ids} || $env{'request.role.adv'}) {
+ my @blockers = &has_comm_blocking('bre',$syval,$bighash{'src_'.$ids},'',$noenccheck);
+ if (@blockers) {
+ $syval = '';
+ untie(%bighash);
+ return $env{$cache_str}='';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ((!$donotrecurse) || ($checkforblock) || (ref($possibles) eq 'HASH')) {
+# ------------------------------------------ There is more than one possibility
+ my $realpossible=0;
+ foreach my $id (@possibilities) {
+ my $file=$bighash{'src_'.$id};
+ my $canaccess;
+ if (($donotrecurse) || ($checkforblock) || (ref($possibles) eq 'HASH')) {
+ $canaccess = 1;
+ } else {
+ $canaccess = &allowed('bre',$file);
+ }
+ if ($canaccess) {
+ my ($mapid,$resid)=split(/\./,$id);
+ if ($bighash{'map_type_'.$mapid} ne 'page') {
+ my $poss_syval=&encode_symb($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid},
+ $resid,$thisfn);
+ next if ($bighash{'randomout_'.$id} && !$env{'request.role.adv'});
+ next unless (($noenccheck) || ($bighash{'encrypted_'.$id} eq $env{'request.enc'}));
+ if ($checkforblock) {
+ my @blockers = &has_comm_blocking('bre',$poss_syval,$file,'',$noenccheck);
+ if (@blockers > 0) {
+ $syval = '';
+ } else {
+ $syval = $poss_syval;
+ $realpossible++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $syval = $poss_syval;
+ $realpossible++;
+ }
+ if ($syval) {
+ if (ref($possibles) eq 'HASH') {
+ $possibles->{$syval} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($realpossible!=1) { $syval=''; }
+ } else {
+ $syval='';
+ }
+ }
+ untie(%bighash);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($syval) {
+ return $env{$cache_str}=$syval;
+ }
+ }
+ &appenv({'request.ambiguous' => $thisfn});
+ return $env{$cache_str}='';
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Return random seed
+sub numval {
+ my $txt=shift;
+ $txt=~tr/A-J/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/a-j/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/K-T/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/k-t/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/U-Z/0-5/;
+ $txt=~tr/u-z/0-5/;
+ $txt=~s/\D//g;
+ if ($_64bit) { if ($txt > 2**32) { return -1; } }
+ return int($txt);
+sub numval2 {
+ my $txt=shift;
+ $txt=~tr/A-J/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/a-j/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/K-T/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/k-t/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/U-Z/0-5/;
+ $txt=~tr/u-z/0-5/;
+ $txt=~s/\D//g;
+ my @txts=split(/(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)/,$txt);
+ my $total;
+ foreach my $val (@txts) { $total+=$val; }
+ if ($_64bit) { if ($total > 2**32) { return -1; } }
+ return int($total);
+sub numval3 {
+ use integer;
+ my $txt=shift;
+ $txt=~tr/A-J/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/a-j/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/K-T/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/k-t/0-9/;
+ $txt=~tr/U-Z/0-5/;
+ $txt=~tr/u-z/0-5/;
+ $txt=~s/\D//g;
+ my @txts=split(/(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)/,$txt);
+ my $total;
+ foreach my $val (@txts) { $total+=$val; }
+ if ($_64bit) { $total=(($total<<32)>>32); }
+ return $total;
+sub digest {
+ my ($data)=@_;
+ my $digest=&Digest::MD5::md5($data);
+ my ($a,$b,$c,$d)=unpack("iiii",$digest);
+ my ($e,$f);
+ {
+ use integer;
+ $e=($a+$b);
+ $f=($c+$d);
+ if ($_64bit) {
+ $e=(($e<<32)>>32);
+ $f=(($f<<32)>>32);
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($e,$f);
+ } else {
+ my $g;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ $g=($e+$f);
+ if ($_64bit) {
+ $g=(($g<<32)>>32);
+ }
+ }
+ return $g;
+ }
+sub latest_rnd_algorithm_id {
+ return '64bit5';
+sub get_rand_alg {
+ my ($courseid)=@_;
+ if (!$courseid) { $courseid=(&whichuser())[1]; }
+ if ($courseid) {
+ return $env{"course.$courseid.rndseed"};
+ }
+ return &latest_rnd_algorithm_id();
+sub validCODE {
+ my ($CODE)=@_;
+ if (defined($CODE) && $CODE ne '' && $CODE =~ /^\w+$/) { return 1; }
+ return 0;
+sub getCODE {
+ if (&validCODE($env{'form.CODE'})) { return $env{'form.CODE'}; }
+ if ( (defined($Apache::lonhomework::parsing_a_problem) ||
+ defined($Apache::lonhomework::parsing_a_task) ) &&
+ &validCODE($Apache::lonhomework::history{'resource.CODE'})) {
+ return $Apache::lonhomework::history{'resource.CODE'};
+ }
+ return undef;
+# Determines the random seed for a specific context:
+# parameters:
+# symb - in course context the symb for the seed.
+# course_id - The course id of the form domain_coursenum.
+# domain - Domain for the user.
+# course - Course for the user.
+# cenv - environment of the course.
+# NOTE:
+# All parameters are picked out of the environment if missing
+# or not defined.
+# If a symb cannot be determined the current time is used instead.
+# For a given well defined symb, courside, domain, username,
+# and course environment, the seed is reproducible.
+sub rndseed {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username, $cenv)=@_;
+ my ($wsymb,$wcourseid,$wdomain,$wusername)=&whichuser();
+ if (!defined($symb)) {
+ unless ($symb=$wsymb) { return time; }
+ }
+ if (!defined $courseid) {
+ $courseid=$wcourseid;
+ }
+ if (!defined $domain) { $domain=$wdomain; }
+ if (!defined $username) { $username=$wusername }
+ my $which;
+ if (defined($cenv->{'rndseed'})) {
+ $which = $cenv->{'rndseed'};
+ } else {
+ $which =&get_rand_alg($courseid);
+ }
+ if (defined(&getCODE())) {
+ if ($which eq '64bit5') {
+ return &rndseed_CODE_64bit5($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ } elsif ($which eq '64bit4') {
+ return &rndseed_CODE_64bit4($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ } else {
+ return &rndseed_CODE_64bit($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ }
+ } elsif ($which eq '64bit5') {
+ return &rndseed_64bit5($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ } elsif ($which eq '64bit4') {
+ return &rndseed_64bit4($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ } elsif ($which eq '64bit3') {
+ return &rndseed_64bit3($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ } elsif ($which eq '64bit2') {
+ return &rndseed_64bit2($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ } elsif ($which eq '64bit') {
+ return &rndseed_64bit($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ }
+ return &rndseed_32bit($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+sub rndseed_32bit {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32C*",$symb) << 27;
+ my $symbseed=numval($symb) << 22;
+ my $namechck=unpack("%32C*",$username) << 17;
+ my $nameseed=numval($username) << 12;
+ my $domainseed=unpack("%32C*",$domain) << 7;
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32C*",$courseid);
+ my $num=$symbseed+$nameseed+$domainseed+$courseseed+$namechck+$symbchck;
+ #&logthis("$symbseed:$nameseed;$domainseed|$courseseed;$namechck:$symbchck");
+ #&logthis("rndseed :$num:$symb");
+ if ($_64bit) { $num=(($num<<32)>>32); }
+ return $num;
+ }
+sub rndseed_64bit {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32S*",$symb) << 21;
+ my $symbseed=numval($symb) << 10;
+ my $namechck=unpack("%32S*",$username);
+ my $nameseed=numval($username) << 21;
+ my $domainseed=unpack("%32S*",$domain) << 10;
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32S*",$courseid);
+ my $num1=$symbchck+$symbseed+$namechck;
+ my $num2=$nameseed+$domainseed+$courseseed;
+ #&logthis("$symbseed:$nameseed;$domainseed|$courseseed;$namechck:$symbchck");
+ #&logthis("rndseed :$num:$symb");
+ if ($_64bit) { $num1=(($num1<<32)>>32); $num2=(($num2<<32)>>32); }
+ return "$num1,$num2";
+ }
+sub rndseed_64bit2 {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ # strings need to be an even # of cahracters long, it it is odd the
+ # last characters gets thrown away
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32S*",$symb.' ') << 21;
+ my $symbseed=numval($symb) << 10;
+ my $namechck=unpack("%32S*",$username.' ');
+ my $nameseed=numval($username) << 21;
+ my $domainseed=unpack("%32S*",$domain.' ') << 10;
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32S*",$courseid.' ');
+ my $num1=$symbchck+$symbseed+$namechck;
+ my $num2=$nameseed+$domainseed+$courseseed;
+ #&logthis("$symbseed:$nameseed;$domainseed|$courseseed;$namechck:$symbchck");
+ #&logthis("rndseed :$num:$symb");
+ if ($_64bit) { $num1=(($num1<<32)>>32); $num2=(($num2<<32)>>32); }
+ return "$num1,$num2";
+ }
+sub rndseed_64bit3 {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ # strings need to be an even # of cahracters long, it it is odd the
+ # last characters gets thrown away
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32S*",$symb.' ') << 21;
+ my $symbseed=numval2($symb) << 10;
+ my $namechck=unpack("%32S*",$username.' ');
+ my $nameseed=numval2($username) << 21;
+ my $domainseed=unpack("%32S*",$domain.' ') << 10;
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32S*",$courseid.' ');
+ my $num1=$symbchck+$symbseed+$namechck;
+ my $num2=$nameseed+$domainseed+$courseseed;
+ #&logthis("$symbseed:$nameseed;$domainseed|$courseseed;$namechck:$symbchck");
+ #&logthis("rndseed :$num1:$num2:$_64bit");
+ if ($_64bit) { $num1=(($num1<<32)>>32); $num2=(($num2<<32)>>32); }
+ return "$num1:$num2";
+ }
+sub rndseed_64bit4 {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ # strings need to be an even # of cahracters long, it it is odd the
+ # last characters gets thrown away
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32S*",$symb.' ') << 21;
+ my $symbseed=numval3($symb) << 10;
+ my $namechck=unpack("%32S*",$username.' ');
+ my $nameseed=numval3($username) << 21;
+ my $domainseed=unpack("%32S*",$domain.' ') << 10;
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32S*",$courseid.' ');
+ my $num1=$symbchck+$symbseed+$namechck;
+ my $num2=$nameseed+$domainseed+$courseseed;
+ #&logthis("$symbseed:$nameseed;$domainseed|$courseseed;$namechck:$symbchck");
+ #&logthis("rndseed :$num1:$num2:$_64bit");
+ if ($_64bit) { $num1=(($num1<<32)>>32); $num2=(($num2<<32)>>32); }
+ return "$num1:$num2";
+ }
+sub rndseed_64bit5 {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ my ($num1,$num2)=&digest("$symb,$courseid,$domain,$username");
+ return "$num1:$num2";
+sub rndseed_CODE_64bit {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32S*",$symb.' ') << 16;
+ my $symbseed=numval2($symb);
+ my $CODEchck=unpack("%32S*",&getCODE().' ') << 16;
+ my $CODEseed=numval(&getCODE());
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32S*",$courseid.' ');
+ my $num1=$symbseed+$CODEchck;
+ my $num2=$CODEseed+$courseseed+$symbchck;
+ #&logthis("$symbseed:$CODEchck|$CODEseed:$courseseed:$symbchck");
+ #&logthis("rndseed :$num1:$num2:$symb");
+ if ($_64bit) { $num1=(($num1<<32)>>32); }
+ if ($_64bit) { $num2=(($num2<<32)>>32); }
+ return "$num1:$num2";
+ }
+sub rndseed_CODE_64bit4 {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32S*",$symb.' ') << 16;
+ my $symbseed=numval3($symb);
+ my $CODEchck=unpack("%32S*",&getCODE().' ') << 16;
+ my $CODEseed=numval3(&getCODE());
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32S*",$courseid.' ');
+ my $num1=$symbseed+$CODEchck;
+ my $num2=$CODEseed+$courseseed+$symbchck;
+ #&logthis("$symbseed:$CODEchck|$CODEseed:$courseseed:$symbchck");
+ #&logthis("rndseed :$num1:$num2:$symb");
+ if ($_64bit) { $num1=(($num1<<32)>>32); }
+ if ($_64bit) { $num2=(($num2<<32)>>32); }
+ return "$num1:$num2";
+ }
+sub rndseed_CODE_64bit5 {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ my $code = &getCODE();
+ my ($num1,$num2)=&digest("$symb,$courseid,$code");
+ return "$num1:$num2";
+sub setup_random_from_rndseed {
+ my ($rndseed)=@_;
+ if ($rndseed =~/([,:])/) {
+ my ($num1,$num2) = map { abs($_); } (split(/[,:]/,$rndseed));
+ if ((!$num1) || (!$num2) || ($num1 > 2147483562) || ($num2 > 2147483398)) {
+ &Math::Random::random_set_seed_from_phrase($rndseed);
+ } else {
+ &Math::Random::random_set_seed($num1,$num2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Math::Random::random_set_seed_from_phrase($rndseed);
+ }
+sub latest_receipt_algorithm_id {
+ return 'receipt3';
+sub recunique {
+ my $fucourseid=shift;
+ my $unique;
+ if ($env{"course.$fucourseid.receiptalg"} eq 'receipt2' ||
+ $env{"course.$fucourseid.receiptalg"} eq 'receipt3' ) {
+ $unique=$env{"course.$fucourseid.internal.encseed"};
+ } else {
+ $unique=$perlvar{'lonReceipt'};
+ }
+ return unpack("%32C*",$unique);
+sub recprefix {
+ my $fucourseid=shift;
+ my $prefix;
+ if ($env{"course.$fucourseid.receiptalg"} eq 'receipt2'||
+ $env{"course.$fucourseid.receiptalg"} eq 'receipt3' ) {
+ $prefix=$env{"course.$fucourseid.internal.encpref"};
+ } else {
+ $prefix=$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ }
+ return unpack("%32C*",$prefix);
+sub ireceipt {
+ my ($funame,$fudom,$fucourseid,$fusymb,$part)=@_;
+ my $return =&recprefix($fucourseid).'-';
+ if ($env{"course.$fucourseid.receiptalg"} eq 'receipt3' ||
+ $env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ $return .= (&digest("$funame,$fudom,$fucourseid,$fusymb,$part")%10000);
+ return $return;
+ }
+ my $cuname=unpack("%32C*",$funame);
+ my $cudom=unpack("%32C*",$fudom);
+ my $cucourseid=unpack("%32C*",$fucourseid);
+ my $cusymb=unpack("%32C*",$fusymb);
+ my $cunique=&recunique($fucourseid);
+ my $cpart=unpack("%32S*",$part);
+ if ($env{"course.$fucourseid.receiptalg"} eq 'receipt2') {
+ #&logthis("doing receipt2 using parts $cpart, uname $cuname and udom $cudom gets ".($cpart%$cuname)." and ".($cpart%$cudom));
+ $return.= ($cunique%$cuname+
+ $cunique%$cudom+
+ $cusymb%$cuname+
+ $cusymb%$cudom+
+ $cucourseid%$cuname+
+ $cucourseid%$cudom+
+ $cpart%$cuname+
+ $cpart%$cudom);
+ } else {
+ $return.= ($cunique%$cuname+
+ $cunique%$cudom+
+ $cusymb%$cuname+
+ $cusymb%$cudom+
+ $cucourseid%$cuname+
+ $cucourseid%$cudom);
+ }
+ return $return;
+sub receipt {
+ my ($part)=@_;
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name) = &whichuser();
+ return &ireceipt($name,$domain,$courseid,$symb,$part);
+sub whichuser {
+ my ($passedsymb)=@_;
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name,$publicuser);
+ if (defined($env{'form.grade_symb'})) {
+ my ($tmp_courseid)=&get_env_multiple('form.grade_courseid');
+ my $allowed=&allowed('vgr',$tmp_courseid);
+ if (!$allowed &&
+ exists($env{'request.course.sec'}) &&
+ $env{'request.course.sec'} !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ $allowed=&allowed('vgr',$tmp_courseid.
