--- loncom/xml/londefdef.pm	2004/05/21 21:06:59	1.216
+++ loncom/xml/londefdef.pm	2005/07/07 10:09:50	1.277
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Tags Default Definition Module 
-# $Id: londefdef.pm,v 1.216 2004/05/21 21:06:59 matthew Exp $
+# $Id: londefdef.pm,v 1.277 2005/07/07 10:09:50 foxr Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -36,14 +36,10 @@
 # The C source of the Code may not be distributed by the Licensee
 # to any other parties under any circumstances.
-# last modified 06/26/00 by Alexander Sakharuk
-# 11/6,11/30,02/01/01,5/4 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 01/18 Alex Sakharuk
 package Apache::londefdef; 
-use Apache::lonnet();
+use Apache::lonnet;
 use strict;
 use Apache::lonxml;
 use Apache::File();
@@ -63,9 +59,11 @@ sub initialize_londefdef {
     @Apache::londefdef::table = ();
-    @Apache::londefdef::description=();
-    $Apache::londefdef::DD_redirection=0;
-    $Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection=0;
+    undef(@Apache::londefdef::description);
+    @Apache::londefdef::DD=(0);
+    @Apache::londefdef::DT=(0);
+    @Apache::londefdef::seenDT=(0);
+    $Apache::londefdef::list_index=0;
 #======================= TAG SUBROUTINES =====================
@@ -86,14 +84,14 @@ sub start_m {
     my $currentstring = '';
     my $inside = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text_unbalanced("/m",$parser);
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'analyze') {
-	$inside ='\\documentstyle{article}'.$inside;
 	&Apache::lonxml::debug("M is starting with:$inside:");
 	my $eval=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('eval',$parstack,$safeeval);
 	if ($eval eq 'on') {
 	    #&Apache::lonxml::debug("M is evaulated to:$inside:");
-	$currentstring = &Apache::lontexconvert::converted(\$inside);
+	my $display=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('display',$parstack,$safeeval);
+	$currentstring = &Apache::lontexconvert::converted(\$inside,$display);
 	if ($Apache::lontexconvert::errorstring) {
 	    &Apache::lonxml::warning("tth error: ".
@@ -108,6 +106,13 @@ sub start_m {
 	if ($currentstring=~/^(\s*\\\\\s*)*$/) {$currentstring = ' \vskip 0 mm ';}
+	# detect simple math mode entry exits, and convert them
+        # to use \ensuremath
+	if ($currentstring=~/^\s*\$[^\$].*[^\$]\$\s*$/) {
+	    $currentstring=~s/^\$//;
+	    $currentstring=~s/\$$//;
+	    $currentstring='\ensuremath{'.$currentstring.'}';
+	}
     return $currentstring;
@@ -128,7 +133,7 @@ sub start_tthoption {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	my $inside = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/tthoption",$parser);
-	if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) {
+	if ($env{'browser.mathml'}) {
 	} else {
@@ -147,33 +152,39 @@ sub end_tthoption {
 sub start_html {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
-    my $options=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.tthoptions'};
+    my $options=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.tthoptions'};
-    if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'edit') {
-	$currentstring = &Apache::lonxml::xmlbegin().
-	    &Apache::lonxml::fontsettings();     
+    if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'edit' || $target eq 'webgrade' ) {
+	$currentstring = &Apache::lonxml::xmlbegin();
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	@Apache::londefdef::table = ();
 	$currentstring .= '\documentclass[letterpaper]{article}';
-	if ($ENV{'form.latex_type'}=~'batchmode') {$currentstring .='\batchmode';} 
-	$currentstring .= '\newcommand{\keephidden}[1]{}
-                           \renewcommand{\deg}{$^{\circ}$}
-                           \usepackage{longtable}
-                           \usepackage{textcomp}
-                           \usepackage{makeidx}
-                           \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
-                           \usepackage{epsfig}\usepackage{calc}
-\renewenvironment{theindex}{\begin{list}{}{{\vskip 1mm \noindent \large\textbf{Index}} \newline \setlength{\rightmargin}{0in}\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.13in}\setlength{\topsep}{0.01in}\setlength{\itemsep}{0.1in}\setlength{\parsep}{-0.02in}\setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{0.01in}\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{0.01in}\setlength{\abovedisplayshortskip}{-0.04in}\setlength{\belowdisplayshortskip}{0.01in}}}{\end{list}}';
+	if (($env{'form.latex_type'}=~'batchmode') ||
+            (!$env{'request.role.adv'})) {$currentstring .='\batchmode';} 
+	$currentstring .= '\newcommand{\keephidden}[1]{}'.
+                          '\renewcommand{\deg}{$^{\circ}$}'.
+                          '\usepackage{longtable}'.
+                          '\usepackage{textcomp}'.
+                          '\usepackage{makeidx}'.
+                          '\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}'.
+			  '\usepackage{picins}'.
+                          '\usepackage{epsfig}'.
+                          '\usepackage{calc}'.
+                          '\usepackage{amsmath}'.
+                          '\usepackage{amssymb}'.
+                          '\usepackage{amsfonts}'.
+                          '\usepackage{amsthm}'.
+                          '\usepackage{amscd}'.
+                          '\newenvironment{choicelist}{\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\rightmargin}{0in}\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.13in}\setlength{\topsep}{0.05in}\setlength{\itemsep}{0.022in}\setlength{\parsep}{0in}\setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{0.04in}\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{0.05in}\setlength{\abovedisplayshortskip}{-0.04in}\setlength{\belowdisplayshortskip}{0.04in}}}{\end{list}}'.
+                          '\renewenvironment{theindex}{\begin{list}{}{{\vskip 1mm \noindent \large\textbf{Index}} \newline \setlength{\rightmargin}{0in}\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.13in}\setlength{\topsep}{0.01in}\setlength{\itemsep}{0.1in}\setlength{\parsep}{-0.02in}\setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{0.01in}\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{0.01in}\setlength{\abovedisplayshortskip}{-0.04in}\setlength{\belowdisplayshortskip}{0.01in}}}{\end{list}}';
     return $currentstring;
 sub end_html {
-    my ($target,$token) = @_;
+    my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = &Apache::lonxml::xmlend();
+	$currentstring = '</html>';
     return $currentstring;
@@ -183,7 +194,7 @@ sub start_head {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring = $token->[4].&Apache::lonxml::fontsettings();
     return $currentstring;
@@ -191,7 +202,7 @@ sub start_head {
 sub end_head {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
-    if ($target eq 'web' && $ENV{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+    if ($target eq 'web' && $env{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
 	$currentstring = &Apache::lonmenu::registerurl(undef,$target).
