--- loncom/xml/lonxml.pm 2000/10/11 21:07:59 1.26
+++ loncom/xml/lonxml.pm 2008/03/07 21:17:04 1.473
@@ -1,218 +1,633 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# XML Parser Module
-# last modified 06/26/00 by Alexander Sakharuk
+# $Id: lonxml.pm,v 1.473 2008/03/07 21:17:04 www Exp $
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
+# Copyright for TtHfunc and TtMfunc by Ian Hutchinson.
+# TtHfunc and TtMfunc (the "Code") may be compiled and linked into
+# binary executable programs or libraries distributed by the
+# Michigan State University (the "Licensee"), but any binaries so
+# distributed are hereby licensed only for use in the context
+# of a program or computational system for which the Licensee is the
+# primary author or distributor, and which performs substantial
+# additional tasks beyond the translation of (La)TeX into HTML.
+# The C source of the Code may not be distributed by the Licensee
+# to any other parties under any circumstances.
-package Apache::lonxml;
+package Apache::lonxml;
+use vars
+qw(@pwd @outputstack $redirection $import @extlinks $metamode $evaluate %insertlist @namespace $errorcount $warningcount);
use strict;
-use HTML::TokeParser;
-use Safe;
-use Opcode;
+use HTML::LCParser();
+use HTML::TreeBuilder();
+use HTML::Entities();
+use Safe();
+use Safe::Hole();
+use Math::Cephes();
+use Math::Random();
+use Opcode();
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval );
+use Symbol();
sub register {
- my $space;
- my @taglist;
- my $temptag;
- ($space,@taglist) = @_;
- foreach $temptag (@taglist) {
- $Apache::lonxml::alltags{$temptag}=$space;
- }
-use Apache::style;
-use Apache::lontexconvert;
-use Apache::run;
-use Apache::londefdef;
-use Apache::scripttag;
-#================================================== Main subroutine: xmlparse
-$Apache::lonxml::outputstack = '';
-$Apache::lonxml::redirection = 1;
+ my ($space,@taglist) = @_;
+ foreach my $temptag (@taglist) {
+ push(@{ $Apache::lonxml::alltags{$temptag} },$space);
+ }
+sub deregister {
+ my ($space,@taglist) = @_;
+ foreach my $temptag (@taglist) {
+ my $tempspace = $Apache::lonxml::alltags{$temptag}[-1];
+ if ($tempspace eq $space) {
+ pop(@{ $Apache::lonxml::alltags{$temptag} });
+ }
+ }
+ #&printalltags();
+use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
+use Apache::lontexconvert();
+use Apache::style();
+use Apache::run();
+use Apache::londefdef();
+use Apache::scripttag();
+use Apache::languagetags();
+use Apache::edit();
+use Apache::inputtags();
+use Apache::outputtags();
+use Apache::lonnet;
+use Apache::File();
+use Apache::loncommon();
+use Apache::lonfeedback();
+use Apache::lonmsg();
+use Apache::loncacc();
+use Apache::lonmaxima();
+use Apache::lonlocal;
+#==================================== Main subroutine: xmlparse
+#debugging control, to turn on debugging modify the correct handler
+# keeps count of the number of warnings and errors generated in a parse
+#path to the directory containing the file currently being processed
+#these two are used for capturing a subset of the output for later processing,
+#don't touch them directly use &startredirection and &endredirection
+@outputstack = ();
+$redirection = 0;
+#controls wheter the tag actually does
+$import = 1;
+# meta mode is a bit weird only some output is to be turned off
+ }
+ my $editfooter=(<
+ return ($editfooter,$add_to_onload,$add_to_onresize);;
+sub get_target {
+ my $viewgrades=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$env{'request.course.id'});
+ if ( $env{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+ if ( defined($env{'form.grade_target'})
+ && ($viewgrades == 'F' )) {
+ return ($env{'form.grade_target'});
+ } elsif (defined($env{'form.grade_target'})) {
+ if (($env{'form.grade_target'} eq 'web') ||
+ ($env{'form.grade_target'} eq 'tex') ) {
+ return $env{'form.grade_target'}
+ } else {
+ return 'web';
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 'web';
+ }
+ } elsif ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ if ( defined($env{'form.grade_target'})) {
+ return ($env{'form.grade_target'});
+ } else {
+ return 'web';
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 'web';
+sub handler {
+ my $request=shift;
+ my $target=&get_target();
+ $Apache::lonxml::debug=$env{'user.debug'};
+ &Apache::loncommon::content_type($request,'text/html');
+ &Apache::loncommon::no_cache($request);
+ if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+ $request->set_last_modified(&Apache::lonnet::metadata($request->uri,
+ 'lastrevisiondate'));
+ }
+ $request->send_http_header;
+ return OK if $request->header_only;
+ my $file=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation("",$request->uri);
+ my $filetype;
+ if ($file =~ /\.sty$/) {
+ $filetype='sty';
+ } else {
+ $filetype='html';
+ }
+# Edit action? Save file.
