Annotation of loncom/publisher/, revision 1.4
1.1 raeburn 1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
2: # Construction Space Buttons for Top Frame
3: #
4: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
5: #
6: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
7: #
8: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11: # (at your option) any later version.
12: #
13: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16: # GNU General Public License for more details.
17: #
18: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
20: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21: #
22: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
23: #
24: #
25: #
26: ###
28: package Apache::lonpubmenu;
29: use Apache::lonlocal;
1.3 albertel 30: use Apache::lonnet;
1.1 raeburn 31: use Apache::loncommon;
33: sub handler {
34: my $r = shift;
35: my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
36: cnpd => 'Cannot publish directory',
37: cnrd => 'Cannot retrieve directory',
38: mcdi => 'Must create new subdirectory inside a directory',
39: pubr => 'Publish this Resource',
40: pubd => 'Publish this Directory',
41: rtrv => 'Retrieve Old Version',
42: pubs => 'Publish with Subdirectories',
43: list => 'List Directory',
44: uplo => 'Upload file',
45: dele => 'Delete',
46: edit => 'Edit Catalog Information',
47: sela => 'Select Action',
48: nfil => 'New file',
49: nhtm => 'New HTML file',
50: nprb => 'New problem',
51: npag => 'New assembled page',
52: nseq => 'New assembled sequence',
53: ncrf => 'New custom rights file',
54: nsty => 'New style file',
1.2 www 55: nlib => 'New library file',
1.1 raeburn 56: nsub => 'New subdirectory',
57: renm => 'Rename current file to',
58: move => 'Move current file to',
59: copy => 'Copy current file to',
60: type => 'Type Name Here',
61: go => 'Go',
62: prnt => 'Print'
63: );
64: &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['disp']);
1.3 albertel 65: my $disp = $env{'form.disp'};
1.1 raeburn 66: # set defaults for parent directory in case frameloc is unable to determine directory
1.3 albertel 67: my $defaultdir = '/priv/'.$env{''}.'/';
68: if ($env{'request.role'} =~ m#^ca\./[^/]+/([^/]+)#) {
1.1 raeburn 69: $defaultdir = '/priv/'.$1.'/';
70: }
1.4 ! albertel 71: my $js=
1.1 raeburn 72: <script type="text/javascript">
73: //<!--
74: function frameloc() {
75: if (parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.location.pathname.indexOf("/~")!=-1) {
76: parent.lastknownpriv=parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.location.pathname;
77: }
78: // alert ('We are at '+parent.lastknownpriv);
79: return unescape(parent.lastknownpriv);
80: }
82: function getdfilename() {
83: var currloc = frameloc();
84: var currdir;
85: if (currloc.indexOf("/") != -1) {
86: var loclength = currloc.length;
87: var lastslash = currloc.lastIndexOf("/");
88: if (loclength == lastslash+1) {
89: return;
90: }
91: else {
92: currdir = currloc.substring(0,lastslash+1);
93: if (currdir.indexOf("~") != -1) {
94: currdir = currdir.substring(currdir.indexOf("~")+1,currdir.length);
95: currdir = "/priv/"+currdir
96: top.location=currdir
97: return;
98: }
99: }
100: }
101: top.location="$defaultdir";
102: }
104: function getufilename() {
105: document.upublisher.filename.value=frameloc();
106: if (document.upublisher.filename.value.indexOf('/adm/pubdir')!=-1) {
107: document.upublisher.filename.value=document.dpublisher.filename.value;
108: }
109: document.upublisher.submit();
110: }
112: function getactionfilename() {
113: document.fileaction.filename.value=frameloc();
114: var test=document.fileaction.action.selectedIndex;
115: if (test == 8) { // trying to create a directory
116: if (document.fileaction.filename.value.indexOf('/adm/pubdir')!=-1) {
117: document.fileaction.filename.value=document.dpublisher.filename.value;
118: }
119: if ((document.fileaction.filename.value.charAt(
120: document.fileaction.filename.value.length-1)!='/') &&
121: (document.fileaction.filename.value.indexOf('/adm/pubdir')==-1)) {
122: alert('$lt{'mcdi'}');
123: return;
124: }
125: }
126: document.fileaction.submit();
127: }
