--- loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm 2000/10/26 15:29:17 1.51 +++ loncom/lonnet/perl/lonnet.pm 2000/10/30 16:32:06 1.54 @@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ # 08/22,08/28,08/31,09/01,09/02,09/04,09/05,09/25,09/28,09/30 Gerd Kortemeyer # 10/04 Gerd Kortemeyer # 10/04 Guy Albertelli -# 10/06,10/09,10/10,10/11,10/14,10/20,10/23,10/25,10/26 Gerd Kortemeyer +# 10/06,10/09,10/10,10/11,10/14,10/20,10/23,10/25,10/26,10/27,10/28,10/29, +# 10/30 Gerd Kortemeyer package Apache::lonnet; @@ -498,7 +499,9 @@ sub coursedescription { if ($chome ne 'no_host') { my $rep=reply("dump:$cdomain:$cnum:environment",$chome); if ($rep ne 'con_lost') { - my %cachehash=(); + my $normalid=$courseid; + $normalid=~s/\//\_/g; + my %envhash=(); my %returnhash=('home' => $chome, 'domain' => $cdomain, 'num' => $cnum); @@ -507,14 +510,13 @@ sub coursedescription { $name=&unescape($name); $value=&unescape($value); $returnhash{$name}=$value; - if ($name eq 'description') { - $cachehash{$courseid}=$value; - } + $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.'.$name}=$value; } split(/\&/,$rep); $returnhash{'url'}='/res/'.declutter($returnhash{'url'}); $returnhash{'fn'}=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/'. $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$cdomain.'_'.$cnum; - put ('nohist_coursedescriptions',%cachehash); + $envhash{'course.'.$normalid.'.last_cache'}=time; + &appenv(%envhash); return %returnhash; } } @@ -714,106 +716,217 @@ sub eget { sub allowed { my ($priv,$uri)=@_; - $uri=~s/^\/res//; - $uri=~s/^\///; + $uri=&declutter($uri); -# Free bre access to adm resources +# Free bre access to adm and meta resources - if (($uri=~/^adm\//) && ($priv eq 'bre')) { + if ((($uri=~/^adm\//) || ($uri=~/\.meta$/)) && ($priv eq 'bre')) { return 'F'; } -# Gather priviledges over system and domain - my $thisallowed=''; - if ($ENV{'user.priv./'}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { + my $statecond=0; + my $courseprivid=''; + +# Course + + if ($ENV{'user.priv.'.$ENV{'request.role'}.'./'}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { + $thisallowed.=$1; + } + +# Domain + + if ($ENV{'user.priv.'.$ENV{'request.role'}.'./'.(split(/\//,$uri))[0].'/'} + =~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { $thisallowed.=$1; } - if ($ENV{'user.priv./'.(split(/\//,$uri))[0].'/'}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { + +# Course: uri itself is a course + + if ($ENV{'user.priv.'.$ENV{'request.role'}.'./'.$uri} + =~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { $thisallowed.=$1; } -# Full access at system or domain level? Exit. +# Full access at system, domain or course-wide level? Exit. if ($thisallowed=~/F/) { return 'F'; } -# The user does not have full access at system or domain level -# Course level access control +# If this is generating or modifying users, exit with special codes -# uri itself refering to a course? - - if ($uri=~/\.course$/) { - if ($ENV{'user.priv./'.$uri}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { - $thisallowed.=$1; + if (':csu:cdc:ccc:cin:cta:cep:ccr:cst:cad:cli:cau:cdg:'=~/\:$priv\:/) { + return $thisallowed; + } +# +# Gathered so far: system, domain and course wide priviledges +# +# Course: See if uri or referer is an individual resource that is part of +# the course + + if ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) { + $courseprivid=$ENV{'request.course.id'}; + if ($ENV{'request.course.sec'}) { + $courseprivid.='/'.$ENV{'request.course.sec'}; } -# Full access on course level? Exit. - if ($thisallowed=~/F/) { - return 'F'; + $courseprivid=~s/\_/\//; + my $checkreferer=1; + my @uriparts=split(/\//,$uri); + my $filename=$uriparts[$#uriparts]; + my $pathname=$uri; + $pathname=~s/\/$filename$//; + if ($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$pathname}=~ + /\&$filename\:([\d\|]+)\&/) { + $statecond=$1; + if ($ENV{'user.priv.'.$ENV{'request.role'}.'./'.$courseprivid} + =~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { + $thisallowed.=$1; + $checkreferer=0; + } } + if (($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) && ($checkreferer)) { + my $refuri=&declutter($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}); + my @uriparts=split(/\//,$refuri); + my $filename=$uriparts[$#uriparts]; + my $pathname=$refuri; + $pathname=~s/\/$filename$//; + my @filenameparts=split(/\./,$filename); + if (&fileembstyle($filenameparts[$#filenameparts]) ne 'ssi') { + if ($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$pathname}=~ + /\&$filename\:([\d\|]+)\&/) { + my $refstatecond=$1; + if ($ENV{'user.priv.'.$ENV{'request.role'}.'./'.$courseprivid} + =~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { + $thisallowed.