--- loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm 2002/08/23 13:21:36 1.272
+++ loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm 2003/08/22 16:24:45 1.398.
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# TCP networking package
-# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.272 2002/08/23 13:21:36 matthew Exp $
+# $Id: lonnet.pm,v 1.398. 2003/08/22 16:24:45 albertel Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -47,23 +47,18 @@
# 09/01 Guy Albertelli
# 09/01,10/01,11/01 Gerd Kortemeyer
# YEAR=2001
-# 02/27/01 Scott Harrison
# 3/2 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 3/15,3/19 Scott Harrison
# 3/19,3/20 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 3/22,3/27,4/2,4/16,4/17 Scott Harrison
# 5/26,5/28 Gerd Kortemeyer
# 5/30 H. K. Ng
# 6/1 Gerd Kortemeyer
# July Guy Albertelli
# 8/4,8/7,8/8,8/9,8/11,8/16,8/17,8/18,8/20,8/23,9/20,9/21,9/26,
# 10/2 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 10/5,10/10,11/13,11/15 Scott Harrison
# 11/17,11/20,11/22,11/29 Gerd Kortemeyer
# 12/5 Matthew Hall
# 12/5 Guy Albertelli
# 12/6,12/7,12/12 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 12/18 Scott Harrison
# 12/21,12/22,12/27,12/28 Gerd Kortemeyer
# YEAR=2002
# 1/4,2/4,2/7 Gerd Kortemeyer
@@ -77,15 +72,18 @@ use Apache::File;
use LWP::UserAgent();
use HTTP::Headers;
use vars
-qw(%perlvar %hostname %homecache %badServerCache %hostip %spareid %hostdom
- %libserv %pr %prp %metacache %packagetab
- %courselogs %accesshash $processmarker $dumpcount
- %coursedombuf %coursehombuf %courseresdatacache %domaindescription);
+qw(%perlvar %hostname %homecache %badServerCache %hostip %iphost %spareid %hostdom
+ %libserv %pr %prp %metacache %packagetab %titlecache
+ %courselogs %accesshash %userrolehash $processmarker $dumpcount
+ %coursedombuf %coursenumbuf %coursehombuf %coursedescrbuf %courseresdatacache
+ %domaindescription %domain_auth_def %domain_auth_arg_def $tmpdir);
use IO::Socket;
use GDBM_File;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
use HTML::LCParser;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use Apache::loncoursedata;
my $readit;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- Logging
@@ -140,9 +138,9 @@ sub reply {
unless (defined($hostname{$server})) { return 'no_such_host'; }
my $answer=subreply($cmd,$server);
if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
- #sleep 5;
- #$answer=subreply($cmd,$server);
- #if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
+ #sleep 5;
+ #$answer=subreply($cmd,$server);
+ #if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
# &logthis("Second attempt con_lost on $server");
# my $peerfile="$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$server";
# my $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer =>"$peerfile",
@@ -213,7 +211,8 @@ sub critical {
my $dfilename=
- "$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/delayed/$now.$middlename.$server";
+ "$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/delayed/$now.$dumpcount.$$.$middlename.$server";
+ $dumpcount++;
my $dfh;
if ($dfh=Apache::File->new(">$dfilename")) {
@@ -244,6 +243,26 @@ sub critical {
return $answer;
+# ------------------------------------------- Transfer profile into environment
+sub transfer_profile_to_env {
+ my ($lonidsdir,$handle)=@_;
+ my @profile;
+ {
+ my $idf=Apache::File->new("$lonidsdir/$handle.id");
+ flock($idf,LOCK_SH);
+ @profile=<$idf>;
+ $idf->close();
+ }
+ my $envi;
+ for ($envi=0;$envi<=$#profile;$envi++) {
+ chomp($profile[$envi]);
+ my ($envname,$envvalue)=split(/=/,$profile[$envi]);
+ $ENV{$envname} = $envvalue;
+ }
+ $ENV{'user.environment'} = "$lonidsdir/$handle.id";
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Append Environment
@@ -348,19 +367,73 @@ sub delenv {
return 'ok';
+# ------------------------------------------ Find out current server userload
+# there is a copy in lond
+sub userload {
+ my $numusers=0;
+ {
+ opendir(LONIDS,$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'});
+ my $filename;
+ my $curtime=time;
+ while ($filename=readdir(LONIDS)) {
+ if ($filename eq '.' || $filename eq '..') {next;}
+ my ($mtime)=(stat($perlvar{'lonIDsDir'}.'/'.$filename))[9];
+ if ($curtime-$mtime < 3600) { $numusers++; }
+ }
+ closedir(LONIDS);
+ }
+ my $userloadpercent=0;
+ my $maxuserload=$perlvar{'lonUserLoadLim'};
+ if ($maxuserload) {
+ $userloadpercent=100*$numusers/$maxuserload;
+ }
+ $userloadpercent=sprintf("%.2f",$userloadpercent);
+ return $userloadpercent;
+# ------------------------------------------ Fight off request when overloaded
+sub overloaderror {
+ my ($r,$checkserver)=@_;
+ unless ($checkserver) { $checkserver=$perlvar{'lonHostID'}; }
+ my $loadavg;
+ if ($checkserver eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
+ my $loadfile=Apache::File->new('/proc/loadavg');
+ $loadavg=<$loadfile>;
+ $loadavg =~ s/\s.*//g;
+ $loadavg = 100*$loadavg/$perlvar{'lonLoadLim'};
+ } else {
+ $loadavg=&reply('load',$checkserver);
+ }
+ my $overload=$loadavg-100;
+ if ($overload>0) {
+ $r->err_headers_out->{'Retry-After'}=$overload;
+ $r->log_error('Overload of '.$overload.' on '.$checkserver);
+ return 413;
+ }
+ return '';
# ------------------------------ Find server with least workload from spare.tab
sub spareserver {
+ my ($loadpercent,$userloadpercent) = @_;
my $tryserver;
my $spareserver='';
- my $lowestserver=100;
+ if ($userloadpercent !~ /\d/) { $userloadpercent=0; }
+ my $lowestserver=$loadpercent > $userloadpercent?
+ $loadpercent : $userloadpercent;
foreach $tryserver (keys %spareid) {
- my $answer=reply('load',$tryserver);
+ my $loadans=reply('load',$tryserver);
+ my $userloadans=reply('userload',$tryserver);
+ if ($userloadans !~ /\d/) { $userloadans=0; }
+ my $answer=$loadans > $userloadans?
+ $loadans : $userloadans;
if (($answer =~ /\d/) && ($answer<$lowestserver)) {
- }
+ }
return $spareserver;
@@ -565,8 +638,187 @@ sub idput {
+# --------------------------------------------------- Assign a key to a student
+sub assign_access_key {
+# a valid key looks like uname:udom#comments
+# comments are being appended
+ my ($ckey,$cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname,$logentry)=@_;
+ $cdom=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($cdom));
+ $cnum=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($cnum));
+ $udom=$ENV{'user.name'} unless (defined($udom));
+ $uname=$ENV{'user.domain'} unless (defined($uname));
+ my %existing=&get('accesskeys',[$ckey],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if (($existing{$ckey}=~/^\#(.*)$/) || # - new key
+ ($existing{$ckey}=~/^$uname\:$udom\#(.*)$/)) {
+ # assigned to this person
+ # - this should not happen,
+ # unless something went wrong
+ # the first time around
+# ready to assign
+ $logentry=$1.'; '.$logentry;
+ if (&put('accesskey',{$ckey=>$uname.':'.$udom.'#'.$logentry},
+ $cdom,$cnum) eq 'ok') {
+# key now belongs to user
+ my $envkey='key.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ if (&put('environment',{$envkey => $ckey}) eq 'ok') {
+ &appenv('environment.'.$envkey => $ckey);
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ return
+ 'error: Count not permanently assign key, will need to be re-entered later.';
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 'error: Could not assign key, try again later.';
+ }
+ } elsif (!$existing{$ckey}) {
+# the key does not exist
+ return 'error: The key does not exist';
+ } else {
+# the key is somebody else's
+ return 'error: The key is already in use';
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------ put an additional comment on a key
+sub comment_access_key {
+# a valid key looks like uname:udom#comments
+# comments are being appended
+ my ($ckey,$cdom,$cnum,$logentry)=@_;
+ $cdom=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($cdom));
+ $cnum=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($cnum));
+ my %existing=&get('accesskeys',[$ckey],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($existing{$ckey}) {
+ $existing{$ckey}.='; '.$logentry;
+# ready to assign
+ if (&put('accesskeys',{$ckey=>$existing{$ckey}},
+ $cdom,$cnum) eq 'ok') {
+ return 'ok';
+ } else {
+ return 'error: Count not store comment.';
+ }
+ } else {
+# the key does not exist
+ return 'error: The key does not exist';
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------ Generate a set of keys
+sub generate_access_keys {
+ my ($number,$cdom,$cnum,$logentry)=@_;
+ $cdom=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($cdom));
+ $cnum=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($cnum));
+ unless (&allowed('mky',$cdom)) { return 0; }
+ unless (($cdom) && ($cnum)) { return 0; }
+ if ($number>10000) { return 0; }
+ sleep(2); # make sure don't get same seed twice
+ srand(time()^($$+($$<<15))); # from "Programming Perl"
+ my $total=0;
+ for (my $i=1;$i<=$number;$i++) {
+ my $newkey=sprintf("%lx",int(100000*rand)).'-'.
+ sprintf("%lx",int(100000*rand)).'-'.
+ sprintf("%lx",int(100000*rand));
+ $newkey=~s/1/g/g; # folks mix up 1 and l
+ $newkey=~s/0/h/g; # and also 0 and O
+ my %existing=&get('accesskeys',[$newkey],$cdom,$cnum);
+ if ($existing{$newkey}) {
+ $i--;
+ } else {
+ if (&put('accesskeys',
+ { $newkey => '# generated '.localtime().
+ ' by '.$ENV{'user.name'}.'@'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.
