- $spelllink $htmlerror
+ $dragmath_button $spelllink $htmlerror
@@ -1584,6 +1677,7 @@ $initialize
+ $wysiwyglink
@@ -1622,9 +1716,8 @@ sub get_target {
sub handler {
my $request=shift;
my $target=&get_target();
@@ -1633,18 +1726,47 @@ sub handler {
+ # Embedded Flash movies from Camtasia served from https will not display in IE
+ # if XML config file has expired from cache.
+ if ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) {
+ if ($request->uri =~ /\.xml$/) {
+ my ($httpbrowser,$clientbrowser) =
+ &Apache::loncommon::decode_user_agent($request);
+ if ($clientbrowser =~ /^explorer$/i) {
+ delete $request->headers_out->{'Cache-control'};
+ delete $request->headers_out->{'Pragma'};
+ my $expiration = time + 60;
+ my $date=strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",gmtime($expiration));
+ $request->headers_out->set("Expires" => $date);
+ }
+ }
+ }
return OK if $request->header_only;
my $file=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation("",$request->uri);
- my $filetype;
- if ($file =~ /\.sty$/) {
- $filetype='sty';
+ my ($filetype,$breadcrumbtext);
+ if ($file =~ /\.(sty|css|js|txt|tex)$/) {
+ $filetype=$1;
} else {
+ if ($filetype eq 'sty') {
+ $breadcrumbtext = 'Style File Editor';
+ } elsif ($filetype eq 'js') {
+ $breadcrumbtext = 'Javascript Editor';
+ } elsif ($filetype eq 'css') {
+ $breadcrumbtext = 'CSS Editor';
+ } elsif ($filetype eq 'txt') {
+ $breadcrumbtext = 'Text Editor';
+ } elsif ($filetype eq 'tex') {
+ $breadcrumbtext = 'TeX Editor';
+ } else {
+ $breadcrumbtext = 'HTML Editor';
+ }
# Edit action? Save file.
@@ -1663,17 +1785,22 @@ sub handler {
if ($filecontents eq -1) {
my $start_page=&Apache::loncommon::start_page('File Error');
my $end_page=&Apache::loncommon::end_page();
- my $fnf=&mt('File not found');
+ my $errormsg=''
+ .&mt('File not found: [_1]'
+ ,''.$file.' ')
+ .'
$result=(<$fnf: $file
if ($env{'request.state'} ne 'published') {
if ($filetype eq 'sty') {
- } else {
+ } elsif ($filetype eq 'js') {
+ $filecontents=&createnewjs();
+ } elsif ($filetype ne 'css' && $filetype ne 'txt' && $filetype ne 'tex') {
$env{'form.editmode'}='Edit'; #force edit mode
@@ -1689,28 +1816,67 @@ ENDNOTFOUND
if (!$env{'form.editmode'} || $env{'form.viewmode'} || $env{'form.discardview'}) {
- &Apache::structuretags::reset_problem_globals();
- $result = &Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($request,$target,$filecontents,
- '',%mystyle);
+ if ($filetype eq 'html' || $filetype eq 'sty') {
+ &Apache::structuretags::reset_problem_globals();
+ $result = &Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($request,$target,
+ $filecontents,'',%mystyle);
# .html files may contain or need to clean
# up if it did
- &Apache::structuretags::reset_problem_globals();
- &Apache::lonhomework::finished_parsing();
+ &Apache::structuretags::reset_problem_globals();
+ &Apache::lonhomework::finished_parsing();
+ } elsif ($filetype eq 'tex') {
+ $result = &Apache::lontexconvert::converted(\$filecontents,
+ $env{'form.texengine'});
+ if ($env{'form.return_only_error_and_warning_counts'}) {
+ if (&verify_html(''.$result.'')) {
+ $errorcount++;
+ }
+ $result = "$errorcount:$warningcount";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $result = $filecontents;
+ }
if ($env{'form.rawmode'}) { $result = $filecontents; }
- if ($filetype eq 'sty') {
- my $controls =
- ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') ? &Apache::londefdef::edit_controls()
- : '';
- my %options = ('bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF');
- $result =
- &Apache::loncommon::start_page(undef,undef,\%options).
