--- loncom/xml/lonxml.pm 2006/12/20 22:51:27 1.433
+++ loncom/xml/lonxml.pm 2007/04/07 00:04:40 1.442
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# XML Parser Module
-# $Id: lonxml.pm,v 1.433 2006/12/20 22:51:27 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: lonxml.pm,v 1.442 2007/04/07 00:04:40 albertel Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -550,7 +550,6 @@ sub callsub {
my $deleted=0;
- $Apache::lonxml::curdepth=join('_',@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
if (($token->[0] eq 'S') && ($target eq 'modified')) {
@@ -586,17 +585,23 @@ sub callsub {
} elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
$currentstring = &Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token);
- } elsif ($target eq 'modified') {
+ }
+ }
+ if ($target eq 'modified' && $nodefault eq '') {
+ if ($currentstring eq '') {
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ $currentstring = $token->[4];
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
+ $currentstring = $token->[2];
+ } else {
+ $currentstring = $token->[2];
+ }
+ }
if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
- $currentstring = $token->[4];
} elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
- $currentstring = $token->[2];
- } else {
- $currentstring = $token->[2];
- }
use strict 'refs';
@@ -902,51 +907,50 @@ sub end_tag {
sub initdepth {
- $Apache::lonxml::depth=-1;
- $Apache::lonxml::olddepth=-1;
+ undef($Apache::lonxml::last_depth_count);
my @timers;
my $lasttime;
+# @Apache::lonxml::depthcounter -> count of tags that exist so
+# far at each level
+# $Apache::lonxml::last_depth_count -> when ascending, need to
+# remember the count for the level below the current level (for
+# example going from 1_2 -> 1 -> 1_3 need to remember the 2 )
sub increasedepth {
my ($token) = @_;
- $Apache::lonxml::depth++;
- $Apache::lonxml::depthcounter[$Apache::lonxml::depth]++;
- if ($Apache::lonxml::depthcounter[$Apache::lonxml::depth]==1) {
- $Apache::lonxml::olddepth=$Apache::lonxml::depth;
- }
+ push(@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter,$Apache::lonxml::last_depth_count+1);
+ undef($Apache::lonxml::last_depth_count);
my $time;
if ($Apache::lonxml::debug eq "1") {
- my $spacing=' 'x($Apache::lonxml::depth-1);
- my $curdepth=join('_',@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
- &Apache::lonxml::debug("s$spacing$Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $curdepth : $token->[1] : $time : \n");
+ my $spacing=' 'x($#Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
+ $Apache::lonxml::curdepth=join('_',@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
+# &Apache::lonxml::debug("s$spacing$Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $Apache::lonxml::curdepth : $token->[1] : $time");
#print "
s $Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $curdepth : $token->[1]\n";
sub decreasedepth {
my ($token) = @_;
- $Apache::lonxml::depth--;
- if ($Apache::lonxml::depth<$Apache::lonxml::olddepth-1) {
- $#Apache::lonxml::depthcounter--;
- $Apache::lonxml::olddepth=$Apache::lonxml::depth+1;
- }
- if ( $Apache::lonxml::depth < -1) {
- &Apache::lonxml::warning(&mt("Missing tags, unable to properly run file."));
- $Apache::lonxml::depth='-1';
+ if ( $#Apache::lonxml::depthcounter == -1) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::warning(&mt("Missing tags, unable to properly run file."));
+ $Apache::lonxml::last_depth_count = pop(@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
my ($timer,$time);
if ($Apache::lonxml::debug eq "1") {
- my $spacing=' 'x$Apache::lonxml::depth;
- my $curdepth=join('_',@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
- &Apache::lonxml::debug("e$spacing$Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $curdepth : $token->[1] : $time : ".&tv_interval($timer)."\n");
+ my $spacing=' 'x($#Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
+ $Apache::lonxml::curdepth = join('_',@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
+# &Apache::lonxml::debug("e$spacing$Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $Apache::lonxml::curdepth : $token->[1] : $time : ".&tv_interval($timer));
#print "
e $Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $token->[1] : $curdepth\n";
@@ -1466,7 +1470,6 @@ ENDNOTFOUND
- &Apache::lonnet::logthis("edit mode is ".$env{'form.editmode'});
if (!$env{'form.editmode'} || $env{'form.viewmode'} || $env{'form.discardview'}) {
$result = &Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($request,$target,$filecontents,
@@ -1570,8 +1573,9 @@ sub error {
if ( $symb && $env{'request.course.id'} ) {
my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
- my (undef,%users)=&Apache::lonfeedback::decide_receiver(undef,0,1,1,1);
+ my (undef,%users)=&Apache::lonmsg::decide_receiver(undef,0,1,1,1);
my $declutter=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
+ my $baseurl = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($declutter);
my @userlist;
foreach (keys %users) {
my ($user,$domain) = split(/:/, $_);
@@ -1582,8 +1586,11 @@ sub error {
my $now=time;
if ($now-$lastnotified{$key}>86400) {
+ my $title = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb);
+ my $sentmessage;
- "Error [$declutter]",$msg);
+ "Error [$title]",$msg,'',$baseurl,'','',
+ \$sentmessage,$symb,$title,1);
{$key => $now},
@@ -1691,7 +1698,7 @@ sub get_param_var {
-sub register_insert {
+sub register_insert_tab {
my @data = split /\n/, &Apache::lonnet::getfile('/home/httpd/lonTabs/insertlist.tab');
