--- loncom/publisher/lonpubdir.pm 2008/12/21 04:36:58
+++ loncom/publisher/lonpubdir.pm 2014/04/21 21:26:41 1.152
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
-# Construction Space Directory Lister
+# Authoring Space Directory Lister
-# $Id: lonpubdir.pm,v 2008/12/21 04:36:58 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonpubdir.pm,v 1.152 2014/04/21 21:26:41 musolffc Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ use strict;
use Apache::File;
use File::Copy;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http :methods);
-use Apache::loncacc;
use Apache::loncommon();
use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
use Apache::londiff();
@@ -45,139 +44,196 @@ use LONCAPA;
sub handler {
- my $r=shift;
+ my $r=shift;
- my $fn;
+ # Validate access to the construction space and get username:domain.
+ my $uname;
+ my $udom;
+ ($uname,$udom)=&Apache::lonnet::constructaccess($r->uri);
+ unless (($uname) && ($udom)) {
+ }
- $fn = getEffectiveUrl($r);
+# ----------------------------------------------------------- Start page output
- # Validate access to the construction space and get username@domain.
+ my $fn=$r->filename;
+ $fn=~s/\/$//;
+ my $thisdisfn=$fn;
- my $uname;
- my $udom;
+ my $docroot=$r->dir_config('lonDocRoot'); # Apache londocument root.
+ $thisdisfn=~s/^\Q$docroot\E\/priv//;
+ my $resdir=$docroot.'/res'.$thisdisfn; # Resource directory
+ my $targetdir='/res'.$thisdisfn; # Publication target directory.
+ my $linkdir='/priv'.$thisdisfn; # Full URL name of constr space.
+ my %bombs=&Apache::lonmsg::all_url_author_res_msg($uname,$udom);
+ &startpage($r, $uname, $udom, $thisdisfn); # Put out the start of page.
+ &dircontrols($r,$uname,$udom,$thisdisfn); # Put out actions for directory,
+ # browse/upload + new file page.
+ &resourceactions($r,$uname,$udom,$thisdisfn); # Put out form used for printing/deletion etc.
- ($uname,$udom)=
- &Apache::loncacc::constructaccess(
- $fn,$r->dir_config('lonDefDomain'));
- unless (($uname) && ($udom)) {
- $r->log_reason($uname.' at '.$udom.
- ' trying to list directory '.$env{'form.filename'}.
- ' ('.$fn.') - not authorized',
- $r->filename);
- }
+ my $numdir = 0;
+ my $numres = 0;
+ # Retrieving value for "sortby" and "sortorder" from QUERY_STRING
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ ['sortby','sortorder']);
+ # Sort by name as default, not reversed
+ if (! exists($env{'form.sortby'})) { $env{'form.sortby'} = 'filename' }
+ if (! exists($env{'form.sortorder'})) { $env{'form.sortorder'} = '' }
+ my $sortby = $env{'form.sortby'};
+ my $sortorder = $env{'form.sortorder'};
+ # Start off the directory table.
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table()
+ .&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row()
+ .'
+ .' ▼ '
+ .''.&mt('Actions').' '
+ .''.&mt('Name')
+ .' ▼ '
+ .''.&mt('Title')
+ .' ▼ '
+ .''.&mt('Status')
+ .' ▼ '
+ .''.&mt('Last Modified')
+ .' ▼ '
+ .''.&mt('Size').' (kB)'
+ .' ▼ '
+ .&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row()
+ );
+ my $dirptr=16384; # Mask indicating a directory in stat.cmode.
