--- loncom/xml/lontable.pm 2008/11/24 11:56:53 1.1
+++ loncom/xml/lontable.pm 2008/12/01 12:25:06 1.3
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Generating TeX tables.
-# $Id: lontable.pm,v 1.1 2008/11/24 11:56:53 foxr Exp $
+# $Id: lontable.pm,v 1.3 2008/12/01 12:25:06 foxr Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -77,11 +77,6 @@ Opens a new table row.
Closes a table row.
-=item start_header
-Starts a new row that has the header attribute (e.g.
tagged row).
-header rows are ended with an end_row just like any ordinary row.
=item configure_row
Modifies a configuration item in the currently open row.
@@ -94,6 +89,10 @@ Returns the generated table string.
Configures a table's global configuration.
+=item add_cell
+Add and configure a cell to the current row.6
@@ -181,15 +180,9 @@ Each row of table data is an element of
=over 3
-=item is_header
-True if the user wants to format this row like a header. This row will be used to generate
-the table header. All header rows will be gathered together into the table header. If there
-are multiple table headers interspersed with non table header data, this can lead to some
=item default_halign
Default horizontal alignment for cells in this row.
=item default_valign
@@ -203,6 +196,11 @@ The contents of each element of this has
=over 3
+=item header
+If present, the row is a 'header' that is it was made via the
+ | tag.
=item halign
If present, overrides the row default horizontal alignment.
@@ -239,7 +237,7 @@ sub new {
my $self = {
alignment => "left",
outer_border => 0,
- inner_borders => 0,
+ inner_border => 0,
caption => "",
theme => "Zurich",
column_count => 0,
@@ -256,11 +254,364 @@ sub new {
return $self;
# Methods that get/set table global configuration.
+=head2 Gets/set alignment.
+If the method is passed a new alignment value, that replaces the current one.
+Regardless, the current alignment is used:
+=head3 Examples:
+ my $align = $table->alignment(); # Return current alignment
+ $table->alignment("center"); # Attempt centered alignment.
+sub alignment {
+ my ($self, $new_value) = @_;
+ if (defined($new_value)) {
+ $self->{alignment} = $new_value;
+ }
+ return $self->{alignment};
+=head2 table_border
+Set or get the presence of an outer border in the table.
+If passed a parameter, that parameter replaces the current request
+for or not for an outer border. Regardless, the function returns
+the final value of the outer_border request.
+=head3 Examples:
+ $table->table_border(1); # Request an outer border.
+ my $outer_requested = $table->table_border();
+sub table_border {
+ my ($self, $new_value) = @_;
+ if (defined($new_value)) {
+ $self->{outer_border} = $new_value;
+ }
+ return $self->{outer_border};
+=head2 cell_border
+Set or get the presence of a request for cells to have borders
+drawn around them. If a paramter is passed, it will be treated as
+a new value for the cell border configuration. Regardless,the final
+value of that configuration parameter is returned.
+=head3 Examples:
+ my $cell_borders = $table->cell_border(); # ask if cell borders are requested.
+ $table->cell_border(1); # Request cell borders.
+sub cell_borders {
+ my ($self, $new_value) = @_;
+ if (defined($new_value)) {
+ $self->{inner_border} = $new_value;
+ }
+ reurn $self->{inner_border};
+=head2 caption
+Gets and/or sets the caption string for the table. The caption string appears to label
+the table. If a parameter is supplied it will become the new caption string.k
+=head3 Examples:
+ $my caption = $table->caption();
+ $table->caption("This is the new table caption");
+sub caption {
+ my ($self, $new_value) = @_;
+ if (defined($new_value)) {
+ $self->catpion = $new_value;
+ }
+ return $self->caption;
+=head2 theme
+Gets and optionally sets the table theme. The table theme describes how the
+table will be typset by the table package. If a parameter is supplied it
+will be the new theme selection.
+=head3 Examples:
+ my $theme = $table->theme();
+ $table->theme("Dresden");
+sub theme {
+ my ($self, $new_value) = @_;
+ if (defined($new_value)) {
+ $self->theme = $new_value;
+ }
+ return $self->theme;
+=head2 start_row
+Begins a new row in the table. If a row is already open, that row is
+closed off prior to starting the new row. Rows can have the following attributes
+which are specified by an optional hash passed in to this function.
+=over 3
+=item default_halign
+The default horizontal alignment of the row. This can be "left", "center", or "right"
+=item default_valign
+The default vertical alignment of the row. This can be "top", "center", or "bottom"
+=head3 Examples:
+ $table_start_row(); # no attributes.