@@ -472,21 +483,22 @@ sub end_accessrule {
 sub start_body {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	if ($Apache::lonhomework::parsing_a_problem) {
 	    &Apache::lonxml::warning("<body> tag found inside of <problem> tag this can cause problems.");
 	    return '';
 	if (!$Apache::lonxml::registered && 
-	    $ENV{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+	    $env{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
 # Accessibility
-	if ($ENV{'browser.imagesuppress'} eq 'on') {
+	if ($env{'browser.imagesuppress'} eq 'on') {
-	if ($ENV{'browser.fontenhance'} eq 'on') {
+	if ($env{'browser.fontenhance'} eq 'on') {
 	    my $style='';
 	    foreach my $key (keys(%{$token->[2]})) {
 		if ($key =~ /^style$/i) {
@@ -496,7 +508,7 @@ sub start_body {
 	    $token->[2]->{'style'}=$style.'; font-size: x-large;';
-	if ($ENV{'browser.blackwhite'} eq 'on') {
+	if ($env{'browser.blackwhite'} eq 'on') {
@@ -523,12 +535,19 @@ sub start_body {
-	$currentstring .= '<'.$token->[1];
+	if ($env{'request.state'} ne 'construct') {
+	    $currentstring .= '<'.$token->[1];
+	}
 	foreach (keys %{$token->[2]}) {
 	    $currentstring.=' '.$_.'="'.$token->[2]->{$_}.'"';
-	$currentstring.='>';
-	if ($ENV{'request.state'} ne 'published') {
+	if ($env{'request.state'} ne 'construct') {
+	    $currentstring.='>';
+	}
+	if ($env{'request.state'} ne 'published') {
+	    my $remote=($env{'environment.remote'} ne 'off');
+	    $currentstring=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag(undef,undef,
+						       $currentstring,$remote);
 		<form method="post">
 		<input type="submit" name="editmode" accesskey="e" value="Edit" />
@@ -545,12 +564,12 @@ EDITBUTTON
 sub end_body {
-    my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off unclosed <p>
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[2];     
+	$currentstring .= &Apache::lonxml::xmlend($target,$parser);
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$currentstring = '\strut\newline\noindent\makebox[\textwidth/$number_of_columns][b]{\hrulefill}\newline\noindent \end{document}';  
+	$currentstring .= '\strut\newline\noindent\makebox[\textwidth/$number_of_columns][b]{\hrulefill}\newline\noindent \end{document}';  
     return $currentstring;
@@ -558,11 +577,11 @@ sub end_body {
 #-- <center> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_center {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off any prior para.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$currentstring = '\begin{center}';  
+	$currentstring .= '\begin{center}';  
     return $currentstring;
@@ -627,7 +646,7 @@ sub end_strong {
 #-- <h1> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_h1 {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off any prior para.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -642,9 +661,9 @@ sub start_h1 {
 	my $TeXsize=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXsize',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
 	if (not defined $TeXsize) {$TeXsize="large";}
-	$currentstring .= $pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
+	$currentstring .= '\strut\newline '.$pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
     } elsif ($target eq 'meta') {
-	$currentstring='<subject>';
+	$currentstring.='<subject>';
     return $currentstring;
@@ -676,7 +695,7 @@ sub end_h1 {
 #-- <h2> tag
 sub start_h2 {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off any prior para.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -691,7 +710,7 @@ sub start_h2 {
 	my $TeXsize=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXsize',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
 	if (not defined $TeXsize) {$TeXsize="large";}
-	$currentstring .= $pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
+	$currentstring .= '\strut\newline '.$pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
     return $currentstring;
@@ -719,7 +738,7 @@ sub end_h2 {
 #-- <h3> tag
 sub start_h3 {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off any prior para.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -734,7 +753,7 @@ sub start_h3 {
 	my $TeXsize=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXsize',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
 	if (not defined $TeXsize) {$TeXsize="large";}
-	$currentstring .= $pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
+	$currentstring .= '\strut\newline '.$pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
     return $currentstring;
@@ -762,7 +781,7 @@ sub end_h3 {
 #-- <h4> tag
 sub start_h4 {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off any prior para.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -777,7 +796,7 @@ sub start_h4 {
 	my $TeXsize=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXsize',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
 	if (not defined $TeXsize) {$TeXsize="large";}
-	$currentstring .= $pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
+	$currentstring .= '\strut\newline '.$pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
     return $currentstring;
@@ -805,7 +824,7 @@ sub end_h4 {
 #-- <h5> tag
 sub start_h5 {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off any prior paras.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -820,7 +839,7 @@ sub start_h5 {
 	my $TeXsize=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXsize',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
 	if (not defined $TeXsize) {$TeXsize="large";}
-	$currentstring .= $pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
+	$currentstring .= '\strut\newline '.$pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
     return $currentstring;
@@ -848,7 +867,7 @@ sub end_h5 {
 #-- <h6> tag
 sub start_h6 {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off any prior paras.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -863,7 +882,7 @@ sub start_h6 {
 	my $TeXsize=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXsize',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
 	if (not defined $TeXsize) {$TeXsize="large";}
-	$currentstring .= $pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
+	$currentstring .= '\strut\newline '.$pre.'{\\'.$TeXsize.' \textbf{'; 
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1095,52 +1114,64 @@ sub end_q {
     return $currentstring;
+#  <p> is a bit strange since it does not require a closing </p>
+#  However in latex, we must often output closing stuff to end
+#  environments and {}'s etc.  Therefore we do all the work
+#  of figuring out the ending strings in the start tag processing,
+#  and provide a mechanism to output the stop text external
+#  to tag processing.
+    my $closing_string = '';		# String required to close <p>
 #-- <p> tag (end tag optional)
 #optional attribute - align="center|left|right"
 sub start_p {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# close off prior para if in progress.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
+	$closing_string = '</p>'; # Not sure this is correct.
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
 	my $align=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('align',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
 	if ($align eq 'center') {
-	    $currentstring='\begin{center}\par';
+	    $currentstring .='\begin{center}\par';
+	    $closing_string = '\end{center}';
 	} elsif ($align eq 'right') {
-	    $currentstring='\makebox['.$ENV{'form.textwidth'}.']{\hfill\llap{';
+	    $currentstring.='\makebox['.$env{'form.textwidth'}.']{\hfill\llap{';
+	    $closing_string= '}}';
 	} elsif ($align eq 'left') {
-	    $currentstring='\noindent\makebox['.$ENV{'form.textwidth'}.']{\rlap{';
+	    $currentstring.='\noindent\makebox['.$env{'form.textwidth'}.']{\rlap{';
+	    $closing_string = '}\hfill}';
 	} else {
-            $currentstring='\par ';
+            $currentstring.='\par ';
+	    $closing_string = '\strut\\\\\strut';
 	my $signal=1;#<p> does not work inside <b>...</b> 
-	foreach my $tag (@$tagstack) {if (lc($tag) eq 'b') {$signal=0;}
-	if (!$signal) {$currentstring = '';}
-	}
-    }
-    return $currentstring;
-sub end_p {
-    my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
-    if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring .= $token->[2];
-    } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	if ($$tagstack[-1] eq 'p') {
-	    my $align=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('align',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
-	    if ($align eq 'center') {		
-		$currentstring .= '\end{center}';
-	    } elsif ($align eq 'right') {
-		$currentstring .= '}}';
-	    } elsif ($align eq 'left') {
-		$currentstring .= '}\hfill}';
+	foreach my $tag (@$tagstack) {
+	    if (lc($tag) eq 'b') {
+		$signal=0;
+	if (!$signal) {
+	    $currentstring = &end_p; # Just close the prior? Not sure this is correct
+	    $closing_string = '';    # Probably correct?
+	}
     return $currentstring;
+#  End paragraph processing just requires that we output the
+#  closing string that was saved and blank it.
+sub end_p {
+    my $current_string = $closing_string;
+    $closing_string = '';	# Not in a para anymore.
