+Comma-separated list of libraries.
+The following libraries can be used with Maxima:
+absimp, affine, atensor, atrig1, augmented_lagrangian,
+contrib_ode, ctensor, descriptive, diag, eigen, facexp, fft,
+fourie, functs, ggf, grobner, impdiff, ineq, interpol,
+itensor, lapack, lbfgs, lindstedt, linearalgebra, lsquares,
+makeOrders, mnewton, mchrpl, ntrig, orthopoly,
+quadpack, rducon, romberg, scifac, simplex, solve_rec,
+sqdnst, stats, sterling, sym, units, vect, zeilberger
+The following libraries can be used with R:
+alr3, boot, car, class, cluster, datasets, Hmisc,
+KernSmooth, leaps, lmtest, MASS, methods, mgcv,
+nlme, nnet, qAnalyst, quadprog, rpart, SuppDists,
+spatial, splines, stats, stats4, survival, tseries, zoo
@@ -3722,9 +3752,8 @@ This is the label assigned to the spline