--- loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2002/05/21 13:06:07	1.229
+++ loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm	2002/08/02 21:11:55	1.260
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # TCP networking package
-# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.229 2002/05/21 13:06:07 stredwic Exp $
+# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.260 2002/08/02 21:11:55 ng Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ use Apache::File;
 use LWP::UserAgent();
 use HTTP::Headers;
 use vars 
-qw(%perlvar %hostname %homecache %badhomecache %hostip %spareid %hostdom 
+qw(%perlvar %hostname %homecache %badServerCache %hostip %spareid %hostdom 
    %libserv %pr %prp %metacache %packagetab 
    %courselogs %accesshash $processmarker $dumpcount 
-   %coursedombuf %coursehombuf %courseresdatacache);
+   %coursedombuf %coursehombuf %courseresdatacache %domaindescription);
 use IO::Socket;
 use GDBM_File;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
@@ -140,20 +140,20 @@ sub reply {
     unless (defined($hostname{$server})) { return 'no_such_host'; }
     my $answer=subreply($cmd,$server);
     if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
-       sleep 5; 
-       $answer=subreply($cmd,$server);
-       if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
-	   &logthis("Second attempt con_lost on $server");
-           my $peerfile="$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$server";
-           my $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer    =>"$peerfile",
-                                            Type    => SOCK_STREAM,
-                                            Timeout => 10)
-                      or return "con_lost";
-           &logthis("Killing socket");
-           print $client "close_connection_exit\n";
-           sleep 5;
-           $answer=subreply($cmd,$server);       
-       }   
+       #sleep 5; 
+       #$answer=subreply($cmd,$server);
+       #if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
+	#   &logthis("Second attempt con_lost on $server");
+        #   my $peerfile="$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$server";
+        #   my $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer    =>"$peerfile",
+        #                                    Type    => SOCK_STREAM,
+        #                                    Timeout => 10)
+        #              or return "con_lost";
+        #   &logthis("Killing socket");
+        #   print $client "close_connection_exit\n";
+           #sleep 5;
+        #   $answer=subreply($cmd,$server);       
+       #}   
     if (($answer=~/^refused/) || ($answer=~/^rejected/)) {
        &logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING:".
@@ -481,25 +481,23 @@ sub authenticate {
 # ---------------------- Find the homebase for a user from domain's lib servers
 sub homeserver {
-    my ($uname,$udom, $cacheBadFlag)=@_;
+    my ($uname,$udom,$ignoreBadCache)=@_;
     my $index="$uname:$udom";
     if ($homecache{$index}) { 
         return "$homecache{$index}"; 
     my $tryserver;
     foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
-        next if ($cacheBadFlag eq 'true' && 
-		 exists($badhomecache{$index}->{$tryserver}));
+        next if ($ignoreBadCache ne 'true' && 
+		 exists($badServerCache{$tryserver}));
 	if ($hostdom{$tryserver} eq $udom) {
            my $answer=reply("home:$udom:$uname",$tryserver);
            if ($answer eq 'found') { 
               return $tryserver; 
-           } else {
-	       $badhomecache{$index}->{$tryserver}=1;
+           } elsif ($answer eq 'no_host') {
+	       $badServerCache{$tryserver}=1;
-       } else {
-           $badhomecache{$index}->{$tryserver}=1;
     return 'no_host';
@@ -710,6 +708,70 @@ sub ssi {
     return $response->content;
+# ------- Add a token to a remote URI's query string to vouch for access rights
+sub tokenwrapper {
+    my $uri=shift;
+    $uri=~s/^http\:\/\/([^\/]+)//;
+    $uri=~s/^\///;
+    $ENV{'user.environment'}=~/\/([^\/]+)\.id/;
+    my $token=$1;
+    if ($uri=~/^uploaded\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)(\?\.*)*$/) {
+	&appenv('userfile.'.$1.'/'.$2.'/'.$3 => $ENV{'request.course.id'});
+        return 'http://'.$hostname{ &homeserver($2,$1)}.'/'.$uri.
+               (($uri=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'token='.$token;
+    } else {
+	return '/adm/notfound.html';
+    }
+# --------------- Take an uploaded file and put it into the userfiles directory
+# input: name of form element, coursedoc=1 means this is for the course
+# output: url of file in userspace
+sub userfileupload {
+    my ($formname,$coursedoc)=@_;
+    my $fname=$ENV{'form.'.$formname.'.filename'};
+    $fname=~s/\\/\//g;
+    $fname=~s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/;
+    unless ($fname) { return 'error: no uploaded file'; }
+    chop($ENV{'form.'.$formname});
+# Create the directory if not present
+    my $docuname='';
+    my $docudom='';
+    my $docuhome='';
+    if ($coursedoc) {
+	$docuname=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+	$docudom=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+	$docuhome=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
+    } else {
+        $docuname=$ENV{'user.name'};
+        $docudom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+        $docuhome=$ENV{'user.home'};
+    }
+    my $path=$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/';
+    my $filepath=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+    my @parts=split(/\//,$filepath.'/userfiles/'.$path);
+    my $count;
+    for ($count=4;$count<=$#parts;$count++) {
+        $filepath.="/$parts[$count]";
+        if ((-e $filepath)!=1) {
+	    mkdir($filepath,0777);
+        }
+    }
+# Save the file
+    {
+       my $fh=Apache::File->new('>'.$filepath.'/'.$fname);
+       print $fh $ENV{'form.'.$formname};
+    }
+# Notify homeserver to grep it
+# FIXME - this still needs to happen
+# Return the URL to it
+    return '/uploaded/'.$path.$fname;    
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log
 sub log {
@@ -801,6 +863,7 @@ sub checkout {
     my $now=time;
     my $lonhost=$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
     my $infostr=&escape(
+                 'CHECKOUTTOKEN&'.
