--- loncom/xml/lonplot.pm 2012/07/04 11:06:57 1.157
+++ loncom/xml/lonplot.pm 2017/04/02 21:38:15 1.177
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Dynamic plot
-# $Id: lonplot.pm,v 1.157 2012/07/04 11:06:57 foxr Exp $
+# $Id: lonplot.pm,v 1.177 2017/04/02 21:38:15 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ BEGIN {
## align
## @labels: $labels[$i] = \%label
-## %label: text, xpos, ypos, justify
+## %label: text, xpos, ypos, justify, rotate, zlayer
## @curves: $curves[$i] = \%curve
## %curve: name, linestyle, ( function | data )
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ my %linetypes = # For png use these li
my %ps_linetypes = # For ps the line types are different!
- solid => 0,
+ solid => 1,
dashed => 7
@@ -132,13 +132,22 @@ my $real_test =
sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^[+-]?\d*\.?\d*([eE][+-]\d+)?$/};
my $pos_real_test =
sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^[+]?\d*\.?\d*([eE][+-]\d+)?$/};
-my $color_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^x[\da-fA-F]{6}$/};
+my $color_test;
+if ($version < 4.6) {
+ $color_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~s/^\#/x/;$_[0]=~/^x[\da-fA-F]{6}$/};
+} else {
+ $color_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~s/^x/#/;$_[0]=~/^\#[\da-fA-F]{6}$/};
my $onoff_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(on|off)$/};
my $key_pos_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(top|bottom|right|left|outside|below| )+$/};
my $sml_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(\d+|small|medium|large)$/};
my $linestyle_test = sub {exists($linestyles{$_[0]})};
my $words_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+/ /g;$_[0]=~/^([\w~!\@\#\$\%^&\*\(\)-=_\+\[\]\{\}:\;\'<>,\.\/\?\\]+ ?)+$/};
+my $arrowhead_test = sub{$_[0]=~/^(nohead|head|heads| )+$/};
+my $arrowstyle_test= sub{$_[0]=~/^(filled|empty|nofilled)+$/};
+my $degree_test = sub{&$pos_real_test($_[0]) && ($_[0] <= 360.0)};
## ##
## Attribute metadata ##
@@ -249,7 +258,7 @@ my %gnuplot_defaults =
test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(left|right|middle|center)$/},
description => 'Alignment for image in HTML',
edit_type => 'choice',
- choices => ['left','right','middle']
+ choices => ['left','right','middle','center']
texwidth => {
default => '93',
@@ -412,7 +421,14 @@ my %label_defaults =
description => 'Rotation of label (degrees)',
edit_type => 'entry',
size => '10',
- }
+ },
+ zlayer => {
+ default => '',
+ test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(front|back)$/},
+ description => 'Z position of label',
+ edit_type => 'choice',
+ choices => ['front','back'],
+ },
my @tic_edit_order = ('location','mirror','start','increment','end',
@@ -459,7 +475,13 @@ my %tic_defaults =
description => 'Number of minor tics per major tic mark',
edit_type => 'entry',
size => '10'
- },
+ },
+ rotate => {
+ default => 'off',
+ test => $onoff_test,
+ description => 'Rotate tic label by 90 degrees if on',
+ edit_type => 'onoff'
+ }
my @axis_edit_order = ('color','xmin','xmax','ymin','ymax','xformat', 'yformat', 'xzero', 'yzero');
@@ -533,7 +555,11 @@ my %axis_defaults =
-my @curve_edit_order = ('color','name','linestyle','linewidth','linetype','pointtype','pointsize','limit');
+my @curve_edit_order = ('color','name','linestyle','linewidth','linetype',
+ 'pointtype','pointsize','limit', 'arrowhead', 'arrowstyle',
+ 'arrowlength', 'arrowangle', 'arrowbackangle'
+ );
my %curve_defaults =
@@ -594,6 +620,43 @@ my %curve_defaults =
edit_type => 'choice',
choices => ['above', 'below', 'closed','x1','x2','y1','y2']
+ arrowhead => {
+ default => 'head',
+ test => $arrowhead_test,
+ description => 'Vector arrow head type',
+ edit_type => 'choice',
+ choices => ['nohead', 'head', 'heads']
+ },
+ arrowstyle => {
+ default => 'filled',
+ test => $arrowstyle_test,
+ description => 'Vector arrow head style',
+ edit_type => 'choice',
