Annotation of loncom/publisher/, revision 1.240
1.1 www 1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
2: # Publication Handler
1.54 albertel 3: #
1.240 ! raeburn 4: # $Id:,v 1.239 2008/06/30 18:10:24 bisitz Exp $
1.54 albertel 5: #
6: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
7: #
8: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
9: #
10: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13: # (at your option) any later version.
14: #
15: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18: # GNU General Public License for more details.
19: #
20: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
22: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23: #
24: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
25: #
26: #
27: #
1.65 harris41 28: ###
30: ###############################################################################
31: ## ##
33: ## ##
34: ## 1. Modules used by this module ##
35: ## 2. Various subroutines ##
36: ## 3. Publication Step One ##
37: ## 4. Phase Two ##
38: ## 5. Main Handler ##
39: ## ##
40: ###############################################################################
1.1 www 41:
1.90 matthew 42:
43: ######################################################################
44: ######################################################################
46: =pod
1.94 harris41 48: =head1 NAME
1.90 matthew 49:
50: lonpublisher - LON-CAPA publishing handler
1.94 harris41 52: =head1 SYNOPSIS
1.90 matthew 53:
1.94 harris41 54: B<lonpublisher> is used by B<mod_perl> inside B<Apache>. This is the
55: invocation by F<loncapa_apache.conf>:
57: <Location /adm/publish>
58: PerlAccessHandler Apache::lonacc
59: SetHandler perl-script
60: PerlHandler Apache::lonpublisher
61: ErrorDocument 403 /adm/login
62: ErrorDocument 404 /adm/notfound.html
63: ErrorDocument 406 /adm/unauthorized.html
64: ErrorDocument 500 /adm/errorhandler
65: </Location>
1.127 bowersj2 66:
67: =head1 OVERVIEW
69: Authors can only write-access the C</~authorname/> space. They can
70: copy resources into the resource area through the publication step,
71: and move them back through a recover step. Authors do not have direct
72: write-access to their resource space.
74: During the publication step, several events will be
75: triggered. Metadata is gathered, where a wizard manages default
76: entries on a hierarchical per-directory base: The wizard imports the
77: metadata (including access privileges and royalty information) from
78: the most recent published resource in the current directory, and if
79: that is not available, from the next directory above, etc. The Network
80: keeps all previous versions of a resource and makes them available by
81: an explicit version number, which is inserted between the file name
82: and extension, for example C<foo.2.html>, while the most recent
83: version does not carry a version number (C<foo.html>). Servers
84: subscribing to a changed resource are notified that a new version is
85: available.
1.94 harris41 86:
87: =head1 DESCRIPTION
89: B<lonpublisher> takes the proper steps to add resources to the LON-CAPA
1.90 matthew 90: digital library. This includes updating the metadata table in the
91: LON-CAPA database.
1.94 harris41 93: B<lonpublisher> is many things to many people.
1.90 matthew 94:
95: This module publishes a file. This involves gathering metadata,
96: versioning the file, copying file from construction space to
97: publication space, and copying metadata from construction space
98: to publication space.
1.94 harris41 100: =head2 SUBROUTINES
102: Many of the undocumented subroutines implement various magical
103: parsing shortcuts.
1.90 matthew 104:
105: =over 4
107: =cut
109: ######################################################################
110: ######################################################################
1.1 www 113: package Apache::lonpublisher;
1.65 harris41 115: # ------------------------------------------------- modules used by this module
1.1 www 116: use strict;
117: use Apache::File;
1.13 www 118: use File::Copy;
1.2 www 119: use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http :methods);
1.76 albertel 120: use HTML::LCParser;
1.4 www 121: use Apache::lonxml;
1.27 www 122: use Apache::loncacc;
1.24 harris41 123: use DBI;
1.192 albertel 124: use Apache::lonnet;
1.65 harris41 125: use Apache::loncommon();
1.89 matthew 126: use Apache::lonmysql;
1.134 www 127: use Apache::lonlocal;
1.145 albertel 128: use Apache::loncfile;
1.166 matthew 129: use LONCAPA::lonmetadata;
1.159 www 130: use Apache::lonmsg;
1.105 www 131: use vars qw(%metadatafields %metadatakeys);
1.215 albertel 132: use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
1.209 www 133:
1.2 www 134:
1.3 www 135: my %addid;
1.5 www 136: my %nokey;
1.10 www 137:
1.12 www 138: my $docroot;
1.27 www 140: my $cuname;
141: my $cudom;
1.182 www 143: my $registered_cleanup;
1.183 www 144: my $modified_urls;
1.182 www 145:
1.233 www 146: my $lock;
1.90 matthew 148: =pod
1.94 harris41 150: =item B<metaeval>
152: Evaluates a string that contains metadata. This subroutine
153: stores values inside I<%metadatafields> and I<%metadatakeys>.
154: The hash key is a I<$unikey> corresponding to a unique id
155: that is descriptive of the parser location inside the XML tree.
157: Parameters:
159: =over 4
1.90 matthew 160:
1.94 harris41 161: =item I<$metastring>
163: A string that contains metadata.
165: =back
167: Returns:
169: nothing
1.90 matthew 170:
171: =cut
173: #########################################
174: #########################################
1.144 www 175: #
176: # Modifies global %metadatafields %metadatakeys
177: #
1.7 www 179: sub metaeval {
1.140 albertel 180: my ($metastring,$prefix)=@_;
1.7 www 181:
1.139 albertel 182: my $parser=HTML::LCParser->new(\$metastring);
183: my $token;
184: while ($token=$parser->get_token) {
185: if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
186: my $entry=$token->[1];
187: my $unikey=$entry;
1.219 albertel 188: next if ($entry =~ m/^(?:parameter|stores)_/);
1.139 albertel 189: if (defined($token->[2]->{'package'})) {
1.219 albertel 190: $unikey.="\0package\0".$token->[2]->{'package'};
1.139 albertel 191: }
192: if (defined($token->[2]->{'part'})) {
1.219 albertel 193: $unikey.="\0".$token->[2]->{'part'};
1.139 albertel 194: }
195: if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
1.219 albertel 196: $unikey.="\0".$token->[2]->{'id'};
1.139 albertel 197: }
198: if (defined($token->[2]->{'name'})) {
1.219 albertel 199: $unikey.="\0".$token->[2]->{'name'};
1.139 albertel 200: }
201: foreach (@{$token->[3]}) {
202: $metadatafields{$unikey.'.'.$_}=$token->[2]->{$_};
203: if ($metadatakeys{$unikey}) {
204: $metadatakeys{$unikey}.=','.$_;
205: } else {
206: $metadatakeys{$unikey}=$_;
207: }
208: }
1.140 albertel 209: my $newentry=$parser->get_text('/'.$entry);
1.174 www 210: if (($entry eq 'customdistributionfile') ||
211: ($entry eq 'sourcerights')) {
1.140 albertel 212: $newentry=~s/^\s*//;
213: if ($newentry !~m|^/res|) { $newentry=$prefix.$newentry; }
214: }
1.149 www 215: # actually store
1.162 albertel 216: if ( $entry eq 'rule' && exists($metadatafields{$unikey})) {
217: $metadatafields{$unikey}.=','.$newentry;
218: } else {
219: $metadatafields{$unikey}=$newentry;
220: }
1.139 albertel 221: }
222: }
1.7 www 223: }
1.90 matthew 225: #########################################
226: #########################################
228: =pod
1.94 harris41 230: =item B<metaread>
1.90 matthew 231:
232: Read a metadata file
1.94 harris41 234: Parameters:
236: =over
238: =item I<$logfile>
240: File output stream to output errors and warnings to.
242: =item I<$fn>
244: File name (including path).
246: =back
248: Returns:
250: =over 4
252: =item Scalar string (if successful)
254: XHTML text that indicates successful reading of the metadata.
256: =back
1.90 matthew 258: =cut
260: #########################################
261: #########################################
1.7 www 262: sub metaread {
1.140 albertel 263: my ($logfile,$fn,$prefix)=@_;
1.7 www 264: unless (-e $fn) {
1.94 harris41 265: print($logfile 'No file '.$fn."\n");
1.146 sakharuk 266: return '<br /><b>'.&mt('No file').':</b> <tt>'.
1.145 albertel 267: &Apache::loncfile::display($fn).'</tt>';
1.7 www 268: }
1.94 harris41 269: print($logfile 'Processing '.$fn."\n");
1.7 www 270: my $metastring;
271: {
1.140 albertel 272: my $metafh=Apache::File->new($fn);
273: $metastring=join('',<$metafh>);
1.7 www 274: }
1.140 albertel 275: &metaeval($metastring,$prefix);
1.147 sakharuk 276: return '<br /><b>'.&mt('Processed file').':</b> <tt>'.
1.239 bisitz 277: &Apache::loncfile::display($fn).'</tt><br />';
1.7 www 278: }
1.12 www 279:
1.90 matthew 280: #########################################
281: #########################################
1.101 www 283: sub coursedependencies {
284: my $url=&Apache::lonnet::declutter(shift);
285: $url=~s/\.meta$//;
1.215 albertel 286: my ($adomain,$aauthor)=($url=~ m{^($match_domain)/($match_username)/});
287: my $regexp=quotemeta($url);
1.101 www 288: $regexp='___'.$regexp.'___course';
289: my %evaldata=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resevaldata',$adomain,
290: $aauthor,$regexp);
291: my %courses=();
292: foreach (keys %evaldata) {
293: if ($_=~/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+_[a-zA-Z0-9]+)___.+___course$/) {
294: $courses{$1}=1;
295: }
296: }
297: return %courses;
298: }
299: #########################################
300: #########################################
1.90 matthew 303: =pod
1.94 harris41 305: =item Form-field-generating subroutines.
307: For input parameters, these subroutines take in values
308: such as I<$name>, I<$value> and other form field metadata.
309: The output (scalar string that is returned) is an XHTML
310: string which presents the form field (foreseeably inside
311: <form></form> tags).
1.90 matthew 312:
313: =over 4
1.94 harris41 315: =item B<textfield>
1.90 matthew 316:
1.94 harris41 317: =item B<hiddenfield>
1.90 matthew 318:
1.94 harris41 319: =item B<selectbox>
1.90 matthew 320:
321: =back
323: =cut
325: #########################################
326: #########################################
1.8 www 327: sub textfield {
1.240 ! raeburn 328: my ($title,$name,$value,$noline)=@_;
1.141 www 329: $value=~s/^\s+//gs;
330: $value=~s/\s+$//gs;
331: $value=~s/\s+/ /gs;
1.134 www 332: $title=&mt($title);
1.192 albertel 333: $env{'form.'.$name}=$value;
1.238 bisitz 334: return "\n".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($title)
335: .'<input type="text" name="'.$name.'" size="80" value="'.$value.'" />'
1.240 ! raeburn 336: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure($noline);
1.11 www 337: }
1.180 albertel 339: sub text_with_browse_field {
1.240 ! raeburn 340: my ($title,$name,$value,$restriction,$noline)=@_;
1.180 albertel 341: $value=~s/^\s+//gs;
342: $value=~s/\s+$//gs;
343: $value=~s/\s+/ /gs;
344: $title=&mt($title);
1.192 albertel 345: $env{'form.'.$name}=$value;
1.238 bisitz 346: return "\n".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($title)
347: .'<input type="text" name="'.$name.'" size="80" value="'.$value.'" />'
348: .'<br />'
349: .'<a href="javascript:openbrowser(\'pubform\',\''.$name.'\',\''.$restriction.'\');">'
350: .&mt('Select')
351: .'</a> '
352: .'<a href="javascript:opensearcher(\'pubform\',\''.$name.'\');">'
353: .&mt('Search')
354: .'</a>'
1.240 ! raeburn 355: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure($noline);
1.180 albertel 356: }
1.11 www 358: sub hiddenfield {
359: my ($name,$value)=@_;
1.192 albertel 360: $env{'form.'.$name}=$value;
1.94 harris41 361: return "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'" />';
1.8 www 362: }
1.193 www 364: sub checkbox {
365: my ($name,$text)=@_;
1.201 albertel 366: return "\n<br /><label><input type='checkbox' name='$name' /> ".
