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Title: Number System Conversion Tool	Description:  This tool uses JavaScript to implement a number system conversion tool that can be used to teach the concepts of different number systems as part of an introductory math or computer science course. Users can convert numbers from decimal to another base, and from other bases to decimal, and the conversion process is explained. There is also a quiz feature which allows students to test their ability to convert numbers on their own.	Keywords: number system;binary;decimal;hexadecimal
Creation Date: 1999-06-20	Publication Year: 1999	Publication Month: 06
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Chaya	Lastname: Gurwitz	Email:	Organization: Brooklyn College;Computer and Information Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: HSU CIS 492 - Project for a Senior-level Team Database Programming Course (a CIS senior capstone course)	Description:  This is a senior project for a senior-level Computer Information Systems capstone course. It is a team project, writing a large database project using Oracle.	Keywords: team programming project;database programming project;software engineering;senior capstone course project
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Sharon	Lastname: Tuttle	Email:	Organization: Humboldt State University;Computing Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Reusability and adaptability of interactive resources in web-based educational	Description:  The production of interactive multimedia content is in most cases an expensive task in terms of time and cost. Hence, optimizing production by exploiting the reusability of interactive multimedia elements is mandatory. Reusability can be triggered by a combination of resuable multimedia components and the appropriate use of metadata to control the components as well as their combination. In this article, we discuss the reusability aspects of interactive multimedia content in web-based learning systems. In contrast to existing approaches, we extend a component-based architecture to build interactive multimedia visualization units with the use of metadata for reusability and customizability. In the three-tier model, the lowest layer of the paradigm corresponds to the programmer (code reusability). The user interface of an educational visualization is located at the top layer where the interaction with the end-user (student) takes place. The educator is located between the top and the bottom layers. This medium layer allows adapting interactive multimedia content according to the needs of the user, applying a predefined set of metadata. The teacher can both adjust the level of explanation and the level of interactivity of an animation, and influence the presentation and the results of the algorithms being illustrated (program reusability). After a theoretical overview, we explain our architecture by giving an example of an application.	Keywords: Design;Theory
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Turing Machine Applet	Description:  The following Java applet animates a Turing Machine that can add or multiply numbers. The animation shows the flow of events in the calculation (the writing and reading of symbols on an endless tape) and the decision rules used to process each step in the calculation.	Keywords: turing;machine;addition;multiplication
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Sparse Matrix - A Case Study in Layered Abstraction	Description:  In the described laboratory assignment, the mechanism of the sparse matrix is an array (row index) of linked lists storing only the nonzero values within a row, together with the column index of the saved element. The educational goals of the described lab are to (1) gain appreciation of, and experience with, a layered approach to the implementation of a relatively complex structure; (2) stress the distinction and separation between the public interface (as seen by the client, or user of a class) and the implementation; and (3) stress the importance of designing a clear, complete, and intuitive public interface to a class.	Keywords: data structures;abstraction;sparse matrix
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Thomas	Lastname: Hain	Email:	Organization: University of South Alabama;School of Computer & Info Sciences
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 6-Other	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Interactive Data Structure Visualizations	Description:  The interactive data structures visualizations are courseware lessons designed to accompany a CS-2 data structures course. The topics include binary trees, graphs, and sorting. The courseware is interactive and allows the student to watch animations and the replicate the steps of the algorithm.	Keywords: data structures;visualizations;interactive;binary trees;graphs;;sorting
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Duane	Lastname: Jarc	Email:	Organization: The George Washington University;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: Mac OS, OS/2, UNIX, Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98, Windows NT
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Moti's Distributed Algorithms in Java	Description:  These Java applets are used for studying distributed algorithms. They presume familiarity with distributed algorithms. The applets are not simple animations where you passively watch the algorithm. Instead, they are interactive, visual, study aids for studying distributed algorithms.	Keywords: distributed algorithms;byzantine generals;mutual exclusion
Creation Date: 1999-05-06	Publication Year: 1999	Publication Month: 05
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Mordechai	Lastname: Ben-Ari	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Self-Study Digital Library Courseware	Description:  This is freely available tutorial information about the field of digital libraries. See for more information.	Keywords: electronic
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Edward	Lastname: Fox	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Creating and Using a Class in C++	Description:  This lab introduces students to the use of classes in C++. By the end of the lab, students will know how to declare a class, how to define member functions, and how to test member functions. This lab involves a C++ console program. It was developed to run on a PC using Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0, but any C++ compiler will work. The lab can be completed in one class session, about 75 minutes.	Keywords: C++ programming;introduction to classes
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Eugenia	Lastname: Fernandez	Email:	Organization: Indiana University Perdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI);Purdue School of Engineering and Technology
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: CS294-1 Fall 1998 Syllabus	Description:  This syllabus describes a course covering multimedia system architecture and development issues	Keywords: syllabus;multimedia;hypermedia;audio;video;web;Internet
Creation Date: 1999-05-29	Publication Year: 1999	Publication Month: 05
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Lawrence	Lastname: Rowe	Email:	Organization: Univ. of California, Berkeley;Computer Science Div -- EECS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: Windows CE, Windows NT, Windows 95/98, Windows 3.1, UNIX, OS/2, Mac OS
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: CS294-1 Fall 1998 Reading List	Description:  This reading list pertains to a multimedia course covering system architecture and development issues	Keywords: Reading;multimedia
Creation Date: 1999-05-29	Publication Year: 1999	Publication Month: 05
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Lawrence	Lastname: Rowe	Email:	Organization: Univ. of California, Berkeley;Computer Science Div -- EECS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: Windows CE, Windows NT, Windows 95/98, Windows 3.1, UNIX, OS/2, Mac OS
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: CSC 475 Fall 1998 Syllabus	Description:  This syllabus describes a course covering networked multimedia issues, with an emphasis on the Internet	Keywords: Syllabus;multimedia;network;Internet;Web
Creation Date: 1999-05-29	Publication Year: 1999	Publication Month: 05
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Ronald	Lastname: Vetter	Email:	Organization: Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington;Computer Science Dept.