+ '; '.$logentry },
+ $cdom,$cnum) eq 'ok') {
+ $total++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &log($ENV{'user.domain'},$ENV{'user.name'},$ENV{'user.home'},
+ 'Generated '.$total.' keys for '.$cnum.' at '.$cdom);
+ return $total;
+# ------------------------------------------------------- Validate an accesskey
+sub validate_access_key {
+ my ($ckey,$cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname)=@_;
+ $cdom=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} unless (defined($cdom));
+ $cnum=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} unless (defined($cnum));
+ $udom=$ENV{'user.name'} unless (defined($udom));
+ $uname=$ENV{'user.domain'} unless (defined($uname));
+ my %existing=&get('accesskeys',[$ckey],$cdom,$cnum);
+ return ($existing{$ckey}=~/^$uname\:$udom\#/);
# ------------------------------------- Find the section of student in a course
+sub getsection {
+ my ($udom,$unam,$courseid)=@_;
+ $courseid=~s/\_/\//g;
+ $courseid=~s/^(\w)/\/$1/;
+ my %Pending;
+ my %Expired;
+ #
+ # Each role can either have not started yet (pending), be active,
+ # or have expired.
+ #
+ # If there is an active role, we are done.
+ #
+ # If there is more than one role which has not started yet,
+ # choose the one which will start sooner
+ # If there is one role which has not started yet, return it.
+ #
+ # If there is more than one expired role, choose the one which ended last.
+ # If there is a role which has expired, return it.
+ #
+ foreach (split(/\&/,&reply('dump:'.$udom.':'.$unam.':roles',
+ &homeserver($unam,$udom)))) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
+ $key=&unescape($key);
+ next if ($key !~/^$courseid(?:\/)*(\w+)*\_st$/);
+ my $section=$1;
+ if ($key eq $courseid.'_st') { $section=''; }
+ my ($dummy,$end,$start)=split(/\_/,&unescape($value));
+ my $now=time;
+ if (defined($end) && ($now > $end)) {
+ $Expired{$end}=$section;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (defined($start) && ($now < $start)) {
+ $Pending{$start}=$section;
+ next;
+ }
+ return $section;
+ }
+ #
+ # Presumedly there will be few matching roles from the above
+ # loop and the sorting time will be negligible.
+ if (scalar(keys(%Pending))) {
+ my ($time) = sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%Pending);
+ return $Pending{$time};
+ }
+ if (scalar(keys(%Expired))) {
+ my @sorted = sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%Expired);
+ my $time = pop(@sorted);
+ return $Expired{$time};
+ }
+ return '-1';
sub usection {
my ($udom,$unam,$courseid)=@_;
@@ -620,16 +872,41 @@ sub chatsend {
+# ------------------------------------------ Find current version of a resource
+sub getversion {
+ my $fname=&clutter(shift);
+ unless ($fname=~/^\/res\//) { return -1; }
+ return ¤tversion(&filelocation('',$fname));
+sub currentversion {
+ my $fname=shift;
+ my $author=$fname;
+ $author=~s/\/home\/httpd\/html\/res\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/]*).*/$1\/$2/;
+ my ($udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$author);
+ my $home=homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ if ($home eq 'no_host') {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ my $answer=reply("currentversion:$fname",$home);
+ if (($answer eq 'con_lost') || ($answer eq 'rejected')) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return $answer;
# ----------------------------- Subscribe to a resource, return URL if possible
sub subscribe {
my $fname=shift;
+ if ($fname=~/\/(aboutme|syllabus|bulletinboard|smppg)$/) { return ''; }
my $author=$fname;
my ($udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$author);
my $home=homeserver($uname,$udom);
- if (($home eq 'no_host') || ($home eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'})) {
- return 'not_found';
+ if ($home eq 'no_host') {
+ return 'not_found';
my $answer=reply("sub:$fname",$home);
if (($answer eq 'con_lost') || ($answer eq 'rejected')) {
@@ -659,6 +936,11 @@ sub repcopy {
} elsif ($remoteurl eq 'directory') {
return OK;
} else {
+ my $author=$filename;
+ $author=~s/\/home\/httpd\/html\/res\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/]*).*/$1\/$2/;
+ my ($udom,$uname)=split(/\//,$author);
+ my $home=homeserver($uname,$udom);
+ unless ($home eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
my @parts=split(/\//,$filename);
my $path="/$parts[1]/$parts[2]/$parts[3]/$parts[4]";
if ($path ne "$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}/res") {
@@ -694,9 +976,22 @@ sub repcopy {
return OK;
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------ Get server side include body
+sub ssi_body {
+ my ($filelink,%form)=@_;
+ my $output=($filelink=~/^http\:/?&externalssi($filelink):
+ &ssi($filelink,%form));
+ $output=~s/^.*\
+ $output=~s/\<\/body\s*\>.*$//si;
+ $output=~
+ s/\/\/ BEGIN LON\-CAPA Internal.+\/\/ END LON\-CAPA Internal\s//gs;
+ return $output;
# --------------------------------------------------------- Server Side Include
sub ssi {
@@ -720,6 +1015,14 @@ sub ssi {
return $response->content;
+sub externalssi {
+ my ($url)=@_;
+ my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
+ my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',$url);
+ my $response=$ua->request($request);
+ return $response->content;
# ------- Add a token to a remote URI's query string to vouch for access rights
sub tokenwrapper {
@@ -731,7 +1034,8 @@ sub tokenwrapper {
if ($uri=~/^uploaded\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)(\?\.*)*$/) {
&appenv('userfile.'.$1.'/'.$2.'/'.$3 => $ENV{'request.course.id'});
return 'http://'.$hostname{ &homeserver($2,$1)}.'/'.$uri.
- (($uri=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'token='.$token;
+ (($uri=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'token='.$token.
+ '&tokenissued='.$perlvar{'lonHostID'};
} else {
return '/adm/notfound.html';
@@ -744,8 +1048,15 @@ sub tokenwrapper {
sub userfileupload {
my ($formname,$coursedoc)=@_;
my $fname=$ENV{'form.'.$formname.'.filename'};
+# Replace Windows backslashes by forward slashes
+# Get rid of everything but the actual filename
+# Replace spaces by underscores
+ $fname=~s/\s+/\_/g;
+# Replace all other weird characters by nothing
+ $fname=~s/[^\w\.\-]//g;
+# See if there is anything left
unless ($fname) { return 'error: no uploaded file'; }
# Create the directory if not present
@@ -784,13 +1095,16 @@ sub finishuserfileupload {
# Notify homeserver to grep it
- if
-(&reply('fetchuserfile:'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$fname,$docuhome) eq 'ok')
- {
+ my $fetchresult=
+ &reply('fetchuserfile:'.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$fname,$docuhome);
+ if ($fetchresult eq 'ok') {
# Return the URL to it
return '/uploaded/'.$path.$fname;
} else {
+ &logthis('Failed to transfer '.$docudom.'/'.$docuname.'/'.$fname.
+ ' to host '.$docuhome.': '.$fetchresult);
return '/adm/notfound.html';
@@ -803,12 +1117,24 @@ sub log {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Course Log
+# This routine flushes several buffers of non-mission-critical nature
sub flushcourselogs {
- &logthis('Flushing course log buffers');
+ &logthis('Flushing log buffers');
+# course logs
+# This is a log of all transactions in a course, which can be used
+# for data mining purposes
+# It also collects the courseid database, which lists last transaction
+# times and course titles for all courseids
+ my %courseidbuffer=();
foreach (keys %courselogs) {
my $crsid=$_;
- if (&reply('log:'.$coursedombuf{$crsid}.':'.
+ if (&reply('log:'.$coursedombuf{$crsid}.':'.$coursenumbuf{$crsid}.':'.
$coursehombuf{$crsid}) eq 'ok') {
delete $courselogs{$crsid};
@@ -819,9 +1145,26 @@ sub flushcourselogs {
" exceeded maximum size, deleting.");
delete $courselogs{$crsid};
- }
+ }
+ if ($courseidbuffer{$coursehombuf{$crsid}}) {
+ $courseidbuffer{$coursehombuf{$crsid}}.='&'.
+ &escape($crsid).'='.&escape($coursedescrbuf{$crsid});
+ } else {
+ $courseidbuffer{$coursehombuf{$crsid}}=
+ &escape($crsid).'='.&escape($coursedescrbuf{$crsid});
+ }
+ }
+# Write course id database (reverse lookup) to homeserver of courses
+# Is used in pickcourse
+ foreach (keys %courseidbuffer) {
+ &courseidput($hostdom{$_},$courseidbuffer{$_},$_);
- &logthis('Flushing access logs');
+# File accesses
+# Writes to the dynamic metadata of resources to get hit counts, etc.
foreach (keys %accesshash) {
my $entry=$_;
@@ -830,6 +1173,20 @@ sub flushcourselogs {
delete $accesshash{$entry};
+# Roles
+# Reverse lookup of user roles for course faculty/staff and co-authorship
+ foreach (keys %userrolehash) {
+ my $entry=$_;
+ my ($role,$uname,$udom,$runame,$rudom,$rsec)=
+ split(/\:/,$entry);
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_userroles',
+ { $role.':'.$uname.':'.$udom.':'.$rsec => $userrolehash{$entry} },
+ $rudom,$runame) eq 'ok') {
+ delete $userrolehash{$entry};
+ }
+ }
@@ -838,10 +1195,13 @@ sub courselog {
unless ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
- $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}.':'.
