--- loncom/xml/lonxml.pm 2000/06/29 13:58:23 1.6
+++ loncom/xml/lonxml.pm 2001/08/23 21:28:30 1.125
@@ -2,194 +2,1150 @@
# XML Parser Module
# last modified 06/26/00 by Alexander Sakharuk
+# 11/6 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 6/1/1 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 2/21,3/13 Guy
+# 3/29,5/4 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 5/10 Scott Harrison
+# 5/26 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 5/27 H. K. Ng
+# 6/2,6/3,6/8,6/9 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 6/12,6/13 H. K. Ng
+# 6/16 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 7/27 H. K. Ng
+# 8/7,8/9,8/10,8/11,8/15,8/16,8/17,8/18,8/20,8/23 Gerd Kortemeyer
package Apache::lonxml;
+use vars
+qw(@pwd @outputstack $redirection $import @extlinks $metamode $evaluate %insertlist @namespace);
use strict;
use HTML::TokeParser;
+use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use Safe;
-use Apache::style;
+use Safe::Hole;
+use Math::Cephes qw(:trigs :hypers :bessels erf erfc);
+use Math::Random qw(:all);
+use Opcode;
+sub register {
+ my $space;
+ my @taglist;
+ my $temptag;
+ ($space,@taglist) = @_;
+ foreach $temptag (@taglist) {
+ $Apache::lonxml::alltags{$temptag}=$space;
+ }
+use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::lontexconvert;
-use Apache::londefdef;
+use Apache::style;
use Apache::run;
+use Apache::londefdef;
+use Apache::scripttag;
+use Apache::edit;
+use Apache::lonnet;
+use Apache::File;
#================================================== Main subroutine: xmlparse
+#debugging control, to turn on debugging modify the correct handler
+#path to the directory containing the file currently being processed
+#these two are used for capturing a subset of the output for later processing,
+#don't touch them directly use &startredirection and &endredirection
+@outputstack = ();
+$redirection = 0;
+#controls wheter the tag actually does
+$import = 1;
+# meta mode is a bit weird only some output is to be turned off
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $discussion.='';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $discussion.'';
+sub tokeninputfield {
+ my $defhost=$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ $defhost=~tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ return (<
+ function updatetoken() {
+ var comp=new Array;
+ var barcode=unescape(document.tokeninput.barcode.value);
+ comp=barcode.split('*');
+ if (typeof(comp[0])!="undefined") {
+ document.tokeninput.codeone.value=comp[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof(comp[1])!="undefined") {
+ document.tokeninput.codetwo.value=comp[1];
+ }
+ if (typeof(comp[2])!="undefined") {
+ comp[2]=comp[2].toUpperCase();
+ document.tokeninput.codethree.value=comp[2];
+ }
+ document.tokeninput.barcode.value='';
+ }
+sub maketoken {
+ my ($symb,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid)=@_;
+ unless ($symb) {
+ $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread();
+ }
+ unless ($tuname) {
+ $tuname=$ENV{'user.name'};
+ $tudom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+ $tcrsid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+ }
+ return &Apache::lonnet::checkout($symb,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid);
+sub printtokenheader {
+ my ($target,$token,$symb,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid)=@_;
+ unless ($token) { return ''; }
+ unless ($symb) {
+ $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread();
+ }
+ unless ($tuname) {
+ $tuname=$ENV{'user.name'};
+ $tudom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+ $tcrsid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+ }
+ my %reply=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
+ ['firstname','middlename','lastname','generation'],
+ $tudom,$tuname);
+ my $plainname=$reply{'firstname'}.' '.
+ $reply{'middlename'}.' '.
+ $reply{'lastname'}.' '.
+ $reply{'generation'};
+ if ($target eq 'web') {
+ return
+ '
+ 'Checked out for '.$plainname.
+ '
User: '.$tuname.' at '.$tudom.
+ '
CourseID: '.$tcrsid.
+ '
DocID: '.$token.
+ '
Time: '.localtime().'