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: Windows CE, Windows NT, Windows 95/98, Windows 3.1, UNIX, OS/2, Mac OS
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Rotating Cube Applet Performance Test	Description:  The following Java applet animates the three-dimensional rotation of a cube. While doing so, it rates your computer system's performance: the lower-right corner displays the percentage of the programmed cube-redraw rate that your system actually supports.	Keywords: applet;performance;test;system
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: Windows CE, Windows NT, Windows 95/98, Windows 3.1, UNIX, OS/2, Mac OS
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Applets for teaching computer graphics concepts	Description:  These java applets allow students to explore bezier curves, 2D transformation operations, ligting models, and 3D viewing operations.	Keywords: bezier curves;transformations;lighting model;computer graphics
Creation Date: 1999-05-13	Publication Year: 1999	Publication Month: 05
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Patrick	Lastname: Min	Email:	Organization: Princeton University;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: An Investigation of Disk Scheduling Algorithms	Description:  Students study a program that simulates disk scheduling algorithms and answer questions about it. Students run the program, collect results, graph the results, and answer questions about the algorithms. The two algorithms used are FCFS and SSTF.	Keywords: disk scheduling;operating systems
Creation Date: 1999-05-12	Publication Year: 1999	Publication Month: 05
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Daniel	Lastname: Joyce	Email:	Organization: Villinova University;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: JFLAP	Description:  JFLAP is a package of graphical tools which can be used as an aid in learning the basic concepts of Formal Languages and Automata Theory. The 3.1 version of JFLAP is written in Java using JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.1.5 and contains several new features and bug fixes. Using JFLAP, one should be able to design and simulate several variations of finite automata (FA), pushdown automata (PDA), one-tape Turing machines (TM) and two-tape Turing machines (TTM). The user draws the transition diagram of the desired automaton and, once the picture is complete, the user enters an input string and then "runs" the automaton, being able to view all the generated configurations. In addition, JFLAP can handle grammars(GRM) and regular expressions(REX).	Keywords: finite automata;pushdown automata;;formal langauges;automata theory
Creation Date: 1999-09-22	Publication Year: 1999	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Susan	Lastname: Rodger	Email:	Organization: Duke University;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Pentium III and Pentium Pro Microprocessor	Description:  The following Java applet animates the hardware signal timing used in various bus operations by Pentium III and Pentium Pro microprocessors. Animation of signal timing has important advantages over conventional data-sheet timing diagrams	Keywords: pentium;microprocessor;hardware;signal;timing
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: TRY: automated testing of student programs	Description:  The Try system, which runs under Unix, allows students to test their programs in a controlled manner with the instructor's test data, while keeping the data itself hidden from the student.	Keywords: testing;student work;on-line;submission;archiving;Unix
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Kenneth	Lastname: Reek	Email:	Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: UNIX
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Simulation of the 1-Dimensional Discrete Cosine and Fourier Transforms	Description:  This applet belongs to the context of Multimedia or Signal Procesing. It simulates the one dimensional discrete cosine transform and the one dimensional discrete Fourier transform. Both transforms are a basis for modern signal processing algorithms like the JPEG image compression standard. When confronted with the mathematical formulas, most students show difficulties in understanding the notion of "time domain" and "frequency domain", or of "superposition of different frequencies". The applet simulates the transformation of a 1 dimensional signal. The amplitudes of the different frequency components can be modified, and the effect on the signal will get clearer. The user interface of the applet has been built to stimulate the user to play around with the tool. The applet is highly interactive and very flexible. One can choose between a number of given input signals or the user can build a signal by himself. Of course, a solution for every input is provided.	Keywords: Applet;Simulation;1-D DCT;1-D DFT;Transform
Creation Date: 2000-09-26	Publication Year: 2000	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Claudia	Lastname: Schremmer	Email:	Organization: University of Mannheim;Praktische Informatik IV
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: JPEG interactive Visualization	Description:  Interactive visualization of the JPEG compression algorithm.	Keywords: Interactive;visualization;JPEG
Creation Date: 2000-06-12	Publication Year: 2000	Publication Month: 06
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Abdulmotaleb	Lastname: El	Email:	Organization: University of Ottawa;SITE
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: Windows NT, Windows 95/98, UNIX, OS/2, Mac OS
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Interactive Execution of Distributed Algorithms	Description:  DAJ is a framework for writing Java programs to implement distributed algorithms. The programs display the data structures at each node and enable the user to interactively construct scenarios. Active interactive execution is preferable in a learning situation to passively watching an animation. Programs have been implemented for commonly taught algorithms, including the Byzantine generals, mutual exclusion, termination and snapshots. Adding a program for another algorithm requires only general Java programming experience as the GUI aspects are encapsulated.	Keywords: Distributed algorithms;Byzantine generals;mutual exclusion;Java
Creation Date: 2002-02-15	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 02