367: &mt($text)."</label>";
1.193 www 368: }
1.9 www 370: sub selectbox {
1.65 harris41 371: my ($title,$name,$value,$functionref,@idlist)=@_;
1.134 www 372: $title=&mt($title);
1.123 albertel 373: $value=(split(/\s*,\s*/,$value))[-1];
1.167 albertel 374: if (defined($value)) {
1.192 albertel 375: $env{'form.'.$name}=$value;
1.167 albertel 376: } else {
1.192 albertel 377: $env{'form.'.$name}=$idlist[0];
1.167 albertel 378: }
1.238 bisitz 379: my $selout="\n".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($title)
380: .'<select name="'.$name.'">';
1.65 harris41 381: foreach (@idlist) {
382: $selout.='<option value=\''.$_.'\'';
383: if ($_ eq $value) {
384: $selout.=' selected>'.&{$functionref}($_).'</option>';
385: }
386: else {$selout.='>'.&{$functionref}($_).'</option>';}
387: }
1.238 bisitz 388: $selout.='</select>'.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
389: return $selout;
1.9 www 390: }
1.167 albertel 392: sub select_level_form {
393: my ($value,$name)=@_;
1.192 albertel 394: $env{'form.'.$name}=$value;
395: if (!defined($value)) { $env{'form.'.$name}=0; }
1.167 albertel 396: return &Apache::loncommon::select_level_form($value,$name);
397: }
1.90 matthew 398: #########################################
399: #########################################
401: =pod
1.94 harris41 403: =item B<urlfixup>
1.90 matthew 404:
405: Fix up a url? First step of publication
1.12 www 406:
1.90 matthew 407: =cut
409: #########################################
410: #########################################
1.34 www 411: sub urlfixup {
1.35 www 412: my ($url,$target)=@_;
1.39 www 413: unless ($url) { return ''; }
1.68 albertel 414: #javascript code needs no fixing
415: if ($url =~ /^javascript:/i) { return $url; }
1.69 albertel 416: if ($url =~ /^mailto:/i) { return $url; }
1.68 albertel 417: #internal document links need no fixing
418: if ($url =~ /^\#/) { return $url; }
1.223 albertel 419: my ($host)=($url=~m{(?:(?:http|https|ftp)://)*([^/]+)});
420: my @lonids = &Apache::lonnet::machine_ids($host);
421: if (@lonids) {
422: $url=~s{^(?:http|https|ftp)://}{};
423: $url=~s/^\Q$host\E//;
1.65 harris41 424: }
1.223 albertel 425: if ($url=~m{^(?:http|https|ftp)://}) { return $url; }
1.222 albertel 426: $url=~s{\Q~$cuname\E}{res/$cudom/$cuname};
1.71 www 427: return $url;
428: }
1.90 matthew 430: #########################################
431: #########################################
433: =pod
1.94 harris41 435: =item B<absoluteurl>
1.90 matthew 436:
1.94 harris41 437: Currently undocumented.
1.90 matthew 438:
439: =cut
1.71 www 440:
1.90 matthew 441: #########################################
442: #########################################
1.71 www 443: sub absoluteurl {
444: my ($url,$target)=@_;
445: unless ($url) { return ''; }
1.35 www 446: if ($target) {
447: $target=~s/\/[^\/]+$//;
448: $url=&Apache::lonnet::hreflocation($target,$url);
449: }
450: return $url;
1.34 www 451: }
1.90 matthew 453: #########################################
454: #########################################
456: =pod
1.94 harris41 458: =item B<set_allow>
1.90 matthew 459:
460: Currently undocumented
462: =cut
464: #########################################
465: #########################################
1.81 albertel 466: sub set_allow {
467: my ($allow,$logfile,$target,$tag,$oldurl)=@_;
468: my $newurl=&urlfixup($oldurl,$target);
469: my $return_url=$oldurl;
470: print $logfile 'GUYURL: '.$tag.':'.$oldurl.' - '.$newurl."\n";
471: if ($newurl ne $oldurl) {
472: $return_url=$newurl;
473: print $logfile 'URL: '.$tag.':'.$oldurl.' - '.$newurl."\n";
474: }
475: if (($newurl !~ /^javascript:/i) &&
476: ($newurl !~ /^mailto:/i) &&
1.220 albertel 477: ($newurl !~ /^(?:http|https|ftp):/i) &&
1.81 albertel 478: ($newurl !~ /^\#/)) {
479: $$allow{&absoluteurl($newurl,$target)}=1;
480: }
1.218 raeburn 481: return $return_url;
1.81 albertel 482: }
1.90 matthew 484: #########################################
485: #########################################
487: =pod
1.94 harris41 489: =item B<get_subscribed_hosts>
1.90 matthew 490:
491: Currently undocumented
493: =cut
495: #########################################
496: #########################################
1.85 albertel 497: sub get_subscribed_hosts {
498: my ($target)=@_;
499: my @subscribed;
500: my $filename;
501: $target=~/(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/;
502: my $srcf=$2;
503: opendir(DIR,$1);
1.225 albertel 504: # cycle through listed files, subscriptions used to exist
505: # as "filename.lonid"
1.85 albertel 506: while ($filename=readdir(DIR)) {
1.216 albertel 507: if ($filename=~/\Q$srcf\E\.($match_lonid)$/) {
1.85 albertel 508: my $subhost=$1;
1.225 albertel 509: if (($subhost ne 'meta'
510: && $subhost ne 'subscription'
511: && $subhost ne 'meta.subscription'
512: && $subhost ne 'tmp') &&
1.98 www 513: ($subhost ne $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'})) {
1.85 albertel 514: push(@subscribed,$subhost);
515: }
516: }
517: }
518: closedir(DIR);
519: my $sh;
520: if ( $sh=Apache::File->new("$target.subscription") ) {
521: while (my $subline=<$sh>) {
1.216 albertel 522: if ($subline =~ /^($match_lonid):/) {
1.98 www 523: if ($1 ne $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
524: push(@subscribed,$1);
525: }
1.85 albertel 526: }
527: }
528: }
529: return @subscribed;
530: }
1.86 albertel 532:
1.90 matthew 533: #########################################
534: #########################################
536: =pod
1.94 harris41 538: =item B<get_max_ids_indices>
1.90 matthew 539:
540: Currently undocumented
542: =cut
544: #########################################
545: #########################################
1.86 albertel 546: sub get_max_ids_indices {
547: my ($content)=@_;
548: my $maxindex=10;
549: my $maxid=10;
550: my $needsfixup=0;
1.106 albertel 551: my $duplicateids=0;
553: my %allids;
554: my %duplicatedids;
1.86 albertel 555:
556: my $parser=HTML::LCParser->new($content);
1.207 albertel 557: $parser->xml_mode(1);
1.86 albertel 558: my $token;
559: while ($token=$parser->get_token) {
560: if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
561: my $counter;
562: if ($counter=$addid{$token->[1]}) {
563: if ($counter eq 'id') {
1.186 albertel 564: if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'}) &&
565: $token->[2]->{'id'} !~ /^\s*$/) {
1.86 albertel 566: $maxid=($token->[2]->{'id'}>$maxid)?$token->[2]->{'id'}:$maxid;
1.106 albertel 567: if (exists($allids{$token->[2]->{'id'}})) {
568: $duplicateids=1;
569: $duplicatedids{$token->[2]->{'id'}}=1;
570: } else {
571: $allids{$token->[2]->{'id'}}=1;
572: }
1.86 albertel 573: } else {
574: $needsfixup=1;
575: }
576: } else {
1.186 albertel 577: if (defined($token->[2]->{'index'}) &&
578: $token->[2]->{'index'} !~ /^\s*$/) {
1.86 albertel 579: $maxindex=($token->[2]->{'index'}>$maxindex)?$token->[2]->{'index'}:$maxindex;
580: } else {
581: $needsfixup=1;
582: }
583: }
584: }
585: }
586: }
1.106 albertel 587: return ($needsfixup,$maxid,$maxindex,$duplicateids,
588: (keys(%duplicatedids)));
1.86 albertel 589: }
1.90 matthew 591: #########################################
592: #########################################
594: =pod
1.94 harris41 596: =item B<get_all_text_unbalanced>
1.90 matthew 597:
598: Currently undocumented
600: =cut
602: #########################################
603: #########################################
1.87 albertel 604: sub get_all_text_unbalanced {
605: #there is a copy of this in
606: my($tag,$pars)= @_;
607: my $token;
608: my $result='';
609: $tag='<'.$tag.'>';
610: while ($token = $$pars[-1]->get_token) {
611: if (($token->[0] eq 'T')||($token->[0] eq 'C')||($token->[0] eq 'D')) {
612: $result.=$token->[1];
613: } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'PI') {
614: $result.=$token->[2];
615: } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
616: $result.=$token->[4];
617: } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
618: $result.=$token->[2];
619: }
1.177 albertel 620: if ($result =~ /\Q$tag\E/s) {
1.176 albertel 621: ($result,my $redo)=$result =~ /(.*)\Q$tag\E(.*)/is;
1.88 albertel 622: #&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Got a winner with leftovers ::'.$2);
623: #&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Result is :'.$1);
1.176 albertel 624: $redo=$tag.$redo;
1.87 albertel 625: push (@$pars,HTML::LCParser->new(\$redo));
626: $$pars[-1]->xml_mode('1');
627: last;
628: }
629: }
630: return $result
631: }
1.90 matthew 633: #########################################
634: #########################################
636: =pod
1.94 harris41 638: =item B<fix_ids_and_indices>
1.90 matthew 639:
640: Currently undocumented
642: =cut
644: #########################################
645: #########################################
1.87 albertel 646: #Arguably this should all be done as a lonnet::ssi instead
1.86 albertel 647: sub fix_ids_and_indices {
648: my ($logfile,$source,$target)=@_;
650: my %allow;
651: my $content;
652: {
653: my $org=Apache::File->new($source);
654: $content=join('',<$org>);
655: }
1.106 albertel 657: my ($needsfixup,$maxid,$maxindex,$duplicateids,@duplicatedids)=
658: &get_max_ids_indices(\$content);
1.86 albertel 659:
1.106 albertel 660: print $logfile ("Got $needsfixup,$maxid,$maxindex,$duplicateids--".
661: join(', ',@duplicatedids));
662: if ($duplicateids) {
663: print $logfile "Duplicate ID(s) exist, ".join(', ',@duplicatedids)."\n";
1.226 albertel 664: my $outstring='<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Unable to publish file, it contains duplicated ID(s), ID(s) need to be unique. The duplicated ID(s) are').': '.join(', ',@duplicatedids).'</span>';
1.106 albertel 665: return ($outstring,1);
666: }
1.86 albertel 667: if ($needsfixup) {
668: print $logfile "Needs ID and/or index fixup\n".
669: "Max ID : $maxid (min 10)\n".