+ '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'});
+ }
+ if ($allowed) {
+ ($symb)=&get_env_multiple('form.grade_symb');
+ $courseid=$tmp_courseid;
+ ($domain)=&get_env_multiple('form.grade_domain');
+ ($name)=&get_env_multiple('form.grade_username');
+ return ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name,$publicuser);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$passedsymb) {
+ $symb=&symbread();
+ } else {
+ $symb=$passedsymb;
+ }
+ $courseid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+ $domain=$env{'user.domain'};
+ $name=$env{'user.name'};
+ if ($name eq 'public' && $domain eq 'public') {
+ if (!defined($env{'form.username'})) {
+ $env{'form.username'}.=time.rand(10000000);
+ }
+ $name.=$env{'form.username'};
+ }
+ return ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name,$publicuser);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Serves up a file
+# returns either the contents of the file or
+# -1 if the file doesn't exist
+# if the target is a file that was uploaded via DOCS,
+# a check will be made to see if a current copy exists on the local server,
+# if it does this will be served, otherwise a copy will be retrieved from
+# the home server for the course and stored in /home/httpd/html/userfiles on
+# the local server.
+sub getfile {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ if ($file =~ m -^/*(uploaded|editupload)/-) { $file=&filelocation("",$file); }
+ &repcopy($file);
+ return &readfile($file);
+sub repcopy_userfile {
+ my ($file)=@_;
+ my $londocroot = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+ if ($file =~ m{^/*(uploaded|editupload)/}) { $file=&filelocation("",$file); }
+ if ($file =~ m{^\Q/home/httpd/lonUsers/\E}) { return 'ok'; }
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$filename) =
+ ($file=~m|^\Q$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\E/+userfiles/+($match_domain)/+($match_name)/+(.*)|);
+ my $uri="/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/$filename";
+ if (-e "$file") {
+# we already have a local copy, check it out
+ my @fileinfo = stat($file);
+ my $rtncode;
+ my $info;
+ my $lwpresp = &getuploaded('HEAD',$uri,$cdom,$cnum,\$info,\$rtncode);
+ if ($lwpresp ne 'ok') {
+# there is no such file anymore, even though we had a local copy
+ if ($rtncode eq '404') {
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ($info < $fileinfo[9]) {
+# nice, the file we have is up-to-date, just say okay
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+# the file is outdated, get rid of it
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ }
+# one way or the other, at this point, we don't have the file
+# construct the correct path for the file
+ my @parts = ($cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($filename =~ m|^(.+)/[^/]+$|) {
+ push @parts, split(/\//,$1);
+ }
+ my $path = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/userfiles';
+ foreach my $part (@parts) {
+ $path .= '/'.$part;
+ if (!-e $path) {
+ mkdir($path,0770);
+ }
+ }
+# now the path exists for sure
+# get a user agent
+ my $transferfile=$file.'.in.transfer';
+# FIXME: this should flock
+ if (-e $transferfile) { return 'ok'; }
+ my $request;
+ $uri=~s/^\///;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my $hostname = &hostname($homeserver);
+ my $protocol = $protocol{$homeserver};
+ $protocol = 'http' if ($protocol ne 'https');
+ $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',$protocol.'://'.$hostname.'/raw/'.$uri);
+ my $response = &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($homeserver,$request,$transferfile,\%perlvar,'',0,1);
+# did it work?
+ if ($response->is_error()) {
+ unlink($transferfile);
+ &logthis("Userfile repcopy failed for $uri");
+ return -1;
+ }
+# worked, rename the transfer file
+ rename($transferfile,$file);
+ return 'ok';
+sub repcopy_crsprivfile {
+ my ($src,$dest) = @_;
+ my $result;
+ if ($src =~ m{^/priv/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/(.+)$}) {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$filepath) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ $filepath =~ s/\.{2,}//g;
+ my $chome = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ unless ($chome eq 'no_host') {
+ my @ids=¤t_machine_ids();
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$chome\E$/,@ids)) {
+ if (&is_course($cdom,$cnum)) {
+ my $londocroot = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+ if ($dest =~ m{^\Q$londocroot/priv/\E$match_domain/$match_username/.*\Q$filepath\E$}) {
+ my $cmd = 'crsfilefrompriv:'.&escape($filepath).':'.&escape($cnum).':'.&escape($cdom);
+ $result = &reply($cmd,$chome);
+ unless (($result eq 'unknown_cmd') || ($result =~ /^error:/)) {
+ my $url = &unescape($result);
+ if ($url =~ m{^https?://[^/]+\Q/userfiles/$cdom/$cnum/priv/$filepath\E$}) {
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',$url);
+ my $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($chome,$request,'',\%perlvar,1200,1);
+ if ($response->is_error()) {
+ $result = 'error: '.$response->status_line;
+ } else {
+ if (open(my $fh,'>',$dest)) {
+ print $fh $response->content;
+ close($fh);
+ $result = 'ok';
+ } else {
+ $result = 'error: nowrite';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $result = 'error: invalidurl';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub tokenwrapper {
+ my $uri=shift;
+ $uri=~s|^https?\://([^/]+)||;
+ $uri=~s|^/||;
+ $env{'user.environment'}=~/\/([^\/]+)\.id/;
+ my $token=$1;
+ my (undef,$udom,$uname,$file)=split('/',$uri,4);
+ if ($udom && $uname && $file) {
+ $file=~s|(\?\.*)*$||;
+ &appenv({"userfile.$udom/$uname/$file" => $env{'request.course.id'}});
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ my $hostname = &hostname($homeserver);
+ my $protocol = $protocol{$homeserver};
+ $protocol = 'http' if ($protocol ne 'https');
+ return $protocol.'://'.$hostname.'/'.$uri.
+ (($uri=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'token='.$token.
+ '&tokenissued='.$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ } else {
+ return '/adm/notfound.html';
+ }
+# call with reqtype HEAD: get last modification time
+# call with reqtype GET: get the file contents
+# Do not call this with reqtype GET for large files! It loads everything into memory
+sub getuploaded {
+ my ($reqtype,$uri,$cdom,$cnum,$info,$rtncode) = @_;
+ $uri=~s/^\///;
+ my $homeserver = &homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my $hostname = &hostname($homeserver);
+ my $protocol = $protocol{$homeserver};
+ $protocol = 'http' if ($protocol ne 'https');
+ $uri = $protocol.'://'.$hostname.'/raw/'.$uri;
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request($reqtype,$uri);
+ my $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($homeserver,$request,'',\%perlvar,'',0,1);
+ $$rtncode = $response->code;
+ if (! $response->is_success()) {
+ return 'failed';
+ }
+ if ($reqtype eq 'HEAD') {
+ $$info = &HTTP::Date::str2time( $response->header('Last-modified') );
+ } elsif ($reqtype eq 'GET') {
+ $$info = $response->content;
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+sub readfile {
+ my $file = shift;
+ if ( (! -e $file ) || ($file eq '') ) { return -1; };
+ my $fh;
+ open($fh,"<",$file);
+ my $a='';
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) { $a .= $line; }
+ return $a;
+sub filelocation {
+ my ($dir,$file) = @_;
+ my $location;
+ $file=~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*$/$1/; ## strip off leading and trailing spaces
+ if ($file =~ m-^/adm/-) {
+ $file=~s-^/adm/wrapper/-/-;
+ $file=~s-^/adm/coursedocs/showdoc/-/-;
+ }
+ if ($file =~ m-^\Q$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}\E/-) {
+ $location = $file;
+ } elsif ($file=~/^\/*(uploaded|editupload)/) { # is an uploaded file
+ my ($udom,$uname,$filename)=
+ ($file=~m -^/+(?:uploaded|editupload)/+($match_domain)/+($match_name)/+(.*)$-);
+ my $home=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ my $is_me=0;
+ my @ids=¤t_machine_ids();
+ foreach my $id (@ids) { if ($id eq $home) { $is_me=1; } }
+ if ($is_me) {
+ $location=propath($udom,$uname).'/userfiles/'.$filename;
+ } else {
+ $location=$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/userfiles/'.
+ $udom.'/'.$uname.'/'.$filename;
+ }
+ } elsif ($file =~ m-^/adm/-) {
+ $location = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/'.$file;
+ } else {
+ $file=~s/^\Q$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\E//;
+ $file=~s:^/(res|priv)/:/:;
+ my $space=$1;
+ if ( !( $file =~ m:^/:) ) {
+ $location = $dir. '/'.$file;
+ } else {
+ $location = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/'.$space.$file;
+ }
+ }
+ $location=~s://+:/:g; # remove duplicate /
+ while ($location=~m{/\.\./}) {
+ if ($location =~ m{/[^/]+/\.\./}) {
+ $location=~ s{/[^/]+/\.\./}{/}g;
+ } else {
+ $location=~ s{/\.\./}{/}g;
+ }
+ } #remove dir/..