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Mordechai	Lastname: Ben-Ari	Email:	Organization: Weizmann Institute of Science;Department of Science Teaching
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Computing Education: A Journey Continued	Description:  This is the talk I gave at SIGCSE 2001 in Charlotte.	Keywords: SIGCSE luncheon talk;Generations;CSE resources
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Lillian	Lastname: Cassel	Email:	Organization: Villanova University;Computing Sciences
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Simulation of the 2-dimensional DCT	Description:  This applet visualizes the 2 dimensional DCT as it is used in the JPEG compression standard. Also, most of the Internet compressions standards for video (Motion JPEG, H.261, H.263) are based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) which splits an image up into blocks of 8x8 pixels. Our applet tries to clear out the problems with the 2 dimensional DCT by invoking the "play instinct" of students: The user can chose discrete 8x8 (2-D) input values in the range 0 to 255 for the grey value of the pixels. In the frequency domain, rulers allow to adjust the amplitudes of the different frequencies. A backward transform plots the resulting grey values from the chosen ampitudes over the initial input values. The task is to find the "correct" amplitudes in the frequency domain to recover the initial signal. Of course, we have included a solution to the problem...	Keywords: simulation;signal processing;2-dimensional DCT
Creation Date: 2001-10-29	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 10
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Claudia	Lastname: Schremmer	Email:	Organization: University of Mannheim;Praktische Informatik IV
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Altair Emulator	Description:  This is a very well done emulator of the Altair 8800b	Keywords: Altair emulator 8800
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Mike	Lastname: Belanger	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: Windows NT, Windows 95/98
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Expression Tree Builder and Evaluator	Description:  Builds and evaluates binary expression trees	Keywords: expression tree
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: EDSAC Emulator	Description:  The EDSAC was the world's first stored-program computer to operate a regular computing service. Designed and built at Cambridge University, England, the EDSAC performed its first calculation on 6 May 1949. The Edsac simulator is a faithful software evocation of the EDSAC computer as it existed in 1949-51. The user interface has all the controls and displays of the original machine, and the system includes a library of original programs, subroutines, and debugging software. The simulator is intended for use in teaching the history of computing; as a tutorial introduction to the classic "von Neumann" computer; or as an historical experience for current computer practitioners.	Keywords: EDSAC Emulator
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Mike	Lastname: Belanger	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: Windows 95/98, Windows NT
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Interactive Stack and Queue ADTs	Description:  Interactive stacks and queues in several implementations (array/linked)	Keywords: stack;queue
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Binary Genetic Algorithm Tool	Description:  This utility implements a basic genetic algorithm system.	Keywords: algorithm;binary;genetic
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Interactive Sequence ADT	Description:  An interactive sequence abstract data type applet.	Keywords: sequence
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Travelling Salesman Problem solver	Description:  The travelling salesman problem is the problem of how to visit a number of towns and travel the shortest possible distance. This particular solution is based on an evolutionary approach using a genetic algorithm. Much of it is customizable.	Keywords: genetic;algorithm
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Interactive Binary Tree	Description:  Animates a binary tree. Insertion, search and deletion are shown.	Keywords: binary tree;visualization
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: XFS Demo (RW1-1)	Description:  Demo of key features of the xFS distributed file system.	Keywords: file;system;network;distributed
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Interactive AVL Tree	Description:  Inputs Only positive, single to double digit integers are allowed (e.g. "37" or "3"). Incorrect types of data are ignored by the applet. Insert Insert an integer in the binary tree. Node comparisons will appear in the bottom panel of the applet. Search Search for an integer in the binary tree. Node comparisons will appear in the bottom panel of the applet, including whether or not the requested node exists within the binary tree. Delete Delete an integer in the binary tree. Node comparisons will appear in the bottom panel of the applet, including whether or not the requested node can be deleted from the binary tree (i.e. if it exists within the tree or not).	Keywords: AVL tree;tree;visualization
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Neural Networks with Java (JF1-1)	Description:  This applet demonstrates a Kohonen Feature Map neural net in three-dimensional space.	Keywords: algorithm;problem;Kohonen Feature Map
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Pattern Matching	Description:  The pattern matching applet is an interactive demonstration of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt and Boyer-Moore string matching algorithms.	Keywords: pattern matching
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Computer Simulator	Description:  The above Java Applet simulates a simple computer consisting of 32 8 bit memory words. The computer operates by fetching a word in memory pointed to by the Program Counter (PC) into the Instruction Register (IR)and then executing this instruction. The Program Counter is then incremented by one and the process is repeated until a Halt instruction is fetched at which time the computer stops and the binary number in the Accumulator (ACC)can be read.	Keywords: computer;applet
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: PDP-8 Computer	Description:  PDP-8 computer simulator.	Keywords: PDP-8;computer;simulator