+    return $current_string;
 #-- <br> tag (end tag forbidden)
 sub start_br {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_;
@@ -1148,8 +1179,20 @@ sub start_br {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	if ($$tagstack[-2] ne 'sub' && $$tagstack[-2] ne 'sup') {
-	    $currentstring .= '\vskip 0.2 mm ';
+	my @tempo=@$tagstack;
+	my $signal=0;
+	for (my $i=$#tempo;$i>=0;$i--) {
+	    if (($tempo[$i] eq 'b') || ($tempo[$i] eq 'strong') ||
+                ($tempo[$i] eq 'ol') || ($tempo[$i] eq 'ul') ||
+                ($tempo[$i] eq 'td') || ($tempo[$i] eq 'th'))  {
+		$signal=1;
+		last;
+	    }
+	}
+	if ($signal) {
+	    $currentstring .= ' \vskip 0 mm ';
+	} elsif ($$tagstack[-2] ne 'sub' && $$tagstack[-2] ne 'sup') {
+	    $currentstring .= '\strut \\\\ \strut ';
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1246,8 +1289,8 @@ sub start_font {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	my $face=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('face',$parstack,$safeeval);
 	if ($face!~/symbol/i) {
-	    if (($ENV{'browser.fontenhance'} eq 'on') || 
-		($ENV{'browser.blackwhite'} eq 'on')) { return ''; }
+	    if (($env{'browser.fontenhance'} eq 'on') || 
+		($env{'browser.blackwhite'} eq 'on')) { return ''; }
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
     }  elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -1374,7 +1417,7 @@ sub end_sup {
 #-- <hr> tag (end tag forbidden)
 sub start_hr {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# End enclosing para.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -1414,7 +1457,7 @@ sub end_hr {
 #-- <div> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_div {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close enclosing para.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
@@ -1435,7 +1478,9 @@ sub start_a {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
+	my $href=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('href',$parstack,$safeeval,
+					    undef,1);
+	$currentstring=&Apache::lonenc::encrypt_ref($token,{'href'=>$href});
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
 	my $a=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('href',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
 	my $b=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('name',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
@@ -1467,25 +1512,36 @@ sub start_li {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	my  $type=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('type',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
-	if ($type=~/circle/) {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \item[o] ';
+	my $type=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('type',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
+	my $value=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('value',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
+	#FIXME need to support types i and I 
+	if ($type=~/disc/) {
+	    $currentstring .= ' \item[$\bullet$] ';
+	} elsif ($type=~/circle/) {
+	    $currentstring .= ' \item[$\circ$] ';
 	} elsif ($type=~/square/) {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \item[$\Box$] ';
-	} elsif ($type ne '') { 
-	    $currentstring .= ' \item['.$type.'] ';
+	    $currentstring .= ' \item[$\diamond$] ';
+	} elsif ($type eq '1') {
+	    $currentstring .= ' \item['.($Apache::londefdef::list_index+1).'.]';
+	} elsif ($type eq 'A') {
+	    $currentstring .= ' \item['.('A'..'Z')[$Apache::londefdef::list_index].'.]';
+	} elsif ($type eq 'a') {
+	    $currentstring .= ' \item['.('a'..'z')[$Apache::londefdef::list_index].'.]';
+	} elsif ($value ne '') {
+	    $currentstring .= ' \item['.$value.'] ';
 	} else {
 	    $currentstring .= ' \item ';
-    } 
+	$Apache::londefdef::list_index++;
+    }
     return $currentstring;
 sub end_li {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# In case there's a <p> in the <li>
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[2];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[2];     
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1519,28 +1575,29 @@ sub end_u {
 #-- <ul> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_ul {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off enclosing list.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
 	my $TeXtype=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('type',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
+	$Apache::londefdef::list_index=0;
 	if ($TeXtype eq 'disc') {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\bullet$}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\bullet$} 
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{$\bullet$}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\bullet$}';
+	    $currentstring .= '\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\bullet$}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\bullet$}'. 
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{$\bullet$}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\bullet$}';
 	} elsif ($TeXtype eq 'circle') {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\circ$}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\circ$} 
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{$\circ$}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\circ$}';
+	    $currentstring .= '\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\circ$}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\circ$}'. 
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{$\circ$}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\circ$}';
 	} elsif ($TeXtype eq 'square') {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\diamond$}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\diamond$} 
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{$\diamond$}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\diamond$}';
+	    $currentstring .= '\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\diamond$}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\diamond$}'. 
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{$\diamond$}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\diamond$}';
-	$currentstring .= '\begin{itemize}';  
+	$currentstring .= '\strut \begin{itemize}';  
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1551,10 +1608,10 @@ sub end_ul {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$currentstring = '\end{itemize} \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\bullet$}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\bullet$} 
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{$\bullet$}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\bullet$}';  
+	$currentstring = '\end{itemize} \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\bullet$}'.
+                               '\renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\bullet$}'. 
+                               '\renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{$\bullet$}'.
+                               '\renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\bullet$}\strut ';  
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1585,11 +1642,11 @@ sub end_menu {
 #-- <dir> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_dir {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# In case there's a <p> prior to the list.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$currentstring = " \\begin{itemize} ";  
+	$currentstring .= " \\begin{itemize} ";  
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1608,38 +1665,39 @@ sub end_dir {
 #-- <ol> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_ol {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# In case there's a <p> prior to the list.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
+	$Apache::londefdef::list_index=0;
 	my $type=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('type',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
 	if ($type eq '1') {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\arabic{enumi}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\arabic{enumii}.} 
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\arabic{enumiii}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\arabic{enumiv}.}';
+	    $currentstring .= '\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\arabic{enumi}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\arabic{enumii}.}'. 
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\arabic{enumiii}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\arabic{enumiv}.}';
 	} elsif ($type eq 'A') {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\Alph{enumi}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\Alph{enumii}.} 
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\Alph{enumiii}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\Alph{enumiv}.}';
+	    $currentstring .= '\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\Alph{enumi}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\Alph{enumii}.}'. 
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\Alph{enumiii}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\Alph{enumiv}.}';
 	} elsif ($type eq 'a') {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\alph{enumi}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\alph{enumii}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\alph{enumiii}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\alph{enumiv}.} ';
+	    $currentstring .= '\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\alph{enumi}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\alph{enumii}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\alph{enumiii}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\alph{enumiv}.}';
 	} elsif ($type eq 'i') {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\roman{enumi}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\roman{enumii}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\roman{enumiii}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\roman{enumiv}.} ';
+	    $currentstring .= '\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\roman{enumi}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\roman{enumii}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\roman{enumiii}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\roman{enumiv}.}';
 	} elsif ($type eq 'I') {
-	    $currentstring .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\Roman{enumi}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\Roman{enumii}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\Roman{enumiii}.}
-                                \renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\Roman{enumiv}.} ';
+	    $currentstring .= '\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\Roman{enumi}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\Roman{enumii}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\Roman{enumiii}.}'.
+                              '\renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\Roman{enumiv}.}';
-	$currentstring .= '\begin{enumerate}';  
+	$currentstring .= '\strut \begin{enumerate}';  
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1650,10 +1708,10 @@ sub end_ol {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$currentstring = '\end{enumerate} \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\arabic{enumi}.}
-                                          \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\arabic{enumii}.}
-                                          \renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\arabic{enumiii}.}
-                                          \renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\arabic{enumiv}.}';  
+	$currentstring = '\end{enumerate}\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\arabic{enumi}.}'.
+                                        '\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\arabic{enumii}.}'.
+                                        '\renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\arabic{enumiii}.}'.