@@ -850,7 +913,7 @@ sub checkin {
     my $dtoken=$ta.'_'.$hostip{$lonhost}.'_'.$tb;
-    my ($tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid,$symb,$chtim,$rmaddr)=
+    my ($dummy,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid,$symb,$chtim,$rmaddr)=
     unless (($tuname) && ($tudom)) {
@@ -1034,7 +1097,7 @@ sub tmpreset {
   my %hash;
   if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',
-	  &GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+	  &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
     foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
       if ($key=~ /:$symb/) {
@@ -1070,7 +1133,7 @@ sub tmpstore {
   my $path=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp';
   if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',
-	  &GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+	  &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
     my $version=$hash{"version:$symb"};
     my $allkeys=''; 
@@ -1114,7 +1177,7 @@ sub tmprestore {
   my $path=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp';
   if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',
-	  &GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+	  &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
     my $version=$hash{"version:$symb"};
     my $scope;
@@ -1502,7 +1565,21 @@ sub allowed {
 # Free bre to public access
     if ($priv eq 'bre') {
-	if (&metadata($uri,'copyright') eq 'public') { return 'F'; }
+        my $copyright=&metadata($uri,'copyright');
+	if ($copyright eq 'public') { return 'F'; }
+        if ($copyright eq 'priv') {
+            $uri=~/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\//;
+	    unless (($ENV{'user.name'} eq $2) && ($ENV{'user.domain'} eq $1)) {
+		return '';
+            }
+        }
+        if ($copyright eq 'domain') {
+            $uri=~/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\//;
+	    unless (($ENV{'user.domain'} eq $1) ||
+                 ($ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $1)) {
+		return '';
+            }
+        }
     my $thisallowed='';
@@ -1550,19 +1627,16 @@ sub allowed {
 # the course
     if ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
        if ($ENV{'request.course.sec'}) {
        my $checkreferer=1;
-       my @uriparts=split(/\//,$uri);
-       my $filename=$uriparts[$#uriparts];
-       my $pathname=$uri;
-       $pathname=~s/\/$filename$//;
-       if ($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$pathname}=~
-           /\&$filename\:([\d\|]+)\&/) {
-           $statecond=$1;
+       my ($match,$cond)=&is_on_map($uri);
+       if ($match) {
+           $statecond=$cond;
            if ($ENV{'user.priv.'.$ENV{'request.role'}.'./'.$courseprivid}
                =~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) {
@@ -1572,7 +1646,6 @@ sub allowed {
        if ($checkreferer) {
 	  my $refuri=$ENV{'httpref.'.$orguri};
             unless ($refuri) {
                 foreach (keys %ENV) {
 		    if ($_=~/^httpref\..*\*/) {
@@ -1586,15 +1659,12 @@ sub allowed {
          if ($refuri) { 
-          my @uriparts=split(/\//,$refuri);
-          my $filename=$uriparts[$#uriparts];
-          my $pathname=$refuri;
-          $pathname=~s/\/$filename$//;
-            if ($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$pathname}=~
-              /\&$filename\:([\d\|]+)\&/) {
-              my $refstatecond=$1;
+          my ($match,$cond)=&is_on_map($refuri);
+            if ($match) {
+              my $refstatecond=$cond;
               if ($ENV{'user.priv.'.$ENV{'request.role'}.'./'.$courseprivid}
                   =~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) {
@@ -1653,7 +1723,7 @@ sub allowed {
                 || ($ENV{$prefix.'res.'.$uri.'.lock.sections'} eq 'all')) {
 		   if ($ENV{$prefix.'res.'.$uri.'.lock.expire'}>time) {
-                            $ENV{'user.host'},
+                            $ENV{'user.home'},
                             'Locked by res: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' due to '.
                             $cdom.'/'.$cnum.'/'.$csec.' expire '.
@@ -1664,7 +1734,7 @@ sub allowed {
                 || ($ENV{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.sections'} eq 'all')) {
 		   if ($ENV{'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.expire'}>time) {
-                            $ENV{'user.host'},
+                            $ENV{'user.home'},
                             'Locked by priv: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' due to '.
                             $cdom.'/'.$cnum.'/'.$csec.' expire '.
@@ -1692,6 +1762,7 @@ sub allowed {
    if ($thisallowed=~/C/) {
        my $rolecode=(split(/\./,$ENV{'request.role'}))[0];
+       my $unamedom=$ENV{'user.name'}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'};
        if ($ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$priv.'.roles.denied'}
 	   =~/$rolecode/) {
@@ -1699,6 +1770,14 @@ sub allowed {
            return '';
+       if ($ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$priv.'.users.denied'}
+	   =~/$unamedom/) {
+           &log($ENV{'user.domain'},$ENV{'user.name'},$ENV{'user.host'},
+                'Denied by user: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' as '.$unamedom.' in '.
+                $ENV{'request.course.id'});
+           return '';
+       }
 # Resource preferences
@@ -1722,9 +1801,15 @@ sub allowed {
-# Restricted by state?
+# Restricted by state or randomout?
    if ($thisallowed=~/X/) {
+      if ($ENV{'acc.randomout'}) {
+         my $symb=&symbread($uri,1);
+         if (($symb) && ($ENV{'acc.randomout'}=~/\&$symb\&/)) { 
+            return ''; 
+         }
+      }
       if (&condval($statecond)) {
 	 return '2';
       } else {
@@ -1735,6 +1820,23 @@ sub allowed {
    return 'F';
+# --------------------------------------------------- Is a resource on the map?