+ choices => ['filled', 'empty', 'nofilled']
+ },
+ arrowlength => {
+ default => 0.02,
+ test => $pos_real_test,
+ description => "Length of vector arrow (only applies to vector plots)",
+ edit_type => 'entry',
+ size => '5'
+ },
+ arrowangle => {
+ default => 10.0,
+ test => $degree_test,
+ description => 'Angle of arrow branches to arrow body (only applies to vector plots)',
+ edit_type => 'entry',
+ size => '5'
+ },
+ arrowbackangle => {
+ default => 90.0,
+ test => $degree_test,
+ descripton => 'Angle of arrow back lines to branches.',
+ edit_type => 'entry',
+ size => '5'
+ }
@@ -605,6 +668,8 @@ my %curve_defaults =
undef %Apache::lonplot::plot;
my (%key,%axis,$title,$xlabel,$ylabel,@labels,@curves,%xtics,%ytics);
+my $current_tics; # Reference to the current tick hash
sub start_gnuplot {
undef(%Apache::lonplot::plot); undef(%key); undef(%axis);
undef($title); undef($xlabel); undef($ylabel);
@@ -674,13 +739,19 @@ sub end_gnuplot {
$filename = &escape($filename);
## return image tag for the plot
if ($target eq 'web') {
- $result .= <<"ENDIMAGE";
+ my $srcatt = "src=\"/cgi-bin/plot.$weboutputformat?file=$filename.data\"";
+ my $widthatt = "width=\"$Apache::lonplot::plot{'width'}\"";
+ my $heightatt = "height=\"$Apache::lonplot::plot{'height'}\"";
+ my $alignatt = "align=\"$Apache::lonplot::plot{'align'}\"";
+ my $altatt = "alt=\"$Apache::lonplot::plot{'alttag'}\"";
+ if ($Apache::lonplot::plot{'align'} eq 'center') {
+ $result .= '
+ "
+ "
+ } else {
+ $result .= "
+ }
} elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
&Apache::lonxml::debug(" gnuplot wid = $Apache::lonplot::plot{'width'}");
&Apache::lonxml::debug(" gnuplot ht = $Apache::lonplot::plot{'height'}");
@@ -688,7 +759,13 @@ ENDIMAGE
$result = "%DYNAMICIMAGE:$Apache::lonplot::plot{'width'}:$Apache::lonplot::plot{'height'}:$Apache::lonplot::plot{'texwidth'}\n";
$result .= '\graphicspath{{'.$tmpdir.'}}'."\n";
+ if ($Apache::lonplot::plot{'align'} eq 'center') {
+ $result .= '\begin{center}';
+ }
$result .= '\includegraphics[width='.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'texwidth'}.' mm]{'.&unescape($filename).'.eps}';
+ if ($Apache::lonplot::plot{'align'} eq 'center') {
+ $result .= '\end{center}';
+ }
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
@@ -704,6 +781,8 @@ sub start_xtics {
if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') {
+ $current_tics = \%xtics;
+ &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::lonplot', 'tic');
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
$result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'xtics');
$result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%tic_defaults,
@@ -722,6 +801,7 @@ sub end_xtics {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result = '';
if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') {
+ &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::lonplot', 'tic');
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
@@ -735,6 +815,8 @@ sub start_ytics {
if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') {
+ $current_tics = \%ytics;
+ &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::lonplot', 'tic');
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
$result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'ytics');
$result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%tic_defaults,
@@ -753,12 +835,55 @@ sub end_ytics {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result = '';
if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') {
+ &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::lonplot', 'tic');
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
return $result;
+# Tic handling:
+# The tag allows users to specify exact Tic positions and labels
+# for each axis. In this version we only support level 0 tics (major tic).
+# Each tic has associated with it a position and a label
+# $current_tics is a reference to the current tick description hash.
