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Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.	923 Broad Street, Suite 100	Durham	NC	27705		919-286-1911		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Air Quality Meteorology	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: The goal of this course is to introduce participants to the basic concepts of meteorology and air quality necessary to understand meteorological computer models. This course, along with companion courses in Computational Atmospheric Science and Emissions, anticipates the Models3 environment under development by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Upon completion of the course, participants should understand the fundamental principles of meteorology. In addition, participants will be introduced to the application of these principles to air quality, especially through atmospheric modeling. Moreover, during the course a number of issues involved in simulating atmospheric processes in a computer-based model will be presented. This course is designed to provide scientific background that will help the participant move quickly "up the ramp" in terms of understanding and using a computational science approach to studying complex environmental phenomena. Upon completion of this course, a person will be able to: 1) describe the basic concepts, relationships, and terms that Models3 or a similar meteorological air quality model employs to represent the meteorological aspects of the model, and 2) describe several key relationships between meteorological phenomena and air quality. This course assumes the participant holds a bachelor's degree in a science-related field such as physics, chemistry, or geology and has some additional familiarity with environmental issues. Others with less experience will also find the material useful, but may not have the necessary background to understand all of the material, especially some of the higher level mathematics, presented in the course.
Publication 12-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc., Copyright © 1996
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Acid Rain Program		401 M Street, SW; Mail Code 6204J	Washington	DC	20460		202-564-9620		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Acid Rain	Keywords: Environmental science,Chemistry	Description: This site provides information on what is acid rain; what is acidity; what are the effects of acid rain on forests, water, human-made materials, and people. The site contains nine experiments in measuring pH in common substances, water, and soil. Experiments also explore the influence of acid rain on plant growth, acid effects on metal, and the observation of buffers in lakes, ponds, and streams. Suggestions for activities for classrooms, individuals and small groups, and field trip ideas are listed. A link to lesson plans for K-12 from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission is available, as is the Acid Rain Prgram Progress Report.
Publication 10-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: These pages are adapted from, and may be cited as, the following publication: Acid Rain: A Student's First Sourcebook, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC 20460, December 1994, publication number EPA/600/0-90/027a. EPA's documents are in the public domain and have no copyright; you may use text and graphics from this Web site without our permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jeffrey	Lew	K.	Dr	University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA); Department of Atmospheric Sciences	Math Sciences Room 1963	Los Angeles	CA	90024				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: AS3: Introduction to the Atmospheric Environment	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: An introductory course on general meteorology, primarily for the non-science major. The physical nature of the atmosphere is presented in a visual and descriptive manner. Lecture screens with hyperlinked background material are available at the site and as downloadable files. Topics include heat transfer and energy in the atmosphere, temperature, water vapor, cloud formation, wind systems, air masses and storm systems. Exams, reading assignments and homework problem sets are also included.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: All material in this web site is ©2000 by Jeffrey K. Lew. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Classroom of the Future, Wheeling Jesuit University	316 Washington Avenue	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Climate Change	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: Global Climate Change is one of the Exploring the Environment series of online modules. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental earth science through problem-based learning, this module asks students to predict how increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide is changing the climate, and the possible effects this may have on Kansas wheat crops. Students access remote sensing data via links to both current and historical data and work through a sequence of hyperlinked background resources to investigate this problem. The site also offers a glossary, teacher resources, and a general description of the problem-based learning model.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1999-2000, Wheeling Jesuit University/Center for Educational Technologies™. All rights reserved. Copyright© 1997-2000, Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future™. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies™/ NASA Classroom of the Future™ must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components. For example, reposting any part of a component requires explicit permission of the holder of copyright of that component. Mirroring all or any part of this site requires our permission and the permission of 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Donald	Reed			San Jose State University, Department of Geology	1 Washington Square	San Jose	CA	95192-0102		408-924-5036	408-924-5053	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Briny Deep	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This expedition explores the chemical and physical properties of the ocean and their role in governing oceanic processes. Topics include: Is There Salt in Seawater?, Ions of Salt, What is Source of the Salt?, Salinity Variability, Salinity and Precipitation, Calculating Salinity, Ocean Temperature, Solar Radiation, Variations in the Properties of Sea Water, Light Penetration, Temperature, Thermocline, Density, Layering, and the Velocity of Sound in Water. This expedition is one of nine expeditions and two field studies which are part of a course entitled Geology 105 - Mysteries of the Deep.
Publication 10-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©Copyright 1999 Portions of this expedition have been extracted with permission from: "Why is the Ocean Salty?" Written by Herbert Swenson of the U.S. Geological Survey and adapted to the WWW by June Langhoff and Annie Kook. Several maps and figures have been graciously provided by Matthias Tomczak and are copyright-protected.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Donald	Reed			San Jose State University, Department of Geology	1 Washington Square	San Jose	CA	95192-0102		408-924-5036	408-924-5053	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Circulation and the California Current	Keywords: Physical oceanography,	Description: This on-line expedition focuses on the flow of ocean water along with its climatic impact and environmental consequences. Learning objectives include an awareness that ocean waters are constantly on the move, that ocean currents influence climate and living conditions for plants and animals, even on land, and that currents flow in complex patterns affected by wind, the water's salinity and heat content, bottom topography, and the earth's rotation. This expedition is one of nine expeditions and two field studies which are part of a course entitled Geology 105 - Mysteries of the Deep.
Publication 12-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©Copyright 1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Weather World 2010 Project	105 S. Gregory Street	Urbana	IL	61801				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coriolis Force Demonstration - title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This short video clip provides a real life example of the coriolis force. It is a movie of a ball rolling across the surface of a rotating merry-go-round. As the ball is passed from one person to another, the path of the ball appears to curve, however when viewed from above, the path is appears straight, exemplifying the effect the rotation of the Earth.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Content of this server are Copyright © 1997 by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees (except in the case of photos and other resources which are specifically identified). The names "Weather World 2010" and "WW2010"are trademarks ™ of the University of Illinois. Non-commercial use must be accompanied by appropriate credit visible with respect to the used item. "Image/Text/Data from the University of Illinois WW2010 Project." Web utilizations should, if possible, provide a link to our server nearby.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST)		University of California at Los Angeles, 301 GSE and IS; Mailbox 951522; 300 Charles E. Young Drive North	Los Angeles	CA	90095-1522	310-206-1532	310-825-3883	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Scoring Rubrics	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This site has four different scoring rubrics which enable a teacher to assign a numerical score to an open ended question or student product. The four rubrics are the Eighth and Tenth Grade Mechanics Scale, an Overall Quality of the Explanation rubric, the Short Answer Task - 4 Point Scale, and the Problem-Solving Task - Holistic 5-Point Scoring Scale.
Publication 10-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Richard	Armstrong	L.		National Snow and Ice Data Center	Campus Box 449, University of Colorado	Boulder	CO	80309-0449				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: State of the Cryosphere: An overview of the status of snow and ice as indicators of climate change	Keywords: Cryology,Climatology	Description: Climatologists know that the measure of the world's ice, in all its many dimensions and forms, is a measure of current conditions as well as of those frozen over time. These pages present a summary of cryospheric and related indicators of global climate trends including: temperature change over the past century, trends in hemispheric snow extent, trends in hemispheric sea ice extent, glacier melt, and changes in sea level. Also included is a snapshot of current permafrost conditions. Links to current news releases and journal articles, a glossary, and reference list are also provided.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Meteorological Society	1200 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 410	Washington	D.C.	20005		202-682-9337	202-682-9341	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The DataStreme Project	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: The DataStreme Project is a pre-college teacher enhancement initiative of the American Meteorological Society (AMS). Its main goal is the training of Weather Education Resource Teachers who will promote the teaching of science, mathematics and technology using weather as a vehicle, across the K-12 curriculum in their home school districts. The initial step in the training of Resource Teachers is their participation in the DataStreme distance-learning course. The 13-week course is offered twice a year to selected participants. It focuses on the study of the atmospheric environment through the use of electronically transmitted weather data and learning materials combined with Study Guide readings and investigations. The Project is funded by the National Science Foundation with assistance from the U.S. National Weather Service and the State University of New York College at Brockport. DataStreme expects to train over 4,000 teachers nationally.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;17	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 1999: American Meteorological Society
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey (USGS), USGS Information Services		Box 25286, Building 810, Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	8-225		888-ASK-USGS		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: This Dynamic Earth: the Story of Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This booklet gives a brief introduction to the concept of plate tectonics and complements the visual and written information in the map entitled This Dynamic Planet, which was published in 1994 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Smithsonian Institution. The booklet highlights some of the people and discoveries that advanced the development of the theory and traces its progress since its proposal. Although the general idea of plate tectonics is now widely accepted, many aspects still continue to confound and challenge scientists. Chapter headings include; Historical perspective, Developing the theory, Understanding plate motions, "Hotspots": Mantle thermal plumes, Some unanswered questions, and Plate tectonics and people.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey (USGS)									USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Earthquake Hazards Program	Keywords: Natural hazards,Geophysics	Description: This is the home page of the Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The EHP is part of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) lead by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This page is a gateway to pages on Earthquake Activity, Earthquake Education, Earthquake Products, Regional Centers, Seismic Networks, Latest Significant Earthquake, Frequently Asked Questions, Report an Earthquake, and Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS).
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project	7600 Sand Point Way	Seattle	WA	98115				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: El Nino Theme Page: Access to Distributed Information on El Nino	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This concentrated, in-depth resource provides access to recent information on El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and La Nina in the Pacific Ocean, including data, graphics, forecasts, historical perspectives, in-depth analyses, prediction benefits, impacts on human life, and information on the 1997/1999 El Nino and La Nina events. Links to relevant data include Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project (TAO) moored buoy data, XBT data, drifting buoy data, sea level field analyses, real-time data and analyses, satellite data, climate data, numerical model simulations and Ka'Imimoana shipboard data. The site also includes 3D animations and links to theme pages in Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joseph	Barsugli			Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)	Campus Box 216, University of Colorado	Boulder	CO>	80309-0449				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), Climate Diagnostics Center	NOAA/OAR/CDC - (R/CDC1), 325 Broadway	Boulder	CO>	80305-3328				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Idealized ENSO Simulation	Keywords: ,Physical oceanography,	Description: Four visualizations of ENSO (El Niño - Southern Oscillation) are presented. They capture the large-scale, wave-like motion that the tropical Pacific Ocean undergoes during a El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. The four visualizations are 1) sea-level anomaly and ocean temperature anomaly, 2) sea-level anomaly and ocean temperature anomaly and thermocline depth anomaly, 3) the TOGA TAO anomalous SST (sea surface temperature) and 20C isotherm depth (thermocline) anomalous depth, and 4) the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) ocean analysis anomalous SST and 20C isotherm (thermocline) anomalous depth.
Publication 10-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: These World Wide Web pages are provided as a public service by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), Climate Diagnostics Center. Secondary Use of Site Contents: In general, information presented on pages served from is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Figures generated via our Web site are in the public domain, and may be downloaded freely. We appreciate acknowledgement of the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center in your use of any of our Web products. This may be done by including text such as: Image provided by the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA, from their Web site at
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joseph	Kerski	J.		United States Geological Survey (USGS)	Box 25046, MS 507	Denver	CO	80225-0046		303-202-4315		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Virtual Geography Department Project	University of Colorado, Department of Geography	Boulder	CO	80309				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Exploring Earthquakes in Space and Time Through the Internet and a Geographic Information System	Keywords: Geophysics,Technology,Human geography	Description: This site contains an exercise in which students are asked to examine the frequency and distribution of earthquake epicenters and compare these epicenters to the distribution of plate boundaries and cities. Students download earthquake epicenters for the last several days and for an entire year from the Internet, and map the information using ArcView geographic information system (GIS), and analyze the patterns that become evident. The module presents background information on earthquakes and GIS, and includes step-by-step instructions for using the technological tools. It can be adapted to a wide range of grade levels and may be presented as an introductory GIS exercise. It may be completed without a GIS by using a paper base map, but requires access to the World Wide Web. This module has been classroom tested, and was peer reviewed during June 1997.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Warren	Huff	D.		University of Cincinnati, Department of Geology	Geology/Physics 614	Cincinnati	OH			513-556-3731		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stream Floods	Keywords: Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: This exercise is designed to explore the nature of floods and flood prediction. Prediction of flooding relies heavily upon statistical techniques based on historical records of stream behavior. This series of exercises first reviews basic concepts in flood prediction such as calculating the Recurrence Interval (RI), which is the average interval in years between occurrences of two discharges of equal magnitude; and the Weibull equation, which calculates the probability that a given discharge will be exceeded in any particular year. The student then accesses historical data on U.S. stream flow and performs these calculations independently.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey (USGS) Information Services		Box 25286,Building 810, Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geologic Time: Online Edition	Keywords: Geologic time	Description: Offered by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a general interest publication, this site is an online edition of a text by the same name, offering a concise overview of the concepts associated with the age of the Earth. The online edition was revised in October of 1997 to reflect current thinking on this topic. Section headers are Geologic Time, Relative Time Scale, Major Divisions of Geologic Time, Index Fossils, Radiometric Time Scale, and Age of the Earth.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company	4050 Westmark Dr.	Dubuque	IA	800-542-6657, ext. 1041		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				TERC	2067 Massachusetts Avenue	Cambridge	MA	02140	617-547-0430		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Lab Curriculum	Keywords: Ecology,Biology,Environmental science	Description: Global Lab: An Integrated Science Program is a full-year, interdisciplinary, introductory science course for grades 8-10, developed with support from the National Science Foundation and piloted over five years in 300 schools in 30 countries. Global Lab introduces students to science as inquiry, engaging them in collaborative scientific investigations. Students choose a local "study site" as the context for authentic, hands-on, integrated science explorations. Throughout the Global Lab course, students analyze their study site from biological, physical, chemical, and geographic perspectives. Students create qualitative descriptions, take quantitative measurements, analyze remotely-sensed images, and work with physical and biological models. The curriculum meets National Science Education Standards and major benchmarks. Study areas are: the interaction of matter and energy; biogeochemical cycles; biomes and biodiversity; and Earth as a system. Global Lab consists of a curriculum guide and five units: becoming a Global Community, Investigating Our Earth: Land, Investigating Our Earth: Water, Investigating Our Earth: Air, and Extended Investigations Each unit includes a Teacher’s Guide, an optional student book, and low-cost instruments and supplies designed specifically for that unit. There appears to be an annual subscription required in order to view this site.
Publication 10-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 3	Copyright: Text and illustrations copyright © 2000 by Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Daniel	Edelson	C.		School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University		Annenberg Hall, Room 123 ; 2115 North Campus Drive	Evanston	IL	60208-2610				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Welcome to the Global Warming Project	Keywords: Climatology	Description: In this project students learn about the scientific factors that contribute to the controversial global warming debate. The project places students as advisors to the heads of state of several different nations, prompting students to learn about the issue as they respond to the various questions and concerns of these leaders. As expert scientists on the issue, the class will need to understand and be able to explain to the heads of state what forces affect climate and what global warming actually means. Once they do this, they will need to help the different nations of the world understand how global warming will affect them and what they can do about it. Each team of students will be responsible for advising one country and will ultimately need to present a proposal that offers a set of solutions which address the concerns of their country. Stages of the project include an introduction to the basic issues of global warming, understanding the factors that contribute to temperature change, investigating the factors that determine global temperature and energy use, understanding potential consequences of atmospheric pollution on global climate, and finding solutions to these types of problems. Also included is an online journey through the Carbon and Water cycles.
Publication 10-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Climatic Data Center	Federal Building, 151 Patton Avenue	Asheville	NC	28801-5001	828-271-4800	828-271-4876	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Historical Significant Events Imagery	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards,Technology	Description: The Historical Significant Events Imagery database (HSEI) is maintained by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). It contains hundreds of selected satellite images capturing some of the more important weather and environmental events over the last 30 years. One can search for images of a specific type of event or for a specific date range, go to a " What's New" section for images added in the past 7 days, or visit a "Most Popular" section for frequently-requested images. The images can be viewed on-line or downloaded for free, or one can order hardcopy matte or glossy finish prints for a small fee. Image dates range from 1960 (the first image from space) to present, and cover phenomena such as dust storms, fire, floods, hurricanes, snow cover, oil spills, severe weather and volcanoes.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted to use, duplicate, modify, and redistribute any of our mages. Please give credit to NOAA / National Climatic Data Center.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Illinois- Urbana-Champaign, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, WW2010		105 S. Gregory Street	Urbana	IL	61801				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Hydrologic Cycle: Online Meteorology Guide	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: The Hydrologic Cycle is one of several online guides produced by WW2010 at the University of Illinois. These guides use multimedia technology and the dynamic capabilities of the web to incorporate text, colorful diagrams, animations, computer simulations, audio and video to introduce topics and concepts for a wide variety of disciplines. The Hydrologic Cycle is part of the Meteorology Guide, and focuses on the circulation and conservation of the earth's water. There are nine sections: The Earth's Water Budget, Evaporation, Condensation, Transport, Precipitation, Groundwater, Transpiration, Runoff, and a Summary and Example of the hydrologic cycle at work. Each section has diagrams and text, as well as hyperlinks that further define and illustrate concepts presented in the section.
Publication 10-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Non-Commercial Use: Non-commercial use must be accompanied by appropriate credit visible with respect to the used item. "Image/Text/Data from the University of Illinois WW2010 Project." Web utilizations should, if possible, provide a link to our server nearby. University of Illinois Copyright: Content of this server are Copyright © 1997 by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees (except in the the case of photos and other resources which are specifically identified). The names "Weather World 2010" and "WW2010" are trademarks ™ of the University of Illinois. Teachers and Educators: Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers to print out, copy and distribute the pages herein to their students for educational purposes. Disclaimer: No guarantee as to the availability or accuracy of the Weather World 2010 Current Weather Products, data, text, orlinks provided herein is implied. The user assumes all risk in deciding the suitability of these resources for any particular use. Site Mirroring: Mirrorin
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paul	Mayewski	A.		University of New Hampshire	Climate Change Research Center, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space	Durham	NH	03824		603-862-3146	603-862-2124	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ice Core Contributions To Global Change Research: Past Successes and Future Directions	Keywords: Cryology,Climatology	Description: The U.S. ice coring community has, in concert with its international partners, made remarkable strides to advance in the understanding of global change. This document was assembled by the Ice Core Working Group (ICWG), and provides a synthesis of the global change lessons learned thus far, and the requirements and plans for solving new global change questions utilizing future ice coring activities. Sections on lessons learned include: the greenhouse/gas relationship, rapid climate change events, natural climate variability during the Holocene, extreme events (volcanoes and biomass burning), recent climate change as a precursor to modern climate, hindcasting instruments, anthropogenic impact on atmospheric chemistry, and human response to climate change as deduced from the paleorecord.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16;13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Ritter	E.		The University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, The Virtual Geography Department Project	Department of Geography/Geology	Stevens Point	WI	54481		715-346-4449		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Indian Peaks, Colorado Front Range, U.S.A. Virtual Field Trip	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This module contains a virtual field trip to the Indian Peaks section of the Colorado Front Range. It is intended to introduce students to the altitudinal zonation of vegetation found in this area. It also investigates alpine glacial processes and landforms. The module presents background information on the physical geography of the region, then includes step-by-step instructions for taking the field trip and the activities required to do along the way. This module can be adapted to a wide range of grade levels and may be presented as a lesson for introductory physical geography. Key geographical concepts addressed by the module: a) altitudinal zonation of climate and vegetation, b) alpine glacial landforms and processes and c) geographic fieldwork. Activities involve students recording "field" observations in a field journal, synthesizing field data to uncover relationships between elevation, temperature and vegetation form, and using online topographic maps and air photographs to identify alpine glacial landforms. At the conclusion of the field trip students will be able to describe how the vegetation relates to location (elevation) and climate, and describe how the following alpine glacial and periglacial landforms are created: aretes, U-shaped valley, cirque, tarn, paternoster lake, moraines, and rock glaciers.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: This module is part of the Virtual Geography Department Project and has been prepared for the Virtual Field Trips and Studies Working Group of the Project. These materials may be used for study, research, and education, but please credit the author and source: Michael Ritter, The Virtual Geography Department Project, The University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. All commercial rights reserved. Copyright 1996 by Michael E. Ritter.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Frank	Monaldo			Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory	11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Mail Code 7-389	Laurel	MD	20723-6099	240-228-8648	240-228-5548	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ocean Remote Sensing: Sea Surface Temperature Imagery	Keywords: Technology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site presents rapidly processed estimates of sea surface temperature for various regions along the east coast of the United States, including the Gulf Stream, Chesapeake Bay, the Gulf of Mexico and the Bahamas. The imagery includes both single pass data and composite data from multiple passes. Included at this site is a primer on the measurement of sea surface temperature. Additional links satellite links are provided. See related links for the topics.
Publication 10-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.	923 Broad Street, Suite 100	Durham	NC	27705		919-286-1911		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Calculating the Lifting Condensation Level (LCL)	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This Javascript calculator was designed to calculate lifting condensation level (LCL) conditions using only three atmospheric input parameters that are commonly measured and reported during most local televised weather forecasts: surface temperature, surface dewpoint, and surface pressure. Output is pressure and parcel temperature at LCL. Though this calculator was designed to calculate the lifting condensation level for a parcel of air lifted from the surface, you calculate the LCL conditions for an air parcel at any other pressure level by substituting values appropriately. There is also a link to a calculator that will convert temperature reading from Celsius to Fahrenheit to Kelvin units.
Publication 12-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc., Copyright © 1996
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Susan	McLean	J.		National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)		325 Broadway	Boulder	CO	80305		303-497-6478		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Compute Values of Earth's Magnetic Field (Version 3.1)	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: The program run from this form computes the values of the Earth's magnetic field parameters for a given location and date or date range. Input required is the date and location (in latitude and longitude) of interest. Links to the U.S. Census Bureau's U.S. Gazeteer and the Getty Thesaurus assists in determing the latitude and longitude for locations of interest. The magnetic parameters (D, I, H, X, Y, Z, and F) are computed based on the latest International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), a Schmidt quasinormalized spherical harmonic model of the magnetic field. Accuracies for the angular components (Declination, D and Inclination, I) are reported in degrees and minutes of arc and are generally within 30 minutes. Accuracies for the force components (Horizontal - H, North - X, East - Y, Vertical - Z, and Total force - F) are generally within 25 nanotesla. A link to frequently-asked questions about the geomagnetic field of Earth is provided as background material.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16;13;14;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Rich	Signell			United States Geological Survey	384 Woods Hole Road	Woods Hole	MA	02543-1598	508-457-2229		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: SEA-MAT: Matlab Tools for Oceanographic Analysis	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: This site is a collaborative effort to organize and distribute Matlab tools for the oceanographic community. Matlab is multi-platform software that provides numeric computation, technical graphics and visualization, and an intuitive programming language for applications in engineering and science. This site provides links to and downloads of code for oceanographic data analysis tools, including time series analysis, numerical modelling, mapping, hydrography, and data interface.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ira	Geer	W.	Dr	American Meteorological Society	1200 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 410	Washington	D.C.	20005		202-682-9337		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Maury Project: Exploring the Physical Foundations of Oceanography	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: The Maury Project is the American Meteorological Society's comprehensive national program of teacher enhancement based on studies of the physical foundations of oceanography. Major components of the program include: (a) the development of a cadre of master oceanographic education resource teachers who provide peer training opportunities for their colleagues throughout the country, and (b) the dissemination and implementation of scientifically accurate and pedagogically sound instructional resource materials directed towards teachers. The program has two teacher enhancement components: (a) summer workshop training, and (b) peer-led training sessions. The workshop phase is held each summer at the United States Naval Academy (USNA) in Annapolis, Maryland, for 24 new participants (all of whom must go through an appliation process). This two-week phase includes intensive training sessions including lectures, tutorials, seminars, research cruises, hands-on laboratory exercises, and field trips. Trainers include faculty members from USNA, scientists from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other organizations, and professional science educators. In component (b), the teachers trained in the USNA workshop conduct single-topic sessions on an on-going basis, for their peers within their home states, using single topic teaching materials developed by AMS specifically for this purpose. These training sessions, one to two hours in length, are offered by Maury Peer Trainers on a variety of topics treating the physical foundations of oceanography.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 1998 American Meteorological Society
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Douglas	Yarger		Dr	Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science (PALS), Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences	3010 Agronomy Building, Iowa State University	Ames	IA	50011	515-294-9872		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Douglas	Yarger		Dr	Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science (PALS), Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences	3010 Agronomy Building, Iowa State University	Ames	IA	50011	515-294-9872		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science (PALS), Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences		3010 Agronomy Building, Iowa State University	Ames	IA	50011	515-292-2619		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mountain Simulation: Assignment (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This applet simulates the difficult concepts of adiabatic processes. A leaf visually symbolizes a parcel of air rising over a mountain. Users are allowed to vary the beginning temperature and vapor-pressure of the parcel of air, and the relative wind speed as it moves up and over a mountain. Graphs then display temperature verus altitude and vapor pressure as the leaf rises and falls. A series of questions guide the student to explore the conditions ( temperature, altitude, vapor pressure, dew point ) under which a cloud would form.
Publication 8-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1999, PALS, all rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Macmillian Publishers Ltd, Nature Publishing Group	25 Eccleston Place	London		SW1W 9NF				England
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Nature; International Weekly Journal of Science	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,	Description: This site is a gateway to all Nature-titled journals and sites for all levels of visitors. It provides full text services to subscribers of the weekly printed edition of Nature, but an extensive range of free content and other services are available to registered users and visitors, including an archive of the full text of the journal from 1997 to present. Nature appears weekly and publishes papers from any area of science with great potential impact. The importance of Nature papers often extends well beyond the confines of the specific discipline concerned. Nature also publishes a broad range of informal material in the form of Opinion articles, News stories, Briefings and Recruitment features, and contributed material such as Correspondence; Commentary; News and Views; Scientific Correspondence; and book, software and product reviews. This site requires membership which is free and you can sign up on the site.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16;13;14;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2000 Registered No. 785998 England
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Rich	Signell			United States Geological Survey	384 Woods Hole Road	Woods Hole	MA	02543-1598		508-457-2229	508-457-2310	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Coastal Ocean Modeling at the USGS Woods Hole Field Center	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: This site provides animated visualizations of coastal circulation models of the northeast coast of the United States. Data are outputs from a variety of simulation models. Specific topics are: Comparison of Effluent Concentration from the Existing and Future Boston Harbor Sewage Outfalls, Tidal Flushing of Boston Harbor, Simulated Particle Trajectories Under a Steady Northeast Wind, Upwelling in Massachusetts Bay during June-July 1990, Spring Freshet in Massachusetts Bay during April-May, Relative Sea Level Change in Massachusetts Bay: 14,000 years to present. In addition there are "fly-by movies" of Stellwagen Bank, Buzzards Bay/Vineyard Sound, Boston Harbor, the Gulf of Maine, and Long Island Sound depicting undersea bathymetry at these locations.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16;13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information in Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), California Institute of Technology	M/S Raytheon-299, 4800 Oak Grove Dr.	Pasadena	CA	91109			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Visit to an Ocean Planet	Keywords: Physical oceanography,Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Technology	Description: Visit to an Ocean Planet is an innovative CD-ROM that has been transferred to the web. Visit to an Ocean Planet is for grades 5-12 that makes science, ocean, climate and life education fun and interactive. There are three sections, expedition, mission and guide. The expedition section engages students in exploring the 1997 El Nino, a look at oceanographers and their work, and an ocean science research cruise planning exercise. In the mission section, students discover many details about the TOPEX/Poseidon mission and learn about previous and future missions. They also learn how to measure ocean topography. The guide section contains lessons and classroom activities in climate, oceanography, and life in our oceans. The climate activities cover properties of fresh water and sea water, Earth's hydrologic cycle, coastal versus inland temperatures ocean currents and coastal temperatures, metric measurements, solar energy and distance, salinity, deep ocean circulations and greenhouse gases. The oceanography activities cover density of water, evaporation, mixing, sound in water, wind-driven currents, tides, upwelling and the Cartesian diver. The life in our oceans activities cover plankton, bioluminescence, oil spils and plastics in the ocean. Classroom activities can be downloaded directly from the website as .pdf files. The guide section also contains movies, images, and background materials. If you are an educator or home schooler, you can obtain a copy of the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" CD-ROM free of charge from the JPL Physical Oceanography DAAC:
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: If you are an educator or home schooler, you can obtain a copy of the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" CD-ROM free of charge from the JPL Physical Oceanography DAAC: Produced by the TOPEX/Poseidon project. Copyright 1998 California Institute of Technology and its licensors. U.S. Government sponsorship is acknowledged. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				SRI International, Center for Technology in Learning		333 Ravenswood Ave.	Menlo Park	CA	94025-3493		650-859-2000	650-326-5512	REQUIRED
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS)	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS) is an on-line, standards-based, continually updated resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks. The tasks, collected from numerous sources, include student directions and response forms, administration procedures, scoring rubrics, examples of student work, and technical quality data calculated from field testing. On-line rater training packets have also been created for some tasks.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©1999 SRI International, Center for Technology in Learning. All rights reserved. A detailed "Terms of Use" site is linked to the home page.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Demuth	N.		Environment Canada, National Hydrology Research Institute	11 Innovation Boulevard	Saskatoon	Saskatchewan	S7N 3H5		306-975-5754	306-975-5143	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Recent and Past-century Climate Variability and the Mass Change of Peyto Glacier, Canadian Rocky Mountains	Keywords: Cryology,Climatology,Hydrology	Description: This paper examines the structure and flux of the Peyto Glacier, looking at the changes in the glacier from 1966 to 1997 as it reflects long-term climate change. The authors discuss strong spatial and temporal coherence of anomalous patterns in the availability of seasonal snow and the mass balance of alpine glaciers and their relation to ocean-atmosphere phenomena. This correlation is significant to the development of more inclusive forecasting tools for use in water resource management under scenarios of climate variability. This on-lone version is a short note adpated from a longer research paper.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: adapted from: Demuth, M.N. and R. Keller 1997. An assessment of the mass balance of Peyto Glacier (1966-1995) and its relation to recent and past-century climatic variability. National Hydrology Research Institute Contribution Series CS-97007, 43p.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Pidwirny	J.	Dr	Okanagan University College, Department of Geography	3333 College Way	Kelowna	Brisitsh Columbia	V1V 1V7		250-762-5445 Ext. 7378		Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Fundamentals of Physical Geography	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: The Fundamentals of Physical Geography website is designed to be a free online textbook for University and College students studying introductory Physical Geography. Version 1.0 of Fundamentals of Physical Geography contains over three hundred pages of information and more than four hundred 2-D illustrations, photographs, and animated graphics. Besides having the traditional text and 2-D graphics, this information source also has a number of animated graphics, an interactive glossary of terms, a study guide, web pages with links to other Internet resources related to Physical Geography, and a search engine to find information on the Fundamentals of Physical Geography website. The current purpose of this work is to supplement the printed textbooks used in Universities and Colleges with an information source that is interactive and rich in multimedia. The comprehensive table of contents includes chapters on: Introduction to Physical Geography, Maps, Remote Sensing, and GIS, The Science of Physical Geography, Introduction to Systems Theory, The Universe, Earth, Natural Spheres, and GAIA, Energy and Matter, Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology, Introduction to Hydrology, Introduction to Biogeography and Ecology, Introduction to Geology, and Introduction to Geomorphology
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael J. Pidwirny. The Fundamentals of Physical Geography website is designed to be a FREE online textbook for University and College students studying introductory Physical Geography.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kathryn	Ginger	M.	Ms	University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)/ DLESE Program Center (DPC)	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000	303-497-8341	303-497-8336	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Greg	Byrd		Dr	University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)/ Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET)	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000	303-497-8357	303-497-8491	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)/ Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET)	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000	303-497-8470	303-497-8491	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Remote Sensing Using Satellites	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Technology	Description: This website was developed for undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory earth or atmospheric science course. It is designed to supplement lecture and textbooks. Its goal is to make you a better consumer of weather information by providing dynamic graphics, animations, and science content about remote sensing, visible and infrared satellite imagery, and hurricanes. As part of the module, you will apply what you've learned by exploring recent hurricanes through satellite imagery. When you have completed this module, you should be able to view satellite imagery in a typical weather forecast on TV or the Web and recognize the importance of some features.
Publication 4-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Website was developed by the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET®) and the Program for the Advancement of Geoscience Education (PAGE) both of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) under National Science Foundation (NSF) Cooperative Agreement No. ATM-9209181, Scientific Program Order (SPO) No. 10 and under the sponsorship of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Award Number NA67WD0097. Access to and use of the content on this Website shall impose the following obligations on the user. The user is granted the right, without any fee or cost, to access, link to and use, create derivative works, publish, distribute, disseminate, transfer, or in any manner alter, modify, revise, crop, copy (an unlimited number of times), edit, digitize, and authorize such uses for third parties for any non-profit training, research, or educational purpose whatsoever and not for any direct or indirect commercial purpose or advantage. The use
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography	South Ferry Road	Narragansett	RI	02882-1197				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Image Archive	Keywords: Physical oceanography,Technology	Description: This site provides access to the University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography's archive of sea surface temperature satellite images. Images are processed Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data from NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) satellites. The archive contains in excess of 20,000 images from April 1979 to the present. New images are added to the archive daily at 10:30 GMT. During the first two years of the archive holdings, coverage is quite spotty, but subsequent years generally have several images for each day. These images clearly show the Gulf Stream as it heads up the Eastern North American coastline and out into the Atlantic Ocean. A lesson plan describing some of the uses and interpretation of the images is also included.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16;17;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Blanche	Meeson	W.	Dr	National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center/Earth Sciences Directorate/Scientific and Educational Endeavors		Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-614-5341	301-614-5620	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Carla	Evans			National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center, Raytheon ITSS	Mail Code 900	Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-614-5293	301-614-5268	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carla	Evans			National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center, Raytheon ITSS	Mail Code 900	Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-614-5293	301-614-5268	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center/Earth Sciences Directorate/Scientific and Educational Endeavors	Mail Code 900	Greenbelt	MD	20771			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Barbara	Gage		Dr	Prince George's Community College		301 Largo Road	Largo	MD	20774-2199				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stratospheric Ozone	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Technology	Description: The goal of this NASA Earth Science Enterprise-funded project is to increase the use of satellite data in high school and college science classrooms by developing classroom materials linked to guided inquiry computer exercises. This Stratospheric Ozone module is one of four Studying Earth's Environment from Space (SEES) modules. Each module consists of three sections: Class Resources, Computer Lab Resources and a Glossary and Acronym List. Class Resources is an electronic textbook viewable by a Web browser. Computer Lab Resources contain an instructor's guide, data and software. The instructor's guide contains exercises for using the data and software. The public domain software, a version of NIH-Image for the Macintosh that was modified by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center especially for SEES, is for data display, analysis and tutorial of satellite data. The software will also work on Windows machines with a Mac emulator. Image2000, a cross-platform Java version of the software, is expected to be available by the end of the year 2000. Each module section can stand-alone (e.g. you don't have to use the Class Resources in order to complete the Computer Lab Resources). Students and instructors may continue their own scientific discovery by accessing archived and current data from various NASA Earth Science data centers.
Publication 8-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: There are no copyright restrictions on any of the materials that appear in the modules. If you use any of these materials in publications, please acknowledge NASA as follows: NASA. Studying Earth's Environment From Space. June 2000. ( the date you accessed these materials)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Elizabeth	Smith	A.		Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography	Crittenton Hall, 768 West 52nd Street	Norfolk	VA	23529		757-683-5567		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Michael	Alfultus			United States Coast Guard Academy	Science Department, 27 Mohegan Ave	New London	CT	06320-8101		860-444-8633		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Barbara	Gage		Dr	Prince George's Community College		301 Largo Road	Largo	MD	20774-2199				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Elizabeth	Smith	A.		Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography	Crittenton Hall, 768 West 52nd Street	Norfolk	VA	23529		757-683-5567		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center/Earth Sciences Directorate/Scientific and Educational Endeavors		Greenbelt	MD	20771			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Polar Sea Ice Processes	Keywords: Cryology,Physical oceanography,Technology	Description: The goal of this NASA Earth Science Enterprise-funded project is to increase the use of satellite data in high school and college science classrooms by developing classroom materials linked to guided inquiry computer exercises. This Polar Sea Ice Processes module is one of four Studying Earth's Environment from Space (SEES) modules. Each module consists of three sections: Class Resources, Computer Lab Resources and a Glossary and Acronym List. Class Resources is an electronic lecture viewable by a Web browser. Computer Lab Resources contains an instructor's guide, data and software. The instructor's guide contains exercises for using the data and software. The public domain software, a version of NIH-Image for the Macintosh that was modified by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center especially for SEES, is for data display, analysis and tutorial of satellite data. The software will also work on Windows machines with a Mac emulator. Image2000, a cross-platform Java version of the software, is expected to be available by the end of the year 2000. Each module section can stand-alone (e.g. you don't have to use the Class Resources in order to complete the Computer Lab Resources). Students and instructors may continue their own scientific discovery by accessing archived and current data from various NASA Earth Science data centers.
Publication 9-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: There are no copyright restrictions on any of the materials that appear in the modules. If you use any of these materials in publications, please acknowledge NASA as follows: NASA. Studying Earth's Environment From Space. June 2000. ( the date you accessed these materials)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Elizabeth	Smith	A.		Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography	Crittenton Hall, 768 West 52nd Street	Norfolk	VA	23529		757-683-5567		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Michael	Alfultus			United States Coast Guard Academy	Science Department, 27 Mohegan Ave	New London	CT	06320-8101		860-444-8633		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Barbara	Gage		Dr	Prince George's Community College		301 Largo Road	Largo	MD	20774-2199				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Elizabeth	Smith	A.		Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography	Crittenton Hall, 768 West 52nd Street	Norfolk	VA	23529		757-683-5567		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center/Earth Sciences Directorate/Scientific and Educational Endeavors		Greenbelt	MD	20771			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Oceanography	Keywords: Physical oceanography,Technology	Description: The goal of this NASA Earth Science Enterprise-funded project is to increase the use of satellite data in high school and college science classrooms by developing classroom materials linked to guided inquiry computer exercises. This Oceanography module is one of four Studying Earth's Environment from Space (SEES) modules. Each module consists of three sections: Class Resources, Computer Lab Resources and a Glossary and Acronym List. Class Resources is an electronic lecture viewable by a Web browser. Computer Lab Resources contains an instructor's guide, data and software. The instructor's guide contains exercises for using the data and software. The public domain software, a version of NIH-Image for the Macintosh that was modified by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center especially for SEES, is for data display, analysis and tutorial of satellite data. The software will also work on Windows machines with a Mac emulator. Image2000, a cross-platform Java version of the software, is expected to be available by the end of the year 2000. Each module section can stand-alone (e.g. you don't have to use the Class Resources in order to complete the Computer Lab Resources). Students and instructors may continue their own scientific discovery by accessing archived and current data from various NASA Earth Science data centers.
Publication 9-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: There are no copyright restrictions on any of the materials that appear in the modules. If you use any of these materials in publications, please acknowledge NASA as follows: NASA. Studying Earth's Environment From Space. June 2000. ( the date you accessed these materials)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Blanche	Meeson	W.	Dr	National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center/Earth Sciences Directorate/Scientific and Educational Endeavors		Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-614-5341	301-614-5620	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Carla	Evans			National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center, Raytheon ITSS	Mail Code 900	Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-614-5293	301-614-5268	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Barbara	Gage		Dr	Prince George's Community College		301 Largo Road	Largo	MD	20774-2199				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carla	Evans			National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center, Raytheon ITSS	Mail Code 900	Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-614-5293	301-614-5268	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center/Earth Sciences Directorate/Scientific and Educational Endeavors	Mail Code 900	Greenbelt	MD	20771			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Land Vegetation	Keywords: Ecology,Technology	Description: The goal of this NASA Earth Science Enterprise-funded project is to increase the use of satellite data in high school and college science classrooms by developing classroom materials linked to guided inquiry computer exercises. This Global Land Vegetation module is one of four Studying Earth's Environment from Space (SEES) modules. Each module consists of three sections: Class Resources, Computer Lab Resources and a Glossary and Acronym List. Class Resources is an electronic textbook viewable by a Web browser. Computer Lab Resources contains an instructor's guide, data and software. The instructor's guide contains exercises for using the data and software. The public domain software, a version of NIH-Image for the Macintosh that was modified by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center especially for SEES, is for data display, analysis and tutorial of satellite data. The software will also work on Windows machines with a Mac emulator. Image2000, a cross-platform Java version of the software, is expected to be available by the end of the year 2000. Each module section can stand-alone (e.g. you don't have to use the Class Resources in order to complete the Computer Lab Resources). Students and instructors may continue their own scientific discovery by accessing archived and current data from various NASA Earth Science data centers.
Publication 8-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: There are no copyright restrictions on any of the materials that appear in the modules. If you use any of these materials in publications, please acknowledge NASA as follows: NASA. Studying Earth's Environment From Space. June 2000. (the date you accessed these materials)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Office of Human Resources and Education, Education Division; Office of Space Science, Astrophysics Division		Washington	D.C.	20024				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Space Based Astronomy: Teacher's Guide with Activities	Keywords: Space science	Description: This curriculum guide uses hands-on activities to help students and teachers understand the significance of space-based astronomy - astronomical observations made from outer space. It is not intended to serve as a curriculum. Instead, teachers should select activities from this guide to support and extend existing study. The guide tells the story of why it is important to observe celestial objects from outer space and how to study the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The guide begins with a survey of astronomy-related spacecraft NASA has sent into outer space. This is followed by a collection of activities organized into four units: The Atmospheric Filter, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Collecting Electromagnetic Radiation, and Down to Earth. A curriculum matrix identifies the curriculum areas each activitiy addresses. Following the activities is information for obtaining a 35 mm slide set with descriptions showing current results from NASA spacecraft such as the Hubble Space Telescope, Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, and the Cosmic Bakground Explorer. The guide concludes with a glossary, reference list, and a NASA Resources list.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;4;5;6	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: This publication is in the Public Domain and is not protected by copyright. Permission is not required for duplication. EG-102 August 1994
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Seal	A.		Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) / National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)	California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109			USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Seal	A.		Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) / National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)	California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109			USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) / National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)	California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Solar System Simulator	Keywords: Space science	Description: This site renders images of celestial bodies within our solar system. The simulator software looks up the positions of the Sun, planets and satellites from ephemeris files developed at the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), as well as star positions and colors from a variety of stellar databases, and uses special-purpose renderers to draw a color scene. Texture maps for each of the planets and physical models for planetary rings have been derived (in most cases) from scientific data collected by various JPL spacecraft. Users can then request a rendered image of any celestial body from any other celestial body on the date of your choice (1600 to 2300). Users specify date and time, field of view, and whether orbits and constellation lines are to be depicted. Archived images (both rendered and acutal) are available, as are simulated views from Cassini and Galilleo, and locations of current comets.
Publication 8-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) images may be used in the preparation of course or instructional materials by teachers or students which are clearly not for profit. Express permission for such use is not required. The following credit line is required: "Courtesy Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Copyright (c) California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. All rights reserved. Based on government-sponsored research under contract NAS7-1407." Thus images can be saved to disk.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Columbia University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences		560 Schermerhorn	New York	NY	10027			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Climate System	Keywords: Climatology	Description: The Climate System is a part of The Earth System course series (TESY) developed by Columbia University and Barnard College. It provides an integrated view of the climate component of the Earth system. Topics covered include origin and development of the atmosphere and oceans, formation of winds, storms and ocean currents, reasons for changes through geologic time, recent influence of human activity, i.e. the ozone hole, global warming, acid rain, water pollution, and laboratory exploration of topics through demonstrations, experimentation, computer data analysis and modeling.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information Is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paul	Olsen			Columbia University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences	558 Schermerhorn	New York	NY	10027			USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Life System and Environmental and Evolutionary Biology II	Keywords: Biology	Description: The "Life System" is a component of the course series (TESY) developed by Columbia University and Barnard College, providing an integrated view of the biological component of the Earth system. It emphasizes the history of life, biogeochemical cycles, biodiversity, evolution, ecology, and physiology at the microbe to global scale. It also stresses the biotic systems, in contrast to the physical systems, as maintaining the non-equilibrium state of the Earth's surface. The course is divided into three parts. Part 1 is entitled Entities, Cycles, and History; and covers the nature of individuals, species, evolution of the long-term Carbon cycle, and the history of life. Part 2 is entitled Mechanisms of Evolution and Ecology, and covers the origin of species and diversity by natural selection, and interactions that shape the abundance, distribution, and conservation of organisms. Part 3 is entitled Physiology at Different Scales, and focuses on the flow of materials and energy within and between organisms and their environments, from microbes to the biosphere. The labs focus on the Earth system elements, and are intended to be a very substantial part of the course in which students gain experience with working with parts of the Biosphere. Students will work with mathematical models and on-line data streams complementing the more traditional descriptive aspects of working with living and fossil biological systems. Students also gain experience with different methods of approaching biological systems such as physiological analysis and systematics and ecological methods.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information Is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Columbia University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences		560 Schermerhorn	New York	NY	10027			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kim	Kastens		Dr	Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory	Rt 9W	Palisades	NY	10964				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Solid Earth System	Keywords: Geology	Description: The Solid Earth System is a part of The Earth System course series (TESY) developed by Columbia University and Barnard College. It provides an integrated view of the lithospheric component of the Earth system. Topics covered include: plate tectonics, e.g. the origin and development of continents, ocean basins, mountain systems on land and sea; earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, diamonds, oil; land-use planning for resource development and conservation.; laboratory exploration of topics through demonstrations, experimentation, computer data analysis and modeling. Several stand-alone CD's are used in this course, including the Ocean Drilling Program's " From Mountains to Monsoons", UC Santa Barbara's" Exploring the Deep", and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's "Planet Earth: Sea Floor Spreading" and "Planet Earth: Radioactive Age Dating".
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information Is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ben	van der Pluijm		Profssor	University of Michigan, Department of Geological Sciences, The Global Change Project	2534 C.C. Little Building	Ann Arbor	MI	48109				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Change Project	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: The Global Change Project is an undergraduate program at the University of Michigan. It is a three course interdisciplinary sequence focusing on Physical Processes, Human Impacts, and Case Studies. These courses form the core of a Global Change Academic Minor for students who want to understand the historical and modern aspects of global change. Resources in the courses include lectures, labs, course syllabi, movie clips, a formative assessment instrument for the class, references, links to related sites, and access to the Global Change Digital Library.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gary	Novak	A.	Dr	Geology Labs On-Line	California State University, Department of Geological Sciences	Los Angeles	CA	90032-8201				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Virtual Dating	Keywords: Geologic time	Description: This is an interactive exercise about Geologic Time. It focuses on how geologists and archaeologists determine the ages of rocks and ancient artifacts. This is a beta release of an instructional activity still under development. Virtual Dating contains two modules as well as a demonstration version. One module is Virtual Dating Isochron for rocks and minerals and the other is Virtual Dating Radiocarbon (Carbon-14). The interactive modules involve the students in exploring data and background information and answering questions as they move through the activity. An answer checking and feedback function is employed. There is also a Virtual Dating Demo if you want to do a quick run-through of the activity without answer checking enabled.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998, 1999 Geology Labs On-line
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gary	Novak	A.	Dr	Geology Labs On-Line	California State University, Department of Geological Sciences	Los Angeles	CA	90032-8201				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Virtual River	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This site has two interactive exercises designed to help students learn about river processes like discharge, flooding, and flood frequency. Each activity requires you to make careful observations and measurements, do simple calculations, and answer questions about your work. An interactive feedback and answer checking function is employed as one moves through the activities. A "Certificate of Completion" is available at the end of each activity.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 Geology Labs On-line
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gary	Novak	A.	Dr	Geology Labs On-Line	Department of Geological Sciences California State University	Los Angeles	CA	90032-8201				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gary	Novak	A.	Dr	Geology Labs On-Line	Department of Geological Sciences California State University	Los Angeles	CA	90032-8201	/			USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Geology Labs On-Line	Department of Geological Sciences California State University	Los Angeles	CA	90032-8201	/			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Virtual Earthquake	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: Virtual Earthquake is an interactive web-based program designed to introduce the concepts of how an earthquake epicenter is located and how the Richter magnitude of an earthquake is determined. Virtual Earthquake shows the recordings of an earthquake's seismic waves detected by instruments far away from the earthquake. The instrument recording the seismic waves is called a seismograph and the recording is a seismogram. The point of origin of an earthquake is called its focus and the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus is the epicenter. You are to locate the epicenter of an earthquake by making simple measurements on three seismograms that are generated by the Virtual Earthquake program. Additionally, you will be required to determine the Richter Magnitude of that quake from the same recordings. Richter Magnitude is an estimate of the amount of energy released during an earthquake.
Publication 9-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright © 1996, 1999 Geology Labs On-Line. This work was supported in part by grants from the US National Science Foundation. All opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NSF.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of North Dakota			Grand Forks	ND	58202				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: VolcanoWorld Online	Keywords: Geology	Description: The goal of this site is to provide an educational experience about volcanoes, using online resources. A series of lessons are the heart of VolcanoWorld Online. They were designed specifically for interaction via the WWW, Internet and email. The lessons are sequential and designed to cover introductory volcano topics. They are designed to take from 50-60 minutes. The Eruption Simulation is designed to take about 20 minutes per day for a minimum of 10 class days. Altogether the Online experience could be done in 3 weeks, enthusiasm and participation may dictate as much as a full trimester or semester. The lessons are classroom ready, with minimal equipment required from the classroom, and all handouts, maps, pictures, movies and research sites are linked to the lesson.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 1
Cost: 1	Copyright: VW Online is free and available to all.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NOAA Home Page Design and Construction Company									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: International Year of the Ocean - Kids' and Teachers' Corner (Cataloger enhanced)	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology	Description: This site is a collection of resources for students and teachers, compiled for the 1998 International Year of the Ocean celebration. A variety of links provide access to activities, books and fact sheets providing information on marine debris, Northwest salmon, endangered whales, seals and sea lions, the Pacific Coral reef, habitat protection, and the Adopt-a-Buoy program.
Publication 11-2000
Format: 65	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 2
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R. Webster	West		Dr	University of South Carolina, Department of Statistics		Columbia	SC					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Histogram Applet	Keywords: Mathematics	Description: This applet is designed to teach students how bin widths (or the number of bins) affect a histogram. Data used are observations of the duration (in minutes) for eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park. Students can interactively change the bin width by dragging the arrow underneath the bin width scale. For large bin widths, the bimodal nature of the dataset is hidden, and for small bin widths the plot reduces to a spike at each data point. Students are asked "What bin width do you think provides the best picture of the underlying data?" Code for employing this technique with other datasets is supplied.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Theresa	Schwerin	G.	Ms	Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)	1600 Wilson Blvd., Suite 901	Arlington	VA	22209	703-312-0825	703-312-8657	
This is a(n) person.
Title:	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Cryology,Climatology,Geology,Hydrology,Physical oceanography	Description: provides access to a vast amount of resources for teaching and learning about Earth system science. K-12 teachers can quickly locate classroom activities through a Teachers' Web Express. Search databases include: Resources, (CD-ROMs, teachers' guides, posters, slides, etc.); Programs; (teacher workshops, fellowships, curriculum development projects, research projects, and an online calendar of upcoming conferences, workshops, and other educational events); and State Resources, (information about each state's Earth science experts, resources, and special programs.)
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Thomas	Boyd	M	Dr	Colorado School of Mines, Department of Geophysics		Golden	CO	80401	303-273-3522	303-273-3478	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Gravity Anomaly Over a Tunnel	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This Java script will produce synethic gravity anomalies over a buried tunnel. The script is part of an activity that involves designing a gravity survey for a housing development in the vicinity of an historical mine site. Variable parameters include the depth, radius and density contrast of the tunnel, as well as gravity survey variables such as spacing between readings, the number of readings, and expected standard deviation of observed gravity readings
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (c) Thomas M. Boyd, 1996 - 1999 All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Glenn	Richard	A		State University of New York, Mineral Physics Institute	107 Earth and Space Sciences Building	Stony Brook	NY	11794-2100	631-632-8336		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Radioactive Decay	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geologic time,Geology	Description: This applet simulates the decay process for four different radioactive decay series in real time (Th232, Pu241, U238, and U235). The simulation can be run in the "animate" mode which automatically picks the time step for the decay process, or it can be run with a user-defined time step. A bar graph depicting the primary elements in the decay series and their relative abundances at each time step illustrates the decay process. Users can stop the decay process at any chosen time to view an Activity Log, which tracks the abundance of series elements according to time passed. A graph plotting neutron # versus atomic # shows the individual decay mode steps from the initial parent to final daughter element.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Collin	Reeves		Mr	ITC			
This is a(n) person.
Title: An Animated History of the Indian Ocean	Keywords: Geologic time,Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This animation is one result of a determined effort to use new information to better constrain the history of continental dispersal and create a more accurate geological map of reassembled Gondwana. All the continental movements are shown relative to a number of hotspots, the position of which is held fixed with respect to the earth's rotation axis. This gives results that agree overall with paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic information for the period.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Glenn	Richard	A	Dr	State University of New York at Stony Brook		New York	NY			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics - Rotate Africa Back to South America Through the Past 135 Million Years	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: The South American and African plates began to separate from one another about 135 million years ago during the break up of the Gondwanaland supercontinent. Since then, these plates have spread apart due to the formation of new oceanic crust at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The object of this exercise is to determine the pole of rotation that allows Africa to rotate back to South America. In this applet, students input latitude, longitude, and angle of rotation and can observe the resulting plate movements.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Brueggeman			Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library	9500 Gilman Drive, Dept 0219	La Jolla	CA	92093		858-534-1230		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tides and Tide Prediction	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: This tide and tide prediction resource directory links to online tide predictors, tide observations/sea level measurements, tide prediction software you install to generate tide predictions on demand, and general information on tides and tide prediction.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Peter Brueggeman.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Aviation Digital Data Service								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Aviation Digital Data Service	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This is the home page for the Aviation Digital Data Service. The Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) makes available to the aviation community digital and graphical analyses, forecasts and observations of meteorological variables in the United States. Analyses, forecasts, and observations are available for turbulence, icing, convection, wind speed, and temperature. You can even select the altitude of interest. Satellite and radar images are also available. Java tools to help with the analysis of the maps provided are available for download. Developed as the data distribution component of the Aviation Gridded Forecast System (AGFS), ADDS is a joint effort of NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL), NCAR Research Applications Program (RAP), and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Aviation Weather Center (AWC).
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. Before using information obtained from this server special attention should be given to the date & time of the data and products being displayed. This information shall not be modified in content and then presented as official government material. The user assumes the entire risk related to its use of this data. Third parties producing copyrighted works consisting predominantly of the material appearing in NWS Web pages must provide notice with such work(s) identifying the NWS material incorporated and stating that such material is not subject to copyright protection.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bruce	Herbert		Dr	Texas A and M University, Geology and Geophysics		College Station	TX	78721				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Big Bend National Park: Virtual Field Trip	Keywords: Geology	Description: Big Bend National Park Virtual Field Trip is designed to be a guide to the geological history and features of the Big Bend National Park area. It was created as an independent study project for the Texas A&M University Department of Geology under the supervision of Dr. Bruce Herbert. The field trip explores igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic and structural processes in general as well as using specific examples from the park. The sit also includes a virtual hike of the Lost Mine Trail, and additional links to park information.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Geology		876 Natural Science Complex	Buffalo	NY	14260		716-645-6800		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Topography	Keywords: 	Description: The Topographic Maps Module discusses topics such as orienteering, satellite photos and aerial imagery, scale, location, symbols, and contours. It includes an interactive exercise in orienteering, and is an excellent introduction to topographic maps for undergraduates.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Steven	Richardson	M		Iowa State University		Ames	IA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Illustrated Glossary of Geologic Terms	Keywords: Geology	Description: This glossary of geologic terms is based on the glossary in Earth: An Introduction to Geologic Change, by S. Judson and S.M. Richardson (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1995). Where possible, definitions conform generally, and in some cases specifically, to definitions given in Robert L Bates and Julia A Jackson (editors), Glossary of Geology, 3rd ed., American Geological Institute, Alexandria, Virginia, 1987.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Posted or printed copies of this glossary must give appropriate credit to Iowa State University and to the author, Steven M. Richardson. Iowa State University and the author will bear no responsibility for the accuracy or quality of versions of the glossary other than the original, which is posted at
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): James	Myers		Dr	University of Wyoming, Department of Geology and Geophysics		Laramie	WY					
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Aleutian Arc Data System	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: The Aleutian Arc Data System is an interactive database providing access to chemical, petrographic and spatial data concerning the geology of the Aleutian islands. A summary of physical characteristics and an overview of exploration history is provided for each island. Links are also provided that show the samples collected from the island and the island's geochemistry, including searches for major, trace, and rare earth elements, and isotopic results.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999 by J. D. Myers and T.J McElfresh
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Warren	Huff		Dr	University of Cincinnati, Department of Geology	warren.huff@UC.EDU	500 Geology/Physics Building	Cincinnati	OH	45221-0013				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Landslides	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Landslides and mass movements involve the downslope movement of rock and/or soil and other surficial materials under the influence of gravity. This exercise has three sections, each involving a particular instance or principle of rapid slope failure. Each section is self-contained and includes questions or exercises. The first two are case studies, and the third is a theoretical exercise that is entitled "Computing the landslide safety factor".
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Geology		876 Natural Science Complex	Buffalo	NY	14260		716-645-6800		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Interactive Models for Geological Education Online	Keywords: ,Geology	Description: This site provides interactive computer models to aid in undergraduate geological education. These modules contain extensive visual material of geologic phenomena, interactive computer models of significant physical principles, video and audio segments of geologic processes and simulation models of complex geologic problems. These simulation techniques take into consideration the interaction of social as well as scientific input into a problem. The topics of the laboratories include field measurements of a stream profile and the water velocity, water sampling and laboratory measurements of aspects of water chemistry and water-rock interaction, flooding, ground water flow, topography, erosion, mass-wasting, volcanoes, earthquakes, and Earth resources and population. Although the topics are mostly standard for introductory geology and environmental geology, the new approach involves the use of interactive educational modules via the World Wide Web.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California, Seismological Laboratory	215 McCone Hall	Berkeley	CA	94720-3977		(510) 642-3977	(510) 643-5811	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey		345 Middlefield Rd.	Menlo Park	CA	94035		(650) 329-4668	(650) 329-5617	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC)	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This is the home page of the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC) which is a joint project of the University of California Berkeley Seismological Laboratory and the U. S. Geological Survey at Menlo Park. The NCEDC is an archive for seismological and geodetic data for Northern and Central California. Accessible through this page are news items, recent earthquake information, links to earthquake catalogs, seismic waveform data sets, and Global Positioning System information. Most data sets are accessible for downloading via ftp.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: When you use data from the NCEDC, you should provide an acknowledgement of the data source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Geology		876 Natural Science Complex	Buffalo	NY	14260		716-645-6800		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Eruption!	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Eruption! is a volcanic crisis simulation model that showcases a series of villages that surround an active volcano that is part of the Interactive Models for Geological Education Online (IMGEO) series. The goal of the exercise is to preserve as many people and as much property as possible in spite of the threat from the volcano. Students role-play as either villagers, the governor, volcanologists, or the press. Guides for teaching assistants and students, and the rules of the simulation are available on the site. Three different versions are downloadable, for different hardware and classroom situations ( e.g. one computer per student, one computer and multiple students, and a networked enviornment). The activites in each are modified slightly to reflect the level of computer access for the student.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Marcus	Busik	A		State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Geology		Buffalo	NY					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Groundwater	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: The Groundwater Module discusses topics such as the location of groundwater, the conductivity of geologic materials, well testing, and groundwater contamination. It includes numerous interactive exercises and experiments, including the measurement of porosity, experimentation using Darcy's Law, well testing using the Theis method, plume of pollution, groundwater velocity, and many other skills and techniques including data aquisition and analysis. It is a self-explanatory module which guides students through its various sections as they go.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Marcus	Busik	A		State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Geology	Department of Geology	Buffalo	NY					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mass Wasting	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This module on mass wasting is divided into three sections: Mass Wasting Processes (including weathering, decomposition, flows, rockfalls and creep); Slides and Slumps (force vectors, shear stress and safety), and Hazard Maps (risk assessment). This is a set of downloadable computer activities that is part of the Interactive Models for Geological Education Online (IMGEO) series.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Geology		876 Natural Science Complex	Buffalo	NY	14260		716-645-6800		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquakes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This is a computer-based interactive module on earthquakes that is part of the Interactive Models for Geological Education Online (IMGEO) series. One section covers "Technical Aspects and Exercises", which includes both informational material and interactive exercises on faults, seismicity, epicenters, and the Earth's interior. A second section addresses "Earthquake Hazards and Damages" and includes statistics of earthquakes, information on earthquake hazards, and pictures of historical destruction by earthquakes.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tanya	Atwater		Dr	University of California at Santa Barbara, Department of Geological Sciences	Webb Hall 1117	Santa Barbara	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: An Animated Tectonic History of Western North America and Southern California	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: Professor Tanya Atwater began these animations as a project for the Smithsonian Museum and for public education. As they evolved, the animations developed into a powerful research visualization tool used by geoscientists across the nation. Professor Atwater is now releasing these animations over the Web for general use. This page contains the first image of each animation. The movie previews contain a small version of each animation along with an extended description. Two larger versions of each movie, plus an accompanying narrative text are available for free on the download page. Animation files include: the Pacific Hemisphere, 85 Ma to Present; two versions of N.E. Pacific and W. North America, 38 Ma to Present; and Southern California, 20 Ma to Present.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Professor Atwater is now releasing these animations over the Web for general use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Marcus	Busik	A		State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Geology	Department of Geology	Bufflao	NY					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Volcanoes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This computer-based interactive module discusses types of volcanoes, products of volcanoes, and hazards of volcanoes. It can be used with a related eruption crisis model game to provide a comprehensive introduction to volcanoes and their activity. It is part of the Interactive Models for Geological Education Online (IMGEO) series.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Walker			Index Librorium Liberorum									Switzerland
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth and Moon Viewer	Keywords: Space science	Description: At this site you can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe. Images can be generated based on a full-colour image of the Earth by day and night, a topographical map of the Earth, up-to-date weather satellite imagery, or a composite image of cloud cover superimposed on a map of the Earth, or a colour composite which shows clouds, land and sea temperatures, and ice. In addition to the Earth, you can also view the Moon from the Earth, Sun, night side, above named formations on the lunar surface or as a map showing day and night. A related document compares the appearance of the Moon at perigee and apogee, including an interactive Perigee and Apogee Calculator.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: A variety of sources contributed to the creation of this site. 1. Satellite data provided by The Living Earth® Inc./Earth Imaging© 1996, All Rights Reserved. 2. The satellite tracking code is based upon the N3EMO Orbit Simulator: N3EMO Orbit Simulator routines v3.7Copyright © 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990 Robert W. Berger N3EMO. May be freely distributed, provided this notice remains intact.3. The pbmplus toolkit, Copyright © 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Eric	Christiansen	H		Bringham Young University, Department	Department of Geology	Provo	UT	84602	801-378-2113		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Petroglyph	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Petroglyph is an interactive program designed to simulate a petrographic microscope. Petroglyph is designed so students can independently explore a series of thin sections, amplifying a laboratory instructor's effectiveness. The program contains a database of petrographic thin sections which can be viewed by different microscopic methods. Three modes of study are available. In the Explore mode, a student uses a mouse to point to a mineral and its name is given; in the Query mode, the student must identify the grain (hints are provided; point counting can be done in this mode); and the Quiz mode creates graded quizzes that provide no hints. The downloadable demonstration version of Petroglyph contains a thin section of an amphibolite for the Explore and Query modes. The demo version also contains a representative quiz of a clastic wacke.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Institute of Physics Publishing	The Public Ledger Building, Suite 1035, 150 South Independence Mall West	Philadelphia	PA	19106				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Virtual Laboratory	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Physics	Description: This site hosts a list of over 100 physics related Java Applets available on the Net. It also offers subscription to a Java/Physics listserv that is devoted to discussions on the development and use of Java in physics education and research.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1994-2000 IOP Publishing Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey		345 Middlefield Rd.	Menlo Park	CA	94035		(650) 329-4668	(650) 329-5617	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California Berkeley Seismological Laboratory		202 McCone Hall	Berkeley	CA	94720-4760		510-642-3977	-510-643-5811	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada: San Francisco Special Map	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This site offers a map of earthquake locations in the San Francisco, California, area for the last week, day and hour. Data are provided by the U. S. Geological Survey - University of California at Berkeley seismic net. Earthquake data are updated within five minutes of an actual event or, otherwise, once an hour. By clicking on individual earthquake locations, the user can obtain details on magnitude, hypocenter, time and location.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the USGS as the source of the information
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey		345 Middlefield Rd	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5163	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California Institute of Technology, Seismological Laboratory		1200 East California Blvd	Pasadena	CA	91125		626-395-6811		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada; Los Angeles Special Map	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This map of the Los Angeles, California area displays earthquake locations for the latest week, day, and hour. The user can click on map symbols and get information on time, date, magnitude, location, and depth. Earthquake information is updated within 5 minutes of an actual event or otherwise once an hour. The information is from the U. S. Geological Survey-Caltech Seismic Net.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the USGS as the source of the information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Don	Weiss			EcoTopia/USA								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ecology Hall of Fame	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This web site honors the heroes of the environmental movement, the individuals who have had the greatest positive impact. The Ecology Hall of Fame includes people under three categories, General, Living Legends, and Martyrs. Essays, reprints, biographies, and bibliographies are included for the honorees. The Ecology Hall of Fame is a project of EcoTopia/USA (United Services Agency), a California non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting ecological thinking and ecological behavior, especially in Santa Cruz County.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Get permission from the author/publisher to use materials from this site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christopher	Scotese	R	Dr	PALEOMAP Project						888-288-0160		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Paleomap Project	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: The goal of the PALEOMAP Project is to illustrate the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years. In the section on Earth history you can select any time period, read about that period, and see the plate distribution during that period. There is also a section on climate history where you can select a time period, see the climatic distribution of that period, and learn what evidence was used to reconstruct the paleoclimate. A collection of animations shows the plate distribution during different parts of Earth history. The site also has a section where you can print paleomaps that are formatted to be cut out and pasted on a 4 inch Styrofoam sphere to create your own paleoglobes.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: (c) PALEOMAP Project, 1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dan	Judd			Westwide Avalance Network								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Daniel	Howlett			Westwide Avalanche Network								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Westwide Avalanche Network	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: The Westwide Avalanche Network is designed for the professional avalanche community, however, this site contains a wealth of information for anyone interested in avalanches and wintertime mountain weather. Avalanche data from ski areas and highway avalanche programs are available for the past 40 years. This includes the most up-to-date Doppler radar, satellite imagery, weather maps and weather data, plus all the internet tools avalanche professionals need to display them. A fee is charged for this service, however other areas of the site are accessible without charge, offering weather, snow, and avalanche reports, and information on safety and education programs. A subscription is required to access the data on this site, that is a $30 fee is required for the SNOTEL data exchange and a $300 membership fee is required for professional organizations requesting industry info(package deals). However, a multitude of information is still available at this site for no charge.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996-2000 Westwide Avalanche Network
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team		345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94035	650-329-4668	650-329-5617	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-Northern California; Latest Quake Info	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This page points to information on earthquakes in Northern California, the United States, and the world. Topics include reports on recent large earthquakes, real-time earthquake maps, real-time shaking maps, real-time seismograms, earthquake network reports and updates, recent and significant earthquakes, and earthquake news releases. Users will be able to view maps and click on them.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California at Berkeley, Seismological Laboratory		202 McCone Hall	Berkeley	CA	94720-4760		(510) 642-3977	(510) 643-5811	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: The University of California at Berkeley Seismological Laboratory home page provides access to the many programs, products and activities of the Laboratory. Earthquake monitoring activities include maps of recent events, weekly seismicity maps and current seismograms. Users may attempt to make their own seismogram, report an earthquake or watch movies of earthquake events. Descriptions of the seismic networks in California and their seismic datasets as well as earthquake preparedness information are also available. A list of seismology-related resources for teachers is provided with descriptions and links to each resource.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Some sections of this site ask that acknowledgement be made for use of the data. Copyright and other restrictions are not known for all sections of the site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Seth	Stein		Dr	Northwestern University, Department of Geological Sciences		Evanston	IL	60208			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geol 202: The Earth's Interior	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This beginning geophysics course is designed for geology majors. It provides a relatively rigorous and homework-intensive overview of the structure and evolution of the Earth and terrestrial planets, at a level higher than a descriptive geology class, but lower than the standard introduction to geophysics for seniors or first year graduate students. Demonstrations are presented with links to a variety of supplemental resources, including virtual field trips and biographies of famous scientists who contributed to understanding these topics.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey		345 Middlefield Rd.	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5617	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California at Berkeley, Seismological Laboratory		202 McCone Hall	Berkeley	CA	94720-4760		510-642-3977	510-643-5811	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Rapid Earthquake Location Service	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This site contains a list of magnitude 2 or greater earthquakes recorded by the U.S. Geological Survey's Northern California Seismic Network and the University of California at Berkeley Digital Seismic Network during the last 3 days. This catalog is valid for Central and Northern California (approximately north of San Luis Obispo along the coast and 37 degrees N at the Nevada border).
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the U.S. Geological Survey as the source of the information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sharron	Sample			National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)			
This is a(n) person.
Title: For Kids Only, Earth Science Enterprise	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Hydrology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: This is a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sited designed for school children and educators grades 4 to 12. The main science topics are Air, Natural Hazards, Land, Water, and People and how NASA conducts studies in these areas. Additional links to Educational materials, Ask an Expert, Contests, Activities/Games, Resources, FAQ, and Teacher's Guides are included.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NASA Copyright Notification GENERAL CONDITIONS:NASA materials may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of a commercial product, service or activity, or used in any other manner that might mislead. NASA should be acknowledged as the source of its material. It is unlawful to falsely claim copyright or other rights in NASA material. NASA shall in no way be liable for any costs, expenses,claims or demands arising out of use of NASA's cassettes and photographs by a recipient's distributees..PHOTOGRAPHY:Photographs are not protected by copyright unless noted. If copyrighted,permission should be obtained from the copyright owner prior to use. If not copyrighted, photographs may be reproduced and distributed without further permission from NASA. If a recognizable person appears in a photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity and permission should be obtained from the recognizable person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gilles	Borel		Dr	Université de Lausanne, Faculte des Sciences-Institut de geologie et de paleontologie	Institut de geologie et de paleontologie, BFSH2 , CH-1015 Lausanne	Lausanne		3167 (Bureau)		41 21 692 4359		Switzerland
This is a(n) person.
Title: IGCP Project No.369, Comparative Evolution of PeriTethyan Rift Basins	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This site advertises the results (paleotectonic maps and plate reconstructions) elaborated by the IGCP 369 research project on peritethyan paleogeography and paleotectonics. You can view the contents of the whole database as low-resolution images with several examples of high-resolution maps. The complete dataset can be obtained on a CD-ROM soon to be published by the European Geophysical Society. It goes along with a series of twenty-four papers that will be published in a volume titled "Peritethyan Rift/Wrench Basins and Passive Margins" (P.A. Ziegler, W. Cavazza, A.H.F.R. Robertson, eds.), now in press with the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. The objective of the project is the integrated structural, stratigraphic, sedimentologic, and petrologic study of the evolution of peritethyan rift/wrench basins. Selected aspects of the intervening orogenic regions in relation to peritethyan development are also included. The area considered extends west to east from the eastern shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mts. and the Indus River, and north to south from the Baltic shield to equatorial Africa. The time frame is from the Moscovian to the Holocene.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paul	Howell	D.		University of Kentucky, Department of Geological Sciences	305 Slone Bldg, University of Kentucky	Lexington	KY	40506-0053	606-257-3932	606-323-1938	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Web DoGS Virtual Plates	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This Virtual Plates page contains some plate reconstructions put together by WebDoGS, a group of students and faculty at the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Kentucky. The plate reconstructions are available in several different map projections and file formats. This page also has links to a lot of sites related to plate tectonics, the electronic creation of plate reconstructions, and data used to develop plate reconstructions.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jon	Van de Grift			Lakeland College		Madison	WI			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Natural	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This site provides atmospheric and geologic hazard information for researchers, teachers, students, and concerned citizens. For each hazard, information about the locations and seasons of greatest risk is provided. In the "Other Resources" sections, you will find links to selected web sites and educational products for purchase. Topic areas include: warnings and real-time data, glossary of terms, atmospheric hazards: climate change, drought, El Nino and La Nina, hurricanes, snow and ice, thunderstorms, tornadoes, earthquakes and tsunami, floods, slope failures, and volcanoes.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Natural is an educational site. The author(s) therefore assume no liability for any actions taken based on the information contained herein. Copyright © 1999, 2000
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Climatic Data Center	Federal Building, 151 Patton Avenue	Asheville	NC	28801-5001	828-271-4800	828-271-4876	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Climatic Data Center's Extreme Weather and Climate Events	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: This National Climatic Data Center site offers observed data of worldwide extreme weather and climate events. Topic areas include: U.S. Hurricanes, Heavy Precipitation, Temperature Extremes, U.S.Tornadoes, Billion $$ Weather Disasters, 1991-2001 Weather Events, Global Climate Change, Historical Global Extremes, El Nino/La Nina, Satellite Images, Climate of 2000, U.S. Local Storm Reports, Climatic Data, and U.S. Radar Composites.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): The Drought Monitor				National Drought Mitigation Center	P.O. Box 830749	Lincoln	NE	68583-0749		402-472-6707	402-472-6614	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Drought Monitor by USDA, NOAA, and the National Drought Mitigation Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: The Drought Monitor provides a weekly overview of where in the United States drought is emerging, lingering, subsiding or forecasted. Responding to the need for accurate, centralized drought information, a resource that summarizes information from numerous drought indices and indicators has been created on a single, easy-to-read color map known as the Drought Monitor. The map combines key indices of rainfall and drought to produce the final drought intensity rating. Since drought often affects various activities differently, the map indicates whether drought is affecting agriculture, fire danger, or water supplies.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Learning Web Team				U.S. Department of the Interior	U.S. Geological Survey	Reston	VA			
This is a(n) person.
Title: USGS: The Learning Web	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: The Learning Web is a USGS web dedicated to K-12 education, exploration, and life-long learning. A variety of materials are available for instructors and students to aid in exploring things on, in, around, and about the Earth such as plants and animals, land, water, and maps. The focus is on learning how biology, geology, hydrology and geogrpahy can help us understand our changing world
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Nancy	VanWagoner		Dr	University of Acadia, Department of Geology	42 University Avenue	Wolfville	Nova Scotia					Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology and the Environment: Internal Earth Processes	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology	Description: Environmental Geology focuses on the relationship between humans and their Earth environment. It is the study of human interaction with the land, with all its sociological, economic and political ramifications. This course concentrates on the relationship between people and internal Earth processes such as: earthquakes and volcanoes, geologic structures, plate tectonics, the evolution of mountains and ocean basins, the concept of geologic time, rocks, minerals, and mineral resources.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998 Dr. Nancy VanWagoner
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John .	Nielsen-Gammon		Dr	Texas A&M University, Texas A&M Meteorology Department	3150 TAMU	College Station	TX	77843-3150		979-845-7671	979-862-4466	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Fulton			Texas A&M University, Department of Atmospheric	3150 TAMU	College Station	TX	77843-3150		979-845-7671	979-862-4466	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Meteorology 151 Class Page (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Climatology,Atmospheric science	Description: This site is composed of a series of tutorials about different aspects of meteorology and climatology. Each tutorial is composed of an introduction to the topic, a set of learning objectives, and a series of short explanations and exercises by subtopic. The topics covered in the main tutorials are: How to Access Weather Data, How to Read Hourly Weather Observations, Radiation and the Diurnal Heating Cycle, The National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest, Factors Affecting Temperature: Wind and Mixing, Factors Affecting Temperature: Clouds and Moisture, Air Masses and Fronts, The Forecasting Process, Forces in the Atmosphere, Air Pressure Temperature and Height, Winds and Pressure, Sounding Diagrams, Upper Air Maps, Hurricanes, Satellite Imagery, Radar Imagery, Numerical Weather Prediction, NWS Forecast Models, Sources of Model Error, Sea Breezes Land Breezes and Coastal Fronts, and Snow Forecasting.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996-1998 Texas A&M University, Texas A&M Meteorology Department and Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon. All rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alan	Sills								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Science Educators Web Resources Supersite	Keywords: Space science,Physical oceanography,Biology,Chemistry,Climatology,Educational theory and practice,Geology,Physics	Description: This site is a collection of links to resources for science educators. There are links to subject specific clearinghouses, discussion groups, professional networks, educational materials, science fair projects, etc. There is also a list of links for the following topics: Earth Science, Astronomy, Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Jersey Shore, Professional Development, WE Science Highlights, and Weather. This site is a starting place for educational resources of all types.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Roslyn	Gillespie		Ms	Education Planet, Inc.		924 Anacapa St., Suite 3R	Santa Barbara	CA	93101		805-899-4966	561-658-2639	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Jim	Hurley		Mr	Education Planet, Inc.	924 Anacapa St., Suite 3R	Santa Barbara	CA	93101		805-899-4966	561-658-2639	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Education Planet	Keywords: Space science,Biology,Chemistry,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Mathematics,Physical geography	Description: Education Planet delivers educational resources, tools and services that empower K-12 teachers, students, parents and administrators to utilize the web for education. As an "all-in-one" vertical portal for education, Education Planet is working to meet the K-12 community's growing need for online access to educational resources, communication tools and e-learning services. Currently, Education Planet hosts over 100,000 educational resources. EP's team of educator reviewers rate and review these resources for grade level, educational relevancy and merit. The Education Planet index is arranged with the following topics: Arts & Music, Computers & Internet, Economics & Business, Education, Environment, Geography & Countries, Government & Law, Health, and Nutrition & Sports.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2000 Education Planet, Inc. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Daniel	Edelson	C.	Dr	Northwestern University, School of Education and Social Policy, Institute for the Learning Sciences								
This is a(n) person.
Title: WorldWatcher	Keywords: Climatology,Educational theory and practice,Environmental science	Description: WorldWatcher is an NSF funded project aimed at exploring the potential of scientific visualization technology to improve science education. The goal is to demonstrate that scientific visualization, incorporated into inquiry-based learning, can enable students of diverse abilities to develop an understanding of complex scientific phenomena. The WorldWatcher Project designs and evaluates learning software, develops and field tests middle and high school curricula, and investigates the process by which students learn to make sense of scientific visualizations. Software products are WorldWatcher, a tool which supports the study of climate and global climate change, and MyWorld GIS, a vector-based geographic information system software that runs in Java on Windows NT, 98, ME, 2000, and MacOS X. Curricula are The Global Warming Project, an eight week, stand alone unit in which middle school students learn about many of the scientific factors that contribute to the controversial global warming debate, and Looking At The Environment, a year long, visually intensive high school environmental science curriculum centered on three key issues: the relationship between population growth and resource availability; electricity generation and meeting the demand for energy; managing water resources for agricultural use and human consumption. Published papers that have emerged from WorldWatcher Project research can be viewed in pdf format.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Roger	Suthren		Dr	Oxford Brookes University, Department of Geology	Headington	Oxford, UK		OX3 0BP		44 (0)1865 483600		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Geology	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is the homepage for a course offered by Oxford Brookes University. It is an introduction to the recognition, description and interpretation of rocks and minerals and to the global processes responsible for their formation. The site provides lecture support material and virtual posters for a variety of topics, including: Structure of the Earth, Plate Tectonics, Geological Time, Minerals, Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes, Surface Processes and Sediments. Diversity of Life, Metamorphism, Rock Deformation and Mountain Building, and Geology and the Environment.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This page copyright Oxford Brookes University, 1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Discovery Communications, Inc.			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Peel the Earth	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site is a vitual journey to the center of the Earth. One can access the four major components of the planet -- atmosphere, crust, mantle and core via hyperlinks to supporting text and visual material.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999 Discovery Communications Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mary	Downton			National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307		303-497-8116		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Baat	Enosh			National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group		P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Roger	Pielke			National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Angel	Guitierrez			National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Roberta	Klein			National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Miles	Mercer			National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Zoe	Miller			National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jennifer	Oxelson			National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Extreme Weather Sourcebook 2001, subtitle:Economic and Other Societal Impacts Related to Hurricanes, Floods,Tornadoes, Lightning, and Other U.S. Weather Phenomena	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: Extreme weather accounts for many billions of dollars in damage every year in the United States. The size of the U.S., along with its particular geographical and societal conditions, make it susceptible to a wide range of weather phenomena. This report presents a summary of damage suffered from hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, lightning, hail, thunderstorms, and windstorms in the United States and its territories. Damages for each type of event are listed by state, as well as ranked by expense. For any given type of event, the composite U.S. and each state have links to graphs showing annual damages for the corresponding period of record. There are sections for floods, tornadoes, lightning, and a section for other (hail, thunderstorms, and windstorms).
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Maps a la carte, Inc.	73 Princeton Street, Suite 305	North Chelmsford	MA	01863		978-251-4242		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: TopoZone	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: The TopoZone is the Web's center for recreational and professional topographic map users. The company worked with the USGS to create the Web's first interactive digital topo map of the entire United States. Every USGS 1:100,000, 1:63,360, 1:25,000, and 1:24,000 scale topographic map for the entire United States is available for viewing at this site via a place name search, latitude/longitude pair or UTM coordinates. Interactive access to map coordinates is enabled on these maps. A subscription must be purchased in order to download maps with or without georeference information files.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 Maps a la carte, Inc.  All rights reserved. Reproduction of any Maps a la carte, Inc. material is strictly prohibited, unless otherwise permitted by the following Terms and Conditions.  Permission to use all documents and related graphics and any other material from this World Wide Web server is subject to the following Terms and Conditions.TopoZone, TopoView, TopoServer and TopoWear are trademarks of Maps a la carte, Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J.W.		Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Physical Geology at Georgia Perimeter College	Keywords: Geology	Description: This course is part of the Georgia Geoscience On-line Project, one of approximately 47 Course Development Projects in the State of Georgia that has been funded by the Connecting Teachers and Technology Program of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Instructional technology integrated into this course includes use of the computer, Internet (World Wide Web and e-mail), and the GSAMS(Georgia Statewide Academic and Medical System) distance learning classroom.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Pamela J. W. Gore, 1994, 1997, 1998
Title: Introduction to Geophysical Exploration	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This site contains resources that support an introductory course in exploration geophysics. The materials are designed for use in teaching geophysics to non-geophysicists. Course materials include all those that you would normally associate with an on-line course; lecture notes, references, on-line quizzes, etc. These materials are divided into four modules, one each describing the theory and use of gravity, magnetic, DC resistivity, and refraction seismic observations. Although traditional course materials are included, the core the course is built around the use and support of an interactive case study approach. Unlike a traditional case study, an interactive case study, through the use of computer simulations, allows students to become engaged in the case study by providing them the opportunity to make all of the relevant decisions (i.e., survey design and cost decisions, data and interpretation decisions, etc.) regarding the case. In completing an interactive case study, the intent is to help students develop an intuitive understanding of the nature of geophysical exploration, and to also develop an appreciation for how geophysicists think, learn how to communicate with them, and develop a sense for what subsurface properties can and can not be constrained by geophysical investigations.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 15;16;13;14;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (c) Thomas M. Boyd, 1996 - 1999 . All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Melanie	Kelman			University of British Columbia, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences		Vancouver	B.C.	V6T 1Z4.				Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Petrology	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site contains notes and self-directed exercises which complement the lectures and laboratories of EOSC 221, Introduction to Petrology - a course offered in the Earth and Ocean Sciences Department of the University of British Columbia.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This material is copyrighted (text, images, etc.), and can not be used without permission of the copyright owner. For details, please contact the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Warren	Huff		Dr	University of Cincinnati	Geology/Physics 614	Cincinnati	OH	45221-0013			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Geology	Keywords: Geology	Description: This page is available to anyone who has access to the World Wide Web, but it is intended primarily for students registered in Introduction to Geology (15-040-101, 102, 103) at the University of Cincinnati. This course is intended for both majors and non-majors. Taken in its entirety, the course is designed to acquaint students with the major concepts in geology and with the investigative processes through which geologic discoveries are made. It further seeks to address the relationships between geologic materials and processes, and general human welfare. The site provides a course syllabus, self-quizzes, reading assignments and links to other relevant sites.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ben	van der Pluijm	A		University of Michigan, Department of Geological Sciences	2534 C.C. Little Building	Ann Arbor	MI	48109-1063			
This is a(n) person.
Title: How the Earth Works : Dynamic Planet	Keywords: Geology	Description: Processes in our continuously evolving Earth have given rise to the formation of an internally-layered planet with continents, oceans and an atmosphere. This continuing activity is manifested by the destructive powers of such phenomena as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, mountain building, and plate motion. Starting with the formation of our Universe and evolution of stars like our Sun, the goal of this course is to present an integrated approach to Earth's unique characteristics, and explain her physical principles using conceptual and factual material. The website offers a lecture schedule with supporting material, homework assignments, a link to an interactive resource guide, and Powerpoint slides.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © Ben A. van der Pluijm, 1997-1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mark	Helper		Dr	University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences		Austin	TX	78712				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Gems and Gem Minerals	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is the homepage of a Gem and Minerals class at the University of Texas. The course objectives are to explore the following topics: what are gems and minerals, methods of identification, physical and optical propoerties, crystallography and optics, lapidary arts, the geology of major gem localities, and the value of gems. The site offers access to the course syllabus, handouts, exams with interactive answer-checking, and reference material for common gems.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Butler	C	Dr	University of Houston, Department of Geosciences	312 SR I	Houston		77204-5502	713-743-3411		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Physical Geology	Keywords: Geology	Description: An introductory course in Physical Geology that is offered in both online and face-to-face settings. Resources include homework exercises, lecture notes, and Internet resources.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright by John C. Butler, July 29, 1995
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Russell	McDuff	E	Dr	University of Washington, School of Oceanography		Seattle	WA	98195				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Oceanography - Marine Geological Processes	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: A first year course in oceanography with extensive Internet resources. Topics covered include: principles of thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, continuum mechanics, and time-series analysis applied to marine geological and geophysical data; applications to transport of marine sediments; Pleistocene sedimentation and global climate change; and the thermal balance of the oceanic lithosphere. The link to the lecture schedule provides detailed supporting materials.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (©) 1994-2001 Russell E. McDuff and G. Ross Heath. All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these documents for research or educational purposes and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and direct reference to the original source appear on all copies of these derivative works.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, USGS National Earthquake Information Center								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Seismicity maps of recent earthquake activity in the USA	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: The mission of the United States Geological Survey Earthquake Program is to provide and apply relevant earthquake science information and knowledge for reducing deaths, injuries, and property damage from earthquakes through understanding of their characteristics and effects and by providing the information and knowledge needed to mitigate these losses. This resource allows the user to be aware of current activity within the United States via a clickable regional map which displays locations of earthquakes and links to text-based information on precise location and magnitude.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center		Golden	CO					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Near Real Time Earthquake List	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This USGS site provides several weeks worth of current global earthquake activity with maps and access to detailed information.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				IRIS - Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology	1408 NE 45 St., Suite 201	Seattle	WA	98105				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquake Search	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: The IRIS Education & Outreach(E&O) program, in collaboration with the seismological and educational communities, develops and implements IRIS programs designed to enhance seismology and Earth Science education in K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and in adult education. This portion of their website offers a "make your own map of earthquakes" tool where one submits temporal and spatial coordinates and is provided corresponding data as ASCII files as well as a downloadable event map.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Hugo	Beltrami		Dr	St Francis Xavier University, Department of Geology		Antigonish	Nova Scotia	B2G-2W5				Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Climate Change from Earth Temperatures : The Big Integrator	Keywords: Climatology	Description: Climate change is commonly associated with long term temperature variation, or energy imbalance, at the Earth's surface. The solid Earth integrates this change and records it as perturbation to a background thermal profile in the upper kilometre of the crust. Detailed measurement of borehole temperatures reveals widespread but variable surface warming in North America over the past 100 to 200 years. This short paper examines these records and discusses the pros and cons of using the geothermal method for climate recontsruction.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paula	Dunbar			National Geophysical Data Center of NOAA	303-497-6826		
This is a(n) person.
Title: NOAA National Data Centers, NGDC Natural Hazards Data	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: Natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes affect both coastal and inland areas. Long-term data from these events, including photographs, can be used to establish the past record of natural hazard event occurrences. These data are also important for planning, response, and mitigation of future events. The National Geophysical Data Center plays a major role in post-event data collection. This site provides access to database archives as well as supporting educational materials such as a natural hazards quiz, and slide sets. The site provides access to the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS); and a Resource Directory, which functions as a clearinghouse.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: As required by 17 U.S.C. 403, third parties producing copyrighted works consisting predominantly of the material produced by U.S. government agencies must provide notice with such work(s) identifying the U.S. Government material incorporated and stating that such material is not subject to copyright protection. The information on government web pages are in the public domain unless specifically annotated otherwise and may therefore be used freely by the public.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dan	Dubno			CBS News and Special Events			
This is a(n) person.
Title: CBS News Disaster Links	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This site is a clearinghouse for a broad range of natural hazards/disaster-related resources. Links include access to US government sites such as FEMA, NOAA, and USGS, as well as private industry. Specific events include airplane disasters, avalanches, biological and chemical contamination, toxic spills, icebergs, hurricanes, floods, landslides, tornadoes, tsumanis, volcanoes and wild fires. Access to weather maps, satellite images and 3-D images as well as disaster monitoring software is also provided.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2001 Viacom Internet Services Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				The Paleontological Research Institution	1259 Trumansburg Road	Ithaca	NY	14850		607-273-6623		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Field Trip to Edisto Beach - title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This virtual field trip takes you to Edisto Beach, a beautiful sand beach about 30 miles south of Charleston, South Carolina. This particular beach is a well known site for Pleistocene fossils. The field trip presnts information on beachcombing and demonstrates screening for fossils and shells through a series of pages that delve into the origin of the items found there.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				The Paleontological Research Institution	1259 Trumansburg Road	Ithica	NY	14850		607-273-6623		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Field Trip to Plio-Pleistocene Shell Beds of Sarasota, Florida - title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This field trip takes you to quarries near Sarasota, on the west-central coast of Florida, where one of the world's most spectacular fossil accumulations is exposed. The fossil-rich sediments range in age from 1 to 5 million years and contain the abundant remains of mollusks, whales, birds, corals, barnacles, and sharks. The trip looks at how sediments were deposited and provides information on the species found there.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				The Paleontological Research Institution	1259 Trumansburg Road	Ithaca	NY	14850		607-273-6623		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Field trip to Kashong Glen, New York - title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This trip take you to Kashong Glen, a deep ravine south of Geneva, New York, that cuts into rocks about 380 million years old. Kashong Glen is one of the best places in New York State to study the rocks of the Hamilton Group and fossils from the Middle Devonian. The site looks offers a interactive image with information on rock types, fossil species, waterfall and cliff formation processes.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Paleontological Research Institution	1259 Trumansburg Road	Ithaca	NY	14850		607-273-6623		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Virtual Field Trippin': The Rocks of Central New York	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: The rocks of the Mohawk and Hudson Valleys of upstate New York tell a fascinating story, both through the rock layers themselves, as well as the life contained within them. Each individual outcrop, while interesting in many ways, pales in comparison to the story that unfolds when many of the units are compared and contrasted regionally. What comes to the surface is a story of tropical seas, violent mountain-building and active volcanoes. This site offers a tour through the region, referenced by the Cambrian, mid- and late- Ordovician, late-Silurian and Devonian geologic time periods.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dorothy	Hall	K.	Ms	NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glacier Bay, Alaska, from the Ground, Air and Space Fly-By Theater	Keywords: Cryology,Technology	Description: This site offers computer-generated fly-by videos of glaciers in the Glacier Bay, Alaska area.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dorthy	Hall	K		NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glacier Bay, Alaska from the Ground, Air and Space Special Effects Theater	Keywords: Cryology,Technology	Description: This site offers computer-generated animations illustrating glacial advance and retreat and mapping techniques in glacier-active regions.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): W.	White	M.		Cornell University, Department of Geological Sciences		Ithaca	NY					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Galapagos Geology on the Web	Keywords: Geology	Description: For those interested in natural history, there are few places quite as facinating as the Galapagos. The intention of this web site is to provide information on the Galapagos Islands to both scientists and non-scientists alike. While the emphasis of this web site is on geology, Galapagos wildlife is difficult to ignore, so you will find many images and observations on biology, as well as geology, on this site. Sections include: a brief introduction to Galapagos geology, Tour the Islands, Galapagos Climate and Oceanography, Galapagos History (which includes a discussion of Darwin's work related to evolution and natural selection), and a Bibliography.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Butler	C	Dr	University of Houston, Department of Geosciences	312 SR I	Houston		77204-5502		713-743-3411		
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Virtual Field Trip to the Stone Forest, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China	Keywords: Geology	Description: The Stone Forest is situated in the Lunan Yu Autonomous County, 126 kilometers southeast of Kunming. A region of typical karst formation, the Stone Forest covers an area of more than three hundred square kilometers. This virtual field trip offers a photo gallery of images, plus sections on the geological history and formation of the Stone Forest, and geochemical controls on carbonate precipitation and solution.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright by John C. Butler, August 1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dexter	Perkins		Dr	Univ. of North Dakota	Box 8358	Grand Forks	ND	58202	701-777-2811	701-777-4449	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Grand Canyon Exercise: Geological Time, History, and Sedimentary Environments.	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site presents a take-home web-based project for introductory geology students. The exercise has the students interpreting the sedimentary geology (lithology and fossils) of the Grand Canyon to create a geological history for the region. It is an open-ended exercise with no absolutely correct answer; it involves students acting as scientists - that is, the way real scientists think and combine information to come up with explanations.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This exercise may be used for any non-profit educational purpose.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bob	Ribokas			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Grand Canyon Explorer: The Geology of the Grand Canyon	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This site provides an overview of how the Grand Canyon was formed. Concepts discussed include erosion by water, ice and wind, continental drift, and deposition. A photo gallery and stratigraphic figures support the text.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © Bob Ribokas, 1994-2000, all rights reserved. This publication and its text and photos may not be copied for commercial use without the express written permission of Bob Ribokas.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sharron	Sample			National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Destination: Earth, The Official Website for NASA's Earth Science Enterprise	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Technology	Description: The Earth Science Enterprise mission is to develop understanding of the total Earth system and the effects of natural and human-induced changes on the global environment. The site provides links to information about NASA's research programs in a number of science topics, including: Atmospheric Chemistry, Hydrological and Energy Cycle, Land Cover/Land Use, Ozone, Natural Hazards and Solid Earth. and Climate Variability and Change. Information about Earth Science Missions such as the Earth Observing System (EOS), and the GOES and POES projects is available. Educational material regarding agency-wide Earth science education programs, products reviews and the ESE Education Strategy are provided as well.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NASA Copyright Notification: GENERAL CONDITIONS:NASA materials may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of a commercial product, service or activity, or used in any other manner that might mislead. NASA should be acknowledged as the source of its material. PHOTOGRAPHY:Photographs are not protected by copyright unless noted. If copyrighted, permission should be obtained from the copyright owner prior to use. If not copyrighted, photographs may be reproduced and distributed without further permission from NASA. If a recognizable person appears in a photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity and permission should be obtained from the recognizable person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team		345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5617	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Earthquake Hazards Program - Northern California	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: On this home page of the Earthquake Hazards Program, Northern California the user can access maps of earthquakes in the California-Nevada area, the United States, and the world. The site also has timely information on recent large earthquakes, real-time earthquake maps, real-time shaking maps, and news. The user is directed to United States Geological Survey publications, and to general information on earthquakes and hazard preparedness, and on current earthquake research. Frequently-asked questions are addressed and visitors can use the Ask-a-Geologist service and can follow links to other sites.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Susan	Garcia		Ms	United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team		345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5617	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team	345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94035				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team		345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94035				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-Northern California; General Quake Info; Basic Educational Information	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This site offers adults, teachers, and kids access to basic earthquake information, including Frequently Asked Questions, glossaries, simple exercises with science fair materials, news, short reports, preparedness information, and the Ask-a-Geologist service. Links are provided to selected organizations, professional and nonprofessional.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Robert	Britt	R.	120 W 45th St	New York	NY	10036				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):		120 W 45th St	New York	NY	10036		212-703-5800	212-703-5900	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ExploreZone: Earthquake News and Links	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This site includes popular science explanations and articles on earthquake concepts such as seismic waves, subduction, dip-slip, strike-slip and liquefaction. Information about the atmosphere, seasons, tides, tsunamis, volcanoes and waves is also available. It provides links to relevant news, columns, features, services, and book reviews. The producers encourage e-mail correspondence.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: and its are protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. copyright laws, international conventions, and other copyright laws. is the owner of the copyright in the entire Site. owns a copyright in the selection, coordination, arrangement and enhancement of the Site. You agree to abide by any and all copyright notices, information or restrictions displayed on the Site. You may not modify, create derivative works from, participate in the transfer or sale of, post on the World Wide Web, or in any way exploit the Site or any portion thereof for any public or commercial use without the express written permission of You may download one (1) copy of Site Material for your personal use, provided that you maintain all copyright, attribution and other notices contained in such Site Material.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Climatic Data Center	Federal Building,151 Patton Avenue	Asheville	NC	28801-5001		828-271-4800	828-271-4876	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Climatic Data Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is part of the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS) and is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world. NCDC archives 99 percent of all NOAA data which are received from a wide variety of sources, including satellites, radar, remote sensing systems, NWS cooperative observers, aircraft, ships, radiosonde, wind profiler, rocketsonde, solar radiation networks, and NWS Forecast/Warnings/Analyses Products. NCDC supports information dissemination such as paper copies of original records, publications, atlases, computer printouts, microfiche, microfilm, movie loops, photographs, magnetic tape, floppy disks, CD-ROM, electronic mail, on-line dial-up, telephone, facsimile and personal visit. Ordering information for data and products is available, and some items can be ordered on-line.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Morris	M		California State University at Long Beach, Department of Geological Sciences	1250 Bellflower Blvd.	Long Beach	CA	90840-3902				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Virtual Field Geology - Southern California	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: Explore and learn more about the diversity and grandeur of Southern California's geologic features.These virtual field trips are an extension of CSU Long Beach's Introductory Field Geology courses. The site includes field trips to Cajon Pass, Palos Verdes/Point Fermin, Anza Borrego, Mecca, Palmdale, Kelso Sand Dunes, Pisgah Crater, Rainbow Basin, and St. Francis Dam. Each trip discusses the geologic structure of the area and it's relationship to the San Andreas Fault Zone, which is the boundary between two converging lithospheric plates: the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. The plate boundary consists of a zone of subparallel faults that is roughly one hundred kilometers wide and has shifted its location several times since the onset of this transform (strike-slip) plate boundary.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright in July 2000 by Ron Merritt Morris
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Colorado at Boulder, Natural Hazards Center	482 UCB	Boulder	CO	80309-0482	http://www.Colorado.EDU/hazards/	303-492-6818	303-492-2151	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This site is a national and international clearinghouse for information on natural hazards and human adjustments to hazards and disasters. The Natural Hazards Center carries out its mission in four principal areas: information dissemination, an annual workshop, research, and library services. The center's prime goal is to increase communication among hazard/disaster researchers and those individuals, agencies, and organizations that are actively working to reduce disaster damage and suffering. The Natural Hazards Center provides access to a variety of resources including an on-line library database; periodicals and publications, and lists and indices of disaster information compiled by the Natural Hazards Center.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location: http://www.Colorado.EDU/hazards/index.html
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Reproduction - with acknowledgement - of this information is permitted and encouraged.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California at Berkeley, Seismological Laboratory		202 McCone Hall	Berkeley	CA	94720-4760		510-642-3977	510-643-5811	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey		345 Middlefield Rd.	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5617	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Northern California Earthquake Data Center Data Retrieval (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: The Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC) offers various types of earthquake-related data. Most of the datasets are available on the WWW. A few require the establishment of a research account. Available information includes: earthquake catalogs and lists; seismic waveform data from the Berkeley Digital Seismic Network, the Northern California Seismic Network, the Parkfield High-Resolution Seismic Network, and the Calpine/Unocal Geysers Network; Global Positioning System data from continuous monitoring stations; and Berkeley Digital Seismic Network temperature, electromagnetic and strain data.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: If you use data from the Northern California Earthquake Data Center, you should provide proper acknowledgement of the data source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Patrick	Colgan	M	Dr	Northeastern University, Department of Geology	14 Holmes Hall	Boston	MA	02115-5096				
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Virtual Geological Field Trip to Iceland	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This site offers a virtual field trip to Iceland, which is located in the North Atlantic Ocean, half way between Greenland and Norway. Seventeen destinations are featured; each one offering information about the geologic formation of the features found there, including fiords, alluvial fans,and glaciers, and volcanic features such as cinder cones, lava flows, lava tubes and lava fissures.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dave	Bazard			College of the Redwoods, Earth Science	Physical Sciences Building 111B	Eureka	CA	95501				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology of the Smith River: A Virtual Trip Through The Josephine Ophiolite	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This trip will take you through one of the world's best exposures of oceanic lithosphere (ophiolite). It begins in the mantle (peridotite) and works upward to pillow basalts and overlying sediments. A general overview of the formation and interpretation of an ophiolite is provided as background material to the specific examples found at the Smith River location in northern California.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Herbert			Texas A and M University, Geology and Geophysics	Mail Stop 3115	College Station	TX	77843				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Texas Hill Country Virtual Field Trip	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: The objective of the Texas Hill Country Virtual Field Trip is to educate visitors to the website about the geology of the hill country in Texas. There are sections on igneous and metamorphic processes, sedimentary processes and the geologic history of the region. Tying it altogether is a virtual hike to Longhorn Caverns, focusing on the intricate features created by the dissolution of limestone and rushing water. These include stalagtites and stalagmites, inverted potholes. draperies, columns, domes and pits.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paul	Fullagar		Dr	University of North Carolina, Department of Geology		Chapel Hill	NC	27599			
This is a(n) person.
Title: UNC Virtual Geology Project	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This is the University of North Carolina Geology Department's "Virtual Geology Project" home page. This educational resource will eventually feature an extensive offering of over 20 "virtual field trips" to various locations of geological and environmental interest in North Carolina. Currently there are trips to Diabase Dikes in Chapel Hill, Mount Airy Granite Quarry, Pilot Mountain, and Stone Mountain. Each trip provides an overview of the geology of the region including rock types, geologic structures and supported by maps and photos.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These pages contain copyrighted material which is solely for the use of the individual viewer. Copying any images, graphics, or text is expressly prohibited. All rights reserved (1997).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Geosphere	124 N Auburn Road	Auburn	MI	48611		517-662-6149		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Introduction to Seismic Exploration	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This web site provides a brief introduction to the process of seismic exploration. Included are a definition of seismic exploration, a listing of possible applications of seismic methods, definitions of seismic reflection and refraction, and an explanation of data processing with seismic methods. The text descriptions are accompanied by visualizations helping to aid the reader in their understanding of the concepts discussed.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©1990-2001 by Geosphere Inc
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Naval Pacific Meteorological and Oceanography Center, Joint Typhoon Warning Center		425 Luapele Rd.	Pearl Harbor	HI	96860	808-471-0004		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: U.S. Departments of the Navy and the Air Force: Joint Typhoon Warning Center Products	Keywords: Natural hazards,Atmospheric science	Description: This web site is home to The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC). Jointly operated by the U.S. Department of the Navy, and the U.S. Department of the Air Force, the JTWC monitors, analyzes, and forecasts tropical cyclone genesis, development, and movement across more than 100 million square miles of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, from the west coast of the Americas to the east coast of Africa. Accessible information includes current bulletins on significant tropical weather advisories in the Western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, tropical cyclone occurrence or climatology tables for the Western North Pacific Ocean, the Southern Indian Ocean, the South Pacific Ocean, and the North Indian Ocean, and current and archived satellite imagery of the Western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on this site is considered public information unless specifically annotated and may be freely distributed or copied. This information should not be modified in content and then presented as copyrighted material. As required by 17 U.S. Code section 403, third parties producing works consisting predominantly of the material appearing in NPMOC/JTWC web sites must provide notice in the subsequent published material that there is NPMOC/JTWC incorporated material and data is not subject to copyright protection and can be freely used by the public.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): VHP WWW Team				U.S. Geological Survey		Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: U. S. Geological Survey Volcano Hazards Program	Keywords: Geology	Description: A comprehensive overview of the U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program and current volcanic activity in the United States. The Volcano Hazards Program monitors volcanoes and collects the best possible scientific information on volcanoes in the United States and elsewhere to reduce the risk from volcanic activity. Site includes links to the Program's four volcano observatories in Alaska, the Cascades (Washington State) , Hawaii, and Long Valley (California). Other links include information on volcano hazards: types, effects, locations and historical eruptions, information on reducing volcanic risks, volcano monitoring, emergency planning, and warning schemes. Other resources available are a photoglossary, volcano fact sheets and videos, an educator's page, and updates and weekly reports on worldwide, U.S., and Russian volcano activity.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Francis	Jones			The University of British Columbia, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences	6339 Stores Road	Vancouver	British Columbia	V6T 1Z4			Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Case Histories in Applied Geophysics	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This site is designed as a reference resource for case histories in applied geophysics. Sorted first by geophysical method, including gravity, magnetics, seismic methods, DC resistivity - induced polarization and SP, electromagnetics, GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar), and inversion methods, each section is then broken down into three additional sections. 1. Summaries from the literature compiled for teaching purposes. These are usually short summaries of one part of a journal article, with one or two relevant figures. 2. Case histories written at the University of British Columbia. 3. Links to case histories at other web sites, often from companies that perform contract work, or manufacture equipment or software.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Trimble Navigation	645 N. Mary Avenue	Sunnyvale	CA	94086		408-481-7808		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: How GPS works	Keywords: Technology	Description: This web site provides a tutorial on how the Global Positioning System (GPS) works. Triangulation from satellites is covered in detail, including measuring distance from a satellite, accurate timing and satellite positions. How errors in signal transmission are corrected and differential GPS are also presented.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: 1996 - 2001 Trimble Navigation Limited
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paronti	Asher	M.	Dr	Pamona College, Department of Geology		Claremont	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Alexis	Beard	A.		Pomona College, Department of Geology		Claremont	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Petrology and Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology,Geology	Description: This web site is intended as a teaching aid to provide educators with a useful visual aid to support their lecture on how petrology and plate tectonics are related. It contains links to detailed information on geographic locations, petrographic, geochemical, and petrogenetic information on the most common igneous rock associations. These associations include ocean floor basalts, intra-plate oceanic basalts, island arc volcanics, continental flood basalts, and continental magmatic arc volcanics.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Sandwell	T	Dr	Scripps Institution of Oceanography		LaJolla	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Measured and Estimated Seafloor Topography: Land Topography from GTOPO30	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This web site displays two "clickable" maps - one topographic, and the other a Ship Track Each of 16 regions on the maps displays measured and estimated seafloor topography. A poster of the images can be ordered for a fee. Links to related sites are also provided.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997, David T. Sandwell
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Sandwell	T	Dr	Scripps Institution of Oceanography	9500 Gilman Drive	La Jolla,	CA	92093-0223				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Marine Gravity from Satellite Altimetry	Keywords: Technology,Physical geography	Description: This web site displays a global marine gravity map, produced from satellite altimetry, that has been sectioned into 16 clickable regions. A color poster of the map can be ordered for a fee.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Greg	Boutin		Dr	University of Oregon, Electronic Universe Project		Eugene	OR	97403				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This site provides an introduction to plate tectonics using color maps and text descriptions. Links are also provided for maps of recent earthquakes in the western United States, the world and in the Los Angeles area.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mark	Francek		Dr	Central Michigan University, Department of Geography	Dow 285	Mount Pleasant	MI	48859		517-774-7617		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Resources for Earth Science and Geography Instruction	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Physical geography,Atmospheric science,Natural hazards,Climatology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site acts as a clearinghouse for earth science and environmental science information. The links are organized around the sequence of topics typically taught in an introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links are also available for environmental science, earth science/geography education, career opportunities, and more. The sites selected are based on image quality, ease with which lesson plans can be developed, organization, authenticity, scope, and format. A weekly email service featuring reviews of web-based resources is offered.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Barthelmy								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Crystallography	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: This site is a link from a mineralogy database hosted by It provides information a crystallography classification system, which is composed of 32 classes of symmetry derived from observations of the external crystal form. The thirty-two crystal classes are summarized by symmetry elements in a table which has links to 1)example crystal images within the crystallography, 2) stereo crystal images and mineral listings of each group and class, and 3) animated crystal examples on the individual crystal classes for detailed study.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Cliff	Ford	E	Dr	University of Edinburgh, Department of Geology and Geophysics		Edinburgh, Scotland		EH9 3JY				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Siccar Point Preview	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This web site is intended to provide a pre-excursion introduction to Siccar Point, on the coast of Scotland. Information on the geologic history of the site is provided using illustrations of plate locations, trenches and tilting over time. Color photographs further illustrate the rock formations found there, including sedimentary structures, such as sandstones and breccia.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): John	Anderson		Dr	Rice University, Department of Geology		Houston	TX	77202				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ice	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This web site provides an introduction to glaciers and the study of glaciers. Topics addressed include, what is a glaciologist, what is a glacier, how do glaciers form and change the landscape. The occurrence of glaciers in temperate, subpolar and polar regions is presented, as is information on the Antarctic ice sheet.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of Calgary, Department of Geology and Geophysics	2500 University Drive, Northwest	Calgary	Alberta	T2N 1N4		403-220-5841		Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Measuring Strike and Dip from Outcrop	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site offers images with brief explanatory text that illustrate a method for measuring strike and dip from outcrop using a Brunton compass.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: (c) the University of Calgary
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jim	Locke		Dr	Montana State University, Department of Earth Sciences		Bozeman	MT	59717-3480	406-994-6918		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glaciers and Glacial Geology: A Hypertext for the Appreciation of Glaciers, and How They Work	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This hypertext begins with an introductory overview of the major topics in glaciology and glacial geology. Each topic is linked to a Web page intended to discuss that topic at a level appropriate for first-year university students. Those pages are linked where appropriate to recognize the intimate interrelationships among topics, rather than linear connections between them. Each page allows the option to continue upward into a more advanced discussion of the topic at hand or onward into discussion of the next topic at the same level. Topics covered include: systems: budget and flow, morphology and classification, glaciers with space and with time, erosional and depositional processes and landscapes, meltwater, pro- and paraglacial environments, eustasy and isostasy.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Don	Reed		Dr	San Jose State University		San Jose	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: General Oceanography	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: Designed for students in a general oceanography college course, this web site provides links to on-line expeditions in oceanography. Topics include marine resources, visualizing beneath the sea, global circulation and the California current, and marine ecosystems. Additional resources include a guide to the Mountains to Monsoons CD, a field trip guide to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and supporting information for a voyage to the San Francisco Bay-Estuary-Delta area. Links to News of the Week and Broadcast of the week provide up-to-date information on marine-related issues.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©Copyright 2000
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)	1600 Wilson Blvd., Suite 901	Arlington	VA	22209	703-312-0823	703-312-8657	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change	Keywords: Climatology	Description: This series of learning activities examines the potential impacts of climate variability and change on agriculture, coastal areas, forests, human health, and water. Specific impacts addressed include: El Nino, biodiversity, hurricanes, ocean warming and loss of coral reefs, and malaria. Twelve learning modules (10 printed and 2 online) comprise the series. There is an overview of global warming for grades 1-4; the remaining modules are for grades 5-12.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These materials may be freely used. It is requested that credit be given to the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. (IGES)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Barthelmy								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Minerals by Chemical Composition - title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This resource presents a table of minerals listed by chemical composition. Each mineral in the table is linked to a detailed description, including the naturally occurring isotopes of each mineral, and the mineral species that contain the element.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Barthelmy								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineral Images -title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site has digital images of several hundred mineral specimens; arranged alphabetically. Two views are offered, a large picture and a thumbnail.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy. These mineral photos are copyrighted by their owners and may not be used without permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California, Berkeley, Seismological Laboratory		202 McCone Hall	Berkeley	CA	94720-4760		(510) 642-3977	(510) 643-5811	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California Institute of Technology		1200 East California Blvd.	Pasadena	VA	91125		(626) 395-6919	(626) 564-0715	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California, San Diego				CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Reno, Seismological Laboratory			Reno	NV	89557		(775) 784-4975	(775) 784-1833	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: An index map of recent earthquakes in California and Nevada shows earthquakes that have occurred within the last hour, the last day and the last week. The map is updated within 1-5 minutes of an earthquake or, otherwise, once an hour. By clicking on a specific earthquake, detailed magnitude, location, time and depth data can be contained and a smaller-scale view of the area can be displayed.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the USGS as the source of the information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Beverly	Lynds	T		University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Unidata Program Center, Skymath Liaison	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000				
This is a(n) person.