+ opendir(DIR,$fn);
+ my $filehash = {};
+ my @files= readdir(DIR);
+ foreach my $filename (@files) {
+ # Skip .DS_Store and hidden files
+ my ($extension) = ($filename=~/\.(\w+)$/);
+ next if (($filename eq '.DS_Store')
+ || &Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($extension) eq 'hdn');
+ my ($cmode,$csize,$cmtime)=(stat($fn.'/'.$filename))[2,7,9];
+ my $linkfilename = &HTML::Entities::encode('/priv'.$thisdisfn.'/'.$filename,'<>&"');
+ # Identify type of file according to icon used
+ my ($filetype) = (&Apache::loncommon::icon($filename) =~ m{/(\w+).gif$});
+ my $cstr_dir = $r->dir_config('lonDocRoot').'/priv'.$thisdisfn;
+ my $meta_same = &isMetaSame($cstr_dir, $resdir, $filename);
+ # Store size, title, and status for files but not directories
+ my $size = (!($cmode&$dirptr)) ? $csize/1024. : 0;
+ my ($status, $pubstatus, $title, $fulltitle);
+ if (!($cmode&$dirptr)) {
+ ($status, $pubstatus) = &getStatus($resdir, $targetdir, $cstr_dir,
+ $filename, $linkfilename, $cmtime, $meta_same);
+ ($fulltitle, $title) = &getTitle($resdir, $targetdir, $filename,
+ $linkfilename, $meta_same, \%bombs);
+ } else {
+ ($status, $pubstatus) = ('','');
+ ($fulltitle, $title) = ('','');
+ }
- # Remove trailing / from directory name.
+ # This hash will allow sorting
+ $filehash->{ $filename } = {
+ "cmtime" => $cmtime,
+ "size" => $size,
+ "cmode" => $cmode,
+ "filetype" => $filetype,
+ "title" => $title,
+ "fulltitle" => $fulltitle,
+ "status" => $status,
+ "pubstatus" => $pubstatus,
+ "linkfilename" => $linkfilename,
+ }
+ }
+ my @sorted_files;
+ # Sorting by something other than "Name". Name is the secondary key.
+ if ($sortby =~ m{cmtime|size}) { # Numeric fields
+ # First check if order should be reversed
+ if ($sortorder eq "rev") {
+ @sorted_files = sort {
+ $filehash->{$a}->{$sortby} <=> $filehash->{$b}->{$sortby}
+ or
+ uc($a) cmp uc($b)
+ } (keys(%{$filehash}));
+ } else {
+ @sorted_files = sort {
+ $filehash->{$b}->{$sortby} <=> $filehash->{$a}->{$sortby}
+ or
+ uc($a) cmp uc($b)
+ } (keys(%{$filehash}));
+ }
+ } elsif ($sortby =~ m{filetype|title|status}) { # String fields
+ if ($sortorder eq "rev") {
+ @sorted_files = sort {
+ $filehash->{$b}->{$sortby} cmp $filehash->{$a}->{$sortby}
+ or
+ uc($a) cmp uc($b)
+ } (keys(%{$filehash}));
+ } else {
+ @sorted_files = sort {
+ $filehash->{$a}->{$sortby} cmp $filehash->{$b}->{$sortby}
+ or
+ uc($a) cmp uc($b)
+ } (keys(%{$filehash}));
+ }
- $fn=~s/\/$//;
+ # Sort by "Name" is the default
+ } else {
+ if ($sortorder eq "rev") {
+ @sorted_files = sort {uc($b) cmp uc($a)} (keys(%{$filehash}));
+ } else {
+ @sorted_files = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} (keys(%{$filehash}));
+ }
+ }
- unless ($fn) {
- $r->log_reason($env{'user.name'}.' at '.$env{'user.domain'}.
- ' trying to list empty directory', $r->filename);
- return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
- }
+ # Print the sorted resources
+ foreach my $filename (@sorted_files) {
+ if ($filehash->{$filename}->{"cmode"}&$dirptr) { # Directories
+ &putdirectory($r, $thisdisfn, $linkdir, $filename,
+ $filehash->{$filename}->{"cmtime"},
+ $targetdir, \%bombs, \$numdir);
+ } else { # Files
+ &putresource($r, $udom, $uname, $filename, $thisdisfn, $resdir,
+ $targetdir, $linkdir, $filehash->{$filename}->{"cmtime"},
+ $filehash->{$filename}->{"size"}, \$numres,
+ $filehash->{$filename}->{"linkfilename"},
+ $filehash->{$filename}->{"fulltitle"},
+ $filehash->{$filename}->{"status"},
+ $filehash->{$filename}->{"pubstatus"});
+ }
+ }
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Start page output
+ closedir(DIR);
- my $thisdisfn=$fn;
- $thisdisfn=~s/^\/home\/$uname\/public_html//; # subdirectory part of
- # construction space.