+                                        '\renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{\arabic{enumiv}.}\strut ';  
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1661,14 +1719,16 @@ sub end_ol {
 #-- <dl> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_dl {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# In case there's a <p> unclosed prior to the list.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$currentstring = '\begin{description}';
-	@Apache::londefdef::description=();
-	$Apache::londefdef::DD_redirection=0;
-	$Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection=0;
+	$currentstring .= '\begin{description}';
+	$Apache::londefdef::DL++;
+	push(@Apache::londefdef::description,[]);
+	$Apache::londefdef::DD[$Apache::londefdef::DL]=0;
+	$Apache::londefdef::DT[$Apache::londefdef::DL]=0;
+	$Apache::londefdef::seenDT[$Apache::londefdef::DL]=0;
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1679,18 +1739,17 @@ sub end_dl {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	if ($Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection) {
-	    my $data=&item_cleanup;
-	    push @Apache::londefdef::description,'\item['.$data.']';
-	    $Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection=0;
-	} elsif ($Apache::londefdef::DD_redirection) {
-	    $Apache::londefdef::description[-1].=&Apache::lonxml::endredirection();
-	}
-	foreach my $element (@Apache::londefdef::description) {
+	if ($Apache::londefdef::DT[-1]) { &end_dt(@_); }
+	if ($Apache::londefdef::DD[-1]) { &end_dd(@_); }
+	foreach my $element (@{$Apache::londefdef::description[-1]}) {
 	    $currentstring.=' '.$element.' ';
-	@Apache::londefdef::description=();
+	pop(@Apache::londefdef::description);
+	delete($Apache::londefdef::DD[$Apache::londefdef::DL]);
+	delete($Apache::londefdef::DT[$Apache::londefdef::DL]);
+	delete($Apache::londefdef::seenDT[$Apache::londefdef::DL]);
+	$Apache::londefdef::DL--;
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1702,16 +1761,11 @@ sub start_dt {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	if ($Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection) {
-	    my $data=&item_cleanup;
-	    push @Apache::londefdef::description,'\item['.$data.']';
-	    $Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection=0;
-	} elsif ($Apache::londefdef::DD_redirection) {
-	    $Apache::londefdef::description[-1].=&Apache::lonxml::endredirection();
-	    $Apache::londefdef::DD_redirection=0;
-	}
+	if ($Apache::londefdef::DT[-1]) { &end_dt(@_); }
+	if ($Apache::londefdef::DD[-1]) { &end_dd(@_); }
-	$Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection=1;
+	$Apache::londefdef::DT[-1]++;
+	$Apache::londefdef::seenDT[-1]=1;
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1722,9 +1776,11 @@ sub end_dt {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];    
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	my $data=&item_cleanup;
-	push @Apache::londefdef::description,'\item['.$data.']';
-	$Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection=0;
+	if ($Apache::londefdef::DT[-1]) {
+	    my $data=&item_cleanup();
+	    push(@{$Apache::londefdef::description[-1]},'\item['.$data.'] \strut \vskip 0mm');
+	    $Apache::londefdef::DT[-1]--;
+	}
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1743,12 +1799,14 @@ sub start_dd {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	if ($Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection) {
-	    my $data=&item_cleanup;
-	    push @Apache::londefdef::description,'\item['.$data.']';
-	    $Apache::londefdef::DT_redirection=0;
-	}
-	$Apache::londefdef::DD_redirection=1;
+	if ($Apache::londefdef::DT[-1]) { &end_dt(@_); }
+	if ($Apache::londefdef::DD[-1]) { &end_dd(@_);}
+	if (!$Apache::londefdef::seenDT[-1]) {
+	    push(@{$Apache::londefdef::description[-1]},'\item[\strut] \strut \vskip 0mm ');
+	}
+	push(@{$Apache::londefdef::description[-1]},'');
+	$Apache::londefdef::description[-1]->[-1].=' \strut ';
+	$Apache::londefdef::DD[-1]++;
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1760,27 +1818,33 @@ sub end_dd {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];    
     }  elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$Apache::londefdef::description[-1].=&Apache::lonxml::endredirection();
-	$Apache::londefdef::DD_redirection=0;
+	$Apache::londefdef::description[-1]->[-1].=
+	    &Apache::lonxml::endredirection().' \vskip 0mm ';
+	$Apache::londefdef::DD[-1]--;
     return $currentstring;
 #-- <table> tag (end tag required)
+#       <table> also ends any prior <p> that is not closed.
+#               but, unless I allow <p>'s to nest, that's the
+#               only way I could think of to allow <p> in 
+#               <tr> <th> bodies
 #list of supported attributes: border,width,TeXwidth
 sub start_table {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my ($textwidth,$currentstring)=('','');
+    my $textwidth = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
 	my $aa = {};
 	push @Apache::londefdef::table, $aa; 
 	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'} = -1;
-        #table's width 
-        #default coincides with text line length
+        #maximum table's width (default coincides with text line length)
 	if ($#Apache::londefdef::table==0) {
-	    $textwidth=&recalc($ENV{'form.textwidth'}); #result is always in mm
+	    $textwidth=&recalc($env{'form.textwidth'}); #result is always in mm
 	    $textwidth=0.95*$1; #accounts "internal" LaTeX space for table frame
 	} else {
@@ -1789,7 +1853,7 @@ sub start_table {
 	    } else {
               #try to use all space not used before (minus 5% for LaTeX table internal) - rather silly
-		my $textwidth=$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'width'};
+		$textwidth=$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'width'};
 		for (my $i=0;$i<$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'counter_columns'};$i++) {
@@ -1810,6 +1874,7 @@ sub start_table {
 	} else {
+	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'forcetablewidth'}=1;
         #table's border
@@ -1826,16 +1891,17 @@ sub start_table {
 	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vvinc'} = '';
 	if ($#Apache::londefdef::table==0) {
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'}='\newline\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1 mm}';
+	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'}='\strut\newline\strut\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1 mm}';
 	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'}.=' \noindent \begin{tabular} ';
+        $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectsignal'}=[];
-        $currentstring='\keephidden{NEW TABLE ENTRY}';
+        $currentstring.='\keephidden{NEW TABLE ENTRY}';
     return $currentstring;
@@ -1859,7 +1925,7 @@ sub end_table {
         #free space and number of empty columns
 	my ($available_space,$empty_columns)=($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'},0);
-##	&Apache::lonnet::logthis("Available space $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'}");
+	if ($#Apache::londefdef::table ne 0) {$available_space=0.9*$available_space;} 
 	for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'counter_columns'};$jn++) {
 	    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[0][$jn]==0) {
@@ -1890,8 +1956,14 @@ sub end_table {
-	    if ($max_len[$jn]<$localmin) {$max_len[$jn]=$localmin;}#object size is bigger
-	    if ($min_len[$jn]<$localmin) {$min_len[$jn]=$localmin;}#object size is bigger
+	    if ($max_len[$jn]<$localmin) {
+		$max_len[$jn]=$localmin;
+	    	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectsignal'}[$jn]=1;
+	    }#object size is bigger
+	    if ($min_len[$jn]<$localmin) {
+		$min_len[$jn]=$localmin;
+		$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectsignal'}[$jn]=1;
+	    }#object size is bigger
 	    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[0][$jn]!=0) {
@@ -1924,6 +1996,36 @@ sub end_table {
+		#check if we have objects which can be scaled
+		my $how_many_to_scale=0;
+		my @to_scale=();
+		for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#max_len;$jn++) {
+		    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectsignal'}[$jn] eq '1') {
+			$how_many_to_scale++;
+			push @to_scale, $jn;
+		    }
+		}
+		if ($how_many_to_scale>0) {
+		    my $space_to_adjust=($space_neeeded-$available_space)/$how_many_to_scale;
+		    foreach my $jn (@to_scale) {
+			for (my $in=0;$in<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};$in++) {
+			    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn]=~m/width\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)/;
+			    if ($1 ne '') {
+				my $current_length=&recalc($1);
+				$current_length=~/(\d+\.?\d*)/;
+				$current_length=$current_length-$space_to_adjust;
+				$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn]=~s/width\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)/width=$current_length mm/;
+			    }
+			    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn]=~m/\[(\d+\.?\d*)\s*mm\]/;
+			    if ($1 ne '') {
+				my $current_length=$1;
+				$current_length=$current_length-$space_to_adjust;
+				$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn]=~s/\[(\d+\.?\d*)\s*mm\]/\[$current_length mm\]/;
+			    }				
+			}
+			$fwidth[$jn]=$fwidth[$jn]-$space_to_adjust;
+		    }
+		}
 	    } else {
 	      #step 3. adjustment over minimal + corrections
 		my $enlarge_coef=$available_space/$space_neeeded;
@@ -1951,11 +2053,15 @@ sub end_table {
+		} else {
+		    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#min_len;$jn++) {
+			$fwidth[$jn]=$adjust[$jn];
+		    }
-        #recalculation for the use of all available width if width is defined in %
-        if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'percent'}==1) {
+        #use all available width if it is defined in % or as TeXwidth
+        if (($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'percent'}==1) || ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'forcetablewidth'}==1)) {
 	    my $current=0; 
 	    for (my $i=0;$i<=$#fwidth;$i++) {  
@@ -1994,13 +2100,13 @@ sub end_table {
 	for (my $in=0;$in<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};$in++) {
 	    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#fwidth;$jn++) {
 		if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'c') {
