--- loncom/xml/londefdef.pm	2010/07/21 02:00:37	1.418
+++ loncom/xml/londefdef.pm	2024/02/28 18:15:50	1.456.
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Tags Default Definition Module 
-# $Id: londefdef.pm,v 1.418 2010/07/21 02:00:37 www Exp $
+# $Id: londefdef.pm,v 1.456. 2024/02/28 18:15:50 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ use Apache::lonnet;
 use strict;
 use Apache::lonxml;
 use Apache::lontable;
-use Apache::File();
 use Image::Magick;
 use Apache::lonmenu();
 use Apache::lonmeta();
 use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Apache::loncommon();
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
 use File::Basename;
 use LONCAPA();
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ use LONCAPA();
-    &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::londefdef',('a','abbr','acronym','accessrule','address','allow','applet','area','b','base','basefont','bgo','bgsound','big','blink','blockquote','blankspace','body','br','button','caption','center','cite','code','col','colgroup','dd','del','dfn','dir','div','dl','dt','em','embed','externallink','fieldset','font','form','frame','frameset','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','head','hr','html','i','iframe','img','input','ins','insert','isindex','kbd','keygen','label','layer','legend','li','link','m','map','marquee','menu','meta','multicol','nobr','noembed','noframes','nolayer','noscript','object','ol','optgroup','option','output','p','param','pre','q','s','samp','select','server','small','spacer','span','strike','strong','sub','sup','table','tbody','td','textarea','tfoot','th','thead','title','tr','tt','tthoption','u','ul','var','wbr','hideweboutput'));
+    &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::londefdef',('a','abbr','acronym','accessrule','address','allow','applet','area','b','base','basefont','bgo','bgsound','big','blink','blockquote','blankspace','body','br','button','caption','center','cite','code','col','colgroup','dd','del','dfn','dir','div','dl','dt','em','embed','externallink','fieldset','font','form','frame','frameset','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','head','hr','html','i','iframe','img','input','ins','insert','isindex','kbd','keygen','label','layer','legend','li','link','m','map','marquee','menu','meta','multicol','nobr','noembed','noframes','nolayer','noscript','object','ol','optgroup','option','output','p','param','pre','q','s','samp','select','server','small','spacer','span','strike','strong','style','sub','sup','table','tbody','td','textarea','tfoot','th','thead','title','tr','tt','tthoption','u','ul','var','wbr','hideweboutput'));
@@ -92,6 +92,26 @@ sub start_m {
     my $inside = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text_unbalanced("/m",$parser);
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'analyze') {
 	&Apache::lonxml::debug("M is starting with:$inside:");
+        if (!($inside =~ /^\s*\$.*\$\s*$/ || $inside =~ /^\s*\\[([].*\\[)\]]\s*$/)) {
+            # Non-math LaTeX will not be rendered correctly with MathJax
+            # and it should be avoided anyway.
+            # On top of that, MathJax will render math without $, but
+            # it will fail with tth. This is worth a warning.
+            # (even though some people might just use latex for printing)
+            &Apache::lonxml::warning(&mt('Missing $ in [_1].','<m>'));
+        } elsif (($env{'browser.type'} eq 'safari') && ($env{'form.editxmltext'}) &&
+                 (($env{'form.problemmode'} eq 'view') || ($env{'form.problemmode'} eq 'discard'))) {
+            my $delimiter;
+            if ($inside =~ /\$$/) {
+                $delimiter = '$';
+            } elsif ($inside =~ /\\([)\]])$/) {
+                $delimiter = $1;
+            }
+            if ($delimiter) {
+                &Apache::lonxml::warning(&mt('Insert a space between [_1] and [_2].',
+                                             $delimiter,'</m>'));
+            }
+        }
 	my $eval=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('eval',$parstack,$safeeval);
 	if ($eval eq 'on') {
@@ -347,7 +367,7 @@ sub start_title {
 	$Apache::londefdef::title = 
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	$currentstring .= '\keephidden{Title of the document:  ' 
+	$currentstring .= '\keephidden{Title of the document:  '; 
     if ($target eq 'meta') {
@@ -383,6 +403,9 @@ sub start_meta {
 	} else {
 	    $currentstring = $token->[4];
+        if ($env{'form.grade_imsexport'}) {
+            $currentstring = '';
+        }
     } elsif ($target eq 'meta') {
 	unless (&Apache::lonxml::get_param
 		('http-equiv',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1)) {
@@ -455,6 +478,32 @@ sub insert_meta {
     <meta />';
+#-- <start> tag
+sub start_style {
+	my ($target, $token, $tagstack, $parstack, $parser, $safeeval, $style) = @_;
+	my $currentstring = '';
+	if ($target eq 'tex') {
+		Apache::lonxml::startredirection();
+	} else {
+		$currentstring = $token->[4];
+	}
+	return $currentstring;
+sub end_style {
+	my ($target, $token, $tagstack, $parstack, $parser, $safeeval) = @_;
+	my $currentstring = '';
+	if ($target eq 'tex') {
+		Apache::lonxml::endredirection();
+	} else {
+		$currentstring = $token->[2];
+	}
+	return $currentstring;
 # accessrule
 sub start_accessrule {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style) = @_;
@@ -541,9 +590,10 @@ sub start_body {
     # Breadcrumbs
     if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+        my $url=&Apache::lonnet::hreflocation('',$env{'request.filename'});
-            'text'  => 'Construction Space',
-            'href'  => &Apache::loncommon::authorspace(),
+            'text'  => 'Authoring Space',
+            'href'  => &Apache::loncommon::authorspace($url),
             'text'  => 'HTML Editor',
@@ -555,26 +605,37 @@ sub start_body {
         # FIXME Where are we?
+        my $args = {'add_entries'    => $token->[2],
+                    'force_register' => 1,};
+        if ($target eq 'web') {
+            $args->{'print_suppress'} = 1;
+            if ($env{'request.use_absolute'}) {
+                $args->{'use_absolute'} = $env{'request.use_absolute'};
+            }
+            if ($env{'form.only_body'}) {
+                $args->{'only_body'} = 1;
+            }
+        }
 	$currentstring = 
-					      .$extra_head,
-					   {'add_entries'    => $token->[2],
-#					    'no_title'       => 1,
-					    'force_register' => 1});
+					      .$extra_head,$args);
         my $header = '';
         if ($env{'request.state'} ne 'published' &&
             $env{'request.state'} ne 'construct') {
         if ($env{'request.state'} ne 'published') {
-            $header.=&Apache::londefdef::edit_controls();
+            unless ($env{'form.inhibitmenu'} eq 'yes') {
+                $header.=&edit_controls();
+            }
         if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
-            $currentstring.=&Apache::loncommon::head_subbox(
-                                &Apache::loncommon::CSTR_pageheader()
-                               .$header);
+            unless ($env{'form.inhibitmenu'} eq 'yes') {
+                $currentstring.=&Apache::loncommon::head_subbox(
+                                    &Apache::loncommon::CSTR_pageheader()
+                                   .$header);
+            }
         } elsif ($env{'request.state'} eq 'edit') {
@@ -588,9 +649,9 @@ sub start_body {
 sub edit_controls {
     my ($nochgview) = @_;
-    my $result .= '
-<form method="post">
-<div class="LC_edit_problem_header">';
+    my $result = &Apache::lonxml::seteditor_javascript().'