+ while ($location=~m:/\./:) {$location=~ s:/\./:/:g;} #remove /./
+ return $location;
+sub hreflocation {
+ my ($dir,$file)=@_;
+ unless (($file=~m-^https?\://-i) || ($file=~m-^/-)) {
+ $file=filelocation($dir,$file);
+ } elsif ($file=~m-^/adm/-) {
+ $file=~s-^/adm/wrapper/-/-;
+ $file=~s-^/adm/coursedocs/showdoc/-/-;
+ }
+ if ($file=~m-^\Q$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\E-) {
+ $file=~s-^\Q$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\E--;
+ } elsif ($file=~m-^\Q$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}\E-) {
+ $file=~s{^/home/httpd/lonUsers/($match_domain)/./././($match_name)/userfiles/}
+ {/uploaded/$1/$2/}x;
+ }
+ if ($file=~ m{^/userfiles/}) {
+ $file =~ s{^/userfiles/}{/uploaded/};
+ }
+ return $file;
+sub current_machine_domains {
+ return &machine_domains(&hostname($perlvar{'lonHostID'}));
+sub machine_domains {
+ my ($hostname) = @_;
+ my @domains;
+ my %hostname = &all_hostnames();
+ while( my($id, $name) = each(%hostname)) {
+# &logthis("-$id-$name-$hostname-");
+ if ($hostname eq $name) {
+ push(@domains,&host_domain($id));
+ }
+ }
+ return @domains;
+sub current_machine_ids {
+ return &machine_ids(&hostname($perlvar{'lonHostID'}));
+sub machine_ids {
+ my ($hostname) = @_;
+ $hostname ||= &hostname($perlvar{'lonHostID'});
+ my @ids;
+ my %name_to_host = &all_names();
+ if (ref($name_to_host{$hostname}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return @{ $name_to_host{$hostname} };
+ }
+ return;
+sub additional_machine_domains {
+ my @domains;
+ if (-e "$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/expected_domains.tab") {
+ if (open(my $fh,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/expected_domains.tab")) {
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ $line =~ s/\s//g;
+ push(@domains,$line);
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ return @domains;
+sub default_login_domain {
+ my $domain = $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'};
+ my $testdomain=(split(/\./,$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}))[0];
+ foreach my $posdom (¤t_machine_domains(),
+ &additional_machine_domains()) {
+ if (lc($posdom) eq lc($testdomain)) {
+ $domain=$posdom;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $domain;
+sub shared_institution {
+ my ($dom,$lonhost) = @_;
+ if ($lonhost eq '') {
+ $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ }
+ my $same_intdom;
+ my $hostintdom = &internet_dom($lonhost);
+ if ($hostintdom ne '') {
+ my %iphost = &get_iphost();
+ my $primary_id = &domain($dom,'primary');
+ my $primary_ip = &get_host_ip($primary_id);
+ if (ref($iphost{$primary_ip}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $id (@{$iphost{$primary_ip}}) {
+ my $intdom = &internet_dom($id);
+ if ($intdom eq $hostintdom) {
+ $same_intdom = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $same_intdom;
+sub uses_sts {
+ my ($ignore_cache) = @_;
+ my $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $hostname = &hostname($lonhost);
+ my $sts_on;
+ if ($protocol{$lonhost} eq 'https') {
+ my $cachetime = 12*3600;
+ if (!$ignore_cache) {
+ ($sts_on,my $cached)=&is_cached_new('stspolicy',$lonhost);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ return $sts_on;
+ }
+ }
+ my $url = $protocol{$lonhost}.'://'.$hostname.'/index.html';
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request('HEAD',$url);
+ my $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($lonhost,$request,'',\%perlvar,'','','',1);
+ if ($response->is_success) {
+ my $has_sts = $response->header('Strict-Transport-Security');
+ if ($has_sts eq '') {
+ $sts_on = 0;
+ } else {
+ if ($has_sts =~ /\Qmax-age=\E(\d+)/) {
+ my $maxage = $1;
+ if ($maxage) {
+ $sts_on = 1;
+ } else {
+ $sts_on = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $sts_on = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('stspolicy',$lonhost,$sts_on,$cachetime);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub waf_allssl {
+ my ($host_name) = @_;
+ my $alias = &get_proxy_alias();
+ if ($host_name eq '') {
+ $host_name = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
+ }
+ if (($host_name ne '') && ($alias eq $host_name)) {
+ my $serverhomedom = &host_domain($perlvar{'lonHostID'});
+ my %defdomdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($serverhomedom);
+ if ($defdomdefaults{'waf_sslopt'}) {
+ return $defdomdefaults{'waf_sslopt'};
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub get_requestor_ip {
+ my ($r,$nolookup,$noproxy) = @_;
+ my $from_ip;
+ if (ref($r)) {
+ if ($r->can('useragent_ip')) {
+ if ($noproxy && $r->can('client_ip')) {
+ $from_ip = $r->client_ip();
+ } else {
+ $from_ip = $r->useragent_ip();
+ }
+ } elsif ($r->connection->can('remote_ip')) {
+ $from_ip = $r->connection->remote_ip();
+ } else {
+ $from_ip = $r->get_remote_host($nolookup);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $from_ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
+ }
+ return $from_ip if ($noproxy);
+ # Who controls proxy settings for server
+ my $dom_in_use = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDefDomain'};
+ my $proxyinfo = &get_proxy_settings($dom_in_use);
+ if ((ref($proxyinfo) eq 'HASH') && ($from_ip)) {
+ if ($proxyinfo->{'vpnint'}) {
+ if (&ip_match($from_ip,$proxyinfo->{'vpnint'})) {
+ return $from_ip;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($proxyinfo->{'trusted'}) {
+ if (&ip_match($from_ip,$proxyinfo->{'trusted'})) {
+ my $ipheader = $proxyinfo->{'ipheader'};
+ my ($ip,$xfor);
+ if (ref($r)) {
+ if ($ipheader) {
+ $ip = $r->headers_in->{$ipheader};
+ }
+ $xfor = $r->headers_in->{'X-Forwarded-For'};
+ } else {
+ if ($ipheader) {
+ $ip = $ENV{'HTTP_'.uc($ipheader)};
+ }
+ }
+ if (($ip eq '') && ($xfor ne '')) {
+ foreach my $poss_ip (reverse(split(/\s*,\s*/,$xfor))) {
+ unless (&ip_match($poss_ip,$proxyinfo->{'trusted'})) {
+ $ip = $poss_ip;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ip ne '') {
+ return $ip;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $from_ip;
+sub get_proxy_settings {
+ my ($dom_in_use) = @_;
+ my %domdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($dom_in_use);
+ my $proxyinfo = {
+ ipheader => $domdefaults{'waf_ipheader'},
+ trusted => $domdefaults{'waf_trusted'},
+ vpnint => $domdefaults{'waf_vpnint'},
+ vpnext => $domdefaults{'waf_vpnext'},
+ sslopt => $domdefaults{'waf_sslopt'},
+ };
+ return $proxyinfo;
+sub ip_match {
+ my ($ip,$pattern_str) = @_;
+ $ip=Net::CIDR::cidrvalidate($ip);
+ if ($ip) {
+ return Net::CIDR::cidrlookup($ip,split(/\s*,\s*/,$pattern_str));
+ }
+ return;
+sub get_proxy_alias {
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ if ($lonid eq '') {
+ $lonid = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ }
+ if (!defined(&hostname($lonid))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($lonid ne '') {
+ my ($alias,$cached) = &is_cached_new('proxyalias',$lonid);
+ if ($cached) {
+ return $alias;
+ }
+ my $dom = &host_domain($lonid);
+ if ($dom ne '') {
+ my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['wafproxy'],$dom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'wafproxy'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'wafproxy'}{'alias'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $alias = $domconfig{'wafproxy'}{'alias'}{$lonid};
+ }
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('proxyalias',$lonid,$alias,$cachetime);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub use_proxy_alias {
+ my ($r,$lonid) = @_;
+ my $alias = &get_proxy_alias($lonid);
+ if ($alias) {
+ my $dom = &host_domain($lonid);
+ if ($dom ne '') {
+ my $proxyinfo = &get_proxy_settings($dom);
+ my ($vpnint,$remote_ip);
+ if (ref($proxyinfo) eq 'HASH') {
+ $vpnint = $proxyinfo->{'vpnint'};
+ if ($vpnint) {
+ $remote_ip = &get_requestor_ip($r,1,1);
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($vpnint && &ip_match($remote_ip,$vpnint)) {
+ return $alias;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub alias_sso {
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ if ($lonid eq '') {
+ $lonid = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ }
+ if (!defined(&hostname($lonid))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($lonid ne '') {
+ my ($use_alias,$cached) = &is_cached_new('proxysaml',$lonid);
+ if ($cached) {
+ return $use_alias;
+ }
+ my $dom = &host_domain($lonid);
+ if ($dom ne '') {
+ my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['wafproxy'],$dom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'wafproxy'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'wafproxy'}{'saml'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $use_alias = $domconfig{'wafproxy'}{'saml'}{$lonid};
+ }
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('proxysaml',$lonid,$use_alias,$cachetime);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub get_saml_landing {
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ if ($lonid eq '') {
+ my $defdom = &default_login_domain();
+ my @hosts = ¤t_machine_ids();
+ if (@hosts > 1) {
+ foreach my $hostid (@hosts) {
+ if (&host_domain($hostid) eq $defdom) {
+ $lonid = $hostid;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $lonid = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ }
+ if ($lonid) {
+ unless (&host_domain($lonid) eq $defdom) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ } elsif (!defined(&hostname($lonid))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($landing,$cached) = &is_cached_new('samllanding',$lonid);
+ if ($cached) {
+ return $landing;
+ }
+ my $dom = &host_domain($lonid);
+ if ($dom ne '') {
+ my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
+ my %domconfig =
+ &get_dom('configuration',['login'],$dom);
+ if (ref($domconfig{'login'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'login'}{'saml'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($domconfig{'login'}{'saml'}{$lonid}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $landing = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('samllanding',$lonid,$landing,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- Declutters URLs
+sub declutter {
+ my $thisfn=shift;
+ if ($thisfn=~m|^/enc/|) { $thisfn=&Apache::lonenc::unencrypted($thisfn); }
+ unless ($thisfn=~m{^/home/httpd/html/priv/}) {
+ $thisfn=~s{^/home/httpd/html}{};
+ }
+ $thisfn=~s/^\///;
+ $thisfn=~s|^adm/wrapper/||;
+ $thisfn=~s|^adm/coursedocs/showdoc/||;
+ $thisfn=~s/^res\///;
+ $thisfn=~s/^priv\///;
+ unless (($thisfn =~ /^ext/) || ($thisfn =~ /\.(page|sequence)___\d+___ext/)) {
+ $thisfn=~s/\?.+$//;
+ }
+ return $thisfn;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- Clutter up URLs
+sub clutter {
+ my $thisfn='/'.&declutter(shift);
+ if ($thisfn !~ m{^/(uploaded|editupload|adm|userfiles|ext|raw|priv|public)/}
+ || $thisfn =~ m{^/adm/(includes|pages)} ) {
+ $thisfn='/res'.$thisfn;
+ }
+ if ($thisfn !~m|^/adm|) {
+ if ($thisfn =~ m|^/ext/|) {
+ $thisfn='/adm/wrapper'.$thisfn;
+ } else {
+ my ($ext) = ($thisfn =~ /\.(\w+)$/);
+ my $embstyle=&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($ext);
+ if ($embstyle eq 'ssi'
+ || ($embstyle eq 'hdn')
+ || ($embstyle eq 'rat')
+ || ($embstyle eq 'prv')
+ || ($embstyle eq 'ign')) {
+ #do nothing with these
+ } elsif (($embstyle eq 'img')
+ || ($embstyle eq 'emb')
+ || ($embstyle eq 'wrp')) {
+ $thisfn='/adm/wrapper'.$thisfn;
+ } elsif ($embstyle eq 'unk'
+ && $thisfn!~/\.(sequence|page)$/) {
+ $thisfn='/adm/coursedocs/showdoc'.$thisfn;
+ } else {
+# &logthis("Got a blank emb style");
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($thisfn =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_courseid/\d+/ext\.tool$}) {
+ $thisfn='/adm/wrapper'.$thisfn;
+ }
+ return $thisfn;
+sub clutter_with_no_wrapper {
+ my $uri = &clutter(shift);
+ if ($uri =~ m-^/adm/-) {
+ $uri =~ s-^/adm/wrapper/-/-;
+ $uri =~ s-^/adm/coursedocs/showdoc/-/-;
+ }
+ return $uri;
+sub freeze_escape {
+ my ($value)=@_;
+ if (ref($value)) {
+ $value=&nfreeze($value);
+ return '__FROZEN__'.&escape($value);
+ }
+ return &escape($value);
+sub thaw_unescape {
+ my ($value)=@_;
+ if ($value =~ /^__FROZEN__/) {
+ substr($value,0,10,undef);
+ $value=&unescape($value);
+ return &thaw($value);
+ }
+ return &unescape($value);
+sub correct_line_ends {
+ my ($result)=@_;
+ $$result =~s/\r\n/\n/mg;
+ $$result =~s/\r/\n/mg;
+# ================================================================ Main Program
+sub goodbye {
+ &logthis("Starting Shut down");
+#not converted to using infrastruture and probably shouldn't be
+ &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%badServerCache',length(&nfreeze(\%badServerCache))));
+# &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%metacache',scalar(%metacache)));
+ &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%homecache',length(&nfreeze(\%homecache))));
+# &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%titlecache',length(&nfreeze(\%titlecache))));
+# &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%courseresdatacache',length(&nfreeze(\%courseresdatacache))));
+#1.1 only
+# &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%userresdatacache',length(&nfreeze(\%userresdatacache))));
+# &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%getsectioncache',length(&nfreeze(\%getsectioncache))));
+# &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%courseresversioncache',length(&nfreeze(\%courseresversioncache))));
+# &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%resversioncache',length(&nfreeze(\%resversioncache))));
+ &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'%remembered',length(&nfreeze(\%remembered))));
+ &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'kicks',$kicks));
+ &logthis(sprintf("%-20s is %s",'hits',$hits));
+ &flushcourselogs();
+ &logthis("Shutting down");
+sub get_dns {
+ my ($url,$func,$ignore_cache,$nocache,$hashref) = @_;
+ if (!$ignore_cache) {
+ my ($content,$cached)=
+ &is_cached_new('dns',$url);
+ if ($cached) {
+ &$func($content,$hashref);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ my %alldns;