+ $table_start({default_halign => "center",
+ default_valign => "bottom"}); # Create setting the attrbutes.
+sub start_row {
+ my ($self, %config) = @_;
+ if ($self->row_open) {
+ $self->end_row;
+ }
+ my $row_hash = {
+ default_halign => "left",
+ default_valign => "top",
+ cells => []
+ };
+ # Override the defaults if the config hash is present:
+ if (defined(%config)) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %config) {
+ $row_hash->{$key} = $config{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ my $rows = $self->{rows};
+ push(@$rows, $row_hash);
+ $self->row_open = 1; # Row is now open and ready for business.
+=head2 end_row
+Closes off a row. Once closed, cells cannot be added to this row again.
+=head3 Examples:
+ $table->close_row();
+sub close_row {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ if ($self->row_open) {
+ # Mostly we need to determine if this row has the maximum
+ # cell count of any row in existence in the table:
+ my $row = $self->{rows}[-1];
+ my $cells = $row->{cells};
+ my $raw_cell_count = scalar(@$cells);
+ # Need to iterate through the columns as
+ # colspans affect the count:
+ #
+ my $cell_count = 0;
+ for (my $i =0; $i < $raw_cell_count; $i++) {
+ $cell_count = $cell_count + $cells->[$i]->{colspan};
+ }
+ if ($cell_count > $self->{column_count}) {
+ $self->{column_count} = $cell_count;
+ }
+ $self->row_closed;
+ }
+=head2 configure_row
+Modify the configuration of a row. If a row is not open, a new one will be opened.
+=head3 Parameters:
+config_hash - A hash that contains new values for the set of row confiuguration
+items to be modified. There is currently no check/penalty for items that are not in
+the set of defined configuration properties which are:
+=over 2
+=item default_halign
+The default horizontal alignment for text in cells in the row. This can be any of:
+"left", "right" or "center".
+=item default_valign
+The default vertical alignment for text in cells in the row. This can be any of:
+"top", "bottom" or "center"
+sub configure_row {
+ my ($self, $config) = @_;
+ if (!$self->row_open) {
+ $self->start_row();
+ }
+ my $row = $self->{rows}[-1];
+ foreach my $config_item (keys %$config) {
+ $row->{$config_item} = $config->{$config_item};
+ }
+=head2 add_cell
+Add a new cell to a row. If there is a row above us, we need to
+watch out for row spans that may force additional blank cell entries
+to fill in the span.
+=head3 Parameters:
+=over 2
+=item text
+Text to put in the cell.
+=item cell_config
+Hash of configuration options that override the defaults. The recognized options,
+and their defaults are:
+=over 2
+=item halign
+If nonblank overrides the row's default for the cell's horizontal alignment.
+=item valign
+If nonblank, overrides the row's default for the cdell's vertical alignment.
+=item rowspan
+Number of rows the cell spans.
+=item colspan
+Number of columns the cell spans.
+sub add_cell {
+ my ($self, $text, $config) = @_;
+ # If a row is not open, we must open it:
+ if (!$self->row_open) {
+ $self->start_row();
+ }
+ my $current_row = $self->{rows}->[-1];
+ my $current_cells = $current_row->{cells};
+ # The way we handle row spans is to insert additional
+ # blank cells as needed to reach this column. Each
+ # cell that is inserted is empty, but has a row span decreased by one
+ # from the row above. Column spans are propagated down from the row above
+ # and handled when the table's LaTeX is generated.
+ # There must be at least two rows in the row table to need to do this:
+ my $row_count = scalar(@$self->{rows});
+ if ($row_count > 1) {
+ my $prior_row = $self->{rows}->[-2];
+ my $curr_colcount = scaler(@$current_row->{cells});
+ my $prior_colcount = scaler(@$prior_row->{cells});
+ while (($curr_colcount < $prior_colcount) &&
+ $prior_row->{cells}->[$curr_colcount]->{rowspan} > 1) {
+ my %cell = $prior_row->{cells}->[$curr_colcount];
+ %cell->{rowspan}--;
+ %cell->{contents} = "";
+ push(@$current_cells, \%cell);
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Now we're ready to build up our cell:
+ my $cell = {
+ rowspan => 1,
+ colspan => 1,
+ contents => $text
+ };
+ if (defined($config)) {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$config)) {
+ $cell->{$key} = $config->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ push(@$current_cells, $cell);
# Mandatory initialization.