+<form method="post" action="">
+<div class="LC_edit_problem_header">'."\n";
     unless ($nochgview) {
         $result .= '
 <div class="LC_edit_problem_header_row1">'.
@@ -599,9 +660,55 @@ sub edit_controls {
     $result .= '
-<div><input type="submit" name="editmode" accesskey="e" value="'.&mt('Edit').'" />';
+<input type="hidden" name="editmode" value="" />
+<input type="button" name="editordefault" accesskey="e" value="'.&mt('Edit').
+'" onclick="seteditmode(this.form,'."'edit'".');" />'."\n";
+    if ($env{'browser.type'} ne 'explorer' || $env{'browser.version'} > 9) {
+        my $uri = $env{'request.uri'};
+        if ($uri =~ /\.(xml|html|htm|xhtml|xhtm)$/) {
+            my %editors = &Apache::loncommon::permitted_editors();
+            if ($editors{'daxe'}) {
+                my $daxeurl = '/daxepage'.$uri;
+                $result .= '<input type="button" name="editordaxe" value="'.&mt('Edit with Daxe').
+                           '" onclick="seteditmode(this.form,'."'daxe'".');" />'."\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
     if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && ($env{'form.forceedit'})) {
-        $result .= ('&nbsp;' x 3).'<input type="button" value="'.&mt('Course View').'" onclick="javascript:location.href=currentURL" />';
+        my $url=&Apache::lonnet::hreflocation('',$env{'request.filename'});
+        if ($url =~ /\.html?$/i) {
+            my ($cdom,$cnum);
+            if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+                $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+                $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+                if ($env{'request.filename'} =~ m{/userfiles/supplemental/default|\d+/}) {
+                    if (&Apache::lonnet::is_course_upload($env{'request.filename'},
+                                                          $cnum,$cdom)) {
+                        &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+                                                                ['folderpath','title']);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            my ($symb,$itemtitle,$displayfile,$caller);
+            if ($url =~ m{^/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/portfolio/syllabus/}) {
+                $itemtitle = &mt('Syllabus');
+                $caller = "/public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus";
+            } else {
+                $caller = $url;
+                ($symb,$itemtitle,$displayfile) =
+                    &Apache::lonxml::get_courseupload_hierarchy($url,
+                                                                $env{'form.folderpath'},
+                                                                $env{'form.title'});
+            }
+            if (($symb ne '') || ($env{'httpref.'.$url} ne '') ||
+                ($url =~ m{^/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/portfolio/syllabus/})) {
+                  $result .= ('&nbsp;' x 3).
+                             &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::dependencies_button()."\n".
+                             &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::dependencycheck_js($symb,
+                                 $itemtitle,$url,$env{'form.folderpath'},$caller)."\n";
+            }
+        }
     $result .= '</div>
@@ -742,7 +849,7 @@ sub end_h1 {
 	$currentstring .= $token->[2];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
 	my $post='\vskip 0 mm ';
-	my $align=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('align',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
+	my $align=lc(&Apache::lonxml::get_param('align',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1));
 	if ($align eq 'center') {
 	} elsif ($align eq 'left') {
@@ -1662,6 +1769,15 @@ sub start_a {
                     if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$linkurl)) {
                         if (&Apache::lonnet::is_on_map($url)) {
+                        } elsif ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+                            my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+                            my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+                            if ($linkurl =~ m{^([^/]|/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/(docs|supplemental)/)}) {
+                                my $cleanhref = &clean_docs_httpref($linkurl,$url,$cdom,$cnum);
+                                if ($cleanhref) {
+                                    &Apache::lonxml::extlink($cleanhref);
+                                }
+                            }
@@ -1984,8 +2100,8 @@ sub end_dt {
 sub item_cleanup {
     my $item=&Apache::lonxml::endredirection();
-    $item=~s/\\begin{center}//g;
-    $item=~s/\\end{center}//g;
+    $item=~s/\\begin\{center}//g;
+    $item=~s/\\end\{center}//g;
     return $item;
@@ -2039,38 +2155,53 @@ sub start_table {
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
 	&disable_para();	# Can't have paras in a table.
-	#  New table code:
 	#  Get the parameters that we can do something about:
 	my $border = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('border', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 0);
 	my $width  = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXwidth', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 0);
 	my $theme  = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXtheme', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 0);
 	my $align  = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('align', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 0);
+	my $cell_border = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('rules', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 0);
 	# The only thing that needs any figuring out is the width.. and then only if it is
 	# a percent. If not it's assumed to be some valid TeX measurement unit e.g. 3.0cm
 	my $table = new Apache::lontable();
-	if ($border ne '') {
+	if ((defined $border) && ($border > 0)) {
+	#    &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Turning on table borders: $border");
-	    $table->cell_border(1);
+	    if (!defined $cell_border) {
+		$table->cell_border(1); # Default for rules is all if rules not defined.
+	    }
+	}
+	if ((defined $cell_border)) {
+	    if ($cell_border eq 'all') {
+		$table->cell_border(1);
+	    } elsif ($cell_border eq 'rows') {
+		$table->cell_border(2);
+	    } elsif ($cell_border eq 'cols') {
+		$table->cell_border(3);
+	    } elsif($cell_border eq 'groups') {
+		$table->cell_border(4);
+	    } else {
+		$table->cell_border(0);
+	    }
-	if ($theme ne '') {
+	if (defined $theme) {
-	if ($align ne '') {
+	if (defined $align) {
 	# Missing width is most of page width
-	if ($width eq "") {
+	if (!(defined $width)) {
 	    $width = '70%';
 	# If a percentage, need to calculate what this means in terms of
 	# page width:
@@ -2085,88 +2216,6 @@ sub start_table {
 	push(@Apache::londefdef::table, $table);
         $currentstring.=' \keephidden{NEW TABLE ENTRY}';
-	#--------------------------------------------------------
-	#  Old table code here.