+ } else {
+ return $token;
+ }
+sub fontsettings() {
+ my $headerstring='';
+ if (($ENV{'browser.os'} eq 'mac') && (!$ENV{'browser.mathml'})) {
+ $headerstring.=
+ '';
+ }
+ return $headerstring;
+sub registerurl {
+ my $forcereg=shift;
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::registered) { return ''; }
+ $Apache::lonxml::registered=1;
+ if (($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}!~/^\/(res\/)*adm\//) || ($forcereg)) {
+ my $hwkadd='';
+ if ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+ $hwkadd.=(<
+// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
+ function LONCAPAreg() {
+ menu=window.open("","LONCAPAmenu");
+ menu.clearTimeout(menu.menucltim);
+ menu.currentURL=window.location.pathname;
+ menu.currentStale=0;
+ menu.clearbut(3,1);
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (6,3,'catalog.gif','catalog','info','catalog_info()');
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (8,1,'eval.gif','evaluate','this','gopost("/adm/evaluate",currentURL)');
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (8,2,'fdbk.gif','feedback','on this','gopost("/adm/feedback",currentURL)');
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (8,3,'prt.gif','prepare','printout','gopost("/adm/printout",currentURL)');
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (2,1,'back.gif','backward','','gopost("/adm/flip","back:"+currentURL)');
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (2,3,'forw.gif','forward','','gopost("/adm/flip","forward:"+currentURL)');
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (9,1,'sbkm.gif','set','bookmark','set_bookmark()');
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (9,2,'vbkm.gif','view','bookmark','edit_bookmarks()');
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (9,3,'anot.gif','anno-','tations','annotate()');
+ $hwkadd
+ }
+ function LONCAPAstale() {
+ menu=window.open("","LONCAPAmenu");
+ menu.currentStale=1;
+ //menu.clearbut(7,1);
+ //menu.clearbut(7,2);
+ //menu.clearbut(7,3);
+ menu.menucltim=menu.setTimeout(
+ 'clearbut(2,1);clearbut(2,3);clearbut(8,1);clearbut(8,2);clearbut(8,3);'+
+ 'clearbut(9,1);clearbut(9,2);clearbut(9,3);clearbut(6,3)',
+ 2000);
+ }
+// END LON-CAPA Internal
+ } else {
+ return (<
+// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
+ function LONCAPAreg() {
+ menu=window.open("","LONCAPAmenu");
+ menu.currentStale=1;
+ menu.clearbut(2,1);
+ menu.clearbut(2,3);
+ menu.clearbut(8,1);
+ menu.clearbut(8,2);
+ menu.clearbut(8,3);
+ if (menu.currentURL) {
+ menu.switchbutton
+ (3,1,'reload.gif','return','location','go(currentURL)');
+ } else {
+ menu.clearbut(3,1);
+ }
+ }
+ function LONCAPAstale() {
+ }
+// END LON-CAPA Internal
+ }
+sub loadevents() {
+ return 'LONCAPAreg();';
+sub unloadevents() {
+ return 'LONCAPAstale();';
+sub printalltags {
+ my $temp;
+ foreach $temp (sort keys %Apache::lonxml::alltags) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug("$temp -- $Apache::lonxml::alltags{$temp}");
+ }
sub xmlparse {
+ my ($target,$content_file_string,$safeinit,%style_for_target) = @_;
+ &setup_globals($target);
+ #&printalltags();
+ my @pars = ();
+ my $pwd=$ENV{'request.filename'};
+ $pwd =~ s:/[^/]*$::;
+ &newparser(\@pars,\$content_file_string,$pwd);
- my ($target,$content_file_string,%style_for_target) = @_;
- my $pars = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$content_file_string);
- my $currentstring = '';
- my $finaloutput = '';
- my $newarg = '';
- my $tempostring = '';
- my $tempocont = '';
my $safeeval = new Safe;
- $safeeval->permit("entereval");
+ my $safehole = new Safe::Hole;
+ &init_safespace($target,$safeeval,$safehole,$safeinit);
#-------------------- Redefinition of the target in the case of compound target
($target, my @tenta) = split('&&',$target);
-#------------------------- Stack definition (in stack we have all current tags)
my @stack = ();
my @parstack = ();
+ &initdepth;
-#------------------------------------- Parse input string (content_file_string)
- my $token;
- while ($token = $pars->get_token) {
- if ($token->[0] eq 'T') {
- $finaloutput .= $token->[1];
- $tempocont .= $token->[1];
- } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
-#------------------------------------------------------------- add tag to stack
- push (@stack,$token->[1]);
-#----------------------------------------- add parameters list to another stack
- map {$tempostring .= "$_=$token->[2]->{$_},"} @{$token->[3]};
- push (@parstack,$tempostring);
- $tempostring = '';
+ my $finaloutput = &inner_xmlparse($target,\@stack,\@parstack,\@pars,
+ $safeeval,\%style_for_target);
+ if ($ENV{'request.uri'}) {
+ &writeallows($ENV{'request.uri'});
+ }
+ return $finaloutput;
+sub htmlclean {
+ my ($raw,$full)=@_;
+ my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
+ $tree->ignore_unknown(0);