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: PR k-d Tree Demo	Description:  Recursively decompose the underlying space into two equal area blocks until each block contains at most one data point. The partition axes are cycled in the order x , y , x , y , ... The partition positions are independent of the data.	Keywords: k-d;k-d tree;PR k-d tree;tree;visualization
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: PR Quadtree Demo	Description:  Recursively decompose the underlying space into four equal area blocks until each block contains at most one data point. The partition positions are independent of the data.	Keywords: tree;quadtree;visualization
Creation Date: 2001-11-09	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 11
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: BSP Tree Visualizer	Description:  This applet demonstrates how BSP trees work, and includes a demonstration of how they are used in Doom-style games to render pseudo-3D scenes.	Keywords: BSP;tree;data;structure
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 8-Java	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: VisualOS Operating System Visualization Program	Description:  VisualOS is an educational visual simulator of operating system. Its purpose is to help understand how an operating systems and the algorithms involved work by showing visual representations of the different aspects of an operating system.	Keywords: Operating System;simluator;linux;unix
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Mike	Lastname: Belanger	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: UNIX
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Simple Model Automatic Computer	Description:  A simple automatic computer simulator. Equipped with a program editor, an assembler, a simulator, a tracer, and a memory viewer.	Keywords: computer;SIMAC;simulator
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: UNIX
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Unix Sortdemo	Description:  Sortdemo is a program to visualize various types of sorting algorithms. It generates a sequence of image files, that can be converted to an animation suitable for demonstrations.	Keywords: Sorting;demo;unix
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Mike	Lastname: Belanger	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: UNIX
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Jeliot, Interactive Algorithm Animator	Description:  This is a quite complicated applet/servlet combination to interactively animate almost any Java application or algorithm. The basic idea is to animate user's code interactively. First You write the code, send it to the server and wait a while. Then You can watch Your own code in action. The system is able to animate almost any algorithm written in Java, exact details of the restictions can be found in the user's manual. Major features: user's own code (with or without errors :), interactive, line-by-line	Keywords: algorithm;code animation
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Vikram	Lastname: Narula	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: UNIX
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Xtango	Description:  XTANGO is a general purpose algorithm animation system, developed by John Stasko of Georgia Tech, that supports programmers developing color, real-time, 2 & 1/2 dimensional, smooth animations of their own algorithms and programs. The focus of the system is on ease-of-use. XTANGO utilizes the path-transition animation paradigm which helps move animation design to an abstract, high level. Programmers need not be graphics experts to develop their own animations. XTANGO is implemented on top of UNIX and the X11 Window System. It can be run on either color or black-and-white monitors.	Keywords: xtango;algorithm animation;multimedia;multimedia creation
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Steve	Lastname: Hayes	Email:	Organization: Virginia Tech;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: UNIX
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: World Lecture Hall	Description:  The WLH is comprised of links to actual course webpages of universities. The topics of the lectures cover all facets of Computer Science.	Keywords: lecture;webpages;course plan
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Mike	Lastname: Belanger	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Towers of Hanoi applet	Description:  Great simulation of a classic problem. The animation solves in the least amount of moves. Stats are reported on how good your approach is.	Keywords: Towers of Hanoi;simulation
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Mike	Lastname: Belanger	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: A New and More Efficient Implementation of an Undirected Graph Component	Description:  This research project entails designing, specifying, coding, testing, debugging, and documenting different implementations of an undirected graph component for the RESOLVE/C++ Component Catalog. Each version uses the same abstract model to represent the state of an undirected graph and the same kernel operations to manipulate the state of that undirected graph. The implementation strategy changes for each version. The first five versions utilize the "classic" strategies (adjacency list, adjacency matrix, and edge list) in a variety of ways. The final version employs a novel data structure that allows each operation to execute in constant time, which dominates the other strategies.	Keywords: 2001 ACM International Student Research Contest;3rd place Undergraduate;graphs;components
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Shawn	Lastname: Craft	Email:	Organization: The Ohio State University;Computer and Information Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: Windows 95/98, Windows NT
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Building An Interactive, 3D Virtual World	Description:  Consumer-level computer hardware is quickly growing in its capability to handle high quality three-dimensional graphics in real time. Three-dimensional graphics programming is also quickly becoming the standard for data visualization and entertainment media. This project serves to explore different techniques and approaches for programming in three dimensions, and manifests them in a virtual world that can be rendered and navigated in real time.	Keywords: 2001 CCSCNE Student Research Poster Contest;2st place Undergraduate;graphics;computer graphics;simulation;computer game;3d;three-dimensional;virtual;world