-	#--------------------------------------------------------
-	if (0) {
-	push(@Apache::londefdef::table, {}); 
-	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'} = -1;
-        #maximum table's width (default coincides with text line length)
-	if ($#Apache::londefdef::table==0) {
-	    $textwidth=&recalc($env{'form.textwidth'}); #result is always in mm
-	    $textwidth=~/(\d+\.?\d*)/;
-	    $textwidth=0.85*$1; #accounts "internal" LaTeX space for table frame
-	} else {
-	    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'TeXlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'row_number'}][$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'counter_columns'}]=~/\d/) {
-		#the maximum width of nested table is determined by LATeX width of parent cell
-		$textwidth=$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'TeXlen'}[$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'row_number'}][$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'counter_columns'}]; 
-	    } else {
-              #try to use all space not used before (minus 5% for LaTeX table internal) - rather silly
-		$textwidth=$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'width'};
-		for (my $i=0;$i<$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'counter_columns'};$i++) {
-		    $textwidth=$textwidth-$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'TeXlen'}[0][$i];
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	# width either comes forced from the TeXwidth or the width parameters.
-	# in either case it can be a percentage or absolute width.
-	# in the width case we ignore absolute width 
-	my $TeXwidth = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXwidth',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
-	if (!defined($TeXwidth)) {
-	    my $htmlwidth = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('width',$parstack,
-						       $safeeval,undef,1);
-	    if ($htmlwidth =~ /%/) {
-		$TeXwidth = $htmlwidth;
-	    } else { 
-		$TeXwidth = $textwidth;
-	    }
-	}
-	# if the width is specified as a % it is converted to an absolute width.
-	# otherwise.. just plugged right in the hash
-	if ($TeXwidth=~/%/) {
-	    $TeXwidth=~/(\d+)/;
-            $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'}=$1*$textwidth/100;
-	} else {
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'}=$TeXwidth;
-	}
-        #  In the end, however the table width cannot be wider than $textwidth...
-	if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'} > $textwidth) {
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'} = $textwidth;
-	}
-        #table's border
-	my $border = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('border',$parstack,$safeeval); 
-        my $permission=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXDropEmptyColumns',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
-	unless (defined $border) { $border = 0; }
-	if ($border) { 
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'} = '\hline '; 
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vinc'} = '&'; 
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vvinc'} = '|';
-	} else {
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'} = ''; 
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vinc'} = '&'; 
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vvinc'} = '';
-	}
-	if ($#Apache::londefdef::table==0) {
-	    #    Note that \newline seems to destroy the alignment envs.
-	    # $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'}='\strut\newline\strut\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1 mm}';
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'}='\strut'.'\\\\'."\n".'\strut\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1 mm}';
-	}
-	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'}.=' \noindent \begin{tabular} ';
-        $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}=[];
-        $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectlen'}=[];
-        $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectsignal'}=[];
-        $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'maxlen'}=[];
-        $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'minlen'}=[];
-        $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}=[];
-        $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}=[];
-        $currentstring.=' \keephidden{NEW TABLE ENTRY}';
-    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -2177,435 +2226,15 @@ sub end_table {
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];     
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
-	#  New table code:
 	my $table = pop(@Apache::londefdef::table);
 	my $t     = $table->generate();
+	# &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Generating string");
 	$currentstring = $t->generate_string();
+	# &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Generated: $currentstring");
-	#--------------------------------------------------------------
-	#  Old table code:
-	#--------------------------------------------------------------
-	if (0) {
-	my $border =  &Apache::lonxml::get_param('border',$parstack,$safeeval);
-	my $inmemory = '';
-	my $output = '';
-	my $WARNING='';
-        #width of columns from TeXwidth attributes
-	# Protect against unbalanced </table> tag.
-	if (scalar(@Apache::londefdef::table) > 0) {
-	for (my $in=0;$in<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};$in++) {
-	    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'counter_columns'};$jn++) {
-		if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[0][$jn]<$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[$in][$jn]) {
-		    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[0][$jn]=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[$in][$jn];
-		}	
-	    }
-	}
-        #free space and number of empty columns
-	my ($available_space,$empty_columns)=($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'},0);
-	if ($#Apache::londefdef::table ne 0) {$available_space=0.9*$available_space;} 
-	for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'counter_columns'};$jn++) {
-	    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[0][$jn]==0) {
-		$empty_columns++;
-	    } else {
-		$available_space=$available_space-$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[0][$jn];
-	    }
-	}
-        #boundaries for contents columns
-	my @min_len=();#columns can not be narrower 
-	my @max_len=();#maximum length of column
-	my $avg_max;
-	my $avg_min;
-	my $counter_cols = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'counter_columns'};
-	for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$counter_cols; $jn++) {
-		my ($localmin,$localmax)=(0,0);
-		for (my $in=0;$in<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};$in++) {
-		    if ($localmin<$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'minlen'}[$in][$jn]) {
-			$localmin=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'minlen'}[$in][$jn];
-		    }
-		    if ($localmax<$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'maxlen'}[$in][$jn]) {
-			$localmax=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'maxlen'}[$in][$jn];
-		    }
-		}
-		push @min_len, $localmin;
-		push @max_len, $localmax;
-		$avg_max = $localmax + $avg_max;
-		$avg_min = $localmin + $avg_min;
-	}
-	# Does not really matter what the average max/min are if there are no cols.
-	# and this prevents div 0 in that case.
-	if ($counter_cols != 0) {
-	    $avg_max = $avg_max/$counter_cols;
-	    $avg_min = $avg_min/$counter_cols;
-	}
-	#  I don't think the below is needed.. but just in case:
-	if ($avg_min > $avg_max) {
-	    my $temp = $avg_min;
-	    $avg_min = $avg_max;
-	    $avg_max = $temp;
-	}
-	for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$counter_cols;$jn++) {
-	    my $localmin=0,;
-	    for (my $in=0;$in<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};$in++) {
-		if ($localmin<$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectlen'}[$in][$jn]) {
-		    $localmin=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectlen'}[$in][$jn];
-		}
-	    }
-	    if ($max_len[$jn]<$localmin) {
-		$max_len[$jn]=$localmin;
-	    	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectsignal'}[$jn]=1;
-	    }#object size is bigger
-	    if ($min_len[$jn]<$localmin) {
-		$min_len[$jn]=$localmin;
-		$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectsignal'}[$jn]=1;
-	    }#object size is bigger
-	    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[0][$jn]!=0) {
-		$min_len[$jn]=0;
-		$max_len[$jn]=0;
-	    }
-	    #  Spans seem to be really bothered by max/min = 0.  So if we have one
-	    #  make it an average joe max/min.