+ $tree->parse($raw);
+ my $output= $tree->as_HTML(undef,' ');
- if (exists $style_for_target{$token->[1]}) {
-# print "Style for $token->[1] is " .$style_for_target{$token->[1]}."\n";
-#---------------------------------------------------- use style file definition
- $newarg = $style_for_target{$token->[1]};
- if (index($newarg,'script') != -1 ) {
- my $pat = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$newarg);
- my $tokenpat = '';
- my $partstring = '';
- my $oustring = '';
- my $outputstring;
- while ($tokenpat = $pat->get_token) {
- if ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'T') {
-# print "evaluating $tokenpat->[4]\n";
- $oustring .= &Apache::run::evaluate($tokenpat->[1],$safeeval);
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'S') {
- if ($tokenpat->[1] eq 'script') {
- while ($tokenpat = $pat->get_token and $tokenpat->[1] ne 'script') {
- if ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'S') {
- $partstring .= $tokenpat->[4];
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'T') {
- $partstring .= $tokenpat->[1];
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'E') {
- $partstring .= $tokenpat->[2];
- }
- }
- map {$partstring =~ s/\$$_/$token->[2]->{$_}/g; } @{$token->[3]};
-# print "want to use run\n";
- &Apache::run::run($partstring,$safeeval);
- $partstring = '';
- } else {
-# print "evaluating $tokenpat->[4]\n";
- $oustring .= &Apache::run::evaluate($tokenpat->[4],$safeeval);
- }
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'E' and $tokenpat->[1] ne 'evaluate') {
-# print "hereish\n";
- $oustring .= $tokenpat->[1];
- }
- }
- $newarg = $oustring;
- } else {
- map {$newarg =~ s/\$$_/$token->[2]->{$_}/g; } @{$token->[3]};
- }
- $finaloutput .= $newarg;
- } else {
- # use default definition of tag
- my $sub="start_$token->[1]";
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- if (defined (&$sub)) {
- $currentstring = &$sub($target,$token,\@parstack);
- $finaloutput .= $currentstring;
- $currentstring = '';
- } else {
- $finaloutput .= $token->[4];
- }
- use strict 'refs';
- }
- }
- } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
- # Put here check for correct final tag (to avoid existence of
- # starting tag only)
- pop @stack;
- unless (exists $style_for_target{$token->[1]}) {
- my $sub="end_$token->[1]";
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- if (defined(&$sub)) {
- $currentstring = &$sub($target,$token,\@parstack);
- $finaloutput .= $currentstring;
- $currentstring = '';
- } else {
- $finaloutput .= $token->[4];
- }
- use strict 'refs';
+ $output=~s/\<(br|hr|img|meta|allow)([^\>\/]*)\>/\<$1$2 \/\>/gis;
+ $output=~s/\<\/(br|hr|img|meta|allow)\>//gis;
+ unless ($full) {
+ $output=~s/\<[\/]*(body|head|html)\>//gis;
+ }
+ $tree = $tree->delete;
+ return $output;
+sub inner_xmlparse {
+ my ($target,$stack,$parstack,$pars,$safeeval,$style_for_target)=@_;
+ my $finaloutput = '';
+ my $result;
+ my $token;
+ while ( $#$pars > -1 ) {
+ while ($token = $$pars['-1']->get_token) {
+ if (($token->[0] eq 'T') || ($token->[0] eq 'C') || ($token->[0] eq 'D') ) {
+ if ($metamode<1) {
+ $result=$token->[1];
+ }
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'PI') {
+ if ($metamode<1) {
+ $result=$token->[2];
+ }
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ # add tag to stack
+ push (@$stack,$token->[1]);
+ # add parameters list to another stack
+ push (@$parstack,&parstring($token));
+ &increasedepth($token);
+ if (exists $$style_for_target{$token->[1]}) {
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::redirection) {
+ $Apache::lonxml::outputstack['-1'] .=
+ &recurse($$style_for_target{$token->[1]},$target,$safeeval,
+ $style_for_target,@$parstack);
+ } else {
+ $finaloutput .= &recurse($$style_for_target{$token->[1]},$target,
+ $safeeval,$style_for_target,@$parstack);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $result = &callsub("start_$token->[1]", $target, $token, $stack,
+ $parstack, $pars, $safeeval, $style_for_target);
+ }
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
+ #clear out any tags that didn't end
+ while ($token->[1] ne $$stack['-1'] && ($#$stack > -1)) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::warning("Unbalanced tags in resource $$stack['-1']");
+ &end_tag($stack,$parstack,$token);
+ }
+ if (exists $$style_for_target{'/'."$token->[1]"}) {
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::redirection) {
+ $Apache::lonxml::outputstack['-1'] .=
+ &recurse($$style_for_target{'/'."$token->[1]"},
+ $target,$safeeval,$style_for_target,@$parstack);
+ } else {
+ $finaloutput .= &recurse($$style_for_target{'/'."$token->[1]"},
+ $target,$safeeval,$style_for_target,
+ @$parstack);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $result = &callsub("end_$token->[1]", $target, $token, $stack,
+ $parstack, $pars,$safeeval, $style_for_target);