129: function getcurseed() {
130: if (parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.document.lonhomework
131: &&
132: parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.document.lonhomework.rndseed
133: &&
134: parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.document.lonhomework.rndseed.value) {
135: return parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.document.lonhomework.rndseed.value;
136: }
137: return 0;
138: }
140: function getproblemtype() {
141: if (parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.document.lonhomework) {
142: var optionelement;
143: var valueIndex=0;
144: for (var optionIndex=0;
145: optionIndex < parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.document.lonhomework.problemtype.options.length;
146: optionIndex++)
147: {
148: optionElement=parent.LONCAPAToBePublished.document.lonhomework.problemtype.options[optionIndex];
149: if (optionElement.selected) {
150: return optionElement.value;
151: }
152: }
153: }
154: return 0;
155: }
157: function getpostdata() {
158: document.printout.postdata.value=frameloc();
159: document.printout.curseed.value=getcurseed();
160: document.printout.problemtype.value=getproblemtype();
161: document.printout.submit();
162: }
165: if ($disp eq 'dir') {
1.4 ! albertel 166: $js .= <<"ENDDIR";
1.1 raeburn 167: function getdirname() {
168: document.publishdir.filename.value=frameloc();
169: pubdir(document.publishdir)
170: }
172: function getsubdirname() {
173: document.publishsubdir.filename.value=frameloc();
174: pubrecdir(document.publishsubdir)
175: }
177: function geteditcat() {
178: top.location=frameloc()+'default.meta'
179: }
181: function pubdir(theform) {
182: if (confirm('Publish complete directory?')) {
183: forcepub(theform)
184: theform.submit();
185: }
186: }
187: function pubrecdir(theform) {
188: if (confirm('Publish directory and all subdirectories?')) {
189: forcepub(theform);
190: theform.submit();
191: }
192: }
194: function forcepub(theform) {
195: if (confirm('Force publication of unmodified files? - OK=yes; Cancel=No.')) {
196: theform.forcerepub.value="ON";
197: }
198: }
200: } else {
1.4 ! albertel 201: $js.=<<"ENDRES";
1.1 raeburn 202: function getfilename() {
203: document.publisher.filename.value=frameloc();
204: if ((document.publisher.filename.value.charAt(
205: document.publisher.filename.value.length-1)!='/') &&
206: (document.publisher.filename.value.indexOf('/adm/pubdir')==-1)) {
207: document.publisher.submit();
208: } else {
209: alert('$lt{'cnpd'}');
210: }
211: }
213: function getrfilename() {
214: document.rpublisher.filename.value=frameloc();
215: if ((document.rpublisher.filename.value.charAt(
216: document.rpublisher.filename.value.length-1)!='/') &&
217: (document.rpublisher.filename.value.indexOf('/adm/pubdir')==-1)) {
218: document.rpublisher.submit();
219: } else {
220: alert('$lt{'cnrd'}');
221: }
222: }
224: function getdelfilename() {
225: document.del.filename.value=frameloc();
226: document.del.submit();
227: }
229: }
1.4 ! albertel 230: my $start_page =
! 231: &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Publishing Frame',$js,
! 232: {'only_body' => 1,});
! 233: my $end_page =
! 234: &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
1.1 raeburn 235: $r->print(<<"END");
1.4 ! albertel 236: $start_page
1.1 raeburn 237: <table border="0" align="center"><tr><th bgcolor="#004400" height="20">
238: <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"><tr valign="middle">
239: <td bgcolor="#ccddaa" align="center">
240: END
241: if ($disp eq 'dir') {
242: $r->print('
243: <form name="publishdir" action="/adm/publish" target="_parent" method="post">
244: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
245: <input type="hidden" name="forcerepub" value="NO" />
246: <input type="button" value="'.$lt{'pubd'}.'" onclick="getdirname();" />
247: </form>
248: ');
249: } else {
250: $r->print('
251: <form name="publisher" action="/adm/publish" target="_parent" method="post">
252: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
253: <input type="button" value="'.$lt{'pubr'}.'" onclick="getfilename();" />
254: </form>
255: ');