+# We add elements to an array in that has: ticspecs whose elements
+# are 'pos' - the tick position and 'label' - the tic label.
+sub start_tic {
+ my ($target, $token, $tagstack, $parstack, $parser, $safeeval, $style) = @_;
+ my $result = '';
+ if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') {
+ my $tic_location = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('location', $parstack, $safeeval);
+ my $tic_label = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text('/tic', $parser);
+ # Tic location must e a real:
+ if (!&$real_test($tic_location)) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::warning("Tic location: $tic_location must be a real number");
+ } else {
+ if (!defined $current_tics->{'ticspecs'}) {
+ $current_tics->{'ticspecs'} = [];
+ }
+ my $ticspecs = $current_tics->{'ticspecs'};
+ push (@$ticspecs, {'pos' => $tic_location, 'label' => $tic_label});
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub end_tic {
+ return '';
my %font_properties =
@@ -1413,6 +1538,8 @@ sub start_function {
$function = &Apache::run::evaluate($function,$safeeval,$$parstack[-1]);
+ $function=~ s/^\s+//; # Trim leading
+ $function=~ s/\s+$//; # And trailing whitespace.
$curves[-1]->{'function'} = $function;
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
$result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Gnuplot compatible curve function');
@@ -1592,6 +1719,65 @@ sub get_attributes{
return ;
+# Generate tic mark specifications.
+# @param type - type of tics (xtics or ytics).
+# @param spec - Reference to a hash that contains the tic specification.
+# @param target - 'tex' if hard copy target.
+# @return string - the tic specification command.
+sub generate_tics {
+ my ($type, $spec, $target) = @_;
+ my $result = '';
+ if ((ref($spec) eq 'HASH') && (keys(%{$spec}) > 0)) {
+ # Major tics: - If there are 'ticspecs' these override any other
+ # specifications:
+ $result .= "set $type $spec->{'location'} ";
+ $result .= ($spec->{'mirror'} eq 'on') ? 'mirror ' : 'nomirror ';
+ if ($spec->{'rotate'} eq 'on') {
+ $result .= ' rotate ';
+ }
+ if (defined $spec->{'ticspecs'}) {
+ $result .= '( ';
+ my @ticspecs;
+ my $ticinfo = $spec->{'ticspecs'};
+ foreach my $tic (@$ticinfo) {
+ push(@ticspecs, '"' . $tic->{'label'} . '" ' . $tic->{'pos'} );
+ }
+ $result .= join(', ', (@ticspecs));
+ $result .= ' )';
+ } else {
+ $result .= "$spec->{'start'}, ";
+ $result .= "$spec->{'increment'}, ";
+ $result .= "$spec->{'end'} ";
+ }
+ if ($target eq 'tex' ) {
+ $result .= 'font "Helvetica,22"';
+ }
+ $result .= "\n";
+ # minor frequency:
+ if ($spec->{'minorfreq'} != 0) {
+ $result .= "set m$type $spec->{'minorfreq'}\n";
+ }
+ } elsif ($target eq 'tex' ) {
+ $result .= "set $type font " . '"Helvetica,22"' ."\n";
+ }
+ return $result;
##------------------------------------------------------- write_gnuplot_file
sub write_gnuplot_file {
@@ -1653,6 +1839,7 @@ sub write_gnuplot_file {
$gnuplot_input .= "set encoding iso_8859_1\n"; # Get access to extended font.
+ $gnuplot_input .= "set encoding utf8\n";