670: "Max Index: $maxindex (min 10)\n";
671: }
672: my $outstring='';
1.236 www 673: my $responsecounter=1;
1.86 albertel 674: my @parser;
675: $parser[0]=HTML::LCParser->new(\$content);
676: $parser[-1]->xml_mode(1);
677: my $token;
678: while (@parser) {
679: while ($token=$parser[-1]->get_token) {
680: if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
681: my $counter;
682: my $tag=$token->[1];
683: my $lctag=lc($tag);
684: if ($lctag eq 'allow') {
685: $allow{$token->[2]->{'src'}}=1;
686: next;
687: }
1.202 albertel 688: if ($lctag eq 'base') { next; }
1.236 www 689: if (($lctag eq 'part') || ($lctag eq 'problem')) {
690: $responsecounter=0;
691: }
692: if ($lctag=~/response$/) { $responsecounter++; }
1.86 albertel 693: my %parms=%{$token->[2]};
694: $counter=$addid{$tag};
695: if (!$counter) { $counter=$addid{$lctag}; }
696: if ($counter) {
697: if ($counter eq 'id') {
1.186 albertel 698: unless (defined($parms{'id'}) &&
699: $parms{'id'}!~/^\s*$/) {
1.86 albertel 700: $maxid++;
701: $parms{'id'}=$maxid;
1.205 albertel 702: print $logfile 'ID(new) : '.$tag.':'.$maxid."\n";
703: } else {
704: print $logfile 'ID(kept): '.$tag.':'.$parms{'id'}."\n";
1.86 albertel 705: }
706: } elsif ($counter eq 'index') {
1.186 albertel 707: unless (defined($parms{'index'}) &&
708: $parms{'index'}!~/^\s*$/) {
1.86 albertel 709: $maxindex++;
710: $parms{'index'}=$maxindex;
711: print $logfile 'Index: '.$tag.':'.$maxindex."\n";
712: }
713: }
714: }
1.203 www 715: unless ($parms{'type'} eq 'zombie') {
716: foreach my $type ('src','href','background','bgimg') {
717: foreach my $key (keys(%parms)) {
718: if ($key =~ /^$type$/i) {
719: $parms{$key}=&set_allow(\%allow,$logfile,
720: $target,$tag,
721: $parms{$key});
722: }
1.86 albertel 723: }
724: }
725: }
726: # probably a <randomlabel> image type <label>
1.135 albertel 727: # or a <image> tag inside <imageresponse>
728: if (($lctag eq 'label' && defined($parms{'description'}))
729: ||
730: ($lctag eq 'image')) {
1.86 albertel 731: my $next_token=$parser[-1]->get_token();
732: if ($next_token->[0] eq 'T') {
1.218 raeburn 733: $next_token->[1] =~ s/[\n\r\f]+//g;
1.86 albertel 734: $next_token->[1]=&set_allow(\%allow,$logfile,
735: $target,$tag,
736: $next_token->[1]);
737: }
738: $parser[-1]->unget_token($next_token);
739: }
740: if ($lctag eq 'applet') {
741: my $codebase='';
1.148 albertel 742: my $havecodebase=0;
743: foreach my $key (keys(%parms)) {
744: if (lc($key) eq 'codebase') {
745: $codebase=$parms{$key};
746: $havecodebase=1;
747: }
748: }
749: if ($havecodebase) {
750: my $oldcodebase=$codebase;
1.86 albertel 751: unless ($oldcodebase=~/\/$/) {
752: $oldcodebase.='/';
753: }
754: $codebase=&urlfixup($oldcodebase,$target);
755: $codebase=~s/\/$//;
756: if ($codebase ne $oldcodebase) {
757: $parms{'codebase'}=$codebase;
758: print $logfile 'URL codebase: '.$tag.':'.
759: $oldcodebase.' - '.
760: $codebase."\n";
761: }
762: $allow{&absoluteurl($codebase,$target).'/*'}=1;
763: } else {
1.148 albertel 764: foreach my $key (keys(%parms)) {
765: if ($key =~ /(archive|code|object)/i) {
766: my $oldurl=$parms{$key};
1.86 albertel 767: my $newurl=&urlfixup($oldurl,$target);
768: $newurl=~s/\/[^\/]+$/\/\*/;
1.148 albertel 769: print $logfile 'Allow: applet '.lc($key).':'.
770: $oldurl.' allows '.$newurl."\n";
1.86 albertel 771: $allow{&absoluteurl($newurl,$target)}=1;
772: }
773: }
774: }
775: }
776: my $newparmstring='';
777: my $endtag='';
778: foreach (keys %parms) {
779: if ($_ eq '/') {
780: $endtag=' /';
781: } else {
782: my $quote=($parms{$_}=~/\"/?"'":'"');
783: $newparmstring.=' '.$_.'='.$quote.$parms{$_}.$quote;
784: }
785: }
786: if (!$endtag) { if ($token->[4]=~m:/>$:) { $endtag=' /'; }; }
787: $outstring.='<'.$tag.$newparmstring.$endtag.'>';
1.235 www 788: if ($lctag eq 'm' || $lctag eq 'script' || $lctag eq 'answer'
1.131 albertel 789: || $lctag eq 'display' || $lctag eq 'tex') {
1.130 albertel 790: $outstring.=&get_all_text_unbalanced('/'.$lctag,\@parser);
1.87 albertel 791: }
1.86 albertel 792: } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
793: if ($token->[2]) {
794: unless ($token->[1] eq 'allow') {
795: $outstring.='</'.$token->[1].'>';
796: }
1.236 www 797: }
798: if ((($token->[1] eq 'part') || ($token->[1] eq 'problem'))
799: && (!$responsecounter)) {
1.239 bisitz 800: my $outstring='<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Found [_1] without responses. This resource cannot be published.',$token->[1]).'</span>';
1.236 www 801: return ($outstring,1);
802: }
1.86 albertel 803: } else {
804: $outstring.=$token->[1];
805: }
806: }
807: pop(@parser);
808: }
810: if ($needsfixup) {
811: print $logfile "End of ID and/or index fixup\n".
812: "Max ID : $maxid (min 10)\n".
813: "Max Index: $maxindex (min 10)\n";
814: } else {
815: print $logfile "Does not need ID and/or index fixup\n";
816: }
1.106 albertel 818: return ($outstring,0,%allow);
1.86 albertel 819: }
1.89 matthew 821: #########################################
822: #########################################
824: =pod
1.94 harris41 826: =item B<store_metadata>
1.89 matthew 827:
828: Store the metadata in the metadata table in the loncapa database.
829: Uses lonmysql to access the database.
831: Inputs: \%metadata
833: Returns: (error,status). error is undef on success, status is undef on error.
835: =cut
837: #########################################
838: #########################################
839: sub store_metadata {
1.151 www 840: my %metadata = @_;
1.89 matthew 841: my $error;
842: # Determine if the table exists
843: my $status = &Apache::lonmysql::check_table('metadata');
844: if (! defined($status)) {
1.226 albertel 845: $error='<span class="LC_error">WARNING: Cannot connect to '.
846: 'database!</span>';
1.89 matthew 847: &Apache::lonnet::logthis($error);
848: return ($error,undef);
849: }
850: if ($status == 0) {
851: # It would be nice to actually create the table....
1.226 albertel 852: $error ='<span class="LC_error">WARNING: The metadata table does not '.
853: 'exist in the LON-CAPA database.</span>';
1.89 matthew 854: &Apache::lonnet::logthis($error);
855: return ($error,undef);
856: }
1.172 matthew 857: my $dbh = &Apache::lonmysql::get_dbh();
1.237 www 858: if (($metadata{'obsolete'}) || ($metadata{'copyright'} eq 'priv')) {
1.172 matthew 859: # remove this entry
1.228 albertel 860: my $delitem = 'url = '.$dbh->quote($metadata{'url'});
861: $status = &LONCAPA::lonmetadata::delete_metadata($dbh,undef,$delitem);
1.152 www 863: } else {
1.213 albertel 864: $status = &LONCAPA::lonmetadata::update_metadata($dbh,undef,undef,
1.172 matthew 865: \%metadata);
1.152 www 866: }
1.172 matthew 867: if (defined($status) && $status ne '') {
1.226 albertel 868: $error='<span class="LC_error">Error occured saving new values in '.
869: 'metadata table in LON-CAPA database</span>';
1.89 matthew 870: &Apache::lonnet::logthis($error);
1.172 matthew 871: &Apache::lonnet::logthis($status);
1.89 matthew 872: return ($error,undef);
873: }
1.213 albertel 874: return (undef,'success');
1.89 matthew 875: }
1.142 www 877:
1.185 www 878: # ========================================== Parse file for errors and warnings
880: sub checkonthis {
881: my ($r,$source)=@_;
1.187 www 882: my $uri=&Apache::lonnet::hreflocation($source);
883: $uri=~s/\/$//;
1.190 albertel 884: my $result=&Apache::lonnet::ssi_body($uri,
885: ('grade_target'=>'web',
886: 'return_only_error_and_warning_counts' => 1));
887: my ($errorcount,$warningcount)=split(':',$result);
1.187 www 888: if (($errorcount) || ($warningcount)) {
889: $r->print('<br /><tt>'.$uri.'</tt>: ');
890: if ($errorcount) {
1.226 albertel 891: $r->print('<img src="/adm/lonMisc/bomb.gif" /><span class="LC_error"><b>'.
1.187 www 892: $errorcount.' '.
1.226 albertel 893: &mt('error(s)').'</b></span> ');
1.185 www 894: }
1.187 www 895: if ($warningcount) {
1.185 www 896: $r->print('<font color="blue">'.
1.187 www 897: $warningcount.' '.
1.185 www 898: &mt('warning(s)').'</font>');
899: }
900: } else {
1.190 albertel 901: #$r->print('<font color="green">'.&mt('ok').'</font>');
1.185 www 902: }
903: $r->rflush();
1.187 www 904: return ($warningcount,$errorcount);
1.185 www 905: }
1.142 www 907: # ============================================== Parse file itself for metadata
1.144 www 908: #
909: # parses a file with target meta, sets global %metadatafields %metadatakeys
1.142 www 910:
911: sub parseformeta {
912: my ($source,$style)=@_;
1.143 www 913: my $allmeta='';
1.142 www 914: if (($style eq 'ssi') || ($style eq 'prv')) {
915: my $dir=$source;
916: $dir=~s-/[^/]*$--;
917: my $file=$source;
918: $file=(split('/',$file))[-1];
919: $source=&Apache::lonnet::hreflocation($dir,$file);
1.143 www 920: $allmeta=&Apache::lonnet::ssi_body($source,('grade_target' => 'meta'));
1.142 www 921: &metaeval($allmeta);
922: }
1.143 www 923: return $allmeta;
1.142 www 924: }
1.90 matthew 926: #########################################
927: #########################################
929: =pod
1.94 harris41 931: =item B<publish>
933: This is the workhorse function of this module. This subroutine generates
934: backup copies, performs any automatic processing (prior to publication,
935: especially for rat and ssi files),
1.90 matthew 936:
1.113 albertel 937: Returns a 2 element array, the first is the string to be shown to the
938: user, the second is an error code, either 1 (an error occured) or 0
939: (no error occurred)
1.94 harris41 941: I<Additional documentation needed.>
1.90 matthew 942:
943: =cut
945: #########################################
946: #########################################
1.2 www 947: sub publish {
1.50 www 948:
1.97 www 949: my ($source,$target,$style,$batch)=@_;
1.2 www 950: my $logfile;
1.4 www 951: my $scrout='';
1.23 www 952: my $allmeta='';
953: my $content='';
1.36 www 954: my %allow=();
1.4 www 955:
1.2 www 956: unless ($logfile=Apache::File->new('>>'.$source.'.log')) {
1.226 albertel 957: return ('<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('No write permission to user directory, FAIL').'</span>',1);
1.2 www 958: }
959: print $logfile
1.211 albertel 960: "\n\n================= Publish ".localtime()." Phase One ================\n".$env{''}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}."\n";
1.2 www 961:
1.119 www 962: if (($style eq 'ssi') || ($style eq 'rat') || ($style eq 'prv')) {
1.3 www 963: # ------------------------------------------------------- This needs processing
1.4 www 964:
965: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Backup Copy
1.3 www 966: my $copyfile=$source.'.save';
1.13 www 967: if (copy($source,$copyfile)) {
1.3 www 968: print $logfile "Copied original file to ".$copyfile."\n";
969: } else {
1.13 www 970: print $logfile "Unable to write backup ".$copyfile.':'.$!."\n";
1.239 bisitz 971: return ("<span class=\"LC_error\">".&mt("Failed to write backup copy, [_1], FAIL",$1)."</span>",1);
1.3 www 972: }
1.4 www 973: # ------------------------------------------------------------- IDs and indices
1.86 albertel 974:
1.106 albertel 975: my ($outstring,$error);
976: ($outstring,$error,%allow)=&fix_ids_and_indices($logfile,$source,
977: $target);
1.113 albertel 978: if ($error) { return ($outstring,$error); }
1.36 www 979: # ------------------------------------------------------------ Construct Allows
1.62 www 980:
1.146 sakharuk 981: $scrout.='<h3>'.&mt('Dependencies').'</h3>';
1.62 www 982: my $allowstr='';
1.232 raeburn 983: foreach my $thisdep (sort(keys(%allow))) {
1.73 albertel 984: if ($thisdep !~ /[^\s]/) { next; }
1.231 www 985: if ($thisdep =~/\$/) {
1.232 raeburn 986: $scrout.='<br /><span class="LC_warning">'
987: .&mt('The resource depends on another resource with variable filename, i.e., [_1].','<tt>'.$thisdep.'</tt>').'<br />'
988: .&mt('You likely need to explicitly allow access to all possible dependencies using the [_1]-tag.','<tt><allow></tt>')
989: .'</span><br />';
1.231 www 990: }
1.62 www 991: unless ($style eq 'rat') {
992: $allowstr.="\n".'<allow src="'.$thisdep.'" />';
993: }
1.120 albertel 994: $scrout.='<br />';
1.231 www 995: if ($thisdep!~/[\*\$]/ && $thisdep!~m|^/adm/|) {
1.59 www 996: $scrout.='<a href="'.$thisdep.'">';
1.44 www 997: }
1.59 www 998: $scrout.='<tt>'.$thisdep.'</tt>';
1.231 www 999: if ($thisdep!~/[\*\$]/ && $thisdep!~m|^/adm/|) {
1.44 www 1000: $scrout.='</a>';
1.59 www 1001: if (
1002: &Apache::lonnet::getfile($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/'.