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonxml::error("Unknown token event :$token->[0]:$token->[1]:");
+ }
+ #evaluate variable refs in result
+ if ($result ne "") {
+ if ( $#$parstack > -1 ) {
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::redirection) {
+ $Apache::lonxml::outputstack['-1'] .=
+ &Apache::run::evaluate($result,$safeeval,$$parstack['-1']);
+ } else {
+ $finaloutput .= &Apache::run::evaluate($result,$safeeval,
+ $$parstack['-1']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $finaloutput .= &Apache::run::evaluate($result,$safeeval,'');
+ }
+ $result = '';
+ }
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
+ &end_tag($stack,$parstack,$token);
+ }
+ }
+ pop @$pars;
+ pop @Apache::lonxml::pwd;
+ }
+ # if ($target eq 'meta') {
+ # $finaloutput.=&endredirection;
+ # }
+ if (($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) && ($target eq 'web')) {
+ $finaloutput=&afterburn($finaloutput);
+ }
+ return $finaloutput;
+sub recurse {
+ my @innerstack = ();
+ my @innerparstack = ();
+ my ($newarg,$target,$safeeval,$style_for_target,@parstack) = @_;
+ my @pat = ();
+ &newparser(\@pat,\$newarg);
+ my $tokenpat;
+ my $partstring = '';
+ my $output='';
+ my $decls='';
+ while ( $#pat > -1 ) {
+ while ($tokenpat = $pat[$#pat]->get_token) {
+ if (($tokenpat->[0] eq 'T') || ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'C') || ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'D') ) {
+ if ($metamode<1) { $partstring=$tokenpat->[1]; }
+ } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'PI') {
+ if ($metamode<1) { $partstring=$tokenpat->[2]; }
+ } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'S') {
+ push (@innerstack,$tokenpat->[1]);
+ push (@innerparstack,&parstring($tokenpat));
+ &increasedepth($tokenpat);
+ $partstring = &callsub("start_$tokenpat->[1]", $target, $tokenpat,
+ \@innerstack, \@innerparstack, \@pat,
+ $safeeval, $style_for_target);
+ } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'E') {
+ #clear out any tags that didn't end
+ while ($tokenpat->[1] ne $innerstack[$#innerstack]
+ && ($#innerstack > -1)) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::warning("Unbalanced tags in resource $innerstack['-1']");
+ &end_tag(\@innerstack,\@innerparstack,$tokenpat);
+ }
+ $partstring = &callsub("end_$tokenpat->[1]", $target, $tokenpat,
+ \@innerstack, \@innerparstack, \@pat,
+ $safeeval, $style_for_target);
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonxml::error("Unknown token event :$tokenpat->[0]:$tokenpat->[1]:");
+ }
+ #pass both the variable to the style tag, and the tag we
+ #are processing inside the
+ if ( $partstring ne "" ) {
+ if ( $#parstack > -1 ) {
+ if ( $#innerparstack > -1 ) {
+ $decls= $parstack[$#parstack].$innerparstack[$#innerparstack];
+ } else {
+ $decls= $parstack[$#parstack];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( $#innerparstack > -1 ) {
+ $decls=$innerparstack[$#innerparstack];
+ } else {
+ $decls='';
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= &Apache::run::evaluate($partstring,$safeeval,$decls);
+ $partstring = '';
+ }
+ if ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'E') { pop @innerstack;pop @innerparstack;
+ &decreasedepth($tokenpat);}
+ }
+ pop @pat;
+ pop @Apache::lonxml::pwd;
+ }
+ return $output;
+sub callsub {
+ my ($sub,$target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
+ my $currentstring='';
+ my $nodefault;
+ {
+ my $sub1;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $tag=$token->[1];
+ my $space=$Apache::lonxml::alltags{$tag};
+ if (!$space) {
+ $tag=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $sub=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $space=$Apache::lonxml::alltags{$tag}
+ }
+ my $deleted=0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::curdepth=join('_',@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
+ if (($token->[0] eq 'S') && ($target eq 'modified')) {
+ $deleted=&Apache::edit::handle_delete($space,$target,$token,$tagstack,
+ $parstack,$parser,$safeeval,
+ $style);
+ }
+ if (!$deleted) {
+ if ($space) {
+ #&Apache::lonxml::debug("Calling sub $sub in $space $metamode
+ $sub1="$space\:\:$sub";
+ ($currentstring,$nodefault) = &$sub1($target,$token,$tagstack,
+ $parstack,$parser,$safeeval,
+ $style);
+ } else {
+ #&Apache::lonxml::debug("NOT Calling sub $sub in $space $metamode
+ if ($metamode <1) {
+ if (defined($token->[4]) && ($metamode < 1)) {
+ $currentstring = $token->[4];
+ } else {
+ $currentstring = $token->[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # &Apache::lonxml::debug("nodefalt:$nodefault:");
+ if ($currentstring eq '' && $nodefault eq '') {
+ if ($target eq 'edit') {
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug("doing default edit for $token->[1]");