Title: About Rainbows	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physics	Description: This tutorial on rainbows uses visual diagrams and links to classroom deomonstrations to illustrate how rainbows are formed. The explanation covers supernumerary arcs, double rainbows, reflection rainbows, and lunar rainbows. There is a list of references.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Region			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jenda	Johnson			United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Viewing Lava Safely - Common Sense is Not Enough	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This page is designed to educate visitors about safety in preparation for visiting Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii. The volcano has been erupting almost continuously since 1983. Although it is noted for its approachable lava flows, this volcano undergoes many changes that can be unpredictable and life threatening. Without knowledge of the landscape and the processes that form it, visitors can find themselves in dangerous, even deadly, situations. Understanding volcanic hazards and taking the right equipment are keys to safely exploring volcanic landscapes. A map of recent lava flows is included.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dale	Sawyer			Rice University, Department of Geology	6100 Main St	Houston	TX	77005-1892				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Discovering Plate Boundaries	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This web site focuses on the properties of tectonic plates and their boundaries. The activity has students work in groups to explore a set of maps that represent the age of the ocean crust, satellite gravity, topography, earthquake epicenters, recent volcanism, and plate boundaries.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Nicole	Barrow			Pearson Education Companies, Prentice Hall, Inc.		One Lake Street	Upper Saddle River	NJ	07458	201-236-6756	201-236-3290	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Exploring Earth	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is the home page for the World Wide Web on-line study guide of the textbook Exploring Earth, by Davidson, Reed and Davis. The 16 chapters covered in this study guide are: The Changing Planet; Earth: Origin and Composition; Minerals: The Building Blocks of Rocks; The Cornerstones of Geology: Rocks; Earth Processes: Physical Principles; Plate Tectonics; Deformation Earthquakes and Formation of Geologic Structures; Divergent Plate Margins and the Ocean Floor; Plates That Collide: Convergent Margins; The Conservative Boundary: Transform Plate Margins; Plate Interiors; The Formation of Sediment: Weathering; Sedimentary Systems: Transportation and Deposition of Sediments; Geomorphology: The Study of Landforms; Geologic Hazards and the Environment; and Earth's Resources. The site provides questions about each of the chapters in the book. The teacher and students can register with the site so that the answers provided by the students are automatically electronically forwarded to the teacher (and or Teaching Assistant). Each chapter has a set of true or false questions, a set of multiple choice questions, a set of review questions, and several further investigation questions with links to web sites with supporting information. The answers submitted for the multiple choice and true or false sections are automatically graded and the results are returned to the user immediately.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000-2001 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. A Pearson Company. This Web Site and its contents are the property of Prentice Hall, and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, or assigns, which is part of the Pearson Education family (collectively "Pearson Education"). The site and its contents are protected, without limitation, pursuant to U.S. and foreign copyright and trademark laws. By accessing this Web Site, you agree to the following terms and conditions. You are authorized to download one copy of the material on this Web Site on one computer for your personal, non-commercial use only. In doing so, you may not remove or in any way alter any trademark, copyright, or other proprietary notice. You may not modify, copy, distribute, republish, commercially exploit, or upload any of the material on this Web Site without the prior written consent of Pearson Education. No intellectual property or other rights in and to this Web Site, other than the limited right to use set forth above, are transferred to you.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program - Northern California		345 Middlefield Rd.	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5163	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Big Earthquakes in California-Nevada	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: Magnitude 3 and greater earthquakes recorded for the last week in California or Nevada are listed providing data on magnitude, date, time, location and depth. Small-scale maps are available for each earthquake.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the USGS as the source of the information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey		345 Middlefield Rd.	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5163	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California, Berkeley, Seismological Laboratory		202 McCone Hall	Berkeley	CA	94720-4760		510-642-3977	510-643-5811	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Nevada			Reno	NV	89557		775-784-4975	775-784-1833	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada; Long Valley Special Map	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This map of the Long Valley, California area displays earthquake locations for the latest week, day, and hour. The user can view detailed information on the time, date, magnitude, location and depth of a specific earthquake. Earthquake information is updated within 5 minutes of an actual event or, otherwise, once an hour. The information is provided by the U. S. Geological Survey-University of California, Berkeley-University of Reno Seismic Net.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the USGS as the source of the information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, Public Broadcasting Service, NOVA	1320 Braddock Place	Alexandria	VA	22314	703-739-5000		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Birth of the Himalaya	Keywords: Structural geology,Geology	Description: This is an on line article about the formation of the Himalayan Mountains. The article provides a summary of plate tectonics, a description of continental plates and mountain building processes, and a discussion of the future of the Himalaya. The article is illustrated and contains links to a map of the Indian subcontinent and an animation of the formation of the Himalaya.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Updated November 2000. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation or Public Broadcasting Service or the owners of such trademarks, servicemarks, or trade names.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Birgit	Müller		Dr	University of Karlsruhe, Geophysical Institute, World Stress Map Office	Hertzstrasse 16	Karlsruhe		D-76187		49-0-721-608-4621	49-0-721-71173	Germany
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Oliver	Heidbach		Dr	University of Karlsruhe, Geophysical Institute, World Stress Map Office	Hertzstrasse 16	Karlsruhe,		D-76187		49-0-721-608-4609	49-0-721-71173	Germany
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): John	Reinecker		Dr	University of Karlsruhe, Geophysical Institute, World Stress Map Office	Hertzstrasse 16	Karlsruhe,		D-76187		49-0-721-608-4596	49-0-721-71173	Germany
This is a(n) person.
Title: World Stress Map Project	Keywords: Geology	Description: The World Stress Map (WSM) is one of the fundamental geo-databases. It is maintained and extended at the Geophysical Institute of Karlsruhe University as the research project "Weltkarte der tektonischen Spannungen" of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The WSM database contains information on the contemporary tectonic stress state (e.g. orientation and magnitude) in the Earths crust. The WSM was originally compiled by a group headed by Mary Lou Zoback as part of the International Lithosphere Program (ILP). Stress data can be downloaded, viewed using WSM maps, or used to generate custom maps with the WSM CASMO map-making software.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The World Stress Map database is freely available to any interested parties for academic and/or industrial applications. Please cite the reference if maps or data are used in publication.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ken	Macdonald	C.	Dr	University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Geological Sciences	Webb Hall 2017	Santa Barbara	CA	93106	805-893-4005	805-893-2314	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Scientific American	415 Madison Avenue	New York	NY	10017		212-451-8546	212-980-3062	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Mid-Ocean Ridge	Keywords: Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: This page is an online article that describes the Mid-Ocean Ridge which is the longest mountain chain, the most active volcanic area and until recently, the least accessible region on the earth. It focuses on sea floor spreading, with particular emphasis on the non-rigid discontinuities that break the ridge into segments and how those segments form and evolve.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1990 by Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission inquiries and requests to reprint material from the pages of the magazine must be made in writing, VIA FAX OR MAIL ONLY. Requests for permission to make photocopies of articles for classroom distribution must be made in writing (via fax, mail, or email). Photocopy rights are hereby granted by Scientific American, Inc., to libraries and others registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to photocopy articles in the printed version of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN for the fee of $3.50 per copy of each article plus $.50 per page. Such clearance does not extend to the photocopying of articles for promotion or other commercial purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of Leicester, Department of Geography				Leicester	LE1 7RH		0116-252-3839	0116-252-3854	UK
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Virtual Field Course	Keywords: Geology,Technology	Description: This is the main web site for The Virtual Field Course project. The site provides free software and educational resources to support fieldwork and handling of field data in the UK higher educational sector. This includes a series of software components for visualizing and interacting with spatial information, and a collection of project ideas that use the software and data.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of California at Santa Barbara, Institute for Crustal Studies	1140 Girvetz Hall	Santa Barbara	CA	93106				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquake Quiz	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This web site provides a short, interactive, four-question quiz on earthquakes focusing the the largest earthquake in both the world and in recent US history, preparedness, and the development of seismic instrumentation.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of California at Santa Barbara, Institute for Crustal Studies	1140 Girvetz Hall	Santa Barbara	CA	93106				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquake Globe	Keywords: Natural hazards,Geophysics	Description: This web page provides a java animation that shows the distribution of earthquake epicenters from different perspectives. The earthquakes shown were of a magnitude of 5.5 and larger that occurred over a five-year period.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Naylor	S	Dr	Northeastern University, Department of Geology		Boston	MA	02115		617-373-3181		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Unconformities in the Grand Canyon	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site depicts selected geological unconformities in the Grand Canyon. The unconformities described are, Point Imperial, Cape Royal, Moran Point Overlook, S. Kaibab Trail, Bright Angel Trail, and River mile 118. For each location, a photo and text points out the rock formations and the angle of the dip.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Department of the Interior	1849 C Street, N.W.	Washington, D.C.		20240	202-208-3100		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The U.S. Department of the Interior, Natural Hazards	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This United States Department of the Interior site provides links to information on natural hazards. Included are links to information on wildfires, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, landslides, wildlife diseases, geomagnetism, storms and tsunamis, and other hazards.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of California at Santa Barbara, Institute for Crustal Studies	1140 Girvetz Hall	Santa Barbara	CA	93106				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Introduction to Elastic Rebound Animation	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This web site provides a general introduction to elastic rebound theory. An animation shows how the earth is gradually distorted about the fault, in response to distant forces, eventually leading to sudden slip or displacement along the fault--what we call an earthquake.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of California at Santa Barbara, Institute for Crustal Studies	1140 Girvetz Hall	Santa Barbara	CA	93106				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: A Brief History of Seismology to 1910	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This site provides a brief history of both scientific and popular beliefs and knowledge of seismology; from ancient theories to 1910.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Eric	Frost		Dr	San Diego State University, Department of Geological Sciences	5500 Campanile Dr.	San Diego	CA	92182-1020			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visualizing Earth UCSD	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,Technology	Description: "Visualizing Earth" addresses four primary goals: 1) Promote fundamental research in cognition and visualization, 2) Adapt existing GIS technology and data sources for ease of use in schools, 3) Develop model curriculum at the middle school level to support cognition and visualization research, and 4) Support implementation of national education standards in science, math and geography. The organization's website offers links to a variety of images, including the Salton Sea, Mount Shasta and other volcanoes, and the Aral Sea; and links to papers on visualization.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of California at Santa Barbara, Institute for Crustal Studies	1140 Girvetz Hall	Santa Barbara	CA	93106				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mark Twain and the October 8, 1865, San Francisco Earthquake	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web site provides a written account of the October 8, 1965 San Francisco earthquake by the American author, Mark Twain.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program - Northern California		345 Middlefield Rd.	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5163	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: All Earthquakes in California-Nevada	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: Magnitude, date, location, time and depth information is provided for earthquakes recorded during the last week in California and Nevada. Small-scale map displays are available for individual events. This website provides an up-to-date information of all earthquakes recorded for the last week in California or Nevada. It provides data on magnitude, date, time, location and depth. Small-scale maps are available for each earthquake.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the USGS as the source of the information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Rosanne	Fortner	W	Dr	Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Resources	2021 Coffey Rd, 383 Kottman Hall	Columbus	OH	43210	614-292-9826		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Vic	Mayer		Dr	Ohio State University (Retired)			OH			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): webmaster				Ohio State University		Columbus	OH					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Systems Education	Keywords: Ecology,Geology,Hydrology	Description: The Earth Systems Education (ESE) program, centered at The Ohio State University and the University of Northern Colorado, is part of an effort to restructure the nation’s science curriculum. ESE focuses on infusing Earth systems concepts into the curriculum. Visitors to the ESE site can link to a variety of internet-based learning activities, slide shows and publications. Many activities address issues related to the Great Lakes. There are also numerous links to sites with downloadable real time data.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Webserver Team		Reston	VA			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Real-Time Water Data	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This site provides access to streamflow data for USGS (United States Geological Survey) streamflow monitoring sites around the United States. The data can be searched using an interactive map or by state. Most stations report Station Number, Station Name, long-term median flow, present flow stage, present water temperature, and the date and time of the last entry. Most stations also have stream flow statistics for the period of record including the latest flow, minimum flow, maximum flow, mean flow, and exceedance probabilities. Many stations also have links to the station description, annual peak streamflow data, and other historical data.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as:Credit: U. S. Geological Survey U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known)USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Greg	Houseman		Dr	Monash University, Deparment of Earth Sciences	VIEPS Dept. Earth Sciences	Melbourne, Australia		VIC 3168	+61-39-905-4895	+61-39-905-4903	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Dynamic Earth: Earth Sciences at Monash University	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This page contains several animated GIFs illustrating how the Earth is moving on many different scales. Topics include the dispersal of Gondwanaland, mantle convection, when plates collide, evolution of a fold belt, deformation of sandstones, and motion of atoms in a quartz grain. Captions explaining the processes illustrated are provided for each animation.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994-2000, Monash University Department of Earth Sciences.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Tony	Phillips			National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Science@NASA								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics on Mars?	Keywords: Space science	Description: This web page is a NASA press release that discusses the finding of magnetic stripes on the surface of Mars and its relation to plate tectonics, e.g. past movement of the Martian crust. Links to other information on Mars are also included.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The written materials and pictures within the Science @ NASA websites are presented without copyright and are the property of the U. S. Government. While no copyright is asserted for NASA written materials or pictures, you must respect the copyrights on commercial materials, which may, on occasion, be used here by permission. You are encouraged to reuse NASA written materials in web sites, teaching guides, and other publications, but we would like to be notified for our records. To preserve the scientific integrity of the information, we ask that the content not be altered. We also ask that NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and Science@NASA be credited. The NASA logo and the name Science@NASA are the property of NASA. The NASA logo and the stories and images in the Science@NASA websites may not be used to imply official endorsement of non-NASA activities.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Henry	Ritson		Mr	Chesterwell Management LTD, Amateur Astronomy & Earth Sciences								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Moving Mountains: The Story of a Revolution	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is an on-line article introducing plate tectonics. The article discusses the composition of the Earth, the types of crust, mid ocean ridges, plate tectonic theory, and the types of plate margins.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright Henry Ritson. 1996. Information contained in the AAES web site may not be reproduced in any form without prior permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Public Broadcasting Service, WNET	450 West 33rd Street, 6th Floor	New York	NY	10001	212-560-3000		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Savage Earth: Hell's Crust: Our Everchanging Planet	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is an on-line article from the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) Savage Earth Series. The article discusses plate tectonics with a focus on mantle convection, plate boundaries, hot spots, and the structure of the Earth. The article is illustrated and contains links to Shockwave animations. Each sidebar provides a summary of the respective topic and some supporting illustrations.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: SAVAGE EARTH Web pages copyright © 1998 Educational Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved. The contents of these SAVAGE EARTH Web pages are copyrighted under United States and other copyright laws. You may not download, reproduce, transmit, display, distribute or make derivative works from the contents of the SAVAGE EARTH Web pages other than for personal use without the advance written permission of the copyright owner. Any unauthorized use of any of the contents of the SAVAGE EARTH Web pages may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Tilling	I.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Eastern Publications Group			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcanoes: On-Line Edition	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This web page is the on-line version of a general interest publication prepared by the United States Geological Survey. This page provides a general introduction to volcanoes and volcanology and includes the following topics: the nature of volcanoes; principal types of volcanoes; other volcanic structures; types of volcanic eruptions; submarine volcanoes; geysers, fumaroles, hot springs; volcano environments; plate-tectonics theory; extraterrestrial volcanoes; volcano monitoring and research; volcanoes and people; and suggested readings. Significant illustrations include many photographs of various volcanoes and eruptions, block diagrams of various volcanic systems, a map showing the global distribution of some of the Earth's 500 active volcanoes, and a global map of plate tectonic boundaries. A text-only version is also available.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bruce	Selleck		Dr	Colgate University	Department of Geology	Hamilton	NY	13346	315-228-7949		
This is a(n) person.
Title: GEOL 210-: Hydrology and Surficial Geology	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This site is the homepage for a course on Geology and Surficial Geology at Colgate University. The lecture schedule and reading assignments in the text Geomorphology (3rd edition, Bloom) and Basic Groundwater Hydrology (USGS) are provided, as are web-based exercises connected to off-line labs. Course topics include volcanoes, landslides, fluvial systems, glacieral systems, and soil properties. Additional links to related websites are also available.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997 © Colgate University
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Earth Sciences	De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV	Amsterdam				00-31-20-4447300	00-31-20-6462457	The Netherlands
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Fred	Beekman		Dr	Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth Sciences	De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV	Amsterdam	31-20-4449801	31-20-6462457	Netherlands
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tectonics Structural Geology: Structural and Tectonics Software	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This is a listing of freeware and low-cost shareware programs with applications in structural geology and tectonics available on the worldwide web. It is part of the Vrije University Earth Sciences Department web site. It has links to software for DOS, Mac, and Windows users.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)		380 New York Street	Redlands	CA	92373-8100			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), GIS and Mapping Software	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This is the homepage for Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), a leading Geographic Information System (GIS) software developer and manufacturer, owner of ArcView and ArcInfo software. This site provides a portal to various ESRI support services, such as courses in GIS science, technology and software, examples of GIS maps, downloadable scripts and data, as well as links to standard commercial homepage fare such as ESRI employment opportunities and downloadable software updates. Some of the resources available through this portal may require ESRI software, which is not available as a downloadable file.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright © 1995-2001 ESRI All rights reserved. Published in the United States of America.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Alfred	Ziegler	M.	Dr	The University of Chicago, The Department of the Geophysical Sciences	5734 S. Ellis Avenue	Chicago	IL	60637		773-702-8146	773-702-9505	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Rowley		Dr	The University of Chicago, The Department of the Geophysical Sciences	5734 S. Ellis Avenue	Chicago	IL	60637		773-702-8102	773-702-0207	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Paleogeographic Atlas Project, Subtitle: University Of Chicago	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology,Physical geography	Description: The Atlas Project interprets paleogeography broadly to include all aspects of map reconstruction from paleo-continental orientations and tectonic considerations to the delineation of past topographic or bathymetric contours and the compilation of lithofacies data. In addition they use the reconstructions as base information for studies of past fossil distributions, and for climatic or oceanographic patterns as determined from the fossils, the sediments, and from computer modeling studies. Their team has worked since the plate tectonic paradigm was introduced to compile information mainly from the literature on all aspects of global paleogeography. Moreover, they have pioneered the application of computer technology to paleogeographic map-making. Their web site contains links to paleogeographic maps and animations, a bibliography with selected abstracts, and numerous pages containing information about the data and methods used to create their maps.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This web site and all its contents are copyright 2000, The Paleogeographic Atlas Project. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Nelson		Dr	Tulane University, Department of Geology	6832 St. Charles Avenue	New Orleans	LA	70118				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Natural Disaster Information on the Internet	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This problem set, which was developed for an undergraduate level geology course at Tulane University, helps students become familiar with the various types of natural disaster information available on the World Wide Web.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Barbara	DeFelice		Mr.	Dartmouth University, Kresge Library	Physical Sciences Librarian, Kresge Library	Hanover	NH	03755				
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Electronic Volcano	Keywords: Natural hazards,Geology	Description: The Electronic Volcano offers links to many types of information on active volcanoes, such as maps, photographs, full texts of dissertations and a few elusive documents. The Electronic Volcano will guide you to resources in libraries or resources on other information servers including catalogs of active volcanoes, datasets for literature citations, electronic and hard-copy journals, visual information, maps, observatories and institutions, and a volcano name and country index.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Clynne	A.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Christiansen	L.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tracey	Felger	J.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Stauffer	H.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): James	Hendley, II	W.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: United States Geological Survey and the National Park Service - Our Volcanic Public Lands: Eruptions of Lassen Peak, California, 1914-1917	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This on-line PDF document is about Lassen Peak, the southernmost active volcano in the Cascade Range. Discussion is on the 1914-1917 series of eruptions that were the last to occur in the Cascades before the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens, Washington. Included is a generalized map of deposits from Lassen Peak's May 1915 eruptions.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webmaster				Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Communications Branch	PO Box 9360 STN PROV GOVT	Victoria, BC		V8W 9M2		250-387-9422	250-356-6464	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphological Processes	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site is a service provided by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks. It is the geomorphological processes chapter of the Canadian terrain classification manual. The Terrain Classification System is a scheme designed for the classification of surficial materials, landforms and geomorphological processes. It has been specifically developed to provide an inventory of the terrain features in the landscape and to show their distribution, extent and location. The system is scale independent and provides base data applicable for a wide range of natural resource applications including planning, management, impact assessment and research. The data is conveyed in map form by the use of terrain symbols and is conducive to computer digital storage, management and processing. Site topics: geomorphological process terms and symbols, application of geomorphological processes, and definitions for topics such as erosional processes, fluvial processes, mass movement processes, periglacial processes, deglacial processes, and hydrologic processes.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1999, Queen's Printer for British Columbia. All rights reserved. This material is owned by the Government of British Columbia and protected by copyright law. It may not be reproduced or redistributed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the Province of British Columbia. If it is reproduced or redistributed for non-commercial purposes, Crown copyright is to be acknowledged. Permission to reproduce all or part of the material on this web site for commercial purposes, please contact the Intangible Property Program, by: - e-mail at: and fax at: (250) 356-0846.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Nelson		Dr	Tulane University, Department of Geology	6832 St. Charles Avenue	New Orleans	LA	70118				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Seismological Exercises	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This homework exercise, which was designed for an undergraduate level geology class at Tulane University, asks the student to make evaluations about the Loma Prieta Earthquake and other earthquakes using seismograms, time travel curves, maps and other information.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Holly	Dodson			University of California, San Diego, Visualizing Earth								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is a lesson plan on plate tectonics provided by Visualizing Earth (University of California, San Diego). The primary goals of this lesson are to help students understand the three types of plate boundaries (convergent, divergent, and transform) and faults (thrust, normal, and strike-slip). The lesson plan is self-contained, with necessary background information and links to a supporting exercise, maps, and diagrams.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Rich	Pavlovsky			Jet Propulsion Laboratory	4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109	818-354-4321		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Rivers	Keywords: Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This site features pages to more than twenty NASA radar images of the world's major river systems. The image pages contain a brief description of the respective processes and setting, and are available for download. The images were created with the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C and X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) as part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth. The radars illuminate Earth with microwaves allowing detailed observations at any time, regardless of weather or sunlight conditions. The multi-frequency data will be used by the international scientific community to better understand the global environment and how it is changing.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Images Copyright © 1996 NASDA/MITI. If you wish to publish these images for scientific or educational purposes, no permission is required and there is no charge. Please acknowledge the origin of the data by adding "© NASDA/MITI" below any image published.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The University of Chicago, The University of Chicago Magazine	1313 E. 60th Street	Chicago	IL	60637	773-702-2163	773-702-2166	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mapping a Planet's Restless Past, Subtitle: Continents collide, oceans disappear, deserts ice over, it's everyday news in the history of the world.	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This is an article by Andrew Campbell from The University of Chicago Magazine, December 1995. The article is about the Chicago's Paleogeographic Atlas Project, an effort Alfred Ziegler began in 1975 to chart Earth's changing face, from more than 500 million years ago to the present. The article contains four maps from the project: A Permian Supercontinent, Computers Rebuild Climates of the Paleozoic, Birth of an Ocean, and The Aging of the Appalachians. Each of the maps is accompanied by a paragraph describing them in detail.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 University of Chicago. ©2000 The University of Chicago® Magazine.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Roland	Bürgmann		Dr	University of California, Davis, Department of Geology	174 Physics/Geology Building, One Shields Avenue	Davis	CA	95616-8605		530-752-6808	530-752-0951	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of California, Davis, Department of Geology	174 Physics/Geology Building, One Shields Avenue	Davis	CA	95616-8605		530-752-0350	530-752-0951	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Plate Kinematics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site contains 10 web pages that were developed by students in a course that is taught around classic papers. It follows the evolution of the plate tectonic paradigm to its most recent advances. It covers geodynamics and the workings of plate tectonics, plate kinematics and plate interaction, reference frames, hot spots, plate motion models, and global geodesy. Each page is based on a classic paper about plate tectonics. The pages summarize the classic papers and also include original sketches and figures and links to related web sites.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michelle	Lamberson		Dr	The University of British Columbia , Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences	6339 Stores Road, GLSC Office Block Room 160	Vancouver	BC	V6T 1Z4		604-822-0865	604-822-6088	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Wilson Cycle	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This web page is a series of diagrams illustrating the Wilson Cycle. The diagrams illustrate the rifting of continental crust, the formation of an ocean basin, the formation and subsequent accretion of a volcanic arc, and a continental collision and subsequent suture zone.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Ciesielski		Dr	University of Florida, Department of Geology	241 Williamson Hall	Gainesville	FL	32611-2120	352-392-2231	352-392-9294	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Breaking-Up Pangaea	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This web page describes the break up of the supercontinent Pangaea. It discusses the process and consequences of the breakup and provides links to paleomaps showing the distribution of the continents throughout the process.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joseph	Meert		Dr	Geological Survey of Norway	Leif Eirikssons vei #39	Trondheim		N-7491				NORWAY
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joseph	Meert		Dr	Indiana State University, Department of Geography Geology and Anthropology	Science 159 Indiana State University	Terre Haute	IN			812-237-2270	812-237-8029	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Paleomagnetism - Title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Geologic time,Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This website about paleomagnetism contains images of True Polar Wander, The Cambrian Time Scale, Gondwana, Baltica, Laurentia, Rodinia, Panotia, Pangea, and more. It has links to other paleomag sites, access to Gondwana paleomagnetic database, and a list of publications (some of which have links to web versions).
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Communications Branch	PO Box 9360 STN PROV GOVT	Victoria	BC	V8W 9M2		250-387-9422	250-356-6464	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Terrain Classification System for British Columbia: 1997	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This web page describes the Terrain Classification System for British Columbia. This provides a scheme designed for the classification of surficial materials, landforms and geomorphological processes. It also provides an inventory of the terrain features in the landscape and to show their distribution, extent and location. The system is scale independent and provides base data applicable for a wide range of natural resource applications including planning, management, impact assessment and research. The data is conveyed in map form by the use of terrain symbols and is conducive to computer digital storage, management and processing. The topics addressed include: texture of surficial materials, surficial materials, surface expression, geomorphological processes, qualifiers, terrain symbols, subclasses and subtypes and on-site symbols. Also included are appendices, which include a glossary of terms, a field determination of texture for sand, silt and clay, a summary of changes made to 1988 terrain manual, and field card of codes.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1999, Queen's Printer for British Columbia. All rights reserved. This material is owned by the Government of British Columbia and protected by copyright law. It may not be reproduced or redistributed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the Province of British Columbia. If it is reproduced or redistributed for non-commercial purposes, Crown copyright is to be acknowledged. Permission to request permission to reproduce all or part of the material on this web site for commercial purposes, please contact the Intangible Property Program, by: - e-mail at: - fax at: (250) 356-0846.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dan	Smith			The Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, Geological Survey of Canada	601 Booth Street	Ottawa	Ontario	K1A OE8				Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Canadian Geomorphology Research Group	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This is the home page for the Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, CGRG, a national organization dedicated to fostering and promoting the research, teaching and application of geomorphology in Canada. Included is a bibliography of Canadian geomorphology with over 14,000 annotated citations related to the fields of aeolian, applied, coastal, fluvial, glacial, hillslope, karst, periglacial, permafrost and offshore geomorphology. The database also includes records describing Canadian Quaternary/Holocene environments and a substantial body of records related to Canadian hydrology. Also included are recent publications of Canadian geomorphology, a list server directory, and a page of links to a variety of additional information on Canadian geomorphology. For complete access to all of the information on this site, a $15 membership fee (year 2001) per year is required.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Calvin	Hamilton	J	Mr	Views of the Solar System			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth's Interior and Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geophysics,Geology	Description: This web page describes the composition and structure of the Earth and the seismic methods used to distinguish the divisions of the Earth's interior. It describes the major characteristics of the inner core, the outer core, the D" layer, the lower mantle, the transition region of the mantle, the upper mantle, the oceanic crust, and the continental crust. It also discusses lithospheric processes and plate tectonics.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Views of the Solar System Copyright © 1997-2000 by Calvin J. Hamilton. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1995-1997 by Rosanna L. Hamilton. All rights reserved. The material Calvin J. Hamilton produced may not be used to state or imply endorsement by Calvin J. Hamilton of a commercial product service or activity, or used in any other manner that might mislead. The NASA, JPL, USGS, and NGDC images are in the public domain, but please give them credit when using their images. School teachers can use Views of the Solar System materials in their class rooms as long as teachers do not ask for money for the materials. Students my use Views of the Solar System materials in their class reports. Teachers and students must give proper credit when using Views of the Solar System materials. A detailed explanation of copyright and use restrictions is available at
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Buchanan		Dr	Eastern Washington University, Department of Geology	Mail Stop 70	Cheney	WA	99004	509-359-2286	509-359-2213	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Virtual Mystery Tour of the Spokane Valley - Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This site is an extensive tutorial and virtual field trip of the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie aquifer in Washington State. The Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie aquifer is designated a "sole source aquifer" and extends across an area covering about 325 square miles and provides drinking water for nearly 400,000 people. There are fifteen "stops" on the tour. It is suggested that you visit the field trip stops in order, that is, visit the stops in sequence for your best overall understanding of the aquifer system (from upstream to downstream). Each stop on the tour takes you to another web page that describes the highlighted feature, and it may include a photo too. Other pages include: geologic origin, water quantity issues, water quality issues, wellhead protection planning, aquifer modeling, current research, bibliography and references, on-line technical papers, and public education. Links are also included to the Eastern Washington University, Department of Geology, and to the Spokane County Water Quality Management Program.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©, J.P. Buchanan and the EWU Department of Geology, 1995-2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dale	Ireland	E.	Dr		Silverdale	WA			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Planet Dale: Dale Ireland's Astronomy Page	Keywords: Space science	Description: This is the home page of Dale Ireland, an amateur astronomer. This web site is a collection of his personal work over the past few years. All of the photographs, images, diagrams, and charts were created by him. The site is divided into the following pages: Home Page, Comet Page, Eclipse Page, Occultation Page, Trivia Page, Photo Page, and Satellite Page. In addition to all of the photos and satellite images, there are downloads of audio from the space station, live weather feeds, viewing predictions and ground track maps for the Space Shuttle, and more.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All of the photographs, images, diagrams, and charts may not be used or displayed without written permission, copyright 1997, Dale E. Ireland.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest Inc.			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Puzzles of the Earth	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This is a web site designed to provide an introduction to the theory of plate tectonics. It is hosted by The ThinkQuest Library of Entries, a collection of educational web sites designed by participants in the ThinkQuest Contests. In addition to the text, photos, and diagrams, there are several other interactive features like quizzes and games. The site is divided into an interactive section, a guestbook, and five explanatory areas: the Earth structure, plate tectonics, geographical features, effects on humans, and the Pangea theory.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors (teachers, educators, and students) who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice (record of linkage). Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to, with the required fields filled in. (Please check the site to see if credit is given to a source. You would then ask for permission from that source, not ThinkQuest.)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology	1101 Valley Life Sciences Building	Berkeley	CA	94720-4780	510-642-1821	510-642-1822	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology: Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site is the Plate Tectonics portion of the Geology site from the University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology. This exhibit has a section devoted to the explanation of the history of plate tectonics and a section that focuses on the mechanisms driving plate tectonics. The mechanisms section discusses convection, mid-oceanic ridges, geomagnetic anomalies, deep sea trenches, and island arcs. The site also contains links to numerous animations illustrating historical plate positions and movements.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994, 2001 by The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California. All materials appearing on the UCMP Web Servers (WWW.UCMP.BERKELEY.EDU and UCMP1.BERKELEY.EDU) may not be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher and in no case for profit.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Nelson			Tulane University, Department of Geology	snelson@tulane,edu	6823 St. Charles Ave	New Orleans	LA	70118				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology 204, Natural Disasters	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This undergraduate level course at Tulane University examines the causes, effects, and options available to mitigate natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, subsidence, flooding, severe weather, and meteorite impacts. A brief course description links to course lecture notes, homework exercises, and a list of other natural disaster information sites on the World Wide Web.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Nelson		Dr	Tulane University, Department of Geology	6823 St. Charles Avenue	New Orleans	LA	70118				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mass Wasting Exercises	Keywords: Structural geology,Natural hazards	Description: This homework exercise asks undergraduate geology students at Tulane University to view the National Landslide Hazards Map, published online by the U.S. Geological Survey, and determine what geologic features are present that contribute to high incidence or susceptibility to landslides. Students are also asked to read online articles, and answer questions about the costs of landslides in terms of human casualties, damage to property, litigation and mitigation research. The exercise draws on numerous real-life examples such as the 1956 Portuguese Bend landslide in Los Angeles County, California, and Mettman Ridge, near Coos Bay Oregon.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Nelson		Dr	Tulane University, Department of Geology	6823 St. Charles Avenue	New Orleans	LA	71118				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Volcanological Exercises	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This homework exercise, which builds on knowledge gained in previous homework exercises located at the same site, asks students in an undergraduate class at Tulane University to answer some basic questions about volcanoes, and to determine the volcanic hazards associated with Mt. Rainier, Washington; Montserrat, West Indies; and Long Valley Caldera, California by searching the World Wide Web.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Nelson		Dr	Tulane University, Department of Geology	6823 St. Charles Avenue	New Orleans	LA	70118				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Flooding Exercises	Keywords: Natural hazards,Hydrology	Description: This homework exercise, developed for an undergraduate geology course at Tulane University, leads students through the steps involved in determining the probability that a flood of a given discharge will occur in any given year. Students retrieve discharge data from U.S. Geological Services Internet sites for Dry Creek, LA, Rapid Creek, SD and Red River, ND to make their calculations.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Nelson		Dr	Tulane University, Department of Geology	6823 St. Charles Avenue	New Orleans	LA	70118				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Weather Exercises	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This homework exercise about severe weather asks students in an undergraduate geology course at Tulane University to use an on-line hurricane-tracking map to plot hurricane coordinates and to answer questions about storm surge and wind speed. Students are also asked to visit some Internet sites and answer questions about tornadoes.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Butler	C	Dr	University of Houston, Department of Geosciences	312 SR I	Houston	TX	77204-5502	713-743-3411		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Distribution of Active Volcanoes Exercise	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: Part of an on-line undergraduate Physical Geology course offered at the University of Houston, this six-week long exercise asks students to gather, chart, interpret and synthesize data on current volcanic events. A brief role playing activity and virtual field trip concludes the exercise.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright by John C. Butler, July 29, 1995
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Robert	Desharnais	A.	Dr	California State University, Los Angeles, Department of Biology and Microbiology		Los Angeles	CA	90032-8201	323-343-2056	323-343-6451	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Gary	Novak			California State University, Los Angeles, Department of Geology		Los Angeles	CA	90032-8203		323-343-2406		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Virtual Courseware for Science Education, Subtitle: Geology and Biology Labs Online (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biology,Geology	Description: Virtual Courseware for Science Education is an ongoing project dedicated to developing interactive Web-based activities for the Life and Earth Sciences. This page contains links to activities designed to enhance the learning and teaching of scientific principles. There are links to biology labs on-line and geology labs on-line. There is no cost for the geology labs. There is a free trial period available for the biology labs.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright © 1999 Virtual Courseware for Science Education.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Allen	Glazner		Dr	University of North Carolina, Department of Geological Sciences	Campus Box 3315, Mitchell Hall	Chappel Hill	NC	27599-3315				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Atlas of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks, Minerals and Textures	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: A detailed set of images that provide background for the study of igneous and metamorphic minerals, rocks and textures.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Carolina	Lithgow-Bertelloni		Dr	University of Michigan, Department of Geological Sciences	2534 C.C. Little Building, 425 E. University Avenue	Ann Arbor	MI	48109-1063	734-647-9938	734-763-4690	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is the home page for the Plate Tectonics class at the University of Michigan. The home page contains links to notes on each of the class lectures. There are notes for 19 topics under the categories of History, Phenomenology, Kinematics, and Dynamics. This is a very extensive and easily navigable coverage of plate tectonics. Each lecture is well illustrated and many contain links to related information or references to important papers.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jon	Stackhouse		Mr	Conemaugh Valley Jr./Sr. High School			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plates of the Earth	Keywords: Geology	Description: This web page is the first in a sequence of seven that describe the process of plate tectonics. One page introduces the concept of plates on the surface of the Earth. The next page describes the make-up of the Earth. The third, fourth, and fifth pages explain convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries respectively. Almost every concept introduced has an accompanying illustration.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lindsay	Thomas		Dr	The University of Melbourne, School of Earth Sciences		Victoria		3010	61-3-8344-6521	61-3-8344-7761	Australia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tectonics (Geophysics Segment)	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This web site contains an explanation of some of the geophysical techniques used in the study of tectonics. The site supports the Tectonics class at the University of Melbourne. The primary focus of the site is magnetics. There is a section about the use of geophysics in mapping, a section about the basics of magnetics, and a section about the geologic controls on magnetism. Each topic contains links to examples and sites with further information.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © The University of Melbourne 1994-2001. This web-site and its contents are subject to copyright under the laws of Australia and, through international treaties, other countries. The copyright in materials on this site and in this web-site as a whole is owned by the University of Melbourne. The copyright in some materials incorporated within this web site is owned by third parties. You may view this web site and its contents using your web browser and save an electronic copy, or print out a copy, of parts of this web-site solely for your own information, research or study, but only if you (a) do not modify the copy from how it appears in the University of Melbourne's web-site, and (b) include the copyright notice "The University of Melbourne, 1994-(2000) on the copy. You must not otherwise exercise the copyright in the whole or any part of this web-site for any other purpose except as expressly permitted by statute or with the University of Melbourne's prior consent.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey		345 Middlefield Road, Mail Stop 977	Menlo Park	CA	94025	650-329-4085		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Hill	P.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Roy	Bailey	A.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Sorey	L.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): James	Hendley II	W.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Stauffer	H.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Living With a Restless Caldera-Long Valley, California	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This page reports on the geologically volatile Long Valley, California area. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) continues to provide the public and civil authorities with current information on the volcano hazards at Long Valley and is prepared to give timely warnings of any impending eruption. In addition to photographs and a hazard response plan for earthquake and volcano hazards, the fact-sheet contains an earthquake map and a geologic map of the area. The PDF version includes a regional map of wind-blown ash.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Geohazards and Geomagnetism Division		GPO Box 378	Canberra	ACT	2601	61-26-249-9111	61-26-249-9999	Australia
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kevin	McCue			Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Geohazards and Geomagnetism								
This is a(n) person.
Title: About Earthquakes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This web page gives basic information about earthquakes and the related natural hazards; volcanoes and tsunamis, from an Australian perspective. The topics addressed are: what are earthquakes, intraplate earthquakes, earthquakes and volcanoes, locating earthquakes, magnitude and intensity, seismic hazard, destruction caused by earthquakes, Australian earthquakes, and tsunamis. Illustrations include several seismograms, isoseismal maps, a map of epicenters of large Australian earthquakes, an Australian earthquake hazard map and the location of the Australian National Seismic Network. Tables show the most destructive global earthquakes of the 20th century, recent Australian earthquakes that produced fault scarps, and damaging Australian earthquakes from 1950-1994.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661	360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kevin	Scott	M.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Wes	Hildreth			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Cynthia	Gardner	A.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mount Baker-Living with an Active Volcano	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This web page is a fact sheet about the volcano Mount Baker which dominates the skyline from Bellingham, Washington, and Vancouver, British Columbia. To both warn and prepare the public for future eruptions and other hazardous events at Mount Baker, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists are studying the volcano's past behavior and monitoring its current activity. Descriptive sections include, what are the hazards, a history of Mount Baker, today's Mount Baker, future hazards, flank collapses, lahars, and tephra eruptions, monitoring for the future, and what you can do. Illustrations include a map of potential hazards associated with a larger eruption including lahars, pyroclastic flows and lava flows. Fact sheet can also be read in PDF format.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661		360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Cynthia	Gardner	A.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Scott	E.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jon	Major	J.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Thomas	Pierson	C.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mount Hood - History and Hazards of Oregon's Most Recently Active Volcano	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This web page describes the history and hazards related to the Mount Hood volcano in Oregon. Issues discussed include past eruptive behavior, past catastrophic events, hazardous areas and tephra hazards. Included are a block diagram of tectonic plates and a simplified volcano hazards zone map for the area around Mount Hood.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Pacific Gas and Electric Company			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Crippen			Jet Propulsion Laboratory									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ross	Stein			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Thumbnail Views of the San Francisco Bay Area (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This web page provides images of the San Francisco Bay area, available as a map view or as perspective views looking north, east or west. The images are created by Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery over Digital Elevation Models. Active faults (which slipped during the past 10,000 years) are shown, as is the offshore portion of the San Gregorio fault. The images can be ordered as posters.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	DeMets	D.	Dr	University of Wisconsin, Department of Geology and Geophysics	1215 W. Dayton St.	Madison	WI	53706	608-262-8598	608-262-0693	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mountains and Moving Plates:Title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This is the syllabus and lecture notes for a University of Wisconsin- Madison class on plate tectonics and mountain building. It contains links to notes on most of the topics covered in the course. There are notes on plate tectonics, mountain building (folding and faulting, as well as the influence of moving plates), isostasy, earthquakes, volcanoes, and erosion. The notes are well illustrated and key words are linked to a glossary of terms.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Thomas	A.	Dr	Montana State University, Department of Mathematical Sciences	P.O. Box 172400	Bozeman	MT	59717-2400	406-994-5341	406-994-1789	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Investigation of Hot Spots	Keywords: Geology	Description: This web page from the Network Montana Project is an online exercise about mantle plume hot spots. There are two main parts to the exercise. First, the students are asked to view two downloadable animated movies about convection and thermal plumes and discuss their observations in groups. In the second part, students use a digital map of Yellowstone National Park to calculate the size of the caldera and the rate of plate motion across the hot spot.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Thomas	A.	Dr	Montana State University, Department of Mathematical Sciences	P.O. Box 172400	Bozeman	MT	59717	406-994-5341	406- 994-1789	
This is a(n) person.
Title: K-12 Earth Systems Science Project of the Network Montana Project	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This page provides access to all of the Earth System Science activities available from the Network Montana Project. The ESS activities are divided into four categories: Atmosphere, Geosphere, Hydrosphere, and Mountain Environments. Activities have clearly defined learning outcomes and are segregated into four levels: novice, intermediate, advanced, and expert. The levels are more closely aligned with computer experience than cognitive levels and there are several exercises under each topic and level. In addition, there are assessment resources that accompany each of the topics and levels.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences, Southern Arizona Seismic Observatory (SASO)	saso@geo.Arizona.EDU	Gould-Simpson Building,1040 E. Fourth St.	Tucson	AZ	85721-0077	520-621-6024		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Plates of the World	Keywords: Geology	Description: This web page is provided by Southern Arizona Seismic Observatory (SASO). It contains a short synopsis of the theory of plate tectonics. It discusses the types of plate boundaries and the types of processes that occur at each boundary type. There is also an interactive map of the plates of the world. There are numerous clickable areas on the plate map, which link to pages describing the specific boundary.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All contents copyright © 1997 - 2001. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Larry	Ruff		Dr	University of Michigan, Department of Geological Sciences	2534 C. C. Little	Ann Arbor	MI	48109-1063	734-763-9301	734-763-4690	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Continents Adrift...and Environmental Shifts	Keywords: Climatology,Geology	Description: This is the home page for a course on plate tectonics and climate. The seemingly stable land masses of the world are in motion. This course deals with the modern concept of plate tectonics and continental drift, the processes, and the products of this dynamic system. There are links to notes for most of the lectures. Some of the lecture notes contain links to illustrations. The class notes are on plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, changes in sea level, and changes in global climate.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ann	Mattson			University of Utah, College of Mines & Earth Sciences, Department of Geology and Geophysics	Salt Lake City	UT	84112-0111		801-585-7089	801-581-7065	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Snell's Law	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This page is a Java applet that allows one to see the effect of media velocity on reflection and refraction of seismic waves. The applet allows one to vary the p-wave and s-wave velocities for the 2 layers in the model; and vary the incident angle and wave-type to observe how seismic waves would behave in the earth.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lava covers Kalapana, April - January 1991	Keywords: Structural geology,Natural hazards	Description: This page documents the destruction of a community by Kilauea Volcano between 1983 and 1990. Lava repeatedly invaded communities along the southern coast, destroying more than 180 homes, a visitor center in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, highways, and treasured historical and archaeological sites. Flows entered Kalapana Gardens subdivision briefly in November 1986, then moved through the entire community in 1990. Besides many photographs, significant illustrations include maps of the expanding lava flow field 1983-1990.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Theodore	Bornhorst	J	Dr	Department of Geological Engineering and Sciences	1400 Townsend Drive	Houghton	MI	49931-1295	(906) 487-2721	(906) 487-3371	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stratigraphy, Structure, and Ore Deposits of the Southern Limb of the Midcontinent Rift System	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This class handout contains maps and background information about the mid-continent rift system. The summary of the stratigraphy, structure, and mineralization of rift rocks provides an overview of rift rocks in northern Wisconsin and upper Michigan.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Holly	Dodson								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Links to Geology Information -Title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This extensive web site is part of the Visualizing Earth project at the University of California, San Diego. The Geology site provides a detailed introduction to geology. From the main page, you can link directly to specific topics, or you can follow related topics through the links found within the text of each page. The general topics discussed are; History Of Geology, Plate Tectonics (Continental Drift and Sea Floor Spreading), Rock Types (Sedimentary Rocks, Igneous Rocks, and Metamorphic Rocks), Plate Interactions (Convergent Margins, Subduction, Divergent Margins, Transform Margins, and Hot Spots), Earth Layers, The Rock Cycle, Erosion, Mass Wasting, Weathering, Global Seismicity, Isostasy, Mantle Convection, Geologic Time Scale, Phanerozoic Eon (Cenozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, and Paleozoic Era), Precambrian Eon, Geology Of San Diego County, and Meteor Impacts.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661	360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Larry	Mastin			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Waitt			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glacier Peak - History and Hazards of a Cascade Volcano	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This page is about Glacier Peak, the most remote of the five active volcanoes in Washington State. Because it is not prominently visible from any major population center, its attractions as well as its hazards tend to be over-looked. Yet since the end of the last ice age, Glacier Peak has produced some of the largest and most explosive eruptions in the state. During this time period, Glacier Peak has erupted multiple times during at least six separate episodes, most recently about 300 years ago. What were these eruptions like? Could similar ones affect us today? Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are working to answer these questions and help prepare for future activity. The page includes a map of tephra thickness from eruptions 13,000 years ago, a map of areas at risk from lahars, pyroclastic flows and associated phenomena, and a sketch map of annual probability of tephra fall.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jim	Hayes		Dr	Columbia University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences	2960 Broadway	New York	NY	10027-6902				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Subduction Zones	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This lab exercise for undergraduates examines the Tonga-Kermadec subduction zone, which is just north of New Zealand in the Pacific Ocean, to determine the relationship between bathymetry, volcanoes and earthquakes. Students use on-line datasets and maps to plot positions, visualize three-dimensional objects, compute convergence rate and direction, and calculate dip and strike.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kenneth	Cruikshank	M	Dr	Portland State University, Department of Geology	P.O. Box 751	Portland	OR	97207-0751	503-725-3383	503-725-3025	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Structural Geology	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This is the home page for the structural geology course at Portland State University. The assignments section of the page is only active while the course in in progress, but the other resources are available anytime.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				OMB Watch	1742 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.	Washington	DC	20009		202-234-8494	202-234-8584	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: OMB Watch	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: OMB Watch is a non-profit organization dedicated to monitoring the activities of the White House Office of Management of the Budget (OMB). OMB Watch is engaged in policy debate and formulation at the federal level, and with state and community groups across the country. The Right to Know Network (RTK NET) is an online service providing environmental, census, housing, and bank loan data. Links include: EPA Toxics Release Inventory database (TRI, release of toxic chemicals from manufacturing facilities); Comprehensive Environmental Recovery, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS, Superfund sites that have been listed on the National Priority List); Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS, toxic spills reported to the National Response Center); Resource Conservation Recovery Act Information System (RCRIS, hazardous waste permit handlers); government performance; information policy; related publications; e-mail lists; government agencies.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Whalley		Dr	University of Portsmouth		Portsmouth						UK
This is a(n) person.
Title: Archives of GEO-TECTONICS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK; Tectonics & structural geology discussion list	Keywords: Structural geology,Geology	Description: This site is a forum for the discussion of all aspects of tectonics, structural geology and related disciplines. The list operates under the auspices of the Tectonic Studies Group of the Geological Society of London but is open to all. It also carries regular postings advertising the Group's activities.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All rights in the pages and contents of this Web site are reserved by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) or individual authors. No part of this Web site or its contents may be reproduced or distributed in any form other than for private use or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and any amending legislation. All reproductions require an acknowledgment of the source and the author of the work. JISC assumes no responsibility for information contained on this Web site and disclaims all liability in respect of such information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661	360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Hawaii Volcanoes and Volcanics - Maps and Graphics, etc.	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This page provides maps, "pictograms", photographs, and graphics of the Hawaiian volcanoes. Maps include volcano locations in the Hawaiian Island chain, Hawaii Island, and Maui, and a global map of the 16 Decade Volcanoes, which include Mauna Loa. Photographs or "pictograms" demonstrate a shield volcano versus a composite volcano (Mauna Loa versus Mount Rainier, Washington) and Hawaiian-Style Eruptions vs. Cascades-Style Eruptions - Pu'u O'o, Hawaii vs. Mount St. Helens, Washington. The graphic shows the profile of Mauna Loa and Kilauea versus Mount Rainier.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The maps, graphics, images, and text found on our website, unless stated otherwise, are within the Public Domain. You may download and use them. Credit back to the USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory is appreciated. If any material is referenced "Image courtesy of ..." or "Information courtesy of ...", etc., then please contact that source for permission for use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Graham	Price		Dr	Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre, CSIRO Exploration & Mining	39 Fairway, Nedlands, PO Box 437	Nedlands		6009		61-8-9389-8421	61-8-9389-1906	Western Australia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre	Keywords: Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: The Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre (AGCRC) is concerned with those aspects of the geodynamics of the Australian Tectonic Plate, including the upper mantle, that have had an impact on the formation and location of world-class mineral and hydrocarbon deposits. Their ultimate goal is to develop concepts, sciences and technologies that assist the Australian minerals and energy industry to explore and discover these deposits. Specifically, they are interested in the structural and tectonic settings and the geodynamic processes, including heat and fluid sources, pathways for fluid migration, and metamorphic and deformation history, that have resulted in the formation of world-class deposits. The AGCRC home page provides access to abstracts of their publications, information on their projects, and tools that they have developed. The tools include exploration models, map making tools (using their datasets), geophysical and tectonic maps produced by AGCRC, movies about the tectonic evolution of Australia, as well as products available for either direct purchase or as services from licensed, commercial agents.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright in the material available at this site is owned by AGCRC and third parties, according to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and may only be used in the ways described in this legal notice: You may take temporary copies necessary to browse this site on screen. Unless otherwise stated, you may download or print a single copy of AGCRC copyright material for research or personal use. Unless otherwise stated, you may publish extracts from the material on this site, provided a suitable acknowledgment accompanies such publication. Such acknowledgment requires reference to the AGCRC, the URL of the source document and the name of the primary author. If the copyright is not owned by the AGCRC permission for reproduction of the material must be sought and gained from the copyright holder. You must not change any of the material or remove any part of any copyright notice. Trademarks used on this site to describe firms and their products belong to the registered proprietor of the trademark.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): S. Jeffress	Williams			U.S. Geological Survey, Books and Open-Files Reports Section	Federal Center, Box 25425	Denver	CO	80225				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Coasts in Crisis	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This is an online version of the book Coasts in Crisis. The book describes our Nation's varied coastal environments and the natural processes and human actions that are constantly modifying them. Ignorance of these processes exacerbates the tragic collisions between people and nature, such as Hurricane Hugo in South Carolina, which left thousands homeless and destroyed billions of dollars of property. Topics addressed include: types of coasts; information on coastal change including natural processes, local conditions, and human intervention; case studies of coastal conflicts in Ocean City, Isles Dernieres, Boston Harbor and the effects of Hurricane Hugo. A summary overview of challenges and opportunities, and suggestions for further reading are also provided.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ODSN Plate Tectonic Reconstruction Service	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This is the Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network plate tectonic reconstruction service. In this section you can calculate plate tectonic reconstructions of any age back to 150 million years ago (or into the future!). Coordinates, such as age to be reconstructed, geographical boundaries, annotation interval, and gridline are entered by the site user, and a map is subsequently constructed. There is a reference section for information on how these maps are calculated and what data are used. An animation (330 kb) using 5 million year time steps is available too. If you are familiar with the features of this reconstruction system, there is also an Advanced Mapping System. There you can enter your own locations and plot them into paleogeographic maps. For users unfamiliar with geologic time, there is also a link to an on-line representation of a geological timescale. Links are also included to: a message board in which questions and comments can be posted, a tool to search the site, services offered by the Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network, and information on the Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The data available at ODSN sites are available for use without restriction. Individual stratigraphers and paleontologists are invited to join the contact list and to contribute data to this public facility. Institutions with unrestricted databases are invited to join ODSN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Mattox	R	Dr	Hawaii Natural History Association		P.O. Box 74	Hawaii National Park	HI	96718		808-967-7604		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site is an introductory lesson in plate tectonics. The material is a web version of the book, A Teacher's Guide to the Geology of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. In this lesson students will learn the three layers of the Earth, observations that support continental drift and sea-floor spreading, and the basic concepts of plate tectonics. In addition to the lesson, there is a list of references about plate tectonics, a link to an extensive web site on volcanoes, and a list of activities and teaching suggestions for plate tectonics.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The copyright to A Teacher's Guide to the Geology of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is held by the Hawaii Natural History Association. Individual pages, including the figures and diagrams, can be reproduced for educational purposes only. Commercial reproduction is prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Geological Survey of Canada, GSC Pacific - Sidney Subdivision, Pacific Geoscience Centre	P.O. Box 6000, 9860 West Saanich Road	Sidney	British Columbia	V8L 4B2		1-250-363-6500	1- 250-363-6565	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geological Survey of Canada, Geodynamics Program: Earthquake Processes: Cascadia Subduction Zone	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This page explains the tectonic setting of the west coast of North America. It explains the process of the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath the North American plate. It describes the methods used to observe tectonic deformation caused by subduction, and explains how they are used to estimate earthquake potential in the region. Links are provided to the Geological Survey of Canada's Geodynamics Program home page, and to their Pacific Geoscience Centre page.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Natural Resources Canada, 1999. All rights reserved. You may reproduce this publication in whole or in part provided you acknowledge Natural Resources Canada as source of all copies. However, to obtain permission to reproduce in whole or in part for purposes of resale or redistribution, contact the authoring department.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Deborah	Hutchinson		Dr	United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Marine and Coastal Geology Program		USGS, Quissett Campus	Woods Hole	MA	02543		508-548-8700		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Steve	Colman		Dr	United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Marine and Coastal Geology Program		USGS, Quissett Campus	Woods Hole	MA	02543		508-548-8700		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lake Baikal - A Touchstone for Global Change and Rift Studies	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is a United States Geological Survey (USGS) fact sheet about the Lake Baikal rift system. This site provides a good general overview of this rift system, illustrating its importance to the overall study of plate tectonics. The Lake Baikal rift system is a modern analogue for formation of ancient Atlantic-type continental margins. It tells us the first chapter in the story of how continents separate and ultimately develop into ocean basins like the Atlantic Ocean. Continental rifting is an important component of plate tectonics theory.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey; U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known); USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Chris	Peat			Heavens-Above GmbH								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Heavens Above	Keywords: Space science	Description: This web page provides you with all the information you need to observe satellites, the International Space Station, the Space Shuttle, the dazzlingly bright flares from Iridium satellites, as well as a wealth of other space flight and astronomical information. Some satellites can easily be seen with the naked eye. This site provides the times of visibility, but also detailed star charts showing the satellite's track through the heavens. All the pages, including the graphics, are generated in real-time and customized for location and time zone.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Louie	N	Dr	The University of Nevada, Reno, Mackay School of Mines, Department of Geological Sciences, Seismological Laboratory	217 Laxalt Mineral Engineering Bldg., 1664 N. Virginia Street	Reno	NV	89557-0141	775-784-4219	775-784-1833	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonic Theory	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This is the web site for a Plate Tectonics Theory class at The University of Nevada, Reno. The home page/syllabus contains links to several of the topics covered in the course. The topics with web based lecture materials are earthquake seismology, structure of the Earth, composition of the Earth, lithospheric deformation, the plate tectonics paradigm, and the driving mechanisms of plate tectonics.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661	360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Cascades Volcano Observatory - Learn About Volcanoes: Frequently Asked Volcano Questions	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This page provides the answers to frequently asked questions about volcanoes. It is created by the United States Geological Survey. Topics addressed include: What Is A Volcano? Why Do Volcanoes Occur? How Do Volcanoes Erupt? Where Do Volcanoes Occur? When Will A Volcano Erupt? How Hot Is A Volcano? Can Lava Be Diverted? Do Volcanoes Affect Weather? What Types of Volcanoes are There? Which Eruptions Were The Deadliest? 20th Century Volcanic Eruptions and Their Impact. About 60 additional questions with answers are available under MORE FAQ's -Volcano Questions and Answers, and includes some sections on volcanoes of the western United States. Other links to volcano information are also available.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The maps, graphics, images, and text found on our website, unless stated otherwise, are within the Public Domain. You may download and use them. Credit back to the USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory is appreciated. If any material is referenced "Image courtesy of ..." or "Information courtesy of ...", etc., then please contact that source for permission for use. To obtain more information about the availability of any images or other government images, please contact our Photo Librarian - David Wieprecht (
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): webmaster				National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Observatory								
This is a(n) person.
Title: NASA Earth Observatory	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: The purpose of NASA's Earth Observatory is to provide a freely accessible publication on the Internet where the public can obtain new satellite imagery and scientific information about our home planet. The focus is on Earth's climate and environmental change. The site is divided into six main sections: Data and Images, Features, News, Reference, Missions, and Experiments. The Data and Images, Features, and Reference sections are each subdivided into sections for Atmosphere, Oceans, Land, Life on Earth, and Heat and Energy. The missions section explains all of the current NASA missions, and the Experiments section contains activities related to the topics covered in the other sections.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Any and all materials published on the Earth Observatory are freely available for re-publication or re-use, except where copyright is indicated. We ask that NASA's Earth Observatory be given credit for its original materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Butler		Dr	The University of Leeds, School of Earth Sciences	LS2 9JT	Leeds	44-113-233-5249	44-113-233-5259	United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Title: Nanga Parbat: Mountain Uplift And Tectonics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This web site provides a flavor of the geology of the Nanga Parbat massif, particularly its tectonic history. The mountain of Nanga Parbat is the westernmost 8000m peak of the Himalayan chain. You can follow a virtual field excursion, examine the once deeply-buried continental crust in its heart, get additional information on the topography, exhumation and cooling history of the massif and a list of references.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ludwig	Combrinck			Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory	P.O.Box 443	Krugersdorp 1740	27-12-326-0742	27-12-326-0756	South Africa
This is a(n) person.
Title: An Introduction to Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This page is a brief introduction to plate tectonics. It starts with a discussion of the evolution of the theory of plate tectonics and the arguments supporting it. It then discusses the processes associated with tectonics and the types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent and transform boundaries. It concludes with a discussion of the current hypotheses of what causes plates to move.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Materials including text and images appearing on the HartRAO website are copyrighted to the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory, operated by the National Research Foundation of South Africa unless an alternative origin for the material is indicated. Materials from this website are intended for use for educational, academic, and research purposes and are not intended for commercial use. They may not be used in an inappropriate manner. Inappropriate use includes but is not limited to: religious materials, pornographic materials and racist materials. HartRAO/NRF materials may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by HartRAO/NRF or by an employee of a commercial product, service or activity, or be used in any manner that might mislead. Use of the HartRAO/NRF names and logos in publicity, promotion, or advertising is prohibited without prior written consent of HartRAO/NRF. HartRAO/NRF must be acknowledged as the source of the materials. Copyright may not be falsely claimed for HartRAO/NRF materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661	360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Cascade Range Volcanoes: North to South	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This page lists Cascades Range volcanoes of British Columbia, Washington State, Oregon, and California. The user can click on the volcano name to get information on the volcano and its vicinity including Current Activity; Background and Information; Current Hazards Report; Visit a Volcano; Maps, Graphics, and Images; Items of Interest; and Useful Links. The volcanoes include: Garibaldi Lake Volcano, Meager Mountain, and Mount Garibaldi in British Columbia; Mount Baker, Glacier Peak, Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Adams in Washington State: Mount Hood, Mount Jefferson, Three-Fingered Jack, Mount Washington, Belknap Shield Volcano, Three Sisters (North, Middle, South), Broken Top, Mount Bachelor, Pilot Butte, Lava Butte, Newberry Caldera, Diamond Peak, Mount Bailey, Mount Thielsen, Crater Lake, Mount Mazama, Wizard Island, and Mount McLoughlin in Oregon:, and Lava Beds, Medicine Lake Volcano, Glass Mountain (Medicine Lake, California), Black Butte, Mount Shasta, and Lassen Peak in California. Links are provided to more general pages on volcanoes in the three states and in Canada.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The maps, graphics, images, and text found on our website, unless stated otherwise, are within the Public Domain. You may download and use them. Credit back to the USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory is appreciated. If any material is referenced "Image courtesy of ..." or "Information courtesy of ...", etc., then please contact that source for permission for use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alfred	Hochstaedter		Dr	University of California Santa Cruz, Earth and Marine Sciences	1156 High St.	Santa Cruz	CA	95064		831-459-5228	831-459-3074	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geologic Images Associated with Lectures	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This site contains photographs of igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks (plus erosion & karst topography), faults, folding, metamorphism, and glaciation. Each photo can be viewed as the original photo or with annotations that describe the associated geology.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Rick	Allmendinger		Dr	Cornell University, Department of Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences	Snee Hall, Cornell University	Ithaca	NY	14853-1504		607-255-3376	607-254-4780	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Structural Geology: The Home Page for Geological Sciences 326 at Cornell University	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This web site is the site for Cornell's Introduction to Structural Geology. Here you will find copies of key course information, computer programs for calculating strain and stress, copies of lecture notes (available just before the Midterm and Final Exams), animated structure movies, copies of old exams and their keys, links to other structural geology and tectonics resources on the net, and photos of the previous year's field trip and slides shown in class.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996 - 2001 Rick Allmendinger. Feel free to download the material here for your own use, as well as placing links to this page in your own Web pages, if you like. However, please be aware that all of this material is copyrighted by me. You may not modify or upload individual parts of this site (including images, figures, lecture notes, or programs) to other computer systems or servers, nor include any of this material in any media (CD-ROM's, floppy disks, etc.) produced for mass distribution without my express, written permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kevin	Smart	J	Dr	University of Oklahoma, School of Geology & Geophysics	810 Sarkeys Energy Center University of Oklahoma	Norman	OK	73019-1009	405-325-3157	405-325-3140	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Structural Geology on the Web: A Deformed Roadcut Along the Information Superhighway	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This is a collection of hypertext links to assorted structural geology and tectonics resources available on the world-wide web. The categories include: data sets and bibliographies, structural images, computer software, plate tectonics, commercial products, books and journals, professional organizations, research groups, upcoming meetings, academic groups, courses and field trips, academic employment, and structural geologists.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999 Kevin J. Smart
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kathie	Watson			United States Geological Survey, Eastern Publications Group Web Team								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): John	Watson			United States Geological Survey, Eastern Publications Group Web Team								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS; General Interest Publications: Earthquakes (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This on-line text offers chapters on: a Basic Description of Earthquake History, Where Earthquakes Occur, How Earthquakes Happen, Measuring Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, and Predicting Earthquakes. Originally published as a book in a series of general interest publications prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey. Some figures in this version of "Earthquakes", however, have been changed for purposes of online presentation. Users can also view a text-only version.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Henry Spall				United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center	Box 25046, DFC MS 967	Denver	CO	80225		303-273-8500	303-273-8450	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geophysics,Geology	Description: This web site describes the theory of plate tectonics and its relation to earthquakes and earthquake prediction and seismic zones. A map and a block diagram show global patterns. Links to further information on earthquakes is provided, and includes: current earthquake information, near real time earthquake list, general earthquake information, earthquake links, earthquake search, products and services, report an earthquake, and routine United States mining seismicity.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Roland	Bürgmann		Dr	University of California, Davis, Department of Geology	174 Physics/Geology Building, University of California, One Shields Avenue	Davis	CA	95616-8605		530-752-0350	530-752-0951	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Active Tectonics	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This is the home page for an active tectonics class (GEL 214) at The University of California, Davis. The web page is divided into four main sections. The contents section has the syllabus and links to the course notes by topic. Topics are crustal deformation, deformation mechanisms and crustal strength, tectonic geomorphology (rivers, terraces and erosion models), and paleoseismology (trenching, dating and microatolls). The Exercises section has homework assignments, some of which are web based. The links section is an extensive list of structural and tectonic resources available on the web, and the references section is a bibliography of structural and tectonic books and papers arranged by topic. Links to other geology courses, and to a HTML tutorial are also available.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Nevada, Seismological Laboratory	217 Laxalt Mineral Engineering Bldg., Mackay School of Mines, The University of Nevada, 1664 North Virginia Street	Reno	NV	89557-0141				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Louie	N.	Dr	University of Nevada, Seismological Laboratory					http://www.seismo.unr.ecu/ftp/pub/louie/home/home.html	775-784-4219	775-784-1833	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Seismic Deformation, Seismic Waves, Seismograms and Seismographs, Locating Earthquakes (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This is one of a series of six lectures covering earthquakes and related topics in seismology. They are part of the course, Geology 101 (Physical Geology). The page includes short descriptions and illustrations of key concepts.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Long Valley Observatory	345 Middlefield Road, MS 977	Menlo Park	CA	94025				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Eruptions from the Inyo chain about 600 Years Ago: sequence of events and effects in the Long Valley area	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: When magma began rising beneath the southern end of the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain about 600 years ago, a remarkable series of eruptions and ground cracking formed what are now familiar features such as lava flows, craters, layers of pumice and ash, and ground cracks between Mammoth Mountain and Obsidian Flow. This volcanic activity probably occurred during a short period of time, perhaps lasting as long as a few weeks to a few months. The sequence of these eruptions can help us to anticipate the type of activity that is likely to occur again from along the chain, and also to recognize the events that will almost certainly precede future eruptions. The web page includes several geologic maps and a shaded-relief map. Users can click to more detailed information drawn from several publications.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carey	Noll			National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System	Code 920.1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center	Greenbelt	MD	20771		301-614-6542		
This is a(n) person.
Title: CDDIS Crustal Dynamics Data Information System	Keywords: Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) supports data archiving and distribution activities for the space geodesy and geodynamics community. The main objectives of the system are to store space geodesy and geodynamics related data products in a central data bank, to maintain information about the archival of these data, and to disseminate these data and information in a timely manner to NASA investigators and cooperating institutions. This site provides access to GPS (Global Positioning System), GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System), SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging), VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry), and DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) data sets. The site also provides introductory information on the different data collection techniques, information on the programs supported by CCDIS, and access to online reports and documents related to the CCDIS.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): W. K.	Fletcher		Dr	The University of British Columbia, Department of Geological Sciences		Vancouver	British Columbia	V6T 1Z4		604-822-2392		Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Rivers (Chapter 9)	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This site is a page from the introductory geology website at the University of British Columbia. The page features the "quick and dirty" overhead notes for the Rivers segment of the course. Sections include: introduction, generalizations, transport, bed load, erosion, drainage system evolution, equilibrium, and channel patterns/equilibrium.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This material is copyrighted (text, images, etc.), and cannot be used without permission of the copyright owner. For details, please contact W.K. Fletcher, the Department of Geological Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Sandra	DeYonge			Project WET	201 Culbertson Hall, Montana State University	Bozeman	MT	59717		406-994-5392		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Education for Teachers	Keywords: Chemistry,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: The goal of Project WET is to facilitate and promote the awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through the development and dissemination of classroom ready teaching aids and through the establishment of state and internationally sponsored Project WET programs. Project WET has active programs in 43 states, the U.S. Territories, and select provinces of Canada. The Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide, a collection of over ninety, broad-based water resource activities is available to classroom teachers, resource managers, park rangers, museum educators and others who attend training workshops provided by state Project WET Coordinators.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Guest		Dr	Naval Postgraduate School, Department of Meteorology	589 Dyer Rd, Rm 254	Monterey	CA	93943-5114	408-656-2451	408-656-3061	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Polar Meteorology: Naval Postgraduate School	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology	Description: This site is the Polar Meteorology module of the Naval Postgraduate School. The site contains five main sections; each of which is stand-alone. The first section is General Information. The second section is Vessel Icing, which contains a comprehensive presentation of the effects, causes, prediction methods and mitigation procedures for icing of vessels by sea spray. The third section is Climate, which focuses on the annual temperature cycle and how and why it varies within polar regions. The fourth section is Climate Change, which explores the role of polar regions in global climate changes using a simple global climate model. The final section is Web Resources, which provides a fairly comprehensive list of web links related to the topic of Polar Meteorology.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This is a U.S. government computer. Figures with plots and the text of this module may be copied without restriction. Some of the photographs, figures and data in this module were used with permission from copyrighted or proprietory sources. Please contact Peter Guest or the original source before publishing or distributing photographs or climate data from this module.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Howard	Perlman		Mr	United States Geological Survey		Atlanta	GA			USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Science for Schools	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) water resources site provides comprehensive coverage of water related issues, and includes several interactive quizzes and activities for children. Here you will find information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center. Topics include: Earth's water, Water basics, Water use, Water Questions and Answers, Activity center, Picture Gallery, Glossary, and Related Water Links. A special topics section tackles current problems in water science, including acid rain and water quality. The site also focuses on water use issues and attempts to raise student awareness of water conservation.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Canada Centre for Remote Sensing	588 Booth Street	Ottawa	Ontario	K1A 0Y7	613-947-1216	613-947-1382	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Canada Centre for Remote Sensing: Education	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This page is the education page for the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. The page has a Remote Sensing Tutorials section with five different tutorials. These tutorials are well organized, very thorough, and well written. There is also a Maps and Atlas section linking to Canadian geography learning resources (The National Atlas of Canada and The Canadian Communities Atlas), a Data Access section with geospatial data available for download, and a section entitled Educational Fun & Features, which has several educational and entertaining resources and links.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Natural Resources Canada. The information residing at the CCRS World-Wide Web site is protected under the Copyright Act, and is provided on this network for informational purposes only. No commercial reproduction or exploitation is authorized. Permissions for non commercial reproduction vary by resource.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Patrick	Meyer			National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bert	Ulrich		Mr	National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Public Services Division							202-358-1750		
This is a(n) person.
Title: J-Track Satellite Tracking	Keywords: Space science	Description: This is the home page for the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) J-Track satellite tracking tool. The JAVA applet on this site allows you to track orbiting objects such as spacecraft, weather satellites, search and rescue satellites, and amateur radio satellites.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: You may link to NASA sites provided the link you design is strictly for information and does not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. You may use a NASA photo from the Photo Gallery, but not the NASA insignia, logotype or seal. The rules for screen shots are the same as for photographs. Their use must be strictly for informational or educational purposes and must not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. If your use meets that criteria, go ahead. You don't need to e-mail for explicit permission. Check with the Public Services Division to see how NASA material can be used in ads.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lyn	Topinka			United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Cascade Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Blvd	Vancouver	WA	98661		360-993-8946	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics and Sea-Floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, "Hot Spots", and the "Ring of Fire"	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site is part of the United States Geological Survey, Cascade Volcano Observatory web site. It provides general information about the theory of plate tectonics. It correlates specific landform types and physical processes with the types of plate boundaries where they occur. The explanation of each boundary type includes real world examples and links to United States Geological Survey web pages about each example. The links between volcanism, earthquakes, and plate boundaries is also discussed. There is a section of the site that explores the types of volcanism that occur at spreading ridges, subduction zones, and hot spots (intraplate volcanism). Links are also provided to information on specific areas. These areas include: Cascade Range Volcanoes, Gorda Ridge, Juan de Fuca Plate, Juan de Fuca Ridge, North Cascades, Olympic Mountains, and the Yellowstone Caldera.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey; U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known); USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Megan	Thomas		Miss	Hunterdon Central Regional High School, Science Department	84 Route - 31 North	Flemington	NJ	08822	908-782-5727		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kristi	Carver		Miss	Hunterdon Central Regional High School, Science Department		84 Route - 31 North	Flemington	NJ	08822		908-782-5727		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This page is the plate tectonics page for the Hunterdon Central Regional High School freshman science class. It describes the evidence used by Alfred Wegener to develop his theory of Pangea and continental drift. It also describes the interior of the Earth, plate movement, and plate boundaries (convergent, divergent, and transform). The site also contains information about volcanoes and earthquakes, both of which are associated with tectonic activity.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Theresa	Boundy	M	Dr	Ball State University, Geology Department	Ball State University (CP 201)	Muncie	IN	47306		765-285-8262	765-285-8265	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hot Spots and Plate Velocities	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This page presents a short extra credit assignment about plate movement over a mantle plume hot spot. It provides a map of the Hawaiian Island Chain and the Emperor Seamount Chain and asks several questions that can be answered using the maps.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Scientist, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society	P.O. Box 13975	Research Triangle Park	NC	27709-3975	919-549-0097	919-549-0090	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mantle Plumes and Mountain Building	Keywords: Geology	Description: This page presents an abstract from the American Scientist March-April 1999 issue. It discusses how the westward progress of the North American plate over the relatively stationary Yellowstone plume during the past 75 million years may explain geological features as diverse as the Laramide Orogeny, the distended Basin and Range Province, and the accretion of exotic terranes along the continent's west coast. Some sample figures from the article that illustrate the path of the hot spot across North America, as well as a cross section of the subduction zone over the past 70 million years, are also included. Other links included are: relief maps of the United States, physiographic provinces of the United States, geomorphology from space, a story on plate tectonics by the United States Geological Survey, a plate motion calculator, and various geology links.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: It is Sigma Xi's policy to grant permission at no charge for the educational use of American Scientist articles with the understanding that the students will be charged only for the cost of reproduction. Credit Line The standard credit line accompanying the reproduction should include: Reprinted by permission of American Scientist, magazine of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. For commercial use American Scientist charges a fee of $25 per text page and for figures. Please submit your request in writing, including the full citation and figure number you wish to use, and the page number where it appeared in American Scientist. The magazine usually has one-time rights to publish a photograph and the copyright is held by another source. Permission requests should be submitted in writing to: P. O. Box 13975, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team	345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5617	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Susan	Garcia		Ms	United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team							560-329-4668		
This is a(n) person.
Title: United States Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program-Northern California: Hazards & Preparedness	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This page points to a number of reports and maps on earthquake hazards, prediction, and preparedness. The page is mainly about Northern California including the San Francisco Bay area, but also including some items on Southern California and Alaska, as well as general articles on the topics. Map types include seismic hazards maps, shaking hazards maps, and shaking intensity maps. Related programs are also referenced. Other links include, latest earthquake information, general earthquake information, and earthquake research.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our website and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials. The pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subjec
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Rick	Nigol			University of Guelph, Office of Open Learning-Distance Education		Guelph	Ontario	N1G 2W1		519-824-4120-6777	519-824-1112	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Guelph, Office of Open Learning-Distance Learning		Guelph	Ontario	N1G 2W1	519-767-5000	519-824-1112	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Open Online; University of Guelph; Office of Online Learning: Program and Course Offerings (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Agricultural science,Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,History and philosophy of science,Soil science	Description: This is the web page for the on-line course offerings of the Office of Open Learning at the University of Guelph. Short course descriptions and a tour of a sample course may be reviewed. Course subject areas include, Agriculture and Agribusiness, Biological Sciences, Environment (and Ecology), Geology, Soil Science, and Meteorology. Registration is required for participation in courses.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Green & Growing Environmental Education Projects Incorporated								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Green & Growing Presents: From the Ground Up: Teachers' Guide Outline	Keywords: Agricultural science,Environmental science,Soil science	Description: This web page provides the on-line version of a teachers guide for a course on agriculture and sustainable development. This guide is divided into five lessons: The History of Agriculture and a Description of Sustainable Development; Soil; Agriculture and Chemicals; The Real Cost of Food; and Everything's Connected. The lessons are designed to stimulate discussion of agricultural practices within the relationship of sustainable development. Each lesson contains objectives, focusing questions, and a variety of student based activities. A glossary of terms, a bibliography, and resource guide are also provided. The material draws on Canadian sources. Teachers are encouraged to download the material, lessons, background essays, and worksheets, for in-class use. There is an accompanying 1/2 hour VHS video, as well as a French version (Vert la croissance) available from Green & Growing, for a fee. A 46-page teacher's guide is also available for a fee.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: From the Ground up, Vert la croissance, and their accompanying Teachers' Guides' are copyright 1995 by Green & Growing Environmental Education Projects Inc. Educators may download and reprint worksheets for non-profit classroom use. All other rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mark	Torrence			Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services Corporation	7701 Greenbelt Road, Suite 300	Greenbelt	MD	20770		301-441-4115		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tectonic Plate Motion	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site uses satellite laser ranging (SLR) to determine absolute rates of tectonic movement for crustal plates. There is a list of satellite laser ranging observatory sites including their location and a site description. Also included are an explanation of satellite laser ranging techniques and capabilities, and an interactive map showing the amount of motion at selected sites on the globe.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				California Department of Conservation, Public Affairs Office						916-323-1886		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Library, Teachers Resource Center	801 K Street, MS 14-34	Sacramento	CA	95814	916-445-5716		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Department of Conservation: Division of Mines and Geology: California's State Geological Survey	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This is the home page for California's State Geological Survey. This page has information about hot topics and new products and reports issued by the Division of Mines and Geology. There is a link to their maps, data, and publications that are available online. There is also information about meetings and workshops, links to related agencies, and much more. The Teacher Features page has links to answers for common questions about California's geology and an on-line version of the Teacher Feature section from California Geology magazine, which contains resources intended for use by educators in the classroom.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 2001. All rights reserved. The Department of Conservation makes no warranties as to the suitability of this product for any purpose.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: United States Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program: Earthquake Research	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This is the web page for the Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), which is part of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) lead by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Earthquake research activities of the United States Geological Society are described under broad categories: borehole geophysics and rock mechanics, crustal deformation, earthquake information, earthquake geology and paleoseismology, hazards, seismology and earth structure, and strong motion seismology, site response, and ground motion. The research projects are topically and regionally based. Other links include: earthquake activity, earthquake facts and education, earthquake products, hazards and preparedness, regional websites, and seismic networks.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Larry	Mayer		Dr	Miami University, Department of Geology		Oxford	OH	45056		513-529-3241	513-529-1542	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Active Tectonics	Keywords: Structural geology,Geology	Description: The Active Tectonics Web Server was established in order to effectively disseminate ideas resulting from the Active Tectonics initiative. The initiative is intended to enhance multidisciplinary research on active tectonic environments. The web site contains a section on recent developments in tectonics, an active tectonics image gallery, and a list of links to web pages related to active tectonics.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United State Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661	360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): L.	Mastin	G.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Waitt	B.	R.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Is Glacier Peak a Dangerous Volcano? (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Glacier Peak in north-central Washington state is not prominently visible from any major metropolitan centers, and so its attractions, as well as its hazards, tend to be overlooked. Yet, Glacier Peak has produced larger and more explosive eruptions than any other Washington volcano except Mount St. Helens. In the past 14,000 years, Glacier Peak has erupted at least a dozen times, most recently around the eighteenth century. The probability and hazards of a future eruption is discussed. Includes map of thickness of ash erupted from Glacier Peak's largest ash eruption about 13,000 years ago and map of areas inundated by debris flows from Glacier Peak eruptions. This is USGS Open-File Report 95-413.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey. U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known). USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Information Office	information@whoi	Co-op Building, MS #16	Woods Hole	MA	02543		508-548-1400	508-457-2034	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Dive and Discover: Expeditions to the Seafloor	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Geochemistry,Ecology,Physical oceanography	Description: This is the web site for Dive and Discover, an interactive distance learning web site designed to immerse you in the excitement of discovery and exploration of the deep seafloor. Dive and Discover brings you on board a series of research cruises to the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and gives you access to the latest oceanographic and deep submergence research as it happens. This site allows you to join scientists who are exploring the seafloor and making amazing deep-sea discoveries. Current research cruises are investigating the biological communities of hydrothermal vents and the volcanic activity of the mid-ocean ridge. The cruises use a variety of submersibles, including Alvin, Jason and Argo.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. All Rights Reserved. Text, graphics and other material contained in this Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WWW server © is intended solely for scholarly use by the academic and scientific community. Information contained includes material proprietary to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Use or reproduction of any material herein for any commercial purpose (including but not limited to, textbooks, exhibits, and products for sale) is prohibited without the prior written consent of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Media Relations Office (visual materials) or Office of Commercial Affairs (all other).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ben	van der Pluijm		Dr	University of Michigan, Department of Geological Sciences	2534 C.C. Little Building	Ann Arbor	MI	48109-1063	734-763-0373	734-763-4690	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Structure: An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This is the home page for Ben van der Pluijm's and Steve Marshak's structural geology textbook. This page contains a brief synopsis of each of the chapters in their text. The chapter summaries in total provide an overview of the basic principles of structural geology and tectonics. Section A. covers Fundamentals such as force, stress, deformation, strain and rheology; Section B. covers Brittle Structures (faults, veins and joints); Section C covers Ductile Structures (folds, fabrics, shear zones etc); and Section D. covers Tectonics and Regional Deformation. The page also contains structural and tectonic animations and links to numerous related web sites and professional organizations.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © van der Pluijm and Marshak, 1997-2000. This page and its links contain copyrighted material. Reproduction in any form requires permission from the original copyright holders, the authors and/or the publishers.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Movie of the Pacific/Antarctic Ridge	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: Five excerpts from a movie about seafloor spreading along the axis of the Pacific/Antarctic Ridge are available at this site. This movie was presented at the fall 1993 AGU Meeting in San Francisco. The bathymetry movies show the seafloor spreading of the surface topography.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webmaster				University of California, Museum of Paleontology	1101 Valley Life Sciences Building	Berkeley	CA	94720-4780		510-642-1821	510-642-1822	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Continental Drift	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This web page is an animation showing the changing locations of the continents over the last 740 million years. You can click on the animation to get a paleontological history of any era (Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic or Precambrian). Additional information on the stratigraphy, ancient life, localities and tectonics for each era is provided.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994 - 2001 by The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California. All materials appearing on the UCMP Web Servers (WWW.UCMP.BERKELEY.EDU and UCMP1.BERKELEY.EDU) may not be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher and in no case for profit.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Randolph	Koski		Dr	United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program	USGS, MS 999, 345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94025		-415-354-3208		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Escanaba Trough of Gorda Ridge: A Laboratory for Mineral-forming Processes	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: This is a USGS (United States Geological Survey) fact sheet about the seafloor spreading ridge located off of the coast of northern California. The Escanaba Trough of southern Gorda Ridge is a slowly-spreading ocean ridge that provides a unique perspective on the formation of world-class metal deposits. The Escanaba Trough provides opportunities for scientists to learn details about tectonics, volcanism, mineral formation, and biological activity that are not normally observed at mid-ocean ridges. It is a geological laboratory of grand proportions.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey. U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known). USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webmaster				Edugreen								India
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water: Depletion, Pollution and Conservation - Title enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This water education site offers information on water with respect to the hydrologic cycle, water pollution and depletion, and water conservation, with an emphasis on India's water situation. A wealth of resources are available including Poems, act along Stories, Quizzes, an Environment Calendar, bibliographies of Indian environmentalists- Path Finder, Activities, Cartoons, Maps of India, a Glossary, case studies of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers, Questions and Answers, Video Clips and more.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information Is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Butler		Dr	Leeds University, School of Earth Sciences	LS2 9JT	Leeds	44-113-233-5249	44-113-233-5259	UK
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Martin	Casey		Dr	Leeds University, School of Earth Sciences	LS2 9JT	Leeds	44-113-233-6626	44 113 233 5259	U.K.
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Geoff	Lloyd		Dr	Leeds University, School of Earth Sciences	LS2 9JT	Leeds	44-113-233-5209	44-113-233-5259	UK
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Andrew	McCaig		Dr	Leeds University, School of Earth Sciences	LS2 9JT	Leeds	44-113-233-5219	44-113-233-5259	U.K.
This is a(n) person.
Title: Teaching Resources in Structural Geology	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This is the home page for the School of Earth Sciences of the University of Leeds, U.K., web-based teaching resources in structural geology. The site consists of seven main sections. The Folds, Faults, Shear Zones, and Minor Structures sections provide a fairly extensive introduction to their respective topics, including diagrams and annotated photographs. The "Introduction to the Structural Geology of the Western Alps" section uses the Western Alps as a case study for structural geology. The Virtual Fieldtrips section contains photographs, background information and field data for six specific natural examples of structural geology. The six virtual field trips are: The Moine Thrust Belt, The Dead Sea Fault, Nanga Parbat, Exhumation of Eclogites in the Western Gneiss Region of Norway, The Internal Alps, and A Subalpine Field Excursion. The seventh section contains links to structural geology resources.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 School of Earth Sciences, Leeds University.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey		509 National Center	Reston	VA	20192			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earth Science Quiz	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Geophysics	Description: This site offers a quiz about several general topics in earth science, with links to the answers. The questions are: Name four types of volcanoes. What is the largest active volcano in the United States? Which state has the most potentially active volcanoes? What are the three main rock types? How much would you weigh on the Moon? During what Era of geologic time did the dinosaurs live? (links to materials on geologic time and dinosaurs) Name the three main layers that make up the Earth. How do most earthquakes occur? (sketch map of world with some plate boundaries).
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS.Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey. U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known). USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team	345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5617	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Susan	Garcia		Ms	United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team							650-329-4668		
This is a(n) person.
Title: USGS; Earthquake Hazards Program-Northern California; Special Features	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This page describes current special features on seismology, faults, and earthquakes. The current articles covered the topics shake maps for Northern and Southern California, Real-time display of seismograms for Northern California, an Earthquake probability study for the San Francisco Bay area, Landscape, seascape and faults of the San Francisco Bay area, and the Scientific expedition for the earthquake in Turkey 1999. Visitors who feel significant earthquakes in this area are invited to participate in an internet survey of ground shaking and damage. Visitors may also view previous features.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the USGS as the source of the information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center	P. O. Box 2008	Oak Ridge	TN	37831-6335		865-574-3645	865-574-2232	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: CDIAC; Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Chemical oceanography,Climatology	Description: This site is the homepage of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) which includes the World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases. CDIAC is the primary global-change data and information analysis center of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). CDIAC responds to data and information requests from users from all over the world who are concerned with the greenhouse effect and global climate change. CDIAC's data holdings include records of the concentrations of carbon dioxide and other radiatively active gases in the atmosphere; the role of the terrestrial biosphere and the oceans in the biogeochemical cycles of greenhouse gases; emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere; long-term climate trends; the effects of elevated carbon dioxide on vegetation; and the vulnerability of coastal areas to rising sea level. In operation since 1982, CDIAC: obtains, evaluates, and archives data, compiles and distributes digital numeric data packages and computer model packages, provides data management support to global-change related scientific projects, distributes related reports, produces the newsletter, CDIAC Communications, and in general acts as the information focus for the U.S. DOE Global Change Research Program. CDIAC is supported by DOE's Environmental Sciences Division of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research. CDIAC represents DOE in the multi-agency Global Change Data and Information System.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Documents provided from the web server were sponsored by a contractor of the U.S. Government. Accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commerical, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Norman	Sleep		Dr	Stanford University, Department of Geophysics		Mitchell Bldg. Room 360	Stanford	CA	94305-2215		650-723-4746	650-725-7344	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate tectonics and the evolution of climate	Keywords: Geology	Description: Recent work has shown that climate, life, and tectonics interact in ways that are sometimes profound yet not obvious. Norman Sleep reviews two better understood terrestrial examples in this paper. First, the development of compressional orogens is strongly influenced by climate in that the extent of erosion determines whether high or low mountain ranges develop. Second, global geochemical processes are strongly influenced by tectonics and climate. For example, the build-up of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere has been aided by deposit of organic-rich sediments in new ocean basins which prevented reaction of the oxygen with the reduced products of photosynthesis. The volume of the ocean depends on the extent to which water is subducted within the oceanic crust and sediments and on the extent which this water is returned to the surface at island arcs. Comparative planetology and further terrestrial studies are likely to yield additional examples of climatic, biological, and tectonic interaction.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 American Geophysical Union
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jürgen	Kraus		Dr	Geological Survey of Canada	601 Booth St.,	Ottawa	Ontario	K1A 0E8			Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Structural Geology and Metamorphic Petrology on the WWW	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This site provides numerous tools to scientists involved in the structural and metamorphic textures on all scales, and the processes responsible for their development. Thie site also contains a comprehensive compilation of geological study groups, geological surveys and other organizations. The tools provided include links to journals, thin sections, databases, structural geology and petrology course pages, and more. The site also has sections devoted to geoscience job opportunities, listservs, and upcoming conferences and meetings in structural geology and metamorphic petrology.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © J. Kraus 1997-98
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Susan	Hanson			Clark University, School of Geography		Worcester	MA	01610-1477				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hands-On: Developing Active Learning Modules On The Human Dimensions Of Global Change	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Policy issues,Environmental science	Description: This is the site for the Association of American Geographers Hands-On education project. This site provides ten teaching/learning modules focused on the human dimensions of global change. Designed for use in any introductory course that deals with human-environment relationships, the modules actively engage students in problem solving, challenge them to think critically, invite them to participate in the process of scientific inquiry, and involve them in cooperative learning. Each module consists of several units, each of which focuses on an aspect of the module's theme. The core of each unit is a variety of student activities that have been designed to be challenging but not baffling. The activities vary in type, in the time they require, in skill level assumed, and in the skills developed. They involve critical reading, data collection, assessment, interpretation and analysis, map reading and interpretation, field trips, interviewing, role playing, and writing for particular audiences. Many activities link the student's own lives with processes of local, regional, and global change. Each unit comes with some background reading to introduce the topic. The modules provide instructors with a broad array of specific ideas for involving students actively and collaboratively in learning about nature-society relationships. Instructors can choose the activities that best suit their class size, students' abilities, and institutional settings. Some activities can be completed in one class session whereas others are out-of-class projects and may take longer. An instructor who uses an entire module will have material for roughly two weeks of classes.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-1999 The Association of American Geographers
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology	1101 Valley Life Sciences Building	Berkeley	CA	94720-4780	510-642-1821	510-642-1822	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: University of California, Berkeley: Museum of Paleontology	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This is the home page for the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley. This is a very extensive site. From the home page you can access the current exhibits and educational resources, browse or search their collections, or read about current news and research in the paleontology field. The educational resources section contains very thorough lessons complete with learning objectives, background information for the teacher, links to other related lessons, and more. Included among these is Learning From the Fossil Record; a set of articles and classroom activities using paleontology to teach major concepts in science, and the Integrating Science,Teaching, and Technology (ISTAT) Digital Curriculum Guide which contains lessons that meet the 1998 Science Content and Performance Standards of the San Francisco Unified School District. The lessons are organized by physical science, life science, and earth and space science.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994_2001 by The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California. All materials appearing on the UCMP Web Servers (WWW.UCMP.BERKELEY.EDU and UCMP1.BERKELEY.EDU) may not be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher and in no case for profit. For permission to use any photograph or illustration that is the property of UCMP, please contact the webmaster.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ron	Blakey		Dr	Northern Arizona University, Department of Geology	Box 4099	Flagstaff	AZ	86011	520-523-2740	520-523-9220	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Earth History	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Structural geology	Description: This presentation uses a series of plate-tectonic reconstructions to show the broad patterns of Phanerozoic Earth history. Both horizontal and vertical links are provided for viewing the plates: horizontal links provide time-slices (e.g. Cambrian, Devonian, Triassic, etc.) of different kinds of data on maps and other illustrations whereas vertical links provide a dynamic portrayal of Earth history through a succession of similar plate-tectonic reconstructions. There are three categories of vertical links. The first is Paleogeographic globes, which has 14 paleogeographic maps from 510 Ma to present showing global and North America and Europe reconstructions. The second is Tectonics, Sedimentation, Paleogeography of North Atlantic Region, which has 21 tripart maps that show the sedimentologic, tectonic, and paleogeographic evolution of the North Atlantic region (North America, Europe, and parts of Asia, South America, and Africa). The third is 1st Order Global Tectonic Features, composed of 28 maps that display the major tectonic elements (plates, oceans, ridges, subduction zones, mountain belts) through time. The menu on the home page provides access to all of these reconstructions.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dietmar	Müller		Dr	The University of Sydney, School of Geoscienes, Division of Geology and Geophysics	Building F05 , The University of Sydney	Sydney	NSW 2006	61-2-9351-2003	61-2-9351-0184	Australia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Homepage for Dr. R. Dietmar Müller (title provided by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Geologic time	Description: Dietmar Müller is an earth scientist with interests in marine geophysics, tectonic plate motions, geodynamics, continental margin tectonics, petroleum exploration, and seafloor imaging. His home page has links to news articles, abstracts, summaries, and interviews about his work on hot spot convection and the tectonic rifting of the Antarctic. It also has a link to tectonic animations. These animations include a mantle convection simulation, global plate tectonic reconstructions, the West Australian Margin, Opening of the Tasman Sea, and more.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright for the news articles and interviews belong to respective publishing organizations. Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown for the movies.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): James	Meyers	H.	Dr	Winona State University, Department of Geology		114 Pasteur Hall	Winona	MN	55987		507-457-5260	507-457-5681	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A.	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Structural geology	Description: This site presents an overview of the general geology, the structure, and the glaciation of the Teton Range in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming U.S.A. Examples of cirques, glacial horns, terraces and glacial outwash plains are presented. A link to a personal account of an Avalanche Canyon loop hike is also available.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Rod	Holcombe		Dr	The University of Queensland, Department of Earth Sciences		Queensland		4072	+61-7-3365-2178	+61-7-3365-1277	Australia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Structural Geology Mapping/GIS Software	Keywords: Structural geology,Technology	Description: This site contains Stereographic Projection and Rose Diagram plotting packages (GEOrient); a structural and drillhole calculator (GeoCalculator); strain, and shear zone calculators; geological field database information; and Geographic Information Systems (Mapinfo) software for plotting structural symbols on maps (GeoMapSymbol; previously GeoSymbol]. There are also several animations for teaching structural geology.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The packages (unregistered) are free to academic users (teachers and students) for teaching and non-commercial research purposes (although paid registration will be required if academic users wish to exceed the plot window restriction for versions of GEOrient later than Version 6 or access the full capabilities of GeoCalculator). For other users the cost of each package is given on the web page. Please acknowledge the author of each package in any publication or figure arising from their use. The animations are free for use as long as they are attributed to the source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Grant	W.		Widener University, Department of Biology		Chester	PA	19013		610-499-4017		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Kish			Southwestern Oklahoma State University								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Ecological Society of America		1707 H St., NW, Suite 400	Washington	DC	20006	202-833-8773	202-833-8775	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ESA EdWeb Ecology Course Syllabus Exchange	Keywords: Ecology,Educational theory and practice,Environmental science	Description: As part of the Ecological Society of America (ESA)'s EdWeb, this site features course syllabi for undergraduate and graduate ecology courses. Over 40 professors/lecturers have posted links to their websites at the page, covering undergraduate introductory ecology courses, advanced undergraduate/graduate courses in ecology, undergraduate/graduate conservation biology courses , undergraduate environmental science and studies courses, ecology and environmental science education courses for teachers. There is currently a call for further contributions.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This page is Copyright Bruce W. Grant and the Ecological Society of America (2001). All links to course syllabi directly from this site were made with the written consent of each syllabus author. You are welcome to download some or all of the material posted at this site for your use in your efforts to further biological and ecological education. This does not include commercial uses for profit. However, if you use any lengthy exerpts (more than 2 lines) of the material available at this site, I request that you formally acknowledge this site and any sources acknowledged therein. To use any of the material available at any of the sites linked to this site, please consult the the web site from which you quote, since the copyrights are retained by the authors, any one of whom may exercise a right to restrict your use of their material beyond that which is described in this comment for this page.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Matthias	Baxmann			Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Urban Studies and Planning	77 Massachusetts Ave.	Cambridge	MA	02139		617-253-0779		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Spatial Consensus-building Through Access to Web-based GIS: An Online Planning Tool For Leipzig	Keywords: Policy issues,Technology	Description: This paper examines how emerging information system technologies and consensus techniques can be integrated to overcome barriers to land use planning. Complex planning and decision making require close collaboration among many parties, yet communication and collaboration breakdowns are often at the heart of failed planning efforts. Among other factors, a lack of trust and inadequate institutional support for communication among stakeholders tend to hinder effective spatial planning. Recent developments in geographic information systems (GIS) and network technology can be combined to enhance communication among multiple stakeholders and their access to relevant information. To take advantage of the opportunities offered by these technologies, a framework that organizes and integrates stakeholders and technologies must be devised. This paper proposes a model that is based on an Internet client/server architecture and organized around a "hub institution." It describes the model's main components that facilitate joint planning among multiple stakeholders in a mediated online environment. It concludes with design recommendations for implementing such an online planning model.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): James	Lorman		Dr	Edgewood College		Madison	WI					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Wisconsin Watershed Connection	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This is the home site for the Wisconsin Watershed Connection. The goal of this organization is to promote networking, education, and public involvement around local ecological and cultural issues. This site is for teachers, students, and the general public, who are interested in furthering their knowledge of watersheds and education. The site contains information on five topics, which are interrelated with water ecosystems. Topic I, Watersheds, provides a focus for education and resource management, and the guiding concepts behind this site. Topic II, Maps and Mapping, examines environmental patterns and relationships big and small, and includes a section on GIS. Topic III, Ecosystem Health, explores the systematic approach to the preventive, diagnostic, and prognostic aspects of ecosystem management and the understanding of relationships between ecosystem health and human health. Topic IV, Phenology, studies the response of living organisms to seasonal and climatic changes. Topic V, Worms, identifies what a worm has in common with a watershed, and their importance in the environment. All topics have introductory explanations, and a list or link to further resources where more can be learned. Each topic has at least one associated activity, while some have numerous activities. A page is provided for teachers that reviews the activities, links to teacher resources, and lists the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Betty Jo	Azpell			Divine Savior Holy Angels School	4257 North 100th Street	Milwaukee	WI	53222		414-462-3742		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Independent Science Research Projects: Testing the Waters Project. (Title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This site contains information on "Testing the Waters", an independent high school science research project, conducted in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and surrounding communities. This project could easily be adapted for other high schools in areas with suitable surface waters for study. The goal of the project is for students to receive an education in river ecology and responsible citizenship. Students learn to collect water quality data, research land influences affecting the river, and develop measures to protect waterways. "Testing the Waters" introduces students to the basics of stream biology and environmental management. A Timetable/Syllabus is featured that outlines the necessary research steps. A listing of competitions in Milwaukee is given, where students will display their various independent projects. Graphing instructions are also specified to aid students in data presentation. There is also a link to student research papers dating back to 1996. The papers encompass a wealth of topics besides water research, such as the Mozart Effect and sunspots effect on solar radio audio intensity.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): H.	Glicken												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gary	Rosenquist												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Landslide at Mount St. Helens volcano triggers explosive eruption on May 18, 1980	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This web page describes the series of events, most notably, the landslide, leading up to the eruption of the Mt. St. Helens volcano on May 10, 1980. This landslide event is described with text accompanying seven photographs. Links are also provided on various other volcano resources. These include, types and effects of volcano hazards, location, gas, lahars, landslides, lava flows, pyroclastic flows and tephra. Also included are links to a photoglossary on volcanoes, volcano observations, an educator's page, and current U.S. activity.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Laurel	Lacher	J	Dr	Tribal Watershed Training Program	P.O. Box 1772	Pinetop	AZ	85935-1772	520-235-1134; 303-735-544	520-338-5195	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jonathan	Long	W.	Mr	Tribal Watershed Training Program	P.O. Box 1772	Pinetop	AZ	85935-1772		520-338-1336		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tribal Watershed Training Program	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: The site describes the philosophy, target audience, and content of the Tribal Watershed Training Program. The mission of this program is to provide specialized training in watershed sciences, basic research, and public outreach to prepare tribal members for service as natural resources program managers in tribal governments. It provides information for cooperators who wish to sponsor the program. It also gives prospective student participants an idea of the level of expertise needed to take part in the program and the type of learning they can expect to experience by participating.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All material may be used with citation/acknowledgement of web site and Tribal Watershed Training Program.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Effects of Pyroclastic Surge at Mount St. Helens, Washington; May 18, 1980	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web page is on the effects of pyroclastic surge at the May 18th eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington. Surge effects are illustrated in 9 photographs with accompanying text.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): James	Lorman		Dr	Edgewood College		Madison	WI					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Yahara Watershed Education Network	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,Environmental science,Hydrology,Ecology,Technology	Description: This is the home site for the Yahara Watershed Education Network, an informal "umbrella" for educational activities that focus on local Wisconsin issues using watershed and ecosystem health as integrating concepts. Here, one can connect to information on the network's activities. The Living Machine Project is an ongoing study of the use of living systems to help protect and restore water resources. The Heron Institute collaborates educators, government, students, and scientists working together on watershed issues. The Yahara Watershed Fair is a yearly educational event bringing together educators and resource specialists to share their work on watershed issues. The Yahara Watershed Journal is available for viewing past and present issues, and contributions are welcome. Heron Notes is a biyearly newsletter on Yahara Watershed issues. Two links are available to the Heron Network and a GIS project. The Heron Network is a group of teachers and students working together to create a collaborative curriculum based on inquiry. The GIS Project is hosted by the Wisconsin Watershed Connection, and promotes networking, education, and public involvement around local ecological and cultural issues.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Wirth			Heron Network		Madison	WI					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Robert	Wiesner			Heron Network		Madison	WI					
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Heron Network	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This is the home site for the Heron Network, a group of Wisconsin teachers working together to develop teaching strategies that incorporate student inquiry across a range of scientific and mathematical directions of study. The primary focus is electronic publication of children’s accounts of what they have learned. Children are encouraged to respond to each other's work at different times during their investigations through proposals, class visits, and mid-year conventions. The site includes an area where educators can share ideas and suggestions.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright @2000 by the Heron Network, Madison, Wisconsin. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jane	Frankenberger		Dr	Purdue University	Extension Services	West Lafayette	IN	47907		765-494-1194		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Stacye	Johnson			Purdue University	Extension Services	West Lafayette	IN	47907		765-496-6331		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Brent	Ladd			Purdue University	Extension Services	West Lafayette	IN	47907		765-496-6331		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Safe Water for Kids	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology	Description: This website houses hands-on water education activities. These activities can be used indoors, in a classroom setting, or outdoors. Activity I, How Does Water Move Through the Earth, displays the presence and character of pore spaces in sediments and rocks. Activity II, Where Does Contamination Go, demonstrates the law of conservation of mass, and contaminant movement. Activity III, Is Dilution the Solution to Pollution, shows the effect of dilution on certain contaminants. Activity IV, Down the Drain and into the Yard, reveals how a private septic system works, ways it can be damaged and how it should be maintained. Activity V, Aquifer in a Pan, exhibits some aspects of the interactions between ground water and surface water. This activity provides a visual tool to show how water is stored in an aquifer, and how drinking water can become contaminated by human activities that occur near the earth's surface. All activities are available in a printer friendly format. Links are provided to Purdue University's Safe Water for the Future Extension Program.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Tennessee-American Water Company	P.O. Box 6338	Chattanooga	TN	37401		423-755-7616		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tennessee American Water Company - Kid's stuff	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This web site houses water information, lessons and activities for children and teachers. It includes several pages: The Story of Drinking Water lists many facts about water as a resource, its physical properties and characteristics, and it's necessity for life. A Teacher's Guide is provided for the Story of Drinking Water. It contains fourteen complete lesson plans and classroom activities that all focus on water. Water Magic contains four water activities for young children; while Water Can Be Fun houses twelve water-related project ideas for older students. It provides a glossary. Because a water supply company hosts this site, there is a preview of a River Exhibit, which is an educational tour that visitors can take of the plant.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997 Tennessee-American Water Company
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Griggs	D.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): M.	Mangan	T.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Decker	W.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): S.	Brantley	R.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): C.	Heliker	C.											
This is a(n) person.
Title: Long-lasting Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i Leads to Volcanic-Air Pollution	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Natural hazards	Description: In 1986 the eruption of Kilauea Volcano changed from the episodic fountaining of lava and gas at Pu`u O`o cone every few weeks to the continuous outpouring of lava from a new vent only 3 kilometers away. The volcano began releasing a large, steady supply of sulfur dioxide gas into the atmosphere. During the episodic activity, enough time had elapsed between fountaining episodes for the prevailing trade winds (brisk winds from the northeast of Hawai`i) to blow volcanic gas away from the island. When the eruption style changed, however, the daily release of as much as 2,000 tons of sulfur dioxide gas led to a persistent air pollution problem downwind. The sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas released reacts chemically with sunlight, oxygen, dust particles, and water in the air to form a mixture of sulfate (S04-2) aerosols (tiny particles and droplets), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and other oxidized sulfur species. Together, this gas and aerosol mixture produces a hazy atmospheric condition known as volcanic smog or "vog." The condition is illustrated with 7 photographs, a shaded-relief map of the Island of Hawai`i showing the wind patterns, and a diagram of 1992-1997 SO2 emissions rates from Kilauea Volcano's east rift zone.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team	345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5617	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Susan	Garcia		Ms	United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team							650-329-4668		
This is a(n) person.
Title: USGS; Earthquake Hazards Program-Northern California; Additional Resources	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This page gives a mixed bag of resources, some from the United States Geological Survey, some not. Most are national to global rather than specifically about Northern California. Types include several web links lists, bibliographies, publications and reference lists, events calendars, mapping sites, and other regional to global earthquake hazards sites.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Pages on this site are the product of the United States Federal Government and are not subject to copyright. Therefore, no further permission is required to copy these pages, print them out, reuse them, distribute them, or provide links to them. We do request that proper credit be given to the USGS as the source of the information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Val	Shelton						Spokane	WA			509-358-7361		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Andy	Thoms						Portland	OR			503-230-5827		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Bonneville Power Adminstration		P.O. Box 3621	Portland	OR	97208-3621		800-622-4520		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Kids in the Creek	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This website houses lessons and activities for the classroom and for field use. The goal is to provide students with a simple method of assessing the long-term health of a stream by viewing and identifying the stream’s diversity of aquatic insects, and observing the world they inhabit. It explains the importance of a healthy watershed and the effect of a vibrant forest canopy and riparian area on the stream and its water quality. It also connects the conditions of the stream being explored to the immediate food chain as well as the entire ecosystem. Lessons cover water-testing procedures for temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH as well as methods for collecting and identifying aquatic insect indicator species. The Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Survey and Macroinvertebrate Stream Study components involve a stream field trip to find pollution tolerant and intolerant macroinvertebrates. However, this information may be incorporated as part of an in-class curriculum. Classroom follow-up activities include water quality testing, creation of a fishless aquarium and comparison of aquatic insect life cycle stages. A teacher's guide, student workbook, insect identification keys, and glossary are provided.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Fen	Lewis		Mr.	Strongsville High School			Strongsville	OH					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Welcome to the Crooked River Project	Keywords: Environmental science,Ecology,Hydrology	Description: This site is home to the Crooked River Project. Developed by youth in Ohio, the Crooked River Project consisted of students studying the Cuyahoga River. This page provides information about the Cuyahoga River on the following subjects: watershed, history, water quality, pollution, recreation, organisms, and reason for concern. Links to other years of this project are available as well.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ash Thickness and Particle Size Downwind from Mount St. Helens, Washington, on May 18, 1980	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web page displays two diagrams which show the thickness and mean-grain diameter of tephra that fell to the ground downwind of Mount Saint Helens during the eruption on May 18, 1980. The maximum distance from the volcano shown is 700 kilometers. Links are also provided to a photoglossary on natural hazards, volcano observatories, current United States volcanic activity, and an educator's page complete with additional learning resources.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Alaska Volcano Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Chris	Nye												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Alaska Aleutian Arc Volcano Eruption Activity Map (title provided by cataloger)	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web page is a color JPEG image of volcanoes of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, with names and dates of last eruptions. Key indicates time of last major eruption within last 200, 10,000, and 1,000,000 years.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lisa	Gahagan			University of Texas Institute for Geophysics	4412 Spicewood Springs Road, Bldg. 600	Austin	TX	78759-8500	512-471-0488	512-471-8844	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mike	Coffin		Dr	University of Texas Institute for Geophysics	4412 Spicewood Springs Road, Bldg. 600	Austin	TX	78759-8500	512-471-0429	512-471-8844	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lawrence	Lawver		Dr	University of Texas Institute for Geophysics	4412 Spicewood Springs Road, Bldg. 600	Austin	TX	78759-8500	512-471-0433	512-471-8844	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The PLATES Project	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This is the web page for PLATES, a program of research into plate tectonic and geologic reconstructions at the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics. The page contains links to a brief overview of plate tectonics and plate reconstructions using the PLATES Project's global plate reconstruction model, in addition to movies in the format of powerpoint animations which can be downloaded for later use. Models are shown on the evolution of the earth's oceans and the movement of the earth's tectonic plates from the Late Precambrian through the present day, reconstructing (i.e. "predicting") geological environments through geologic history. Maps of the following can be accessed: late Neo-Proterozoic, Silurian, early Jurassic, early Cretaceous, Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary, and Oligocene. Movies are available on the following subjects: global plate motion, Jurassic to present day, opening of the Indian Ocean, and tectonic evolution of the Arctic region.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Stream Systems Technology Center	USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station,Suite 368 2150 Centre Avenue, Bldg. A	Fort Collins	CO	80526		970-295-5983		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Stream Systems Technology Center	Keywords: Hydrology,Policy issues,Technology	Description: The Stream Systems Technology Center is a national technical center which stimulates research and serves as a link between research, field specialists and management. The Stream team's goals are to improve knowledge of stream systems and processes, develop operational tools, provide training and technical support to National Forests, and to identify research needs and priorities. A number of documents are available for download, including a quarterly newsletter, and papers that discuss 1) a bank-operated traveling block cableway for stream discharge and sediment measurements, 2) an overview of basic classification concepts and their application in river classification, 3) methods for assessing bedload movement in coarse-grained channels in the Rocky Mountains including the use of weir ponds, portable samplers, and tracer grains, and 4)procedures for establishing permanent channel reference including selecting and mapping a site, measuring channel cross-sections, surveying a longitudinal profile, identifying bankfull stage, and measuring streamflow and bed material.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce its own documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of this document may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Hoblitt	P.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): M.	Mangan	M.											