+ if (open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosts.tab")) {
+ foreach my $dns (<$config>) {
+ next if ($dns !~ /^\^(\S*)/x);
+ my $line = $1;
+ my ($host,$protocol) = split(/:/,$line);
+ if ($protocol ne 'https') {
+ $protocol = 'http';
+ }
+ $alldns{$host} = $protocol;
+ }
+ close($config);
+ }
+ while (%alldns) {
+ my ($dns) = sort { $b cmp $a } keys(%alldns);
+ my ($contents,@content);
+ if ($dns eq Sys::Hostname::FQDN::fqdn()) {
+ my $command = (split('/',$url))[3];
+ my ($dir,$file) = &parse_getdns_url($command,$url);
+ delete($alldns{$dns});
+ next if (($dir eq '') || ($file eq ''));
+ if (open(my $config,'<',"$dir/$file")) {
+ @content = <$config>;
+ close($config);
+ }
+ if ($url eq '/adm/dns/loncapaCRL') {
+ $contents = join('',@content);
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',"$alldns{$dns}://$dns$url");
+ my $response = &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest('',$request,'',\%perlvar,30,0);
+ delete($alldns{$dns});
+ next if ($response->is_error());
+ if ($url eq '/adm/dns/loncapaCRL') {
+ $contents = $response->content;
+ } else {
+ @content = split("\n",$response->content);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($url eq '/adm/dns/loncapaCRL') {
+ return &$func($contents);
+ } else {
+ unless ($nocache) {
+ &do_cache_new('dns',$url,\@content,30*24*60*60);
+ }
+ &$func(\@content,$hashref);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ my $which = (split('/',$url,4))[3];
+ if ($which eq 'loncapaCRL') {
+ my $diskfile = "$perlvar{'lonCertificateDirectory'}/$perlvar{'lonnetCertRevocationList'}";
+ if (-e $diskfile) {
+ &logthis("unable to contact DNS, on disk file $diskfile not updated");
+ } else {
+ &logthis("unable to contact DNS, no on disk file $diskfile available");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &logthis("unable to contact DNS defaulting to on disk file dns_$which.tab\n");
+ if (open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/dns_$which.tab")) {
+ my @content = <$config>;
+ close($config);
+ &$func(\@content,$hashref);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# ------------------------------------------------------Get DNS checksums file
+sub parse_dns_checksums_tab {
+ my ($lines,$hashref) = @_;
+ my $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ my $machine_dom = &host_domain($lonhost);
+ my $loncaparev = &get_server_loncaparev($machine_dom);
+ my $distro = (split(/\:/,&get_server_distarch($lonhost)))[0];
+ my $webconfdir = '/etc/httpd/conf';
+ if ($distro =~ /^(ubuntu|debian)(\d+)$/) {
+ $webconfdir = '/etc/apache2';
+ } elsif ($distro =~ /^sles(\d+)$/) {
+ if ($1 >= 10) {
+ $webconfdir = '/etc/apache2';
+ }
+ } elsif ($distro =~ /^suse(\d+\.\d+)$/) {
+ if ($1 >= 10.0) {
+ $webconfdir = '/etc/apache2';
+ }
+ }
+ my ($release,$timestamp) = split(/\-/,$loncaparev);
+ my (%chksum,%revnum);
+ if (ref($lines) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ chomp(@{$lines});
+ my $version = shift(@{$lines});
+ if ($version eq $release) {
+ foreach my $line (@{$lines}) {
+ my ($file,$version,$shasum) = split(/,/,$line);
+ if ($file =~ m{^/etc/httpd/conf}) {
+ if ($webconfdir eq '/etc/apache2') {
+ $file =~ s{^\Q/etc/httpd/conf/\E}{$webconfdir/};
+ }
+ }
+ $chksum{$file} = $shasum;
+ $revnum{$file} = $version;
+ }
+ if (ref($hashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ %{$hashref} = (
+ sums => \%chksum,
+ versions => \%revnum,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub fetch_dns_checksums {
+ my %checksums;
+ my $machine_dom = &host_domain($perlvar{'lonHostID'});
+ my $loncaparev = &get_server_loncaparev($machine_dom,$perlvar{'lonHostID'});
+ my ($release,$timestamp) = split(/\-/,$loncaparev);
+ &get_dns("/adm/dns/checksums/$release",\&parse_dns_checksums_tab,1,1,
+ \%checksums);
+ return \%checksums;
+sub fetch_crl_pemfile {
+ return &get_dns("/adm/dns/loncapaCRL",\&save_crl_pem,1,1);
+sub save_crl_pem {
+ my ($content) = @_;
+ my ($msg,$hadchanges);
+ if ($content ne '') {
+ my $now = time;
+ my $lonca = $perlvar{'lonCertificateDirectory'}.'/'.$perlvar{'lonnetCertificateAuthority'};
+ my $tmpcrl = $tmpdir.'/'.$perlvar{'lonnetCertRevocationList'}.'_'.$now.'.'.$$.'.tmp';
+ if (open(my $fh,'>',"$tmpcrl")) {
+ print $fh $content;
+ close($fh);
+ if (-e $lonca) {
+ if (open(PIPE,"openssl crl -in $tmpcrl -inform pem -CAfile $lonca -noout 2>&1 |")) {
+ my $check = ;
+ close(PIPE);
+ chomp($check);
+ if ($check eq 'verify OK') {
+ my $dest = "$perlvar{'lonCertificateDirectory'}/$perlvar{'lonnetCertRevocationList'}";
+ my $backup;
+ if (-e $dest) {
+ if (&File::Copy::move($dest,"$dest.bak")) {
+ $backup = 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ if (&File::Copy::move($tmpcrl,$dest)) {
+ $msg = 'ok';
+ if ($backup) {
+ my (%oldnums,%newnums);
+ if (open(PIPE, "openssl crl -inform PEM -text -noout -in $dest.bak |grep 'Serial Number' |")) {
+ while () {
+ $oldnums{(split(/:/))[1]} = 1;
+ }
+ close(PIPE);
+ }
+ if (open(PIPE, "openssl crl -inform PEM -text -noout -in $dest |grep 'Serial Number' |")) {
+ while() {
+ $newnums{(split(/:/))[1]} = 1;
+ }
+ close(PIPE);
+ }
+ foreach my $key (sort {$b <=> $a } (keys(%newnums))) {
+ unless (exists($oldnums{$key})) {
+ $hadchanges = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($hadchanges) {
+ foreach my $key (sort {$b <=> $a } (keys(%oldnums))) {
+ unless (exists($newnums{$key})) {
+ $hadchanges = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ unlink($tmpcrl);
+ }
+ } else {
+ unlink($tmpcrl);
+ }
+ } else {
+ unlink($tmpcrl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($msg,$hadchanges);
+sub parse_getdns_url {
+ my ($command,$url) = @_;
+ my $dir = $perlvar{'lonTabDir'};
+ my $file;
+ if ($command eq 'hosts') {
+ $file = 'dns_hosts.tab';
+ } elsif ($command eq 'domain') {
+ $file = 'dns_domain.tab';
+ } elsif ($command eq 'checksums') {
+ my $version = (split('/',$url))[4];
+ $file = "dns_checksums/$version.tab",
+ } elsif ($command eq 'loncapaCRL') {
+ $dir = $perlvar{'lonCertificateDirectory'};
+ $file = $perlvar{'lonnetCertRevocationList'};
+ }
+ return ($dir,$file);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Read domain file
+ my $loaded;
+ my %domain;
+ sub parse_domain_tab {
+ my ($lines) = @_;
+ foreach my $line (@$lines) {
+ next if ($line =~ /^(\#|\s*$ )/x);
+ chomp($line);
+ my ($name,@elements) = split(/:/,$line,9);
+ my %this_domain;
+ foreach my $field ('description', 'auth_def', 'auth_arg_def',
+ 'lang_def', 'city', 'longi', 'lati',
+ 'primary') {
+ $this_domain{$field} = shift(@elements);
+ }
+ $domain{$name} = \%this_domain;
+ }
+ }
+ sub reset_domain_info {
+ undef($loaded);
+ undef(%domain);
+ }
+ sub load_domain_tab {
+ my ($ignore_cache,$nocache) = @_;
+ &get_dns('/adm/dns/domain',\&parse_domain_tab,$ignore_cache,$nocache);
+ my $fh;
+ if (open($fh,"<",$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/domain.tab')) {
+ my @lines = <$fh>;
+ &parse_domain_tab(\@lines);
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ $loaded = 1;
+ }
+ sub domain {
+ &load_domain_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ my ($name,$what) = @_;
+ return if ( !exists($domain{$name}) );
+ if (!$what) {
+ return $domain{$name}{'description'};
+ }
+ return $domain{$name}{$what};
+ }
+ sub domain_info {
+ &load_domain_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ return %domain;
+ }
# ------------------------------------------------------------- Read hosts file
- my $config=Apache::File->new("$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosts.tab");
+ my %hostname;
+ my %hostdom;
+ my %libserv;
+ my $loaded;
+ my %name_to_host;
+ my %internetdom;
+ my %LC_dns_serv;
- while (my $configline=<$config>) {
- my ($id,$domain,$role,$name,$ip)=split(/:/,$configline);
- $hostname{$id}=$name;
- $hostdom{$id}=$domain;
- if ($role eq 'library') { $libserv{$id}=$name; }
+ sub parse_hosts_tab {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ foreach my $configline (@$file) {
+ next if ($configline =~ /^(\#|\s*$ )/x);
+ chomp($configline);
+ if ($configline =~ /^\^/) {
+ if ($configline =~ /^\^([\w.\-]+)/) {
+ $LC_dns_serv{$1} = 1;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($id,$domain,$role,$name,$protocol,$intdom)=split(/:/,$configline);
+ $name=~s/\s//g;
+ if ($id && $domain && $role && $name) {
+ if ((exists($hostname{$id})) && ($hostname{$id} ne '')) {
+ my $curr = $hostname{$id};
+ my $skip;
+ if (ref($name_to_host{$curr}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (($curr eq $name) && (@{$name_to_host{$curr}} == 1)) {
+ $skip = 1;
+ } else {
+ @{$name_to_host{$curr}} = grep { $_ ne $id } @{$name_to_host{$curr}};
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($skip) {
+ push(@{$name_to_host{$name}},$id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@{$name_to_host{$name}},$id);
+ }
+ $hostname{$id}=$name;
+ $hostdom{$id}=$domain;
+ if ($role eq 'library') { $libserv{$id}=$name; }
+ if (defined($protocol)) {
+ if ($protocol eq 'https') {
+ $protocol{$id} = $protocol;
+ } else {
+ $protocol{$id} = 'http';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $protocol{$id} = 'http';
+ }
+ if (defined($intdom)) {
+ $internetdom{$id} = $intdom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub reset_hosts_info {
+ &purge_remembered();
+ &reset_domain_info();
+ &reset_hosts_ip_info();
+ undef(%internetdom);
+ undef(%name_to_host);
+ undef(%hostname);
+ undef(%hostdom);
+ undef(%libserv);
+ undef($loaded);
+ }
+ sub load_hosts_tab {
+ my ($ignore_cache,$nocache) = @_;
+ &get_dns('/adm/dns/hosts',\&parse_hosts_tab,$ignore_cache,$nocache);
+ open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosts.tab");
+ my @config = <$config>;
+ &parse_hosts_tab(\@config);
+ close($config);
+ $loaded=1;
+ }
+ sub hostname {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ return $hostname{$lonid};
+ }
+ sub all_hostnames {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ return %hostname;
+ }
+ sub all_names {
+ my ($ignore_cache,$nocache) = @_;
+ &load_hosts_tab($ignore_cache,$nocache) if (!$loaded);
+ return %name_to_host;
+ }
+ sub all_host_domain {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ return %hostdom;
+ }
+ sub all_host_intdom {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ return %internetdom;
+ }
+ sub is_library {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ return exists($libserv{$_[0]});
+ }
+ sub all_library {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ return %libserv;
+ }
+ sub unique_library {
+ #2x reverse removes all hostnames that appear more than once
+ my %unique = reverse &all_library();
+ return reverse %unique;
+ }
+ sub get_servers {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ my ($domain,$type) = @_;
+ my %possible_hosts = ($type eq 'library') ? %libserv
+ : %hostname;
+ my %result;
+ if (ref($domain) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ while ( my ($host,$hostname) = each(%possible_hosts)) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$hostdom{$host}\E$/,@$domain)) {
+ $result{$host} = $hostname;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ( my ($host,$hostname) = each(%possible_hosts)) {
+ if ($hostdom{$host} eq $domain) {
+ $result{$host} = $hostname;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %result;
+ }
+ sub get_unique_servers {
+ my %unique = reverse &get_servers(@_);
+ return reverse %unique;
+ }
+ sub host_domain {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ return $hostdom{$lonid};
+ }
+ sub all_domains {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ my %seen;
+ my @uniq = grep(!$seen{$_}++, values(%hostdom));
+ return @uniq;
+ }
+ sub internet_dom {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ return $internetdom{$lonid};
+ }
+ sub is_LC_dns {
+ &load_hosts_tab() if (!$loaded);
+ my ($hostname) = @_;
+ return exists($LC_dns_serv{$hostname});
+ }
+ my %iphost;
+ my %name_to_ip;
+ my %lonid_to_ip;
+ sub get_hosts_from_ip {
+ my ($ip) = @_;
+ my %iphosts = &get_iphost();
+ if (ref($iphosts{$ip})) {
+ return @{$iphosts{$ip}};
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ sub reset_hosts_ip_info {
+ undef(%iphost);
+ undef(%name_to_ip);
+ undef(%lonid_to_ip);
+ }
+ sub get_host_ip {
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ if (exists($lonid_to_ip{$lonid})) {
+ return $lonid_to_ip{$lonid};
+ }
+ my $name=&hostname($lonid);
+ my $ip = gethostbyname($name);
+ return if (!$ip || length($ip) ne 4);
+ $ip=inet_ntoa($ip);
+ $name_to_ip{$name} = $ip;
+ $lonid_to_ip{$lonid} = $ip;
+ return $ip;
+ }
+ sub get_iphost {
+ my ($ignore_cache,$nocache) = @_;
+ if (!$ignore_cache) {
+ if (%iphost) {
+ return %iphost;
+ }
+ my ($ip_info,$cached)=
+ &is_cached_new('iphost','iphost');
+ if ($cached) {
+ %iphost = %{$ip_info->[0]};
+ %name_to_ip = %{$ip_info->[1]};
+ %lonid_to_ip = %{$ip_info->[2]};
+ return %iphost;
+ }
+ }
+ # get yesterday's info for fallback
+ my %old_name_to_ip;
+ my ($ip_info,$cached)=
+ &is_cached_new('iphost','iphost');
+ if ($cached) {
+ %old_name_to_ip = %{$ip_info->[1]};
+ }
+ my %name_to_host = &all_names($ignore_cache,$nocache);
+ foreach my $name (keys(%name_to_host)) {
+ my $ip;
+ if (!exists($name_to_ip{$name})) {
+ $ip = gethostbyname($name);
+ if (!$ip || length($ip) ne 4) {
+ if (defined($old_name_to_ip{$name})) {
+ $ip = $old_name_to_ip{$name};
+ &logthis("Can't find $name defaulting to old $ip");
+ } else {
+ &logthis("Name $name no IP found");
+ next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ip=inet_ntoa($ip);
+ }
+ $name_to_ip{$name} = $ip;
+ } else {
+ $ip = $name_to_ip{$name};
+ }
+ foreach my $id (@{ $name_to_host{$name} }) {
+ $lonid_to_ip{$id} = $ip;
+ }
+ push(@{$iphost{$ip}},@{$name_to_host{$name}});
+ }
+ unless ($nocache) {
+ &do_cache_new('iphost','iphost',
+ [\%iphost,\%name_to_ip,\%lonid_to_ip],
+ 48*60*60);
+ }
+ return %iphost;
+ #
+ # Given a DNS returns the loncapa host name for that DNS
+ #
+ sub host_from_dns {
+ my ($dns) = @_;
+ my @hosts;
+ my $ip;
+ if (exists($name_to_ip{$dns})) {
+ $ip = $name_to_ip{$dns};
+ }
+ if (!$ip) {
+ $ip = gethostbyname($dns); # Initial translation to IP is in net order.