-		    $output.='\begin{center}';
+		    $output.='\vspace*{-6 mm}\begin{center}';
 		} elsif ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'r') {
 		    $output.=' \hfill \llap{'
 		if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'c') {
-		    $output.='\end{center}';
+		    $output.='\end{center}\vspace*{-6 mm}';
 		} elsif ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'r') {
 		    $output.='} ';
@@ -2008,7 +2114,7 @@ sub end_table {
 	    $output.=' \\\\ '.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'}.' ';
-	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'} .= $header_of_table.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'}.$output.'\end{tabular}\vskip 0 mm ';
+	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'} .= $header_of_table.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'}.$output.'\end{tabular}\strut\newline\strut ';
 	if ($#Apache::londefdef::table > 0) {	    
 	    my $inmemory = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'};
 	    pop @Apache::londefdef::table;
@@ -2049,9 +2155,9 @@ sub start_tr {
 sub end_tr {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close any pending <p> in the row.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[2];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[2];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
 	if ($Apache::londefdef::TD_redirection) {
@@ -2136,6 +2242,26 @@ sub end_td_tex {
 	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },$fwidth;
 	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'minlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
 	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'maxlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	} elsif ($data=~/\\parbox\{\s*\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*\s*\}/ or $data=~/\\epsfxsize\s*=\s*\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*/) {
+	    my $garbage_data=$data;
+	    my $fwidth=0;
+            while ($garbage_data=~/\\parbox\{\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)\s*\}/) {
+		my $current_length=&recalc($1);
+		$current_length=~/(\d+\.?\d*)/;
+		if ($fwidth<$1) {$fwidth=$1;}
+		$garbage_data=~s/\\parbox\{\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)//;
+	    }
+            while ($garbage_data=~/\\epsfxsize\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)/) {
+		my $current_length=&recalc($1);
+		$current_length=~/(\d+\.?\d*)/;
+		if ($fwidth<$1) {$fwidth=$1;}
+		$garbage_data=~s/\\epsfxsize\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)//;
+	    }
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },$fwidth;
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'minlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'maxlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	    $data=~s/\\\\\s*$//; 
 	} else {  
@@ -2158,7 +2284,7 @@ sub end_td_tex {
                     my @words=split(/ /,$data);
 		    foreach my $word (@words) {
-			my $lengthword=2.5*&LATEX_length($word);
+			my $lengthword=2*&LATEX_length($word);
 			if ($min_length<$lengthword) {$min_length=$lengthword;}
@@ -2194,71 +2320,156 @@ sub start_th {
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	my $what_to_push = substr(&Apache::lonxml::get_param('align',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1),0,1);
-	if ($what_to_push eq '') {
-	    $what_to_push = substr($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'rows'}[0],0,1);;
-	}
-	push @{ $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'columns'} }, $what_to_push;
-	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'counter_columns'}++;
-	&Apache::lonxml::startredirection();
+	$Apache::londefdef::TD_redirection = 1;
+	&tagg_check('tr','th',$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval);
     return $currentstring;
+sub tagg_check {
+    my ($good_tag,$bad_tag,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
+    my @ar=@$parstack; 
+    for (my $i=$#ar-1;$i>=0;$i--) {
+	if (lc($$tagstack[$i]) eq $good_tag) {
+	    &start_th_tex($parstack,$parser,$safeeval);
+	    last;
+	} elsif (lc($$tagstack[$i]) eq $bad_tag) {
+	    splice @ar, $i+1;
+	    &end_th_tex(\@ar,$parser,$safeeval);
+	    &start_th_tex($parstack,$parser,$safeeval);
+	    last;
+	}
+    }
+    return '';
+sub start_th_tex {
+    my ($parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
+    my $alignchar = substr(&Apache::lonxml::get_param('align',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1),0,1);
+    if ($alignchar eq '') {
+	$alignchar = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'rows'}[-1];
+    }
+    push @{ $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] }, $alignchar;
+    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'counter_columns'}++;
+    my $TeXwidth=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXwidth',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
+    if (defined $TeXwidth) {		
+	my $current_length=&recalc($TeXwidth);
+	$current_length=~/(\d+\.?\d*)/;
+	push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },$1;
+    }
+    &Apache::lonxml::startredirection();
+    return '';
+sub end_th_tex {
+    my ($parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
+    my $current_row = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};
+    my $data=&Apache::lonxml::endredirection();
+    my $TeXwidth=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXwidth',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
+    if (defined $TeXwidth) {		
+	push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'minlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'maxlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+    } else {
+	if (($data=~m/width\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)/) or ($data=~m/\[(\d+\.?\d*)\s*mm\]/)) {
+	    my $garbage_data=$data;
+	    my $fwidth=0;
+            while ($garbage_data=~m/width\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)/) {
+		my $current_length=&recalc($1);
+		$current_length=~/(\d+\.?\d*)/;
+		if ($fwidth<$1) {$fwidth=$1;}
+		$garbage_data=~s/width\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)//;
+	    }
+            while ($garbage_data=~m/\[(\d+\.?\d*)\s*mm\]/) {
+		my $current_length=$1;
+		if ($fwidth<$current_length) {$fwidth=$current_length;}
+		$garbage_data=~s/\[(\d+\.?\d*)\s*mm\]//;
+	    }
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },$fwidth;
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'minlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'maxlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	} else {  
+	    $data=~s/^\s+(\S.*)/$1/; 
+	    $data=~s/(.*\S)\s+$/$1/;
+	    $data=~s/(\s)+/$1/;
+	    my ($current_length,$min_length)=(0,0);
+	    if ($data=~/\\vskip/) {
+                my $newdata=$data;
+		$newdata=~s/\\vskip \d*\.?\d*\s*mm/THISISJUSTTEMPORARYSEPARATOR/g;
+		my @newdata=split(/THISISJUSTTEMPORARYSEPARATOR/,$newdata);
+		foreach my $elementdata (@newdata) {
+		    my $lengthnewdata=2.5*&LATEX_length($elementdata);
+		    if ($lengthnewdata>$current_length) {$current_length=$lengthnewdata;}
+                    my @words=split(/ /,$elementdata);
+		    foreach my $word (@words) {
+			my $lengthword=2.5*&LATEX_length($word);
+			if ($min_length<$lengthword) {$min_length=$lengthword;}
+		    }
+		}
+	    } else {
+		$current_length=2.5*&LATEX_length($data);
+                    my @words=split(/ /,$data);
+		    foreach my $word (@words) {
+			my $lengthword=2*&LATEX_length($word);
+			if ($min_length<$lengthword) {$min_length=$lengthword;}
+		    }
+	    }
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },'0';
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'maxlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },$current_length;
+	    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'minlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'}] },$min_length;
+	}        
+    }
+	for (my $in=0; $in<=$#{$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'include'}};$in++) {         
+	    $data=~s/\\keephidden\{NEW TABLE ENTRY\}/$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'include'}[$in]/;
+	}
+    #make data bold
+    $data='\textbf{'.$data.'}';
+    push @ {$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[-1] },$data;
+    return'';
 sub end_th {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close any open <p> in the row.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[2];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[2];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	my $current_row = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};
-	my $data=&Apache::lonxml::endredirection();
-	my $TeXwidth=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXwidth',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
-	if (defined $TeXwidth) {		
-	    my $current_length=&recalc($TeXwidth);
-	    $current_length=~/(\d+)/;
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlength'} .= $1.',';
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'length'} .= '0,';
-	} else {
-	    if ($data=~m/width\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)/) {
-		my $current_length=&recalc($1);
-		$current_length=~/(\d+)/;
-		$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlength'} .= $1.',';
-		$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'length'} .= '0,';
-	    } else {     
-		$data=~/^\s*(\S.*)/;
-		$data=$1;
-		$data=~/(.*\S)\s*$/;
-		$data=$1;
-		my $current_length=2*length($data);
-		$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'length'} .= $current_length.',';
-		$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlength'} .= '0,';
-	    }        
-	}
-	for (my $in=0; $in<=$#{$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'include'}};$in++) {                                
-	    $data=~s/\\keephidden\{NEW TABLE ENTRY\}/$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'include'}[$in]/;
-	}
-	$data='\textbf{'.$data.'}';
-	@{ $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'rowdata'} }[$current_row] .= '\parbox{TOBECHANGEDONNUMBER}{'.$data.'} '.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vinc'};
+        $Apache::londefdef::TD_redirection =0;
+	&end_th_tex($parstack,$parser,$safeeval);
     return $currentstring;
 #-- <img> tag (end tag forbidden)
+#  Render the <IMG> tag.