-	    if ($max_len[$jn] == 0) {
-		$max_len[$jn] = $avg_max;
-	    }
-	    if ($min_len[$jn] == 0) {
-		$min_len[$jn] = $avg_min;
-	    }
-	}
-       #final adjustment of column width
-	my @fwidth=@{$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'TeXlen'}[0]};#final width array
-	my @adjust=();
-        #step 1. adjustment by maximum value
-	my $space_needed=0;
-	for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#max_len;$jn++) {
-	    $space_needed=$space_needed+$max_len[$jn];
-	}
-	if ($space_needed<=$available_space) {
-	    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#max_len;$jn++) {
-		if ($fwidth[$jn]==0) {
-		    $fwidth[$jn]=$max_len[$jn];
-		}
-	    }
-	} else {
-        #step 2. adjustment by minimum value (estimation)
-	    $space_needed=0;
-	    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#min_len;$jn++) {
-		$space_needed+=$min_len[$jn];
-	    }
-	    if ($space_needed>$available_space) {
-		for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#max_len;$jn++) {
-		    if ($fwidth[$jn]==0) {
-			$fwidth[$jn]=$min_len[$jn];
-		    }
-		}
-		#check if we have objects which can be scaled
-		my $how_many_to_scale=0;
-		my @to_scale=();
-		for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#max_len;$jn++) {
-		    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'objectsignal'}[$jn] eq '1') {
-			$how_many_to_scale++;
-			push @to_scale, $jn;
-		    }
-		}
-		if ($how_many_to_scale>0) {
-		    my $space_to_adjust=($space_needed-$available_space)/$how_many_to_scale;
-		    foreach my $jn (@to_scale) {
-			for (my $in=0;$in<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};$in++) {
-			    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn]=~m/width\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)/;
-			    if ($1 ne '') {
-				my $current_length=&recalc($1);
-				$current_length=~/(\d+\.?\d*)/;
-				$current_length=$current_length-$space_to_adjust;
-				$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn]=~s/width\s*=\s*(\d+\.?\d*\s*(mm|cm|in|pc|pt)*)/width=$current_length mm/;
-			    }
-			    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn]=~m/\[(\d+\.?\d*)\s*mm\]/;
-			    if ($1 ne '') {
-				my $current_length=$1;
-				$current_length=$current_length-$space_to_adjust;
-				$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn]=~s/\[(\d+\.?\d*)\s*mm\]/\[$current_length mm\]/;
-			    }				
-			}
-			$fwidth[$jn]=$fwidth[$jn]-$space_to_adjust;
-		    }
-		}
-	    } else {
-	      #step 3. adjustment over minimal + corrections
-		my $enlarge_coef=$available_space/$space_needed;
-		my $acsessive=0;
-		for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#min_len;$jn++) {
-		    $adjust[$jn]=$min_len[$jn]*$enlarge_coef;
-		    if ($adjust[$jn]>$max_len[$jn]) {
-			$fwidth[$jn]=$max_len[$jn];
-			$acsessive=$acsessive+$adjust[$jn]-$max_len[$jn];
-			$adjust[$jn]=0;
-		    }
-		}
-		if ($acsessive>0) {
-		#we have an excess of space and can redistribute it
-		    my $notempty_columns=0;
-		    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#min_len;$jn++) {
-			if ($adjust[$jn]!=0) {
-			    $notempty_columns++;
-			}
-		    }
-		    my $per_column=$acsessive/$notempty_columns;
-		    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#min_len;$jn++) {
-			if ($adjust[$jn]!=0) {
-			    $adjust[$jn]+=$per_column;
-			    $fwidth[$jn]=$adjust[$jn];
-			}
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#min_len;$jn++) {
-			$fwidth[$jn]=$adjust[$jn];
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-        # use all available width or specified width as if not specified,
-	# the specified width gets defaulted to the available width.
-	my $current=0; 
-	for (my $i=0;$i<=$#fwidth;$i++) {  
-	    $current+=$fwidth[$i];
-	}
-	if ($current == 0) {
-            $current = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'};
-        }
-	my $coef=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'width'}/$current;
-	for (my $i=0;$i<=$#fwidth;$i++) {  
-	    $fwidth[$i]*=$coef;
-	}
-        #removing of empty columns if allowed
-        my $permission=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXDropEmptyColumns',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,0);
-	if ($permission eq 'yes') {
-	    my @cleaned_table=();
-            my @cleaned_header=();
-	    my $colind=0;
-	    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'counter_columns'};$jn++) {
-		if ($fwidth[$jn]!=0) {
-		    #we need to copy column
-		    for (my $in=0;$in<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};$in++) {
-			$cleaned_table[$in][$colind]=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn];
-			$cleaned_header[$colind]=$fwidth[$jn];
-		    }
-		    $colind++;
-		}
-	    }
-	    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}=\@cleaned_table;
-	    @fwidth=@cleaned_header;
-	}
-	#construct header of the table
-	my $header_of_table = '{'.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vvinc'};
-	for (my $in=0;$in<=$#fwidth;$in++) {
-	    $header_of_table.='p{'.$fwidth[$in].' mm}'.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vvinc'};
-	}
-	$header_of_table .= '}';
-	#fill the table
-	for (my $in=0;$in<=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'row_number'};$in++) {
-	    my $have_rowspan = 0;
-	    for (my $jn=0;$jn<=$#fwidth;$jn++) {
-		#-----------------------------------------------------------
-                #   I think this order of doing things will ensure that
-		#   single rowspan, columspan and combined row/colspans will
-                #   work correctly.  LaTeX is delicate here.
-		#    RF.
-		# Start a rowspan if necessary:
-		my $primary_col_width = $fwidth[$jn]; # Width of primary column.
-		my $rowspan = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'rowspan'}[$in][$jn];
-		my $colspan = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'colspan'}[$in][$jn];
-		#
-		#  Do the appropriate magic if this has a colspan
-		# 
-		my $border_char = "";
-		if ($border) {
-		    $border_char = "|";
-		}
-		my $spanwidth = 0;
-		if ($colspan > 1) {
-		    for (my $spancol = $jn; $spancol < $jn + $colspan; $spancol++) {
-			$spanwidth += $fwidth[$spancol];
-		    }
-		    $output .= '\multicolumn{'.
-			$colspan
-			."}";
-		    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'c') {
-			$output .= '{'.$border_char.'c'.$border_char.'}{';
-		    } elsif ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'r') {
-			$output .= '{'.$border_char.'r'.$border_char.'}{';
-		    }
-		    else {
-			$output .= '{'.$border_char."p{$spanwidth mm}".$border_char.'}{';
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    $spanwidth = $primary_col_width; # If no span width will be just colwidth
-		}
-		# Rowspan... if colspan is 1, and there's an alignment we'll need
-		# to kick in a multicolumn in order to get the alignment spec.
