--- loncom/lonssl.pm	2004/05/26 10:19:54	1.1
+++ loncom/lonssl.pm	2004/05/28 09:37:03	1.6
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# $Id: lonssl.pm,v 1.6 2004/05/28 09:37:03 foxr Exp $
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
+package lonssl;
+#  lonssl.pm
+#    This file contains common functions used by lond and lonc when 
+#    negotiating the exchange of the session encryption key via an 
+#    SSL tunnel.
+#     See the POD sections and function documentation for more information.
+use strict;
+# CPAN/Standard  modules:
+use English;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+use IO::Socket::SSL;
+#  Loncapa modules:
+use LONCAPA::Configuration;
+#  Global storage:
+my $perlvar;			#  this refers to the apache perlsetvar 
+                                # variable hash.
+my $pathsep = "/";		# We're on unix after all.
+# Initialization code:
+$perlvar = LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
+# Name	PromoteClientSocket
+# Description	Given an ordinary IO::Socket::INET Creates an SSL socket 
+#               for a client that is connected to the same server.
+# Parameters	Name	Type	           Description
+#               Socket	IO::Socket::INET   Original ordinary socket.
+#               CACert	string	           Full path name to the certificate 
+#                                          authority certificate file.
+#                MyCert	string	           Full path name to the certificate 
+#                                          issued to this host.
+#                KeyFile string    	   Full pathname to the host's private 
+#                                          key file for the certificate.
+# Returns
+#	-	Reference to an SSL socket on success
+#       -	undef on failure.  Reason for failure can be interrogated from 
+#               IO::Socket::SSL
+sub PromoteClientSocket {
+    my ($PlaintextSocket,
+	$CACert,
+	$MyCert,
+	$KeyFile)          = @ARG;
+    # To create the ssl socket we need to duplicate the existing
+    # socket.  Otherwise closing the ssl socket will close the plaintext socket
+    # too:
+    open (DUPLICATE, "+>$PlaintextSocket");
+    my $client = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd(fileno(DUPLICATE),
+					      SSL_user_cert => 1,
+					      SSL_key_file  => $KeyFile,
+					      SSL_cert_file => $MyCert,
+					      SSL_ca_fie    => $$CACert);
+    return $client;		# Undef if the client negotiation fails.
+# Name	PromoteServerSocket
+# Description	Given an ordinary IO::Socket::INET Creates an SSL socket 
+#               for a server that is connected to the same client.l
+# Parameters	Name	Type	           Description
+#               Socket	IO::Socket::INET   Original ordinary socket.
+#               CACert	string	           Full path name to the certificate 
+#                                          authority certificate file.
+#                MyCert	string	           Full path name to the certificate 
+#                                          issued to this host.
+#                KeyFile string    	   Full pathname to the host's private 
+#                                          key file for the certificate.
+# Returns
+#	-	Reference to an SSL socket on success
+#       -	undef on failure.  Reason for failure can be interrogated from 
+#               IO::Socket::SSL
+sub PromoteServerSocket {
+    my ($PlaintextSocket,
+	$CACert,
+	$MyCert,
+	$KeyFile)          = @ARG;
+    # To create the ssl socket we need to duplicate the existing
+    # socket.  Otherwise closing the ssl socket will close the plaintext socket
+    # too:
+    open (DUPLICATE, "+>$PlaintextSocket");
+    my $client = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd(fileno(DUPLICATE),
+					      SSL_server    => 1, # Server role.
+					      SSL_user_cert => 1,
+					      SSL_key_file  => $KeyFile,
+					      SSL_cert_file => $MyCert,
+					      SSL_ca_fie    => $$CACert);
+    return $client;
+# Name: Close
+# Description: Properly closes an ssl client or ssl server socket in
+#              a way that keeps the parent socket open.
+# Parameters:  Name      Type            Description
+#              Socket   IO::Socket::SSL  SSL Socket gotten from either
+#                                        PromoteClientSocket or 
+#                                        PromoteServerSocket
+# Returns:
+#   NONE
+sub Close {
+    my $Socket = shift;
+    $Socket->close(SSL_no_shutdown =>1); # Otherwise the parent socket 
+                                         # gets torn down.
+# Name   	GetPeerCertificate
+# Description	Inquires about the certificate of the peer of a connection.
+# Parameters	Name	        Type	          Description
+#               SSLSocket	IO::Socket::SSL	  SSL tunnel socket open on 
+#                                                 the peer.
+# Returns
+#	A two element list.  The first element of the list is the name of 
+#       the certificate authority.  The second element of the list is the name 
+#       of the owner of the certificate.
+sub GetPeerCertificate {
+    my $SSLSocket = shift;
+    my $CertOwner = $SSLSocket->peer_certificate("owner");
+    my $CertCA    = $SSLSocket->peer_certificate("authority");
+    return \($CertCA, $CertOwner);
+# Name  	CertificateFile
+# Description	Locate the certificate files for this host.
+# Returns
+#	Returns a two element array.  The first element contains the name of
+#  the certificate file for this host.  The second element contains the name
+#  of the  certificate file for the CA that granted the certificate.  If 
+#  either file cannot be located, returns undef.
+sub CertificateFile {
+    # I need some perl variables from the configuration file for this:
+    my $CertificateDir  = $perlvar->{lonCertificateDirectory};
+    my $CaFilename      = $perlvar->{lonnetCertificateAuthority};
+    my $CertFilename    = $perlvar->{lonnetCertificate};
+    #  Ensure the existence of these variables:
+    if((!$CertificateDir)  || (!$CaFilename) || (!$CertFilename)) {
+	return undef;
+    }
+    #   Build the actual filenames and check for their existence and
+    #   readability.
+    my $CaFilename   = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$CaFilename;
+    my $CertFilename = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$CertFilename;
+    if((! -r $CaFilename) || (! -r $CertFilename)) {
+	return undef;
+    }
+    # Everything works fine!!
+    return \($CaFilename, $CertFilename);
+# Name	        KeyFile
+# Description
+#      Returns the name of the private key file of the current host.
+# Returns
+#      Returns the name of the key file or undef if the file cannot 
+#      be found.
+sub KeyFile {
+    # I need some perl variables from the configuration file for this:
+    my $CertificateDir   = $perlvar->{lonCertificateDirectory};
+    my $KeyFilename      = $perlvar->{lonnetPrivateKey};
+    # Ensure the variables exist:
+    if((!$CertificateDir) || (!$KeyFilename)) {
+	return undef;
+    }
+    # Build the actual filename and ensure that it not only exists but
+    # is also readable:
+    my $KeyFilename    = $CertificateDir.$pathsep.$KeyFilename;
+    if(! (-r $KeyFilename)) {
+	return undef;
+    }
+    return $KeyFilename;