+ if (length($ip) == 4) {
+ $ip = &IO::Socket::inet_ntoa($ip);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ip) {
+ @hosts = get_hosts_from_ip($ip);
+ return $hosts[0];
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ sub get_internet_names {
+ my ($lonid) = @_;
+ return if ($lonid eq '');
+ my ($idnref,$cached)=
+ &is_cached_new('internetnames',$lonid);
+ if ($cached) {
+ return $idnref;
+ }
+ my $ip = &get_host_ip($lonid);
+ my @hosts = &get_hosts_from_ip($ip);
+ my %iphost = &get_iphost();
+ my (@idns,%seen);
+ foreach my $id (@hosts) {
+ my $dom = &host_domain($id);
+ my $prim_id = &domain($dom,'primary');
+ my $prim_ip = &get_host_ip($prim_id);
+ next if ($seen{$prim_ip});
+ if (ref($iphost{$prim_ip}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $id (@{$iphost{$prim_ip}}) {
+ my $intdom = &internet_dom($id);
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$intdom\E$/,@idns)) {
+ push(@idns,$intdom);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $seen{$prim_ip} = 1;
+ }
+ return &do_cache_new('internetnames',$lonid,\@idns,12*60*60);
+ }
+sub all_loncaparevs {
+ return qw(1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11);
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Read loncaparev table
+ sub load_loncaparevs {
+ if (-e "$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/loncaparevs.tab") {
+ if (open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/loncaparevs.tab")) {
+ while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+ chomp($configline);
+ my ($hostid,$loncaparev)=split(/:/,$configline);
+ $loncaparevs{$hostid}=$loncaparev;
+ }
+ close($config);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Read serverhostID table
+ sub load_serverhomeIDs {
+ if (-e "$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/serverhomeIDs.tab") {
+ if (open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/serverhomeIDs.tab")) {
+ while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+ chomp($configline);
+ my ($name,$id)=split(/:/,$configline);
+ $serverhomeIDs{$name}=$id;
+ }
+ close($config);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# ----------------------------------- Read loncapa.conf and loncapa_apache.conf
+ unless ($readit) {
+ my $configvars = LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
+ %perlvar = (%perlvar,%{$configvars});
# ------------------------------------------------------ Read spare server file
- my $config=Apache::File->new("$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/spare.tab");
+ open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/spare.tab");
while (my $configline=<$config>) {
- if (($configline) && ($configline ne $perlvar{'lonHostID'})) {
- $spareid{$configline}=1;
+ if ($configline) {
+ my ($host,$type) = split(':',$configline,2);
+ if (!defined($type) || $type eq '') { $type = 'default' };
+ push(@{ $spareid{$type} }, $host);
+ close($config);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Read permissions
+ open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/roles.tab");
+ while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+ chomp($configline);
+ if ($configline) {
+ my ($role,$perm)=split(/ /,$configline);
+ if ($perm ne '') { $pr{$role}=$perm; }
+ }
+ }
+ close($config);
+# -------------------------------------------- Read plain texts for permissions
+ open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/rolesplain.tab");
+ while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+ chomp($configline);
+ if ($configline) {
+ my ($short,@plain)=split(/:/,$configline);
+ %{$prp{$short}} = ();
+ if (@plain > 0) {
+ $prp{$short}{'std'} = $plain[0];
+ for (my $i=1; $i<@plain; $i++) {
+ $prp{$short}{'alt'.$i} = $plain[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($config);
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Read package table
+ open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/packages.tab");
+ while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+ if ($configline !~ /\S/ || $configline=~/^#/) { next; }
+ chomp($configline);
+ my ($short,$plain)=split(/:/,$configline);
+ my ($pack,$name)=split(/\&/,$short);
+ if ($plain ne '') {
+ $packagetab{$pack.'&'.$name.'&name'}=$name;
+ $packagetab{$short}=$plain;
+ }
+ }
+ close($config);
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Read loncaparev table
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Read serverhostID table
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Read releaseslist XML
+ my $file = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/releaseslist.xml';
+ if (-e $file) {
+ my $parser = HTML::LCParser->new($file);
+ while (my $token = $parser->get_token()) {
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ my $item = $token->[1];
+ my $name = $token->[2]{'name'};
+ my $value = $token->[2]{'value'};
+ my $valuematch = $token->[2]{'valuematch'};
+ my $namematch = $token->[2]{'namematch'};
+ if ($item eq 'parameter') {
+ if (($namematch ne '') || (($name ne '') && ($value ne '' || $valuematch ne ''))) {
+ my $release = $parser->get_text();
+ $release =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$ )//gx;
+ $needsrelease{$item.':'.$name.':'.$value.':'.$valuematch.':'.$namematch} = $release;
+ }
+ } elsif ($item ne '' && $name ne '') {
+ my $release = $parser->get_text();
+ $release =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$ )//gx;
+ $needsrelease{$item.':'.$name.':'.$value} = $release;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Read managers table
+ if (-e "$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/managers.tab") {
+ if (open(my $config,"<","$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/managers.tab")) {
+ while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+ chomp($configline);
+ next if ($configline =~ /^\#/);
+ if (($configline =~ /^[\w\-]+$/) || ($configline =~ /^[\w\-]+\:[\w\-]+$/)) {
+ $managerstab{$configline} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($config);
+ }
+ }
+# ------------- set up temporary directory
+ $tmpdir = LONCAPA::tempdir();
+# ------------- set default texengine (domain default overrides this)
+ $deftex = LONCAPA::texengine();
+# ------------- set default minimum length for passwords for internal auth users
+ $passwdmin = LONCAPA::passwd_min();
-&logthis('Read configuration');
+$memcache=new Cache::Memcached({'servers' => [''],
+ 'compress_threshold'=> 20_000,
+ });
+&logthis('INFO: Read configuration');
+ {
+ use integer;
+ my $test=(2**32)+1;
+ if ($test != 0) { $_64bit=1; } else { $_64bit=0; }
+ &logthis(" Detected 64bit platform ($_64bit)");
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Apache::lonnet - Subroutines to ask questions about things in the network.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Invoked by other LON-CAPA modules, when they need to talk to or about objects in the network.
+Common parameters:
+=over 4
+=item *
+$uname : an internal username (if $cname expecting a course Id specifically)
+=item *
+$udom : a domain (if $cdom expecting a course's domain specifically)
+=item *
+$symb : a resource instance identifier
+=item *
+$namespace : the name of a .db file that contains the data needed or
+being set.
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+lonnet provides subroutines which interact with the
+lonc/lond (TCP) network layer of LON-CAPA. They can be used to ask
+about classes, users, and resources.
+For many of these objects you can also use this to store data about
+them or modify them in various ways.
+=head2 Symbs
+To identify a specific instance of a resource, LON-CAPA uses symbols
+or "symbs"X. These identifiers are built from the URL of the
+map, the resource number of the resource in the map, and the URL of
+the resource itself. The latter is somewhat redundant, but might help
+if maps change.
+An example is
+ msu/korte/parts/part1.sequence___19___msu/korte/tests/part12.problem
+The respective map entry is
+Symbs are used by the random number generator, as well as to store and
+restore data specific to a certain instance of for example a problem.
+=head2 Storing And Retrieving Data
+XXXThree of the most important functions
+in C are C<&Apache::lonnet::cstore()>,
+C<&Apache::lonnet:restore()>, and C<&Apache::lonnet::store()>, which
+is is the non-critical message twin of cstore. These functions are for
+handlers to store a perl hash to a user's permanent data space in an
+easy manner, and to retrieve it again on another call. It is expected
+that a handler would use this once at the beginning to retrieve data,
+and then again once at the end to send only the new data back.
+The data is stored in the user's data directory on the user's
+homeserver under the ID of the course.
+The hash that is returned by restore will have all of the previous
+value for all of the elements of the hash.
+ #creating a hash
+ my %hash;
+ $hash{'foo'}='bar';
+ #storing it
+ &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%hash);
+ #changing a value
+ $hash{'foo'}='notbar';
+ #adding a new value
+ $hash{'bar'}='foo';
+ &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%hash);
+ #retrieving the hash
+ my %history=&Apache::lonnet::restore();
+ #print the hash
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%history))) {
+ print("\%history{$key} = $history{$key}");
+ }
+Will print out:
+ %history{1:foo} = bar
+ %history{1:keys} = foo:timestamp
+ %history{1:timestamp} = 990455579
+ %history{2:bar} = foo
+ %history{2:foo} = notbar
+ %history{2:keys} = foo:bar:timestamp
+ %history{2:timestamp} = 990455580
+ %history{bar} = foo
+ %history{foo} = notbar
+ %history{timestamp} = 990455580
+ %history{version} = 2
+Note that the special hash entries C, C and
+C were added to the hash. C will be equal to the
+total number of versions of the data that have been stored. The
+C attribute will be the UNIX time the hash was
+stored. C is available in every historical section to list which
+keys were added or changed at a specific historical revision of a
+B: do not store the hash that restore returns directly. This
+will cause a mess since it will restore the historical keys as if the
+were new keys. I.E. 1:foo will become 1:1:foo etc.
+Calling convention:
+ my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$courseid,$domain,$uname);
+ &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%newrecord,$symb,$courseid,$domain,$uname,$laststore);
+For more detailed information, see lonnet specific documentation.