+#     <IMG> has the following attributes (in addition to the 
+#     standard HTML ones:
+#      TeXwrap   - Governs how the tex target will try to wrap text around
+#                  horizontally aligned images.
+#      TeXwidth  - The width of the image when rendered for print (mm).
+#      TeXheight - The height of the image when rendered for print (mm)
+#         (Note there seems to also be support for this as a % of page size)
 sub start_img {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
     my $src = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('src',$parstack,$safeeval,
     if (not $src and ($target eq 'web' or $target eq 'tex')) { 
 	my $inside = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/img",$parser);
-	&Apache::lonnet::logthis("inside was $inside");
 	return '';
     my $currentstring = '';
     my $scaling = .3;
+   # Render unto browsers that which are the browser's...
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	if ($ENV{'browser.imagesuppress'} ne 'on') {
-	    $currentstring.= $token->[4];
+	if ($env{'browser.imagesuppress'} ne 'on') {
+	    $currentstring.=&Apache::lonenc::encrypt_ref($token,{'src'=>$src});
 	} else {
 	    my $alttag= &Apache::lonxml::get_param
@@ -2268,43 +2479,95 @@ sub start_img {
 	    $currentstring.='[IMAGE: '.$alttag.']';
+	# and render unto TeX that which is LaTeX
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$src=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation($Apache::lonxml::pwd[-1],$src);
-        #if uploaded restore the path
-	if ($src=~/^\/uploaded\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/simplepage\/([^\/]+)$/) {
-	    $src=&Apache::loncommon::propath($1,$2).'/userfiles/simplepage/'.$3;
-	} elsif ($src=~/^\/uploaded\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/aboutme\/([^\/]+)$/) {
-	    $src=&Apache::loncommon::propath($1,$2).'/userfiles/aboutme/'.$3;
+	#
+	#  The alignment will require some superstructure to be put around
+	#  the \includegraphics stuff.  At present we can only partially
+	#  simulate the alignments offered by html.
+	#
+	#
+	my $align = lc(&Apache::lonxml::get_param('align', 
+						  $parstack,
+						  $safeeval,
+						  undef,1));
+	if(!$align) {
+	    $align = "bottom";	# This is html's default so it's ours too.
+	}
+	#
+	&Apache::lonxml::debug("Alignemnt = $align");
+	#  LaTeX's image/text wrapping is really bad since it wants to
+	#  make figures float.  
+        #   The user has the optional parameter (applicable only to l/r
+	# alignment to use the picins/parpic directive to get wrapped text
+	# this is also imperfect.. that's why we give them a choice...
+	# so they can't yell at us for our choice.
+	#
+	my $latex_rendering = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXwrap',
+							    $parstack,
+							    $safeeval,
+							    undef,0);
+	&Apache::lonxml::debug("LaTeX rendering = $latex_rendering");
+	if(!$latex_rendering) {
+	    $latex_rendering = "parbox";
+	&Apache::lonxml::debug("LaTeX rendering = $latex_rendering image file: $src");
 	#if original gif/jpg/png file exist do following:
+	my $origsrc=$src;
+	my ($path,$file) = &get_eps_image($src);
+	$src=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation($Apache::lonxml::pwd[-1],$src);
+	&Apache::lonxml::debug("path = $path file = $file src = $src");
 	if (-e $src) {
-	    #what is the image size?
-	    my $width_param=&image_size($src,$scaling,$parstack,$safeeval);
-            my ($file,$path)=&file_path($src); 
-	    my $newsrc = $src;
-	    $newsrc =~ s/\.(gif|jpg|png)$/.eps/i;
-	    $file=~s/\.(gif|jpg|png)$/.eps/i;
-	    #where can we find the picture?
-	    if (-e $newsrc) {
-		#eps counterpart for image exist 
-		if ($path) {
-		    $currentstring .= '\vskip 1 mm \noindent\graphicspath{{'.$path.'}}\includegraphics[width='.$width_param.' mm]{'.$file.'} ';
+	    &Apache::lonxml::debug("$src exists");
+	    my ($height_param,$width_param)=
+		&image_size($origsrc,0.3,$parstack,$safeeval);
+	    my $destpath = $path;
+	    $destpath    =~ s/ /\_/g; # Spaces in path cause LaTex to vomit.
+	    my $destfile = $file;
+	    $destfile    =~ s/ /\_/g;
+	    my $size;
+	    if ($width_param)  { $size.='width='.$width_param.' mm,'; }
+	    if ($height_param) { $size.='height='.$height_param.' mm]'; }
+	    $size='['.$size;
+	    $size=~s/,$/]/; 
+	    $currentstring .= '\graphicspath{{'.$destpath.'}}'
+		.'\includegraphics'.$size.'{'.$destfile.'} ';
+	    #    If there's an alignment specification we need to honor it here.
+	    #    For the horizontal alignments, we will also honor the
+	    #    value of the latex specfication.  The default is parbox,
+	    #    and that's used for illegal values too.  
+	    #    
+	    #    Even though we set a default alignment value, the user
+	    #    could have given us an illegal value.  In that case we
+	    #    just use the default alignment of bottom..
+	    if      ($align eq "top")    {
+		$currentstring = '\raisebox{-'.$height_param.'mm}{'.$currentstring.'}';
+	    } elsif (($align eq "center") || ($align eq "middle")) { # Being kind
+		my $offset = $height_param/2;
+		$currentstring = '\raisebox{-'.$offset.'mm}{'.$currentstring.'}';
+	    } elsif ($align eq "left")   { 
+		if ($latex_rendering eq "parpic") { 
+		    $currentstring = '\parpic[l]{'.$currentstring.'}';
+		} else {    	                                 # parbox rendering
+		    $currentstring = "\\strut\\newline\n".
