# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# filecompare.pl - script used to help probe and compare file statistics
# $Id: filecompare.pl,v 1.1 2002/05/23 18:50:42 harris41 Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
# http://www.lon-capa.org/
# YEAR=2001
# 9/27, 10/24, 10/25, 11/4 Scott Harrison
# 11/14 Guy Albertelli
# 11/16,11/17 Scott Harrison
# 12/3,12/5 Scott Harrison
## ##
## ##
## 1. Invocation ##
## 2. Notes ##
## 3. Dependencies ##
## 4. Process command line arguments ##
## 5. Process file/dir location arguments ##
## 6. Process comparison restrictions ##
## 7. Define output and measure subroutines ##
## 8. Loop through files and calculate differences ##
## 9. Subroutines ##
## 10. POD (plain old documentation, CPAN style) ##
## ##
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Invocation
my $invocation=<<END;
filecompare.pl [ options ... ] [FILE1] [FILE2] [ restrictions ... ]
filecompare.pl [ options ... ] [DIR1] [DIR2] [ restrictions ... ]
filecompare.pl [ options ... ] -s TARGET=[target] SOURCE=[source] MODE=[mode]
Restrictions: a list of space separated values (after the file/dir names)
can restrict the comparison.
These values can be: existence, cvstime, age, md5sum, size, lines,
and/or diffs.
Options (before file/dir names):
-p show all files that have the same comparison
-n show all files that have different comparisons
-a show all files (with comparisons)
-q only show file names (based on first file/dir)
-v verbose mode (default)
-bN buildmode (controls EXIT code of this script; 0 unless...)
N=1: md5sum=same --> 1; cvstime<0 --> 2
N=2: same as N=1 except without md5sum
N=3: md5sum=same --> 1; age<0 --> 2
N=4: cvstime>0 --> 2
The third way to pass arguments is set by the -s flag.
filecompare.pl -s SOURCE=[source] TARGET=[target] MODE=[mode] LOC1 LOC2
TARGET corresponds to the root path of LOC2. SOURCE corresponds to
the root path of LOC1. MODE can either be file, directory, link, or fileglob.
unless (@ARGV) {
print $invocation;
exit 1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes
# What are all the different ways to compare two files and how to look
# at the differences?
# Ways of comparison:
# existence similarity
# cvs time similarity (1st arg treated as CVS source; only for buildmode)
# age similarity (modification time)
# md5sum similarity
# size similarity (bytes)
# line count difference
# number of different lines
# Quantities of comparison:
# existence (no,yes); other values become 'n/a'
# cvstime in seconds
# age in seconds
# md5sum ("same" or "different")
# size similarity (byte difference)
# line count difference (integer)
# number of different lines (integer)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies
# implementing from unix command line (assuming bash)
# md5sum, diff, wc -l
# ---------------------------------------------- Process command line arguments
# Flags (before file/dir names):
# -p show all files the same
# -n show all files different
# -a show all files (with comparisons)
# -q only show file names (based on first file/dir)
# -v verbose mode (default)
# -bN build/install mode (returns exitcode)
# -s status checking mode for lpml
my $verbose='1';
my $show='all';
my $buildmode=0;
my $statusmode=0;
ALOOP: while (@ARGV) {
my $flag;
if ($ARGV[0]=~/^\-(\w)/) {
if ($flag eq 'b') {
shift @ARGV;
next ALOOP;
shift @ARGV;
$verbose=0, last SWITCH if $flag eq 'q';
$verbose=1, last SWITCH if $flag eq 'v';
$show='same', last SWITCH if $flag eq 'p';
$show='different', last SWITCH if $flag eq 'n';
$show='all', last SWITCH if $flag eq 'a';
$statusmode=1, last SWITCH if $flag eq 's';
print($invocation), exit(1);
else {
dowarn('Verbose: '.$verbose."\n");
dowarn('Show: '.$show."\n");
my @files;
my $loc1;
my $loc2;
my $dirmode='directories';
# ----------------------------------------- If status checking mode for lpml
my ($sourceroot,$targetroot,$mode,$sourceglob,$targetglob);
my ($source,$target);
if ($statusmode==1) {
$targetroot.='/' if $targetroot!~/\/$/;
# print "SOURCE: $source\n";
# print "TARGET: $target\n";
if ($mode eq 'MODE=fileglob') {
$loc1=$source;$loc1=~s/\/[^\/]*$// if length($loc1)>2;
$loc2=$target;$loc2=~s/\/[^\/]*$// if length($loc2)>2;
@files=map {s/^$loc1\///;$_} glob($source);
elsif ($mode eq 'MODE=file') {
else {
# ----------------------------------------- Process file/dir location arguments
$loc1=shift @ARGV;
$loc2=shift @ARGV;
unless ($loc1 and $loc2) {
print "LOC1: $loc1\nLOC2: $loc2\n";
print($invocation), exit(1);
if (-f $loc1) {
else {
if (-e $loc1) {
@files=`find $loc1 -type f`;
else {
map {chomp; s/^$loc1\///; $_} @files;
dowarn('Processing for mode: '.$dirmode."\n");
dowarn('Location #1: '.$loc1."\n");
dowarn('Location #2: '.$loc2."\n");
