version 1.80, 2011/04/11 21:20:46
version 1.86, 2011/06/10 15:24:25
Line 72 fh-regensburg:Fachhochschule Regensburg:
Line 72 fh-regensburg:Fachhochschule Regensburg:
tuc:Technische Universitaet Clausthal:::de::::tucl1 |
tuc:Technische Universitaet Clausthal:::de::::tucl1 |
otterbein:Otterbein University:::en-US::::otterbein1 |
otterbein:Otterbein University:::en-US::::otterbein1 |
saic:School of the Art Institute of Chicago:::en-US::::saicl1 |
saic:School of the Art Institute of Chicago:::en-US::::saicl1 |
asu:Arizona State University:::en-US::::asul1 |
ucsb:University of California Santa Barbara:::en-US::::ucsb1 |
aicasa:American International College of Arts and Sciences Antigua:::en-US::::aicasal1 |
sbuniv:Southwest Baptist University:::en-US::::sbunivl1 |
uclan:University of Central Lancashire:::en::::uclanl1 |
#Community College |
#Community College |
wscc:Westshore Community College:::en-US:Scottville, MI:-86.279:43.955:wsccl1 |
wscc:Westshore Community College:::en-US:Scottville, MI:-86.279:43.955:wsccl1 |
Line 87 vcc:Vancouver Community College:::en-CA:
Line 92 vcc:Vancouver Community College:::en-CA:
nwcc:Northwest Community College:::en-CA::::nwccl1 |
nwcc:Northwest Community College:::en-CA::::nwccl1 |
#High School |
#High School |
rccs:Redeemer Classical Christian School:::::::rccsl1 |
carsoncity:Carson City - Crystal Area Schools:::::::carsoncityl1 |
carsoncity:Carson City - Crystal Area Schools:::::::carsoncityl1 |
smuhsd:San Mateo Union High School District:::en-US::::smuhsdl1 |
smuhsd:San Mateo Union High School District:::en-US::::smuhsdl1 |
lfea:Lake Fenton Education Association:::en-US::::lfeal1 |
lfea:Lake Fenton Education Association:::en-US::::lfeal1 |