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ $currentstring = &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token);
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
+ $currentstring = &Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token);
+ }
+ } elsif ($target eq 'modified') {
+ if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ $currentstring = $token->[4];
+ $currentstring.=&Apache::edit::handle_insert();
+ } else {
+ $currentstring = $token->[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ use strict 'refs';
+ }
+ return $currentstring;
+sub setup_globals {
+ my ($target)=@_;
+ $Apache::lonxml::registered = 0;
+ @Apache::lonxml::pwd=();
+ @Apache::lonxml::extlinks=();
+ if ($target eq 'meta') {
+ $Apache::lonxml::redirection = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::metamode = 1;
+ $Apache::lonxml::evaluate = 1;
+ $Apache::lonxml::import = 0;
+ } elsif ($target eq 'grade') {
+ &startredirection;
+ $Apache::lonxml::metamode = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::evaluate = 1;
+ $Apache::lonxml::import = 1;
+ } elsif ($target eq 'modified') {
+ $Apache::lonxml::redirection = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::metamode = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::evaluate = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::import = 0;
+ } elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
+ $Apache::lonxml::redirection = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::metamode = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::evaluate = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::import = 0;
+ } else {
+ $Apache::lonxml::redirection = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::metamode = 0;
+ $Apache::lonxml::evaluate = 1;
+ $Apache::lonxml::import = 1;
+ }
+sub init_safespace {
+ my ($target,$safeeval,$safehole,$safeinit) = @_;
+ $safeeval->permit("entereval");
+ $safeeval->permit(":base_math");
+ $safeeval->permit("sort");
+ $safeeval->deny(":base_io");
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Apache::scripttag::xmlparse,$safeeval,'&xmlparse');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Apache::lonnet::EXT,$safeeval,'&EXT');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::asin,$safeeval,'&asin');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::acos,$safeeval,'&acos');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::atan,$safeeval,'&atan');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::sinh,$safeeval,'&sinh');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::cosh,$safeeval,'&cosh');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::tanh,$safeeval,'&tanh');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::asinh,$safeeval,'&asinh');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::acosh,$safeeval,'&acosh');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::atanh,$safeeval,'&atanh');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::erf,$safeeval,'&erf');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::erfc,$safeeval,'&erfc');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::j0,$safeeval,'&j0');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::j1,$safeeval,'&j1');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::jn,$safeeval,'&jn');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::jv,$safeeval,'&jv');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::y0,$safeeval,'&y0');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::y1,$safeeval,'&y1');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::yn,$safeeval,'&yn');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Cephes::yv,$safeeval,'&yv');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_beta,$safeeval,'&math_random_beta');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_chi_square,$safeeval,'&math_random_chi_square');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_exponential,$safeeval,'&math_random_exponential');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_f,$safeeval,'&math_random_f');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_gamma,$safeeval,'&math_random_gamma');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_multivariate_normal,$safeeval,'&math_random_multivariate_normal');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_multinomial,$safeeval,'&math_random_multinomial');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_noncentral_chi_square,$safeeval,'&math_random_noncentral_chi_square');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_noncentral_f,$safeeval,'&math_random_noncentral_f');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_normal,$safeeval,'&math_random_normal');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_permutation,$safeeval,'&math_random_permutation');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