+			'\parbox{'.$width_param.'mm}{'.$currentstring.'}';
-	    } else {
-		#there is no eps counterpart for image - check for ps one
-		$newsrc =~ s/\.eps$/\.ps/;
-		if (-e $newsrc) {
-		    #ps counterpart for image exist 
-		    $file =~ s/\.eps$/\.ps/;
-		    if ($path) {
-			$currentstring .= '\vskip 1 mm \noindent\graphicspath{{'.$path.'}}\includegraphics[width='.$width_param.' mm]{'.$file.'} ';
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    #care about eps dynamical generation
-		    $currentstring.='\vskip 1 mm '.&eps_generation($src,$file,$width_param);
+	    } elsif ($align eq "right")  {   
+		if ($latex_rendering eq "parpic") {
+		    $currentstring = '\parpic[r]{'.$currentstring.'}';
+		} else {	                                 # parbox rendering. 
+		    $currentstring = '\parbox{'.$width_param.'mm}{\begin{flushright}'
+			             .$currentstring.'\end{flushright}} \newline'."\n";
+	    } else {		# Bottom is also default.
+		# $currentstring = '\raisebox{'.$height_param.'mm}{'.$currentstring.'}';
 	} else {
+	    &Apache::lonxml::debug("$src does not exist");
 	    #original image file doesn't exist so check the alt attribute
 	    my $alt = 
@@ -2312,12 +2575,11 @@ sub start_img {
-	    if ($alt) {
-		$currentstring .= ' '.$alt.' ';
-	    } else {
-		#<allow> tag will care about replication 
-	    }
+	    if ($alt) { $currentstring .= ' '.$alt.' '; }
+	# And here's where the semi-quote breaks down: allow the user
+        # to edit the beast as well by rendering the problem for edit:
     } elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
 	$currentstring .=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token);
 	$currentstring .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Image Url:','src',$token,70).
@@ -2328,11 +2590,17 @@ sub start_img {
 	$currentstring .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('height (pixel):','height',$token,5).'<br />';
 	$currentstring .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('TeXwidth (mm):','TeXwidth',$token,5);
 	$currentstring .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('TeXheight (mm):','TeXheight',$token,5);
+	$currentstring .=&Apache::edit::select_arg('Alignment:','align',
+						   ['','bottom','middle','top','left','right'],$token,5);
+	$currentstring .=&Apache::edit::select_arg('TeXwrap:', 'TeXwrap',
+						   ['', 'parbox', 'parpic'], $token, 2);
 	$currentstring .=&Apache::edit::end_row().&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row();
-	my $src=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('src',$parstack,$safeeval);
-	my $alt=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('alt',$parstack,$safeeval);
-	my $width=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('width',$parstack,$safeeval);
-	my $height=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('height',$parstack,$safeeval);
+	my $src=    &Apache::lonxml::get_param('src',$parstack,$safeeval);
+	my $alt=    &Apache::lonxml::get_param('alt',$parstack,$safeeval);
+	my $width=  &Apache::lonxml::get_param('width',$parstack,$safeeval);
+	my $height= &Apache::lonxml::get_param('height',$parstack,$safeeval);
 	$currentstring .= '<img src="'.$src.'" alt="'.$alt.'" ';
 	if ($width) { $currentstring.=' width="'.$width.'" '; }
 	if ($height) { $currentstring.=' height="'.$height.'" '; }
@@ -2341,8 +2609,8 @@ sub start_img {
 	my ($osrc,$owidth,$oheight)=
 	my $ctag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack,
-					     $safeeval,'src','alt',
-					     'TeXwidth','TeXheight',
+					     $safeeval,'src','alt','align',
+					     'TeXwidth','TeXheight', 'TeXwrap',
 	my ($nsrc,$nwidth,$nheight)=
@@ -2378,6 +2646,7 @@ sub start_img {
 	if ($ctag) {$currentstring=&Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token);}
     return $currentstring;
@@ -2405,8 +2674,11 @@ sub start_applet {
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	if ($ENV{'browser.appletsuppress'} ne 'on') {
-	    $currentstring = $token->[4];
+	if ($env{'browser.appletsuppress'} ne 'on') {
+	    $currentstring = &Apache::lonenc::encrypt_ref($token,
+							  {'code'=>$code,
+							   'archive'=>$archive}
+							  );
 	} else {
 	    my $alttag= &Apache::lonxml::get_param('alt',$parstack,
@@ -2448,8 +2720,8 @@ sub start_embed {
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	if ($ENV{'browser.embedsuppress'} ne 'on') {
-	    $currentstring = $token->[4];
+	if ($env{'browser.embedsuppress'} ne 'on') {
+	    $currentstring=&Apache::lonenc::encrypt_ref($token,{'src'=>$src});
 	} else {
 	    my $alttag=&Apache::lonxml::get_param
@@ -2485,7 +2757,16 @@ sub start_param {
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	my %toconvert;
+	my $src=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('src',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
+	if ($src) { $toconvert{'src'}= $src; }
+	my $name=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('name',$parstack,$safeeval,
+					    undef,1);
+	if ($name=~/^cabbase$/i) {
+	    $toconvert{'value'}=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('value',$parstack,
+							   $safeeval,undef,1);
+	}
+	$currentstring = &Apache::lonenc::encrypt_ref($token,\%toconvert);
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
     return $currentstring;
@@ -2508,7 +2789,7 @@ sub start_allow {
-    &image_replication($src);
+    if ($target eq 'tex') { &image_replication($src); }
     my $result;
     if ($target eq 'edit') {
 	$result .=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token);
@@ -2532,10 +2813,10 @@ sub end_allow {
 #-- <frameset>
 sub start_frameset {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = '';	# Close any pending para.
     if ($target eq 'web') { 
 	if (!$Apache::lonxml::registered &&
-	    $ENV{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+	    $env{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
@@ -2601,7 +2882,7 @@ sub end_xmp {
 #-- <pre> (end tag required)
 sub start_pre {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# close off pending <p>
     if ($target eq 'web') {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -2664,7 +2945,7 @@ sub end_externallink {
 #-- <blankspace heigth="">
 sub start_blankspace {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# closes off any unclosed <p>
     if ($target eq 'tex') {
 	my $howmuch = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('heigth',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
 	$currentstring .= '\vskip '.$howmuch.' ';
@@ -2817,9 +3098,9 @@ sub end_blink {
 #-- <blockquote> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_blockquote {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close any unclosed <p>
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     return $currentstring;
@@ -3140,9 +3421,9 @@ sub end_marquee {
 #-- <multicol> tag (end tag required)
 sub start_multicol {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close any pending <p>
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     return $currentstring;
@@ -3338,9 +3619,9 @@ sub end_server {
 #-- <spacer> tag (end tag forbidden)
 sub start_spacer {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
-    my $currentstring = '';
+    my $currentstring = &end_p;	# Close off any open <p> tag.
     if ($target eq 'web') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+	$currentstring .= $token->[4];     
     return $currentstring;
@@ -3500,43 +3781,165 @@ sub image_replication {
     $pssrc  =~ s/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/.ps/i;
     if (not -e $epssrc && not -e $pssrc) {
 	my $result=&Apache::lonnet::repcopy($epssrc);
-	if ($result ne OK) { &Apache::lonnet::repcopy($pssrc); }
+	if ($result ne 'ok') { &Apache::lonnet::repcopy($pssrc); }
     return '';
+#   Get correct sizing parameter for an image given
+#   it's initial ht. and wid.  This allows sizing of
+#   images that are generated on-the-fly (e.g. gnuplot)
+#   as well as serving as a utility for image_size.
+#  Parameter:
+#        height_param
+#        width_param    - Initial picture dimensions.
+#        scaling        - A scale factor.
+#        parstack,      - the current stack of tag attributes 
+#                         from the xml parser
+#        safeeval,      - pointer to the safespace
+#        depth,         - from what level in the stack to look for attributes
+#                         (assumes -1 if unspecified)
+#        cis            - look for attrubutes case insensitively
+#                         (assumes false)
+# Returns:
+#   height, width   - new dimensions.