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ $coursenumbuf{$ENV{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $coursedescrbuf{$ENV{'request.course.id'}}=
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
if (defined $courselogs{$ENV{'request.course.id'}}) {
} else {
@@ -871,14 +1231,90 @@ sub countacc {
my $url=&declutter(shift);
unless ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
- my $key=$processmarker.'_'.$dumpcount.'___'.$url.'___count';
+ my $key=$$.$processmarker.'_'.$dumpcount.'___'.$url.'___count';
if (defined($accesshash{$key})) {
} else {
+sub linklog {
+ my ($from,$to)=@_;
+ $from=&declutter($from);
+ $to=&declutter($to);
+ $accesshash{$from.'___'.$to.'___comefrom'}=1;
+ $accesshash{$to.'___'.$from.'___goto'}=1;
+sub userrolelog {
+ my ($trole,$username,$domain,$area,$tstart,$tend)=@_;
+ if (($trole=~/^ca/) || ($trole=~/^in/) ||
+ ($trole=~/^cc/) || ($trole=~/^ep/) ||
+ ($trole=~/^cr/)) {
+ my (undef,$rudom,$runame,$rsec)=split(/\//,$area);
+ $userrolehash
+ {$trole.':'.$username.':'.$domain.':'.$runame.':'.$rudom.':'.$rsec}
+ =$tend.':'.$tstart;
+ }
+sub get_course_adv_roles {
+ my $cid=shift;
+ $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'} unless (defined($cid));
+ my %coursehash=&coursedescription($cid);
+ my %returnhash=();
+ my %dumphash=
+ &dump('nohist_userroles',$coursehash{'domain'},$coursehash{'num'});
+ my $now=time;
+ foreach (keys %dumphash) {
+ my ($tend,$tstart)=split(/\:/,$dumphash{$_});
+ if (($tstart) && ($tstart<0)) { next; }
+ if (($tend) && ($tend<$now)) { next; }
+ if (($tstart) && ($now<$tstart)) { next; }
+ my ($role,$username,$domain,$section)=split(/\:/,$_);
+ my $key=&plaintext($role);
+ if ($section) { $key.=' (Sec/Grp '.$section.')'; }
+ if ($returnhash{$key}) {
+ $returnhash{$key}.=','.$username.':'.$domain;
+ } else {
+ $returnhash{$key}=$username.':'.$domain;
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- Course ID routines
+# Deal with domain's nohist_courseid.db files
+sub courseidput {
+ my ($domain,$what,$coursehome)=@_;
+ return &reply('courseidput:'.$domain.':'.$what,$coursehome);
+sub courseiddump {
+ my ($domfilter,$descfilter,$sincefilter)=@_;
+ my %returnhash=();
+ unless ($domfilter) { $domfilter=''; }
+ foreach my $tryserver (keys %libserv) {
+ if ((!$domfilter) || ($hostdom{$tryserver} eq $domfilter)) {
+ foreach (
+ split(/\&/,&reply('courseiddump:'.$hostdom{$tryserver}.':'.
+ $sincefilter.':'.&escape($descfilter),
+ $tryserver))) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
+ if (($key) && ($value)) {
+ $returnhash{&unescape($key)}=&unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
# ----------------------------------------------------------- Check out an item
sub checkout {
@@ -986,21 +1422,25 @@ sub expirespread {
# ----------------------------------------------------- Devalidate Spreadsheets
sub devalidate {
- my $symb=shift;
+ my ($symb,$uname,$udom)=@_;
my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
if ($cid) {
- my $key=$ENV{'user.name'}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.':';
+ # delete the stored spreadsheets for
+ # - the student level sheet of this user in course's homespace
+ # - the assessment level sheet for this resource
+ # for this user in user's homespace
+ my $key=$uname.':'.$udom.':';
my $status=
- &del('nohist_calculatedsheet',
- [$key.'studentcalc'],
+ &del('nohist_calculatedsheets',
+ [$key.'studentcalc:'],
.' '.
- [$key.'assesscalc:'.$symb]);
+ [$key.'assesscalc:'.$symb],$udom,$uname);
unless ($status eq 'ok ok') {
&logthis('Could not devalidate spreadsheet '.
- $ENV{'user.name'}.' at '.$ENV{'user.domain'}.' for '.
+ $uname.' at '.$udom.' for '.
$symb.': '.$status);
@@ -1203,7 +1643,7 @@ sub tmpreset {
my ($symb,$namespace,$domain,$stuname) = @_;
if (!$symb) {
- if (!$symb) { $symb= $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}; }
+ if (!$symb) { $symb= $ENV{'request.url'}; }
@@ -1332,7 +1772,10 @@ sub store {
if (!$symb) { unless ($symb=&symbread()) { return ''; } }
- &devalidate($symb);
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$ENV{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$ENV{'user.name'}; }
+ &devalidate($symb,$stuname,$domain);
if (!$namespace) {
@@ -1340,8 +1783,6 @@ sub store {
return '';
- if (!$domain) { $domain=$ENV{'user.domain'}; }
- if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$ENV{'user.name'}; }
if (!$home) { $home=$ENV{'user.home'}; }
my $namevalue='';
foreach (keys %$storehash) {
@@ -1363,7 +1804,10 @@ sub cstore {
if (!$symb) { unless ($symb=&symbread()) { return ''; } }
- &devalidate($symb);
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$ENV{'user.domain'}; }
+ if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$ENV{'user.name'}; }
+ &devalidate($symb,$stuname,$domain);
if (!$namespace) {
@@ -1371,8 +1815,6 @@ sub cstore {
return '';
- if (!$domain) { $domain=$ENV{'user.domain'}; }
- if (!$stuname) { $stuname=$ENV{'user.name'}; }
if (!$home) { $home=$ENV{'user.home'}; }
my $namevalue='';
@@ -1430,11 +1872,15 @@ sub coursedescription {
my ($cdomain,$cnum)=split(/\//,$courseid);
my $chome=&homeserver($cnum,$cdomain);
+ my $normalid=$cdomain.'_'.$cnum;
+ # need to always cache even if we get errors otherwise we keep
+ # trying and trying and trying to get the course description.
+ my %envhash=();
+ my %returnhash=();
+ $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.last_cache'}=time;
if ($chome ne 'no_host') {
- my %returnhash=&dump('environment',$cdomain,$cnum);
+ %returnhash=&dump('environment',$cdomain,$cnum);
if (!exists($returnhash{'con_lost'})) {
- my $normalid=$cdomain.'_'.$cnum;
- my %envhash=();
$returnhash{'home'}= $chome;
$returnhash{'domain'} = $cdomain;
$returnhash{'num'} = $cnum;
@@ -1444,15 +1890,13 @@ sub coursedescription {
- $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.last_cache'}=time;
- &appenv(%envhash);
- return %returnhash;
- return ();
+ &appenv(%envhash);
+ return %returnhash;
# -------------------------------------------------------- Get user privileges
@@ -1475,6 +1919,8 @@ sub rolesinit {
my ($trole,$tend,$tstart)=split(/_/,$role);
+# log the associated role with the area
+ &userrolelog($trole,$username,$domain,$area,$tstart,$tend);
if ($tend!=0) {
if ($tend<$now) {
@@ -1486,42 +1932,54 @@ sub rolesinit {
if (($area ne '') && ($trole ne '')) {
- my $spec=$trole.'.'.$area;
- my ($tdummy,$tdomain,$trest)=split(/\//,$area);
- if ($trole =~ /^cr\//) {
- my ($rdummy,$rdomain,$rauthor,$rrole)=split(/\//,$trole);
- my $homsvr=homeserver($rauthor,$rdomain);
- if ($hostname{$homsvr} ne '') {
- my $roledef=
- reply("get:$rdomain:$rauthor:roles:rolesdef_$rrole",
- $homsvr);
- if (($roledef ne 'con_lost') && ($roledef ne '')) {
- my ($syspriv,$dompriv,$coursepriv)=
- split(/\_/,unescape($roledef));
- $allroles{'cm./'}.=':'.$syspriv;
- $allroles{$spec.'./'}.=':'.$syspriv;
- if ($tdomain ne '') {
- $allroles{'cm./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$dompriv;
- $allroles{$spec.'./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$dompriv;
- if ($trest ne '') {
- $allroles{'cm.'.$area}.=':'.$coursepriv;
- $allroles{$spec.'.'.$area}.=':'.$coursepriv;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $allroles{'cm./'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':s'};
- $allroles{$spec.'./'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':s'};
- if ($tdomain ne '') {
- $allroles{'cm./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':d'};
- $allroles{$spec.'./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':d'};
- if ($trest ne '') {
- $allroles{'cm.'.$area}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':c'};
- $allroles{$spec.'.'.$area}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':c'};
- }
- }
- }
+ my $spec=$trole.'.'.$area;
+ my ($tdummy,$tdomain,$trest)=split(/\//,$area);
+ if ($trole =~ /^cr\//) {
+ my ($rdummy,$rdomain,$rauthor,$rrole)=split(/\//,$trole);
+ my $homsvr=homeserver($rauthor,$rdomain);
+ if ($hostname{$homsvr} ne '') {
+ my ($rdummy,$roledef)=
+ &get('roles',["rolesdef_$rrole"],$rdomain,$rauthor);
+ if (($rdummy ne 'con_lost') && ($roledef ne '')) {
+ my ($syspriv,$dompriv,$coursepriv)=
+ split(/\_/,$roledef);
+ if (defined($syspriv)) {
+ $allroles{'cm./'}.=':'.$syspriv;
+ $allroles{$spec.'./'}.=':'.$syspriv;
+ }
+ if ($tdomain ne '') {
+ if (defined($dompriv)) {
+ $allroles{'cm./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$dompriv;
+ $allroles{$spec.'./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$dompriv;
+ }
+ if ($trest ne '') {
+ if (defined($coursepriv)) {
+ $allroles{'cm.'.$area}.=':'.$coursepriv;
+ $allroles{$spec.'.'.$area}.=':'.$coursepriv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (defined($pr{$trole.':s'})) {
+ $allroles{'cm./'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':s'};
+ $allroles{$spec.'./'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':s'};
+ }
+ if ($tdomain ne '') {
+ if (defined($pr{$trole.':d'})) {
+ $allroles{'cm./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':d'};
+ $allroles{$spec.'./'.$tdomain.'/'}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':d'};
+ }
+ if ($trest ne '') {
+ if (defined($pr{$trole.':c'})) {
+ $allroles{'cm.'.$area}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':c'};
+ $allroles{$spec.'.'.$area}.=':'.$pr{$trole.':c'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -1569,6 +2027,9 @@ sub get {
my $rep=&reply("get:$udomain:$uname:$namespace:$items",$uhome);
my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ if ( $#pairs==0 && $pairs[0] =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+ return @pairs;
+ }
my %returnhash=();
my $i=0;
foreach (@$storearr) {
@@ -1616,6 +2077,58 @@ sub dump {
return %returnhash;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------- currentdump
+sub currentdump {
+ my ($courseid,$sdom,$sname)=@_;
+ $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'} if (! defined($courseid));
+ $sdom = $ENV{'user.domain'} if (! defined($sdom));
+ $sname = $ENV{'user.name'} if (! defined($sname));
+ my $uhome = &homeserver($sname,$sdom);
+ my $rep=reply('currentdump:'.$sdom.':'.$sname.':'.$courseid,$uhome);
+ return if ($rep =~ /^(error:|no_such_host)/);
+ #
+ my %returnhash=();
+ #
+ if ($rep eq "unknown_cmd") {
+ # an old lond will not know currentdump
+ # Do a dump and make it look like a currentdump
+ my @tmp = &dump($courseid,$sdom,$sname,'.');
+ return if ($tmp[0] =~ /^(error:|no_such_host)/);
+ my %hash = @tmp;
+ @tmp=();
+ # Code ripped from lond, essentially. The only difference
+ # here is the unescaping done by lonnet::dump(). Conceivably
+ # we might run in to problems with parameter names =~ /^v\./
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {
+ my ($v,$symb,$param) = split(/:/,$key);
+ next if ($v eq 'version' || $symb eq 'keys');
+ next if (exists($returnhash{$symb}) &&
+ exists($returnhash{$symb}->{$param}) &&
+ $returnhash{$symb}->{'v.'.$param} > $v);
+ $returnhash{$symb}->{$param}=$value;
+ $returnhash{$symb}->{'v.'.$param}=$v;
+ }
+ #
+ # Remove all of the keys in the hashes which keep track of
+ # the version of the parameter.