1003: $thisdep.'.meta') eq '-1') {
1.226 albertel 1004: $scrout.= ' - <span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Currently not available').
1005: '</span>';
1.59 www 1006: } else {
1007: my %temphash=(&Apache::lonnet::declutter($target).'___'.
1008: &Apache::lonnet::declutter($thisdep).'___usage'
1009: => time);
1.215 albertel 1010: $thisdep=~m{^/res/($match_domain)/($match_username)/};
1.59 www 1011: if ((defined($1)) && (defined($2))) {
1.92 albertel 1012: &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_resevaldata',\%temphash,
1013: $1,$2);
1.59 www 1014: }
1015: }
1.44 www 1016: }
1.65 harris41 1017: }
1.175 albertel 1018: $outstring=~s/\n*(\<\/[^\>]+\>[^<]*)$/$allowstr\n$1\n/s;
1.62 www 1019:
1.94 harris41 1020: # ------------------------------------------------------------- Write modified.
1.37 www 1021:
1.4 www 1022: {
1023: my $org;
1024: unless ($org=Apache::File->new('>'.$source)) {
1025: print $logfile "No write permit to $source\n";
1.226 albertel 1026: return ('<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('No write permission to').
1.136 www 1027: ' '.$source.
1.226 albertel 1028: ', '.&mt('FAIL').'</span>',1);
1.4 www 1029: }
1.94 harris41 1030: print($org $outstring);
1.4 www 1031: }
1032: $content=$outstring;
1.34 www 1033:
1.37 www 1034: }
1.94 harris41 1035: # -------------------------------------------- Initial step done, now metadata.
1.7 www 1036:
1.94 harris41 1037: # --------------------------------------- Storage for metadata keys and fields.
1.144 www 1038: # these are globals
1039: #
1.8 www 1040: %metadatafields=();
1041: %metadatakeys=();
1043: my %oldparmstores=();
1.44 www 1044:
1.97 www 1045: unless ($batch) {
1.136 www 1046: $scrout.='<h3>'.&mt('Metadata Information').' ' .
1.239 bisitz 1047: &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Metadata_Description")
1.84 bowersj2 1048: . '</h3>';
1.97 www 1049: }
1.7 www 1050:
1051: # ------------------------------------------------ First, check out environment
1.195 www 1052: if ((!(-e $source.'.meta')) || ($env{'form.forceoverride'})) {
1.192 albertel 1053: $metadatafields{'author'}=$env{'environment.firstname'}.' '.
1054: $env{'environment.middlename'}.' '.
1055: $env{'environment.lastname'}.' '.
1056: $env{'environment.generation'};
1.8 www 1057: $metadatafields{'author'}=~s/\s+/ /g;
1058: $metadatafields{'author'}=~s/\s+$//;
1.211 albertel 1059: $metadatafields{'owner'}=$cuname.':'.$cudom;
1.7 www 1060:
1061: # ------------------------------------------------ Check out directory hierachy
1063: my $thisdisfn=$source;
1.122 albertel 1064: $thisdisfn=~s/^\/home\/\Q$cuname\E\///;
1.7 www 1065:
1066: my @urlparts=split(/\//,$thisdisfn);
1067: $#urlparts--;
1.27 www 1069: my $currentpath='/home/'.$cuname.'/';
1.7 www 1070:
1.140 albertel 1071: my $prefix='../'x($#urlparts);
1.65 harris41 1072: foreach (@urlparts) {
1.7 www 1073: $currentpath.=$_.'/';
1.140 albertel 1074: $scrout.=&metaread($logfile,$currentpath.'default.meta',$prefix);
1075: $prefix=~s|^\.\./||;
1.65 harris41 1076: }
1.185 www 1077:
1.149 www 1078: # ----------------------------------------------------------- Parse file itself
1079: # read %metadatafields from file itself
1081: $allmeta=&parseformeta($source,$style);
1.7 www 1082:
1083: # ------------------- Clear out parameters and stores (there should not be any)
1.65 harris41 1085: foreach (keys %metadatafields) {
1.7 www 1086: if (($_=~/^parameter/) || ($_=~/^stores/)) {
1087: delete $metadatafields{$_};
1088: }
1.65 harris41 1089: }
1.7 www 1090:
1.8 www 1091: } else {
1.7 www 1092: # ---------------------- Read previous metafile, remember parameters and stores
1094: $scrout.=&metaread($logfile,$source.'.meta');
1.65 harris41 1096: foreach (keys %metadatafields) {
1.7 www 1097: if (($_=~/^parameter/) || ($_=~/^stores/)) {
1098: $oldparmstores{$_}=1;
1099: delete $metadatafields{$_};
1100: }
1.65 harris41 1101: }
1.195 www 1102: # ------------------------------------------------------------- Save some stuff
1103: my %savemeta=();
1104: foreach ('title') {
1105: $savemeta{$_}=$metadatafields{$_};
1106: }
1.161 albertel 1107: # ------------------------------------------ See if anything new in file itself
1109: $allmeta=&parseformeta($source,$style);
1.195 www 1110: # ----------------------------------------------------------- Restore the stuff
1111: foreach (keys %savemeta) {
1112: $metadatafields{$_}=$savemeta{$_};
1113: }
1.144 www 1114: }
1.7 www 1115:
1.144 www 1116:
1.7 www 1117: # ---------------- Find and document discrepancies in the parameters and stores
1.116 albertel 1119: my $chparms='';
1120: foreach (sort keys %metadatafields) {
1121: if (($_=~/^parameter/) || ($_=~/^stores/)) {
1122: unless ($_=~/\.\w+$/) {
1123: unless ($oldparmstores{$_}) {
1.219 albertel 1124: my $disp_key = $_;
1125: $disp_key =~ tr/\0/_/;
1126: print $logfile ('New: '.$disp_key."\n");
1127: $chparms .= $disp_key.' ';
1.116 albertel 1128: }
1129: }
1130: }
1131: }
1132: if ($chparms) {
1.224 albertel 1133: $scrout.='<p><b>'.&mt('New parameters or saved values').
1.136 www 1134: ':</b> '.$chparms.'</p>';
1.116 albertel 1135: }
1.7 www 1136:
1.116 albertel 1137: $chparms='';
1138: foreach (sort keys %oldparmstores) {
1139: if (($_=~/^parameter/) || ($_=~/^stores/)) {
1140: unless (($metadatafields{$_.'.name'}) ||
1141: ($metadatafields{$_.'.package'}) || ($_=~/\.\w+$/)) {
1.219 albertel 1142: my $disp_key = $_;
1143: $disp_key =~ tr/\0/_/;
1144: print $logfile ('Obsolete: '.$disp_key."\n");
1145: $chparms.=$disp_key.' ';
1.116 albertel 1146: }
1147: }
1148: }
1149: if ($chparms) {
1.224 albertel 1150: $scrout.='<p><b>'.&mt('Obsolete parameters or saved values').':</b> '.
1.219 albertel 1151: $chparms.'</p><h1><span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Warning!').
1152: '</span></h1><p><span class="LC_warning">'.
1153: &mt('If this resource is in active use, student performance data from the previous version may become inaccessible.').'</span></p><hr />';
1.116 albertel 1154: }
1.229 www 1155: if ($metadatafields{'copyright'} eq 'priv') {
1156: $scrout.='</p><h1><span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Warning!').
1157: '</span></h1><p><span class="LC_warning">'.
1158: &mt('Copyright/distribution option "Private" is no longer supported. Select another option from below. Consider "Custom Rights" for maximum control over the usage of your resource.').'</span></p><hr />';
1159: }
1.37 www 1160:
1.8 www 1161: # ------------------------------------------------------- Now have all metadata
1.5 www 1162:
1.116 albertel 1163: my %keywords=();
1.97 www 1164:
1.116 albertel 1165: if (length($content)<500000) {
1166: my $textonly=$content;
1167: $textonly=~s/\<script[^\<]+\<\/script\>//g;
1168: $textonly=~s/\<m\>[^\<]+\<\/m\>//g;
1169: $textonly=~s/\<[^\>]*\>//g;
1170: $textonly=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
1171: $textonly=~s/[\$\&][a-z]\w*//g;
1172: $textonly=~s/[^a-z\s]//g;
1174: foreach ($textonly=~m/(\w+)/g) {
1175: unless ($nokey{$_}) {
1176: $keywords{$_}=1;
1177: }
1178: }
1179: }
1.97 www 1180:
1.168 www 1182: foreach my $addkey (split(/[\"\'\,\;]/,$metadatafields{'keywords'})) {
1183: $addkey=~s/\s+/ /g;
1184: $addkey=~s/^\s//;
1185: $addkey=~s/\s$//;
1186: if ($addkey=~/\w/) {
1187: $keywords{$addkey}=1;
1188: }
1.116 albertel 1189: }
1.97 www 1190: # --------------------------------------------------- Now we also have keywords
1191: # =============================================================================
1.167 albertel 1192: # interactive mode html goes into $intr_scrout
1193: # batch mode throws away this HTML
1194: # additionally all of the field functions have a by product of setting
1.192 albertel 1195: # $env{'from.'..} so that it can be used by the phase two handler in
1.167 albertel 1196: # batch mode
1.239 bisitz 1198: my $intr_scrout.='<br />'
1.238 bisitz 1199: .'<form name="pubform" action="/adm/publish" method="post">';
1200: unless ($env{'form.makeobsolete'}) {
1.239 bisitz 1201: $intr_scrout.='<p>'
1202: .&mt('Searching for your resource will be based on the following metadata. Please provide as much data as possible.')
