--- loncom/xml/lonplot.pm 2001/12/19 22:14:20 1.9
+++ loncom/xml/lonplot.pm 2001/12/21 16:59:01 1.14
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Dynamic plot
-# $Id: lonplot.pm,v 1.9 2001/12/19 22:14:20 matthew Exp $
+# $Id: lonplot.pm,v 1.14 2001/12/21 16:59:01 matthew Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -26,73 +26,99 @@
# http://www.lon-capa.org/
# 12/15/01 Matthew
-# 12/18 Matthew
+# 12/17 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21 Matthew
package Apache::lonplot;
use strict;
+use Apache::File;
use Apache::response;
use Apache::lonxml;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
sub BEGIN {
+## Description of data structures:
+## %plot %key %axis
+## --------------------------
+## height title color
+## width box xmin
+## bgcolor pos xmax
+## fgcolor ymin
+## transparent ymax
+## grid
+## border
+## font
+## @labels: $labels[$i] = \%label
+## %label: text, xpos, ypos, justify
+## @curves: $curves[$i] = \%curve
+## %curve: name, linestyle, ( function | data )
+## $curves[$i]->{'data'} = [ [x1,x2,x3,x4],
+## [y1,y2,y3,y4] ]
## Tests used in checking the validitity of input
-my $int_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^\d+$/};
-my $real_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^[+-]?\d*\.?\d*$/};
-my $color_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^x[\da-f]{6}$/};
+my $int_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^\d+$/};
+my $real_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^[+-]?\d*\.?\d*$/};
+my $color_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^x[\da-f]{6}$/};
my $onoff_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(on|off)$/};
my $key_pos_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(top|bottom|right|left|outside|below)+$/};
my $sml_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(small|medium|large)$/};
my $linestyle_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(lines|linespoints|dots|points|steps)$/};
-my $words_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^((\w+\b*)+$/};
+my $words_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+/ /g;$_[0]=~/^(\w+ ?)+$/};
## Default values for attributes of elements
my %plot_defaults =
- height => {default => 200, test => $int_test },
- width => {default => 200, test => $int_test },
- bgcolor => {default => 'xffffff', test => $color_test},
- fgcolor => {default => 'x000000', test => $color_test},
- transparent => {default => 'off', test => $onoff_test},
- grid => {default => 'off', test => $onoff_test},
- border => {default => 'on', test => $onoff_test},
- font => {default => 'medium', test => $sml_test }
+ height => {default => 200, test => $int_test },
+ width => {default => 200, test => $int_test },
+ bgcolor => {default => 'xffffff', test => $color_test },
+ fgcolor => {default => 'x000000', test => $color_test },
+ transparent => {default => 'off', test => $onoff_test },
+ grid => {default => 'off', test => $onoff_test },
+ border => {default => 'on', test => $onoff_test },
+ font => {default => 'medium', test => $sml_test }
my %key_defaults =
- title => { default => '', test => $words_test },
- box => { default => 'off', test => $onoff_test },
- pos => { default => 'top right', test => $key_pos_test}
+ title => { default => '', test => $words_test },
+ box => { default => 'off', test => $onoff_test },
+ pos => { default => 'top right', test => $key_pos_test }
my %label_defaults =
- xpos => {default => 0, test => $real_test },
- ypos => {default => 0, test => $real_test },
+ xpos => {default => 0, test => $real_test },
+ ypos => {default => 0, test => $real_test },
justify => {default => 'left',
- test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(left|right|center)$/}}
+ test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(left|right|center)$/} }
my %axis_defaults =
color => {default => 'x000000', test => $color_test},
-# thickness => {default => 1, test => $int_test },
- xmin => {default => -10.0, test => $real_test },
- xmax => {default => 10.0, test => $real_test },
- ymin => {default => -10.0, test => $real_test },
- ymax => {default => 10.0, test => $real_test }
