--- loncom/xml/algebra/AlgParser.pm	2005/02/24 09:37:05	1.10
+++ loncom/xml/algebra/AlgParser.pm	2009/02/13 17:20:23	1.18
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+# $Id: AlgParser.pm,v 1.18 2009/02/13 17:20:23 bisitz Exp $
 ## Last modification: 8/3/00 by akp
 ## Originally written by Daniel Martin, Dept of Math, John Hopkins
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ $close{'('} = ')';
 my $binoper3 = '(?:\\^|\\*\\*)';
 my $binoper2 = '[/*_,]';
-my $binoper1 = '(?:<>|<=|>=|[-+=><%!])';
+my $binoper1 = '(?:[-+%!])';
+my $binoper0 = '(?:<>|<=|>=|[=><])';
 my $openparen = '[{(\\[]';
 my $closeparen = '[})\\]]';
 my $varname = '[A-Za-z](?:_[0-9]+)?';
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ my $trigfname = '(?:(?:a(?:rc)?)?(?:sin|
 my $otherfunc = '(?:exp|abs|logten|log|ln|sqrt|sgn|step|fact|int|lim|fun[a-zA-Z])';
 my $funcname = '(?:' . $otherfunc . '|' . $trigfname . ')';
-my $tokenregexp = "(?:($binoper3)|($binoper2)|($binoper1)|($openparen)|" .
+my $tokenregexp = "(?:($binoper3)|($binoper2)|($binoper1)|($binoper0)|($openparen)|" .
     "($closeparen)|($funcname)|($specialvalue)|($varname)|" .
@@ -77,13 +78,14 @@ sub nexttoken {
 	if (defined($1)) {return ['binop3',  $1];}
 	if (defined($2)) {return ['binop2',  $2];}
 	if (defined($3)) {return ['binop1',  $3];}
-	if (defined($4)) {return ['openp',   $4];}
-	if (defined($5)) {return ['closep',  $5];}
-	if (defined($6)) {return ['func1',   $6];}
-	if (defined($7)) {return ['special', $7];}
-	if (defined($8)) {return ['varname', $8];}
-	if (defined($9)) {return ['numberE', $9];}
-	if (defined($10)) {return ['number', $10];}
+	if (defined($4)) {return ['binop0',  $4];}
+	if (defined($5)) {return ['openp',   $5];}
+	if (defined($6)) {return ['closep',  $6];}
+	if (defined($7)) {return ['func1',   $7];}
+	if (defined($8)) {return ['special', $8];}
+	if (defined($9)) {return ['varname', $9];}
+	if (defined($10)) {return ['numberE',$10];}
+	if (defined($11)) {return ['number', $11];}
   else {
     push @{$self->{posarray}}, [$p1, undef];
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ sub parse {
   local $_;
   while ($currenttok) {
     $_ = $currenttok->[0];
-    /binop1/ && do {
+    /binop[01]/ && do {
       # check if we have a binary or unary operation here.
       if (defined(${$currentref})) {
         # binary - walk up the tree until we hit an open paren or the top
@@ -126,16 +128,21 @@ sub parse {
           $currentref = pop @backtrace;
 	my $index = ((${$currentref}->[0] eq 'top')?1:3);
-        ${$currentref}->[$index] = ['binop1', $currenttok->[1],
+        ${$currentref}->[$index] = [$currenttok->[0], $currenttok->[1],
                                     ${$currentref}->[$index], undef];
         push @backtrace, $currentref;
         push @backtrace, \${$currentref}->[$index];
         $currentref = \${$currentref}->[$index]->[3];
-      } else {
+      } elsif (/binop1/) {
         # unary
         ${$currentref} = ['unop1', $currenttok->[1], undef];
         push @backtrace, $currentref;
         $currentref = \${$currentref}->[2];
+      } else {
+	  my ($mark) = pop(@{$self->{posarray}});
+	  my $position = 1+$mark->[0];
+	  return $self->error("Didn't expect " . $currenttok->[1] .
+			      " at position $position" , $mark);
     /binop2/ && do {
@@ -482,9 +489,10 @@ sub tostring {
 # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([@_]);
   my($self) = shift;
   my($type, @args) = @$self;
   local $_;
   $_ = $type;
-  /binop1/ && do {
+  /binop[01]/ && do {
     my ($p1, $p2) = ('','');
     if ($args[2]->[0] eq 'binop1') {($p1,$p2)=qw{ ( ) };}
     return ($args[1]->tostring() . $args[0] . $p1 .