1203: .'</p>'
1204: .'<p><input type="submit" value="'
1.238 bisitz 1205: .&mt('Finalize Publication')
1.239 bisitz 1206: .'" /></p>';
1.238 bisitz 1207: }
1.239 bisitz 1208: $intr_scrout.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box();
1.238 bisitz 1209: $intr_scrout.=
1.167 albertel 1210: &hiddenfield('phase','two').
1.192 albertel 1211: &hiddenfield('filename',$env{'form.filename'}).
1.209 www 1212: &hiddenfield('allmeta',&escape($allmeta)).
1.194 www 1213: &hiddenfield('dependencies',join(',',keys %allow));
1214: unless ($env{'form.makeobsolete'}) {
1215: $intr_scrout.=
1.167 albertel 1216: &textfield('Title','title',$metadatafields{'title'}).
1217: &textfield('Author(s)','author',$metadatafields{'author'}).
1218: &textfield('Subject','subject',$metadatafields{'subject'});
1.194 www 1219: # --------------------------------------------------- Scan content for keywords
1.7 www 1220:
1.238 bisitz 1221: my $keywords_help = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Publishing_Keywords");
1.167 albertel 1222: my $keywordout=<<"END";
1.77 matthew 1223: <script>
1.116 albertel 1224: function checkAll(field) {
1.77 matthew 1225: for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)
1226: field[i].checked = true ;
1227: }
1.116 albertel 1229: function uncheckAll(field) {
1.77 matthew 1230: for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)
1231: field[i].checked = false ;
1232: }
1233: </script>
1.117 albertel 1234: END
1.238 bisitz 1235: $keywordout.="\n".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Keywords'))
1236: .$keywords_help
1237: .'<input type="button" value="'.&mt('check all').'" onclick="javascript:checkAll(document.pubform.keywords)" />'
1238: .'<input type="button" value="'.&mt('uncheck all').'" onclick="javascript:uncheckAll(document.pubform.keywords)" />'
1239: .'</p><br />'
1240: .'<table border="2"><tr>';
1.167 albertel 1241: my $colcount=0;
1.116 albertel 1242:
1.167 albertel 1243: foreach (sort keys %keywords) {
1.179 matthew 1244: $keywordout.='<td><label><input type="checkbox" name="keywords" value="'.$_.'"';
1.167 albertel 1245: if ($metadatafields{'keywords'}) {
1246: if ($metadatafields{'keywords'}=~/\Q$_\E/) {
1.120 albertel 1247: $keywordout.=' checked="on"';
1.192 albertel 1248: $env{'form.keywords'}.=$_.',';
1.116 albertel 1249: }
1.167 albertel 1250: } elsif (&Apache::loncommon::keyword($_)) {
1251: $keywordout.=' checked="on"';
1.192 albertel 1252: $env{'form.keywords'}.=$_.',';
1.167 albertel 1253: }
1.179 matthew 1254: $keywordout.=' />'.$_.'</label></td>';
1.167 albertel 1255: if ($colcount>10) {
1256: $keywordout.="</tr><tr>\n";
1257: $colcount=0;
1.116 albertel 1258: }
1.167 albertel 1259: $colcount++;
1260: }
1.192 albertel 1261: $env{'form.keywords'}=~s/\,$//;
1.116 albertel 1262:
1.238 bisitz 1263: $keywordout.='</tr></table>'
1264: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
1.51 www 1265:
1.167 albertel 1266: $intr_scrout.=$keywordout;
1.9 www 1267:
1.167 albertel 1268: $intr_scrout.=&textfield('Additional Keywords','addkey','');
1.12 www 1269:
1.167 albertel 1270: $intr_scrout.=&textfield('Notes','notes',$metadatafields{'notes'});
1.9 www 1271:
1.238 bisitz 1272: $intr_scrout.="\n".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Abstract'))
1273: .'<textarea cols="80" rows="5" name="abstract">'
1274: .$metadatafields{'abstract'}
1275: .'</textarea>'
1276: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
1.9 www 1277:
1.167 albertel 1278: $source=~/\.(\w+)$/;
1.150 www 1279:
1.238 bisitz 1280: $intr_scrout.="\n".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Grade Levels'))
1281: .&mt('Lowest Grade Level:').' '
1282: .&select_level_form($metadatafields{'lowestgradelevel'},'lowestgradelevel')
1283: # .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
1284: # $intr_scrout.="\n".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Highest Grade Level'))
1285: .' '.&mt('Highest Grade Level:').' '
1286: .&select_level_form($metadatafields{'highestgradelevel'},'highestgradelevel')
1287: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
1.150 www 1288:
1.238 bisitz 1289: $intr_scrout.=&textfield('Standards','standards',$metadatafields{'standards'});
1.11 www 1290:
1.167 albertel 1291: $intr_scrout.=&hiddenfield('mime',$1);
1.11 www 1292:
1.167 albertel 1293: my $defaultlanguage=$metadatafields{'language'};
1294: $defaultlanguage =~ s/\s*notset\s*//g;
1295: $defaultlanguage =~ s/^,\s*//g;
1296: $defaultlanguage =~ s/,\s*$//g;
1.123 albertel 1297:
1.167 albertel 1298: $intr_scrout.=&selectbox('Language','language',
1299: $defaultlanguage,
1300: \&Apache::loncommon::languagedescription,
1301: (&Apache::loncommon::languageids),
1302: );
1.11 www 1303:
1.167 albertel 1304: unless ($metadatafields{'creationdate'}) {
1305: $metadatafields{'creationdate'}=time;
1306: }
1307: $intr_scrout.=&hiddenfield('creationdate',
1308: &Apache::lonmysql::unsqltime($metadatafields{'creationdate'}));
1.116 albertel 1309:
1.167 albertel 1310: $intr_scrout.=&hiddenfield('lastrevisiondate',time);
1.11 www 1311:
1.240 ! raeburn 1312: my $pubowner_last;
! 1313: if ($style eq 'prv') {
! 1314: $pubowner_last = 1;
! 1315: }
1.167 albertel 1316: $intr_scrout.=&textfield('Publisher/Owner','owner',
1.240 ! raeburn 1317: $metadatafields{'owner'},$pubowner_last);
1.84 bowersj2 1318:
1.173 www 1319: # ---------------------------------------------- Retrofix for unused copyright
1320: if ($metadatafields{'copyright'} eq 'free') {
1321: $metadatafields{'copyright'}='default';
1322: $metadatafields{'sourceavail'}='open';
1323: }
1.229 www 1324: if ($metadatafields{'copyright'} eq 'priv') {
1325: $metadatafields{'copyright'}='domain';
1326: }
1.174 www 1327: # ------------------------------------------------ Dial in reasonable defaults
1.167 albertel 1328: my $defaultoption=$metadatafields{'copyright'};
1329: unless ($defaultoption) { $defaultoption='default'; }
1.174 www 1330: my $defaultsourceoption=$metadatafields{'sourceavail'};
1331: unless ($defaultsourceoption) { $defaultsourceoption='closed'; }
1.167 albertel 1332: unless ($style eq 'prv') {
1.174 www 1333: # -------------------------------------------------- Correct copyright for rat.
1.167 albertel 1334: if ($style eq 'rat') {
1.174 www 1335: # -------------------------------------- Retrofix for non-applicable copyright
1.167 albertel 1336: if ($metadatafields{'copyright'} eq 'public') {
1337: delete $metadatafields{'copyright'};
1338: $defaultoption='default';
1339: }
1340: $intr_scrout.=&selectbox('Copyright/Distribution','copyright',
1341: $defaultoption,
1342: \&Apache::loncommon::copyrightdescription,
1.229 www 1343: (grep !/^(public|priv)$/,(&Apache::loncommon::copyrightids)));
1.116 albertel 1344: } else {
1.174 www 1345: $intr_scrout.=&selectbox('Copyright/Distribution','copyright',
1346: $defaultoption,
1347: \&Apache::loncommon::copyrightdescription,
1.229 www 1348: (grep !/^priv$/,(&Apache::loncommon::copyrightids)));
1.65 harris41 1349: }
1.174 www 1350: my $copyright_help =
1.238 bisitz 1351: &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Publishing_Copyright');
1352: my $replace=&mt('Copyright/Distribution:');
1353: $intr_scrout =~ s/$replace/$replace.' '.$copyright_help/ge;
1355: $intr_scrout.=&text_with_browse_field('Custom Distribution File','customdistributionfile',$metadatafields{'customdistributionfile'},'rights');
1.174 www 1356: $intr_scrout.=&selectbox('Source Distribution','sourceavail',
1357: $defaultsourceoption,
1358: \&Apache::loncommon::source_copyrightdescription,
1359: (&Apache::loncommon::source_copyrightids));
1.198 www 1360: # $intr_scrout.=&text_with_browse_field('Source Custom Distribution File','sourcerights',$metadatafields{'sourcerights'},'rights');
1.174 www 1361: my $uctitle=&mt('Obsolete');
1.238 bisitz 1362: my $obsolete_checked=($metadatafields{'obsolete'})?' checked="1" ':'';
1363: $intr_scrout.="\n".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($uctitle)
1364: .'<input type="checkbox" name="obsolete" '.$obsolete_checked.'/ >'
1365: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1);
1366: $intr_scrout.=&text_with_browse_field('Suggested Replacement for Obsolete File',
1.180 albertel 1367: 'obsoletereplacement',
1.240 ! raeburn 1368: $metadatafields{'obsoletereplacement'},'',1);
1.174 www 1369: } else {
1370: $intr_scrout.=&hiddenfield('copyright','private');
1371: }
1.194 www 1372: } else {
1373: $intr_scrout.=
1374: &hiddenfield('title',$metadatafields{'title'}).
1375: &hiddenfield('author',$metadatafields{'author'}).
1376: &hiddenfield('subject',$metadatafields{'subject'}).
1377: &hiddenfield('keywords',$metadatafields{'keywords'}).
1378: &hiddenfield('abstract',$metadatafields{'abstract'}).
1379: &hiddenfield('notes',$metadatafields{'notes'}).
1380: &hiddenfield('mime',$metadatafields{'mime'}).
1381: &hiddenfield('creationdate',$metadatafields{'creationdate'}).
1382: &hiddenfield('lastrevisiondate',time).
1383: &hiddenfield('owner',$metadatafields{'owner'}).
1384: &hiddenfield('lowestgradelevel',$metadatafields{'lowestgradelevel'}).
1385: &hiddenfield('standards',$metadatafields{'standards'}).
1386: &hiddenfield('highestgradelevel',$metadatafields{'highestgradelevel'}).
1387: &hiddenfield('language',$metadatafields{'language'}).
1388: &hiddenfield('copyright',$metadatafields{'copyright'}).
1389: &hiddenfield('sourceavail',$metadatafields{'sourceavail'}).
1390: &hiddenfield('customdistributionfile',$metadatafields{'customdistributionfile'}).
1.195 www 1391: &hiddenfield('obsolete',1).
1.194 www 1392: &text_with_browse_field('Suggested Replacement for Obsolete File',
1393: 'obsoletereplacement',
1.240 ! raeburn 1394: $metadatafields{'obsoletereplacement'},'',1);
1.194 www 1395: }
1.167 albertel 1396: if (!$batch) {
1.238 bisitz 1397: $scrout.=$intr_scrout
1.239 bisitz 1398: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box()
1399: .'<p><input type="submit" value="'
1.238 bisitz 1400: .&mt($env{'form.makeobsolete'}?'Make Obsolete':'Finalize Publication')
1.239 bisitz 1401: .'" /></p>'
1402: .'</form>';
1.97 www 1403: }
1.167 albertel 1404: return($scrout,0);
1.2 www 1405: }
1.1 www 1406:
1.90 matthew 1407: #########################################
1408: #########################################
1410: =pod
1.94 harris41 1412: =item B<phasetwo>
1.90 matthew 1413:
1414: Render second interface showing status of publication steps.
1415: This is publication step two.