-		# this must precede the multirow or LaTex gets quite upset.
-		# Naturally if colspan > 1 we've already done that above ^
-		#
-		my $multirow_aligned = 0;
-		if ($rowspan > 1) {
-		    if ($colspan == 1) {
-			if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'c') {
-			    $output .= '\multicolumn{1}{'.$border_char.'c'.$border_char.'}{';
-			    $multirow_aligned = 1;
-			} elsif ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'r') {
-			    $output .= '\multicolumn{1}{'.$border_char.'r'.$border_char.'}{';
-			    $multirow_aligned = 1;
-			}
-		    }
-		    $have_rowspan++;
-		    if ($multirow_aligned) {
-			$output .= '\multirow{'.$rowspan.'}[0]{*}{';
-		    } else {
-			$output .= '\multirow{'.$rowspan."}[0]{$spanwidth mm}{";
-		    }
-		    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn] =~
-			s{^\s*\\par\s*}{};
-		    $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn] =~
-			s{\s*\\vskip\s*0pt\s*$}{};
-		    #
-		    # If we did not throw in a multicolumn to align, then add 
-		    # an extra {
-		    # so we close correctly without having to keep additional state
-		    # around
-		    #
-		    if (!$multirow_aligned) {
-			$output .= '{';
-		    }
-		}
-		if (($rowspan eq '^') || ($rowspan eq '_')) {
-		    $have_rowspan++;
-		}
-		    #--------------------------------------------------------------
-		# For right and center alignment of single cells.
-		# we are going to use a multicolumn with a span of 1 to specify alignment.
-		#
-		if ($colspan == 1  && $rowspan == 1) {
-		    if ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'c') {
-			$output .= '\multicolumn{1}{'.$border_char.'c'.$border_char.'}{';
-		    } elsif ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'r') {
-			$output .= '\multicolumn{1}{'.$border_char.'r'.$border_char.'}{';
-		    }
-		}
-		$output.=$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'content'}[$in][$jn];
-		if (($colspan == 1 && $rowspan == 1)   &&
-		    (($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'c') ||
-		     ($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'align'}[$in][$jn] eq 'r'))) {
-		    $output .= '}';
-		}
-		# Close off any open multirow:
-		if ($rowspan > 1) {
-		    $output .= '}}';
-		}
-		#  Close off the colspan...
-		#
-		if ($colspan > 1)  {
-		    $output .= '}';
-		    $jn += $colspan-1; # Adjust for number of rows really left.
-		}
-                if ($jn!=$#fwidth) {$output.=' '.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'vinc'};}
-	    }
-	    #  If have_rowspan > 0, and borders are on, then 
-	    #  we need to do more than put an \hline at the bottom of row.
-	    #  we need to do the appropriate \cline to ensure that
-	    #  the spanned rows don't have \hlines through them.
-	    if (($Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'} =~ /\\hline/) && $have_rowspan) {
-		$output .= ' \\\\ ';
-		for (my $jn=0; $jn<=$#fwidth;$jn++) {
-		    my $rowspan = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'rowspan'}[$in][$jn];
-		    if ($rowspan ne "^") {
-			if (($rowspan <= 1) || ($rowspan eq '_')) {
-			    my $column = $jn+1;
-			    $output .= '\cline{'.$column.'-'.$column.'} ';
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    } else {
-		$output.=' \\\\ '.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'}.' ';
-	    }
-	}
-	# Note that \newline destroys alignment env's produced  by e.g. <div>
-	# $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'} .= $header_of_table.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'}.$output.'\end{tabular}\strut\newline\strut ';
-	$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'} .= $header_of_table.$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'hinc'}.$output.'\end{tabular}\strut'.'\\\\'."\n".'\strut ';
-	if ($#Apache::londefdef::table > 0) {	    
-	    my $inmemory = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'};
-	    # Figure out max/and min width  by summing us and then
-	    # apply that to the current column of the table we nest in
-	    # if it's larger than the current width or the current width
-	    # is undefined.
-	    #
-	    my $min_nested_width = 0;
-	    my $max_nested_width = 0;
-	    for (my $col = 0; $col <= $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'counter_columns'}; $col++) {
-		$min_nested_width +=  $min_len[$col];
-		$max_nested_width +=  $max_len[$col];
-	    }
-	    # Fudge in an extra 5 mm for borders etc:
-	    $min_nested_width += 5;
-	    $max_nested_width += 5;
-	    my $outer_column = $Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'counter_columns'};
-	    my $outer_row    = $Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'row_number'};
-	    if ($min_nested_width > $Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'minlen'}[$outer_row][$outer_column]) {
-		$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'minlen'}[$outer_row][$outer_column] = $min_nested_width;
-	    }
-	    if ($max_nested_width > $Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'maxlen'}[$outer_row][$outer_column]) {
-		$Apache::londefdef::table[-2]{'maxlen'}[$outer_row][$outer_column] = $max_nested_width;
-	    }
-	    pop @Apache::londefdef::table;
-	    push @{$Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'include'}}, $inmemory;
-	} else {
-	    $currentstring .= $Apache::londefdef::table[-1]{'output'};
-	    pop @Apache::londefdef::table;
-	    undef @Apache::londefdef::table;
-	}
-	}
-	&enable_para();
-    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -2722,17 +2351,26 @@ sub tag_check {
 sub cell_config_hash {
-    my ($align, $rowspan, $colspan) = @_;
+    my ($align, $rowspan, $colspan, $width) = @_;
+    if ($rowspan ne '') {
+        $rowspan =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; 
+    }
+    if ($colspan ne '') {
+        $colspan =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+    }
     my %config;
     if ($align ne '') {
 	$config{'halign'} = $align;
-    if ($colspan ne "") {
+    if (($colspan =~ /^\d+$/) && ($colspan > 0)) {
 	$config{'colspan'} = $colspan;
-    if ($rowspan ne '') {
+    if (($rowspan =~ /^\d+$/) && ($rowspan > 0)) {
 	$config{'rowspan'} = $rowspan;
+    if ($width ne '') {
+	$config{'width'} = $width;
+    }
     return \%config;
@@ -2744,11 +2382,11 @@ sub start_td_tex {
     # attributes, but empty of text.  end_td_tex will
     # fetch the contents from the recursive parse and
     # fill the cell with them:
-    my $align   = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('align', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 1);
-    my $rowspan = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('rowspan', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 1);
-    my $colspan = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('colspan', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 1);
-    my $config = &cell_config_hash($align, $rowspan, $colspan);
+    my $align   = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('align', $parstack, $safeeval);
+    my $rowspan = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('rowspan', $parstack, $safeeval);
+    my $colspan = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('colspan', $parstack, $safeeval);
+    my $width   = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXwidth', $parstack, $safeeval);
+    my $config = &cell_config_hash($align, $rowspan, $colspan, $width);
     my $table = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1];
     $table->add_cell('', $config);
@@ -3152,7 +2790,9 @@ sub start_img {
 	my $inside = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/img",$parser,$style);
 	return '';
-    &Apache::lonxml::extlink($src);
+    unless ($src =~ m{^data\:image/gif;base64,}) {
+        &Apache::lonxml::extlink($src);
+    }
     my $currentstring = '';
     my $scaling = .3;
@@ -3162,8 +2802,10 @@ sub start_img {
         my $enc = ('yes' eq 
-        $currentstring.=&Apache::lonenc::encrypt_ref($token,{'src'=>$src},
-                         $enc);
+        unless ($src =~ m{^data\:image/gif;base64,}) {
+            $currentstring.=&Apache::lonenc::encrypt_ref($token,{'src'=>$src},
+                            $enc);
+        }
     # and render unto TeX that which is LaTeX
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
@@ -3206,7 +2848,7 @@ sub start_img {
 	# &Apache::lonxml::debug("LaTeX rendering = $latex_rendering image file: $src");
-	#if original bmp/gif/jpg/png file exist do following:
+	#if original bmp/gif/jpg/png/svg file exist do following:
 	my $origsrc=$src;
 	my ($path,$file) = &get_eps_image($src);