+=over 4
+=item * B: unable to contact remote host
+=item * B: unable to contact remote host, message will be delivered
+when the connection is brought back up
+=item * B: unable to contact remote host and unable to save message
+for later delivery
+=item * B: an error a occurred, a description of the error follows the :
+=item * B: unable to fund a host associated with the user/domain
+that was requested
+=head2 Session Environment Functions
+=over 4
+=item *
+B: the value of %{$hashref} is written to
+the user envirnoment file, and will be restored for each access this
+user makes during this session, also modifies the %env for the current
+process. Optional rolesarrayref - if defined contains a reference to an array
+of roles which are exempt from the restriction on modifying user.role entries
+in the user's environment.db and in %env.
+=item *
+B: removes all items from the session
+environment file that begin with $delthis. If the
+optional second arg - $regexp - is true, $delthis is treated as a
+regular expression, otherwise \Q$delthis\E is used.
+The values are also deleted from the current processes %env.
+=item * get_env_multiple($name)
+gets $name from the %env hash, it seemlessly handles the cases where multiple
+values may be defined and end up as an array ref.
+returns an array of values
+=head2 User Information
+=over 4
+=item *
+B: try to determine user's current
+authentication scheme
+=item *
+B: try to
+authenticate user from domain's lib servers (first use the current
+one). C<$upass> should be the users password.
+$checkdefauth is optional (value is 1 if a check should be made to
+ authenticate user using default authentication method, and allow
+ account creation if username does not have account in the domain).
+$clientcancheckhost is optional (value is 1 if checking whether the
+ server can host will occur on the client side in lonauth.pm).
+=item *
+B: find the server which has
+the user's directory and files (there must be only one), this caches
+the answer, and also caches if there is a borken connection.
+=item *
+B: find the usernames behind either
+a list of student/employee IDs or clicker IDs
+(student/employee IDs are a unique resource in a domain, there must be
+only 1 ID per username, and only 1 username per ID in a specific domain).
+clickerIDs are not necessarily unique, as students might share clickers.
+(returns hash: id=>name,id=>name)
+=item *
+B: find the IDs behind a list of
+usernames (returns hash: name=>id,name=>id)
+=item *
+B: store away a list of
+names and associated student/employee IDs or clicker IDs.
+=item *
+B: delete unwanted
+student/employee ID or clicker ID username look-ups from domain.
+The homeserver ($uhome) and namespace ($namespace) are optional.
+If no $uhome is provided, it will be determined usig &homeserver()
+for each user. If no $namespace is provided, the default is ids.
+=item *
+B: update
+clicker ID-to-username look-ups in clickers.db on library server.
+Permitted actions are add or del (i.e., add or delete). The
+clickers.db contains clickerID as keys (escaped), and each corresponding
+value is an escaped comma-separated list of usernames (for whom the
+library server is the homeserver), who registered that particular ID.
+If $critical is true, the update will be sent via &critical, otherwise
+&reply() will be used.
+=item *
+B: get user privileges.
+returns user role, first access and timer interval hashes
+=item *
+B: returns a true if user has a
+privileged and active role (i.e. su or dc), false otherwise.
+=item *
+B: finds the section of student in the
+course $cname, return section name/number or '' for "not in course"
+and '-1' for "no section"
+=item *
+B: gets the values of the keys
+passed in @what from the requested user's environment, returns a hash
+=item *
+B: retrieves data from a user's
+activity.log file. %filters defines filters applied when parsing the
+log file. These can be start or end timestamps, or the type of action
+- log to look for Login or Logout events, check for Checkin or
+Checkout, role for role selection. The response is in the form
+timestamp1:hostid1:event1×tamp2:hostid2:event2 where events are
+escaped strings of the action recorded in the activity.log file.
+=head2 User Roles
+=over 4
+=item *
+allowed($priv,$uri,$symb,$role,$clientip,$noblockcheck) : check for a user privilege;
+returns codes for allowed actions.
+The first argument is required, all others are optional.
+$priv is the privilege being checked.
+$uri contains additional information about what is being checked for access (e.g.,
+URL, course ID etc.).
+$symb is the unique resource instance identifier in a course; if needed,
+but not provided, it will be retrieved via a call to &symbread().
+$role is the role for which a priv is being checked (only used if priv is evb).
+$clientip is the user's IP address (only used when checking for access to portfolio
+$noblockcheck, if true, skips calls to &has_comm_blocking() for the bre priv. This
+prevents recursive calls to &allowed.
+ F: full access
+ U,I,K: authentication modes (cxx only)
+ '': forbidden
+ 1: user needs to choose course
+ 2: browse allowed
+ A: passphrase authentication needed
+ B: access temporarily blocked because of a blocking event in a course.
+ D: access blocked because access is required via session initiated via deep-link
+=item *
+constructaccess($url,$setpriv) : check for access to construction space URL
+See if the owner domain and name in the URL match those in the
+expected environment. If so, return three element list
+Otherwise return the null string.
+If second argument 'setpriv' is true, it assigns the privileges,
+and returns the same three element list, unless the owner has
+blocked "ad hoc" Domain Coordinator access to the Author Space,
+in which case the null string is returned.
+=item *
+definerole($rolename,$sysrole,$domrole,$courole,$uname,$udom) : define role;
+define a custom role rolename set privileges in format of lonTabs/roles.tab
+for system, domain, and course level. $uname and $udom are optional (current
+user's username and domain will be used when either of $uname or $udom are absent.
+=item *
+plaintext($short,$type,$cid,$forcedefault) : return value in %prp hash
+(rolesplain.tab); plain text explanation of a user role term.
+$type is Course (default) or Community.
+If $forcedefault evaluates to true, text returned will be default
+text for $type. Otherwise, if this is a course, the text returned
+will be a custom name for the role (if defined in the course's
+environment). If no custom name is defined the default is returned.
+=item *
+get_my_roles($uname,$udom,$context,$types,$roles,$roledoms,$withsec,$hidepriv) :
+All arguments are optional. Returns a hash of a roles, either for
+co-author/assistant author roles for a user's Construction Space
+(default), or if $context is 'userroles', roles for the user himself,
+In the hash, keys are set to colon-separated $uname,$udom,$role, and
+(optionally) if $withsec is true, a fourth colon-separated item - $section.
+For each key, value is set to colon-separated start and end times for
+the role. If no username and domain are specified, will default to
+current user/domain. Types, roles, and roledoms are references to arrays
+of role statuses (active, future or previous), roles
+(e.g., cc,in, st etc.) and domains of the roles which can be used
+to restrict the list of roles reported. If no array ref is
+provided for types, will default to return only active roles.
+=item *
+in_course($udom,$uname,$cdom,$cnum,$type,$hideprivileged) : determine if
+user: $uname:$udom has a role in the course: $cdom_$cnum.
+Additional optional arguments are: $type (if role checking is to be restricted
+to certain user status types -- previous (expired roles), active (currently
+available roles) or future (roles available in the future), and
+$hideprivileged -- if true will not report course roles for users who
+have active Domain Coordinator role in course's domain or in additional
+domains (specified in 'Domains to check for privileged users' in course
+environment -- set via: Course Settings -> Classlists and staff listing).
+=item *
+privileged($username,$domain,$possdomains,$possroles) : returns 1 if user
+$username:$domain is a privileged user (e.g., Domain Coordinator or Super User)
+$possdomains and $possroles are optional array refs -- to domains to check and
+roles to check. If $possdomains is not specified, a dump will be done of the
+users' roles.db to check for a dc or su role in any domain. This can be
+time consuming if &privileged is called repeatedly (e.g., when displaying a
+classlist), so in such cases, supplying a $possdomains array is preferred, as
+this then allows &privileged_by_domain() to be used, which caches the identity
+of privileged users, eliminating the need for repeated calls to &dump().
+=item *
+privileged_by_domain($possdomains,$roles) : returns a hash of a hash of a hash,
+where the outer hash keys are domains specified in the $possdomains array ref,
+next inner hash keys are privileged roles specified in the $roles array ref,
+and the innermost hash contains key = value pairs for username:domain = end:start
+for active or future "privileged" users with that role in that domain. To avoid
+repeated dumps of domain roles -- via &get_domain_roles() -- contents of the
+innerhash are cached using priv_$role and $dom as the identifiers.
+=head2 User Modification
+=over 4
+=item *
+assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$end,$start,$deleteflag,$selfenroll,$context) : assign role; give a role to a
+user for the level given by URL. Optional start and end dates (leave empty
+string or zero for "no date")
+=item *
+changepass($uname,$udom,$currentpass,$newpass,$server) : attempts to
+change a users, password, possible return values are: ok,
+pwchange_failure, non_authorized, auth_mode_error, unknown_user,
+=item *
+modifyuserauth($udom,$uname,$umode,$upass) : modify user authentication
+=item *
+modifyuser($udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,$first,$middle,$last, $gene,
+ $forceid,$desiredhome,$email,$inststatus,$candelete) :
+will update user information (firstname,middlename,lastname,generation,
+permanentemail), and if forceid is true, student/employee ID also.
+A user's institutional affiliation(s) can also be updated.
+User information fields will not be overwritten with empty entries
+unless the field is included in the $candelete array reference.
+This array is included when a single user is modified via "Manage Users",
+or when Autoupdate.pl is run by cron in a domain.
+=item *
+modify a student's enrollment and identification information.
+The course id is resolved based on the current user's environment.
+This means the invoking user must be a course coordinator or otherwise
+associated with a course.
+This call is essentially a wrapper for lonnet::modifyuser and
+=over 4
+=item B<$udom> Student's loncapa domain
+=item B<$uname> Student's loncapa login name
+=item B<$uid> Student/Employee ID
+=item B<$umode> Student's authentication mode
+=item B<$upass> Student's password
+=item B<$first> Student's first name
+=item B<$middle> Student's middle name
+=item B<$last> Student's last name
+=item B<$gene> Student's generation
+=item B<$usec> Student's section in course
+=item B<$end> Unix time of the roles expiration
+=item B<$start> Unix time of the roles start date
+=item B<$forceid> If defined, allow $uid to be changed
+=item B<$desiredhome> server to use as home server for student
+=item B<$email> Student's permanent e-mail address
+=item B<$type> Type of enrollment (auto or manual)
+=item B<$locktype> boolean - enrollment type locked to prevent Autoenroll.pl changing manual to auto
+=item B<$cid> courseID - needed if a course role is assigned by a user whose current role is DC
+=item B<$selfenroll> boolean - 1 if user role change occurred via self-enrollment
+=item B<$context> role change context (shown in User Management Logs display in a course)
+=item B<$inststatus> institutional status of user - : separated string of escaped status types
+=item B<$credits> Number of credits student will earn from this class - only needs to be supplied if value needs to be different from default credits for class.
+=item *
+Change a student's enrollment status in a class. The environment variable
+'role.request.course' must be defined for this function to proceed.
+=over 4
+=item $udom, student's domain
+=item $uname, student's name
+=item $uid, student's user id
+=item $first, student's first name
+=item $middle
+=item $last
+=item $gene
+=item $usec
+=item $end
+=item $start
+=item $type
+=item $locktype
+=item $cid
+=item $selfenroll
+=item $context
+=item $credits, number of credits student will earn from this class
+=item $instsec, institutional course section code for student
+=item *
+assigncustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$end,$start) : assign
+custom role; give a custom role to a user for the level given by URL. Specify
+name and domain of role author, and role name
+=item *
+revokerole($udom,$uname,$url,$role) : revoke a role for url
+=item *
+revokecustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role) : revoke a custom role
+=head2 Course Infomation
+=over 4
+=item *
+coursedescription($courseid,$options) : returns a hash of information about the
+specified course id, including all environment settings for the
+course, the description of the course will be in the hash under the
+key 'description'
+$options is an optional parameter that if supplied is a hash reference that controls
+what how this function works. It has the following key/values:
+=over 4
+=item freshen_cache
+If defined, and the environment cache for the course is valid, it is
+returned in the returned hash.
+=item one_time
+If defined, the last cache time is set to _now_
+=item user
+If defined, the supplied username is used instead of the current user.
+=item *
+resdata($name,$domain,$type,@which) : request for current parameter
+setting for a specific $type, where $type is either 'course' or 'user',
+@what should be a list of parameters to ask about. This routine caches
+answers for 10 minutes.
+=item *
+get_courseresdata($courseid, $domain) : dump the entire course resource
+data base, returning a hash that is keyed by the resource name and has
+values that are the resource value. I believe that the timestamps and
+versions are also returned.
+=head2 Course Modification
+=over 4
+=item *
+writecoursepref($courseid,%prefs) : write preferences (environment
+database) for a course
+=item *
+createcourse($udom,$description,$url,$course_server,$nonstandard,$inst_code,$course_owner,$crstype,$cnum) : make course
+=item *
+generate_coursenum($udom,$crstype) : get a unique (unused) course number in domain $udom for course type $crstype (Course or Community).
+=item *
+is_course($courseid), is_course($cdom, $cnum)
+Accepts either a combined $courseid (in the form of domain_courseid) or the
+two component version $cdom, $cnum. It checks if the specified course exists.
+ undef if the course doesn't exist, otherwise
+ in scalar context the combined courseid.
+ in list context the two components of the course identifier, domain and
+ courseid.