+sub is_on_map {
+    my $uri=&declutter(shift);
+    my @uriparts=split(/\//,$uri);
+    my $filename=$uriparts[$#uriparts];
+    my $pathname=$uri;
+    $pathname=~s/\/$filename$//;
+    my $match=($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$pathname}=~
+	       /\&$filename\:([\d\|]+)\&/);
+    if ($match) {
+       return (1,$1);
+   } else {
+       return (0,0);
+   }
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Define Role
 sub definerole {
@@ -1780,9 +1882,11 @@ sub definerole {
 # ---------------- Make a metadata query against the network of library servers
 sub metadata_query {
-    my ($query,$custom,$customshow)=@_;
+    my ($query,$custom,$customshow,$server_array)=@_;
     my %rhash;
-    for my $server (keys %libserv) {
+    my @server_list = (defined($server_array) ? @$server_array
+                                              : keys(%libserv) );
+    for my $server (@server_list) {
 	unless ($custom or $customshow) {
 	    my $reply=&reply("querysend:".&escape($query),$server);
@@ -1797,6 +1901,64 @@ sub metadata_query {
     return \%rhash;
+# ----------------------------------------- Send log queries and wait for reply
+sub log_query {
+    my ($uname,$udom,$query,%filters)=@_;
+    my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+    if ($uhome eq 'no_host') { return 'error: no_host'; }
+    my $uhost=$hostname{$uhome};
+    my $command=&escape(join(':',map{$_.'='.$filters{$_}} keys %filters));
+    my $queryid=&reply("querysend:".$query.':'.$udom.':'.$uname.':'.$command,
+                       $uhome);
+    unless ($queryid=~/^$uhost\_/) { return 'error: '.$queryid; }
+    return get_query_reply($queryid);
+sub get_query_reply {
+    my $queryid=shift;
+    my $replyfile=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/'.$queryid;
+    my $reply='';
+    for (1..100) {
+	sleep 2;
+        if (-e $replyfile.'.end') {
+	    if (my $fh=Apache::File->new($replyfile)) {
+               $reply.=<$fh>;
+               $fh->close;
+	   } else { return 'error: reply_file_error'; }
+           return &unescape($reply);
+	}
+    }
+    return 'timeout:'.$queryid;
+sub courselog_query {
+# possible filters:
+# url: url or symb
+# username
+# domain
+# action: view, submit, grade
+# start: timestamp
+# end: timestamp
+    my (%filters)=@_;
+    unless ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return 'no_course'; }
+    if ($filters{'url'}) {
+	$filters{'url'}=&symbclean(&declutter($filters{'url'}));
+        $filters{'url'}=~s/\.(\w+)$/(\\.\\d+)*\\.$1/;
+        $filters{'url'}=~s/\.(\w+)\_\_\_/(\\.\\d+)*\\.$1/;
+    }
+    my $cname=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+    my $cdom=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+    return &log_query($cname,$cdom,'courselog',%filters);
+sub userlog_query {
+    my ($uname,$udom,%filters)=@_;
+    return &log_query($uname,$udom,'userlog',%filters);
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Plain Text
 sub plaintext {
@@ -1881,7 +2043,7 @@ sub modifyuser {
              (defined($desiredhome) ? ' desiredhome = '.$desiredhome :
                                      ' desiredhome not specified'). 
              ' by '.$ENV{'user.name'}.' at '.$ENV{'user.domain'});
-    my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+    my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Create User
     if (($uhome eq 'no_host') && ($umode) && ($upass)) {
         my $unhome='';
@@ -1911,7 +2073,7 @@ sub modifyuser {
 	unless ($reply eq 'ok') {
             return 'error: '.$reply;
-        $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+        $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
         if (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host') || ($uhome ne $unhome)) {
 	    return 'error: verify home';
@@ -2018,11 +2180,11 @@ sub createcourse {
    my $uname=substr($$.time,0,5).unpack("H8",pack("I32",time)).
 # ----------------------------------------------- Make sure that does not exist
-   my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+   my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
    unless (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
-       $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);       
+       $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');       
        unless (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
            return 'error: unable to generate unique course-ID';
@@ -2031,7 +2193,7 @@ sub createcourse {
     my $reply=&reply('encrypt:makeuser:'.$udom.':'.$uname.':none::',
     unless ($reply eq 'ok') { return 'error: '.$reply; }
-    $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
+    $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom,'true');
     if (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) { 
 	return 'error: no such course';
@@ -2068,51 +2230,74 @@ sub revokecustomrole {
 # ------------------------------------------------------------ Directory lister
 sub dirlist {
-    my $uri=shift;
+    my ($uri,$userdomain,$username,$alternateDirectoryRoot)=@_;
-    my ($res,$udom,$uname,@rest)=split(/\//,$uri);
-    if ($udom) {
-     if ($uname) {
-       my $listing=reply('ls:'.$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/'.$uri,
-                      homeserver($uname,$udom));
-       return split(/:/,$listing);
-     } else {
-       my $tryserver;
-       my %allusers=();
-       foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
-	  if ($hostdom{$tryserver} eq $udom) {
-             my $listing=reply('ls:'.$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$udom,
-			       $tryserver);
-             if (($listing ne 'no_such_dir') && ($listing ne 'empty')
-              && ($listing ne 'con_lost')) {
-                foreach (split(/:/,$listing)) {
-                  my ($entry,@stat)=split(/&/,$_);
-                  $allusers{$entry}=1;
+    my ($udom, $uname);
+    (undef,$udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$uri);
+    if(defined($userdomain)) {
+        $udom = $userdomain;
+    }
+    if(defined($username)) {
+        $uname = $username;
+    }
+    my $dirRoot = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+    if(defined($alternateDirectoryRoot)) {
+        $dirRoot = $alternateDirectoryRoot;
+        $dirRoot =~ s/\/$//;
+    }
+    if($udom) {
+        if($uname) {
+            my $listing=reply('ls:'.$dirRoot.'/'.$uri,
+                              homeserver($uname,$udom));
+            return split(/:/,$listing);
+        } elsif(!defined($alternateDirectoryRoot)) {
+            my $tryserver;
+            my %allusers=();
+            foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
+                if($hostdom{$tryserver} eq $udom) {
+                    my $listing=reply('ls:'.$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.