my $i;
my $tagnum=0;
@@ -1703,13 +1710,13 @@ sub register_insert {
my ($tag,$descrip,$color,$function,$show,$helpfile,$helpdesc) = split(/,/, $line);
if ($tag) {
$insertlist{"$tagnum.tag"} = $tag;
- $insertlist{"$tagnum.description"} = $descrip;
- $insertlist{"$tagnum.color"} = $color;
- $insertlist{"$tagnum.function"} = $function;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.description"} = $descrip;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.color"} = $color;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.function"} = $function;
if (!defined($show)) { $show='yes'; }
- $insertlist{"$tagnum.show"}= $show;
- $insertlist{"$tagnum.helpfile"} = $helpfile;
- $insertlist{"$tagnum.helpdesc"} = $helpdesc;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.show"}= $show;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.helpfile"} = $helpfile;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.helpdesc"} = $helpdesc;
@@ -1723,7 +1730,7 @@ sub register_insert {
for (my $j=0;$j <=$#which;$j++) {
if ( $which[$j] eq 'Y' ) {
if ($insertlist{"$j.show"} ne 'no') {
- push(@{ $insertlist{"$tag.which"} },$j);
+ push(@{ $insertlist{"$tag.which"} },$insertlist{"$j.tag"});
@@ -1731,31 +1738,145 @@ sub register_insert {
+sub register_insert_xml {
+ my $parser = HTML::LCParser->new($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}
+ .'/insertlist.xml');
+ my ($tagnum,$in_help)=(0,0);
+ my @alltags;
+ my $tag;
+ while (my $token = $parser->get_token()) {
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ my $key;
+ if ($token->[1] eq 'tag') {
+ $tag = $token->[2]{'name'};
+ $insertlist{"$tagnum.tag"} = $tag;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.num"} = $tagnum;
+ push(@alltags,$tag);
+ } elsif ($in_help && $token->[1] eq 'file') {
+ $key = $tag.'.helpfile';
+ } elsif ($in_help && $token->[1] eq 'description') {
+ $key = $tag.'.helpdesc';
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'description' ||
+ $token->[1] eq 'color' ||
+ $token->[1] eq 'show' ) {
+ $key = $tag.'.'.$token->[1];
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'insert_sub') {
+ $key = $tag.'.function';
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'help') {
+ $in_help=1;
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'allow') {
+ $key = $tag.'.allow';
+ }
+ if (defined($key)) {
+ $insertlist{$key} = $parser->get_text();
+ $insertlist{$key} =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$ )//gx;
+ }
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
+ if ($token->[1] eq 'tag') {
+ undef($tag);
+ $tagnum++;
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'help') {
+ undef($in_help);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # parse the allows and ignore tags set to no
+ foreach my $tag (@alltags) {
+ my $allow = $insertlist{"$tag.allow"};
+ foreach my $element (split(',',$allow)) {
+ $element =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$ )//gx;
+ if ($insertlist{"$element.show"} ne 'no') {
+ push(@{ $insertlist{$tag.'.which'} },$element);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub register_insert {
+# ®ister_insert_tab(@_);
+# &dump_insertlist('1');
+# undef(%insertlist);
+ return ®ister_insert_xml(@_);
+# &dump_insertlist('2');
+sub dump_insertlist {
+ my ($ext) = @_;
+ open(XML,">/tmp/insertlist.xml.$ext");
+ print XML ("");
+ my $i=0;
+ while (exists($insertlist{"$i.tag"})) {
+ my $tag = $insertlist{"$i.tag"};
+ print XML ("
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.description"})) {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.color"})) {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.function"})) {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.show"})
+ && $insertlist{"$tag.show"} ne 'yes') {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.helpfile"})) {
+ print XML ("
+ if ($insertlist{"$tag.helpdesc"} ne '') {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.which"})) {
+ print XML ("
+\t\t".join(',',sort(@{ $insertlist{"$tag.which"} }))."");
+ }
+ print XML ("
+ $i++;
+ }
+ print XML ("\n\n");
+ close(XML);
sub description {
- my ($token)=@_;
- my $tagnum;
- my $tag=$token->[1];
- foreach my $namespace (reverse @Apache::lonxml::namespace) {
- my $testtag=$namespace.'::'.$tag;
- $tagnum=$insertlist{"$testtag.num"};
- if (defined($tagnum)) { last; }
- }
- if (!defined ($tagnum)) { $tagnum=$Apache::lonxml::insertlist{"$tag.num"}; }
- return $insertlist{$tagnum.'.description'};
+ my ($token)=@_;
+ my $tag = &get_tag($token);
+ return $insertlist{$tag.'.description'};
# Returns a list containing the help file, and the description
sub helpinfo {
- my ($token)=@_;
- my $tagnum;
- my $tag=$token->[1];
- foreach my $namespace (reverse @Apache::lonxml::namespace) {
- my $testtag=$namespace.'::'.$tag;
- $tagnum=$insertlist{"$testtag.num"};
- if (defined($tagnum)) { last; }
- }
- if (!defined ($tagnum)) { $tagnum=$Apache::lonxml::insertlist{"$tag.num"}; }
- return ($insertlist{$tagnum.'.helpfile'}, $insertlist{$tagnum.'.helpdesc'});
+ my ($token)=@_;
+ my $tag = &get_tag($token);
+ return ($insertlist{$tag.'.helpfile'}, $insertlist{$tag.'.helpdesc'});
+sub get_tag {
+ my ($token)=@_;
+ my $tagnum;
+ my $tag=$token->[1];
+ foreach my $namespace (reverse(@Apache::lonxml::namespace)) {
+ my $testtag = $namespace.'::'.$tag;
+ $tagnum = $insertlist{"$testtag.num"};
+ last if (defined($tagnum));
+ }
+ if (!defined($tagnum)) {
+ $tagnum = $Apache::lonxml::insertlist{"$tag.num"};
+ }
+ return $insertlist{"$tagnum.tag"};