- my $docroot=$r->dir_config('lonDocRoot'); # Apache londocument root.
- my $resdir=$docroot.'/res/'.$udom.'/'.$uname.$thisdisfn; # Resource directory
- my $targetdir=$udom.'/'.$uname.$thisdisfn; # Publiction target directory.
- my $linkdir='/priv/'.$uname.$thisdisfn; # Full URL name of constr space.
- my %bombs=&Apache::lonmsg::all_url_author_res_msg($uname,$udom);
- &startpage($r, $uname, $udom, $thisdisfn); # Put out the start of page.
- if ($env{'environment.remote'} eq 'off') {
- &dircontrols($r,$uname,$udom,$thisdisfn); # Put out actions for directory,
- # browse/upload + new file page.
- } else {
- &pubbuttons($r,$uname,$thisdisfn);
- }
- &resourceactions($r,$uname,$udom,$thisdisfn); #Put out form used for printing/deletion etc.
+ $r->print( &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table()
+ .&Apache::loncommon::end_page() );
- my $numdir = 0;
- my $numres = 0;
- # Start off the directory table.
- $r->print(''.&mt('Directory Contents:').' ');
- $r->print(''.
- ''.&mt('Type').' '.
- ''.&mt('Actions').' '.
- ''.&mt('Name').' '.
- ''.&mt('Title').' '.
- ''.&mt('Status').' '.
- ''.&mt('Last Modified').
- ' '."\n");
- my $filename;
- my $dirptr=16384; # Mask indicating a directory in stat.cmode.
- opendir(DIR,$fn);
- my @files=sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} (readdir(DIR));
- foreach my $filename (@files) {
- my ($cdev,$cino,$cmode,$cnlink,
- $cuid,$cgid,$crdev,$csize,
- $catime,$cmtime,$cctime,
- $cblksize,$cblocks)=stat($fn.'/'.$filename);
- my $extension='';
- if ($filename=~/\.(\w+)$/) { $extension=$1; }
- if ($cmode&$dirptr) {
- putdirectory($r, $thisdisfn, $linkdir, $filename, $cmtime,$targetdir,\%bombs,\$numdir);
- } elsif (&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($extension) ne 'hdn') {
- putresource($r, $udom, $uname, $filename, $thisdisfn, $resdir,
- $targetdir, $linkdir, $cmtime,\%bombs,\$numres);
- } else {
- # "hidden" extension and not a directory, so hide it away.
- }
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- $r->print('
- return OK;
-# Gets the effective URL of the request and returns it:
-# $effn = getEffectiveUrl($r);
-# $r - The Apache Request object.
-sub getEffectiveUrl {
- my $r = shift;
- my $fn;
- if ($env{'form.filename'}) { # If a form filename is defined.
- $fn=$env{'form.filename'};
- #
- # Replace the ~username of the URL with /home/username/public_html
- # so that we don't have to worry about ~ expansion internally.
- #
- $fn=~s/^https?\:\/\/[^\/]+\///;
- $fn=~s/^\///;
- $fn=~s{~($LONCAPA::username_re)}{/home/$1/public_html};
- # Remove trailing / strings (?)
- $fn=~s/\/[^\/]+$//;
- } else {
- # If no form is defined, use request filename.
- $fn = $r->filename();
- my $lonDocRoot=$r->dir_config('lonDocRoot');
- if ( $fn =~ /$lonDocRoot/ ) {
- #internal authentication, needs fixup.