+ while (my ($symb,$param_hash) = each(%returnhash)) {
+ # use a foreach because we are going to delete from the hash.
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$param_hash)) {
+ delete($param_hash->{$key}) if ($key =~ /^v\./);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$rep);
+ foreach (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$_);
+ my ($symb,$param) = split(/:/,$key);
+ $returnhash{&unescape($symb)}->{&unescape($param)} =
+ &unescape($value);
+ }
+ }
+ return %returnhash;
# --------------------------------------------------------------- put interface
sub put {
@@ -1669,6 +2182,37 @@ sub eget {
return %returnhash;
+# ---------------------------------------------- Custom access rule evaluation
+sub customaccess {
+ my ($priv,$uri)=@_;
+ my ($urole,$urealm)=split(/\./,$ENV{'request.role'});
+ $urealm=~s/^\W//;
+ my ($udom,$ucrs,$usec)=split(/\//,$urealm);
+ my $access=0;
+ foreach (split(/\s*\,\s*/,&metadata($uri,'rule_rights'))) {
+ my ($effect,$realm,$role)=split(/\:/,$_);
+ if ($role) {
+ if ($role ne $urole) { next; }
+ }
+ foreach (split(/\s*\,\s*/,$realm)) {
+ my ($tdom,$tcrs,$tsec)=split(/\_/,$_);
+ if ($tdom) {
+ if ($tdom ne $udom) { next; }
+ }
+ if ($tcrs) {
+ if ($tcrs ne $ucrs) { next; }
+ }
+ if ($tsec) {
+ if ($tsec ne $usec) { next; }
+ }
+ $access=($effect eq 'allow');
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $access;
# ------------------------------------------------- Check for a user privilege
sub allowed {
@@ -1677,6 +2221,7 @@ sub allowed {
my $orguri=$uri;
+ if (defined($ENV{'allowed.'.$priv})) { return $ENV{'allowed.'.$priv}; }
# Free bre access to adm and meta resources
if ((($uri=~/^adm\//) || ($uri=~/\.meta$/)) && ($priv eq 'bre')) {
@@ -1687,7 +2232,9 @@ sub allowed {
if ($priv eq 'bre') {
my $copyright=&metadata($uri,'copyright');
- if ($copyright eq 'public') { return 'F'; }
+ if (($copyright eq 'public') && (!$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+ return 'F';
+ }
if ($copyright eq 'priv') {
unless (($ENV{'user.name'} eq $2) && ($ENV{'user.domain'} eq $1)) {
@@ -1705,6 +2252,9 @@ sub allowed {
# Library role, so allow browsing of resources in this domain.
return 'F';
+ if ($copyright eq 'custom') {
+ unless (&customaccess($priv,$uri)) { return ''; }
+ }
# Domain coordinator is trying to create a course
if (($priv eq 'ccc') && ($ENV{'request.role'} =~ /^dc\./)) {
@@ -1741,6 +2291,12 @@ sub allowed {
+# URI is an uploaded document for this course
+ if (($priv eq 'bre') &&
+ ($uri=~/^uploaded\/$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}\/$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}/)) {
+ return 'F';
+ }
# Full access at system, domain or course-wide level? Exit.
if ($thisallowed=~/F/) {
@@ -1916,20 +2472,10 @@ sub allowed {
if ($thisallowed=~/R/) {
my $rolecode=(split(/\./,$ENV{'request.role'}))[0];
- my $filename=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$uri.'.meta';
- if (-e $filename) {
- my @content;
- {
- my $fh=Apache::File->new($filename);
- @content=<$fh>;
- }
- if (join('',@content)=~
- /\]*\>[^\<]*$rolecode[^\<]*\<\/roledeny\>/) {
- &log($ENV{'user.domain'},$ENV{'user.name'},$ENV{'user.host'},
+ if (&metadata($uri,'roledeny')=~/$rolecode/) {
+ &log($ENV{'user.domain'},$ENV{'user.name'},$ENV{'user.host'},
'Denied by role: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' as '.$rolecode);
- return '';
- }
+ return '';
@@ -1959,14 +2505,16 @@ sub is_on_map {
my @uriparts=split(/\//,$uri);
my $filename=$uriparts[$#uriparts];
my $pathname=$uri;
- $pathname=~s/\/$filename$//;
+ $pathname=~s|/\Q$filename\E$||;
+ $pathname=~s/^adm\/wrapper\///;
+ #Trying to find the conditional for the file
my $match=($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$pathname}=~
- /\&$filename\:([\d\|]+)\&/);
+ /\&\Q$filename\E\:([\d\|]+)\&/);
if ($match) {
- return (1,$1);
- } else {
- return (0,0);
- }
+ return (1,$1);
+ } else {
+ return (0,0);
+ }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Define Role
@@ -1974,7 +2522,7 @@ sub is_on_map {
sub definerole {
if (allowed('mcr','/')) {
my ($rolename,$sysrole,$domrole,$courole)=@_;
- foreach (split('/',$sysrole)) {
+ foreach (split(':',$sysrole)) {
my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$_);
if ($pr{'cr:s'}!~/$crole/) { return "refused:s:$crole"; }
if ($pr{'cr:s'}=~/$crole\&/) {
@@ -1983,7 +2531,7 @@ sub definerole {
- foreach (split('/',$domrole)) {
+ foreach (split(':',$domrole)) {
my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$_);
if ($pr{'cr:d'}!~/$crole/) { return "refused:d:$crole"; }
if ($pr{'cr:d'}=~/$crole\&/) {
@@ -1992,7 +2540,7 @@ sub definerole {
- foreach (split('/',$courole)) {
+ foreach (split(':',$courole)) {
my ($crole,$cqual)=split(/\&/,$_);
if ($pr{'cr:c'}!~/$crole/) { return "refused:c:$crole"; }
if ($pr{'cr:c'}=~/$crole\&/) {
@@ -2101,10 +2649,12 @@ sub plaintext {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Assign Role
sub assignrole {
- my ($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$end,$start)=@_;
+ my ($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$end,$start,$deleteflag)=@_;
my $mrole;
if ($role =~ /^cr\//) {
- unless (&allowed('ccr',$url)) {
+ my $cwosec=$url;
+ $cwosec=~s/^\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/.*/$1\/$2/;
+ unless (&allowed('ccr',$cwosec)) {
&logthis('Refused custom assignrole: '.
$udom.' '.$uname.' '.$url.' '.$role.' '.$end.' '.$start.' by '.
$ENV{'user.name'}.' at '.$ENV{'user.domain'});
@@ -2114,7 +2664,7 @@ sub assignrole {
} else {
my $cwosec=$url;
- unless (&allowed('c'.$role,$cwosec)) {
+ unless ((&allowed('c'.$role,$cwosec)) || &allowed('c'.$role,$udom)) {
&logthis('Refused assignrole: '.
$udom.' '.$uname.' '.$url.' '.$role.' '.$end.' '.$start.' by '.
$ENV{'user.name'}.' at '.$ENV{'user.domain'});
@@ -2132,7 +2682,25 @@ sub assignrole {
- return &reply($command,&homeserver($uname,$udom));
+# actually delete
+ if ($deleteflag) {
+ if ((&allowed('dro',$udom)) || (&allowed('dro',$url))) {
+# modify command to delete the role
+ $command="encrypt:rolesdel:$ENV{'user.domain'}:$ENV{'user.name'}:".
+ "$udom:$uname:$url".'_'."$mrole";
+ &logthis("$ENV{'user.name'} at $ENV{'user.domain'} deletes $mrole in $url for $uname at $udom");
+# set start and finish to negative values for userrolelog
+ $start=-1;
+ $end=-1;
+ }
+ }
+# send command
+ my $answer=&reply($command,&homeserver($uname,$udom));
+# log new user role if status is ok
+ if ($answer eq 'ok') {
+ &userrolelog($mrole,$uname,$udom,$url,$start,$end);
+ }
+ return $answer;
# -------------------------------------------------- Modify user authentication
@@ -2167,7 +2735,7 @@ sub modifyuser {
my ($udom, $uname, $uid,
$umode, $upass, $first,
$middle, $last, $gene,
- $forceid, $desiredhome)=@_;
+ $forceid, $desiredhome, $email)=@_;
&logthis('Call to modify user '.$udom.', '.$uname.', '.$uid.', '.
@@ -2209,7 +2777,7 @@ sub modifyuser {
if (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host') || ($uhome ne $unhome)) {
- return 'error: verify home';
+ return 'error: unable verify users home machine.';
} # End of creation of new user
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Add ID
@@ -2219,21 +2787,34 @@ sub modifyuser {
if (($uidhash{$uname}) && ($uidhash{$uname}!~/error\:/)
&& (!$forceid)) {
unless ($uid eq $uidhash{$uname}) {
- return 'error: mismatch '.$uidhash{$uname}.' versus '.$uid;
+ return 'error: user id "'.$uid.'" does not match '.