@@ -518,9 +526,6 @@ sub tostring {
   /special|varname|numberE?/ && return $args[0];
   /closep/ && do {
-    my(%close) = %AlgParser::close;
     return ($args[0] . $args[1]->tostring() . $close{$args[0]});
@@ -529,9 +534,10 @@ sub tostring {
 sub tolatex {
   my($self) = shift;
   my($type, @args) = @$self;
   local $_;
   $_ = $type;
-  /binop1/ && do {
+  /binop[01]/ && do {
     my ($p1, $p2) = ('','');
     if ($args[2]->[0] eq 'binop1') {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };}
     my $cmd=$args[0];
@@ -547,35 +553,21 @@ sub tolatex {
     return ($args[0] . $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
   /binop2/ && do {
-    my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) = ('','','','');
-    if ($args[0] =~ /implicit/) {
-      if ( (($args[1]->head eq qq(number)) &&
-            ($args[2]->head eq qq(number))) ||
-           (($args[1]->head eq qq(binop2)) &&
-            ($args[1]->[2]->head eq qq(number))) ) {
-        $args[0] = '\\,';
-      } else {
-        $args[0] = ' ';
-      }
-    }
-    if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop1|numberE/)
-      {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };}
- #   if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]|numberE/)
-	if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]|numberE|unop1/)
-      {($p3,$p4)=qw{ \left( \right) };}
+    my ($lop,$rop) = ($args[1]->tolatex,$args[2]->tolatex);
     if ($args[0] eq '/'){
-#	return('\frac{' . $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2 . '}'.
-#               '{' . $p3 . $args[2]->tolatex() . $p4 . '}' );
-	return('\frac{' . $args[1]->tolatex() . '}'.
-               '{' . $args[2]->tolatex() . '}' ); 
+	return('\frac{'.$lop.'}{'.$rop.'}');
-    elsif ($args[0] eq '*'){
-	return($args[1]->tolatex() . '\cdot ' . $args[2]->tolatex() ); 
+    my $op = $args[0];
+    if ($args[0] eq '*'){
+	$op = '\cdot ';
-    else{
-    return ($p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2 . $args[0] . $p3 .
-            $args[2]->tolatex() . $p4);
+    $lop = '\left('.$lop.'\right)' if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop1|numberE/);
+    $rop = '\left('.$rop.'\right)' if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]|numberE|unop1/);
+    if ($args[0] =~ /implicit/) {
+	$op = ($lop =~ m/[.0-9]$/ && $rop =~ m/^[-+.0-9]/) ? '\cdot ' : ' ';
+    return ($lop.$op.$rop);
   /binop3/ && do {
     my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4)=('','','','');
@@ -588,7 +580,7 @@ sub tolatex {
   /func1/ && do {
-      if($args[0] eq "sqrt"){($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left{ \right} };}
+      if($args[0] eq "sqrt"){($p1,$p2)=('{','}');}
       else {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };}
@@ -603,10 +595,14 @@ sub tolatex {
       if ($args[0] =~ /$specialfunc/) {
 	  if (defined($1)) {
-	      return ('\mbox{log}_{10}'. $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
+	      return ('\log_{10}'. $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
 	  elsif (defined($2)) {
-	      return ('\mbox{' . $2.$3 .'}^{-1}'. $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
+	      if (defined($3) && ($2 eq 'sec' || $2 eq 'csc' || $2 eq 'cot')) {
+		  return ('\mathrm{' . $2.$3 .'}^{-1}'. $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
+	      } else {
+		  return ('\\' . $2.$3 .'^{-1}'. $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
+	      }
 	  elsif (defined($4)) {
 	      return ('|' . $args[1]->tolatex() . '|');
@@ -616,7 +612,11 @@ sub tolatex {
       else {
-        return ('\\' . $args[0] . $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
+	  if ($args[0] =~/(sec|csc|cot)h/) {
+	      return ('\mathrm{' . $args[0] . '}' . $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
+	  } else {
+	      return ('\\' . $args[0] . $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2);
+	  }
   /special/ && do {
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ sub tolatex {
   /closep/ && do {
     my($backslash) = '';
     if ($args[0] eq '{') {$backslash = '\\';}
-#This is for editors to match: }
+#This is for editors to match: }     
     return ('\left' . $backslash . $args[0] . $args[1]->tolatex() .
             '\right' . $backslash . $close{$args[0]});