--- loncom/lonssl.pm	2004/05/27 10:26:19	1.5
+++ loncom/lonssl.pm	2018/08/09 13:27:55	1.18
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $Id: lonssl.pm,v 1.5 2004/05/27 10:26:19 foxr Exp $
+# $Id: lonssl.pm,v 1.18 2018/08/09 13:27:55 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 # http://www.lon-capa.org/
+package lonssl;
 #  lonssl.pm
 #    This file contains common functions used by lond and lonc when 
 #    negotiating the exchange of the session encryption key via an 
@@ -33,10 +33,14 @@
 use strict;
-# CPAN modules:
+# CPAN/Standard  modules:
 use IO::Socket::INET;
 use IO::Socket::SSL;
+use Net::SSLeay;
+use Fcntl;
+use POSIX;
 #  Loncapa modules:
@@ -49,12 +53,55 @@ my $perlvar;			#  this refers to the apa
 my $pathsep = "/";		# We're on unix after all.
+my $DEBUG = 0;			# Set to non zero to enable debug output.
 # Initialization code:
 $perlvar = LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
+my $lasterror="";
+sub LastError {
+    return $lasterror;
+sub Debug {
+    my $msg  = shift;
+    if ($DEBUG) {
+	print STDERR $msg;
+    }
+# Name SetFdBlocking - 
+#      Turn blocking mode on on the file handle.  This is required for
+#      SSL key negotiation.
+# Parameters:
+#      Handle   - Reference to the handle to modify.
+# Returns:
+#      prior flag settings.
+sub SetFdBlocking {
+    Debug("SetFdBlocking called \n");
+    my $Handle = shift;
+    my $flags  = fcntl($Handle, F_GETFL, 0);
+    if(!$flags) {
+	Debug("SetBLocking fcntl get faild $!\n");
+    }
+    my $newflags  = $flags & (~ O_NONBLOCK); # Turn off O_NONBLOCK...
+    if(!fcntl($Handle, F_SETFL, $newflags)) {
+	Debug("Can't set non block mode  $!\n");
+    }
+    return $flags;
@@ -69,36 +116,73 @@ $perlvar = LONCAPA::Configuration::read_
 #                                          issued to this host.
 #                KeyFile string    	   Full pathname to the host's private 
 #                                          key file for the certificate.
+#               peer    string             lonHostID of remote LON-CAPA server
+#               CRLFile                    Full path name to the certificate
+#                                          revocation list file for the cluster
+#                                          to which server belongs (optional)
 # Returns
 #	-	Reference to an SSL socket on success
 #       -	undef on failure.  Reason for failure can be interrogated from 
 #               IO::Socket::SSL
+# Side effects:  socket is left in blocking mode!!
 sub PromoteClientSocket {
-    my $PlaintextSocket    = shift;
-    my $CACert             = shift;
-    my $MyCert             = shift;
-    my $KeyFile            = shift;
+    my ($PlaintextSocket,
+	$CACert,
+	$MyCert,
+	$KeyFile,
+        $peer,
+        $CRLFile) = @_;
+    Debug("Client promotion using key: $KeyFile, Cert: $MyCert, CA: $CACert, CRL: $CRLFile, Remote Host: $peer\n");
     # To create the ssl socket we need to duplicate the existing
     # socket.  Otherwise closing the ssl socket will close the plaintext socket
-    # too:
-    open (DUPLICATE, "+>$PlaintextSocket");
-    my $client = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd(fileno(DUPLICATE),
-					      SSL_user_cert => 1,
-					      SSL_key_file  => $KeyFile,
-					      SSL_cert_file => $MyCert,
-					      SSL_ca_fie    => $$CACert);
+    # too.  We also must flip into blocking mode for the duration of the
+    # ssl negotiation phase.. the caller will have to flip to non block if
+    # that's what they want
+    my $oldflags = SetFdBlocking($PlaintextSocket);
+    my $dupfno   = fcntl($PlaintextSocket, F_DUPFD, 0);
+    Debug("Client promotion got dup = $dupfno\n");
+    # Starting with IO::Socket::SSL rev. 1.79, carp warns that a verify 
+    # mode of SSL_VERIFY_NONE should be explicitly set for client, if 
+    # verification is not to be used, and SSL_verify_mode is not set.