+ xmin => {default => '-10.0', test => $real_test },
+ xmax => {default => ' 10.0', test => $real_test },
+ ymin => {default => '-10.0', test => $real_test },
+ ymax => {default => ' 10.0', test => $real_test }
my %curve_defaults =
- color => {default => 'x000000', test => $color_test },
- name => {default => 'x000000', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^[\w ]*$/} },
- linestyle => {default => 'lines', test => $linestyle_test }
+ color => {default => 'x000000', test => $color_test },
+ name => {default => '', test => $words_test },
+ linestyle => {default => 'lines', test => $linestyle_test }
@@ -101,13 +127,13 @@ my %curve_defaults =
my (%plot,%key,%axis,$title,$xlabel,$ylabel,@labels,@curves);
sub start_plot {
- %plot = ''; %key=''; %axis='';
- $title=''; $xlabel=''; $ylabel='';
- @labels = ''; @curves='';
+ %plot = undef; %key = undef; %axis = undef;
+ $title = undef; $xlabel = undef; $ylabel = undef;
+ $#labels = -1; $#curves = -1;
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result='';
- &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::plot',
+ &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::lonplot',
push (@Apache::lonxml::namespace,'plot');
## Always evaluate the insides of the tags
@@ -115,7 +141,8 @@ sub start_plot {
- &get_attributes(\%plot,\%plot_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,'plot');
+ &get_attributes(\%plot,\%plot_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,
+ $tagstack->[-1]);
if ($target eq 'web') {
return '';
@@ -128,18 +155,40 @@ sub end_plot {
my $result = '';
if ($target eq 'web') {
- ## Determine filename -- Need to use the 'id' thingy that Gerd
- ## mentioned.
+ ##
+ ## Make sure we have all the input we need:
+ if (! defined(%plot )) { &set_defaults(\%plot,\%plot_defaults); }
+ if (! defined(%key )) {} # No key for this plot
+ if (! defined(%axis )) { &set_defaults(\%axis,\%axis_defaults); }
+ if (! defined($title )) {} # No title for this plot
+ if (! defined($xlabel)) {} # No xlabel for this plot
+ if (! defined($ylabel)) {} # No ylabel for this plot
+ if ($#labels < 0) { } # No labels for this plot
+ if ($#curves < 0) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::warning("No curves specified for plot!!!!");
+ return '';
+ }
+ my $curve;
+ foreach $curve (@curves) {
+ if (!defined($curve->{'function'})&&!defined($curve->{'data'})){
+ &Apache::lonxml::warning("One of the curves specified did not contain any or declarations\n");
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ ##
+ ## Determine filename
my $tmpdir = '/home/httpd/perl/tmp/';
- my $filename = $tmpdir.$ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.
- '_plot.data';
- my $usersees=md5_base64($filename.'_'.$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'});
+ my $filename = $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.
+ '_'.time.'_'.$$.'_plot.data';
## Write the plot description to the file
- my $fh=&Apache::File->new('/home/httpd/perl/tmp/'.$realname);
- &write_gnuplot_file($fh);
+ my $fh=Apache::File->new(">$tmpdir$filename");
+ print $fh &write_gnuplot_file();
+ close($fh);
## return image tag for the plot
- $result = '
return $result;
@@ -148,7 +197,8 @@ sub end_plot {
sub start_key {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result='';
- &get_attributes(\%key,\%key_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,$tagstack);
+ &get_attributes(\%key,\%key_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,
+ $tagstack->[-1]);
if ($target eq 'web') {
# This routine should never return anything.
@@ -225,8 +275,13 @@ sub start_label {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result='';
my %label;
- &get_attributes($label,\%label_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,$tagstack);
- $label->{'text'} = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/label",$$parser[-1]);
+ &get_attributes(\%label,\%label_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,
+ $tagstack->[-1]);
+ $label{'text'} = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/label",$$parser[-1]);
+ if (! &$words_test($label{'text'})) {
+ # I should probably warn about it, too.