# --------------------------------------------- Process comparison restrictions
# A list of space separated values (after the file/dir names)
# can restrict the comparison.
my %rhash=('existence'=>0,'cvstime'=>0,'md5sum'=>0,'age'=>0,'size'=>0,
my %restrict;
while (@ARGV) {
my $r=shift @ARGV;
if ($rhash{$r}==0) {$restrict{$r}=1;}
else {print($invocation), exit(1);}
if (%restrict) {
dowarn('Restricting comparison to: '.
join(' ',keys %restrict)."\n");
# --------------------------------------- Define output and measure subroutines
my %OUTPUT=(
'existence'=>( sub {print 'existence: '.@_[0]; return;}),
'md5sum'=>(sub {print 'md5sum: '.@_[0];return;}),
'cvstime'=>(sub {print 'cvstime: '.@_[0];return;}),
'age'=>(sub {print 'age: '.@_[0];return;}),
'size'=>(sub {print 'size: '.@_[0];return;}),
'lines'=>(sub {print 'lines: '.@_[0];return;}),
'diffs'=>(sub {print 'diffs: '.@_[0];return;}),
'existence' => ( sub { my ($file1,$file2)=@_;
my $rv1=(-e $file1)?'yes':'no';
my $rv2=(-e $file2)?'yes':'no';
return ($rv1,$rv2); } ),
'md5sum'=>( sub { my ($file1,$file2)=@_;
my ($rv1)=split(/ /,`md5sum $file1`); chop $rv1;
my ($rv2)=split(/ /,`md5sum $file2`); chop $rv2;
return ($rv1,$rv2); } ),
'cvstime'=>( sub { my ($file1,$file2)=@_;
my $rv1=&cvstime($file1);
my @a=stat($file2); my $gmt=gmtime($a[9]);
my $rv2=&utctime($gmt);
return ($rv1,$rv2); } ),
'age'=>( sub { my ($file1,$file2)=@_;
my @a=stat($file1); my $rv1=$a[9];
@a=stat($file2); my $rv2=$a[9];
return ($rv1,$rv2); } ),
'size'=>( sub { my ($file1,$file2)=@_;
my @a=stat($file1); my $rv1=$a[7];
@a=stat($file2); my $rv2=$a[7];
return ($rv1,$rv2); } ),
'lines'=>( sub { my ($file1,$file2)=@_;
my $rv1=`wc -l $file1`; chop $rv1;
my $rv2=`wc -l $file2`; chop $rv2;
return ($rv1,$rv2); } ),
'diffs'=>( sub { my ($file1,$file2)=@_;
my $rv1=`diff $file1 $file2 | grep '^<' | wc -l`;
chop $rv1; $rv1=~s/^\s+//; $rv1=~s/\s+$//;
my $rv2=`diff $file1 $file2 | grep '^>' | wc -l`;
chop $rv2; $rv2=~s/^\s+//; $rv2=~s/\s+$//;
return ($rv1,$rv2); } ),
FLOOP: foreach my $file (@files) {
my $file1;
my $file2;
if ($dirmode eq 'directories') {
else {
my ($existence1,$existence2)=&{$MEASURE{'existence'}}($file1,$file2);
my $existence=$existence1.':'.$existence2;
my ($cvstime,$md5sum,$age,$size,$lines,$diffs);
if ($existence1 eq 'no' or $existence2 eq 'no') {
else {
if ($buildmode) {
my ($cvstime1,$cvstime2)=&{$MEASURE{'cvstime'}}($file1,$file2);
else {
my ($age1,$age2)=&{$MEASURE{'age'}}($file1,$file2);
my ($md5sum1,$md5sum2)=&{$MEASURE{'md5sum'}}($file1,$file2);
if ($md5sum1 eq $md5sum2) {
elsif ($md5sum1 ne $md5sum2) {
my ($size1,$size2)=&{$MEASURE{'size'}}($file1,$file2);
my ($lines1,$lines2)=&{$MEASURE{'lines'}}($file1,$file2);
my ($diffs1,$diffs2)=&{$MEASURE{'diffs'}}($file1,$file2);
my $showflag=0;
if ($show eq 'all') {
if ($show eq 'different') {
my @ks=(keys %restrict);
unless (@ks) {
FLOOP2: for my $key (@ks) {
if ($key eq 'existence') {
if ($existence ne 'yes:yes') {
elsif ($key eq 'md5sum') {
if ($md5sum ne 'same') {
elsif ($key eq 'cvstime' and $buildmode) {
if ($cvstime!=0) {
elsif ($key eq 'age') {
if ($age!=0) {
elsif ($key eq 'size') {
if ($size!=0) {
elsif ($key eq 'lines') {
if ($lines!=0) {
elsif ($key eq 'diffs') {
if ($diffs ne '0:0') {
if ($showflag) {
last FLOOP2;
elsif ($show eq 'same') {
my @ks=(keys %restrict);
unless (@ks) {
my $showcount=length(@ks);
$showcount-- unless $buildmode;