+ 'current user id "'.$uidhash{$uname}.'".';
} else {
&idput($udom,($uname => $uid));
# -------------------------------------------------------------- Add names, etc
- my %names=&get('environment',
+ my @tmp=&get('environment',
- if ($names{'firstname'} =~ m/^error:.*/) { %names=(); }
+ my %names;
+ if ($tmp[0] =~ m/^error:.*/) {
+ %names=();
+ } else {
+ %names = @tmp;
+ }
+# Make sure to not trash student environment if instructor does not bother
+# to supply name and email information
if ($first) { $names{'firstname'} = $first; }
- if ($middle) { $names{'middlename'} = $middle; }
+ if (defined($middle)) { $names{'middlename'} = $middle; }
if ($last) { $names{'lastname'} = $last; }
- if ($gene) { $names{'generation'} = $gene; }
+ if (defined($gene)) { $names{'generation'} = $gene; }
+ if ($email) { $names{'notification'} = $email;
+ $names{'critnotification'} = $email; }
my $reply = &put('environment', \%names, $udom,$uname);
if ($reply ne 'ok') { return 'error: '.$reply; }
&logthis('Success modifying user '.$udom.', '.$uname.', '.$uid.', '.
@@ -2247,7 +2828,7 @@ sub modifyuser {
sub modifystudent {
my ($udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,$first,$middle,$last,$gene,$usec,
- $end,$start,$forceid,$desiredhome)=@_;
+ $end,$start,$forceid,$desiredhome,$email)=@_;
my $cid='';
unless ($cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
return 'not_in_class';
@@ -2255,22 +2836,61 @@ sub modifystudent {
# --------------------------------------------------------------- Make the user
my $reply=&modifyuser
- $desiredhome);
+ $desiredhome,$email);
unless ($reply eq 'ok') { return $reply; }
+ # This will cause &modify_student_enrollment to get the uid from the
+ # students environment
+ $uid = undef if (!$forceid);
+ $reply = &modify_student_enrollment($udom,$uname,$uid,$first,$middle,
+ $last,$gene,$usec,$end,$start);
+ return $reply;
+sub modify_student_enrollment {
+ my ($udom,$uname,$uid,$first,$middle,$last,$gene,$usec,$end,$start) = @_;
+ # Get the course id from the environment
+ my $cid='';
+ unless ($cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
+ return 'not_in_class';
+ }
+ # Make sure the user exists
my $uhome=&homeserver($uname,$udom);
if (($uhome eq '') || ($uhome eq 'no_host')) {
return 'error: no such user';
-# -------------------------------------------------- Add student to course list
- $reply=critical('put:'.$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
+ #
+ # Get student data if we were not given enough information
+ if (!defined($first) || $first eq '' ||
+ !defined($last) || $last eq '' ||
+ !defined($uid) || $uid eq '' ||
+ !defined($middle) || $middle eq '' ||
+ !defined($gene) || $gene eq '') {
+ # They did not supply us with enough data to enroll the student, so
+ # we need to pick up more information.
+ my %tmp = &get('environment',
+ ['firstname','middlename','lastname', 'generation','id']
+ ,$udom,$uname);
+ foreach (keys(%tmp)) {
+ &logthis("key $_ = ".$tmp{$_});
+ }
+ $first = $tmp{'firstname'} if (!defined($first) || $first eq '');
+ $middle = $tmp{'middlename'} if (!defined($middle) || $middle eq '');
+ $last = $tmp{'lastname'} if (!defined($last) || $last eq '');
+ $gene = $tmp{'generation'} if (!defined($gene) || $gene eq '');
+ $uid = $tmp{'id'} if (!defined($uid) || $uid eq '');
+ }
+ my $fullname = &Apache::loncoursedata::ProcessFullName($last,$gene,
+ $first,$middle);
+ my $reply=critical('put:'.$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
- &escape($end.':'.$start),
+ &escape(join(':',$end,$start,$uid,$usec,$fullname)),
unless (($reply eq 'ok') || ($reply eq 'delayed')) {
return 'error: '.$reply;
-# ---------------------------------------------------- Add student role to user
+ # Add student role to user
my $uurl='/'.$cid;
if ($usec) {
@@ -2334,10 +2954,16 @@ sub createcourse {
return 'error: no such course';
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Course made
+# log existance
+ &courseidput($udom,&escape($udom.'_'.$uname).'='.&escape($description),
+ $uhome);
+ &flushcourselogs();
+# set toplevel url
my $topurl=$url;
unless ($nonstandard) {
# ------------------------------------------ For standard courses, make top url
my $mapurl=&clutter($url);
+ if ($mapurl eq '/res/') { $mapurl=''; }
@@ -2361,25 +2987,26 @@ ENDINITMAP
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Assign Custom Role
sub assigncustomrole {
- my ($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$end,$start)=@_;
+ my ($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$end,$start,$deleteflag)=@_;
return &assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,'cr/'.$rdom.'/'.$rnam.'/'.$rolename,
- $end,$start);
+ $end,$start,$deleteflag);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Revoke Role
sub revokerole {
- my ($udom,$uname,$url,$role)=@_;
+ my ($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$deleteflag)=@_;
my $now=time;
- return &assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$now);
+ return &assignrole($udom,$uname,$url,$role,$now,$deleteflag);
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Revoke Custom Role
sub revokecustomrole {
- my ($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename)=@_;
+ my ($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$deleteflag)=@_;
my $now=time;
- return &assigncustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$now);
+ return &assigncustomrole($udom,$uname,$url,$rdom,$rnam,$rolename,$now,
+ $deleteflag);
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Directory lister
@@ -2444,7 +3071,7 @@ sub dirlist {
my $alldomstr='';
foreach (sort keys %alldom) {
- $alldomstr.=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$_.'&domain:';
+ $alldomstr.=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$_.'/&domain:';
return split(/:/,$alldomstr);
@@ -2455,6 +3082,30 @@ sub dirlist {
+# --------------------------------------------- GetFileTimestamp
+# This function utilizes dirlist and returns the date stamp for
+# when it was last modified. It will also return an error of -1
+# if an error occurs
+sub GetFileTimestamp {
+ my ($studentDomain,$studentName,$filename,$root)=@_;
+ $studentDomain=~s/\W//g;
+ $studentName=~s/\W//g;
+ my $subdir=$studentName.'__';
+ $subdir =~ s/(.)(.)(.).*/$1\/$2\/$3/;
+ my $proname="$studentDomain/$subdir/$studentName";
+ $proname .= '/'.$filename;
+ my ($fileStat) = &Apache::lonnet::dirlist($proname, $studentDomain,
+ $studentName, $root);
+ my @stats = split('&', $fileStat);
+ if($stats[0] ne 'empty' && $stats[0] ne 'no_such_dir') {
+ # @stats contains first the filename, then the stat output
+ return $stats[10]; # so this is 10 instead of 9.
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
# -------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Condition
sub directcondval {
@@ -2507,6 +3158,14 @@ sub condval {
return $result;
+# ---------------------------------------------------- Devalidate courseresdata
+sub devalidatecourseresdata {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedomain)=@_;
+ my $hashid=$coursenum.':'.$coursedomain;
+ delete $courseresdatacache{$hashid.'.time'};
# --------------------------------------------------- Course Resourcedata Query
sub courseresdata {
@@ -2525,39 +3184,66 @@ sub courseresdata {
if ($tmp !~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+ } elsif ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|no_such_host)/) {
+ return $tmp;
foreach my $item (@which) {
- if ($courseresdatacache{$hashid}->{$item}) {
+ if (defined($courseresdatacache{$hashid}->{$item})) {
return $courseresdatacache{$hashid}->{$item};
- return '';
+ return undef;
-# --------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Variable
+# EXT resource caching routines
+sub clear_EXT_cache_status {
+ &delenv('cache.EXT.');
+sub EXT_cache_status {
+ my ($target_domain,$target_user) = @_;
+ my $cachename = 'cache.EXT.'.$target_user.'.'.$target_domain;
+ if (exists($ENV{$cachename}) && ($ENV{$cachename}+600) > time) {
+ # We know already the user has no data
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub EXT_cache_set {
+ my ($target_domain,$target_user) = @_;
+ my $cachename = 'cache.EXT.'.$target_user.'.'.$target_domain;
+ &appenv($cachename => time);
+# --------------------------------------------------------- Value of a Variable
sub EXT {
- my ($varname,$symbparm,$udom,$uname)=@_;
+ my ($varname,$symbparm,$udom,$uname,$usection,$recurse)=@_;
unless ($varname) { return ''; }
#get real user name/domain, courseid and symb
my $courseid;
+ my $publicuser;
if (!($uname && $udom)) {
- (my $cursymb,$courseid,$udom,$uname)=&Apache::lonxml::whichuser();
+ (my $cursymb,$courseid,$udom,$uname,$publicuser)=
+ &Apache::lonxml::whichuser($symbparm);
if (!$symbparm) { $symbparm=$cursymb; }
} else {
my ($realm,$space,$qualifier,@therest)=split(/\./,$varname);
my $rest;
- if ($therest[0]) {
+ if (defined($therest[0])) {
} else {
my $qualifierrest=$qualifier;
if ($rest) { $qualifierrest.='.'.$rest; }
my $spacequalifierrest=$space;
@@ -2565,8 +3251,17 @@ sub EXT {
if ($realm eq 'user') {
# --------------------------------------------------------------- user.resource
if ($space eq 'resource') {
- my %restored=&restore(undef,undef,$udom,$uname);
- return $restored{$qualifierrest};
+ if (defined($Apache::lonhomework::parsing_a_problem)) {
+ return $Apache::lonhomework::history{$qualifierrest};
+ } else {
+ my %restored;
+ if ($publicuser || $ENV{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ %restored=&tmprestore($symbparm,$courseid,$udom,$uname);
+ } else {
+ %restored=&restore($symbparm,$courseid,$udom,$uname);
+ }
+ return $restored{$qualifierrest};
+ }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- user.access
} elsif ($space eq 'access') {
# FIXME - not supporting calls for a specific user
@@ -2577,7 +3272,11 @@ sub EXT {
($udom eq $ENV{'user.domain'})) {
return $ENV{join('.',('environment',$qualifierrest))};
} else {
- my %returnhash=&userenvironment($udom,$uname,$qualifierrest);
+ my %returnhash;
+ if (!$publicuser) {
+ %returnhash=&userenvironment($udom,$uname,
+ $qualifierrest);
+ }
return $returnhash{$qualifierrest};
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- user.course
@@ -2601,14 +3300,17 @@ sub EXT {
return $uname;
# ---------------------------------------------------- Any other user namespace
} else {
- my $item=($rest)?$qualifier.'.'.$rest:$qualifier;
- my %reply=&get($space,[$item]);
- return $reply{$item};
+ my %reply;
+ if (!$publicuser) {
+ %reply=&get($space,[$qualifierrest],$udom,$uname);
+ }
+ return $reply{$qualifierrest};
} elsif ($realm eq 'query') {
# ---------------------------------------------- pull stuff out of query string
- &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},[$space]);
- return $ENV{'form.'.$space};
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ [$spacequalifierrest]);
+ return $ENV{'form.'.$spacequalifierrest};
} elsif ($realm eq 'request') {
# ------------------------------------------------------------- request.browser
if ($space eq 'browser') {
@@ -2622,7 +3324,8 @@ sub EXT {
return $ENV{'course.'.$courseid.'.'.$spacequalifierrest};
} elsif ($realm eq 'resource') {
- if ($courseid eq $ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my $section;
+ if (defined($courseid) && $courseid eq $ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
#print '
'.$space.' - '.$qualifier.' - '.$spacequalifierrest;
@@ -2634,12 +3337,15 @@ sub EXT {
my $symbparm=$symbp.'.'.$spacequalifierrest;
my $mapparm=$mapp.'___(all).'.$spacequalifierrest;
- my $section;
if (($ENV{'user.name'} eq $uname) &&
($ENV{'user.domain'} eq $udom)) {
} else {
- $section=&usection($udom,$uname,$courseid);
+ if (! defined($usection)) {
+ $section=&usection($udom,$uname,$courseid);
+ } else {
+ $section = $usection;
+ }
my $seclevel=$courseid.'.['.$section.'].'.$spacequalifierrest;
@@ -2651,24 +3357,31 @@ sub EXT {
my $courselevelm=$courseid.'.'.$mapparm;
# ----------------------------------------------------------- first, check user
- my %resourcedata=&get('resourcedata',
- [$courselevelr,$courselevelm,$courselevel],
- $udom,$uname);
- if (($resourcedata{$courselevelr}!~/^error\:/) &&
- ($resourcedata{$courselevelr}!~/^con_lost/)) {
- if ($resourcedata{$courselevelr}) {
- return $resourcedata{$courselevelr}; }
- if ($resourcedata{$courselevelm}) {
- return $resourcedata{$courselevelm}; }
- if ($resourcedata{$courselevel}) {
- return $resourcedata{$courselevel}; }
- } else {
- if ($resourcedata{$courselevelr}!~/No such file/) {
- &logthis("WARNING:".