1.94 harris41 1417: Parameters:
1419: =over 4
1421: =item I<$source>
1423: =item I<$target>
1425: =item I<$style>
1427: =item I<$distarget>
1429: =back
1431: Returns:
1433: =over 4
1.197 www 1435: =item integer
1.94 harris41 1436:
1.197 www 1437: 0: fail
1438: 1: success
1.94 harris41 1439:
1.90 matthew 1440: =cut
1.12 www 1441:
1.100 matthew 1442: #'stupid emacs
1.90 matthew 1443: #########################################
1444: #########################################
1.11 www 1445: sub phasetwo {
1.100 matthew 1447: my ($r,$source,$target,$style,$distarget,$batch)=@_;
1.102 www 1448: $source=~s/\/+/\//g;
1449: $target=~s/\/+/\//g;
1.196 www 1450: #
1451: # Unless trying to get rid of something, check name validity
1452: #
1453: unless ($env{'form.obsolete'}) {
1454: if ($target=~/(\_\_\_|\&\&\&|\:\:\:)/) {
1.226 albertel 1455: $r->print('<span class="LC_error">'.
1456: &mt('Unsupported character combination [_1] in filename, FAIL.',"<tt>'.$1.'</tt>").
1457: '</span>');
1.196 www 1458: return 0;
1459: }
1460: unless ($target=~/\.(\w+)$/) {
1.226 albertel 1461: $r->print('<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('No valid extension found in filename, FAIL').'</span>');
1.196 www 1462: return 0;
1463: }
1464: if ($target=~/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)$/) {
1.226 albertel 1465: $r->print('<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Cannot publish versioned resource, FAIL').'</span>');
1.196 www 1466: return 0;
1467: }
1468: }
1.109 www 1469:
1.196 www 1470: #
1471: # End name check
1472: #
1.102 www 1473: $distarget=~s/\/+/\//g;
1.11 www 1474: my $logfile;
1475: unless ($logfile=Apache::File->new('>>'.$source.'.log')) {
1.110 www 1476: $r->print(
1.226 albertel 1477: '<span class="LC_error">'.
1478: &mt('No write permission to user directory, FAIL').'</span>');
1.110 www 1479: return 0;
1.11 www 1480: }
1.227 albertel 1481:
1482: if ($source =~ /\.rights$/) {
1483: $r->print('<p><span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Warning: It can take up to 1 hour for rights changes to fully propagate.').'</span></p>');
1484: }
1.11 www 1486: print $logfile
1.211 albertel 1487: "\n================= Publish ".localtime()." Phase Two ================\n".$env{''}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}."\n";
1.100 matthew 1488:
1489: %metadatafields=();
1490: %metadatakeys=();
1.167 albertel 1491:
1.209 www 1492: &metaeval(&unescape($env{'form.allmeta'}));
1.100 matthew 1493:
1.192 albertel 1494: $metadatafields{'title'}=$env{'form.title'};
1495: $metadatafields{'author'}=$env{''};
1496: $metadatafields{'subject'}=$env{'form.subject'};
1497: $metadatafields{'notes'}=$env{'form.notes'};
1498: $metadatafields{'abstract'}=$env{'form.abstract'};
1499: $metadatafields{'mime'}=$env{'form.mime'};
1500: $metadatafields{'language'}=$env{'form.language'};
1501: $metadatafields{'creationdate'}=$env{'form.creationdate'};
1502: $metadatafields{'lastrevisiondate'}=$env{'form.lastrevisiondate'};
1503: $metadatafields{'owner'}=$env{'form.owner'};
1504: $metadatafields{'copyright'}=$env{'form.copyright'};
1505: $metadatafields{'standards'}=$env{'form.standards'};
1506: $metadatafields{'lowestgradelevel'}=$env{'form.lowestgradelevel'};
1507: $metadatafields{'highestgradelevel'}=$env{'form.highestgradelevel'};
1.115 www 1508: $metadatafields{'customdistributionfile'}=
1.192 albertel 1509: $env{'form.customdistributionfile'};
1510: $metadatafields{'sourceavail'}=$env{'form.sourceavail'};
1511: $metadatafields{'obsolete'}=$env{'form.obsolete'};
1.138 www 1512: $metadatafields{'obsoletereplacement'}=
1.192 albertel 1513: $env{'form.obsoletereplacement'};
1514: $metadatafields{'dependencies'}=$env{'form.dependencies'};
1.211 albertel 1515: $metadatafields{'modifyinguser'}=$env{''}.':'.
1.192 albertel 1516: $env{'user.domain'};
1.211 albertel 1517: $metadatafields{'authorspace'}=$cuname.':'.$cudom;
1.214 albertel 1518: $metadatafields{'domain'}=$cudom;
1.100 matthew 1519:
1.192 albertel 1520: my $allkeywords=$env{'form.addkey'};
1521: if (exists($env{'form.keywords'})) {
1522: if (ref($env{'form.keywords'})) {
1523: $allkeywords .= ','.join(',',@{$env{'form.keywords'}});
1.100 matthew 1524: } else {
1.192 albertel 1525: $allkeywords .= ','.$env{'form.keywords'};
1.100 matthew 1526: }
1527: }
1.168 www 1528: $allkeywords=~s/[\"\']//g;
1.170 www 1529: $allkeywords=~s/\s*[\;\,]\s*/\,/g;
1.168 www 1530: $allkeywords=~s/\s+/ /g;
1531: $allkeywords=~s/^[ \,]//;
1532: $allkeywords=~s/[ \,]$//;
1.100 matthew 1533: $metadatafields{'keywords'}=$allkeywords;
1.149 www 1535: # check if custom distribution file is specified
1536: if ($metadatafields{'copyright'} eq 'custom') {
1537: my $file=$metadatafields{'customdistributionfile'};
1538: unless ($file=~/\.rights$/) {
1.197 www 1539: $r->print(
1.226 albertel 1540: '<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('No valid custom distribution rights file specified, FAIL').
1541: '</span>');
1.197 www 1542: return 0;
1.149 www 1543: }
1544: }
1.100 matthew 1545: {
1546: print $logfile "\nWrite metadata file for ".$source;
1547: my $mfh;
1548: unless ($mfh=Apache::File->new('>'.$source.'.meta')) {
1.197 www 1549: $r->print(
1.226 albertel 1550: '<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Could not write metadata, FAIL').
1551: '</span>');
1.197 www 1552: return 0;
1.100 matthew 1553: }
1554: foreach (sort keys %metadatafields) {
1555: unless ($_=~/\./) {
1556: my $unikey=$_;
1557: $unikey=~/^([A-Za-z]+)/;
1558: my $tag=$1;
1559: $tag=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
1560: print $mfh "\n\<$tag";
1561: foreach (split(/\,/,$metadatakeys{$unikey})) {
1562: my $value=$metadatafields{$unikey.'.'.$_};
1563: $value=~s/\"/\'\'/g;
1564: print $mfh ' '.$_.'="'.$value.'"';
1565: }
1566: print $mfh '>'.
1.165 albertel 1567: &HTML::Entities::encode($metadatafields{$unikey},'<>&"')
1.100 matthew 1568: .'</'.$tag.'>';
1569: }
1570: }
1.136 www 1571: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Wrote Metadata').'</p>');
1.100 matthew 1572: print $logfile "\nWrote metadata";
1573: }
1575: # -------------------------------- Synchronize entry with SQL metadata database
1.12 www 1576:
1.89 matthew 1577: $metadatafields{'url'} = $distarget;
1578: $metadatafields{'version'} = 'current';
1.152 www 1579:
1580: my ($error,$success) = &store_metadata(%metadatafields);
1581: if ($success) {
1582: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Synchronized SQL metadata database').'</p>');
1583: print $logfile "\nSynchronized SQL metadata database";
1.89 matthew 1584: } else {
1.152 www 1585: $r->print($error);
1586: print $logfile "\n".$error;
1.24 harris41 1587: }
1.159 www 1588: # --------------------------------------------- Delete author resource messages
1589: my $delresult=&Apache::lonmsg::del_url_author_res_msg($target);
1590: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Removing error messages:').' '.$delresult.'</p>');
1591: print $logfile "\nRemoving error messages: $delresult";
1.12 www 1592: # ----------------------------------------------------------- Copy old versions
1.100 matthew 1594: if (-e $target) {
1595: my $filename;
1596: my $maxversion=0;
1597: $target=~/(.*)\/([^\/]+)\.(\w+)$/;
1598: my $srcf=$2;
1599: my $srct=$3;
1600: my $srcd=$1;
1601: unless ($srcd=~/^\/home\/httpd\/html\/res/) {
1602: print $logfile "\nPANIC: Target dir is ".$srcd;
1.197 www 1603: $r->print(
1.239 bisitz 1604: "<span class=\"LC_error\">".&mt('Invalid target directory, FAIL')."</span>");
1.197 www 1605: return 0;
1.100 matthew 1606: }
1607: opendir(DIR,$srcd);
1608: while ($filename=readdir(DIR)) {
1609: if (-l $srcd.'/'.$filename) {
1610: unlink($srcd.'/'.$filename);
1611: unlink($srcd.'/'.$filename.'.meta');
1612: } else {
1.118 albertel 1613: if ($filename=~/\Q$srcf\E\.(\d+)\.\Q$srct\E$/) {
1.100 matthew 1614: $maxversion=($1>$maxversion)?$1:$maxversion;
1615: }
1616: }
1617: }
1618: closedir(DIR);
1619: $maxversion++;
1.120 albertel 1620: $r->print('<p>Creating old version '.$maxversion.'</p>');
1.125 www 1621: print $logfile "\nCreating old version ".$maxversion."\n";
1.100 matthew 1622:
1623: my $copyfile=$srcd.'/'.$srcf.'.'.$maxversion.'.'.$srct;
1.13 www 1625: if (copy($target,$copyfile)) {
1.12 www 1626: print $logfile "Copied old target to ".$copyfile."\n";
1.136 www 1627: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Copied old target file').'</p>');
1.12 www 1628: } else {
1.13 www 1629: print $logfile "Unable to write ".$copyfile.':'.$!."\n";
1.226 albertel 1630: $r->print("<span class=\"LC_error\">".&mt('Failed to copy old target').
1631: ", $!, ".&mt('FAIL')."</span>");
1.197 www 1632: return 0;
1.12 www 1633: }
1.100 matthew 1634:
1.12 www 1635: # --------------------------------------------------------------- Copy Metadata
1637: $copyfile=$copyfile.'.meta';
1.100 matthew 1638:
1.13 www 1639: if (copy($target.'.meta',$copyfile)) {
1.14 www 1640: print $logfile "Copied old target metadata to ".$copyfile."\n";
1.136 www 1641: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Copied old metadata').'</p>')
1.12 www 1642: } else {
1.13 www 1643: print $logfile "Unable to write metadata ".$copyfile.':'.$!."\n";
1.14 www 1644: if (-e $target.'.meta') {
1.197 www 1645: $r->print(
1.226 albertel 1646: "<span class=\"LC_error\">".
1647: &mt('Failed to write old metadata copy').", $!, ".&mt('FAIL')."</span>");
1.197 www 1648: return 0;
1.14 www 1649: }
1.12 www 1650: }
1.100 matthew 1651:
1653: } else {
1.138 www 1654: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Initial version').'</p>');
1.100 matthew 1655: print $logfile "\nInitial version";
1656: }
1.12 www 1657:
1658: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Write Source
1.100 matthew 1659: my $copyfile=$target;
1661: my @parts=split(/\//,$copyfile);
1662: my $path="/$parts[1]/$parts[2]/$parts[3]/$parts[4]";
1664: my $count;
1665: for ($count=5;$count<$#parts;$count++) {
1666: $path.="/$parts[$count]";
1667: if ((-e $path)!=1) {
1668: print $logfile "\nCreating directory ".$path;
1.136 www 1669: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Created directory').' '.$parts[$count].'</p>');
1.100 matthew 1670: mkdir($path,0777);
1.12 www 1671: }
1.100 matthew 1672: }
1674: if (copy($source,$copyfile)) {
1675: print $logfile "\nCopied original source to ".$copyfile."\n";
1.136 www 1676: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Copied source file').'</p>');
1.100 matthew 1677: } else {
1678: print $logfile "\nUnable to write ".$copyfile.':'.$!."\n";
1.226 albertel 1679: $r->print("<span class=\"LC_error\">".