# cartesian or polar plot?
if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'plottype'}) eq 'polar') {
$gnuplot_input .= 'set polar'.$/;
@@ -1720,8 +1907,8 @@ sub write_gnuplot_file {
$gnuplot_input .= "set samples $Apache::lonplot::plot{'samples'}\n";
# title, xlabel, ylabel
# titles
- my $extra_space_x = ($xtics{'location'} eq 'axis') ? ' 0, -0.5 ' : '';
- my $extra_space_y = ($ytics{'location'} eq 'axis') ? ' -0.5, 0 ' : '';
+ my $extra_space_x = ($xtics{'location'} eq 'axis') ? ' offset 0, -0.5 ' : '';
+ my $extra_space_y = ($ytics{'location'} eq 'axis') ? ' offset -0.5, 0 ' : '';
if ($target eq 'tex') {
$gnuplot_input .= "set title \"$title\" font \"".$font_properties->{'printname'}.",".$fontsize."pt\"\n" if (defined($title)) ;
@@ -1733,42 +1920,10 @@ sub write_gnuplot_file {
$gnuplot_input .= "set ylabel \"$ylabel\" $extra_space_y \n" if (defined($ylabel));
# tics
- if (%xtics) {
- $gnuplot_input .= "set xtics $xtics{'location'} ";
- $gnuplot_input .= ( $xtics{'mirror'} eq 'on'?"mirror ":"nomirror ");
- $gnuplot_input .= "$xtics{'start'}, ";
- $gnuplot_input .= "$xtics{'increment'}, ";
- $gnuplot_input .= "$xtics{'end'} ";
- if ($target eq 'tex') {
- $gnuplot_input .= 'font "Helvetica,22"'; # Needed in iso 8859-1 enc.
- }
- $gnuplot_input .= "\n";
- if ($xtics{'minorfreq'} != 0) {
- $gnuplot_input .= "set mxtics ".$xtics{'minorfreq'}."\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($target eq 'tex') {
- $gnuplot_input .= 'set xtics font "Helvetica,22"'."\n"; # needed in iso 8859-1 enc
- }
- }
- if (%ytics) {
- $gnuplot_input .= "set ytics $ytics{'location'} ";
- $gnuplot_input .= ( $ytics{'mirror'} eq 'on'?"mirror ":"nomirror ");
- $gnuplot_input .= "$ytics{'start'}, ";
- $gnuplot_input .= "$ytics{'increment'}, ";
- $gnuplot_input .= "$ytics{'end'} ";
- if ($target eq 'tex') {
- $gnuplot_input .= 'font "Helvetica,22"'; # Needed in iso-8859-1 encoding.
- }
- $gnuplot_input .= "\n";
- if ($ytics{'minorfreq'} != 0) {
- $gnuplot_input .= "set mytics ".$ytics{'minorfreq'}."\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($target eq 'tex') {
- $gnuplot_input .= 'set ytics font "Helvetica,22"'."\n"; # Needed for iso 8859-1 enc.
- }
- }
+ $gnuplot_input .= &generate_tics('xtics', \%xtics, $target);
+ $gnuplot_input .= &generate_tics('ytics', \%ytics, $target);
# axis
if (%axis) {
if ($axis{'xformat'} ne 'on') {
@@ -1831,7 +1986,10 @@ sub write_gnuplot_file {
$gnuplot_input .= ' '.$label->{'justify'};
if ($target eq 'tex') {
- $gnuplot_input .=' font "'.$font_properties->{'printname'}.','.$fontsize.'pt"' ;
+ $gnuplot_input .=' font "'.$font_properties->{'printname'}.','.$fontsize.'pt"';
+ }
+ if (($label->{'zlayer'} eq 'front') || ($label->{'zlayer'} eq 'back')) {
+ $gnuplot_input .= ' '.$label->{'zlayer'};
$gnuplot_input .= $/;
@@ -1848,19 +2006,26 @@ sub write_gnuplot_file {
my $linestyle_index = 50;
my $line_width = '';
+ my $plots = '';
+ # If arrows are needed there will be an arrow style for each as well:
+ #
- my $plot_command;
- my $plot_type;
+ my $arrow_style_index = 50;
for (my $i = 0;$i<=$#curves;$i++) {
$curve = $curves[$i];
- $plot_command.= ', ' if ($i > 0);
+ my $plot_command = '';
+ my $plot_type = '';
+ if ($i > 0) {
+ $plot_type = ', ';
+ }
if ($target eq 'tex') {
$curve->{'linewidth'} *= 2;
$line_width = $curve->{'linewidth'};
if (exists($curve->{'function'})) {
- $plot_type =
+ $plot_type .=
$curve->{'function'}.' title "'.
$curve->{'name'}.'" with '.