+ if (!($env{'request.state'} eq 'published')) {
+ if ($env{'form.savethisfile'} || $env{'form.viewmode'} || $env{'form.Undo'}) {
+ my $html_file=&Apache::lonnet::getfile($file);
+ my $error = &Apache::lonhomework::handle_save_or_undo($request, \$html_file, \$env{'form.filecont'});
+ if ($env{'form.savethisfile'}) {
+ $env{'form.editmode'}='Edit'; #force edit mode
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %mystyle;
+ my $result = '';
+ my $filecontents=&Apache::lonnet::getfile($file);
+ if ($filecontents eq -1) {
+ my $start_page=&Apache::loncommon::start_page('File Error');
+ my $end_page=&Apache::loncommon::end_page();
+ my $fnf=&mt('File not found');
+ $result=(<$fnf: $file
+ $filecontents='';
+ if ($env{'request.state'} ne 'published') {
+ if ($filetype eq 'sty') {
+ $filecontents=&createnewsty();
+ } else {
+ $filecontents=&createnewhtml();
+ }
+ $env{'form.editmode'}='Edit'; #force edit mode
+ }
+ } else {
+ unless ($env{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+ if ($filecontents=~/BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal/) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::error(&mt('This file appears to be a rendering of a LON-CAPA resource. If this is correct, this resource will act very oddly and incorrectly.'));
+ }
+# we are in construction space, see if edit mode forced
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ ['editmode']);
+ }
+ if (!$env{'form.editmode'} || $env{'form.viewmode'} || $env{'form.discardview'}) {
+ &Apache::structuretags::reset_problem_globals();
+ $result = &Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($request,$target,$filecontents,
+ '',%mystyle);
+ # .html files may contain or need to clean
+ # up if it did
+ &Apache::structuretags::reset_problem_globals();
+ &Apache::lonhomework::finished_parsing();
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ ['rawmode']);
+ if ($env{'form.rawmode'}) { $result = $filecontents; }
+ if ($filetype eq 'sty') {
+ my $controls =
+ ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') ? &Apache::londefdef::edit_controls()
+ : '';
+ my %options = ('bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF');
+ $result =
+ &Apache::loncommon::start_page(undef,undef,\%options).
+ $controls.
+ $result.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Edit action? Insert editing commands
+ unless ($env{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+ if ($env{'form.editmode'} && (!($env{'form.viewmode'})) && (!($env{'form.discardview'})))
+ {
+ my $displayfile=$request->uri;
+ $displayfile=~s/^\/[^\/]*//;
+ my ($edit_info, $add_to_onload, $add_to_onresize)=
+ &inserteditinfo($filecontents,$filetype,$displayfile);
+ my %options =
+ ('add_entries' =>
+ {'onresize' => $add_to_onresize,
+ 'onload' => $add_to_onload, });
+ if ($env{'environment.remote'} ne 'off') {
+ $options{'bgcolor'} = '#FFFFFF';
+ $options{'only_body'} = 1;
+ }
+ my $js =
+ &Apache::edit::js_change_detection().
+ &Apache::loncommon::resize_textarea_js();
+ my $start_page = &Apache::loncommon::start_page(undef,$js,
+ \%options);
+ $result=$start_page.
+ &Apache::lonxml::message_location().
+ $edit_info.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
+ }
+ }
+ if ($filetype eq 'html') { &writeallows($request->uri); }
+ &Apache::lonxml::add_messages(\$result);
+ $request->print($result);
+ return OK;
+sub display_title {
+ my $result;
+ if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ my $title=&Apache::lonnet::gettitle();
+ if (!defined($title) || $title eq '') {
+ $title = $env{'request.filename'};
+ $title = substr($title, rindex($title, '/') + 1);
+ }
+ $result = "";
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub debug {
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::debug eq "1") {
+ $|=1;
+ my $request=$Apache::lonxml::request;
+ if (!$request) {
+ eval { $request=Apache->request; };
+ }
+ if (!$request) {
+ eval { $request=Apache2::RequestUtil->request; };
+ }
+ $request->print('DEBUG:'.&HTML::Entities::encode($_[0],'<>&"')."