+                                      $udom, $tryserver);
+                    if (($listing ne 'no_such_dir') && ($listing ne 'empty')
+                        && ($listing ne 'con_lost')) {
+                        foreach (split(/:/,$listing)) {
+                            my ($entry,@stat)=split(/&/,$_);
+                            $allusers{$entry}=1;
+                        }
+                    }
-             }
-	  }
-       }
-       my $alluserstr='';
-       foreach (sort keys %allusers) {
-           $alluserstr.=$_.'&user:';
-       }
-       $alluserstr=~s/:$//;
-       return split(/:/,$alluserstr);
-     } 
-   } else {
-       my $tryserver;
-       my %alldom=();
-       foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
-	   $alldom{$hostdom{$tryserver}}=1;
-       }
-       my $alldomstr='';
-       foreach (sort keys %alldom) {
-          $alldomstr.=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$_.'&domain:';
-       }
-       $alldomstr=~s/:$//;
-       return split(/:/,$alldomstr);       
-   }
+            }
+            my $alluserstr='';
+            foreach (sort keys %allusers) {
+                $alluserstr.=$_.'&user:';
+            }
+            $alluserstr=~s/:$//;
+            return split(/:/,$alluserstr);
+        } else {
+            my @emptyResults = ();
+            push(@emptyResults, 'missing user name');
+            return split(':',@emptyResults);
+        }
+    } elsif(!defined($alternateDirectoryRoot)) {
+        my $tryserver;
+        my %alldom=();
+        foreach $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
+            $alldom{$hostdom{$tryserver}}=1;
+        }
+        my $alldomstr='';
+        foreach (sort keys %alldom) {
+            $alldomstr.=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$_.'&domain:';
+        }
+        $alldomstr=~s/:$//;
+        return split(/:/,$alldomstr);       
+    } else {
+        my @emptyResults = ();
+        push(@emptyResults, 'missing domain');
+        return split(':',@emptyResults);
+    }
 # -------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Condition
@@ -2173,30 +2358,26 @@ sub courseresdata {
     my ($coursenum,$coursedomain,@which)=@_;
     my $coursehom=&homeserver($coursenum,$coursedomain);
     my $hashid=$coursenum.':'.$coursedomain;
-    unless (defined($courseresdatacache{$hashid.'.time'})) {
-	unless (time-$courseresdatacache{$hashid.'.time'}<300) {
-           my $coursehom=&homeserver($coursenum,$coursedomain);
-           if ($coursehom) {
-              my $dumpreply=&reply('dump:'.$coursedomain.':'.$coursenum.
-			     ':resourcedata:.',$coursehom);
-	      unless ($dumpreply=~/^error\:/) {
-	         $courseresdatacache{$hashid.'.time'}=time;
-                 $courseresdatacache{$hashid}=$dumpreply;
-	     }
-	  }
-       }
+    my $dodump=0;
+    if (!defined($courseresdatacache{$hashid.'.time'})) {
+	$dodump=1;
+    } else {
+	if (time-$courseresdatacache{$hashid.'.time'}>300) { $dodump=1; }
-   my @pairs=split(/\&/,$courseresdatacache{$hashid});
-   my %returnhash=();
-   foreach (@pairs) {
-      my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$_);
-      $returnhash{unescape($key)}=unescape($value);
-   }
-    my $item;
-   foreach $item (@which) {
-       if ($returnhash{$item}) { return $returnhash{$item}; }
-   }
-   return '';
+    if ($dodump) {
+	my %dumpreply=&dump('resourcedata',$coursedomain,$coursenum);
+	my ($tmp) = keys(%dumpreply);
+	if ($tmp !~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+	    $courseresdatacache{$hashid.'.time'}=time;
+	    $courseresdatacache{$hashid}=\%dumpreply;
+	}
+    }
+    foreach my $item (@which) {
+	if ($courseresdatacache{$hashid}->{$item}) {
+	    return $courseresdatacache{$hashid}->{$item};
+	}
+    }
+    return '';
 # --------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Variable
@@ -2269,7 +2450,11 @@ sub EXT {
             my %reply=&get($space,[$item]);
             return $reply{$item};
-    } elsif ($realm eq 'request') {
+    } elsif ($realm eq 'query') {
+# ---------------------------------------------- pull stuff out of query string
+        &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},[$space]);
+	return $ENV{'form.'.$space}; 
+   } elsif ($realm eq 'request') {
 # ------------------------------------------------------------- request.browser
         if ($space eq 'browser') {
 	    return $ENV{'browser.'.$qualifier};
@@ -2297,7 +2482,7 @@ sub EXT {
 	    my $section;
 	    if (($ENV{'user.name'} eq $uname) &&
 		($ENV{'user.domain'} eq $udom)) {
-		$section={'request.course.sec'};
+		$section=$ENV{'request.course.sec'};
 	    } else {
@@ -2346,7 +2531,7 @@ sub EXT {
 	    my $thisparm='';
 	    if (tie(%parmhash,'GDBM_File',
-		    &GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+		    &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
@@ -2533,7 +2718,7 @@ sub symblist {
     my %hash;
     if (($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) && (%newhash)) {
         if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db',
-                      &GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+                      &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
 	    foreach (keys %newhash) {
@@ -2561,7 +2746,7 @@ sub symbverify {
     my %bighash;
     my $okay=0;
     if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
-                            &GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+                            &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
         my $ids=$bighash{'ids_/res/'.$thisfn};
         unless ($ids) { 
@@ -2599,18 +2784,23 @@ sub symbclean {
 # ------------------------------------------------------ Return symb list entry
 sub symbread {
-    my $thisfn=shift;
+    my ($thisfn,$donotrecurse)=@_;
+# no filename provided? try from environment
     unless ($thisfn) {
         if ($ENV{'request.symb'}) { return &symbclean($ENV{'request.symb'}); }
+# is that filename actually a symb? Verify, clean, and return
+    if ($thisfn=~/\_\_\_\d+\_\_\_(.*)$/) {
+	if (&symbverify($thisfn,$1)) { return &symbclean($thisfn); }
+    }
     my %hash;
     my %bighash;
     my $syval='';
     if (($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) && ($thisfn)) {
         if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db',
-                      &GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+                      &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
@@ -2626,12 +2816,16 @@ sub symbread {
         } else {
 # ------------------------------------------------------- Was not in symb table
            if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
-                            &GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+                            &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
 # ---------------------------------------------- Get ID(s) for current resource
               my $ids=$bighash{'ids_/res/'.$thisfn};
               unless ($ids) { 
+              unless ($ids) {
+# alias?