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Raymond	Lastname: Mazza	Email:	Organization: Colby College;Computer Science, Physics
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: Windows 95/98
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Ast and secure distributed read-only file system	Description:  The self-certifying read-only file system enables secure distribution of public, read-only content. It is similar to anonymous FTP or the Web, except that it serves integrity-protected content. That is, an adversary cannot trick a user into accepting unauthentic content. The read-only file system pushes the cost of cryptography entirely onto clients, allowing servers to scale to many clients. To publish content, an administrator creates off-line a signed database of a local file system. Untrusted replicas then serve the content to clients. We demonstrate how to use the read-only file system to implement certificate authorities and securely distribute software.	Keywords: security;file systems;cryptography;;hash trees
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Kevin	Lastname: Fu	Email:	Organization: MIT;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: UNIX
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: The Old World Meets the New: Utilizing Java Technology to Re-vitalize and Enhance NASA Scientific Legacy Code	Description:  A general purpose client/server architecture has been developed to effect the modernization of legacy code. This technique utilizes platform independent graphical user interfaces and interactive visualizations. The client/server configuration exploits a content-taggable data stream which allows seamless integration with the legacy application. This allows the client to orchestrate the collection of data in a more graphically interactive manner than was present in the original legacy interface. Application of this architecture to a NASA Global Scientific Model was demonstrated. The enhanced model incorporating this architecture will support data interpretation for NASAs TIMED satellite mission, including distributed investigations managed via a remote server.	Keywords: 2001 ACM International Student Research Contest;first Place Undergraduate;1st Place Undergraduate;Java;Distributed;Application Wrapper;Visualization;Legacy;Modernization
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Michael	Lastname: Elder	Email:	Organization: Furman University;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: A framework to support teaching in distributed systems	Description:  Computer networks and distribute systems are characterized by highly dynamic, concurrent, and complex processes. Thus, training in this area requires great effort from both teachers and learners. Teachers are disatisfied with available methods for presentation, explanation, and exercises, and they are looking for better methods to support learners. We have developed and architecture called Highly interactive simulation of algorithms and Protocols (HiSAP), consisting of a framework to build simulations and generate applets from formally specified algorithms or protocols. By modifying this specification and observing the resulting behavior, teaching and learning in a constructive manner is enabled. The framework is open to plug-in tools to show various aspects of HiSAP's behavior. We present the results of some experiments with HiSAP at three different lectures for graduate students of distributed systems and computer networks.	Keywords: interactive learning;tool kit
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Greetings from the guest editor	Description:  Introduction to special issue on multimedia	Keywords: JERIC
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Editorial: Introducing the ACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing	Description:  Introduction to first issue of JERIC	Keywords: JERIC
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Empirical Study of Course Scheduling Methods	Description:  Authors: Prakash Ojha Abigail Walker Jennifer Wanner Hope College Xavier University Computer Science Mathematics and Computer Science Holland MI 49423 Cincinnati OH 45207-4441 Research advisor: Gary Lewandowski, Xavier University, Poster Title: Empirical Study of Course Scheduling Methods Category: Undergraduate Extended Abstract: Problem and Motivation Course scheduling involves building a timetable for courses such that the students who want to take courses can successfully take every course they would like. There are many variations to this problem, including inclusion of faculty constraints, room constraints, and multiple sections. The problem is known to be NP-Complete, thus many researchers have worked on approximation solutions to the problem. Researchers have generally focused on one solution method, one unique version of the problem definition, and one set of data based on local needs. This localization of the problem has resulted in many studies but no general consensus of the best method available. In this study, we explore several methods from the literature on a single definition of the problem, and on a common set of data. Our goals are two-fold. First, we provide a problem statement, data, and a random data generator to facilitate easy benchmarking of methods and techniques. Second, we explore the best method for those who may be non-experts and need to schedule courses. Background and Related Work While a great deal of research has been done on scheduling methods, our study concentrates on two of the most promising efforts: iterative improvement and linear programming. Iterative improvement methods for scheduling including faculty constraints have been studied in particular by Glover [3], and Chahal and DeWerra [1]. Hertz's use of Tabu search considers many different constraints [4]; we have adopted many of these constraints in our benchmark formulation of the problem. Our modification to the problem and our new data provides a different testbed for this algorithm and allows it to be compared against other methods. Linear programming allows one to formulate an equation for the optimal solution to the problem; practical solutions involving this method are infrequent [2], and do not consider many of the constraints we consider. Approach and Uniqueness We address the problem of comparing results from the literature in