+    # Starting with rev. 1.95, the default became SSL_VERIFY_PEER which
+    # prevents an SSL connection to lond unless SSL_verifycn_name is set
+    # to the lonHostID of the remote host, (and the remote certificate has
+    # the remote lonHostID as CN, and has been signed by the LON-CAPA CA.
+    # Set SSL_verify_mode to Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_PEER() instead of to
+    # SSL_VERIFY_PEER for compatibility with IO::Socket::SSL rev. 1.01
+    # used by CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux 5).
+    my %sslargs = (SSL_use_cert      => 1,
+                   SSL_key_file      => $KeyFile,
+                   SSL_cert_file     => $MyCert,
+                   SSL_ca_file       => $CACert,
+                   SSL_verifycn_name => $peer,
+                   SSL_verify_mode   => Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_PEER());
+    if (($CRLFile ne '') && (-e $CRLFile)) {
+        $sslargs{SSL_check_crl} = 1;
+        $sslargs{SSL_crl_file} = $CRLFile;
+    }
+    my $client = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd($dupfno,%sslargs);
+    if(!$client) {
+        if ($IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_ERROR == -1) {
+	    $lasterror = -1;
+        }
+	return undef;
+    }
     return $client;		# Undef if the client negotiation fails.
 # Name	PromoteServerSocket
 # Description	Given an ordinary IO::Socket::INET Creates an SSL socket 
-#               for a server that is connected to the same client.l
+#               for a server that is connected to the same client.
 # Parameters	Name	Type	           Description
 #               Socket	IO::Socket::INET   Original ordinary socket.
 #               CACert	string	           Full path name to the certificate 
@@ -107,29 +191,63 @@ sub PromoteClientSocket {
 #                                          issued to this host.
 #                KeyFile string    	   Full pathname to the host's private 
 #                                          key file for the certificate.
+#               peer   string              lonHostID of remote LON-CAPA client
+#               CRLFile                    Full path name to the certificate
+#                                          revocation list file for the cluster
+#                                          to which server belongs (optional)
+#               clientversion              LON-CAPA version running on remote
+#                                          client
 # Returns
 #	-	Reference to an SSL socket on success
 #       -	undef on failure.  Reason for failure can be interrogated from 
 #               IO::Socket::SSL
+# Side Effects:
+#       Socket is left in blocking mode!!!
 sub PromoteServerSocket {
-    my $PlaintextSocket    = shift;
-    my $CACert             = shift;
-    my $MyCert             = shift;
-    my $KeyFile            = shift;
+    my ($PlaintextSocket,
+	$CACert,
+	$MyCert,
+	$KeyFile,
+        $peer,
+        $CRLFile,
+        $clientversion) = @_;
     # To create the ssl socket we need to duplicate the existing
     # socket.  Otherwise closing the ssl socket will close the plaintext socket
     # too:
-    open (DUPLICATE, "+>$PlaintextSocket");
-    my $client = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd(fileno(DUPLICATE),
-					      SSL_server    => 1, # Server role.
-					      SSL_user_cert => 1,
-					      SSL_key_file  => $KeyFile,
-					      SSL_cert_file => $MyCert,
-					      SSL_ca_fie    => $$CACert);
+    Debug("Server promotion: Key = $KeyFile, Cert $MyCert CA $CACert\n");
+    my $oldflags = SetFdBlocking($PlaintextSocket);
+    my $dupfno   = fcntl($PlaintextSocket, F_DUPFD, 0);
+    if (!$dupfno) {
+	Debug("dup failed: $!\n");
+    }
+    Debug(" Fileno = $dupfno\n");
+    my %sslargs = (SSL_server        => 1, # Server role.