+		  $ids=$bighash{'mapalias_'.$thisfn};
+              }
               if ($ids) {
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- Has ID(s)
                  my @possibilities=split(/\,/,$ids);
@@ -2639,7 +2833,7 @@ sub symbread {
 # ----------------------------------------------- There is only one possibility
 		     my ($mapid,$resid)=split(/\./,$ids);
-                 } else {
+                 } elsif (!$donotrecurse) {
 # ------------------------------------------ There is more than one possibility
                      my $realpossible=0;
                      foreach (@possibilities) {
@@ -2654,6 +2848,8 @@ sub symbread {
 		     if ($realpossible!=1) { $syval=''; }
+                 } else {
+                     $syval='';
@@ -2722,10 +2918,10 @@ sub ireceipt {
 sub receipt {
-    return &ireceipt($ENV{'user.name'},$ENV{'user.domain'},
-                     $ENV{'request.course.id'},&symbread());
+  my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name) = &Apache::lonxml::whichuser();
+  return &ireceipt($name,$domain,$courseid,$symb);
 # ------------------------------------------------------------ Serves up a file
 # returns either the contents of the file or a -1
 sub getfile {
@@ -2778,6 +2974,7 @@ sub declutter {
+    $thisfn=~s/\?.+$//;
     return $thisfn;
@@ -2837,11 +3034,18 @@ BEGIN {
     while (my $configline=<$config>) {
-       my ($id,$domain,$role,$name,$ip)=split(/:/,$configline);
-       $hostname{$id}=$name;
-       $hostdom{$id}=$domain;
-       $hostip{$id}=$ip;
-       if ($role eq 'library') { $libserv{$id}=$name; }
+       my ($id,$domain,$role,$name,$ip,$domdescr)=split(/:/,$configline);
+       if ($id && $domain && $role && $name && $ip) {
+	 $hostname{$id}=$name;
+	 $hostdom{$id}=$domain;
+	 $hostip{$id}=$ip;
+	 if ($domdescr) { $domaindescription{$domain}=$domdescr; }
+	 if ($role eq 'library') { $libserv{$id}=$name; }
+       } else {
+	 if ($configline) {
+	   &logthis("Skipping hosts.tab line -$configline-");
+	 }
+       }
@@ -2911,75 +3115,105 @@ $readit=1;
 =head1 NAME
-Apache::lonnet - TCP networking package
+Apache::lonnet - Subroutines to ask questions about things in the network.
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Invoked by other LON-CAPA modules.
+Invoked by other LON-CAPA modules, when they need to talk to or about objects in the network.
+Common parameters:
+=over 4
+=item *
+$uname : an internal username (if $cname expecting a course Id specifically)
+=item *
+$udom : a domain (if $cdom expecting a course's domain specifically)
+=item *
+$symb : a resource instance identifier
+=item *
+$namespace : the name of a .db file that contains the data needed or
+being set.
 This module provides subroutines which interact with the
-lonc/lond (TCP) network layer of LON-CAPA.
+lonc/lond (TCP) network layer of LON-CAPA. And Can be used to ask about 
+- classes
+- users 
+- resources
+For many of these objects you can also use this to store data about
+them or modify them in various ways.
 This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project
 described at http://www.lon-capa.org.
-There is no handler routine for this module.
 =over 4
 =item *
-logtouch() : make sure the logfile, lonnet.log, exists
+con_lost : unable to contact remote host
 =item *
-logthis() : append message to lonnet.log
+con_delayed : unable to contact remote host, message will be delivered
+when the connection is brought back up
 =item *
-logperm() : append a permanent message to lonnet.perm.log
+con_failed : unable to contact remote host and unable to save message
+for later delivery
 =item *
-subreply() : non-critical communication, called by &reply
+error: : an error a occured, a description of the error follows the :
 =item *
-reply() : makes two attempts to pass message; logs refusals and rejections
+no_such_host : unable to fund a host associated with the user/domain
+that was requested
-=item *
-reconlonc() : tries to reconnect lonc client processes.
-=item *
+=head2 Session Environment Functions
-critical() : passes a critical message to another server; if cannot get
-through then place message in connection buffer
+=over 4
 =item *
-appenv(%hash) : read in current user environment, append new environment
-values to make new user environment
+appenv(%hash) : the value of %hash is written to the user envirnoment
+file, and will be restored for each access this user makes during this
+session, also modifies the %ENV for the current process
 =item *
-delenv($varname) : read in current user environment, remove all values
-beginning with $varname, write new user environment (note: flock is used
-to prevent conflicting shared read/writes with file)
+delenv($regexp) : removes all items from the session environment file that matches the regular expression in $regexp. The values are also delted from the current processes %ENV.