+ $label{'text'} = 'Illegal text';
+ }
if ($target eq 'web') {
# This routine should never return anything.
@@ -248,8 +303,9 @@ sub start_curve {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result='';
my %curve;
- &get_attributes($curve,\%curve_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,$tagstack);
- push (@curves,$curve);
+ &get_attributes(\%curve,\%curve_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,
+ $tagstack->[-1]);
+ push (@curves,\%curve);
push (@Apache::lonxml::namespace,'curve');
if ($target eq 'web') {
@@ -272,9 +328,9 @@ sub end_curve {
sub start_function {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result='';
- if (exists($curves[-1]->{'data'}) {
+ if (exists($curves[-1]->{'data'})) {
&Apache::lonxml::warning('Use of precludes use of . The will be omitted in favor of the declaration.');
- delete($curves[-1]->{'data'});
+ delete $curves[-1]->{'data'} ;
$curves[-1]->{'function'} =
@@ -297,12 +353,14 @@ sub start_data {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result='';
if (exists($curves[-1]->{'function'})) {
- &Apache::lonxml::warning('Use of precludes use of . The will be omitted in favor of the declaration.');
+ &Apache::lonxml::warning('Use of precludes use of .'.
+ ' The will be omitted in favor of the '.
+ ' declaration.');
my $datatext = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/data",$$parser[-1]);
- $datatext =~ s/(\s+$|^\s+)//g;
- $datatext =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $datatext =~ s/\s+//g; # No whitespace, numbers must be seperated
+ # by commas
if ($datatext !~ /^(([+-]?\d*\.?\d*)[, ]?)+$/) {
&Apache::lonxml::warning('Malformed data: '.$datatext);
$datatext = '';
@@ -310,8 +368,14 @@ sub start_data {
# Need to do some error checking on the @data array -
# make sure it's all numbers and make sure each array
# is of the same length.
- my @data = split /[, ]/,$datatext;
- push( @{$curves[-1]->{'data'}},\@data;
+ my @data = split /,/,$datatext;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$#data;$i++) {
+ # Check that it's non-empty
+ # Check that it's a number
+ # Maybe I need a 'debug=on' switch to list the data set
+ # out in a warning?
+ }
+ push @{$curves[-1]->{'data'}},\@data;
if ($target eq 'web') {
# This routine should never return anything.
@@ -331,7 +395,8 @@ sub end_data {
sub start_axis {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
my $result='';
- &get_attributes(\%axis,\%label_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,$tagstack);
+ &get_attributes(\%axis,\%axis_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,
+ $tagstack->[-1]);
if ($target eq 'web') {
# This routine should never return anything.
@@ -347,82 +412,88 @@ sub end_axis {
return $result;
+##----------------------------------------------------------- set_defaults
+sub set_defaults {
+ my $var = shift;
+ my $defaults = shift;
+ my $key;
+ foreach $key (keys %$defaults) {
+ $var->{$key} = $defaults->{$key}->{'default'};
+ }
##------------------------------------------------------------------- misc
sub get_attributes{
- %values = %{shift};
- %defaults = %{shift};
- $parstack = shift;
- $safeeval = shift;
- $tag = shift;
+ my $values = shift;
+ my $defaults = shift;
+ my $parstack = shift;
+ my $safeeval = shift;
+ my $tag = shift;
my $attr;
- foreach $attr (keys %defaults) {
- $values{$attr} = &Apache::lonxml::get_param($attr,$parstack,$safeeval);
- if ($values{$attr} eq '' | !defined($values{$attr})) {
- $values{$attr} = $defaults{$attr};
+ foreach $attr (keys %{$defaults}) {
+ $values->{$attr} =
+ &Apache::lonxml::get_param($attr,$parstack,$safeeval);
+ if ($values->{$attr} eq '' | !defined($values->{$attr})) {
+ $values->{$attr} = $defaults->{$attr}->{'default'};
- my $test = $defaults{$attr}->{'test'};
- if (! &$test($values{$attr})) {
+ my $test = $defaults->{$attr}->{'test'};
+ if (! &$test($values->{$attr})) {
($tag.':'.$attr.': Bad value.'.'Replacing your value with : '
- .$defaults{$attr} );
- $values{$attr} = $defaults{$attr};
+ .$defaults->{$attr}->{'default'} );
+ $values->{$attr} = $defaults->{$attr}->{'default'};
+ }
return ;
sub write_gnuplot_file {
- my $fh = shift;
my $gnuplot_input = '';
+ my $curve;
# Collect all the colors
my @Colors;
push @Colors, $plot{'bgcolor'};
push @Colors, $plot{'fgcolor'};
- push @Colors, $axis{'color'};
- push @Colors, $axis{'color'};
+ push @Colors, (defined($axis{'color'})?$axis{'color'}:$plot{'fgcolor'});
+ push @Colors, $Colors[-1]; # Redundancy
foreach $curve (@curves) {
push @Colors, ($curve->{'color'} ne '' ?