256: }
257: $r->print(<<"ENDTWO");
258: </form>
259: </td>
260: <td bgcolor="#ccddaa" align="center">
261: <form name="dpublisher" action="/adm/pubdir" target="LONCAPAToBePublished" method="post">
262: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
263: <input type="button" value="$lt{'list'}" onclick="getdfilename();" />
264: </form>
265: </td>
266: <td bgcolor="#ccddaa" valign="top" align="center">
267: <form name="upublisher" action="/adm/upload" target="_parent"
268: method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
269: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
270: <input type="file" name="upfile" size="20" />
271: <input type="button" value="$lt{'uplo'}" onclick="getufilename();" />
272: </form>
273: </td>
274: <td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#ccddaa" align="center">
275: <form name="printout" target="_parent" action="/adm/printout" method="post" onsubmit="getpostdata();">
276: <input type="hidden" name="postdata" value="" />
277: <input type="hidden" name="curseed" value="" />
278: <input type="hidden" name="problemtype" value="" />
279: <input type="button" value="$lt{'prnt'}" onclick="getpostdata();" />
280: </form>
281: </td>
282: </tr>
283: <tr valign="middle">
285: if ($disp eq 'dir') {
286: $r->print(<<"ENDDIR");
287: <td bgcolor="#ccddaa" align="center">
288: <form name="publishsubdir" action="/adm/publish" target="_parent" method="post">
289: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
290: <input type="hidden" name="forcerepub" value="NO" />
291: <input type="hidden" name="pubrec" value="1" />
292: <input type="button" value="$lt{'pubs'}" onclick="getsubdirname();" />
293: </form>
294: </td>
295: <td bgcolor="#ccddaa">
296: <form name="editcat" action="/adm/cfile" target="_parent" method="post">
297: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
298: <input type="button" value="$lt{'edit'}" onclick="geteditcat();" />
299: </form>
300: </td>
302: } else {
303: $r->print(<<"ENDFILE");
304: <td bgcolor="#ccddaa" align="center">
305: <form name="rpublisher" action="/adm/retrieve" target="_parent" method="post">
306: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
307: <input type="button" value="$lt{'rtrv'}" onclick="getrfilename();" />
308: </form>
309: </td>
310: <td bgcolor="#ccddaa">
311: <form name="del" action="/adm/cfile" target="_parent" method="post">
312: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
313: <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete" />
314: <input type="button" value="$lt{'dele'}" onclick="getdelfilename();" />
315: </form>
316: </td>
318: }
319: $r->print(<<"ENDOPTIONS");
320: <td bgcolor="#ccddaa" align="center">
321: <form name="fileaction" action="/adm/cfile" target="_parent" method="post" onsubmit="getactionfilename();">
322: <nobr>
323: <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
324: <select name="action">
325: <option value="Select Action">$lt{'sela'}</option>
326: <option value="newfile">$lt{'nfil'}:</option>
327: <option value="newhtmlfile">$lt{'nhtm'}:</option>
328: <option value="newproblemfile">$lt{'nprb'}:</option>
329: <option value="newpagefile">$lt{'npag'}:</option>
330: <option value="newsequencefile">$lt{'nseq'}:</option>
331: <option value="newrightsfile">$lt{'ncrf'}:</option>
332: <option value="newstyfile">$lt{'nsty'}:</option>
1.2 www 333: <option value="newlibraryfile">$lt{'nlib'}:</option>
1.1 raeburn 334: <option value="newdir">$lt{'nsub'}:</option>
336: if ($disp ne 'dir') {
337: $r->print(<<"ENDPROBOPS");
338: <option value="rename">$lt{'renm'}:</option>
339: <option value="move">$lt{'move'}:</option>
340: <option value="copy">$lt{'copy'}:</option>
342: }
343: $r->print(<<"ENDPAGE");
344: </select> <input type="text" name="newfilename" value="$lt{'type'}" onfocus="if (this.value == '$lt{'type'}') this.value=''" /> <input type="button" value="$lt{'go'}" onclick="getactionfilename();" />
345: </nobr>
346: </form>
347: </td>
348: </tr>
349: </table>
350: </th>
351: </tr>
352: </table>
1.4 ! albertel 353: $end_page
1.1 raeburn 354: ENDPAGE
355: }
357: 1;
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