+ #&Apache::lonnet::logthis($_[0]);
+ }
+sub show_error_warn_msg {
+ if ($env{'request.filename'} eq '/home/httpd/html/res/lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem' &&
+ &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return (($Apache::lonxml::debug eq 1) ||
+ ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') ||
+ ($Apache::lonhomework::browse eq 'F'
+ &&
+ $env{'form.show_errors'} eq 'on'));
+sub error {
+ my @errors = @_;
+ $errorcount++;
+ if (defined($Apache::inputtags::part)) {
+ if ( @Apache::inputtags::response ) {
+ push(@errors,
+ &mt("This error occurred while processing response [_1] in part [_2]",
+ $Apache::inputtags::response[-1],
+ $Apache::inputtags::part));
+ } else {
+ push(@errors,
+ &mt("This error occurred while processing part [_1]",
+ $Apache::inputtags::part));
+ }
+ }
+ if ( &show_error_warn_msg() ) {
+ # If printing in construction space, put the error inside
+ push(@Apache::lonxml::error_messages,
+ $Apache::lonxml::warnings_error_header.
+ "ERROR:".join("
+ $Apache::lonxml::warnings_error_header='';
+ } else {
+ my $errormsg;
+ my ($symb)=&Apache::lonnet::symbread();
+ if ( !$symb ) {
+ #public or browsers
+ $errormsg=&mt("An error occured while processing this resource. The author has been notified.");
+ }
+ my $host=$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ push(@errors, "The error occurred on host $host");
+ my $msg = join('
', @errors);
+ #notify author
+ &Apache::lonmsg::author_res_msg($env{'request.filename'},$msg);
+ #notify course
+ if ( $symb && $env{'request.course.id'} ) {
+ my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my (undef,%users)=&Apache::lonmsg::decide_receiver(undef,0,1,1,1);
+ my $declutter=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
+ my $baseurl = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($declutter);
+ my @userlist;
+ foreach (keys %users) {
+ my ($user,$domain) = split(/:/, $_);
+ push(@userlist,"$user\@$domain");
+ my $key=$declutter.'_'.$user.'_'.$domain;
+ my %lastnotified=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_xmlerrornotifications',
+ [$key],
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ my $now=time;
+ if ($now-$lastnotified{$key}>86400) {
+ my $title = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb);
+ my $sentmessage;
+ &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg($user,$domain,
+ "Error [$title]",$msg,'',$baseurl,'','',
+ \$sentmessage,$symb,$title,1);
+ &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_xmlerrornotifications',
+ {$key => $now},
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'request.role.adv'}) {
+ $errormsg=&mt("An error occured while processing this resource. The course personnel ([_1]) and the author have been notified.",join(', ',@userlist));
+ } else {
+ $errormsg=&mt("An error occured while processing this resource. The instructor has been notified.");
+ }
+ }
+ push(@Apache::lonxml::error_messages,"$errormsg
+ }
+sub warning {
+ $warningcount++;
+ if ($env{'form.grade_target'} ne 'tex') {
+ if ( &show_error_warn_msg() ) {
+ push(@Apache::lonxml::warning_messages,
+ $Apache::lonxml::warnings_error_header.
+ "WARNING:".join('
+ $Apache::lonxml::warnings_error_header='';
+ }
+ }
+sub info {
+ if ($env{'form.grade_target'} ne 'tex'
+ && $env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ push(@Apache::lonxml::info_messages,join('
+ }
+sub message_location {
+sub add_messages {
+ my ($msg)=@_;
+ my $result=join(' ',
+ @Apache::lonxml::info_messages,
+ @Apache::lonxml::error_messages,
+ @Apache::lonxml::warning_messages);
+ undef(@Apache::lonxml::info_messages);
+ undef(@Apache::lonxml::error_messages);
+ undef(@Apache::lonxml::warning_messages);
+sub get_param {
+ my ($param,$parstack,$safeeval,$context,$case_insensitive) = @_;
+ if ( ! $context ) { $context = -1; }
+ my $args ='';
+ if ( $#$parstack > (-2-$context) ) { $args=$$parstack[$context]; }
+ if ( ! $Apache::lonxml::usestyle ) {
+ $args=$Apache::lonxml::style_values.$args;
+ }
+ if ( ! $args ) { return undef; }
+ if ( $case_insensitive ) {
+ if ($args =~ s/(my (?:.*))(\$\Q$param\E[,\)])/$1.lc($2)/ei) {
+ return &Apache::run::run("{$args;".'return $'.$param.'}',
+ $safeeval); #'
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( $args =~ /my .*\$\Q$param\E[,\)]/ ) {
+ return &Apache::run::run("{$args;".'return $'.$param.'}',
+ $safeeval); #'
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+sub get_param_var {
+ my ($param,$parstack,$safeeval,$context,$case_insensitive) = @_;
+ if ( ! $context ) { $context = -1; }