-=item *
-spareserver() : find server with least workload from spare.tab
+=head2 User Information
+=over 4
 =item *
@@ -2989,16 +3223,19 @@ authentication scheme
 =item *
 authenticate($uname,$upass,$udom) : try to authenticate user from domain's lib
-servers (first use the current one)
+servers (first use the current one), $upass should be the users password
 =item *
-homeserver($uname,$udom) : find the homebase for a user from domain's lib
+homeserver($uname,$udom) : find the server which has the user's
+directory and files (there must be only one), this caches the answer,
+and also caches if there is a borken connection.
 =item *
-idget($udom,@ids) : find the usernames behind a list of IDs (returns hash:
+idget($udom,@ids) : find the usernames behind a list of IDs (IDs are a
+unique resource in a domain, there must be only 1 ID per username, and
+only 1 username per ID in a specific domain) (returns hash:
 =item *
@@ -3012,226 +3249,332 @@ idput($udom,%ids) : store away a list of
 =item *
-usection($domain,$user,$courseid) : output of section name/number or '' for
-"not in course" and '-1' for "no section"
+rolesinit($udom,$username,$authhost) : get user privileges
 =item *
-userenvironment($domain,$user,$what) : puts out any environment parameter 
-for a user
+usection($udom,$uname,$cname) : finds the section of student in the
+course $cname, return section name/number or '' for "not in course"
+and '-1' for "no section"
 =item *
-subscribe($fname) : subscribe to a resource, return URL if possible
+userenvironment($udom,$uname,@what) : gets the values of the keys
+passed in @what from the requested user's environment, returns a hash
+=head2 User Roles
+=over 4
 =item *
-repcopy($filename) : replicate file
+allowed($priv,$uri) : check for a user privilege; returns codes for allowed
+ F: full access
+ U,I,K: authentication modes (cxx only)
+ '': forbidden
+ 1: user needs to choose course
+ 2: browse allowed
 =item *
-ssi($url,%hash) : server side include, does a complete request cycle on url to
-localhost, posts hash
+definerole($rolename,$sysrole,$domrole,$courole) : define role; define a custom
+role rolename set privileges in format of lonTabs/roles.tab for system, domain,
+and course level
 =item *
-log($domain,$name,$home,$message) : write to permanent log for user; use
-critical subroutine
+plaintext($short) : return value in %prp hash (rolesplain.tab); plain text
+explanation of a user role term
+=head2 User Modification
+=over 4
 =item *
-flushcourselogs() : flush (save) buffer logs and access logs
+assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$end,$start) : assign role; give a role to a
+user for the level given by URL.  Optional start and end dates (leave empty
+string or zero for "no date")
 =item *
-courselog($what) : save message for course in hash
+changepass($uname,$udom,$currentpass,$newpass,$server) : attempts to
+change a users, password, possible return values are: ok,
+pwchange_failure, non_authorized, auth_mode_error, unknown_user,
 =item *
-courseacclog($what) : save message for course using &courselog().  Perform
-special processing for specific resource types (problems, exams, quizzes, etc).
+modifyuserauth($udom,$uname,$umode,$upass) : modify user authentication
 =item *
-countacc($url) : count the number of accesses to a given URL
+modifyuser($udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,$first,$middle,$last,$gene) : 
+modify user
 =item *
-sub checkout($symb,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid) : check out an item
+modifystudent($udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,$first,$middle,$last,$gene,$usec,$end,$start) : modify student
 =item *
-sub checkin($token) : check in an item
+assigncustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$end,$start) : assign
+custom role; give a custom role to a user for the level given by URL.  Specify
+name and domain of role author, and role name
 =item *
-sub expirespread($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb) : set expire date for spreadsheet
+revokerole($udom,$uname,$url,$role) : revoke a role for url
 =item *
-devalidate($symb) : devalidate spreadsheets
+revokecustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role) : revoke a custom role
+=head2 Course Infomation
+=over 4
 =item *
-hash2str(%hash) : convert a hash into a string complete with escaping and '='
-and '&' separators, supports elements that are arrayrefs and hashrefs
+coursedescription($courseid) : course description
 =item *
-hashref2str($hashref) : convert a hashref into a string complete with
-escaping and '=' and '&' separators, supports elements that are
-arrayrefs and hashrefs
+courseresdata($coursenum,$coursedomain,@which) : request for current
+parameter setting for a specific course, @what should be a list of
+parameters to ask about. This routine caches answers for 5 minutes.
+=head2 Course Modification
+=over 4
 =item *
-arrayref2str($arrayref) : convert an arrayref into a string complete
-with escaping and '&' separators, supports elements that are arrayrefs
-and hashrefs
+writecoursepref($courseid,%prefs) : write preferences (environment
+database) for a course
 =item *
-str2hash($string) : convert string to hash using unescaping and
-splitting on '=' and '&', supports elements that are arrayrefs and
+createcourse($udom,$description,$url) : make/modify course
+=head2 Resource Subroutines
+=over 4
 =item *
-str2array($string) : convert string to hash using unescaping and
-splitting on '&', supports elements that are arrayrefs and hashrefs
+subscribe($fname) : subscribe to a resource, returns URL if possible (probably should use repcopy instead)
+=item *
+repcopy($filename) : subscribes to the requested file, and attempts to
+replicate from the owning library server, Might return
+HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, also attempts to grab the metadata for the
+resource. Expects the local filesystem pathname
+=head2 Resource Information
+=over 4
 =item *
-tmpreset($symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) : temporary storage
+EXT($varname,$symb,$udom,$uname) : evaluates and returns the value of
+a vairety of different possible values, $varname should be a request
+string, and the other parameters can be used to specify who and what
+one is asking about.