1680: &mt('Failed to copy source').", $!, ".&mt('FAIL')."</span>");
1.197 www 1681: return 0;
1.100 matthew 1682: }
1.12 www 1684: # --------------------------------------------------------------- Copy Metadata
1.100 matthew 1686: $copyfile=$copyfile.'.meta';
1688: if (copy($source.'.meta',$copyfile)) {
1689: print $logfile "\nCopied original metadata to ".$copyfile."\n";
1.136 www 1690: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Copied metadata').'</p>');
1.100 matthew 1691: } else {
1692: print $logfile "\nUnable to write metadata ".$copyfile.':'.$!."\n";
1.197 www 1693: $r->print(
1.226 albertel 1694: "<span class=\"LC_error\">".&mt('Failed to write metadata copy').", $!, ".&mt('FAIL')."</span>");
1.197 www 1695: return 0;
1.100 matthew 1696: }
1697: $r->rflush;
1.12 www 1698:
1.181 www 1699: # ------------------------------------------------------------- Trigger updates
1.183 www 1700: push(@{$modified_urls},[$target,$source]);
1.182 www 1701: unless ($registered_cleanup) {
1702: $r->register_cleanup(\¬ify);
1703: $registered_cleanup=1;
1704: }
1.199 www 1705:
1706: # ---------------------------------------------------------- Clear local caches
1707: my $thisdistarget=$target;
1708: $thisdistarget=~s/^\Q$docroot\E//;
1709: &Apache::lonnet::devalidate_cache_new('resversion',$target);
1710: &Apache::lonnet::devalidate_cache_new('meta',
1711: &Apache::lonnet::declutter($thisdistarget));
1.12 www 1713: # ------------------------------------------------ Provide link to new resource
1.100 matthew 1714: unless ($batch) {
1716: my $thissrc=$source;
1.215 albertel 1717: $thissrc=~s{^/home/($match_username)/public_html}{/priv/$1};
1.100 matthew 1718:
1719: my $thissrcdir=$thissrc;
1720: $thissrcdir=~s/\/[^\/]+$/\//;
1723: $r->print(
1.120 albertel 1724: '<hr /><a href="'.$thisdistarget.'"><font size="+2">'.
1.138 www 1725: &mt('View Published Version').'</font></a>'.
1.238 bisitz 1726: '<p><a href="'.$thissrc.'"><font size="+2">'.
1.138 www 1727: &mt('Back to Source').'</font></a></p>'.
1.100 matthew 1728: '<p><a href="'.$thissrcdir.
1.138 www 1729: '"><font size="+2">'.
1730: &mt('Back to Source Directory').'</font></a></p>');
1.100 matthew 1731: }
1.181 www 1732: $logfile->close();
1.197 www 1733: $r->print('<p><font color="green">'.&mt('Done').'</font></p>');
1734: return 1;
1.11 www 1735: }
1.181 www 1737: # =============================================================== Notifications
1738: sub notify {
1739: # --------------------------------------------------- Send update notifications
1.183 www 1740: foreach my $targetsource (@{$modified_urls}){
1.182 www 1741: my ($target,$source)=@{$targetsource};
1742: my $logfile=Apache::File->new('>>'.$source.'.log');
1743: print $logfile "\nCleanup phase: Notifications\n";
1744: my @subscribed=&get_subscribed_hosts($target);
1745: foreach my $subhost (@subscribed) {
1746: print $logfile "\nNotifying host ".$subhost.':';
1747: my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::critical('update:'.$target,$subhost);
1748: print $logfile $reply;
1749: }
1.181 www 1750: # ---------------------------------------- Send update notifications, meta only
1.182 www 1751: my @subscribedmeta=&get_subscribed_hosts("$target.meta");
1752: foreach my $subhost (@subscribedmeta) {
1753: print $logfile "\nNotifying host for metadata only ".$subhost.':';
1754: my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::critical('update:'.$target.'.meta',
1755: $subhost);
1756: print $logfile $reply;
1757: }
1.181 www 1758: # --------------------------------------------------- Notify subscribed courses
1.182 www 1759: my %courses=&coursedependencies($target);
1760: my $now=time;
1761: foreach (keys %courses) {
1762: print $logfile "\nNotifying course ".$_.':';
1763: my ($cdom,$cname)=split(/\_/,$_);
1764: my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::cput
1765: ('versionupdate',{$target => $now},$cdom,$cname);
1766: print $logfile $reply;
1767: }
1768: print $logfile "\n============ Done ============\n";
1769: $logfile->close();
1.181 www 1770: }
1.233 www 1771: if ($lock) { &Apache::lonnet::remove_lock($lock); }
1.182 www 1772: return OK;
1.181 www 1773: }
1.95 www 1775: #########################################
1777: sub batchpublish {
1.97 www 1778: my ($r,$srcfile,$targetfile)=@_;
1.192 albertel 1779: #publication pollutes %env with form.* values
1780: my %oldenv=%env;
1.102 www 1781: $srcfile=~s/\/+/\//g;
1782: $targetfile=~s/\/+/\//g;
1.95 www 1783: my $thisdisfn=$srcfile;
1784: $thisdisfn=~s/\/home\/korte\/public_html\///;
1785: $srcfile=~s/\/+/\//g;
1.96 www 1786:
1.97 www 1787: my $docroot=$r->dir_config('lonDocRoot');
1788: my $thisdistarget=$targetfile;
1.122 albertel 1789: $thisdistarget=~s/^\Q$docroot\E//;
1.97 www 1790:
1.96 www 1791:
1.139 albertel 1792: %metadatafields=();
1793: %metadatakeys=();
1794: $srcfile=~/\.(\w+)$/;
1795: my $thistype=$1;
1.97 www 1796:
1.139 albertel 1798: my $thisembstyle=&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($thistype);
1.96 www 1799:
1.138 www 1800: $r->print('<h2>'.&mt('Publishing').' <tt>'.$thisdisfn.'</tt></h2>');
1.97 www 1801:
1802: # phase one takes
1803: # my ($source,$target,$style,$batch)=@_;
1.113 albertel 1804: my ($outstring,$error)=&publish($srcfile,$targetfile,$thisembstyle,1);
1805: $r->print('<p>'.$outstring.'</p>');
1.96 www 1806: # phase two takes
1807: # my ($source,$target,$style,$distarget,batch)=@_;
1.192 albertel 1808: # $env{'form.allmeta'},$env{'form.title'},$env{''},...
1.113 albertel 1809: if (!$error) {
1810: $r->print('<p>');
1811: &phasetwo($r,$srcfile,$targetfile,$thisembstyle,$thisdistarget,1);
1812: $r->print('</p>');
1813: }
1.192 albertel 1814: %env=%oldenv;
1.97 www 1815: return '';
1.95 www 1816: }
1.1 www 1817:
1.90 matthew 1818: #########################################
1.95 www 1819:
1820: sub publishdirectory {
1821: my ($r,$fn,$thisdisfn)=@_;
1.102 www 1822: $fn=~s/\/+/\//g;
1823: $thisdisfn=~s/\/+/\//g;
1.96 www 1824: my $resdir=
1.139 albertel 1825: $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$cudom.'/'.$cuname.'/'.
1826: $thisdisfn;
1.156 www 1827: $r->print('<h1>'.&mt('Directory').' <tt>'.$thisdisfn.'</tt></h1>'.
1828: &mt('Target').': <tt>'.$resdir.'</tt><br />');
1.139 albertel 1829:
1830: my $dirptr=16384; # Mask indicating a directory in stat.cmode.
1.193 www 1831: unless ($env{'form.phase'} eq 'two') {
1832: # ask user what they want
1833: $r->print('<form name="pubdirpref" method="post">'.
1834: &hiddenfield('phase','two').
1835: &hiddenfield('filename',$env{'form.filename'}).
1836: &checkbox('pubrec','include subdirectories').
1.194 www 1837: &checkbox('forcerepub','force republication of previously published files').
1.206 albertel 1838: &checkbox('obsolete','make file(s) obsolete').
1.195 www 1839: &checkbox('forceoverride','force directory level catalog information over existing').
1840: '<br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Publish Directory').'" /></form>');
1.233 www 1841: $lock=0;
1.193 www 1842: } else {
1.234 www 1843: unless ($lock) { $lock=&Apache::lonnet::set_lock(&mt('Publishing [_1]',$fn)); }
1.193 www 1844: # actually publish things
1845: opendir(DIR,$fn);
1846: my @files=sort(readdir(DIR));
1847: foreach my $filename (@files) {
1848: my ($cdev,$cino,$cmode,$cnlink,
1849: $cuid,$cgid,$crdev,$csize,
1850: $catime,$cmtime,$cctime,
1851: $cblksize,$cblocks)=stat($fn.'/'.$filename);
1853: my $extension='';
1854: if ($filename=~/\.(\w+)$/) { $extension=$1; }
1855: if ($cmode&$dirptr) {
1856: if (($filename!~/^\./) && ($env{'form.pubrec'})) {
1857: &publishdirectory($r,$fn.'/'.$filename,$thisdisfn.'/'.$filename);
1858: }
1859: } elsif ((&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($extension) ne 'hdn') &&
1860: ($filename!~/^[\#\.]/) && ($filename!~/\~$/)) {
1.96 www 1861: # find out publication status and/or exiting metadata
1.193 www 1862: my $publishthis=0;
1863: if (-e $resdir.'/'.$filename) {
1864: my ($rdev,$rino,$rmode,$rnlink,
1865: $ruid,$rgid,$rrdev,$rsize,
1866: $ratime,$rmtime,$rctime,
1867: $rblksize,$rblocks)=stat($resdir.'/'.$filename);
1868: if (($rmtime<$cmtime) || ($env{'form.forcerepub'})) {
1.96 www 1869: # previously published, modified now
1.193 www 1870: $publishthis=1;
1871: }
1.212 albertel 1872: my $meta_cmtime = (stat($fn.'/'.$filename.'.meta'))[9];
1873: my $meta_rmtime = (stat($resdir.'/'.$filename.'.meta'))[9];
1874: if ( $meta_rmtime<$meta_cmtime ) {
1875: $publishthis=1;
1876: }
1.193 www 1877: } else {
1878: # never published
1.96 www 1879: $publishthis=1;
1.193 www 1880: }
1.212 albertel 1881:
1.193 www 1882: if ($publishthis) {
1883: &batchpublish($r,$fn.'/'.$filename,$resdir.'/'.$filename);
1884: } else {
1885: $r->print('<br />'.&mt('Skipping').' '.$filename.'<br />');
1886: }
1887: $r->rflush();
1.139 albertel 1888: }
1889: }
1.193 www 1890: closedir(DIR);
1.139 albertel 1891: }
1.95 www 1892: }
1.160 www 1893:
1894: #########################################
1895: # publish a default.meta file
1897: sub defaultmetapublish {
1898: my ($r,$fn,$cuname,$cudom)=@_;
1899: $fn=~s/^\/\~$cuname\//\/home\/$cuname\/public_html\//;
1900: unless (-e $fn) {
1901: return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
1902: }
1903: my $target=$fn;
1904: $target=~s/^\/home\/$cuname\/public_html\//$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\/res\/$cudom\/$cuname\//;
1907: &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
1908: $r->send_http_header;
1.208 albertel 1910: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Catalog Information Publication'));
1.160 www 1911:
1912: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Write Source
1913: my $copyfile=$target;
1915: my @parts=split(/\//,$copyfile);
1916: my $path="/$parts[1]/$parts[2]/$parts[3]/$parts[4]";
1918: my $count;
1919: for ($count=5;$count<$#parts;$count++) {
1920: $path.="/$parts[$count]";
1921: if ((-e $path)!=1) {
1922: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Created directory').' '.$parts[$count].'</p>');
1923: mkdir($path,0777);
1924: }
1925: }
1927: if (copy($fn,$copyfile)) {
1928: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Copied source file').'</p>');
1929: } else {
1.226 albertel 1930: return "<span class=\"LC_error\">".