This is a(n) person.
Title: Effects of Pyroclastic Flows and Surges at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: Even before viscous lava first breached the old forest-covered lava dome of Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat, in November 1995, scientists monitoring the volcano were concerned about the potential effects of pyroclastic flows and surges that would likely accompany the emplacement of a new dome in the volcano's summit crater. In the two years following the initial eruptive activity on July 18, 1995, the new dome continued to grow and several thousand people living on the southern part of Montserrat were evacuated. Villages and farmland on all flanks of the volcano were severely damaged, buried, or destroyed. Illustrations include about 10 photographs and a simplified map showing the extent of the pyroclastic flow and surge deposits from the June 25, 1997 event.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jeff	Marso			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: "What's that cloud upriver?" An eyewitness account of a lahar	Keywords: Natural hazards,Geology	Description: This web page provides a first person account of a geologist's encounter with a lahar while surveying the Nima II river near the town of El Palmar in Guatemala, on August 14, 1989. Lahar is an Indonesian term that describes a hot or cold mixture of water and rock fragments flowing down the slopes of a volcano and (or) river valleys. While about 15 kilometers downstream from an active lava dome, Santiaguito (which is in the Santa Maria Volcano crater) the workers noticed a white steam cloud upriver. A very heavy rainstorm was passing through that area and they knew a hot lahar was likely to be on the way. They secured their equipment and were able to gain a perch on a nearby bridge with their cameras. After witnessing a hot lahar passing underneath they retreated to high ground. The account is illustrated with 4 photographs.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16;1;2;3;4;5;6	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Hulbert			Bonneville Power Adminstration		P.O. Box 3621	Portland	OR	97208-3621				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Bonneville Power Adminstration	P.O. Box 3621	Portland	OR	97208-3621		503-230-5131		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Hydromania	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Mathematics,Physics	Description: This site is home to many hands-on, ready-to-use science lessons and activities, which explore nature and energy. It is aimed at classroom teachers who are more likely to attack one lesson at a time, so the lessons have been rearranged by topic. It includes lesson plans, background knowledge, a materials list, and student handouts. The learning objectives have been tailored to Oregon and Washington curriculum goals. It has many topics: Group Dynamics, Scientific Method, Measurement, Surface tension, Density; Newton's Laws of Motion; States of Matter; Power; Biology, which contains few lessons that familiarize students with hydroponics, microorganisms, and capillary action in plants. Other topics are Bernoulli's Principle; Water, which includes watersheds, ways of testing water quality, water conservation, and the water cycle. Also, topics include Geology, explaining plate tectonics, continental drift, and volcanoes. Ecology explaining types of wildlife, the food web, preservation, plant classification, pollution, recycling, acid rain, and smoking. The site includes Native American philosophies, a summary adapted from the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Wildlife Curriculum, 1992, that provides an excellent cross-curricular lesson that ties the science to the many issues related to rivers, energy, wildlife, and Native American rights and philosophies. The site contains a glossary of terms that are used throughout these science lessons.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ann	Mattson			University of Utah, College of Mines and Earth Sciences, Geology and Geophysics Department	135 S. 1460 E., RM 719	Salt Lake City	UT	84112-0111		801-585-7089	801-581-7065	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ternary System	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This page is a Java applet that demonstrates how a liquid-phase path changes as magma with a given bulk composition (diopside, forsterite, and anorthite) cools and begins to crytallize. The applet allows you to input a bulk composition for the melt in terms of anorthite, diopside, and forsterite and adjust the rate at which the melt evolves. The percent of liquid and components will then evolve until the melt reaches a steady state.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Eric	Nuzzi		Mr	State University New York, Stony Brook								
This is a(n) person.
Title: The tr660 Program	Keywords: Geophysics,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The tr660 program models the mineralogy and physical properties for various chemical compositions in the Earth's mantle where a transition occurs in these properties at about 660 km depth. The program is based on the algorithm described in a paper by Donald J. Weidner and Yanbin Wang. It is written in Java from a FORTRAN code originally developed for this paper. This program is designed to be used for research purposed to test the effects of varying chemical composition, temperature, and physical properties on the inferred physical properties of the Earth through these phase transformations. The graphing output is versatile allowing the user to view any of the calculated variables as a function of depth. The output can be imported to a file in the users platform for further analysis.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				100GoGo World Scientific Expedition Network, 100GoGo Head Office	45 Oaklands,	Westham, Pevensey, Eastbourne	East Sussex	BN24 5AW			44-1323-763517	UK
This is a(n) organization.
Title: World Scientific Expedition Network: Dedicated to Academic Scientific Expeditions and World Scientist Community	Keywords: Biology,Cryology,Environmental science,Geology,Human geography	Description: This web site is the home page for 100GoGo World Scientific Expedition Network, which is the only network dedicated to academic scientific expeditions and world scientist community. 100GoGo is run by volunteer professional scientists. This site contains an index of scientific trips and provides links to make reservations for any of the trips listed. There are three types of trips available. Academic Professional Scientific Expeditions are for scientists and Ph.D. students. Student Special Program trips are for students and The Professional Expeditions are for media professionals, companies, professional explorers, etc.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: (C) Copyright 1996 - 2001 sponsored and maintained by 21st century commerce center.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Geoffrey	Wandesforde-Smith		Dr	University of California, Department of Political Science, Davis	One Shields Avenue	Davis	CA	95616-8682	530-752-0966	530-752-8666	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Berkman	A.	Dr	Ohio State University, Byrd Polar Research Center	108 Scott Hall	Columbus	OH	43210		614-292-3670	614-292-4697	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Web Links For Potential Contributors To the Inspire Project	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,Policy issues	Description: This web page is a list of links to, and email addresses for, potential contributors to the proposed National Science Foundation project: Integrating Science into Policy: Interdisciplinary Research Education (INSPIRE). INSPIRE will complement the objectives of the National Science Foundation by implementing "innovative materials that incorporate effective educational practices to improve student learning of science, mathematics, engineering and technology (SMET)."
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Linda	Miller			University Center for Atmospheric Research, Unidata External Liaison						303-497-8646		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geosciences Web Sites	Keywords: Space science,Atmospheric science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Natural hazards	Description: This web site is a collection or clearinghouse of community recommended web sites for atmospheric science, oceanography, solid earth, hydrology, space science, earth system science, and natural phenomena. The resources are listed by topic and have a brief description, the name and institution of the author, and the education level for which the resource is appropriate.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Northern Arizona University, Office of Distributed Learning	PO Box 4117	Flagstaff	AZ	86011		800-426-8315	520-523-1169	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NAU Distance Learning	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Climatology,Educational theory and practice,Environmental science,Mathematics,Policy issues,Technology	Description: This web site provides information about distance learning courses offered by Northern Arizona University (NAU). The site contains information on everything from degrees offered, to tuition expenses, to NAU faculty and facilities.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kay	Tierney			City of Tulsa Public Works	200 Civic Center, Room 403	Tulsa	OK	74103		918-596-1295	918-596-1256	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Education Resources	Keywords: Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This web site provides an overview of Tulsa Okalahoma’s water resources. The page provides online activities, presentations, and documents intended to promote water conservation, with a special focus on Oklahoma's water resources, treatment and supply. There are six water activities which include a water quiz, a section on myths and realities, and a water question and answer section. Most activities are informative, and press the participant to further investigate personal water use. There are three presentations in slide show format: Oologan Lake Study, The Water Conference Presentation, and Water Quality and Innovative Nutrient Management. All presentations address an aspect of the Ozark Plateau Watershed System and associated management issues and efforts. There are three documents which address Oklahoma's water supply and water quality standards. Also available is a link to the Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority, TMUA, data warehouse. It contains a Collection of Maps for watershed management projects, meeting minutes of the Watershed Work Group, proposals for proposed watershed projects, reports and summaries of databases, project results and other documents, and educational materials on water and watershed issues. Users can also access water quality information via an interactive database of water quality information for the water supply lakes, as well information on currently active watershed research projects and other watershed-related activities.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Robert	Nemiroff	J.	Dr	National Aeronautic Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jerry	Bonnell	T.	Dr	National Aeronautic Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Science Support Center	Mail Code 660	Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-286-1579	301-286-1681	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive	Keywords: Space science	Description: This site is the archive for the NASA (National Aeronautic Space Administration) Astronomy Picture of the Day. Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. The archive has photos listed by the day they were featured, by topic, or available through a text search.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All the images on the APOD page are credited to the owner or institution where they originated. Some of the images are copyrighted and to use these pictures publicly or commercially one must write to the owners for permission. For the copyrighted images, the copyright owner is identified in the APOD credit line (please see the caption under the image), along with a hyperlink to the owner's location. NASA images are in the public domain, official guidelines for their use can be found here. For images credited to other owners/institutions, please contact them directly for copyright and permissions questions. Neither NASA nor APOD can grant permission to use copyrighted images. For use of these images, please write to the copyright owners.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): W.	Liu	T.	Dr	National Aeronautic Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bert	Ulrich		Mr	National Aeronautic Space Administration, Public Services Division							202-358-1750		
This is a(n) person.
Title: El Nino Watch from Space	Keywords: Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site provides updated information on the National Aeronautical Science Administration's (NASA) contribution in monitoring the evolution of El Nino and its climatic consequences. The site contains an explanation of El Nino, sections about oceanographic, atmospheric and biological observations, a section about the possible teleconnection of different El Nino related anomalies, and movies and slide shows of an El Nino event. The variations of surface wind, sea level, and sea surface temperature along the equator and the west coast of the American continents are presented under the section on Oceangraphic Observations. Linkage to observations of outgoing long wave radiation, upper tropospheric water vapor, atmospheric precipitable water, precipitation, and surface temperature are provided under the section on Atmospheric Observations. The variation of ocean biological productivity will be presented under the section on Biological Observations. In addition to figures of spatial and temporal sections to summarize the variations, computer animations are also available to browse through the large number of maps.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: You may link to NASA sites provided the link you design is strictly for information and does not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. You may use a NASA photo from the Photo Gallery, but not the NASA insignia, logotype or seal. The rules for screen shots are the same as for photographs. Their use must be strictly for informational or educational purposes and must not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. If your use meets that criteria, go ahead. You don't need to e-mail for explicit permission. For commercial uses check with the Public Services Division to see how NASA material can be used in ads.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Nora	Helton			Fort Mojave Tribe		500 Merriman Avenue	Needles	CA	92363	760-629-4591	760-629-2468	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Daniel	Eddy			Colorado River Indian Tribes		Route 1, Box 23-B	Parker	AZ	85344	520-669-9211	520-669-1391	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Sherry	Cordova			Cocopah Tribe		Avenue G & County 15	Somerton	AZ	85350	520-627-2102	520-627-3173	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Edward	Manuel	D.		Tohono O'odham Nation		PO Box 837	Sells	AZ	85634	520-383-2028	520-383-3379	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Patricia	PoorThunder	J.		Inter Tribal Council Of Arizona, Inc.								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				INTER TRIBAL COUNCIL OF ARIZONA, INC.		2214 North Central Avenue, Suite 100	Phoenix	AZ	85004		602-258-4822		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues,Technology	Description: This web site provides information about the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA) projects, which provide on-going technical assistance and training to tribal governments in program planning and development, research and data collection, resource development, management and evaluation. The goal of ITCA and its commitment to the member tribes is to ensure the self-determination of Indian tribal governments through their participation in the development of the policies and programs affecting their lives.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997 ITCA. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lisa	Lawrence	A.		Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Sea Grant Marine Advisory Services		Gloucester Point	VA	23062				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Bridge: Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Geology,Physical oceanography,Policy issues	Description: Bridge, the Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center, is a growing collection of on-line marine education resources. It provides educators with accurate, useful, content-correct and content-current marine and data information on global, national, and regional marine science topics, and gives researchers a contact point for educational outreach. The Resource Pavilion provides links to lesson plans and curriculum units for K-12 classrooms, while the Data Port section provides links to on-line data sets, including tips on how to use these data in the classroom. Specific classroom activities using data are detailed and updated on a monthly basis. A communication section provides access to listservs and ask-a-scientist services. Ocean science information sites are linked by discipline or topic, including biology, chemistry, physics, marine geology, ecology, atmopshere, and human activities. Current on-line expeditions and event-specific activities are highlighted on the front page.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Bridge webpages are partially or completely a result of research sponsored by NOAA Office of Sea Grant, U.S. Department of Commerce, under federal Grant No. NA 90AA-D-SG045 to the Virginia Graduate Marine Science Consortium and the Virginia Sea Grant College Program, and the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research. The U.S. Government is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes not withstanding any copyright notation that may appear within. Unless otherwise noted, Bridge webpages may be reproduced for non-profit educational use provided Virginia Sea Grant, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and the National Marine Educators Association are credited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management	444 S. Emerson Street	Denver	CO	80209		303-733-0481	303-744-9808	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This web site provides technical support to manage resource development and conservation projects; establish legal, regulatory, scientific and technical systems for environmental protection and environmental restoration programs; and develop and implement education and training programs to build or enhance technical and management skills. The site contains information about workshops and conferences on the scientific, legal, ethical, cultural and policy aspects of a wide range of natural resource management, environmental protection and environmental restoration issues. A variety of resources on these issues, including published scholarly journal articles, professional papers, and practical guides are available for download. Information on the International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management's internship and fellowship programs for undergraduate and graduate students is also available at the site.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Deanna	Osmond	L.		North Carolina State University	3403D Williams Hall, BOX 7619	Raleigh	NC	27695		919-515-7303	919-515-7494	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Judith	Gale	A.		North Carolina State University			Ralleigh	NC	27695				
This is a(n) person.
Title: WATERSHEDSS: Water, Soil, and Hydro-Environmental Decision Support System	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This is the home site for WATERSHEDSS, a water, soil, and hydro-environmental decision support system for nonpoint source pollution control. There are two primary objectives of WATERSHEDSS. One, is to transfer water quality and land treatment information to watershed managers in order to assist them in making appropriate land management and land treatment decisions to achieve water quality goals. The other is to assess and evaluate sources, impacts, and potential management options for control of nonpoint source pollution (NPS) in a watershed based on user-supplied information and decisions. WATERSHEDSS is comprised of six main components: 1. Water Resource Page, a user interface that serves as the watershed assessment and evaluation framework for the decision support system. 2. Educational Component, which contains detailed information and references on nonpoint source pollution pollutants and sources. 3. Nonpoint source library, an annotated bibliography of nonpoint source literature. 4. An agricultural best management practice (BMP) data base. 5. A linked Geographical Information System water quality model, and agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Simulation (AGNPS). 6. A pollutant budget spreadsheet. Maps generated by the GIS will allow the user to evaluate the impacts of different land treatment practices and their placement on the landscape on water quality.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: WATERSHEDSS Software LicenseAgreement, Rights Granted: The WATERSHEDSS software (the software) is being made available to you by North Carolina State University (NCSU) under a site license for use only in Educational Programs and in Research activities NOT sponsored by for-profit parties. Copyright: The software and documentation have been copyrighted by North Carolina State University (NCSU) and are protected by United States Copyright Law from unauthorized duplication. Title to the software, including all intellectual property (copyrights, trademarks and patentable material) shall remain with North Carolina State University at all times. If you make any copies of the software, NCSUs copyright notice shall be included on the copies. If you publish the results of your use of the software, you will include NCSUs copyright notice on such publications and will acknowledge the authors and NCSU as the source of the software.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mary	Kosuth	J.		University of Minnesota, Bell Museum of Natural History								
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Watershed Game	Keywords: Hydrology,Policy issues,Environmental science	Description: This web site provides an introduction to the issues surrounding the use of water. It offers an interactive question and answer format that allows users to see the direct result of their decision with respect to the use of the watershed in four main subject areas. The areas of concern are: national parks, agriculture, neighborhoods, and cities.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998 Minnesota IDEALS.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Universities Space Research Association									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Martin	Ruzek		Mr	Universities Space Research Association								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jim	Foster			Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Science Picture of the Day	Keywords: Space science,Atmospheric science,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: The Earth Science Picture of the Day is an image archive that is hosted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory with a record of entries beginning September 2000. Each image is accompanied by a descriptive text and links to relevant supporting websites. Keyword searching is provided. Browsing by related fields includes: agriculture, astronomy, biology, chemistry, climatology, conservation, ecology, energy, engineering, genetics, geography, geology, history, hydrology, marine biology, mathematics, meteorology, modeling, oceanography, optics, paleontology, physics, plant science, policy and social sciences, public health, remote sensing, zoology. General topics include: carbon cycling clouds, currents, deep sea exploration, drought, earth, earthquakes, El Nino, La Nina, erosion and sedimentation, evolution of the earth, fires, floods, food chains, freshwater, glaciers, global change, human impact hurricanes impact phenomena, interior of the earth, legislation and regulation, life, lightning meteorites and comets, micro-organisms, modeling, moon, other planets, photosynthesis, plate tectonics, pollution, satellites, sky, snow and ice, space storm surges and tsunamis, storms, sun, technology, tornadoes, volcanoes, water, weather, and wetlands.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NASA images generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages. If the NASA material is to be used for commercial purposes, especially including advertisements, it must not explicitly or implicitly convey NASA's endorsement of commercial goods or services. If a NASA image includes an identifiable person, using the image for commercial purposes may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Griggs	D.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Decker	W.											
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mauna Loa; 1984 Eruption: March 25 - April 15	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web page describes the progress of lava flows from an eruption of Mauna Loa volcano that threatened but did not reach the city of Hilo, Hawaii. The description includes eruption precursors (1975-1984); the eruption beginning in Moku`aweoweo Caldera, Mauna Loa (March 25); new lava fissures forming as magma moved down the northeast rift zone and a new fissure becoming the eruption's main vent (March 25); the lava advancing toward Hilo (March 26-29); lava breaking out of the channel, forming a new flow (March 29); more levees breaking and the slowing of the rate of eruption (March 29-April 14).
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16;1;2;3;4;5;6;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Long Valley Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Rogie												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Carbon Dioxide and Helium Discharge from Mammoth Mountain	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web site provides information on the study of the high carbon dioxide (CO2) and helium discharge rates occurring from Mammoth Mountain in eastern California. High concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in soil gas are killing trees on the flanks of Mammoth Mountain. First noted in 1990, in about 1999, the areas of tree kill totaled about 170 acres in six general areas, including the most visually impressive tree-kill area adjacent to Horseshoe Lake on the south side of Mammoth Mountain. Information on carbon dioxide and helium monitoring using Continuous Flow Instruments (CFI's) is given as well as its current hazard status. Users may also receive information on the monitoring of helium gas which may have a source in common with the carbon dioxide gas. Users can also access additional information on the subject from the United States Geological Survey, as well as area maps, a geologic history of the area, a photo gallery, and a section on the current conditions.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16;1;2;3;4;5;6	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lincoln-Shaun	Sanders		Mr	Particle Data Group of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)			Berkeley	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Particle Adventure	Keywords: Chemistry,Physics	Description: This site is a resource about atomic physics. It contains the newest findings and hypotheses about subatomic particles, etc. There is a step-by-step guide to matter and its known components, there are articles about recent experiments, and there are useful links to other physics pages. Also, this site is well designed - pleasant to look at and use, no frustrating hitches, and it's even humorous in places.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The contents of the Particle Adventure are copyright 2000 by the Particle Data Group of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. You are permitted to use images and text from this site provided you give credit to the Particle Data Group.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Don	Jones			Purdue University		Farm Building Plan Service, 1146 Agricultural Engineering Building	West Lafayette	IN	47907-1146		317-494-1178		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Surface Water Education System	Keywords: Agricultural science,Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This site houses a downloadable DOS-based computer program on surface water. The goal of the program is to prevent surface water pollution. Topics include a general overview of the importance and quantity of surface water, a detailed look at Indiana's water resources, and a discussion of how surface water can become contaminated. Hypertext and numerous photos and graphics illustrate an extensive discussion of agricultural best management practices to protect surface water resources.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jane	Frankenberger		Dr	Purdue University	Extension Services	West Lafayette	IN	47907		765-494-1194		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Stacye	Johnson			Purdue University	Extension Services	West Lafayette	IN	47907		765-496-6331		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Brent	Ladd			Purdue University	Extension Services	West Lafayette	IN	47907		765-496-6331		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Safe Water for the Future	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This website is an education series that focuses on helping both communities and individuals protect water supplies and the environment through understanding risks and taking actions to prevent problems. Information is provided on four main topics related to water quality protection: wellhead protection, watershed protection, protecting home well water quality, and general drinking water information. Wellhead protection is a way to protect drinking water by managing a designated area around the community's water supply wells to prevent contamination. Watershed protection is a means of protecting a lake, river, or stream by managing the entire watershed that drains into it. Information is provided on two voluntary programs, Indiana Home*A*Syst and Farm*A*Syst programs. The programs use surveys and fact sheets for both home and farm, so that individuals can quickly find the level of risk to drinking water and how to reduce that risk. A list of frequently asked questions about water quality are also provided, with informative answers and web links to other agencies that specialize in water protection. Online publications are available for download on the following topics: Wellhead Protection, Education, Farm*A*Syst, Fact Sheets, and Drinking Water. There is also a special section of water activities for children.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Grant	W.		Widener University, Department of Biology	One University Place	Chester	PA	19013	610-499-4017	610-499-4496	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Ecological Society of America, Education Section									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ecological Society of America - Education Section; ESA-EdWeb	Keywords: Ecology,Educational theory and practice	Description: This is a rich site for ecology educators with K-16 Faculty Enhancement Projects including Experiments to Teach Ecology, the EdWeb Ecology Syllabus Exchange, Ecology 101- Articles on ecological education published in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, and links to many sites regarding ecology education. The projects for faculty include SEEDS - Strategies for Ecology Education, Development and Sustainability, Institute for Ecosystem Studies; FIRST - Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching Through Field Stations; and TIEE - Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology. Web and CD-ROM teaching resources through the Ecological Society of America are planned. The Experiments to Teach Ecology Volume 1 is now on line (pdf files are available); Volume 2 is in progress and open to contributions. Web resources include Using the Web in Ecology Classes, Sites for Ecological Data, Sites for Ecological Course Syllabi, Cemetery Demography and Acid Rain Sites, Ecological and Science Education Sites, and an EcoTeach Discussion Group.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Energy, Environmental Management Department	P.O. Box 23769	Washington	DC	20026-3769		1-800-736-3282		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Soda Bottle Hydrology	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This web site presents activities that are designed to give students a better grasp of concepts relating to groundwater, aquifers, and hydrology. There are ten activities: Pre-Lab Construction, The Hydrologic Cycle, Porosity, Permeability, Parts of an Aquifer, The Recharge Zone, The Discharge Zone, Sedimentary Rock and Core Sampling, Solubility, Pollution Plumes, and Chemical Changes in Groundwater. The first activity, Pre-Lab Construction, sets up the materials for the activities that follow it. Activities can be conducted in sequence or individually; there is room to improvise or expand at any level. The suggested materials are commonly available at drug, hardware, and grocery stores. Depending on grade level and class objectives, these activities can be used individually or collectively. The activities can be conducted as a demonstration (especially for younger students) or as a laboratory activity for students in higher grades. A short glossary is available to assist students in learning new terms.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This system is made available by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Matt	Fraser			University of Pittsburgh								
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Paleo Ring Home Page	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: The Paleo Ring Home Page provides access to a collection of websites and pages that are devoted primarily to the promotion of Paleontology, Paleoanthropology, Prehistoric Archaeology, The Evolution of Behavior, and Evolutionary Biology in general. It is designed to facilitate the enjoyment of those interested in the History of Life on this planet, including the development of our own species, by providing a variety of sites with minimal effort and searching. The Paleo Ring currently boasts 241 sites (as of January 9, 1999).
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Scientific American, Inc.	415 Madison Avenue	New York	NY	10017-1111		212-754-0550		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Scientific	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Mathematics,Physics,Technology	Description: This web site is the online version of the Scientific American magazine. The online version contains highlights of the current issue of the paper magazine. The online version features several full-length articles, information on breaking new stories (and links to related sites), interviews with prominent scientists, puzzles, and more. Both current issues and past issues (since 1996) are available.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2001 Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jeanne	Heuser			USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center	4200 New Haven Road	Columbia	MO	65201		573-876-1876	573-876-1863	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Missouri River InfoLINK: A Clearinghouse of Missouri River Information	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Hydrology	Description: The Missouri River InfoLink is a clearinghouse for natural resources information about the Missouri River; providing information in an easy to use format and linking people and organizations interested in the river. The InfoLINK provides information through outreach materials, interactive maps, and presentations that interpret scientific findings. Links include: events of the Missouri River, science of the Missouri River, additional contacts, and an in-depth page of additional information on the Missouri River. Science topics include fish and wildlife studies, water quality monitoring, and endangered species information.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sarah	Schoedinger			National Oceanographic Partnership Program Office	1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 800	Washington	DC	20036-2102		202-332-0063	202-332-9751	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Project Nopp Drifters: Partnering Ocean Science, Education and Technology	Keywords: Technology,Physical oceanography	Description: This is a web site about ocean drifting buoys. The site describes what drifting buoys are, who uses them, and how they are used. Animations of the drifters, as well as data collected by drifters are available for download. Lesson plans on currents, moving water, building drifters, and tracking drifters are also available. The site also contains drifter news, drifter results, ocean images, and links to other Internet resources related to ocean drifting buoys.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Conneticut Department of Environmental Protection	79 Elm Street	Hartford	CT	06106-5127		860-424-3000		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This site provides access to information about the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). It includes general information about the DEP, an events calendar, news, information about permits and licenses, laws and regulations, education, endangered species, and the DEP store. The education section contains information on outreach programs, workshops and education centers, as well as ordering information and in some cases online versions for recycling and pollution prevention resources, boating and hunting safety information, and newsletters and magazines.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 Department of Environmental Protection.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kid's Page Staff				New Jersey American Water Works Association			NJ					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Kid's Water Zone	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This site houses a special section for children's water education and activities. Because this site was complied in New Jersey, there is an emphasis on water issues in this state; however, the concepts are broad enough to extend use of this site to all states. There are handouts and visuals for some fun facts about water, the water cycle, and the process of water treatment and distribution. Two games, a water words find and a water drop maze are available for printing. Some ideas for activities and projects that track water usage and filtration in the home are provided, while a reading list directs to further water education resources. Internet links to other water sites of interest for kids are also given. There is an opportunity to visit a featured New Jersey classroom, and learn about their water projects.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				American Institute of Hydrology, Oregon Section	2499 Rice Street, Suite 135	Saint Paul	MN	55113-3724		651-484-8169	651-484-8357	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Pulse of the Columbia River	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This website presents a starting place to assess information from federal, state, and local agencies and other groups who monitor, study, and use the Columbia River watershed. From here, visitors can tap into real-time data, such as the current water level in Vancouver; find out about the water quality of the river; look at historic fish, dam, and water records; forecast the weather and water supply; jump off to other river links and more.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Pauline Shostack	Shostack	L		Information Institute of Syracuse, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology	Syracuse University, 621 Skytop Road, Suite 160	Syracuse	New York	13244-5290,	800-464-9107, 315- 443-3640		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ask Eric: Education Information with the Personal Touch: Lesson Plans	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This is the Lesson Plans page within the web site for the Educational Resources Information Center, (ERIC). This page is intended to provide a resource for those seeking lesson plans for specific academic areas. Resources included are, a listing of submitted lesson plans, a section on how to submit a lesson plan to the site, selection criteria that must be followed to submit a lesson plan to the site, and a section on how to write a lesson plan. Lesson plans for the following subjects are available on this site: arts, computer science, foreign language, health, interdisciplinary, language arts, mathematics, physical education, science, social studies, and vocational education. Each lesson plan lists the grade level it is appropriate for, the subject, the duration of the lesson, a description of the lesson, goals of the lesson, objectives of the lesson, the materials needed, the procedure of the lesson, a section on assessment, and any additional comments from the submitter.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), Division of Applied Geomorphological Surveys	Hengelosestraat 99, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA	Enschede				31-0-53-4874-305	31-0-53-4874-336	The Netherlands
This is a(n) organization.
Title: International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences: Division of Applied Geomorphological Surveys	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Natural hazards,Physical geography,Technology	Description: The division of Applied Geomorphological Surveys (AGS) is one of the 15 scientific divisions of ITC. The division focuses on the application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Applied Geomorphological Surveys. Two application fields have been recognized for which the AGS is responsible for; the study of Natural Hazards, and the study of Coastal Zones. The AGS Division is very active in education. The AGS Division is also involved in research, with a number of PhD students, and within several international research projects. Apart from the pure geomorphological applications, they are also carrying out research and projects on Remote Sensing and GIS applications.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Louie	N	Dr	University of Nevada, Geophysics	1664 N. Virginia Street	Reno	NV	89557-0141				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics - The Cause of Earthquakes	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This page provides an overview of the role of plate tectonics in the generation of earthquakes. It provides a map of plate locations and figures that illustrate fault types and tectonic environments (extensional, transform, and compressional). Examples of surface features in the Pacific Northwest, Nevada, Indonesia, the San Andreas Fault, the Red Sea, the Zagoros Mountains in Iran, and on the planet Venus are provided.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): N.	Banks												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Marso												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): T.	Pierson												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Janda												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Deadly Lahars from Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia: November 13, 1985	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web site describes a series of Lahars that occurred from the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in the Andes mountains, the northernmost and highest volcano in Colombia. Beginning in November 1984, the volcano began showing clear signs of unrest. An explosive eruption from Ruiz's summit crater on November 13, 1985, at 9:08 p.m. generated an eruption column and sent a series of pyroclastic flows and surges across the volcano's summit. Within minutes, pumice and ash began to fall to the northeast along with heavy rain that had started earlier in the day. Within four hours, lahars had traveled 100 km and left behind a wake of destruction: more than 23,000 people killed, about 5,000 injured, and more than 5,000 homes destroyed along the Chinchiná, Gualí, and Lagunillas rivers. This deadly eruption of Nevado del Ruiz offers lessons on the generation of lahars for scientists, emergency-response professionals, and communities located downstream of such ice- and snow-covered volcanoes. The narrative is illustrated with 9 photographs.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC)	Hengelosestraat 99, P.O. Box 6	7500 AA Enschede				31-0-53-4874-444	31-0-53-4874-400	The Netherlands
This is a(n) organization.
Title: International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC)	Keywords: Agricultural science,Forestry,Geology,Geophysics,Human geography,Hydrology,Technology	Description: ITC develops and transfers knowledge on geoinformation management for sustainable development. By means of education, research and consulting, ITC contributes to capacity building in the developing world. Much attention is given to the transfer of technologies to organizations in developing countries. 'Geoinformation management', 'worldwide' and 'innovative' are ITC's key words. They concentrate on earth observation, the generation of spatial information and on the development of data integration methods. Degree courses in Earth Resources and Environmental Geosociences, Geoinformatics, Geo-Information Management, Natural Resources Management, Urban Planning and Land Administration, and Water Resources and Environmental Management are offered. Application for academic admission, tuition fees
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Corita	Jones			National Park Service								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Nationwide Rivers Inventory	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: The Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI) is a listing of more than 3,400 free-flowing river segments in the United States that are believed to possess one or more "outstandingly remarkable" natural or cultural values judged to be of more than local or regional significance. The NRI is a source of information for statewide river assessments and federal agencies involved with stream-related projects. For any group concerned with ecosystem management, the inventory can provide the location of the nearest naturally- functioning system, which might serve as a reference for monitoring activities. It also serves as a listing of plant and animal species for restoration efforts on a similar section of river. For the recreationalist, it provides a listing of free-flowing, relatively undisturbed river segments. Interpretation aides include an audio explanation of the NRI, and an Interactive Map Server - Map segments by state, county, or watershed. A free CD-ROM formatted for use with GIS Arc/Info and ArcView software can be ordered.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jill	Dreves		Ms	Wild Bear Center for Nature Discovery	P.O. Box 3017	Nederland	CO	80466	303-258-0495		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jill	Dreves		Ms	Wild Bear Center for Nature Discovery	P.O. Box 3017	Nederland	CO	80466	303-268-0495		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Carlye	Calvin	S	Ms	Carlye Calvin Photography & Design	55 South Skyview Drive	Nederland	CO	80466	303-258-7231		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Vosick		Mr	Wild Bear Center for Nature Discovery	P.O. Box 3017	Nederland	CO	80466	303-258-0495		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Wild Bear Center for Nature Discovery	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This is the web page for the Wild Bear Center for Nature Discovery. This page describes their year round hands-on educational program for people of all ages. Their goal is to foster a life-long appreciation of the environment and to promote an environmentally aware, responsible and ecologically sound community. Wild Bear provides after school programming for elementary age students and a full range of full day programs in the summer for ages 5-17 as well as adult programs on weekends and in the evenings. Links describe the center, and include: memberships and donations, science programs, about Wild Bear, volunteer opportunities, winter/spring newsletter, outreach, upcoming events, monthly calendar, and a kids page. The Wild Bear Center for Nature Discovery is primarily for the Denver/Boulder Colorado area but volunteers and interns from all over the United States have participated in the programs and been involved in teaching during the summer months. The website has information on ongoing programs as well as ways that people can get involved with the programs. The Kids pages have fun facts, environmental information and resources as well as fun games to play online. Wild Bear is a nonprofit organization and contributions can be made through the website.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Barthelmy								
This is a(n) person.
Title: X Ray spacing	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: This site provides a listing of minerals arranged by Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD). XRD is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown solids. These data are represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), and mineral name.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Pattern Recognition Associates	P.O. Box 9280	The Woodlands	TX	77387-9280	281-364-0661	281-298-2400	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Biomarker Handbook: A Primer to Chemical Fossils Found in Petroleum	Keywords: Geochemistry	Description: This web page provides the HTML version of the Biomarker Handbook. The Biomarker Handbook was prepared to aid geochemists and environmental scientists in the interpretation of petroleum biomarker data generated from gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis of oils and source rock extracts. This web-based version of the handbook consists of an introduction to the various types of biomarkers (structure and stereochemistry) used in petroleum applications. The focus of the resource is on alkanes, alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons. There are sections on Hopanes, other Triterpanes, Steranes and Sterenes, and Aromatic Steroids.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright Pattern Recognition Associates 1996 all rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karl	Selanger			SINTEF Civil and Environmental Engineering	Klæbuveien 153	7034 Trondheim				47-73-59-30-00	47-73-59-02-01	Norway
This is a(n) person.
Title: River System Simulator	Keywords: Ecology,Hydrology,Technology	Description: This site hosts the product information for a complex model: the River System Simulator, RSS. It is a computer-based simulation system for multi-purpose planning and operation of river systems, with special emphasis on hydropower and its environmental effects. The main objective is to visualize in advance the consequences of regulating rivers. Several Norwegian research institutions and The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (SINTEF) jointly developed RSS. Information on the underlying concept, the models implemented, and examples of its use is provided, along with RSS Interactive Learning and Documentation.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Geographic Society	1145 17th Street N.W.	Washington	DC	20036-4688		800-647-5463		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geoguide - Dams	Keywords: Human geography,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This site explains why and how people build dams and explores the positive and negative impacts a dam may have on a community, offering questions to probe further. This look at building a dam complements "Down The Zambezi" in the October 1997 issue of National Geographic. The article describes a visit to Africa's Kariba Dam. Also available are teacher-contributed ideas for classroom and familiy activities; some are aligned with the National Geography Education Standards.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;1;2;3;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Nelson	E.	Dr	Colby College, Department of Geology	4000 Mayflower Hill	Waterville	ME	04901-8840		207-872-3247	207-872-3074	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hydrogeology at Colby	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This is the web page for Hydrogeology at Colby College. This page acts as a clearinghouse to links on water resources in Maine. Links are included to information on the following: the USGS water resources of Maine home page, daily streamflow conditions for Maine streams, United States Geological Survey flow data for the Kennebec River at North Sidney, Kennebec River hydrograph, Waterville, United States Geological Survey flow data and hydrograph for the Sandy River at Mercer, Maine, United States Geological Survey flow data and hydrograph for Kingsbury Stream near Abbot Village, Maine, a composite diagram of hydrographs, and bedrock aquifer monitoring under Olin Science Center.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 by the Department of Geology, Colby College.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Steven	Anderson		Dr	Black Hills State University, Science Department	1200 University Street	Spearfish	SD	57799	605-642-6506		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hydrogeology Homepage	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Technology	Description: This site is the homepage for Geology 370, Hydrogeology, at the Black Hills State University. The course investigates the processes affecting surface and groundwater movement, storage and use. Included in this page are: the course syllabus, labs on stream gauging and determining peak discharge, a tutorial on using differential Global Positioning System (GPS), and a tutorial on Excel. For this course, it is expected that the student has a good understanding of physical geology, physics and mathematics.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Pattern Recognition Associates	P.O. Box 9280	The Woodlands	TX	77387-9280	281-364-0661	281-298-2400	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geochemical Glossary: A List of Commonly-Used Geochemical Terms	Keywords: Geochemistry	Description: This web page is a glossary of geochemical terms. It contains definitions of over 200 words and phrases commonly used in geochemistry, petroleum geochemistry, aqueous geochemistry, and organic geochemistry.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright Pattern Recognition Associates 1996 all rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Ken	Edwards		Dr	LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd.	7860 Angel Ridge Road	Athens	OH	740-592-1890		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Fluid Flow Calculations Website	Keywords: Hydrology,Mathematics	Description: This is the home site for LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd. The main features of this site are on-line calculations for fluid flow, flow measurement, and unit conversions. There are over forty equations grouped by the following categories: Hydrology, Groundwater/Porous Bed, Volume, Open Channels, Pipe Flow, and More Programs. Some equations are available for free, while others require a user-fee. A few of the familiar equations are the ideal gas, Manning equation, Colebrook equation, Darcy-Weisbach equation, Hazen-Williams equation, and Bernoulli Equation. Information is provided about the company and the services that it provides. An extensive list of related links, and subscription to the free LMNO Engineering bi-weekly, electronic newsletter are offered. The newsletter contains information about calculations, applications, and website updates.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998-2001 LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd. All rights reserved. All of our web pages and programs/calculations are copyrighted. This means that the .htm, .html, .shtml, .GIF, and .class files are the property of LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd., and you cannot modify, copy, or redistribute them for profit or not for profit without our permission. This limitation, of course, does not apply to the web page output (what you see on the screen). You may print out any of the screens on our website and photocopy, distribute, and use them for profit or otherwise without limitation so long as you include our copyright notices - this allows, for example, engineering consulting firms to include our web pages in their reports to clients.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Institute of Hydrology	2499 Rice Street, Suite 135	Saint Paul	MN	55113-3724		651-484-8169	651-484-8357	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: American Institute of Hydrology	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues,Technology	Description: This is the home site for the American Institute of Hydrology, AIH. AIH was formed in 1981 as a non-profit scientific and educational organization. AIH is the only nationwide organization to offer certification to professionals in all fields of hydrology. The Institute adheres to the principles of responsible professional conduct and public service. The purpose of AIH is to enhance and strengthen the standing of hydrology as a science and a profession by: establishing standards and procedures to certify individuals qualified in hydrology and hydrogeology; establishing and maintaining ethical standards to protect the public from irresponsible work; providing education and training in hydrology; and providing the public and government advice and guidance concerning activities related to the hydrologic profession. Visit this site to join the AIH, or to find out about hot topics, training, workshops, and publications.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Don	MacLeod			U. S. Army Corps of Engineers						603-646-4661		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Alluvial Features	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This site is a tutorial on three common alluvial features: alluvial fans, bajadas, and gravel plains. Each subject has a link to an example photograph, and contains the following summaries: description, origin, significance, foreign names, and references. Links to other pages with satellite imagery are also available.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Karl	Forge			Emporia State University, Department of Earth Sciences		1200 Commercial Street	Emporia	KS	66801-5087		316-341-1200		
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Survey of Quaternary Terrace Formations in the Conterminous United States	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This website discusses the origins and occurrence of fluvial, coastal, and lacustrine terraces, and why they are important for earth scientists. Examples of each type of terrace are presented, all of which are Quaternary formations from the conterminous United States. The fluvial terrace formations discussed include: Ohio River, Lower Mississippi River Valley, Kansas River, Black Hills (South Dakota), Southern Laramie Basin (Wyoming), and the Little Tennessee River. The coastal terrace formations discussed include: Atlantic Coastal Plain, and Monterrey Bay (California). The lacustrine terrace formations and strandlines discussed include: Lake Bonneville (Great Basin area), and Lake Missoula (Montana).
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Patricia	Videtich	E.	Dr	Grand Valley State University, Department of Geology		Allendale	MI	49401		616-895-3887		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Living with the Great Lakes	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This site was developed to assist students and educators with learning about the Great Lakes. The topics discussed include, grain size, langmuir circulation, longshore current, beach drift, river plumes, lake stratification, and waves. Lesson plans can be found on the following subjects: lake levels, sediments, stream flow, and water quality. Also included is a virtual flight along the Eastern Lake Michigan Shoreline which includes topo maps, 3D maps, and photos. A directory of related links is also available.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Planet Earth Science, Inc.	30 West Mission Street, Suite 8	Santa Barbara	CA	93101				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Planet Earth Science Inc.: Educational Software Developer	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site provides a preview of the Planet Earth Science Series, which is a commercial software program in which students use satellite observations of the Earth and data from climate models to study the Earth as a system of interacting components through a series of virtual research expeditions. The site also contains links to other educational sites on El Niño and the Antarctic Ozone Hole.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Goran	Bogicevic			NIS-Naftagas			Yugoslavia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology Links (title provided by cataloger)	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geologic time,Geology,Geophysics,Hydrology,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology	Description: This web site is a clearinghouse for links to web sites on numerous subdisciplines of geology. There are paleontology links organized by type of organism and stratigraphy links organized by geologic time period. Also included are links organized by many other topics such as universities, museums, geologic dictionaries, magazines, jobs, software, mapping, petroleum, sedimentology, mineralogy, vertebrates, tectonics, geophysics, hydrogeology, plants, and evolution.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Manchester Metropolitan University, Atmospheric Research and Information Centre, Atmosphere, Climate and Environment Information Programme	Chester Street	Manchester		M1 5GD		+44-0-161-247-1590-3	+44-0-161-247-6332	UK
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joe	Buchdahl			Manchester Metropolitan University, Atmospheric Research and Information Centre, Atmosphere, Climate and Environment Information Programme	Chester Street	Manchester		M1 5GD				UK
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sue	Hare			Manchester Metropolitan University, Atmospheric Research and Information Centre, Atmosphere Climate and Environment Information Programme	Chester Street	Manchester		M1 5GD				UK
This is a(n) person.
Title: Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This encyclopedia provides a one-stop source of information on a range of atmospheric issues. The topics covered include air quality, acid rain, global warming, climate change, sustainability, weather, and ozone depletion. Each topic has a general description as well as a list of subtopics that provide more detailed information. Many of the additional readings are available in two different formats. One is for younger readers and the other is a more technical version for older and more advanced readers.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information included in the encyclopedia may be reproduced for individual, school and college use, and by other non-profit-making organizations. When using or reproducing information, please acknowledge ARIC as the original source of the information by using the following citation: Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment ARIC © 2000. Topic, Subtopic: For example: Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment ARIC © 2000: Climate Change, Continental Drift:
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): W. K. (K)	Fletcher		Dr	The University of British Columbia, Department of Geological Sciences		Vancouver	British Columbia	V6T 1Z4		604-822-2392		Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology 100	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site is the homepage for the introductory geology class at the University of British Columbia. Resources include: copies of old exams, quick and dirty overhead sets for the topics of sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic, mass wasting, rivers, groundwater, glaciers, deserts and eolian deposits, and structure and rock deformation. Also included are slide sets of the following: introductory images, sedimentary, igneous rocks and volcanoes, mass wasting, weathering and soils, rivers, groundwater, glacial geology, deserts, and structural geology. The slide sets can be enlarged and a brief description of the photograph is given.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This material is copyrighted (text, images, etc.), and cannot be used without permission of the copyright owner. For details, please contact W.K. Fletcher, the Department of Geological Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency		Ariel Rios Building	Washington	DC	20460		202-260-2090		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Monitoring Water Quality	Keywords: Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This website consolidates information, programs, mapping tools, and databases of the Environmental Protection Agency which pertain to and regulate water quality. The site includes volunteer and technical guidance on the different ways to monitor water quality, such as physical, biological and chemical indicators. Descriptions of and links to the various EPA monitoring programs and data systems, such as, the 305(b) Water Quality Report, Rapid Bioassessment Methods, and the Watershed Information Network are provided. Legal guides to the Clean Water Act and other important water laws, along with current news and events on water regulation are presented here, as well as the Water Monitor Newsletter. Links to the Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds Home, and Watershed Protection Home are also featured.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): W. K. (K)	Fletcher		Dr	The University of British Columbia, Department of Geological Sciences		Vancouver	British Columbia	V6T 1Z4		604-822-2392		Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geol 100: River Photos	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This site is a page from the introductory geology website at the University of British Columbia. The page features the slide sets that accompany the river lecture notes. These photos deal with river types and processes. The images can be enlarged, and the size of the larger image file is provided under each thumbnail. Each enlarged photo contains a brief description. Currently there are fourteen images in the collection.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©Fletcher and Baylis, material not to be used without permission of the copyright owner. For details, please contact W.K. Fletcher, the Department of Geological Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Water Resources Association	4 West Federal Street, P.O. Box 1626	Middleburg	VA	2011801626		540-687-8390		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webserver Team				Engineering and Environmental Internet Solutions, LLC								
This is a(n) person.
Title: American Water Resources Association	Keywords: Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This is the homepage for the American Water Resources Association. The major objective of the American Water Resources Association is to foster a program of information exchange between professionals in water related disciplines. Publications, a yearly symposium, and regional chapters and conferences provide mechanisms for this exchange. Water research topics of focus include surface and ground water quality and quantity monitoring, management and modeling. Site links include: mission statement and historical overview, conferences and symposia, news and announcements, website spotlight, mailing list, membership, publications information, people, state and student sections, career information, connections, and contact information.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001, American Water Resources Association.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Oregon Public Broadcasting	7140 SW Macadam Avenue	Portland	OR	97219		888-293-1982		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jim	Newman												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Todd	Sonflieth												
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Missoula Floods	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This site offers an inidepth tutorial on the Missoula Floods. Colliding continents, volcanic eruptions, and lava flows built the landscape of Washington and Oregon over the last few million years. However, in recent geologic time the most dramatic geologic events in the region may be the Missoula Floods. Giant Ice Age floods over 400 feet deep and traveling at over 90 miles per hour from Montana to the Pacific Ocean. The floods destroyed everything in their path, moved mountains, and transported the rich soil of Eastern Washington to the Willamette Valley.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © Oregon Public Broadcasting.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Avenue	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Quality (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This site houses a module on Water Quality. The module is designed to be informative and interactive. Students are presented with a simulated situation where their newest client, who owns a catch and release fishing guide service, is upset over the fact that the fish in a stretch of "Bear Creek" have been dying. The client has called on the student's firm to figure out what is killing the fish in that section of Bear Creek, and how to stop it. Preliminary fieldwork has been done on Bear Creek and is available for the student's analysis. The biological, chemical, and physical data for this watershed are realistic values based on data found in similar situations. The data are listed in tables, and are also available to the students for download into a spreadsheet. Guided lectures on the hydrosphere, water pollution, and water quality assessment are provided, as well as a link to another module on a real watershed. For additional aides, a site glossary, reference information, a listing of related links, and a model outline of the steps to follow for the Problem Based Learning (PBL) situation are given. As this module is part of the online series of Exploring the Environment (ETE), teachers interested in using this site will have to register for a free password in order to gain access to the Teacher's Pages. This can be done through the ETE's homepage,
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2000, Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future_. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies_/ NASA Classroom of the Future_ must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mansel	Nelson			Northern Arizona University, Environmental Education Outreach Program	PO Box 15004	Flagstaff	AZ	86011-5004		520-523-1275	520-523-1266	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Environmental Education Outreach Program (EEOP)	Keywords: Environmental science,Technology	Description: This is a program dedicated to raising Native American student's interest in environmental careers, as well as assisting schools in improving environmental science literacy. The Environmental Education Outreach Program does this by: mentoring and advising students on career choices and post-secondary educational opportunities, providing teachers with the support they need in order to be able to increase the amount and quality of environmental instruction, providing counselors with information that will assist them in advising and scheduling students to improve their success in environmental studies, assisting schools in developing and providing extracurricular opportunities in the study of the environment, and coordinating with other groups such as tribes, universities, community colleges, and local agencies to improve environmental awareness. This site contains information on the numerous projects and workshops available from the Environmental Education Outreach Program. In addition to resources for specific environmental issues like solid waste management, toxicology, waste water management, and air quality, resources supporting integration of technology such as GIS and graphing calculators into environmental science are also available. Links can also be found to list serves and environmental education web sites.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory	7600 Sand Point Way NE	Seattle	WA	98115-6349		206-526-6239	206-526-6815	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory On-Line Data	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site provides access to a variety of oceanographic and atmospheric data products. Some of the products available include Ocean Buoy data, tsunami data, 1997-98 El Niño sea level for the US West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii, real-time images and data from research ships, climate databases via the FERRET program, the Atmospheric Chemistry Data Server, seafloor data from the coaxial segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, data on exploration of hydrothermal vents, Florida current transport data, EPIC observational data, Pacific Ocean hydrography from WOCE P15S Cruise cross sections, Ka'imimoana Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (ADCP) Data, Atmospheric Chemistry Trace Gas Program data, Historical TAO CTD data, near real-time TAO CTD data, and access to other distributed NOAA data and information. This site also has animations and virtual reality displays of tsunamis, El Nino and La Nina, fisheries oceanography, and Convection and Circulation at Ocean Ridge Crests.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Idaho Electronic Campus	PO Box 83720	Boise	ID	83720-0037		208-334-2270	208-334-2632	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Lake Bonneville Flood	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This site is a module from the Idaho State University Virtual campus. It is a thorough overview of the Lake Bonneville Flood with photographs and diagrams. Students taking this course for credit are required to work through this on-line material, including two short assignments. Upon completion of the background material students are then be required to take a field trip to explore the path of the Bonneville Flood. A virtual version of the field trip is scheduled to be available on-line in the future in order to provide familiarity with the route prior to departure. Site users who are not enrolled in this course will benefit from the tutorial, visuals, related Internet sites, and handouts provided. Outside links are also available to the Utah History Encyclopedia, Utah's Great Salt Lake and Ancient Lake Bonneville, and the basics of Paleohydrology. This module is worth one credit. A fee payment is required to take this module for credit.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	NASA Classroom of the Future_	316 Washington Avenue	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Exploring the Environment	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Technology	Description: This is the home site for the online series of Exploring the Environment (ETE). Exploring The Environment features an integrated approach to environmental earth science through modules and activities. The vision of the ETE online series is to promote science-literate and reflective students who are knowledgeable of the earth's processes and their responsibilities for stewardship. The modules and activities incorporate environmental issues such as water quality, deforestation, biodiversity, volcanoes, ozone depletion, and global climate change. Standard problem-solving models, online resources that include relevant satellite imagery, and recommendations for extended inquiry are available to students. Student-directed research generally lasts a minimum of five weeks but often extends throughout the semester. Working cooperatively or individually, students engage in problem-based modules and activities that require them to formulate problem statements; to collect and analyze data; and then to prepare and present their findings, solutions, or recommendations. These findings, solutions, or recommendations should demonstrate students' understanding and awareness of the dynamics of physical, biological and socio-economic variables. The ETE modules can augment existing science courses, and they are interdisciplinary in nature, so that they can also be used in courses such as economics, social studies, and history. Teachers interested in using this site will have to register for a free password, in order to gain access to the Teacher's Pages.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2000, Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future_. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies_/ NASA Classroom of the Future_ must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Suzanne	O'Connell			Trinity College, Interdisciplinary Science Center	Clement 107	Hartford	CT	06106		860-297-5189	860-297-5129	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Wesleyan University	Wesleyan Station	Middletown	CT	06459	860-685-2000		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: CURL: Curricular Resources Library	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Climatology,Environmental science,Geology,Human geography,Physics,History and philosophy of science	Description: This is the web page for the Curricular Resources Library (CURL), an on-line clearinghouse for Earth and Environmental Science resources. The Curricular Resources Library database is searchable by keywords and browsable alphabetically by subject area within the Earth and Environmental Sciences or within European Intellectual History. Each resource in the Curricular Resources Library database contains a direct link to the resource, a brief description of the resource, and key information on the resource such as keywords, discipline or subject, and the person or organization responsible for the resource.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Donald	Johnson	R.		University of Wisconsin - Madison, Space Science Engineering Center	1225 W. Dayton St.	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-2538	608-262-5974	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Michael	Kalb			National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Visiting Scientist Program	7501 Forbes Blvd. #206	Seabrook	MD	20706		301-805-8396	301-805-8466	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Martin	Ruzek			Universities Space Research Association	8426 Polifka Rd.	Whitelaw	WI	54247		920-732-4514	920-732-3316	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth System Science Online: From the Universities Space Research Association's Earth System Science Education	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Technology	Description: This site serves as a repository for Earth System Science education and research resources. It contains links to all types of Internet resources related to Earth Systems Science. The links are arranged into categories such as resources, issues, workshops, news, job opportunities, student opportunities, funding opportunities, books, magazines, professional organizations, and more. Resources are available on data, maps, satellite images, weather, climate, software tools, system, diagrams, pictures and video. Other issues addressed include, global warming, sustainability, agriculture, population, biodiversity, ozone and greenhouse gases. A section entitled About the ESSE Program contains a number of learning modules on topics such as remote sensing, the atmospheric ozone, the Antarctic, El Nino, natural resources, the biosphere, energy, the hydrologic cycle, climate change, soil processes, and more.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Northern Arizona University, The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals	PO Box 15004	Flagstaff	AZ	86011		520-523-9555	520-523-1266	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science	Description: This web site is designed to help the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) act as a catalyst among tribal governments, research and technical resources at Northern Arizona University (NAU), various federal, state and local governments, and the private sector, in support of environmental protection of Native American natural resources. The site provides environmental training and education resources for indigenous people everywhere. ITEP has a comprehensive tribal environmental database supporting tribal participation in the Western Regional Air Partnership, other regional planning groups, and tribal planning and projects. The database contains an emissions inventory component. The emissions inventory software developed by ITEP for this project is freely available to any tribe that wants to use it, and participation in the database is open to all tribes as well. GIS is being integrated into the database to allow for modeling, projections, and map generation. The web site has an online version of ITEP's Quarterly Newsletter, Native Voices, as well as information on funding resources, jobs, current news, internships, and other programs related to Native American environmental resource issues.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2000 Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals & Northern Arizona University.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of South Florida, College of Marine Science	140 7th Avenue South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701	727-553-1189	727-553-1130	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kristen	Kusek			University of South Florida, College of Marine Science	140 7th Avenue South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-553-1638	727-553-1130	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Making Waves	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Environmental science,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This site provides Internet versions of a series of six articles published in InterActive Teacher magazine. The articles cover a medley of ocean topics. The site also contains exercises and activities based upon each article topic. The articles and information are also available by mail for schools that are not online. The articles discuss topics such as El Niño, global warming, beach erosion, coral reef bleaching, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, and harmful algal blooms. Activities adhere primarily to two sets of academic standards: 1) The National Science Education Standards and 2) Florida's Sunshine State Standards.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1999 University of South Florida and Making Waves
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Honolulu Star Bulletin									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 	Neener		M/SGT	U. S. Army, 8309th Army Unit									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Transpacific Airways									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: 50th Anniversary of Mauna Loa's Most Spectacular Eruption	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: The 1950 eruption was the largest and most spectacular eruption from the southwest rift zone of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii, since written records have been kept. It was especially noteworthy, for lava was erupted from a nearly continuous 20-km-long fissure along the middle portion of the rift zone. Flows reached the sea in less than four hours. The description includes 5 photographs, a map of a portion of the southwest rift of Mauna Loa showing the 1950 flows and place names, and a relief map showing distribution of 1950 flows with labels for named flows.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): W. K.	Fletcher		Dr	The University of British Columbia, Department of Geological Sciences	The University of British Columbia, Department of Geological Sciences	Vancouver	British Columbia	V6T 1Z4		604-822-2392		Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Groundwater	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This site is a page from the introductory geology website at the University of British Columbia. The page features the "quick and dirty" overhead notes for the Groundwater segment of the course. Sections include the following: distribution of water, important definitions, movement of groundwater, and wells and aquifers.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This material is copyrighted (text, images, etc.), and cannot be used without permission of the copyright owner. For details, please contact W.K. Fletcher, the Department of Geological Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): USGS Web Team				U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey	U.S. Geological Survey	Reston	VA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Resources of the United States	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This is the homepage for the Water Resources Division of the United States Geological Survey. It offers links to a variety of issues concerning water resources. The main links include: news, features, water data, publications and products, technical resources, programs, local information, and contacts. Also featured are links to other divisions within the United States Geological Survey, and FirstGov, a clearinghouse for all branches of the federal government.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Ralph	Kahn			National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory	4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 169-237	Pasadena	CA	91109				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Practical Uses of Math and Science, Subtitle: The On-line Journal of Math and Science Examples for Pre-College Education	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Mathematics,Physics	Description: Practical Uses of Math and Science (PUMAS) is a collection of one-page examples of how math and science topics taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting settings, including everyday life. The examples are written primarily by scientists and engineers, and are available to teachers, students, and other interested parties via the PUMAS Web Site.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The Web pages and the information contained in them are © 1996, 1997, California Institute of Technology, except where noted otherwise. Permission is granted to copy and distribute material appearing on this web site (, or any PUMAS mirror sites, for educational purposes, with the following limits: PUMAS material may not be included as all or part of material sold for profit, or used for advertising or promotional purposes, without the written permission of the PUMAS Editor. PUMAS material may not be distributed in an edited or otherwise altered form, except for classroom use. The PUMAS copyright statement, which appears at the bottom of each web page and in the header of each example, must be included in all reproductions of PUMAS material. The PUMAS Editor must be notified if PUMAS material is reproduced for purposes other than classroom or personal use. The copyright for some of the PUMAS examples may be held by the author or the author's institution.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Timothy	Scheibe			Battelle's Pacific Northwest Division	Battelle Boulevard, MSIN: K9-33	Richland	WA	99352		509-372-6065	509-372-6089	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Christa	Knudson			Pacific Northwest National Laboratory	P.O. Box 999, MSIN K9-77	Richland	WA	99352				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hydrology Web	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: The Hydrology Web site hosts a comprehensive list of links to hydrology and related hydrology resources. Use this site to browse hydrological information ranging from a bibliography, data, companies and government organizations, to conferences, job lists, projects, and research.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (©), Battelle Memorial Institute. This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor Battelle Memorial Institute, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Wilhelmson			National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), Atmospheric Sciences	Atmospheric Sciences Bldg, 105 S. Gregory St.,	Urbana	IL	61801	217-333-8651	217- 244-4393	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mohan	Ramamurthy		Dr	University of Illinois, Department of Atmospheric Sciences	Atmospheric Sciences Bldg, 105 S. Gregory St.,	Urbana	IL	61801	217-333-8650	217-244-4393	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Online Guides: Instructional Resources and Curriculum	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Technology	Description: This page provides access to learning modules for meteorology, remote sensing, and reading and interpreting weather maps. There are meteorology modules for the following topics: light and optics; clouds and precipitation; forces and winds; air masses and fronts; weather forecasting; severe storms; hurricanes; El Niño; and the hydrologic cycle. There are remote sensing modules on radar and satellites. There are weather map modules on coordinated universal time, temperatures, surface observations, surface maps, and upper air observations. In addition to the learning modules there is also a section of the site called Projects and Activities. This section contains subsections for open-ended projects, classroom activities and teacher guides.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Content of this server are Copyright © 1997 by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees (except in the case of photos and other resources which are specifically identified). The names "Weather World 2010" and "WW2010" are trademarks _ of the University of Illinois. Commercial use and any type of rebroadcast or redistribution of text, images, video and audio found on this server is expressly prohibited without first obtaining the consent of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Non-commercial use must be accompanied by appropriate credit visible with respect to the used item. "Image/Text/Data from the University of Illinois WW2010 Project." Web utilization should, if possible, provide a link nearby.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Royal Society of Chemistry, Business Services Department	Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road	Cambridge		CB4 0WF				UK
This is a(n) organization.
Title: 109: A Visual Interpretation of the Table of Elements	Keywords: Chemistry,Geochemistry	Description: 109 is a visual arts and science collaborative project which aims to explore and reflect upon the diversity of elements that comprise matter in as unique and innovative manner as possible. 109 aims to produce a new and vibrant visual assessment of the startling diversity of material that constitutes the world in which we live, not simply by rendering images of the respective elements but also by investigating the manner in which they affect our daily lives in largely unseen and often unexpected ways. The site contains an interactive periodic table. Clicking on any element in the table brings up a web page with practical, historical, and physical information and animations relating to that element. The site also has a section entitled Periodic Landscapes which contains computer generated landscape views and models based on various patterns and relationships within the periodic table. The site also includes a brief history of the periodic table, free e-postcards, and more.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Images © Murray Robertson 1999. Text © The Royal Society of Chemistry 1999. You may browse, download or print out one copy of the material displayed on the Site for your personal, non-commercial, non-public use, but you must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not further copy, distribute or otherwise use any of the materials from this Site without the advance, written consent of RSC. The images may not be shared in any disc library, image storage mechanism, network system or similar arrangement, or be posted on any web site. If you wish to use the images in a manner not permitted by these terms and conditions please contact Business Services Department.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Schuster	L.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): K.	Scott	M.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): T.	Casadevall	S.											
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earthquake on June 6, 1994, Triggers Landslides and Catastrophic Lahar Near Nevado del Huila Volcano, Colombia	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This page describes how quickly an earthquake-triggered lahar happened and the losses that occurred. Some losses may have occurred because people did not know they should flee to high ground after an earthquake. Within minutes of the 1994 magnitude 6.4 earthquake beneath the south-southwest flank of Nevado del Huila volcano in Colombia, dozens of landslides swept down from the steep valleys above Río Paez. The landslides quickly turned into debris flows, which joined to produce a single enormous flow. That lahar destroyed most of or parts of several towns along the river and displaced about 20,000 people from their homes. There were several hundred casualties. Bridges and roads were destroyed. The location map of Nevado del Huila volcano shows the path of the 1994 lahar.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Gulf of Maine Aquarium		Portland	ME			207-772-2321		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Streams	Keywords: Ecology,Human geography,Hydrology	Description: This site is part of the Gulf of Maine Aquarium, and focuses on stream environments in Maine. Topics include: Maine's Water Roots, which looks at the human history of Maine as it can be traced along its waterways; What is a Stream?; Life in the Mainstream, Living on the Edge; A Role for Everyone, and Bibliography. Concepts addressed include water quality, watersheds, the hydrologic cycle, aquatic stages, and stream ecology.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (c) 1999. Gulf of Maine Aquarium. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Butler	C.	Dr	University of Houston, Texas, Department of Geosciences		Houston	TX	77204		713-743-3411		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Virtual Geosciences Professor	Keywords: Space science,Environmental science,Geophysics,Hydrology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards,Structural geology,Technology	Description: This web site, hosts a FileMakerPro database of over 4,750 geoscience course resources available on the Internet. The resources have been arranged according to broad categories with each category subdivided into content-based subcategories. You may search the database by category, subcategory and/or by keywords. The broad categories are Analytical, Course Resources, Data, Department, Field Trips, Handouts, Homework, Images, Learning, OnLine, Resources, and Student Projects. There is also an electronic mailing list called the Virtual Coffee Room, a resource of the month section, and a section with links to geoscience departments around the world and WWW geoscience related directories. In addition, there is a section entitled Another Node on the Net. This section is designed to provide Internet resources that can help meet the research and academic needs of the readers of the Journal of Computers and Geosciences, many of whom are members of the International Association of Mathematical Geologists (IAMG). There is also a section entitled Geophysics. This section contains numerous links to geophysical data, geoscience career and student support information, and reference materials for geophysics.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright by John C. Butler, July 19, 1996
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute		7700 Sandholdt Road	Moss Landing	CA	95039-9644		831-775-1700	831-775-1620	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) is an oceanographic research center that promotes a peer relationship between engineers and scientists. The website focuses on marine research projects at Monterey Bay, the ocean offshore, and in Hawaii. Research is featured in the web site. Viewers have access to research cruises through video cams and logbooks, buoy and satellite data, photos and video of organisms, science labs, marine technology, research vessels, ocean floor maps, a sample archive of organisms, field observations, video, and analytical data. The website also includes an interactive periodic table which shows speciation, distribution, residence time, and analytical procedures for determining concentration. The site also features lessons on plate tectonics.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site and all materials on it are protected under United States copyright laws, which give creators of original works of authorship the exclusive right to use their works for a limited period of time. With certain exceptions, copyrighted materials may not be used or copied without the permission of the copyright holder. You are licensed by MBARI to use materials on this site for non-commercial educational purposes only. You may copy these materials for classroom use, so long as the copies contain all applicable copyright and trademark notices. This license is not exclusive to you, and you may not transfer it. Any commercial or personal use of the materials on this site is strictly prohibited. You may not sell, assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer these materials, copy them for non-classroom use, publish them for personal gain, or remove any copyright or trademark notice, without the express written permission of MBARI.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gabriel Eckstein								
This is a(n) person.
Title: International Water Law Project	Keywords: Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The International Water Law Project is an organization created to provide pertinent information on international water law and policy and related topics. Resources at this site include: links to full web publications of recent world water news articles, case law proceedings from international jurisdictions, documents from international and regional water coalitions, a data table of the transboundary watercourses and international water basins of the world, a bibliography with links to some full documents, and a listserv archive.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 - 2001 International Water Law Project.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Virginia	Hinshaw			University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School	608-262-1044		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Why Files: Science Behind the News.	Keywords: Space science,Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemistry,Environmental science,Geology,Physics,Technology	Description: The mission of The Why Files is to explore the science, math and technology lurking behind the headlines of the day, and to present those topics in a clear, entertaining and accessible manner. Although based at and supported by the University of Wisconsin-Madison The Why Files covers science at all institutions that engage in scientific exploration and discovery. The goal is to explain the relationship between science and daily life. The site also includes a Cool Science Image database and a searchable archive.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents, c2001.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lahars Sweep Down the Muddy River, Mount St. Helens	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This web page describes the lahars that followed the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Within the first few minutes of the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, numerous lahars were generated on the west, south, and east flanks of the volcano. One lahar originating on the upper east side of Mount St. Helens flowed 30 km down the Muddy River into a large reservoir in less than 30 minutes. Several photographs show some of the effects of the lahar as it traveled down the river valley. Links are also available to a photoglossary on volcanoes, volcano observatories, and current United States volcanic activity.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautic Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Astrobiology Program								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bert	Ulrich		Mr	National Aeronautic Space Administration, Public Services Division							202-358-1750		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Astrobiology: The Study of the Living Universe	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page provides a brief description of Astrobiology, the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and destiny of life in the universe. The site also contains information about the goals, missions, and technologies associated with the NASA Astrobiology Program. It also has information about current news and upcoming meetings associated with astrobiology and numerous links to related information and resources. Included are links to frequently asked questions, publications of recent workshops in astrobiology, education and astrobiology, a reference section which includes calculators and unit converters, and a link to related links.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: It is permissible to link to NASA sites provided the link you design is strictly for information and does not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. You may use a NASA photo from the Photo Gallery, but not the NASA insignia, logotype or seal. The rules for screen shots are the same as for photographs. Their use must be strictly for informational or educational purposes and must not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. For commercial applications contact the Public Services Division to see how NASA material can be used in ads.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Los Angeles Educational Partnership		315 West 9th Street, Suite 1110	Los Angeles	CA	90015		213-622-5237	213-629-5288	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: River Lessons and Investigations	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This web site houses a collection of lesson plans centered on the study of the Los Angeles River. Most activities involve an outdoor component of river ecology and water quality investigations. Although the activities focus on the L.A. River, adaptation to any riparian environment is possible with a little background research. Also, most lessons could be tailored to any grade level. An inventory of subject concepts is provided in the interdisciplinary unit overview, as well as a listing of the National Science Education Standards and California Science Framework Concepts that the unit encompasses.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998 Target Science, Updated May 1999.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Osaka University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Lightning Research Group	2-1 Yamada-oka	Suita, Osaka		565				Japan
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lightning Strike Triggered by a Flying Airplane	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This is a brief video clip and still picture of an airplane triggering a lightning strike. You can see the lightning bolt initiating at the ground and the atmosphere simultaneously and then connecting when they meet at the airplane.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Los Angeles Educational Partnership		315 W. 9th Street, Suite 1110	Los Angeles	CA	90015		213-622-5237	213-629-5288	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kurt	Ballash			Jefferson High School, Los Angeles Unified School District		1319 East 41st Street	Los Angeles	CA	90011-3399		323-232-2261	323-231-4755	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Los Angeles River Tour	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This is a virtual tour of the Los Angeles River. Designed with the spirit of exploration, users are able to digitally navigate the river from the headwaters in the San Fernando Valley to the mouth of river in Long Beach, over 50 miles away. This is a descriptive tour, showing samples of the sights, plants, animals, architecture, and history along the way. There are twelve stopping points along the tour: Headwaters, First Channel, Convergence, Sepulveda Basin, Verdugo Wash, Los Feliz, Frogtown, Arroyo Seco fork, 4th Street Bridge, Rio Hondo fork, Lower river, and mouth of the river in Long Beach. At any point along the journey, it is possible to back up, or continue down the river. Additional links provide in depth information about the plants, animals, microorganisms, water quality, human impact, history, and art on the L.A. River.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1995 Target Science. Updated May 1999. Target Science is sponsored by Los Angeles Unified School District and Los Angeles Educational Partnership.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Los Angeles Educational Partnership		315 West 9th Street, Suite 1110	Los Angeles	CA	90015		213-622-5237	213-629-5288	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Target Science								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Los Angeles River Connection	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This site offers a wealth of information on the water resources of Los Angeles County, California.. Drainage basin maps, historical rainfall data, and settlement history are available. There are also river lessons and investigations provided for instructors, including a virtual field trip. The theme of stewardship is common throughout the site resources, with an emphasis on the physical and aesthetic benefits of natural river systems. Human Impact data, Concrete Poetry, and a few articles about the Los Angeles River are available.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998 Target Science.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Photo glossary of volcano terms	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards	Description: The glossary has about 60 terms that are primarily types of volcanoes or vents, eruption types, and eruptive products. Clicking on a term displays a captioned photograph illustrating the concept and a glossary definition. Below the photgraph are related glossary terms and sometimes other information or photograph links.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Marshall	Jennings	E.		Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center	Southwest Texas State University	San Marcos	TX	78666-4616		512-245-3544	512-245-2669	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Trinity Aquifer Groundwater Continuous Monitoring Databases	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This site offers data from three monitoring wells in southwest Texas; the Schwope Well at Boerne, the Mt. Baldy well at Wimberly, and the Orchard Park Well at Medina. Links are provided to each well with a photo and site information , such as elevation, latitude and longitude, drill date, depth, and the name of the aquifer formation. Precipitation and water level information for the previous seven days of monitoring are given in a spreadsheet and graphical format. Data are collected daily and updated weekly. This project is a program of the Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center	248 Freeman Building	San Marcos	TX	78666		512-245-2329	512-245-2669	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Bad Water Line Continuous Monitoring Databases	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This is the continuous monitoring database of the "bad-water" line (BWL) within the south and southeast portion of the Edwards aquifer in Texas. Bad water line is defined as the salinity front, which has total dissolved solids (TDS) of 1,000mg/l. Data are supplied in the form of Date, Hour, Temperature, and Conductivity for the following sites: Aquarena/San Marcos Springs, Comal Springs, Southwest Texas State University Artesian Well, Converse Municipal Well, Atascosa Municipal Well, and Ezell's Cave.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Russell	Graymer	W.		United States Geological Survey, Western Region Mapping Team									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States National Park Service									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geologic Maps	Keywords: Geology	Description: This web site provides an introduction to geologic maps. Topics covered include what is a geologic map, unique features of geologic maps, letter symbols, faults, and strike and dip. Users may click to view colored geologic maps, the geologic map of the United States and the geologic relief map of the United States.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USDOI data be acquired directly from a USDOI server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USDOI makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Marquis			Caltech, Seismological Lab		Mail Code 252-21, 1200 E. California Blvd	Pasadena	CA	91125	626-395-6919	626-564-0715	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Katrin	Hafner			Caltech, Seismological Lab	Mail Code 252-21, 1200 E. California Blvd	Pasadena	CA	91125		626-395-2106	626-564-0715	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Egill	Hauksson			Caltech, Seismological Lab	Mail Code 252-21, 1200 E. California Blvd	Pasadena	CA	91125		626-395-6954	626-564-0715	
This is a(n) person.
Title: SCEC Education Module: Investigating Earthquakes through Regional Seismicity	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This educational module has been designed to provide students with the opportunity to interactively investigate the nature of earthquakes. The module has been divided into three major sections, "What is an Earthquake?", "The Distribution of Earthquakes", and "Measuring Earthquakes". Each section presents background material and interactive learning activities allowing students to understand such characteristics of earthquakes as their associated faults, rates of occurrence, magnitudes, and geographic distribution.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Hawaii Volcano Observatory			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Hawaii Volcano Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Frances	Kakugawa	H.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Eaton	P.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): D.	Richter	H.											
This is a(n) person.
Title: The 1960 Kapoho Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web page covers the progress of the early 1960 Kapoho eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, and the damage it caused. The eruption caused havoc in lower Puna, an idyllic rural paradise until the lava fountains and flows covered farm land and villages including Kapoho Village and parts of Koa`e Village. During this time, the volcano's summit deflated and eventually collapsed. This page is part of a web series on major Kilauea eruptions. The user can view a series of maps for mid- to late January 1960, showing lava coverage, faults, and lava barriers. A memorial poem for Kapoho village is included. Other links include a photo gallery of volcanoes, and a resource on how volcanoes work.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Texas at Austin, The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Outline Map Sites: The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This website provides an extensive list of links to outline maps of the world, continents, countries, and counties, as well as some historical and thematic maps. Maps are presented as they were originally published, and the original publisher/source and date is provided.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Public Domain or Copyright Held by University of Texas at Austin: Material on this site may be quoted or reproduced for educational purposes without prior permission, provided appropriate credit is given. Any commercial use of this material is prohibited without prior permission from The General Libraries. Please contact us at with questions regarding use of General Libraries content. Copyright Not Held by University of Texas at Austin: This site provides access to materials, licensed or otherwise, for which the copyright is held by owners other than the University of Texas at Austin. Use of these materials and resources is restricted by license agreement and copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jo	Schaper			University of Missouri-Columbia		Columbia	MS					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Missouri Springs: Jewels in the Ozarks	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology,Human geography,Hydrology	Description: This site contains physical, biological, chemical, visual, and historical information on Missouri springs of the Ozarks, a series of large springs that occur south of the Missouri River along the Ozark Uplift. Major river basins that are home to large springs include the Osage, Gasconade, Meramec, Black, Current, Eleven Point, and North Fork Rivers. There is a Missouri Statewide Spring Distribution Map with information on ownership and access, and featured facts such as flow statistics, recharge area, history and interesting folklore, for each spring. A bibliography and links to related U.S. Geological Service sites are also provided.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			Menlo Park	CA			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): S.	Brantley	R.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): K.	Scott												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): B.	Myers												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dome Collapses Generate Pyroclastic Flows: Unzen Volcano, Japan	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web page describes the progress of a lava dome collapse and its effects with an example from Unzen Volcano in Japan. The activity lasted from 1991-1995. A series of sketches describes a typical dome collapse. Damage to buildings and vegetation in the already-evacuated Nakao River valley is described. Links are also available to a photoglossary of volcanoes, a site on volcano observatories, a site describing current United States volcanic activity, and sites explaining volcano hazards, including gas, lahars, landslides and tephra.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Hubert	Staudigel			Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Cecil H. and Ida M. Green	University of California, San Diego - 0225	La Jolla	CA	92093-0225	858-534-8764	858-534-8090	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Anthony	Koppers			Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Cecil H. and Ida M. Green	University of California, San Diego - 0225	La Jolla	CA	92093-0225	858-534-8771	858-534-8090	
This is a(n) person.
Title: EarthRef: Website for Physical and Chemical Earth References	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geophysics,Mineralogy or petrology,Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: The EarthRef web site contains several online databases, downloadable modeling tools, and more. The databases include GERM (Geochemical Earth Reference Model), the EarthRef Digital Archive, the Seamount Catalog, and Partition Coefficients. A Geophysical Reference Earth Model (REM) is currently under construction. The GERM database contains summary data on the geochemistry of all reservoirs in the Earth and solar system. It includes only peer-reviewed data and is searchable by reservoir, element, and reference. The EarthRef Digital Archive contains any type of digital data object associated with the Earth Sciences. Data objects may be part of non-published Earth Sciences projects ranging from data tables to diagrams to reports to geological maps to videos. The Seamount Catalog includes a searchable database of maps and morphological data sheets, and a library of gridded bathymetry files along with their original multibeam data. The Partition Coefficient database contains Kd (partition coefficient) data for all types of rocks and minerals and for every element. Both experimental and empirical data are included in this extensive compilation.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Database Team		Mainz, Germany						
This is a(n) organization.
Title: GEOROC: Geochemistry of Rocks of the Oceans and Continents	Keywords: Geochemistry,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: GEOROC (Geochemistry of Rocks of the Oceans and Continents) is intended to become a global geochemical database containing published chemical and isotopic data as well as extensive metadata for rocks, minerals and melt/fluid inclusions. GEOROC currently covers igneous rocks from island arcs, oceanic islands, and large igneous provinces such as seamounts, oceanic plateaus, submarine ridges, and oceanic and continental flood basalts. It contains thousands of entries for whole rock, mineral, and inclusion geochemical data. The database can be searched by bibliography, tectonic setting, geographic coordinates, chemistry, or petrography. The results of a customized query can be directly downloaded in an Excel compatible (comma delimited text) format.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © MPI für Chemie, Mainz, Germany
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum	1525 Bernice Street P.O. Box 19000	Honolulu	HI	96817-0916	808-847-3511		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kevin	Johnson	T.M.	Dr	Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum	1525 Bernice Street P.O. Box 19000	Honolulu	HI	96817-0916	808-848-4124	808-847-8252	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Bishop Museum's Geology Home Page	Keywords: Geochemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physical oceanography	Description: This web site contains information about the research projects from the Geology group at the Bishop Museum. In addition to the current project information, the site also hosts a geochemical data set of volcanic rocks of the Hawaiian Islands, organized by volcano. Data are available for the Hawaiian Arch, Hawai`i (Hualalai, Kilauea, Kohala, Mauna Kea, and Mauna Loa), Kahoolawe, Kaua`i, Lana`i, Loihi, Mahukona, Maui (West Maui and Haleakala), Moloka`i, O`ahu (Honolulu Volcanic Series, Ko`olau, and Wai`anae), Ni`ihau, Kaula Island, Nihoa Island, Necker Island, La Perouse Pinnacles, Gardner Pinnacles, Midway Islands, and the Tenji and Detroit Seamounts. The data sets are available for download and are formatted as tab delimited text files which include original sample number, location of the sample, author of the original paper, major and minor element abundance (weight percent), trace element abundance (parts per million) listed in order of atomic number, and various isotopic ratios.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1995, by Bishop Museum. All rights reserved. All media are for the personal use of students, scholars and the public. Any commercial use or publication of them is strictly prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Association of Exploration Geochemists	P.O. Box 26099, 72 Robertson Rd.	Nepean	Ontario	K2H 9R0		613-828-0199	613-828-9288	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Steve	Amor			Association of Exploration Geochemists								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geochemical Applications Of Commonly-Analyzed Elements	Keywords: Geochemistry,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web page contains an index of the elements hydrogen through uranium. The index links to an individual page for each element which describes its detection limits, detection complications, and geochemical applications as a pathfinder or as an aid to geologic mapping. The page was designed to enable explorationists to make the best use of the analyses in a multi-element package like those offered by many commercial geochemical labs, and to know the limitations of such analyses.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Clucas	J.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): S.	Brantley	R.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Major												
This is a(n) person.
Title: 1989-90 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, and the First Test Case of a USGS Lahar-Detection System	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This web page describes the lahars that swept down the Drift River Valley during the 1989-90 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, and the testing of a new experimental detection and warning system designed to track lahars and debris flows and to give warning to people downstream. In this case, an oil-storage facility in the Cook Inlet area was at risk. The seismometers used (acoustic-flow monitors) were sensitive to ground vibration at relatively high frequencies. On April 6, 1990 the system did detect and track lahars moving down a valley in real time. The amplitude and ground velocity data are diagrammed.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States National Park Service		1849 C Street NW	Washington	DC	20240			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earth Surface Processes Team									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Geology in the Parks	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site is a collaborative effort of the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Park Service (NPS). The presentation is structured to inform and entice virtual and future park visitors with a non-technical approach to geology. Everyone from middle-school age to experts will find something of interest. Each 'entry' page including the first page of any topic is presented at the most basic level. The presentation becomes increasingly specialized and uses more technical language as one goes deeper into the site. Lots of material is specifically directed towards park interpreters and educators. Pages are organized into general geology topics and individual parks. Basic information is provided for geologic maps, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, and geologic time. A glossary and links to education resources are included. Materials are also provided on geomorphic provinces, sand dunes, caves, animations, glaciers, and coasts. Additional sites are dedicated to the unique geologic history and resources of specific parks; each is jointly developed by park interpreters and USGS staff. These pages may include both technical and education resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USDOI data be acquired directly from a USDOI server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USDOI makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USDOI welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors. USDOI provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Mapping Applications Center	509 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcanoes!: Teacher's Guide (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This teacher packet online edition contains full text from the 1997 publication and modified illustrations. Volcanoes is an interdisciplinary set of materials for grades 4-8. Through the story of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, students will answer fundamental questions about volcanoes: "What is a volcano?" "Where do volcanoes occur and why?" "What are the effects of volcanoes on the Earth system?" "What are the risks and the benefits of living near volcanoes?" "Can scientists forecast volcanic eruptions?" A teacher guide (with glossary and bibliography) and information from the two-sided color poster are included with 6 lessons and other supporting materials. Many of the activities included require basic map skills. Each lesson includes Illustrated background information, Two step-by-step timed activities, Reproducible Master Sheets for making overhead transparencies or photocopies, and Reproducible Activity Sheets for students. The Master Sheets and some Activity Sheets are in PDF format. Students conclude the last lesson by creating materials they could use to explain volcanoes and their hazards to a community living near an active volcano.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Melanie	Moreno			United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey	345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94025		650-329-4994	650-329-4936	
This is a(n) person.
Title: What on Earth is Plate Tectonics?	Keywords: Geology	Description: This web site was put together by the U.S.G.S. (United States Geological Survey) and the N.P.S. (National Park Service) and provides an overview of plate tectonics. It begins by explaining about the Earth's core, mantle, and crust. It then discusses the crustal plates and the types of plate boundaries (convergent, divergent and transform). The lesson ends with paleogeographic reconstructions of plate distributions from the past 650 million years.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known) USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lee	Gray	M.	Dr	Mount Union College, Geology Department	1972 Clark Avenue	Alliance	OH	44601		330-823-3605		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glacial Geology in Lake and Geauga Counties, Ohio	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site provides papers written on the glacial geology in Lake and Geauga Counties, Ohio. It was written by five students at Mount Union College. The report consists of six topics: economic interests, Wisconsin glaciation, environmental concerns, geomorphology, physiography, stratigraphy, and a bibliography.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Goran	Bogicevic			NIS-Naftagas								Yugoslavia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Reefs	Keywords: Biology,Geology	Description: This is a clearinghouse of resources pertaining to coral reefs. Topics include a virtual field trip to the reefs of the Jurassic Period, ancient coral reefs; coral reef maps of the world; the evolution, geology and biology of reefs; paleo reef maps (a database of Phanerozoic reefs with graphic presentations); a summary of the Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs Research Conference; the fossil reef of Costa da Caparica; the Munich-Stuttgart reef group page on Jurassic, Palaeozoic and other reefs; and the Permian Reef Complex (Delaware Basin) of West Texas.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Defense, U.S. Naval Observatory, Astronomical Applications Department	3450 Massachusetts Avenue NW	Washington	DC	20392-5420	202-762-1617	202-762-1612	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: United States Naval Observatory, Astronomical Applications Department: Data Services (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science	Description: This site offers tools for calculating the times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, and civil twilight. There is a table showing the phases of the moon and the corresponding dates and times, lists of past and future eclipses and occultations, data for solar system bodies and bright stars, and definitions of related terms. The user can also calculate the altitude and azimuth of the sun or the moon during one day, can access the Multi-Year Interactive Computer Almanac (MICA), which includes positions, rise/set/transit, physical ephemerides, sidereal time and Julian dates. Also available is information on the Earth's seasons, including equinoxes, solstices, perihelion, and aphelion 1992-2005, and information on occultations of stars by asteroids.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied in a reasonable manner. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is required.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute	903 Koyukuk Dr., P.O. Box 757320	Fairbanks	AK	99775-7320			907-474-7290	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Snow, Ice and Permafrost Group at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology	Description: The Snow, Ice, and Permafrost research group 's interest is in developing a better understanding of the properties of snow, ice and permafrost, of the processes occurring within them, and of the role they play in the polar and sub polar environments. The main resouce of the page is a link to the research projects. The projects fall under the catories of glaciology, permafrost, sea ice, and snow. Much of the research involves field investigations in Alaska, with some work carried out in Greenland and Antarctica. Some of the research is performed with the Alaska Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Facility in the Geophysical Institute.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NOAA/NESDIS Office of Systems Development	E/OSD, 5200 Auth Road	Suitland	MD	20746-4304		301-457-5722	301-420-0932	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration's Operational Significant Event Imagery	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This web page provides high-resolution, detailed imagery of significant environmental events. Links are available to images on the following subjects: current events, dust storms, fires, floods, icebergs, ocean, severe weather, snow cover, storms, tropical cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons, unique imagery, and volcanoes. Links are also included to the Satellite Services Division, Total Ozone Mapping and Spectrometer Aerosol and SO2 Index Imagery, historical significant events imagery, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Environmental Visualization Program.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ahmed	Seye								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Atmosphere-Ocean Model	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: The Atmosphere-Ocean Model is a computer program that simulates the Earth's climate in three dimensions on a gridded domain. The model requires that the user enter two kinds of input, specified parameters and prognostic variables, and will generate two kinds of output, climatic diagnostics and prognostic variables.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tracking Earthquakes (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This web site from provides a lesson plan for teachers on plate tectonics. Created for students in grades 6-12, it allows individuals to interactively learn about plate tectonics via web sites and in-class activities. The site is broken down into sections to help with the formulation of the lesson plan. These include: objectives, materials, procedures, adaptations, discussion questions, evaluation, extensions, and academic standards. The links included to aid with the lesson show how plate tectonics works, complete with graphics and visualizations. It also has a link to the United States Geological Survey web site which shows how to triangulate actual earthquakes around the world.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©Copyright 2001,
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dan	Vietor			Unisys						800-874-8647		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Unisys Weather	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This web site provides a complete source of graphical weather information. It is intended to satisfy the needs of the weather professional but can be a tool for the casual user as well. The graphics and data are displayed as a meteorologist would expect to see. For the novice user, there are detailed explanationsto guide one through the various plots, charts and images. The data on this site are provided from the National Weather Service via the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration PORT satellite data service. Available weather maps include: visible satellite image, Enh IR satellite image, satellite surface map, United States radar summary, Eta model forecast, Medium Range Forecast 10 day forecast, and the Rapid Update Cycle model. Also available are links to hurricane data and an archive of images.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information on the Unisys World Wide Web server is Copyright ©1994-2001 Unisys. All rights reserved. Authorization is hereby provided to you to copy documents published by Unisys Corporation on the World Wide Web provided such copies are used for non-commercial purposes and solely for use within your organization. This authorization is specifically conditioned upon including all legends, copyright, proprietary and other notices which appear herein on all copies you make of such documents whether they pertain to Unisys Corporation or another party. No license is granted herein expressly, impliedly, by estoppel or otherwise under any patent or to use any trademark of Unisys Corporation or of any other party. No other rights under any copyrights of Unisys Corporation or any another party are granted herein, except as expressly stated above.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alec	Bodzin	M.	Dr	Lehigh University	Department of Education and Human Services	Bethlehem	PA	18015		610-758-5095		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Carolina Coastal Science	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Human geography,Hydrology,Physical oceanography,Technology	Description: The Carolina Coastal Science Web site is an innovative, inquiry-based science resource that utilizes the interactive technologies of a Web browser to explore science in coastal Carolina. Teachers and students can use this web site independently or as a class using a number of different teaching strategies, such as, open-ended inquiries, guided inquiries, independent research, and cooperative group learning. The explorations consist of the Carolina Coast's barrier islands, inlets, coastal processes, and coastal issues. The site includes an educator's guide and photojournal.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The contents of the Carolina Coastal Science Web site are intended for educational, personal, and noncommercial use of its users. All materials published on Carolina Coastal Science (including, but not limited to, textual content, photographs, images, illustrations, and video clips, also known as "The Content") are protected by copyright and owned or controlled by the party credited as the provider of the content, or other materials. Carolina Coastal Science is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. copyright laws, international conventions and other copyright laws. The user may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display or in any way exploit any of the Content and materials in whole or in part.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Griggs	D.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): T.	Mattox												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Johnson												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): C.	Heliker												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): L.	Kezthelyi												
This is a(n) person.
Title: When Lava Enters the Sea: Growth & Collapse of Lava Deltas	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web page uses photographs and illustrations of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, to illustrate the typical growth and collapse of lava deltas, fan-shaped platforms formed when pahoehoe lava enters the ocean for extended periods of time. The page also discusses the hazards associated with active lava deltas.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Vigil												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): L.	Faust												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): D.	Mullineaux	R.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): S.	Brantley	R.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): P.	Pringle												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Landslides at Mount Rainier Volcano, Washington	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This web page presents a brief history of lahars in the valleys draining Mount Rainier, Washington State over the past 10,000 years. It includes 3 photographs, a series of sketches illustrating a mudslide, and a simplified map of the Osceola ( about 5,600 years ago) and Electron ( about 500 years ago) lahar deposits in the White and Puyallup river valleys. Links are given to additional hazards information.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			Menlo Park	CA			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): K.	Scott	M.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Macias	L.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): F.	Cruz												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Intense Rainfall During Hurricane Mitch Triggers Deadly Landslide and Lahar at Casita Volcano, Nicaragua, on October 30, 1998	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This web site illustrates and describes damage from a tragic lahar triggered by rainfall on Casita Volcano, an inactive cone of San Cristobal Volcano, northwestern Nicaragua. When the side of Casita Volcano collapsed on October 30, 1998, more than 2,000 people were killed within minutes as a large lahar swept over the towns of El Porvenir and Rolando Rodriguez. Links are also available to a photoglossary of volcanoes, a site on volcano observatories, a site describing current United States volcanic activity, and sites explaining volcano hazards, including gas, lahars, landslides and tephra.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Cheryl	Demers		Ms	National Data Buoy Center	Building 1100	Stennis Space Center	MS	39529				
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Data Buoy Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical oceanography	Description: The National Data Buoy Center maintains a current database of meteorological and hydrological data, historical data, and written information generated by the National Weather Service or received from other official sources. This site makes available in real time a selection of current official weather observations, forecasts and warnings from the Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations and moored buoys. C-MAN stations have been installed on lighthouses, at capes and beaches, on near shore islands, and on offshore platforms. C-MAN station data typically include barometric pressure, wind direction, speed and gust, and air temperature; however, some C-MAN stations are designed to also measure sea water temperature, water level, waves, relative humidity, precipitation, and visibility. The National Data Buoy Center's moored buoys measure and transmit barometric pressure; wind direction, speed, and gust; air and sea temperature; and wave energy spectra from which significant wave height, dominant wave period, and average wave period are derived. Even the direction of wave propagation is measured on many moored buoys. The site also includes lessons about weather and oceanographic phenomena such as sea breezes, the causes of ocean surface waves, tides, and hurricanes. Explanations include data from buoys or C-MAN stations and graphics.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. Before using information obtained from this server, special attention should be given to the date & time of the data and products being displayed. This information shall not be modified in content and then presented as official government material. As required by 17 U.S.C. 403, third parties producing copyrighted works consisting predominantly of the material appearing in NWS Web pages must provide notice with such work(s) identifying the NWS material incorporated and stating that such material is not subject to copyright protection.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Greg	Bothun		Dr	University of Oregon, The Electronic Universe			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Energy from the Earth	Keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry	Description: This web page provides a brief introduction to geothermal energy. It describes the different ways that heat energy from within the Earth is harnessed for human energy needs. It discusses the non-renewable nature of geothermal energy, the categories of geothermal resources, and the efficiency of geothermal resources.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dean	Pentcheff			University of South Carolina, Department of Biological Sciences		Columbia	SC	29208		803-777-4141	803-777-4002	
This is a(n) person.
Title: WWW Tide and Current Predictor	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: This web page is a tide and current predictor provided by Dean Pentcheff from the University of South Carolina. The site allows you to select a region, choose the location, and then prepare a customized table of tidal height and/or current speed and direction.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site is provided as a public service. You are free to link to the site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ringmaster			WaterWeb								
This is a(n) person.
Title: WaterWeb	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Human geography,Hydrology,Technology	Description: The WaterWeb consortium has been created to promote the sharing of information concerning water and the earth's environment. This organization seeks to create a global community, bringing together educational, governmental, nonprofit, and commercial entities interested in water research, conservation, and management. WaterWeb's goals are to advance water related issues, promote the use of quality information, and share information with water use stakeholders and decision makers. The organization has a global focus with initial participants from North, Central and South America and Europe. The consortium invites all sites seeking to share useful, quality information on water and the environment to join the WaterWeb ring. The Web Ring mechanism allows sites with similar content to link together making it easier for users to find pertinent information.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology - IRIS	1200 New York Ave. NW, Suite 800	Washington	DC	20005	202-682-2220		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Seismic Monitor	Keywords: Structural geology,Natural hazards	Description: This web site provides an interactive map of global seismic activity that is updated every 30 minutes. The site uses data from the National Earthquake Information Center to produce a world map with clickable areas of seismic activity. Users can click on geographical areas of the map, and will be taken to a table which describes the time, location, magnitude and comments about particular seismic events. Information is kept for earthquakes that have occurred in the last 24 hours, 15 days, and five years. For earthquakes of a magnitude of 6.0 and over, links are provided to special information pages that try to explain the where, how and why that particular event occurred. The user can also view the ground motion associated with an event and visit seismology laboratories around the world.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): C.J.L.	Wilson			School of Earth Sciences	The University of Melbourne	Victoria, Australia		3010		61-3-8344 6538	61-3-8344 7761	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Flow in Polycrystalline Ice	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Geophysics,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is a virtual journal article about polycrystalline ice. It focuses on plastic deformation, specific flow characteristics and crystallographic preferred orientations associated with polycrystalline ice within glaciers. Part I covers Polycrystalline aggregates deformed in pure-shear; Dynamic recrystallisation; Grain shape and preferred orientation change; Fabric; Evolution of glacial ice during deformation. Part II covers: Time lapse photography; Glaciers; Dislocations; Bernal-Fowler rule; Generation of defect structures; Crystal structure; Ice; Basal glide; Strain rate for glide on basal systems; Critical resolved shear stress; Non-basal glide; Diffusional flow; Plastic deformation; Primary creep; Secondary creep; Tertiary creep; Deformation maps; Grain growth; Grain size reduction; Anisotropic flow law for ice.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Pat	Lockridge			National Geophysical Data Center - NOAS								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tsunami Database	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: The Tsunami Database is a global digital database containing information on more than 2000 tsunamis maintained by the National Geophysical Data Center. This is an interactive site; the user is asked to enter search parameters such as date, latitude and longitude, cause of the tsunami - earthquake, landslide, volcano, or all combined - magnitude, and death. Information is then generated on tsunamis that match that data. The National Geophysical Data Center also maintains an historic slide set collection of tsunami damage.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Andrew	Pilant	N.		Michigan Technological University	Physics Building, 124D Fisher	Houghton	MI	49931		906-487-2083		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Drew Pilant Home Page	Keywords: Cryology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This is the homepage of Drew Pilant, a founding and active member of the multidisciplinary (8 academic departments) Michigan Tech Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring Institute. His research activities focus on the application of remote sensing to earth observation with moderate to high spatial resolution satellite and airborne imagery. His work falls into two principle domains: computer processing (digital image processing, algorithm development) and field observations (ground truth). Users of this resource will find informative pages and links to research projects of which Pliant is currently involved: Synthetic Aperture Radar Studies of Great Lakes ice, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, Great Lakes Studies, Fieldwork Images, and SAR Image Gallery.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Houghton Mifflin Company, School Division, Education Place	222 Berkeley Street	Boston	MA	02116				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Education Place; Outline Maps	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This page from Education Place's Social Studies Center lists a selection of outline maps for use in the classroom or at home. Sample maps include Africa: Political; Africa: Political and Physical; California's Regions; Colonial America, 1776; Eastern Hemisphere; Southern Asia: Political; United States: Postal Abbreviations; United States: Climate; The United States in 1860. It contains also five maps with different views of the world.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: By using the Web pages hosted by Houghton Mifflin Company and/or its various divisions and subsidiaries (collectively referred to as "HMCo"), you agree to the following terms and conditions: The materials posted on these pages by HMCo may be retrieved solely for your own personal use and may be downloaded to your own hard disk or sent to a printer solely for that purpose. You may not otherwise copy, modify or distribute the contents of these pages without the express permission of HMCo. While using these pages, you may not post, transmit, or otherwise distribute any material that may be unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, infringing on any copyright or other rights of others, or damaging to software or hardware.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WaterWiser	6666 West Quincy Avenue	Denver	CO	80235		800-559-9855	303-794-6303	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: WaterWiser: The Water Efficiency Clearinghouse	Keywords: Hydrology,Technology	Description: The American Water Works Association's (AWWA) WaterWiser site offers the most current, applicable water conservation and efficiency materials available. Serving as a clearinghouse on water conservation and efficiency information, WaterWiser supports the water profession's commitment to providing a safe and plentiful supply of drinking water, and upholds the American Water Works Association’s dedication to providing the best technical information possible on important drinking water issues. While most products advertised by WaterWiser are for cost, online tutorials, video clips, and fact guides accompany the many water conservation focus topics. There is even a drip calculator for residents, which calculates how much water is wasted daily, monthly, and yearly. A links page provides a comprehensive list of organizations dealing with water issues. There is also a link to information on books dealing with water issues.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 American Water Works Association.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Keeling	D.		University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography			La Jolla	CA	92093				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tim	Whorf	P.		University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography			La Jolla	CA	92093				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)	CDIAC@ORNL.GOV	P.O. Box 2008 MS 6335	Oak Ridge	TN	37831-6335	865-574-3645	865-574-0390	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mauna Loa, Hawaii: Carbon Dioxide Concentration (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Forestry	Description: This resource displays a graph of monthly carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in ppmv (part per million by volume) versus time in years (1958 to 2000) at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. This is a classic Earth science figure that illustrates the "breathing of the planet." The overall upward trend in CO2 concentrations since the 1950's is shown. The yearly cycle of C02 is shown in the yearly increases and decreases of C02. One knows when the Northern Hemispheric forests have leaves and are "greening up".
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Documents were sponsored by a contractor of the U.S. Government under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. Accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Elliott	Spiker			United States Geological Survey	906 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Surface Dynamics	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science	Description: This is the web page for Earth Surface Dynamics (ESD), part of the United States Geological Survey’s Global Change Research Program. Earth Surface Dynamics provides ground-based field and laboratory studies that concentrate on characterizing and understanding past and present natural variability of Earth's climate and environment. Earth Surface Dynamics also seeks to achieve a better understanding of processes at the Earth's surface that affect or are affected by climate change, with specific emphasis on the carbon cycle. The program is organized into three broad elements of related research efforts: climate history, monitoring and processes, and modeling and forecasting. Links are included to fact sheets, current research, and available data sets.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Anantha	Prasad	M.G.	Mr	United States Department of Agriculture, United States Forest Service	359 Main Rd.	Delaware	OH	43015	740-368-0103	740-368-0152	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Louis	Iverson	R.		United States Department of Agriculture, United States Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station		359 Main Road	Delaware	OH	43066	740-368-0097	740-368-0152	
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Climate Change Atlas For 80 Forest Tree Species Of The Eastern United States	Keywords: Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science,Forestry	Description: This is a tree species distribution atlas. It contains information for 80 species in the eastern half of the United States (east of the 100th meridian). The site contains distribution maps and tables for different climate change scenarios, life-history and disturbance attributes, ecological attributes, forest type maps, sorted lists of species importance values (by state and county) for different climate change scenarios, and more.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on this page is in the public domain. The proper citation for this resource is: Prasad, A. M. and L. R. Iverson. 1999-ongoing. A Climate Change Atlas for 80 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United States [database]., Northeastern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Delaware, Ohio.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): P.	Plummer		Dr	California State University, Sacremento	6000 J Street	Sacramento	CA	95819				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Optical Crystallography & Mineralogy	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is the web page for the spring 1999 course, Optical Crystallography & Mineralogy at California State University, Sacramento. It offers access to an optical mineralogy site at Brock University, Canada, interference figures, basics of optical mineralogy, thin sections of rocks, and a page displaying illustrations for optical mineralogy. Also included is a plagioclase a-normal photo/diagram.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bob	Laural			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center	The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative	Greenbelt	MD	20771		301-286-2000		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology,Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative is a multidisciplinary study of rapid climate change and future sea level. The WAIS home page is designed for both the general public and for scientists who are either interested in the program or who are actual participants in research on the ice sheet. For those who would like to read a general discussion of the various topics involved in this important research program, take a look at the WAIS Illustrated Summary. For more in-depth information, the Science and Implementation Plan also appears on this page. The various chapters in the Science and Implementation Plan appear below. For a more detailed way of navigating the document, complete with research questions that are being addressed, go to the Table of Contents and search for a topic of interest. The WAIS home page also includes research notes transmitted during investigations on the ice sheet, summaries of research publications produced by participating scientists, and links to other important polar programs and educational sites with information about Antarctic.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Atmospheric Sciences	105 S. Gregory Street	Urbana	IL	61801	217-333-2046	217-244-4393	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Current Weather (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Climatology,Atmospheric science	Description: This is the web page for Weather World 2010 at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. There are numerous weather products available on this page, the main resource being weather maps. Each weather product is linked to explanatory helper sections that are useful not only for interpreting the images, but also for understanding important topics in meteorology. The products are currently categorized into four sections. The Surface Weather section contains current surface weather information such as temperature maps, sea level pressure, station observations, and specialized analysis pair images, as well as daily charts like precipitation and maximum/minimum temperatures. The Satellite Weather section contains the satellite database, allowing for all different viewing options and imaging channels. The Radar Weather section is available to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus only, and contains local, regional, and national Doppler radar images including reflectivity, velocity, and storm total precipitation. The User's Guide section contains help for the weather products.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Content of this server are Copyright © 1997 by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees (except in the the case of photos and other resources which are specifically identified and where copyright is wholly retained by the owner.). Permission is granted to individual teachers to print out, copy and distribute the pages herein to their students for educational purposes. Please contact the copyright owners directly for any situation involving the use of images outside of the web server and this CD-ROM. Non-commercial use must be accompanied by appropriate credit visible with respect to the used item. "Image/Text/Data from the University of Illinois WW2010 Project." Web utilizations should, if possible, provide a link to our server nearby. Commercial use and any type of rebroadcast or redistribution of text, images, videos and audios found on this server is expressly prohibited without first obtaining the consent of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Charles	Langmuir	D		Columbia University, LDEO	Palisades	New York	NY	10964	914-365-8657		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ridge PETDB: Petrological Database of the Ocean Floor	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web page provides an interactive petrological database of the ocean floor. The ultimate goal is to provide a robust, complete reference data library for the petrology and whole earth science communities. Users enter search parameters such as geographical name, latitude, longitude, elevation, tectonic setting, expedition name and chemistry, and receive information on the petrological condition of that area. Data received included the rock type, alteration, sampling technique, tectonic setting, and location.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tracey	Serpi			University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Geography	1000 Hilltop Circle	Baltimore	MD	21250				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Jensen	R.		University of South Carolina, Department of Geography , Remote Sensing Lab		Columbia	SC	29208		803-777-5234	803-777-4972	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Remote Sensing Core Curriculum (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Technology	Description: This web site provides the resources to support the remote sensing educational experience at national and international collegiate institutions. The Remote Sensing Core Curriculum is a collection of quality resource materials available via the Internet. In addition to numerous links to remote sensing material, the site provides five educational remote sensing volumes. The educational volumes are: Volume 1, Introduction to Photo Interpretation and Photogrammetry; Volume 2, Overview of Remote Sensing of the Environment; Volume 3, Introductory Digital Image Processing; Volume 4, Applications in Remote Sensing; and Volume 5, K-12 Education.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Reinhold	Leinfelder		Dr	Institut, Staatssammlung und Museum für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie	Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Richard-Wagner-Str. 10	München, Germany		D-80333		49-89-5203363	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Jurassic Reef Park	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This is a bilingual, educational website from Munich, Germany. The main feature is a virtual field trip to the reefs of the Jurassic period. Besides a view of the Jurassic reefs, their builders, and their ecological settings, there is also an emphasis on the importance of modern reefs as indicators of the state-of-health of the globe and evidence of how some changes in the composition of reefs may represent the forerunners of catastrophic, regional or global, environmental change.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Reinhold Leinfelder
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency	26 Martin Luther King Drive	Cincinnati	OH	45268		513-569-7948	513-569-7191	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Staff				Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water		Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW	Washington	DC	20460-0003		800-426-4791	202-260-4656	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ground Water And Drinking Water	Keywords: Environmental science,Geochemistry,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This is the official website for the Office of Groundwater and Safe Drinking Water (OGWDW) at the Environmental Protection Aagency (EPA). The OGWDW works to ensure safe drinking water and to protect the quality of our nation's drinking water supply. This mission is accomplished using five guiding principles: prevention, risk-based priority setting for new and existing regulations, public and private partnerships, flexibility and effectiveness in implementation while maintaining a national public health baseline, accountability of all parties through public participation and accessible information, and clear documentation and presentation of results. This site is a major clearinghouse for safe water guidelines, programs, data, publications, and news relevant to the OGWDW's operations.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program		345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94025		650-853-8300		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tephra: Volcanic Rock and Glass Fragments	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Tephra is defined and examples of the various types of tephra including volcanic ash and pumice are provided. The distribution and effects of ash falls are described with links to case histories for Mount Pinatubo and Mount St. Helens.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Gibson	I	Dr	Gibson Consulting	633 South Boulder	Cardwell	MT	59721			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Primer on Gravity and Magnetics	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: This web page explains the goals and benefits of studying gravity and magnetic data to understand subsurface geology of the Earth. It discusses uses of gravity and magnetic measurements in providing information about the density of rocks, and explains how these measurements are useful in exploration for oil and gas and mineral deposits. The page uses gravity and magnetic maps and as well as figures to illustrate some of the concepts of interpretation, such as amplitude, frequency and anomalies.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2000 Richard I. Gibson
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Thure	Cerling			University of Utah, Department of Geology and Geophysics	135 South 1460 East Rm. 209	Salt Lake City	UT	84112-0112				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Phase Diagram for Water (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Chemistry	Description: Graph of the phases for water according to two variables --temperature and pressure.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Paul	Stoddard			Northern Illinois University, Department of Geology		DeKalb	IL	60115			
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Animated Virtual Planetarium	Keywords: Space science	Description: This website is a planetarium with simulations intended to predict planetary motions. It is designed to be used in the classroom, or in the lab by students. It demonstrates the following simulations: Mercury/sun; The 'visible' Solar System; World Horizon; Earth/Moon System; Ptolemy/Tycho/Copernicus Solar System Models; Jovian System. This is an ongoing process, so pages are added and modified continuously.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bernie	Dodge			San Diego State University, Department of Educational Technology		San Diego	CA			619-594-7401		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Active Learning on the Web	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: Active learning involves putting students in situations that compel them to read, speak, listen, think deeply, and write. Active learning puts the responsibility of organizing what is to be learned in the hands of the learners themselves, and ideally lends itself to a more diverse range of learning styles. This website explains the concept of Active Learning on the Web. It contains tools, resources and links that can make this concept possible. It demonstrates a few examples of Active Learning on the Web, but it seems the page is under construction because many of the links are still inactive.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Museum of Science			Boston	MA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Scanning Electron Microscope - SEM	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: This website is from Boston Museum of Science and is an introduction to Scanning Electron Micrscope (SEM). It contains an image gallery of insects, plants and other items as seen with an SEM. A slide show and a movie explains how the microsope works. Teacher resources offer guidance on building your own microscope and setting up a lab, including wet mounts and staining cells. Information on how the Museum uses the scope, and additional electronic resources, completes the site.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996 Museum of Science, Boston
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Water Environment Federation	601 Wythe Street	Alexandria	VA	22314-1994		703-684-2400		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Water Environment Federation	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This is the home site for the Water Environment Federation, WEF. WEF is an international not-for-profit educational and technical organization of more than 40,000 water quality experts. Its mission is to preserve and enhance the global water environment. This site is immense, with information for resource users ranging from the technical expert to elementary students. It offers technical discussion groups, training information and self-test activities for wastewater operations professionals, information on conferences and workshops, careers and opportunities, an on-line bookstore, and government affairs updates. A section for students has pdf files of hands-on K-12 activites from the Water Sourcebook, a book designed for use by teachers, non-formal educators, and water quality professionals, The Water Sourcebook series covers today's most important water environment topics. Spanish curriculum materials are also available.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The text, logos and images on this site are protected under the Trademark and Copyright laws of the United States, as well as other countries. Any downloading, reproduction or further distribution of any original material appearing on this Web site without prior written permission of WEF is strictly prohibited. Requests to reprint WEF published material should be in written form and should specifically state the item(s) to be reprinted, the purpose, and distribution of the reprints.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Madeleine	Zirbes			United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center	Box 25046, DFC, MS 967	Denver	CO	80225		303 273 8500	303 273 8450	
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Earthquake Information Center World Data Center for Seismology	Keywords: Natural hazards,Geophysics	Description: This is a very extensive site about earthquakes. It is the USGS (United States Geological Survey) National Earthquake Information site. The site provides access to near real time earthquake data from around the world, as well as data for recent earthquakes (last 3 weeks). The site can also be searched for information on specific earthquakes by time or location. There is a General Earthquake Information section with extensive earthquake education materials as well as information on seismicity, earthquake magnitude, preparedness, predictions, and locations.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known) USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alan	Howard	D.		University of Virginia	Department of Environmental Sciences	Charlottesville	VA	22903	804-923-0563	804-982-2137	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphology Home Page, University of Virginia	Keywords: Space science,Geology,Hydrology	Description: The focus of this site is fluvial geomorphology. It offers information on modelling and simulations of drainage basins, floodplain and stream meandering, and landform evolution on Mars. A series of slideshows by the author are available, organized regionally: California Coast Ranges, Desert Southwest, Western U.S. and Alaska, Colorado Plateau, Midwest and Great Plains. Eastern US, Tropical Paradises, and Europe.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Traicoff			Jet Propulsion Laboratory	California Institute of Technology, NASA	Pasadena	CA	91109	818-354-5011		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mars Pathfinder, Science Results, Geology and Geomorphology	Keywords: Space science,Geology	Description: This NASA-hosted site is a section of the Mars Pathfinder Science Results Directory with a specific emphasis on the geologic and geomorphic characteristics observed. Many photos and satellite images are available, with the option to view and download full size images. Scientific theories are offered as to the probable geomorphic agents sculpting Mars' surface.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All information on this website, including text and images describing the Mars Pathfinder mission, is copyright © 1997, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology and National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alissa	Saltzman			Needham Public Schools	1330 Highland Avenue	Needham	MA	02492	781-455-0400	781-455-0417	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Beach Erosion	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This site is a brief guide to coastal erosion. Topics include: What are beaches; What causes beach erosion; Effect of water levels and seasonal storms; Effects of earthquakes and tides; and Coastline protection. Photographs are provided for each topic. A visual diagram of seasonal wave action is present, along with a bibliography.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unknown, this site is part of the Needham Public Schools webnet.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Janet	Graff	P.		Caddo Middle Magnet Scool, 8th grade		211 Winged Foot Dr.	Shreveport	LA	71106				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Louisiana Coastal Erosion and Beach Erosion Investigation	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This site provides a middle school acticity on Louisiana's coastal erosion problem. It was designed by a teacher and submitted to the Louisiana Energy and Environmental Resource and Information Center (LEERIC). The purpose of this investigation is to determine the effects of gentle and strong waves on beach erosion. It has been very effective in introducing the topic of beach erosion and serving as a springboard for the development of exercises related to coastal loss.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jack	Morelock			University of Puerto Rico	Department of Marine Sciences	Mayaguez		00680				Puerto Rico
This is a(n) person.