FLOOP3: for my $key (@ks) {
if ($key eq 'existence') {
if ($existence ne 'yes:yes') {
elsif ($key eq 'md5sum') {
if ($md5sum ne 'same') {
elsif ($key eq 'cvstime' and $buildmode) {
if ($cvstime!=0) {
elsif ($key eq 'age') {
if ($age!=0) {
elsif ($key eq 'size') {
if ($size!=0) {
elsif ($key eq 'lines') {
if ($lines!=0) {
elsif ($key eq 'diffs') {
if ($diffs ne '0:0') {
if ($showcount==0) {
if ($buildmode==1) { # -b1
if ($md5sum eq 'same') {
elsif ($cvstime<0) {
else {
elsif ($buildmode==2) { # -b2
if ($cvstime<0) {
else {
elsif ($buildmode==3) { # -b3
if ($md5sum eq 'same') {
elsif ($age<0) {
else {
elsif ($buildmode==4) { # -b4
if ($existence=~/no$/) {
elsif ($cvstime>0) {
elsif ($existence=~/^no/) {
else {
if ($showflag) {
print "$file";
if ($verbose==1) {
print "\t";
print &{$OUTPUT{'existence'}}($existence);
print "\t";
print &{$OUTPUT{'cvstime'}}($cvstime);
print "\t";
print &{$OUTPUT{'age'}}($age);
print "\t";
print &{$OUTPUT{'md5sum'}}($md5sum);
print "\t";
print &{$OUTPUT{'size'}}($size);
print "\t";
print &{$OUTPUT{'lines'}}($lines);
print "\t";
print &{$OUTPUT{'diffs'}}($diffs);
print "\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Subroutines
sub cvstime {
my ($f)=@_;
my $path; my $file;
if ($f=~/^(.*\/)(.*?)$/) {
else {
$file=$f; $path='';
my $cvstime;
if ($buildmode!=3) {
my $entry=`grep '^/$file/' ${path}CVS/Entries 2>/dev/null`;
# or
# die('*** WARNING *** cannot grep against '.${path}.
# 'CVS/Entries for ' .$file . "\n");
if ($entry) {
my @fields=split(/\//,$entry);
$cvstime=`date -d '$fields[3] UTC' --utc +"%s"`;
chomp $cvstime;
else {
else {
return $cvstime;
sub utctime {
my ($f)=@_;
my $utctime=`date -d '$f UTC' --utc +"%s"`;
chomp $utctime;
return $utctime;
sub dowarn {
my ($msg)=@_;
warn($msg) unless $buildmode;
# ----------------------------------- POD (plain old documentation, CPAN style)
=head1 NAME
filecompare.pl - script used to help probe and compare file statistics
filecompare.pl [ options ... ] [FILE1] [FILE2] [ restrictions ... ]
filecompare.pl [ options ... ] [DIR1] [DIR2] [ restrictions ... ]
Restrictions: a list of space separated values (after the file/dir names)
can restrict the comparison.
These values can be: existence, cvstime, age, md5sum, size, lines,
and/or diffs.
Options (before file/dir names):
-p show all files that have the same comparison
-n show all files that have different comparisons
-a show all files (with comparisons)
-q only show file names (based on first file/dir)
-v verbose mode (default)
filecompare.pl can work in two modes: file comparison mode, or directory
comparison mode.
Comparisons can be a function of:
* existence similarity
* cvs time similarity (first argument treated as CVS source)
* age similarity (modification time)
* md5sum similarity
* size similarity (bytes)
* line count difference
* number of different lines
filecompare.pl integrates smoothly with the LPML installation language
(linux packaging markup language). filecompare.pl is a tool that can
be used for safe CVS source-to-target installations.
=head1 README
filecompare.pl integrates smoothly with the LPML installation language
(linux packaging markup language). filecompare.pl is a tool that can
be used for safe CVS source-to-target installations.
The unique identifier is considered to be the file name(s) independent
of the directory path.
=head1 OSNAMES
FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org>