@@ -1884,13 +2049,29 @@ sub write_gnuplot_file {
print $fh $datatext;
# generate gnuplot text
- $plot_type = '"'.$datafilename.'" title "'.
+ $plot_type .= '"'.$datafilename.'" title "'.
$curve->{'name'}.'" with '.
my $pointtype = '';
my $pointsize = '';
+ # Figure out the linestyle:
+ my $lt = $curve->{'linetype'} ne '' ? $curve->{'linetype'}
+ : 'solid'; # Line type defaults to solid.
+ # The mapping of lt -> the actual gnuplot line type depends on the target:
+ if ($target eq 'tex') {
+ $lt = $ps_linetypes{$lt};
+ } else {
+ $lt = $linetypes{$lt}
+ }
+ my $color = $curve->{'color'};
+ $color =~ s/^x/#/; # Convert xhex color -> #hex color.
if (($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'points') ||
($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'linespoints') ||
($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'errorbars') ||
@@ -1902,45 +2083,43 @@ sub write_gnuplot_file {
$pointsize =' pointsize '.$curve->{'pointsize'};
} elsif ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'filledcurves') {
$plot_command.= ' '.$curve->{'limit'};
- }
+ } elsif ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'vector') {
-#elsif ($curve->{'linetype'} ne '' &&
-# $curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'lines')
-# $plot_command.= ' linetype ';
-# $plot_command.= $linetypes{$curve->{'linetype'}};
-# $plot_command.= ' linecolor rgb "';
-# # convert color from xaaaaaa to #aaaaaa
-# $curve->{'color'} =~ s/^x/#/;
-# $plot_command.= $curve->{'color'}.'"';
-# }
+ # Create the arrow head style add it to
+ # $gnuplot_input..and ensure it gets
+ # Selected in the plot command.
- # Figure out the linestyle:
+ $gnuplot_input .= "set style arrow $arrow_style_index ";
+ $gnuplot_input .= ' ' . $curve->{'arrowhead'};
+ $gnuplot_input .= ' size ' . $curve->{'arrowlength'};
+ $gnuplot_input .= ','.$curve->{'arrowangle'};
+ $gnuplot_input .= ',' . $curve->{'arrowbackangle'};
+ $gnuplot_input .= ' ' . $curve->{'arrowstyle'} . " ls $linestyle_index\n";
- my $lt = $curve->{'linetype'} ne '' ? $curve->{'linetype'}
- : 'solid'; # Line type defaults to solid.
- # The mapping of lt -> the actual gnuplot line type depends on the target:
- if ($target eq 'tex') {
- $lt = $ps_linetypes{$lt};
- } else {
- $lt = $linetypes{$lt}
+ $plot_command .= " arrowstyle $arrow_style_index ";
+ $arrow_style_index++;
- my $color = $curve->{'color'};
- $color =~ s/^x/#/; # Convert xhex color -> #hex color.
+ my $style_command = "set style line $linestyle_index $pointtype $pointsize linetype $lt linewidth $line_width lc rgb '$color'\n";
+ $gnuplot_input .= $style_command;
- my $style_command = "set style line $linestyle_index $pointtype $pointsize linetype $lt linewidth $line_width lc rgb '$color'\n";
- $gnuplot_input .= $style_command;
+ # The condition below is because gnuplot lumps the linestyle in with the
+ # arrowstyle _sigh_.
- $plot_command.= " ls $linestyle_index";
- $gnuplot_input .= 'plot ' . $plot_type . ' ' . $plot_command . "\n";
+ if ($curve->{'linestyle'} ne 'vector') {
+ $plot_command.= " ls $linestyle_index";
+ }
+ $plots .= $plot_type . ' ' . $plot_command;
$linestyle_index++; # Each curve get a unique linestyle.
+ $gnuplot_input .= 'plot '.$plots;
# Write the output to a file.
- open (my $fh,">$tmpdir$filename.data");
- binmode($fh, ":utf8");
+ # &Apache::lonnet::logthis($gnuplot_input); # uncomment to log the gnuplot input.
+ open (my $fh, "> $tmpdir$filename.data");
+ binmode($fh, ':utf8');
print $fh $gnuplot_input;
# That's all folks.