 	# &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Image source: $src result: $path $file");
@@ -3354,10 +2996,7 @@ sub start_applet {
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
-        $currentstring = &Apache::lonenc::encrypt_ref($token,
-                                                      {'code'=>$code,
-                                                       'archive'=>$archive}
-                                                     );
+        $currentstring = $token->[4];
     } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
         # Turn off some stuff we can't be inside thank you LaTeX
@@ -3443,22 +3082,47 @@ sub end_embed {
 #-- <param> tag (end tag forbidden)
 sub start_param {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
-    if (&Apache::lonxml::get_param('name',$parstack,
-				   $safeeval,undef,1)=~/^cabbase$/i) {
+    my $name = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('name',$parstack,$safeeval,
+                                          undef,1);
+    if ($name =~/^cabbase$/i) {
 	my $value=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('value',$parstack,
-    } 
+    } elsif ($name eq 'flashvars') {
+        if (lc(&Apache::lonxml::get_param('type',$parstack,$safeeval,-2,1))
+            eq 'application/x-shockwave-flash') {
+            my $launcher =
+                &Apache::lonxml::get_param('data',$parstack,$safeeval,-2,1);
+            if ($launcher) {
+                &Apache::lonxml::extlink($launcher);
+            }
+            my $flashvars=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('value',$parstack,
+                                                     $safeeval,undef,1);
+            if ($flashvars ne '') {
+                foreach my $item (split(/\&/,$flashvars)) {
+                    my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2);
+                    if ($key eq 'content') {
+                        if ($value ne '') {
+                            my ($dir) = ($launcher =~ m{(.+/)[^/]+$});
+                            &Apache::lonxml::extlink($dir.$value);
+                        }
+                    } elsif ($key eq 'thumb') {
+                        if ($value ne '') {
+                            &Apache::lonxml::extlink($value);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     my $src = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('src',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
-    &Apache::lonxml::extlink($src);
+    if ($src ne '') {
+        &Apache::lonxml::extlink($src);
+    }
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	my %toconvert;
-	my $src=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('src',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
 	if ($src) { $toconvert{'src'}= $src; }
-	my $name=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('name',$parstack,$safeeval,
-					    undef,1);
 	if ($name=~/^cabbase$/i) {
@@ -3620,12 +3284,12 @@ sub end_externallink {
     return $currentstring;
-#-- <blankspace heigth="">
+#-- <blankspace height="">
 sub start_blankspace {
     my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval) = @_;
     my $currentstring = &end_p();	# closes off any unclosed <p>
     if ($target eq 'tex') {
-	my $howmuch = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('heigth',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
+	my $howmuch = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('height',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
 	$currentstring .= '\vskip '.$howmuch.' ';
     return $currentstring;
@@ -3823,7 +3487,7 @@ sub start_caption {
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
-    } 
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -3831,7 +3495,7 @@ sub end_caption {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[2];    
+	$currentstring = $token->[2];
     return $currentstring;
@@ -3855,13 +3519,34 @@ sub end_col {
     return $currentstring;
-#-- <colgroup> tag (end tag optional)
+#-- <colgroup tag (end tag optional)
 sub start_colgroup {
-    my ($target,$token) = @_;
+    my ($target,$token,$tagstack, $parstack, $parser, $safeeval, $style) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+    if ($target eq 'tex') {
+	# TODO: Ensure this tag is in a table:
+	# Fetch the attributes and build the hash for the
+	# call to define_colgroup.
+	my $span    = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('span',   $parstack, $safeeval);
+	my $halign  = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('halign', $parstack, $safeeval);
+	my %colgroup_params;
+	if ($span ne '') {
+	    $colgroup_params{'span'} = $span;
+	}
+	if ($halign ne '') {
+	    $colgroup_params{'halign'} = $halign;
+	}
+	my $table = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1];
+	$table->define_colgroup(\%colgroup_params);
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -3943,8 +3628,68 @@ sub start_iframe {
     my ($target,$token) = @_;
     my $currentstring = '';
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
-	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
-    } 
+        my ($src,$url,$query);
+        if ($token->[2]->{'src'}) {
+            $src = $token->[2]->{'src'};
+        } elsif ($token->[2]->{'SRC'}) {
+            $src = $token->[2]->{'SRC'};
+        }
+        if ($src) {
+            ($url,$query) = ($src =~ /^([^?]+)\??([^?]*)$/);
+            if ($query =~ /inhibitmenu=yes/) {
+                $currentstring = $token->[4];
+            } else {
+                my $inhibit;
+                if ($url =~ m{^[^/.].*\.x?html?$}) {
+                    $inhibit = 1;
+                } elsif ($url =~ m{^/(uploaded|res)/.*\.x?html?$}) {
+                    $inhibit = 1;
+                }
+                if ($inhibit) {
+                    $currentstring = '<iframe ';
+                    foreach my $attrib (@{$token->[3]}) {
+                        if (lc($attrib) eq 'src') {
+                            if ($query) {
+                                $query.='&amp;inhibitmenu=yes';
+                            } else {
+                                $query = 'inhibitmenu=yes';
+                            } 
+                            $currentstring .= 'src="'.$url.'?'.$query.'" ';
+                        } else {
+                            $currentstring .= lc($attrib).'="'.$token->[2]->{$attrib}.'" ';
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $currentstring =~ s/\s+$//;
+                    if ($token->[4] =~ m{/>$}) {
+                        $currentstring .= ' />';
+                    } else {
+                        $currentstring .= '>';
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $currentstring = $token->[4];
+                }
+            }
+            if (($url !~ m{^https?://}) && ($env{'request.course.id'})) {
+                my $docuri = &Apache::lonnet::hreflocation('',$env{'request.filename'});
+                my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+                my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+                if ($url =~ m{^([^/]|/uploaded/)}) {
+                    my $cleanhref = &clean_docs_httpref($url,$docuri,$cdom,$cnum);
+                    if ($cleanhref) {
+                        &Apache::lonxml::extlink($cleanhref);
+                    }
+                } elsif (($url =~ m{/res/$LONCAPA::domain_re/}) && ($docuri =~ m{^\Q/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/docs/\E})) {
+                    if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$url)) {
+                        if (&Apache::lonnet::is_on_map($url)) {
+                            &Apache::lonxml::extlink($url);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            $currentstring = $token->[4];
+        }
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -4355,6 +4100,12 @@ sub start_tbody {
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+    if ($target eq 'tex') {
+	# TODO: Ensure this tag is within a table:
+	my $table = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1];
+	$table->start_body();
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -4364,6 +4115,12 @@ sub end_tbody {
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];    
+    if($target eq 'tex') {
+	# TODO: Ensure this tag is within a table:
+	my $table = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1];
+	$table->end_body();
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -4374,6 +4131,11 @@ sub start_tfoot {
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+    if ($target eq 'tex') {
+        # TODO: ensure this is within a table tag.