two ways. First, we define one statement of the course scheduling problem, involving faculty, students, and multiple sections, and adapt several of the approaches from the literature to this problem. Thus, any comparison of the approaches will start from the same problem definition. Second, we provide a random data generator that generates student course requests in such a way that an optimal solution must exist. Finally, we have studied five methods for course scheduling in our study: A greedy algorithm that simply schedules courses to the first available time (results from this simple method give some idea as to the usefulness of more complex methods), iterative improvement algorithms following a hill-climbing philosophy and following a "random improvement" philosophy in which a solution with a poorer evaluation may be used to continue the search for an improved solution, linear programming, and an algorithm that creates a bipartite matching problem for scheduling each student based on the times available for each course requested. Our formulation of the course scheduling problem used is as follows: We are given information about the courses (number of sections, faculty members teaching the course, times at which the course can be taught), lists of desired student courses, and the number of timeslots in which to schedule the courses. Courses are grouped into departments and for each department we have information on how many courses from that department may be scheduled concurrently (representing room availability constraints). The goal of the problem is to build a timetable and schedule for students' courses minimizing student conflicts while satisfying constraints on faculty and room availability. This study provides a repeatable and expandable comparison of scheduling methods. The algorithms were tested on random data and on data from a DIMACS benchmark for graph coloring that involves course scheduling. The generator and benchmark data are publically available, thus other methods can be tested on the same or very similar data. Results and Contributions We have developed a data generator that generates student course requests given the description of a timetable (the number of courses in the table, and the number of sections of each course), the section bound for each course, and the number of schedules desired. The generator builds a random timetable, and then generates student course requests using a backtracking technique that ensures the student can get each course requested. Information on which section the student would attend and the time of each course is stripped from the data so the data appears real to the algorithms. We conducted a study of the methods described above on thirteen sets of randomly generated data. Each method was run five times and we used the median to compare how close each method comes to scheduling courses optimally. (The Linear Programming method could not be tested because our formulation resulted in so many variables that our machines ran out of memory.) We have drawn the following conclusions from our empirical study. First, the greedy algorithm is not competitive with other approximation methods, meaning the time spent developing and using these methods is worthwhile. Second, iterative improvement is currently the best practical method for course scheduling when the courses have only a single section each. Third, when courses have multiple sections each, bipartite matching is very competitive with the iterative improvement algorithms while running much faster. References [1] N. Chahal and D. deWerra. An interactive system for constructing timetables on a PC, European Journal of Operations Research, 40, 1989, 32-37. [2] T. Franklin, E. Jenkins, and K. Woodson. A case study in scheduling courses, UMAP Journal, 15, no. 2, 1995, 115-122. [3] F. Glover, Tabu Search, part 1, ORSA Journal on Computing,1,1989, 190-206. [4] A. Hertz. Finding a feasible course schedule using tabu search, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 35, 1992, 255-270.	Keywords: 2001 ACM International Student Research Contest;2nd Place Undergraduate;scheduling;experimental algorithms
Creation Date: 2001-09-06	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 09
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Gary	Lastname: Lewandowski	Email:	Organization: Xavier University;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Course and exercise sequencing using metadata in adaptive hypermedia learning	Description:  <p>In the last few years the (semi-) automatic sequencing of course material has become an important research issue, particularly the standardization of metadata for educational resources. Sequencing can help to generate hypermedia documents which, at their best match the learner's needs. To perform (semi-) automatic course sequencing, a knowledge library as well as modular resources can be used. Both must be described by metadata.</p> <p>First, metadata standards (IEEE Learning Objects Metadata, Instructional Mangement Systems Global Learning Consortium, Dublin Core) are analyzed with regard to course sequencing. As an application example, Multibook, an adaptive hypermedia system used to teach multimedia technology, is described. Multibook uses metadata to create course sequences semi-automatically. In this article we explain how a knowledge library can be used to create exercises automatically. We give an example of how courses can be sequenced in general by analyzing the creation of exercises. An evaluation of our system shows the advantages and drawbacks of the automatic sequencing approach.</p>	Keywords: Documentation;Management
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Using a theoretical multimedia taxonomy framework	Description:  <P>Multimedia (MM) is a polysemous term, a term with many definitions, and in this case, many roots. In this paper, multimedia is defined as the seamless integration of two or more media. Each ancestor brings another requirement, muddying the field and making it difficult to work through. A multimedia taxonomy based on a previous media taxonomy is proposed to help organize the discipline. The taxonomy helps to classify the space called multimedia and to draw attention to difficult issues. The paper outlines the forms contributing to multimedia--text, sound, graphics, and motion--and aligns them with probable formats--elaboration, representation, and abstraction-- and sets them within a context--audience, discipline, interactivity, quality, usefulness, and aesthetics. The contexts are more clearly defined in two areas: interactivity and the information basis for a discipline. Examples are presented describing the use of the taxonomy in the design and evaluation of student projects in a computer science-based multimedia course.<p>	Keywords: computer uses in education;evaluation;multimedia;design;theory
