Annotation of loncom/misc/, revision 1.2
1.1 www 1: a
2: able
3: about
4: above
5: across
1.2 ! www 6: actual
1.1 www 7: actually
8: add
1.2 ! www 9: afraid
1.1 www 10: after
11: again
12: ago
13: all
14: allow
15: allowed
16: allowing
17: allows
18: almost
1.2 ! www 19: alone
1.1 www 20: along
21: alongside
22: already
23: also
24: although
25: altogether
26: am
27: among
28: an
29: and
30: another
31: answer
32: answered
33: answering
34: answers
35: any
36: anybody
37: anyhow
38: anyone
39: anything
40: anytime
41: anyway
42: anywhere
43: apart
44: are
45: aren
46: around
47: as
48: ask
49: asked
50: asking
51: asks
52: at
53: avoid
54: avoided
55: avoiding
56: avoids
57: away
58: awhile
59: b
60: back
61: backward
62: bad
1.2 ! www 63: based
1.1 www 64: bcc
65: be
66: became
67: because
68: become
69: becoming
70: been
71: before
72: behind
73: being
74: below
75: best
76: better
77: between
78: beyond
79: big
80: bigger
81: biggest
82: both
83: bottom
84: bring
85: bringing
86: brings
1.2 ! www 87: broad
! 88: broader
1.1 www 89: brought
90: but
91: by
92: c
93: call
94: called
95: calling
96: calls
97: came
98: can
99: cannot
100: cant
101: case
102: cc
103: certain
104: certainly
105: clearly
106: close
107: closed
108: closer
109: closest
110: come
111: common
112: commonly
1.2 ! www 113: compared
! 114: comparing
1.1 www 115: complete
116: completely
117: contain
118: contained
119: containing
120: contains
1.2 ! www 121: continue
1.1 www 122: could
123: couldn
124: current
125: currently
126: d
127: daily
1.2 ! www 128: demand
! 129: demonstrated
1.1 www 130: describe
131: described
132: describes
133: describing
134: description
1.2 ! www 135: desired
1.1 www 136: despite
1.2 ! www 137: details
! 138: determine
! 139: determined
1.1 www 140: did
141: didn
142: didnt
143: discuss
144: discussed
145: discusses
146: discussing
147: do
148: does
149: doesn
150: doesnt
151: doing
1.2 ! www 152: dont
1.1 www 153: down
154: drive
1.2 ! www 155: driven
1.1 www 156: drives
157: driving
158: drove
1.2 ! www 159: due
1.1 www 160: during
161: e
162: each
163: earlier
164: earliest
165: early
166: easier
167: easiest
168: easily
169: easy
1.2 ! www 170: effective
! 171: effectively
! 172: efficiently
1.1 www 173: eg
174: eight
175: either
176: eleven
177: else
178: empty
179: enable
180: enabled
181: enables
182: enabling
183: end
184: ended
185: ends
1.2 ! www 186: enhanced
! 187: ensure
1.1 www 188: entire
189: equation
190: equations
191: especially
192: etc
193: even
1.2 ! www 194: eventually
1.1 www 195: ever
196: every
197: everybody
198: everyday
199: everything
1.2 ! www 200: existing
! 201: exists
! 202: extends
1.1 www 203: f
1.2 ! www 204: facilitate
! 205: facilitates
! 206: fact
1.1 www 207: false
208: falsely
209: far
210: fast
211: faster
212: fastest
1.2 ! www 213: feasible
1.1 www 214: feel
215: felt
216: few
217: ff
218: figure
219: figures
220: final
1.2 ! www 221: finally
1.1 www 222: find
223: finding
224: finds
225: first
226: five
227: follow
228: followed
229: following
230: follows
231: for
1.2 ! www 232: foremost
1.1 www 233: former
234: formerly
235: forward
236: found
237: four
238: frankly
1.2 ! www 239: freely
1.1 www 240: frequent
241: frequently
242: from
243: front
244: full
245: fully
246: further
247: g
248: gave
1.2 ! www 249: geared
1.1 www 250: generally
1.2 ! www 251: gently
1.1 www 252: get
253: gets
254: getting
255: give
256: given
257: gives
258: giving
259: go
260: goes
261: going
262: gone
263: good
264: got
265: great
266: greater
267: greatest
1.2 ! www 268: greatly
1.1 www 269: h
270: had
271: hadn
1.2 ! www 272: handle
1.1 www 273: hard
274: harder
275: hardest
276: has
277: hasn
278: hasnt
279: have
280: haven
281: havent
282: having
283: he
284: hear
285: heard
286: hearing
287: hears
288: held
1.2 ! www 289: help
! 290: helped
1.1 www 291: hence
292: her
293: here
294: hers
295: herself
296: high
297: higher
298: highest
299: him
300: himself
301: his
302: hold
303: holding
304: holds
305: how
306: however
307: i
308: ie
309: if
310: im
1.2 ! www 311: immediately
1.1 www 312: important
313: importantly
314: in
1.2 ! www 315: included
! 316: including
! 317: increased
! 318: increasingly
1.1 www 319: initial
320: initially
321: inside
322: instantly
323: instead
324: intense
1.2 ! www 325: interested
1.1 www 326: into
1.2 ! www 327: introduce
! 328: introduced
1.1 www 329: invariably
330: is
331: isn
332: isnt
333: it
334: its
335: itself
336: j
337: just
338: k
339: keep
340: keeping
341: keeps
342: kept
343: kind
1.2 ! www 344: knew
! 345: known
1.1 www 346: l
347: laid