+	my $table = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1];
+	$table->start_foot();
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -4383,6 +4145,11 @@ sub end_tfoot {
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];    
+    if ($target eq 'tex') {
+	#  TODO: Ensure this is in side a table 
+	my $table = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1];
+	$table->end_foot();
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -4393,6 +4160,11 @@ sub start_thead {
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[4];     
+    if ($target eq 'tex') {
+	# Assume we're in a table... TODO: Verify that and ignore tag if not.
+	my $table = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1];
+	$table->start_head();
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -4402,6 +4174,12 @@ sub end_thead {
     if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'webgrade') {
 	$currentstring = $token->[2];    
+    if ($target eq 'tex') {
+     	# TODO: Verify we are in a table and ignore tag if not.
+	my $table = $Apache::londefdef::table[-1];
+	$table->end_head();
+    }
     return $currentstring;
@@ -4517,10 +4295,10 @@ sub resize_image {
     } elsif ($TeXheight) {
-	$height_param = $TeXheight;
 	if ($height_param) {
 	    $width_param  = $TeXheight/$height_param*$width_param;
+	$height_param = $TeXheight;
     } elsif ($width) {
 	my $old_width_param=$width_param;
 	$width_param = $width*$scaling;
@@ -4584,8 +4362,8 @@ sub get_eps_image {
 	&Apache::lonnet::repcopy($orig_src); # Failure is not completely fatal.
     &Apache::lonxml::debug("get_eps_image: Original image: $orig_src");
-    my ($spath, $sname, $sext) = &fileparse($src, qr/\.(bmp|gif|png|jpg|jpeg)/i);
-    $src=~s/\.(bmp|gif|png|jpg|jpeg)$/\.eps/i;
+    my ($spath, $sname, $sext) = &fileparse($src, qr/\.(bmp|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|svg)/i);
+    $src=~s/\.(bmp|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|svg)$/\.eps/i;
     &Apache::lonxml::debug("Filelocation gives: $src");
     if (! -e $src) {
@@ -4604,15 +4382,15 @@ sub get_eps_image {
 		#if replication failed try to produce eps file dynamically
-		my $temp_file;
-		open(FILE,">>/home/httpd/prtspool/$env{'user.name'}_$env{'user.domain'}_printout.dat");
-		my $newsrc=$orig_src;
-		$newsrc =~ s|(.*)/res/|/home/httpd/html/res/|;
-		&Apache::lonxml::debug("queueing $newsrc for dynamic eps production.");
-		print FILE ("$newsrc\n");
-		close(FILE);
+		if (open(FILE,">>/home/httpd/prtspool/$env{'user.name'}_$env{'user.domain'}_printout.dat")) {
+		    my $newsrc=$orig_src;
+		    $newsrc =~ s|(.*)/res/|/home/httpd/html/res/|;
+		    &Apache::lonxml::debug("queueing $newsrc for dynamic eps production.");
+		    print FILE ("$newsrc\n");
+		    close(FILE);
+                }
-		$src=~s|/home/([^/]*)/public_html/|/home/httpd/prtspool/$1/|;
+		$src=~s|/home/httpd/html/priv/[^/]+/([^/]*)/|/home/httpd/prtspool/$1/|;
 		if ($sext ne "") {	 # Put the ext. back in to uniquify.
