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Current directory: [LON-CAPA] / loncom / publisher

Current tag: language_hyphenation

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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[TXT] addid.tab 1.24 14 years www <splinerule> becomes <functionplotrule>, as other elements may be added Start im...
[TXT] copyright.tab 1.10 15 years bisitz Removed unnecessary blanks and tab stops de.pm: Removed outdated, unused phrase...
[TXT] language.tab 1.23 13 years foxr Add LaTeX babel hyphenation code field.
[TXT] loncfile.pm 1.114 13 years raeburn - &authorspace() routine now takes an argument: $uri so "Construction Space" b...
[TXT] loncleanup.pm 1.16 13 years raeburn - &authorspace() routine now takes an argument: $uri so "Construction Space" b...
[TXT] londiff.pm 1.33 13 years raeburn - use values from Apache::lonnet::perlvar in place of static strings.
[TXT] lonpubdir.pm 1.138 13 years raeburn - Bug 6530. - Additional clean up for bug 1320, following retirement of loncon...
[TXT] lonpublisher.pm 1.277 13 years raeburn - &authorspace() routine now takes an argument: $uri so "Construction Space" b...
[TXT] lonpubmenu.pm 1.6 16 years schafran Catalog Information is now metadata.
[TXT] lonretrieve.pm 1.47 13 years raeburn - &authorspace() routine now takes an argument: $uri so "Construction Space" b...
[TXT] lonrights.pm 1.33 13 years raeburn - &authorspace() routine now takes an argument: $uri so "Construction Space" b...
[TXT] lonunauthorized.pm 1.14 13 years raeburn - Typo (eq not = in this context).
[TXT] lonupload.pm 1.59 13 years raeburn - &authorspace() routine now takes an argument: $uri so "Construction Space" b...
[TXT] packages.tab 1.68 13 years raeburn - Bug 2802. - checking for LON-CAPA version when setting "lenient" parameter ...
[TXT] publisher.html 1.41 15 years bisitz Quick intermediate layout fix: CSTR header for remote control on mode - Lighter ...
[TXT] source_copyright.tab 1.4 19 years www Not only for problems.
[TXT] testbankimport.pm 1.34 13 years raeburn - &authorspace() routine now takes an argument: $uri so "Construction Space" b...

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