- " Trying to get resource data for ".
- $uname." at ".$udom.": ".
- $resourcedata{$courselevelr}."");
+ #most student don\'t have any data set, check if there is some data
+ #every thirty minutes
+ if (! &EXT_cache_status($udom,$uname)) {
+ my %resourcedata=&get('resourcedata',
+ [$courselevelr,$courselevelm,$courselevel],
+ $udom,$uname);
+ my ($tmp)=keys(%resourcedata);
+ if (($tmp!~/^error\:/) && ($tmp!~/^con_lost/)) {
+ if ($resourcedata{$courselevelr}) {
+ return $resourcedata{$courselevelr}; }
+ if ($resourcedata{$courselevelm}) {
+ return $resourcedata{$courselevelm}; }
+ if ($resourcedata{$courselevel}) {
+ return $resourcedata{$courselevel}; }
+ } else {
+ if ($tmp!~/No such file/) {
+ &logthis("WARNING:".
+ " Trying to get resource data for ".
+ $uname." at ".$udom.": ".
+ $tmp."");
+ } elsif ($tmp=~/error:No such file/) {
+ &EXT_cache_set($udom,$uname);
+ } elsif ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|no_such_host)/) {
+ return $tmp;
+ }
@@ -2679,7 +3392,7 @@ sub EXT {
- if ($coursereply) { return $coursereply; }
+ if (defined($coursereply)) { return $coursereply; }
# ------------------------------------------------------ third, check map parms
my %parmhash=();
@@ -2695,25 +3408,31 @@ sub EXT {
# --------------------------------------------- last, look in resource metadata
- my $metadata=&metadata($ENV{'request.filename'},$spacequalifierrest);
- if ($metadata) { return $metadata; }
- $metadata=&metadata($ENV{'request.filename'},
- 'parameter_'.$spacequalifierrest);
- if ($metadata) { return $metadata; }
+ my $filename;
+ if (!$symbparm) { $symbparm=&symbread(); }
+ if ($symbparm) {
+ $filename=(split(/\_\_\_/,$symbparm))[2];
+ } else {
+ $filename=$ENV{'request.filename'};
+ }
+ my $metadata=&metadata($filename,$spacequalifierrest);
+ if (defined($metadata)) { return $metadata; }
+ $metadata=&metadata($filename,'parameter_'.$spacequalifierrest);
+ if (defined($metadata)) { return $metadata; }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cascade up
unless ($space eq '0') {
- my ($part,$id)=split(/\_/,$space);
- if ($id) {
- my $partgeneral=&EXT('resource.'.$part.'.'.$qualifierrest,
- $symbparm,$udom,$uname);
- if ($partgeneral) { return $partgeneral; }
- } else {
- my $resourcegeneral=&EXT('resource.0.'.$qualifierrest,
- $symbparm,$udom,$uname);
- if ($resourcegeneral) { return $resourcegeneral; }
- }
+ my @parts=split(/_/,$space);
+ my $id=pop(@parts);
+ my $part=join('_',@parts);
+ if ($part eq '') { $part='0'; }
+ my $partgeneral=&EXT('resource.'.$part.'.'.$qualifierrest,
+ $symbparm,$udom,$uname,$section,1);
+ if (defined($partgeneral)) { return $partgeneral; }
+ if ($recurse) { return undef; }
+ my $pack_def=&packages_tab_default($filename,$varname);
+ if (defined($pack_def)) { return $pack_def; }
# ---------------------------------------------------- Any other user namespace
} elsif ($realm eq 'environment') {
@@ -2734,12 +3453,46 @@ sub EXT {
return '';
+sub packages_tab_default {
+ my ($uri,$varname)=@_;
+ my (undef,$part,$name)=split(/\./,$varname);
+ my $packages=&metadata($uri,'packages');
+ foreach my $package (split(/,/,$packages)) {
+ my ($pack_type,$pack_part)=split(/_/,$package,2);
+ if ($pack_part eq $part) {
+ return $packagetab{"$pack_type&$name&default"};
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub add_prefix_and_part {
+ my ($prefix,$part)=@_;
+ my $keyroot;
+ if (defined($prefix) && $prefix !~ /^__/) {
+ # prefix that has a part already
+ $keyroot=$prefix;
+ } elsif (defined($prefix)) {
+ # prefix that is missing a part
+ if (defined($part)) { $keyroot='_'.$part.substr($prefix,1); }
+ } else {
+ # no prefix at all
+ if (defined($part)) { $keyroot='_'.$part; }
+ }
+ return $keyroot;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Get metadata
sub metadata {
my ($uri,$what,$liburi,$prefix,$depthcount)=@_;
+ # if it is a non metadata possible uri return quickly
+ if (($uri eq '') || (($uri =~ m|^/*adm/|) && ($uri !~ m|^adm/includes|)) ||
+ ($uri =~ m|/$|) || ($uri =~ m|/.meta$|)) {
+ return '';
+ }
my $filename=$uri;
@@ -2747,120 +3500,143 @@ sub metadata {
# Look at timestamp of caching
# Everything is cached by the main uri, libraries are never directly cached
- unless (abs($metacache{$uri.':cachedtimestamp'}-time)<600) {
+ unless (abs($metacache{$uri.':cachedtimestamp'}-time)<600 && !defined($liburi)) {