_permuted_index,$safeeval,'&math_random_permuted_index');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_uniform,$safeeval,'&math_random_uniform');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_poisson,$safeeval,'&math_random_poisson');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_uniform_integer,$safeeval,'&math_random_uniform_integer');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_negative_binomial,$safeeval,'&math_random_negative_binomial');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_binomial,$safeeval,'&math_random_binomial');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_seed_from_phrase,$safeeval,'&random_seed_from_phrase');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_set_seed_from_phrase,$safeeval,'&random_set_seed_from_phrase');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_get_seed,$safeeval,'&random_get_seed');
+ $safehole->wrap(\&Math::Random::random_set_seed,$safeeval,'&random_set_seed');
+#need to inspect this class of ops
+# $safeeval->deny(":base_orig");
+ $safeinit .= ';$external::target="'.$target.'";';
+ my $rndseed;
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name) = &Apache::lonxml::whichuser();
+ $rndseed=&Apache::lonnet::rndseed($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name);
+ $safeinit .= ';$external::randomseed='.$rndseed.';';
+ &Apache::run::run($safeinit,$safeeval);
+sub startredirection {
+ $Apache::lonxml::redirection++;
+ push (@Apache::lonxml::outputstack, '');
+sub endredirection {
+ if (!$Apache::lonxml::redirection) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::error("Endredirection was called, before a startredirection, perhaps you have unbalanced tags. Some debuging information:".join ":",caller);
+ return '';
+ }
+ $Apache::lonxml::redirection--;
+ pop @Apache::lonxml::outputstack;
+sub end_tag {
+ my ($tagstack,$parstack,$token)=@_;
+ pop(@$tagstack);
+ pop(@$parstack);
+ &decreasedepth($token);
+sub initdepth {
+ @Apache::lonxml::depthcounter=();
+ $Apache::lonxml::depth=-1;
+ $Apache::lonxml::olddepth=-1;
+sub increasedepth {
+ my ($token) = @_;
+ $Apache::lonxml::depth++;
+ $Apache::lonxml::depthcounter[$Apache::lonxml::depth]++;
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::depthcounter[$Apache::lonxml::depth]==1) {
+ $Apache::lonxml::olddepth=$Apache::lonxml::depth;
+ }
+ my $curdepth=join('_',@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug("s $Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $curdepth : $token->[1]\n");
+#print "
s $Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $curdepth : $token->[1]\n";
+sub decreasedepth {
+ my ($token) = @_;
+ $Apache::lonxml::depth--;
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::depth<$Apache::lonxml::olddepth-1) {
+ $#Apache::lonxml::depthcounter--;
+ $Apache::lonxml::olddepth=$Apache::lonxml::depth+1;
+ }
+ if ( $Apache::lonxml::depth < -1) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::warning("Unbalanced tags in resource");
+ $Apache::lonxml::depth='-1';
+ }
+ my $curdepth=join('_',@Apache::lonxml::depthcounter);
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug("e $Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $token->[1] : $curdepth\n");
+#print "
e $Apache::lonxml::depth : $Apache::lonxml::olddepth : $token->[1] : $curdepth\n";
+sub get_all_text {
+ my($tag,$pars)= @_;
+ my $depth=0;
+ my $token;
+ my $result='';
+ if ( $tag =~ m:^/: ) {
+ my $tag=substr($tag,1);
+# &Apache::lonxml::debug("have:$tag:");
+ while (($depth >=0) && ($token = $pars->get_token)) {
+# &Apache::lonxml::debug("e token:$token->[0]:$depth:$token->[1]");
+ if (($token->[0] eq 'T')||($token->[0] eq 'C')||($token->[0] eq 'D')) {
+ $result.=$token->[1];
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'PI') {
+ $result.=$token->[2];
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ if ($token->[1] eq $tag) { $depth++; }
+ $result.=$token->[4];
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
+ if ( $token->[1] eq $tag) { $depth--; }
+ #skip sending back the last end tag
+ if ($depth > -1) { $result.=$token->[2]; } else {
+ $pars->unget_token($token);
- #---- end tag from the style file
- if (exists $style_for_target{'/'."$token->[1]"}) {
- $newarg = $style_for_target{'/'."$token->[1]"};
- if (index($newarg,'script') != -1 ) {
- my $pat = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$newarg);
- my $tokenpat;
- my $partstring = '';
- my $oustring = '';
- my $outputstring;
- while ($tokenpat = $pat->get_token) {
- if ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'T') {
- $oustring .= $tokenpat->[1];
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'S') {
- if ($tokenpat->[1] eq 'script') {
- while ($tokenpat = $pat->get_token and $tokenpat->[1] ne 'script') {
- if ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'S') {