Title: Coastal Geomorphology	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This on-line course integrates short and long-term factors into an understanding of why the world's coastlines are the way they are today. First, an overall view is presented, followed by a discussion of the individual environments that are part of today's coastlines (i.e., beaches, estuaries). The final focus is on the ever-changing coastal landscape, including natural changes and how man fits (or doesn't), as either a passive inhabitant or an active player trying to control his surroundings. Helpful photographs and visual diagrams are linked to key words throughout the discussion. Topics include:Morphology and Classification; Beach System; Mud Coastlines, Tidal Flats, and Marsh; Coastline of Puerto Rico; Man and the Coastal System; Coastal References;and Coastal Sites - a guide to field trips in the course.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000 by Jack Morelock.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Richard	Armstrong		Dr	National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)		449 UCB, University of Colorado	Boulder	CO	80309-0449	303-492-6199	303-492-2468	
This is a(n) person.
Title: All About Glaciers	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This National Snow and Ice Data Center's site contains information for wide range of audiences from glaciologists to grade school students. Data and Science offers links to glacier research, projects, and glaciological organizations online. Another section offers glacier facts, questions and answers, a glossary, a photo gallery, bibliography and links to glacier information on the web. Recent global newsworthy events are chronicled, and a tutorial offering a quick tour through the life of a glacier is available.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Neiman			PBS Online		1320 Braddock Place	Alexandria	VA	22314			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glacier Maker	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site contains hands-on activities that explore the structure of glaciers. Students identify the contents of a glacier like those found in Patagonia; construct a mini glacier model in class; and compare and contrast the classroom model with Patagonian glaciers. Topics included in this page are: Instructional objectives, background materials, activity, procedure, evaluation and web resources.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;4;5;6	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001, PBS. The Living Edens is co-production of ABC/Kane Productions International, Inc. and BBC in association with Trebitsch Production International and PBS.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Newton's Apple		Public Television KTCA	Saint Paul and Minneapolis	MN	800-228-4630		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Drinking Water	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Mathematics	Description: This web site is hosted by the PBS television show, Newton's Apple. It is the interactive education guide for students and teachers, that accompanies the video "Drinking Water". Viewing of the video is optional for use of the resource. The focus of this lesson guide is on the components of natural waters and purification of water for human consumption. A brief overview of municipal water treatment is given, with links to a glossary of terms. Following the overview are resources for further information; a "recipe" for a student activity, which figures the energy involved in water filtration; and ideas for other classroom activities.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Educational materials developed with the National Science Teachers Association. NEWTON'S APPLE is a production of KTCA Saint Paul/Minneapolis. Made possible by a grant from 3M. Duplication for educational non-commercial use is encouraged.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States National Park Service									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earth Surface Processes Team									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11):								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): S.	Jones	R.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Tabor			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Pacific Mountain System	Keywords: Physical geography,Structural geology	Description: This web page guides the user through the Pacific Mountain System geologic province, one of the most geologically young and tectonically active in North America. The generally rugged, mountainous landscape of this province, which includes parts of Washington, Oregon, and California, provides evidence of ongoing mountain-building. One map shows the plate tectonic setting of the Pacific Mountain System which straddles the boundaries between several of Earth's moving plates. This province includes the active volcanoes of the Cascade Range and the young, steep mountains of the Pacific Border and the Sierra Nevada. The user can find out more with links to USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory, Seattle region earthquake hazards, or North Cascades National Park geology. Links are provided to a simple shaded relief map and to several other shaded relief maps including ones with National Park locations and with major and subprovince boundaries. Image gallery links are given to several national parks sites: Lassen Volcanic National Park, Yosemite National Park, and North Cascades National Park.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center		248 Freeman Building	San Marcos	TX	78666		512-245-2329	512-245-2669	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center Navigation Menu	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: The Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center (EARDC) provides a public service in the study, understanding and use of a very fragile natural resource, the Edwards Aquifer. The Aquifer is a unique, world-renowned karst aquifer, which is made up of porous, permeable limestone. It supplies water of exceptional quality to 1.5 million people in the San Antonio area and neighboring cities. Springs from the Aquifer feed the Comal and San Marcos Rivers, which provide base flow in the Guadalupe River system. The Aquifer and it's associated spring support the habitat for nine species that are listed as endangered or threatened by the federal government. EARDC takes an active role in water education issues and works daily with public schools as well as institutions of higher education. The Center provides laboratory analysis of 4,000 water samples a year to more than 100 customers. At this site data are available for a number of municipal and artesian wells and springs, as is drought data, groundwater level and bad water line monitoring data. Information on the site-based aquatic studies camps and field days for students and the public is also available.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Larry	Newitt		Mr	Geological Survey of Canada		#7 Observatory Crescent	Ottawa, Ontario Canada		K1A 0Y3		613-837-4241	613-824-9803	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tracking the North Magnetic Pole	Keywords: Geology	Description: This website was created by the Canada Geological Survey. It provides basic information on the history of the discovery of the pole, and subsequent efforts to reach it. The diurnal motion of the pole is discussed, along with the 1994 North Magnetic Pole survey, and why monitoring its position and motion is of prime importance to Canadian cartography. A French version of the text is also provided.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada,1999. All Rights Reserved. You may reproduce this publication in whole or in part provided that you acknowledge Natural Resources Canada as source for all copies. However, to obtain permission to reproduce in whole or in part for purposes of resale or redistribution, contact the authoring department. IIn case of discrepancy between the version of the document obtained through this system and the designated version, consider the offical version authoritative.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Diana	Bentley								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Is it Alive?: A WebQuest for High School Biology Students	Keywords: Biology	Description: This classroom biology project asks students to conduct research to determine whether an unknown substance found on Mars shows any of the same life characteristics as organisms on Earth. It is based on the WebQuest format, an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Amherst College			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Definition of a Mineral	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: In response to suggestions from the mineralogical community that a new definition of a mineral, compatible with recent technological advances should be promulgated, the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names (CNMMN) has taken the initiative in producing the definition embodied in this paper. The paper is the end product of active discussion of the subject within the CNMMN over a period of several years, and represents a general consensus of the CNMMN membership. Discussed is a general introduction to the issue, and sections on crystallinity, stability under ambient conditions, extra-terrestrial substances, anthropogenic substances, geologically modified anthropogenic substances, and biogenic substances.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Mimi	Fruhmann			Arizona Collaborative for Excellence in the Preparation of Teachers,	CHiPR, Center for High Pressure Research.	Tempe	AZ					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Let's Make Diamonds	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This activity is sponsored by ACEPT, Arizona Collaborative for Excellence in the Preparation of Teachers, and was developed in cooperation with CHiPR, Center for High Pressure Research. It has four objectives: to explore the differences between graphite and diamond, to investigate the conditions required for the formation of diamonds, to begin to understand how crystalline structure affects physical and chemical properties of a substance, and to gain some understanding of how materials change under varying conditions of temperature and pressure. It is divided into two parts: In the first part, students observe samples and crystalline models, and develop some possible explanations for their observations. In the second part, students use computer simulations to "synthesize" a diamond. Both parts are best done in small teams of 2-4 people.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Hernlund			Arizona State University, Department of Geology		Tempe	AZ					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Virtual Copper Mine Tour	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site offers a glimpse into copper mining. A "virtual tour" is given via photographs of the Bagdad open pit copper mine in Western Arizona. Included is an introduction to Arizona and copper mining, where copper comes from - a look at the geology behind it -, how it is found, mining strategies, blasting and scooping, sulfide ore processing, and oxide ore processing.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Pierre	Perroud			Athena								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineralogy Database	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is a large database of minerals that can be sorted either alphabetically or arranged systematically. Users can access minerals by name, elements, sulfides, halides, oxides, carbonates, sulfates, phosphates, silicates, organic minerals, or by variety. Once located, the properties of the mineral are displayed, including it’s chemical formula, crystal system, and location. Users can also access photos of minerals.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1986, 1994, 2000 ATHENA - Pierre Perroud. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bill	Hames		Dr	Auburn University, Department of Geology	210 Petrie Hall	Auburn	AL	36849				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineralogy	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is the hoempage for a course on mineralogy at Auburn University. This course is designed as an introduction to the study of crystals, minerals, and assemblages of minerals (rocks). Specific goals of the course include familiarizing the student with the common, rock-forming minerals, how to identify samples of these minerals, and providing an understanding of important relationships among their physical properties, chemical composition, crystal structure, and geologic occurrence. The Course Calendar is a syllabus of topics for each day and corresponding lecture notes. A link to the Auburn University Virtual Mineral Collection contains photos of minerals, as well as a listing of mineral properties and major mineral groups. A listing of additional mineralogy web sites is also available.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bob	Keller			Rockhounds								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Crystallography and Mineral Crystal Systems	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: This illustrated, nine-part primer on crystallography and mineral crystal systems was developed by a professional geologist and long-time mineral collector. His objective is to bring a greater appreciation of natural mineral crystals and their forms by providing some background and understanding of the world of crystallography.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997-1998 J Michael Howard
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webmaster				Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection			PA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Message From the Children of Mars, Pennsylvania	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Human geography,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This article is reprinted from the Second Quarter, 1997, issue of the "Rural Water" magazine with permission from the National Rural Water Association. It gives a brief description of the efforts of junior and senior high school students of Mars, Pennsylvania, who spearheaded efforts to bring wellhead protection to their community. It is one of many educational sites hosted by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, which are easily accessed from a navigation bar at the bottom of the page.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Staff				Lehigh Valley Water Suppliers, Incorporated	P.O. Box 3348	Allentown	PA	18106-0348		610-398-2503		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Richard	Martin		Dr	Active Data Exchange, Incorporated	190 Brodhead Road, Suite 300	Bethlehem	PA	18017				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lehigh Valley Water Suppliers	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology,Policy issues,Technology	Description: In 1987, a group of seven Lehigh Valley public water suppliers met to discuss the fledgling National Water Awareness Week, an event promoted by the American Water Works Association to focus national attention on the value of drinking water and the importance of properly managing this resource. The suppliers concluded that together, they could help develop programs to educate people of all ages about the priceless resources in the Valley. This website is a compilation of those efforts. Site Links: Who We Are; All About Water; Have You Heard; Visit Your Water Supplier (PA); Talk With Us; Links for Kids, Grownups and Businesses; For Kids Only; For Grownups; Virtual Tour; and Home.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site is powered by Active Data Exchange, Inc. Copyright © 2000.All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jeff	Rule			Discovery Channel									
This is a(n) person.
Title: You Control the Earth	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology	Description: Visitors click on/off switches to see how with a few minor changes in axis tilt, rotation, atmosphere or temperature the planet would be a radically different place.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999 Discovery Communications Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Staff				The Groundwater Foundation	P.O. Box 22558	Lincoln	NE	68542-2558		1-800-858-4844	402-434-2742	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Kid's Corner of the Groundwater Foundation	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This site is a special section of the Groundwater Foundation, dedicated to youth awareness and involvement with groundwater protection. There are tutorials, games, experiments, clubs, festivals, and "universities" designed expressly for students. Site pages: What is Groundwater, Kids Can Protect Groundwater Too, Easy Ways to Conserve H2O, Cool Groundwater Activity, The Awesome Aquifer Club, Meet G.W. Gecko, Recycling Maze, Water Crossword Puzzle, The Children's Groundwater Festival, and Groundwater University. There are also links to the main site and services of the Groundwater Foundation.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The use of Groundwater Foundation information, both print and electronic, is protected by copyright. However, The Groundwater Foundation does allow its information to be reproduced by users who have a primary educational purpose. If users of would like to reproduce in detail information or graphics found on this site, contact The Groundwater Foundation directly at or 402- 434-2740 to speak with an official about the purpose of such reproduction. Permission must be granted in advance and full credit must be prominently given to The Groundwater Foundation and as the original source of the information and artwork. You may NOT use the information or images on this site in a derogatory, defamatory or pornographic manner. The Groundwater Foundation has been dedicated to educating people about groundwater since 1985. The Groundwater Foundation's website has been online since February 1996.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Groundwater Foundation	P.O. Box 22558	Lincoln	NE	68542-2558		1-800-858-4844	402-434-2742	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Groundwater Foundation	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: The Groundwater Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and motivating people to care for and about groundwater. The section Groundwater Basics contains numerous information on groundwater issues, including the following subjects: what is groundwater?; how much do we depend on groundwater?; groundwater protection, hydrologic cycle, contamination and concerns, sources of groundwater contamination, wells and how they work, ten ways to help conserve and protect groundwater, groundwater ABCs - a glossary of groundwater-related terminology, and source water assessment and protection guide and training materials. Also of interest are kids and youth sections with activities and games, as well as a listing of the foundation’s publications and events.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The use of Groundwater Foundation information, both print and electronic, is protected by copyright. However, The Groundwater Foundation does allow its information to be reproduced by users who have a primary educational purpose. If users of would like to reproduce in detail information or graphics found on this site, contact The Groundwater Foundation directly at or 402- 434-2740 to speak with an official about the purpose of such reproduction. Permission must be granted in advance and full credit must be prominently given to The Groundwater Foundation and as the original source of the information and artwork.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Martin	Chaplin		Dr	South Bank University, Food Research Centre	Borough Road	London		SE1 0AA	44-20-7815-7970	44-20-7815-7999	United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Structure and Behavior	Keywords: Chemistry	Description: In this site, Martin Chaplin has brought together a selection of ideas concerning the complex behavior of water in hopes of encouraging both the understanding of water and further work. Some of the many ideas presented are: the structure of water, water anomalies, hydrogen bonding, the phase diagram of water, and water hydration.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Text, HTML markup and images at this website are copyright. Please obtain permission before you use them.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command		1020 Balch Blvd	Stennis Space Center	MS	39529				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Neptune's Web: Oceanography Lesson Plans	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This website houses numerous lesson plans for grades K-12 on the subject of oceanography. The homepage is divided into six different sections: Physical Education, Art, Social Studies, Science, Math, and Language Arts. Some of the topics covered are evaporation, heat flow, biological aspects, and pH levels in water. Activities are fun, entertaining, and offer a different perspective on learning.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Indiana University, Purdue University, Fort Wayne	ARGAST@IPFW.EDU	Department of Geology	Fort Wayne	IN					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Web Accessible Diffractometer	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: More than a simple demonstration of technology, this site provides a useful tool for teaching and doing X-ray diffraction at places that don't have the necessary equipment. Web surfers also will enjoy the chance to become familiar with minerals and an important diagnostic tool in the Geosciences
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Christopher	Grayce	J		University of California at Irvine, Department of Chemistry								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Educational Applets - Chemistry	Keywords: Chemistry,Geochemistry	Description: This page of educational applets gives visitors a chance to explore some scientific principles the same way a professional scientist does: by messing around with a system that exhibits the principle. While these systems are all simulated -- they exist only on a computer -- they are quite realistic, in the sense that their properties are calculated carefully by accurate and modern scientific methods. Indeed, simulations such as these form an important modern scientific research tool. Each applet comes with instructions and commentary. In most cases visitors play with the simulated system by fiddling with its parameters.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Waldron		Dr	St. Mary's University, Geology Department		Halifax	NS	B3H 3C3				Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Structures Page	Keywords: 	Description: This course website for students of structural geology and tectonics was selected as Geoscience Site of the Month in October 1999. It provides much standard course website fare, but is distinguished by several interesting visuals, such as a gallery of structural images, diagrams of fold terminology, a 3-D animated map of fault slip, and an animation of the geometry of stereographic projection.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: John W.F. Waldron © 1998, 1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Department of State, Office of Public Affairs	2201 C Street, N.W.	Washington	DC	20520	202-647-6575		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Issues Environment	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This is the United States Department of State's Global Environmental Issues web site. The site contains copies of recent publications, reports, press briefings, fact sheets, and other types of documentation regarding current global environmental issues and policy. The site also contains an extensive bibliography of environmental resources and links to all types of related sites. Included are official text and articles on environmental issues, including transcripts of speeches, and reports by governmental agencies, fact sheets such as an overview on persistent organic pollutants, electronic journals on population and water, and various other publications.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency	Office of Water							
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Clean Water Action Plan	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This site offers information for the public about the Clean Water Action Plan. To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, the White House asked federal agencies to develop and implement a comprehensive plan that would help revitalize the nation's commitment to our valuable water resources. The result was the Clean Water Action Plan in February 1998. The key actions described focus on achieving cleaner water by strengthening public health protections, targeting watershed protection efforts at high priority areas, and providing communities with new resources to control polluted runoff and enhance natural resource stewardship. 111 key actions were developed in the Action Plan to build a new framework for watershed protection. Accomplishments of these 111 key actions in the Action Plan include: focusing on watersheds, protecting public health, expanding citizens' right to know, controlling polluted runoff, and incentives for private land stewardship. Links describing each of these accomplishments are provided in this site. Other information includes a chronological list of what's new with the Clean Water Action Plan, and released reports, including the Coastal Research and Monitoring Strategy, and the Unified Federal Policy for a Watershed Approach to Federal Land and Resource Management.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center For Watershed Protection	8391 Main Street	Ellicott City	MD	21043-4605		410-461-8323	410-461-8324	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Center for Watershed Protection	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The Center for Watershed Protection works with local, state, and federal governmental agencies, environmental consulting firms, watershed organizations, and the general public to provide objective and scientifically sound information on effective techniques to protect and restore urban watersheds. The Center also acts as a technical resource for local and state governments around the country to develop more effective urban storm water and watershed protection programs. The Center publishes a periodic journal entitled Watershed Protection Techniques, which provides reliable and accurate summaries of the latest tools for protecting watersheds across North America. This includes information on non-storm water discharges, erosion control, land conservation, and watershed stewardship. Users can access their page on Better Site Design, which provides a model of development principles to help protect lakes, streams and wetlands. They also provide model ordinances for communities who want to create effective ordinances that will guide future growth and attempt to safeguard local resources. This includes information on buffers, erosion/sediment control, open space, operation and maintenance, illicit discharges, and post-construction runoff.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999, Center for Watershed Protection, All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Meertens	M.	Dr	University Navstar Consortium/UCAR	3300 Mitchell Lane	Boulder	CO	80301	303-497-8011	303-497-8028	
This is a(n) person.
Title: University Navstar Consortium Global Positioning System Site Motion Vector Archive	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: The University Navstar Consortium (UNAVCO) Boulder facility has developed a Global Positioning System (GPS) Site Motion Vector Archive. Precise motions of points on the Earth, made with continuous or episodic GPS measurements, are being used to study tectonic processes including plate motions, plate boundary zone deformation, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. This archive of GPS velocities contains project information, maps, links, data, and metadata from both regional and global GPS analyses and showcases the work conducted by university and other research investigators. The archive also contains a global plate motion model velocity calculator and an interactive map tool. Velocity data are also accessible via a Distributed Ocean Data Sets (DODS) server.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Published on the World Wide Web by the University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO), P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000. UNAVCO is Operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and NASA. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this web document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or NASA. Contributor data linked to in this archive may have indivdual copyright restrictions (see release notes).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				River Network, National Office	520 SW 6th Avenue #1130	Portland	OR	97204		1-800-423-6747	503-241-9256	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The River Network	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The River Network (RN) helps people monitor, protect and restore rivers and watersheds. RN is self-described as the nation's leader in supporting grassroots river and watershed conservation groups. Users can access information about the group’s activities, including workshops and training, publications, special programs and grants available to watershed groups. A resource library allows users to search the site by topic. Categories include fundraising and organizational development, issues facing our rivers, publications, river conservation approaches, river quotes, facts, myths, prose, clip art, photos, and video. Users can also search by keyword. Other information includes issues facing rivers, monitoring and assessment, using the Clean Water Act, and conserving river lands.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: River Network is the sole owner of the information collected on the site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed on this statement. River Network collects information from users who purchase resources, want access to certain site features, or sign up for our partnership program
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Robert	Brakenridge		Dr	Dartmouth College, Dartmouth Flood Observatory	Department of Geography7	Hanover	NH					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dartmouth Flood Observatory	Keywords: Environmental science,Natural hazards	Description: This site is a research tool for detection, mapping, measurement, and analysis of extreme flood events world-wide using satellite remote sensing. The site provides comprehensive catalogs of large river floods, and is developing methods for obtaining globally-consistent measurements of such events. It frequently produces the first geocoded image maps of extreme floods, and these and related GIS data layers may be downloaded in digital form from this site. Among the resources used are the cloud-penetrating radar imagers aboard European Remote Sensing Satellites (ERS-1 and ERS-2), the Canadian-American Radarsat, NASA's AIRSAR/TOPSAR airborne sensor, Landsat-7, NOAA's AVHRR sensors, and MODIS and ASTER data from Terra.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: (c) 1999 Dartmouth Flood Observatory
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				EPA, Office of Water								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EPA Ground Water and Drinking Water Publications	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This site is part of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, providing information on the EPA's ground water and drinking water publications. The publications under the General Drinking Water Information section include children and drinking water standards, citizen's guide to ground-water protection, drinking water and health: what you need to know, citizen monitoring: recommendations to public water system users, drinking water treatment, glossary of terms, and others. A section for kids and teachers includes various activities. These include aquifer in a cup, build your own aquifer, build your own watershed, non-point source pollution, water filtration, where does your drinking water come from? and others. A section on the drinking water standards program contains publications on a number of subjects. These include: microbial contaminants, disinfectant and disinfection byproducts, chemical contaminants - inorganics, SOC, VOCs - radionuclides and radon, sulfate, and lead and copper. Users can also access publications on the National Drinking Water Advisory Council, and legislation and program direction. Each of the listed publications can be ordered free of charge depending on availability.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Greg	Finn		Dr	Brock University, Department of Geology								Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Phase Diagrams (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This page defines the terms system, phase, equilibrium, component to help students understand phase diagrams.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Colgate University, Department of Geology	13 Oak Drive	Hamilton	NY	13346				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mineralogy	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This undergraduate course deals with principles and concepts fundamental to understanding the physical, chemical, crystallographic and structural properties of minerals. There is a syllabus, annotated lecture schedule, list of lecture topics with assoicated links, and a set of on-line quizzes for student self assessment.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997 © Colgate University
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Charles	Berberich	W.		American Water Works Association	6666 West Quincy Avenue	Denver	CO	80235		303-794-7711		
This is a(n) person.
Title: American Water Works Association	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international nonprofit scientific and educational society. Founded in 1881, AWWA is the largest organization of water supply professionals in the world. The American Water Works Association is dedicated to the promotion of public health and welfare in the provision of drinking water of unquestionable quality and sufficient quantity. Users can access past and present journal articles, governmental information, and consumer information including tips on conservation. Also included is information on research, water management, and water quality.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 American Water Works Association. All rights reserved. The content of this web site is published by AWWA and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States. No material appearing on this web site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any media (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher. To request permission to reproduce any copyrighted material from AWWA (in printed or electronic form), submit in writing the following information: The source of the material to be reproduced - URL, file name, date of access. A description of the material to be reproduced (e.g., entire document, excerpt, illustration) The purpose for which the material is to be used and the audience, inclusion on another web site, in a new publication, in a marketing packet for potential clients, with classroom materials, etc.
Title: Changes in the Antarctic Ice Sheet	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology,Ecology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography,Biology	Description: The Gulf of Maine Aquarium hosts this two-part activity. The focus is on seasonal changes in the mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Part 1 uses an atlas and satellite imagery to examine the geography of the region and the changing boundaries of the ice sheet. Part 2 tracks annual changes in sea ice. There is an animation page showing changes in ice cover around Antarctica during 1991, and links to several other student activities: Coping with the Cold (Plan an expedition to Antarctica), Blubber Glove (Demonstrate how Antarctic animals stay warm in bone-chilling water), Salt Concentration (Demonstrate how cold-blooded animals survive subfreezing water temperatures without being shattered by ice crystals), Penguin Adaptation (Brainstorm ways in which penguins are well-adapted to cold water and icy environments), Chick Die-Off (Show how sea ice cover and penguin chick populations are related), and Creating Plankton (Design an ocean "wanderer”).
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000. Gulf of Maine Aquarium. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ray	Ford			Santa Barbara County Water Education			CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Santa Barbara County Water Education	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Hydrology,Physical oceanography	Description: The Santa Barbara County Water Education site provides lessons and activities for teachers and students, as well as images, maps, water history, curriculum training information, projects, links to relevant resources, and more. Resources in this site are designed to aid in the creation of an exciting water education curriculum. A primary component of the site is its interactivity. Anyone can participate as a student, teacher, or community member by joining in one of the various water projects, reporting local rainfall data, adding lessons or water links to the database, or supporting those who are.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carolyn	Tucker			California Department of Water Resources	Office of Water Education, 1416 - 9th Street, Room 1104-1	Sacramento	CA	95814		916-653-9892	916-653-4684	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Facts and Fun	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology	Description: The California Department of Water Resources, Office of Water Education offers student workbooks, teacher's guides, hands-on water activities for teachers, flannel board stories, colored wall posters, and special offers that can be ordered online. Some materials are specific to California's water situation, while most are broad based concepts. The materials emphasize water conservation, the basics of the water cycle, water quality, and water safety.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Pennsylvania Water Resources Education Network	League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, 226 Forster Street	Harrisburg	PA	17102		1-800-692-7281		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Pennsylvania Water Resources Education Network	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The Pennsylvania Water Resources Education Network (WREN) is a nonpartisan informal collaboration among organizations and public officials working for the protection and management of Pennsylvania's water resources, both surface and ground water, through education and informed policy making. Resource users will find water education materials specific to Pennsylvania including publications, videos, grants and more. A question and answer forum aids water activists in finding each other and in solving problems. Local projects are also listed.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997-98 - League of Women Voters of PA Citizen Education Fund
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Keeling	D.		University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography			La Jolla	CA	92093		619-534-4230		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)	CDIAC@ORNL.GOV	P.O. Box 2008 MS 6335	Oak Ridge	TN	37831-6335	865-574-3645	865-574-0390	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Carbon Dioxide Concentrations at Mauna Loa: Observatory, Hawaii, 1958-1999, CDIAC NDP-001	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: This resource is a summary document of daily measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii for the time period 1958 to 2000 (revised August 2001). These measurements constitute the longest, continuous record of atmospheric CO2 concentrations available in the world. Details are provided on the daily, monthly and annual averages, the instruments used and the precision of the data. This summary document is provided as a service of the Netherlands Earth Observation NETwork (NEONET). This resource also provides links to the monthly average data and the classic figure of of the data graphed over time.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Keeling	D.		University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography			La Jolla	CA	92093		619-534-4230		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center CDIAC	CDIAC@ORNL.GOV	P.O. Box 2008 MS 6335	Oak Ridge	TN	37831-6335	865-574-3645	865-574-0390	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tim	Whorf			University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography			La Jolla	CA	92093				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ppmv) derived from in situ air samples collected at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Geology	Description: Displays the monthly atmospheric concentrations of CO2 expressed in parts per million by volume (ppmv) for the years 1958 through 2000. Values are reported in the 1997 SIO manometric mole fraction scale. Missing values are denoted by -99.99. In years where one monthly value is missing, annual values were calculated by substituting a fit value (4-harmonics with gain factor and spline) for that month and then averaging the twelve monthly values.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Documents were sponsored by a contractor of the U.S. Government under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. Accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				CASEC Headquarters, Department of Human and Community Development	University of California	Davis	CA	95616		916-752-8824	916-752-3969	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: California Aquatic Science Education Consortium	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: The California Aquatic Science Education Consortium (CASEC) is an assemblage of agencies, organizations, and citizen groups established for the purpose of encouraging, supporting, and enhancing aquatic (fresh and marine) education programs in the State of California. The Consortium's activities are shaped by the specific education objectives shared by all Consortium members: communication, coordination, cooperation, financial support, research, aquatic environmental issues, and advice. Besides general information about the group including information about membership, publications, newsletter, and calendar, the site also includes activities for children and adults.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Computer Sciences	5355a Computer Sciences and Statistics, 1210 West Dayton Street	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-1204	608-262-9777	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Internet Scout Project	Keywords: None of the above	Description: The Scout Report is the flagship publication of the Internet Scout Project. Published every Friday, continuously since 1994, the Scout Report is one of the Internet's oldest and most respected publications. It provides a fast, convenient way to stay informed of valuable resources on the Internet. Every day professional librarians, educators, and content specialists filter hundreds of announcements looking for the most valuable and authoritative resources available online. Information about the best of what they have found is then summarized, organized, and provided to the Internet community in various formats, including email and the Web. There are three different reports available from this page. They are the Scout Report for Science & Engineering, the Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities, and the Scout Report for Business & Economics. There is a searchable archive of nearly seven years of the best of the net's resources from the Scout Report. Resources are searchable by: title, author, publisher, Library of Congress Subject Headings, CYRUS Classification, URL (Advanced Search) and full text of the original Scout Report annotations (Quick Search).
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16;13;14;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2000. Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-2000. The Internet Scout Project [], located in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of any of our publications or web content provided this paragraph, including the copyright notice, is preserved on all copies. Written permission is required for use of Internet Scout Project Website content that is not part of a publication. Publications include the Scout Report, the Scout Report for Science & Engineering, the Scout Report for Social Sciences, and the Scout Report for Business & Economics.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Maidment	R.	Dr	Department of Civil Engineering	University of Texas	Austin	TX	78712	512-471-4620	512-471-0072	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin: Hydrologic Modeling using GIS	Keywords: Human geography,Hydrology,Physical geography,Technology	Description: Hydrologic modeling using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is striving to meet a growing demand for planning, prediction, and protection of water resources as the world's population increases. Some of the topics discussed in this class include an introduction to Arcview, delineation of watersheds and streams, map projections, and nonpoint source pollution in the Mission Basin. Also included are on-line research reports, completed research projects, and presentations from conferences.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Prothero	A	Dr	University of California Santa Barbara	Dept. of Geological Sciences	Santa Barbara	CA	93106	805-893-3308	805-893-2314	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Our Dynamic Planet Interactive Plate Tectonics Theory and Data Explorer (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: A CD-ROM containing all the resources needed to support inquiry learning into the theory of Plate Tectonics and the data that support it. Tools the CD-ROM contains are: 1. Virtual Plate Tectonics Lecture. 30 minutes of animated video with animated visualizations of the major plate boundaries, including transform faults, spreading centers, and subduction zones. The India-Eurasia continental collision is discussed. 2. Geography game. Intended to help students recognize the location of continents, seas, and oceans on a world map. 3.Profile game. Students learn to use elevation profiles to visualize topographic features. 4. MAP. A zoomable, scrollable world map with point and click interface to plot earth data that allows students to distinguish between the plate boundary types and examine several spreading centers at high resolution. Elevation profiles (from ETOPO5 DEM), earthquake plots (map and cross-section view), volcanoes, seafloor age, island ages, heat flow, and still and video images are available. Any portion of the screen can be captured for incorporation into student presentation and writing exercises. 5. Graphics workshop. A simple graphics editor allows students to compose, edit, and print their image displays. This software supports inquiries into plate boundary types, hot spots, plate velocities and directions. In addition, subduction zones can be compared and the East Pacific Rise can be contrasted with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, using the high-resolution data. Magnetic anomalies are shown in the high-resolution data, and can be used to study how to determine seafloor age. A companion teacher’s manual, which includes discussions of the science process, elements of a science investigation, how to write a science paper, sample studies using the CD data, and installation instructions, is available at extra cost.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: May be used in any setting. Not for resale, duplication, or incorporation into other products without permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Maidment	R.	Dr	Department of Civil Engineering	University of Texas	Austin	TX	78712	512-471-4620	512-471-0072	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dr. David R. Maidment, Ashley H. Priddy Centennial Professor of Engineering, Director of the Center for Research in Water Resources University of Texas at Austin	Keywords: Geology,Human geography,Hydrology,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This is the homepage of Dr. David Maidment, director of the Center for Research in Water Resources at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr Maidment is a specialist in surface water hydrology, and in particular in the application of geographic information systems to hydrology. Since 1989, he has been cooperating in this field with ESRI, manufacturers of Arc/Info and ArcView, the leading GIS programs worldwide. Site Links: Students and Scholars, Classes (syllabi and outlines), Research Reports, Publishing, Virtual Course (only for registered students at UT), Links to Other Sites, Slide Presentations, and ESRI conference reports and slide presentations for GIS Hydro 1997, 1998, and GIS Enviro 1998. There are also links to the Center for Research in Water Resources, and to the University of Texas at Austin.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gerry	Daumiller			Montana State Library	PO Box 201800	Helena	MT	59620-1800		406-444-5358	406-444-0581	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Montana State Library Natural Resource Information System	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: The Montana Natural Resource Information System (NRIS) Geographic Information System (GIS) acts as a clearinghouse for GIS databases and provides services to State, Federal, Private, Non-Profit, and Public groups or individuals needing access to GIS technology. Numerous statewide and regional data sets are available for direct download. The NRIS GIS program provides a wide range of GIS services to the Montana GIS community. Available services include programming, database design, spatial analyses, cartographic design, project setup and design, database development, and others.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Information is Unknown. NRIS provides access to many GIS databases. Any data residing on the NRIS system, including GIS databases and paper copies of any maps we have produced from those databases, is available to any group or person who wants it. Most GIS users can obtain data from NRIS at no cost. However, the Natural Resource Information System (NRIS) and the Montana Natural Heritage Program (NHP) will charge a fee to private users (defined as one using the product for potential for-profit activity) of the data and services in an effort to recover the service cost incurred for staff time and other expenses to deliver data.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ken	Cooke			Kentucky Water Watch	14 Reilly Road	Frankfort	KY	40601		800-928-0045	502-564-4245	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Kentucky Water Watch	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: Water Watch is organized by volunteers in an effort to protect Kentucky's rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands. There is information on the status of and how to get involved with a variety of volunteer projects including water quality monitoring programs, community education initiatives, and community leadership and action. While this site contains specifics on Kentucky's programs, there are also links to other volunteer monitoring programs and water education resources nationwide. Topics include volunteer projects, the people involved, and links to additional information about streams and rivers.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Katie	Dyer			University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, Public Relations						907-474-1537		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Aurora Forecast	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: The Aurora Forecast from the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, provides aurora activity predictions for different locations around the world. Predictions are available as maps or as audio files. Users select a geographical area, and they are presented with a forecast map with the approximate Universal Time of greatest activity for the selected longitude about an hour before local geomagnetic midnight. Also included are links to information about the forecasts, how to interpret the forecasts, geomagnetic activity, and aurora links.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999 Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): K.	Klima			Environmental Protection Agency, Surf Your Watershed	Mail Code 4503F, 401 M Street SW	Washington	DC	20460		202-260-7087		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Surf Your Watershed	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: Surf Your Watershed is the Environmental Protection Agency's effort to provide a comprehensive center for geographically relevant information about drinking water regulations, drinking water publications, public water systems, ground water, and water quality and pollution issues. Resources include how to locate your watershed anywhere in the United States, state and tribal information, an index of watershed indicators, how to adopt your watershed, a watershed atlas, and a link to environmental websites.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce its own documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of this document may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephan	Custer		Dr	Montana State University, Earth Sciences Department	118 Traphagen Hall	Bozeman	MT	59717	406-994-6906		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Surface Water Resources	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This course provides a physical analysis of the surface position of the hydrologic cycle- climate, evapotranspiration, precipitation, runoff, flooding, stream channels, sediment production, sediment transport and drainage basins. The class also investigates the surface-water resource in terms of regional supply and human use and intervention. Provided with the course outline are the skeleton versions of class notes, various reading assignments, paper guidelines, and a link to the laboratory assignments. Titles include drainage basin, channel pattern, hydraulic equation summary, froude number, stream power, shear, bed load applications, survey techniques, urbanization, infiltration and runoff, and snow melt.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webmaster				National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research								New Zealand
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Climatology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues,Technology	Description: Established in 1992 as one of nine New Zealand Crown Research Institutes (CRIs), the National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research's mission is to provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management of New Zealand's atmospheric, marine and freshwater systems and associated resources. Areas of expertise for consultancy and research are Atmosphere and Climate, Freshwater, Coastal & Oceanography, Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries Enhancement. Site Links: All About NIWA, New at NIWA, NIWA Research, Commercial Services, Publications, NIWA Staff, Questions and Answers for Kids, and Index.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998-2001 NIWA. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kristof	Van Oost			Katholieke Universiteit Leuven		Leuven			Belgium
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Laboratory for Experimental Geomorphology (LEG)	Keywords: Geology,Soil science,Technology	Description: Over the last 25 years the Laboratory for Experimental Geomorphology (LEG) has been extensively studying overland flow hydraulics and soil erosion (both by overland flow and raindrop impact) and aeolian processes. LEG has developed numerous models, algorithms, and simulation techniques for study in the field, in the lab, or with GIS, some of which are available for demo and free download from this site. There is also a lengthy list of LEG papers that have been published in international scientific literature since 1979.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Richard	Meylan			The New Zealand Science and Technology Promotion Programme - Wow it's Science	PO Box 2401	Wellington				64-4-385-4503	64-4-385-2428	New Zealand
This is a(n) person.
Title: Wow, it's Science (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Biology,Chemistry,Ecology	Description: A New Zealand web site for students, educators, industry professionals, the media and communicators to discuss the fields of science and technology. It offers information on the latest discoveries from the scientific community, links to sites from New Zealand and the world, and science and technology in the news. Also included is information on careers and education.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency, Watershed Information Network	Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, North West	Washington	DC	20460				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Watershed Information Network	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Ecology,Policy issues	Description: The intent of the Watershed Information Network from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to provide a "roadmap" to information and services for protecting and restoring water resources. Links to EPA programs, such as the Safe Water Drinking Information Center (SDWIS) are provided with complete datasets and Geographic Information System layers. The section entitled Watershed Information discusses what a watershed is, what individual watershed addresses are, what the health of individual watersheds are, data and maps on watersheds, and who is studying individual watersheds. The section, Working in Your Watershed includes sections on how to get involved, and how to start a watershed team. Assistance and Services includes information on financial, technical, hands-on assistance and training. Also accessible are the basic laws related to water. Under the Power Search section, users can conduct geographical searches for environmental information, including information on adopting your local watershed and wetlands restoration projects. Also included is a link to environmental web sites.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce its own documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of this document may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Pacific Institute	654 13th Street, Preservation Park	Oakland	CA	94612		510-251-1600	510-251-2203	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The World's Water: Information on the World's Freshwater Resources	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The World's Water is dedicated to providing up-to-date water information, data, and web connections to organizations, institutions, and individuals working on a wide range of global freshwater problems and solutions. This site complements and supplements the book The World's Water: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources, by Peter H. Gleick, Island Press, Washington, D.C. The section on Water Data includes tables and charts on such subjects as Total Renewable Freshwater Supply by Country, Freshwater Withdrawal by Country and Sector, Access to Safe Drinking Water in Developing Countries by Region, Hydroelectric Capacity and Production by Country, 1996, Waterborne Disease Outbreaks in the United Sates, Access to Sanitation in Developing Countries by Region, and others. Maps on Sanitation Coverage and Populations Without Access to Drinking Water can also be accessed. A large list of links is also included, including links to databases, water publications, articles and reports, commercial sites, governmental, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations and associations, university and educational institutions, and conservation measures. Also included is an Environmental and Security Water Conflict Chronology.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;15;16;13;14;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: (c)1999/2001 Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Douglas	Yarger		Dr	Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science	ISU Agronomy Building	Ames	IA	50011		515-294-9872		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Advection Simulation (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: These Java applets simulate warm and cold air advection in the United States. They allow users to vary different combinations of wind speed, simulation duration, wind direction, contour spacing in Ames, Iowa. Several of the applets also give the user an opportunity to estimate the final temperature. The results show how the temperature gradient would change over a matter of time given the wind speed and direction.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1999, PALS, all rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey Library	950 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192	703-648-4302	703-648-6373	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: U. S. Geological Survey Library	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Library is the largest earth science library in the world. The library serves the research needs of USGS scientists throughout the nation and provides information to other organizations and individuals in the areas of geology, hydrology, cartography, biology, and related fields. USGS libraries are located in Reston, Virginia, Denver, Colorado, Menlo Park, California, and Flagstaff, Arizona. Some of the library holdings are available on-line, while others can be purchased from USGS, ordered via an interlibrary loan, or attained from one of the four library locations directly. The library home page provides links to search engines for USGS publications, photographs, maps, etc. Users can search various databases to find what they need. These databases include: the Geographic Names Information System database, the Minerals Information Collection, the National Geologic Map Database, and a database of purchased journals held by the library. Users can also search the library’s catalog, and can post questions to a librarian via the Ask a Librarian link.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. USGS will identify material they use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known), USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dave	Bunnell			Virtual Cave			
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Virtual Cave	Keywords: Geology	Description: Dave Bunnell, a caver and photographer for over 30 years has collected images from caves all over the world. This site tells the story of caves in words and pictures; what's in them and how it got there. Information can be found on four types of caves: solution, lava tube, sea, and erosional. Each section begins with an introduction to the type of cave - how it was formed, what's inside of it, etc.- and provides examples via photographs of different caves throughout the world.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Created: June 19, 1995 by Djuna Bewley and Dave Bunnell. Maintained and expanded since 1996 by Dave Bunnell. Photos copyright Dave Bunnell unless noted otherwise.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): George	Rossman	R	Dr	California Institute of Technology		Pasadena	CA			
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Colors of Minerals	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This page presents information about the causes of color in minerals and provides illustrations of many examples. The common causes are metal ions, intervalence charge transfer, ionizing radiation, physical effects, and band gaps.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carolyn	Tucker			California Department of Water Resources, Office of Water Education	1416 - 9th Street, Room 1104-1	Sacramento	CA	95814		916-653-9892	916-653-4684	
This is a(n) person.
Title: California Department of Water Resources, Office of Water Education	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The California Office of Water Education (OWE) is part of California's continuing efforts to educate people on the importance of water, how this limited resource can be properly used, and the need for its continued availability to California homes, businesses, industries, agriculture, and the environment. OWE provides water education services and materials to schools throughout California, issues new releases, designs and promotes exhibits and displays, and publishes and distributes general interest brochures, newsletters and videos. The OWE site is the primary entry point to California Department of Water Resources informational programs and services.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): George	Rossman	R	Dr	California Institute of Technology, Department of Geoschemistry		Pasadena	CA			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineral Spectroscopy Server	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: This server is primarily dedicated to providing information about color in minerals and access to data on mineral absorption in the visible, infrared, Raman and Mossbauer spectra. Both data coordinates and images of the spectra are available for selected minerals. Most data on the server were obtained in the Caltech mineral spectroscopy labs, but individuals throughout the world also contribute to this ever growing community resource. In addition to data files, the site provides an extensive list of references to papers on mineral optical spectroscopy. Citations are available sorted both by mineral name and by first authors of papers.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © George R. Rossman
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jeanne	Sauber			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Geodynamics Branch, Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics	Greenbelt	MD					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Geophysical Union (AGU)	2000 Florida Avenue N.W.	Washington, DC		20009-1277		202-462-6900		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Measuring a Moving Glacier	Keywords: Geology,Cryology	Description: An introduction to the study of the Bering Glacier in southern Alaska. A series of satellites that estimate precise positions on Earth from space - the Global Positioning System -are helping scientists study the movement of ice and Earth at the surging Bering Glacier. The main focus is estimating glacial and tectonically induced deformation of the earth's surface in this region. The results will measure of how useful GPS data are to understanding glacier fluctuations. A link is provided to the American Geophysical Union's Science and Society website.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Earth in Space, Vol. 8, No. 3, November, 1995. © 1995 American Geophysical Union. Permission is hereby granted to journalists to use this material so long as credit is given, and to teachers to use this material in classrooms.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences,	P.O. Box 475	West Boothbay Harbor	ME	04575	207-633-9600	207-633-9641	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Virtual Vacationland: A "Virtual" Tour of On-Line Resources for Earth Science Education	Keywords: Climatology,Hydrology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: Virtual Vacationland is a resource tool to help you find and use Earth Science data and information on the Internet. The content is arranged by science topic. Each topic has a Preview Page that summarizes the material, 2 to 5 Detail Pages (listed under Background Info), a list of Key Questions designed to help you understand how on-line data are used to better understand our environment, hands-on activities, a list of the terminology defined in the detail pages, links to related sites, and links to images and movies related to the topic. The topics covered include Land Topography, Ocean Bathymetry, Coastal Tides, Ocean Buoy Data, Ocean Temperature, Weather & Climate, and Watersheds and Rivers.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory, Center for Science Education			Berkeley	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquake	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This lesson plan provides students with information and activities related to earthquakes. Sections include detailed discussions of seismographs, epicenter determination, and seismic waves, as well as historical information on major earthquakes.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All text, images, and other resources in this page are Copyright © 1995, The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. For permission, email
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Aaron	Wolf	T.	Dr	Oregon State University, Department of Geosciences	104 Wilkinson Hall	Corvallis	OR	97331-5506		541-737-2722	541-737-1200	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database	Keywords: Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database is a project of the Oregon State University Department of Geosciences, in collaboration with other agencies and individuals. The database is a searchable compilation of 150 water-related treaties and 39 US inter-state compacts, catalogued by basin, countries or states involved, date signed, treaty topic, allocations measure, conflict resolution mechanisms, and non-water linkages. The web site also includes the following components: Negotiating notes and other primary and secondary sources for 14 case studies of the processes of international water conflict resolution; Descriptions of indigenous/traditional methods for the resolution of water disputes; News files and bibliographic entries of acute water conflicts; A digitized inventory of international watersheds; An annotated bibliography of the state of the art of Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Resolution; Sites related to the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database Project; and Publications produced by the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database Project.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				British Antarctic Survey	High Cross, Madingley Road	Cambridge		CB3 OET	44-0-1223-221400	44-0-1223-362616	UK
This is a(n) organization.
Title: British Antarctic Survey	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Climatology,Cryology,Environmental science,Geology,Physical geography,Policy issues	Description: The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is a key player in international efforts to describe and understand the nature and processes of the Antarctic through research, survey and monitoring. BAS also has a significant role in the affairs of the Antarctic Treaty System, and in the protection and conservation of the Antarctic environment. This large portal houses a wealth of information on key topics such as conservation and protection of the Antarctic environment; Antarctic climate and geologic processes; biodiversity; techniques of polar living; and polar weather.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Natural Environment Research Council - British Antarctic Survey 2001.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Aber	W		Emporia State University		Emporia	KS					
This is a(n) person.
Title: The World of Amber	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The World of Amber originates from the Earth Science Department at Emporia State University. It aims to present factual, interesting, and comprehensive information about amber. The site presents detailed information on a range of topics such as Types of Amber, Uses of Amber, Amber Museums, and Amber Myths.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: copyright 1996-2001 © Susan Ward Aber. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				EuroMin Project								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: History of Mineralogy and Crystallography 1850 - 1900	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: An in-depth look into the people and discoveries behind the history of mineralogy and crystallography from 1850 to 1900. Following a brief introduction, more in-depth information on crystal physics, crystal geometry, chemical crystallography, and regional mineralogy is available. A bibliography is also provided.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):,	P.O. Box 7044	Downers Grove	IL	60515	877-705-1084		
This is a(n) organization.
Title:	Keywords: Technology	Description: complements school websites by allowing teachers to post class information on the World Wide Web without worrying about HTML or FTP - there is no programming required. Posted information - such as class notes - can then be accessed by parents, teachers, and students from home, work, school, or anywhere the Internet is available. Users simply enter their school's zip code, and are brought to a listing of posted class material. They can also register to be notified any time there is an update to the class postings.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998-2001 by, Inc. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, National Institute for Science Education	1025 W. Johnson St., Suite 753	Madison	WI	53706		608-263-9250	608-262-7428	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide for Science, Math, Engineering and Technology Instructors	Keywords: Agricultural science,Space science,Biology,Chemistry,Educational theory and practice,Mathematics	Description: The Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG) provides access to a variety of Classroom Assessment Techniques (CAT). Each CAT has been written by a college or university professor who uses the technique and all CATs have been reviewed by the FLAG Editorial Board. Tools and other resources are provided for use with the CATs. The CATs include the following: Attitude Survey, ConcepTests, Concept Mapping, Conceptual Diagnostic Tests, Interviews, Performance Assessments, Portfolios, Scoring Rubrics, and Weekly Reports.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The Field-Tested Learning Assessment Guide(FLAG) contains materials obtained from different sources. Because a work is automatically copyrighted at the time of creation, even in the absence of a copyright notice these works are still protected under the U.S. Copyright Act. The University of Wisconsin-Madison encourages users to make productive use of the materials found on this website, especially for non-profit educational purposes. The FLAG must be acknowledged appropriately. A user may not use these materials for commercial purposes without prior written permission. Should a user need assistance in identifying or locating the copyright owner of specific material, please write to the National Institute for Science Education at National Institute for Science Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1025 W. Johnson St., Suite 753, Madison, WI 53706, or call (608) 263-9250, FAX (608) 262-7428, or email ( your request.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Alroy			National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis	735 State Street, Suite 300	Santa Barbara	CA	93101-3351		805-892-2519	805-892-2510	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lefalophodon; An Informal History of Evolutionary Biology Web Site	Keywords: Biology,History and philosophy of science,Paleontology	Description: This is an informal and incomplete guide to the history of evolutionary biology from about 1800 to about 1950. It is maintained by John Alroy. Its main emphases are on the late 19th century and on paleontology. The coverage may become more comprehensive in the near future. Users are welcome to submit comments or suggestions or contributions to the site. The only limits on contributions are that they must follow the site's format and carry your byline. The site's other main features currently are: A timeline of major events between 1800 and 1950; An annotated bibliography of history of biology books; A page of Darwin quotes; A page detailing major 19th century scientific expeditions; Pages for institutions which played a role in the history of evolutionary biology; Minimal biographies of major (and not so major) figures; and a Photo gallery: pages that have photos and little else. The editor is planning to create "famous historical episodes" pages.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information Unknown. This web site has no formal connection to the University of California, which takes no responsibility for the site or any of the information found on it.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Steven	Brantley	R.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcanoes of the United States	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This site includes information on volcanoes within the United States. Special sections with abundant photographs are provided for Hawaii, Alaska and the Cascade Range.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Douglas	Yarger		Dr	Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science	ISU Agronomy Building	Ames	IA	50011		515-294-9872		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Radiation Balance	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Physical geography	Description: Radiation Balance challenges students to "become a meteorologist" and make predictions about the relationships among ground cover, time of day, altitude and temperature. It is a simulation of radiation processes in the earth's atmosphere caused by solar, terrestrial, and atmospheric radiation transfer. Students analyze temperature data measured by a balloon (radiosonde) that they "launch" both in the morning and evening over four types of terrain (sand, plowed field, grass or fresh snow). As the balloon is dragged and dropped to various heights in the simulated atmosphere, the temperatures at these altitudes are automatically plotted on a graph. Several temperature profiles may be plotted concurrently to compare differences before clearing the graph.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1999, PALS, all rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Douglas	Yarger		Dr	Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science	ISU Agronomy Building	Ames	IA	50011		515-294-9872		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Energy Balance	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This Java applet simulates the energy intake of our atmosphere during the day and the loss of energy at night. Users can vary the intensity of the sun during the day. A tub of water fills up symbolically showing the energy intake of our atmosphere. At the end of the simulation students are asked to answer several questions.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1999, PALS, all rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)	14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 6013	Washington	DC	20230	202-482-6090	202-482-3154	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Hurricanes	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: This page provides access to a variety of resources about hurricanes. The site contains everything from animations of past hurricanes, to current hurricane predictions, to tutorials on what to do when threatened by a hurricane. There is even a list of hurricane names for 2000-2004. This is a great resource for all types of information on and images of hurricanes.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. When any of these materials are used, credit must be given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration/Department of Commerce unless otherwise instructed to give credit to another source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Hipschman			The Exploratorium	3601 Lyon Street	San Francisco	CA	94123	415-397-5673		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Life Along the Faultline	Keywords: Natural hazards,Structural geology,Geophysics	Description: This site is an exploration of the San Andreas Fault, earthquakes, and seismicity. The information addressed includes a section on the Loma Prieta earthquake, a section on why the Earth shakes, a look at seismic science including a look at plate tectonics and continental drift, the different types of faults, P waves, S waves, love waves, and measuring, monitoring and predicting earthquakes. Also discussed is what causes the destruction behind earthquakes, a section on design techniques for the protection of buildings, highways and bridges, as well as a section on the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Suggested activities that demosntrate some of the concepts are also provided.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The contents of the Site are protected by copyright and trademark laws, and are the property of The Exploratorium. Unless otherwise stated, you may print or download content from this Site for your own informational, educational and/or other non-commercial purposes only, as long as you include the following copyright notice: © The Exploratorium, You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, record, publish, modify, publicly exhibit or distribute any media files made available on this Site without prior written consent from The Exploratorium. Any requests for commercial or journalistic use of the content of the Site should be sent to You must abide by all additional copyright notices or other restrictions contained in this Site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				EPA New England, Region 1	1 Congress Street, Suite 1100	Boston	MA	02114-2023		888-372-7341		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Magnificent Ground Water Connection	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology,Ecology	Description: The Magnificent Ground Water Connection is a compilation of ground water-related activities for teaching and learning purposes. The teacher's activity guide is applicable to a wide range of subject matter and the ground water theme is integrated into stories, songs, math, social studies, art and writing. The topics include basic concepts of the water cycle, water distribution, treatment and stewardship. Other subjects include the water cycle and water conservation, New England's ground water resources, ground water contamination and protection. Sections are also available for wetlands, ground water, marine debris, waster, air quality, acid rain, and energy. Users can also access an on-line lending library for educational materials and videos.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Joseph	Ortiz	D.	Dr	Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Michael	Passow	J.	Dr	White Plains Middle School								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth 2 Class: Bringing Science to Life in the Class Room	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Physical oceanography	Description: Earth2Class (E2C) is a unique science, math, and technology learning resource for K-12 students, teachers, and administrators. A distance learning site, it provides access to two hour courses via streaming video of lectures by Columbia University's world-renowned Lamont-Doherty research scientists. Drawing on these scientists' expertise, teachers can show students how the science they are learning applies outside the classroom, as well as to other aspects of their studies. The K-12 connection button takes you to a list of workshops provided by E2C, along with their related resources. The distance-learning button takes you to three-week course modules designed to help teachers improve their knowledge and understanding of issues in earth and environmental science. Within the mentoring section, teachers can access lesson plan templates developed using Earth 2 Class related materials and topics.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory	P.O. Box 1000, 61 Route 9W	Palisades	NY	10964-1000	845-359-2900	845-359-2931	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Environmental science,Physical oceanography	Description: The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory is a research division of Columbia University dedicated to understanding how the planet Earth works. Included in this page are the various areas of research the observatory is conducting. This includes research on the oceans climate and environment, solid Earth, and life/biology. A link to data repositories for each of these areas of study is also included. This includes data on borehole research, core repository, climate data library, earthquake strong motion, and coastal upwelling.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Office of ground Water and Drinking Water				U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW	Washington, DC		20460-0003		202-260-5543		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ground Water and Drinking Water, Kid's Stuff	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This site offers classroom activities, experiments, games, and links to other educational resources on drinking and groundwater for kids and teachers. Classroom activities are organized by grade levels and includes the Water Sourcebook Series that explains how the water management cycle affects every aspect of our environment. Experiments and activities cover pollution issues, aquifers, watersheds and water treatment. The games section offers fun facts and activities such as word searches, water myths and realities, and an interactive water treatment path. The Kid's Health page is a web-based version of the EPA brochure on Children and Drinking Water Standards and a link to water quality reports by watershed, nation-wide. One of the word search games is also available in Spanish.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Barthlemey			Minerals Database								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Minerals by Chemical Composition	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: After selecting one of the elements from the Periodic Table, users are taken to a page listing minerals which contain the chosen element. Some of the listings begin with information about the element, including atomic mass, atomic number, name origins, year discovered, who discovered it, additional remarks, and a list of naturally occurring isotopes. Following this is a table which lists each mineral species which contains the element. This includes the percentage of the element within the mineral, the mineral name, and it's chemical formula. Users can also receive additional information on each of the minerals, including their composition, chemical and empirical formula, classification, crystallography, and physical and optical properties.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alexander	Hoelzel		Dr	Alexander Hoelzel	Ulmenring 11	D-55270 Ober-Olm		Germany		49 (0) 6136 89 888		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Systematic Mineralogy	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The databases ChemNIST, ChemPDF and MDAT contain more than 300,000 records for mineral identification using quantitative chemical analysis data. ChemPDF includes 30,000 calculated patterns from ICSD database and X-ray diffraction data. ChemNIST enables you to identify a compound by using the quantitative chemical information in conjunction with crystal chemical groups. MDAT is primarily used to identify minerals by using all types of analytical data obtained from mineral samples. It contains the most important chemical, physical, optical and X-ray diffraction data available anywhere for all of the approximately 4,200 minerals known to exist. The literature section of the current version of MDAT contains approximately 73,000 references. Demonstration versions are available for free download.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dan	Hogan			ScienceDaily Magazine	14904 Talking Rock Court	North Potomac	MD	20892-2428		877-892-0235		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth and Climate News Headlines	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science	Description: ScienceDaily is an online magazine devoted to science, technology, and medicine. This is the home page for the Earth and Climate News section of ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily is unique in that the magazine's articles are selected from news releases submitted by leading universities and other research organizations around the world. Each news release is posted in its original form, with a contact name and link to the organization's home page. In addition, ScienceDaily offers links to major science media and other sources of science news on the Internet, as well as a collection of interesting science-related sites aimed at helping web surfers in their online explorations. Readers can also browse and participate in more than 300 science newsgroups, which offer lively discussions on various topics as well as subscribe to free weekly e-mail bulletins that summarize the top science news stories of the past week.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All content on ScienceDaily Magazine is protected by copyright either by ScienceDaily or its contributors, partners, and sponsors. In general, no one may reproduce any of the content, either in print or electronic form, without prior permission from the owner(s). If you wish to include ScienceDaily's headlines in your site, you may freely reproduce such headlines provided that you include the appropriate links to the corresponding articles on ScienceDaily's web server and mention ScienceDaily as the source of these links. ScienceDaily's articles are adapted from news releases issued by their respective institutions. These releases are intended for journalists and other members of the public. If you wish to quote from any part of an article, we suggest that you credit the issuing institution as the original source of the news release, in addition to mentioning ScienceDaily as the source of any link to the corresponding article on our server.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Elizabeth	Keller			Extreme			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lechuguilla Cave	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology	Description: Lechuguilla Cave, Carlsbad, New Mexico holds the record for being the deepest cave in the United States. Currently, 97.8 miles of Lechuguilla have been explored and mapped, with no end in sight. This site provides a wealth of information on caves in general as well as a virtual tour and 3D animation of Lechuguilla Cave.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, Elizabeth Keller. All Rights Reserved. Extreme Science is a Registered Trademark.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Locke	Stuart			National Aeronautic and Space Administration	33/G125E	Greenbelt	MD	20771		301-614-6011		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Adventure of Echo the Bat: Student's Site, Teacher's Guide	Keywords: Biology,Physics,Technology	Description: The Adventure of Echo the Bat is an interactive web site featuring an Interactive Adventure and Teacher's Guide which combine to introduce students to remote sensing and biodiversity from a constructivist approach. The Teacher's Guide contains classroom activities and lesson plans that provide a structure to integrate the interactive adventure into the classroom. The activities introduce concepts basic to the understanding of remote sensing including understanding light and an introduction to the electromagnetic spectrum. The Adventure engages students in exploring concepts of remote sensing and biodiversity. After completing the Adventure, these concepts are reinforced back in the classroom with hands-on activities provided in the Teacher's Guide. The subjects touched on include interpreting satellite images, what are electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves have different wavelengths, what color is, primary colors of light, introducing the electromagnetic spectrum, how satellites work, what are satellites, and habitats and biodiversity.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information on this site is in the public domain, except where copyright is otherwise indicated. You may use NASA imagery (including Internet screen captures), video, and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages. The NASA material must not explicitly or implicitly convey NASA's endorsement of commercial goods or services. If a NASA image includes an identifiable person, using the image may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person. You may link to NASA pages provided the link you design is strictly for information and does not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. You may not put the NASA logo on your personal Web page, even to use as a link back to the NASA Home Page. Check with NASA Public Services Division for questions about commercial use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Deane	Kensok			ESRI	380 New York Street	Redlands	CA	92373-8100			
This is a(n) person.
Title: ESRI and FEMA's Project Impact	Keywords: Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: Through the Project Impact initiative, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) have formed a National Partnership in part aimed at providing multi-hazard maps and information to U.S. residents, business owners, schools, community groups, and local governments via the Internet. The primary attraction of this portal to geographic knowledge is the online Hazard Map, a interactive mapping tool which enables visitors to generate a map of their area of interest simply by entering a zip code, city name or Congressional District and selecting from several hazard types: flood, earthquakes, hail storm, hurricane, tornado, or wind storm.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © ESRI June 7, 1999. We request that you not alter the image and that you provide proper attribution for the image (e.g. "Map image provided courtesy of ESRI" or "Map image produced at ESRI/FEMA Project Impact Hazard Site").
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Richard	Alexander	B.		U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Quality Assessment Program	413 National Center	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-6869		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Data from Selected U.S. Geological Survey National Stream Water-Quality Monitoring Networks (WQN), USGS Digital Data Series DDS-37	Keywords: Geochemistry,Hydrology	Description: WQN database contains water-quality and streamflow data collected at 679 NASQAN and HBN stations in the United States. The water-quality data include 63 physical, chemical, and biological properties analyzed during more than 60,000 stream visits using relatively consistent sampling and analytical methods. The water-quality data reflect sampling over a wide range of streamflow conditions. Supporting information identifies and describes the water-quality and streamflow stations, water-quality constituents, and the methods, remarks, laboratories, sample collection agencies, and the laboratory measurement accuracy associated with the WQN data.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on their site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. USGS will identify material they use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known), USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kate	Reilly			Give Water A Hand	216 Agriculture Hall, 1450 Linden Drive	Madison	WI	53706		800-928-3720	608-265-9203	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Give Water a Hand	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: Give Water A Hand is a national watershed education program designed to involve young people in local environmental service projects. Following the steps in the Give Water A Hand Action Guide, your youth group or class plans and completes a community service project to protect and improve water resources. The free action guide is available for download here. Give Water A Hand program activities are presented in two publications: the youth Action Guide and the Leader Guidebook for youth leaders and teachers. These are easy-to-follow, illustrated guides that show how to organize and carry out effective action-oriented projects. A Spanish version is also offered.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (C) 1997, the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Staff				Space Applications International Corporation Information Services		Vienna	VA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: How NASA Studies Water	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Technology,Biology	Description: Part of NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) “For Kids Only” complex of K-12 educational websites, “How NASA Studies Water” is a portal to satellite monitoring information about the global water cycle. The site links to three special projects/missions that deal specifically with water: SeaWiFS, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), and El Nino. The Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Project provides Earth scientists with information about the ocean's fertility. The TRMM satellite measures how much rain is falling at any given time around the tropics so that scientists can better predict weather patterns. NASA scientists takes part in a number of international projects aimed at better understanding the causes and effects of El Nino, an abnormal warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern tropical Pacific. El Nino, Making Sense of the Weather explains the damages and changes that El Nino causes in the weather in language geared to students in grades 6-12.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NASA Copyright Notification GENERAL CONDITIONS: NASA materials may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of a commercial product, service or activity, or used in any other manner that might mislead. NASA should be acknowledged as the source of its material. It is unlawful to falsely claim copyright or other rights in NASA material. NASA shall in no way be liable for any costs, expenses, claims or demands arising out of use of NASA's cassettes and photographs by a recipient's distributees. .PHOTOGRAPHY: Photographs are not protected by copyright unless noted. If copyrighted, permission should be obtained from the copyright owner prior to use. If not copyrighted, photographs may be reproduced and distributed without further permission from NASA. If a recognizable person appears in a photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity and permission should be obtained from the recognizable person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Datasurge Co.,	70 Autran Ave	North Andover	MA	01845		978-664-0258	978-664-0269	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geo Index: Geo-Environmental Search Engine	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: GeoIndex is a powerful search engine developed, owned and maintained by the Datasurge Company for the Geo-Environmental professional. The areas covered by this search engine are: geotechnical, environmental, hydrogeology, geology, mining, and petroleum. This is a continuously growing service. The information available is broken down into four different categories: Companies, Associations, Education, and Government.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997-1998 Datasurge Co., All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access						814-863-0104		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Maurie	Kelly			Pennsylvania State University, Environmental Resources Research Institute	0128 Land & Water Research	University Park	PA	16802	814-863-0104	814-865-3378	
This is a(n) person.
Title: PASDA Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access: The Pennsylvania Geospatial Data Clearinghouse	Keywords: Agricultural science,Environmental science,Geology,Physical geography,Technology	Description: Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access, PASDA, is the State Geospatial Data clearinghouse for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PASDA is also a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Clearinghouse node that provides free public access to geospatial data and metadata via the World Wide Web. PASDA supports search, display, and retrieval of GIS data, imagery, such as satellite images and aerial photographs, and metadata related to Pennsylvania. In addition to GIS data sets, PASDA also provides GIS tutorials, an extensive FAQ, information about metadata, and an online metadata entry form.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Great Lakes Environmental Education	PO Box 56	Buffalo	NY	14205-0056		716-878-3175	716-885-5292	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Center for Great Lakes Environmental Education	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: The Center for Great Lakes Environmental Education is an informational resource designed to provide access to Great Lakes educational material, as well as to identify, and address teacher training needs. This web site is a first step to provide educators, both formal and non-formal, with centralized access to educational information on the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence basin electronically. The Directory of Great Lakes Education Material includes books, audio-visual and instructional materials, newsletters and other educational resources, compiled as a result of a monumental effort of surveying and interviewing over 5,000 educators and producers of educational materials. Sources of additional Great Lakes programs such as grant foundations and resource centers, are also listed alphabetically.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Defense, U.S. Naval Observatory, Astronomical Applications Department	3450 Massachusetts Avenue NW	Washington	DC	20392-5420	202-762-1617	202-762-1612	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications Department	Keywords: Space science	Description: The Astronomical Applications Department of the United States Naval Observatory provides access to astronomical data, This includes information on sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset and twilight, moon illumination - phases of the moon and fraction of the moon illuminated, eclipses - recent and upcoming eclipses of the sun and moon, a lunar eclipse computer, positions of the sun and moon, data for solar system bodies and bright stars - celestial navigation data and orbital elements of asteroids, dates of Earth's seasons - equinoxes and solstices. Also included is a section on the current research activities of the department, and a frequently asked questions section which provides information on the phenomena of the sun and the moon, time, calendars and historical events, and computing astronomical phenomena.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied in a reasonable manner. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is required.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Utah Education Network	101 Wasatch Drive, Suite 215	Salt Lake City	UT	84112			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Utah's Education Network (UEN) Internet Stream Links	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Mathematics,Physics	Description: This page acts as a springboard to a few activities that address the Utah 8th grade science core. The fluvial geomorphology section has three activities for stream erosion and deposition and for creating a watershed, photos of stream landforms that were formed in the University of Nebraska's laboratory with a stream table, and definitions, descriptions, and photos for alluvial fans, braided stream systems, and meandering stream systems. Another section on measuring the motion of objects, offers a lesson plan for canoe racing and how to measure time and distance, graph the variables and calculate velocity. A third section on boat design is entitled Designing a Boat that Will Optimize Bouyant Force and Provide the Greatest Cargo Weight to Boat Weight Ratio. This is a lesson plan for constructing a boat that will optimize buoyant force. This is done in the context of the Lewis and Clark expedition and also has some great math integration.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All rights reserved, Utah Education Network
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bruce	Webb			International Commission on Water Quality								
This is a(n) person.
Title: International Commission on Water Quality	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The International Commission on Water Quality (ICWQ) is responsible for promoting the advancement of the water quality of hydrological systems, including assessment and management. This goal is accomplished informally through communications among interested members and participants, and through organized technology transfer activities such as workshops on topical issues and symposia at which scientists present their results in oral and poster sessions and in the accompanying publication, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Journal (IAHS), of the proceedings. This site offers information on the commission, including the role of the commission, and officers and activities. There is also a section on Freshwater Pollution and Health, which contains links to outside organizations on water quality and health. These include links to information on environmental issues including pollution, toxins, nutrient loading, and transportation and research leading to solutions in surface freshwater and groundwater. Also included are links on disease, including sanitation, and health and water quality dealing mainly with waterborne disease - viral, bacterial, and parasitic.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Centers for Environmental Prediction	14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 6013	Washington	DC	20230		202-482-6090	202-482-3154	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Centers for Environmental Prediction	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) provide timely, accurate and continually improving worldwide forecast guidance products. They maintain a current database of meteorological and hydrological data, historical data, and written information generated by the National Weather Service or received from other official sources. In addition, this site provides real-time access to a selection of current official weather observations, forecasts, and warnings from the United States government sources for use by the national and international community. This site provides access to the Office of the Director, as well as the nine national NCEP centers: the Aviation Weather Center - provides aviation warnings and forecasts of hazardous flight conditions at all levels within domestic an international air space, the Climate Prediction Center - monitors and forecasts short-term climate fluctuations and provides guidance information the long-term global effects climate patterns can have on the nation, the Environmental Modeling Center - develops and improves numerical weather, climate, hydrological and oceanic predictions, the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center - contains quantitative precipitation forecasts to five days, the NCEP Central Operations, the Marine Prediction Center - issues weather warnings and forecast to five days, the Space Environment Center - provides space weather alerts and warnings for disturbances, the Storm Prediction Center - provides tornado and severe weather watches for the United States, and the Tropical Prediction Center - provides forecasts of the movement and strength of tropical weather systems and issues the appropriate watches and warnings.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. Before using information obtained from this server special attention should be given to the date & time of the data and products being displayed. This information shall not be modified in content and then presented as official government material. As required by 17 U.S.C. 403, third parties producing copyrighted works consisting predominantly of the material appearing in NWS Web pages must provide notice with such work(s) identifying the NWS material incorporated and stating that such material is not subject to copyright protection.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Cornell University, Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences	Snee Hall,	Ithaca	NY	14853-1504		(607) 255-5267		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Interactive Mapping and Data Analysis	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This site provides direct access to digital data sets using a web-based application tool. The main goal is to develop an information system for the entire globe, however, there are regions of special interest, such as the Middle East, North Africa, and the United States, where more detailed data sets can be found. Data covering geography, geology, geophyscis, images, and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty are offered via the Geoscience Interactive Database tool developed by the Institute for the Study of the Continents (INSTOC) and the Department of Geological Sciences at Cornell University.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 INSTOC
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Linda	McNeely		Ms	NASA	Goddard Space Center	Greenbelt	MD					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphology from Space	Keywords: Space science,Geology	Description: Geomorphology from Space is an out of print 1986 NASA publication edited by Nicholas M. Short, Sr. and Robert W. Blair, Jr. designed for use by the remote sensing science and educational communities to study landforms and landscapes. The core of this book is a gallery of space imagery consisting of 237 plates, each treating a geographic region where a particular landform theme is exemplified. Commentary, photographs, locator maps, and sometimes a geologic map accompany each plate.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): H. Robert	Burger		Dr	Smith College, Department of Geology		Northampton	MA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Keck Consortium Structual Geology Slide Set	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: The Keck Geology Consortium Structural Geology Slide Set was compiled by H. Robert Burger, Smith College with the support of the W. M. Keck Foundation, Los Angeles. The database was developed by the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. The CD-ROM comprises 100 high resolution photographs of structural features ranging from microscopic to aerial photograph scale. This web site provides a preview of the set (at a significantly lower resolution). It is intended for teaching use.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The copyright of the images remains with the photographer listed.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquake Hazards Program - Northern California	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This site offers information on earthquakes and earthquake preparedness for the Northern California region, the United States and the World. Included is information on recent earthquakes, including real-time maps of recent earthquake activity in California, the United States and the world. This includes seismograms and activity reports. The section on general earthquake information provides information on earthquake basics, which includes geological and historical information, educational materials, a tutorial on how earthquake locations are determined, a glossary, and Ask a Geologist. The section on hazards and preparedness includes shaking hazard and intensity maps, effect of soil type on shaking hazard, an index of large earthquakes, and information on floods, tsunamis, volcanoes, landslides, wildlife disease and wildfire. There are also links to additional web sites on Earthquakes, a section on earthquake research, and a frequently asked questions section.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Steve	Lyles			National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Products and Services, N/CS44	Attn: Water Levels, 1305 East-West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910-3281	301-713-2877 x 176	301-713-4437	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Thomas	Bethem	D.		National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National PORTS Program	1305 East West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910	301-713-2806 x104	301-713-4392	
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services	Keywords: Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) collects, analyzes and distributes historical and real-time observations and predictions of water levels, coastal currents and other meteorological and oceanographic data. The majority of these data are available on-line. This is part of an integrated National Ocean Service program supporting safe maritime navigation, more productive water-borne commerce, and the needs of the National Weather Service, coastal zone management, engineering and surveying communities. Included is information on the major United States ports, including the San Francisco Bay, New York/New Jersey Harbor, Houston/Galveston, Tampa Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Narragansett Bay, Soo Locks, and Los Angeles/Long Beach. Also included is U.S. tide prediction data, benchmark sheets, publications, and important notices to Mariners.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Barthelmy								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Minerals Arranged by the New Dana Classification	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site offers hyperlinked tables of mineral species is based on Dana's New Mineralogy classification system.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Barthelmy								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Minerals arranged by the Struntz Classification System	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This page presents information on the chemical formula, crystal class and space group of individual mineral species using the Struntz (structural) classification system as the organizing principal. This site is part of a large mineral database containing more than 5,000 web pages of mineral data and images.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Barthelmy								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineral Properties	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is a listing of mineral species arranged by physical and optical properties. Users can search under a number of different properties. These include: hardness, streak and luster, density, cleavage and fracture, refractive index, and color. Once a mineral is found, a more complete listing of its properties can be accessed. This includes chemical formula, composition, empirical formula, dana and strunz class, axial ratios, cell dimensions, crystallography, density, diaphaniety, and optical data. Users can also search for minerals by crystallography, x-ray spacing, or name. A link to mineral images is also available.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Barthelmy								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Alphabetical Listing of Mineral Species	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is an alphabetical listing of more than 4,200 mineral species. Next to each name are the chemical formula and the origin of the name. Users can also access more specific information on the mineral such as composition, empirical formula, classification, crystallography, cleavage, color, density, diaphaneity, hardness, luster, streak, and optical properties.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Washington, Geophysics Department		Box 351650	Seattle	WA	98195-1650		206-543-1190		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tsunami!	Keywords: Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: A general introduction to tsunamis including information about the mechanisms of tsunami generation and propagation, the impact of tsunamis on humankind, and the Tsunami Warning System. Sections include information on what tsunami means, how earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions and meteorites generate tsunamis, and what happens when a tsunami approaches and encounters land. Also included is information on past and recent tsunami activity, a fact sheet on what to do if threatened by a tsunami, as well as links to the Tsunami Warning System and related sites. Users can also find information on tsunami research centers and projects.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Peter	Mouginis-Mark			University of Hawaii	2525 Correa Road	Honolulu	HI	96822		808-956-3147		
This is a(n) person.
Title: NASA Volcanology Projects (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Earth Observing System Interdisciplinary Science Volcanology team provides assessments of active volcanism, volcanic hazards, and volcanic inputs to the atmosphere. This page provides information about their current research activities. Information is provided on the following volcanoes: Fernandina in the Galapagos Islands, Kilauea in Hawaii, Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines and Piton de la Fournaise on Reunion Island. An introduction to each volcano is provided, as well as photos and satellite images of eruptions, geology and geography, and various types of lava flows. Also included are the individual areas of study. These include eruption cloud dynamics, atmospheric emissions, thermal measurements, topographic measurements, volcanic hazards, distribution of rock units, geologic mapping, and surface volcanism.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): T.	Dalbot			United States Environmental Protection Agency		Mail Code 4503F 401 M Street SW	Washington	DC	20460		202-260-3697		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Index of Watershed Indicators	Keywords: Hydrology,Environmental science,Ecology	Description: The Index of Watershed Indicators is a compilation of information on the health of aquatic resources in the United States. The Index looks at a variety of indicators that point to whether rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands and coastal areas are well or ailing and whether activities on the surrounding lands that affect our waters are placing them at risk. Included is a section that provides national maps, fact sheets and data documentation. Subjects within this section include: watershed characterization or condition, indicators of source water condition, contaminated sediments, ambient water quality - toxics and conventional -, wetland loss index, aquatic/wetland species at risk, toxic loads over permit limits, conventional loads over permit limits, urban runoff potential, agricultural runoff potential, population change, hydrologic modification from dams, estuarine pollution susceptibility index, and atmospheric deposition. Other maps and fact sheets include soil permeability, risk of ground water nitrate contamination, and number of impaired waters. Users can also locate their watershed, and access the watershed atlas, which provides a catalog of information to aid in watershed protection and restoration.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These documents may be freely distributed and used for non commercial purposes
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kensaku	Tamaki			University of Tokyo, Ocean Research Institute	1-15-1 Minamidai	Tokyo		164	81-3-5351-6443		Japan
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Motion Calculator	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo website publishes interactive plate motion calculators based on three different models: NUVEL-1 Relative Plate Motion Model, NUVEL-1A Relative Plate Motion Model, and HS2-NUVEL1 Absolute Plate Motion Model. Visitors select plates from a drop down list, input latitude and longitude, and press a button to execute the calculation. The calculator returns the velocity and direction of the moving plate.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Terry	Acomb			University of Cincinnati, Department of Geology	500 Geology/Physics Bldg.	Cincinnati	OH	45221-0013			
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Geologists Lifetime Field List	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology,Natural hazards	Description: This site offers a list of essential or desirable locations for geologists or travelers to visit. It contains many of the interesting geological wonders of the world, with links for most of them. Other interesting natural phenomena are also presented. There are a variety of places or events listed. Some of those listed include: volcanoes, glaciers, geysers, anorthosite complex, slot canyon, varves, the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, the Great Barrier Reef, Devil’s Tower, Telescope Peak, the Great Rift Valley and Siccar Point.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Charles	Berberich	W.		American Water Works Association	6666 West Quincy Avenue	Denver	CO	80235		303-794-7711	303-794-7310	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Blue Thumb and Drinking Water Week	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The Blue Thumb Project was a campaign to raise public awareness and understanding of drinking water issues and to motivate individuals, communities, and companies to make water-responsible choices. Although the project is discontinued, the resources it developed are still available on-line. Blue Thumb kits from 1998 and 1997 offer facts on water use, a list of water tips and tricks, information on watersheds, activities for kids, and and a section of questions and answers.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997 American Water Works Association (AWWA). All rights reserved. AWWA encourages use of material from its World Wide Web pages,within the provisions of its Internet Materials Use Guidelines.The content of this web site is published by AWWA and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States. No material appearing on this web site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any media (electronic,photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher. The request should be submitted to: Copyright Permissions, American Water Works Association, 6666 W. Quincy Ave., Denver, Colorado 80235, Fax: (303) 794-7310. A written response either granting or denying a copyright request will be forwarded as soon as possible (typically within five working days). If granted, the response will include the citation to be used when crediting AWWA. For additional information or clarification of AWWA copyright policies, call (303) 347-6182
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alexander	Evans			U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Mapping Center	345 Middelfield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94025				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: Created and maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in partnership with federal, state, tribal, and local agencies and groups, this is a major gateway to information and data on Lake Tahoe and its basin. The primary goal of this clearinghouse is to facilitate the coordination of research, monitoring, and environmental management activities in the Lake Tahoe Basin, and to ensure the widest possible access to data and information resulting from such activities. Users have access to a wide range of data and GIS products. Examples include: high quality digital maps for the Lake Tahoe area (including Tahoe hydrography, roads, vegetation cover, forests, timber, soils), digital orthophoto quadrangles, and digital elevation models. Some of the data resides on the USGS server at the Western Mapping Center, Menlo Park, California. The bulk of the data and information, located in databases maintained by the partnering agencies, is accessible via hypertext links.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on their site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. USGS will identify material they use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known), USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Department of Agriculture, United States Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit	870 Emerald Bay Road, Suite 1	South Lake Tahoe	CA	96150	530-573-2600		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Presidential Actions: Pre-Publication Watershed Assessment	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This web site contains the Pre-Publication Watershed Assessment from the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU), part of the U.S.D.A. Forest Service's national network of public lands. The Pre-Publication Watershed Assessment is a comprehensive watershed assessment of the Lake Tahoe basin. It was made available on February 16, 2000. The entire assessment is available for viewing or for download from this site. You can view the Executive Summary of the Watershed Assessment or you can view each of the individual chapters. Each chapter and appendix has been broken down into a separate file due to the large size of the document.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Whitehall Geogroup,	107 Whitetail Road	Whitehall	MT	59759	406-287-5408	406-287-5408	
This is a(n) organization.
Title:	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Physical geography	Description: This is the home page for The primary objective of this site is to provide access to variety of earth science data, books, and map tools from many individuals, companies, and organizations. The service is free, but the books, data products, maps and tools are for sale. provides a short description of the products available, along with a link to the vendor. This site also contains an exercise on sedimentary and igneous rocks.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				California Institute of Technology, NASA/JPL, PO.DAAC	4800 Oak Grove Dr.	Pasadena	CA	91109				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: The Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC), an element of the Earth Observing System Data Information System (EOSDIS), is responsible for archiving and distributing data relevant to the physical state of the ocean. Most of the products available at the PO.DAAC were obtained from satellites and are intended for use in oceanographic and interdisciplinary scientific research. However, a limited number of educational products are also available.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All PO.DAAC holdings are free of charge to scientists, educators and the community at large. However, any products freely obtained from the PO.DAAC may not be redistributed for profit. When PO.DAAC data are used in a publication, we request that the following acknowledgement be given: "These data were obtained from the NASA Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology". We also request a reprint of any papers or reports published using data from the JPL PO.DAAC. Information and images on the PO.DAAC web site can be freely used by the public without restriction. Whenever any materials from the web site are used, please give proper acknowledgement. A suggested format is as follows: "Information [and images] on [SUBJECT] obtained from the Internet on-line information page ( maintained by the NASA PO.DAAC at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, [Month, Year]."
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Plate Tectonic Animations	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This is a collection of thirteen brief plate tectonic animations that were originally produced for the US Geological Survey video Secrets in Stone. They have been converted to animated gifs for web display.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: You may use these animations for any educational purpose, we simply request that you cite the US Geological Survey as their source
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Potpourri - Animations	Keywords: Geology,Atmospheric science,Space science	Description: This is a small collection of short animations that were originally produced for US Geological Survey videos. They have been converted to animated gifs for web display.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: You may use these animations for any educational purpose, we simply request that you cite the US Geological Survey as their source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology of Hydrocarbons	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides animated gifs on hydrocarbons - oil, natural gas and goal. The videos show the geological development and location of each, and the differences between each in CO2 emissions. Links are also provided to plate tectonics and geology animated gifs pages.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: You may use these animations for any educational purpose; we simply request that you cite the US Geological Survey as their source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Environmental Resources Information Center (ERIC) Clearinghouse	Ohio State University, 1929 Kenny Road	Columbus	OH	43210-1080		800-276-0462	614-292-0263	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jeremy	Monnett			Educating Young People About Water									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Educating Young People About Water	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: Educating Young People About Water is a website for obtaining materials designed to help develop a community based, water education program that targets youth and links key community members. There are three guidebooks: A Guide to Program Planning and Evaluation, A Guide to Unique Program Strategies, and A Guide to Goals and Resources. The last guide is searchable on-line with more than 100 curricula summaries and checklists by grade level or topic. The guidebooks are five dollars each or can be downloaded from the site, and the 100 curricula materials are generally low cost or free. There is also a video available for eleven dollars that illustrates concepts explored in workshops where participants learn to design a community-based, youth water program. The video comes with a Program Leader Workshop Guide that explains how to conduct a workshop and use the materials in local planning session.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (C) 1996, the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents. All rights reserved. Visit 3: for the entire description. Transmission by computer of a work or copy of a work is a distribution of that work. Such transmission can, therefore, be an infringement of copyright, but only if it is a transmission to the public and is not a fair use. Private e-mail messages are not distributions to the public, but listservs, Web pages, etc. are. Also, remember that the act of transmitting something by computer can involve reproducing it as well. The moral here then, is that you run the risk of implicating at least two exclusive rights (distribution and reproduction) when you transmit something, so be aware that the opportunity for infringement is in some cases doubled
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): John	DeLaughter		Dr	Northwestern University, Department of Geological Sciences	1847 Sheridan Road	Evanston	IL	60208-2150				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Wave Propagation on a String	Keywords: Geophysics,Physics	Description: An animated example of wave propagation on a string composed of two segments of different densities and velocities. Fortran and Unix/GMT source code used to make the animation are available for download from the same site.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Douglas	Hamilton		Dr	University of Maryland, Astronomy Department								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Astronomical Distances	Keywords: Space science	Description: This program calculates an estimated time of arrival for various destinations in the Universe (for example, the planet Saturn). Visitor input a value for the speed they are traveling away from Earth, and have the option of selecting the units of speed.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Delaware River Basin Commission	P.O. Box 7360	West Trenton	NJ	08628-0360		609-883-9500 ext. 260	609-883-9522	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Delaware River Basin's Education Web	Keywords: Hydrology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This resource is designed to help teachers and students of all ages learn about the Delaware River Watershed and general water issues. There are maps of the Delaware River Basin, stretches of the Delaware River and tributaries in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, Pennsylvania ground water protected area, watershed associations, Schuylkill River Basin source water protection prototype, and coverage area for special protection waters regulations. The Student Showcase section provides a variety of projects that students have completed, including videos and web sites. The Educational Resources section includes numerous links to course-related resources for teachers. Also included is a general information section on the Delaware River Basin, a link to environmental field trip ideas, and a list of links to informative web sites on the Delaware River Basin.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: "Ed. Web" was created by the Delaware River Basin Commission, with the assistance of a committee including representatives from Alliance for a Sustainable Future, Heritage Conservancy, National Park Service, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and Princeton University.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): M.	Levine			United States Geological Survey, Energy Branch								
This is a(n) person.
Title: U.S. Coal Resource Databases: USCOAL	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: A subset of the National Coal Resources Data System. Contains published coal-resource estimates for coal bearing states listed by state, county, coal field, geologic age, and formation, rank, coal thickness, and overburden thickness. Data sources and reliability are included.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): M.	Boulter	C.		International Organization of Paleobotany								
This is a(n) person.
Title: International Organisation of Palaeobotany: Plant Fossil Record	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: Users are able to search an extensive database of information on the plant fossil record, including descriptions and occurrences of modern genera and fossil species. Searches can be performed in a variety of ways: by Genera, description, taxonomy, occurrences, and by palaeogeographic maps. After locating the specific plant of interest in the database, the occurrences of that plant are then displayed in a palaeogeographic map.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996, IOP (International Organization of Paleobotany)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Don	Zampano			Zampano Web Design								
This is a(n) person.
Title: MinMax Mineral Information System	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: MinMax is a complete Mineral-Information-System; a database of Minerals and Mineral collecting locations. The main aspect is to provide rockhounders worldwide with all information about mineral collecting sites, including their location, the mineral list, mineral descriptions, collector's information and more. MinMax attaches high importance on usability and search capabilities.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: MinMax 0.9 - © 1998-2000 Don Zampano
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paula	Dunbar			National Geophysical Data Center								
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Geophysical Data Center, Natural Hazards Data (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards,Geology	Description: This web site provides access to a variety of databases concerning earthquakes. Seismicity information is available on both a global and regional scale. Users are able to access information on destructive or significant earthquakes from 2150 B.C. to the present. The Earthquake Intensity Database provides information on damage and felt reports for over 23,000 United States earthquakes. Information such as epicentral coordinates, magnitudes, focal depths, names and coordinates of reporting cities (or localities), reported intensities and the distance from city (or locality) to epicenter can be accessed. Tsunami event information is also available, including the cause of the tsunami, the source location, the magnitude and intensity of the tsunami and locations where tsunami effects have occurred. Information is also available on volcanoes and world stress. There are also links to a collection of natural hazards slides, and to interactive natural hazard quizzes and kids quizzes.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: As required by 17 U.S.C. 403, third parties producing copyrighted works consisting predominantly of the material produced by U.S. government agencies must provide notice with such work(s) identifying the U.S. Government material incorporated and stating that such material is not subject to copyright protection. The information on government web pages are in the public domain unless specifically annotated otherwise and may therefore be used freely by the public.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA, TOMS Mapping System	Goddard Space Flight Center	Greenbelt	MD					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: What Was the Total Column Ozone Amount Over Your Home?	Keywords: Environmental science,Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) web site allows users to determine the total column ozone amount over a particular location for most dates between November, 1978 and December, 1994 and from August, 1996 to today. Users simply enter the ozone measuring date or instrument - Meteor 3, Nimbus 7, ADEOS, Earth Probe - and the latitude and longitude of the location of concern, and a number in Dobson Units is returned. Measurements of aerosols, reflectivity and erythemal ultra violet can also be performed.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lorraine	Sherry								
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Teachers' Internet Use Guide	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This web site is designed to help teachers learn how to design, develop, implement, and evaluate a standards based lesson. There is a how to section of the site for standards based instruction, a section with some sample lessons, a section on designing a web based lesson plan, a how to section on assessment, a lesson bank containing the resources developed by teachers who used this site, and a link to Texas state standards. The section on designing a web based plan walks the user through the steps necessary to define the goals, assign tasks, and assess the lesson and the students. Information about the technical aspects of web design is not addressed here. The designing a lesson page has a lot of useful links for technical information on web design, archives of lessons, and tips on getting started.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998 RMC Research Corporation 1512 Larimer Street, Suite 540 Denver, Colorado 80202 800/922/3636 303/825/1626 (FAX)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gary	Novak	A	Dr	California State University at Los Angeles, Department of Geological Sciences	California State University, Los Angeles	Los Angeles	CA	90032 8201		323-343-2406		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology Labs On-Line	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Hydrology,Physical oceanography	Description: This web site provides interactive activities to help enhance the learning and teaching of Geology and other Earth and Environmental Science topics. Each lab provides a brief introduction to the subject, and is followed by quizzes to access understanding of the material. The labs are as follows: Virtual Dating: Discusses isochron and radiocarbon dating in accessing geologic age. Virtual Coast: Looks at the interplay between wave refraction, longshore currents, and littoral drift. It also looks at the impact of the construction of groins and breakwaters on the listed processes. Virtual Earthquake: Looks at how Richter magnitudes are determined, and looks at the locations of epicenters of earthquakes from viewing seismograms. Virtual Groundwater: Teaches on the importance of groundwater hydrology. Virtual Landslide: Looks at slope stability as well as the mitigation of an active landslide. Virtual Plate Tectonics: Discusses the development and details of the theory of Plate Tectonics. Virtual River: Looks at discharge and flooding. Virtual Volcano: Students are able to generate eruptions by entering parameters. Magma temperature, composition and geographical setting are studied.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Geology Labs On-Line Gary A. Novak, California State University at Los Angeles All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration	1000 Independence Avenue, SW	Washington	DC	20585		202-586-8800		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Energy Information Administration: Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: The Energy Information Administration (EIA), created by Congress in 1977, is a statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Energy. They provide policy-independent data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policy making, efficient markets, and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment. This is the EIA web site. It provides access to reports on energy related issues like greenhouse gasses, global warming, finance, renewable fuels, and legislation. Energy data is available by region, state, fuel type, consumer sector, or price. There is also a kid's section of the web site that provides access to some educational materials about energy.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Government publications are in the public domain and are not copyrighted. You may use and/or distribute any of our data, files, databases, reports, and other products that are on our Web site or that you receive through our listserve service. However, if you use our data in any of your products, we would highly appreciate an acknowledgment such as: "Source: Energy Information Administration." When EIA authors or graphics designers use copyrighted materials from sources outside of EIA, then they are required to follow our guidelines as stated in EIA's Publishing Style Guide, Chapter 4, Text Documentation, at (5th paragraph) and also the requirements as set forth by the owner(s) of the copyrighted item(s). Please note that our "Energy Ant" (see on our "Kid's Page" at is copyrighted. For more information about use restrictions of this graphics item, please contact John Weiner at
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Houghton Mifflin Company	college_science@hmco	222 Berkeley Street	Boston	MA	02116 3764				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Houghton Mifflin Company, College Division	222 Berkeley Street	Boston	MA	02116 3764				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geologylink	Keywords: Geology	Description: This web page provides numerous resources on geology, including information on current geologic events such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, links to stories on the latest discoveries and recent news in earth science, and a glossary of geologic terms. Also included are links to class lectures and notes, additional web sites, and a section on the geology of geographic regions.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Houghton Mifflin Company. All Rights Reserved. For detailed terms and conditions of use see the Houghton Mifflin Company copyright web page at
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): James	Swift	H	Dr	Jet Propulsion Laboratory	MS Raytheon-299	Pasadena	CA	91109		(626) 744-5508		
This is a(n) person.
Title: OceanAtlas web site	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: The OceanAtlas project by Dr. James H. Swift, UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the application developer John 'Oz' Osborne, OceanAtlas Software, Inc., provides computer applications and data files to electronically explore the oceans. OceanAtlas applications display data from oceanographic 'sections', which are the cross-sections of an ocean region that are made by displaying data gathered from a ship stopping along its track at intervals to carry out a vertical profile of water properties. Sections nicely illustrate water properties and many circulation-related features, and so are important oceanographic tools. This site provides application software and more than 2000 section data files (including in standard exchange format 'SD2'), plus direct or linked access to applications and data files from other oceanographic software developers.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©1999 Dr. James H. Swift
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bruce	Johnson			USGS, Mineral Resources Program, Spatial Data Delivery	913 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				
This is a(n) person.
Title: USGS Science for a Changing World: Mineral Resources On Line Spatial Data	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology,Geophysics,Mineralogy or petrology,Soil science	Description: The Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data Home Page allows users to view or download spatial data. The user can select from a variety of map displays, such as World View, U.S. Conterminous View, or State View. There is also a link to an FTP site where the user can download metadata, contact information and the actual data files. The data files are in ESRI's ArcView Internet Map Server (IMS) format. ArcView IMS allows users the ability to readily and easily display, analyze, and interpret MRP (Mineral Resources Program) spatial data from their desktop using a Web browser connected to the Internet. Available data sets include: soil geochemistry, igneous geochemistry, sediment geochemistry, bedrock geology, sediment geology, faults, magnetic fields, gravity fields, mineral resources, active mines, and more. Reference data sets such as roads, hydrology, cities, federal lands, etc. are also available.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known)USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Christie		Dr	Oregon State University, Ridge Program		Corvalis	OR	97331				
This is a(n) person.
Title: RIDGE Multibeam Synthesis Project	Keywords: Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: An online database of multibeam images and digital terrain models of the ocean floor. Users preview ridge system data by clicking on a map or by selecting from a drop down list. About 15 ridge systems are available for viewing at varying levels of data detail or for downloading in .CDF or .HDF format.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey	807 National Center	Reston	VA	20192			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: United States Geological Survey	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) offers information on earthquakes, floods, maps, human health, and volcanoes. There are links to congressional-related material which includes information on laws and regulations governing the USGS, budget and related information, key officials, organization charts, and fiscal year plans. Also included are links to USGS products and data, including the atlas of Antarctic research, fact sheets, geographic names, geophysical products, geospatial data, national atlas, topographic maps, and real-time water data. Other information includes hurricane and coastal storm web sites, and information on environmental concerns. For more precise searches, users can connect to the USGS library.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known) USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known.)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Charles	Bergquist		Mr	Samanna Productions, Inc., Science Friday						1-800-989-8255		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Science Friday with Ira Flatow	Keywords: None of the above	Description: Talk of the Nation: Science Friday® is a science talk show which can be heard each Friday afternoon, 2-4 p.m. Eastern Time over public radio. Science Friday is hosted by veteran NPR science correspondent Ira Flatow. Any show since September 1994 is available for Real Audio download from this site. The shows can be found by date, by topic, or by using a key word search. There is a Science Friday Listener Lounge area (requires registration but registration is free), a list of books discussed on Science Friday, and a list of hot science sites.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000 Samanna Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Council of the National Seismic System								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Council of the National Seismic System: CNSS Catalog Search	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: The CNSS (Council of the National Seismic System) composite catalog is a world-wide earthquake catalog which is created by merging the master earthquake catalogs from contributing CNSS member institutions and then removing duplicate events, or non-unique solutions for the same event. The CNSS catalog may be searched for earthquakes within the United States and worldwide, and catalog files may be copied via anonymous ftp. The site also provides a number of interesting earthquake lists and maps derived from the CNSS catalog.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH	125 Western Avenue	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: What's Up With the Weather: NOVA and Frontline Examine the Truth About Global Warming	Keywords: Climatology	Description: This site corresponds with the April 18, 2000 episode of Nova’s, "What's up with the Weather, the Truth About Global Warming." and is an in-depth look at the issue of global warming by NOVA and FRONTLINE. Numerous subjects are addressed, including the burning of fossil fuels, alternative energy sources including biomass energy, wind and solar power, alternative vehicles, and space-based solar power systems, the evidence for global warming in ice cores, and the threat of rising sea level. The differing views on global warming are presented, as is an interactive exercise meant to help the user determine the amount of CO2 produced from their daily activities. A section discussing frequently asked questions can be accessed, as well as a teachers guide for creating a class lesson discussing global warming.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: New Content Copyright ©2000 PBS Online and WGBH/NOVA/FRONTLINE
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences		Gainesville	FL	32611				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: FAWN: Florida Automated Weather Network	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: The Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) provides up-to-date weather information through a system of automated weather stations distributed throughout the State of Florida. Research scientists at the University of Florida work closely with extension agents to monitor the FAWN system and make sure it provides fast, reliable, and convenient access. Overall, there are four parts to the FAWN system: collecting data, transmitting it to the collection site, processing the data, and redistributing it to the end user. FAWN database servers maintained by IFAS Information Technologies receive weather data about the date and time of collection, the air temperature, soil temperature, relative humidity, dewpoint, rainfall, wind direction, wind speed, and radiation from remote stations every 15 minutes. The information is processed and made available almost instantaneously through several different search methods accessible through FAWN web server, as well as an interactive voice-response system.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994-2000 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Gainesville, FL 32611. By using this Site or copying any software found on or via this Site, the User agrees to abide by the federal copyright laws and all other applicable laws of the U.S. and/or the state of Florida as well as the terms of this Disclaimer. The University shall have the right to terminate the User's privilege of use immediately by written notice upon the User's breach of, or non-compliance with the foregoing. The User may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by the User's failure to abide by the terms set forth herein.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sheena	Beaverson			Illinois State Geological Survey	615 East Peabody Drive	Champaign	IL	61820		217-244-2414		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This site is a gateway to GIS data and imagery for Illinois geology, hydrology, natural history, conservation, environment, land use, Public Land Survey, and infrastructure. These data have been made available by several divisions of the Illinois DNR and address such topics as groundwater, wells, mines, geologic materials, nature preserves, wildlife areas, administrative and political boundaries, roads, census information, and many others. The Scientific Surveys and Offices of the Illinois DNR have used GIS technology for research in the public service for many years, and have established a history of creating, publishing and distributing information to the public, government, academia, and industry. Over the years there has been an increasing demand for digital geospatial data from all of these sectors, and DNR has worked in several ways to meet this demand: by direct distribution of data to end users, in cooperative projects with other organizations, through significant contributions of digital data to multi agency CD ROM compilations, and by taking prominent roles on the Illinois Geographic Information System (IGIS) Committee. As a result of participation in national, state, county, and local projects to serve the environmental, geological, socioeconomic, and civil planning needs of Illinois and the Midwest United States, the Illinois DNR has numerous individual GIS data sets (most in Arc Info format) available for analytical use.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: PROTECTION OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS: Reproduction or redistribution of copyrighted digital datasets (wells) or products derived therefrom outside of licensee's organization or entity is expressly forbidden. The only exception is redistribution to consultants working for the licensee, and then only for purposes related to work for the licensee. Such consultants may not further reproduce or redistribute these datasets. None of these data shall be electronically duplicated on magnetic or optical media for use by others, in whole or in part, without permission of the appropriate custodial division within DNR. CREDITS: Any hardcopies utilizing DNR datasets shall clearly indicate their source. If the Licensee has modified the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed on the hardcopy map. Licensee specifically agrees not to misrepresent DNR datasets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by DNR.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Christine	Manninen			Great Lakes Commission	400 Fourth Street, Argus II Building	Ann Arbor	MI	48103-4816		734-665-9135	734-665-4370	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Great Lakes Information Network	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology	Description: The Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) is a partnership that has compiled information relating to the binational Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region of North America. Sections of the site include an overview of the Great Lakes, the environment of the Great Lakes, the economy of the Great Lakes, education, maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and tourism.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sara	Ashley			Great Lakes Commission	400 Fourth Street, Argus II Building	Ann Arbor	MI	48103-4816		734-665-9135	734-665-4370	
This is a(n) person.
Title: TEACH Great Lakes	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology	Description: The Education And Curriculum Home site (TEACH) is a new component of the Great Lakes Information Network, with a focus on advancing Great Lakes-related educational materials for the broad audience of educators and students in the Great Lakes region and beyond. TEACH features mini-lessons on Great Lakes topics: environment, history and culture, geography, pollution, careers, and business. Geared for elementary through high school students, the modules are continually expanded and updated and include links to a glossary to help explain scientific terms and acronyms. Also included is a section for questions and answers, and education links. Specific topics within the site include: Great Lakes native flora, water levels on the Great Lakes, native peoples of the Great Lakes region, Great Lakes law and policy, introduction to the Great Lakes, how the lakes were formed, Great Lakes shoreline geology, non-native species, and urban sprawl.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paula	Dunbar			National Geophysical Data Center, NOAS								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Significant Earthquake Database	Keywords: Geophysics	Description: The Significant Earthquake Database is a global digital database containing information on more than 5,000 destructive earthquakes from 2150 B.C. to the present. Users can access these data in two different ways: via a two-volume CD collection, or on-line. Users searching on-line can query the database via the following parameters: the year of the event, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude), country, state or province, magnitude, intensity, focal depth, number of deaths, and damage amount. A list of applicable earthquakes is then displayed.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				IRIS - Incorporated Research Institutions for	1200 New York Ave. NW, Suite 800	Washington	DC	20005				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: WILBER: Web Interface to Lookup Big Events for Retrieval	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: WILBER provides the user a means of viewing maps which display IRIS FARM and SPYDER® seismic event data from 1977 to the present. In addition the user may select a specific event, view sample plots of data traces and request a SEED volume or SAC ASCII files for that event. The requested data can be downloaded.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): W.	Whalley	Brian		School of Geosciences	The Queen's University of Belfast	Belfast			Northern Ireland
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Martin	Sharp	J.		Department of Geography	University of Alberta	Edmonton	Alberta			Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Electronic Journal of Glacial Geology and Geomorphology	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: Glacial Geology and Geomorphology is an electronic journal of The British Geomorphological Research Group developed by The Queen's University of Belfast and published by The BGRG. It is both a refereed academic journal and a general area in the WWW for access to important sites and information. Journal articles cover glacial sediments, glacial processes, fluvio-glacial and glacio-marine research and associated glacier studies. Articles are viewable as extended abstracts or as full text. Resources include an image bank, a list of glacial information links, and the tables of contents for recent issues of some paper journals. Subscription is free and required for access to most resources.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The entire contents of the Journal are protected by the Publisher's copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 BGRG. In addition, each article published in the Journal is individually protected by copyright. The rights granted to you under this Agreement cannot be transferred, sold or rented to anyone else. Subscribers will be given a Subscriber ID and a password, which they should keep confidential. You must notify the Publisher promptly of any disclosure or unauthorised use of your password or Subscriber ID. You will be liable for any damages which occur prior to such notification. You must notify the Publisher within thirty (30) days of any changes in your registration data. You may download or print out materials from the Journal for your own research or study only; you may not transmit, rent, lend, sell, or modify any materials from the Journal or modify, or create derivative works based on, materials from the Journal.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Barthelmy			Mineral Database								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Crystallography:Crystallography and Minerals Arranged by Crystal Form	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The thirty-two crystal classes are summarized by symmetry elements in a table that is linked to example crystal images, stereo crystal images and mineral listings, and JAVA crystal examples, which can be manipulated with mouse and keyboard.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998, 1999, 2000 by David Barthelmy
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tom	Weiland			Georgia Southwestern State University, Department of Geology	800 Wheatley Street	Americus	GA	31709-4693			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Common Rock-Forming Minerals	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is a collection of images of the common rock-forming minerals. Along with the image, the physical and chemical properties of each mineral are listed. These include: metallic or nonmetallic luster, light or dark color, chemical formula, mineral group, cleavage, general color, hardness, and other characteristics.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dick	Gibson			Gibson Consulting		633 South Boulder	Cardwell	MT	57921				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineralogy of Kidney Stones	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site provides an introduction to the mineralogy of kidney stones, pathological crystalline build-ups in the human body that are usually minerals identical with those found in nature. A few of the crystalline compounds that may form are organic chemicals, like cystine (an amino acid) and uric acid. Most gallstones are also crystallized organic material, usually cholesterol. The exact cause of all kidney stones is not well understood, but factors probably include genetics, diet, and disease.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Gibson Consulting hereby grants permission to anyone to use any of our images (most of the fossils, Former Soviet Union Magnetic Maps, etc.) for any non-commercial purpose (not for sale).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Longshore			Humbolt State University., Department of Geology			CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Petrography: Minerals in Thinsection (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site includes almost 200 photomicrographs of rocks and minerals. All photographs are of thin sections ground to .03 mm thickness, in transmitted white light. Some show the appearance of minerals in plane polarized light, but most were taken with crossed polarizers on a petrographic microscope, better to illustrate mineral properties and rock textures. The majority of the pictures show a field of view 1.5 mm long (about 80X magnificaiton); other magnifications are indicated where different.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): John	Stout	E.	Dr	USDA - ARS Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research Unit	3810 4th Street	Lubbock	TX	79415		(806)723-5239	(806)723-5272	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Wind Erosion and Water Conservation, USDA - Agricultural Research Service	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Geology,Soil science	Description: The mission of the Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research Unit is to conduct applied and fundamental research on the causes and consequences of wind-induced soil erosion, the interactions of plants with the soil and atmosphere; and to develop wind erosion mitigation strategies and water management strategies that alleviate, delay, or moderate the impact of drought and thermal stress on crop production. This site provides access to a variety of publications; some dating back to 1920, as well as images and files for download. Publications are: Aeolian Papers of the Month, The Bibliography of Aeolian Research (1930 to 2000), Severe Weather Safety Fact Sheets, various WEWC research project reports, recent weather data from the Cropping Systems Research Laboratory meteorological station, and a list of related links. Downloads are the Revised Wind Erosion Equation (RWEQ), photo images of selected wind research instruments with detailed information sheets explaining how the instrument is used. A wind erosion and aeolian processes discussion list is also available.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): M.	Lamberson		Dr	Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia		6339 Stores Rd.	Vancouver	B.C.	V6T 1Z4				Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: UBC Earth and Ocean Sciences Image Collections	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This collection contains photo images related to the earth and ocean sciences including some specialized subsets. Each photo has a brief scientific explanation of the content. There are two ways to access the collection. A general search searches the captions of the pictures for specified words. A detailed search allows the user to limit searches to specific databases or to specific categories such as picture type.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The image gallery was created at the: Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences University of British Columbia. The project was completed by Stewart Austin and Helen O'Rourke in November, 1996 under the supervision of Dr.M.Lamberson. Each photograph has its respective copyright by author.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Roberta	Miller	B	Dr	Columbia University	61 Route 9W PO Box 1000	Palisades	NY	10964		845-365-8988		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Center for International Earth Science Information Network	Keywords: Agricultural science,Atmospheric science,Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: CIESIN was established in 1989 as a non-profit, non-governmental organization to provide information that would help scientists, decision-makers, and the public better understand their changing world. CIESIN specializes in global and regional network development, science data management, decision support, and training, education and technical consultation services. CIESIN has an extensive and varied set of resources it makes available to its users. These resources include interactive visualization and mapping applications, guides and gateways to metadata and data resources, guides and gateways to information systems, links to CIESIN programs and projects, and links to related discussion lists.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: CIESIN has a diversity of resources it makes available to its users. These resources include CIESIN-created data, services, and tools that reside only at CIESIN, and the resources of third parties who share a common interest with CIESIN who have graciously granted CIESIN the right to make their resources available to CIESIN users as well. In addition, CIESIN provides links to sites worldwide that house data, information and products that may be of interest to CIESIN users. Because the rights accompanying any particular resource depend on the particular copyright holder involved, you should carefully review the permission statement included under each resource when you are interested in using the resource in any way (other than for viewing) via CIESIN's host. CIESIN-Created Materials Users are free to copy CIESIN-authored materials for personal and noncommercial use as long as content is not altered, and copyright ownership by CIESIN is acknowledged. All other rights are reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquakes for Kids and Grownups: Fun and Educational Activities & Information	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This web page provides links to earthquake-related educational activities for kids, teachers and adults in general. Facts about earthquakes, animations of earthquake activity, ideas for science fair projects and lists of recent earthquakes are provided. Materials for use by teachers are arranged by grade level. Extensive links to other web-based resources are provided. The kid’s section includes such fun activities as on line coloring pages and word search puzzles.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): J. Paul	Morris			Antro Limited								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Interpreting Geologic Sections	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Structural geology	Description: Athro, Limited is a for-profit corporation that publishes high school and college level biology, earth science, and geology course supplements and independent learning materials on the Web. This site provides instruction in interpreting the order of events in three hypothetical and one real geological section. For each section there is a list of events and an animation of the history of the section once the student has decided on the order of events.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998, 1999 Athro, Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Barringer Meteorite Crater Company								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Barringer Meteorite Crater	Keywords: Space science,Geology	Description: This web site provides information on the Barringer Meteorite Crater (also known as "Meteor Crater") located in the Arizona desert. Users can find information on the latest research surrounding the crater, a complete history of the crater, the environmental effects of the impact, and a look at Daniel Moreau Barringer, responsible for the theory behind the crater. Also included are an interactive quiz on meteorites, a three-dimensional simulation game concerning meteorites, a forum which allows for posted questions, and a collection of additional links.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jeremy	Mates			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Jeremy Mates's Mineral Quizzer	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides interactive quizzes on minerals and mineralogy. Users can select quiz type (multiple choice or fill in the blank), as well as subject type. The subjects covered in this quiz include native metals and sulfides, oxides and hydroxides, evaporites including carbonates, phosphates, and halides, simple silicates including neosilicates, garnets, and alumino-silicates, soro/cyclo-/inosilicates, and phyllosilicates, tectosilicates, and feldspathoids.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1995 - 2001 Jeremy Mates. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Elizabeth	Vaiu	Ann		California State University Los Angeles, Charter School of Education		Los Angeles	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: World Builders	Keywords: Space science,Biology,Environmental science,Geology	Description: The course "World Builders," is offered through California State University in Los Angeles. In this course students work in groups to design planets from the stellar dust through the development of alien plants and animals. Students also use computers to access information and post graphics and text about the new worlds on the World Wide Web. Topics covered include astronomy, geology, meteorology, microbiology, terrestrial and marine biology, zoology and ecology, and biomes. Even such subjects as biomechanics, psychology, anthropology, economics and history are intertwined in the lessons.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Elizabeth Anne Viau, 1996, 1997, 1998. Use freely, enjoy, do not sell
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Discovery Communications, Inc.			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Build Your Own Avalanche	Keywords: Cryology,Natural hazards	Description: This interactive program allows site visitors to observe various avalanche scenarios by altering the mountain's angle of slope, snow depth, tree anchors and the weight of a skier crossing the mountain.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999 Discovery Communications Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Phil	Hsuch			Florida State University, Department of Oceanography								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Coriolis and Centrifugal Forces (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Physics	Description: This interactive web site illustrates coriolis and centrifugal forces. The user is asked to enter the speed and angle of a ball, and from this is shown its trajectory, velocity, centrifugal force and coriolis force. A link to a more indepth, text-based introduction to coriolis and centrifugal forces is also provided.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kathie	Watson			USGS Information Services	Box 25286, Building 810, Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225	303-202-4700	303-202-4693	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Deserts: Geology and Resources	Keywords: Ecology,Climatology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This is the on-line edition of A.S. Walker's book, "Deserts: Geology and Resources." The chapter topics are: What Is a Desert?, How the Atmosphere Influences Aridity, Where Deserts Form, Types of Deserts, Desert Features, Eolian Processes, Types of Dunes, Remote Sensing of Arid Lands, Mineral Resources in Deserts, Desertification, and Selected Readings.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This on-line edition contains all text from the original book in its entirety. Some figures have been modified to enhance legibility at screen resolutions. Unless otherwise credited, all photographs are by the author. The printed version of this publication is one of a series of general interest publications prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey to provide information about the earth sciences, natural resources, and the environment.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): James	Sethna			Cornell University, Laboratory of Solid State Physics		Ithaca	NY					
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Small Selection of Science	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: An interesting collection of "essays" from the The Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics Cornell University
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Douglas	Hamilton	P	Dr	University of Maryland, Astronomy Workshop		College Park	MD			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Solar System Collisions	Keywords: Space science	Description: This program simulates the collision of an asteroid or a comet with any planet in Solar System. Users can pick one of the nine planets in the Solar System or the Earth's Moon, choose the composition and diameter (size) of the projectile, and choose the speed of the projectile. Approximate results are returned.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Burdige	J	Dr	Old Dominion University, Oceanography			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stella Models	Keywords: Chemistry,Atmospheric science,Chemical oceanography,Environmental science	Description: This site provides links to three STELLA models (Daisyworld, global phosphorous cycle, and global carbon cycle) used in an advanced undergraduate course in Global Environmental Change. STELLA is an icon-based model building and simulation tool for supporting learner-directed learning.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Marc	Graef	De	Dr	Carnegie Mellon University								
This is a(n) person.
