--- loncom/startup.pl	2006/03/24 18:05:15	1.25
+++ loncom/startup.pl	2006/08/11 22:07:35	1.28
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ use Opcode();
 use POSIX qw(strftime);
 use Safe();
 use Safe::Hole();
 use Apache::lonnet();
 use Apache::lonxml();
 use Apache::lonhomework();
@@ -123,11 +124,23 @@ use Apache::scripttag();
 use Apache::structuretags();
 use Apache::portfolio();
 use Apache::bridgetask();
-# can't include this one due to the way it does it's BEGIN
 use Apache::loncreateuser();
 use Apache::switchserver();
 use Apache::lonwhatsnew();
+use Apache::loncoursegroups();
+use Apache::longroupchat();
+use Apache::lonmsgdisplay();
+use Apache::lonmainmenu();
+use Apache::loncss();
+use Apache::lontrackstudent();
+use Apache::lonnotify();
+use Apache::lonrss();
+use Apache::slotrequest();
+use Apache::lonhelper();
+use Apache::lonpickcourse();
+use Apache::longroup();
+use Apache::groupboards();
+use Apache::lonclonecourse();