- $controls.
- $result.
- &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
- }
- }
+ if (($filetype ne 'html') &&
+ (!$env{'form.return_only_error_and_warning_counts'})) {
+ my $nochgview = 1;
+ my $controls = '';
+ if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ $controls = &Apache::loncommon::head_subbox(
+ &Apache::loncommon::CSTR_pageheader()
+ .&Apache::londefdef::edit_controls($nochgview));
+ }
+ if ($filetype ne 'sty' && $filetype ne 'tex') {
+ $result =~ s/</g;
+ $result =~ s/>/>/g;
+ $result = '';
+ }
+ if ($env{'environment.remote'} eq 'off') {
+ my $brcrum;
+ if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ $brcrum = [{'href' => &Apache::loncommon::authorspace(),
+ 'text' => 'Construction Space'},
+ {'href' => '',
+ 'text' => $breadcrumbtext}];
+ } else {
+ $brcrum = ''; # FIXME: Where are we?
+ }
+ my %options = ('bread_crumbs' => $brcrum,
+ 'bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF');
+ $result =
+ &Apache::loncommon::start_page(undef,undef,\%options)
+ .$controls
+ .$result
+ .&Apache::loncommon::end_page();
+ } else {
+ $result = $controls.$result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -1727,9 +1893,18 @@ ENDNOTFOUND
my %options =
('add_entries' =>
- {'onresize' => $add_to_onresize,
- 'onload' => $add_to_onload, });
+ {'onresize' => $add_to_onresize,
+ 'onload' => $add_to_onload, });
+ my $header;
+ if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ $options{'bread_crumbs'} = [{
+ 'href' => &Apache::loncommon::authorspace(),
+ 'text' => 'Construction Space'},
+ {'href' => '',
+ 'text' => $breadcrumbtext}];
+ $header = &Apache::loncommon::head_subbox(
+ &Apache::loncommon::CSTR_pageheader());
+ }
if ($env{'environment.remote'} ne 'off') {
$options{'bgcolor'} = '#FFFFFF';
$options{'only_body'} = 1;
@@ -1739,14 +1914,15 @@ ENDNOTFOUND
my $start_page = &Apache::loncommon::start_page(undef,$js,
- $result=$start_page.
- &Apache::lonxml::message_location().
- $edit_info.
- &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
- }
+ $result = $start_page
+ .$header
+ .&Apache::lonxml::message_location()
+ .$edit_info
+ .&Apache::loncommon::end_page();
+ }
if ($filetype eq 'html') { &writeallows($request->uri); }
@@ -1761,7 +1937,8 @@ sub display_title {
$title = $env{'request.filename'};
$title = substr($title, rindex($title, '/') + 1);
- $result = "";
+ $result = "";
return $result;
@@ -1798,6 +1975,8 @@ sub error {
+ $Apache::lonxml::internal_error=1;
if (defined($Apache::inputtags::part)) {
if ( @Apache::inputtags::response ) {
@@ -1814,18 +1993,22 @@ sub error {
if ( &show_error_warn_msg() ) {
# If printing in construction space, put the error inside
- $Apache::lonxml::warnings_error_header.
- "ERROR: ".join(" \n",@errors)." \n");
+ $Apache::lonxml::warnings_error_header
+ .''
+ .''.&mt('ERROR:').' '.join(" \n",@errors)
+ ."