Title: 2D X-Ray Crystallography Simulator	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: The X-Ray Diffraction Simulator is a program developed at Carnegie Mellon using the cT programming language as an aid to teaching undergraduate courses involving crystallography. The program provides a graphical user interface to a computer simulation of x-ray powder diffraction of two-dimensional crystals. It is available at no cost for educational purposes or non-profit individual use. The user can define an arbitrary unit cell and populate it with atoms. It is possible to display diagrams of the lattice defined by the unit cell, as well as the Ewald sphere and reciprocal lattice. Finally, the program will calculate the diffraction pattern produced by the unit cell. It is possible to specify one of the ordinary wavelengths of x-rays used in practice to be used in calculating the diffraction pattern.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Eugene	Takle		Dr	Iowa State University, Department of Geologic and Atmospheric Sciences		Ames	IA	50011	515-294-9871		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Taber	R	Dr	University of Northern Colorado, Department of Earth Sciences		Greeley	CO	80631	970-351-2470		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Change Course at Iowa State University (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: This web site offers a complete course on the topic of global change. The authors have compiled pertinent information in the form of summary information, images, and suggested readings. The topics are subdivided into three blocks. The first block sets the foundation for understanding global change through observations of global mean temperature and trends in carbon dioxide to name a few. It focuses on climate and agents of global change. The second block focuses on climate modeling, what we can learn from them and the limitations of models, or, models and measurements of global change. Block three addresses the impact by humans through population, deforestation, and desertification, the biosphere and human component of global change.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994-2000, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): James	Cheney			Carnegie Mellon University								
This is a(n) person.
Title: 3D X-Ray Diffraction Simulator	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: This program was developed by James Cheney (C++, Macintosh platform), and can be used both as an educational tool and as a real research program. All computations follow the proper underlying physics. The program permits the user to define an arbitrary unit cell, display the unit cell or an array of cells, display the Debye-Scherrer pattern, a standard powder pattern, the stereographic projections of real space and reciprocal space, and transmission and reflection Laue patterns. All windows can be linked together so that a rotation in one of the windows will automatically update all others. The module is available at no cost for educational purposes or non-profit individual use.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jeff	Boote			University Corporation for Atmospheric Research		Boulder	CO					
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Center for Atmospheric Research, Scientific Computing Division: Visualization	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Atmospheric science	Description: This web page displays computer visualizations of various weather and atmospheric-related research projects at the Scientific Computing Division (SCD) of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). It also has sections describing the work that the SCD does. The subjects of research described here includesclimate systems (global warming, sulfate aerosol evolution and Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC-11) penetration into the deep ocean); severe storms (forest fires, cyclones, mesoscale convective vortex, typhoon Herb, and supercell lightning simulations); solar magnetic flux tubes and penetrative turbulent compressible convection, El Nino and La Nina, ozone, the polar vortex and atmospheric chemistry.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Digital Kartographie		Kiel		Germany				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Create A Map	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) is a software package to create high-quality postscript maps in various projections. This site allows visitor to create maps online using a pared-down version of Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) and an interactive form for entering mapping parameters. The maps are presented as gif images or as downloadable EPSF or Adobe Illustrator versions.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©1996 - 2000 kk+w - digital cartography
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				EarthRise								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthrise (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This is the web site for EarthRISE, an on-line collection of over 100,000 satellite images of the Earth taken during the Space Shuttle flights. Users can search for images by name of area, political area, or by topography. Some of the images are accompanied by a caption explaining the image, and more specific information such as latitude and longitude, date and time taken, and altitude.
Publication 2-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Weather Service Headquarters		Silver Springs	MD					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Interactive Weather Information Network	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This web page provides weather information from the National Weather Service. Users can access current weather information for the United States and the World. The current weather link offers access to information for states and cities. Included are forecasts by state, zone and short-term, a weather summary, climatic data, and warnings and advisories. The national reports section includes a national weather summary, national flood summary, national travelers forecast, temperature and precipitation table, national hurricane and tropical storm reports, ultraviolet index forecast, and earthquake and tsunami reports. A graphics section allows users to access weather maps by region, and includes infra-red, water vapor, color enhanced, color cloud heights and forecast. Users are also able to access national weather warnings.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Internet Mapping	Keywords: Physical geography,Human geography	Description: This web site provides demonstrations of live Internet maps produced using the software ArcIMS from the organization Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). ArcIMS provides the foundation for disseminating high-end geographic information systems (GIS) and mapping services via the Internet. GIS information is used to produce the maps accessible through this web site which includes world projections, property information, a Middle East viewer and a city's GIS data map. Other maps include a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) locator, California climograph, telecommunications tower placement analysis, three-dimensional view of any place in Southern California, demographic module, and census data for any state in the United States. Health, government and tourism maps are also available.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © ESRI
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bert	Ulrich			NASA Headquarters	CODE POS	Washington	DC	20546				
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Johnson Space Center Imagery Services: Digital Image Collection (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Environmental science,Physical geography	Description: This is the web page for the National Aeronautical and Space Administration's (NASA) digital image collection. Within this collection, over 250,000 space-related images have been captured, digitized, and stored. Photos are available in numerous categories, including observations of the Earth, photos from press releases, astronomy, oceanography, ozone, flight vehicles, and robotics. Photos can also be obtained of the solar system and the space shuttle. There is also a link to non-NASA sites with space or aeronautics images. Users can also access the Earth From Space page, which provides a variety of Earth images in various categories. These include cities, Earth landscapes, Earth-Human interactions, distinctive features, hurricanes and weather, Earth's water habitats, and geographic regions.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NASA generally does not assert copyright in its imagery, and therefore, permission to reproduce is not required. However, NASA photographs and other imagery may not be used in any manner such as to state or imply an endorsement by the Agency or any of its employees of any commercial product or process. NASA, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, should be credited as the source of the imagery. Commercial use of NASA imagery in which a recognizable individual appears may infringe a right of privacy or publicity, which is personal to the individual.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Natural Resources Canada, Terrain Sciences Division, Canadian Geological Survey			Ottawa					Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Canadian Landscapes	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This web site provides access to a collection of photos of Canadian landscapes and landforms. Users can search for photos of specific areas by province or territory, keywords, or via an interactive map. Brief geological explanations accompany the photos, and provide insight on how the features developed. The photos were taken by scientists of the Geological Survey of Canada during the last 30 years. Users are also able to send the photos as customized postcards.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2001. Information may be reproduced without permission subject to the fair dealing provision set out in the Copyright Act, R.S.C., c. C-42. The source of the work must be acknowledged. Information may not be redistributed or stored for the purpose of serving through any other information retrieval system, except approved mirror sites, without the written permission of Natural Resources Canada. Links can be made freely.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Weather Underground	P.O. Box 3605	Ann Arbor	MI	48106		734-994-8824		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Weather Underground (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This web site allows the user to access a variety of weather-related maps for the United States and the World. The types of maps accessible include radar, visibility, wind, heat index, wind chill, humidity, dew point, Ultra Violet forecast, satellite, fronts, snow, jet stream, and pollen. Users can also access Nexrad composite imagery with mixed precipitation, and United States current Nexrad. Other available maps include United States visible satellite, United States severe weather, astronomy, ski reports, marine forecasts, and tropical storms. International weather maps can also be obtained for Canada, Central and South America, Northern and Southern Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, Islands and Antarctica. Users can also access specific weather information for cities within states, listing both metric and English measurements of temperature, humidity, pressure, conditions, when updated, and weather warnings. Special features of this site include a personal weather station project, which allows users to download weather software to allow them to upload their weather data to The Weather Underground, and a flight tracker, which allows the tracking of specific or random flights.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 The Weather Underground, Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Deborah	Byrd			Byrd & Block Communications Inc.	P.O. Box 2203	Austin	TX	78768		512-477-4441	512-477-4474	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joel	Block			Byrd & Block Communications Inc.		P.O. Box 2203	Austin	TX	78768		512-477-4441	512-477-4474.	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth and Sky Radio Series	Keywords: Space science,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This is the home page for the daily science public radio series, Earth and Sky. This web site provides live web casts and an archive of past shows. Its Features section contains articles on earth science, astronomy, and environmental science. It also contains news bulletins, a sky watching forecast, frequently asked questions, question of the week, ask an expert, and cool site reviews. The Teacher's Lounge, contains resources for teachers, including how teachers can use Earth and Sky in their classroom, lesson plans, and lecture notes and virtual experiments accessed via links to outside web sites. The Kids section contains articles, activities, and links.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The contents of Earth & Sky Online (EARTHSKY.COM) are intended for the personal and noncommercial use of its users. All materials published on Earth & Sky Online (including, but not limited to news articles, editorial, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips, also known as "The Content") are protected by copyright, and owned and controlled by Byrd & Block Communications, Inc., Earth & Sky Online, Public Interactive, or the party credited as the provider of the content, software, or other materials. Permission to use, copy and distribute these materials without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and full site URL ( appear in all copies and the materials are not redistributed for profit.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Amherst University, Department of Geology			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mineralogy	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is the web site for the Mineralogy course at Amherst College. The most useful parts of this site include study questions for a class exam, a page on systematic mineralogy, or mineral groups - which contains information on the native elements, oxides and hydroxides, halides, sulfides, tectosilicates, and the phyllosilicates – a page on optical mineralogy, which contains photomicrographs of numerous minerals, and an introduction to what a mineral is, entitled "So what is a mineral anyhow?”
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Greg	Finn		Dr	Brock University, Department of Geology		St. Catherines	Ontario	Canada			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Optical Mineralogy	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is the web page for an Optical Mineralogy course offered at Brock University. The link to lecture outlines includes information on the properties of light, including electromagnetic radiation, wave front, phase and interference, reflection and refraction and the polarization of light. Other sections include: Refractometry, which includes information on lens effect, internal reflection, and becke line movement; Isotropic materials: includes information on optics, indicatrix, and isotropic vs. anisotropic; Anisotropic minerals: includes information on interference phenomena, retardation, interference at the upper polar, and monochromatic light and polychromatic light; Optical properties: includes information on extinction, accessory plates, vibration direction in minerals, sign of elongation, and relief and pleochroism; Unixial minerals: includes information on uniaxial optics, uniaxial optic sign, uniaxial indicatrix, and pleochroism in uniaxial minerals; Biaxial minerals: includes information on biaxial optics, biaxial indicatrix, and optic sign. A link is also included to laboratory outlines, which accompany the subjects in the lecture outline. Also available is a link to a mineral gallery.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Liz	Lefrancois			National Water Issues Branch, Ecosystems and Environment Directorate, Environmental Conservation Service, Environment Canada	Liz.Lefracois@ec.gc.ea	Attention: Freshwater Web Site, 351 Saint Joseph Boulevard, 4-PVM	Hull	Quebec	K1A OH3	819-953-6161	819-994-0237	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Environment Canada: Freshwater Web Site (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Hydrology,Policy issues,Ecology	Description: This comprehensive site contains facts, figures, references, teacher's aides, news, events, and much more on subjects pertaining to water. Some of the subjects touched on include aquatic ecosystems, groundwater, lakes, permafrost, properties of water, rivers, sediment, snow and ice, water and climate, and Wetlands. Water policy and legislation is also discussed and includes information on federal-provincial cooperation, international, legislation and regulation, provincial/territorial, and water policy in Canada. There is also a section on the management of water including bulk water removal and water export, Flood Damage Reduction Program, floods, water efficiency/conservation, water modeling, water pollution, water quality, water resource economics, and water use. The section on water and culture discusses Aboriginal issues, water and art, and water and Canadian identity.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Environment Canada's Freshwater Web Site is protected by the Copyright Act of Canada, international treaties and conventions, and other worldwide copyright laws. Copyright © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Environment, 1996 - 2000 All rights reserved. You may download, print, or otherwise make copies of portions of materials from the different areas of this Site subject to the following conditions: 1.The copy is made solely for your own non-commercial, personal use; 2.The information is not modified or altered in any way; 3.The source of the information is fully acknowledged and credited; 4.Environment Canada reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immediately upon written notice from Environment Canada.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Indiana University, Molecular Structure Center		Bloomington	IN					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Regular Solids	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web page provides graphic examples of the "regular solids" which include the basic cube, the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the dodeahedron, and the buckyball. This site allows the user a three-dimensional interactive view of each figure by dragging the mouse over them.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Scott	Argast			Indiana University, Purdue University, Department of Geology	ARGAST@SMTPLINK.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU		Fort Wayne	IN					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Some Background about X-Ray Diffraction	Keywords: Physics,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides information on the process of X-ray diffraction. The sections included are diffraction and Bragg's Law, the Diffractometer, and diffraction patterns.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Ken	Colosky								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ken's Fluorescent Minerals	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides photos of fluorescent minerals photographed under long wave (LW) or short wave (SW) ultraviolet light. Links to additional resources, and a list of books and information sources are also included.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995 Kenneth Colosky. All rights reserved. No reproduction of these images is permitted without express written permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Alan	Levine			Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction, Maricopa Community Colleges	2411 West 14th Street	Tempe	Arizona	85281		602-731-8247	602-731-8282	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Testing the Hardness of a Mineral (tile provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides a tutorial on how to test the hardness of a mineral. The hardness of a mineral is one of the most diagnostic and easy tests to perform in the attempt to identify an unknown mineral. Hardness is a measure of a mineral's resistance to abrasion and reflects the atomic structure of a mineral. A comparative hardness scale is also provided.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Maryland Geological Survey	2300 St Paul St.	Baltimore	MD	21218				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Gold in Maryland	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site, part a series of on-line pamphlets prepared by the Maryland Geological Survey, reviews the history of gold prospecting and gold mining in Maryland. Accompanying maps show old gold mines, placers and reported gold occurrences in Montgomery County and along the banks of the Potomac.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): D.	Walker			McGill University, Earth and Planetary Sciences		3450 University St.	Montreal	Quebec					Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineral Identification Table (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides a mineral identification table that can be printed and used in a laboratory setting. Data listed in the table includes the name of the mineral, it's shape, cleavage, fracture, hardness, color, streak, luster, specific gravity, and comments.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): S. Duncan	Heron		Dr	Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment	HERON@EOS.DUKE.EDU	Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Old Chemistry Building, Box 90227	Durham	NC	27708	919-681-8373	919-684-5833	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introductory Geology WebPages	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This is an extensive collection of enlargeable thumbnail geology slides. Most slides have a caption, which consists of a title and the photo location. The subjects of the photos include seafloor spreading, plate tectonics and continental drift, textures of igneous rocks, igneous activity and metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks with examples of textures and sedimentary structures, weathering, mass movement, ground water, streams, wind, glaciers, oceans, some very personal views of Hurricane Fran, and structure. The site also contains a list of links to other geology-focused web sites.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: To download and use these photographs on the web or elsewhere, you must have permission. For photographs by Duncan Heron, please email HERON@EOS.DUKE.EDU. To obtain the address of other photographers, email at the same address. All images are credited where the source is known. Those with no source listed are typically not under copyright as they are from US government sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Raymond	Coish		Dr	Middlebury College, Department of Geology		Middlebury	VT	05703			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineralogy	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is the home page for the Mineralogy course at Middlebury College. An assignments section contains information on the physical properties of minerals, crystal symmetry, introduction to the Microscope, calcite experiment, uniaxial minerals, biaxial minerals, framework silicates, chain and ring silicates, scanning electron microscope, di and sheet silicates, ortho silicates, phase diagram calculation, and mineral formulae calculation. Handouts associated with the assignments section are provided, as is a link to the Smithsonian gem site.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): James	Hayes			Columbia University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences			NY					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tutorial: Using the Viewer	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This tutorial shows how to use the Columbia University Department of Earth and Environmental Science Data Viewer to explore data sets available on the web site. Step-by-step examples demonstrate the Viewer interface and how it can be used to manipulate data and view it as maps or as cross sections/profiles. A split frame allows users to carry out the tutorial instructions while viewing the data catalog or accessing the Viewer tool.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): G. Kent	Colbath		Dr	Cerritos College, Earth Sciences Department	11110 Alondra Boulevard	Norwalk	CA	90650	562-860-2451		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glacial Landforms	Keywords: Cryology,Physical geography	Description: This site provides a tutorial on glacial landforms. Glacial erosion, transportation and deposition produce some of the most dramatic and distinctive landscapes found on the surface of the earth. Recognition of glacial topography allows geologists to map the distribution of ice sheets in the recent geological past. There are five tutorials available: Bylot Island, Canada; Space Shuttle Photography; Topographic Map, Mt. Shasta, California; Four Photographs of Glacial Landforms; and Collier Glacier, Oregon. Each exercise contains a visual aid and a link to the answers to questions posed to the user. Other pages include photographs of coastal Greenland, and satellite composite images of Antarctica. There is also a link to the glacial history of Mt. Shasta.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): James	Aber	S.	Dr	Emporia State University	Earth Science Department	Emporia	KS	66801-5087	316-341-5981	316-341-5997	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ice Age Environments: Quaternary Geology	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology,Geology,Technology	Description: This Ice Age Environments course is offered by the Earth Science Department at Emporia State University. The main resources at this site are student web presentations, a glossary of terms, and title imagery links. The student web presentations include Earth science presentations on ice age-related projects, mineralogy, gemstones and gemology, introduction to geospatial analysis, computer mapping systems, small format aerial photography, remote sensing, advanced image processing and global tectonics.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Notice: ES 331/767 is offered by the Earth Science department for the express use and benefit of students enrolled at Emporia State University, Kansas, USA. All are welcome to view these course pages. Any other use or repackaging of materials in this course is prohibited without permission from the author.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kathleen	Apolzer			Emporia State University		Emporia	KS	66801			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Formation of a Glacier	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This web site was created as a partial requirement for the completion of a Quaternary Geology course, from Emporia State University. It provides a brief tutorial on glaciers and ice processes. Many keywords are hot linked to tables and visuals or other websites; such as Glacier National Park's Photo and Computer Wallpaper Gallery and Rice University's ICE homepage. Topics include: What is a glacier? Snow to Glacial Ice; Mass Balance; and Where are Glaciers Today? Additional links are provided to: More Information on Glacier Distribution (Rice University); Frequently Asked Questions about Glaciers (United States Geological Survey); and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration's Flying Over Antarctica page. An illustration of the transformation of snow to glacial ice crystals and other visuals on ice crystals and formation are provided as hyperlinks.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Created for educational purposes only as partial requirements for the completion of course ES 767 Quaternary Geology, Earth Science Department, Emporia State University, Emporia, KS, 66801.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): James	Aber	S.	Dr	Emporia State University	Earth Science, Campus Box 4030	Emporia	KS	66801-5087	316-341-5981	316-341-5997	
This is a(n) person.
Title: International Work Group On Geospatial Analysis Of Glaciated Environments (GAGE)	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography,Policy issues,Technology	Description: GAGE commenced its official activity at the International Union for Quaternary Research, INQUA, Congress in Berlin, Germany (8/95). The activities of this work group focus on investigations of modern and ancient glaciated environments utilizing techniques of geographic information systems (GIS). The central goals of GAGE are assembly of regional and continental GIS databases for display, analysis, and interpretation of glaciated terrain, as well as for modeling of glacier dynamics and processes. At this site digital data for the Glaciotectonic Map of North America are available in a format that could be used with either ARC/INFO or ArcView software. Other database and map projects are in progress which focus on the Central European region of Poland, eastern Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Byelarus, Ukraine, Russia and adjacent territories bordering the southern and eastern margins of the Baltic basin. A clickable glacial map of the North-Central United States offers an overview of pre-Wisconsin features and detailed regional images on shaded-relief backgrounds. This site also encourages membership in GAGE. Membership is open to any interested scientist and/or science student from diverse disciplines, including geography, geology, cartography, remote sensing, hydrology, glaciology, engineering, etc.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web page originates from the Earth Science Department at Emporia State University, Kansas, U.S.A. All material herein ©. For further information or comments about this page, please contact J.S. Aber, e-mail:
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center	M/S Raytheon-299, 4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109	626-744-5508	626-744-5506	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Education Resources For Oceanography And Earth Sciences	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This is the online version of a 40+ page document for K-12 and college educators containing links to resources in oceanography and earth system science. The list was produced by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center. Every resource has a short annotation describing the resource and providing contact information as well as a hyperlink to the actual resource. The document is divided into 12 sections: Classroom Material, Collaborative, On-Line Education, Continuing Education for Teachers, Data/Images From Satellites, Field Trips/ Out of Class Experiences, Internet Sites for Students, Multimedia/CD-ROMs, Periodicals, Posters, Reaching the Internet, Resource Lists Like This One (On-Line), and Special Themes.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All PO.DAAC holdings are free of charge to scientists, educators and the community at large. However, any products freely obtained from the PO.DAAC may not be redistributed for profit. Information and images on our web site can be freely used by the public without restriction. Whenever any materials from our web site are used, please give PO.DAAC proper acknowledgement.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Amethyst Galleries, Inc., Mineral Gallery	6249 Balmoral Dr.	Dublon	OH	43017				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Mineral Gallery	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web page provides access to a constantly growing collection of mineral descriptions, images, and specimens. The user can search by mineral name, class, groupings - gemstones, birthstones, etc. - or full text. A photo of the mineral is then displayed, along with its name, chemistry, class, group, uses, and physical characteristics - color, luster, transparency, crystal system, crystal habits, cleavage, fracture, hardness, specific gravity, and streak. The user can also access pictures of specimens of the mineral, and find links to associated minerals.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©1995-1998 by Amethyst Galleries, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, all descriptions, images, and programs are the property of Amethyst Galleries, Inc., and may not be copied for commercial purposes. Permission to copy descriptions and images is granted for personal and educational use only. All such copies must include this copyright notice and explicit references to this URL.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Molecular Imaging	9830 S. 51st Street, Suite A124	Phoenix	AZ	5044				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy	Keywords: Chemistry,Mineralogy or petrology,Physics	Description: The scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopes permit atomic-scale imaging of processes at the liquid-solid interface. This article reviews the mechanism of these microscopes. It also surveys some representative applications, such as the potential dependence of adlayer structure and the electron transfer properties of individual molecules.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Resources of Canada			Ontario					Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Minerals and Metals at Home	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides an introduction to the things that you see around a house that are made from minerals and metals. Using clickable image maps the user can select common items and are provided the names of the minerals and metals that are contained therein. OR, the user can visit four home scenes and test their knowledge of metal and mineral-containing items.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Kimberly		Dr	North Carolina State University, Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences			NC					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Minerals	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: An Internet-based set of course notes for minerals providing an outline of topics that would be covered in a lecture. Topics covered include bonds, states of matter, physical properties of minerals, Moh's Hardness Scale, silicates and nonsilicates, progressive polymerization, enivronmentrs of mineral formation and rock characteristics. The pages are truly notes, listing important topics but not providing detailed supporting information.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Boyle	D	Dr	North Carolina State University, Department of Chemisry	Box 024	Raleigh	NC	27695				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Growing Crystals that Will Make Your Crystallographer Happy	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site is geared toward graduate students and other researchers wanting to grow crystals suitable for X-ray structure determinations. Numerous techniques of growing crystals are discussed and include: slow evaporation, slow cooling, variations on slow evaporation and slow cooling, vapor diffusion, solvent diffusion, reactant diffusion, sublimation, convection, co-crystallants, counterions, and ionization of neutral compounds.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Boyle	D	Dr	North Carolina State University, Department of Chemistry	Box 024	Raleigh	NC	27695				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Crystal Growing for Students	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web page provides information and instructions on the numerous ways that one can grow crystals. A Frequently Asked Questions page(FAQ), a list of links to other sites and a recommendation for a text are offered. There are also specific instructions for growing Potassium Ferricyanide, Copper Acetate Monohydrate, and Calcium Copper Acetate Hexahydrate.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ed	Murphy		Dr	North Dakota Geological Survey	600 East Boulevard Avenue	Bismark	ND	58505-0840				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineral Resources of North Dakota	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides information about cement rock, salt, clay, sand and gravel, coal, uranium, oil and gas and volcanic ash in North Dakota. The distribution of the resource in the state and the history of mining efforts for each resource are discussed.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ed	Miller		Mr	Oxford Brooks University, Department of Geology	Headington Campus, Gipsy Lane	Oxford		OX3 0BP				England
This is a(n) person.
Title: Field Trip to South-west Cornwall	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is a virtual field trip to the mining areas of southwest Cornwall, a region of amazingly varied geology and spectacular coastlines situated on the toe of Britain. It provides a general overview of the area’s geological history, some of the human history of mining, and short discussions of metasomatism and mineralization characteristic of the area. The field trip component emphasizes the area around St. Austell and the Lands End Peninsula.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Thomas	Lowell	V.	Dr	University of Cincinnati, Department of Geology	PO Box 210013	Cincinnati	OH	45221-0013	(513)556-4165	(513)556-6931	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Trip to an Ice Cave: Breidamerkurjokull, Iceland	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Physical geography,Structural geology	Description: This website is hosted by the Department of Geology at the University of Cincinnati. It houses over twenty slide photos of a field trip to an ice cave in Breidamerkurjokull, Iceland. Each photo contains a narrative and some have time comparison shots.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The images and materials on these pages, except where noted, are the product of my efforts. I make them available for non-profit, educational uses. As a condition of use, I request that you inform me. Thank You. Tom Lowell
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Thomas	Lowell	V.	Dr	Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati	Thomas.Lowell@UC.Edu	PO Box 210013	Cincinnati	OH	45221-0013		513-556-4165	513-556-693	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glacial Geology at the University of Cincinnati: View Images of, and Learn About, Glaciers	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This web site was originally set up for a geology class at the University of Cincinnati. However, anyone interested in glacial geology will enjoy visiting this site. Here, an impressive glacial image database is divided into six topics: Erosion, Subglacial, Superglacial, Ice-margin, Glacial lakes, and Proglacial. Within each topic, individual examples are organized into process, deposit/feature, and landform. Also featured is a special section on the Iceland Flood, which occurred on September 30, 1996, when a subglacial volcano erupted under the Vatnajokull ice cap. Also included are weekly class modules. Each module has readings, lecture notes, study images, homework question, data collection and reduction activities.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The images and materials on these pages, except where noted, are my the product of the author. They are available for non-profit, educational uses. As a condition of use, the author requests that you inform him.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Gulf of Maine Aquarium	P.O. Box 7549	Portland	ME	04112				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Gulf of Maine Aquarium	Keywords: Biology,Biological oceanography,Ecology,Hydrology	Description: This web site contains illustrated information and classroom-ready activities for teachers, students, and anyone who wants to learn about aquatic environments. The site is divided into seven topical sites, either by habitat or species. "Space Available" focuses on using satellite imagery to study the oceans, and includes sections on the human impact on oceans, weather, remote sensing, and how satellites work. "All About Lobsters" includes information on the life cycle of lobsters, lobster trivia and fishery information. "All About Turtles" includes a section on turtle anatomy, defenses, and species, and how you can help turtles. The "On Location" section includes information on coral reefs in Belize, global climate change, Israel and the Red Sea, and information on the deep submergence vehicle, ALVIN. "Katahdin to the sea" looks at streams, ponds, aquifers, bogs, estuaries, beaches, tidepools, and the Gulf of Maine. The "Streams" section includes information on the history of Maine and water, and information on pollution and water.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001. Gulf of Maine Aquarium. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Roger	Pielke		Dr	Colorado State University, Department of Atmospheric Science	208 Atmospheric Science	Fort Collins	CO	80523		970-491-8293		
This is a(n) person.
Title: U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994: Contributions in Properties of the Solid Earth, Dynamics of the Solid Earth and Other Planets, Space Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Hydrology, Ocean Sciences	Keywords: Space science,Atmospheric science,Geophysics,Hydrology,Physical oceanography,Geology,Climatology	Description: This massive reference source, a supplement to the American Geophysical Union’s Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 33, 1995, seeks to link science to societal needs by incorporating inter- and cross-disciplinary articles within the six major topics covered: properties of the solid earth (covering volcanology, geochemistry, and petrology; geomagnetism and paleomagnetism), dynamics of the solid earth and other planets (covering tectonophysics, seismology, and geodesy), space sciences (covering atmospheric studies of extraterrestrial bodies, space physics, and the Earth's atmosphere from the mesosphere and above), atmospheric sciences (covering the Earth's atmosphere below the mesosphere), hydrology (including all aspects of surface and ground water), ocean sciences (covering physical, chemical, and biological oceanography). Inter- and cross-disciplinary articles address volcanoes and climates, the atmospheric and hydrologic aspects of precipitation; air-sea interaction; and surficial properties. Authors for this volume were requested to structure their articles in a manner that assists in demonstrating the societal value of the work, and to define information in a form that is as clear as possible to a scientist who is not specializing in the topic of the article.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995 by the American Geophysical Union, 2000 Florida Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Figures, tables, and short excerpts may be reprinted in scientific books and journals if the source is properly cited; all other rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): James	Wittke	H	Dr	Northern Arizona State University, Department of Geology, Bilby Research		Flagstaff	AZ	86011-6013		520-523-9565		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Electron Microprobe Lab	Keywords: Technology	Description: This is the home page for the Northern Arizona University Electron Microprobe Laboratory. Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) is a non-destructive method for determining the chemical composition of tiny amounts of solid materials. The resources of this site include a bibliography of Northern Arizona University Microprobe publications, web sites on microanalysis, and an operating manual for the Microprobe. A course syllabus and class notes are also included.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				U. S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program, Web Team			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: United States Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program: Earthquake Products	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This is a web page for earthquake products, a part of the Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). This page provides access to information and products for purchase on earthquakes. Included are maps - seismic hazard maps, earthquake maps, site response, and fault and landform maps-, general interest publications, plate tectonics publications, bulletins/circulars and technical research papers. Also available are fact sheets on different geographical areas, including California and the western United States, the Pacific Northwest, the central and eastern United States, and those on a global and national scale. Users can also access information on videos and CDROMs for purchase, as well as global, national and regional earthquake data.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): John	Betts			John Betts Fine Minerals								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Anthony's Nose, New York: A Review of Three Mineral Localities (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site describes three mineral locations in the area of Anthony's Nose, a prominent highland east of the Hudson River in New York State. Two of the sites are over 150 years old and have been long forgotten. Yet surprisingly minerals may still be easily collected at these sites. Unfortunately there has been much confusion about the exact localities and mineral occurrences. This paper attempts to clarify and correct much of the misinformation, and describe the present collecting opportunities. Sections include a brief introduction on the mineral types and localities of the area, the regional geology, the history of the area, calcite occurrence, and the current status and access.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998 John Betts and Bob's Rock Shop. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Sacramento Bee								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The California Gold Rush (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology,Human geography	Description: This web site provides the history behind the California gold rush. It is comprised of a collection of newspaper articles, a map of the common overland routes taken to get to California from the east and information on travel by sea as well. Additional resources include a list of recommended readings, a timeline of events, a page for further contact information, and an interactive quiz.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © The Sacramento Bee
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christof	Kuhn								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Etymology of Mineral and Rock Names	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides the etymology of mineral and rock names - a list of the derivations of many of the common mineralogical and petrological terms. Two lists are provided, one in English, and one in German.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dan	Narsavage			Idaho Virtual Campus at Idaho State University	Campus Box 8196	Pocatello	ID	83209		(208) 282-2661	(208) 282-4231	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glaciation in the Sawtooth Mountains	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This course on glaciation from the Idaho Virtual Campus at Idaho State University provides descriptive text, links, visuals, and on-line tutorials. The goals are threefold: to provide a basic understanding of the glacial processes which helped to shape the Sawtooth Mountains; to aid with the identification of landforms that characterize a once-glaciated region; and to show some of the techniques used by Quaternary geologists to analyze glacial environments. Site pages include tutorials on Pleistocene ice sheets and their associated landforms, alpine glaciers and the features they create, and the Sawtooth Mountains as an example of alpine glaciology. A field trip exercise exposes students to the use of two techniques of relative dating: moraine morphometry and soil development.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000, The Idaho Board of Education. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Idaho Virtual Campus at Idaho State University	Campus Box 8196	Pocatello	ID	83209				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Idaho Virtual Campus at Idaho State University	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Physics	Description: The vision of the Idaho Virtual Campus (IVC) is of a "virtual learning community" in which the same level of collaboration and active hands/minds-on learning takes place as in the traditional on-campus environment. Site visitors find useful facts, visuals and exercises regarding anthropology, biology, geology, and physics. Site pages include course registration information and a list of current classes, tutorials and field exercises/modules. Registration is required for participation in classes.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000, The Idaho Board of Education. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Rickard	Toomey, III	S.		Illinois State Museum, Research and Collections Center	1011 East Ash Street	Springfield	IL	62703		217-524-7908	217-785-2857	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ice Ages	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This web site is a portion of the Illinois State Museum's On-line Exhibits. Ice Age information ranges from general to specific. A web-animated video of the retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet is featured. The main topics include: the Midwestern U.S. 16,000 years ago; What are Ice Ages?; When did Ice Ages occur?; and Why do Ice Ages occur?
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995, Illinois State Museum. All text and images in this exhibit are the property of the State of Illinois. Educational use is encouraged; however, any commercial duplication without prior written consent of the ISM is prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Erich	Schroeder			Illinois State Museum, Research and Collections Center	1011 East Ash	Springfield	IL	62703		217-785-0037	217-785-2857	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Illinois State Museum	Keywords: Ecology,Paleontology,Biology	Description: This is the home site for the Illinois State Museum. The Exhibits link features on-line exhibits and physical exhibits. These include: At Home in the Heartland - an exhibit about family life in Illinois from 1700 to the present; The Midwest at 16,000 years ago - a display on the environments, plants and animals of the Midwestern United States at that time; Journey to Other Worlds: Siberian Collections - the environment and life of the people of this area; Ice Ages; State Symbols of Illinois; RiverWeb American Bottom Landing Site - a exploration into the environment, history, and cultures of a section of the Mississippi River valley; Mazon Creek Fossils - fossils discovered along the Mazon Creek in northeastern Illinois; and Prairies in the Prairie State - information on the Prairie ecosystem, and specifically, the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. The Programs link features information on education, research, publications, museum grants, and the Illinois Artisans Program. The collections page includes a description of the extensive collections maintained by the museum. There is a link to General Information, which includes information on directories, history and museum sites. The Calendar of Events lists current exhibits and programs at all Museum sites including the Dickson Mounds Museum, Illinois Art Gallery, Illinois Artisans Shop, Lockport Gallery, and the Southern Illinois Artisans Shop and Visitors Center.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Illinois State Museum Society
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Hall	D.	Dr	Indiana University, Purdue University	425 University Blvd., Geology Department SL 2120B	Indianapolis	IN	46202-5143				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glaciers	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This web page displays the syllabus for a one-credit course offered by the Geology department at the Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis. Users can access downloadable Power Point slide presentations on an introduction to Glaciology, Snow and Ice, Thermal Relationships, Mass Balance, and Erosional Features.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Locke	W.	Dr	Montana State University - Bozeman, Department of Earth Sciences		Bozeman	MT	59717-3480	406-994-6918	406-994-6923	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Yellowstone Ice Cap Modeling (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This web page presents the findings of spreadsheet modeling techniques that reconstruct the Late Pleistocene ("Pinedale") ice cover of the greater Yellowstone area. This was done by Dr. William Locke of Montana State University and his undergraduate students in the 1994 junior-level Geomorphology course (Locke, 1995, in Rocky Mountain Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference Guidebook, G. A. Meyer, ed.). This web page explains the techniques and displays the results. Also featured are links to informative topics featured on Dr. Locke's homepage: spreadsheet modeling techniques, and the Wind River Range.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dorothy	Hall	K.	Dr	NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Laboratory for Hydrospheric Processes, Hydrological Sciences Branch, Code 974		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Monitoring Glacier Changes from Space	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology	Description: This web page provides a scientific paper written by a glaciologist and published on the web by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration. It focuses on the use of detailed digital image data to track small changes indicative of regional trends in glacier mass balance. If observed over a long enough period of time in many different geographic settings, glacier-terminus position changes can be related to changes in regional and even global climate mass balance.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Grumbine			Ocean Modeling Branch of the Environmental Modeling Center	5200 Auth Rd., #206, World Weather Building	Camp Springs	MD	20746				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sea Ice Home Page	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This web page is part of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Ocean Modeling Branch (OMB), Sea Ice program. The Polar and Great Lakes Ice group works on sea ice analysis from satellite, sea ice modeling, and ice-atmosphere-ocean coupling. Here you can access images of sea ice extent that can be animated to show the previous 30 days activity. Images are available for the globe, the Northern Hemisphere ( Alsaka, Sea of Okhotsk, and Sea of Japan), and the Southern Hemisphere (Weddell Polynya Watch, Ross Sea and Amery Basin). Information on sea ice modelling and forecasts is also accessible.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. Before using information obtained from this server special attention should be given to the date & time of the data and products being displayed. This information shall not be modified in content and then presented as official government material.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): C.	Haggerty			National Snow and Ice Data Center, World Glacier Monitoring Service, World Glacier Inventory			Boulder	CO	80309-0449				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado	CIRES, Campus Box 449	Boulder	CO	80309-0449		303-492-6199	303-492-2468	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The World Glacier Inventory	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This web site is part of the National Snow and Ice Data Center's World Glacier Monitoring Service. The World Glacier Inventory contains information for over 67,000 glaciers throughout the world. Parameters within the inventory include: geographic location, area, length, orientation, elevation, and classification of morphological type and moraines. The inventory entries are based upon a single observation in time and can be viewed as a "snapshot" of the glacier at this time. These data are collected and digitized by the World Glacier Monitoring Service, Zurich. A point and click map of the world will also take users to the region of interest with a list of glaciated areas.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Citations in reference lists accompanying published work should be stated: Hoelzle, M. and Haeberli, W. World Glacier Monitoring Service. World Glacier Inventory. Digital data available from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. An example of a statement within a publication citing data might read: "These data, the World Glacier Inventory, were obtained from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), University of Colorado at Boulder."
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Kimberley		Dr	NC State University, Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences	2138 Jordan Hall, Campus Box 8208	Raleigh	NC	27695		919-515-7831	919-515-7802	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lecture Notes for Physical Geology (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site contains informative lecture notes on twenty-one topics is physcial geology: First Look at Planet Earth, The Dynamic Earth, Atoms and Minerals, Volcanoes and Magmas, Weathering and Soils, Sediment and Sedimentary Rock, Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rock, Geologic Time, Mass-Wasting, Streams and Drainage Systems, Groundwater, Glaciers and Glaciation, Wind Action and Deserts, Oceans and Ocean Margins, Deformation of Rock, Earthquakes and Earth's Interior, Global Tectonics, Landscape Changes, Climatic Changes, Resources of Minerals and Energy, and Beyond Planet Earth. Chapters contain many scientific visualizations and illustrations.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Web Technician				Audience and Member Services, WGBH Educational Foundation	125 Western Avenue	Boston	MA	02134		617-492-2777, Ext. 5400		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Cracking the Ice Age	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Cryology,Geology	Description: This web site is part of NOVA online from the Public Broadcasting System (PBS). It examines earth and atmospheric topics with a focus on historical and present climates, ice ages, glaciers, climactic change, Wilson cycles, the greenhouse effect, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, plate tectonics, and Alfred Wegener. Tutorials are entitled: Big Chill, Greenhouse - Green Planet, Hot Science: Continents on the Move, and Related Links. Each topic has a brief report and includes scientific illustrations.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: New content © 2001 PBS/WGBH. This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2001 WGBH Educational Foundation.This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation or Public Broadcasting Service or the owners of such trademarks, servicemarks, or tradenames.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Geological Survey			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Earthquake Hazards Program: Seismic Networks	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: The Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is part of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) lead by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The page connects the user to information on monitored national and regional seismic activity in the United States by the USGS, and internationally monitored activity in cooperation with the Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology (IRIS).
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Climatological Survey	100 East Boyd Street, Suite 1210	Norman	OK	73019-1012		405-325-3231		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Oklahoma Climatological Survey	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: The Oklahoma Climatological Survey has a legislative mandate to acquire, process, and disseminate climate and weather data and information for use by the state's citizens. The Survey maintains an extensive array of climatological information, operates the Oklahoma Mesonet, and hosts a wide variety of educational outreach and scientific research projects. Most of the resources in this site are located in the Data and Products, Programs and Outreach, and Educational Materials sections.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996-2001 Oklahoma Climatological Survey. All Rights Reserved. Materials may be copied for teaching purposes. You may not sell, redistribute, retransmit, or publicly display the OCS materials for profit without the express prior written consent of OCS.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Customer Service				Water Environment Federation	601 Wythe Street	Alexandria	VA	22314-1994		703-684-2400		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Environment Federation for Students	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This is the education site for the Water Education Foundation (WEF). There are resources related to water issues for students and teachers, including activities and a glossary of water terms. The activities are for students from elementary school through high school. At the college and university level there is information about the Water Education Foundation scholarship, and instructions on how to form a local chapter. For teachers, there are links to all the student's activities and lesson plans, and information on workshops, conferences, and career information. A few of the activities are translated in Spanish, and there is also an accompanying Spanish guidebook. Links are provided to The Water Sourcebook (an order form and guidebook description), the Stockholm Junior Water Prize (a contest for high school students), Go With the Flow (a virtual tour of the water treatment process), as well as the plethora of resources provided by the Water Education Foundation.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The text, logos and images on this site are protected under the Trademark and Copyright laws of the United States, as well as other countries. Any downloading, reproduction or further distribution of any original material appearing on this Web site without prior written permission of WEF is strictly prohibited. Requests to reprint WEF published material should be in written form and should specifically state the item(s) to be reprinted, the purpose, and distribution of the reprints. Requests for permission to reprint materials should be referred to the editor of the publication.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Association for Biodiversity Information,	1101 Wilson Boulevard, 15th Floor	Arlington	VA	22209			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NatureServe: An Online Encyclopedia Of Life	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: NatureServe provides conservation status, taxonomic, and distribution information for over 50,000 plants, animals, and ecological communities in the United States and Canada. NatureServe represents a "snapshot" of dynamic data that are continually being refined by the input of hundreds of Natural Heritage scientists and collaborators into the Association for Biodiversity Information's central databases. NatureServe is updated from the central databases three times each year to reflect new data from refined geographic surveys, the latest taxonomic treatments, and any new conservation status assessments. Data for additional taxonomic groups can be expected with each update. You can easily search NatureServe to find: scientific and common names, conservation status, distribution maps, life histories, and conservation needs.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 The Association for Biodiversity Information. All Rights Reserved. The following citation should be used in any published materials which reference the web site. NatureServe: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. 2001. Version 1.3 . Arlington, Virginia, USA: Association for Biodiversity Information. Available: (Accessed: April 16, 2001). Permission to use, copy and distribute documents delivered from this server is hereby granted under the following conditions. The above copyright notice must appear in all copies. Any use of the documents available from this server must be for informational purposes only and in no instance for commercial purposes. Some data may be downloaded to files and altered in format for analytical purposes, however the data should still be referenced using the citation above. No graphics available from this server can be used, copied or distributed separate from the accompanying text.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ted	Smith			California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology			CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: State Geological Surveys and Related Agencies in the United States	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: This web page is part of the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Web site. It provides a list of state geological surveys and related organizations in the United States (and Puerto Rico). For all of these agencies, mail addresses as well as known e-mail and Internet links are provided. Links are also provided to pages on geologic mapping, geologic hazards, earthquake engineering, mineral resources, and technical information and publications.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 2001. All rights reserved. The Department of Conservation makes no warranties as to the suitability of this product for any purpose.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Know Your Watershed, Conservation Technology Center, Perdue University	1220 Potter Drive, Room 170	West Lafayette	IN	47906		765-494-9555	765-494-5969	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Know Your Watershed	Keywords: Chemistry,Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: Know Your Watershed is a coordinated national effort to encourage the formation of local, voluntary watershed partnerships. Know Your Watershed helps assure that these partnerships successfully attain their goals. There are four main areas of focus at this website: the National Watershed Network and watershed information, the National Watershed Library, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) information, and Training and Conference calendars and descriptions. The National Watershed Network is a registry of locally led watershed partnerships working to meet local goals through voluntary actions. The watershed tutorial covers many subjects from basic definitions to devising watershed protection plans. The National Watershed Library is a searchable, online database of tools and information resources. The TMDL tutorial reviews the basics and lists links to resources, like the EPA, that monitor water quality. Training is in the form of online workshops and a quiz, and details for upcoming conferences.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Instructional Resource Center, Fort Hayes State University	600 Park Street	Hays	KS	67601-4099		785-628-4000		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Kansas Summer Geography Institute, 1996	Keywords: Human geography,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This web site houses lesson plans from the 1996 Kansas Summer Geography Institute. There are over thirty lesson plans, which are linked by title and categorized by subject content and grade level. Topics are Kansas-specific but apply to a wide range of physical and cultural geographic curricula. Subject topics range from cooperative learning, agricultural economics, population growth, water rights and conservation, to groundwater, weather, pollution, map usage, reading, writing, and math.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Fort Hays State University is not responsible for violations of applicable federal and state laws or professional codes of conduct on unofficial pages. Please advise if you detect information at the Web site, which may violate federal or state laws or codes of conduct. The university is not responsible for personal or unofficial pages. Many different people provide information on the Fort Hays State University Web site. While every effort is made to keep the information up-to-date, there are no guarantees. Please advise us at if you find an item that needs to be corrected or updated, and include the address of the document in question.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration	14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 6013	Washington	DC	20230	202-482-6090	202-482-3154	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NOAA Home Page	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This is the home page for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The goal of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is to describe and predict changes in the Earth's environment, and conserve and wisely manage the Nation's coastal and marine resources. This page provides access to the many component organizations, educational resources, and opportunities at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Some of the resources include: weather forecasts, threats assessment, excessive heat outlook, heat and drought awareness, fire satellite images, and current weather satellite images. In addition, it contains news stories related to current atmospheric and oceanic issues as well as media advisories.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The materials contained on these pages are in the public domain and can not be copyrighted. When any of these materials are used, credit must be given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration/Department of Commerce unless otherwise instructed to give credit to another source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, Office of Public Affairs	1325 East-West Hwy., Room 18454	Silver Spring	MD	20910				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Weather Service Homepage	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: The National Weather Service web page provides access to a vast array of weather and climate information. Their services include current weather data, forecast information and products, and severe weather warnings. There are also links to regional National Weather Service web sites and specialized weather and prediction services.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. When any of these materials are used, credit must be given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration/Department of Commerce unless otherwise instructed to give credit to another source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Fluvarium	Nagle's Place	St.John's	Newfoundland	A1B 2Z2		709-754-3474		Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Fluvarium	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology	Description: The Fluvarium is a facility located in St. Johns, Newfoundland, that offers a "window on a stream". In constructing the Fluvarium, Nagles's Hill Brook was diverted to flow past nine underwater windows. It was designed to be an "open system", that is, open to outside influences such as weather and other occurrences, such as seasonal flooding, seasonal low-water levels, and of course, human activity (pollution). The goal of this facility is to educate the public about freshwater ecology. On-line materials include quizzes about freshwater in Canada and waste management, and coloring sheets for younger children in both French and English. There is also information on water quality testing procedures.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All content copyright The Fluvarium 1996-2000, except where indicated otherwise.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Resource Action Program	Program Center, 2351 Tenaya Drive	Modesto	CA	95354		888-438-9473	209-529-0266	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Resource Action Programs	Keywords: ,Environmental science,Hydrology,	Description: The mission of the Resource Action Programs is to promote resource knowledge and conservation habits for students and households in the areas of energy, water, renewable resources, and pollution. The two programs, LivingWise and Learning to be WaterWise, teach participants through a combination of classroom activities and at-home learning projects that individual actions really add up to incredible savings. Developed for grades 4-8 by the nonprofit National Energy Foundation, the programs build student skills in basic core subjects required by State and National Learning Standards. The programs are implemented in schools at no cost through sponsor funding or grants issued from the Resource Action Program.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bert	Ulrich		Mr	National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Public Services Division							202-358-1750		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautic and Space Administration Headquarters, Public Affairs Office	Code-P, 300 E Street SW	Washington	DC	20546				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NASA	Keywords: Space science	Description: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration home page provides information on current events at NASA, general information about NASA, and links to a plethora of NASA web sites, educational resources, and NASA Centers.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information on this site is in the public domain. You may use NASA imagery (including Internet screen captures), video, and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages. The NASA material must not explicitly or implicitly convey NASA's endorsement of commercial goods or services. If a NASA image includes an identifiable person, using the image may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person. You may link to NASA pages provided the link you design is strictly for information and does not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. You may not put the NASA logo on your personal Web page, even to use as a link back to the NASA Home Page. Check with NASA Public Services Division for questions about commercial use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Mojave Water Agency, Watermaster	13581 John Glenn Road, P.O. Box 1089,	Apple Valley	CA	92307		800-254-4242		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Mojave Water Agency	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Policy issues,	Description: This is the home site for the Mojave Water Agency. The Mojave Water Agency, MWA, is the governmental body with primary responsibility for the management of water resources over a 4,900 square mile area of the Mojave Desert. It is the Agency's mission to implement future water management policies and programs that will ensure a stable long term supply of water for the Mojave Water Agency service area. The objective of the website is to provide and make available the many diversified forms of Agency information to the public through visiting the site pages. A sample of notable pages includes: Recent California Supreme Court decisions affecting the rights and responsibilities of water producers in the basin (Top News Stories); The history of the MWA (About MWA); A USGS animation download depicting ground-water level changes between 1931 and 1999 (Available Publications); Descriptions of xeriscape and other community outreach projects (MWA Projects); Water production and water use data (Water Supply and Resources); FAQ’s (Watermaster); An education primer on water conservation (Kid's Corner).
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (c) 1998 Mojave Water Agency.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Mohave Water Agency	13581 John Glenn Road, P.O. Box 1089	Apple Valley	CA	92307		800-254-4242		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Water Education and Kids Corner	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This is the Mojave Water Agency's informational site on water conservation, ground water and the hydrologic cycle that's geared toward kids. It includes a “Water Word Search” game in its Games/Activities section.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (c) 1998 Mojave Water Agency.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Rich	Pavlovsky			National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory	4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109		818-354-4321		
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Aeronautics & Space Administration's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This is the home page for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This page contains general information about the lab, information on past, present, and future projects and missions, and educational pages describing the Solar System, Earth, Universe, and applications of technology at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The site also provides links to the many other diverse educational resources provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory including an image and video collection, and current events.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information on this site is in the public domain, except where copyright is otherwise indicated. You may use NASA imagery (including Internet screen captures), video, and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages. The NASA material must not explicitly or implicitly convey NASA's endorsement of commercial goods or services. If a NASA image includes an identifiable person, using the image may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person. You may link to NASA pages provided the link you design is strictly for information and does not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. You may not put the NASA logo on your personal Web page, even to use as a link back to the NASA Home Page. Check with NASA Public Services Division for questions about commercial use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Meteorological Society	45 Beacon St.	Boston	MA	02108-3693		617-227-2425	617-742-8718	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: American Meteorological Society	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This is the home page for the American Meteorological Society, whose mission is to promote the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences. This page contains general information about the society, information about current projects, and upcoming meetings, seminars, and classes. It also contains links to the society’s nine atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic journals and bulletins, and pre-college and undergraduate educational initiatives.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 2000 American Meteorological Society (AMS). Permission to use figures, tables, and brief excerpts from this work in scientific and educational works is hereby granted provided that the source is acknowledged. Any use of material in this work that is determined to be "fair use" under Section 107 or that satisfies the conditions specified in Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law (17 USC, as revised by P.L. 94-553) does not require the Society's permission. Republication, systematic reproduction, posting in electronic form on servers, or other uses of this material, except as exempted by the above statements, requires written permission or license from the AMS. Additional details are provided in the AMS Copyright Policies, available from the AMS at 617-227-2426 Ext.: 250 or
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): F.	Bills	L.	Dr	State of Utah Resources Web	685 E. 200	S. Price	UT	84501		435-637-1173		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The State of Utah Resources Web - SURWEB	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This is the web site for the State of Utah Resources Web (SURWEB) which allows people to create multimedia presentations in minutes using images, sounds, and movies provided by the State of Utah Resources Web or other digital sources. Hundreds of image and multimedia collections are available for use. You can also access more than a thousand multimedia presentations and learning segments that have been created by other State of Utah Resources Web users.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These materials are copyrighted by SURWEB or its authors. Except as noted, you may copy them as much as you would like for personal, educational or classroom use, but redistribution in any way requires the permission of SURWEB. In consideration of this authorization, you agree that any copy of any object from SURWEB shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained herein.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Nicholas	Short	M.	Dr	National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Applied Information Sciences Branch		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Remote Sensing Tutorial	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This is the web page for the National Aeronautics & Space Administration's Remote Sensing Tutorial, a training manual for learning the role of space science and technology and for using remote sensing to monitor planetary bodies and distant stars and galaxies. The Earth itself is the main focus. The tutorial defines remote sensing and then provides an in-depth explanation of how remote sensing is applied to the study of the land, sea, air and biotic communities that comprise the Earth’s environments, its vital role in exploring the planets and reaching the stars and galaxies well out into the Cosmos. Not only does it provide insight into past uses of aerial photography and space imagery, but it also helps the user develop skills in interpreting these visual displays and data sets by direct inspection and by computer processing. Using a processing program called PIT, it even allows the user to apply their newly acquired knowledge to actual image interpretation on "raw" image data available from the Internet. Due to the comprehensive nature of the tutorial, it is adequate for use either as a bona fide text or as a supplement.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information on this site is in the public domain, except where copyright is otherwise indicated. You may use NASA imagery (including Internet screen captures), video, and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages. The NASA material must not explicitly or implicitly convey NASA's endorsement of commercial goods or services. If a NASA image includes an identifiable person, using the image may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person. You may link to NASA pages provided the link you design is strictly for information and does not convey NASA's implicit or explicit endorsement of any goods or services you might be offering. You may not put the NASA logo on your personal Web page, even to use as a link back to the NASA Home Page. Check with NASA Public Services Division for questions about commercial use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Geological Survey of Canada	101-605 Robson Street	Vancouver	British Columbia	v6B5J3		604-666-0529	604-666-1124	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Cordlink: A Window on Cordilleran Geology	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology	Description: The Cordlink Digital Library provides access to geoscience information for the Canadian Cordillera, the range of mountains that extends northwestward along the North American plate margin through Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. Cordlink is a shared digital library resource comprising a network of distributed map, document and image datasets maintained by a consortium of federal, provincial, territorial and academic partners in western Canada. Cordlink's goal is to provide Internet access to geoscience information. The Cordlink library covers a wide spectrum of geoscience themes relating to the geological architecture of the Cordilleran and Pacific margin regions of western Canada, and the processes that have shaped the evolution of this plate margin over the last 2.5 billion years. Information holdings are integrated across the library system and provide an essential framework for both ongoing scientific research and for applied Earth Science activities that focus on the sustainable development of Canada's nonrenewable resources, land-use planning, and the assessment of natural hazards.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gary	Horton	A.		Nevada Division of Water Planning, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources	1550 East College Parkway, Suite 142	Carson City	NV	89706-7921	775-687-3600 extension 25	775-687-1288	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Words Dictionary	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This website houses an online dictionary of water words. It is a compilation of technical water, water quality, environmental, and water-related terms. Words are grouped alphabetically, and there are also appendices: A- Nevada's Hydrographic Regions (Basins), Areas, and Sub-Areas, B- Water Quality Standards, Information and Issues, C- Water Usage and Conservation, D- Endangered/Threatened Species and Habitat Information, E- Water-Related Agencies, and F- Miscellaneous. There are also links to Abbreviations and Acronyms, a Metric Conversion Table and Flow Equivalents, a second Metric Conversion Table and Flow Equivalents, Conversion Factors for Hydraulic Units of Measure, Selected References and Sources, and Quotes.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jack	Borden			For Spacious Skies	111 Brickyard Rd.	Athol	MD	01331				
This is a(n) person.
Title: For Spacious Skies	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This is the web site of For Spacious Skies, a program designed to educate children to look up and become aware of the sky. Included in this site are various photographs of clouds, short writings explaining how the program has been implemented in schools, and a link to the Blue Hill Observatory, home of the oldest continuous weather data records in North America.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Photo collection © by John Day. Copyright for essays are with original publishers.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Staff				City of Phoenix		Phoenix	AZ					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Reading List for Water Conservation and Water Science	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This website houses the 1999-2000 reading list for water conservation and water science, compiled by the city of Phoenix, Arizona. The books are categorized by education levels and age: elementary school, middle school, and high school and adult. There are over thirty books listed. Each title has a brief summary of the book's main lessons. A link is provided to the city of Phoenix's home page.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright, 2001, City of Phoenix.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Climate Diagnostics Center	325 Broadway	Boulder	CO	80305-3328		303-497-7013	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Display and Analysis Web Pages for the Climate Diagnostics Center Climate Data (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This web site provides access to atmospheric and climatological data from a variety of National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration sources. It also contains numerous tools for retrieving and displaying the data. You can either download raw data or use the tools to construct finished data products. The user is asked to enter such information as type of analysis, time-scale, dataset, variability, and time range of data. Web pages that meet the entered criteria are then generated, and include monthly/seasonal composites, linear monthly/seasonal correlations, daily composites, United States climate division maps, time-section plots, wavelets, chi corrected heating atlas, daily data plots, and others.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. When any of these materials are used, credit must be given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce unless otherwise instructed to give credit to another source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science	Iowa State University Agronomy Building	Ames	IA	50011		515-294-9872		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science: Developing, Implementing, and Sharing Constructivist Learning	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Climatology,Soil science	Description: Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science (PALS) is a resource website for educators. The site has variety of educational materials ranging from entire courses in biology to a library of videos and animations. It has links to Project Bio and other links used in meteorology at Iowa State University. It contains links to a video library and few Java simulations. It contains also a forecasting activity for severe weather. It has a few pages of interresting clouds picture for kids.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000, PALS, all rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): KTEH Television				Public Broadcasting System	1585 Schallenberger Road	San Jose	CA			408-795-5400		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Cadillac Desert: Water And The Transformation Of Nature	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This website is the interactive guide that accompanies the four part Public Broadcasting System (PBS) documentary, Cadillac Desert. The documentary borrows its name from Marc Reisner's groundbreaking book, Cadillac Desert. This book explores the history of water use and misuse in the American West, the extremes of triumph and disaster, heroism and intrigue, bitter rivalries and strange bedfellows that dominate this little-known chapter of U.S. history. The focus of the first three parts of the documentary is based on Reisner's Cadillac Desert. The final episode is drawn from Sandra Postel's book, Last Oasis, and examines the global impact of the technologies and policies that came out of America's manipulation of water, demonstrating how they have created the need for conservation methods that will protect Earth's water for the next century. This site features abstracts of the four episodes: Episode One: Mulholland's Dream, Episode Two: An American Nile, Episode Three: The Mercy of Nature, and Episode Four: Last Oasis. Also available: Mike Malone Interviews the Authors (written format), Fact Guides: A Water World and What You Can Do to Help Conserve Water.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997 KTEH, except some materials used under license.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Council for Science and the Environment	1725 K St., NW, Suite 212	Washington	DC	20006		202-530-5810	202-628-4311	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Library for the Environment: Congressional Research Service Reports	Keywords: Policy issues,Environmental science	Description: This web site provides access to the Congressional Research Service reports on environmental issues. The Congressional Research Service products undergo review for accuracy and objectivity and contain non-technical information that can be very useful to people interested in environmental policy. The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) is committed to expanding, maintaining and updating its database of reports, making them available and searchable for the public. Users can search the database for reports and issue briefs by keyword, code #, title, or date of publication (and update date). Natural resource report topics include agriculture and grazing, energy, biodiversity, energy, forestry, marine, mining, and wetland and aquatic. Environmental quality reports focus on air, climate, pesticides, pollution, stratospheric ozone, waste management, and water quality. General topics include international finance, legislation, population, public lands, and regulatory reform, risk assessment, science and technology, trade, taxes and economics, and transportation.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The distribution of Congressional Research Service Reports is not protected by law or copyright.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Art	Sussman		Dr	WestEd	730 Harrison Street	San Francisco	CA	94107	415-615-3206	415-512-2024	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dr. Art's Guide to Planet Earth	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This website complements the book "Dr. Art's Guide to Planet Earth" written by Dr. Art Sussman. The website includes animations, lesson plans and experiments that can be used in conjunction with the book. The number of items are continually being increased as a result of collaboration with K-12 teachers and field testing. It also includes the complete text of the first chapter which introduces systems thinking, Earth Systems Science, and the author's approach using three Earth Systems principles: 1) Earth is essentially a closed system for matter (Matter Cycles), 2) Earth is an open system for energy (Energy Flows), and 3) Earth is a networked system for life (Life Webs). Topics covered include systems thinking, the rock cycle, water cycle, carbon cycle, Earth's energy budget, greenhouse effect, biodiversity, ecosystems, extinction, ozone hole, loss of biodiversity, climate change, local environmental issues, conservation and renewable resources. The book and website are being used in middle school, high school, college, teacher preservice, and teacher inservice.
Publication 3-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site and its contents © 1996—2001 WestEd®. All rights reserved. May be used in an educational setting as long as credit to WestEd is given.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lily	Wai			University of Idaho Library, Government Documents Dept.- 0135		Moscow	ID	83844-2353		208-885-6344	208-885-6817	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Inside Idaho: Interactive Numeric & Spatial Information Data Engine	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This is the web page for the Interactive Numeric and Spatial Information Data Engine (INSIDE) Idaho, a digital geospatial and numeric data library for the state of Idaho. This page provides links to geodata, numeric data, an atlas, an Interactive GIS interface, and a tutorial. The tutorial is designed to help users understand how this web site is organized, what data are available, and how they can use the data. The atlas section of the web site is designed for visually browsing available data as 8-1/2 x 11 map-like color graphics in such categories as atmosphere, demographic, education, land cover, natural resources, physical, political, and reference. The Interactive GIS interface allows users to select and visualize geographic and administrative (such as counties) areas of Idaho using their web browser. The numeric section includes data on people and the environment, the economy, the public sector, and climate. The visualization capabilities encompass thematic and topographic maps.
Publication 4-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Harcourt, Inc., Permissions Department	6277 Sea Harbor Drive	Orlando	FL	32887	407-345-3979	407-345-4058	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Harcourt, Inc.	6277 Sea Harbor Drive	Orlando	FL	32887	888-677-7357		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology	Keywords: Space science,Mathematics,Physics,Technology	Description: This is the online version of the Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology. The dictionary covers 130 different fields in mathematics, and the physical, medical, social, and computer sciences. It is the largest scientific dictionary ever compiled in the English language. The vocabulary ranges from common terms that have no special scientific meaning to highly specialized terms that rarely merit inclusion in a general-interest dictionary. The user can perform a search for a particular word or can browse the archive alphabetically within specific disciplines.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced, or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, broadcasting or by any other information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Harcourt, Inc. All other trademarks referenced are the trademark, service mark or registered trademark of their respective holders.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Ulster at Coleraine, School of Environmental Studies		The Coastal Studies Research Group	Coleraine, County Londonderry		Northern Ireland, BT52 1SA		00-44-(0)28-70324428	00-44-(0)28-70324911	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Sedimentology and Geomorphology	Keywords: Hydrology,Geology	Description: This site houses descriptions of various coastal geomorphology research projects currently underway at the University of Ulster, Coastal Research Department. Core concepts of the coastal studies are sedimentology and morphodynamics, as affected by tidal processes, storms, glaciations, and anthropogenic effects. Currently there are over fifteen project descriptions listed. Most projects focus on the coastal environments of Ireland. Each description has links to the main researchers' e-mail addresses. Most project descriptions have visuals of their respective study areas and indices of associated publications, while a few provide links to partner institutions and relevant journal articles.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Horace	Mitchell		Dr	NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center, Scientific Visualization Studio		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Alex	Kekesi			NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center, Scientific Visualization Studio		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Lori	Perkins			NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center, Scientific Visualization Studio		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Title: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Scientific Visualization Studio	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Human geography,Climatology,Technology	Description: This is the web page for The Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS), a branch of the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) that generates visuals to promote a greater understanding of Earth and Space Science Research Activities at the Goddard Space Flight Center. The Scientific Visualization Studio creates scientific stories by combining the visualization of remote sensing data with conceptual scientific animations for presentation to the scientific community and to the general public through educational institutions, museums, Compact Discs and videos. The Facilities section contains a detailed overview of the instruments used to create the visualizations. The Image Wall contains twenty reports on National Aeronautical & Space Administration projects including El Nino, the Biosphere, the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), astronomy, seasonal climate variations, hurricanes, Antarctica, urban growth, and others. The reports come complete with project write-ups and downloadable images and movies.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NASA images generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue "meatball" insignia), the NASA logotype (the red "worm" logo) and the NASA seal. These images may not be used by persons who are not NASA employees or on products (including Web pages) that are not NASA sponsored. If the NASA material is to be used for commercial purposes, especially including advertisements, it must not explicitly or implicitly convey NASA's endorsement of commercial goods or services. If a NASA image includes an identifiable person, using the image for commercial purposes may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory		5400 MacArthur Blvd	Vancouver	WA	98661	360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The "Plus Side" of Volcanoes	Keywords: Geology,Human geography	Description: This web page provides a brief guide to the benefits of living with volcanoes. The topics considered are: Fertile Soils; Geothermal Energy with examples from Newberry Caldera in Oregon and in California, The Geysers, Casa Diablo in Long Valley Caldera, and the Salton Sea geothermal field; Mineral Resources including metallic minerals; Industrial Products including construction materials, cleaning agents, and raw materials for many chemical and industrial uses; Business Opportunities; Spas and Resorts; and Recreation and Tourism in America's national parks and monuments. Included among the parks are Yellowstone National Park, Mount Rainier National Park, and Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): James	Strittholt	R	Dr	Conservation Biology Institute - Main Office	260 Southwest Madison Avenue, Suite 106	Corvallis	OR	97333		541-757-0687	541-752-0518	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michael	White	D	Dr	Conservation Biology Institute - San Diego Office	651 Cornish Drive	San Diego	CA	92024		760-634-1590		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Conservation Biology Institute	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: The Conservation Biology Institute (CBI), a non-profit organization founded in 1997, is active in three primary areas related to conservation biology - applied research, education, and professional services. Through its research - alone or in collaboration with others - CBI actively seeks to develop new conservation tools, techniques, and analyses that can be used to better address a wide range of ecological concerns from endangered species protection to regional conservation planning. Based on a combination of field-based biology and computer mapping technologies (i.e., remote sensing and geographic information systems), CBIs primary research areas include: forest, aquatic, and watershed assessments, local and regional conservation planning, endangered species research and management, ecosystem monitoring, and carnivore conservation. Their formal education program, still in development, currently consists of five basic subdivisions (or program areas) including internships/ fellowships, education materials, college courses, short courses, and workshops/guest lectures. CBIs professional services are conducted alone or in collaboration with outside organizations and include: biological surveys and consulting, geographical information system (GIS) mapping services, as well as scientific reviews and white papers.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Patrick	Dills	N	Mr	UCAR, COMET	3450 Mitchell Lane FL-3	Boulder	CO	80301		303-497-8339		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Polar Satellite Products for the Operational Forecaster	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Technology	Description: This web page offers a module on polar satellite meteorology which provides an overview of the current operational polar orbiting environmental satellites (POES) and a small sample of the many meteorological products and their uses in operational weather forecasting. The module begins with a comparison of key polar orbiting environmental satellites and geostationary operational environmental satellite (GOES) characteristics and capabilities. Next, an overview of instrument configurations and their respective meteorological observing capabilities onboard both civilian and military spacecraft is presented. A preview of polar orbiting environmental satellite imagery and selected products is included. A history offers a closer look at the development of civilian and military meteorological polar orbiting environmental satellites in the United States from the very first flight of a polar orbiter in April of 1960. Content assumes student has at least an undergraduate background in basic atmospheric or environmental science and physics. A self-test is provided at the end of the module to help the student evaluate what he or she has learned by completing this module.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) References herein to other Web pages, which may be linked to this site, specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by UCAR. The user of this Web site understands that, with the exception of an employee or other authorized user of a UCAR sponsoring organization, UCAR may not be obligated to provide any support, consulting, training, or assistance of any kind with regard to the use of this Web site, or to provide any updates, revisions, or new versions.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Montana University System Water Center	Montana State University	Bozeman	MT	59717				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Montana Water	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This web site is a gateway to a wealth of water resources information, with a focus on Montana. Features include: a water expertise directory, Montana watershed maps, a lending library database, and categorized water publications. A section for What's New displays water newsworthy current events. The section Featured Programs links to the following state assessments: Drought and Climate, Environet, Fish and Habitat, Reclamation-Restoration, Water Quality, Water Research, and Water/Wastewater Systems. The section Policy and Legislation contains links to Montana's water laws and national sources. The section Learning Resources currently focuses on two areas: training opportunities for water operators and professionals, and water education for the general public and the K-12 education system. The Montana Watersheds section contains information on Local Watershed Groups and river and lake related committees that are providing a forum for public discussion and a voice to people's concerns.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 Montana University System Water Center
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				FGDC, USGS	590 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Federal Geographic Data Committee	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) is an interagency committee organized in 1990 to promote the coordinated dissemination and application of geospatial data through development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). In cooperation with governmental, academic, nonprofit and private sector organizations, the FGDC is developing the NSDI as a base structure of policies, standards, procedures and relationships among data producers and users that will leverage individual geographic data efforts, and thereby facilitate expedited and expanded sharing, access, and use of geospatial data. The NSDI will (1) reduce duplication of effort among agencies, (2) improve quality and reduce costs related to geographic information, (3) make geographic data more available to the public, (4) increase the benefits of using available data, and (4) establish key partnerships with states, counties, cities, tribal nations, academia and the private sector to increase data availability. The Geospatial Data Clearinghouse (i.e., the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse) is a collection of over 250 servers having digital geographic data primarily for use in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), image processing systems, and other modeling software and prepared in accordance with NSDI protocols. While facilitated by the FGDC, the Clearinghouse is cooperative and decentralized, having six regional gateways. From the FGDC site, one can search the Clearinghouse gateways, browse the organizational sites of the registered NSDI Clearinghouse Nodes, download papers pertaining to the metadata, standards, framework, and stakeholders associated with development of the NSDI, or search through the partner site of the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) for online geospatial data by general subject, state GIS and base map sources, or other U.S. organizational sites hosting national scale data.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Information Restrictions Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory		5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661	360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcano and Hydrologic Hazards, Features, and Terminology	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: This web site is a good place to start for anyone seeking information on the geology and management of natural hazards phenomena related to volcanoes and hydrologic and geothermal processes. Some information is included on landslides, earthquakes, faults, and tsunamis. In addition to a brief definition of the terms, the site provides background information on related terms; maps, graphics and images; items of interest - reports and case studies; and additional U. S. Geological Survey publications, abstracts, and fact sheets. Web sites of other agencies and other regional or global organizations responsible for monitoring and managing natural hazards are linked.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Nicholas	Slosser	C.	Mr	Conservation Biology Institute - Main Office	260 SW Madison Ave., Suite 106	Corvallis	OR	97333				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): James	Strittholt	R.	Dr	Conservation Biology Institite - Main Office	260 SW Madison Ave., Suite 106	Corvallis	OR	97333		541-757-0687	541-752-0518	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michael	White	D.	Dr	Conservation Biology Institute - San Diego Office	651 Cornish Drive	Encinitas	CA	92024		760-634-1590		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pacific Northwest Conservation Assessment	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: An ongoing project of the Conservation Biology Institute, the Pacific Northwest Conservation Assessment is a collection of conservation status reviews organized according to 40 identified terrestrial ecoregions that occupy all of Alaska, Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho and portions of the Northwest Territories, Alberta, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, and California. Each report describes its respective ecoregion through four lines of inquiry: (1) current natural and cultural condition; (2) current degree of protection and primary conservation issues; (3) previous and/or current conservation research and planning; and, (4) current conservation opportunities and constraints facing such conservation. The site itself is organized into three areas: (1) an overview of the protection status for all 40 terrestrial ecoregions; (2) a web-linked list of important geographic data sources to facilitate regional conservation planning - including sources to GIS data and other information valuable to high-quality conservation planning; and, (3) a conservation assessment for each of the specific 40 ecoregions in the greater Pacific Northwest.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Franco	Nori		Dr	The University of Michigan,	Department of Physics	Ann Arbor	MI	48109-1120	734-764-3271	734-763-9694	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sound-Producing Sand Avalanches	Keywords: Geophysics,Physics	Description: This site presents an analysis of the theories and experiments done so far on sound-producing (e.g., roaring, booming) sand avalanches. Several reference articles are cited, and a link to the summary of an article, "Booming Sand", in Scientific American volume 277, number 3, is provided. An on site version of another article, "Sound Producing Sand Avalanches", in Contemporary Physics, volume 38, number 5, is also presented in three different formats: PDF, HTML, and Postscript Preprint.The other main features of this site are sound recordings of booming sand, compressed squeaking sand, and croaking sand, as well as, and images and micrographs of booming dunes.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lenore	Tedesco	P.	Dr	Indiana University ~ Purdue University at Indianapolis	Department of Geology, 723 West Michigan Street, SL118	Indianapolis	IN	46202		317-274-8383		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Short Course on Coral Reefs (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Geology	Description: This website is the homepage for a geology course concerning coral reefs. Topics in the course syllabus are entitled 'Reefs: A Geologic Perspective', 'Reef Building Organisms Through Time', 'The Modern Reef Ecosystem', 'Corals: Biology and Life Requirements', 'Corals as Environmental Indicators', 'The Reef and Anthropogenic Affects', and 'Saving The Reefs'. Required readings have online links under the aforementioned topics and a complete bibliography is also given. An image database is housed on site with over fifty items, and another is provided by a link to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. A different page contains a list of links to other reef resources.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Murray		Mr	Colorado School of Mines		Department of Geophysics	Golden	CO	80401				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Thomas	Boyd		Dr	Colorado School of Mines	Department of Geophysics	Golden	CO	80401	303-273-3522		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Coal Mining and Related Information for Golden, Colorado	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web site provides access to a collection of information related to coal mining activity near Golden, Colorado. This includes descriptions and maps of past mining activities, information related to surfical and subsurface geology, and accounts of subsidence related to past mining activity.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joni	Osterhaudt			Northeastern University, Department of Geology	14 Holmes Hall	Boston	MA	02115-5096	617-373-3176	617-373-4378	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Duxbury Beach, Massachusetts Data	Keywords: Ecology	Description: This web site houses two Microsoft PowerPoint presentations of the 1999 and 2000 Piping Plover nesting sites at Duxbury Beach. Duxbury Beach is a long stretch of sandy shoreline just south of Boston, Massachusetts. It is a managed barrier island, and has parking facilities, pedestrian pathways, and lifeguard stations. Due to management over the last few years, Duxbury Beach has become one of the premiere locations for the nesting of important shore birds such as Piping Plovers and Least Terns. This project was designed to gather important data and identify controls regarding the impacted species. The presentations give information on nest locations, nest success, predation events, and beach profiles.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information are unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Prentice Hall, A Pearson Education Company			Upper Saddle River	NJ	07458			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Edward	Keller	A.											
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Environmental Geology	Keywords: Geology	Description: This website partners with the book, " Introduction to Environmental Geology", to provide a forum where professors and students can expand their investigation of environmental geology. Instructors have the option of registering their syllabi with this site, so that students can view them as part of the website. A restricted entry guide for instructors is available, and students are encouraged to register and create a user profile. A drop down toolbox selects chapters of the book. For each chapter there are on-line quizzes under the headings 'Understanding the Concepts' and 'Applying the Concepts'. The on-line quizzes are automatically graded and the Results Reporter provides a coaching comment for each question, tying it back to specific pages in the text. Writing exercises are found under Web Essays, where thoughtful questions are posed about situations that may be encountered outside of the classroom and lab. At least one Web Essay per chapter requires students to reference a secondary site when preparing their answers. Quiz grades and essays can be submitted to a registered instructor via e-mail. Related web links are found under Destinations. These sites are researched and annotated by geology instructors. Regional Updates presents a map of the United States divided into four regions: the Northeast, the South, the Midwest, and the West. Each region links to recent locale specific USGS fact sheets. A search engine with a list of key terms compiled from the text are automatically linked to web search engines.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 Prentice Hall Incorporated
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Tabor			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Haugerud			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, The Western Earth Surface Processes Team			Menlo Park	CA			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States National Park Service			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Anne	Crowder												
This is a(n) person.
Title: North Cascades National Park Geology: World Class and Close to Home	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Geophysics,Hydrology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This web page is arranged as a geology primer for the North Cascades National Park in northwestern Washington State. It addresses the basic dynamics and architecture for the North Cascades foundation. Topics range from the general (rock types; geologic time; plate tectonics; erosion) to the specific (major terranes and metamorphic core complexes of the Western Domain; accretion, metamorphism and plutons; northward drift and extension of the crust; the volcanic origins of the Cascade Arc and Mount Baker). Three virtual field trips are described: Skagit River along Highway 20, Baker River Road and Schriebers Meadows to the south of Mount Baker, and the north fork of the Nooksack River on Mount Baker Highway (State Route 542). Links are given to more general related geology pages and helpful geologic maps are provided. Material in this site has been adapted from a new book published by The Mountaineers: Geology of the North Cascades: A Mountain Mosaic.
Publication 5-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): James	Lynch	A.	Dr	Pennsylvania State University	311 Forest Resources Lab	University Park	PA	16802		814-865-8830		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Van	Bowersox	C.	Mr	Illinois State Water Survey	2204 Griffith Drive, Rm 651A	Champaign	IL	61820		217-333-7873		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jeffrey	Grimm	W.	Mr	Pennsylvania State University	205 Forest Resource Lab	University Park	PA	16802		814-865-2180		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Trends in Precipitation Chemistry in the United States, 1983-94: An Analysis of the Effects in 1995 of Phase I of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, Title IV.	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Policy issues,Environmental science	Description: Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA-90) (Public Law 101-549) seeks to reduce acidic deposition in the United States through phased reductions in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions. One of the first steps in assessing the effectiveness of such emissions reductions is to evaluate spatial and temporal trends in sulfate, nitrate, and hydrogen ion concentrations in precipitation. Filed as USGS Report 96-0346, this document details a study to evaluate the effects of Public Law 101-549 on such emission levels as monitored at National Atmospheric Deposition program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) sites in 1995. The assessment was based on a comparison of observed 1995 sulfate, nitrate, and hydrogen ion concentrations at these NADP/NTN sites with estimates obtained from linear least-squares trend models of precipitation chemistry data collected from 1983 through 1994. After a review of various reports detailing temporal trends in precipitation chemistry in North America and in the Netherlands, the report details the deposition monitoring of NAPD/NFN sites with datasets included either as tables in html or as figures in GIF formats. The research was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey as a contribution to the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bob	Larson			Illinois State Water Survey	2204 Griffith Drive	Champaign	IL	61820		217-333-9008		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Isopleth Maps	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science	Description: This site provides access to maps which detail recorded levels of individual component chemicals in acid precipitation and/or acid rain in the coterminous United States from 1994 - 1999. Maps exist for sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and hydrogen ion concentrations, as well as for pH levels and measured precipitation. The site includes a full explanation of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/ National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) completeness criteria for monitoring of the pollution, and the maps represent only that data which had been obtained from collection sites meeting these criteria on an annual basis. Provided proper accreditation, maps can be copied in GIF format or downloaded as PDFs.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Conditions for Use of NADP Isopleth Maps NADP encourages the use and publication of their deposition and concentration maps. For any use, they require that "NADP/NTN" appear on the maps as provided, and that they are given the bibliographic citation: National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NRSP - 3)/National Trends Network. (2000). NADP Program Office, Illinois State Water Survey, 2204 Griffith Dr., Champaign, IL 61820.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California San Diego, Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate		San Diego	California					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California, San Diego		9500 Gilman Dr.	La Jolla	CA	92093				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC)	Keywords: Environmental science,Physical oceanography	Description: The Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) project is a four-year feasibility study funded by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) of the University of California. ATOC is composed of two complementary environmental initiatives. ATOC's first goal is to gather information about oceanic temperatures so as to test and modify existing climate models and thereby improve on future climate change predictions. The technique consists of transmitting sound waves across entire oceans, with the time of wave transit being indicative of relative ocean temperatures. ATOC's second goal is implemented through its Marine Mammal Research Program (MMRP). Led by bioacoustic researchers, the MMRP has been designed to assess the potential effects of low frequency sound transmissions on sea turtles and marine mammals (specifically, deep-diving pinnipeds, odontocetes, and mysticetes). While MMRP researchers are responsible for the operation and scheduling of the transmissions, climatic data is collected opportunistically at ATOC receiver sites. The ATOC website contains reports of the project strategies, periodic results from both projects, descriptions of the receiver sites, and the transmission schedules.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Water Resources Division								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The National Park Service: Water Resources Division	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Ecology,Policy issues	Description: This site provides access to numerous textual resources concerning water resource programs in the National Park System (NPS). The texts - primarily fact sheets and reports of individual case studies - are categorized according to water quality/groundwater analysis, wetlands, water resource planning, the National Water Quality Assessment Program in National Parks (NAQWA), the Fisheries Management Program, and the Water Rights Program. Of particular note is the Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia, a set of searchable PDF files covering 118 different chemical substances. Each file contains an overview of its respective compound, its environmental and biological hazards, associated environmental regulations, organism-specific levels of toxic concentrations, and other standards, criteria, and benchmark values useful in analyzing concentration and toxicity data. The activities of the NPS Water Resources Division (NPS-WRD) include: formulating water resources policy recommendations; planning assistance and regulatory reviews; water resources inventories and monitoring; identification, evaluation, and mitigation of existing and potential threats to park water quality and quantity; floodplain and flood hazard analyses and delineation; erosion and sediment control; protection of wetland and riparian habitats; locating and testing surface and ground water sources for potable water needs; securing and protecting NPS water rights and water resources; modifying and developing methods and procedures for applied water resources management; and conducting projects and studies in support of water resource needs.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Please cite the following with use of the Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia: Irwin, R.J., M. VanMouwerik, L. Stevens, M.D. Seese, and W. Basham. 1998. Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia. National Park Service, Water Resources Division, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lisa	Wells		Dr	Vanderbilt University		2201 West End Avenue	Nashville	TN	37235				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Tenara	Blood			University of California, Department of Geography			Berkeley	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Images Illustrating Principles of Geomorphology	Keywords: Geology	Description: This website houses a vast collection of photographs which illustrate earth surface processes. The photos are grouped into categories: 'Alluvial Plain Deposits and Human Transformations of Land Surfaces', 'Dunes', 'Coastal Zones and Volcanoes', 'Glaciers and Valleys', 'Desert Pavement/Varnish and Weathering Features', 'Flood Deposits', 'Coasts and Rain', 'More Coasts', 'Tidal Flats and Miscellaneous', 'Erosion and Rivers', 'Faults, Glaciers, Volcanoes', and 'Miscellaneous Additions'. Each photo is labeled with a location and date. A link is provided to the Geo-Images Project, which houses many other geoscience photo collections.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All photographs are copyright by the respective photographers. The Geo-Images site is copyright by the Regents of the University of California. Unauthorized use of images is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. The purpose of the Geo-Images Project is to make these images widely available, primarily by publishing them on this website. It is recognized that there are other, more specialized, educational uses that may require using them in other contexts. These include class and individual websites, and inclusion in term papers. Permission to use these images is generally granted if the purpose is both educational and non-profit. To obtain permission please contact either the project director or the author of the relevant chapter. If permission is granted please be careful to correctly credit the photographer and the Geo-Images Project, Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alwynne	Beaudoin								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dictionary of Quaternary Acronyms and Abbreviations	Keywords: Geology	Description: This dictionary consists of acronyms and abbreviations used in Quaternary studies. It includes abbreviations for societies, projects, government agencies, and identifiers for radiocarbon and American Meteorological Society (AMS) laboratories and museum collections. It also includes some often-encountered abbreviations for geographic entities, such as Canadian Provinces, United States states, and countries. In addition, "terms in common use" are included, such as time or climate-stratigraphic units and dating methods. Other abbreviations include terms that are used in sub-disciplines of Quaternary studies. These terms are not always explained and, because they are new or only used in a restricted sub-discipline, they are not always included in standard earth science dictionaries. When possible, links to sites providing additional information for many of the societies, organizations and projects listed here are included. A dictionary specific search is also available.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000, Canadian Association of Palynologists.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jon	Pelletier		Dr	The University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences			Tucson	AZ	85721-0077		520-626-2126		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Geomorphology	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This website houses the course outline, syllabus, and class notes for an introductory geomorphology class. The class focuses on the processes and forms related to the sculpting of the land surface by the flow of wind and water, including ice. The class notes are in full sentence format, and include images from a wide variety of print and web sources. Conceptual foci include planetary surfaces, weathering, soils, and mass movement, as well as fluvial, coastal, eolian, paraglacial, perigalcial, and glacial landforms.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All contents copyright © 1998-2000. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Michael	Church	A.	Dr	The University of British Columbia, Geography Department	133-1984 West Mall	Vancouver, B.C.		Canada V6T 1Z4		604-822-6959		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Oldrich	Hungr		Dr	The University of British Columbia, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences		Vancouver, B.C.		Canada V6T 1Z4		604-822-8471		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Principles of Geomorphology	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This website houses course information for an introductory geomorphology class. Features: The introduction lists instructor contact information, class objectives, basic prerequisites, course text, and grading requirements. An outline contains lecture topics, dates, and applicable reading. An extensive bibliography for more detailed reading on topics of particular interest is provided. An image set holds over fifty images, which are grouped by movement and material type. The images have a brief caption, and when given, a location and copyright. Lastly is included an index of material relevant to the course, which as a reference is recommended but not required for reading.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Nash		Dr	University of Cincinnati	603 Geology Physics Building	Cincinnati	OH	45221		513-556-2834		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphic Processes	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This website houses course information for a quarter-semester geomorphology class. A basic outline of the course is given under 'Review'. Copies of previous exams and quizzes are accessible, (without answer keys). A section for handouts holds Thornbury's 10 principles of earth surface processes. Another section contains links to on-line class readings. A copy of the entire syllabus, with an extensive bibliography and reading schedule is available in pdf format. The lab assignments are also available, with accompanying handouts if applicable.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Hans	Pfannkuch	Olaf	Dr	University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics	2D Pillsbury Hall	Minneapolis	MN	55455		612-624-1620		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): E.	Alexander, Jr.	Calvin	Dr	University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics	107 Pillsbury Hall	Minneapolis	MN	55455		612-624-3517	612-625-3819	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water and Society	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This website is the online course guide for an undergraduate course entitled Water and Society. The class studies the processes that influence formation, circulation, composition, and human use of water. A major focus is the human influence on water quality through agricultural, industrial, and other land-use practices. International case studies are utilized to examine human interaction with the surface environment, and the influence of local land-use practices. One page of the site contains the course syllabus, while another holds links to online water related resources in the following categories: information, extensive link lists and clearinghouses, discussion, and internet citation protocol. Thorough guidelines for a required class group project are given, and an exams section provides links to information about current tests. Also found under the exams heading are copies of previous exams.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Matti	Tikkanen				Matti.Tikkanen@Helsinki.Fi								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphology of Finland	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This web site offers three, small-scale geomorphologic maps of Finland. The first map, Landforms of Finland, is classified by basic surface features, like drumlins and bedrock outcrops. The second map, Absolute Altitude Zones in Finland, was created from a digital elevation model. The third map, Hypsographic Curve and some summit heights of Finland, was reproduced from the 1986 Atlas of Finland. Legends for all three use the metric system, while classifications in the first map are provided in both Finnish and English.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Art	Bettis		Dr	The University of Iowa, Department of Geosciences	209 Trowbridge Hall, North Capitol Street	Iowa City	IA	52242				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Soil Genesis and Geomorphology	Keywords: Physical geography,Soil science	Description: This website houses the syllabus and reading list for an intermediate soil science class. The objective of the class is for students to gain a basic understanding of soil forming processes and relationships among soils and other Earth systems. By the end of the course, students should be able to undertake basic field description of soils, interpret the environmental history recorded in soil profiles, and acquire/gain an appreciation for the role of soils in the environment. Resource users will enjoy an extensive bibliography and a set of useful web links.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Crown		Dr	University of Pittsburgh	507/508 Space Research Coordination Center (SRCC)	Pittsburgh	PA	15260		412-624-5873		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jack	Donahue		Dr	University of Pittsburgh	505/506 Space Research Coordination Center (SRCC)	Pittsburgh	PA	15260		412-624-8776		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphology Course (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This site offers course information for a geomorphology class. Aside from the syllabus, resource users will find the on-line lab materials very useful. Out of fourteen labs, eight are presented on-line. Those on-line include brief overviews of the specific subjects, supplementary photographs, and diagrams (some have question sheets). Subjects covered by the on-line lab assignments are: Tectonic Geomorphology; Volcanic Geomorphology; Soils and Topography; Drainage Patterns, Stream Order and Bifurcation; Karst Topography; Deserts and Dunes; Coastal Processes and Landforms; and Glacial Landforms.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Rick	Oches		Dr	University of South Florida	Geology SCA 510	Tampa	FL	33620		813-974-7531		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphology Course (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This web site is the on-line course resource for an introductory geomorphology class. A course syllabus and schedule is included, as well as a reference list that indexes over thirty related resources (in print). The required term project and paper for the class is described in detail, while additional links are provided to related geomorphology sites.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Derek	Booth	B.	Dr	University of Washington, Center for Urban Water Resources Management	Civil and Environmental Engineering Roberts Annex 100	Seattle	WA				206-685-3836	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Finlayson												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Fluvial Geomorphology Class Web Page	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: The goals of this upper level geomorphology class are for students to learn the main theoretical principles concerning the behavior of rivers and their relations to their drainage basins, as well as to apply those principles in the field through measurement and analysis of various river characteristics. A syllabus for the lecture and lab are presented. Of great interest are the stream survey class projects for Swamp Creek, Issaquah Creek, Snoqualmie River, and Green River (all of which are within the vicinity of the University of Washington). Each project has photos of the study area and links to data spreadsheets of hydraulic properties like bankfull width, roughness, and stream profile. Some projects have maps and/or GIS layers for the study areas. In addition, the Swamp Creek Project description includes a link to Microsoft's Terra Server project.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ray	Sterner			Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory	Johns Hopkins Road	Laurel	MD	20723-6099		443-778-5000		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Color Landform Atlas of the United States	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This web site is an on-line warehouse of maps of the United States. For each state there are maps and images local to the site, and links to external web sites. Currently the following maps are available for most of the states: a shaded relief topographic map optimized to show the landforms; a map showing counties in a state; a black and white version of the shaded relief map; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's AVHRR satellite images of the state; an 1895 map of each state from an old Rand McNally Atlas of the World; and a PostScript map of counties in the state intended for download and printing on a PostScript printer. The shaded relief maps were created from arrays of elevation data. The elevation data were derived from contour maps elsewhere.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: For use of one or more of these maps, contact Ray Sterner. There are no charges involved and permission will likely be granted. Any use must include the copyright and also a reference or link back to the map site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christopher	Condit	D.	Dr	Dept. Geosciences, Univ. Massachusetts, Morrill Sci. Center	611 North Pleasant St.	Amherst	MA	01003-9297	413-545-0272	413-545-1200	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dynamic Digital Map of the Springerville Volcanic Field, East-Central Arizona	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Dynamic Digital Map-Springerville Volcanic Field (DDM.SVF) is a stand-alone "presentation manager" program that contains and displays four thematic geologic maps of the Springerville volcanic field, Arizona, on the Macintosh computer. The download, 20 MB compressed, 37 MB expanded) is essentially a complete "geologic map on disk", with detailed high quality thematic maps accessed by a click on parts of the "home screen" which is an "Index Map" showing the detailed map coverage. It includes 75 photographs (many are oblique air photos), unit descriptions and analytical data displayed with a mouse-click on the symbol when a map segment is displayed, or by single or double click on the sample on a list to find it on the map, or to display its associated data. The program includes an automated "guided tour" which, within six minutes shows most of the major features of the DDMs and how use them. Useful for general earth science classes interested in looking a young volcanic field, freshman physical geology classes (the same use), and petrology classes interested in using the data for modeling purposes.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Chris Condit and Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst, 2000. Maybe be freely copied; use of images and maps outside program requires permission of Chris Condit (
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Washington, Mountain Drainage Basin Research Group		Box 351310	Seattle	WA	98195-1310				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Harvey	Greenberg			University of Washington, Mountain Drainage Basin Research Group	Room 162, Johnson Hall	Seattle	WA	98195-1310	206-685-7981		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mountain Drainage Basin Research Group	Keywords: Physical geography,Hydrology	Description: The Mountain Drainage Basin Research Group offers digital elevation data and information on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). A bibliography of the group's publications is available, as are links to selected research endeavors, most involving GIS and slope analysis. There is a detailed description of the group's computer processing facilities. Users can access GIS data for Washington State and other parts of the world, as well as a section on the modeling of geomorphological processes over large scales. A course on drainage basin dynamics, a link to the Puget Sound Regional Synthesis Model (PRISM), and a page focused on the study of the movement of water are also available.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown. Permission must be obtained to do an NFS mount of this disk, for use of the data in ARC/INFO format.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christopher	Condit	D.	Dr	Dept. Geosciences, Univ. Massachusetts, Morrill Science Center	611 North Pleasant Street	Amherst	MA	01003-9297	413-545-0272	413-545-1200	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dynamic Digital Map of New England	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is abridged or demonstation version of DDM.NE, which contains maps, images, movies and text for six geologic field trips in western Massachusetts, with the detailed maps being thematic maps in the form of color-shaded relief topographic maps and the state geologic map for the entire state of Massachusetts. A 7.5 minute (1:24,000-scale) topographic map for the Town of Leverett, where three of the field trips are located, with the linework for the bedrock geology, is also included as a demonstration of future possibilities. The program also includes a "tour" button for a completely automated guided tour of how to use the program.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Chris Condit and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2000. May be freely copied; use of images or maps outside of program requires permission of Chris Condit,
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): G.	Bain	Donald		University of California at Berkeley, Geography Computing Facility	515 McCone Hall	Berkeley	CA	94720-4740		510-643-8341		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Geo-Images Project	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: The Geo-Images project is an initiative to make images that are useful in teaching geography more widely available. Currently, Geo-Images consists of twelve chapters: 1. Images of the California Environment - selected to illustrate a short disquisition on some aspect of humans and the environment. They can be accessed through subject and regional lists, or from a clickable map; 2. Images of Daily Life in Morocco, with scenes from the city, countryside, mountains and desert oases; 3. Images of Afghanistan in 1976-78- related to evaluating snow as a water resource; 4. Images of Hong Kong- focusing on life on the houseboats and in squatter settlements and relocation projects; 5. Physical Geography Illustrated; 6. Images of the American West (primarily between the Sierra-Cascade divide and the 100th meridian)- emphasizing ranching and water issues; Pictures of the Western States (excluding California)- featuring environmental issues and parklands; 7. Virtual Reality Panoramas (of the Berkeley campus); 8. Virtual Reality Panoramas (of Western North America and French Polynesia); 9. Aerial Geography of the Coastal Western North America; 10. A Geographer on the Kiwai Coast of Papua New Guinea; 11. Images of Arabia (Yemen and Saudi Arabia); 12. Images Illustrating Courses in Geomorphology. In addition to the completed chapters, image collections of the following topics remain in progress: Southeast Asia (primarily the Philippines, Burma, and Vietnam); magic lanterns (in California circa the turn of the century); snow surveys in the Sierra Nevadas; the White Mountains of California; French Polynesia; and houseboats on San Francisco Bay.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All photographs are copyright by the respective photographers. The Geo-Images site is copyright by the Regents of the University of California. Unauthorized use of images is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Permission to use these images is generally granted if the purpose is both educational and non-profit. To obtain permission please contact either the project director or the author of the relevant chapter. If permission is granted please be careful to correctly credit the photographer and the Geo-Images Project, Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley. Publication in traditional media (i.e. printed works) and use for commercial purposes requires special permission and payment of a licensing fee. If you are interested in using these images in magazines, textbooks, or multi-media publications please contact the relevant photographer or the project director.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Ulster at Coleraine, School of Environmental Studies, The Coastal Studies Research Group				Co Londonderry	BT52 1SA		00-44-(0)28-703-24428	00-44-(0)28-703-24911	Northern Ireland
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Studies Research Group	Keywords: Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: The Coastal Studies Research Group (CSRG) was formed in 1991 and comprises about forty academic staff, research officers and Doctoral/MRes students. The group examines various aspects of coastal environments from physical processes to the human impacts on today's coastlines. As well as local research programs, investigations are being conducted in many other locations worldwide. There are five main research areas: Coastal Zone Management, Maritime Archaeology, Geophysics, Quaternary Environments, and Sedimentology and Geomorphology. Each program has links to descriptions of the related research projects. Most descriptions also have visuals of the respective study areas and indices of publications concerning the specific projects, while a few link to partner universities and relevant journal articles. Additional links refer to available student research assistantships, as well as the websites of other geomorphology groups, such as the British Geomorphology Research Group and a Virtual Masters course in Coastal Zone Management. Lastly, the site provides updated news pertaining to geomorphology research. A Spanish language version of the website is also available.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey		Reston	VA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geologic Provinces of the United States	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Structural geology	Description: A look into the forces of plate tectonics, weathering and erosion. A clickable, digital shaded relief map of the United States divides the continental states into 10 regions: Pacific Mountain System, Columbia Plateau, Basin and Range, Colorado Plateau, Rocky Mountain System, Laurentian Upland, Interior Plains, Interior Highlands, Appalachian Highlands, and Atlantic Plain. Each link takes the viewer to a descriptive page that tells of the geologic history of the region and the forces that produced the current landscape. The site is currently under construction; each specific region will soon have links to Sub provinces, Maps and Illustrations (enabled), and an Image Gallery. Links to two other United States Geological Survey (USGS) learning web sites are available: Geologic time and Plate tectonics. Other links are also provided to a list of parks by province or plate tectonic setting, USGS Geology in the Parks home, and National Park Service Park Geology Tour home.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. We will identify material we use from sources outside of USGS, and request others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known) USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Whitewater	1430 Fenwick Lane	Silver Spring	MD	20910		301-589-9453		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Online River Gauges	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: Provides the resource user with access to national, regional, Canadian, and European agencies that monitor stream flow. Most sites also provide information on weather and region-specific issues. Aside from the web links, phone numbers for recorded phone gauges are also listed for states that have this service. Access to current stream flow conditions, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration resources, California Data Exchange Center, and the American Whitewater Affiliation United States Geological Survey Real-Time Stream flow Data map is available.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	King, Jr.	T.	Dr	Auburn University, Department of Geology		Auburn	AL	36849-5305	334-844-4882	334-844-4486	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Probable Influence of Geography on the Development and Global Distribution of Tournasian-early Visean Age (Waulsortian and Waulsorian-like) Mud Mounds	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This is a research paper on the occurrence of Waulsortian mounds, also known as Tournasian-early Visean mud mounds. These features are unique because unlike other carbonate buildups in the stratigraphic record, they lack an identifiable frame-building organism. These mounds were the only type of organic buildup known to have formed during the period of strongly suppressed reef building that followed the Late Devonian collapse of the reef-building biotic community. Sections of this paper include information on mound characteristics, paleogeography, paleoclimates and paleo-upwelling, and paleo-storm tracks. This paper suggests that lack of storm energy in two large areas of Laurussia provided long-term stability and thus enhanced the growth prospects of the frame-deficient Waulsortian and Waulsortian-like mud mounds. An extensive bibliography and figure of the Visean geography showing locations of Waulsortian and Waulsortian-like mounds are also provided.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): B.	Granier								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Early Cretaceous Tethyan Stratigraphy	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: The broad objective of this web site is to build up a detailed knowledge of the Early Cretaceous stratigraphy in the Tethyan realm. Findings are chronologically ordered from the beginning of the site development to the present, as forum reports, web links, and referenced papers. Forum reports are available via email from the person responsible for the summary. If a forum is in current session, site visitors are welcome to participate. The research approach is carried out through the integration of basin reference sections (stratotypes), basin or platform control sections, biostratigraphic data, and sequence stratigraphy (plus any information which should support correlations). A site search enables the resource user to pinpoint specifics. Other subjects include: lineage of the Praedictyorbitolina to Dictyorbitolina representatives, Early Cretaceous calcereous algae, Hauterivian, and Barremian.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Goran	Bogicevic			NIS-Naftagas								Yugoslavia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Aeolian Sediments	Keywords: Physical geography,Climatology	Description: This site offers information aeolian processes or sediments. Currently there are about twenty links to related sites. Various sites contain desert photographs, a glossary, information about past and current research projects related to winds and arid lands, course information, and research papers. One site presents a virtual desert, while another is the Smithsonian Museum's 'Electronic Exhibit on Drylands'.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Goran	Bogicevic			NIS-Naftagas								Yugoslavia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Caves	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site provides access to information on speleology. Currently there are links to over thirty related sites. Topics range from biospeleology, to region specific cave descriptions and virtual tours. Some sites are dictionaries; others have databases with information such as cave depth and length. One site serves to recreate the experience of exploring a wild cave; while another is a presentation of 3-D Modeling of Phreatic Karst Caves.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Goran	Bogicevic			NIS-Naftagas								Yugoslavia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Boggy's Geology Links - Sedimentology	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This subpage of a larger clearinghouse offers information pertaining to sedimentology. Resources include brief reports with slide collections, course materials, an ask-an-expert service; and publications of interest. A few sites are not available in English. Topics include: structures, carbonates, clays, coal, aeolian, glacial, caves, karst, reefs, turbidites, institutions and geomorphology.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Goran	Bogicevic			NIS-Naftagas								Yugoslavia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Karst	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site offers information about karst processes and topography. Karst is "terrain with special landforms and drainage characteristics due to greater solubility of certain rocks, notably carbonate rocks such as limestone, dolomite or magnesite, in natural waters" (from Caving Canada's glossary). Currently there are links to over twenty related sites. Most sites have visuals of karst distribution and landforms.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Goran	Bogicevic			NIS-Naftagas								Yugoslavia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stratigraphy	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This clearinghouse links to other web sites with information about stratigraphy. Because stratigraphy studies the chronological sequence of rock formation, there are many links here which deal with geologic time. Together, geologic time and stratigraphy describe the geologic evolution of an area. Sedimentary rocks encompass a major focus of stratigraphy. Fossils from sedimentary rocks are a common method for dating. Many sites here pertain to biostratigraphy and palynology. Currently there are links to over fifty related sites. A few sites are in foreign languages, but most are in English.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service - Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The National Park Service: Park Geology	Keywords: Ecology,Geology,Policy issues	Description: A National Park Service (NPS) site primarily composed of three main sections corresponding to the following program areas within the Geologic Resources Division (GRD): Disturbed Lands Restoration and Abandoned Mineral Lands (AML), Mineral Management Programs, and Geology and Soils Programs. Of these, the first two consist principally of textual resources pertaining to Park System procedures, policies, and regulations - as well as reports on example restoration projects with a focus on stream corridor restoration, bioengineering, riparian management, and revegetation. Perhaps of most interest to educators will be the third main program area, the Geology and Soils Programs section. Here are included textual resources pertaining to NPS-GRD programs on cave and karst formations, coastal and shoreline geology, paleontology, soils (e.g., soil biology and soil surveying), geological indicators (geoindicators), and stratigraphy. Lastly, a searchable photographic collection and geologic glossary are available.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service - Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of National Parks	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology,Structural geology	Description: The tour of Park geologic resources includes pages specific to individual National Parks, Monuments, Recreation Areas, Preserves, Seacoasts, Reserves, and Recreation Areas. These pages are indexed by park name, state, or by one of the following topics: basin and range, caves, Colorado Plateau, fossils, glaciers, hot springs, human use, mountain building, oldest rocks, plate tectonics, river systems, sand dunes, shoreline geology, or volcanoes. Organization of each of the pages typically follows a NPS template with categories for park geology, maps, photographs, geologic research, related links, visitor information, multimedia, and “teacher features” (educational resources and links for teaching geology with National Park examples.) Common subjects that are addressed at various park sites include: minerals, rocks, fossils, cave and karst systems, coastlines, glaciers, volcanoes, faults, landforms, landslides, structures, fluvial systems, sediments, soils, stratigraphic relations, processes that form or act on geologic features and their chemical compositions, and the history of the planet and its life forms.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Boise State University, Department of Geosciences		1910 University Drive	Boise	ID	83725		208-426-1631	208-426-4061	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Claude	Spinosa		Dr	Boise State University, Department of Geosciences	1910 University Drive	Boise	ID	83725	208-426-1581	208-426-4061	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Boise State University Department of Geosciences	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Physical geography	Description: The Earth Sciences Department at Boise State University conducts research in the fields of geology, geophysics, hydrology, science education, and physical geography. Course web pages are made available by professors to aid the study of students currently enrolled in the course (not provided for all classes offered). Courses and degree programs are described with related objectives and requirements. A section for disciplines details the sub fields of geology offered, faculty involved, and current projects underway. A section for faculty contains brief synopsis and contact information. Also of interest are the on-line sites for the Geology and Geophysics Clubs. Links to the Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface (CGISS), the Geospatial Research Facility (GRF), and the Permian Research Institute (PRI) are provided as well.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Royal Geographical Society, British Geomorphological Research Group	1 Kensington Gore	London,		SW 7 2AR	+44-0-20-7591-3028		United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: British Geomorphological Research Group	Keywords: ,Physical geography	Description: The British Geomorphological Research Group (BGRG) is the professional organization for geomorphologists in the British Isles, but it has many overseas members. Its aim is to provide services and foster a community for all those involved in education or research in geomorphology. The pages here provide not only information about the BGRG, but a general means of finding geomorphological news and information, including the International Association of Geomorphologists and other useful locations and resources. One page displays a conference calendar, which lists the date, title, abstract deadlines, and contacts for further details. A page is provided for information about BGRG meetings that do not have their own web page or that are hosted on this site. Also found are updates from the BGRG Short-Term Working Groups. These are self-contained groups related to the following specific research areas: Weathering, Rainfall Simulators, Upland Sediment Systems, and Glacial Landsystems Working Group (GLWG). One section includes an on-line research register form, which gives the group an idea of the specific interests of its members and provides guidelines for conference support and information about new funding possibilities. Links to journals of the BGRG- Glacial Geology and Geomorphology (GGG), and Earth Surface Processes and Landforms are provided. A special section for resources contains links to information on associated research bodies, courses, teachers (listserv service), and employment.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © BGRG 1998, 2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, The Western Earth Surface Processes Team									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States National Park Service									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Rocks and Minerals	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This web page offers a simple illustrated guide to the three rock types- igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic; and the most common rock-forming mineral groups: quartz, plagioclase feldspars, potassium feldspars, micas, amphiboles, olivine, and calcite. The rock types include extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks, clastic, biologic, and chemical sedimentary rocks, and both foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks. A section is included on naming igneous rocks. The igneous rocks tuff and basalt are also discussed, as is sediment. Users are directed to related resources and may print out a simplified rock classification chart.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				International Institute for Sustainable Development	161 Portage Ave. East, 6th floor	Winnipeg		R3B 0Y4	204-958-7700	204-958-7710	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: IISDnet: Climate Change	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) provides this site to present its knowledge base for climate change and adaptation. The knowledge base includes links to global projects on climate change, policy documents and research reports. The e-newsletter, Climate Canada, is accessible from this site as well.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright, 2001
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service		Ottawa	ON	K1A 0H3		819-997-1095	819-997-2756	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Natural Resources Canada, GeoAccess Division									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Canadian Museum of Nature									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Canadian Wildlife Federation									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Search for Species at Risk in Canada	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science	Description: This web site provides a database with information on species at risk in Canada. You can search using a map of Canada with species name or risk categories. For about 380 species in the groups amphibians, birds, fish, lepidopterans, lichens, mammals, mollusca, mosses, plants, and reptiles, you can search without the map by risk category (including extinct and endangered species), range, or species name. For the individual species, information is given on species names including both common and latin, risk category, range, description, biology, population and distribution, habitat, threats, and protection. The status of species is assigned by a committee of representatives from federal, provincial, territorial and non-governmental environmental agencies as well as independent experts. Based on the status assigned, conservation efforts are planned and implemented.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 1999. This publication may be reproduced without permission provided that its use falls under the Copyright Act, and is solely for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, review or newspaper summary. The source must be fully acknowledged. In the case of publications provided free of charge or priced, reproduction in whole or in part for purposes of redistribution requires written permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				John Wiley and Sons, Inc.		605 Third Avenue	New York	NY	10158-0012	212-850-6645	212-850-6021	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This journal of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms is published on behalf of the British Geomorphological Research Group. It is an academic journal which publishes research papers on all aspects of geomorphology interpreted in its widest sense. The subject matter includes the following topics in pure and applied geomorphology: 1. Processes - hillslope, fluvial, coastal, aeolian, glacial and periglacial processes of erosion and deposition, process mechanics and modeling, surface water and sediment movement, hydrology and watershed management, natural hazards and extreme events; 2. Landforms - landform evolution and analysis, terrain analysis and morphometry, landform genesis and chronology, landform modeling; 3. Soils and Weathering - regoliths and soils, surface geochemistry, solute and nutrient cycling, soil dynamics and erosion, soil properties and mechanics, soil development and toposequences; 4. Environments - Landforms and processes of polar, temperate, arid and tropical regions; 5. Applied Geomorphology - The application of relevant methods to the solution of planning, environmental management or engineering problems. The journal is published bi-weekly, with additional issues in June and September plus a 'software supplement'. On-line subscription is available for hard copies of the magazines and related supplements. On-line copies of the journal dating from 1996 to the present are provided in PDF format. One link at this site, 'Other Resources', contains software relevant to geomorphic research and modeling. Other links connect to the Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, the British Geomorphological Research Group, and the Wiley InterScience Home Page.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This website Copyright © 2001 John Wiley and Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. This website and any Wiley publications and material which may be accessed from it are protected by copyright. Nothing on this website or in the Wiley publications and material may be downloaded, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, modified, made available on a network, used to create derivative works, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except (i) in the United States, as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, or internationally, as permitted by other applicable national copyright laws, or (ii) as expressly authorized on this website, or (iii) with the prior written permission of the Publisher. You may download or print out one hard copy of a reasonable amount of material from this website for your own non-commercial research or study only, and order forms may be copied for the purpose of ordering products fro
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Goodchild		Dr	University of California, Santa Barbara	Geography Department, Ellison Hall 3611	Santa Barbara	CA	93106-4060	805-893-8049	805-893-3146	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Technical Issues in Geographic Information Systems	Keywords: Technology,Physical geography	Description: The Department of Geography at the University of California at Santa Barbara offers Technical Issues in Geographic Information Systems: an upper-division undergraduate course designed to be taken after the completion of an introductory geographic information systems (GIS) course. The course explores topics pertaining to classic ArcInfo, ArcInfo 8, transportation applications of GIS, fundamental GIS algorithms, shapefiles, accuracy, error modeling, locator services, and indirect spatial referencing. The class web site provides a syllabus to the course and links to outlined class notes (including extensive diagrams of ArcInfo and ArcView procedures). The site also provides an online bulletin board for students to post and ask questions to teaching assistants and fellow students. The students themselves can also answer questions and review class announcements (class membership is needed to access these bulletin board features). Links to past exam questions are also provided. The course also has a laboratory component, and links are provided to the lab syllabus and lab exercises. Information pertaining to GIS internships is also provided.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Goodchild		Dr	University of California, Santa Barbara	Department of Geography, Ellison Hall 3611	Santa Barbara	CA	93106-4060	805-893-8049	805-893-3146	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Seminar in Geographical Information Systems (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Technology,Physical geography	Description: This is the syllabus to a graduate-level course concerned with the study of current trends in geographically oriented information processing systems. The syllabus is organized around daily topics for which additional readings, notes, and web sites are available as supplemental learning materials. Topics covered include theoretical perspectives of GIS, ontology, uncertainty in GIS, spatial analysis, geospatial data mining and knowledge discovery, communication, visualization, generalization, geolibraries, scale, time representation, terrain representation, GIScience, and finally, GIS and Society.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Suzy	Jampoler			University Consortium for Geographic Information Science	43351 Spinks Ferry Road	Leesburg	VA	20176-5631		703-779-7980	703-771-1635	
This is a(n) person.