+=head2 Bubblesheet Configuration
+=over 4
+=item *
+$which - the name of the configuration to parse from the file.
+Parses and returns the bubblesheet configuration line selected as a
+hash of configuration file fields.
+ If the named configuration is not in the file, an empty
+ hash is returned.
+ a hash with the fields
+ name - internal name for the this configuration setup
+ description - text to display to operator that describes this config
+ CODElocation - if 0 or the string 'none'
+ - no CODE exists for this config
+ if -1 || the string 'letter'
+ - a CODE exists for this config and is
+ a string of letters
+ Unsupported value (but planned for future support)
+ if a positive integer
+ - The CODE exists as the first n items from
+ the question section of the form
+ if the string 'number'
+ - The CODE exists for this config and is
+ a string of numbers
+ CODEstart - (only matter if a CODE exists) column in the line where
+ the CODE starts
+ CODElength - length of the CODE
+ IDstart - column where the student/employee ID starts
+ IDlength - length of the student/employee ID info
+ Qstart - column where the information from the bubbled
+ 'questions' start
+ Qlength - number of columns comprising a single bubble line from
+ the sheet. (usually either 1 or 10)
+ Qon - either a single character representing the character used
+ to signal a bubble was chosen in the positional setup, or
+ the string 'letter' if the letter of the chosen bubble is
+ in the final, or 'number' if a number representing the
+ chosen bubble is in the file (1->A 0->J)
+ Qoff - the character used to represent that a bubble was
+ left blank
+ PaperID - if the scanning process generates a unique number for each
+ sheet scanned the column that this ID number starts in
+ PaperIDlength - number of columns that comprise the unique ID number
+ for the sheet of paper
+ FirstName - column that the first name starts in
+ FirstNameLength - number of columns that the first name spans
+ LastName - column that the last name starts in
+ LastNameLength - number of columns that the last name spans
+ BubblesPerRow - number of bubbles available in each row used to
+ bubble an answer. (If not specified, 10 assumed).
+=item *
+$cdom - the course's domain (optional); if not supplied, uses
+domain for current $env{'request.course.id'}.
+Returns an array containing lines from the scantron format file for
+the domain of the course.
+If a url for a custom.tab file is listed in domain's configuration.db,
+lines are from this file.
+Otherwise, if a default.tab has been published in RES space by the
+domainconfig user, lines are from this file.
+Otherwise, fall back to getting lines from the legacy file on the
+local server: /home/httpd/lonTabs/default_scantronformat.tab
+=head2 Resource Subroutines
+=over 4
+=item *
+subscribe($fname) : subscribe to a resource, returns URL if possible (probably should use repcopy instead)
+=item *
+repcopy($filename) : subscribes to the requested file, and attempts to
+replicate from the owning library server, Might return
+'unavailable', 'not_found', 'forbidden', 'ok', or
+'bad_request', also attempts to grab the metadata for the
+resource. Expects the local filesystem pathname
+=head2 Resource Information
+=over 4
+=item *
+EXT($varname,$symb,$udom,$uname,$usection,$recurse,$cid) : evaluates
+and returns the value of a variety of different possible values,
+$varname should be a request string, and the other parameters can be
+used to specify who and what one is asking about. Ordinarily, $cid
+does not need to be specified, as it is retrived from
+$env{'request.course.id'}, but &Apache::lonnet::EXT() is called
+within lonuserstate::loadmap() when initializing a course, before
+$env{'request.course.id'} has been set, so it needs to be provided
+in that one case.
+Possible values for $varname are environment.lastname (or other item
+from the envirnment hash), user.name (or someother aspect about the
+user), resource.0.maxtries (or some other part and parameter of a
+=item *
+directcondval($number) : get current value of a condition; reads from a state
+=item *
+condval($condidx) : value of condition index based on state
+=item *
+metadata($uri,$what,$toolsymb,$liburi,$prefix,$depthcount) : request a
+resource's metadata, $what should be either a specific key, or either
+'keys' (to get a list of possible keys) or 'packages' to get a list of
+packages that this resource currently uses, the last 3 arguments are
+only used internally for recursive metadata.
+the toolsymb is only used where the uri is for an external tool (for which
+the uri as well as the symb are guaranteed to be unique).
+this function automatically caches all requests except any made recursively
+to retrieve a list of metadata keys for an imported library file ($liburi is
+=item *
+metadata_query($query,$custom,$customshow) : make a metadata query against the
+network of library servers; returns file handle of where SQL and regex results
+will be stored for query
+=item *
+symbread($filename,$donotrecurse,$ignorecachednull,$checkforblock,$possibles) :
+return symbolic list entry (all arguments optional).
+Args: filename is the filename (including path) for the file for which a symb
+is required; donotrecurse, if true will prevent calls to allowed() being made
+to check access status if more than one resource was found in the bighash
+(see rev. 1.249) to avoid an infinite loop if an ambiguous resource is part of
+a randompick); ignorecachednull, if true will prevent a symb of '' being
+returned if $env{$cache_str} is defined as ''; checkforblock if true will
+cause possible symbs to be checked to determine if they are subject to content
+blocking, if so they will not be included as possible symbs; possibles is a
+ref to a hash, which, as a side effect, will be populated with all possible
+symbs (content blocking not tested).
+returns the data handle
+=item *
+symbverify($symb,$thisfn,$encstate) : verifies that $symb actually exists
+and is a possible symb for the URL in $thisfn, and if is an encrypted
+resource that the user accessed using /enc/ returns a 1 on success, 0
+on failure, user must be in a course, as it assumes the existence of
+the course initial hash, and uses $env('request.course.id'}. The third
+arg is an optional reference to a scalar. If this arg is passed in the
+call to symbverify, it will be set to 1 if the symb has been set to be
+encrypted; otherwise it will be null.
+=item *
+symbclean($symb) : removes versions numbers from a symb, returns the
+cleaned symb
+=item *
+is_on_map($uri) : checks if the $uri is somewhere on the current
+course map, user must be in a course for it to work.
+=item *
+numval($salt) : return random seed value (addend for rndseed)
+=item *
+rndseed($symb,$courseid,$udom,$uname) : create a random sum; returns
+a random seed, all arguments are optional, if they aren't sent it uses the
+environment to derive them. Note: if symb isn't sent and it can't get one
+from &symbread it will use the current time as its return value
+=item *
+ireceipt($funame,$fudom,$fucourseid,$fusymb) : return unique,
+unfakeable, receipt
+=item *
+receipt() : API to ireceipt working off of env values; given out to users
+=item *
+countacc($url) : count the number of accesses to a given URL
+=item *
+checkout($symb,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid) : creates a record of a user having looked at an item, most likely printed out or otherwise using a resource
+=item *
+checkin($token) : updates that a resource has beeen returned (a hard copy version for instance) and returns the data that $token was Checkout with ($symb, $tuname, $tudom, and $tcrsid)
+=item *
+expirespread($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb) : set expire date for spreadsheet
+=item *
+devalidate($symb) : devalidate temporary spreadsheet calculations,
+forcing spreadsheet to reevaluate the resource scores next time.
+=item *
+can_edit_resource($file,$cnum,$cdom,$resurl,$symb,$group) : determine if current user can edit a particular resource,
+when viewing in course context.
+ input: six args -- filename (decluttered), course number, course domain,
+ url, symb (if registered) and group (if this is a
+ group item -- e.g., bulletin board, group page etc.).
+ output: array of five scalars --
+ $cfile -- url for file editing if editable on current server
+ $home -- homeserver of resource (i.e., for author if published,
+ or course if uploaded.).
+ $switchserver -- 1 if server switch will be needed.
+ $forceedit -- 1 if icon/link should be to go to edit mode
+ $forceview -- 1 if icon/link should be to go to view mode
+=item *
+Used in course context to determine if current file was uploaded to
+the course (i.e., would be found in /userfiles/docs on the course's
+ input: 3 args -- filename (decluttered), course number and course domain.
+ output: boolean -- 1 if file was uploaded.
+=head2 Storing/Retreiving Data
+=over 4
+=item *
+store($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname,$laststore) : stores hash
+permanently for this url; hashref needs to be given and should be a \%hashname;
+the remaining args aren't required and if they aren't passed or are '' they will
+be derived from the env (with the exception of $laststore, which is an
+optional arg used when a user's submission is stored in grading).
+$laststore is $version=$timestamp, where $version is the most recent version
+number retrieved for the corresponding $symb in the $namespace db file, and
+$timestamp is the timestamp for that transaction (UNIX time).
+$laststore is currently only passed when cstore() is called by
+=item *
+cstore($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname,$laststore) : same as store
+but uses critical subroutine
+=item *
+restore($symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : returns hash for this symb;
+all args are optional
+=item *
+dumpstore($namespace,$udom,$uname,$regexp,$range) :
+dumps the complete (or key matching regexp) namespace into a hash
+($udom, $uname, $regexp, $range are optional) for a namespace that is
+normally &store()ed into
+$range should be either an integer '100' (give me the first 100
+ matching records)
+ or be two integers sperated by a - with no spaces
+ '30-50' (give me the 30th through the 50th matching
+ records)
+=item *
+putstore($namespace,$symb,$version,$storehash,$udomain,$uname,$tolog) :
+replaces a &store() version of data with a replacement set of data
+for a particular resource in a namespace passed in the $storehash hash
+reference. If $tolog is true, the transaction is logged in the courselog
+with an action=PUTSTORE.
+=item *
+tmpstore($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : storage that
+works very similar to store/cstore, but all data is stored in a
+temporary location and can be reset using tmpreset, $storehash should
+be a hash reference, returns nothing on success
+=item *
+tmprestore($symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : storage that works very
+similar to restore, but all data is stored in a temporary location and
+can be reset using tmpreset. Returns a hash of values on success,
+error string otherwise.
+=item *
+tmpreset($symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : temporary storage reset,
+deltes all keys for $symb form the temporary storage hash.
+=item *
+get($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uname) : returns hash with keys from array
+reference filled in from namesp ($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+del($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uname) : deletes keys out of array from
+namesp ($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+dump($namespace,$udom,$uname,$regexp,$range) :
+dumps the complete (or key matching regexp) namespace into a hash
+($udom, $uname, $regexp, $range are optional)
+$range should be either an integer '100' (give me the first 100
+ matching records)
+ or be two integers sperated by a - with no spaces
+ '30-50' (give me the 30th through the 50th matching
+ records)
+=item *
+inc($namespace,$store,$udom,$uname) : increments $store in $namespace.
+$store can be a scalar, an array reference, or if the amount to be
+incremented is > 1, a hash reference.
+($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+put($namespace,$storehash,$udom,$uname) : stores hash in namesp
+($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+cput($namespace,$storehash,$udom,$uname) : critical put
+($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+newput($namespace,$storehash,$udom,$uname) :
+Attempts to store the items in the $storehash, but only if they don't
+currently exist, if this succeeds you can be certain that you have
+successfully created a new key value pair in the $namespace db.
+ $namespace: name of database to store values to
+ $storehash: hashref to store to the db
+ $udom: (optional) domain of user containing the db
+ $uname: (optional) name of user caontaining the db
+ 'ok' -> succeeded in storing all keys of $storehash
+ 'key_exists: ' -> failed to anything out of $storehash, as at
+ least already existed in the db (other
+ requested keys may also already exist)
+ 'error: ' -> unable to tie the DB or other error occurred
+ 'con_lost' -> unable to contact request server
+ 'refused' -> action was not allowed by remote machine
+=item *
+eget($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uname) : returns hash with keys from array
+reference filled in from namesp (encrypts the return communication)
+($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+log($udom,$name,$home,$message) : write to permanent log for user; use
+critical subroutine
+=item *
+get_dom($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uhome) : returns hash with keys from
+array reference filled in from namespace found in domain level on either
+specified domain server ($uhome) or primary domain server ($udom and $uhome are optional).
+=item *
+put_dom($namespace,$storehash,$udom,$uhome) : stores hash in namespace at
+domain level either on specified domain server ($uhome) or primary domain
+server ($udom and $uhome are optional)
+=item *
+get_domain_defaults($target_domain,$ignore_cache) : returns hash with defaults
+for: authentication, language, quotas, timezone, date locale, and portal URL in
+the target domain.
+May also include additional key => value pairs for the following groups:
+disk quotas (MB allocated by default to portfolios and authoring spaces).
+=item defaultquota, authorquota
+tools (availability of aboutme page, blog, webDAV access for authoring spaces,
+portfolio for users).
+aboutme, blog, webdav, portfolio
+requestcourses: ability to request courses, and how requests are processed.
+official, unofficial, community, textbook, placement
+inststatus: types of institutional affiliation, and order in which they are displayed.
+inststatustypes, inststatusorder, inststatusguest
+coursedefaults: can PDF forms can be created, default credits for courses, default quotas (MB)
+for course's uploaded content.
+canuse_pdfforms, officialcredits, unofficialcredits, textbookcredits, officialquota, unofficialquota,
+communityquota, textbookquota, placementquota
+usersessions: set options for hosting of your users in other domains, and hosting of users from other domains
+on your servers.