$curve->{'color'} :
- $plot{'fgcolor'} );
+ $plot{'fgcolor'} );
# set term
$gnuplot_input .= 'set term gif ';
$gnuplot_input .= 'transparent ' if ($plot{'transparent'} eq 'on');
$gnuplot_input .= $plot{'font'} . ' ';
- $gnuplot_input .= 'size ' . $plot{'width'} . ',';
- $gnuplot_input .= $plot{'height'} . ' ';
+ $gnuplot_input .= 'size '.$plot{'width'}.','.$plot{'height'}.' ';
$gnuplot_input .= "@Colors\n";
# grid
- $gnuplot_input .= ($plot{'grid'} eq 'on' ?
- 'set grid'.$/ :
- '' );
+ $gnuplot_input .= 'set grid'.$/ if ($plot{'grid'} eq 'on');
# border
$gnuplot_input .= ($plot{'border'} eq 'on'?
'set border'.$/ :
'set noborder'.$/ ); # title, xlabel, ylabel
- {
- $gnuplot_input .= <<"ENDLABELS";
-set output "tmp.gif"
-set title "$title"
-set xlabel "$xlabel"
-set ylabel "$ylabel"
-set xrange \[$axis{'xmin'}:$axis{'xmax'}\]
-set yrange \[$axis{'ymin'}:$axis{'ymax'}\]
+ $gnuplot_input .= "set output\n";
+ $gnuplot_input .= "set title \"$title\"\n" if (defined($title)) ;
+ $gnuplot_input .= "set xlabel \"$xlabel\"\n" if (defined($xlabel));
+ $gnuplot_input .= "set ylabel \"$ylabel\"\n" if (defined($ylabel));
+ if (defined(%axis)) {
+ $gnuplot_input .= "set xrange \[$axis{'xmin'}:$axis{'xmax'}\]\n";
+ $gnuplot_input .= "set yrange \[$axis{'ymin'}:$axis{'ymax'}\]\n";
# Key
- if (defined($key{'pos'})) {
+ if (defined(%key)) {
$gnuplot_input .= 'set key '.$key{'pos'}.' ';
- $gnuplot_input .= ($key{'box'} eq 'on' ? 'box ' : 'nobox ');
if ($key{'title'} ne '') {
- $gnuplot_input .= 'title "'.$key{'title'}.'"'.$/;
- } else {
- $gnuplot_input .= $/;
- }
+ $gnuplot_input .= 'title "'.$key{'title'}.'" ';
+ }
+ $gnuplot_input .= ($key{'box'} eq 'on' ? 'box ' : 'nobox ').$/;
} else {
$gnuplot_input .= 'set nokey'.$/;
- }
+ }
# labels
+ my $label;
foreach $label (@labels) {
$gnuplot_input .= 'set label "'.$label->{'text'}.'" at '.
$label->{'xpos'}.','.$label->{'ypos'}.' '.$label->{'justify'}.$/ ;
@@ -445,6 +516,7 @@ ENDLABELS
my @Data = @{$curve->{'data'}};
my @Data0 = @{$Data[0]};
for (my $i =0; $i<=$#Data0; $i++) {
+ my $dataset;
foreach $dataset (@Data) {
$datatext .= $dataset->[$i] . ' ';
@@ -454,7 +526,7 @@ ENDLABELS
$gnuplot_input .= $/.$datatext;
- print $fh $gnuplot_input;
+ return $gnuplot_input;