- $partstring .= $tokenpat->[4];
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'T') {
- $partstring .= $tokenpat->[1];
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'E') {
- $partstring .= $tokenpat->[2];
- }
- }
- my @tempor_list = split(',',$parstack[$#parstack]);
- my @te_kl = ();
- my %tempor_hash = ();
- map {(my $onete,my $twote) = split('=',$_); push (@te_kl,$onete);
- $tempor_hash{$onete} = $twote} @tempor_list;
- map {$partstring =~ s/\$$_/$tempor_hash{$_}/g; } @te_kl;
- print "want to use run\n";
- &Apache::run::run($partstring,$safeeval);
- $partstring = '';
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[1] eq 'evaluate') {
- $outputstring = &Apache::run::evaluate($tokenpat->[2]{expression},$safeeval);
- $oustring .= $outputstring;
- } else {
- $oustring .= $tokenpat->[4];
- }
- } elsif ($tokenpat->[0] eq 'E' and $tokenpat->[1] ne 'evaluate') {
- $oustring .= $tokenpat->[1];
- }
- }
- $newarg = $oustring;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ($token = $pars->get_token) {
+# &Apache::lonxml::debug("s token:$token->[0]:$depth:$token->[1]");
+ if (($token->[0] eq 'T')||($token->[0] eq 'C')||($token->[0] eq 'D')) {
+ $result.=$token->[1];
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'PI') {
+ $result.=$token->[2];
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+ if ( $token->[1] eq $tag) {
+ $pars->unget_token($token); last;
} else {
- my @very_temp = split(',',$parstack[$#parstack]);
- map {my @ret= split('=',$_); $newarg =~ s/\$$ret[0]/$ret[1]/g; } @very_temp;
+ $result.=$token->[4];
- $finaloutput .= $newarg;
+ } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') {
+ $result.=$token->[2];
- pop @parstack;
- return $finaloutput;
+# &Apache::lonxml::debug("Exit:$result:");
+ return $result
+sub newparser {
+ my ($parser,$contentref,$dir) = @_;
+ push (@$parser,HTML::TokeParser->new($contentref));
+ $$parser['-1']->xml_mode('1');
+ if ( $dir eq '' ) {
+ push (@Apache::lonxml::pwd, $Apache::lonxml::pwd[$#Apache::lonxml::pwd]);
+ } else {
+ push (@Apache::lonxml::pwd, $dir);
+ }
+# &Apache::lonxml::debug("pwd:$#Apache::lonxml::pwd");
+# &Apache::lonxml::debug("pwd:$Apache::lonxml::pwd[$#Apache::lonxml::pwd]");
+sub parstring {
+ my ($token) = @_;
+ my $temp='';
+ map {
+ unless ($_=~/\W/) {
+ my $val=$token->[2]->{$_};
+ $val =~ s/([\%\@\\])/\\$1/g;
+ #if ($val =~ m/^[\%\@]/) { $val="\\".$val; }
+ $temp .= "my \$$_=\"$val\";"
+ }
+ } @{$token->[3]};
+ return $temp;
+sub writeallows {
+ my $thisurl='/res/'.&Apache::lonnet::declutter(shift);
+ if ($ENV{'httpref.'.$thisurl}) {
+ $thisurl=$ENV{'httpref.'.$thisurl};
+ }
+ my $thisdir=$thisurl;
+ $thisdir=~s/\/[^\/]+$//;
+ my %httpref=();
+ map {
+ $httpref{'httpref.'.
+ &Apache::lonnet::hreflocation($thisdir,$_)}=$thisurl;
+ } @extlinks;
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%httpref);
+# Afterburner handles anchors, highlights and links
+sub afterburn {
+ my $result=shift;
+ map {
+ my ($name, $value) = split(/=/,$_);
+ $value =~ tr/+/ /;
+ $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
+ if (($name eq 'highlight')||($name eq 'anchor')||($name eq 'link')) {
+ unless ($ENV{'form.'.$name}) {
+ $ENV{'form.'.$name}=$value;
+ }
+ }
+ } (split(/&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}));
+ if ($ENV{'form.highlight'}) {
+ map {
+ my $anchorname=$_;
+ my $matchthis=$anchorname;
+ $matchthis=~s/\_+/\\s\+/g;
+ $result=~s/($matchthis)/\$1\<\/font\>/gs;
+ } split(/\,/,$ENV{'form.highlight'});
+ }
+ if ($ENV{'form.link'}) {
+ map {
+ my ($anchorname,$linkurl)=split(/\>/,$_);
+ my $matchthis=$anchorname;
+ $matchthis=~s/\_+/\\s\+/g;
+ $result=~s/($matchthis)/\$1\<\/a\>/gs;
+ } split(/\,/,$ENV{'form.link'});
+ }
+ if ($ENV{'form.anchor'}) {
+ my $anchorname=$ENV{'form.anchor'};
+ my $matchthis=$anchorname;
+ $matchthis=~s/\_+/\\s\+/g;
+ $result=~s/($matchthis)/\$1\<\/a\>/s;
+ $result.=(<<"ENDSCRIPT");
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub storefile {
+ my ($file,$contents)=@_;
+ if (my $fh=Apache::File->new('>'.$file)) {
+ print $fh $contents;
+ $fh->close();
+ }
+sub inserteditinfo {
+ my ($result,$filecontents)=@_;
+ unless ($filecontents) {
+ $filecontents=(<
+ Title of Document Goes Here
+ Body of Document Goes Here
+ }
+ my $editheader='Edit below
+ my $editfooter=(<
+ $result=~s/(\]*\>)/$1$editheader/is;
+ $result=~s/(\<\/body\>)/$editfooter/is;
+ return $result;
+sub handler {
+ my $request=shift;
+ my $target='web';
+ $Apache::lonxml::debug=0;
+ if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) {
+ $request->content_type('text/xml');
+ } else {
+ $request->content_type('text/html');
+ }
+ $request->send_http_header;
+ return OK if $request->header_only;
+ my $file=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation("",$request->uri);
+# Edit action? Save file.