# Is this a recursive call for a library?
if ($liburi) {
- }
+ } else {
+ delete($metacache{$uri.':packages'});
+ }
my %metathesekeys=();
unless ($filename=~/\.meta$/) { $filename.='.meta'; }
- my $metastring=&getfile($perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$filename);
+ my $metastring=&getfile(&filelocation('',&clutter($filename)));
my $parser=HTML::LCParser->new(\$metastring);
my $token;
undef %metathesekeys;
while ($token=$parser->get_token) {
- if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
- if (defined($token->[2]->{'package'})) {
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'package'})) {
# This is a package - get package info
- my $package=$token->[2]->{'package'};
- my $keyroot='';
- if ($prefix) {
- $keyroot.='_'.$prefix;
- } else {
- if (defined($token->[2]->{'part'})) {
- $keyroot.='_'.$token->[2]->{'part'};
- }
- }
- if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
- $keyroot.='_'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
- }
- if ($metacache{$uri.':packages'}) {
- $metacache{$uri.':packages'}.=','.$package.$keyroot;
- } else {
- $metacache{$uri.':packages'}=$package.$keyroot;
- }
- foreach (keys %packagetab) {
- if ($_=~/^$package\&/) {
- my ($pack,$name,$subp)=split(/\&/,$_);
- my $value=$packagetab{$_};
- my $part=$keyroot;
- $part=~s/^\_//;
- if ($subp eq 'display') {
- $value.=' [Part: '.$part.']';
- }
- my $unikey='parameter'.$keyroot.'_'.$name;
- $metathesekeys{$unikey}=1;
- $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.part'}=$part;
- unless
- (defined($metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.'.$subp})) {
- $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.'.$subp}=$value;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
+ my $package=$token->[2]->{'package'};
+ my $keyroot=&add_prefix_and_part($prefix,$token->[2]->{'part'});
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
+ $keyroot.='_'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
+ }
+ if ($metacache{$uri.':packages'}) {
+ $metacache{$uri.':packages'}.=','.$package.$keyroot;
+ } else {
+ $metacache{$uri.':packages'}=$package.$keyroot;
+ }
+ foreach (keys %packagetab) {
+ if ($_=~/^$package\&/) {
+ my ($pack,$name,$subp)=split(/\&/,$_);
+ # ignore package.tab specified default values
+ # here &package_tab_default() will fetch those
+ if ($subp eq 'default') { next; }
+ my $value=$packagetab{$_};
+ my $part=$keyroot;
+ $part=~s/^\_//;
+ if ($subp eq 'display') {
+ $value.=' [Part: '.$part.']';
+ }
+ my $unikey='parameter'.$keyroot.'_'.$name;
+ $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.part'}=$part;
+ $metathesekeys{$unikey}=1;
+ unless (defined($metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.'.$subp})) {
+ $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.'.$subp}=$value;
+ }
+ if (defined($metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.default'})) {
+ $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey}=
+ $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.default'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
# This is not a package - some other kind of start tag
- my $entry=$token->[1];
- my $unikey;
- if ($entry eq 'import') {
- $unikey='';
- } else {
- $unikey=$entry;
- }
- if ($prefix) {
- $unikey.=$prefix;
- } else {
- if (defined($token->[2]->{'part'})) {
- $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'part'};
- }
- }
- if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
- $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
- }
+ my $entry=$token->[1];
+ my $unikey;
+ if ($entry eq 'import') {
+ $unikey='';
+ } else {
+ $unikey=$entry;
+ }
+ $unikey.=&add_prefix_and_part($prefix,$token->[2]->{'part'});
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
+ $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
+ }
- if ($entry eq 'import') {
+ if ($entry eq 'import') {
# Importing a library here
- if (defined($depthcount)) { $depthcount++; } else
- { $depthcount=0; }
- if ($depthcount<20) {
- foreach (split(/\,/,&metadata($uri,'keys',
- $parser->get_text('/import'),$unikey,
- $depthcount))) {
- $metathesekeys{$_}=1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (defined($token->[2]->{'name'})) {
- $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'name'};
- }
- $metathesekeys{$unikey}=1;
- foreach (@{$token->[3]}) {
- $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.'.$_}=$token->[2]->{$_};
- }
- unless (
- $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey}=&HTML::Entities::decode($parser->get_text('/'.$entry))
- ) { $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey}=
- $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.default'};
- }
+ if ($depthcount<20) {
+ my $location=$parser->get_text('/import');
+ my $dir=$filename;
+ $dir=~s|[^/]*$||;
+ $location=&filelocation($dir,$location);
+ foreach (sort(split(/\,/,&metadata($uri,'keys',
+ $location,$unikey,
+ $depthcount+1)))) {
+ $metathesekeys{$_}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (defined($token->[2]->{'name'})) {
+ $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'name'};
+ }
+ $metathesekeys{$unikey}=1;
+ foreach (@{$token->[3]}) {
+ $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.'.$_}=$token->[2]->{$_};
+ }
+ my $internaltext=&HTML::Entities::decode($parser->get_text('/'.$entry));
+ my $default=$metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey.'.default'};
+ if ( $internaltext =~ /^\s*$/ && $default !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ # only ws inside the tag, and not in default, so use default
+ # as value
+ $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey}=$default;
+ } else {
+ # either something interesting inside the tag or default
+ # uninteresting
+ $metacache{$uri.':'.$unikey}=$internaltext;
+ }
# end of not-a-package not-a-library import
- }
+ }
# end of not-a-package start tag
- }
+ }
# the next is the end of "start tag"
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+# are there custom rights to evaluate
+ if ($metacache{$uri.':copyright'} eq 'custom') {
+ #
+ # Importing a rights file here
+ #
+ unless ($depthcount) {
+ my $location=$metacache{$uri.':customdistributionfile'};
+ my $dir=$filename;
+ $dir=~s|[^/]*$||;
+ $location=&filelocation($dir,$location);
+ foreach (sort(split(/\,/,&metadata($uri,'keys',
+ $location,'_rights',
+ $depthcount+1)))) {
+ $metathesekeys{$_}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $metacache{$uri.':keys'}=join(',',keys %metathesekeys);
- $metacache{$uri.':keys'}=join(',',keys %metathesekeys);
- $metacache{$uri.':cachedtimestamp'}=time;
+ $metacache{$uri.':allpossiblekeys'}=join(',',keys %metathesekeys);
+ $metacache{$uri.':cachedtimestamp'}=time;
# this is the end of "was not already recently cached
return $metacache{$uri.':'.$what};
@@ -2873,7 +3649,7 @@ sub metadata_generate_part0 {
if ($metakey=~/^parameter\_(.*)/) {
my $part=$$metacache{$uri.':'.$metakey.'.part'};
my $name=$$metacache{$uri.':'.$metakey.'.name'};
- if (! exists($$metadata{'parameter_0_'.$name})) {
+ if (! exists($$metadata{'parameter_0_'.$name.'.name'})) {
@@ -2894,6 +3670,40 @@ sub metadata_generate_part0 {
+# ------------------------------------------------- Get the title of a resource
+sub gettitle {
+ my $urlsymb=shift;
+ my $symb=&symbread($urlsymb);
+ unless ($symb) {
+ unless ($urlsymb) { $urlsymb=$ENV{'request.filename'}; }
+ return &metadata($urlsymb,'title');
+ }
+ if ($titlecache{$symb}) {
+ if (time < ($titlecache{$symb}[1] + 600)) {
+ return $titlecache{$symb}[0];
+ } else {
+ delete($titlecache{$symb});
+ }
+ }
+ my ($map,$resid,$url)=split(/\_\_\_/,$symb);
+ my $title='';
+ my %bighash;
+ if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ my $mapid=$bighash{'map_pc_'.&clutter($map)};
+ $title=$bighash{'title_'.$mapid.'.'.$resid};
+ untie %bighash;
+ }
+ $title=~s/\&colon\;/\:/gs;
+ if ($title) {
+ $titlecache{$symb}=[$title,time];
+ return $title;
+ } else {
+ return &metadata($urlsymb,'title');
+ }
# ------------------------------------------------- Update symbolic store links
sub symblist {
@@ -2931,7 +3741,7 @@ sub symbverify {
my $okay=0;
if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
- my $ids=$bighash{'ids_/res/'.$thisfn};
+ my $ids=$bighash{'ids_'.&clutter($thisfn)};
unless ($ids) {
@@ -3002,7 +3812,7 @@ sub symbread {
if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
# ---------------------------------------------- Get ID(s) for current resource
- my $ids=$bighash{'ids_/res/'.$thisfn};
+ my $ids=$bighash{'ids_'.&clutter($thisfn)};
unless ($ids) {
@@ -3059,29 +3869,92 @@ sub numval {
return int($txt);
+sub latest_rnd_algorithm_id {
+ return '64bit';
sub rndseed {
my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ my ($wsymb,$wcourseid,$wdomain,$wusername)=&Apache::lonxml::whichuser();
if (!$symb) {
- unless ($symb=&symbread()) { return time; }
+ unless ($symb=$wsymb) { return time; }
- if (!$courseid) { $courseid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};}
- if (!$domain) {$domain=$ENV{'user.domain'};}
- if (!$username) {$username=$ENV{'user.name'};}
+ if (!$courseid) { $courseid=$wcourseid; }
+ if (!$domain) { $domain=$wdomain; }
+ if (!$username) { $username=$wusername }
+ my $which=$ENV{"course.$courseid.rndseed"};
+ my $CODE=$ENV{'scantron.CODE'};
+ if (defined($CODE)) {
+ &rndseed_CODE_64bit($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ } elsif ($which eq '64bit') {
+ return &rndseed_64bit($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+ }
+ return &rndseed_32bit($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
+sub rndseed_32bit {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32C*",$symb) << 27;
+ my $symbseed=numval($symb) << 22;
+ my $namechck=unpack("%32C*",$username) << 17;
+ my $nameseed=numval($username) << 12;
+ my $domainseed=unpack("%32C*",$domain) << 7;
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32C*",$courseid);
+ my $num=$symbseed+$nameseed+$domainseed+$courseseed+$namechck+$symbchck;
+ #&Apache::lonxml::debug("$symbseed:$nameseed;$domainseed|$courseseed;$namechck:$symbchck");
+ #&Apache::lonxml::debug("rndseed :$num:$symb");
+ return $num;
+ }
+sub rndseed_64bit {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
- use integer;
- my $symbchck=unpack("%32C*",$symb) << 27;
- my $symbseed=numval($symb) << 22;
- my $namechck=unpack("%32C*",$username) << 17;
- my $nameseed=numval($username) << 12;
- my $domainseed=unpack("%32C*",$domain) << 7;
- my $courseseed=unpack("%32C*",$courseid);
- my $num=$symbseed+$nameseed+$domainseed+$courseseed+$namechck+$symbchck;
- #uncommenting these lines can break things!
- #&Apache::lonxml::debug("$symbseed:$nameseed;$domainseed|$courseseed;$namechck:$symbchck");
- #&Apache::lonxml::debug("rndseed :$num:$symb");
- return $num;
+ use integer;
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32S*",$symb) << 21;
+ my $symbseed=numval($symb) << 10;
+ my $namechck=unpack("%32S*",$username);
+ my $nameseed=numval($username) << 21;
+ my $domainseed=unpack("%32S*",$domain) << 10;
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32S*",$courseid);
+ my $num1=$symbchck+$symbseed+$namechck;
+ my $num2=$nameseed+$domainseed+$courseseed;
+ #&Apache::lonxml::debug("$symbseed:$nameseed;$domainseed|$courseseed;$namechck:$symbchck");
+ #&Apache::lonxml::debug("rndseed :$num:$symb");
+ return "$num1,$num2";
+ }
+sub rndseed_CODE_64bit {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username)=@_;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ my $symbchck=unpack("%32S*",$symb) << 16;
+ my $symbseed=numval($symb);
+ my $CODEseed=numval($ENV{'scantron.CODE'}) << 16;
+ my $courseseed=unpack("%32S*",$courseid);
+ my $num1=$symbseed+$CODEseed;
+ my $num2=$courseseed+$symbchck;
+ #&Apache::lonxml::debug("$symbseed:$CODEseed|$courseseed:$symbchck");
+ #&Apache::lonxml::debug("rndseed :$num1:$num2:$symb");
+ return "$num1,$num2";
+ }
+sub setup_random_from_rndseed {
+ my ($rndseed)=@_;
+ if ($rndseed =~/,/) {
+ my ($num1,$num2)=split(/,/,$rndseed);
+ &Math::Random::random_set_seed(abs($num1),abs($num2));
+ } else {
+ &Math::Random::random_set_seed_from_phrase($rndseed);
@@ -3207,6 +4080,7 @@ sub goodbye {
&logthis("Starting Shut down");
&logthis("Shutting down");
+ return DONE;
@@ -3235,18 +4109,43 @@ BEGIN {
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Read domain file
+ my $fh=Apache::File->new($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.