 		    $src =~ s/\.eps$/$sext.eps/;
@@ -4631,7 +4409,7 @@ sub get_eps_image {
 	print FILE "$src\n";
 	close FILE;
-	$src=~s|/home/([^/]*)/public_html/|/home/httpd/prtspool/$1/|;
+	$src=~s|/home/httpd/html/priv/[^/]+/([^/]*)/|/home/httpd/prtspool/$1/|;
     my ($path,$file)=($src=~m|(.*)/([^/]*)$|);
     $path =~ s/ /\_/g;
@@ -4643,12 +4421,14 @@ sub get_eps_image {
 sub eps_generation {
     my ($src,$file,$width_param) = @_;	     
     my $filename = "/home/httpd/prtspool/$env{'user.name'}_$env{'user.domain'}_printout.dat";
-    my $temp_file = Apache::File->new('>>'.$filename); 
-    print $temp_file "$src\n";
+    if (open(my $tmpfile,">>$filename")) { 
+        print $tmpfile "$src\n";
+        close($tmpfile);
+    }
     my $newsrc = $src;
     $newsrc =~ s/(\.bmp|\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg)$/\.eps/i;
-    $newsrc=~s{/home/($LONCAPA::username_re)/public_html/}{/$1/};
+    $newsrc=~s{/home/httpd/html/priv/[^/]+/($LONCAPA::username_re)/}{/$1/};
     if ($newsrc=~m{/home/httpd/lonUsers/}) {
@@ -4697,17 +4477,17 @@ sub LATEX_length {
     $garbage=~s/^\s+(\S.*)/$1/;#space before 
     $garbage=~s/(.*\S)\s+$/$1/;#space after 
     $garbage=~s/(\s)+/$1/;#only one space
-    $garbage=~s/(\\begin{([^\}]+)}|\\end{([^\}]+)})//g;#remove LaTeX \begin{...} and \end{...}
-    $garbage=~s/(\$\_\{|\$\_|\$\^{|\$\^|\}\$)//g;#remove $_{,$_,$^{,$^,}$
+    $garbage=~s/(\\begin\{([^\}]+)}|\\end\{([^\}]+)})//g;#remove LaTeX \begin{...} and \end{...}
+    $garbage=~s/(\$\_\{|\$\_|\$\^\{|\$\^|\}\$)//g;#remove $_{,$_,$^{,$^,}$
-    $garbage=~s/(\\ensuremath\{\_\{|\\ensuremath\{\_|\\ensuremath\{\^{|\\ensuremath\{\^|\})//g;#remove \ensuremath{...}
+    $garbage=~s/(\\ensuremath\{\_\{|\\ensuremath\{\_|\\ensuremath\{\^\{|\\ensuremath\{\^|\})//g;#remove \ensuremath{...}
-    $garbage=~s/(\\hat{([^}]+)}|\\check{([^}]+)}|\\dot{([^}]+)}|\\breve{([^}]+)}|\\acute{([^}]+)}|\\ddot{([^}]+)}|\\grave{([^}]+)}|\\tilde{([^}]+)}|\\mathring{([^}]+)}|\\bar{([^}]+)}|\\vec{([^}]+)})/$1/g;
+    $garbage=~s/(\\hat\{([^}]+)}|\\check\{([^}]+)}|\\dot\{([^}]+)}|\\breve\{([^}]+)}|\\acute\{([^}]+)}|\\ddot\{([^}]+)}|\\grave\{([^}]+)}|\\tilde\{([^}]+)}|\\mathring\{([^}]+)}|\\bar\{([^}]+)}|\\vec\{([^}]+)})/$1/g;
     #remove some other LaTeX command
@@ -4809,40 +4589,34 @@ sub latex_header {
 	($mode eq 'batchmode')) {$currentstring .='\batchmode';} 
     $currentstring .= '\newcommand{\keephidden}[1]{}'.
-	'\usepackage{multirow}'.
-	'\usepackage{longtable}'.
-	'\usepackage{textcomp}'.
-	'\usepackage{makeidx}'.
-	'\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}'.
-	'\usepackage{wrapfig}'.
-	'\usepackage{picins}'.
+	'\usepackage{multirow}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{longtable}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{textcomp}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{makeidx}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{wrapfig}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{picins}'."\n".
-	'\usepackage{pifont}' ."\n".
+	'\usepackage{pifont}'."\n".
-	'\usepackage{epsfig}'.
-	"\\usepackage{xtab}\n".
-	"\\usepackage{tabularx}\n".
-	"\\usepackage{booktabs}\n".
-	"\\usepackage{array}\n".
-	"\\usepackage{colortbl}\n".
-	"\\usepackage{xcolor}\n".
-	'\usepackage{calc}'.
-	'\usepackage{amsmath}'.
-    '\usepackage{soul}',
-	'\usepackage{amssymb}'.
-	'\usepackage{amsfonts}'.
-	'\usepackage{amsthm}'.
-	'\usepackage{amscd}'
-        .'\usepackage{picins}\usepackage{calc}'."\n". # From lonprintout.pm
-	'\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}'."\n".
-	'\usepackage{lmodern}'."\n".
-	'\usepackage[postscript]{ucs}'."\n".
-	'\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}'."\n".
-	'\usepackage{pifont}'  . "\n";
+	'\usepackage{epsfig}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{xtab}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{tabularx}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{booktabs}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{array}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{colortbl}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{xcolor}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{calc}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{amsmath}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{soul}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{amssymb}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{amsfonts}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{amsthm}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{amscd}'."\n".
+	'\usepackage{actuarialangle}'."\n";
     if($env{'form.pdfFormFields'} eq 'yes') {
 	$currentstring .= '\usepackage{hyperref}'.
@@ -4857,6 +4631,62 @@ sub latex_header {
+sub clean_docs_httpref {
+    my ($href,$docuri,$cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+    if ($docuri eq '') {
+        $docuri = &Apache::lonnet::hreflocation('',$env{'request.filename'});
+    }
+    if ($cdom eq '') {
+        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+    }
+    if ($cnum eq '') {
+        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+    }
+    my $cleanhref;
+    if ($docuri =~ m{^(\Q/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/\E(?:docs|supplemental)/)(.+/)[^/]+$}) {
+        my $prefix = $1;
+        my $relpath = $2;
+        my ($hrefpath,$fname);
+        if ($href =~ m{^/}) {
+            if ($href =~ m{^\Q$prefix\E(.+/)([^/]+)$}) {
+                $hrefpath = $1;
+                $fname = $2;
+            } else {
+                return $cleanhref;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ($href =~ m{/}) {  
+                (my $path,$fname) = ($href =~ m{^(.*)/([^/]*)$});
+                $hrefpath = $relpath.$path;
+                if ($path eq '') {
+                    $hrefpath =~ s{/$}{};
+                }
+            } else {
+                $fname = $href;
+                $hrefpath = $relpath;
+                $hrefpath =~ s{/$}{};
+            }
+        }
+        if ($fname ne '') {
+            my $cleanrelpath;
+            foreach my $dir (split(/\//,$hrefpath)) {
+                next if ($dir eq '.');
+                if ($dir eq '..') {
+                    $cleanrelpath =~ s{([^/]+/)$}{};
+                } else {
+                    $cleanrelpath .= $dir.'/';
+                }
+            }
+            if ($cleanrelpath ne '') {
+                $cleanhref = $prefix.$cleanrelpath.$fname;
+            } else {
+                $cleanhref = $prefix.$fname;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $cleanhref;
 =head1 NAME
@@ -4951,7 +4781,23 @@ described at http://www.lon-capa.org.
      	   I'm in a table....
+=item clean_docs_httpref($href,$docuri,$cdom,$cnum)
+        HTML pages uploaded to a course which contain dependencies either from iframes,
+        javascript files or objects (FlashPlayerSwf, MediaSrc, XMPSrc, ConfigurationSrc,
+        and PosterImageSrc) for which dependency is another file uploaded to the same
+        course.
+        Required input: 
+        href - dependency (either a relative URL, or an absolute URL)
+        Optional inputs:
+        docuri - URL of HTML page containing the dependency
+        cdom - Course domain
+        cnum - CourseID
+        Output:
+        returns an absolute URL constructed from the href provided, and the calling context.
+        (this will be null, if the URL does not begin: /uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/docs/ or
+        /uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/supplemental/).