=$1; + $uri=$refuri; + $statecond=$refstatecond; + } + } + } + } + } -# uri is refering to an individual resource; user needs to be in a course +# +# Gathered now: all priviledges that could apply, and condition number +# +# +# Full or no access? +# - } else { + if ($thisallowed=~/F/) { + return 'F'; + } + + unless ($thisallowed) { + return ''; + } - unless(defined($ENV{'request.course.id'})) { - return '1'; +# Restrictions exist, deal with them +# +# C:according to course preferences +# R:according to resource settings +# L:unless locked +# X:according to user session state +# + +# Possibly locked functionality, check all courses +# Locks might take effect only after 10 minutes cache expiration for other +# courses, and 2 minutes for current course + + my $envkey; + if ($thisallowed=~/L/) { + foreach $envkey (keys %ENV) { + if ($envkey=~/^user\.role\.(st|ta)\.([^\.]*)/) { + my $courseid=$2; + my $roleid=$1.'.'.$2; + my $expiretime=600; + if ($ENV{'request.role'} eq $roleid) { + $expiretime=120; + } + my ($cdom,$cnum,$csec)=split(/\//,$courseid); + my $prefix='course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.'; + if ((time-$ENV{$prefix.'last_cache'})>$expiretime) { + &coursedescription($courseid); + } + if (($ENV{$prefix.'res.'.$uri.'.lock.sections'}=~/\,$csec\,/) + || ($ENV{$prefix.'res.'.$uri.'.lock.sections'} eq 'all')) { + if ($ENV{$prefix.'res.'.$uri.'.lock.expire'}>time) { + &log('Locked by res: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' due to '. + $cdom.'/'.$cnum.'/'.$csec.' expire '. + $ENV{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.expire'}); + return ''; + } + } + if (($ENV{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.sections'}=~/\,$csec\,/) + || ($ENV{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.sections'} eq 'all')) { + if ($ENV{'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.expire'}>time) { + &log('Locked by priv: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' due to '. + $cdom.'/'.$cnum.'/'.$csec.' expire '. + $ENV{$prefix.'priv.'.$priv.'.lock.expire'}); + return ''; + } + } + } } + } + +# +# Rest of the restrictions depend on selected course +# -# Get access priviledges for course + unless ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) { + return '1'; + } - if ($ENV{'user.priv./'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}}=~/$priv\&([^\:]*)/) { - $thisallowed.=$1; - } +# +# Now user is definitely in a course +# -# See if resource or referer is part of this course - - my @uriparts=split(/\//,$uri); - my $urifile=$uriparts[$#uriparts]; - $urifile=~/\.(\w+)$/; - my $uritype=$1; - $#uriparts--; - my $uripath=join('/',@uriparts); - my $uricond=-1; - if ($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$uripath}=~ - /\&$urifile\:(\d+)\&/) { - $uricond=$1; - } elsif (($fe{$uritype} eq 'emb') || ($fe{$uritype} eq 'img')) { - my $refuri=$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; - $refuri=~s/^\/res//; - $refuri=~s/^\///; - @uriparts=split(/\//,$refuri); - $urifile=$uriparts[$#uriparts]; - $#uriparts--; - $uripath=join('/',@uriparts); - if ($ENV{'acc.res.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$uripath}=~ - /\&$urifile\:(\d+)\&/) { - $uricond=$1; - } + +# Course preferences + + if ($thisallowed=~/C/) { + my $rolecode=(split(/\./,$ENV{'request.role'}))[0]; + if ($ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$priv.'.roles.denied'} + =~/\,$rolecode\,/) { + &log('Denied by role: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' as '.$rolecode.' in '. + $ENV{'request.course.id'}); + return ''; } + } - if ($uricond>=0) { +# Resource preferences -# The resource is part of the course -# If user had full access on course level, go ahead + if ($thisallowed=~/R/) { + my $rolecode=(split(/\./,$ENV{'request.role'}))[0]; + my $filename=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$uri.'.meta'; + if (-e $filename) { + my @content; + { + my $fh=Apache::File->new($filename); + @content=<$fh>; + } + if (join('',@content)=~ + /\<roledeny[^\>]*\>[^\<]*$rolecode[^\<]*\<\/roledeny\>/) { + &log('Denied by role: '.$priv.' for '.$uri.' as '.$rolecode); + return ''; - if ($thisallowed=~/F/) { - return 'F'; } + } + } # Restricted by state? - if ($thisallowed=~/X/) { - if (&condval($uricond)) { - return '2'; - } else { - return ''; - } - } - } - } - return $thisallowed; + if ($thisallowed=~/X/) { + if (&condval($statecond)) { + return '2'; + } else { + return ''; + } + } + + return 'F'; } # ---------------------------------------------------------- Refresh State Info @@ -1000,8 +1113,16 @@ sub directcondval { sub condval { my $condidx=shift; my $result=0; + my $allpathcond=''; + map { + if (defined($ENV{'acc.cond.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$_})) { + $allpathcond.= + '('.$ENV{'acc.cond.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$_}.')|'; + } + } split(/\|/,$condidx); + $allpathcond=~s/\|$//; if ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) { - if (defined($ENV{'acc.cond.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$condidx})) { + if ($allpathcond) { my $operand='|'; my @stack; map { @@ -1024,8 +1145,7 @@ sub condval { $result=$result>$new?$result:$new; } } - } ($ENV{'acc.cond.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$condidx}=~ - /(\d+|\(|\)|\&|\|)/g); + } ($allpathcond=~/(\d+|\(|\)|\&|\|)/g); } } return $result;