+Possible values for $varname are environment.lastname (or other item
+from the envirnment hash), user.name (or someother aspect about the
+user), resource.0.maxtries (or some other part and parameter of a
 =item *
-tmprestore($symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) : temporary restore
+directcondval($number) : get current value of a condition; reads from a state
 =item *
-store($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) : stores hash permanently
-for this url; hashref needs to be given and should be a \%hashname; the
-remaining args aren't required and if they aren't passed or are '' they will
-be derived from the ENV
+condval($condidx) : value of condition index based on state
 =item *
-cstore($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) : same as store but
-uses critical subroutine
+metadata($uri,$what,$liburi,$prefix,$depthcount) : request a
+resource's metadata, $what should be either a specific key, or either
+'keys' (to get a list of possible keys) or 'packages' to get a list of
+packages that this resource currently uses, the last 3 arguments are only used internally for recursive metadata.
+this function automatically caches all requests
 =item *
-restore($symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) : returns hash for this symb;
-all args are optional
+metadata_query($query,$custom,$customshow) : make a metadata query against the
+network of library servers; returns file handle of where SQL and regex results
+will be stored for query
 =item *
-coursedescription($courseid) : course description
+symbread($filename) : return symbolic list entry (filename argument optional);
+returns the data handle
 =item *
-rolesinit($domain,$username,$authhost) : get user privileges
+symbverify($symb,$thisfn) : verifies that $symb actually exists and is
+a possible symb for the URL in $thisfn, returns a 1 on success, 0 on
+failure, user must be in a course, as it assumes the existance of the
+course initi hash, and uses $ENV('request.course.id'}
 =item *
-get($namespace,$storearr,$udomain,$uname) : returns hash with keys from array
-reference filled in from namesp ($udomain and $uname are optional)
+symbclean($symb) : removes versions numbers from a symb, returns the
+cleaned symb
 =item *
-del($namespace,$storearr,$udomain,$uname) : deletes keys out of array from
-namesp ($udomain and $uname are optional)
+is_on_map($uri) : checks if the $uri is somewhere on the current
+course map, user must be in a course for it to work.
 =item *
-dump($namespace,$udomain,$uname,$regexp) : 
-dumps the complete (or key matching regexp) namespace into a hash
-($udomain, $uname and $regexp are optional)
+numval($salt) : return random seed value (addend for rndseed)
 =item *
-put($namespace,$storehash,$udomain,$uname) : stores hash in namesp
-($udomain and $uname are optional)
+rndseed($symb,$courseid,$udom,$uname) : create a random sum; returns
+a random seed, all arguments are optional, if they aren't sent it uses the
+environment to derive them. Note: if symb isn't sent and it can't get one
+from &symbread it will use the current time as its return value
 =item *
-cput($namespace,$storehash,$udomain,$uname) : critical put
-($udomain and $uname are optional)
+ireceipt($funame,$fudom,$fucourseid,$fusymb) : return unique,
+unfakeable, receipt
 =item *
-eget($namespace,$storearr,$udomain,$uname) : returns hash with keys from array
-reference filled in from namesp (encrypts the return communication)
-($udomain and $uname are optional)
+receipt() : API to ireceipt working off of ENV values; given out to users
 =item *
-allowed($priv,$uri) : check for a user privilege; returns codes for allowed
- F: full access
- U,I,K: authentication modes (cxx only)
- '': forbidden
- 1: user needs to choose course
- 2: browse allowed
+countacc($url) : count the number of accesses to a given URL
 =item *
-definerole($rolename,$sysrole,$domrole,$courole) : define role; define a custom
-role rolename set privileges in format of lonTabs/roles.tab for system, domain,
-and course level
+checkout($symb,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid) :  creates a record of a user having looked at an item, most likely printed out or otherwise using a resource
 =item *
-metadata_query($query,$custom,$customshow) : make a metadata query against the
-network of library servers; returns file handle of where SQL and regex results
-will be stored for query
+checkin($token) : updates that a resource has beeen returned (a hard copy version for instance) and returns the data that $token was Checkout with ($symb, $tuname, $tudom, and $tcrsid)
 =item *
-plaintext($short) : return value in %prp hash (rolesplain.tab); plain text
-explanation of a user role term
+expirespread($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb) : set expire date for spreadsheet
 =item *
-assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$end,$start) : assign role; give a role to a
-user for the level given by URL.  Optional start and end dates (leave empty
-string or zero for "no date")
+devalidate($symb) : devalidate temporary spreadsheet calculations,
+forcing spreadsheet to reevaluate the resource scores next time.
+=head2 Storing/Retreiving Data
+=over 4
 =item *
-modifyuserauth($udom,$uname,$umode,$upass) : modify user authentication
+store($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : stores hash permanently
+for this url; hashref needs to be given and should be a \%hashname; the
+remaining args aren't required and if they aren't passed or are '' they will
+be derived from the ENV
 =item *
-modifyuser($udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,$first,$middle,$last,$gene) : 
-modify user
+cstore($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : same as store but
+uses critical subroutine
 =item *
-$end,$start) : modify student
+restore($symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : returns hash for this symb;
+all args are optional
 =item *
-writecoursepref($courseid,%prefs) : write preferences for a course
+tmpstore($storehash,$symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : storage that
+works very similar to store/cstore, but all data is stored in a
+temporary location and can be reset using tmpreset, $storehash should
+be a hash reference, returns nothing on success
 =item *
-createcourse($udom,$description,$url) : make/modify course
+tmprestore($symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : storage that works very
+similar to restore, but all data is stored in a temporary location and
+can be reset using tmpreset. Returns a hash of values on success,
+error string otherwise.
 =item *
-assigncustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$end,$start) : assign
-custom role; give a custom role to a user for the level given by URL.  Specify
-name and domain of role author, and role name
+tmpreset($symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname) : temporary storage reset,
+deltes all keys for $symb form the temporary storage hash.