Title: University Consortium for Geographic Information Science	Keywords: Technology,Physical geography	Description: The University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) is a non-profit organization of universities and other research institutions dedicated to advancing the understanding of geographic processes and spatial relationships through improved theory, methods, technology, and data. UCGIS membership is open to all U.S. academic and research organizations that meet the membership criteria listed within the web site. Member institutions have the opportunity to participate in reviewing and setting national research priorities in GIS and related specialties. The UCGIS web site offers information pertaining to its research, grant opportunities, events, and education workshops. It also provides links to GIS masters and distance learning programs, GIS certification programs, published white papers, and other various related GIS web sites.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information in Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Montana State University, Geographic Information and Analysis Center	Room 106 AJM Johnson Hall	Bozeman	MT	59717-3495		406-994-2374	406-994-5122	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Greater Yellowstone Area Data Clearinghouse	Keywords: Environmental science,Physical geography,Policy issues,Technology	Description: The Greater Yellowstone Area Data Clearinghouse (GYADC) was created in 1997 to provide an Internet data discovery service for Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) stakeholders to assist managers, planners, scientists, teachers and the public in finding spatial and non-spatial information for use in resource management and decision making processes. The GYADC functions as a detailed catalog service with links to spatial data and graphics. The GYADC provides links to metadata entries that enable users to directly download digital data in one or more formats. When the data are too large to download via the net, information is given for an appropriate contact to purchase the data sets. A total of 1,600 7.5 minute Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and some hundred Digital Orthophoto Quarter-Quadrangles (DOQQs) are available for ftp download on site. These GYA data sets are searchable by agency, theme, and quadrangle. Online ArcView mapping is assisted with access to the GYA Online Atlas, Graphical Locator, Wyoming Internet Map Server, and Wyoming Digital Orthophoto Browser. There is a GYADC Bulletin Board, designed to allow you to interact with other Greater Yellowstone Area stakeholders by posting a question, a concern, an announcement of an event, or a request for advice. Links to the metadata search engines of the GYADC, The Federal Geographic Data Committee's National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse, and Environmental Systems Research Institute's (ESRI) Clearinghouse. Many links transfer to partner organizations of the GYADC, and pilot projects that are currently using this GIS data to plan and manage their areas within the GYA. There are also supplementary links to GIS dictionaries and FGDC metadata protocol.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Code copyright 1997 by Sunlight Design, Inc. and may not be used without permission. Tabnav applet copyright 1998/99 CelticEdge.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Geographic Society		1145 17th Street N.W.	Washington	DC	20036-4688		800-647-5463		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geography Education Through the National Geographic Society (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: The National Geographic Society provides a comprehensive web site for teachers interested in teaching geography and related fields. From this web page teachers can access a variety of tools for teaching geography, access the national geography standards, take their students on over 100 online adventures, acquire lesson plans, view and print out maps, and learn how to network with other teachers interested in geographic education through such groups as the Society's geography alliances. From the main page, the "Xpeditions" link proves very helpful in finding many of the aforementioned materials. Also from the main page, information is provided on grants that can be won by teachers engaging in geographic education. The National Geographic Bee is highlighted along with the Society's GeoBee quiz game. The link "Map Machine" is especially good for accessing a variety of printable maps including theme maps, political maps, physical maps, historical maps, ecoregion maps, and street maps. The Society's many magazines are hyperlinked to their own separate web pages. In addition, teachers can access an online National Geographic store especially oriented toward teachers interested in acquiring tangible classroom materials.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright, 2001, National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. May be used in an educational seeting as long as credit to the National Geographic Society is given.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Philip	Hoehn			David Rumsey Collection								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Mary	Larsgaard	Lynette		University of California, Santa Barbara Library	Map and Imagery Laboratory	Santa Barbara	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Creaser			University of California, Berkeley	Earth Sciences and Map Library	Berkeley	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, and Remote Sensing	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This dictionary contains the titles for commonly used acronyms and abbreviations used in the mapping sciences of geography. There are over a thousand terms decoded. Links transfer to related lists of Remote Sensing Acronyms, BABEL: a Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms, ComputerUser High-Tech Dictionary, File Types, OneLook Dictionaries, Acronym Finder, and Orbis Latinus. Access is also provided to the University of California at Berkeley's Earth Sciences and Map Library's Home Page, as well as to that of the main library.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (C) 2000 by the Library, University of California, Berkeley. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Avijit	Gupta			National University of Singapore, The Department of Geography				119260			65-777-3091	Singapore
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): P.P.	Wong			National University of Singapore, epartment of Geography				119260			65-777-3091	Singapore
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Godley			Monash University, Department of Geography and Environmental Science			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Zik	Saleeba	2/39 Myriong Court, Clayton	Vic		3168			Australia
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Tropical Geomorphology Newsletter	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: The Tropical Geomorphology Newsletter is a biannual bulletin for scholars concerned with geomorphic processes and landscapes in the tropics. The newsletter is published every April and October. It is supplied free online, but the readers are expected to contribute news of their research and publications whenever appropriate to the newsletter. Details for subscription to the electronic version are available. Resource users can use an index to search through back issues (1990-1996). There are also links to other geomorphological pages which are grouped by Conference Announcements, Other Online Journals, Newsletters and Projects, University Departments, Organizations and Associations, Regional Resources (Tropics), and Subject Guides.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): M.J.C.	Walker		Dr	University of Wales, Department of Geography		Lampeter, Dyfed		SA48 7ED				United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): R.	Preece		Dr	University of Cambridge, Department of Zoology		Cambridge		CB2 3EN				United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Title: Quaternary Research Association	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Physical geography,Geologic time	Description: The Quaternary Research Association (QRA) is an organization comprising archaeologists, botanists, civil engineers, geographers, geologists, soil scientists, zoologists and others interested in research into the problems of the Quaternary. This site describes their activities and organization. Membership is open to all interested in the objectives of the Association. Publications of the association include the Journal of Quaternary Science (JQS), a quarterly Quaternary Newsletter which is issued with the Circular in February, June and October each year, and Field Guides and Technical Guides. Newsletters accompany membership, the most recent circulars are posted on site, and the guides can be ordered online for a fee. A section is reserved for meetings information, which includes conference titles, dates, participant requests, and contact details. A discussion section allows site visitors to post comments and reply to critiques of published articles. Also provided is an extensive list of links to related Geosciences sites.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jürgen	Schieber			University of Texas at Arlington, Geology Department		Arlington	TX	76019				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Shale Photos: a Collection of Images from Various Research Projects	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The photomicrographs and other illustrations on this web site accompany interpretations by the author of various sedimentary structures and features, including biogenic features. The viewer can click to get higher resolution. Scale is shown. Topics include Microbial Mat Features in Proterozoic Shales, Miscellaneous Sedimentary Features, Silica Filled Cysts in the Chattanooga Shale (Upper Devonian), Sculpting of Muddy Bottoms, Erosion Surfaces and Ripples, and Bioturbation in the Chattanooga Shale. Students and other researchers might want to compare the photos and interpretations with similar features they may have encountered.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Jürgen Schieber, UTA Department of Geology
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Calvin	Hamilton	J.								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Views of the Solar System	Keywords: Space science	Description: A vivid multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific information, or study the history of space exploration, rocketry, early astronauts, space missions, spacecraft through a vast archive of photographs, scientific facts, text, graphics and videos. Users can select information for each of the planets, plus information on influential individuals and history in astronomy. Each section gives an introduction to the planet or subject, and provides additional pictures and statistics such as mass, equatorial radius, mean density, mean distance form the sun, rotational period, orbital period, mean orbital velocity, orbital eccentricity, tilt of axis, magnitude, atmospheric pressure, and others. Also included is a section on historical sun, planet and satellite data such as when each was discovered and by whom. There is also a glossary, and a planetary data browser which allows users to query a database containing planetary data.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1995-2000 by Calvin J. Hamilton. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): J.	Skiles	W.		NASA Ames Research Center, Ecosystem Science and Technology Branch	Mail Stop 239-20	Moffett Field	CA	94035-1000			650-604-1088	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA's Ames Research Center, Earth Science Division	Mail Stop 245-4	Moffett Field	CA	94035-1000			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Understanding the Biosphere from the Top Down	Keywords: Environmental science,Physical geography,Technology,Physics	Description: The purpose of this project is to present the holistic study of the biosphere using remote sensing technology. The intention is to have students perceive the biosphere as containing interlinked environments and organisms, an ability which would later aid students when they are introduced to concepts like trophic levels and energy flow within an ecosystem and in the biosphere. It is also expected that students learn the elements of the physics involved in remote sensing, the ideas of measuring things from a distance, and the difference between two and three-dimensional representation. The site contains a 22-lesson package written by grade school teachers with the advice and help of Ames Research Center (ARC) personnel in Earth Sciences. The lessons were written by teachers for teachers, so many contain instructions about advance preparation and planning that must be done before the students are given the tasks to perform. The lessons are not a specific set of instructions, but rather are guidelines to be used and modified as needed by each teacher to fit into unique classrooms. While each lesson may be used separately and generally stands alone, students without a remote sensing understanding should start with one or more of the lessons devoted to the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). Then students should do the lesson devoted to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional perception. A lesson on maps and topography should follow and then students should study the concept of scale. A number of lessons deal with aspects of remote sensing. The last module deals with landscape change.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Johnette	Bosarge			The National Marine Educators Association	P.O. Box 1470	Ocean Springs	MS	39566-1470				
This is a(n) person.
Title: The National Marine Educators Association	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Educational theory and practice,Hydrology,Physical oceanography	Description: The National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) brings together those interested in the study and enjoyment of the world of water - both fresh and salt. Affiliated with the National Science Teachers Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, NMEA provides a valuable focus for marine and aquatic studies worldwide. Member professionals have training in Education, Science, Business, Government, Museums, Aquariums, and Marine Research. NMEA Members receive two publications: CURRENT: The Journal of Marine Education and NMEA News. Local chapters are grouped by states, which surround commonly shared bodies of water. Information is posted about the annual meeting of the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA). A bulletin board service allows site browsers to make and read relevant announcements. A listserv service, Scuttlebutt, provides a forum for marine educators to communicate informally about marine education ideas, issues, and questions. There is also a scholarship program which assists members in attending the Annual Conference. Links at this site transfer to the National Ocean Sciences Bowl and the Bridge, and Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 NMEA
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Columbia University: International Research Institute for Climate Prediction	61 Route 9 West, P.O. Box 1000	Palisades	NY	10964-8000		845-680-4468	845-680-4866	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: International Research Institute for Climate Prediction - IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical oceanography,Climatology	Description: The International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI/LDEO) Climate Data Library contains a wide variety of Earth science data, primarily oceanographic and atmospheric datasets. This site is designed to make the library accessible and user-friendly for novices and advanced users alike, with services such as an introduction to climate data, a data library overview, and step-by-step examples, as well as posted answers to commonly asked questions. There are three main divisions of the data library: the Maproom, Finding Data, and Mastering the Data Library. The Maproom is a collection of maps and other figures that monitor climate conditions at present and in the recent past. The map rooms are divided into 3 sections: Global, Regional, and El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The maps and figures can be manipulated and are linked to the original data. Even if the primary interest is in data rather than figures, this is a good place to see which datasets are particularly useful for monitoring current conditions. Finding Data includes database searches, electronic magazines, and interactive learning materials. Mastering the Data Library is divided into many sections which help users interact with the data. The interface allows the user to make plots, tables, and files from any dataset, its subsets, or processed versions thereof. A data server is designed to make data accessible to people using WWW clients (viewers) and to serve as a data resource for WWW documents. Since most documents cannot use raw data, the server is able to deliver the data in a variety of ways: as data files, as tables, and in a variety of plots (line, contour, color, vector) and plot formats (PostScript and gif). Processing of the data, particularly averaging and sampling, can be requested as well. The ultimate vision is to automatically create a web of hypertext that connects final results to analyses of the original data.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				GCRIO User Services		Palisades	NY	10964		845-365-8930	845-365-8922	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: U.S. Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: The United States Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO) provides access to data and information on global change research, adaptation/mitigation strategies and technologies, and global change-related educational resources on behalf of the various United States Federal Agencies and Organizations that are involved in the United States Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). GCRIO is implemented by The Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University. General resource topics include: Online Publications, Recent Climate Change Documents, Data and Information on climate change, US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change, Global Change Information for Japan, Adaptation/Mitigation Strategies, Technologies, Models, and Tools, Global Change and Environmental Education, and a Compendium of Global Change Information Resources. Also included are a section on the common questions about global warming, and a large list on links to other web sites on global change or global warming.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service - Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The National Park Service - Park Geology: Teacher Feature	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology	Description: The Teacher Feature, hosted by the Geologic Resources Division of the National Park Service (NPS-GRD), is an eclectic collection of educational resources relating to geology as taught with National Park examples. The principle resource page is indexed by Textbooks, Videos, Park Images, Science Fair, Glossary, Downloads, GEOBIB, Park Maps, Workshops, and Organizations. A majority of these resources regard either the paleontology or geology of specific Parks or Monuments, the exceptions being two age-stratified curricula designed around general paleontology in the National Park System. The Textbooks and Video pages each contain lists and descriptions of recommended works in either of these media. Park Images provides links to three photographic resources: the NPS Geology Photo Database, the United States Geological Surveys (USGS) earth science photo collection, the NPS historic photo collection, and photos available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Links are provided to the NPS-GRDs geological glossary and to GEOBIB, an extensive database of geological citations. Downloads contains a wide array of (non-photographic) images which detail plate tectonics, general geological phenomena, and features specific to Mojave National Preserve and Yosemite National Park. This section also includes animations which illustrate concepts related to plate tectonics, hydrocarbon formation and extraction, astronomical phenomena, seismicity, sedimentation processes, and global warming. Park Maps, a page for NPS Cartographic Resources, provides access to digital maps for a majority of National Parks and Monuments. Current geology workshops and/or field courses are highlighted. Finally, links are provided to the home-sites of national earth science educational organizations.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Information Restrictions is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Greenpeace		702 H Street NW	Washington	DC	20001	800-326-0959		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Warming & Energy: Overview	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Policy issues,Technology	Description: This page is the activist organization Greenpeace's material on the effects of global warming and on energy policy issues. Citing the more than 2,500 of the world's top scientists studying global warming who have determined that human activities are in fact changing the Earth's weather, the organization says that it is not too late to take action on climate change. Greenpeace is building broad-based public support to demand that both government and corporate polluters begin shifting away from fossil fuels as a source of energy and toward solutions such as energy conservation and clean, sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar power. Material provided describes this problem in detail, and includes press releases, projections of major climate change effects, corporations and their contribution to the problem, United States government policy positions, and solutions and resources. Sections are also included on the environmental effects of global warming including information on floods, droughts, wildfires, intensified hurricanes, heat waves, the spread of infectious diseases and species extinction. Also included is information on solutions to global warming such as energy conservation, clean, sustainable energy sources, and efficiency. There is also a link to their fact sheet "Planet Out of Balance," and a section on frequently asked questions on climate change.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted all copy, photos, graphics, and other materials Copyright Greenpeace, Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ken	Foote		Dr	University of Colorado--Boulder	Campus Box 260, Guggenheim Hall	Boulder	CO	80309-0260	303-492-6760	303-492-7501	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Virtual Geography Department	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: The Virtual Geography Department in an ongoing project that hopes to interlink geography department curricula both nationally and internationally using the Internet and World Wide Web. The goal of the Virtual Geography Department Project is to offer high quality curricular materials and classroom and laboratory modules that can be used across the Internet by geography students and faculty at any university in the world, and all the while, promote collaborative research. Stress is being placed on curriculum integration through the creation of on-line "electronic" texts and resource materials that will be of service to a wide range of departments. The project links existing materials on the Internet and has commissioned new materials to address topics not now represented. In this way, geographers at many universities can share the time and expense of developing hypermedia and multimedia curricular materials and benefit from the materials that might not otherwise be made available commercially. Specific curricula materials, classroom modules, and laboratory exercises that presently available are categorized by the following topics: cartography, earth's environment and society, geographic information systems/remote sensing/statistics, history and philosophy of geography, physical geography, urban and economic geography, virtual fieldtrips, and world regional geography and area studies. The site also provides links to geography departments throughout the world, links to geography-related online courses organized by subject, and links to online resources for geographers such as geography-related journals, professional organizations, and map collections.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dwight	Brown		Dr	University of Minnesota	414 Social Sciences, 267--19th Avenue South	Minneapolis	MN	55455	612-625-9097		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Living in the Biosphere: Production, Pattern, Population, and Diversity	Keywords: Environmental science,Physical geography	Description: This module examines the links between the human dimensions of global environmental change (including causes, impacts, and responses), and biogeographic patterns and dynamics. The focus is on the scale at which each of the processes occur, ranging from the molecular or submolecular level for abiotic processes to the global scale for disturbance and dispersal processes. The module focuses on how changes in a process at particular geographic scales affect biological production, pattern, population, and diversity of organisms. The material in this module also treats ecology explicitly in its spatial context, i.e., it includes the exchanges of mass, energy, and genetic materials across boundaries and scales. Boundary conditions are recognized as dynamic, and exchanges with environs depend on the attributes of the surrounding spaces in all directions. Specifically, this module focuses on four fundamental areas of biogeography that are linked to environmental variability and change: the mass transfer processes that work through the hydrologic, carbon, and nutrient cycles; the importance of populations of organisms at various positions in the food web in recycling nutrient energy; the processes by which organism populations occupy space; and the roles played by disturbance and dispersal in assembling sets of diverse organisms in geographic spaces. The module is divided into four units: introduction, production, pattern, and diversity. The units are thematically coherent and could, if necessary, stand alone. The module contains a reference section, supporting materials and an appendix. The supporting materials can be used to facilitate the teaching of this module or simply to augment it with interesting ideas and information. Additional sections with further information include a list of acronyms, a glossary, and a section on active pedagogy.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1996 by the Association of American Geographers, 1710 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198. Phone: (202) 234-1450, Fax: (202) 234-2744, E-mail: ISBN: 0-89291-231-6. Printed copies of this document may be ordered directly from the Association.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Ford	E.	Dr	U.S. Agency for International Development	Ronald Reagan Bldg. Room 2.11-054	Washington	DC	20523-2110	202-712-5073	202-216-3579	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Human Impacts on Land Use/Land Cover	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography	Description: This module introduces students to the impacts humans have on land use/land cover change throughout the world. It illustrates the central role of the study of land use/cover change within the larger field of global environmental and climatic change, and is thus a good unit to introduce the latter topic. The module concentrates on what forces drive land use/land cover change, but also investigates the impacts of land use/land cover change on the environment and human societies, and additionally, how humans can respond to these changes most effectively. In the first unit of the module students are introduced to the human dimensions of global change, and they learn about the central role that the study of land use/land cover change plays within the larger field of global environmental and climatic change. In the second unit, students learn about selected land use/land cover areas and take a critical look at the data available for their study. In the third unit, students relate land use changes to human driving forces, and link changes at a global scale to those at a local scale, thus making global change a personal concern. The module includes supporting materials such as links to relevant organizations, external data sources, supporting research projects, a glossary, references for additional readings, and notes on active pedagogy.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These materials may be used for study, research, and education, but please credit the source: the Developing Active Learning Modules on the Human Dimensions of Global Change "Human Driving Forces and their Impacts on Land Use/Land Cover"© 1996 by Association of American Geographers, 1710 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198. Phone: (202) 234-1450, Fax: (202) 234-2744, E-mail: ISBN: 0-89291-231-6. Printed copies of this document may be ordered directly from the Association.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Cutter		Dr	University of South Carolina, Department of Geography	Physical Sciences Center, Room 626A	Columbia	SC	29208	803-777-1590	803-777-4972	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jerry	Mitchell	T.	Dr	Bloomsburg University, Department of Geography and Geosciences			PA	570-389-4567	570-389-3028	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Change and Environmental Hazards: Is the World Becoming More Disastrous?	Keywords: Human geography,Natural hazards	Description: This module is an introductory exploration of natural hazards and how societies react and adapt to such events. Unit 1 of the module introduces basic hazard concepts, types, and characteristics, and addresses the five key questions that form the core of research on hazards and global change. The unit raises the fundamental question of what environmental hazards are and uses insights from hazard research to demonstrate the variety of answers to this question; it then stresses the need for common definitions of hazard-related terms in order to investigate and communicate societal and physical trends. Unit 2 ("Are things getting better or worse?") considers trends in hazard occurrences, impacts, and societal vulnerability to hazards. The relatively bleak picture that emerges at the end of this unit - mainly as a result of the trends in societal vulnerability - is the starting point for Unit 3, which considers how societies respond and adjust to environmental hazards. Unit 3 explains the ways in which humans respond to and mitigate hazards and emphasizes the differential vulnerability of various populations. Each unit includes focus issues, which highlight timely topics and provide specific examples. Overall, the module provides students with a basic understanding of hazards, vulnerability, impacts, and mitigation strategies; it also gives students an opportunity to consider the complex relationships among social, geophysical, and technological factors and what these imply for future hazard events and experiences. Students actively engage with the material through mapping, role playing, media analysis, group discussion, numeracy, and graphing exercises. Most materials that are required for these activities are provided. Throughout, the module challenges students to take a critically aware stance on the subjects of global change and hazards.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 by the Association of American Geographers, 1710 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198. Phone: (202) 234-1450, Fax: (202) 234-2744, E-mail: ISBN: 0-89291-245-6. Printed copies of this document may be ordered directly from the Association.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service - Natural Resource Program Center	1201 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 200	Ft.Collins	CO	80525			970-225-3585	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Park Service Wildlife and Plants	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: Here can be found a collection of biological fact sheets, reports, brochures, links, and program descriptions pertaining to public resources within the National Park system. Resources are primarily text-based and are organized by the following topics: wildlife and fisheries, plants, biological diversity, pest management, and exotic species. Selected individual topics include Peregrine falcon restoration, coral reef protection and management, Integrated Pest Management, Threatened and Endangered Species protection, and exotic species control. Beyond the text resources there is the Deer Management Simulator (DMS) (and accompanying tutorial), designed to assist natural resource specialists attempting to manage problems relating to overabundant ungulate populations. The DMS takes input on deer population demography and dispersion to parameterize a spatially explicit individual-based population model which it combines with GIS databases to predict population spatial and numerical responses to management scenarios. Also accessible is the Alien Plants Ranking System (APRS), a computer-implemented system to assist land management decisions regarding invasive nonnative plants. Using a questionnaire as input and providing output in both datasheet and graphical form, the APRS is an analytical tool to separate innocuous from invasive species and address the feasibility of control of the latter species.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service - Air Resources Division		PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287		303-969-2822	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: AirWeb: Protecting Air Quality	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: A combined effort of the National Park Service Air Resources Division (NPS-ARD) in conjunction with the Fish and Wildlife Service Air Quality Branch (FWS-AQB), AirWeb is an extensive site addressing visibility protection, air quality standards, and air pollution issues throughout the National Park System, the National Wildlife Refuge System, and Wilderness areas. Interagency efforts to monitor and protect visibility and air quality are informed by such mandates as the Clean Air Act, the Wilderness Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. AirWeb itself first explores the implications of such laws for visibility protection and air quality standards, then includes reports on the results from and procedures for the NPS-ARD’s visibility and deposition monitoring networks and on the agency’s research concerning the sources and ecological impacts of pollutants and denuded air quality. More general information on air quality is afforded with excerpts from park-by-park Air Quality Public Awareness Programs and is complemented by a glossary of air quality terminology. Remote cameras allow for real-time webcasts of air quality in six National Parks, while further instruction is afforded through comparative photography, maps of visibility monitoring station locations, a slideshow on visual extinction, and an online quarterly publication on visibility protection (IMPROVE). Other AirWeb resources include On the Air (the principle quarterly review of the NPS-ARD), links to agency partner sites, downloadable data on NPS ozone, meteorological, and acidic deposition monitoring, a lesson plan on acid rain (for grade levels 6-8), and Gaia-Guard, a computer-based multimedia role-playing game intended to assist younger students in learning about natural resource management issues on public lands. Lastly, NPS-ARD education videos and slides can be ordered which address both visibility impairment and air pollution.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources. NPS shall have the unlimited right to use for any purpose, free of any change, all information submitted to NPS via this site except those submissions made under separate legal contract. NPS shall be free to use, for any purpose, any ideas, concepts, or techniques contained in information provided to NPS through this site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Environmental Protection Agency	1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW	Washington	DC	20460				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EPA's Global Warming Site	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides this site in order to present or direct users to accurate and timely social, scientific, and logistic information on the very broad issue of climate change and global warming in a way that is accessible and meaningful to all parts of society. The subtopics covered are climate - which includes information on global warming or The Greenhouse Effect -, emissions - with information on the Greenhouse Gases -, impacts, and actions, including what you can do to help with the problem of global warming. Specific information is presented for Concerned Citizens, Kids and Educators, Small Business and Industry and how they can help with the issue of global warming, Public Decision makers, International, Coastal Residents, Health Professionals, Meteorologists, and Wildlife Advocates. Some features are News, Calendar, Publications, Presentations (slide shows), Online tools (including software, calculators, case studies, and document searches), Science Frequently Asked Questions, Uncertainties, Glossary, and Links. The United States has based its climate change policies on the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has provided an authoritative international consensus on the science of climate change.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Minnesota Alliance for Geographic Education	1600 Grand Avenue	St. Paul	MN	55105		612-696-6731	612-696-6116	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geography GeoLinks (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: GeoLinks is an outcome-driven geography curriculum development tool designed by teachers for teachers at every grade level. GeoLinks provides essential elements for creative curriculum design. The unique structure of GeoLinks allows its lesson collection to be sorted and resorted according to a variety of criteria including: outcomes in a model, K-12 curriculum, Geography for Life: The National Geography Standards, learning style, and more. A standardized, five-part lesson format gives all the information needed to implement the lessons chosen. GeoLinks contains a variety of special units and lessons at every grade level. The Web Version updates the GeoLinks CD lessons with 122 new lessons for a total of 1,144 K-12 geography lessons. Some of the lessons utilize the Internet and other forms of technology. GeoLinks includes a variety of outline maps of countries, counties and continents. Any map or slide can be modified to suit specific needs. GeoLinks can be ordered as a CD-ROM, or be accessed via the web.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Cornell University, Institute for the Study of the Continents INSTOC	Snee Hall	Ithaca	NY	14853-1504		607-255-1159	607-254-4780	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Discover Our Earth	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: Discover Our Earth contains a wide range of information related to Earth sciences as described by graphs, maps, and movies. The focal topics are earthquakes, volcanoes, topography, plate tectonics, and sea level change. There are three main areas to access the data: Educators, Students, and Web Tools. The Educators section is designed to provide teachers with basic background information about selected Earth science topics and suggest several student activities and exercises that can be employed in classroom settings. Educators are encouraged to adopt, adapt, and modify exercises to suit their needs or situation. The Students section provides critical background information and primarily prepares students to start using the web tool QUEST (Quick Use Earth Science Study Tool). Using QUEST, students are able to experiment and test their own ideas and hypotheses related to any topics provided in these pages. With the tools and information provided, students are able to actively engage in an earth science knowledge discovery, critically evaluate the data and results, and reach their own conclusions about the earth system processes. Two Java-based, interactive data analyses and mapping tools allow customized access to a large variety of earth science data sets that are used by research scientists. The first Java applet, QUEST, has been designed and developed to be used by beginning and intermediate level earth science students. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows access to key earth science data sets. The second Java applet, GEOID (Geoscience Interactive Data tool), is more appropriate for advanced users, and provides a dynamic mapping interface and can be used to access all of the underlying earth science data sets.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Computer Sciences	1210 West Dayton Street	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-1204	608-262-9777	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Scout Report	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,Technology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: The Scout Report is the flagship publication of the Internet Scout Project. The Scout's mission is to provide timely information to the education community about valuable Internet resources. Web page addresses are listed for a variety of subjects under the general listings of research and education, general interest, network tools and in the news. Daily and weekly updates are offered for K-12 and higher education faculty, staff, and students, as well as interested members of the general public. With each report a detailed review of a site is given, along with a corresponding link. Previous issues are available dating back to 1994, and subscription is conducted via a list server. An onsite "smart" search engine filters online resources. The Scout Report is active in research that links disparate collections of metadata into a virtual collection searchable as a unified whole.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 Internet Scout Project
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paul	May		Dr	University of Bristol, School of Chemistry		Bristol		BS8 1TS		+44-0-117-928-9927	+44-0-117-925-1295	United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Molecule of the Month	Keywords: Chemistry	Description: From pyroclastic compounds to natural hormones and common drugs, this site features detailed chemical information on various molecular compounds. Each month a new molecule is added to the list. Molecule pages connect to either a University Chemistry Department or commercial site in the United Kingdom, the United States, or anywhere in the world. Most descriptions include a history of use, chemical structure, properties, reactivity, and current research and development regarding the respective molecule. Site visitors are encouraged to contribute a molecule description. Many links are offered to contributor institutions and related Molecule of the Month collections.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Husted			Los Alamos National Laboratory			Los Alamos	NM					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Los Alamos National Laboratory, Computer Information Services Team	Chemistry Division	Los Alamos	NM					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Periodic Table of the Elements	Keywords: Chemistry	Description: An interactive version of the Periodic Table of the Elements. Each element is linked to a wealth of information concerning basic chemical properties, as well as short descriptions of its history, sources, compounds, uses, and isotopes. The table can be downloaded in PDF format. Other pages explain the purpose and use of the Periodic Table, and how new elements are named. A version of Mendeleev's original Periodic Table is displayed, and a description of Chemistry is given in a "nutshell". Links to the Department of Energy and Los Alamos National Laboratory are also provided.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Selegue	P.	Dr	University of Kentucky, Department of Chemistry	11 Chemistry-Physics Building	Lexington	KY	40506-0055	859-257-3484	859-323-1069	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): F.	Holler	James	Dr	University of Kentucky, Department of Chemistry	209 Chemistry-Physics Building	Lexington	KY	40506-0055	859-257-5884	859-323-1069	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Periodic Table of Comic Books	Keywords: Chemistry	Description: This site utilizes an unconventional approach to the identification and recollection of the periodic elements. Each element is linked to one or more comic strips, which makes reference to the particular element of interest. Instructors will find this site useful for visual aides. A site-specific search allows resource users to pinpoint the perfect "elemental" comic. Regular site visitors are informed of additions to the comics under a section for what's new. Links are available to the University of Kentucky's Department of Chemistry and WebElements, an online periodic table.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All characters and names referred to, and all images reproduced in the pages of The Periodic Table of Comic Books are © DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Continuity Comics, Walt Disney Comics, and others and are reproduced under "fair use" guidelines. This Web site is intended for the education and entertainment of its viewers on the World Wide Web, and is not to be used for profit in any way or reproduced without the expressed permission of its authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): John	Huffman	C.	Dr	Indiana University, Molecular Structure Center	Chemistry A421, 800 E. Kirkwood Avenue	Bloomington	IN	47405-7102			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Simple, Common, and Interesting Molecules	Keywords: Chemistry	Description: Interactive applets illustrate the chemical structure of a variety of molecules. The molecules discussed fall under the following categories: minerals, simple stuff, elements, human health, vitamins, medicines, drugs and stimulants, environmental, plants, amino acids, nucleotides, boron hydrides, macromolecules, poisons, "weird and neat stuff", inorganic compounds, and organic compounds. X-ray Crystallography is one of the principal techniques for studying the structure of molecules and crystals. Whenever possible, the molecular structural data have been obtained from crystallographic sources, although some of the simple structures are calculated using molecular mechanics techniques. There is a link that leads to the uncommon molecular structures that have been examined in the Indiana University Molecular Structure Center (IUMSC). Another link connects to NASA's ChemViz project (Chemistry Visualization).
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Glen	Barry Incorporated	PO Box 46281	Madison	WI	53744-6281		608-288-8102	608-288-8102	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Incorporated		PO Box 46281	Madison	WI	53744-6281				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Climate Ark - The Premier Climate Change Portal	Keywords: Climatology,Policy issues	Description: This web site is a noncommercial, educational portal and Internet search tool that provides access to reviewed climate change and renewable energy news and information. The Climate Ark's premise is that Climate Change is occurring and that policy must be crafted now in response. The site is dedicated to promoting public policy that addresses global climate change through reductions in carbon dioxide and other emissions, energy conservation, renewable energy sources and ending deforestation. The main features are a large news clipping archive from the last three years, current news links, searches on links to several hundred carefully selected and indexed sites, suggested climate change news sources, and an active online discussion forum. Vital climate graphics are selected from a number of sources.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000 by Inc. Contents are for educational, non-commercial and personal purposes only. All copyrighted materials should be considered PHOTOCOPIES for educational and non-commercial use only. If an item is a copyrighted article, it will be clearly stated in the article's header. Recipients should seek permission to reprint articles from the source listed for each article.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, Global Programs Division		Mail Code 6205J, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW	Washington	DC	20460-0001		800-296-1996	202-565-2155	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Antarctic Ozone Hole	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science	Description: This site explains the science of the ozone hole such as why, unlike global ozone depletion, the ozone hole occurs only over Antarctica. The site allows the user to view various graphs of ozone data and several animated graphics. Viewers can link to several sites which provide bulletins and up-to-date information, data and graphics on the ozone hole.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Woodward		Dr	Department of Geography, Radford University	P.O. Box 6938	Radford	VA	24142-6938	540-831-5234		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Major Biomes of the World	Keywords: Physical geography,Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This module presents basic content on the distribution and nature of the world's major biomes. It considers the structure, characteristic growth forms, and taxonomic affiliations of the vegetation; major soil order(s); and common adaptive characteristics of the fauna of the tundra, boreal forest, temperate broadleaf deciduous forest, tropical broadleaf evergreen forest, tropical savanna, temperate grasslands, desert scrub, and Mediterranean shrub biomes. Study hints and critical thinking questions follow the content units. The module includes instructions for students on how to create a mini-biome atlas and includes a biogeography glossary.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All commercial rights reserved. Copyright 1997 by Susan L. Woodward. These materials may be used for study, research, and education, but please credit the author and source: Susan L. Woodward, The Virtual Geography Department Project and the Department of Geography, Radford University.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Ford	E.	Dr	USAID G/EGAD/AFS/AEMD	Ronald Reagan Building, Rm. 2.11-054	Washington	DC	20523-2110	202-712-5073	202-216-3579	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Greater Salt Lake Ecosystem	Keywords: Ecology,Human geography,Physical geography,Geology	Description: An introduction to the geography, geology, ecology and history of the greater Salt Lake ecosystem region. The information is presented sequentially at points along a virtual field trip of the Greater Salt Lake region. There are five stops that students can make along the field trip to learn different aspects of the region. Material covered includes tufa deposits, ancient lake shorelines, modern land use conflicts, coastal landforms, bird ecology, lake salinity, and salty shore ecosystems. Numerous maps and pictures supplement the field trip. Pedagogical information is available to teachers along with numerous web site links to supplemental materials. The site also hosts an online glossary that pertains exclusively to the module. For those that can travel to the Greater Salt Lake ecosystem region, a map exercise is provided.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Consumer Alert		1001 Connecticut Ave. · NW · Suite 1128	Washington	DC	20036		202-467-5809	202-467-5814	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Rich	Zipperer			Consumer Alert								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Warming- Information Page	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This web site on the consumer impact of climate change policies is a project of the Cooler Heads Coalition, a sub-group of the National Consumer Coalition (NCC), an on-going coalition of market-oriented national and state-level policy and activist groups, which focus on consumer policy issues. The NCC was formed by Consumer Alert, a free market consumer group. The Cooler Heads Coalition seeks to expose what the Coalition regards as flawed economic, scientific, and risk analyses. Coalition members have been following the progress of the international Global Climate Change Treaty negotiations. The site features news updates; biweekly updates on politics, science and economics; discussion of the global warming proposals impact on: consumers, national defense, farmers, industry, seniors, and small business, material on the Kyoto Treaty negotiations; a student research page; and a parents and kids page. It also includes archives and information pages on related topics and links to other sites.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Brooks	Dillard	R.								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mountainbuilder Rocks and Minerals A-L	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This page is specifically devoted to the aesthetic value of rocks and minerals, and only contains pictures. All of the photographs were taken by the author and most are high quality close-ups showing crystal structure and other features. There were about 25 topics, mostly minerals, at the time of this review including; Actinolite, Apatite, Aragonite, Beryl, Barite, Banded Iron Formation(BIF), Calcite, Celestite, Cummingtonite, Datolite, Dioptase, Dolomite, Epidote, Fluorite, Franklinite, Galena, Garnet, Gypsum, Hexagonite, Hornblende, Idocrase, Intraformational Conglomerate, Jamesonite, Kyanite, Lazulite, and Fossils. More may be added later. This may be a useful tool in the classroom, both for students and teachers.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: If you choose to use my pictures elsewhere, please assure that I am properly referenced or linked.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Herschel	Friedman			The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom		17 Valencia Drive	Monsey	NJ	10952				
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom: Complete Information Guide to Rocks, Minerals, and Gemstones	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom is a free, interactive, educational guide to minerals and gemstones. It has an easy to use interface and some helpful features: for example, the minerals can be sorted based on chemical group, color, streak, hardness, crystal group, elemental affinities, or Dana classification. The content, including an image gallery and resources, is geared for both amateurs and experts. The information provided is constantly updated. The site is under reconstruction- it should be even easier to to use.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997 - 1999 Hershel Friedman, all rights reserved. Information and mineral images are the copyright of Hershel Friedman (or of others, and used with their permission). They were created for use as a reference, for educational use, and for home use. To obtain permission for usage, you must contact Hershel Friedman, the copyright holder.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): A.	Hill	David	Dr	Department of Geography, University of Colorado-Boulder	Box 260	Boulder	CO	80309-0260	303-492-6760	303-492-7501	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Solem	N.	Dr	Southwest Texas State Univeristy		San Marcos	TX	78666-4616	512-245-7976	512-245-8353	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Boulder Creek: A Virtual Field Study	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This site presents a field lesson that is designed to enhance classroom education about urban resource management issues. The lesson consists of web materials and a self-guided field study of Boulder Creek, located in Boulder, Colorado. By completing this field lesson, students can learn about the tremendous benefits and dangers posed by an important urban-aquatic resource (Boulder Creek). The field study of Boulder Creek has three objectives: to study human-environment interactions in Boulder, CO, to learn basic techniques of fieldwork in geography, and to understand how natural hazards affect life in Boulder, CO. Although the lesson is built around a field excursion to the Boulder Creek area, the information contained in the preview link could stand on its own as an educational tool. Additionally, the information in the preview section includes questions that students can answer without going into the field. For those who are in the Boulder area and can travel to Boulder Creek, twelve stops have been chosen to supplement the online preview material. A map and questions are available for this field excursion. The web site also provides a forum for students to discuss their opinions on human-environment interactions pertaining to the Boulder Creek area.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Southern Mississippi, Mathias Research Group		Hattiesburg	MS	39406-5166	601-266-4871		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Macrogalleria: A Cyberwonderland of Polymer Fun	Keywords: Chemistry	Description: The Macrogalleria is dedicated to the science of polymers. A polymer is a large molecule, often containing many thousands of small molecules joined together chemically to form one giant macromolecule. The site is divided into five education levels based on the nature of the material. Level one, 'Polymers are Everywhere', illustrates where polymers are found in everyday life. Resource users can visit stores in a fictitious shopping mall. In each store, merchandise is pointed out which is made of polymers. The text identifies the type of polymer and will contain hypertext links to pages on level two which describe those specific polymers in detail. The purpose of this level is to serve as a springboard to other levels of the Macrogalleria for more in-depth discussions of polymer topics. Each page on level two, 'Polymers Up Close and Personal', provides both a brief synopses of a specific polymer, it's uses and the basics of its synthesis, and contains a three-dimensional model of a short chain of the polymer that can be rotated manually. Level three, 'How They Work', outlines the basic concepts of polymer physical chemistry. Level three also contains untraditional categories such as polymer composite materials, families of polymers (e.g. dienes, vinyls, and acrylates), and inorganic polymers. Level four, 'Makin' Polymers', provides detailed information concerning the synthetic chemistry of polymers. Included are pages dealing with reactions which can be used to produce many different polymers, such as free radical vinyl polymerization. Many of the synthesis pages contain links to pages with movies of the reaction mechanisms. Level five, 'Getting Polymers to Talk', deals with polymer characterization. These pages deal with techniques for determining things like molecular weight, polymer structure, and thermal properties. Both instrumental and "wet" chemistry techniques are discussed.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©1995-2000
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Greg	Bothun		Dr	University of Oregon, Physics Department	The Electronic Universe Project	Eugene	OR	97403			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Astronomy HyperText Book	Keywords: Space science,Physics	Description: This is an extensive collection of university-level courses, course supplements, and presentations concerning physics, with an emphasis on the subdiscipline of astronomy. Complete online courses are entitled Cosmology and the Origin of Life, Solar System Geology, Alternative Energies Class, and Physics (for Scientists and Engineers). These courses generally have the format of a course overview, a listing of external Internet resources, lecture notes, and various handouts such as audio files, animations, quizzes, tests and homework. There are other supplementary resources which are generally focused on a single topic, such as stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis in stars, and most have animated visuals and related assignments. There is also a section for 'Examples of Talks Using Mosaic/Netscape as Presentation Media'. The structure of this last section is an outline format with images and brief notes on discussion topics.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Philip	Plait		Dr	Bad Astronomy			CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Bad Astronomy	Keywords: Space science,Physics	Description: The Bad Astronomy pages are devoted to dispelling myths and misconceptions in astronomy and related disciplines. The main sections are Bad Movies, Bad TV, Bad News, and Bad Briefs. Bad Movies reviews popular movies and gages their astronomical credibility/accuracy. Bad TV corrects media information from national news, documentaries, radio, and newspapers. Bad Briefs has succinct examples and explanations of misconceptions about astronomy. The remaining sections are Bitesize Astronomy, Die F.A.Z., Mad Science, and Book Store. Bitesize Astronomy is an archive of brief essays: The Solar System; Observing the Skies; Hubble and Other Scopes; Stars and The Milky Way; Other Galaxies and the Universe; and Miscellaneous: Non-Scary Physics and Philosophy. Die F.A.Z. contains pages from a biweekly astronomy column in the German newspaper Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Frankfurt General Times). Mad Science is a collection of over 100 paired astronomy questions and answers given by the "Bad Astronomer (site author)" since 1996. The Book Store is a review list of "good astronomy" literature. A bulletin board service is available for posting messages about any aspect of astronomy. There is also a site-specific search engine, and information about awards the site has won and a list of related links.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2001 Phil Plait. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Arnett	A.	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062				
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Nine Planets: A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System	Keywords: Space science	Description: The Nine Planets provides a "tour" of the solar system using text, pictures, and an occasional movie. Each of the planets and major moons in our solar system is briefly described and illustrated with pictures from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) spacecraft. Also included are links to solar system data, a discovery chronology, planetary linguistics, and astronomical names.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Science in the National Parks and Data on Park Resources	Keywords: Technology,Biology,Environmental science,Ecology	Description: Listed at this National Park Service site are links for scientific initiatives in the Park System as well as Park resource data. Park Science is an online quarterly research and resource management bulletin. The United States-National Park Service (NPS) Research Permit and Reporting System assists potential investigators with procedural and application guidelines. Research in the Parks indexes web-accessible developments in Park-based physical, biological, and cultural studies. Linked agency programs include the governmental-academic collaborations of the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESUs) and the wildland fuels taskforce, the Joint Fire Science Program. Linked educational program sites include those for Sabbaticals in the Parks and the Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program for graduate internships. The first Data Resource link concerns public use statistics in the Park System. An Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia provides a search tool for information on 118 substances of import to general environmental toxicology. The NPS Geographical Information Systems (GIS) sites, in addition to providing background on the NPS GIS program, logistics of GIS implementation, agency GIS contacts, and a link list for park-specific applications of spatial information systems, also provide downloadable data and scripts. Available national data include satellite imagery and coverages of Park boundaries, land status, and trail systems. Arc Macro Language Scripts (AMLs) include those for: ArcPLOT palettes, data management, rasters, and vectors. An ArcView extension called AlaskaPak provides various utilities useful for natural and cultural resource needs. Also available are tools for GIS metadata collection. A final linked Data Resource site is for the NPS Inventory and Monitoring program, established to help prevent the loss or denigration of natural resources and/or ecosystem integrity in the Park System.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): James	Sullivan	A.		Quill Graphics	568 Taylor's Gap Road	Charlottesville	VA	22903		804-296-8994		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Cells Alive!	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry	Description: This is a visual tour of the life, death and interaction of plant and animal cells. Images, video, and text are utilized to describe living human and animal cells, as well as their interaction with bacteria and parasites. A table of contents and an alphabetical index assist in site navigation. Useful site features include guided visuals of plant and animal cell organelles and an animation of animal cell mitosis. Two cell cameras operate live on the web. The cancer cell cam is a 24-hour series that begins every midnight and shows cell division in a population of cultured cancer cells. The cancer cell images are updated every 10 minutes throughout the day. The bacteria cell is a 6-hour series which begins 4 times per day (EST): midnight, 6AM, noon, and 6PM. A new bacteria cell image is loaded every minute. There is a cell gallery of enlargeable thumbnail images with descriptions. 'Homework' is a section that provides useful links for special projects, such as science fairs and model construction. Online quizzes are offered for the following subjects: cell structure and function, microbes, the immune system, and microscopy (to be added). An assortment of educational materials can be ordered in CD-ROM or VHS format from this site. Site specific and Internet search engines are provided here with a listing of effective keywords. There are numerous educational links which are grouped into categories such as protozoa, microscopy, and infectious diseases.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Students and teachers have blanket permission and are encouraged to use images in class reports, homework, and lectures. A school website may use as many as three images as long as you provide both a link and credit to CELLS alive! HTML files may be may linked freely within the site (but NOT to individual images or videos, please). Please do not copy or mirror the site on the WWW or school intranets. Do not link to individual images or video clips. Do not display any pages within frames of other websites. Do not use any material in other media (CDROM, print) without first obtaining written permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dean Robert	Silbey			Massachusetts Institue of Technology, School of Science	silbey@MIT.EDU		Cambridge	MA	02139-4307		617-253-8900		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Sauer		Dr	Massachusetts Institue of Technology, Department of Biology	bobsauer@MIT.EDU		Cambridge	MA	02139-4307		617-253-3163		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Shane	Crotty			Massachusetts Institue of Technology									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alo	Basu			Massachusetts Institue of Technology									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christina	Onufryk			Massachusetts Institue of Technology									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Seth	Finkelstein			Massachusetts Institue of Technology									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dean Robert	Birgeneau			Massachusetts Institue of Technology, School of Science	robertjb@MIT.EDU		Cambridge	MA	02139-4307		617-253-4937		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Phillip	Sharp		Dr	Massachusetts Institue of Technology, Department of Biology	sharppa@MIT.EDU		Cambridge	MA	02139-4307		617-253-6421		
This is a(n) person.
Title: MIT's Biology Hypertextbook	Keywords: Biology	Description: The Biology Hypertextbook is designed to supplement course materials for an introductory molecular biology class at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The hypertextbook is organized by the following chapters: Chemistry Review, Large Molecules, Cell Biology, Enzyme Biochemistry, Glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle, 'Photosynthesis, Mendelian Genetics, Central Dogma, Prokaryotic Genetics and Gene Expression, Recombinant DNA, and Immunology. Each chapter differs somewhat in teaching style and in the particular applications of core molecular biology to topics such as development, immunology, environmental science, and cancer. The chapters begin with a table of contents and are concluded with practice problems and solutions. A searchable index highlights portions of the text which pertain to any specific topic. There is also a separate index specific to the practice problems.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kathie	Watson			United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Graphical Representation of Geologic Time (title provided by cataloger)	Keywords: Geologic time	Description: This page has an illustration of the 4.5 billion year old Earth's time scale shown as a spiral with pictorial representations of both marine and terrestrial life. The text discusses how the age of the Earth is determined. The illustration is from the USGS General Interest Publication, Geologic Time by William L. Newman.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, The Western Earth Surface Processes Team									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States National Park Service			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Age of the Earth	Keywords: Geologic time	Description: This web page addresses the question: How do we know the Age of the Earth? by citing radiometric dates from rocks and minerals of the Earth, Moon, and meteorites. The methods of radiometric dating are also discussed. Viewers will find a table of the common radiometric dating isotopes, their daughter elements, and their half-lives. This material was adapted from The Age of the Earth, by the Branch of Isotope Geology, United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Aleksey	Naumov			State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Geography	105 Wilkeson Quadrange	Buffalo	NY	14261-0023				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Coastal Processes and Landforms	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This web site is notes for Lecture 12 of an undergraduate course, GEO 101, spring 1999, which used the textbook, Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation, Sixth Edition, 1999 by Tom L. McKnight, a Prentice Hall publication. Topics covered are the Coastal zone; Forces that shape coasts; Coastal erosion, sediment transport and deposition; Coastal landforms, and Types of coastlines. Illustrations are cited as examples and some block diagrams illustrations are included in the notes themselves.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Teon	Edwards		Ms	TERC	2067 Massachusetts Ave	Cambridge	MA	02140	617-547-0430	617-349-3535	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Flammer		Ms	UCSD			CA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: NASA EarthKAM	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Ecology,Environmental science,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: NASA EarthKAM (Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle schools) enables students, teachers, and the public to learn about Earth via photographs taken from space. This growing collection of Earth images come from middle school students around the world who used the Internet to target areas of Earth to be photographed with a digital camera onboard the Space Shuttle and International Space Station. These images are available to everyone through a user-friendly data system. Users can search for images of the earth by geographic area, feature, country, mission or school. The collection is wide reaching, and includes land features, water, atmospheric systems, and human impacts. Middle schools (grades 5-8) can apply to join the EarthKAM Community. Community schools use the EarthKAM images in inquiry-based investigations and can even become Flight Certified, which enables them to take their own images of Earth from space. Also included is a section for educators, which provides tips and guides on how to incorporate these images into daily lessons.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used as long as credit to NASA EarthKAM is given.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): G.	Dieckmann			Alfred Wegner Institute Foundation for Polar and Marine Research								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sea Ice, an Antarctic Habitat	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Cryology,Ecology	Description: A 'click-and-learn' sub site hosted by the Alfred Wegener Institute Foundation for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), this is a succinct, educational tour of sea-ice and its associated ecological communities. Short synopses introduce the dynamics of sea-ice formation, the microstructure of sea-ice (including crystal structure, brine channels, and ice algae), the effects of ice melt on resident organisms, the logistics of sea-ice research, and _land fast-ice_ and platelet ice habitats. Introductions also exist for the following organisms: krill; whales (i.e., Orcas, southern bottlenosesd dolphins, minke whales); sea birds (i.e., skuas and snow petrals), penguins (i.e., emperor, adelie, and chinstraps), and seals (i.e., weddell, crabeater, leopard, and ross.) Enlargeable thumbnail images accompany the habitat and inhabitant descriptions. Further investigations (at an accelerated level) are prompted with the inclusion of bibliographic references and scientific research presentations (in PDF format) on fast-ice and platelet ice, as well as links to the main site for the AWI.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The contents of this Web site are copyrighted. All figures and photographs on the Webpages of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) are property of the AWI and must not be copied or distributed without permission by the AWI.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alan	Taylor	H.	Dr	Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University	302 Walker Building	University Park	PA	16802	814-865-3433	814-863-7943	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lands in Transition: Complex Decisions in the Lake Tahoe Basin	Keywords: Forestry,Human geography,Physical geography,Policy issues	Description: Lands in Transition is an exercise that educates users about the history of land use in the Lake Tahoe Basin, the forests that occur there, the role of fire in those forests, and the complex decisions associated with managing lands in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Combining historic photos, modern field data, interactive maps, and online quizzes, this resource is both substantial and engaging. The case study first asks students to answer several questions about how they think the forest looked at certain time periods in the past, and then it proceeds to explain the correct answers to the questions with extensive visuals. Toward the end of the study the students are introduced to four forest management experts who will guide them in making decisions on how to best manage the forest at Lake Tahoe. Students then get to make their own management decisions, and through verbal and graphic descriptions, get to see how their decisions affected the forest. Topics covered throughout the exercise include logging, forest-fire suppression, species migration, and the complex decisions associated with managing lands in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Eric	Barron			Director, Earth System Science Center	225 B Earth-Engineering Sciences Building	University Park	PA	16802		814-865-1619		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth System Science Center	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: Penn State's Earth System Science Center (ESSC) brings together the Departments of Geosciences, Meteorology, Geography, and Energy, Environmental, and Mineral Economics to search for links between the Earth's physical processes and past and future global change. The Center coordinates and conducts extensive research related to the global water cycle, the biogeochemical cycles, Earth System history, and human impacts on the Earth system. Faculty and students cooperate closely in the planning and the execution of research projects, share expertise and insight into research problems, and work together on education and outreach programs. Since its creation in 1985, the Center has played a leading role in the early development of Earth system science as an academic discipline. The Center's web site offers links to several of its projects which include, but are not limited to, the Earth Observing System, GENESIS, the Hydrologic Model System, and the Susquehanna River Basin Integrated Assessment. The site also links to datasets that were used in the creation of many of the Center's projects. The database contains a variety of geographically referenced data sets, representing both data generated by ESSC investigators, and other data needed to support their investigations.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bret	Wallach		Dr	Univeristy of Oklahoma	100 East Boyd Street, 684 Sarkeys Energy Center	Norman	OK	73019-1007	405-325-5325	405-325-6090	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Human Geography	Keywords: Human geography	Description: This course provides an overview of introductory topics in the field of human geography, including hominid evolution, the diffusion and early evolution of agriculture, plant and animal domestication, as well as urban societies and globalization. It also covers contemporary economic patterns in production, manufacturing, services, and transportation and communications. The course concludes with a discussion of human values, conservation and natural resources, and rural and urban landscapes in America and abroad. Each subject is linked to a lengthy online overview of the lecture material and some have affiliated web sites and password-protected slides available to supplement the online reading.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright, 2001 by Bret Wallach, all rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				United States Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				United States Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Peter	Brueggeman			University of California- San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library	9500 Gilman Drive, Department 0219	San Diego	CA	92093-0219		858-534-1230	858-534-5269	
This is a(n) person.
Title: California Coastal Processes Bibliography	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical oceanography	Description: This annotated bibliography has 2,355 references with keywords and abstracts. It includes materials published before 1986 and is therefore, NOT current. The publications include scientific literature and technical reports on the California coast which cover: coastal processes, geology and geomorphology, hydrology and hydraulics, and meteorology. Compiled by the Los Angeles & San Francisco Districts of the Army Corps of Engineers, it was published as part of the landmark Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS) and corresponds to two publications: 1: Southern California coastal processes: annotated bibliography, the coast of California storm and tidal waves study. 1985. CCSTWS, 85-4; and 2: Northern California coastal processes annotated bibliography : Coast of California storm and tidal waves study, 1987. CCSTWS 87-5.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Denise	Casey			Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Human Genome Management Information System			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Primer on Molecular Genetics: Human Genome Project Information	Keywords: Biology,Technology	Description: A primary goal of the Human Genome Project is to make a series of descriptive diagrams (maps), of each human chromosome at increasingly finer resolutions. Mapping involves dividing the chromosomes into smaller fragments that can be propagated and characterized and then ordered to correspond to their respective locations on the chromosomes. A glossary is provided to aid in understanding the gene and technical mapping and sequencing terminology. Geneticists have already charted the approximate positions of over 2300 genes. A detailed description of the various mapping strategies is given with information on genetic linkage maps and the finer resolution physical maps: chromosomal (cytogenetic), cDNA, cosmid contig (bottom-up), and macrorestriction (top-down). The sequencing of the human genome is described with information on DNA amplification: cloning (in vivo) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR, in vitro), and Maxam-Gilbert and Sanger technologies. There is also discussion about new sequencing technologies under development and a description of how to complete the maps and sequences once having started, ie. single-chromosome microdissection and chromosome walking. A brief introduction is also given on DNA. Another large portion of this site details the technical logistics of data collection and storage, data interpretation, and the mapping and sequencing databases. Useful links are provided to related services, such as the Student Guide to the Human Genome Project, the newsletter 'Human Genome News', and Presentation Resources: Genome Videos, Genome Audio Files, and Genome Images.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology,	1109 Geddes Avenue	Ann Arbor	MI	48109-1079	734-764-0476	734-763-4080	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Animal Diversity Web	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: The Animal Diversity Web, (ADW), acts as an online encyclopedia, a science learning tool, and a virtual museum of the natural history, distribution, and classification of animals. Animals are categorized into mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, sharks, bony fishes, mollusks, arthropods, and echinoderms. The ADW database is designed to foster comparisons by providing consistent and detailed information for all indexed species. Information is provided on geographic range, physical characteristics, scientific classification, food habits, reproduction, behavior, habitat, and information on conservation concerns such as if the species is endangered or threatened. Students can explore patterns and relationships, and learn how to frame and answer scientific questions. Photographs of scientific specimens are available for representative species from most mammal families. Also included are several hundred QuickTime Virtual Reality movies of skulls. These allow the user to "rotate" the specimen in space, providing an excellent impression of its three-dimensional structure. In depth descriptions and illustrations of mammals are provided for many of the characteristics of interest to students. An essential feature of the ADW is student authorship of species accounts. Students learn considerable detail about the biology of a species, then share their work with users worldwide by submitting it to ADW's permanent database, while a web-based template ensures a consistent format for account. A special section for instructors aids with incorporating ADW into teaching methods. College and high school level sample exercises are provided, along with critical thinking exercises.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2000 by the Regents of the University of Michigan. The images and texts remain the intellectual property of their respective owners. These images and texts may not be redistributed in any form for any purpose beyond the University of Michigan without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. These images and texts are for educational use only and may not be used for any non-educational or commercial purpose. Users are not permitted to download images and texts in order to mount them on their own servers for public use or for use by a set of subscribers. Users may not set up a mirror site. Users may cite the texts for educational purposes. Citations should credit the Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan. Students, faculty, and staff of the University of Michigan may make links to the pictures in the Animal Diversity Web, for educational purposes. Students, faculty, and staff at other universities may link to pictures in the Animal Diversity Web, for educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kenneth	Libbrecht	G.	Dr	California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Physics Department	Caltech 264-33	Pasadena	CA	91125	626-395-3722	626-395-3814	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Snow Crystals	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physics	Description: This site describes snow crystals and snowflakes. Although a common meteorological phenomenon, snow crystal growth is a fascinating and poorly understood process, in which remarkably complex and beautifully symmetric structures appear, quite literally, out of thin air. The many facets of snow crystals are described here, along with the attempts to understand their formation. Site highlights include research on creating designer snow crystals in the laboratory, the history of early snow crystal observations, snow crystal photography, properties of frozen precipitation, and a snow crystal primer for a short course in snow crystal physics - what snow crystals are, how they form, and why they form the way they do. Information is offered on snow crystal classification, preservation, and unusual crystal forms. An extensive image gallery of lab-created crystal forms is available, with enlargeable thumbnail images. There are even instructions for users on how to create crystals. This could be made into a classroom activity, as the science of the growth is explained. Snowflake Physics discusses diffusion, dendrite growth, ice surface physics, electric growth, and ice properties. A vast list of related links is also provided.
Publication 6-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All the images created by the author (and collaborators) can be used by anyone, for any purpose, at no cost. However, many images throughout the web site were derived from other sources. The latter images are all cited with their sources. All images in the Galleries are original. If unsure whether a particular image is a site original, send e-mail to the site author. If you do reproduce some images, it is asked that you include a citation (e.g. Kenneth Libbrecht, Caltech), or better yet a reference to this web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Alfred Wegener Institute Foundation for Polar and Marine Research - Bremerhaven		Postfach 12 0161, D-27515	Bremerhaven						Denmark
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Alfred Wegener Institute Foundation for Polar and Marine Research	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Biology,Climatology,Cryology	Description: The work of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) concerns the ocean-ice-atmosphere system and the communities and geological history of the Polar Regions. The main page has links to AWI research, general information, Click and Learn educational pages for children (with notable sections on sea-ice and animal migrations), and information on the Institutes Ships and Stations. The majority of the site explores the four main research branches - Pelagic Ecosystems, Climate Systems, Benthic Ecosystems, and Geosystems - through project descriptions, progress reports, and an abundance of scientific visualizations. The Pelagic Ecosystems division studies such topics as global carbon cycles, sea ice dynamics, vertical particle fluxes in the Polar Regions, plankton phylogeny, genetics of toxic algae, marine bacteria, anthropogenic chemical tracers, biogeochemical cycles, biooptics, and diatom ecology. Researchers in the Climate Systems division conduct surveys and derive models relating to oceanic and polar circulation patterns and their influence on global climate. Of particular interest to them are stratospheric ozone, tropospheric aerosols, and natural climate variability. The Benthic Ecosystems division concerns itself with ecological, physiological and ecotoxicological topics in coastal and shelf waters. Central themes are coastal ecosystem dynamics, biodiversity, population dynamics, macroalgae, biological indicator systems, ion regulation and metabolism, and toxic damage and carcinogenesis. Researchers in the Geosystems division study processes of deposition and geological transformation in the oceans, periglacial and permafrost dynamics, paleolimnology, bathymetry, marine bio-geochemical cycles, and polar paleoclimatology. Lastly are three additional multidisciplinary workgroups: the Deep Sea Research Group; the Solar Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Group; and the Carbon Group.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The contents of this Web site are copyrighted. All figures and photographs on the Webpages of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) are property of the AWI and must not be copied or distributed without permission by the AWI.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Connie	Hoong		Ms	USGS - Western Geographic Science Center		Menlo Park	CA			650-329-4149		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jim	Gardner		Mr	USGS - Western Geographic Science Center		Menlo Park	CA			650-329-5469		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Pete	Dartnell		Mr	USGS - Western Geographic Science Center		Menlo Park	CA			650-329-5460		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse	Keywords: Ecology,Structural geology	Description: Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse is a diverse set of US Geological Survey (USGS) resources on the lake, with pages on the geological, ecological, historical information on the area, a collection of downloadable data on lake geography and bathymetry, general interest visual representations of the lake, and finally a set of supplementary materials. The page Geologic History combines text and diagrams to describe the eruption and formation of the lake. Complimenting a survey of local Plants and Wildlife is Lake Ecology, which contains an account of hydrothermal studies, including the discovery of blue hydrothermal pools, streamlike channels, and silica spires on the lake floor and bacteria colonies associated with hydrothermal vents. The Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse provides access to bathymetric data, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), Digital Orthophoto Quads (DOQs), Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs), Digital Line Graphics (DLGs), and a link to the National Atlas of the U.S. Of particular note are pages on recent bathymetric surveys of Crater, whereby approximately 30 million depth soundings have been recorded of the lake bottom using the latest high-resolution multibeam mapping system. In addition to the bathymetric data, the new system is capable of helping scientists determine the physical composition of the lake floor. Visual representations of the lake include a photographic tour, a road map, NASA satellite imagery, an animated depiction of lake formation, and a fly-by movie of the crater. Supplementary resources include news and reports of current research, management, and monitoring activities at the lake, a glossary of volcanic terminology, a bibliography and list of recommended general readings, a fact sheet on the lake, a FAQ page, a search engine specific to USGS sites, and a link list.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kevin	Ward												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Visible Earth: Coastal Processes	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This web page is part of Visible Earth, the National Atmospheric and Space Agency (NASA) web site, a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. Subtopics of Oceans: Coastal Processes are: Barrier Islands, Coral Reefs, Deltas, Estuaries, Fjords, Lagoons, Sea Level Rise, Sea Surface Height, Sediment Transport, Sedimentation, and Shoreline Displacement. At the time of cataloging, most items were images. For the Advanced search, users may search by Sensor (usually a satellite), Location, Other terms, or by Dates; they may also set retrieval for animations only. This database solicits additional material from users.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ESRI	380 New York Street	Redlands	CA	92373-8100	909-793-2853	909-793-5953	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geography Network: Access a World of Information	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: The Geography Network is a global community of governmental and commercial data providers who are committed to making geographic content easily accessible. The site provides an extensive collection of maps, searchable by theme (shaded relief, streets, population, rivers, etc.) or geographic area (continents, countries, or U.S. states). It also offers access to a large collection of geographic data, intended for use with geographic information system (GIS) software tools. The Solutions section provides a platform for developers to build custom applications, using Geography Network content, including map services and tools. Solutions currently featured are driving directions and demographic mapping. The Community page offers a discussion forum as well as a map exchange, enabling users to find and share map images with one another.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information contained in this work is the exclusive property of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), and any respective copyright owners. This work is protected under United States copyright law and other international copyright treaties and conventions. ESRI grants the recipient of the ESRI information contained within the Web site the right to freely reproduce, redistribute, rebroadcast, and/or retransmit this information for personal, noncommercial purposes, including teaching, classroom use, scholarship, and/or research, subject to the fair use rights enumerated in sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). All copies, whether in whole or in part, shall include the appropriate ESRI copyright notice.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Marcus	Milling		Mr	American Geological Institute	4220 King Street	Alexandria	VA	22302-1502		703-379-2480, ext.203		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Applegate		Mr	American Geological Institute	4220 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302-1502	Alexandria	VA	22302-1502		703-379-2480, ext.228		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kristina	Bartlett		Ms	American Geological Institute	4220 King Street	Alexandria	VA	22302-1502		703-379-2480, ext.225		
This is a(n) person.
Title: GeoTimes: Newsmagazine of the Earth Sciences	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: GeoTimes is the monthly news magazine for geoscience professionals and enthusiasts published by the American Geological Institute. Covered are research findings, industry trends, and developments in politics, education, and technology as they relate to the earth sciences. Available online for each current or back issue is a brief synopsis of the respective cover article, highlights of the issue (From the Editor), shorter news articles (News Notes), selected up-to-date news (Web Extras), briefs on the interface between politics and the geosciences (Political Scene), and reports of recent natural occurrences of particular interest to geoscientists (GeoPhenomena). Also provided are sections for subscriptions, classified ads, submission guidelines for writers, a user-supported, searchable conference and event calendar, links to other AGI sites, news about people and announcements from AGIs member societies (Society Page), and photograph submissions (Where on Earth). Access is provided to the AGIs home page and its related directories. Subscription to the full magazine in hardcopy is available for a fee.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2001 American Geological Institute. All rights reserved. Any copying, redistribution or retransmission of any of the contents of this service without the express written consent of the American Geological Institute is expressly prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United Nations Environment Programme - GPA Coordination Office	PO Box 16227	2500 BE, The Hague				31-70-311-4460		The Netherlands
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Veerle	Vandeweerd		Dr	UNEP/GPA Coordination Office								The Netherlands
This is a(n) person.
Title: GPA Clearinghouse Mechanism	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: The Global Programme of Action (GPA) was established to guide national and regional authorities toward counteracting marine degradation from land-based activities. Key to this effort is the GPA Clearinghouse, an extensive work-in-progress for which this site is the central node. Searches with the clearinghouse mechanism are first qualified by any of four approaches: by Pollutant Source Category, Regional Seas Programme, the Coastline Management Framework, or Economic Sector. Retrieval is then conducted according to text strings, geospatial metadata for GPA and water resource data holdings, or the GPA web links database, the last of which is indexed by site titles and URLs. In addition to the clearinghouse tool, the site provides reference material, links, and a GPA news forum service. The reference pages include background information (About the GPA), a FAQ page, and a Document Library of GPA documentation, meeting reports and information, GPA status reports, and regional overviews. Also provided (from the main page) is information on each Pollutant Source Category: Sewage, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Radioactive Substances, Heavy Metals, Oils-Hydrocarbons, Nutrients and Eutrification, Litter and Waste Management, Sediment Mobilization, and Physical Alterations and Habitat Destruction - as well as the respective GPA objectives and recommendations for governmental protective actions. Link lists include those for GPA partners and participating governments and organizations, Regional Seas Programmes, node sites (by Pollution Source Category or locale), a joint page with the Convention on Biological Diversity, other Related Links, and Kids Links. Finally, the GPA News Forum (including an events calendar and discussion forum) is an interactive vehicle to stimulate discussion and distribute news related to the implementation of the GPA.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;1;2;3;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 - UNEP/GPA Coordination Office
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Richard	Davis, Jr	A.		University of South Florida, Coastal Research Laboratory								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of South Florida, Coastal Research Laboratory		4202 East Fowler Avenue, SCA 520	Tampa	FL	33620-5200				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Research Laboratory USF	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This site is the home page of the laboratory. Users may click to find descriptions of the Coastal Research Program which focuses on two key areas of coastal geology: the process-response systems of beaches, inlets, and tidal sand bodies; and the Holocene history and development of coastal barrier systems. Research projects are primarily concentrated on the west coast of Florida, with some projects encompassing areas of Florida's east coast, the Florida Keys, the southwest Florida shallow shelf, and Puerto Rico. Under Projects, users may see brief descriptions of thesis research. The Geolinks on this site are extensive- over six hundred at the time of review- to: Coastal and Oceanographic Sites, Data and Software, General Geology, Geological Surveys in the United States and International, Government Agencies, Institutes, Issues, Journals and Magazines, Professional Organizations, References, Indexes, and Catalogs, University Geology Departments and Laboratories in the United States and International, and Weather. Users are invited to add sites.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997, University of South Florida
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States National Park Service									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The National Park Service, ParkNet	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: ParkNet is the extensive home page of the National Park Service. It has subpages for special topics: Visit Your Parks (with links to individual national park pages), Links to the Past (histories, cultures and places), NatureNet (nature and science in the parks), Info Zone (servicewide information), and special features such as National Park Service Museum Collections on the American Revolutionary War, and news. The bookshop links users to over 100 bookshops across the country with official publications as well as books and other publications provided by Cooperating Associations of the National Park Service.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Eleanore	Jewel			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Joe	Vigil			United States Geological Survey	Western Publication Group							
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Howell			United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Naomi	Kalman			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Tapestry of Time and Terrain: The Union of Two Maps - Geology and Topography	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: Explore the new, interactive, digital map created from merging two United States Geological Survey (USGS) maps that depict the topography and geology of the United States. This composite is the most detailed and accurate portrait of the U.S. land surface and the ages of its underlying rock formations. The new map resembles traditional 3-D perspective drawings of landscapes with the addition of a fourth dimension, geologic time, which is shown in color. By mutually enhancing the landscape and its underlying temporal structure, this digital tapestry outlines the geologic story of continental collision and break-up, mountain building, river erosion and deposition, ice-cap glaciation, volcanism, and other events and processes that have shaped the region over the last 2.6 billion years. Creation information is given for each component map. The geologic map is an adaptation of the 'Geologic Map' of King and Beikman (1974), while the topography half is derived from the 'Digital Shaded-Relief Image', created by Thelin and Pike (1991). Over forty unique features are explained, with links to information about the respective geologic time periods of which they are a part. A legend page displays a clickable geologic time scale, which when a period is selected all features that correspond to the chosen time frame are highlighted and hypertext directs to specific discussions. A page for 'Boundaries' divides the continental U.S. by state borders and physiographic regions. The state borders map allows display of each individual state with the corresponding geologic legend of depicted features, whereas the physiographic regions map lists the broad-scale subdivisions which are based on terrain texture, rock type, and geologic structure and history. An online puzzle allows resource users to test their knowledge of the locations of the small-scale physiographic divisions. Finally, a 'Panorama Movie' of the maps is presented.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on USGS sites is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications. Material used from sources outside of USGS will be identified, and it is requested that others do the same when using information published by USGS. Credit can be provided by including on the page (or via a link to a credits page) a citation such as: Credit: U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Geological Survey/photo by Jane Doe (if the artist is known), or USGS/Ft. Collins, CO (if originating office but not the artist is known).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University Corporation of Atmospheric Research, Windows to the Universe Team			Boulder	CO	80307-3000				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Roberta	Johnson	M	Dr	UCAR	P.0. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000		303 497 2591	303 497 2598	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Roberta	Johnson	M	Dr	UCAR	P. O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000		303 497 2591	303 497 2598	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Claudia	Alexander	J.	Dr	JPL	Mail-Stop 169-237	Pasadena	CA	91109		(818) 393-7773		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jennifer	Leonard	Joy	Ms	UCAR	P. O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Christopher	Deardorff	Ryan	Mr	UCAR	P. O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Janet	Kozyra		Dr	University of Michigan Space Physics Research Laboratory	2455 Hayward	Ann Arbor	MI	48109				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jon	Linker		Dr	SAIC								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Windows to the Universe	Keywords: Space science,Atmospheric science,Geology,Geophysics,History and philosophy of science,Hydrology,Physical oceanography,Physics	Description: Windows to the Universe is a user-friendly learning system pertaining to the Earth and Space sciences. The objective of this project is to develop an innovative and engaging web site that spans the Earth and Space sciences and includes a rich array of documents, including images, movies, animations, and data sets that explore the Earth and Space sciences and the historical and cultural ties between science, exploration, and the human experience. Some of the main resource areas of the site are Our Planet, Our Solar System, The Universe, Myths, Art, Books and Films, Space Missions, People, Headline Universe, Cool Stuff, Data, Geology, Life, and Ask a Scientist. Each topic links to numerous facts, figures, and related sites. There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced options for each topic level. Multiple search engines allow the user to browse by keyword, by educational standards, and the Ask a Scientist archives. Special sections are reserved for kids, with games and fun activities, and teacher's resources, such as a workbook and lesson plans. Updates to Windows to the Universe occur on a regular basis, so resource users are invited to revisit the site regularly to see the resources grow and change.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-01 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Pearson Education, Prentice-Hall, Inc		Upper Saddle River	NJ	07458			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: PlanetDiary	Keywords: Space science,Biology,Environmental science,Geology	Description: PlanetDiary records the events and phenomena that affect Earth and its residents. Every week this site presents 'Current Phenomena', which is news from around the globe on geology, astronomy, meteorology, biology, and environmental science issues. The site accompanies specific chapters in Pearson Education texts. These are: Science Explorer - Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science; Science Insights - Living Things, Matter and Energy, Exploring Earth and Space; and Environmental Science. Students can check back each week and follow a story as it unfolds. Teachers can use these articles as the basis for classroom discussion, to introduce topics, or to pose a research question. Every story is linked to a 'Phenomena Backgrounder' relating to the events so students can explore the topic in more depth. These pages also provide links to additional hands-on and online activities. A review of each activity is given with the objective of the exercise, the concepts covered, and the preparation teachers and students should have before starting an activity. An archive contains prior PlanetDiary reports dating back to 1998. A page is devoted to universal measurements that links to outside sources which calculate conversions for time, numerous dimension units, and also link to map sources and earth statistics. Dates for eclipses, environmental-awareness days, the beginning of hurricane season, and many other events are found in the PlanetDiary calendar. An informative guide aids in site navigation. Also, a link is provided to Prentice Hall School with information on textbooks, accompanying multimedia, and online support for grades 6 through 12.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © Prentice-Hall, Inc., a division of Pearson Education
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Joyce	E.	Dr	Clark University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science	950 Main Street	Worcester	MA	01610	508-793-7421		
This is a(n) person.
Title: History of Mathematics	Keywords: Mathematics	Description: A broad collection of mathematical bibliographies and links to pages explaining important concepts. One highlighted feature is a link to Euclid's 'Elements', which contains all 13 books and illustrated figures. Another interesting attribute is a link to the famous 1900 speech of David Hilbert, a leading twentieth century mathematician, in which he addressed the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris and described 23 important mathematical problems. A history of mathematics by region gives bibliographies, and sometimes maps and chronologies for Babylonia, Egypt, China, Greece, India, the Arab sphere, Japan, and Europe. Bibliographies and some web links are provided for the subjects of numerals and counting, algebra, geometry, arithmetic and number theory, mathematical analysis, and probability and statistics. Lists of books and other non-internet resources, such as organizations devoted to the history of mathematics, journals, and catalogs are also listed.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Don	Benish			Ben-Cam InterMedia (Benish Industries)	P.O. Box 70	Fate	TX	75132		972-705-9512		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joseph	Camblin			Ben-Cam InterMedia		P.O. Box 70	Fate	TX	75132				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Daniele	Jones			Ben-Cam InterMedia		P.O. Box 70	Fate	TX	75132				
This is a(n) person.
Title: MegaConverter 2	Keywords: Mathematics,Technology	Description: MegaConverter 2 is the second edition of an ever-growing set of weights, measures and units conversion/calculation modules. MegaConverters allow users to discover interesting facts such as how many seconds old they are, the difference between a gallon in the USA and a gallon in the UK, how many nanometers are in an inch, how many quarts are in a chaldron, and what a nebuchadnezzar is. Every module has its own on-line info system built in. Conversion subjects are chosen by either a drop-down box menu or manually spinning a dial on the converter tool. Users have the option to Pop It Up, which opens a selected calculator in a separate window for later use. The Megacalculator link opens an advanced scientific calculator in a small window, complete with buttons for user instructions. The MegaResource link is part of the site that is more informative than mathematical and contains Mega Joke Reader, Nature's Most Endangered, WebColor'96, and Conversion Factors Spreadsheet. Nature's Most Endangered lists over 500 endangered species in the U.S., by state, as compiled by The Nature Conservancy. WebColor'96 (for Windows95, 122 KB) is an Internet utility for color conscious web page designers. While, Conversion Factors Spreadsheet in MS Excel format, is a collection of ancient, foreign, and obsolete measures, including many that are not found in the MegaConverters.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 Ben-Cam InterMedia All Rights Reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Cambridge, Chemistry Department - Centre for Atmospheric Science	Lensfield Road	Cambridge		CB2 1EW				UK
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Hubert	Yessedre		Dr	University of Cambridge, Chemistry Department - Centre for Atmospheric Science	Lensfield Road	Cambridge		CB2 1EW				UK
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Olaf	Morgenstern		Dr	University of Cambridge, Chemistry Department - Centre for Atmospheric Science	Lensfield Road	Cambridge		CB2 1EW				UK
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Ozone Hole Tour	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science	Description: The Ozone Hole Tour is a concise survey of the ozone depletion problem presented in four sequential parts and utilizing maps, videos, and computer simulations to convey measurement and observation of the Antarctic ozone hole. Part I covers the history in detection of the ozone hole, the nature and formation of ozone, the general nature of the ozone hole, and current governmental measures intended to reduce ozone depletion. Part II details recent ozone loss over Antarctica with emphasis on satellite measurements. Part III explores the chemistry and meteorological phenomena associated with ozone loss. Lastly, Part IV presents chemical modeling efforts at the University of Cambridge. In addition to the various visualization media, certain terminology throughout the four sections is linked to an online glossary. Finally, a reference list [found under More Info on the main page] contains links to sites related to ozone measurement, general ozone information, environmental groups and campaigns, relevant institutions, and the Scientific Visualization Studio at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1999. Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge University, UK. No text or graphics can be used or reproduced without explicit written permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Thomas	Higham		Dr	University of Waikato - Radiocarbon Labratory	Private Bag 3105	Hamilton				0064-7-8384278		New Zealand
This is a(n) person.
Title: Radiocarbon Web-Info	Keywords: Geologic time	Description: This resource contains reference materials on the radiocarbon dating method. Beginning with a summarization of the method, descriptions of three principal means of measuring residual carbon14 (c14) activity follow, including gas proportional counting, liquid scintillation counting, and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). External sites concerning radiocarbon dating applications are then indexed by discipline (i.e., archaeology, oceanography, paleoenvironmental studies, radiocarbon calibration and dendrochronology, and paleoclimatology). An international link list follows, connecting the user to various related servers and any of 29 different laboratories involved in such research as isotope measurement and AMS. An introductory FAQ page can be found on the K-12 page. The Publication page outlines the recommendations and standards for publishing radiocarbon dates, announces international radiocarbon conferences, and includes a link to the site for the journal Radiocarbon. The Corrections page describes the influence on radiocarbon from reservoir effects and recent anthropogenic disturbances such as the Suess (or industrial) effect and the atom bomb effect. Age Calculation provides access to a c14 dating calculator tool (by which remaining c14 can be derived from an input of years and vice-versa), and also provides background on such matters as modern standards, background counts, conventional radiocarbon ages, age reporting, standard errors, and accuracy and precision. The Radiocarbon Calibration page has background on calibration conventions, programs and curves, and typical ranges, while the Pretreatment page contains descriptions of commonly carbon-date materials, sample pretreatment, contamination, treatment assessment, and chemical and physical pretreatment methods. Finally, a bibliography contains recommended books and citations.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999 Tom Higham, Radiocarbon Laboratory, University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Science and Philosophy	119 North Main Street, PO BOX 119	Blacksburg	VA	24063		540-553-1007		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The University of Science and Philosophy	Keywords: History and philosophy of science	Description: The University of Science and Philosophy website contains essays discussing the status quo relationship between science and philosophy. It addresses the need to understand more about the connection between spirituality and intellectual potential. Its articles express a departure from the metaphysical and epistemological traditions of Descartes and Kant by putting forth an alternative, all-encompassing One-ness theory that describes the nature of the universe through a greater understanding of the self. Articles are presented on philosophy, science and history. Also included is a listing of the courses offered through the University.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001, University of Science and Philosophy, All Rights Reserved. The University of Science and Philosophy Copyright Notice All editorial content and graphics on this site are protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties and may not be copied without the express permission of The University of Science and Philosophy, which reserves all rights. Re-use of any of University of Science and Philosophy's editorial content and graphics online for any purpose is strictly prohibited. The materials from The University of Science and Philosophy's sites are available for informational and noncommercial uses offline only, provided the content and/or graphics are not modified in any way, all copyright and other notices on any copy are retained, and permission is granted by The University of Science and Philosophy.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lynda	Williams			Science Entertainment			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Science Songs and Media	Keywords: Space science,Physics	Description: A collection of songs and visual media about scientific topics, such as the big bang, the heliocentric model, and quarks. The lyrics to the songs are available at no cost and the CD of songs is available for a fee. Visual media illustrating equations such as Maxwell's equation, Ampere's and Gauss' law are viewable on-line.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999,2000 Lynda Williams
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey - Office of Ground Water	Mail Stop 411 National Center	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-5001		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ground Water Atlas of the United States	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) series of print publications describes the location, the extent, and the geologic and hydrologic characteristics of the important aquifers in the United States. Following an Atlas Introduction and Summary, each of 13 chapters describes the principle aquifer(s) of a given region, beginning with an overview of climate, hydrogeology, physiography, and water budget statistics. The actual aquifer descriptions that follow are linked to numerous maps and supplementary cross sections, block diagrams, charts, graphs and photographs. The maps depict aquifer location and extent, thickness, potentiometric surface, general water chemistry, flow-system and movement, human usage, and where data are available - changes in aquifer water levels and/or water chemistry over time. Correlation charts list the geologic formations that compose the aquifer, while hydrogeologic sections describe the potential uses and concerns associated with various aquifers based on their formation and chemical history. Hydrographs show fluctuations in aquifer water levels. The block diagrams and cross sections describe positional relationships between aquifers. Photographs are used to show special hydrogeologic conditions or the results of aquifer development. Lastly for each region, special conditions caused by human activities are discussed and followed by an extensive reference list. In addition to the regional chapters, Aquifer Basics (accessed from the Archives page) provides background information on aquifer types (e.g., unconsolidated-deposit, semiconsolidated deposit, sandstone, carbonate-rock, sandstone and carbonate, or volcanic) and provides direct links (by name) to principal aquifers that exemplify each type. Finally, links from this page lead to the National Atlas Aquifers map and related materials, while links from the main page connect to main USGS sites for water resources and ground water information.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				PBS Online			Alexandria	VA			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				WGBH Science Unit		125 Western Avenue	Boston	MA	02134			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tracking El Nino	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical oceanography	Description: Next to the seasons, El Niño is the most powerful force driving global weather. Find out what scientists are learning about this mysterious weather phenomenon and its reach through space and time. This site is the NOVA Online material on El Nino. It was created in early 1998 during the exceptionally strong El Nino season which began in 1997. Dispatches from writers and scientists are available from early 1998 as well as a scorecard for comparing scientists predictions and the weather that occurred across the globe. Links are maintained to weather sites. A teacher's guide is included with an exercise on weather Forecasting Folklore. The site also gives access to a transcript of the television broadcast of the show.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998 WGBH and PBS
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): LLC		P.O. Box 15610	Fort Lauderdale	FL	33318		954-916-1585	954-916-4812	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Philosophy of Science and Information Technology: A Tribute to Thomas Kuhn	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Technology	Description: Contains philosophical articles concerning paradigms of science and technology. The site is attributed to the tradition of Thomas Kuhn, a philosopher of science who emphasized the discontinuity of scientific progress and believed that there are no rational grounds for choosing one disparate scientific paradigm over another. This website is useful for those who are seeking deep philosophical work on the nature of science and technology and their relationship to knowledge.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 1994-2001, BRINT Institute, U.S.A.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology		345 Middlefield Road	Menlo Park	CA	94025				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, El Nino Web Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS News and Information on El Niño	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This web page assembles the publications of the USGS related to El Nino. Much of the material viewed in mid-2001 is about the extreme 1997-1998 El Nino season. Topics include floods, landslides, coastal hazards, and climate. Users can also look under news releases and find related links. An article is also devoted to explaining El Nino.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Leslie								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Science Clips: Science and Technology Graphics	Keywords: Natural hazards,Physical oceanography,Space science,Atmospheric science,Geology	Description: This website contains clip art and graphics from many of the domains of science studied at the K-12 levels, including Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Astronomy. The images can be easily copied and pasted into other documents.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: To the best of our knowledge, all clip art and graphics shown on this site are in the public domain. These graphics come from public clip art sites and user contributions. So far as we know, none are bound by copyright restrictions. If you see a graphic that you know to be under copyright on the site, notify us and we will remove it immediately. Feel free to use any of these images for personal or non-profit use, but do not link to them directly. Save the graphics and load them to your own server.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				About Incorporated	1440 Broadway	New York City	NY	10018		212-204-4000		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Philosophy of Science Resources	Keywords: History and philosophy of science	Description: This site offers a selection of links to resources - organizations, threaded discussions, mail lists, journals, websites and more - covering the philosophy of science. Subjects include aesthetics, ancient, eastern and medieval philosophy, ethics, existentialism, metaphysics and logic, among many others. Separate sections exist for the philosophy of education, language, mind and science.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001, Inc. About and are registered trademarks of, Inc. The About logo is a trademark of, Inc. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Geological Survey - National Atlas	508 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Atlas of the United States	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: Developed by the United States Geological Survey and its partners, the National Atlas of the United States is a predominantly digital collection of maps serving to update the 1970 version and providing a reliable summary of national-scale geographic information on the environmental, resource, demographic, economic, social, political, and historical dimensions of American life. The compilation (found under Atlas Maps) includes sections for interactive map browsing, multimedia maps, map layers data, and printed maps. The Interactive Map Browser provides easy-to-use tools to display, manipulate, print, and query National Atlas data using an overlay approach with layers selected from agriculture, biology, boundaries, climate, environment, geology, demography, transportation, water, and general reference categories. The multimedia maps use animation and/or clickable interfaces to explore a number of topics from geologic history to invasive species to vegetation growth. The map layers data warehouse contains a series of authoritative national geospatial and geostatistical datasets for use in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) or computer-aided design systems. Both data types are tied to specific geographic areas and are categorized and indexed using such parameters as county, State, and zip code boundaries or geographic coordinate systems. The printed map section includes reference and thematic maps (for ordering) reprinted from the 1970 version of the Atlas. In addition to the collection, links are provided to federal and business partners, Atlas News with links to relevant federal sites, an Atlas FAQ page, and a feedback page.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Nearly all information collected by the federal government is in the public domain and use of data produced under this project will not be restricted in any way. However, both "National Atlas of the United States®" and "The National Atlas of the United States of America® are registered trademarks of the United States Department of the Interior. The USGS has been publishing National Atlas products since 1970 and has simply taken action to trademark this term to incorporate all new graphic and electronic products of The National Atlas of the United States of America®.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ClariNET Internet Solutions	PO Box 6060	Collingwood		VIC 3066	03-9486-0811		Australia
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Local Times Around the World	Keywords: Human geography	Description: This guide attempts to list all of the world's countries with a description of the local time in a region. Areas are grouped in a hierarchy by continent (region), country, and location. With each selection, information is given on geographical location; current local time, the current observed time, and the dates during which Daylight Savings Time is observed. Geographical locations are listed in degrees, minutes and seconds format. Current local time details the weekday and date and time from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lemelson-MIT Program	School of Engineering	Cambridge	MA	02139-4307		617-253-3291	617-253-8549	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Invention Dimension	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Technology	Description: Invention Dimension archives the history of inventions and their creators, and provides a manual for the prospective inventor. Inventions and inventors are cataloged by an alphabetical index. Every week a famous inventor and their invention(s) are featured on a special bibliography page. These pages are archived after they are featured and have a separate alphabetical index. The 'Handbook for Inventors' provides helpful information on the patenting and commercialization processes. A page is reserved for the Lemelson-MIT Awards Program. The mission of the Program is to inspire a new generation of American scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs by celebrating, through awards and educational activities, living role models in these fields. There are opportunities at the national professional level, for American high school students, as well as for MIT students and others at a few select colleges and universities. The site features an online newsletter, Inventory. A search engine allows users to browse keywords contained within the site pages. Outside links are provided for sites related to research and development across the U.S., sites for children, invention at MIT, resources for the inventor and entrepreneur, and invention extensions.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eugene	Burger			National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration								
This is a(n) person.
Title: NOAA El Niño Page	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which has primary responsibilities for providing forecasts to the Nation, and a leadership role in sponsoring El Niño observations and research. El Niño has important consequences for weather and climate around the globe. This is the home page for over thirty NOAA web sites about El Nino including sites about Forecasts, Observations, and Research, as well as sites for Animations and Graphics, non-NOAA materials, and El Nino Impacts on the United States and on the world. The Educational sites offer a variety of exercises and information for teachers and students on many levels.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jim	Askew			Frontier High School		Red Rock	OK			
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Internet Science Room	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Educational theory and practice,Physics	Description: The Internet Science Room is a tool for student use in reaching the Frontier High School (Red Rocks, OK) Science Goals, which include: developing critical thinking skills, building communication skills, gaining experience in self-evaluation, increasing appreciation for the natural world, forming a base for higher level science classes, and becoming a life-long learner. The Internet Science Room is designed to give these students the best possible science experience with a combination of hands-on activities and communication technology. These pages contain the full curriculum for each of Frontier High School's science classes: physical science, biology, chemistry, and botany/zoology. Basic information is provided each week for a science concept along with a concept map, demonstration, practice problems, research links, vocabulary test, assignments (which include self-evaluation rubrics), and a laboratory experience. Expectations for reporting research, graphing and interpreting data, and collecting animal and plant specimens are clearly defined.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: No copyright is claimed on the website material. It is published for Frontier High School student and faculty use and evaluation by the Internet Community. Feel free to use any of the ideas in your own educational setting, as long as you adhere to the idea of "free exchange". Many of the graphics on these pages have been copied from the Internet, "for educational purposes only". Copying images from this website does not relieve you of any copyright held by the original file owner.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 4000		90 S. 11th ST	Minneapolis	MN	55403		612-330-2782		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11):								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Year of El Niño	Keywords: Climatology,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This web site is about the natural weather phenomenon the El Niño of 1997-98 which was possibly one of the strongest ever. Extreme weather phenomena are being attributed to it from around the world. Topics addressed are: What Is El Niño? How Will It Affect Me? How Often Does El Niño Occur? Interview with a Climatologist, Frequently Asked Questions and Answers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and USA Today, Weather terminology, and Movies and animated gifs of its history and progress. Also included are effects on California, plotting the impact of El Niño on areas in the U.S. and the world and some editorial cartoons. Some links are broken 3-4 years after the site was created.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Entire Site copyright © 2001, Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. You may use the Web Site, the Service and the Content solely for your personal, non-commercial use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stuart	Sweeney		Dr	University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Geography	Ellison Hall 3611	Santa Barbara	CA	93106-4060	805-893-5647	805-893-3146	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Human Geography	Keywords: Human geography	Description: This semester-long course explores introductory topics in human geography. The course consists of 22 lectures organized around six themes. Each lecture is presented in Powerpoint or html format. The six themes of the course include: Foundation, Cultural Geography, Spatial Demography, Urban Geography, Spatial Economics, and Human-Environment Interactions. Specific topics covered in the lectures include, but are not limited to, fundamental concepts in geography, models in geography, population patterns, disease types and models, migration, population problems and prospects, the history of urbanization, primate cities and modern western cities, central place theory, the modern city, growth poles and theories of growth, industrial location, measures of development, climate change, the lithosphere, and water and waste.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Randall	Schaetzl		Dr	Department of Geography, Michigan State University	314 Natural Science Building	East Lansing	MI	48824-1115	517-353-7726	517-432-1671	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geography of Michigan and the Great Lakes Region	Keywords: Geology,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This course explores a variety of geographic aspects pertaining to Michigan, with an emphasis on physical resources and how humans have utilized those resources. The course web page provides a course syllabus, a list of outline-type maps that can be downloaded, printed out, and written on, links to related Michigan sites, and links to each of the course’s six themes. The first theme of the course is entitled Introductory Materials and Base Data. Here, general physical and cultural data for Michigan is provided including maps of lakes, rivers, watersheds, cities, counties, land use and land cover, relief, and population. Major dam and bridge data is provided along with important dates in Michigan history. The second theme of the course is Physical Geography. Here, Michigan geology, glacial history, landforms, soils, hydrology, flora, fauna, and climate are reviewed. The third theme of the course is Physiographic Regions. The lower and upper peninsulas of Michigan split the physiographic regions, but because some regions transcend these boundaries, a separate section discusses these overarching regions. The fourth theme of the course is Historical/Human Geography and Michigan’s Future Geography. Here, a broad overview of historical occurrences pertaining to Michigan’s present geography is reviewed in addition to present conditions. Topics include pre-European demography and cultures, European settlement, the lumbering era, the early and mid-20th century, human geography, and future trends. The fifth course theme is Contemporary Land Uses in Michigan. Topics under this theme include urban centers, manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, shipping, recreation opportunities, and mining. The final theme of the course is meant to be a lighter, and less serious component: Humor, Miscellany, and Oddities. Here, students and teachers can find links to interesting tidbits about Michigan’s cultural oddities and landmarks.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration' Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory	7600 Sand Point Way NE	Seattle	WA	98115-6239	206-526-6239	206-526-6815	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Live Access to Reference Data at PMEL	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Climatology	Description: The Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory's (PMEL), Live Access Server enables the visualization and creation of marine climatologic data with on-the-fly graphics. The graphics are selected from custom subsets of variables in a choice of file formats. Some examples of the datasets are the Esbensen-Kushnir Heat Budget Climatology; Levitus (1982) Global Annual Climatology of Dissolved Oxygen, Oxygen Saturation, Salinity, and Temperature; Richardson's Ship-Drift Derived Surface Currents; and Weekly National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Sea Surface Temperature. Background reference materials about the data, metadata, are accessible by selecting the i symbol next to the dataset titles. Data served by LAS are inherently multi-dimensional. This means that the data are defined on a grid with axes corresponding to X, longitude; Y, latitude; Z, depth or height; and T, time. A unique feature of this server is that it allows the user to decide how the data is sliced up into different views. A list of all possible views is created each time a variable is selected and a particular view can be selected from a dropdown box. There are map selection tools which allow specification of the time and depth in the interface and the range or point on the globe of interest. These selections will define a region to be used in generation of the output plot or data file. Once a region has been defined, it will be preserved as other data is selected which contain the view axes. This makes it easy to generate graphics or data files that allow the comparison of data sets. Links are provided to PMEL's home page, and PMEL's Ferret Data Visualization and Analysis main page.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory		7600 Sand Point Way NE	Seattle	WA	98115-6239		206-526-6239	206-526-6815	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Climatology	Description: The Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) carries out interdisciplinary scientific investigations in oceanography and atmospheric science. Current PMEL programs focus on open ocean observations in support of long-term monitoring and prediction of the ocean environment on time scales from hours to decades. Studies are conducted to improve our understanding of the complex physical and geochemical processes operating in the world oceans, to define the forcing functions and the processes driving ocean circulation and the global climate system, and to improve environmental forecasting capabilities and other supporting services for marine commerce and fisheries. Results from PMEL research activities contribute to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) strategic goals of implementing seasonal-to-interannual climate forecasts, assessing and predicting decadal to centennial climate change, advancing short-term warning and forecast services, and building sustainable fisheries. A wealth of information is available about PMEL's Ocean Climate and Environment Research Programs, such as TAO (buoy array), TMAP (equatorial ocean modeling), FOCI (fisheries oceanography), and SEBSCC (ecosystem studies). A specialized search engine allows resource users to query all PMEL literature (published or in the process thereof), and returns a bibliography of selected references. There are many technology links to online databases, data analysis tools, and operations divisions. Access is provided to a collection of Theme Pages. These pages are topic oriented, such as El Niño, and include links to widely distributed information relevant to the topic from a variety of scientific, government, academic or commercial institutions. The information and analyses often include real-time data and forecasts, as well as historical data and perspectives.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Laura	Mallard			University of Vermont	Department of Geology	Burlington	VT	05405		802-656-8694		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Paul	Bierman		Dr	University of Vermont	Department of Geology	Burlington	VT	05405		802-656-4411	802-656-0045	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Christine	Massey			University of Vermont	Education Department and Geology Department	Burlington	VT	05405		802-656-1344	802-656-0045	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Digital Archive of Human-Induced Landscape Change	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Human geography	Description: The Digital Archive of Human-Induced Landscape Change is an initiative open to Vermont K-16 schools to document two centuries of landscape change while exploring regional geology, anthropogenic impacts, and various forms of computer technology. The website houses a statewide database of historical/modern image pairs with text describing the historical context. This collection is continually expanding. The database is searchable by location - town, county, and school - and also by geomorphic process responsible for landscape changes - landslide, flood, deforestation, etc. Works in progress include virtual tours of Vermont's cultural and geologic history and tutorials on using the technologies that produce the digital archive. This work with teachers and K-16 students provides interdisciplinary opportunities to explore earth science, environmental science, historical research, geographic studies, creative writing, and the scientific method. Two pilot classrooms participated in the spring of 2000 and supplied data from over 30 locations in 8 Vermont towns. Historical photographs were collected from as early as 1850s and as late as 1998, and interviews, libraries, and historical societies were used by students to determine the ages and locations of the historical photos. Geo-referencing of each site required students to use a Global Positioning System (GPS) and learn the concept of latitude and longitude. Students used a digital camera to record the modern images on disk. Students were introduced to word-processing and image manipulation as they produced paper poster presentations of their findings. Students also provided digital images and text files that were published as an individual page in this web database. Complete project instructions and contact information are available for teachers and students. Links are provided to related sites with topographic maps and aerial photography sources, historical societies, the University of Vermont, and other educational sites.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California Resources Agency, California Environmental Resources Evaluation System		900 N Street Suite 250, State Library and County Building II	Sacramento	CA	95814	916-654-9990	916-654-5829	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: California El Nino Information	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: This web site from the California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES), an information system of the California Resources Agency, provides numerous links pertaining to El Niño. The links are divided into categories such as: background and current information, forecasts and predictions, impacts and effects, disaster preparedness and recovery, and emergency information. There is a listing of the lead El Niño government agencies in California, a collection of links to maps, animations, and imagery, as well as resources geared toward students and educators. Information on flooding, climate, weather, and road conditions is also available. Some links are not functional.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997 California Resources Agency. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Canada Centre for Remote Sensing	588 Booth Street	Ottawa	Ontario	K1A 0Y7	613-947-1216		Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: CCRS - Fundamentals of Remote Sensing	Keywords: Physical geography,Physics,Technology	Description: This tutorial covers the essential elements of remote sensing throughout five chapters: Fundamentals, Sensors, Microwaves, Image Analysis, and Applications. The chapters are subdivided into numerous topics, which proceed in a sequential order and cover the seven basic elements which together compose the remote sensing process: 1.Energy Source or Illumination, 2.Radiation and the Atmosphere, 3.Interaction with the Target, 4.Recording of Energy by the Sensor, 5.Transmission, Reception, and Processing, 6.Interpretation and Analysis, and 7.Application. Also touched on are electromagnetic radiation, the electromagnetic spectrum, radiation, and passive vs. active sensing. Graphics and animations accompany each subsection. Also encountered at the end of each section are two features - Did You Know and Whiz Quiz. These segments are designed to expand the applications of the covered concepts and test the knowledge of the resource user.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Natural Resources Canada. The information residing at the CCRS World-Wide Web site is protected under the Copyright Act, and is provided on this network for informational purposes only. No commercial reproduction or exploitation is authorized.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Canada Centre for Remote Sensing	588 Booth Street	Ottawa	Ontario	K1A 0Y7	613-947-1216		Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Canada Centre for Remote Sensing	Keywords: Physical geography,Technology	Description: The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) specializes in the use of earth-observation data, and supports an expanding industry sector in global ground station, image analysis and radar mapping markets. CCRS is responsible for the receiving, processing, archiving and disseminating remotely sensed data for Canada. Information about CCRS is broken into four main divisions: Technology, Research and Development; Images and Data Services; Education and Reference; and Community and Events. Recent developments or educational topics of interest are featured under Spotlight. An archive of previous Spotlight features is accessible. Conference dates and new CCRS products are featured under What's New. A section for Quick Links directs one to a variety of programs, fact sheets, literature, tutorials and information, of which some examples include the Innovation Acceleration Centre, CCRS Publications, Remote Sensing Tutorials, an Image Tour of Canada, the CCRS Newsletter, and the CEONet data catalogue. A glossary is provided which contains comprehensive listings for radar, optical and airborne remote-sensing terms and their related acronyms. This site is also available in French, and a search engine locates keywords contained in the whole site or in a selected subsection.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Natural Resources Canada. The information residing at the CCRS World-Wide Web site is protected under the Copyright Act, and is provided on this network for informational purposes only. No commercial reproduction or exploitation is authorized.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Natural Resources Canada, GéoGratis	Room 650, 615 Booth Street	Ottawa	Ontario	K1A 0E9				Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Steven	Smith			GéoGratis	Room 650, 615 Booth Street	Ottawa	Ontario	K1A 0E9		613-947-3499	613-947-2410	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: GeoGratis	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: GeoGratis is both a hypertext and file transfer protocol (FTP) site that distributes geospatial data of Canada. It's objective is to expand the use of geospatial data to new user communities through the distribution of intuitive data types and encourage geomatics research, development and education by providing quality Canadian data sets. Data are available for download, without charge. Vector mapping data are available in scales ranging from 1:250,000 to 1:30,000,000 in a variety of file formats. Similarly, several types of full resolution satellite imagery are on-line. Three programs with online mapping capabilities and download protocols are featured under Data Visualization: The Canada Land Inventory (CLI), the Great Lakes Mosaic, and Earth Observation Images. Access is provided to numerous Canadian databases such as the National Atlas of Geo-Political Maps, Landsat 7 Level 1-G Imagery, and the Aerial Photograph Ground Control Database. Each database is outlined by a table with available product types, digital formats, and access options, and is described with an abstract and an outline. Links to information on how to FTP to GeoGratis are provided. A section for outside links connects to related data, software, and resources sites.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This is a legal Agreement between you, the "User" and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada ("Canada"), represented by the Minister of Natural Resources Canada ("Canada"). By opening the files delivered with this agreement, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of this agreement, promptly dispose of the files and any derived products (including metadata, documentation, tables). Whereas Canada is the owner of the proprietary rights in the digital data ("Data") delivered with this Agreement; whereas the User wishes to use the Data; and whereas Canada is prepared to provide to the User a royalty-free right to use the Data subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; now, therefore, Canada and the User for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Morin		Mr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geodynamics and Ice Age Modules	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Geology,Geophysics,Human geography,Physical geography,Physical oceanography,Paleontology	Description: This site offers two web-based lab modules; one on ice ages and one on geodynamics. The Ice Age lab explores the most recent major climate shift that occurred at the end of the last glacial interval. It looks at the extent of expanded polar ice caps and evidence of glaciation, including glaciated landscapes, till, glacial erratics, striated rock, drainage patterns, and the oxygen isotopes record. Indicators of past climate are explored though pollen records and the distribution of species of animals. The Geodynamics lab explores the natural planetary-scale Earth processes that cause whole sections of the Earth's surface to shift their position relative to one another in response to the flow of heat from the Earth's interior. It offers an introduction to plate tectonics and the associated effects upon the Earth's surface and life on Earth. The composition and dynamics of Earth' s interior is also addressed through text and visualizations. Many sections in each lab contain questions for students, with links to answers. Navigation is intended to be linear, but pull-down menus allow for dynamic navigation as well. Embedded user-controllable QuickTime visualizations were custom created from scientific datasets.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of these materials. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Duke University, Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences		Old Chemistry Building, Box 90227	Durham	NC	27708				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Peter	Haff			Duke University, EOS, Director of Undergraduate Studies						919-684-5902		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lincoln	Pratson			Duke University, EOS, Director of Graduate Studies						919-681-8077		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Duke Coastal World	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Physical geography	Description: This page details the Coastal Processes Program under the Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences at Duke University. The program's focus is to investigate the physical behavior of natural systems such as rivers, sand dunes, beaches and other elements of the natural landscape. Web site features include recent and ongoing research projects and abstracts, descriptions of faculty and graduate research opportunities, directories of staff and students, and access to course descriptions. A useful feature relevant to the broader geology user is the photographs from geology field trips of the last several years. Some of them are good illustrations of landforms or other geologic features and processes.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California Resources Agency, California Environmental Resources Evaluation System		900 N Street Suite 250	Sacramento	CA	95814			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				California Coastal Commission									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: California's Coastal Resources	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Ecology,Physical geography	Description: This site offers access to pages on the Geography of California Coastal Systems and on California Coastal Ecology. Much of the material is drawn from the California Coastal Commission's California Coastal Resource Guide. The California coast is a region of unsurpassed beauty and natural splendor, blessed with an abundance of rich and varied resources. The coast supports a diversity of plant communities and tens of thousands of species of insects and other invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds, and mammals, including numerous rare and endangered species. From the lush redwood forests of the north to the wide, sandy beaches of the south, California's expansive coastline contains many distinct habitats. These habitats are the result of many different natural forces. The habitats/environments are: Coastal Mountains, Streams and Rivers, Marine Terraces, Bluffs and Headlands, Coastal Sand Dunes, Beaches, Wetlands, Rocky Intertidal Zones, Islands and Offshore Rocks, and Nearshore Waters and Open Ocean. Users of this site may also access the California Ocean and Coastal Environmental Access Network (Cal OCEAN), a web-based virtual library for the discovery of and access to ocean and coastal data and information from a wide variety of sources and in a range of types and formats. The goal of Cal OCEAN is to provide the information and tools to support ocean and coastal resource management, planning, research, and education via the Internet.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994-2001 California Resources Agency. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Morin		Mr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lab 1: Ice Ages	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This is a web-based lab module with embedded user-controllable QuickTime visualizations. The module has two themes: 1) Conditions during the last ice age; and 2) the effect that this ice age has had upon our modern world. Theme 1 explores the conditions in effect during the last ice age in terms of the expanded polar ice caps, and the main points of evidence of glaciation: glaciated landscapes, till, glacial erratics, striated rock, and the oxygen isotopes record. Theme 2 explores the effects upon our modern world of the past glaciation, which are in turn evidence of its existence: pollen records, modern distribution of species, effects upon evolution, etc. Some possible scenarios for future climatic fluctuations are presented.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of this material. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Morin		Mr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Ice Age	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This web-based laboratory material explores the conditions in effect during the last ice age in terms of the expanded polar ice caps, and the main points of evidence of glaciation: glaciated landscapes, till, glacial erratics, striated rock, and the oxygen isotopes record from marine sediments. Animated visualizations based on W. Peltier’s paleotopography and ice sheet extent data for the past 21,000 years are embedded in the resource to illustrate the concepts presented. Some sections contain questions for students, with links to answers.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of these materials. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Morin		Mr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ice Age Legacy	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Geology,Human geography,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This web-based laboratory material explores the effect of past glaciation on our modern world.. Evidence of past glaciation as revealed in pollen records and the modern distribution of species is discussed. Animated visualizations of pollen percent and distribution data (present to 18,000 years ago) and change in ice volume and distribution through time in the vicinity of the Bering Sea (present to 21,000 years ago) are available to illustrate the concepts. The origin of the Wallace Line is discussed and modeled, as are North and South American species distributions as influenced by sea level and ice extent. Human population density and potential future scenarios for a “super-interglacial” period are presented. Some sections contain questions for students, with links to answers.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of these materials. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Weatherstock		P. O. Box 31808	Tucson	AZ	85751			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Warren	Faidley			
This is a(n) person.