+remotesessions, hostedsessions
+In cases where a domain coordinator has never used the "Set Domain Configuration"
+utility to create a configuration.db file on a domain's primary library server
+only the following domain defaults: auth_def, auth_arg_def, lang_def
+-- corresponding values are authentication type (internal, krb4, krb5,
+or localauth), initial password or a kerberos realm, language (e.g., en-us) --
+will be available. Values are retrieved from cache (if current), unless the
+optional $ignore_cache arg is true, or from domain's configuration.db (if available),
+or lastly from values in lonTabs/dns_domain,tab, or lonTabs/domain.tab.
+Typical usage:
+%domdefaults = &get_domain_defaults($target_domain);
+=head2 Network Status Functions
+=over 4
+=item *
+dirlist() : return directory list based on URI (first arg).
+Inputs: 1 required, 5 optional.
+$uri - path to file in filesystem (starts: /res or /userfiles/). Required.
+$userdomain - domain of user/course to be listed. Extracted from $uri if absent.
+$username - username of user/course to be listed. Extracted from $uri if absent.
+$getpropath - boolean: 1 if prepend path using &propath().
+$getuserdir - boolean: 1 if prepend path for "userfiles".
+$alternateRoot - path to prepend in place of path from $uri.
+Returns: Array of up to two items.
+a reference to an array of files/subdirectories
+Each element in the array of files/subdirectories is a & separated list of
+item name and the result of running stat on the item. If dirlist was requested
+for a file instead of a directory, the item name will be ''. For a directory
+listing, if the item is a metadata file, the element will end &N&M
+(where N amd M are either 0 or 1, corresponding to obsolete set (1), or
+default copyright set (1).
+a scalar containing error condition (if encountered).
+no_host (no homeserver identified for $username:$domain).
+no_such_host (server contacted for listing not identified as valid host).
+con_lost (connection to remote server failed).
+refused (invalid $username:$domain received on lond side).
+no_such_dir (directory at specified path on lond side does not exist).
+empty (directory at specified path on lond side is empty).
+This is currently not encountered because the &ls3, &ls2,
+&ls (_handler) routines on the lond side do not filter out
+. and .. from a directory listing.
+=item *
+spareserver() : find server with least workload from spare.tab
+=item *
+host_from_dns($dns) : Returns the loncapa hostname corresponding to a DNS name or undef
+if there is no corresponding loncapa host.
+=head2 Apache Request
+=over 4
+=item *
+ssi($url,%hash) : server side include, does a complete request cycle on url to
+localhost, posts hash
+=head2 Data to String to Data
+=over 4
+=item *
+hash2str(%hash) : convert a hash into a string complete with escaping and '='
+and '&' separators, supports elements that are arrayrefs and hashrefs
+=item *
+hashref2str($hashref) : convert a hashref into a string complete with
+escaping and '=' and '&' separators, supports elements that are
+arrayrefs and hashrefs
+=item *
+arrayref2str($arrayref) : convert an arrayref into a string complete
+with escaping and '&' separators, supports elements that are arrayrefs
+and hashrefs
+=item *
+str2hash($string) : convert string to hash using unescaping and
+splitting on '=' and '&', supports elements that are arrayrefs and
+=item *
+str2array($string) : convert string to hash using unescaping and
+splitting on '&', supports elements that are arrayrefs and hashrefs
+=head2 Logging Routines
+These routines allow one to make log messages in the lonnet.log and
+lonnet.perm logfiles.
+=over 4
+=item *
+logtouch() : make sure the logfile, lonnet.log, exists
+=item *
+logthis() : append message to the normal lonnet.log file, it gets
+preiodically rolled over and deleted.
+=item *
+logperm() : append a permanent message to lonnet.perm.log, this log
+file never gets deleted by any automated portion of the system, only
+messages of critical importance should go in here.
+=head2 General File Helper Routines
+=over 4
+=item *
+getfile($file,$caller) : two cases - requests for files in /res or in /uploaded.
+(a) files in /uploaded
+ (i) If a local copy of the file exists -
+ compares modification date of local copy with last-modified date for
+ definitive version stored on home server for course. If local copy is
+ stale, requests a new version from the home server and stores it.
+ If the original has been removed from the home server, then local copy
+ is unlinked.
+ (ii) If local copy does not exist -
+ requests the file from the home server and stores it.
+ If $caller is 'uploadrep':
+ This indicates a call from lonuploadrep.pm (PerlHeaderParserHandler phase)
+ for request for files originally uploaded via DOCS.
+ - returns 'ok' if fresh local copy now available, -1 otherwise.
+ Otherwise:
+ This indicates a call from the content generation phase of the request.
+ - returns the entire contents of the file or -1.
+(b) files in /res
+ - returns the entire contents of a file or -1;
+ it properly subscribes to and replicates the file if neccessary.
+=item *
+stat_file($url) : $url is expected to be a /res/ or /uploaded/ style file
+ reference
+returns either a stat() list of data about the file or an empty list
+if the file doesn't exist or couldn't find out about it (connection
+problems or user unknown)
+=item *
+filelocation($dir,$file) : returns file system location of a file
+based on URI; meant to be "fairly clean" absolute reference, $dir is a
+directory that relative $file lookups are to looked in ($dir of /a/dir
+and a file of ../bob will become /a/bob)
+=item *
+hreflocation($dir,$file) : returns file system location or a URL; same as
+filelocation except for hrefs
+=item *
+declutter() : declutters URLs -- remove beginning slashes, 'res' etc.
+also removes beginning /home/httpd/html unless /priv/ follows it.
+=head2 Usererfile file routines (/uploaded*)
+=over 4
+=item *
+userfileupload(): main rotine for putting a file in a user or course's
+ filespace, arguments are,
+ formname - required - this is the name of the element in $env where the
+ filename, and the contents of the file to create/modifed exist
+ the filename is in $env{'form.'.$formname.'.filename'} and the
+ contents of the file is located in $env{'form.'.$formname}
+ context - if coursedoc, store the file in the course of the active role
+ of the current user;
+ if 'existingfile': store in 'overwrites' in /home/httpd/perl/tmp
+ if 'canceloverwrite': delete file in tmp/overwrites directory
+ subdir - required - subdirectory to put the file in under ../userfiles/
+ if undefined, it will be placed in "unknown"
+ (This routine calls clean_filename() to remove any dangerous
+ characters from the filename, and then calls finuserfileupload() to
+ complete the transaction)
+ returns either the url of the uploaded file (/uploaded/....) if successful
+ and /adm/notfound.html if unsuccessful
+=item *
+clean_filename(): routine for cleaing a filename up for storage in
+ userfile space, argument is:
+ filename - proposed filename
+returns: the new clean filename
+=item *
+finishuserfileupload(): routine that creates and sends the file to
+userspace, probably shouldn't be called directly
+ docuname: username or courseid of destination for the file
+ docudom: domain of user/course of destination for the file
+ formname: same as for userfileupload()
+ fname: filename (including subdirectories) for the file
+ parser: if 'parse', will parse (html) file to extract references to objects, links etc.
+ if hashref, and context is scantron, will convert csv format to standard format
+ allfiles: reference to hash used to store objects found by parser
+ codebase: reference to hash used for codebases of java objects found by parser
+ thumbwidth: width (pixels) of thumbnail to be created for uploaded image
+ thumbheight: height (pixels) of thumbnail to be created for uploaded image
+ resizewidth: width to be used to resize image using resizeImage from ImageMagick
+ resizeheight: height to be used to resize image using resizeImage from ImageMagick
+ context: if 'overwrite', will move the uploaded file from its temporary location to
+ userfiles to facilitate overwriting a previously uploaded file with same name.
+ mimetype: reference to scalar to accommodate mime type determined
+ from File::MMagic if $parser = parse.
+ returns either the url of the uploaded file (/uploaded/....) if successful
+ and /adm/notfound.html if unsuccessful (or an error message if context
+ was 'overwrite').
+=item *
+renameuserfile(): renames an existing userfile to a new name
+ Args:
+ docuname: username or courseid of destination for the file
+ docudom: domain of user/course of destination for the file
+ old: current file name (including any subdirs under userfiles)
+ new: desired file name (including any subdirs under userfiles)
+=item *
+mkdiruserfile(): creates a directory is a userfiles dir
+ Args:
+ docuname: username or courseid of destination for the file
+ docudom: domain of user/course of destination for the file
+ dir: dir to create (including any subdirs under userfiles)
+=item *
+removeuserfile(): removes a file that exists in userfiles
+ Args:
+ docuname: username or courseid of destination for the file
+ docudom: domain of user/course of destination for the file
+ fname: filname to delete (including any subdirs under userfiles)
+=item *
+removeuploadedurl(): convience function for removeuserfile()
+ Args:
+ url: a full /uploaded/... url to delete
+=item *
+ Args:
+ domain: domain of user or course contain the portfolio files
+ user: name of user or num of course contain the portfolio files
+ Returns:
+ hashref of a dump of the proper file_permissions.db
+=item *
+ current_permissions: the hash ref returned from get_portfile_permissions()
+ group: (optional) the group you want the files associated with
+ file: (optional) the file you want access info on
+ a hash (keys are file names) of hashes containing
+ keys are: path to file/file_name\0uniqueID:scope_end_start (see below)
+ values are XML containing access control settings (see below)
+Internal notes:
+ access controls are stored in file_permissions.db as key=value pairs.
+ key -> path to file/file_name\0uniqueID:scope_end_start
+ where scope -> public,guest,course,group,domains or users.
+ end -> UNIX time for end of access (0 -> no end date)
+ start -> UNIX time for start of access
+ value -> XML description of access control
+ (type =1 of: public,guest,course,group,domains,users">
+ for scope type = guest
+ for scope type = course or group
+ for scope type = domains
+ for scope type = users
+ Access data is also aggregated for each file in an additional key=value pair:
+ key -> path to file/file_name\0accesscontrol
+ value -> reference to hash
+ hash contains key = value pairs
+ where key = uniqueID:scope_end_start
+ value = UNIX time record was last updated
+ Used to improve speed of look-ups of access controls for each file.
+ Locks on files (resulting from submission of portfolio file to a homework problem stored in array of arrays.
+=item *
+Modifies access controls for a portfolio file
+1. file name
+2. reference to hash of required changes,
+3. domain
+4. username
+ where domain,username are the domain of the portfolio owner
+ (either a user or a course)
+1. result of additions or updates ('ok' or 'error', with error message).
+2. result of deletions ('ok' or 'error', with error message).
+3. reference to hash of any new or updated access controls.
+4. reference to hash used to map incoming IDs to uniqueIDs assigned to control.
+ key = integer (inbound ID)
+ value = uniqueID
+=item *
+Attempts to get a unique timestamp-based suffix for use with items added to a
+course via the Course Editor (e.g., folders, composite pages,
+group bulletin boards).
+Args: (first three required; six others optional)
+1. prefix (alphanumeric): of keys in hash, e.g., suppsequence, docspage,
+ docssequence, or name of group
+2. keyid (alphanumeric): name of temporary locking key in hash,
+ e.g., num, boardids
+3. namespace: name of gdbm file used to store suffixes already assigned;
+ file will be named nohist_namespace.db
+4. cdom: domain of course; default is current course domain from %env
+5. cnum: course number; default is current course number from %env
+6. idtype: set to concat if an additional digit is to be appended to the
+ unix timestamp to form the suffix, if the plain timestamp is already
+ in use. Default is to not do this, but simply increment the unix
+ timestamp by 1 until a unique key is obtained.
+7. who: holder of locking key; defaults to user:domain for user.
+8. locktries: number of attempts to obtain a lock (sleep of 1s before
+ retrying); default is 3.
+9. maxtries: number of attempts to obtain a unique suffix; default is 20.
+1. suffix obtained (numeric)
+2. result of deleting locking key (ok if deleted, or lock never obtained)
+3. error: contains (localized) error message if an error occurred.
+=head2 HTTP Helper Routines
+=over 4
+=item *
+escape() : unpack non-word characters into CGI-compatible hex codes
+=item *
+unescape() : pack CGI-compatible hex codes into actual non-word ASCII character
+=head2 Underlying communication routines (Shouldn't call)
+=over 4
+=item *
+subreply() : tries to pass a message to lonc, returns con_lost if incapable
+=item *
+reply() : uses subreply to send a message to remote machine, logs all failures
+=item *
+critical() : passes a critical message to another server; if cannot
+get through then place message in connection buffer directory and
+returns con_delayed, if incapable of saving message, returns
+=item *
+reconlonc() : tries to reconnect lonc client processes.
+=head2 Resource Access Logging
+=over 4
+=item *
+flushcourselogs() : flush (save) buffer logs and access logs
+=item *
+courselog($what) : save message for course in hash
+=item *
+courseacclog($what) : save message for course using &courselog(). Perform
+special processing for specific resource types (problems, exams, quizzes, etc).
+=item *
+goodbye() : flush course logs and log shutting down; it is called in srm.conf
+as a PerlChildExitHandler
+=head2 Other
+=over 4
+=item *
+symblist($mapname,%newhash) : update symbolic storage links