1.2 ! www 348: large
! 349: larger
1.1 www 350: last
351: lastest
352: late
353: later
354: latest
355: latter
356: lead
357: leads
358: least
359: led
360: left
361: less
362: let
363: lets
364: letting
365: lie
366: lies
367: like
368: liked
369: likes
370: little
371: long
372: longer
373: longest
374: look
375: looked
376: looking
377: looks
378: lot
379: low
380: lower
381: lowest
382: lying
383: m
384: made
385: make
386: makes
387: making
388: many
389: matters
390: may
391: me
1.2 ! www 392: means
1.1 www 393: might
394: mine
395: model
396: models
397: more
398: most
399: move
400: much
401: must
1.2 ! www 402: my
1.1 www 403: myself
404: n
1.2 ! www 405: naturally
1.1 www 406: need
407: needed
408: needing
409: needs
410: neglect
411: neglected
412: neglecting
413: neglects
414: neither
415: never
416: nevertheless
417: new
418: next
419: nine
420: no
421: none
422: nor
423: normal
424: not
425: now
426: o
427: odd
428: of
429: off
1.2 ! www 430: offers
1.1 www 431: officially
432: often
433: ol
434: old
435: older
436: oldest
437: on
438: once
439: one
1.2 ! www 440: ones
1.1 www 441: only
442: open
443: openly
444: or
445: other
446: others
447: our
448: ours
449: out
450: outside
451: over
452: overall
453: p
454: past
455: per
1.2 ! www 456: physically
! 457: playing
1.1 www 458: plentiful
459: plenty
460: pose
461: posed
462: poses
463: posing
1.2 ! www 464: possible
1.1 www 465: previous
466: probably
467: problem
468: problems
1.2 ! www 469: provide
1.1 www 470: push
471: pushed
472: pushes
473: pushing
474: put
475: puts
476: putting
477: q
478: question
479: questionable
480: quick
481: quickly
482: quite
483: quote
484: quoted
485: quotes
486: quoting
487: r
488: ran
1.2 ! www 489: ranging
1.1 www 490: rarely
491: rather
492: re
493: reach
494: reached
495: reaches
496: reaching
497: readily
498: ready
499: real
500: really
501: reason
502: reasonable
503: receive
504: received
505: receives
506: recent
507: recently
1.2 ! www 508: regarding
! 509: relatively
! 510: relevant
! 511: remains
1.1 www 512: repeatedly
513: replied
514: replies
515: reply
516: replying
517: right
518: run
519: running
520: runs
521: s
1.2 ! www 522: sadly
1.1 www 523: said
524: same
525: say
526: saying
527: says
528: second
1.2 ! www 529: secondly
1.1 www 530: see
531: seeing
532: seek
533: seeking
534: seeks
1.2 ! www 535: seems
1.1 www 536: sees
537: self
538: seven
539: several
540: shall
541: she
542: short
543: shorter
544: shortest
545: should
546: shouldn
547: shouldnt
548: show
549: showed
550: showing
551: shown
552: shows
553: similar
554: simple
555: simpler
556: simplest
557: simply
558: since
559: sincerely
560: six
561: slow
562: slower
563: slowest
564: small
565: smaller
566: smallest
567: so
568: solely
569: solve
570: solved
571: solves
572: solving
573: some
574: someone
1.2 ! www 575: something
! 576: sometimes
1.1 www 577: somewhere
578: soon
579: sooner
580: sparse
581: sparsely
582: special
583: start
584: started
585: starts
586: still
587: stuff
588: such
589: t
590: table
591: tables
592: take
593: taken
594: takes
595: taking
596: task
597: ten
598: than
599: thank
600: thanks
601: that
602: the
603: their
604: theirs
605: them
606: themselves
607: then
608: there
609: therefore
610: these
611: they
612: thing
613: things
614: think
615: thinking
616: thinks
617: third
618: this
619: those
620: though
621: thought
622: three
623: through
624: throughout
625: thru
626: thus
627: time
628: to
629: today
1.2 ! www 630: todays
1.1 www 631: together
632: too
633: took
634: top
635: towards
636: tried
637: tries
638: true
639: try
640: trying
641: twelve
1.2 ! www 642: twice
1.1 www 643: two
644: u
645: under
1.2 ! www 646: until
1.1 www 647: unused
648: up
649: upside
650: urge
651: urged
652: urges
653: urging
654: us
655: use
656: used
657: uses
658: using
659: usually
1.2 ! www 660: utilize
1.1 www 661: v
1.2 ! www 662: various
1.1 www 663: versus
664: very
665: via
666: w
667: was
668: wasn
669: watch
670: watched
671: watches
672: watching
673: way
1.2 ! www 674: ways
1.1 www 675: we
676: well
677: went
678: were
679: weren
680: what
681: whatever
1.2 ! www 682: whats
! 683: when
1.1 www 684: where
685: wherever
686: which
687: while
688: who
689: whole
690: whose
691: why
692: wide
693: widely
694: wider
695: widest
696: will
697: with
698: within
699: without
700: wonderful
701: wonderfully
702: wont
703: worse
704: worst
705: would
706: wouldn
707: wouldnt
708: wrong
709: x
710: y
711: yes
712: yet
713: you
714: your
715: youre
716: yours
717: z
718: zero
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