Title: EL Niño Media Information Homepage	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: This page was not current by several years at the time it was cataloged, but helpful links were still available to a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) site on preparedness and the Storm Prediction Center from the College of Dupage NEXLAB (NEXt Generation Weather LAB). The center posts severe weather warnings from across the United States. A brief description of the El Nino phenomenon is provided as well as the warm and cold episode record from the past century.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Storm Chaser® Warren Faidley.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Gary	Radley			GR Software	11 Snell Court	Warnambool		Australia			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Coastal Processes	Keywords: Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: This site contains a ten page exercise with helpful block diagrams and information on coastal processes using some examples from Australia. Students can fill in a worksheet and go to several suggested web sites about specific environmental problems to test their new knowledge.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999 Gary Radley
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kent	Colbath		Dr	Cerritos Community College, Department of Earth Science	11110 Alondra Blvd.	Norwalk	CA	90650		562-860-2451 ext.2662		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Place Name Geography	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site is designed to aid in the skill of landform recognition. Currently, there is one activity pertaining to a satellite view of the Near Eastern Hemisphere. This activity covers geographic features studied in earth science, geology and physical geography courses. A series of questions ask for the names of selected features. The answer sheet is linked to a separate page. In the future, more resources will be added. A link is provided to the Cerritos College Earth Science On-Line Tutorial Center, of which this site is a part.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Amir	Shabbar			Environment Canada								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environment Canada					Canada			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: El Niño	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site is the Green Lane site on El Niño. It covers the topics What is El Niño?, Forecast and Current Status for Canada with comparisons to the 1997-98 episode, Global Effects, Canadian Effects, Further Reading, and Suggested additional sources of information on El Niño. Links are given for additional related Environment Canada Sites. In addition to materials from Canadian sources, some of the forecast links to output from the The National Climate Prediction Center of the U. S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997. All rights reserved. Much of the material on this site is covered by the Copyright Act, by Canadian laws, policies, regulations and by international agreements. Such copyright serves to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission. Information on this site has been posted with the intent that it be readily available for personal and public non-commercial use. Unless otherwise noted by the application of the copyright symbol (Environment Canada, Date), materials on this site may be reproduced, in part or in whole and by any means, without charge or further permission from Environment Canada
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Morin		Mr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lab 2: Geodynamics	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Paleontology	Description: This web-based interactive laboratory module explores the dynamic nature of Earth's crust and the effects that this has on the planet. The lab is divided into four themes. Theme 1: Dynamic Earth, explores the idea of Earth's crust being composed of several large plates that slowly drift about (plate tectonic theory). Their interactions generate our modern geography and have influenced geologic activity and even the course of life on this planet. Theme 2: Surface Expressions, explores how plate tectonics directly influences the topography of the planet. Interactive 3-D examples are given of the different plate-tectonic scenarios: spreading centers, subduction zones, and transform margins. The relationship of earthquake patterns to plate boundaries are also explored. Theme 3: Earth's Interior, explores the ways in which heat controls mantle dynamics, how seismic waves move through the mantle and may be used to investigate its properties, and how the mantle interacts with the drifting crustal plates above it. Theme 4: Impacts on Life, primarily explores how the motion of the plates has allowed for the expansion as well as the isolation of species, with subsequent effects upon evolutionary diversity. Other topics include the effects of plate configurations on climate, and seafloor spreading rates on sea level. Embedded visualizations of globes, seismic waves, convection, quakes and surface relief, tomography, and plate motions enhance the text. Several sections have questions for students with links to the answers.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of these materials. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Paul	Morin		Mr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction - A Dynamic Earth	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This html-based laboratory material explores the idea of Earth's crust being composed of several large plates that slowly drift about. Their interactions generate our modern geography and have influenced geologic activity and even the course of life on this planet. The material looks at the Earth from space, plate tectonics, the speed of plate motion and past patterns. Each section contains a visualization to illustrate the concepts presented. These include a view of the Earth and moon in orbit around one another, the Earth as seen from space, seismic data, Earth’s plates represented as delineated by earthquake events, and paleoreconstruction of the continents for the past 200 million years.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of these materials. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Morin		Mr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth's Interior	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This web-based laboratory material explores the ways in which heat controls mantle dynamics, how seismic waves move through the mantle and may be used to investigate its properties, and how the mantle interacts with the drifting crustal plates above it. Visualizations include surface heat flow and topography, an animation of seismic waves traveling through Earth’s interior, shallow mantle tomography and surface topography, and examples of mantle tomography from Central America are offered. In addition, a two-dimensional, single layer mantle convection model and a diagram of the driving forces of plate tectonics further illustrate the concepts presented. Several sections have questions for students with links to the answers.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of these materials. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Paul	Morin		Mr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Surface Expressions of Interior Heat Flow	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This web-based laboratory material explores how plate tectonics directly influences the topography of the planet. Interactive 3-D examples are given of the different plate-tectonic scenarios: spreading centers, subduction zones, and transform margins. The relationship of earthquakes patterns to plate boundaries are also explored. Embedded user-controllable QuickTime visualizations are provided to illustrate the concepts.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of these materials. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Kirkby		Dr	University of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Morin		Mr	University. of Minnesota								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Impact On Life	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Paleontology	Description: This web-based laboratory material primarily explores how the motion of the plates has alternately allowed for the expansion as well as the isolation of species, with subsequent effects upon evolutionary diversity. Other topics include the effects of plate configurations on climate, and seafloor spreading rates upon sea level. Embedded user-controllable QuickTime visualizations are provided to illustrate the concepts.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted for the use of these materials. Ownership is retained by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gerald	Steiner	M.	3621 West Commonwealth	Fullerton	CA	92833		714-773-5855	714-773-5409	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Anaheim Hills Landslide Update	Keywords: Physical geography,Policy issues	Description: The Anaheim Hills Landslide Update is a large website devoted to the geological and political causes of this landslide. There are over 2,000 pages of documents and photos. The purpose of this site is to create a forum whereby the Anaheim residents who were devastated by the January 18, 1993 landslide can tell their personal stories of the disaster. The intent is also to inform the general public, so that this type of foreseeable disaster will not happen again. The site also archives the facts of the event so that the media will have a thorough understanding of what took place and why.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ans Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alan	Glennon			Western Kentucky University, Department of Geography and Geology		Bowling Green	KY	42101				
This is a(n) person.
Title: About Geysers	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: A brief summary of the what, where, and why of geysers. Keywords such as, Yellowstone National Park and geothermal energy, are hyper-linked to further information. Commonly used terms of describing geyser activity are defined in a site glossary. A section for related links is available as well, including those to summaries of the world's geyser fields, information on bacteria and biofilm in geothermal springs, and a live cam of Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park. Information is also available on volcanic activity.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bruce	Selleck		Dr	Colgate University, Department of Geology	304 Lathrop Hall	Hamilton	NY	13346	315-228-1000 ext.7949		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sedimentation and Stratigraphy	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: Sedimentation and Stratigraphy is a course resource that accompanies an upper level geology class. In conjunction with a brief syllabus are links to class preparatory notes and the lab schedule. The notes page lists the reading assignments and directs one to key questions and terms for almost all of the class lectures. Instructions for one lab on fluid flow and sediment transport are available. Guidelines for lab reports are also included.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Hirt		Dr	College of the Siskiyous, Division of Natural and Applied Sciences	800 College Avenue	Weed	CA	96094	530-938-5255		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology of Crater Lake	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: The Geology of Crater Lake is a resource for an introductory course on the geology of Mount Mazama and the Crater Lake caldera. The actual course consists of two evening presentations and a one-day field trip. The presentations outline the mountain's geologic setting, eruptive history, and potential hazards. The field trip affords an opportunity to examine volcanic and glacial features around the caldera rim and to explore one of the most spectacular lakes in the world. Upon successful completion of this course a student will be capable of the following: to describe the geologic setting of Mount Mazama and the other Cascade volcanoes; to identify andesite, dacite, and basalt and explain how the compositions of the lavas that form these rocks influence their eruptive characters; and to outline the major types of hazards that future eruptions of Mount Mazama may pose to regional communities. Along with a course syllabus, a bibliography and related links are available. Those registered for the course can visit the Gradebook to view their marks.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Varga	J.	Dr	College of Wooster, Department of Geology	Scovel 117	Wooster	OH	44691		330-263-2202		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Processes and Concepts of Geology	Keywords: Geology	Description: The Processes and Concepts of Geology course is described as the fundamental, unifying course in the geology curriculum at the College of Wooster. The goals are to teach the basic scientific techniques used by geologists, how to access a wide variety of geological information, how to make scientific observations, and how to develop hypotheses. This site is a complete syllabus with lecture and laboratory outlines. A section for announcements lists not only upcoming course activities, but current geologic events in the headlines as well. The news announcements are hyper-linked to photos and complete articles. A page for offsite geological links connects to resources of the following categorizes: Plate Tectonic Overview and General Geology Links, Earth's Materials, Concepts of Geologic Time and Dating, Crustal Deformation and Plate Margins, Crustal Evolution Over Time, and Miscellaneous. There are also local links to The College of Wooster and the Department of Geology, the Paleomagnetics Lab, OhioSeis Seismic Station, and the College of Wooster Library.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Greg	Wiles		Dr	College of Wooster, Department of Geology	Scovel 119	Wooster	OH	44691		330-263-2298		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphology	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: Geomorphology is an interactive course syllabus for an upper level earth science course. The primary objective of this course is to introduce the in-depth content of surficial geologic processes in a context of global geomorphology. Students must check this site weekly for announcements and links to web sites specific to the topic of the week covered in class and lab. A schedule of lecture and laboratory sessions lists the topics to be covered, corresponding text reading, and links to handouts of key questions and outside web resources to review in preparation for each lecture or lab. A special section for student web pages connects to recent geomorphology research and field project presentations.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ralph	Stea			Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Minerals and Energy Branch		Nova Scotia		Canada				
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Virtual Field Trip of the Landscapes of Nova Scotia	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: A scenic virtual flight around Nova Scotia to enjoy vistas and look at geology. Using integrated visuals and textual references, visitors explore the regional phases of the Quaternary that shaped Nova Scotia's landscape: the Caledonia, Escuminac, Scotian, Chignecto, and Younger Dryas Event-Collins Pond Phases. Radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis methods are discussed. Visuals are linked to keywords such as drumlins, stony till plain, and calving retreat. Surficial, stratigraphic, and road maps are also accessible. Flight stops include the Atlantic Uplands, the Carboniferous Lowlands, Glacial Lake Shubenacadie (including associated sediments and shoreline deposits), and the Five Islands Delta. A summary for non-geologists is included for most stops. There are movies of four areas along the Antigonish Lowlands. Quick tours highlight a vista of the month. There are brochures on the glaciation of Maritime Canada and the Hidden Mesozoic valleys in Nova Scotia with reference lists. Links to other web sites on the landscapes and glacial geology of Nova Scotia are also available.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright: Province of Nova Scotia, 1999, 2000. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 	SALSA Program Coordinator			USDA - Agricultural Research Service, Southwest Watershed Research Center	2000 E. Allen Rd.	Tucson	AZ	85719				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Semi-Arid Land-Surface-Atmosphere (SALSA) Program: Cooperative Research in Global Change Processes in Semi-Arid Lands	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: The Semi-Arid Land-Surface-Atmosphere (SALSA) Program is a multi-agency, multi-national global-change research effort. SALSA seeks to understand, model and predict the consequences of natural and human-induced change on the basin-wide water balance and ecological complexity of semi-arid basins at event, seasonal, inter-annual and decadal time scales. As of July 2000, SALSA research has been focused on the upper San Pedro River basin in southeastern Arizona, USA, and northeastern Sonora, Mexico. The program utilizes in-situ and remote sensing observations coupled with models to study the processes that control the exchange of heat, water vapor and carbon dioxide between the land and atmosphere (e.g., surface radiative fluxes). It also studies the effects of mountainous topography on hydrological and meteorological processes, investigates the coupling of groundwater, surface water, and vegetation processes (e.g., evapotranspiration) in riparian areas, and derives data from satellites for incorporation into hydrological, meteorological and ecological models of the region. The Research pages contain a series of online abstracts, papers and project descriptions for various studies from 1996 to 1999, as well as plans and proposals for future work. Perhaps of greatest utility are a series of downloadable papers from these years, which were published in a special edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (JAFM). The SALSA site also contains contact links for SALSA collaborators, a news section, archives of program documents, press releases, research summaries, abstracts of conference presentations, and a photo record of the Upper San Pedro River.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Southwest Watershed Research Center.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NASA Earth Observatory: Data and Images (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: The Data and Images section of NASA's Earth Observatory site contains datasets of global satellite imagery and a pair of user-controlled animation mechanisms with which to observe the data. The datasets can be recalled by category (Atmosphere, Oceans, Land, Life on Earth, or Heat and Energy) or indexed under Data and Images within the Data Holdings Chart, which itself also indicates the span of years for which each dataset is available. Datasets depicting change over time include Aerosol Index, Biosphere, Chlorophyll (CZCS), Chlorophyll (SeaWiFS), Cloud Forcing, Cloud Fraction, 1 km2 Fires, 4 km2 Fires, Emitted Heat Radiation, Vegetation, Net Radiation, Ozone, Rainfall, Sea Surface Temperature, Reflected Solar Radiation, Surface Temperature, and UV Exposure, while two additional static datasets exist for Land Cover Classification and [Human] Population. Once a dataset is retrieved, it can be observed individually or in comparison with one other dataset using either the Normal or Global Animation Interface. The Normal Interface - if in the default Strip setting - allows the user to observe dynamic progressions in data between specified time frames at monthly intervals. The alternate Grid setting allows the user to view the data in the same month of every year (by scrolling up and down) and every month for each year (scrolling left and right). The Global Interface depicts the globe in three-dimensional space and allows the user to manually tilt and/or rotate the Earth to observe a dataset in a given month and compare it to one other choice of dataset and month. All animations can be downloaded from the site. A glossary option can be activated where links are provided to definitions for relevant terminology in the datasets on a page-by-page basis. Finally, links are provided to the other parallel sites associated with NASA's Earth Observatory: Features, News, Reference, Missions, and Experiments.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Any and all materials published on the Earth Observatory are freely available for re-publication or re-use, except where copyright is indicated. We ask that NASA's Earth Observatory be given credit for its original materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI)	61 Rt. 9W, OI Box 1000	Palisades	NY	10964-8000		845-680-4468	845-680-4866	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				International Research Institute for Climate Prediction/ Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory - Climate Data Library								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: International Research Institute for Climate Prediction/ Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory Climate Data Library	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography,Technology	Description: This site offers interactive manipulation of data holdings within the Climate Data Library of the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction/ Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (IRI/LDEO). Introductory and instructional pages are found in the sections Finding Data, Maproom, and Mastering the Data Library. With an emphasis on atmospheric and oceanographic data, the Library includes datasets pertaining to rivers, solar radiation, paleoclimatology, geography, and geology. Data searches can be conducted by keywords (Dataset Searches), by Category, or by the local dataset name (Sources). The server is able to deliver the data in a variety of ways: as data files, as tables, and in a variety of plots (line, contour, color, vector) and plot formats (PostScript and gif). Processing of the data, particularly averaging and sampling, can be requested as well. Once selected, clicking on any dataset's References will provide the user with its metadata and variables, while clicking on its Preview will initiate the interactive Data Viewer. The Viewer interface allows the user to make plots, tables, and files from the dataset, its subsets, or processed versions thereof. Figure controls enable manipulation of both static and animated datasets through such options as format, view, and magnification. Beyond these simple Viewer capabilities, incrementally more advanced use of the Data Library is detailed in the Use pages of the Data Library - Overview section. Help with the Viewer is available from the Viewer interface itself, while a help page for data options and variables is available on any dataset's metadata page. General Assistance with the Library is found throughout the primary Data Library pages. Finally, queries may also be sent by e-mail directly to IRI.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Martin	Gibling	R.	Dr	Dalhousie University, Department of Earth Sciences	Martin.Gibling@Dal.Ca	Life Sciences Centre, Edsell Castle Circle	Halifax, Nova Scotia		B3H4R2	902-494-2355	902-494-6889	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks class examines the physical and biological processes that generate modern siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporite sediments. Discussion focuses on the materials associated with Quaternary glacial events and the petrology of sedimentary rocks. Under the heading Class Materials is a collection of more than thirty photos of sedimentary structures from many ages and parts of the world. Brief descriptions are given of the features and processes responsible for the formations; however, location information is not always presented. All photos contain common objects for reference to scale. For those interested in registering for the course, a link is offered to the Dalhousie University on-line curriculum schedule.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All contents copyright © 1999 Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Digital West Media Inc.,	16855 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 240	San Diego	CA	92127		858-673-6001 Ext 101	858-673-6007	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Lynn	Bremner	16855 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 240	San Diego	CA	92127				
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Desert Environment	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: The Desert Environment offers information on deserts in North America. Educational information is presented on desert geology, geomorphology, ecology, and cultures. Learn about the small-scale divisions of the North American deserts, the Chihuahuan, Sonoran, Mojave, and Great Basin, and the unique regions which constitute these areas. A brief site glossary defines common terms such as arroyo, hoodoo, and pediment. Site features include: What's New; Places to Go; Things to Do; Desert Life; Desert Talk; Trading Post; and the DesertUSA Newsletter. Places To Go is a starting point for exploring parks, ghost towns, rivers, cities, and historical and cultural sites located in the desert. Things To Do suggests recreational activities with detailed information and maps for each location included in the section. Desert Life contains information about the desert itself, as well as the animals, plants and people that inhabit it. Desert Talk contains a message board where one can read and respond to messages posted by other site visitors. The DesertUSA Newsletter is a free monthly publication containing articles on hiking, camping, places to explore, animal and wildflower reports, plant information and much more. Many links connect to further information such as related news articles. This site contains a number of different types of desert maps, and a search engine aids navigation. There are movies embedded throughout the site, which portray a 360-degree view of selected desert locations.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All photographs, text, illustrations, maps, video, audio and other content in DesertUSA are for personal use only. Do not upload any content to any online service or FTP site. All content on the DesertUSA Web site is Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000 by Digital West Media, Inc and/or DesertUSA contributors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Douglas	Cox	E.											
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mystery of Pothole Origins	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: The Mystery of Pothole Origins presents an argument against the conventional acceptance of pothole formation. The author's research indicates that rivers have nothing to do with forming potholes, but merely expose them. The author belives that the conditions in which potholes formed were unlike those of the present. Photographs depict different examples of potholes, and links are provided to further reading and other related sites.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998 by Douglas E. Cox
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Catherine	Rigsby	A.	Dr	East Carolina University, Department of Geology	Room 101, Graham Building	Greenville	NC	27858			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sedimentology	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This syllabus for an upper level geology course outlines lecture and laboratory topics and specifies due dates for reading/work assignments. Most lectures are hyper-linked to cursory class notes and keywords. During the semesters in which the course is offered, on ongoing discussion is facilitated by the Sedimentology Forum. Links are available to East Carolina University and the Department of Geology.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Cable News Network, Inc.			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jim	Moret			Cable News Network, Inc.									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Joie	Chen			Cable News Network, Inc.									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ann	Kellan			Cable News Network, Inc.									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Chris	Kline			Cable News Network, Inc.									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Rajee	Suri			CNN Interactive									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Liza	Kaufman Hogan			CNN Interactive									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Associated Press									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: El Nino Returns	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This web page is an online companion to CNN's special coverage on El Nino for the 1997-98 season. El Nino is a strange but powerful weather phenomenon; tracker and background reports provide the user with the science behind El Niño, its history and impact. Topics covered include: forecast; ground zero (Peru); strange brew (weather); prediction meter; the wet coast (California); and the trackers. Links to other web sites are provided, and users may access more up-to-date El Nino stories by clicking on 'Latest News'.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997 Cable News Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Terri	Gregory			Space Science and Engineering Center	1225 W. Dayton St.	Madison	WI	53706		608-263-3373	608-262-5974	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Space Science and Engineering Center	1225 W. Dayton St.	Madison	WI	53706		608-263-3373	608-262-5974	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC): Real-Time Satellite Data	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: These real-time and forecast satellite images and derivative animations predominantly depict atmospheric and meteorological phenomena (including water vapor) in either the visible or infrared (IR) spectrums. Updates are made at intervals ranging from 15 minutes to 48 hours. Of particular note are a series of real-time Composite Satellite Images, including the Space Science and Engineering Center's (SSEC) Global Montage (an animation), the Rotating Globe movie, and an Antarctic Composite. The forecast images cover national and regional scales, and predict wind speed, precipitation, surface temperature, precipitable water, absolute vorticity, and mean sea pressure. For site-specific locales there are time series plots of temperature, dew point temperature, wind barbs and accumulated precipitation. Satellite data derived from the Geostationary Operation Environmental Spectroradiometer (GOES) Sounder, including images (and animations) is based either on individual bands or multiband composites depicting precipitable water, lifted index, cloud top pressure, sea surface temperature, and total column ozone. In addition to the atmospheric data on the site are up-to-date Sea Surface Temperature maps, as well as images and animations of the world's ten most active volcanoes.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The data and information on these pages, including imagery, are offered free as a public service. For any commercial use, a donation is requested to support continuation of this service.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Environmental Protection Agency	Mail Code 6205J, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW	Washington	DC	20460-0001		800-296-1996	202-565-2155	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ozone Depletion	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Physical oceanography,Policy issues	Description: The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Ozone Depletion site contains scientific, policy, and practical information for the general public and for industry in particular. Information for the public includes introductory materials on ozone depletion science, the nature of the harmful effects on the environment and on human health, personal protective measures against UV radiation, individual actions to help protect the ozone layer, lists of ozone depleting substances, background on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the Antarctic ozone hole, and the UV Index. Information for businesses that use or manufacture ozone-depleting substances (ODS) includes lists of these substances (including their ozone-depletion potential (ODP), global warming potential (GWP), and CAS numbers), the benefits of CFC phase-out, methyl bromide, and substitutes for ozone-depleting substances. Reference materials are provided on United States laws and regulations concerning ODS and are accompanied by compliance guidance for regulations issued under the Clean Air Act. Other notable resources include the Executive Summary of Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion (1994), an ODS Management Technologies Database, downloadable stratospheric ozone depletion interactive software, images and animations of the Antarctic ozone hole, downloadable data from the EPA's Ultraviolet Monitoring Program, and a glossary. External links are also provided to various dynamic interactive, and database resources hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University Corporation for Atmospheric Research									
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Wallace	M.		University of Washington									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Shawna	Vogel												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Candace	Gudmundson								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Reports to the Nation on our Changing Planet; El Nino and Climate Prediction	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This web page is a report on El Nino prepared for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The ability to anticipate how climate will change from one year to the next will lead to better management of agriculture, water supplies, fisheries, and other resources. By incorporating climate predictions into management decisions, humankind is becoming better adapted to the irregular rhythms of climate. Topics covered are: Why Predict Climate? What is El Niño? A Case Study (El Nino of 1982-83 on sea and land); El Niño and Climate, Learning from the Past; Winds, Upwelling, and the Food Web; When the Winds Weaken; How the Sea Affects the Winds; Global Consequences of El Niño; El Niño Prediction; How Predictions are Used: An Example (Peru); and Looking Ahead.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bob	Jorstad		Dr	Eastern Illinois University, Department of Geology/Geography	600 Lincoln Avenue	Charleston	IL	61920-3099			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stratigraphy	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: Stratigraphy is the course syllabus for an upper level geology class. Lecture dates and topics are outlined. Important terms and concepts are hyper-linked to the lecture schedule. Some links connect to relevant outside material. A link is provided to the instructor's home page for access to exam study guides.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J. W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396	404-299-4099	404-298-3833	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hydrogeology and Flooding on the Web	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography,Natural hazards	Description: Hydrogeology and Flooding on the Web reviews internet sites which contain information on water resources and flood events. Resource categories are flooding, weather-related sites, and hydrology. Some site addresses and image galleries are hyper-linked, while others must be manually cut and pasted into the resource user's browser location.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J. W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Departmenet of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mass Wasting	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: Mass Wasting is a course handout designed to initiate discussion on the factors involved in mass wasting (eg. creep, solifluction, falls, slides, and flows) and the methods used to prevent mass wasting. Definitions are given for key terms such as angle of repose and lahars. Photographs illustrate the effects of rockslides and slumps. Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © PAMELA J. W. GORE, 1998
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J. W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sedimentary Structures and Stratigraphic Features	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This assessment activity offers seventeen photographs which require identification of the depicted sedimentary structure(s). Two photographs at the end of the exercise display angular unconformities at the base of the Triassic Wolfville Formation in Tennycape, Nova Scotia, Canada. Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © PAMELA J. W. GORE, 1998
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J.W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sedimentary Rocks: Carbonate Rocks	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology	Description: Sedimentary Rocks: Carbonate Rocks is a course handout meant to accompany the discussion of chemical and biochemical sedimentary rocks. Rock composition is broken into the main categories of limestone and dolostone. Depositional conditions are discussed, including the topics of coral reefs, plankton, and carbonate compensation depth (CCD). There are a few photographs, which display calcareous algae. Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Pamela J. W. Gore, 1994-2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J.W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sedimentary Rocks: Facies, Transgressions and Regressions, and Walther's Law	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is a course handout to accompany the discussion of sedimentary depositional environments. Facies are defined as all of the characteristics of a particular rock unit. The effects of transgressions and regressions on depositional environments are discussed with reference to fluctuations in sea level. These effects are then related to Walther's Law. Diagrams display facies change, and transgressive and regressive sequences. Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Pamela J. W. Gore, 1994-2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J.W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sedimentary Rocks	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is a course handout that accompanies the discussion of the origin of sedimentary rocks. Topics include depositional tectonic settings, texture as an indicator of energy levels in the depositional environment, interpretation of various sandstones, and the influences of paleoclimate and source area lithology. Photos depict grain size and texture. Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Pamela J.W. Gore, 1994-2000
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J.W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hydrology, Running Water, Erosion, and Sediment Transport	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This is a course handout meant to accompany the discussion of river mechanics and fluid-particle transport. The objectives are to describe and discuss the following: the basics of the hydrologic cycle; erosion and the transport of sediment by streams, including types of load; the process of stream erosion and various erosional features; the processes of stream flow, turbulence and laminar; drainage basins and patterns of streams; stream deposition and depositional features; and the concepts of base level, discharge, and gradient. There are photographs that display examples of stream erosion, a meandering river, and human interference of natural flow (New Orleans, LA). Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program, sites with information on recent flood events, and stream flow data for Georgia and other states.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Pamela J. W. Gore, 1994-2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J.W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sedimentary Rocks	Keywords: Geology	Description: Sedimentary Rocks is a course handout that accompanies the discussion of sedimentary rocks. The objectives of the handout are: to explain the formation of sedimentary rocks in terms of the rock cycle; explain and give examples of the various sedimentary depositional environments; discuss the textural characteristics of sediments; explain why sedimentary rocks are important in the study of Earth history; contrast the basic groups of sedimentary rocks; describe the principle characteristics of common sedimentary rocks; and describe the ways in which sedimentary rocks are lithified. There are many photos, which show examples of different types of sedimentary rocks. Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Pamela J. W. Gore, 1994-2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J.W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Soils	Keywords: Geology,Soil science	Description: The purpose of the handout is to identify the three major types of soils: pedalfer, pedocal, and laterite, and to understand the soil profile. This is accomplished with brief descriptions of the soil horizons and the designation of common elements to pedalfers, pedocals, and laterite soils. The handout is concluded with a discussion of soil erosion. Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Pamela J. W. Gore, 1994-2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Gore	J.W.	Dr	Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Geology	555 North Indian Creek Drive	Clarkston	GA	30021-2396			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Weathering	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This course handout covers the processes and effects of weathering. The purpose of this handout is to contrast weathering and erosion, contrast and discuss chemical and mechanical weathering, list the products resulting from the chemical weathering of igneous rocks, and list and discuss the factors that influence the type and rate of rock weathering. Many photographs accompany this summary which depict weathered landscapes. Links are provided to the online Physical Geology resources at Georgia Perimeter College.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Pamela J. W. Gore, 1994-2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				UCAR/DPC		PO Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Collections Policy	Keywords: Policy issues	Description: A statement of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Collections Policy as developed by the DLESE Collections Committee, commented and revised by community input, approved by the DLESE Steering Committee, and accepted via community voting process of April 2001. The policy details the types of educational materials applicable to earth system science education which DLESE will contain. The policy states that the collection shall favor materials that are well-documented, easy to use, bug-free, motivational for learners, pedagogically effective, scientifically accurate, and which foster mastery of significant understandings or skills.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Terms of Use of the site on which the policy is found state "The user is granted the right, without any fee or cost, to access, link to and use, publish, distribute, disseminate, transfer, or in any manner alter, modify, revise, copy, edit, or digitize, for any non-profit training, research, or educational purpose whatsoever and not for any direct or indirect commercial purpose or advantage. Any copyright notice contained in this Disclaimer Notice or in any other part of this Web site shall remain intact and unaltered and shall be affixed to any use or copy of all or any such part of this Web site. The user must include an appropriate citation crediting the source of all or any portion of this Web site..."
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Margaret	Srinivasan								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: El Niño/La Niña and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation	Keywords: Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site offers introductory and intermediate scientific information and links about El Niño, La Niña, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The Image Series includes news releases, movies, and images derived from TOPEX/Poseidon and other NASA/JPL satellite data. The Education links include information on interactive museum exhibits, classroom activities for grades K-12, and a collection of slides and other materials on the basics of altimetry for undergraduates and graduates.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dexter	Perkins			University of North Dakota - Department of Geology and Geological Engineering	Box 8358, Corner of Campus and Cornell Streets	Grand Forks	ND	58202-8358		701-777-2991	701-777-4449	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Joseph	Hartman			University of North Dakota - Department of Geology and Geological Engineering	Box 8358, Corner of Campus and Cornell Streets	Grand Forks	ND	58202-8358		701-777-5055	701--777-4449	
This is a(n) person.
Title: GeoDIL: a Geoscience Digital Image Library	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology,Structural geology	Description: The Geoscience Digital Image Library (GeoDIL) is a searchable collection of Earth science images intended as a general teaching resource, to specifically facilitate virtual field trips, to enhance the public's scientific and technological literacy, and to assist Earth science programs in smaller schools and colleges that do not have documented images as part of their regular teaching materials. Users can retrieve images through standard or advanced searches, or through browsing by category. Catagories include Earth resources, Minerals, Rocks and rock-forming processes, Surficial geology, Structural geology and tectonics, Geologic time (chronostratigraphy), Paleontology (fossils, etc), and Planetary Geology. Images are downloadable and are accompanied by descriptive annotations, general metadata, locational and geological information, and the browsing categories with which each are associated. In order to view imagery, this site requires a user to register.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The images in GeoDIL are the property of those who submitted them to the library. You may copy them as much as you like for noncommercial, personal, educational, or classroom use but redistribution in any way requires the permission of the person who submitted the images to GeoDIL. GeoDIL administrators or staff cannot grant you the right to copy or redistribute any of the images in the library. Loading images from GeoDIL into virtual carousels or other image-viewing programs falls under the Educational Exemption category provided the organization using the material is a nonprofit educational institution, the use is part of the regular curriculum of a class, the material is in a classroom, the material has been legally obtained, and the materials will not be copied or duplicated.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jamie	Oliver		Dr	ICLARM The World Fish Center	PO Box 500, GPO	Penang, Malaysia		10670				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Marco	Noordeloos		Mr	ICLARM - The World Fish Center	PO Box 500, GPO	Penang, Malaysia		10670				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ICLARM - The World Fish Center, ReefBase Project	PO Box 500, GPO	Penang, Malaysia		10670				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ReefBase: A Global Information System On Coral Reefs	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Ecology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: ReefBase provides access to data and information on coral reefs and associated shallow tropical habitats. The site consists of three main sections: Reef Status, a Database, and the Users Area. Reef Status presents a compilation of summary reports pertaining to and indexed by global, regional, and national scales. Common topics in the reports include: reef benthos, reef fish, natural and anthropogenic threats, climate change impacts, marine protected areas, monitoring and management capacity, government policy, laws, and regulations, and author conclusions and recommendations for reef conservation. The Database provides for two sequential levels of searching: after a country or region is chosen, an overview provides general reef related information on that locale. The user can then further his/her search using one of three additional menus: Coral Reef, Protected Area, and Image/Map. The Coral Reef option currently returns basic information on nearly 10,000 reefs; in the future, additional information will address ecology, stresses, exploitation and management. The Protected Area option returns protections information largely compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. The third search option, Image/Map, returns visuals according to four criteria: Type (e.g., aerial, maps, underwater); Author; Stress (e.g., coastal development, oil pollution, siltation); or Lifeform (e.g., coralline algae, sea urchin, submassive). In addition, GIS data will soon be made available under this option. The final section on the site, the Users Area, provides both contact information and means of contributing to the site's contents.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 ICLARM - World Fish Center. Fair use of this material is encouraged. Proper citation is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) User Services	University of Colorado - CIRES, Campus Box 449	Boulder	CO	80309-0449		303-492-6199	303-492-2468	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Geophysical Data Center Code E/GCx3	325 Broadway	Boulder	CO	80303		303-497-6160	303-497-6513	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Greenland Summit Ice Cores CD-ROM	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Geologic time	Description: Two ice core initiatives, the 1992 European Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) and the 1993 Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2), form the longest (combined) ice core paleo-environmental record (over 100,000 years) ever compiled in the Northern Hemisphere. This site allows users to learn more about the drilling efforts, search and access data and information, graph data, and specify output. Data searches can be refined by author, ice depth, age, or by using such keywords as atmosphere, basal ice, borehole, accumulation rate, cosmogenic isotopes, debris content, ice fabric, ice-equivalent depth, or organic compounds. Actual datasets from GRIP and GISP2 are accompanied by metadata and fall into the following categories: stable isotopes, cosmogenic isotopes, chemistry, dust, electrical conductivity, physical properties and ice core stratigraphy, gas concentrations in air bubbles, timescales, air mass trajectories, and climatological data. Also provided is information on the conventions and issues of determining timescales during ice core sampling. Graphing and refining of the datasets can be accomplished using a special version of PaleoVu Graphics software, a free resource available to download off the site. Lastly, a citation search engine covers the 164 authors included within the Greenland Summit Ice Cores' Bibliography.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Citing the original authors of published papers and reports is required when using data and information from this site. Not all of the references need necessarily be cited, unless specifically stated, but in general both the primary reference (usually the earliest) and the most up-to-date reference should be used. Also, papers describing the development of the time scale, where appropriate, should be included. Where appropriate, users should also cite the CD-ROM. Citations in reference lists accompanying published work are stated: The Greenland Summit Ice Cores CD-ROM. 1997. Available from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado at Boulder, and the World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology, National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, Colorado.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Toby	Tyrrell			University of Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth Science	Waterfront Campus, European Way	Southampton		SO123ZH				United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Title: Emiliania huxleyi Home Page	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Climatology,Ecology	Description: This site contains various kinds of textual information and imagery of Emiliania huxleyi, an armour-plated, photosynthesizing, single-celled marine phytoplankton and dominant coccolithophore in the ocean. Numerous summaries of the species are provided, including information on its occurrence, global distribution, effects on the carbon cycle and global climate, calcification, vital statistics, cellular characteristics, life cycle, ecology, biogeography, relation with other coccoliths, optical effects, biogeochemical impacts, geological context and evolutionary origins, and prospects of conservation. Images of Emeliana huxleyi, oceanic blooms, and so-named white waters range in type from satellite imagery to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photos to artistic representations. A bibliography of Emiliana huxleyi research and an Ehux project publications list are followed by background on the Global Emiliania Modelling (GEM) initiative, a project focusing on the species as a means of modelling geosphere-biosphere interactions. Also provided is a What’s New feature that highlights site updates.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyrights are held for paintings contributed by Glynn Gorick and Jesse Gorick.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Paleoclimatology Program	325 Broadway, Code E/GC	Boulder	CO	80303-3328		303.497.6280	303.497.6513	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): C.	Eakin	Mark	Dr	National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Paleoclimatology Program								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Anderson		Dr	National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Paleoclimatology Program								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Connie	Woodhouse		Dr	National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Paleoclimatology Program								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Paleo Perspectives	Keywords: Climatology,Geologic time	Description: This site offers information on two aspects of paleoclimatology, North American drought and global warming. Each topic is addressed via a narrative background (The Story) and instrumental and paleoclimatic data (The Data). The section entitled North American Drought: A Paleo Perspective, describes drought in the historical and paleoclimatic records and is designed to help educate, inform and highlight the history and importance of drought as well as to show how paleoclimate research relates to drought and other important issues of climate variability and change. Drought data is categorized by four major time periods and includes an Appendix of Drought Reconstruction Data Sets. The section entitled A Paleo Perspective...On Global Warming, describes the importance of paleoclimate research in its relation to global warming and other climate variability and change. The data section offers a comprehensive look at the instrumental and paleoclimatic data that tells us how the Earth's temperature has changed over the millennia. There are also links to other global warming sites and an image gallery.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These slides were contributed by scientists for educational purposes only. To ensure that the scientific community continues to make valuable contributions to the NOAA Paleoclimatology Program's Slide Sets and Image Galleries, we ask that you not use these slides for any commercial purposes. Commercial use violates the trust we have built up within the scientific community, and will seriously damage our ability to provide future materials that improve the quality of scientific education. When used for educational purposes, proper citation must be given to the originator of the image (these citations are located next to or below the image).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jonathan	Adams			The University of Adelaide, Department of Geographical and Environmental Studies		Adelaide		5005		61 8 8303-3532		Australia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Atlas of Paleovegetation since the Last Glacial Maximum	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Geologic time,Physical geography	Description: This set of preliminary, broad-scale vegetation/ecosystem map reconstructions covers several time frames, the Last Glacial Maximum (18,000 14C years ago), the early Holocene (8,000 14C years ago), and the mid Holocene (5,000 14C years ago). For comparison, 'present-potential' maps that may be regarded as approximating the late Holocene vegetation distribution as it would - or might - have been without agricultural modification are included. The reconstructions emphasize radiocarbon-dated evidence - whether palynological, sedimentological or zoological and, while subject to considerable speculation due to sparse data coverage in many areas, they represent perhaps the nearest representation available to a 'consensus picture' as based on published review sources and advice from approximately 100 specialists in all branches of the study of Quaternary environments. The Atlas is divided into six regions, Europe, Eurasia, Africa, Australasia, North America and South America, each of which is accompanied by a detailed key of that region's vegetation types, as well as a description of the subregion's principal sources of paleovegetative evidence. The site also covers the spatial resolution of the sites maps, geographical boundaries in relation to climate transitions, no-analogue vegetation types, and the prevalent uncertainties surrounding various debates in paleovegetation and paleoclimatology.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Scientific American, Inc.								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lincoln	Pratson	F.	Dr	University of Boulder, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research	Campus Box 450	Boulder	CO	80309-0450				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Haxby	F.	Dr	Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Oceanography Bldg., Rm 208d	PO Box 1000, 61 Route 9W	Palisades	NY	10964-1000		845-359-2900	845-365-8156	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Panoramas of the Seafloor	Keywords: Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: This site features a Scientific American article and accompanying resources which detail seafloor and continental margins mapping of U.S. coastlines. The main page consists of a brief history of the development of SONAR (Sound Naviation And Ranging) techniques and its applications in bathymetry. Central to the article are computer-generated images of undersea geological features derived from multibeam SONAR data. The images highlight distinctions between three types of continental margins: passive, strike-slip, and convergent. Also described are alternative tools for seafloor mapping, including satellite radar images, side-scan SONAR images, and underwater photography. The words "oceans drained," on the main page, provide a link to the National Geophysical Data Center's site on Global Seafloor Topography from Satellite Altimetry.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2001 Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Simmon			National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center, Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 	Goddard DAAC Helpdesk			National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center, Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)						1-877-422-1222		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Oceanography from the Space Shuttle	Keywords: ,Physical oceanography	Description: A joint project between the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and the Office of Naval Research, Oceanography from the Space Shuttle is a pictorial survey of oceanic phenomena visible to the naked eye from space. Originally published in book form in 1989, it is now only available on this web site. The chapters, preceded by a general introduction and each accompanied by an abstract and thumbnail preview images, include: The Coastal Scene, Islands, Local Winds, Waves, Ship Wakes, Pollution at Sea, Spiral Eddies, and Suloys. Several appendices further detail human observation of oceanographic phenomena from space, the photographic requirements involved, the shuttle flights that provided the images, and a list of recommended readings. A link to Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center's (DAAC) Ocean Color Data Web Site is also provided.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Mark	Ahlness			Seattle Public Schools, Arbor Heights Elementary School		Seattle	Washington					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Whales and Our Oceans	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: Activities on the Whales and Our Oceans page are designed to increase student understanding of ocean and weather processes by using whale migration as a focal topic. There are three activities, covering whale migration in relation to sea surface temperature and phytoplankton concentration, general gray whale information, and whale radiomonitoring under the WhaleNet's Satellite Tagging Observation Program (STOP). Concluding each activity is a printable Task Card requiring students to respond to questions regarding each activity. Also on the site is an audio file of whale song, and a set of links (For Fun) to other educational resources on whales and other cetaceans.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Tidepool		4103 SR4 WEST	Rosburg	WA	98643			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Ed	Hunt								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Climate: El Niño, La Niña, PDO	Keywords: Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site has many good resources about El Nino, La Nina, and the Pacific interDecadal Oscillation (PDO). It was updated as of late 1999 and in the following few years, a significant number of those links have broken. Users may see news stories (some more recent) especially stories focused on the Pacific Northwest, news archives, resources including links, global climate change news and resources, animations and movies, and connections to satellite data collecting sites.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Rick	Berketa			Niagara Falls Thunder Alley								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): James	Brown			Niagara Falls Thunder Alley									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Origins of Niagara: A Geological History	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This site describes the geologic history and current hydrologic and cultural concerns associated with the natural resources of the Niagara region. Many topics are discussed, including the birth of Niagara Falls, the Wisconsin Glacier, rocks and sedimentary deposits, and the future of the falls. Hyperlinks connect one to related histories and facts concerning the Niagara Glen, Devil's Hole, the Niagara River Water Diversion Treaty, and two geologic tables: the Rock of Ages Chart and the Silurian Era Rock Chart. There are thumbnail photos dispersed throughout this document, which display geologic features such as a knick point, a gorge, and strata. A link connects to Thunder Alley, a comprehensive web site about Niagara Falls, of which this site is a part.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001, All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gene	Feldman	Carl		National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center	301-286-9428	301-286-0268	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plunge Video	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: Seven short animations present a tour under the Pacific Ocean based on real data about the sea floor's peaks and valleys. Visitors submerge near Hawaii, continue as if in a submarine to Japan, and finally dive to the ocean's deepest point in the Marianas Trench, between Japan and New Guinea. The tour is based on bathymetric, topographic, and astronomical data provided by the University of Hawaii and various federal agencies.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Oregon State University, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences - RIDGE Program	104 Ocean. Admin. Building	Corvallis	OR	97331-5503		541-737-8141	541-737-8142	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bill	Ryan		Dr	Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory								
This is a(n) person.
Title: RIDGE Multibeam Synthesis Project	Keywords: Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: The RIDGE Program is a National Science Foundation initiative that promotes interdisciplinary study, scientific communication, and outreach related to all aspects of the globe-encircling, mid-ocean ridge system. The RIDGE Multibeam Synthesis Project site provides free access to downloadable multibeam bathymetric images and datasets of suboceanic ridges and vents. From either a hotlinked world map or a drop-down menu, users can specify the feature of interest - from the Reykjanes Ridge to the Shona Hotspot to the Galapagos Spreading Center - then progressively zoom to finer grid scales. The bathymetric images are depicted at different node spacings (100 m to 1500m) and grids are supported by the appropriate metadata. The images are also accompanied by ping data (including ship tracks) and other related data, which may include coaxial segment perspective images or isochron interpretation maps. Also, for many of the grids the user can specify subsample regions or retrieve contour areas of subregions. Links throughout the site include those to the main RIDGE page, a gallery of coaxial images, information on Served Data Formats, and the Principal Investigators involved with the Project.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				NOAA/NESDIS E/O C1, National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) User Services	1315 East-West Highway, SSMC3, 4th Floor	Silver Spring	MD	20910-3282		301-713-3277	301-713-3302	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Oceanographic Data Center	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: Together with the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) is one of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration's (NOAA) environmental data centers, serving as a national repository and dissemination facility for global ocean data. Data queries within NODC can be conducted using either a basic search engine or the prototype version of the NODC Catalog. Alternately, direct access to the NODC oceanographic data archive is available with NODC Direct. Data searches across all of NOAA's electronic archives are possible by way of the NOAA Server, the Interactive Data Access and Retrieval System (IDARS), or the National Virtual Data System. The actual Research Divisions within NODC include the Coastal Ocean Laboratory (COL), the Ocean Climate Laboratory (OCL), and the NOAA Central Library. COL data are gathered on phenomena such as plankton, chlorophyll, waves and currents, temperature, ocean profiles, salinity levels, nutrients, oxygen contents, and so forth, while the OCL provides such resources as the World Ocean Atlas, the World Ocean Database, the Biological Atlas of the Arctic Seas 2000 (online), and the Atlas of Surface Marine Data 1994. An International Activities section includes the World Data Center for Oceanography and the International Ocean Atlas Series.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Sandwell	T.	Dr	University of California at San Diego-Scripps Institution for Oceanography		La Jolla	CA	92093-0225		619-534-7109		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Walter	Smith	H.F.	Dr	National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry	1315 East-West Highway, E/RA31, SSMC3, Room 3620	Silver Spring	MD	20910-3282		301-713-2857	301-713-4598	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)	NOAA, Mail Code E/GC, 325 Broadway	Boulder	CO	80303-3328	303-497-6826	303-497-6513	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Seafloor Topography from Satellite Altimetry	Keywords: Geophysics,Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: Highlighted on this National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) site is a new bathymetric map of the global seafloor derived from satellite altimetry. Although commonly described as a detailed map of the ocean floor, it is actually a preliminary map of global seafloor gravity anomalies. Its development combined ship depth soundings with satellite measurements of variations in sea surface height caused by the surface gravity fields of submarine geological features. The site affords various regional images derived from this technique as well as a global interactive map of seafloor and land relief. Also available are a few maps of land topography, including an interactive map of the earth's surface, which is composed of enlargable two-minute color relief images. Lastly, reports, articles, and links are provided on global sea floor topography as measured by satellite altimetry and ship depth soundings, bathymetric prediction and modeling, and marine gravity anomalies.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carla	Moore	J.		NOAA/NESDIS/National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), Marine Geology & Geophysics Division (MGG) Web	E/GC3 325 Broadway	Boulder	CO	80305-3328		303-497-6339	303-497-6513	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)	NOAA, Mail Code E/GC, 325 Broadway	Boulder	CO	80303-3328	303-497-6826	303-497-6513	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Images: Visualizing Data	Keywords: Geophysics,Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: Available on this site is a host of images, maps, and animations derived from bathymetric and topographic data. Static images and maps include those of estimated seafloor topography from satellite altimetry, total sediment thickness of the ocean floor, Great Lakes bathymetry, world crustal ages, and coastal relief. Of particular note is an interactive surface map of the Earth, which is composed of enlargable two-minute color relief images. The more basic animations portray global relief, estimated seafloor topography, and world crustal ages on rotating globes. Also provided are two animated tours depicting dives into the Marianas Trench: one portraying a flight through the hypothetically drained Great Lakes, another that is user-controlled showing the bathymetry of Monterey Bay. Various posters and slides of the above topics are available, as are additional images on a linked FTP site.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The Images offered here are .GIF, .JPG, or .MPEG images produced in the National Geophysical Data Center's (NGDC) Marine Geology & Geophysics Division (MGG), or from MGG data in cooperation with scientists from other organizations. These images are in the public domain, with the exception of images in outside publications to which we provide links. If you use them, please credit NOAA/NGDC for the image and the underlying data sources/funding institutions of data from which the images were derived.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Abel, Jr.	F.											
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Bureau of Land Management, California State Office	2800 Cottage Way Suite W1834	Sacramento	CA	95825-1886				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Slope Stability Analysis: Soledad Mountain Project	Keywords: Policy issues,Structural geology	Description: The Slope Stability Analysis of the Soledad Mountain Project is a report on the geologic suitability of an open pit mine located in Mojave, Kearn County, California. It is part of the official Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). A link is provided to the complete EIS. The report details the methods of analyzing the physical and structural properties of the rocks at the study site, including uniaxial and triaxial compression testing, direct shear testing of each of the rock types, and employment of the limiting equilibrium method of plane shear and wedge shear slope analysis. Numerous maps, diagrams, and tables support the investigation. There are four appendices that group the data into the Physical Test Results, the Schmidt Equal-Area Fracture Data Projections, the Wedge-Shear Fracture Intersection Constructions, and the Line Field Data Fracture Mapping Sheets. An index of the cited references is included, as well as a link to the Earthquake Stability Supplement of the EIS.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jack	Hyde	H.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lyn	Topinka			United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory	5400 MacArthur Boulevard	Vancouver	WA	98661		360-993-8900	360-993-8980	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Glacier Extents During Swift Creek Time	Keywords: Geology	Description: This page, which is part of the US Geologic Society's (USGS) Cascades Volcano Observatory website, describes the glaciers and glaciation history of the valley of Swift Creek near Mount Saint Helens Volcano in western Washington State. Much of the Swift Creek assemblage accumulated during the last major glacial episode (Fraser Glaciation), which occurred around 25,000 to 10,000 years ago in the upper Pleistocene. Glacial drift is interbedded with deposits of volcanic origin in some areas. This material was excerpted from USGS Bulletin 1383-B.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Paleoclimatology Program	325 Broadway, Code E/GC	Boulder	CO	80303-3328		303.497.6280	303.497.6513	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Paleoclimatology Program	325 Broadway, Code E/GC	Boulder	CO	80303-3328		303-497-6280	303-497-6513	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Paleoclimatology Program	Keywords: Climatology,Geologic time	Description: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Paleoclimatology Program, located at the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), helps the world share scientific data and information related to climate system variability and predictability. Their mission is to ensure the international paleoclimate research community meets the scientific goals of programs including the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme PAGES (IGBP PAGES) and the World Climate Research Programme on Climate Variability and Predictability (WCRP CLIVAR). This site includes a section on Research Programs, including information on the scientific goals, reports and publications, extramural program, and scientific conferences. An Education and Outreach section provides background on paleoclimatology as a discipline, paleoclimatology slide sets, information specific to primary and secondary educators, and links to other paleoclimate education programs, including NOAA's own (GLOBE). The Paleoclimate Data section assists users in both data access and submission. Data are available for the following subdisciplines: borehole data, climate forcing, corals, fauna, ice cores, insects, paleoclimate modeling, paleolimnology, paleooceanography, plant macrofossils, pollen, tree ring, and other paleo data. Alternatively, searches for subsets of data can be conducted within all available paleoclimatology data, global climate modeling (GCM) boundary conditions, paleocean data, paleoclimate model output, pollen data, or tree ring data. Other site features include a What's New section, Paleo Perspectives, a general link list (Places of Interest), a Paleo Visitor Program, an Address Exchange and Discussion List, and an area in which to download Free Software useful in paleoclimate research.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All climate data contributors and original scientific references should be cited, whenever possible.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stuart	Sweeney		Dr	University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Geography	Ellison Hall 3611	Santa Barbara	CA	93106-4060	805-893-5647	805-893-3146	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Human Geography: History of the Discipline; title provided or enhanced by cataloger	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Human geography	Description: This lecture outline for teaching the history of geography is part of a larger course entitled Introduction to Human Geography. The early history section notes the development of mathematics and navigation, with links to more information on Ptolemy, and Varenius. Important players in early exporation include Muslims and the Chinese, and specific people such as Magellan, Columbus, and Darwin. A brief overview of the the Longitude Act of 1714 and the challenge of cartography is included. The early modern history section notes important organizations in the development of geography such as the American Geographical Society, the Association of American Geographers, and the National Geographic Society. This section also includes definitions of environmental determinism versus possibilism and outlines the development of the study of regional geography. The modern history section outlines more recent developments in the geogrpahy and spatial arrangements. A visual model of Simonett's Cube is downloadable.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stuart	Sweeney		Dr	University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Geography	Ellison Hall 3611	Santa Barbara	CA	93106-4060	805-893-5647	805-893-3146	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Introduction to Human Geography: Fundamental Concepts in Geography	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This lecture outline addresses fundamental concepts in geography and is part of a larger course entitled Introduction to Human Geography. Beginning with the spatial perspective, the concepts of maps, scale, location, distance and direction are suggested as a conceptual progression. Moving on to maps in human geography, topics include geographic information systems and GIScience, maps and place attributes, maps and environmental issues, maps and human mobility, depicting regions on maps, and maps in the mind. Insights of geography, or how a geographer views places in context of the larger world is outlined, is followed by a section on map projections. There are several downloadable Word files with images to illustrate some of the concepts in the outline.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kenneth	Foote	E.	Dr	University of Colorado, Department of Geography	102B Guggenheim Hall	Boulder	CO	80309-0260	303-492-6760	303-492-7501	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Geography	260 UCB	Boulder	CO	80309-0260	303-492-2631	303-492-7501	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Geographer's Craft	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: The Geographer's Craft is designed as a two-semester course that experiments with active-learning, problem-solving methods of instruction using Internet-based course materials. The goal is to promote analytical reasoning and critical thinking by having students address research problems with appropriate geographical concepts and techniques, whether drawn from cartography, geographic information systems, remote sensing, spatial statistics, or other information technologies. Rather than teaching these methods as separate and independent techniques, The Geographer's Craft is designed to show how geographers employ these techniques together to address real-world research issues. The Geographer's Craft web site is organized around three main sections: (1) General Information; (2) Lecture Notes, Laboratory Exercises, and On-Line Discussion; and (3) Internet Resources and Helpful Information. General Information is where the user can find materials such as the course syllabus, semester schedules, and grade sheets. The second section contains pages with sample examination and study questions, class notes pertaining to aerial photography, remote sensing, geographic information systems, cartographic communication, coordinate systems, global positioning systems, and map projections, and also laboratory exercises which incorporate the Geographer's Craft project goals. The third section provides a guided component to internet resources for geographers such as journals, map sources, and job information.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: You are welcome to use and copy these materials for education, but please credit the source as: The Geographer's Craft, Department of Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder and cite the individual author of the modules you use. All commercial rights are reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kenneth	Foote	E.	Dr	University of Colorado, Boulder Department of Geography	102B Guggenheim Hall	Boulder	CO	80309-0260	303-492-6760	303-492-7501	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Lance	Christian												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Shannon	Crum												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Resources for Geographers: International Network for Learning and Teaching Geography in Higher Education	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: Internet Resources for Geographers is a clearinghouse of information for learning and teaching geography in higher education. It offers access to search engines and other general information, as well as web versions of printed and on-line journals in geography and related disciplines. The educational resources include links developed by the USGS specifically for K-12 education as well as information from university geography courses around the world. There are links to geo-spatial and remote sensing data, software, geography newsgroups, professional associations and research organizations, and a list of career-related resources.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ingolf	Vogeler		Dr	University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Department of Geography	Phillips Science Hall	Eau Claire	WI	54702-4004	715-836-3618	715-836-6027	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Land Use Issues and Problems	Keywords: Human geography,Policy issues	Description: This University of Wisconsin geography course provides an overview of the issues and problems of land use planning in the United States. The course syllabus and lecture topic schedule is included, as are associated reading assignments and tips for test-taking. Four student projects are outlined in detail, covering topics such as land use issues, zoning in rural Wisconsin, and assessment and property taxes in the city of Eau Claire. A Resources page offers an extensive list of land use-related entities, ranging from federal and state agencies to non-profit and commercial land use companies. In addition, students can visually experience local land use planning through a series of aerial photos of Eau Claire.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kim	Kastens	A.	Dr	Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory	Rt 9W	Palisades	NY	10964		845-365-8836	845-365-8179	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Stratigraphy Assessment Question	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is a student task, which could be used as an exam question, a homework question, or as an in-class activity. The student is given a stratigraphic column for an idealized Deep Sea Drilling Project site. The invented stratigraphy is such that the site records the passage from crust formation at a mid-ocean ridge (pillow basalts) overlain by metallic sulfides, followed by subsidence through the calcite compensation depth (foram ooze overlain by marine clays), and into the region of a trench (clastics interspersed with ash layers). The student's task is to "Develop a hypothesis that could account for the observed sequence of rock and sediment types" and then "design an experiment (for example, additional sampling, additional tests or measurements on one of the units in the drilled section) to test one aspect of your hypothesis." Extensive documentation for the teacher is provided, including a list of prerequisite knowledge, suggestions about how that prerequisite knowledge could be acquired, and a suggested scoring rubric if the task is used as an assessment.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This resource may be freely used for educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Stephen	Nelson	A.		Tulane University, Department of Geology		New Orleans	LA	70118	504-862-3194	504-865-5199	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glaciers and Glaciation	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This site contains lecture notes to accompany one chapter/lecture of a physical geology course using the text, The Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, 4th Edition, by Brian J. Skinner and Stephen C. Porter. Subtopics include glaciers, glacial deposits, glacial features, glaciation, and glacial ages.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 	Bennett			The Isaac Newton School, Geography Department		Hull						United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Internet Geography: Glaciation	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This site is a part of GeoNet Internet Geography, a resource for pre-collegiate British geography students and their teachers. This page focuses on glaciation, glacial erosion, and glacial landforms. A case study of Helvellyn, an area containing glaciated landforms in the Lake District of England, offers links to several sites. Also included are: an online activities area, resource sharing for teachers, and an Ask a Geographer section.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All material on Geo Net is copyright of the site creator and those people donating material (such as photographs, advice, links, reviews, etc.). This is of course unless stated. Materials on this site are there to download and use for educational purposes. Under no circumstances are downloaded resources (such as photographs) to be used for anything other than educational purposes, and most certainly not for financial gain.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Annette	deCharon	V	Ms	Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences	P.O. Box 475	W. Boothbay Harbor	ME	04575	207-633-9600	207-633-9641	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Toxic & Harmful Algal Blooms	Keywords: Ecology,Biological oceanography,Biology,Environmental science	Description: Primarily through the use of engaging graphics, this resource outlines where Toxic and Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) occur in U.S. waters. It also addresses the differences between toxic and non-toxic HABs, which organisms in the food web are affected, how specific toxins work and the symptoms associated with them, and the causative phytoplankton species.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used in an educational setting as long as credit to Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is given.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Annette	deCharon	V	Ms	Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences	P.O. Box 475	W. Boothbay Harbor	ME	04575	207-633-9600	207-633-9641	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hatch to Catch	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology,Ecology	Description: Learn about ocean circulation, early lobster life stages, and benthic environments, playing "Hatch to Catch." This web resource challenges users to guide 1,000 lobster larvae through the Gulf of Maine. Their goal is to ensure that at least 25 grow to harvest size. Users identify and select favorable environmental conditions for lobster larvae dispersion and settling. All outcome scenarios are based on research data from the Gulf of Maine.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used in an educational setting as long as credit to Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is given.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Vicki	Harder	M.		Department of Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University			Las Cruces	NM	88003		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Barbara	Murck	W.		University of Toronto								Canada
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Brian	Skinner	J.		Yale University, Geology Dept.	P>O> Box 208109	New Haven	CT	06520				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Stephen	Porter	C.		University of Washington, Dept. of Geological Sciences	Geology, Mailstop 351310	Seattle	WA	98195				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				John Wiley and Sons Inc.			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Surface Collapse and Subsidence	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This is an exercise based on the geologic hazard of land subsidence in areas of karst terrain. A brief introduction is given to ground water, the development of karst, and the resulting collapse features due to the lowering of the water table. Photos and an animation support the discussion. Users are directed to print out a question sheet that is intended to guide exploration of the Edwards Aquifer Homepage. A connection to the Edwards Aquifer site is available. Other links are provided to different geologic exercises on earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, and also to related geology websites.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Thomas	McGuire		Mr	Cave Creek Digital/Briarcliff High School (Retired)	38846 North Spur Cross Road	Cave Creek	AZ	85331	(480) 575 1705		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Westchester Geology	Keywords: Geology	Description: This is a resource for educators, students and the public centered on the local geology of Westchester County, New York and Internet links in the Earth Sciences. The author suggests selected geologic field sites in Westchester County, along with a comprehensive bibliography of published resources for the local geology. A Westchester Geology Field Guidebook can be downloaded free from the site. Internet links are provided on Geology, Weather, Astronomy, Education/Media, and Just for Students.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Chamberlin	S	Dr	The Remarkable Ocean World	515 3/4 East Wilshire Ave	Fullerton	CA	92832	714-992-7137	714-447-4097	
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Remarkable Ocean World	Keywords: Space science,Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Environmental science,Geology,History and philosophy of science,Physical oceanography	Description: This is a textbook associated with an Introduction to Oceanography course at Fullerton College, but is also appropriate for grades 8-12 and the general public. An online library consists of the following major subjects: Biological Oceanography (the flow of energy and materials in the oceans), Chemical Oceanography (seawater and its dissolved constituents), Geological Oceanography (origins of earthquakes, volcanoes, submarine hiding places, the beaches and ski slopes), Historical Oceanography (development from technology, economic or military needs, and government funding), Humans and the Sea (artistic endeavors as well as exploitation), Ocean Science (questions that drive ocean research and practical skills, such as map reading), Physical Oceanography (ocean and atmospheric processes, and our ability to monitor them), and Space Science (formation of Earth, its oceans and creatures). Links to related sites are provided from within many of the specific topic areas, as well as on the following ocean related subjects: E-quariums, Sharks, Exploring the Ocean, Surfing and Scuba, Whales and Dolphins, Earth and Ocean Science, and Space Science. Current conditions of Ocean Tides, Moon Phases, Surf Reports, Weather Buoys, Satellite Images, and Wave Forecasts can be explored. Also featured are photographic and video images, as well as audio files. A search engine allows the user to further explore oceanic information.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright, 2001, The Remarkable Ocean World. May be used in educational settings but not for commercial use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California, Santa Barbara, Map & Imagery Lab, Davidson Library		Santa Barbara	CA	93106				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Alexandria Digital Library Gazetteer Server	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This tool allows users to view maps of geographic areas or locations by specifying place names and geological or socioeconomic feature types. The Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) Gazetteer combines the U.S. place names from the U.S. Geological Survey's Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) database, the non-U.S. place names from the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's GEOnet Names Server (GNS) database, and other gazetteer datasets. A gazetteer associates geographic names (place names and feature names) with geographic locations and other descriptive information. A gazetteer can be used to find the geographic location of a named place, and conversely can be used to find all named places within a geographic area. These searches can be restricted to particular types of features, for example, to "hydrographic features," or more specifically, to just "lakes." The ADL Gazetteer item metadata is based on the ADL Gazetteer Content Standard; the feature types are based on the ADL Feature Type Thesaurus. Coverage is worldwide.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001. The Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Smithsonian Institution	SI Building, Room 153	Washington	DC	20560	202-357-2700		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gene	Feldman	C						301-286-9428		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ocean Planet: A Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Environmental science,Human geography,Physical oceanography	Description: The goal of Ocean Planet is to share with the public what recent research has revealed about the oceans and to encourage ocean conservation. Ocean Planet premiered at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History from April 1995 to April 1996. This online companion exhibition contains all of the text and most of the panel designs and images found in the traveling exhibition. Topics include global change, habitat destruction, marine pollution, marine biodiversity, hydrothermal vents, seafarers and how oceans shape their lives, food and services provided by the sea, and heroes of the sea. There are educational materials associated with Ocean Planet, including a set of lessons and marine science activities which adapt several themes of the exhibition for use in middle and high school classrooms. The site also includes profiles of professionals in oceanography and links to oceanographic information on the Internet.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Software, documentation, electronic image files, and other materials ("Materials") may be covered by restrictions, and/or copyright. The Smithsonian Institution ("SI"), and its Office of Printing & Photographic Services ("OPPS") image files are made available for non-commercial, personal use. Copying or redistribution in any manner for personal or corporate gain is not permitted.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The University of Sydney				New South Wales 2006	61-2-9351-222		Australia
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Com Tech Online	121-127 Harrington St.	The Rocks	New South Wales 2000					Australia
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Reef Education Network	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Environmental science	Description: Reef Education Network (REN) provides reference material, photographs, and links on topics relating to the world's coral reefs. Topics include the origin and geological history of reefs, and descriptions of reef types (tropical fringing, submerged, patch, platform or lagoonal, crescentic, ribbon, atolls, and temperate). The Visit a Reef section describes a variety of reef environments, including temperate and tropical reefs, mangrove swamps, the intertidal zone, and reef walls, crests, and lagoons. Other sections detail pelagic zones (neritic and euphotic), benthic zones (intertidal, sublittoral, bathyal, abyssal, hadal), levels of salinity and gases, light and sound, circulation patterns, and temperate vs tropical waters. Energy exchange and trophic levels, symbiotic relationships, including commensalism and parasitism, asexual and sexual strategies of reproduction are discussed. Siltation, eutrification, and pollution, the effects of global warming, El Nino, and coral bleaching are noted. A section on Resource Exploitation describes tourism, oil drilling, and the shipping industry. Information on current research, management and monitoring strategies is provided. A video of, and information about sharks completes the site.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 The University of Queensland
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Vicki	Harder	M.		Department of Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University			Las Cruces	NM	88003		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Barbara	Murck	W.		University of Toronto								Canada
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Brian	Skinner	J.		Yale University, Geology Dept.	P.O. Box 208109	New Haven	CT	06520				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Stephen	Porter	C.		University of Washington, Dept. of Geological Sciences	Geology, Mailstop 351310	Seattle	WA	98195				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				John Wiley and Sons, Inc.			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Dangerous Earth: An Introduction to Geologic Hazards	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: The Dangerous Earth contains five exercises on the study of geology and natural hazards, each containing an introduction followed by questions to be answered. The first exercise, What Is Geology, provides an introduction to the world of geology with a visit to the Earth Viewer site. Subsidence and Collapse explores karst terrain and resulting collapse features due to the lowering of the water table, including a visit to the Edwards Aquifer Homepage. The Earthquakes exercise is divided into three portions. The first portion links to the Southern Arizona Seismological Observatory to generate a seismogram and view a listing of current earthquake activity. The second part of the exercise section links to the Active Tectonics Home Page, where Mercalli intensities are assigned to photographs of the Northridge earthquake. The third portion of the exercise relates the number of seismic events to nuclear test ban treaty monitoring. The Tsunami exercise focuses on tsunami-generating circum-Pacific earthquakes by linking to both the Access Current Seismicity site for potential earthquakes and the Tsunami Warning Center. The Volcanoes introduction focuses on the relationship between volcano type and eruptive style, which is followed by a link to The Electronic Volcano site to classify photographs of volcanoes, relate their location to plate tectonic boundaries to determine which type of volcano occurs at which type of plate boundary, and then determine where it would be safest to live. A section of this site is reserved for links to sites of geological interest.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Roy	Dokka	K.	Dr	Louisiana State University, Department of Geology and Geophysics		Baton Rouge	LA	70803	578-388-2975		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Constance	Christensen		Mr.	Louisiana State University, Department of Geology and Geophysics		Baton Rouge	LA	70803		225-578-2680		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Larry	Mayer		Dr	Miami University, Department of Geology			Oxford	OH					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jack	Rinker		Dr	U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center		Alexandria	VA					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Joseph	Watts		Mr	U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center		Alexandria	VA					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Gerald	Wakefield		Mr	U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center		Alexandria	VA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Guide to the Geomorphic Landform and Surface Composition Geographic Information System of the Mojave Desert Ecosystem, GLSCGIS	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Technology	Description: The Geomorphic Landform and Surface Composition Geographic Information System (GLSCGIS) provides compositional and landform information regarding over 50,000 mapped polygons in the California portion of the Mojave Desert Ecosystem. The geologic criteria used to classify the landforms within the GLSCGIS are reviewed, but access to the actual database is not provided. Information is presented on Landform Classification, Composition Classification, Age Classification, and Technicalities of the GLSCGIS. Definitions and visual examples are provided for the classification schemes. The main landform divisions are mountain, inselberg, intermontane, plain, and trans terrain systems. The main rock composition classifications are igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Each landform (except inselberg) and composition division contains several subcategories. The Age Classification lists the geologic time scale and highlights the main eras that are distinguished in the GLSCGIS. A guide to the GLSCGIS map labels and the GIS technical information are linked to the main page.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC)		1711 Illinois Street	Golden	CO			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Madeleine	Zirbes			U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC)	1711 Illinois Street	Golden	CO			
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Earthquake Information Center: Earthquake Search	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Geophysics	Description: This site enables the user to access a vast database of earthquakes. Searches may be done using a number of different geographic approaches: a Global or Worldwide search, a Rectangular search by specifying latitudes and longitudes of a rectangular area, and a Circular search by specifying the center latitude and longitude coordinates and a radius. Additional parameters, including dates of events, places of events, magnitude, depth and intensity can be specified before engaging in a search. The results of each search can be viewed in a variety of formats. Users may also view information and data on the following pages: Near Real Time Earthquake List, Current and General Earthquake Information, Seismograph Station Codes, Earthquake Information Sources, Routine U.S. Mining Seismicity, U.S. National Seismograph Networks, Today in Earthquake History, Large Earthquakes in 2001, and Earthquake E-mail Notification. Links to other U.S. Geological Survey earthquake websites are provided.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christopher	Klaus	M.		Argonne National Laboratory	11915 Stonehollow Drive, 837B	Austin	TX	78758	512-491-9778	413-581-3936	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Argonne National Laboratory / Decision and Information Sciences	9700 South Cass Avenue	Argonne	IL	60439			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Atmospheric Visualization Collection	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This collection is based on near real-time visualization of atmospheric data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program's Southern Great Plains (SGP) site. The SGP site is the largest collection of ground-based remote-sensing atmospheric instruments in the world. Data imagery from the Atmospheric Visualization Collection (AVC) is accessible by instrumentation name, calendar date, or geophysical focus area. The page includes material on atmospheric visualization, earth sciences, and such geophysical focus areas as aerosols, clouds, shortwave and longwave radiation, atmospheric states, and surface energy exchange. An external link is provided to the ARM Archive at which users can access past data. A code repository is made available allowing students to produce their own visualizations using past or current datasets.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Documents authored by Argonne National Laboratory employees are the result of work under U.S. Government contract W-31-109-ENG-38 and are therefore subject to the following license: The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in these documents to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly by or on behalf of the Government.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Victor	Camp	E.	Dr	San Diego State University, Department of Geological Science	5500 Campinile Road	San Diego	CA	92181			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Victor	Camp	E.	Dr	San Diego State University, Department of Geological Sciences	5500 Campinile Road	San Diego	CA	92182			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Victor	Camp	E.	Dr	San Diego State University, Department of Geological Sciences	5500 Campinile Drive	San Diego	CA	92182			
This is a(n) person.
Title: How Volcanoes Work	Keywords: Space science,Environmental science,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards	Description: This educational resource describes the science behind volcanoes and volcanic processes. Topics include volcanic environments, volcano landforms, eruption dynamics, eruption products, eruption types, historical eruptions, and planetary volcanism. There are two animations, over 250 images, eight interactive tests, and a volcano crossword puzzle.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Images credited to government organizations are in the public domain, and can be downloaded and used. It would be appropriate, however, to properly acknowledge the individuals and government agencies for each downloaded image. The remainder of the images and graphics are not in the public domain. These may not be downloaded and used, unless permission is granted from the individuals acknowledged in the expanded caption for each image.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Meehan		Mr	Richard Meehan Associates		Palo Alto	CA	94304	415-323-0525		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Expansive Soils: Claystones and Shales	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Physical geography,Soil science	Description: This tutorial explores some interesting dimensions of expansive soils, widely considered to be foundation engineers' nightmare, a builders' headache, and a homeowners' curse. Two decades ago the prevailing philosophy was to attack these natural geological "nuisances" with bulldozers, chemicals, and concrete. Here that philosophy is reconsidered suggesting that with a better identification and preventive design techniques we might learn to live with expansive claystones in reasonable harmony, and save a lot of money and litigation in the process. This resource provides information on geologic origins, and consequences such as swell, creep. settlement and landslides. The classification of expansive soils is offered along with suggested lab tests. A case history of an urban development in Menlo Park, California is summarized and preventive design concepts are briefly outlined. A literature review is provided for further study.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Andres	Aslan		Dr	Mesa State College, Department of Geology	1100 North Avenue	Grand Junction	CO	81501				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): E.T.	Farmer			Mesa State College								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphology	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: Geomorphology is an upper level geology class that incorporates theory and methods from a variety of disciplines, including remote sensing, sedimentology, hydrology, soil science, and engineering geology. The class syllabus is available for viewing, and of special interest is the page reserved for student research. Seven student research papers are available in HTML format. Some examples of paper topics are: Reconstruction of the Paleotopography of a Quaternary Drainage System using Image Processing and GIS Techniques, and Provenance of an Anomalous Sediment Package. All papers contain visuals and most include references. Links are available to other courses with online resources, including a GPS for GIS page, and to the Mesa State College homepage.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory	4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Newell Colour (print and slide reproduction)		221 North Westmoreland Avenue	Los Angeles	CA	90064-4892		213-380-2980 ext. 269	213-739-6984	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Susan	Reichley			NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory	4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Space Radar Images of the Earth: Geology (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site offers access to more than twenty NASA radar images of expansive geologic features from around the world. Each page contains a brief description of the features and processes illustrated and setting, and are available for download. Some examples of the images available are Saline Valley, CA, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt, and Pishan, China. The images were created with the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C and X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) as part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth. The radars illuminate Earth with microwaves allowing detailed observations at any time, regardless of weather or sunlight conditions. Links are provided to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Imaging Radar division home pages.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The images are not copyrighted, but it is requested that reproduced images be credited to NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS), Centralized Data Management Office		Georgetown	SC	29442				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: An Introduction to Estuaries: National Estuarine Research Reserve System	Keywords: Ecology,Physical geography,Policy issues	Description: Created by Congress in 1972, the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) is dedicated to fostering a system of estuary reserves that represents the wide range of coastal and estuarine habitats found in the United States and its territories. Currently 425,000 acres in 18 states and Puerto Rico are protected by NERRS. Following the brief introduction to estuaries on the homepage is a link to a clickable map of NERRS Sites in the United States. Each NERRS site maintains a homepage with information on the reserves such as the site description, current research, and educational and resource management projects.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Peter	Flemings		Dr	Penn State University, Sedimentary Geology	442 Deike Building	University Park	PA	16802	814-865-2309		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stratigraphy Class Supplement	Keywords: Geology	Description: The Stratigraphy Class Supplement contains two movie clips that portray the evolution of stratigraphic facies as defined by water depth. The first movie differs from the second as it represents the evolution with a simple sinusoidal change in sea level. The second movie depicts the process with a random pattern of sea level change. Wheeler Diagrams and freeze frames of both movies are available.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Microsoft Corporation		One Microsoft Way	Redmond	WA	98052-6399			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Microsoft Corporation								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				United States Geological Survey			Reston	VA			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Compaq			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Veritas Software Corporation			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				StorageTek			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Microsoft TerraServer	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This web site is one of the world's largest online databases, providing free public access to a vast store of aerial photographs and digitized topographical maps of the United States, provided by the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS). TerraServer is designed to work with commonly available computer systems and web browsers over slow speed communications links. You can visit your own neighborhood or take a look at famous places such as National Parks. There are four ways to search for imagery: (1) enter a specific place name, (2) use TerraServer's "Advanced Find" search feature, where users can enter latitude/longitude coordinates (3) click on the world coverage map, or (4) locate places of interest by using TerraServer's list of Famous Places. USGS digitized aerial images are expected to cover 100% of the conterminous United States by the end of 2001. The USGS digitized topographical maps cover 100% of the conterminous United States and Hawaii.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides the Microsoft TerraServer site with images and maps of the United States. The images are in the public domain, and are freely available for you to download, use and re-distribute. If you download and use any images, the TerraServer team and the USGS appreciate a reference to their work on this project.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Thomas	Reeves	C.	Dr	University of Georgia, College of Education, Department of Instructional Technology	604 Aderhold Hall	Athens	GA	30602	706-542-3849		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Thomas	Reeves	C.	Dr	University of Georgia, College of Education, Department of Instructional Technology	604 Aderhold Hall	Athens	GA	30602	706-542-3849		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Evaluation Report for Remote Sensing Using Satellites	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This site presents the findings of a formative evaluation of the "Remote Sensing Using Satellites" interactive learning module. The evaluation was conducted during the 1998-99 academic year. The evaluation of the module had four primary purposes: 1. To identify corrections, improvements, and extensions to the module, 2. To describe the implementation and effectiveness of the module in a variety of undergraduate contexts, 3. To estimate the value of the module to the instructors and students in undergraduate geoscience, and 4. To judge the feasibility of the module as a model and template for WWW-based instruction in undergraduate geoscience courses. Specifically, the following aspects of the module were evaluated: the appropriateness of the scientific content for undergraduate courses; design, user interface and navigation components; pedagogical dimensions; instructional implementation strategies; technical implementation requirements; effectiveness as a learning environment; feasibility for integration within different types of undergraduate courses; and utility as a model or template for Web-based instruction in geoscience courses.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bob	Newton		Dr	Smith College, Department of Geology	Burton 207	Northampton	MA	01063				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geomorphology	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Structural geology	Description: This is the homepage for an upper level geomorphology class. It contains the class syllabus, as well as links to associated resources such as topographic maps and US landforms. A detailed introduction to the influence of geologic structure on landform development is provided. This structural lesson has many diagrams and topographic map links to aide in interpretation. A tutorial section further enforces these concepts with three interactive maps. Four sets of thumbnail photos from class field trips are available. Although the photos contain no descriptions, the slides pertain to river morphology and the effects of waterways on soil formation. The professor has complied two extensive reviews for exam preparation. These reviews contain a listing of relevant terms, short answer questions, essay questions, and numerous map and photo questions. Outside links are provided to topographic map sources and hydrologic information.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Center for Earth and Planetary Studies			Washington	DC	20560-0321			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum: Center for Earth and Planetary Studies Research	Keywords: Space science,Environmental science,Geology,Physical geography	Description: Research at the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS) concentrates on geology of the terrestrial planets and their satellites, geologic mapping of planetary surfaces, geomorphology and surface dynamics in arid and semi-arid regions of the Earth, and comparative planetology of volcanic and tectonic landforms on the Earth and other terrestrial planets. Most recently, research has begun to assess anthropogenic changes to the Earth's surface. Results of these studies are disseminated as books, articles for the general public, scholarly papers in professional journals, and lectures to the public and the professional science community. A Publication List indexes materials in the categories of Books; Reviewed Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, and Book Chapters; and USGS Geologic Maps and Open-File Reports. The lists date back to 1975 and ordering information is available. Numerous links are provided to current research reports and centers. The Research Projects are grouped according to Terrestrial Geomorphology, Planetary Science, Land Cover Changes and Ecosystem Dynamics, and Other Activities. A page is reserved for the staff register. Most staff members have provided links to their personal pages, which are reserved for educational and research endeavors.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©1994-2000 National Air and Space Museum
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				San Jose State University, Department of Geology				CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Don	Reed			San Jose State University, Department of Geology								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Commotion Beneath the Ocean	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This is Expedition 6 of the Geology 105 Oceanography online course, Mysteries of the Deep. The self-paced, tutorial-style assignments are meant to substitute for classroom lectures. This particular expedition is about the creation, evolution and destruction of the Earth's crust below the oceans. Sections include: plate tectonics theory, formation of ocean basins, evidence of continental fit, mapping the mid-ocean ridge system, seafloor spreading, magnetic fields, and the Earth's interior.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Geologic Division, Eastern Region			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Eastern Publication Group Web Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Major Tectonic Plates of the World	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site shows a colored map of the world's tectonic plates including the continents. A brief explanation of plate tectonics, plate movements and boundaries is given.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lyn	Topinka			United States Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics and Sea-Floor Spreading: Maps and Graphics, etc.	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This page offers access to maps and graphics of earthquakes, active volcanoes and plate tectonics for the world, the Cascade Range , Juan de Fuca Ridge, Gorda Ridge and Axial Seamount in North America, South America, and Western Canada. The Ring of Fire is noted in some maps, and others offer data for the years 1994-1999.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): V.	Miller	Karen	Mr.	Director, Red Apple	2919 Allen Parkway, L14 -30	Houston	TX	77019	713-831-4117		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Red Apple	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This is a website for K-12 educators to grow personally and professionally. It contains information relevant to K-12 teachers, technology directors, and administrators. Some of the main topical areas include: lesson plans, articles and inspiration, promoting school safety, career development, certification and job postings, and education grants. Links to various education websites and a search option are provided within many of these topical areas. Additionally, free membership to Red Apple Online is available, which allows access to chat, a personal organizer, and private group collaboration. This site is sponsored by VALIC, an American General Financial Group company.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 Red Apple All rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Cicone	C.		ISCIENCES, L.L.C.	300 N. Fifth Ave., Suite 120	Ann Arbor	MI	48104	734-214-9810	734-214-9813	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Metzler	D.		ISCIENCES, L.L.C.	300 N. Fifth Ave., Suite 120	Ann Arbor	MI	48104	htt://	734-214-9810	734-214-9813	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ISCIENCES, L.L.C.	300 N. Fifth Ave., Suite 120	Ann Arbor	MI	48104	734-214-9810	734-214-9813	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lisa	Emmer	A.		ISCIENCES, L.L.C.	300 N. Fifth Ave., Suite 120	Ann Arbor	MI	48104	734-214-9810	734-214-9813	
This is a(n) person.
Title: TerraViva! World Facts	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This site offers a digital atlas and visualization tool that can generate comparative country rankings based on over 100 socio-economic variables from the CIA World Factbook, for example, birth rates, GDP, or military expenditures, and can generate color-coded maps based on the rankings. The program also includes five thematic maps depicting geographic and demographic features, such as national and sub-national political boundaries, elevation and depth, land cover, and population density, and is expandable through the addition of other thematic maps. Along with the compare and rank feature, the statistics in the World Factbook are presented as text in Country Profiles, offering current statistical portraits of nations based on recent conditions and infrastructure. Profiles are organized into folders detailing the economy, communication, transportation, military, government, historical background, chiefs of state, geography, issues, people, and flag of a nation. Condensed Library of Congress Country Studies, accessible through a Gazetteer, provide objective reports on the social, political, and cultural dynamics that have shaped countries over time. These products are available on CD through the on-line Web Store at this site.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright 2001.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ISCIENCES, L.L.C.	300 N. Fifth Ave., Suite 120	Ann Arbor	MI	48104	734-214-9810	734-214-9813	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Cicone	C.		ISCIENCES, L.L.C.	300 N. Fifth Ave., Suite 120	Ann Arbor	MI	48104				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Metzler	D.		ISCIENCES, L.L.C.	300 N. Fifth Ave., Suite 120	Ann Arbor	MI	48104				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lisa	Emmer	A.		ISCIENCES, L.L.C.	300 N. Fifth Ave., Suite 120	Ann Arbor	MI	48104				
This is a(n) person.
Title: TerraViva! Spinning Earth	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: TerraViva! Spinning Earth is a 3-D simulation of the earth in rotation. The program includes a dynamic visualization of nighttime as it moves around the planet, and the following thematic map wrap-arounds: political boundaries, elevation and depth, population density, and land cover. This spinning globe visualization can be manipulated through user controls for zooming in and out; viewing active, paused, or stepped rotation; setting latitude and longitude; and masking oceans.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright 2001.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jim	Hays			Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory	P.O. Box 1000, 61 Route 9W	Palisades	NY	10964				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory		P.O. Box 1000, 61 Route 9W	Palisades	NY	10964			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lab Instructions: The Earth's Radiation Budget	Keywords: Climatology	Description: These laboratory exercises from an introductory course on the Climate System are designed to help students become comfortable with physical experiments, to use experiments to increase their understanding of physical concepts, and to familiarize them with actual datasets used in climate research. Two physical experiments are performed with a light source and solar cells to attempt a crude replication of the Earth-Sun shortwave radiation system. Students are asked to explore why temperature varies with latitude and season, and how different properties of the earth's surface affect the incoming and outgoing radiation. Students use an Excel spreadsheet to plot current intensity with latitude. The data sets come from The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) and were collected using the satellites: ERBS, NOAA-9, and NOAA-10. The data are organized by satellite, and by variable. Data types are clear-sky, cloud-forcing(the difference between clear-sky and cloudy-sky radiation), and total. Variables are albedo, longwave radiation, shortwave radiation, and net radiation.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Ohio State University - Eisenhower National Clearinghouse	1929 Kenny Road	Columbus	OH	43210	614-292-7784	614-292-2066	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				The Ohio State University - Eisenhower National Clearinghouse	1929 Kenny Road	Columbus	OH	43210	800-621-5785	614-292-2066	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) (Title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Educational theory and practice,Geology,Hydrology,Mathematics,Space science,Technology	Description: The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) serves to identify and disseminate curriculum resources, information, and products to improve K-12 mathematics and science teaching and learning. The Curriculum Resources section contains a searchable database of more than 19,000 records from ENC's national repository, each resource cataloged by education and library professionals with more than 20 fields of information. These resources include print materials, software and CD-ROMs, kits and manipulatives, along with thousands of Internet sites. A separate Web Links section categorizes the Internet sites according to type or subject: Lesson Plans & Activities; Professional Development; Student/Classroom; Reference Sources; Math Topics; and Science Topics. A Professional Resources section contains information for long-term classroom planning and professional development, according to the following categories: Timesavers; Standards and Frameworks; Federal Resources; Education Research; Funding Opportunities; and Ideas that Work (strategies for effective professional development). Additional sections on ENC address: (learning) Assessment; Children's Literature; Educational Technology; (learning) Equity; Family Involvement; Informal Education; Innovative Curriculum Materials; Inquiry & Problem Solving; and Real World (i.e., applied) Math & Science.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ENC holds copyright on all original materials we publish. However, since ENC is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the federal government has the right to use the materials as it deems appropriate, and ENC routinely grants permission for materials to be reproduced by others. Requests for permission to reprint must be submitted by letter, fax, or email. A credit line must accompany the reprint. Many of the resources available on our site are not produced or authored by ENC and are used by ENC with permission of the copyright holder. To reproduce such resources you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holder. ENC attempts to clearly identify such reproduced materials on our site. If users have any doubt about whether information they find on ENC's web pages is in the public domain, they should contact ENC at
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	McDevitt			Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): S.	Medaris	V.		Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G. E.		Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Armageddon: The Real Story	Keywords: Space science,Natural hazards,Policy issues	Description: This web article is a March 2000 report from Why Files about the risk of a catastrophic impact from space objects such as asteroids and comets. It cites a presentation at a national scientific meeting, which stated that asteroid impacts over the past 10,000 years had a hand in shaping the climate and the nature of civilization itself. Why Files staff interviewed seven scientists, both pessimists and optimists, on the hazard for this report.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Climatologist's Toolbox	Keywords: Climatology,Human geography	Description: This Why Files feature posted November 6, 1997 explains some of the tools employed by the climatologist, and how they are used to measure climate or look back in time to see what climate was like long ago. How do scientists forecast what might be in store for the planet? Topics include how scientists take the Earth's temperature and use computer-based climate models, ice cores from remote glaciers and ice caps, lake sediments, archaeology, and tree rings to help them look back in time. Five scientists were interviewed for this report.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Stephen	Jameson	C.		National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Marcus	W.		International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mark	Spalding	D.		World Conservation Monitoring Centre								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): C.	Eaking	Mark		National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administraion - Office of Global Programs (NOAA-OGP)								
This is a(n) person.
Title: State of the Reefs: Regional and Global Perspectives	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This is the online version of the International Coral Reef Initiative Executive Secretariat Background Paper, published in May 1995. In response to the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the status and trends of coral reef ecosystems on large scales, the report takes a holistic look at general patterns in the status and trends of coral reefs today (as well as mangrove forests and seagrass beds). For each of five global regions and the world collectively, the reports assess the conditions of these ecosystems, the human consequences of reef degradation, selected management and research programs, and preliminary recommendations for regional action. Accompanying the texts are regional reef maps produced from an ongoing global coral reef mapping project, as well as maps depicting the distribution of acanthaster (crown-of-thorns starfish) outbreaks, coral bleaching, sedimentation damage, pollution damage, blast fishing, and marine protected areas.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)	449 UCB, University of Colorado - Boulder	Boulder	CO	80309-0449	303-492-6199	303-492-2468	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) - User Services	Campus Box 449, University of Colorado - Boulder	Boulder	CO	80309-0449		303-492-6199	303-492-2468	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)	Keywords: Cryology	Description: The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is an information and referral center supporting polar and cryospheric research. Through its Data Catalog, NSIDC archives and distributes digital and analog data on snow cover, avalanches, glaciers, ice sheets, freshwater ice, sea ice, ground ice, permafrost, atmospheric ice, paleoglaciology, and ice cores. Users may browse their entire data collection by subject or by title. (Users may also browse portions of NSIDC's Data Catalog by project name, collection method, or funding agency.) Beyond their data holdings, the Center also offers data management services for a number of scientific agencies and programs, provides data products (targeted for the science research community), publishes three periodicals, maintains a collection of monographs, technical reports, and journals, and compiles education resources and links for teachers and students. Educational resources include: Arctic Climatology and Meteorology Primer, State of the Cryosphere, Snow on the Web, All About Glaciers, Avalanche Awareness, Ice shelves and icebergs, a mapping and gridding primer, and COLDLinks, a list of links to external polar and cryospheric educational resources. NSIDC plays integral roles in numerous national and international projects for which cryospheric data are collected and distributed. NSIDC itself is part of the University of Colorado Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), and is affiliated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) through a cooperative agreement.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: To help us best serve the scientific and cryospheric research communities, please cite our data any time you use them in any way (for example, in a published paper, public presentation, educational materials, video, etc.). Also, please provide us with reprints of any paper citing our data. In addition to acknowledging the authors of the data products you use, please include an acknowledgment of NSIDC data in your publication. The form of the citation is set forth in the documentation for each data set. So that we can track the use of our data in the community, please notify us ( when you transmit our data to other researchers. If you would like to use materials from our World Wide Web site, please acknowledge us as follows: "Information on [SUBJECT] obtained from the Internet on-line information page ( maintained by the National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, [Month, Year]."
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): S.	Medaris	V.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G. E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquakes!	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This article is a Why Files report, which begins with a description of the devastating earthquake in Turkey on August 17, 1999, and continues with an investigation of earthquakes and earthquake safety. Topics covered include: plate tectonics, finding faults, a timeline on the theory of continental drift, earthquake prediction, and safe building construction. Users can access updates with short descriptions of the earthquakes in Taiwan and Mexico City that occurred later in 1999. Six scientists were interviewed for this article.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): S.	Medaris	V.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G. E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Flood of Evidence	Keywords: Human geography,Natural hazards	Description: This article is a Why Files report on the increase in "natural" disasters from floods, probably the most destructive type of natural disaster. The article notes that in constant dollars, the cost in 1998 alone exceeded the economic toll of the entire decade of the 1980s. Evidence is cited that inundations reflect human action rather than simply rainfall amounts. The report covers: furious floods (including possible human-induced causes), too many floods (recent flood events), do fewer trees create more floods?, wetlands and floods, and flood prevention: the engineering structure or earthmover approach. Six scientists and researchers were interviewed for this report.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: No Snows on Kilimanjaro	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology	Description: This article is a Why Files short piece on the melting of tropical glaciers. Geologist Lonnie Thompson has reported that ice in tropical regions is melting fast, and glaciers are retreating at an accelerating rate. In 2000, Thompson found that the icecap on Kilimanjaro in East Africa had lost 82 percent of its area in 88 years. Researchers found similar results for glaciers in the Andes Mountains of Peru, and on the Tibetan Plateau. Global warming is explored as a possible cause for the melting.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	McDevitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Warming	Keywords: Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: This Why Files article explores the debate on global warming. Topics discussed are: is global warming good or bad, the greenhouse effect, how stable have past climates been, and what are effects of deforestation. Global warming is thought to cause rising sea levels, droughts, and fires that disturb agriculture, economies, and ecosystems alike. In the late 1990's the Earth experienced 18 months of record temperatures. Some think the ongoing heat wave is the long-sought "signal" of global warming. However, a few don't find evidence that the Earth is warming. Four scientists were interviewed for this article.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Warming: Is it Real?	Keywords: Climatology	Description: This short article from the Why Files discusses research that provides new evidence for a century-long warming trend. The research is based on records of lake and river ice melting and freezing dates over a 150-year period in the Northern Hemisphere. Researcher John Magnuson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison published his results in the journal Science.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Hurricanes	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This Why Files article focuses on hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean region: what they are, how they form, how they are predicted, how scientists use Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) pictures to look at them, and how they might be affected by global warming. Five meteorologists were interviewed for this article.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Columbia University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)	PO Box 1000, 61 Rt. 9W	Palisades	NY	10964	(845) 365-8988	(845) 365-8922	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): SEDAC	Services	User		Columbia University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)	PO Box 1000, 61 Rt. 9W	Palisades	NY	10964	845-365-8920	845-365-8922	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Robert	Chen	S.	Dr	Columbia University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)	PO Box 1000, 61 Rt. 9W	Palisades	NY	10964	(845)365-8988	(845)365-8922	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Demographic Data Viewer (DDViewer)	Keywords: Human geography,Policy issues	Description: The Demographic Data Viewer (DDViewer) is an easy-to-use World Wide Web accessible application that provides rapid data mapping, viewing, and analysis of more than 200 U. S. Census-derived socioeconomic variables for geographical levels ranging from states to census blocks. This application is useful for browsing and visualizing population patterns. Two Java-based and one non-Java-based version, each offering slightly different features, are available. Once the data of interest have been identified, users can then access the specific data files directly through the Archive of Census-Related Products. The core data processed by DDViewer is a collection of more than 200 variables from the 1990 U.S. Census Summary Tape File (STF) 3A. These data cover various subjects including: general population; persons by race and age; households by size, type, and income; families by number of workers; other income measures; level of education; unemployment; occupation; housing units, age, and value. The distribution of values for these variables can be displayed for various census geographic units including: U.S. states, counties, county subdivisions, census tracts, and block-groups. DDViewer is one of several products included in the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center's (SEDAC) Population, Land Use and Emissions Data Project. This project represents a unique effort to link geo-referenced demographic and other socioeconomic information with remote sensing data related to land cover and use. Data on population dynamics and distribution have been identified as key elements in understanding human interactions with the environment and in considering possible responses to global environmental change.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. The Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) of Columbia University offers unrestricted access and use of data without charge, unless specified in the documentation for particular data. Users of the data should acknowledge CIESIN and if applicable, the particular program providing the data, as the source used in the creation of any reports, publications, new data sets, derived products, or services resulting from their use. CIESIN also requests reprints of any publications acknowledging CIESIN as the source and requests notification of any redistribution efforts. Users of CIESIN data, products, and services are prohibited from any commercial or non-free resale or redistribution without explicit written permission from CIESIN. CIESIN offers no express or implied warranty regarding the quality, applicability or accuracy of the data, or any use thereof.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Extra Planetary Perception	Keywords: Space science	Description: This Why Files article discusses newly discovered planets outside our solar system and focuses attention on the question: Are we alone in the universe? Topics covered are: how did scientists discover the planets, what besides planets could they be, the upcoming collision of the solar system with a dense cloud of interstellar gas, and scientists' search for intelligent life in outer space. An update on the planets was posted in July 1998. Six astronomers were interviewed for this article.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jack	Mount	D.	Mr	University of Arizona - Science-Engineering Library	PO Box 210054	Tucson	AZ	85721-0054		520-621-2823		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Paleontology and Fossils Resources	Keywords: Climatology,Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: Hosted by the University of Arizona library, this clearinghouse offers access to diverse sites related to paleontology and fossils. Categories include: associations, clubs and societies; bibliographies; careers and employment; courses; collections and collection catalogs; colleges and universities; commercial and companies; computers and mathematical modeling; dinosaurs; evolution and extinction; fossil collecting: guidelines, laws, legislations, and policies; geographic, regional, and localities; geologic ages and formations; ichnology/trace fossils; invertebrates; K-12 level of interest; listserves, newsgroups and bulletin boards; museums and museum exhibits; paleobotany and palynology; paleoclimatology and paleoecology; periodical publications; research centers, groups and institutes; researchers and collectors; state fossils; taxonomy and systematics; television programs; trilobites; and vertebrates. In addition, there are several guides, bibliographies, and indexes written by the author to aid researchers in finding information in the University of Arizona Libraries. This web site is part of the Paleo (web) Ring.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2001 Arizona Board of Regents. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Joe	Kallenberger			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					US
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Polar Energy: Amblin' to Alaska	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This short Why Files article describes how a newer technique, used with radiocarbon dating of sediments from the Bering Strait, allowed scientists to confirm that a land bridge between present-day Alaska and Northeast Asia (Russia) was a probable route taken by human settlers who reached the Americas 12,000 years ago. The previous date was too old by several thousand years, indicating the land bridge was not available when the crossing occurred. That date was based on larger contaminated samples of sediment. Scott Elias and colleagues from the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research conducted the study.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	McDevitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Joe	Kallenberger			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Polar Energy: Floating Frozen Data Factory	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Cryology,Physical oceanography	Description: This Why Files article describes a project, which in October 1997, froze a working ship into the Arctic ice pack, and then left it for a year a few hundred kilometers from the North Pole. SHEBA, or the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean, is the National Science Foundation's largest-ever Arctic science program. Mission objectives included measuring sea-ice reflectance changes, and the role of clouds in reflecting heat back to the Earth. A report update in October 1998 quotes Dr. Richard Moritz, director of the SHEBA project office: "We've observed the ice, the atmosphere, and the ocean over a full annual cycle covering the physical variables in all three systems." It's expected that data acquired will be used in more accurate computer models for predicting climate.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	McDevitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Joe	Kallenberger			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Polar Energy: Seal of Approval	Keywords: Biological oceanography	Description: This Why Files article discusses a project to observe Weddell seal behavior beneath the ice of McMurdo Sound in the Antarctic Ocean. Randall Davis, a marine biologist from Texas A&M University at Galveston, and his team of researchers recorded videos for about four days before recovering a miniature camera from its seal host. Davis expects further miniaturization of the instrument package, and hopes eventually to attach even smaller packages to other marine animals. Readers can click to several movies provided by the researcher.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Nancy	Songer		Dr	The University of Michigan	610 E. University Avenue., 1323 SEB	Ann Arbor	MI	48109-1259	734-647-7369	734-763-1368	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michelle	Astolfi			The University of Michigan	610 E. University Avenue, 1323 SEb	Ann Arbor	MI	48109-1259		734.647.2262	440.331.2579	
This is a(n) person.
Title: BioKIDS: Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science,Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This is an 8-week life science inquiry program for 5th graders focusing on biodiversity. Classrooms register to participate during specific time periods of the academic year. Students collect data on animal distribution in their schoolyard using Palm Pilots and software originally used by African Animal Trackers. An electronic discussion board and the creation of their own web-based biodiversity maps allow students to compare and share their findings with other students and researchers around the world. Students ask questions about species distribution, interdependence, human influence on diversity, and many other related concepts. Students create species accounts with the maps, narratives and predictions they have generated, which are available for future reference and use by other students.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used in an educational setting as long as credit is given to The University of Michigan and the Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Joan	Kleypas	A.	Dr	National Center for Atmospheric Research	PO Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000		303-497-1316	303-497-1700	
This is a(n) person.
Title: United States' Joint Global Ocean Flux Study: Synthesis and Modeling Project	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Environmental science,Geochemistry,Physical oceanography	Description: This site deals primarily with current research on the ocean's role in the global carbon cycle, and specifically with research within the Synthesis & Modeling Project (SMP), which is the last phase of the United States' Joint Global Ocean Flux Survey (US JGOFS). It therefore best serves as a resource to those interested in both current research in the field, and in who is doing that research (contact information is provided for all investigators in the US JGOFS SMP). The US JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Project is funded primarily through the National Science Foundation (NSF), with additional support from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and Department of Energy (DOE).
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Please give credit to appropriate investigators when using his or her data.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	McDevitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Joe	Kallenberger			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Polar Energy: Where Did Arctic People Get Metal?	Keywords: Geochemistry,Human geography	Description: This Why Files article investigates trading, sources, and use of metal by Arctic peoples. Until recently, metal was seldom found at Arctic archeological digs. In 1994, a group of scientists found many iron and copper objects by simply using a metal detector. By analyzing isotopes, scientists were able to show that both iron and copper came from few sources that were traded widely. Starting around 1,000 AD, iron that came from a meteorite found in Cape York, Greenland was used in preference to flaking stone. Much of the copper came from the Coronation Gulf-Coppermine River area along Canada's central Arctic coast. Other metals may have been traded across the Bering Strait. Archeologist Allen McCartney was interviewed for this article.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin- Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tornadoes	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: In this article the Why Files examines tornadoes. Topics covered include: what tornadoes are, where they get their energy, the latest word on prediction, how to protect yourself, and how tornadoes affect the natural landscape. A May 1999 update briefly describes the damage from a swarm of huge tornadoes (or twisters), which ripped through Oklahoma and Kansas, killing 43 and destroying thousands of houses. A quiz is included as well as some references and links. Six people (meteorologists and other scientists) were interviewed for this article.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Site copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tsunamis	Keywords: Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This Why Files article looks at tsunamis in the wake of the July 17, 1998 disaster in Papua New Guinea that killed over a thousand people. Topics covered are: the causes of tsunamis, tsunami movement across the ocean, the history of some killer tsunamis of the last few hundred years, and ways to reduce human vulnerability to tsunamis. Readers can download a movie about how investigators think the Papua New Guinea tsunami spread out from its center. An August 1999 update discusses scientists' new thinking that the Papua New Guinea tsunamis were caused by undersea slides rather than an earthquake. Two university scientists and a hazard-warning official were interviewed for this article.
Publication 8-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcano Lovers	Keywords: Ecology,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This Why Files article explores volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. Topics covered include: Alaska's Pavlof and its threat to jet engines; Mexico City's restless neighbor, Popocatepetl (El Popo); underground volcanic processes; modern forecasting of eruptions; various volcanic phenomena and features; large flood basalt areas around the world; California's volcanically active area, Long Valley Caldera and Mammoth Mountain; Indonesia's Krakatau eruption in 1883, which was the world's largest historical eruption; Krakatau's ecological contribution to the study of colonization of sterile lands; and central Mexico's Paricutin which was witnessed emerging from a farmer's field in 1943. Three scientists were interviewed for this article.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Air That We Breathe	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues,	Description: The Why Files examines the latest research and the debate on air pollution and health. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed regulations under the Clean Air Act for ground-level ozone and fine particulates, pollutants which have been linked to lung disease and early deaths. Some researchers are convinced that fine particles are causing the disease and deaths; others don't believe costly regulations are warranted yet. How epidemiologists work, some major studies involved, and how scientists detect air pollution and its effects are discussed. Five university scientists and a government relations representative from the American Lung Association were interviewed for this story.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): S.	Medaris	V.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jennifer	Pearson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lightning	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This Why Files article examines lightning. Lightning is the second deadliest storm-related hazard in the United States. Topics covered include: what lightning is, how it injures and kills, and what has been learned in the past few years from research on nature's electricity. Two experts were interviewed for this article.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): S.	Medaris	V.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jennifer	Pearson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Recycling at Yellowstone National Park	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geologic time,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards	Description: This Why Files short article discusses some new research on Yellowstone Caldera, a giant volcanic hotspot in Wyoming. Rock has been remelted inside the caldera. Using highly sensitive techniques to extract data from almost microscopic zircon crystals, two geologists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that over the past 2 million years, the giant Yellowstone volcano erupted at 700,000-year intervals. Oxygen isotopes, which indicate exposure to near-surface water, were used with age information to determine the interval. A map shows that ash was deposited over much of the western United States during the latest eruption, 600,000 years ago. One researcher said that the finding may alter our view of how much magma and heat are leaving the depths of the Earth.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): S.	Medaris	V.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jennifer	Pearson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Saving the Last Edens	Keywords: Ecology	Description: This Why Files article discusses three of the last remaining wild places in the world. Topics include: the nature of these "Last Edens", threats to them by logging and other human activities, and steps being taken to save them. These biodiversity hotspots are large chunks of irreplaceable habitat with intact collections of plants and animals. The three covered here are: the Goualogo Triangle (now part of Nouabale-Ndoki National Park) in Republic of Congo, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, and the Chang Tang Wildlife Reserve on the Tibetan Plateau in western China. Four conservationists were interviewed for this article.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Sue	Medaris			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G. E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: White Death	Keywords: Cryology,Natural hazards	Description: This is a Why Files article on rapid snow slides, or avalanches. Topics covered include: hazards, causes, forecasting, safety, and snowflakes. Three researchers and an avalanche center specialist were interviewed for this article.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yael	Gen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: El Niño Rules	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This Why Files article explores the El Niño phenomenon. The recent 1997-1998 strong occurrence was the first El Niño to be watched step by step via an improved set of buoys in the Pacific. Topics covered are: record El Niños, history, causes, effects, prediction, and relationship to global warming. Five scientists were interviewed for this article.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G. E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Beach Erosion	Keywords: Cryology,Environmental science,Geology,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This Why Files article considers beach erosion. Topics covered are: the nature and extent of beach losses, the role of beaches in protecting coasts, some measures -good and bad- to prevent coastal erosion, predicted effects of global warming and sea-level changes on beaches and the impact of melting ice sheets on global ocean volume. Some glaciologists using new calculations, think that instead of possibly collapsing in 100 years, as was considered possible 10 years ago, that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is more likely to collapse in perhaps 5,000 years at the soonest. Five scientists were interviewed for this article.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate School			Madison	WI					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: It Came from Underground	Keywords: Ecology,Forestry	Description: This short Why Files article discusses the effects of the earthworm on the ecology of some northern deciduous forests. In these ecosystems, glaciers extirpated all worms over 10,000 years ago. The forest ecologist interviewed for this article indicated that in northern Minnesota, the worms probably came from fishing bait that was dumped in the woods over several decades. The earthworms rapidly munch decomposing organic matter, or duff, on the forest floor and thus deprive native plants and tree seedlings of a place to germinate and grow. The result is a bare forest floor, lacking most spring flowers and tree seedlings. Vegetation may return, but in some areas the plants that have returned are invasive species, which are causing widespread ecological destruction. At this point, the phenomenon has been seen in many parts of the eastern deciduous forest, which stretches from New England to Minnesota.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Chadwick		Dr	NOAA VENTS	Hatfield Marine Science Center	Newport	OR	97365		541-867-0179		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ronald	Crouse		Mr	Hatfield Marine Science Center		2030 Marine Science Drive	Newport	OR	97365				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Teresa	Atwill		Ms	Lincoln County School District		PO Box 1110	Newport	OR	97365				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Vicki	Osis		Ms	Oregon Sea Grant	Hatfield Marine Science Center	Newport	OR	97165		541-867-0257	541-867-0320	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): William	Hanshumaker		Mr	Oregon Sea Grant	Hatfield Marine Science Center	Newport	OR	97365		541-867-0167	541-867-0167	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: New Millennium Observatory (NeMO): Educational Opportunities (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Geology	Description: The New Millennium Observatory (NeMO) is a seafloor observatory off the coast of Oregon, which studies the relationships between submarine volcanic events and the chemistry and distribution of hydrothermal vents and the biologic communities that depend on them. The research activities at NeMO provide an extraordinary educational opportunity, both from the daily reports from expeditions at sea and from creative learning materials based on NeMO results. This curriculum is based on real events and real data: the 1998 eruption at Axial Volcano and the rumbleometer instrument that was stuck in the new lava flow. The activities for the classroom are modeled on how scientists actually investigated this event. This curriculum is intended for middle and high school students in earth science and marine science classes and includes advice for presentation and additional background information that could be incorporated into the lessons. It is supported by the National Science Foundation, Oregon Sea Grant, and Oregon State University.
