File:  [LON-CAPA] / nsdl / doc / systems.html
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Sun Jul 14 07:46:55 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by harris41
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD

<body bgcolor='#ffffff'>
<table border='1'>
<tr><td>Document location</td><td>CVS:smete/systems.html;
Scott Harrison computer</td>
<tr><td>Project title:</td>
<td>SMETE & LON-CAPA GATEWAY</td></tr>
<tr><td>Document scope:</td>
<td>Systems Analysis</td></tr>
<tr><td>Project supervisors</td>
<td>Gerd Kortemeyer, Michigan State University;
<br />and Andy Dong, UC-Berkeley</td></tr>
<tr><td>Project implementation</td>
<td>Eric Fixler and Scott Harrison</td></tr>
<tr><td>RCS ID</td><td>
$Id: systems.html,v 1.1 2002/07/14 07:46:55 harris41 Exp $
<li>First Draft- treat accordingly</li>
<li>Caveat- this is a systems document; meant to
describe how the set of requirements will be generally addressed;
set the platform for a design; just propose a full solution
so as to not lead to a bad design</li>
<li>Authorship- written by Scott Harrison; this document reflects
Scott Harrison's best understanding.
The primary intent of this document is to aid Scott Harrison
and others in the "meeting of minds" and serve as a record for
Scott Harrison.  The only legally binding provision governing
the entirety of this document is that of "best efforts".</li>
<li>Usage- MSU, UC-Berkeley, or Gerd Kortemeyer can use
the final draft of this document however they choose for record-keeping
or the generation of new documents

<h1>Systems Analysis</h1>
<br /><strong>CONTENTS</strong>
<br />I. <a href='#Introduction'>Introduction</a>
<br />II. <a href='#Gateway_Server'>Gateway Server</a>
<br />III. <a href='#Metanetwork_1'>Metanetwork #1</a>
<br />IV. <a href='#Metanetwork_2'>Metanetwork #2</a>
<br />V. <a href='#Inputs_and_Outputs'>Inputs and Outputs</a>
<br />VI. <a href='#Bibliography'>Bibliography</a>
<br />VII. <a href='#Appendix'>Appendix</a>
<a name='Introduction' />
<br /><strong>I. Introduction</strong>
<strong>A. The Multiple Systems</strong>
<strong>B. The Integration</strong>
<strong>C. The States of Operation</strong>
<a name='Gateway_Server' />
<br /><strong>II. Gateway Server</strong>
<strong>A. The Multiple Systems</strong>
<strong>B. The Integration</strong>
<strong>C. The States of Operation</strong>
<a name=Metanetwork_1' />
<br /><strong>III. Metanetwork #1</strong>
<strong>A. The Multiple Systems</strong>
<strong>B. The Integration</strong>
<strong>C. The States of Operation</strong>
<a name='Metanetwork_2' />
<br /><strong>IV. Metanetwork #2</strong>
<strong>A. The Multiple Systems</strong>
<strong>B. The Integration</strong>
<strong>C. The States of Operation</strong>
<a name='Inputs_and_Outputs' />
<br /><strong>V. Inputs and Outputs</strong>
<strong>A. The Multiple Systems</strong>
<strong>B. The Integration</strong>
<strong>C. The States of Operation</strong>
<a name='Bibliography' />
<br /><strong>VI. Bibliography</strong>
<strong>A. The Multiple Systems</strong>
<strong>B. The Integration</strong>
<strong>C. The States of Operation</strong>
<a name='Appendix' />
<br /><strong>VII. Appendix</strong>
<strong>A. The Multiple Systems</strong>
<strong>B. The Integration</strong>
<strong>C. The States of Operation</strong>

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