- $fn = $r->uri(); # non users do not get the full path request
- $fn=~s{^/~($LONCAPA::username_re)}{/home/$1/public_html};
- }
- }
- $fn=~s/\/+/\//g;
- return $fn;
+ return OK;
# Output the header of the page. This includes:
# - The HTML header
# - The H1/H3 stuff which includes the directory.
@@ -190,41 +246,44 @@ sub getEffectiveUrl {
sub startpage {
my ($r, $uname, $udom, $thisdisfn) = @_;
- my $currdir = '/priv/'.$uname.$thisdisfn;
- my $formaction='/priv/'.$uname.$thisdisfn.'/';
+ my $formaction='/priv'.$thisdisfn.'/';
- my $pagetitle .= &Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('','',3,'Authoring').
- ''.&mt('Construction Space').' : '.
- '';
- if ($env{'environment.remote'} eq 'off') {
- $env{'request.noversionuri'}=$currdir.'/';
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Construction Space',undef,
- {'body_title' =>
- $pagetitle,}));
- } else {
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Construction Space',undef,
- { 'only_body' => 1,}));
- $r->print($pagetitle);
- }
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb({
+ 'text' => 'Authoring Space',
+ 'href' => &Apache::loncommon::authorspace($formaction),
+ });
+ # breadcrumbs (and tools) will be created
+ # in start_page->bodytag->innerregister
+ $env{'request.noversionuri'}=$formaction;
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Authoring Space',undef));
+ my $londocroot = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+ my $current_disk_usage = &Apache::lonnet::diskusage($udom,$uname,"$londocroot/priv/$udom/$uname");
+ my $disk_quota = &Apache::loncommon::get_user_quota($uname,$udom,'author'); #expressed in Mb
+ $disk_quota = 1000 * $disk_quota; # convert from Mb to kb
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::head_subbox(
+ ''
+ .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::display_usage($current_disk_usage,$disk_quota)
+ .'
+ .&Apache::loncommon::CSTR_pageheader()));
my $esc_thisdisfn = &Apache::loncommon::escape_single($thisdisfn);
- my $doctitle = 'LON-CAPA '.&mt('Construction Space');
+ my $doctitle = 'LON-CAPA '.&mt('Authoring Space');
my $newname = &mt('New Name');
my $pubdirscript=(<
top.document.title = '$esc_thisdisfn/ - $doctitle';
// Store directory location for menu bar to find
// Confirmation dialogues
@@ -233,7 +292,7 @@ parent.lastknownpriv='/~$uname$esc_thisd
document.publishdir.filename.value = theform.filename.value;
- if (theform.dirtask.options[theform.dirtask.selectedIndex].value == 'editcat') {
+ if (theform.dirtask.options[theform.dirtask.selectedIndex].value == 'editmeta') {
if (theform.dirtask.options[theform.dirtask.selectedIndex].value == 'printdir' ) {
@@ -263,7 +322,7 @@ parent.lastknownpriv='/~$uname$esc_thisd
if (theform.diraction.options[theform.diraction.selectedIndex].value == "publish") {
- if (theform.diraction.options[theform.diraction.selectedIndex].value == "editcat") {
+ if (theform.diraction.options[theform.diraction.selectedIndex].value == "editmeta") {
if (theform.diraction.options[theform.diraction.selectedIndex].value == "printdir") {
@@ -327,12 +386,6 @@ parent.lastknownpriv='/~$uname$esc_thisd
- if ((($uname ne $env{'user.name'}) || ($udom ne $env{'user.domain'})) &&
- $env{'environment.remote'} ne 'off') {
- $r->print(''.&mt('Co-Author').': '.$uname.' at '.$udom.
- ' ');
- }
sub dircontrols {
@@ -348,7 +401,7 @@ sub dircontrols {
list => 'List Directory',
uplo => 'Upload file',
dele => 'Delete',
- edit => 'Edit Catalog Information',
+ edit => 'Edit Metadata',
sela => 'Select Action',
nfil => 'New file',
nhtm => 'New HTML file',
@@ -373,43 +426,47 @@ sub dircontrols {
my $mytype = $lt{'type'}; # avoid conflict with " and ' in javascript
- $lt{'acti'}
- $lt{'updc'}
- $lt{'crea'}
+ $lt{'updc'}
+ $lt{'crea'}