} else {
my $errormsg;
my ($symb)=&Apache::lonnet::symbread();
if ( !$symb ) {
#public or browsers
- $errormsg=&mt("An error occured while processing this resource. The author has been notified.");
+ $errormsg=&mt("An error occurred while processing this resource. The author has been notified.");
my $host=$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
- push(@errors, "The error occurred on host $host ");
+ push(@errors,
+ &mt("The error occurred on host [_1]",
+ "$host "));
my $msg = join(' ', @errors);
@@ -1859,9 +2042,9 @@ sub error {
if ($env{'request.role.adv'}) {
- $errormsg=&mt("An error occured while processing this resource. The course personnel ([_1]) and the author have been notified.",join(', ',@userlist));
+ $errormsg=&mt("An error occurred while processing this resource. The course personnel ([_1]) and the author have been notified.",join(', ',@userlist));
} else {
- $errormsg=&mt("An error occured while processing this resource. The instructor has been notified.");
+ $errormsg=&mt("An error occurred while processing this resource. The instructor has been notified.");
push(@Apache::lonxml::error_messages,"$errormsg ");
@@ -1874,8 +2057,11 @@ sub warning {
if ($env{'form.grade_target'} ne 'tex') {
if ( &show_error_warn_msg() ) {
- $Apache::lonxml::warnings_error_header.
- "W ARNING: ".join(' ',@_)." \n");
+ $Apache::lonxml::warnings_error_header
+ .''
+ .&mt('[_1]W[_2]ARNING','',' ').": ".join(' ',@_)
+ ."
+ );
@@ -2100,7 +2286,109 @@ sub get_tag {
return $insertlist{"$tagnum.tag"};
+=item &print_pdf_radiobutton(fieldname, value, text)
+Returns a latexline to generate a PDF-Form-Radiobutton with Text.
+$fieldname: PDF internalname of the radiobutton
+$value: Value of radiobutton (read when dumping the PDF data)
+$text: Text on the rightside of the radiobutton
+sub print_pdf_radiobutton {
+ my $result = '';
+ my ($fieldName, $value, $text) = @_;
+ $result .= '\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{0cm}X}'."\n";
+ $result .= '\radioButton[\symbolchoice{circle}]{'.
+ $fieldName.'}{10bp}{10bp}{'.$value.'}&'.$text."\n";
+ $result .= '\end{tabularx}' . "\n";
+ $result .= '\hspace{2mm}' . "\n";
+ return $result;
+=item &print_pdf_start_combobox(fieldname)
+Starts a latexline to generate a PDF-Form-Combobox with text.
+$fieldname: PDF internal name of the Combobox
+sub print_pdf_start_combobox {
+ my $result;
+ my ($fieldName) = @_;
+ $result .= '\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{2.5cm}X}'."\n";
+ $result .= '\comboBox[]{'.$fieldName.'}{2.3cm}{14bp}{'; #
+ return $result;
+=item &print_pdf_add_combobox_option(options)
+Generates a latexline to add Options to a PDF-Form-ComboBox.
+$option: PDF internal name of the Combobox-Option
+sub print_pdf_add_combobox_option {
+ my $result;
+ my ($option) = @_;
+ $result .= '('.$option.')';
+ return $result;
+=item &print_pdf_end_combobox(text) {
+Returns latexcode to end a PDF-Form-Combobox with text.
+sub print_pdf_end_combobox {
+ my $result;
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ $result .= '}&'.$text."\\\\\n";
+ $result .= '\end{tabularx}' . "\n";
+ $result .= '\hspace{2mm}' . "\n";
+ return $result;
+=item &print_pdf_hiddenField(fieldname, user, domain)
+Returns a latexline to generate a PDF-Form-hiddenField with userdata.
+$fieldname label for hiddentextfield
+$user: name of user
+$domain: domain of user
+sub print_pdf_hiddenfield {
+ my $result;
+ my ($fieldname, $user, $domain) = @_;
+ $result .= '\textField [\F{\FHidden}\F{-\FPrint}\V{'.$domain.'&'.$user.'}]{'.$fieldname.'}{0in}{0in}'."\n";
+ return $result;