+ unless ($ENV{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+ if (($ENV{'form.savethisfile'}) || ($ENV{'form.attemptclean'})) {
+ &storefile($file,$ENV{'form.filecont'});
+ }
+ }
+ my %mystyle;
+ my $result = '';
+ my $filecontents=&Apache::lonnet::getfile($file);
+ if ($filecontents == -1) {
+ $result=(<
+File not found
+File not found: $file
+ $filecontents='';
+ } else {
+ unless ($ENV{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+ if ($ENV{'form.attemptclean'}) {
+ $filecontents=&htmlclean($filecontents,1);
+ }
+ }
+ $result = &Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($target,$filecontents,'',%mystyle);
+ }
+# Edit action? Insert editing commands
+ unless ($ENV{'request.state'} eq 'published') {
+ $result=&inserteditinfo($result,$filecontents);
+ }
+ $request->print($result);
+ return OK;
+sub debug {
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::debug eq 1) {
+ print("DEBUG:".$_[0]."
+ }
+sub error {
+ if (($Apache::lonxml::debug eq 1) || ($ENV{'request.state'} eq 'construct') ) {
+ print "ERROR:".$_[0]."
+ } else {
+ print "An Error occured while processing this resource. The instructor has been notified.
+ #notify author
+ &Apache::lonmsg::author_res_msg($ENV{'request.filename'},$_[0]);
+ #notify course
+ if ( $ENV{'request.course.id'} ) {
+ my $users=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.comment.email'};
+ foreach my $user (split /\,/, $users) {
+ ($user,my $domain) = split /:/, $user;
+ &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg($user,$domain,"Error in $ENV{'request.filename'}",$_[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ #FIXME probably shouldn't have me get everything forever.
+ &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg('albertel','msu',"Error in $ENV{'request.filename'}",$_[0]);
+ #&Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg('albertel','103',"Error in $ENV{'request.filename'}",$_[0]);
+ }
+sub warning {
+ if ($ENV{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ print "WARNING:".$_[0]."
+ }
+sub get_param {
+ my ($param,$parstack,$safeeval,$context) = @_;
+ if ( ! $context ) { $context = -1; }
+ my $args ='';
+ if ( $#$parstack > (-2-$context) ) { $args=$$parstack[$context]; }
+ return &Apache::run::run("{$args;".'return $'.$param.'}',$safeeval); #'
+sub register_insert {
+ my @data = split /\n/, &Apache::lonnet::getfile('/home/httpd/lonTabs/insertlist.tab');
+ my $i;
+ my $tagnum=0;
+ my @order;
+ for ($i=0;$i < $#data; $i++) {
+ my $line = $data[$i];
+ if ( $line =~ /^\#/ || $line =~ /^\s*\n/) { next; }
+ if ( $line =~ /TABLE/ ) { last; }
+ my ($tag,$descrip,$color,$function,$show) = split(/,/, $line);
+ $insertlist{"$tagnum.tag"} = $tag;
+ $insertlist{"$tagnum.description"} = $descrip;
+ $insertlist{"$tagnum.color"} = $color;
+ $insertlist{"$tagnum.function"} = $function;
+ $insertlist{"$tagnum.show"}= $show;
+ $insertlist{"$tag.num"}=$tagnum;
+ $tagnum++;
+ }
+ $i++; #skipping TABLE line
+ $tagnum = 0;
+ for (;$i < $#data;$i++) {
+ my $line = $data[$i];
+ my ($mnemonic,@which) = split(/ +/,$line);
+ my $tag = $insertlist{"$tagnum.tag"};
+ for (my $j=0;$j <$#which;$j++) {
+ if ( $which[$j] eq 'Y' ) {
+ if ($insertlist{"$j.show"} ne 'no') {
+ push(@{ $insertlist{"$tag.which"} },$j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tagnum++;
+ }
+sub description {
+ my ($token)=@_;
+ return $insertlist{$insertlist{"$token->[1].num"}.'.description'};
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- whichuser
+# returns a list of $symb, $courseid, $domain, $name that is correct for
+# calls to lonnet functions for this setup.
+# - looks for form.grade_ parameters
+sub whichuser {
+ my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread();
+ my $courseid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+ my $domain=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+ my $name=$ENV{'user.name'};
+ if (defined($ENV{'form.grade_symb'})) {
+ my $tmp_courseid=$ENV{'form.grade_courseid'};
+ my $allowed=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$tmp_courseid);
+ if ($allowed) {
+ $symb=$ENV{'form.grade_symb'};
+ $courseid=$ENV{'form.grade_courseid'};
+ $domain=$ENV{'form.grade_domain'};
+ $name=$ENV{'form.grade_username'};
+ }
+ }
+ return ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name);