+                   SSL_use_cert      => 1,
+                   SSL_key_file      => $KeyFile,
+                   SSL_cert_file     => $MyCert,
+                   SSL_ca_file       => $CACert);
+    my ($major,$minor) = split(/\./,$clientversion);
+    if (($major < 2) || ($major == 2 && $minor < 12)) {
+        $sslargs{SSL_verify_mode} = Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_NONE();
+    } else {
+        $sslargs{SSL_verifycn_name} = $peer;
+        $sslargs{SSL_verify_mode} = Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_PEER();
+        if (($CRLFile ne '') && (-e $CRLFile)) {
+            $sslargs{SSL_check_crl} = 1;
+            $sslargs{SSL_crl_file} = $CRLFile; 
+        }
+    }
+    my $client = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd($dupfno,%sslargs);
+    if(!$client) {
+        if ($IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_ERROR == -1) {
+            $lasterror = -1;
+        }
+	return undef;
+    }
     return $client;
@@ -163,12 +281,12 @@ sub Close {
 #       the certificate authority.  The second element of the list is the name 
 #       of the owner of the certificate.
 sub GetPeerCertificate {
-  my $SSLSocket = shift;
-  my $CertOwner = $SSLSocket->peer_certificate("owner");
-  my $CertCA    = $SSLSocket->peer_certificate("authority");
-  return \($CertCA, $CertOwner);
+    my $SSLSocket = shift;
+    my $CertOwner = $SSLSocket->peer_certificate("owner");
+    my $CertCA    = $SSLSocket->peer_certificate("authority");
+    return ($CertCA, $CertOwner);
@@ -182,31 +300,35 @@ sub GetPeerCertificate {
 sub CertificateFile {
-  # I need some perl variables from the configuration file for this:
-  my $CertificateDir  = $perlvar->{lonCertificateDirectory};
-  my $CaFilename      = $perlvar->{lonnetCertificateAuthority};
-  my $CertFilename    = $perlvar->{lonnetCertificate};
-  #  Ensure the existence of these variables:
-  if((!$CertificateDir)  || (!$CaFilename) || (!$CertFilename)) {
-    return undef;
-  }
-  #   Build the actual filenames and check for their existence and
-  #   readability.
-  my $CaFilename   = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$CaFilename;
-  my $CertFilename = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$CertFilename;
-  if((! -r $CaFilename) || (! -r $CertFilename)) {
-    return undef;
-  }
-  # Everything works fine!!
-  return \($CaFilename, $CertFilename);
+    # I need some perl variables from the configuration file for this:
+    my $CertificateDir  = $perlvar->{lonCertificateDirectory};
+    my $CaFilename      = $perlvar->{lonnetCertificateAuthority};
+    my $CertFilename    = $perlvar->{lonnetCertificate};
+    #  Ensure the existence of these variables:
+    if((!$CertificateDir)  || (!$CaFilename) || (!$CertFilename)) {
+	$lasterror = "Missing info: dir: $CertificateDir CA: $CaFilename "
+	            ."Cert: $CertFilename";
+	return undef;
+    }
+    #   Build the actual filenames and check for their existence and
+    #   readability.
+    $CaFilename   = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$CaFilename;
+    $CertFilename = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$CertFilename;
+    if((! -r $CaFilename) || (! -r $CertFilename)) {
+	$lasterror = "CA file $CaFilename or Cert File: $CertFilename "
+	            ."not readable";
+	return undef;
+    }
+    # Everything works fine!!