1931: &mt('Failed to copy source').", $!, ".&mt('FAIL')."</span>";
1.160 www 1932: }
1934: # --------------------------------------------------- Send update notifications
1936: my @subscribed=&get_subscribed_hosts($target);
1937: foreach my $subhost (@subscribed) {
1938: $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Notifying host').' '.$subhost.':');$r->rflush;
1939: my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::critical('update:'.$target,$subhost);
1940: $r->print($reply.'</p><br />');$r->rflush;
1941: }
1942: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- Link back
1943: my $link=$fn;
1944: $link=~s/^\/home\/$cuname\/public_html\//\/priv\/$cuname\//;
1945: $r->print("<a href='$link'>".&mt('Back to Catalog Information').'</a>');
1.208 albertel 1946: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
1.160 www 1947: return OK;
1948: }
1.90 matthew 1949: #########################################
1951: =pod
1.94 harris41 1953: =item B<handler>
1.90 matthew 1954:
1955: A basic outline of the handler subroutine follows.
1957: =over 4
1.94 harris41 1959: =item *
1961: Get query string for limited number of parameters.
1963: =item *
1965: Check filename.
1967: =item *
1969: File is there and owned, init lookup tables.
1971: =item *
1.90 matthew 1972:
1.94 harris41 1973: Start page output.
1.90 matthew 1974:
1.94 harris41 1975: =item *
1.90 matthew 1976:
1.94 harris41 1977: Evaluate individual file, and then output information.
1.90 matthew 1978:
1.94 harris41 1979: =item *
1.90 matthew 1980:
1.94 harris41 1981: Publishing from $thisfn to $thistarget with $thisembstyle.
1.90 matthew 1982:
1983: =back
1985: =cut
1987: #########################################
1988: #########################################
1.1 www 1989: sub handler {
1.139 albertel 1990: my $r=shift;
1.2 www 1991:
1.139 albertel 1992: if ($r->header_only) {
1993: &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
1994: $r->send_http_header;
1995: return OK;
1996: }
1.2 www 1997:
1.43 www 1998: # Get query string for limited number of parameters
1.80 matthew 2000: &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
2001: ['filename']);
1.43 www 2002:
1.183 www 2003: # -------------------------------------- Flag and buffer for registered cleanup
1.182 www 2004: $registered_cleanup=0;
1.183 www 2005: @{$modified_urls}=();
1.2 www 2006: # -------------------------------------------------------------- Check filename
1.209 www 2008: my $fn=&unescape($env{'form.filename'});
1.160 www 2009:
2010: ($cuname,$cudom)=
2011: &Apache::loncacc::constructaccess($fn,$r->dir_config('lonDefDomain'));
2013: # special publication: default.meta file
2014: if ($fn=~/\/default.meta$/) {
2015: return &defaultmetapublish($r,$fn,$cuname,$cudom);
2016: }
1.159 www 2017: $fn=~s/\.meta$//;
1.27 www 2018:
1.139 albertel 2019: unless ($fn) {
2020: $r->log_reason($cuname.' at '.$cudom.
2021: ' trying to publish empty filename', $r->filename);
2022: return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
2023: }
2025: unless (($cuname) && ($cudom)) {
2026: $r->log_reason($cuname.' at '.$cudom.
1.192 albertel 2027: ' trying to publish file '.$env{'form.filename'}.
1.139 albertel 2028: ' ('.$fn.') - not authorized',
2029: $r->filename);
2031: }
1.163 albertel 2033: my $home=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cuname,$cudom);
2034: my $allowed=0;
2035: my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
2036: foreach my $id (@ids) { if ($id eq $home) { $allowed = 1; } }
2037: unless ($allowed) {
1.139 albertel 2038: $r->log_reason($cuname.' at '.$cudom.
1.192 albertel 2039: ' trying to publish file '.$env{'form.filename'}.
1.163 albertel 2040: ' ('.$fn.') - not homeserver ('.$home.')',
1.139 albertel 2041: $r->filename);
2043: }
1.215 albertel 2045: $fn=~s{^http://[^/]+}{};
2046: $fn=~s{^/~($match_username)}{/home/$1/public_html};
1.139 albertel 2047:
2048: my $targetdir='';
2049: $docroot=$r->dir_config('lonDocRoot');
2050: if ($1 ne $cuname) {
2051: $r->log_reason($cuname.' at '.$cudom.
2052: ' trying to publish unowned file '.
1.192 albertel 2053: $env{'form.filename'}.' ('.$fn.')',
1.139 albertel 2054: $r->filename);
2056: } else {
2057: $targetdir=$docroot.'/res/'.$cudom;
2058: }
1.2 www 2059:
1.139 albertel 2061: unless (-e $fn) {
2062: $r->log_reason($cuname.' at '.$cudom.
2063: ' trying to publish non-existing file '.
1.192 albertel 2064: $env{'form.filename'}.' ('.$fn.')',
1.139 albertel 2065: $r->filename);
2066: return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
2067: }
1.2 www 2068:
1.94 harris41 2069: # -------------------------------- File is there and owned, init lookup tables.
1.2 www 2070:
1.205 albertel 2071: %addid=();
2073: {
2074: my $fh=Apache::File->new($r->dir_config('lonTabDir').'/');
2075: while (<$fh>=~/(\w+)\s+(\w+)/) {
2076: $addid{$1}=$2;
1.139 albertel 2077: }
1.205 albertel 2078: }
1.3 www 2079:
1.205 albertel 2080: %nokey=();
1.11 www 2081:
1.205 albertel 2082: {
2083: my $fh=Apache::File->new($r->dir_config('lonIncludes').'/');
2084: while (<$fh>) {
2085: my $word=$_;
2086: chomp($word);
2087: $nokey{$word}=1;
1.139 albertel 2088: }
2089: }
1.11 www 2090:
1.94 harris41 2091: # ---------------------------------------------------------- Start page output.
1.2 www 2092:
1.139 albertel 2093: &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
2094: $r->send_http_header;
1.180 albertel 2095:
1.208 albertel 2096: my $js='<script type="text/javascript">'.
2097: &Apache::loncommon::browser_and_searcher_javascript().
2098: '</script>';
1.210 albertel 2099: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Resource Publication',$js));
1.101 www 2100:
1.139 albertel 2102: my $thisfn=$fn;
1.95 www 2103:
1.139 albertel 2104: my $thistarget=$thisfn;
1.95 www 2105:
1.139 albertel 2106: $thistarget=~s/^\/home/$targetdir/;
2107: $thistarget=~s/\/public\_html//;
1.95 www 2108:
1.139 albertel 2109: my $thisdistarget=$thistarget;
2110: $thisdistarget=~s/^\Q$docroot\E//;
1.95 www 2111:
1.139 albertel 2112: my $thisdisfn=$thisfn;
2113: $thisdisfn=~s/^\/home\/\Q$cuname\E\/public_html\///;
1.95 www 2114:
1.139 albertel 2115: if ($fn=~/\/$/) {
1.95 www 2116: # -------------------------------------------------------- This is a directory
1.139 albertel 2117: &publishdirectory($r,$fn,$thisdisfn);
1.193 www 2118: $r->print('<hr /><a href="/priv/'
1.139 albertel 2119: .$cuname.'/'.$thisdisfn
2120: .'">'.&mt('Return to Directory').'</a>');
1.128 www 2121:
1.95 www 2122:
1.139 albertel 2123: } else {
1.94 harris41 2124: # ---------------------- Evaluate individual file, and then output information.
1.139 albertel 2125: $thisfn=~/\.(\w+)$/;
2126: my $thistype=$1;
2127: my $thisembstyle=&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($thistype);
1.200 raeburn 2128: if ($thistype eq 'page') { $thisembstyle = 'rat'; }
1.2 www 2129:
1.239 bisitz 2130: $r->print('<h2>'.&mt('Publishing [_1]','<tt>'.$thisdisfn.'</tt>').'</h2>');
2132: $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Resource Details').'</h3>');
2134: $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box());
2136: $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Type'))
2137: .&Apache::loncommon::filedescription($thistype)
2138: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
2139: );
2141: $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Link to Resource'))
2142: .'<tt>'
2143: );
1.139 albertel 2144: $r->print(<<ENDCAPTION);
1.129 www 2145: <a href='javascript:void("/~$cuname/$thisdisfn","cat","height=300,width=500,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0,location=1"))'>
2146: $thisdisfn</a>
1.239 bisitz 2148: $r->print('</tt>'
2149: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
2150: );
2152: $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Target'))
2153: .'<tt>'.$thisdistarget.'</tt>'
2154: );
2155: # SB - ToDo:
1.192 albertel 2156: if (($cuname ne $env{''})||($cudom ne $env{'user.domain'})) {
1.239 bisitz 2157: # $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title('<span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Co-Author').'</span>')
1.240 ! raeburn 2158: $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
! 2159: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Co-Author'))
1.239 bisitz 2160: .'<span class="LC_warning">'
2161: .&mt('[_1] at [_2]',$cuname,$cudom)
2162: .'</span>'
2163: );
1.139 albertel 2164: }
1.26 www 2165:
1.139 albertel 2166: if (&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($thistype) eq 'ssi') {
1.240 ! raeburn 2167: $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
! 2168: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Diffs')));
1.139 albertel 2169: $r->print(<<ENDDIFF);
1.136 www 2170: <a href='javascript:void("/adm/diff?filename=/~$cuname/$thisdisfn&versiontwo=priv","cat","height=300,width=500,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0,location=1"))'>
1.129 www 2171: ENDDIFF
1.240 ! raeburn 2172: $r->print(&mt('Diffs with Current Version').'</a>');
1.139 albertel 2173: }
1.240 ! raeburn 2174:
! 2175: $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)
! 2176: .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box()
! 2177: );
1.11 www 2178:
1.94 harris41 2179: # ------------------ Publishing from $thisfn to $thistarget with $thisembstyle.
1.2 www 2180:
1.192 albertel 2181: unless ($env{'form.phase'} eq 'two') {
1.185 www 2182: # ---------------------------------------------------------- Parse for problems
1.189 albertel 2183: my ($warningcount,$errorcount);
2184: if ($thisembstyle eq 'ssi') {
2185: ($warningcount,$errorcount)=&checkonthis($r,$thisfn);
2186: }
2187: unless ($errorcount) {
1.187 www 2188: my ($outstring,$error)=
2189: &publish($thisfn,$thistarget,$thisembstyle);
2190: $r->print('<hr />'.$outstring);
2191: } else {
1.239 bisitz 2192: $r->print('<h3 class="LC_error">'.
1.189 albertel 2193: &mt('The document contains errors and cannot be published.').
1.187 www 2194: '</h3>');
2195: }
1.139 albertel 2196: } else {
1.197 www 2197: &phasetwo($r,$thisfn,$thistarget,$thisembstyle,$thisdistarget);
2198: $r->print('<hr />');
1.139 albertel 2199: }
2200: }
1.208 albertel 2201: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
1.15 www 2202:
1.139 albertel 2203: return OK;
1.1 www 2204: }
2206: 1;
2207: __END__
1.89 matthew 2209: =pod
1.126 bowersj2 2210:
2211: =back
1.66 harris41 2212:
2213: =back
1.89 matthew 2215: =cut
1.66 harris41 2216:
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