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: L3--towards an open learning environment	Description:  <P>This article describe the use of dedicated ontology for teaching in the context of the <I>L</i><SUP>3</sup> project, a national joint project for deploying further vocational education in Germany. The requirements for the open <I>L</i><SUP>3</sup> learning infrastructure are presented in order to motivate our approach to metamodeling learning resources and services by using dedicated ontolgies of pedagogics and didactics. The basic concepts and parts of the pedagogical ontology are outlined, and the practical implications for several of today's problems such as authoring and design, retrieval and adaptive of training resources are illustrated. An overview of the <I>L</i><SUP>3</sup> runtime architecture shows how the didactical ontology is used to deliver adaptive learning.</p>	Keywords: adaptive courses delivery;authoring;environment for web-based training;didatics;pedagogical ontology;reuse of learning resources;design;human factors;standardization
Creation Date: 2002-02-22	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 02
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: IRI-h, a Java-based distance education system: architecture and performance	Description:  <P>We used our Original Interactive Remote Instruction (IRI) system to teach scores of university classes over the past years at sites up to 300 km apart. While this system is a prototype, its use in real classes allows us to deal with crucial issues in distributed education instruction systems. We describe our motivation and vision for a reimplementation of IRI that supports synchronous and asynchronous distance education. This new version, called IRI-h (h for hetergeneous), is coded in Java and executes on several different platforms. IRI-h extends IRI both to multiple platforms and heterogeneous network experiences with the developing prototype, including preliminary performance evaluation, and also unresolved issues still to be addressed.</P>	Keywords: Design;Management;Performance;Java;heterogeneity;platform independence
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Web-based multimedia tools for sharing educational resources	Description:  <P>Many educational resources and objects have been developed as Java applets or applications, which can accessed by simply downloading them from various repositories. It is often necessary to share these resources in real time, for instance when an instructor teaches remote students how to use a certain resource explains the theory behind it. We have developed some tools for this purpose that emulate a virtual classroom, and are primarily designed for synchronous sharing of resources. They enable participants to share Java objects in real time and also allow the instructor to dynamically manage the telebearing session.</P>	Keywords: Design
Creation Date: 2001-08-21	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 08
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Hussein	Lastname: Suleman	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Little Man Computer	Description:  A web based applet that simulates the working of a Little Man Computer, designed by Dr. Stuart Madnick	Keywords: Little Man Computer;LMC;Hardware Concepts
Creation Date: 2001-11-09	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 11
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Rahul	Lastname: Gedupudi	Email:	Organization: Illinois State University;Applied Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Simulation of Embedded Kernels over Pthreads	Description:  This work describes the design and implementation of a simulation environment for an open-source embedded kernel and an intuitive user interface to complement it. The study stresses the suitability of POSIX Threads (Pthreads) to resemble kernel operations in the simulation environment. It specifies the prerequisites for using Pthreads as a means to resemble embedded task execution and suggests an I/O-based representation of device information. The experience gained with a sample implementation stresses the importance of a proper match between a Pthreads implementation and an embedded kernel. It also shows the adequacy of both the simulation environment and a graphical user interface to aid program development and debugging. Furthermore, the separation of the simulation component from the user interface provides opportunities to utilize each component separately or even combine them with other components. The simulation environment is publically available with further instructions included in the appendix.	Keywords: Embedded Systems;Operating Systems Kernel Simulator
Creation Date: 2001-10-30	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 10
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Frank	Lastname: Mueller	Email:	Organization: North Carolina State University;Department of Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 1-Cross-Platform	OS: UNIX
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: The Knob & Switch Computer: A Computer Architecture Simulator for Introductory Computer Science	Description:  This paper describes the Knob & Switch Computer simulator that can be used to teach Computer Organization in a breadth-based introductory CS course.	Keywords: Knob & Switch Computer;Architecutre Simulator;Introductory Computer Science;HTML;JavaScript
Creation Date: 2001-12-24	Publication Year: 2001	Publication Month: 12