+    return ($CaFilename, $CertFilename);
@@ -220,26 +342,136 @@ sub CertificateFile {
 sub KeyFile {
-  # I need some perl variables from the configuration file for this:
+    # I need some perl variables from the configuration file for this:
+    my $CertificateDir   = $perlvar->{lonCertificateDirectory};
+    my $KeyFilename      = $perlvar->{lonnetPrivateKey};
+    # Ensure the variables exist:
+    if((!$CertificateDir) || (!$KeyFilename)) {
+	$lasterror = "Missing parameter dir: $CertificateDir "
+	            ."key: $KeyFilename";
+	return undef;
+    }
+    # Build the actual filename and ensure that it not only exists but
+    # is also readable:
+    $KeyFilename    = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$KeyFilename;
+    if(! (-r $KeyFilename)) {
+	$lasterror = "Unreadable key file $KeyFilename";
+	return undef;
+    }
+    return $KeyFilename;
+sub CRLFile {
+    # I need some perl variables from the configuration file for this:
-  my $CertificateDir   = $perlvar->{lonCertificateDirectory};
-  my $KeyFilename      = $perlvar->{lonnetPrivateKey};
+    my $CertificateDir   = $perlvar->{lonCertificateDirectory};
+    my $CRLFilename      = $perlvar->{lonnetCertRevocationList};
-  # Ensure the variables exist:
+    # Ensure the variables exist:
-  if((!$CertificateDir) || (!$KeyFilename)) {
-    return undef;
-  }
+    if((!$CertificateDir) || (!$CRLFilename)) {
+        $lasterror = "Missing parameter dir: $CertificateDir "
+                    ."CRL file: $CRLFilename";
+        return undef;
+    }
-  # Build the actual filename and ensure that it not only exists but
-  # is also readable:
+    # Build the actual filename and ensure that it not only exists but
+    # is also readable:
-  my $KeyFilename    = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$KeyFilename;
-  if(! (-r $KeyFilename)) {
-    return undef;
-  }
+    $CRLFilename    = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$CRLFilename;
+    if(! (-r $CRLFilename)) {
+        $lasterror = "Unreadable key file $CRLFilename";
+        return undef;
+    }
+    return $CRLFilename;
+sub BadCertDir {
+    my $SocketDir = $perlvar->{lonSockDir};
+    if (-d "$SocketDir/nosslverify/") {
+        return "$SocketDir/nosslverify"
+    }
+sub has_badcert_file {
+    my ($client) = @_;
+    my $SocketDir = $perlvar->{lonSockDir};
+    if (-e "$SocketDir/nosslverify/$client") {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return;
+sub Read_Connect_Config {
+    my ($secureconf,$checkedcrl,$perlvarref) = @_;
+    return unless ((ref($secureconf) eq 'HASH') && (ref($checkedcrl) eq 'HASH'));
+    unless (ref($perlvarref) eq 'HASH') {
+        $perlvarref = $perlvar;
+    }
+    # Clear hash of clients for which Certificate Revocation List checked 
+    foreach my $key (keys(%{$checkedcrl})) {
+        delete($checkedcrl->{$key});
+    }
+    # Clean out the old table first.
+    foreach my $key (keys(%{$secureconf})) {
+        delete($secureconf->{$key});
+    }
+    my $result;
+    my $tablename = $perlvarref->{'lonTabDir'}."/connectionrules.tab";
+    if (open(my $fh,"<$tablename")) {
+        while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+            chomp($line);
+            my ($name,$value) = split(/=/,$line);
+            if ($value =~ /^(?:no|yes|req)$/) {
+                if ($name =~ /^conn(to|from)_(dom|intdom|other)$/) {
+                    $secureconf->{'conn'.$1}{$2} = $value;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        close($fh);
+        return 'ok';
+    }
+    return;
-  return $KeyFilename;
+sub Read_Host_Types {
+    my ($hosttypes,$perlvarref) = @_;
+    return unless (ref($hosttypes) eq 'HASH');
+    unless (ref($perlvarref) eq 'HASH') {
+        $perlvarref = $perlvar;
+    }
+    # Clean out the old table first.
+    foreach my $key (keys(%{$hosttypes})) {
+        delete($hosttypes->{$key});
+    }
+    my $result;
+    my $tablename = $perlvarref->{'lonTabDir'}."/hosttypes.tab";
+    if (open(my $fh,"<$tablename")) {
+        while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+            chomp($line);
+            my ($name,$value) = split(/:/,$line);
+            if (($name ne '') && ($value =~ /^(dom|intdom|other)$/)) { 
+                $hosttypes->{$name} = $value;
+            }
+        }
+        close($fh);
+        return 'ok';
+    }
+    return;