+ '/domain.tab');
+ %domaindescription = ();
+ %domain_auth_def = ();
+ %domain_auth_arg_def = ();
+ if ($fh) {
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ next if (/^(\#|\s*$)/);
+# next if /^\#/;
+ chomp;
+ my ($domain, $domain_description, $def_auth, $def_auth_arg)
+ = split(/:/,$_,4);
+ $domain_auth_def{$domain}=$def_auth;
+ $domain_auth_arg_def{$domain}=$def_auth_arg;
+ $domaindescription{$domain}=$domain_description;
+# &logthis("Domain.tab: $domain, $domain_auth_def{$domain}, $domain_auth_arg_def{$domain},$domaindescription{$domain}");
+# &logthis("Domain.tab: $domain ".$domaindescription{$domain} );
+ }
+ }
# ------------------------------------------------------------- Read hosts file
my $config=Apache::File->new("$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosts.tab");
while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+ next if ($configline =~ /^(\#|\s*$)/);
my ($id,$domain,$role,$name,$ip,$domdescr)=split(/:/,$configline);
if ($id && $domain && $role && $name && $ip) {
- if ($domdescr) { $domaindescription{$domain}=$domdescr; }
+ $iphost{$ip}=$id;
if ($role eq 'library') { $libserv{$id}=$name; }
} else {
if ($configline) {
@@ -3262,7 +4161,7 @@ BEGIN {
while (my $configline=<$config>) {
- if (($configline) && ($configline ne $perlvar{'lonHostID'})) {
+ if ($configline) {
@@ -3308,9 +4207,15 @@ BEGIN {
+# ------------- set up temporary directory
+ $tmpdir = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/';
@@ -3357,45 +4262,125 @@ being set.
+=head1 OVERVIEW
-This module provides subroutines which interact with the
-lonc/lond (TCP) network layer of LON-CAPA. And Can be used to ask about
-- classes
-- users
-- resources
+lonnet provides subroutines which interact with the
+lonc/lond (TCP) network layer of LON-CAPA. They can be used to ask
+about classes, users, and resources.
For many of these objects you can also use this to store data about
them or modify them in various ways.
-This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project
-described at http://www.lon-capa.org.
+=head2 Symbs
+To identify a specific instance of a resource, LON-CAPA uses symbols
+or "symbs"X. These identifiers are built from the URL of the
+map, the resource number of the resource in the map, and the URL of
+the resource itself. The latter is somewhat redundant, but might help
+if maps change.
-=over 4
+An example is
-=item *
+ msu/korte/parts/part1.sequence___19___msu/korte/tests/part12.problem
-con_lost : unable to contact remote host
+The respective map entry is
-=item *
-con_delayed : unable to contact remote host, message will be delivered
-when the connection is brought back up
+Symbs are used by the random number generator, as well as to store and
+restore data specific to a certain instance of for example a problem.
-=item *
+=head2 Storing And Retrieving Data
-con_failed : unable to contact remote host and unable to save message
-for later delivery
+XXXThree of the most important functions
+in C are C<&Apache::lonnet::cstore()>,
+C<&Apache::lonnet:restore()>, and C<&Apache::lonnet::store()>, which
+is is the non-critical message twin of cstore. These functions are for
+handlers to store a perl hash to a user's permanent data space in an
+easy manner, and to retrieve it again on another call. It is expected
+that a handler would use this once at the beginning to retrieve data,
+and then again once at the end to send only the new data back.
-=item *
+The data is stored in the user's data directory on the user's
+homeserver under the ID of the course.
-error: : an error a occured, a description of the error follows the :
+The hash that is returned by restore will have all of the previous
+value for all of the elements of the hash.
-=item *
-no_such_host : unable to fund a host associated with the user/domain
+ #creating a hash
+ my %hash;
+ $hash{'foo'}='bar';
+ #storing it
+ &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%hash);
+ #changing a value
+ $hash{'foo'}='notbar';
+ #adding a new value
+ $hash{'bar'}='foo';
+ &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%hash);
+ #retrieving the hash
+ my %history=&Apache::lonnet::restore();
+ #print the hash
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%history))) {
+ print("\%history{$key} = $history{$key}");
+ }
+Will print out:
+ %history{1:foo} = bar
+ %history{1:keys} = foo:timestamp
+ %history{1:timestamp} = 990455579
+ %history{2:bar} = foo
+ %history{2:foo} = notbar
+ %history{2:keys} = foo:bar:timestamp
+ %history{2:timestamp} = 990455580
+ %history{bar} = foo
+ %history{foo} = notbar
+ %history{timestamp} = 990455580
+ %history{version} = 2
+Note that the special hash entries C, C and
+C were added to the hash. C will be equal to the
+total number of versions of the data that have been stored. The
+C attribute will be the UNIX time the hash was
+stored. C is available in every historical section to list which
+keys were added or changed at a specific historical revision of a
+B: do not store the hash that restore returns directly. This
+will cause a mess since it will restore the historical keys as if the
+were new keys. I.E. 1:foo will become 1:1:foo etc.
+Calling convention:
+ my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$courseid,$domain,$uname,$home);
+ &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%newrecord,$symb,$courseid,$domain,$uname,$home);
+For more detailed information, see lonnet specific documentation.
+=over 4
+=item * B: unable to contact remote host
+=item * B: unable to contact remote host, message will be delivered
+when the connection is brought back up
+=item * B: unable to contact remote host and unable to save message
+for later delivery
+=item * B: an error a occured, a description of the error follows the :
+=item * B: unable to fund a host associated with the user/domain
that was requested
@@ -3406,15 +4391,18 @@ that was requested
=over 4
-=item *
-appenv(%hash) : the value of %hash is written to the user envirnoment
-file, and will be restored for each access this user makes during this
-session, also modifies the %ENV for the current process
+=item *
+B: the value of %hash is written to
+the user envirnoment file, and will be restored for each access this
+user makes during this session, also modifies the %ENV for the current
=item *
-delenv($regexp) : removes all items from the session environment file that matches the regular expression in $regexp. The values are also delted from the current processes %ENV.
+B: removes all items from the session
+environment file that matches the regular expression in $regexp. The
+values are also delted from the current processes %ENV.
@@ -3423,50 +4411,51 @@ delenv($regexp) : removes all items from
=over 4
=item *
-queryauthenticate($uname,$udom) : try to determine user's current
+B: try to determine user's current
authentication scheme
=item *
-authenticate($uname,$upass,$udom) : try to authenticate user from domain's lib
-servers (first use the current one), $upass should be the users password
+B: try to
+authenticate user from domain's lib servers (first use the current
+one). C<$upass> should be the users password.
=item *
-homeserver($uname,$udom) : find the server which has the user's
-directory and files (there must be only one), this caches the answer,
-and also caches if there is a borken connection.
+B: find the server which has
+the user's directory and files (there must be only one), this caches
+the answer, and also caches if there is a borken connection.
=item *
-idget($udom,@ids) : find the usernames behind a list of IDs (IDs are a
-unique resource in a domain, there must be only 1 ID per username, and
-only 1 username per ID in a specific domain) (returns hash:
+B: find the usernames behind a list of IDs
+(IDs are a unique resource in a domain, there must be only 1 ID per
+username, and only 1 username per ID in a specific domain) (returns
+hash: id=>name,id=>name)
=item *
-idrget($udom,@unames) : find the IDs behind a list of usernames (returns hash:
+B: find the IDs behind a list of
+usernames (returns hash: name=>id,name=>id)
=item *
-idput($udom,%ids) : store away a list of names and associated IDs
+B: store away a list of names and associated IDs
=item *
-rolesinit($udom,$username,$authhost) : get user privileges
+B: get user privileges
=item *
-usection($udom,$uname,$cname) : finds the section of student in the
+B: finds the section of student in the
course $cname, return section name/number or '' for "not in course"
and '-1' for "no section"
=item *
-userenvironment($udom,$uname,@what) : gets the values of the keys
+B: gets the values of the keys
passed in @what from the requested user's environment, returns a hash
@@ -3526,7 +4515,83 @@ modify user
=item *
-modifystudent($udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,$first,$middle,$last,$gene,$usec,$end,$start) : modify student
+modify a students enrollment and identification information.
+The course id is resolved based on the current users environment.
+This means the envoking user must be a course coordinator or otherwise
+associated with a course.
+This call is essentially a wrapper for lonnet::modifyuser and
+=over 4
+=item B<$udom> Students loncapa domain
+=item B<$uname> Students loncapa login name
+=item B<$uid> Students id/student number
+=item B<$umode> Students authentication mode
+=item B<$upass> Students password
+=item B<$first> Students first name
+=item B<$middle> Students middle name
+=item B<$last> Students last name
+=item B<$gene> Students generation
+=item B<$usec> Students section in course
+=item B<$end> Unix time of the roles expiration
+=item B<$start> Unix time of the roles start date
+=item B<$forceid> If defined, allow $uid to be changed
+=item B<$desiredhome> server to use as home server for student
+=item *
+Change a students enrollment status in a class. The environment variable
+'role.request.course' must be defined for this function to proceed.
+=over 4
+=item $udom, students domain
+=item $uname, students name
+=item $uid, students user id
+=item $first, students first name
+=item $middle
+=item $last
+=item $gene
+=item $usec
+=item $end
+=item $start
=item *