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Grant	Lastname: Braught	Email:	Organization: Dickinson College;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: GLOMAR: Adaptive Consistency Control for Distributed File Systems	Description:  With the increased heterogeneity of networked devices integrating into existing distributed file system (DFS) topologies, the ability to balance hardware constraints with user and software requirements is paramount. This is especially true for consistency control in file systems. Existing DFSs usually implement a single general-purpose consistency control approach, focusing on a specific scenario, rather than the multitude of possibilities that can arise due to heterogeneity and variability of current computing environments. The developed GLOMAR system caters for the multitude of possibilities, by providing the framework and abstraction that allows numerous consistency control mechanisms specifically built for a scenario to be implemented under the one DFS. This extended abstract discusses the motivation and design of GLOMAR, detailing its Microsoft .NET implementation.	Keywords: distributed file system;consistency control;concurrency;middleware
Creation Date: 2002-03-12	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 03
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Simon	Lastname: Cuce	Email:	Organization: Monash University;CSSE
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: Windows NT
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Extreme Programming Tutorial	Description:  The methodology known as Extreme Programming is presented, beginning with its reason for existence, philosophy, and a detailed exposition of the twelve practices that define it. There is also a discussion of its strengths and weaknesses as a software design methodology.	Keywords: extreme programming;pair programming;agile;software design methodology
Creation Date: 2002-03-15	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 03
Role: Contributor
Firstname: James	Lastname: Caristi	Email:	Organization: Valparaiso University;Dept. of Math & Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: Windows NT
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Java IDEs: What and Why We Use What We Do	Description:  The experiences of several faculty who each use a different Java Interactive Development Environment (IDE). Highlights of salient features and pointers for successful adaptation to the classroom. Panel participants: Barbara Boucher Owens, Delia Marx, Jack Rehder, Dean Sanders, and Don Slater (for Rich Pattis).	Keywords: JAVA IDE
Creation Date: 2002-03-20	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 03
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Deborah	Lastname: Knox	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: Windows NT
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: V-VIS: New Methods of Passive Information Grouping in a Classroom Tool for Low Vision Students	Description:  Mobile computing devices now make it possible to develop low-cost, portable assistive technology. The current lack of satisfactory technology to aid visually impaired students drives our development of a handheld-based viewer for Visually Impaired Students (v-VIS) designed to assist in note taking. v-VIS is a real-time viewer and recording system for professor's notes written on an electronic blackboard. The interface integrates magnification and high-contrast color schemes, enabling students to view the transcribed information in real-time. However, the large e-blackboard transmitting visual information to a small-screened handheld creates a screen-mapping problem for which two solutions have been designed and compared objectively.	Keywords: low-vision;vision impairments;AutoScroll;v-VIS;DEBBIE;Windows CE;handheld;mobile;assistive technology;magnification
Creation Date: 2002-04-15	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 04
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Ben	Lastname: Betz	Email:	Organization: DePauw University;Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: Mac OS, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows CE, 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Using VB in the CS Curriculum	Description:  Panel held at SIGCSE 2002, Covington, KY, Feb. 27 - March 3, 2002 which discussed the many uses of Visual Basic in a modern CS curriculum. Moderator: Joe Hummel. Panelists: Jean Mehta, Floyd Johnson, and Gail Miles.	Keywords: VB;Visual Basic
Creation Date: 2002-05-05	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 05
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Joe	Lastname: Hummel	Email:	Organization: Lake Forest College;Math/CS
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 3-PC	OS: 
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Integrating Empirical Methods into Computer Science	Description:  These materials were presented in a panel at SIGCSE 2002. The central theme of the panel was to emphasize the importance of empirical methods in computer science and to present ideas and examples for integrating the development of empirical skills within the CS curriculum. Panel Participants: David Reed, Doug Baldwin, Michael Clancy, Stuart Hansen, and Allen Downey.	Keywords: computer science education;experimentation;empirical skills
Creation Date: 2002-04-19	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 04
Role: Contributor
Firstname: David	Lastname: Reed	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Open Source Software: Intellectual Challenges to the Status Quo	Description:  We raise the question: ``What are the social and ethical responsibilities of computer science faculty regarding open source software?'' We offer an introductory look at some answers. Panel Participants: Marty Wolf, Kevin Bowyer, Don Gotterbarn, and Keith Miller.	Keywords: open source;teaching using open source
Creation Date: 2002-04-19	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 04
Role: Contributor
Firstname: Marty	Lastname: Wolf	Email:	Organization: Bemidji State University;Mathematics and Computer Science
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
Title: Integrating Empirical Methods into Computer Science	Description:  These materials were presented in a panel at SIGCSE 2002. The central theme of the panel was to emphasize the importance of empirical methods in computer science and to present ideas and examples for integrating the development of empirical skills within the CS curriculum. Panel Participants: David Reed, Doug Baldwin, Michael Clancy, Stuart Hansen, and Allen Downey.	Keywords: computer science education;experimentation;empirical skills
Creation Date: 2002-05-05	Publication Year: 2002	Publication Month: 05
Role: Contributor
Firstname: David	Lastname: Reed	Email:	Organization: ;
Language: en-US
Format: text/html	URL:	Platform: 5-WWW	OS: All
IntendedEndUserRole: Learner;Teacher	LearningContext: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12
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