+ my $args ='';
+ if ( $#$parstack > (-2-$context) ) { $args=$$parstack[$context]; }
+ if ( ! $Apache::lonxml::usestyle ) {
+ $args=$Apache::lonxml::style_values.$args;
+ }
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug("Args are $args param is $param");
+ if ($case_insensitive) {
+ if (! ($args=~s/(my (?:.*))(\$\Q$param\E[,\)])/$1.lc($2)/ei)) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $args !~ /my .*\$\Q$param\E[,\)]/ ) { return undef; }
+ my $value=&Apache::run::run("{$args;".'return $'.$param.'}',$safeeval); #'
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug("first run is $value");
+ if ($value =~ /^[\$\@\%][a-zA-Z_]\w*$/) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug("doing second");
+ my @result=&Apache::run::run("return $value",$safeeval,1);
+ if (!defined($result[0])) {
+ return $value
+ } else {
+ if (wantarray) { return @result; } else { return $result[0]; }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $value;
+ }
+sub register_insert_xml {
+ my $parser = HTML::LCParser->new($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}
+ .'/insertlist.xml');
+ my ($tagnum,$in_help)=(0,0);
+ my @alltags;
+ my $tag;
+ while (my $token = $parser->get_token()) {
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ my $key;
+ if ($token->[1] eq 'tag') {
+ $tag = $token->[2]{'name'};
+ $insertlist{"$tagnum.tag"} = $tag;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.num"} = $tagnum;
+ push(@alltags,$tag);
+ } elsif ($in_help && $token->[1] eq 'file') {
+ $key = $tag.'.helpfile';
+ } elsif ($in_help && $token->[1] eq 'description') {
+ $key = $tag.'.helpdesc';
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'description' ||
+ $token->[1] eq 'color' ||
+ $token->[1] eq 'show' ) {
+ $key = $tag.'.'.$token->[1];
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'insert_sub') {
+ $key = $tag.'.function';
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'help') {
+ $in_help=1;
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'allow') {
+ $key = $tag.'.allow';
+ }
+ if (defined($key)) {
+ $insertlist{$key} = $parser->get_text();
+ $insertlist{$key} =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$ )//gx;
+ }
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
+ if ($token->[1] eq 'tag') {
+ undef($tag);
+ $tagnum++;
+ } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'help') {
+ undef($in_help);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # parse the allows and ignore tags set to no
+ foreach my $tag (@alltags) {
+ next if (!exists($insertlist{"$tag.allow"}));
+ my $allow = $insertlist{"$tag.allow"};
+ foreach my $element (split(',',$allow)) {
+ $element =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$ )//gx;
+ if (!exists($insertlist{"$element.show"})
+ || $insertlist{"$element.show"} ne 'no') {
+ push(@{ $insertlist{$tag.'.which'} },$element);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub register_insert {
+ return ®ister_insert_xml(@_);
+# &dump_insertlist('2');
+sub dump_insertlist {
+ my ($ext) = @_;
+ open(XML,">/tmp/insertlist.xml.$ext");
+ print XML ("");
+ my $i=0;
+ while (exists($insertlist{"$i.tag"})) {
+ my $tag = $insertlist{"$i.tag"};
+ print XML ("
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.description"})) {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.color"})) {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.function"})) {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.show"})
+ && $insertlist{"$tag.show"} ne 'yes') {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.helpfile"})) {
+ print XML ("
+ if ($insertlist{"$tag.helpdesc"} ne '') {
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ print XML ("
+ }
+ if (defined($insertlist{"$tag.which"})) {
+ print XML ("
+\t\t".join(',',sort(@{ $insertlist{"$tag.which"} }))."");
+ }
+ print XML ("
+ $i++;
+ }
+ print XML ("\n\n");
+ close(XML);
+sub description {
+ my ($token)=@_;
+ my $tag = &get_tag($token);
+ return $insertlist{$tag.'.description'};
+# Returns a list containing the help file, and the description
+sub helpinfo {
+ my ($token)=@_;
+ my $tag = &get_tag($token);
+ return ($insertlist{$tag.'.helpfile'}, $insertlist{$tag.'.helpdesc'});
+sub get_tag {
+ my ($token)=@_;
+ my $tagnum;
+ my $tag=$token->[1];
+ foreach my $namespace (reverse(@Apache::lonxml::namespace)) {
+ my $testtag = $namespace.'::'.$tag;
+ $tagnum = $insertlist{"$testtag.num"};
+ last if (defined($tagnum));
+ }
+ if (!defined($tagnum)) {
+ $tagnum = $Apache::lonxml::insertlist{"$tag.num"};
+ }
+ return $insertlist{"$tagnum.tag"};