+sub resize_image {
+    my ($height_param, $width_param, $scaling,
+	$parstack, $safeeval, $depth, $cis) = @_;
+    # First apply the scaling...
+    $height_param = $height_param * $scaling;
+    $width_param  = $width_param  * $scaling;
-sub image_size {
-    my ($src,$scaling,$parstack,$safeeval)=@_;
-    #size of image from gif/jpg/jpeg/png 
-    my $image = Image::Magick->new;
-    my $current_figure = $image->Read($src);
-    my $width_param = $image->Get('width') * $scaling;;
-    my $height_param = $image->Get('height') * $scaling;;
-    undef $image;
     #do we have any specified LaTeX size of the picture?
-    my $TeXwidth = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXwidth',$parstack,$safeeval);
-    my $TeXheight = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXheight',$parstack,$safeeval);
+    my $toget='TeXwidth'; 
+    if ($cis) { 
+	$toget=lc($toget); 
+    }
+    my $TeXwidth = &Apache::lonxml::get_param($toget,$parstack,
+					      $safeeval,$depth,$cis);
+    $toget='TeXheight'; if ($cis) { $toget=lc($toget); }
+    my $TeXheight = &Apache::lonxml::get_param($toget,$parstack,
+					       $safeeval,$depth,$cis);
     #do we have any specified web size of the picture?
     my $width = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('width',$parstack,$safeeval,
-					   undef,1);
-    if ($TeXwidth ne '') {  
+					   $depth,1);
+    if ($TeXwidth) { 
+	my $old_width_param=$width_param;
 	if ($TeXwidth=~/(\d+)\s*\%/) {
-	    $width_param = $1*$ENV{'form.textwidth'}/100;
+	    $width_param = $1*$env{'form.textwidth'}/100;
 	} else { 
 	    $width_param = $TeXwidth;
-    } elsif ($TeXheight ne '') {
-	$width_param = $TeXheight/$height_param*$width_param;
-    } elsif ($width ne '') {
-	$width_param = $width*$scaling;      
+	if ($TeXheight) {
+	    $height_param = $TeXheight;
+	} elsif ($old_width_param) {
+	    $height_param=$TeXwidth/$old_width_param*$height_param;
+	}
+    } elsif ($TeXheight) {
+	$height_param = $TeXheight;
+	if ($height_param) {
+	    $width_param  = $TeXheight/$height_param*$width_param;
+	}
+    } elsif ($width) {
+	my $old_width_param=$width_param;
+	$width_param = $width*$scaling;
+	if ($old_width_param) {
+	    $height_param=$width_param/$old_width_param*$height_param;
+	}
+    }
+    if ($width_param > $env{'form.textwidth'}) {
+        my $old_width_param=$width_param;
+	$width_param =0.95*$env{'form.textwidth'};
+	if ($old_width_param) {
+	    $height_param=$width_param/$old_width_param*$height_param;
+	}
+    }
+    return ($height_param, $width_param);
+sub image_size {
+    my ($src,$scaling,$parstack,$safeeval,$depth,$cis)=@_;
+    #size of image from gif/jpg/jpeg/png 
+    my $ressrc=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation($Apache::lonxml::pwd[-1],$src);
+    if (-e $ressrc) {
+	$src = $ressrc;
+    }
+    my $image = Image::Magick->new;
+    my $current_figure = $image->Read($src);
+    my $width_param = $image->Get('width');
+    my $height_param = $image->Get('height');
+    &Apache::lonxml::debug("Image magick says: $src :  Height = $height_param width = $width_param");
+    undef($image);
+    ($height_param, $width_param) = &resize_image($height_param, $width_param,
+						  $scaling, $parstack, $safeeval, 
+						  $depth, $cis);
+    return ($height_param, $width_param);
+sub image_width {
+    my ($height, $width) = &image_size(@_);
+    return $width;
+#  Not yet 100% sure this is correct in all circumstances..
+#  due to my uncertainty about mods to image_size.
+sub image_height {
+    my ($height, $width) = &image_size(@_);
+    return $height;
+sub get_eps_image {
+    my ($src)=@_;
+    my $orig_src=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation($Apache::lonxml::pwd[-1], $src);
+    &Apache::lonxml::debug("get_eps_image: Original image: $orig_src");
+    $src=~s/\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg)$/\.eps/i;
+    $src=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation($Apache::lonxml::pwd[-1],$src);
+    &Apache::lonxml::debug("Filelocation gives: $src");
+    if (! -e $src) {
+	&Apache::lonxml::debug("$src does not exist");
+	if (&Apache::lonnet::repcopy($src) ne 'ok' ) {
+	    &Apache::lonxml::debug("Repcopy of $src failed (1)");
+	    #if replication failed try to find ps file
+	    $src=~s/\.eps$/\.ps/;
+	    &Apache::lonxml::debug("Now looking for $src");
+	    #if no ps file try to replicate it.
+	    my $didrepcopy = &Apache::lonnet::repcopy($src);
+	    &Apache::lonxml::debug("repcopy of $src ... $didrepcopy");
+	    if ( (not -e $src) ||
+		($didrepcopy ne 'ok')) {
+		&Apache::lonxml::debug("Failed to find or replicate $src");
+		#if replication failed try to produce eps file dynamically
+		$src=~s/\.ps$/\.eps/;
+		my $temp_file;
+		open(FILE,">>/home/httpd/prtspool/$env{'user.name'}_$env{'user.domain'}_printout.dat");
+		my $newsrc=$orig_src;
+		$newsrc =~ s|(.*)/res/|/home/httpd/html/res/|;
+		&Apache::lonxml::debug("queueing $newsrc for dynamic eps production.");
+		print FILE "$newsrc\n";
+		close FILE;
+		$src=~s|/home/httpd/html/res|/home/httpd/prtspool|;
+		$src=~s|/home/([^/]*)/public_html/|/home/httpd/prtspool/$1/|;
+	    }
+	}
-    if ($width_param > $ENV{'form.textwidth'}) {$width_param =0.95*$ENV{'form.textwidth'}}
-    return $width_param;
+    my ($path,$file)=($src=~m|(.*)/([^/]*)$|);
+    &Apache::lonxml::debug("get_eps_image returning: $path / $file<BR />");
+    return ($path.'/',$file);
 sub eps_generation {
     my ($src,$file,$width_param) = @_;	     
-    my $filename = "/home/httpd/prtspool/$ENV{'user.name'}_$ENV{'user.domain'}_printout.dat";
+    my $filename = "/home/httpd/prtspool/$env{'user.name'}_$env{'user.domain'}_printout.dat";
     my $temp_file = Apache::File->new('>>'.$filename); 
     print $temp_file "$src\n";
     my $newsrc = $src;
@@ -3549,7 +3952,11 @@ sub eps_generation {
-    return ' \graphicspath{{/home/httpd/prtspool'.$newsrc.'}}\includegraphics[width='.$width_param.' mm]{'.$file.'} ';
+    if ($newsrc=~/\/userfiles\//) {
+	return ' \graphicspath{{'.$newsrc.'}}\includegraphics[width='.$width_param.' mm]{'.$file.'} ';
+    } else {
+	return ' \graphicspath{{/home/httpd/prtspool'.$newsrc.'}}\includegraphics[width='.$width_param.' mm]{'.$file.'} ';
+    }
 sub file_path {     
@@ -3601,8 +4008,6 @@ sub LATEX_length {
-    &Apache::lonnet::logthis("garbage was just $garbage");
     my  $value=length($garbage);
     return $value;