 =item *
-revokerole($udom,$uname,$url,$role) : revoke a role for url
+get($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uname) : returns hash with keys from array
+reference filled in from namesp ($udom and $uname are optional)
 =item *
-revokecustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role) : revoke a custom role
+del($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uname) : deletes keys out of array from
+namesp ($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+dump($namespace,$udom,$uname,$regexp) : 
+dumps the complete (or key matching regexp) namespace into a hash
+($udom, $uname and $regexp are optional)
+=item *
+put($namespace,$storehash,$udom,$uname) : stores hash in namesp
+($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+cput($namespace,$storehash,$udom,$uname) : critical put
+($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+eget($namespace,$storearr,$udom,$uname) : returns hash with keys from array
+reference filled in from namesp (encrypts the return communication)
+($udom and $uname are optional)
+=item *
+log($udom,$name,$home,$message) : write to permanent log for user; use
+critical subroutine
+=head2 Network Status Functions
+=over 4
 =item *
@@ -3239,60 +3582,94 @@ dirlist($uri) : return directory list ba
 =item *
-directcondval($number) : get current value of a condition; reads from a state
+spareserver() : find server with least workload from spare.tab
+=head2 Apache Request
+=over 4
 =item *
-condval($condidx) : value of condition index based on state
+ssi($url,%hash) : server side include, does a complete request cycle on url to
+localhost, posts hash
+=head2 Data to String to Data
+=over 4
 =item *
-EXT($varname,$symbparm) : value of a variable
+hash2str(%hash) : convert a hash into a string complete with escaping and '='
+and '&' separators, supports elements that are arrayrefs and hashrefs
 =item *
-metadata($uri,$what,$liburi,$prefix,$depthcount) : get metadata; returns the
-metadata entry for a file; entry='keys', returns a comma separated list of keys
+hashref2str($hashref) : convert a hashref into a string complete with
+escaping and '=' and '&' separators, supports elements that are
+arrayrefs and hashrefs
 =item *
-symblist($mapname,%newhash) : update symbolic storage links
+arrayref2str($arrayref) : convert an arrayref into a string complete
+with escaping and '&' separators, supports elements that are arrayrefs
+and hashrefs
 =item *
-symbread($filename) : return symbolic list entry (filename argument optional);
-returns the data handle
+str2hash($string) : convert string to hash using unescaping and
+splitting on '=' and '&', supports elements that are arrayrefs and
 =item *
-numval($salt) : return random seed value (addend for rndseed)
+str2array($string) : convert string to hash using unescaping and
+splitting on '&', supports elements that are arrayrefs and hashrefs
+=head2 Logging Routines
+=over 4
+These routines allow one to make log messages in the lonnet.log and
+lonnet.perm logfiles.
 =item *
-rndseed($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username) : create a random sum; returns
-a random seed, all arguments are optional, if they aren't sent it uses the
-environment to derive them. Note: if symb isn't sent and it can't get one
-from &symbread it will use the current time as its return value
+logtouch() : make sure the logfile, lonnet.log, exists
 =item *
-ireceipt($funame,$fudom,$fucourseid,$fusymb) : return unique,
-unfakeable, receipt
+logthis() : append message to the normal lonnet.log file, it gets
+preiodically rolled over and deleted.
 =item *
-receipt() : API to ireceipt working off of ENV values; given out to users
+logperm() : append a permanent message to lonnet.perm.log, this log
+file never gets deleted by any automated portion of the system, only
+messages of critical importance should go in here.
+=head2 General File Helper Routines
+=over 4
 =item *
-getfile($file) : serves up a file, returns the contents of a file or -1;
-replicates and subscribes to the file
+getfile($file) : returns the entire contents of a file or -1; it
+properly subscribes to and replicates the file if neccessary.
 =item *
-filelocation($dir,$file) : returns file system location of a file based on URI;
-meant to be "fairly clean" absolute reference, $dir is a directory that relative $file lookups are to looked in ($dir of /a/dir and a file of ../bob will become /a/bob)
+filelocation($dir,$file) : returns file system location of a file
+based on URI; meant to be "fairly clean" absolute reference, $dir is a
+directory that relative $file lookups are to looked in ($dir of /a/dir
+and a file of ../bob will become /a/bob)
 =item *
@@ -3303,6 +3680,12 @@ filelocation except for hrefs
 declutter() : declutters URLs (remove docroot, beginning slashes, 'res' etc)
+=head2 HTTP Helper Routines
+=over 4
 =item *
 escape() : unpack non-word characters into CGI-compatible hex codes
@@ -3311,6 +3694,52 @@ escape() : unpack non-word characters in
 unescape() : pack CGI-compatible hex codes into actual non-word ASCII character
+=head2 Underlying communication routines (Shouldn't call)
+=over 4
+=item *
+subreply() : tries to pass a message to lonc, returns con_lost if incapable
+=item *
+reply() : uses subreply to send a message to remote machine, logs all failures
+=item *
+critical() : passes a critical message to another server; if cannot
+get through then place message in connection buffer directory and
+returns con_delayed, if incapable of saving message, returns
+=item *
+reconlonc() : tries to reconnect lonc client processes.
+=head2 Resource Access Logging
+=over 4
+=item *
+flushcourselogs() : flush (save) buffer logs and access logs
+=item *
+courselog($what) : save message for course in hash
+=item *
+courseacclog($what) : save message for course using &courselog().  Perform
+special processing for specific resource types (problems, exams, quizzes, etc).
 =item *
 goodbye() : flush course logs and log shutting down; it is called in srm.conf
@@ -3318,4 +3747,14 @@ as a PerlChildExitHandler
+=head2 Other
+=over 4
+=item *
+symblist($mapname,%newhash) : update symbolic storage links