Publication 9-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Henri	Grissino-Mayer	D.	Dr	Department of Geography, 417 Burchfiel Geography Building	University of Tennessee	Knoxville	TN	37996-0925		865-974-6029	865-974-6025	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Henri D.Grissino-Mayer's Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages	Keywords: Climatology,Geologic time	Description: This clearinghouse offers various means by which users can access information and resources on dendrochronology and such associated fields as paleoclimatology, plant anatomy, palynology, systematics, taxonomy, cladistics, and the study of permineralized plants and petrified forests. The most basic method is by way of the Contents page, which alphabetically combines those items, concepts, keywords, and phrases of interest addressed by the clearinghouse nodes. An alternate approach, under Resources, is intended primarily for use by dendrochronologists and contains material on conferences and workshops, tree-ring, climate, and paleoclimatic data, references about tree-rings, and educational resources for teachers. The Links page contains connections to major laboratories at academic institutions, additional tree-ring research sites, published tree-ring research abstracts, abstracts of National Science Foundation (NSF) funded tree-ring research, and personal home pages of tree-ring enthusiasts. The Software page leads to sites including ftp sites where dendrochronologists can download and/or purchase programs useful in their discipline. The Principles of Dendrochronology pages include definitions of key terms in the discipline, followed by explanations of the Uniformitarian Principle and the Principles of Limiting Factors, Aggregate Tree Growth, Ecological Amplitude, Site Selection, Crossdating, and Replication. The References page is categorized according to such specific interests as dendropyrochronology and dendroglacialogy. Also available are links to various Databases, Supplies for dendrochronologists, a gallery of photographs, a FAQ page, a What's New section covering the latest developments and announcements in the field, and a search engine specific to the site. Notably, the author has provided either an annotation or review for every link included on the site.
Publication 7-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All graphics and text on these pages © 2001 by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.		University of South Dakota, Department of Earth Sciences		Vermillion	SD	57069			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of South Dakota			Vermillion	SD	57069				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Glaciers and Glaciation	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This web page contains 23 multiple-choice practice exam questions on the topic glaciers and glaciation. It is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users select an answer, then click to see if it is correct.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory	2112 SE Oregon State University Way	Newport	OR	97365		541-867-0274	541-867-3907	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: New Millennium Observatory (NeMO)	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Geology	Description: The New Millenium Observatory is a seafloor observatory off the coast of Oregon, which studies the relationships between submarine volcanic events and the chemistry and distribution of hydrothermal vents and the biologic communities that depend on them. This website is a multimedia presentation of the ongoing research at Axial volcano. The NeMO Explorer page offers several virtual tours, which allow the user to view animated simulations of hydrothermal vents and fresh lava flows. An Education section offers a curriculum designed for high school and middle school students, and an Expeditions page contains information about at-sea participants, tools, cruise plans, and daily logbook entries from two research expeditions. There is also a gallery of photos of deep-sea animals discovered near the observatory. Access is provided to a near-real-time system which links instruments located in the caldera of an active submarine volcano, 1 mile underwater and about 250 miles off Oregon's coast, to the Internet.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Geophysical Data Center	325 Broadway; NOAA, Mail Code E/GC	Boulder	CO	80303-3328		303-497-6826	303-497-6513	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology,Geology,Geophysics,Space science	Description: The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) is the national repository for geophysical data, one of three National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) National Data Centers, and part of the US Department of Commerce (USDOC) and the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS). NGDC manages environmental data in the disciplines of marine geology and geophysics, paleoclimatology, solar-terrestrial physics, solid earth geophysics, and glaciology (snow and ice). In each of these fields NGDC also operates a World Data Center (WDC-A) discipline center serving to oversee the acquisition and exchange of global data. NGDC's data holdings currently contain more than 300 digital and analog databases. Data and inventories in many disciplines are fully searchable and selected listings, data, and images can be downloaded directly or via an FTP or Gopher archive. (A link is also provided to NOAA's NOAAServer, which offers cross-disciplinary searches of data available from NOAA Data Centers and Centers of Data, including NGDC.) Specific NGDC data categories include Solar-Terrestrial Physics (STP), Solar and Upper Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Geomag (ground-based measurements of the geomagnetosphere), GOES SEM (energetic particle, x-ray, and magnetic field measurements at geosynchronous altitude), GOES SXI (Solar X-Ray Imager), NOAA/POES (energetic particle measurements at polar-orbit altitude), and DMSP (cloud imagery, city lights, fires, energetic particles).
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Foster			University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Education and Outreach	3300 Mitchell Lane	Boulder	CO	80301				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Lynne	Davis			University Corporation for Atmospheric Research	3300 Mitchell Lane	Boulder	CO	80301		303-497-8313		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Tara	Chace			University of Colorado, Science Discovery Program			Boulder	CO	80309				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Anitta	Frant			Casey Middle School			Boulder	CO					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Web Weather for Kids!	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: Web Weather for Kids offers hands-on classroom activities for students to learn about selected severe weather phenomena. Each activity has step-by-step instructions, materials lists, and guiding questions for students. A Teacher Tips page offers implementation strategies for teachers. Phenomena covered include the formation of thunderstorms, lightning, and tornados. Students explore the concepts of convection currents, precipitation, static electricity, wind shear and supercell updraft. Estimating the distance to a storm using the time delay between a flash of lightning and the sound of thunder is explained, as is what to do if caught near an electrical storm. Short videos of students involved in the activities enhance the site, as do links to more extensive information on the science of severe weather.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sandra	Henderson, Project Manager			University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Office of Education and Outreach		Boulder	CO					
This is a(n) person.
Title: LEARN: Atmospheric Science Explorers	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: LEARN was created to increase middle school science teacher knowledge of and interest in the atmospheric sciences. The original project began in 1991 with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Much of the instructional and science content foundation for the LEARN workshops came from the teaching modules developed by LEARN teachers in collaboration with more than 60 National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientists. The three hardcopy modules included background information, hands-on activities using simple materials, and authentic assessment tools. The modules–Ozone in Our Atmosphere, Atmospheric Dynamics, and Cycles of the Earth and Atmosphere–were not designed to replace existing curricula or textbooks. Rather, they were intended to enhance earth and physical science programs by incorporating atmospheric science concepts. These modules were created by teachers for teachers. Thus far, one of these modules, Cycles of the Earth and Atmosphere, is available in a web-based format . The seven sections include introductions to the atmosphere, climate, ozone, stratospheric ozone and tropospheric ozone, the "greenhouse effect" and global climate change. Each section provides background information, general learning concepts, and a list of classroom activities.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2000-2001 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California Energy Commission, Media and Public Communications Office		1516 Ninth Street, MS-29	Sacramento	CA	95814-5512				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bob Aldrich				Web Development Team, Media and Public Communications Office								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Energy Quest	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: This web site from the California Energy Commission contains a variety of resources in energy education including stories, science projects, puzzles, games, and coloring books at varying levels of difficulty. It includes a list of resources for parents and teachers, and links to other educational places on the Internet. A text-only description is available, but the exercises are only available with graphics.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Most of thesematerials and information were generated, compiled or assembled at public expense and are freely available for public use consistent with the Public Records Act (California Government Code section 6250 et. seq.), provided you keep intact all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices and credit the Commission when using these materials and information. Some of the materials and information in this site, such as some Third Party Materials and select materials bearing a copyright notice, may not be used for any purpose.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California Energy Commission, Media and Public Communications Office		1516 Ninth Street, MS-29	Sacramento	CA	95814-5504				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bob	Aldrich			Web Development Team, Media and Public Communications Office								
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Energy Story	Keywords: Environmental science,Physics	Description: This is part of the California Energy Commission's Energy Quest site. It offers 16 pages of information, covering such topics as: fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas; hydro power and ocean energy; and nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass energy. Also covered are turbines and generators, what electricity is, how energy is sent to users, and how we can decrease the energy we use.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: No material or information from this site may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed except as authorized in these terms of use, expressly authorized on the information or materials themselves, or approved in writing by the Commission. Most of these materials and information were generated, compiled or assembled at public expense and are freely available for public use consistent with the Public Records Act (California Government Code section 6250 et. seq.), provided you keep intact all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices and credit the Commission when using these materials and information.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California-Long Beach, Department of Geological Sciences		1250 Bellflower Boulevard	Long Beach	CA	90840-3902			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ron	Morris	Merritt		University of California-Long Beach, Department of Geological Sciences			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sea Ice	Keywords: Cryology,Physical oceanography	Description: This web page is an introduction to sea ice and related concepts and phenomena. It includes a discussion of sea ice dynamics on different scales; climate influence of heat, mass, momentum, and albedo; and distribution of sea ice at the poles. There are also several animations of polar sea ice growth and decay. A quiz, glossary, and list of references is also available.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Center for Atmospheric Research, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group		P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307	303-497-8120	393-497-8125	U.S.A.
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	Keywords: Agricultural science,Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Human geography,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography,Policy issues	Description: The Environmental and Societal Impacts Group, part of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), studies environmental change and responses to such change in order to gain insights into how decisionmakers, from individuals to governments to international coalitions, might better understand and cope with impacts associated with the complex relationship of the atmosphere, environment, and society. ESIG conducts integrated research on the societal implications of atmospheric and related environmental processes focusing on climate and severe weather impacts on industry and natural resources. Additional studies center on the use of climate and weather information by policy and decisionmakers. ESIG provides extensive outreach and interaction with social and physical scientists.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Michael	Glantz	H.	Dr	National Center for Atmospheric Research, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307	303-497-8119	303-497-8125	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): DJan	Stewart			National Center for Atmopsheric Research, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307	303-497-8134	303-497-8125	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Title: Reducing the Impact of Environmental Emergencies Through Early Warning and Preparedness: The Case of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Human geography,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography,Policy issues	Description: This 19-month, 16-country team assessment reviewed forecasts and impacts of the 1997-98 El Nino, as well as the climate-related early warning and natural disaster preparedness systems in 15 countries and the Panama Canal Zone. Based on lessons drawn from these studies, the project identified research and policy needs and formulated regional and natural disaster preparedness responses to El Nino and La Nina events and their impacts. The study was financially supported by the UN Foundation through the UN Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP) and undertaken jointly by UNEP, NCAR, UNU, WMO and ISDR. The website offers report summaries for each of the country studies, a project timetable, a summary of results (in pdf format), and a glossary of terms.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Geological Survey								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Water Use in the United States	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: The USGS National Water-Use Information Program is a cooperative program with State and local governments designed to collect, store, analyze, and disseminate water-use information, both nationally and locally, to a wide variety of government agencies and private organizations. Two reports detail the estimated water use in the United States in 1990 and 1995. The corresponding data for counties and watersheds is available in tab-delimited files for 1985, 1990 and 1995. A handbook for collecting water-use data provides standards and guidance in measuring, estimating, collecting, compiling, and analyzing water-use data. A series of color maps of water-use by State for 1990 illustrates water use for a variety of purposes. There is a link to Water Science for Schools, which offers information for students ages 9-90. A fact sheet includes water-use information for planners, managers, policy makers, educators, and the general public.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Title: AIRNow	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science	Description: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the AIRNow website to provide the public with easy access to national air quality information. It is a joint partnership between EPA, State and local air quality agencies. The website offers daily air quality forecasts as well as real-time air quality information for over 100 cities across the U.S.. Links are provided to more detailed State and local air quality websites. A Publications page includes documentation on the Air Quality Index (AQI), air pollution health effects, and ozone monitoring, mapping, and public outreach.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Environmental Protection Agency	Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.	Washington, D.C.		20460		202-260-2090		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Envirofacts: Data Warehouse and Applications	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created the Envirofacts Warehouse to provide the public with direct access to the wealth of information contained in its databases. The Envirofacts Warehouse allows you to retrieve environmental information from EPA databases on Air, Chemicals, Facility Information, Grants/Funding, Hazardous Waste, Superfund, Toxic Releases, and Water Permits, Drinking Water, Drinking Water Contaminant Occurrence, and Drinking Water Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Information (Information Collection Rule [ICR]). You may retrieve information from several databases at once, or from one database at a time. Online queries allow you to retrieve data from these sources and create reports, or you may generate maps of environmental information by selecting from several Mapping Applications. You can also read about the spatial data used by Mapping Applications. The locational information in Envirofacts contains all of the latitude and longitude coordinate data for EPA related facilities.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Richard	Katz		Dr	National Center for Atmospheric Research, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307	303-497-8114	303-497-8125	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Title: Economic Value of Weather and Climate Forecasts	Keywords: Agricultural science,Atmospheric science,Climatology,Policy issues	Description: This web site lists recent case studies of the economic value of weather and climate forecasts which were not included in the book, edited by Richard Katz and Allan Murphy, entitled Economic Value of Weather and Climate Forecasts. In an effort to maintain a dynamic source of information regarding this subject, the focus of the web site is published case studies of specific decision-making problems, especially those in which a monetary estimate of forecast value is obtained. Case studies are divided into the three sub-categories of transportation, agriculture and water resources.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The source of this material is the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), funded by the National Science Foundation. ©2000 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Doug	Nychka	W.	Dr	National Center for Atmospheric Research, Climate and Global Dynamics Division, Geophysical Statistics Project	1850 Table Mesa Drive	Boulder	CO	80305	303-497-1711	303-497-1333	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Richard	Katz		Dr	National Center for Atmospheric Research, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307	303-497-8114	303-497-8125	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Joe	Tribbia		Dr	National Center for Atmospheric Research, Climate and Global Dynamics Division	1850 Table Mesa Drive	Boulder	CO	80305	303-497-1377	303-497-	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geophysical Statistics Project	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Geophysics,Mathematics,Physical oceanography	Description: The mission of the Geophysical Statistics Project (GSP) is to encourage the application and further development of statistical analysis to problems faced in the Earth sciences. GSP is an institution-wide effort at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and is funded by the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation. Some major research areas of GSP are: extension of statistical methodology for spatial processes and space/time processes; Application of modern regression and model selection to the analysis of geophysical data; Deriving a statistical basis for forecasting including the assimilation of observational data with numerical models; Modeling complicated physical processes through Bayesian hierarchical models; and Understanding physical processes through the use of dynamical systems and nonlinear time series. The GSP attempts to serve as a bridge between the atmospheric-oceanographic and the statistical-probabilistic research communities. The Project sponsors visits by statisticians at various levels, as well as postdoctoral positions. Datasets, reports, and software may be downloaded, and links are provided to useful statistics and atmospheric sites.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All software is copyrighted.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Michael	Glantz	H.	Dr	National Center for Atmospheric Research, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307	303-497-8119	303-497-8125	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): DJan	Stewart			National Center for Atmospheric Research, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307	303-497-8134	303-497-8125	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Title: Network Newsletter	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Climatology,Environmental science,Human geography,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography,Policy issues	Description: The Network Newsletter is intended for those interested and involved in climate-related impact assessment. It serves to foster a growing network by keeping the global community up to date on the many activities in this wide and varied field. The Newsletter is compiled and published by the Environmental and Societal Impacts Group (ESIG) of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The Newsletter contains summaries and links to Articles, Recent Publications, Upcoming Meetings, Past Meetings, and Web Sites of Interest on the following topics: climate change and variability, greenhouse gas reduction, renewable energy, El Nino and La Nina, marine science and fisheries, depletion of the ozone layer, environmental risks, natural hazards, sustainable development and more. Newsletter editions from the most current through 1995 can be accessed, and a search engine allows users to search the contents of all these editions.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Chris	Hedley			Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law	78 Pierhead Lock, Manchester Road	London		E14 3FD	44-0-707-432-3000	44-0-870-705-2343	United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webmaster				Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Chris	Hedley			Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law	78 Pierhead Lock, Manchester Road	London		E14 3FD	+ 44 (0)707-432-3000	+ 44 (0)870-705-2343	United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Title: Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This reference manual for international fisheries law, marine mammal law and related issues, including conservation, management, and science, is designed for fisheries professionals, academics, practitioners, students and other information users. It contains a large collection of international agreements and other legal instruments on fisheries and related issues; reproductions of some of the more important international cases; information on the principal international fisheries organizations; links to almost 1000 other sites on fisheries law and related issues, such as protection of the marine environment and fisheries-related science; a monthly news digest (the IntFish Bulletin); a book review section; a glossary of fisheries terms; a classified directory of products and services; and a discussion list.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law (IGIFL) and Chris Hedley 2000-2001. Reproduction of information on this site is authorized, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Environmental Protection Agency								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Enviromapper Storefront	Keywords: Environmental science,Physical geography	Description: EnviroMapper is a Web-based interactive mapping tool for viewing and querying environmental information. This application allows users to zoom in to an area, or enter a state, county, city, ZIP code, or watershed to generate maps that contain environmental information stored in EPA's Envirofacts Warehouse. The type of environmental information includes: Superfund sites, drinking water, toxic and air releases, hazardous waste, and water discharge permits. One can also view this information in context by adding features to the map, including major roads, railroads, churches, hospitals, schools, populated places, counties, states, streams, streets, water bodies, watersheds, rivers, and federal lands. A feature called OpenLink allows users to enhance their webpages with dynamically-generated map images.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jeff	Rochester		Mr								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Roger	Suthren	J.	Dr	Oxford Brookes University	Earth & Environmental Sciences, Gipsy Lane Campus, Headington	Oxford		OX3 0BP			England
This is a(n) person.
Title: Drilling Technology and its Applications within the Exploration Industry.	Keywords: Geology,Technology	Description: This site is part of Geography 8361 Advanced Studies at Oxford Brookes University. It describes drilling technology and its role in both mineral and petroleum exploration and production. Topics include: drill side terminology; drilling at sea in hydrocarbon exploration; land-based drilling platforms in mineral exploration; augering; and rotary, percussion, diamond core, and reverse-circulation drilling. It is illustrated with color photographs and diagrams, and includes a page of related links.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All images are copyrighted by their owners and only this web site has been given prior permission by these organisations to use them.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Beresford	Clarke		Mr								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Roger	Suthren	J.	Dr	Oxford Brookes University	Earth & Environmental Sciences, Gipsy Lane Campus, Headington	Oxford		OX3 0BP			England
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Origin of Epithermal Gold	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology	Description: This is an illustrated account of the formation and exploitation of epithermal gold deposits, which are related to subaerial volcanic activity. Topics include: Mineralization, Age Range, Wall-Rock Alteration, Hydrothermal Fluids and Genesis of Epithermal Gold Deposits. Information on exploration and the location of gold and the factors that may influence the exploitation of these deposits, is offered. A glossary and quiz are provided, as well as links to external websites.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Many of the photographs are copyright of the South African Chamber of Mines.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gabriel	Aubert		Mr								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Roger	Suthren	J.	Dr	Oxford Brookes University	Earth & Environmental Sciences, Gipsy Lane Campus, Headington	Oxford		OX3 0BP			England
This is a(n) person.
Title: Radar Interferometry	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Physics,Technology	Description: This site is an illustrated account of the techniques and applications of one type of remote sensing: the use of radar interferometry in assessing natural hazards. The technique is very accurate for small movement detection, and may be used to create elevation models and to monitor tectonic faulting, landslides, earthquakes or volcanoes. The SAR interferometry concept is outlined, and case studies describe its use in evaluating earthquake, landslide and volcano hazards.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Images are copyrighted, and may not be reproduced without permission of the owners, linked from the website.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kirsty	Pitcher		Ms								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Roger	Suthren	J.	Dr	Oxford Brookes University	Earth & Environmental Sciences, Gipsy Lane Campus, Headington	Oxford		OX3 0BP			England
This is a(n) person.
Title: Trilobites and Their Evolution Through Time	Keywords: Ecology,Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This tutorial describes and illustrates some of the special adaptations of trilobites throughout their existence, and shows how fossils of this group of arthropods can now be used as environmental and stratigraphic indicators. Special attention is given to the morphological features and evolution of trilobites, such as eye and spine development, to illustrate their importance as indicators of environmental change. A quiz and links to related sources are provided at the end of the tutorial.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Images are copyrighted, and may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright owners, listed on the website.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Society of International Law (ASIL) Wildlife Interest Group	c/o Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, 1210 Floribunda Ave. #7	Burlingame	CA	94010		650-281-9126	801-838-4710	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Wil	Burns, Senior Associate			American Society of International Law (ASIL) Wildlife Interest Group	c/o Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, 1210 Floribunda Ave. #7	Burlingame	CA	94010		650-281-9126	801-838-4710	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Peter	Norquist, Webmaster			American Society of International Law (ASIL) Wildlife Interest Group	c/o Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, 1210 Floribunda Ave. #7	Burlingame	CA	94010				
This is a(n) person.
Title: American Society of International Law (ASIL): Wildlife Interest Group	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: In the case of species loss where international trade contributes to their diminution, or migratory species that require the protection of habitat in two or more countries, international agreements and regional accords can be a critical component of conservation initiatives. The purpose of the American Society of International Law's (ASIL) Wildlife Interest Group is to conserve endangered wildlife species by helping to strengthen international wildlife treaty regimes, regional accords, and national legislation that implements international treaty regimes. The group's efforts focus on scholarship and public education efforts. Resources available on the site includes an extensive bibliography of peer-reviewed and gray literature focused on climate change and its impacts on flora, fauna and critical supporting ecosystems. Reports from the International Whaling Commission, the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission are available, as is recent and historical wildlife legislation organized by country. International treaties related to animal welfare, biological diversity, habitat protection, specific regions and species are also available. A compendium of peer-reviewed law and policy publications that are either devoted solely to environmental issues, or which frequently publish pieces with environmental policy and law themes is provided as a resource for prospective authors.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Soller	R.		U.S. Geological Survey	908 National Center	Reston	VA	20192		(703) 648-6907	(703) 648-6937	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Thomas	Berg	M.		Ohio Geological Survey	4383 Fountain Square Dr.	Columbus	OH	43224		(614) 265-6988	(614) 268-3669	
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Geologic Map Database	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geologic time,Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Paleontology	Description: The National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) is an Internet-based system for query and retrieval of earth-science map information, created as a collaborative effort between the USGS and the Association of American State Geologists. Its functions include providing a catalog of available map information; a data repository; and a source for general information on the nature and intended uses of the various types of earth-science information. The map catalog is a comprehensive, searchable catalog of all geoscience maps of the United States, in paper or digital format. It includes maps published in geological survey formal series and open-file series, maps in books, theses and dissertations, maps published by park associations, scientific societies, and other agencies, as well as publications that do not contain a map but instead provide a geological description of an area (for example, a state park). The geologic-names lexicon (GEOLEX) is a search tool for lithologic and geochronologic unit names. It now contains roughly 90% of the geologic names found in the most recent listing of USGS-approved geologic names. Current mapping activities at 1:24,000- and 1:100,000-scale are listed in the Geologic Mapping in Progress Database. Information on how to find topographic maps and list of geology-related links is also available.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Marshall	Shepherd		Dr	NASA Goddard Space Flight Center			Greenbelt	MD	20771		301-614-6327		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Adler		Dr	NASA Goddard Space Flight Center			Greenbelt	MD	20771		301-614-6290		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webmaster				NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Webmaster				NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD	20771				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite is a joint mission between NASA and the National Space Development Agency (NSDA) of Japan. It is designed to monitor and study tropical rainfall and the associated release of energy that helps to power the global water cycle. The satellite can greatly enhance our understanding of the interactions which produce changes in global rainfall and climate. A detailed overview of TRMM covers why we need TRMM, which is broken into grade-specific explanations; questions and answers about TRMM; TRMM instruments; climate-related facts; the Mission to Planet Earth "Education" Homepage; and case studies comparing land and ocean storms. Images showing current conditions, as well as archived images, movies, and animations are provided on hurricanes, global datasets covering lightning, temperature, and rainfall, monthly mean rainrates from 1998 through 2000, monthly rainfall anomalies, data types and idealized data simulations. Also archived are press releases, refereed journals, and scientific documents related to TRMM data information. An Educational Resources section provides teacher's guides, animations and activities on topics such as latent heat of evaporation and the water cycle, hurricanes as heat engines, air pressure systems in the context of El Nino/La Nina, lightning formation and the role of ice in a thunderstorm, and remote sensing of precipitation. The ground-based validation efforts of the TRMM are outlined in detail. Related organizations, data sources, field experiments, and TRMM research are linked from this site.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NASA images generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joyce	Dejoie			Lakeside Middle School			Evans	GA					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Elizabeth	Truelove			Lakeside Middle School			Evans	GA					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), NASA	Code 660.2	Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-286-2291	301-286-1684	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Laura	Whitlock	A.	Dr	Sonoma State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy				CA					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Eunice	Eng			Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)								
This is a(n) person.
Title: StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers	Keywords: Space science	Description: The StarChild website, a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)/NASA, offers a wealth of information on space science for young astronomers and teachers who are searching for space science activities for young learners. Each of these major topics are covered in an age appropriate manner, either for Level 1 or Level 2 learners: Solar System, Universe, Space Stuff, and a Glossary. Links are provided between Level 1 and Level 2 versions of pages so that differences in difficulty can be easily compared. The basics of the Solar System and Universe are covered, as well as human endeavors in Space Stuff, such as astronauts, space wardrobes, space travel, space probes, the Hubble Space Telescope, and Who's Who in Space. Difficult words are linked from the text to a glossary. Questions are posed after many of the textual explanations and interactive activities can be accessed within each topic. The activities can be used via the Web or with pencil and paper. Links are provided to other educational space science sites.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ralph	Pipp			Black Mountain Conservancy	P.O. Box 7192	Cave Creek	AZ	85327		480-575-5835		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology of the Black Mountain/Foothills Area	Keywords: Geology	Description: The Black Mountain Conservancy is a nonprofit, volunteer organization dedicated to preserving, in perpetuity, the undeveloped land on and around Black Mountain, in Carefree and Cave Creek, Arizona. This site provides a brief overview of the area's geology and includes a list of suggested reading on the subject.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, Black Mountain Conservancy. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Herring			Terra Project Science								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Terra: The EOS Flagship	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: The flagship in NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS), Terra launched in December 1999 and began collecting science data on February 24, 2000. This website provides access to images and data from the various Terra instruments (ASTER, CERES, MISR, MODIS, and MOPITT). A collection of fact sheets on Terra-related topics includes: What are Aerosols?, Changing Global Cloudiness, Surface Absorption and Reflection, Changing Global Land Surface, and the Roles of the Ocean in Climate Change. A Publications Index offers links to a Terra brochure, press kit, science writers guide, and instructions on how to build a paper model of Terra. There is also a link to the Earth Observatory, which details new science results from Terra and other NASA Earth science missions.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency								
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA's Environmental Education Center	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This site offers information of interest to teachers including: curriculum resources, workshops and conferences, community service projects, career opportunities, and grants. It includes a collection of fact sheets, brochures, and web pages that you can use to teach about and explore environmental issues. Topics include acid rain and air pollution, ecosystems. human health, waste and recycling. conservation, and water-related concepts and issues. These resources offer basic and clear information to assist you in teaching your students about the environment.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Geological Survey	509 National Center	Reston	VA	20192			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 			Webmaster								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) is part of the Volcano Hazards Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. HVO's origins are rooted in a desire to use scientific methodology to understand the nature of volcanic processes and to reduce their risks to society. The website provides eruption histories and updates of Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Lo' ihi and other Hawaiian volcanoes as well as earthquake hazards, zoning, and seismicity.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Maggi	Glasscoe			Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Southern California Integrated GPS Network								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Anne	Mikolajcik			Jet Propulsion Laboratory									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Andrea	Donnellan			Jet Propulsion Laboratory									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Watkins			Jet Propulsion Laboratory									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Mark	Smith			Jet Propulsion Laboratory									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Southern California Integrated GPS Network Education Module	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Technology	Description: This educational module was designed to allow students to interactively explore the use of SCIGN (Southern California Integrated GPS Network) and its data in earthquake studies. It is divided into four major sections: Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, GPS (Global Positioning System), and Space Technology at Work. All of the sections include background material and activities; the first three sections focus primarily on introducing satellite technology and tectonic phenomena, and the final section serves to integrate knowledge learned in the first three by allowing students to use real SCIGN data in their investigations into plate tectonics, earthquakes, and GPS. Primary concepts include: Forces in the Earth cause its surface to change over time, earthquakes release stress causing permanent change in the Earth's crust, GPS is a satellite technology used as a tool to measure crustal change, and SCIGN is a network of GPS stations used to study tectonics and earthquakes in Southern California. The activities include: How many earthquakes does it take to build a mountain?, Are GPS measurements accurate or precise? What is a rate? How far away are satellites? How fast is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's station moving? How long will it take for Los Angeles and San Francisco to meet?
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Soil science	Description: Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) is a hands-on international environmental science and education program. GLOBE links students, teachers, and the scientific research community in an effort to learn more about our environment through student data collection and observation. The website allows students to submit and peruse data in the fields of atmosphere, hydrology, soils, and land cover/phenology. It includes a mapping/graphing area, a teacher's guide, and an educator's forum. GLOBE is a cooperative effort of schools, led in the United States by a Federal interagency program sponsored by NOAA, NASA, NSF, and EPA, in partnership with over 140 colleges and universities, state and local school systems, and non-government organizations.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Greg	Bothun		Dr	University of Oregon, Department of Physics	1371 E 13th Avenue	Eugene	OR	97403		541-346-2569		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Caley			University of Oregon		Eugene	OR	97403				
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Pressure Chamber	Keywords: Physics	Description: In this hands-on applet, a series of experiments allows the user to control the action of a piston in a pressure chamber which is filled with an ideal gas. The experiment is set up so that changes in the state of the gas, e.g. its temperature, volume and pressure, are automatically displayed in a graphical interface. This should guide the experimenter into understanding the relationships of the Ideal Gas Law.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: There is no license required to use the applet as is by accessing it from the VLAB web site. License fees for storing and using the class files are negotiable with the University of Oregon office of Technology Transfer:
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Tim	Connors			National Park Service								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of Basin and Range Parks	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Structural geology	Description: This site provides links to tours of individual National Parks within the Basin and Range region. Where appropriate for each park, links are provided to park geology, maps, photographs, geologic research, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features. Some of the parks have an expanded geology page that features the geologic time, history, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, and a virtual field trip of the park. Of particular note is the teacher feature section, which provides educational resources and links for teaching geology with National Park examples.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the National Park Service (NPS). If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnote: Death Valley National Park, California/Nevada	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Death Valley National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, visitor information, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology using National Park examples). The Park Geology section contains an exaggerated cross-section showing the vertical rise within Death Valley. A link is provided to Death Valley's expanded geology page.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated , is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Tim	Connors			National Park Service								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology Fieldnote: Great Basin National Park, Nevada	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This Great Basin National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, visitor information, and teacher features (educational resources and links for teaching geology using National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the region's biogeography, glacial history, and the Lehman Caves. A park map and a features/relief map of the Great Basin National Park are included.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the National Park Service (NPS). If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Information								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes; Joshua Tree National Monument, California	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This Joshua Tree National Monument site contains park maps, photographs, visitor information, as well as a brief description of park geology. The Monument is located in Southern California at the edge of the Mojave Desert. A park map with twelve described points of interest is provided. Sites of interest include oases, cattle rustler hideouts and a gold mine.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Weather Service, Northeast River Forecast Center	445 Myles Standish Boulevard	Taunton	MA	02780		508-824-5116		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tim	Buckelew			National Weather Service, Northeast River Forecast Center								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hydrometeorological Information	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This page from the National Weather Service's Northeast River Forecast Center has three parts. The hydrometeorological discussion gives a recent report on river conditions in the Northeast, including New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Maine. The rest is devoted to two staff papers, each explaining key concepts useful in interpreting data: Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) and Cubic feet per Second per square Mile (CSM), a unit of measurement for hydrologic interpretation. The section on QPF includes its necessity, a primer on areal precipitation, point vs. mean areal precipitation, and a bibliography. The segment on CSM includes its derivation, other factors in its usage, assessment of overall river conditions, identification of bad data, estimation of flow, and a few exercises.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information on government servers is in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. Before using information obtained from this server, special attention should be given to the date and time of the data and products being displayed.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Information								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnote: Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada/Arizona	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This Lake Mead National Recreation Area site contains park geology information, maps, photographs, visitor information, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology using national park examples). Park Geology is a guided tutorial, covering two billion years of geologic time from the Precambrian through the Cenozoic.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated , is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Mojave National Preserve, California	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This Mojave National Preserve site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the Preserve's Soda Lake, Mitchell Caverns, Kelso Dunes National Landmark, Granite Mountains, Hole-in-the-Wall, and the Cinder Cones National Natural Landmark, and contains a link to a geologic time scale of events in East Mojave. The park maps section includes the following maps: Mojave Desert Drainage System: Pluvial Lakes and Playas; Pediments in Part of Mojave National Park; Geologic Map Showing Distribution of Cinder Cones and Ages and Extent of Lava Flows; and a location map showing Cretaceous batholiths and major faults that cut the granite.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology	Description: This Agate Fossil Beds National Monument site contains information on park geology, maps, photographs, visitor information and links to related publications. The park geology section discusses the Monument's geologic history and climate, profiles of some of the Miocene mammals found in the deposits, and the history of fossil collecting at the Agate Fossil Beds. The park map indicates quarry and private property areas within the Monument.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of Fossil Parks	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology	Description: This National Park Service Geology site provides links to tours of individual National Parks, Monuments, and Recreation Areas that contain fossils. Where appropriate, for each park, links are provided to park geology, maps, photographs, geologic research, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The list includes places such as the Grand Canyon, Dinosaur National Monument, Yellowstone, and Death Valley, along with less well-known areas such as the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in Oregon.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Badlands National Park, South Dakota	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology	Description: This Badlands National Park site contains information on park geology, maps, photographs, visitor information, links to related publications, and lesson plans for teaching geology with National Park examples. The park geology section discusses the Park's geologic history during the Eocene and Oligocene epochs. Maps of the park and the surrounding area are included.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Ammon	J.	Dr	3507 Laclede Avenue	Saint Louis	MO	63103			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Saint Louis University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences	3507 Laclede Avenue	Saint Louis	MO	63103				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: An Introduction to Earthquakes	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This web page is a set of well-illustrated online notes from an introductory course (SLU EAS-A193) taught by the author. The notes cover the following topics: An Introduction to Earthquakes and Earthquake Hazards; What is Science?; Critical Thinking; Early Earthquake Observations; Faults and Faulting; Waves, Seismograms, and Seismometers; Earth's Origin and Composition; An Introduction to Plate Tectonics; Seismic Waves and Earth's Interior; Earthquake Size; and Earthquake Effects, Shaking, etc.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Climatic Data Center	Federal Building, 151 Patton Avenue	Asheville	NC	28801-5001		828-271-4800	828-271-4876	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Heavy Precipitation	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: This site is part of the National Climatic Data Center's Extreme Weather and Climate Events page. It provides access to statistical information and reports on worldwide rainfall, snowfall, flooding, and drought. Maps of the United States show 24-hour rainfall maxima, annual maxima and minima. A selected listing of extreme events and special reports is sorted by year from 1993 to 2001. Reports include maps or text on regional, state, and selected international or global events and statistics. There may be a cost associated with ordering selected reports.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Classroom of the Future		Wheeling Jesuit University	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2388	304-243-2497	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jim	Botti		Dr	NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-4324	304-243-2497	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Science Explorer	Keywords: Ecology,Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: Earth Science Explorer is an elementary-level resource set up like a virtual museum. It is part of Exploring the Environment, an online series of modules and activities, developed at the NASA Classroom of the Future. The site is divided into four basic areas. The Dinosaur Floor looks at the extinction of the dinosaurs, and introduces topics such as volcanoes, orbital changes, supernovas, and asteroids. The Earth Floor discusses diversity, cycles, spheres, tectonic plates, biomes, geologic time, and adaptation. There is a list of online references, activities, and crafts. A teacher's lounge is password-protected.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1999-2000, Wheeling Jesuit University/Center for Educational Technologies. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of Arizona, Water Resources Research Center	350 North Campbell Avenue	Tucson	AZ	85719		520-792-9591	520-792-8518	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joel	Spezeski								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kenneth	Seasholes												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kyle	Carpenter												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Water Resources Research Center		350 North Campbell Avenue	Tucson	AZ	85719		520-792-9591	520-792-8518	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Water Resources Research Center: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: The mission of the Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) is to facilitate research at Arizona universities on water problems of critical importance to the state and region. The WRRC works with public and private organizations and individuals, and provides information and services through a publications program and through outreach. The site includes: information on publications, research, and references, a searchable database of water expertise at Arizona's state universities; the full text of many publications including the periodical Arroyo and the Field Manual for Water Quality Sampling; a searchable bibliography of Arizona's rivers; and the Arizona Water Issues Summary from the Arizona Water Map poster. Access is provided to Arizona Project WET (Water Education for Teachers)(grades K-12), and Water CASA (Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona), which assists water providers in distributing water conservation information to their users.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©2001. The Arizona Board of Regents, for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado/Utah	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This Dinosaur National Monument site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the Park's geologic history and fossil beds. A park map of Dinosaur National Monument is included, while the photo album section contains drawings of some of the dinosaur species found at the Monument's Dinosaur Quarry.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Hugh	Anderson	R.		Science Applications International Corporation						425-482-3310		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Learning Technologies Project									
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Athena: Earth and Space Science for K-12	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Climatology,Geology,Natural hazards,Physical geography,Physical oceanography,Space science	Description: Part of NASA's Learning Technologies Project, Athena engages students in observing phenomena using remotely sensed data to construct knowledge about the world. Data sets and instructional pieces are related to oceans, the atmosphere, Earth resources, and space/astronomy. Real-time data are used where possible. The material is intended for direct use by students with appropriate assistance from teachers. The goal of Athena is to enhance the K-12 science curriculum, and facilitate use of the powerful computational tools in classrooms networked to the Web. Materials include data sets with appropriate explanations, student activities, and teacher background information delivered to classrooms via the Internet. Athena makes scientific data accessible to students in an understandable form by involving educators in planning, writing, and piloting the material in classrooms. Project staff train teachers and provide support for 18 pilot sites in Seattle-area classrooms. Athena supports the pilot classes with onsite visits and e-mail, solicits feedback, and offers writing materials developed in light of the classroom experience.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Colorado	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology	Description: This Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument site contains park geology information, photographs of fossils, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the Park's geologic history and the fossil beds' plants and insects. A map of the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument is included.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Fossil Butte National Monument, Wyoming	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This Fossil Butte National Monument site contains park geology information, photographs of fossils, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the Monument's geologic history and fossil beds, focusing on the conditions that created the fossil-rich region and on the history of fossil collection in the area. A map of Fossil Butte National Monument is included.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 3000	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah and Arizona	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This Glen Canyon National Recreation Area site contains park geology information, photographs, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section briefly discusses the Park's geologic history, structural geology, Navajo sandstone, and fossil beds. The park maps section contains a link to a features/relief map of Glen Canyon and the surrounding area, from the University of Texas at Austin Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This Grand Canyon National Park site contains park geology information, photographs, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the Grand Canyon's geologic history, structural geology, National Park history, and answers common questions about the Grand Canyon. This section also has a geologic cross section of the Grand Canyon's rock record.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Office of Surface Water						703-648-5301		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 	Water Webserver Team			United States Geological Survey		Reston	VA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Water Watch: Maps and Graphs of Current Water Resources Conditions	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This web site provides access to the river and stream water flow information that is collected in the United States. Current levels are compared with historical streamflow records for Real-Time (over several hours), Daily, 7-Day Average, and Below Normal streamflows. Colored maps and graphs show the data by different time periods such as day, week, or year. Relative wet and dry conditions are easily determined. Access to key related National Weather Service features is also provided.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Guadalupe Mountains National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the geologic history of Guadalupe Mountains' ancient marine fossil reef and the structural geology of the Mountains' Western Escarpment (including the Frijole Ranch area, the Pine Springs area, and the Capitan Limestone structures). The park maps section includes a map of the Capitan Reef today.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karyn	Moffatt			University of British Columbia, E-GEMS	Rm 227-2366 Main Mall	Vancouver	British Columbia	V6T 1Z4		604-822-5693	604-822-5485	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: E-GEMS: Electronic Games for Education in Math and Science	Keywords: Mathematics	Description: The activities of the University of British Columbia E-GEMS (Electronic Games for Education in Math and Science) research team focus on the human-computer interaction issues associated with learning in an electronic game environment. Their specific research topics include: child-computer interactions, which suggest that children personify computational objects and often consider computers as being "alive" and able to "think"; design and use of educational computer games focused on math and science content and motivational elements; and lastly, strategies and materials to integrate game-like computer activities with other forms of classroom learning, with consideration of learning styles and incorporation of effects, stories, characters, humor, rewards and navigation to make learning a more enjoyable experience. This site reports on the games currently under study, and technical reports based on the research can be downloaded. Educators may obtain copies of specific games by writing to E-GEMS.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copies of Phoenix Quest and Super Tangrams are available for educators in conjunction with research on the design and use of educational computer games being performed by the E-GEMS research project at the University of British Columbia and Queen's University. Phoenix Quest and Super Tangrams are the intellectual property of the E-GEMS research project at the University of British Columbia, and should not be copied or distributed for any purposes other than those agreed upon by the educator.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument, Idaho	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the Monument's geologic history and includes information on some of the fossil species found in the Hagerman Fossil Beds. A timeline of events during the Cenozoic Epochs accompanies this information. The park maps section includes a map of the National Monument and surrounding area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Ocean Service	1305 East West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910		301-713-3070		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration	14th St. and Constitution Ave., NW, Rm. 6013	Washington	DC	20230		202-482-6090	202-482-3154	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Margaret	Davidson	A.		NOAA Coastal Services Center / National Ocean Service							843-740-1220		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The National Ocean Service	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Environmental science,Physical oceanography	Description: The National Ocean Service (NOS), a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is the nation's principle advocate for coastal and ocean stewardship. NOS develops the national foundation for coastal and ocean science, management, response, restoration, and navigation. The website includes descriptions of and links to the various program and staff offices which comprise NOS, as well as links to mapping sites, volunteer opportunities, tidal and current information. The education and outreach section offers an inventory of materials developed by NOS, including CD-ROMs, lesson plans, posters, and videos.
Publication 10-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16;9;10;11;12;7;8;4;5;6	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This John Day Fossil Beds National Monument site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The Teacher Feature includes workshops for teachers, programs for visiting school groups, and educational materials available for classroom use. The park geology section discusses the Monument’s geologic history and its fossil beds, which range in age from 6-50 million years old and are considered one of the richest fossil beds in the world. A brief history of paleontologist finds in this region is also included. The park maps section contains a map of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument and more detailed maps of the Monument's Clarno, Painted Hills, and Sheep Rock Units.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology,Structural geology	Description: This Petrified Forest National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the Park's geologic history, structural geology, petrified wood, and dinosaur fossils. The park maps section includes a park map of the Petrified Forest and the surrounding area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Theodore Roosevelt National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, visitor information, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the Park's geologic history and the region's role in shaping Theodore Roosevelt's conservation efforts while he was President. The section also contains a link to information on the geology of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The park maps section contains an area map as well as two maps detailing the North and South Units of the Park.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming/Idaho/Montana	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Paleontology	Description: This Yellowstone National Park site contains park geology information, photographs, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the Park's geologic history, structural geology, and describes many of the geologic sites and wildlife found in the park. It describes the sites found on the routes from Old Faithful to Mammoth Springs (East Thumb, Old Faithful, Midway, Lower, and Norris geysers, geyser basins, Gibbon Falls), Mammoth Springs to Tower Junction and the Canyon (Undine Falls, Lava Creek, Lamar Valley, Hayden Valley), and at the Yellowstone Lake area (West Thumb and Grant Village).
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				USGS, EROS Data Center, Distributed Active Archive Center	Mundt Federal Building	Sioux Falls	SD	57198	605-594-6116	605-594-6963	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: HYDRO1k Elevation Derivative Database	Keywords: Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This web site provides access to HYDRO1k, a geographic database developed to provide comprehensive and consistent global coverage of topographically derived data sets, including streams, drainage basins and ancillary layers derived from the U. S. Geological Survey's 30 arc-second digital elevation model of the world (GTOPO30). HYDRO1k provides a suite of geo-referenced data sets, both raster and vector, which will be of value for users who need to organize, evaluate, or process hydrologic information on a continental or regional scale. Data sets are available for displaying continental maps of Asia and Africa with layers for attributes such as elevation, compound topographic index, slope, aspect, flow direction, flow accumulation, drainage basins, and streams. Links are given to sample applications of the database.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of Cave and Karst Parks	Keywords: Geology	Description: This Park Geology site provides links to tours of individual National Parks, Monuments, and Recreation Areas with caves and other karst features. Where appropriate, park sites contain park geology information, maps, photographs, geologic research, related links, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The list includes places such as Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Mammoth Cave National Park, Sequoia National Park, and the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Carlsbad Caverns National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the Cave's geologic history, cave formations, and preservation. The park maps section includes a map of the Carlsbad Caverns National Park and a link to a map of the surrounding area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Jewel Cave National Monument site contains park geology information, park maps, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the history of the Park's discovery and exploration by cavers, and describes some of the remarkable cave formations found in the cave. The park maps section includes a map of Jewel Cave National Monument and the surrounding area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Mammoth Cave National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section contains a link to the Mammoth Cave National Park homepage, which discusses Mammoth Cave's creation, size, and cave formations. The park maps section includes an area map of Mammoth Cave National Park.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)	NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 660.2	Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-286-2291	301-286-1684	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jim	Lochner		Dr	High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)	NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Building 2 room W230	Greenbelt	MD	20771	301-286-9711		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Imagine the Universe	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: Imagine the Universe is dedicated to discussion about the universe, how it is evolving, and the kinds of objects and phenomena it contains. The site is intended for students age 14 and up and is a service of NASA's High-Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC). Contained within this site are explanations of the concepts and principles used to study and understand the universe, an exploration of some of the objects that make up the universe as well as the mysteries that astronomers and astrophysicists are currently working on, and a look at the tools and methods used by scientists to study the universe. A sampling of topics includes X-ray and gamma ray technology, the nature of dark matter, black holes and white dwarfs, and lightcurves, spectra, and images. Each topic provides articles written for two levels of expertise and links to specific national standards for science and mathematics. The Teacher's Corner provides lesson plans and materials correlated to the National Standards for math and science teachers. Each month, the site features NASA news items and focus articles about NASA scientists, satellite data, instrument technology, celestial bodies, and movies related to the science of the Universe. Additional features include real satellite data, Ask a High Energy Astronomer, and links to other astronomy, physics, and science education information on the web.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Center for Conservation Biology/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, MS 170	Rice University, 6100 Main	Houston	TX	77005-1892		713-348-5480	713-348-5232	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Alan	Thornhill	D.		Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, MS 170	Rice University, 6100 Main	Houston	TX	77005-1892		713-348-5480	713-348-5232	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Virtual Library of Ecology and Biodiversity	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: The Virtual Library of Ecology and Biodiversity, a branch of the larger Virtual Library Project, specializes in reviewing Internet Information sources pertaining to ecology and biodiversity based on their educational value. The site provides current and worthwhile information to both professionals and the general public. Topics covered include global sustainability, endangered species, pollution, education, biodiversity and conservation. Links are organized by taxonomic categories, geographic regions (primarily United States), and habitat types.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Site design Copyright 2001, Center for Conservation Biology Network
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): George	Tuthill			Montana State University, Department of Physics		Bozeman	MT	59717		406-994-6177		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA/Center for Educational Resources Project/Montana State University		PO Box 170560	Bozeman	MT	59717-0560		406-994-3113	406-994-4466	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Center for Educational Resources (CERES) Project	Keywords: Mathematics,Space science,Technology	Description: The Center for Educational Resources (CERES) Project, funded by NASA, contains a series of web-based interactive astronomy lessons created by faculty at Montana State University and classroom teachers. These activities for K-12 students are closely aligned with the National Science and Mathematics Education Standards, and make maximum use of on-line NASA resources, images, and data. The lesson plans and activities center on four NASA Office of Space Science research themes: Sun-Earth Connections, Search for Origins, Structure and Evolution of the Universe, and Exploration of the Solar System. Each lesson plan topic details the Education Standards applied, the materials and technology required, scientific background information, the activities themselves, and assessment strategies. Web-based astronomy lessons cover the following subjects: movement of celestial objects, planet sizes, birthday moons, the changing polar ice caps, planet paths, digital images, and the life cycle of stars. In addition, CERES has developed several on-line NASA data search engines and two graduate level distance learning courses, available over the internet to K-12 teachers. Topics are Studying the Universe with Space Observatories and Comparative Planetology: Establishing a Virtual Presence in the Solar System.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joe	Buchdahl			Manchester Metropolitan University (aric)	Chester Street	Manchester		M1 5GD				United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				aric	Chester Street	Manchester		M1 5GD			United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Climate Change Student Guide	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: From the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, England, "The Global Climate Change Student Guide" is a resource for geology, geography and environmental science students studying climate change. It is not a complete guide but serves to review and illustrate the key factors of climate change over time and space. Each chapter is a broadly self-contained discussion of a specific sub-issue of importance. Chapters 1 and 2 review the climate system and the causes of climate change. Chapter 3 discusses the methods used to construct climatological time series from various instrumental data, and the reconstruction of palaeoclimates (past climates) from proxy data, while Chapter 4 reviews the use of climate models in attempting to understand the climate system and climate change. Finally, Chapters 5 and 6 are concerned with the topics of palaeoclimatology and contemporary climate change respectively. An extensive list of references is also included.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Oregon Caves National Monument, Oregon	Keywords: Geology	Description: This Oregon Caves National Monument site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the Cave's development and geologic history, its formations, and its development as a National Monument. The park maps section includes an area map of the National Monument.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Timpanogos National Monument, Utah	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Timpanogos Cave National Monument site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs of cave formations, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the Cave's geologic history, structural geology, and discovery of the Hansen and Middle Cave (by Martin, George, and Wayne Hansen) and the Timpanogos Cave (by Veral Manwill).
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This Wind Cave National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs of cave formations, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the Park's geologic history, structural geology, cave formations, and its exploration history. The park maps section includes an area map of Wind Cave National Park and a detailed cave map.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: The Craters of the Moon lava field covers 618 square miles and is the largest young basaltic lava field in the conterminous United States. Included on this site are maps, photographs, related links, visitor information, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The park geology section discusses the park's volcanic history and structural geology, as well as the various sites at the park, such as Devils Orchard, Big Cinder Butte, and the Tree Molds Area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Environmental Protection Agency	Office of Water (4503F)	Washington	DC	20460				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: What's Up With Our Nation's Waters?	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This site, designed primarily for a K-8 audience, presents key findings of the Environmental Protection Agency's National Water Quality Report in an easy-to-read fashion. It covers how water quality is determined, the big three pollutants (dirt, bacteria, and nutrients), pollutant origins, wetlands, and groundwater. It also includes projects for school or fun, a water quiz, and a glossary and list of resources for more information.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Climate Modelling Group	P.O. Box 1000	Palisades	NY	10964-1000		845-359-2900	845-359-2931	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: LDEO Climate Modelling Group	Keywords: Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This web site is the home page of the Climate Modelling Group at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), a research division of Columbia University. The page lists project research papers, personnel, courses and seminars, local programs, their climate data, JCOMM (Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (of the United Nation's International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)) products, Other climate data and links, ENSO forecasts (El Nino-Southern Oscillation), NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) home page, and other climate institute pages. The "open house" or LDEO Climate Group Exhibit Hall is a particularly interesting introduction to this group. It includes various exercises and animations about climate and forecasting, and introductions to the Climate Data and the Data Library, the group's library of climate datasets.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				United States Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service			Washington	DC					
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Council for Science and the Environment	1725 K Street, NW, Suite 212	Washington	DC	20006-1401		202-530-5810	202-628-4311	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Climate Change Briefing Book, Congressional Research Service	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This web site offers the Congressional Research Service's (CRS) briefing book on climate change. CRS is a branch of the Library of Congress which provides nonpartisan research reports to members of Congress. The web host, the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), whose mission is to improve environmental decisionmaking by providing access to accurate and complete science-based information, is not affiliated with CRS. Updates are provided by NCSE and include materials issued by the White House, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The briefing book topics covered are general resources on climate change, background, legislative issues including scientific, economic, energy, and legal, and the Kyoto Protocol. Links to other sites are extensive and include thumbnail descriptions of the organizations.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of Sand Dune Parks	Keywords: Geology	Description: This Park Geology site provides links to tours of individual National Parks, Monuments, and Recreation Areas with sand dunes. Where appropriate for each park, links are provided to maps, photographs, geologic research, related links, visitor information, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). The list includes places such as Death Valley and Mojave National Preserve, along with less well-known areas such as the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan and the Wright Brothers National Memorial in North Carolina.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Phil	White			NOAA Survey Technician						808-832-3256		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Daniel	Curran			National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration						808-983-5382		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The NOAA Ship Townsend Cromwell: Student Connection	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Environmental science	Description: The Townsend Cromwell is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research vessel, which is operated by the Office of NOAA Corps Operations, and serves as a platform from which scientists collect data on tuna, swordfish, sharks, marine seabirds, lobsters, coral reef fish, Hawaiian monk seals, and oceanography. The ship operates out of Honolulu, Hawaii and serves the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in Honolulu. The intent of Student Connection is to bring the study of the ocean into classrooms. Participating students can track the vessel’s position through electronic charts posted on the web site and learn about recent shipboard activities. Cruise instructions are posted to explain the ship’s schedule and the objectives of each cruise.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				North American Association for Environmental Education	410 Tarvin Road	Rock Spring	GA	30739	706-764-2926	706-764-2094	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Environmental Education and Training Partnership		University of Wisconsin-Stevens Ppoint, College of Natural Resources	Stevens Point	WI	54481	715-346-4958		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Education			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EE-Link: Endangered Species	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This site offers information on endangered species including state lists, international lists, maps, proposed species for listing, extinct species information, and laws and policies. An Education and Interactive Kids Stuff section offers access to a wide variety of on-line materials, activities, software, video and multimedia materials.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1996-1999. Please respect the copyrights of artists and their licensees. If you want to distribute images, works of art or stories, please get the permission from the appropriate copyright holders. All information contained on EE-Link's Endangered Species pages is copyrighted.
Title: MichSeis	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Technology	Description: Hosted by the Seismological Observatory in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Michigan, MichSeis provides seismological data and software for purposes of education, earthquake monitoring, and research. Software products for producing and viewing seismogram files include the Macintosh programs SeismoGraf and SeismoView, both of which are free of charge. MichSeis also provides links to current global earthquake activity, as well as regional data obtained through the network of participating MichSeis stations.
Publication 2-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Beverly	Lynds			University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Unidata	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80301			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Althea	Pearlman			Boulder Valley High School		Boulder	CO					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Project Skymath: Making Mathematical Connections	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Educational theory and practice,Mathematics	Description: Project SkyMath is a mathematics module for middle school students, developed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). The goal of the pilot project is to demonstrate that acquiring and using current environmental and real-time weather data in middle school classrooms, in ways that embrace the dynamic and the uncertain natures of these data, will promote the teaching and learning of significant mathematics, consistent with the standards set by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Areas such as data analysis, graphing, statistics and measurement are studied in the sixteen activities available. Activities include collecting temperature data, identifying various statistics of that data, and reading and interpreting temperature maps. The website includes all of the information needed for teachers to use the module as well as the module itself to be downloaded.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1996 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				EarthNet Project/Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)/Electronic Publishing/Bedford Institute of Oceanography	PO Box 1006	Dartmouth, Nova Scotia		B2Y 4A2		902-426-4386	902-426-4848	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EarthNet: Virtual Resource Centre for Earth Science Educators	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Geologic time,Geology,Natural hazards,Paleontology	Description: EarthNet is a virtual resource center of earth science information and contacts for teachers, home educators, and students K-12. It is sponsored by the Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic, and provides earth science information specific to Canada as well as more general geoscience information relevant to other parts of the globe. EarthNet can be accessed through an easy to use searchable database, which allows searches by earth science topic, resource type (e.g. computer resources, information sources, materials), geographic region, and grade level. Examples of topics include: earthquakes, dinosaurs, rocks and minerals, mining, glaciers, conservation, and global change. A description of each resource, cost (if any), and the contact organization name, phone number, and URL are provided once a search has been activated. Also searchable is a database of teacher resource kits. Other features include: Exploring Our Dynamic Earth, a text that examines popular earth science topics from a Canadian perspective; Earth Science Site of the Week; Ask a Geologist about Canadian and United States geology; detailed activities and experiments; and a glossary.
Publication 2-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Walter Orr Roberts Institute	PO Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Social Issues Resources Series (SIRS) Publishing, Inc.		PO Box 272348	Boca Raton	LA	33427-2348			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gloria	Kelley			University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Project LEARN	PO Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Science Now	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Natural hazards,Technology	Description: The Science Now website contains past issues of this publication through 1993. Articles cover topics such as early Antarctic exploration, satellite technology, climate models, El Nino, hurricanes and their impacts, weather conditions and measurement, and the Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study. The articles are written for research and education purposes, and some include student activities to support the information given in the reports.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 2001 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All rights reserved. Note to Teachers: Permission is hereby granted to copy all or any portion of this publication for distribution to third parties provided such copying and distribution occur for the benefit of research, scientific and educational purposes and for no other purposes including, but not limited to, commercial exploitation purposes. In the event copying occurs or derivative works, as defined under U.S. Copyright Laws, are created, all notices and/or credits recited herein must remain intact on any copies made or derivative works created.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of California at Berkeley		Berkeley	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: WISE: The Web-based Inquiry Science Environment	Keywords: Agricultural science,Biology,Environmental science,Geology,Natural hazards,Physics	Description: The Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) is an on-line science learning environment for students in grades 4-12, supported by the National Science Foundation. In WISE, students examine real-world evidence, then analyze and respond to contemporary scientific controversies through designing, debating, and critiquing solutions on-line. Students use the web to take notes, discuss theories, and organize their arguments. Other features include tools for data visualization, causal modeling, simulations, and on-line discussion with classmates. Project topics center on the life, earth, and physical sciences, such as genetically modified foods, earthquake prediction, and the deformed frogs mystery. WISE projects are designed to meet standards and complement science curricula; they are capstone activities that science teachers can incorporate into their current curriculum. Teachers can monitor and assess their students' work on the Web, as well as design their own inquiry-based science projects.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1998-2001 WISE, University of California Berkeley
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				North American Association for Environmental Education	410 Tarvin Road	Rock Spring	GA	30739	706-764-2926	706-764-2094	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Environmental Education on the Internet	Keywords: Agricultural science,Biology,Climatology,Ecology,Educational theory and practice,Environmental science,Forestry	Description: Environmental Education on the Internet develops and organizes Internet resources to support, enhance, and extend effective environmental education in grades K-12. The mission of EE-Link is to disseminate information and ideas that will help educators explore the environment and investigate current issues with students. It offers links to projects, classroom activities, facts about the environment, bibliographies, pointers to other EE resources around the world, and much more. The site is predominantly a resource for students, teachers and professionals that support K-12 environmental education, however, media specialists, nature center staff and curriculum developers will also find this site useful.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: New resources that are uploaded by EE-Link must be copyright free, or EE-Link must have prior written permission to upload the material.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Colorado	Keywords: Geology	Description: In a corner of the remote high-mountain San Luis Valley in the Colorado Rockies rise the Great Sand Dunes, the tallest sand dunes in North America. This site contains a brief description as to how the dunes were created, and offers a small collection of maps, photographs, visitor information, and related links.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michelle	Cheng			Queens University			Ontario					Canada
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lisa	Mori			Queens University			Ontario					Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: The ABC's of Acid Rain	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Chemistry,Environmental science	Description: This site, created by two students at Queens University in Ontario, Canada, offers an introduction to acid rain, including causes, effects, emission reduction information, and a list of links and resources.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				North American Association for Environmental Education	410 Tarvin Road	Rock Spring	GA	30739	706-764-2926	706-764-2094	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Educational theory and practice	Description: Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence provides a set of recommendations for developing and selecting environmental education materials. These guidelines aim to help developers of activity guides, lesson plans, and other instructional materials produce high quality products, and to provide educators with a tool to evaluate the wide array of available environmental education materials. Developed through a process of critique and consensus, the Guidelines are grounded in a common understanding of effective environmental education. Over 1,000 practitioners and scholars in the field (e.g., classroom teachers, education administrators, environmental scientists, curriculum developers) participated in the review and development of this document. A companion publication, Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence - The Workbook is also available on line.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Nov 1996 by NAAEE for Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence Workbook: Copyright © 2000 by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE). Commercial reproductions of any materials in this publications is strictly prohibited without written permission from the publisher, NAAEE. Educators may photocopy up to 100 copies of these materials for non-commercial educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency	1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.	Washington	DC	20460		202-260-2090		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The EPA Global Warming Kids Site	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science	Description: This Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) site focuses on the science and impacts of global warming or climate change, and on actions that help address global warming. It features games, events, and links to other relevant sites for kids and educators, including activities on climate and weather and the greenhouse effect.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI)	Darbari Seth Block, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road	New Delhi		110 003				India
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EduGreen	Keywords: Environmental science,Technology	Description: The Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) from India supplies this global view of energy sources. With a slant toward protecting the environment, EduGreen is geared for classroom use, and its use of color and appealing icons makes navigation easy. Renewable, nonrenewable, and nuclear energy are explained along with energy conservation. It also provides information on biodiversity, pollution, and climatic changes and includes interactive games, quizzes, and discussion forums.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 Tata Energy Research Institute
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tammy	Payton			Loogootee West Elementary School	Costello Drive	Loogootee	IN	47553		812-295-2833	812-295-2833 x166	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Rock Hounds	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This K-8 activity was developed by students and staff at Loogootee Community Schools and the Franklin Institute of Science. It provides introductory information, animations and pictures for students to use while learning about rock collection, classification, formation and identification. Interactive games are included that help students learn geological definitions. Teachers will find literature connections, collaboration ideas, and science activities to help students explore how sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks are made.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997, 1999 Loogootee Community Schools. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				John F. Pattie Elementary School	16125 Dumfries Road	Dumfries	VA	22026				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Gail	Watson			John F. Pattie Elementary School	16125 Dumfries Road	Dumfries	VA	22026				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th St.	Philadelphia	PA	19103	215-448-1200		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Journey to the Center of the Earth	Keywords: Geology	Description: Approximately 100 students from four classes at John F. Pattie Elementary School, in Dumfries, Virginia participated in the creation of this geology project. They write (and draw) about rocks, volcanoes, tectonic plates, and basic geology. The site includes over 110 pages of information, diagrams, graphics, charts, videos, games, and lesson activities. There is a discussion forum on global sharing of ocean minerals and a Teacher Talk area with lesson ideas, tips for integrating technology, and discussions on various aspects of this project.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Martin	Creel	M.	Mr	Montgomery County Public Schools	850 Hungerford Dr.	Rockville	MD	20850		301-279-3357		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Grades K-5 Geography Tools: Geography Web Sites	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This site organizes geography-related web sites into four categories: country information, maps, other geographic resources, and urbanization. The country information category provides links to web sites such as City Net, Fast Facts on the Fifty States, and the WorldFactbook. The maps category provides links to map providers such as MapQuest, National Geographic Map Machine, and the Census Bureau. Under other geographic resources, links are provided to a variety of topics including the Elementary Planet, sites pertaining to latitude and longitude, and a site which shows and explains world time zones. The urbanization category provides links to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s community plans and maps showing urbanization in 1975 and 1995.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, Maryland
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Brad	Bowerman		Mr	Lakeland High School	1593 Lakeland Drive	Jermyn	PA	18433		570-254-9485 x101		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geography World	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Geology,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: Created by Mr. Brad Bowerman, a teacher at Lakeland High School in Pennsylvania, Geography World provides a plethora of links to other, more specific sites related to physical and cultural geography. Links are grouped into more than 40 categories, ranging from physical/Earth sciences and regions of the world to resources for geography teachers, study guides, project suggestions, quizzes, and games. The site appears in English, but can be translated into several other languages.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997-2001. Brad Bowerman. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The University of Chicago Press		1427 East 60th Street	Chicago	IL	60637		773-702-7700	773-702-9756	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ten Risky Places	Keywords: Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: This web site is a snapshot of the content that appears in the book 'Cartographies of Danger' by Mark Monmonier. The site serves the purpose of allowing Monmonier to state what he believes are the ten most risky places to inhabit in the United States, most of which are susceptible to natural hazards. Among those he lists are California, coastal Alaska and Hawaii, and the Louisiana coast. Monmonier’s descriptions of his ten riskiest places include what risk each place is susceptible to and what humans can expect from the associated hazard.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 by Mark Monmonier. This text appears on the University of Chicago Press website by permission of the author. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that this entire notice, including copyright information, is carried and provided that Mark Monmonier and the University of Chicago Press are notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of Mark Monmonier.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Josh	Calder		Mr								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Island Information	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: The Island Information web site provides numerous facts and figures about the earth's islands. Island data is organized into the following categories: island superlatives, principal world islands and groups, 100 largest islands of the world, largest islands by continent, largest islands of selected countries, 35 largest islands of the United States, largest islands of selected U.S. states, 38 largest islands of Canada, largest islands of Canadian provinces, largest lake islands of the world, most populous islands of the world, most populous island countries, islands divided by international borders, tallest islands of the world, former and alternative names of islands, and island misinformation. All of the information within the web site is displayed in easy-to-read charts.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 Josh Calder
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Martha	Toth			Southeastern Michigan Math-Science Learning Coalition								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jeannine	LaSovage			Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS), K-12 Education Outreach Director								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Science Lessons	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: This site, from the Southeastern Michigan Math-Science Learning Coalition, contains over 150 Earth science lessons and activities organized by age group that can be done at home or in the classroom. The goals of the Coalition are to provide students with hands-on and discovery based learning experiences promoting scientific and mathematical literacy. Each lesson provides guiding questions, key concepts, and procedures, in addition to materials and extension ideas. Most of the lessons also include research related to the lesson, links to online database or photo archives, and a list of careers associated with the lesson.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore	Keywords: Geology	Description: The Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore site contains park geology information, park maps, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the park's geologic history, dunes, moraines, and vegetation. The park maps section contains links to a park features map and a map of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Noatak National Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park	Keywords: Geology	Description: This Northwest Alaska Areas site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the geology and history of the three sites, focusing on the Cape Krusenstern National Monument beach ridges, the Noatak National Preserve's status as a Biosphere Reserve, and the Kobuk Valley National Park's sand dunes. The park maps section contains links to state geological maps and a map of Kobuk Valley.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California Institute of Technology, NASA/JPL, PO.DAAC	4800 Oak Grove Dr.	Pasadena	CA	91109			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Johan	Berlin		Mr						626-252-1775	626-744-5506	
This is a(n) person.
Title: El Nino vs. La Nina	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical oceanography	Description: This site offers images and animations showing global sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height (SSH) during El Nino of 1997-1998 and La Nina of 1998-1999. Images show the difference between the normal SST for that time of year and the actual temperature, clearly showing the higher and lower Pacific temperatures associated with the El Niño and La Niña events of 1997-1999 respectively. Thus the annual cycle and climatology have been removed from the data. Animations use Pathfinder and TOPEX/Poseidon data sets. This site is part of NASA's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999-2001, California Institute of Technology (NASA/JPL PO.DAAC). Information and images on our web site can be freely used by the public without restriction. Whenever any materials from our web site are used, please give PO.DAAC proper acknowledgement.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore	Keywords: Geology	Description: The Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the geologic history of the region and formation of Sleeping Bear Dunes through westerly winds from Lake Michigan. The park maps section includes a map of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and the surrounding area.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Steven	Vettese		Mr	Project Oceanica	College of Charleston, 202 Bell Building	Charleston	SC	29424	vetteses	843 953 7263		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: An Educator's Guide to Folly Beach, South Carolina	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Environmental science,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This site was designed to offer basic information on South Carolina's barrier islands for both educators and non-educators alike. It offers background content and images for educators to use in teaching marine science. Topics include the history of the area, flora, fauna, coastal processes, and erosion.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used in an educational setting as long as credit to author is given.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Gottingen State and University Library		Goettingen			Germany
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Freiberg University of Mining and Technology			Germany
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geo-Guide	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geochemistry,Geology,Geophysics,Hydrology,Mineralogy or petrology,Physical geography,Soil science	Description: Geo-guide provides links to resources pertaining to Geology and Geography. Users can browse categories such as Mineralogy, Geophysics, Geography, Cartography, Hydrology, Mining, Petrology, and Meteorology to find links from around the world. Resources can also be browsed by source type, including bibliographies, journals, and universities. Alternatively, it is possible to search the thousands of sites catalogued by keyword, language, country, URL, title, or source type. Many of the links provided are in English, but some are not, as this is an international database.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Geo-Guide 1997-2001, SUB Gottingen
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: White Sands National Monument	Keywords: Geology	Description: The White Sands National Monument site contains park geology information, maps, related links, and visitor information. The park geology section discusses the park's geologic history, the formation of the gypsum sand dunes, and the four types of dunes found at the White Sands National Monument: dome, barchan, transverse, and parabolic. The park maps section includes a map of the White Sands National Monument and the surrounding area, showing the location of each type of dune.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of River Systems	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site provides links to National Parks, Monuments, Preserves, Rivers, and Recreation Areas with fluvial landforms. Park links provide maps, photographs, geologic and historical information, and teacher features (links for teaching tools). Parks in this category include Big Bend National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Buffalo National River, and more.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Big Bend National Park, Texas	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: That portion of the earth's surface known as "the Big Bend" has often been described as a "geologist's paradise". In part this is due to the sparse vegetation of the region, which allows the various strata to be easily observed and studied. In addition to a geologic history of the region, this site includes photographs, maps, recent earthquakes, volcanoes, petrology and paleontology relating to the park area, and visitor information.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Kentucky/Tennesee	Keywords: Geology	Description: The free-flowing Big South Fork of the Cumberland River and its tributaries pass through 90 miles of scenic gorges and valleys containing a wide range of natural and historic features. This National Park Service site includes a brief history of the area, visitor information, and links to sites pertaining to the geology of the region.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: Geologic information on this site includes details about how the Black Canyon was formed by the Gunnison river, metamorphic rock types, wildlife, archeology, and early exploration of the area. Also provided are links to visitor information, multimedia resources, park maps, and photographs.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Bluestone National Scenic River, New River Gorge National River, Gauley River National Recreation Area, West Virginia	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: The New River is the oldest river in all of North America, being around 65 million years old. Rocks in the area date back to 330 million years old, and the river cuts across the Appalachian plateau. Included on this site are area activities, general geologic information about the history and formation of the rivers, maps, and links to other sites.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Buffalo National River, Arkansas	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site contains information on the Buffalo National River in Arkansas, including geology, park maps, and visitor information. It discusses landscape formations, the course of the river, and prehistoric sites along the river, which is situated in the Ozarks of Arkansas.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Stevens Institute of Technology, Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5375	201-216-8069	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Pat	Slater			Stevens Institute of Technology, Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5375		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Edward	Friedman	A.	Dr	Stevens Institute of Technology, Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5188	201-216-8069	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Educational theory and practice,Environmental science,Mathematics,Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: The Stevens Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) provides professional development and technical expertise to schools by promoting improved teaching and learning in science and mathematics through the integration of technology into the curriculum. CIESE seeks to empower teachers to utilize computer-based technological resources, including the Internet, mathematics software, CD-ROMs, and computer-based laboratory systems. CIESE believes that technology can be a powerful catalyst in improving K-12 education by providing students with enriched opportunities to experience and understand scientific and mathematical concepts, increase problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, and participate in authentic, interdisciplinary projects. This site links to the many classroom projects, national and regional programs and professional development workshops offered or sponsored by CIESE. Projects focus on utilization of realtime data available from the Internet, and collaborative projects that utilize the Internet's potential to reach peers and experts around the world. Each project has links to the National Science Standards and NCTM math standards it supports.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998-2001 Stevens Institute of Technology, Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Joyce	Bailey		Ms										
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Avenue	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Forest Fires	Keywords: Ecology,Forestry,Natural hazards,Policy issues	Description: The objectives of this lesson plan are twofold: to have students understand the benefits and problems associated with fire and to understand the role that fire plays in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Emphasis throughout the lesson plan is placed on manager-ignited prescribed burns and natural fires, and their relevance and importance to various types of fire-adapted ecosystems such as chaparral, prairie grasslands, and lodgepole pine forests. The lesson entails initiating a discussion about the positive and negative powers of fire, introducing terms such as surface fire, crown fire, and fire triangle, and having the students produce a public service announcement, brochure, or television spot on both accidental forest fires and the benefits of prescribed burns. The web site includes a list of suggested materials, procedures, adaptations, discussion questions, extension projects, an evaluation of student learning, suggested readings, relevant web links, a vocabulary list, and relevance to the academic standards set forth by Content Knowledge: A Compendium of Standards and Benchmarks for K-12 Education: Second Edition.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001,
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kari	Grossman	Grady	Mrs	Wildheaven Photographics	P.O. Box 1356	Dubois	WY	82513	307-455-4046	307-455-4046	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Yellowstone: From the Ashes	Keywords: Ecology,Forestry,Natural hazards,Policy issues	Description: This virtual tour of Yellowstone National Park takes the visitor through ten years of scientific study and park regeneration since the wildfires of 1988 burned approximately thirty percent of the park. The user can successively travel through each web page of the tour, or choose to visit specific tour topics from the main page. Each topic within the tour speaks to both the 1988 event and the evolution that has taken place in the years following. Topics include the conditions that led to and fueled the fires, Yellowstone's "Let it Burn" policy, and the effects of fire on vegetation, birds, mammals, and fish. Many before and after landscape photographs are depicted as well as other photographs of rangers, animals, firefighters, etc. Additional web sites that supplement the tour are provided and fire-related questions can be emailed to the fire management officer of Yellowstone National Park.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998, Discovery Communications Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Carl	Nave	R. (Rod)	Dr	Georgia State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy		Atlanta	GA	30303-3083				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hyperphysics	Keywords: Physics	Description: HyperPhysics is a broad-ranging interactive physics exploration environment, which employs concept maps and other linking strategies to facilitate smooth navigation. An excellent resource for physics educators and students, it contains large numbers of interconnected sections containing topics in mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, acoustics, relativity theory, condensed matter, and quantum, nuclear, and astrophysics. The site provides many opportunities for numerical exploration in the form of active formulae as well as an extensive index, which itself is composed of active links. It is available online as well as on CD-ROM.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: HyperPhysics (© C.R. Nave, 2001) is a continually developing base of instructional material in physics. It is not freeware or shareware, but the author is open to proposals for its use for non-profit instructional purposes. The overall intent has been to develop a wide ranging exploration environment which could be of use to students and teachers.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia/North Carolina	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site contains Blue Ridge Parkway information, photographs, and visitor information. It includes activities along the Parkway throughout Virginia and North Carolina, beginning at Mile 0, located at Rockfish Gap near Waynesboro, Virginia. The mile-by-mile highlights indicate waterfalls, mountains (which are all part of the Appalachian Mountain chain), parks, and views along the way. The parkway runs through Shenandoah National Park.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Catoctin Mountain Park, Maryland	Keywords: Human geography	Description: This site contains Catoctin Mountain Park information, a park map, and visitor information. A general cultural history of the park is given, from the first human inhabitants to its development into a park. Also mentioned are recreational attractions and Cunningham Falls State Park, located next to Catoctin. This park lies in the Appalachian Mountain chain.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina/Tennessee	Keywords: Forestry	Description: This site contains Great Smoky Mountains National Park information, a park map, photographs, and visitor information. Included are information about the forests in the Park, Newfoundland Gap, Clingsman Dome, and links to sites with more facts. The Park is located within the Appalachian Mountain chain in both North Carolina and Tennessee.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Montana/Wyoming	Keywords: Geology,Human geography	Description: This site contains Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area information, including geology, maps, photographs, visitor information, and links for additional facts about this area of Wyoming and Montana. Included are details about the geologic history of the area, formations, the Pryar and Bighorn Mountains, and the exploration history of the land.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Annabelle	Foos		Prof	University of Akron Geology Department								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Capitol Reef National Park, Utah	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This Capitol Reef National Park site contains park geology information, park maps, photographs, visitor information, and a teacher feature (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). Geologic data includes descriptions of the Waterpocket Fold, a monocline formed in the Laramide Orogeny and made of sedimentary rock. Also covered is erosion, and details about the Cathedral Valley outcrop of gypsum. This formation is Permian to Cretaceous in age (270-80 million years old).
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources. Teacher feature copyright 1999 by author
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Washington State University, Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center		1100 N. Western Avenue	Wenatchee	WA	98801		509-663-8181		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Washington State University, Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: WSU-TFREC Orchard Calculator: Estimating Water Use by Plants	Keywords: Agricultural science,Atmospheric science	Description: The Washington State University Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center provides a calculator for estimating water use by plants or pET (potential evapotranspiration). Water use varies widely from plant to plant, so estimates are usually first derived for a single situation, such as grass, and then adapted for other plants. The calculator uses the Penman method to estimate daily pET in inches of water. It requires average daily values of four measurements: sunlight, wind, temperature, and humidity.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site provides information about the Chickasaw National Recreation Area including geology, park maps, visitor information, photographs, and links for more details. The human attraction to the water found there(streams, lakes, and springs), human history, the old mountains (300 million years old - Carboniferous) formed by the Arbuckle uplift, and sedimentary rock deposits are highlighted.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: Called the "Land of the Standing-Up Rocks" by Chiricahua Apaches and later the "Wonderland of Rocks" by pioneers, this northwest corner of the Chiricahua Mountains harbors towering rock spires, massive stone columns, and balanced rocks weighing hundreds of tons that perch delicately on small pedestals. This website provides maps, visitor information, and links to additional resources relating to the park’s geology.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Alaska	Keywords: Climatology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This park and preserve extends nearly 200 miles from east to west, including some 8.1 million acres in the central Brooks Range in north central Alaska. Included on the website are details about park geology, flora and fauna, climate, and taiga forest, as well as photographs, visitor information, and selected links.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paula	Messina			San Jose State University, Geology Department								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				San Jose State University, Geology Department			San Jose	CA	95192				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Can You Win A Jellybean Contest?	Keywords: Mathematics,History and philosophy of science	Description: This Student Activity Worksheet is part of a San Jose State University ALERT K-12 module which teaches middle school students about making reasonable estimates of numbers, volume, mass, and time. Students estimate numbers of books on shelves and jellybeans or dried beans in jars, compare masses of coins, and estimate time by taking their pulses.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, California	Keywords: Geology	Description: Ranging from 1500’ to 14,494’ in elevation, these adjoining California parks protect immense mountains, deep canyons, huge trees, and stunningly diverse habitats. The site briefly discusses Moro Rock and the process of exfoliation, which causes such dome-like forms, and includes links to visitor information and additional resources.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park, Alaska	Keywords: Human geography	Description: This site highlights the gold rush history of this park, located in Skagway, Alaska. It includes photographs of relics and old buildings, as well as visitor information, and additional links for more facts.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This park is home to the Fairweather Mountains, which formed during the Laramide Orogeny, as well as many glaciers. The site includes introductory information about glacial formation and icebergs, links to park maps, and visitor information.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geoogic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The National Park Service: Geologic Resources Photo Search	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site allows the user to search through the Park Service photo database. Search hundreds of photos by park name, state, year, or photo name. Pictures include descriptions, the photographer, and scales when available. Images are of rocks, fossils, volcanoes, caves, and general geologic features.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paula	Messina			San Jose State University, Geology Department								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				San Jose State University, Geology Department			San Jose	CA	95192			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Does the Earth Have the Shakes?	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This Student Activity Worksheet is part of the San Jose State University ALERT K-12 Module, Plate Tectonics, Part I. The module introduces the students to earthquakes and asks them to use latitude and longitude to plot earthquake locations on a global map. Students may use the Internet to get recent earthquake information. They are then asked to describe the pattern of global seismicity and to assess earthquake risk where they live.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paula	Messina			San Jose State University, Geology Department								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				San Jose State University, Geology Department			San Jose	CA	95192			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Meet the Goddess Pele	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This Student Activity Worksheet is part of the San Jose State University ALERT K-12 module, Plate Tectonics, Part 2. The module introduces students to volcanoes. Students use latitude and longitude to plot recent volcanic eruptions on a global map. They may optionally locate recent volcanism from Internet resources. Students then assess the global distribution of volcanic activity and the risk of volcanism globally and where they live. Finally, students are asked to compare the global map of recent volcanic eruptions with that of recent earthquake activity from the Plate Tectonics, Part 1 module.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lincoln	Pratson	F.	Dr	Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research		University of Colorado Campus Box 450	Boulder	CO	80309		303-492-6387	303-492-6388	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Haxby	F.	Dr	Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory		PO Box 100 61 Route 9W	Palisades	NY	10964		845-359-2900	846-359-2931	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Scientific American, Inc.	415 Madison Ave.	New York	NY	10017	212-754-0550		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Scientific American Feature Article: Panoramas of the Seafloor	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography,Technology	Description: This Scientific American magazine feature article contains computer-generated images of the seafloor surrounding North America. Briefly discussed are the 3 types of seafloor margins: passive, strike-slip, and convergent. Seafloor mapping tools, satellite radar and sonar in particular, are covered and there are many links to similar sites for further facts and data.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Coypright 1996-2001. Scientific American. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michael	Guiry	D.	Dr	National University of Ireland, Galway						353-91-750-410		Ireland
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Seaweed Site	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology	Description: This National University of Ireland website contains a large amount of information, as well as many links, regarding seaweed and marine algal biology. It covers what these organisms are, species that exist, different uses, and cultivation. A searchable database with photographs provides taxonomic and distributional details on more than 20, 000 seaweeds and seagrasses. Also included are contacts for obtaining and collecting cultures of algae and seaweed. A listserv (Algae-L) allows subscribers to receive and post information on all aspects of algae. Teaching notes are also at hand on this website.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright National University of Ireland, Galway, Michael D. Guiry 2001. Pictures are available for non-profit use provided proper acknowledgement is made.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of Colorado Plateau	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site provides links to geology fieldnotes about National Parks, Monuments, and Recreation Areas that are part of the Colorado Plateau. Each park site provides links to visitor information, photographs, park maps, multimedia resources, and teacher features (tools for teaching geology with National Park examples). Some of the areas linked to this site include: Dinosaur National Monument, Mesa Verde National Park, and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Annabelle	Foos		Prof	University of Akron, Geology Department								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Arches National Park, Utah	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This park is located on the Colorado Plateau near Moab, Utah, and is comprised of 100 million year old (Cretaceous) sedimentary rock: Entrada and Navajo sandstones. Covered topics include the formation of arches in stages, different types of arches, as well as sizes and names (Delicate Arch being the most famous). The site also provides visitor information, photos, maps, additional links, and a teacher feature (tools for teaching geology with National Park examples).
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources. Teacher Feature copyright 1999 by author.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Annabelle	Foos		Prof	University of Akron, Geology Department								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: Located on the Colorado Plateau in Utah, this canyon is comprised mostly of sedimentary rocks, and continues to be eroded and shaped by the Paria River. Its geologic and human history are outlined on this site, including the formation of the canyon, from the Cretaceous period (144 million years ago) to the present, and geologic features, such as fins, columns, pinnacles, and hoodoos. Visitor information, links to other resources, maps, and a teacher feature (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples) are also available.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources. Teacher feature copyright 1999 by author.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Canyon De Chelly National Monument, Arizona	Keywords: Geology,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This canyon cuts through the sandstones of the De Chelly formation, of Permian age (200 million years old). The river forming the canyon is the Rio De Chelly, which begins in the nearby Chuska Mountains. Details on this site include some geology, visitor information, photographs, and area maps. Also discussed are details on seeing the park, and Native American history of the area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH Educational Foundation/Nova Science Unit	125 Western Avenue	Boston	MA	02134	617-300-5400	617-300-1026	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Clear Blue Sky Productions, Inc.	PO Box 3005	Seatle	WA	98104			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Online Course for Teachers: Teaching Evolution	Keywords: Biology,History and philosophy of science	Description: This eight-session professional development course for in-service and pre-service biology teachers is based on the PBS documentary Evolution. It is designed to address the nature of science and how Darwin's development of the theory of natural selection illustrates the process of science, and to deepen teachers' understanding of the theory, evidence and processes of evolution. Also, the course provides strategies for promoting inquiry-based learning about evolution and addressing misconceptions and controversy surrounding the topic. The course uses a variety of multimedia resources and interactive exercises (which can also be used with students), primary source readings and in depth exploration of scientific concepts. Each session provides links to applicable National Science Standards.
Publication 11-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: @2001 WGBH Educational Foundation and Clear Blue Sky Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Annabelle	Foos		Prof	University of Akron, Department of Geology								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Colorado National Monument, Colorado	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology	Description: This monument lies in a region once known as the Uncompahgre Highland (igneous and metamorphic), but has been eroded away to the canyons and domes seen today. Mostly sandstone rocks are found today, dating back between 225-65 million years (Mesozoic), embedded with fossils dating back 100 million years. Uplift, faulting, and erosion are all processes that have shaped this area. The site covers geology as well as human history, and contains photos, links, visitor information, and a teacher feature (tools for teaching geology with National Park examples).
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources. Teacher feature copyright 1999 by author.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site describes how natural bridges form in crossbedded sandstone, the three stages of bridge maturity, and the differences between bridges and arches. Also included are photographs, park maps, visitor information, and details on the discovery of the Owachomo, Sipapu, and Kachina Bridges.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Cameron	Johnston		Ms	United States Forest Service Fire Sciences Lab	5775 West Highway 10	Missoula	MT	59807		406-329-4810		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jane	Smith	Kapler	Ms	United States Forest Service Fire Sciences Lab	5775 West Highway 10	Missoula	MT	59807		406-329-4805		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Fire Effects Information System	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: The Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) provides up-to-date information about fire effects on plants and animals. It was developed at the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station's Fire Sciences Laboratory in Missoula, Montana. The FEIS database contains synoptic descriptions, taken from current English-language literature of almost 900 plant species, about 100 animal species, and 16 Kuchler plant communities found on the North American continent. The emphasis of each synopsis is fire and how it affects each species. Background information on taxonomy, distribution, basic biology and ecology of each species is also included. Synopses are thoroughly documented, and each contains a complete bibliography. Personnel from several land management agencies (USDA Forest Service, USDI-BIA, NPS, BLM, F&WS) identified the species to be included in the database. Those agencies funded the original work and continue to support maintenance and updating of the database.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Louis	Maher, Jr.	J.	Dr	University of Wisconsin, Department of Geology and Geophysics		Madison	WI	608-262-9595	608-262-0693	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology by Lightplane	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site contains 360 color aerial photographs of geologically significant landscapes in the western United States, as well as in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky. The photos are meant to be useful teaching aides for introductory geology classes to establish the relationship between the overall landscape and ground-based geological features. The photos are reduced to a width of 640 pixels and are arranged geographically. Each picture is accompanied by a caption that provides geographic orientation, location, and the date it was taken. 2000-pixel-wide versions can be downloaded from a linked FTP site.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 Louis J. Maher, Jr. The digital image files are available at no cost for noncommercial educational use only.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bruce	Quirk		Mr	Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center	47914 252nd Street	Sioux Falls	SD	57198-0001		605-594-6040	605-594-6589	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EarthShots: Satellite Images of Environmental Change	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: EarthShots is an e-book of images (1972-present), showing recent environmental events through remotely sensed images while concurrently introducing remote sensing techniques. Place-specific case studies offer before-and-after satellite imagery as well as descriptive text. Topic categories include articles on agriculture, cities, deserts, disasters, forests, geology, water, and wildlife. Examples of case studies include agriculture along the Nile River Delta, urban development as it impacts the hydrology of the Imperial Valley in California, desertification in Southern Mauritania, the disastrous effects of the Mount St. Helens eruption in Washington, and glacial activity in Hubbard Glacier, Alaska. A world map allows users to access these instances of environmental change by geographic area. Information on remote sensing technology and an overview of the site is provided by a Garden City, Kansas case study. Each set of images and text are accompanied by a political/topographic map of the area, detailed information pertaining to the source of the satellite images and maps, and relevant references.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The chapter of Mapping the Next Millennium is copyright Stephen S. Hall 1992. The Mountain High Maps are copyright 1995 Digital Wisdom Inc. The rest of these files were created by the U.S. Government and are in the public domain, not copyrighted. If the Government work is reproduced, the U.S. Geological Survey would appreciate a credit line, such as "USGS EROS Data Center".
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Lemke		Dr	University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Department of Geography/Geology	University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Department of Geography/Geology	Stevens Point	WI	54481	715-346-2709	715-346-3372	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Internet Resources for Physical Geography	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Ecology,Hydrology,Natural hazards,Paleontology,Physical geography,Soil science	Description: This clearinghouse lists relevant web sites for physical geographers as well as other physical scientists. Web sites are categorized under the following headings: biogeography and ecology, geomorphology and hydrology, hydrology and water resources, soil science, reference materials and publications, information servers, climatology and meteorology, earthquakes, geochemistry, hydroecology, paleontology, volcanoes, and earth science and geology. There are approximately 200 web sites listed on this resource and they range from sites sponsored by non-profit groups and scientific entities, to government-funded organizations and academic centers.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information in Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Classroom of the Future		Wheeling Jesuit University	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2388	304-243-2497	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jim	Botti		Dr	NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-4324	304-243-2497	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tour of Biomes	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Ecology,Physical geography	Description: This introduction to the world’s biomes provides brief descriptions and climographs (charts showing average temperatures for each month of the year). It begins with an overview of the biome concept, followed by a summary of climograph structure and use. The remaining pages detail six identified biomes, including: arctic tundra, deciduous forest, desert, taiga, tropical rainforest, and tropical savannah. Each of these includes a generalized description, a climograph, and information on the plants and animals found in that particular biome.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997-2000, Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future. All rights reserved. Copyright 1999-2000, Wheeling Jesuit University/Center for Educational Technologies. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Pipe Spring National Monument, Arizona	Keywords: Human geography	Description: Pipe Spring is a naturally occurring, free-flowing spring on the Arizona Strip that has attracted wayfarers and settlers for many centuries. The information on this site deals primarily with the prehistoric and recent human history of the monument, and includes links to additional resources.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Navajo National Monument, Arizona	Keywords: Geology,Human geography	Description: Navajo National Monument is located on the Colorado Plateau in Arizona. Information on this site focuses on the Native American history of the area, including details about Keet Seel, an Anasazi village built in a sandstone cliff alcove. Other resources include visitor information, maps, and links to additional facts.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Annabelle	Foos		Prof	University of Akron; Geology Department								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Zion National Park, Utah	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: Zion is located on the edge of the Colorado Plateau, and is part of a formation known as the Grand Staircase (Bryce Canyon and the Grand Canyon are also part of this formation). The site discusses the formation of the park, from sedimentation 240 million years ago (Triassic), to lithification, uplift, and erosion. Visible formations include the Navajo sandstone and the Kaibab formation. Additional resources include visitor information, maps, photographs, and a teacher feature (lessons for teaching geology with National Parks as examples).
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources. Teacher feature copyright 1999 by author.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gary	Kronk	W.		American Meteor Society								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Young	S.			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Meteor Society								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Leonids	Keywords: Space science	Description: These pages, sponsored by the American Meteor Society (AMS), are part of Gary W. Kronk's Comets and Meteor Showers website. They provide introductory and historical information on the Leonids, as well as photos, artwork, observation tips, and a list of links.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Digital image copyright © 2001 by Gary W. Kronk and Eric S. Young. You may download the images and text for personal use and study, and for use in school reports. Please credit me and my site: From Gary W. Kronk's Comets & Meteor Showers Web Site (
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Naomi	Poulton		Ms	United Nations Environmental Programme									Netherlands
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United Nations Environmental Programme, Global Programme of Action	UNEP/GPA Coordination Office	The Hague					30-70-345-6648	Netherlands
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				International Ocean Institute, Canada/Dalhousie University	1226 LaMarchant Street	Halifax, Nova Scotia		B3H 3P7		902-494-1737	902-494-2034	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Programme of Action News Forum	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This site presents news and information provided by the Global Programme of Action (GPA) for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities. The GPA is part of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and has established this site to distribute information and stimulate discussion from the articles they post. Users can search the site for specific information, or browse through categories by sectors: private organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGO), and global, regional, or national sectors. Environmental news covered includes sewage, pollutants, heavy metals, litter, destruction of habitats, oils, and radioactive substances. Private sectors covered include agriculture and forestry, fisheries, industry, mining, tourism, transportation, and waste management. Articles focus on solutions to problems and mobilization of government/worldwide organizations to take action.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The non-copyrighted contents may be reprinted without charge for non-commercial purposes provided that the GPA News Forum and the author or photographer concerned are credited as the source and the Editor is notified in writing.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of Oldest Rocks in Parks	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This park geology site provides links to tours of individual National Parks, Monuments, and Recreation Areas with the oldest known rocks. The parks are divided at this site into East and West. Where appropriate, for each park, links are provided to park geology, maps, photographs, geologic research, visitor information, multimedia resources, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology using National Park examples). Parks listed include: Voyaguers National Park, Keweenaw National Historic Park, Lake Meade National Recreation Area, and many more.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-2087				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Keweenaw National Historic Park, Michigan	Keywords: Geology	Description: This National Park Service site provides geological history, visitor information, maps, and selected links for further details. This park is located on the Keweenaw Peninsula on Lake Superior in Michigan, situated on a 1.1 billion year old (Precambrian) continental rift. The history is traced back to the days of copper mining by the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Shenandoah National Park, Virginia	Keywords: Biology,Geologic time,Geology,Human geography,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Resources on this site include geology, visitor information, photographs, maps, and links to more details. This park encompasses part of the Blue Ridge Mountain chain in the Appalachian Mountains. It contains some of the oldest rocks in the east, both igneous and metamorphic and dating back over 1.1 billion years (Precambrian). Also discussed is the wildlife of the area as well as human settlement.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Glacier National Park, Montana	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Human geography	Description: Glaciers have played an important role in shaping this park, which is part of the Rocky Mountain chain and shares a border with Canada's Waterton Lakes National Park. Information on this site includes park geology, visitor information, photographs, and links to other resources.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	P.O. Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Details offered on this site include park geology, visitor information, maps, photographs, and links to additional resources. This famous carved mountain is located on the Harney Peak granite batholith - a large outcrop of granite rock that formed within the Earth. This batholith is part of the Black Hills of South Dakota. All rock types are present in the area, and the oldest date back 1.7 billion years (Precambrian). The carving of this monument is also discussed.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: In addition to offering visitor information, photographs, and links, this site traces the geologic history of this park to its beginnings as sedimentary rocks 1-2 billion years ago (Precambrian). It covers episodes of mountain building and erosion, the presence of dinosaurs and volcanoes, and glaciation, ending with the park’s present geological state.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology: Tour of Glaciers	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides links to geology fieldnotes about National Parks, National Monuments, and National Recreation Areas having to do with glaciers. Where appropriate links are provided to geology, visitor information, photographs, maps, multimedia resources, related links, and teacher features (resources for teaching geology with National Park examples). This site divides the parks into the following glacier categories: Active alpine glaciation, continental glaciation landforms, alpine glaciation landforms, and Ice age flood landforms (scablands). Some of the parks mentioned include Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, Acadia National Park in Maine, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area in Washington, and many more.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United Nations Environment Programme, Information Unit for Conventions		Chatelaine			Switzerland
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United Nations Environment Programme, Information Unit for Conventions		Chatelaine			Switzerland
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Climate Change Information Kit	Keywords: Climatology,Policy issues,Technology	Description: This web site is produced by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It includes thirty Climate Change Information Sheets. Information is provided on: climate change, the greenhouse effect, understanding the climate system, and evidence from past climates. The section on facing the consequences includes: Adapting to the impacts of climate change; Agriculture and food security; Sea levels, oceans, and coastal areas; Biological diversity and ecosystems; Water resources; Human health; Infrastructure, industry, and human settlements; and Climatic disasters and extreme events. Further information is included on the Climate Change Convention, The Kyoto Protocol, policies for limiting greenhouse gas emissions, and data on greenhouse gas emissions and sources. The kit was updated in February 1998. An earlier edition from 1993 is also available.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Defense			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Warming: Focus on the Future	Keywords: Climatology	Description: This is the official web version of the traveling exhibition, Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast, which was at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in 1997. A guided tutorial encourages visitors to learn about the history of the issue, examines why the recent changes to the atmosphere are a problem, and empowers them to help solve the problem by giving specific examples of ways they can reduce emissions of gases that cause Global Warming.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Content ©1997 by EDF.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Yosemite National Park	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site details Yosemite National Park in California with information such as geology, photographs, links to maps and other facts, and visitor information. Yosemite's landscape is shaped by alpine glaciation landforms such as moraines, plucking, scouring, and U-shaped valleys. Part of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, formation of the area began 500 million years ago (Cambrian). This site details the geologic history of the park up to the present time with continued evolution through weathering and erosion. Also discussed are the wilderness and vegetation (sub-alpine and Sequoia groves).
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Ice Age National Scientific Preserve	Keywords: Cryology,Geologic time,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site contains information about Ice Age National Scientific Preserve in Wisconsin, including geology, park maps, photographs, links for further details, and visitor information. The preserve is a continental glaciation landform, left over from the Wisconsinan ice age which occurred 70,000 to 10,000 years ago (Quaternary). Evidence of this glaciation includes the presence of end, ground, terminal, interlobate, and recessional moraines, as well as erratics, eskers, kames, kettles, drumlins and potholes. This site discusses these features, how the ice age occurred, and the 4 major lobes of the Wisconsinan glacial period.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Ice Age National Scenic Trail	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site gives information on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail in Wisconsin, including geology, visitor information, appropriate links, photographs, and park maps. This trail spans over 1000 miles across Wisconsin, following the glacial features associated with the most recent Pleistocene continental glaciation including drumlins, kames, kettles, moraines, erratics, and eskers. The site also describes the trail route through the state, and mentions the driftless area which was untouched by the glaciers.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology Tour of Hot Springs	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology,Hydrology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides links to National Parks with hot springs or geothermal activity. Where appropriate, links are provided to geology, visitor information, photographs, park maps, multimedia resources, geologic research, and additional links. Parks at this site include Hot Springs National Park, Lassen Volcano National Park, and more.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Hot Springs National Park	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides information about Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas, including geology, photographs, park maps, and visitor information. The cold and hot (143 degrees Farenheit) springs are a big attraction here, having existed for some 4,000 years. This site describes the springs here as well as the hydrothermal process that heats the water of the springs.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology Tour of Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides links to geology field notes providing information about National Parks, National Monuments, and National Recreation Areas that have to do with plate tectonics. The site also has illustrations and descriptions of different plate boundaries. The parks are divided into categories depending on which type of plate boundary they are located on. This includes divergent boundaries(active and ancient), convergent boundaries (ocean-ocean, continent-continent, continent-ocean), transform faults, hot spots, and accreted terrains. Parks referenced include Virgin Islands National Park, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, and many more.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Park Geology Tour of Human Use Areas	Keywords: Geology,Human geography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides links to geolgy field notes about National Parks, National Monuments, and National Recreation Areas having to do with geology and human use (such as mining). Information includes geology, photographs, multimedia tools, park maps, visitor information, geologic research, and additional links. Parks covered include Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park, Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument, and more.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument	Keywords: Human geography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides information about Alibates Flint Quarries in Texas, including geology, photographs, park maps, visitor information, and additional links for more details. This site highlights the flint stone found in the quarries and its use among native peoples. For some 12,000 years flint has been taken from this area to make tools, beginning with the Ice Age Clovis Culture who found and used the flint to hunt Imperial mammoths in the region.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Mesa Verde National Park	Keywords: Human geography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides information about Mesa Verde National Park in southwestern Colorado, including geology, visitor information, illustrations, and additional links for more details. This park was home to the Anasazi people who were cliff dwellers in this area. Today you can see artifacts, native dwellings made of sandstone bricks, and learn about the Anasazi way of life, dating back to around 550 AD.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Yukon - Charley Rivers National Preserve, Alaska	Keywords: Biology,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides information on the Yukon - Charley Rivers National Preserve in Alaska, including geology, visitor information, photographs, and links to further resources. The Yukon is a large river flowing along a fault through Alaska, and the Charley is a major tributary flowing into it. Some gold rush history is discussed, as well as wildlife and vegetation.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Heldref Publications		1319 18th St. NW	Washington	DC	20036-1802	202-296-6267		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Doyle	Rice, Managing Editor	S.	Mrs	Heldref Publications	1319 18th St. NW	Washington	DC	20036-1802	202-296-6267		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kimbra	Cutlip, Associate Editor	L.		Heldref Publications	1319 18th St. NW	Washington	DC	20036-1802	202-296-6267		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Weatherwise: Magazine About the Weather	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: Weatherwise provides photographs of weather, questions and answers, recent articles and features, and archives of old articles (for purchase) from the weather magazine. This site can also be searched to find specific topic information. Subjects covered include precipitation, atmospheric chemistry, aurora and other optical effects, forecasting, climatology, severe weather (hurricanes, etc.), floods, clouds, and general meteorology. Links to real-time weather and maps are also provided.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Domingo	Jimenez-Beltran		Dr	European Environment Agency	Kongens Nytorv 6	1050 Copenhagen K	+45 3336 7100	+45 3336 7199	Denmark
This is a(n) person.
Title: European Environment Agency: Information to Improve Europe's Environment	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science,Forestry	Description: The European Environment Agency aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public. The web site contains environmental information such as speeches, news releases, reports, indicators, links, datasets, biodiversity information, data, maps, and tools for manipulating data and maps. The aim of the European Environment Agency is to establish a seamless environmental information system. This is done to assist the Community in its attempts to improve the environment and move towards sustainability, including the EU's efforts to integrate environmental aspects into economic policies.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: For the site brochure: © EEA, Copenhagen, 1999 Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. For NATLAN: This is an experimental product and the developers expect feedback on performance. Permission is granted for use for non-commercial purposes. Permission must be requested to pass on data to third parties.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Francisco	Reifschneider		Mr	CGIAR Secretariat	1818 H Street, N.W./Mail stop G6-601	Washington DC		20433	(1-202) 473-8951	(1-202) 473-8110	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research	Keywords: Agricultural science,Biology,Ecology,Policy issues	Description: The mission of the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) is to contribute to food security and poverty eradication in developing countries through research, partnerships, capacity building, and policy support, promoting sustainable agricultural development based on the environmentally sound management of natural resources. Created in 1971, CGIAR is an association of public and private members supporting a system of 16 Future Harvest Centers that work in more than 100 countries to mobilize cutting-edge science to reduce hunger and poverty, improve human nutrition and health, and protect the environment. The CGIAR focuses on five major research thrusts: increasing productivity, protecting the environment, saving biodiversity, improving policies and strengthening national research. The World Bank is one of four co-sponsors of the CGIAR, the other three being Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001. CGIAR
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Tripp	W.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	WHOI, MS #2	Woods Hole	MA	02543-1525	508-289-2900	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey		Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-548-8700		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Briefs	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Ecology,Environmental science,Physical oceanography	Description: Coastal Briefs is an electronic mini-journal from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, synthesizing the results of recent research concerning all aspects of coastal oceanography. Each article presumes no specific scientific expertise and is written with a minimum of scientific jargon. The articles come from many sources, including the United States Geological Survey, Oceanus, SeaGrant, and the National Science Foundation.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tamara	Ledley		Dr	TERC	2067 Massachusetts Ave.	Cambridge	MA	02140	617-873-9658	617-349-3535	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Danny	Hardin	M.	Mr	The National Space Science and Technology Center	320 Sparkman Drive	Huntsville	AL	35805	256-961-7792	256-961-7859	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Climatology,Cryology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology	Description: The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation) brings together data and information providers from government agencies, universities, non-profit organizations, and businesses in an effort to make Earth science information available to a broader community. The objective of the Federation is to develop methods that make space-based imagery and related Earth science data easy to preserve, locate, access and use for all beneficial applications. Space-based imagery and Earth science data are powerful tools for: teachers who use data, information, and tools to enhance education; professors who are educating our future scientists; students who have an interest in the earth, earth processes, or science; scientists who can better understand basic biological, geophysical, and chemical cycles of the Earth's system; civil servants who need to assess and plan for sustainable resources; the public whose lives are affected daily by environmental change; environmental decision makers; and business people who create value in the imagery and support further missions. The goal of the ESIP Federation is to establish and continuously improve science-based end-to-end processes that increase the quality and value of Earth science products and services. As part of that process the ESIP Federation has developed and continues to develop Earth science data products, information, and tools tailored for the educational community at all age levels and in formal and informal educational contexts.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The ESIP Federation website is not copyright restricted. However, individual educational products found on the site may have copyrights. Usage and dissemination should be guided by the data policy, copyright, and permissions statements associated with the particular resource of interest.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	McCartney	S.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Tripp	W.	Mr	Reinhart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey		Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-548-8700		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Brief: A Primer on Ocean Currents	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This short article is about understanding measurements used by oceanographers. This includes volumes of water moving in currents (expressing current flow), properties of seawater (salinity and temperature), water masses (sources of deep waters) and current velocity measurements (direct vs. indirect measuring). Originally published in Oceanus.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Mercury	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page of Nine Planets highlights details about the planet Mercury. Information includes planet diameter, mass, distance from the Sun, orbit, and mythology. Also covered are composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, and the results of exploration spacecraft. The site provides links to images, movies, and more Mercury facts. Unanswered questions about the planet are also discussed.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Teal		Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Farrington		Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Tripp	W.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey		Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-548-8700		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Brief: A Local Oil Spill Revisited	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology,Chemical oceanography,Environmental science	Description: This short article revisits an oil spill in 1969 which occurred in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. It discusses the effects then, and what scientists are seeing now. Contamination is still evident, and long term effects are still being assessed. Figures indicate samples that have been taken and the location of the spill.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Graham	Giese	S.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Aubry	G.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543			
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Tripp	W.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey		Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-548-8700		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Brief: Loss of Coastal Upland to Relative Sea Level Rise	Keywords: Environmental science,Physical oceanography	Description: This short article highlights the loss of uplands due to the slow rise of sea level. The site studied is along the Massachusetts coast, with rates of loss being unusually high and future impacts unknown. Figures include numerical data as well as illustrations of the process of upland loss.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bradford	Butman		Dr	United States Geological Survey		Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology	Woods Hole	MA	02543		508-548-8700		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Tripp	W.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey		Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-548-8700		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Brief: Contaminant Transport in Massachusetts Bay	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Chemistry,Environmental science	Description: This short article is a summary of studies to learn how water and materials are transported throughout the ocean system. The area studied is Massachusetts Bay. This paper looks at rates of contaminant accumulation, present contamination levels, and possible future changes due to contamination. Figures include tidal currents, concentration of heavy metals, and existing sewage outfalls. Originally published as: Public Issues in Energy and Marine Geology by the United States Geological Survey.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Frank	Manheim		Dr	United States Geological Survey		Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology	Woods Hole	MA	02543				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bruce	Tripp	W.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute	Rinehart Coastal Research Center	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-289-2418	508-457-2172	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey		Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology	Woods Hole	MA	02543	508-548-8700		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Brief: The Legacy of Contaminated Sediments in Boston Harbor	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Chemistry,Environmental science	Description: This short article outlines an effort to compile data on toxicity of sediments in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. The harbor's sediments and toxicity concentrations were measured, including mercury and lead. The movement and mobility of the sediments and toxins are discussed, as well as problems and questions the scientists now face. Figures show waste discharge locations prior to current remediation programs, sampling locations and the resulting concentrations of lead. Originally published as Public Issues in Energy and Marine Geology by the United States Geological Survey.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Weather Channel Enterprises, Inc.			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Weather Center: Tropical Storm Update (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: The Weather Channel highlights up-to-date information about tropical storms on this web site. It includes weather maps, storm tracking, and the latest storm updates. Tropical depressions to hurricanes are covered. News about the storm season as well as links to information about old storms and active storms in either the Atlantic or Eastern Pacific Oceans are given. Also listed are storm names for the year, and current satellite weather maps from around the globe.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1995-2001 The Weather Channel Enterprises, Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Directions Magazine	157 S. Howard Street, Suite 601	Spokane	WA	99201		509-252-3022	509-252-3076	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Latitude and Longitude Conversion	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This is a tool for converting degrees, minutes and seconds of latitude or longitude into decimal degrees, and vice-versa. It also gives the conversion formula, so users can try it themselves.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998-2001 Directions Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dennis	Hoffman		Dr	Blackland Research Center	720 E. Blackland Road	Temple	TX	76502		254-774-6040		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Blackland Research Center		808 E. Blackland Road	Temple	TX	76502				
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Steve	Hill		Mr						409-845-6717		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): June	Wolfe, III		Dr	Blackland Research Center	720 E. Blackland Road	Temple	TX	76502		254-774-6016		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Blackland Research Center Water Sciences Laboratory	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This site provides news specific to water in the state of Texas, such as the latest developments on water quality, treatment, runoff, and management. It also highlights the TEX*A*Syst, which is a series of publications that help rural residents assess the risk of ground water pollution, and describes best management practices (BMPs) to help protect their ground water. This is helping to solve problems such as contaminated wellheads, fertilizer storage, and household wastewater disposal. Presentations on certain topics are done as slide shows with pictures and graphics. Topics include: filter strips, vegetation restoration, Leon River, Fort Hood, Nolan Creek, and riparian buffers. Also included are links to many other sites about water.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest Inc.								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Chan	Lun	May		Chinese High School								
This is a(n) person.
Title: ThinkQuest: All Along a River	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This site provides a complete and comprehensive center for students to learn about rivers. Animated pages about erosional processes, river volume, velocity, and transport are available for students to print or take notes on. Case studies on the Singapore River and Rhine River are presented with pictures. On-line worksheets cover erosion, deposition, and river patterns. An on-line study guide summarizes the information in a clear manner. Also included is an interactive river trail where students can explore parts of a river from its source to the delta where it empties into the ocean. Along the way it covers rapids, waterfalls, canyons, oxbow lakes, how a river grows, potholes, and meanders. An on-line quiz measures students' knowledge of rivers of the world.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995-2002 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michelle	Viotti	A.		Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Public Outreach								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mars Global Surveyor	Keywords: Geology,Space science,Technology	Description: This site provides extensive information about the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission, launched in November of 1996 by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Included are: navigation and engineering data, news and status reports, close-ups of Mars topography, ancient geodynamics on Mars, as well as the current positions of Earth, Mars, and the MGS spacecraft.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration. JPL images are available for use by the public free of charge. However, by electing to download images from this web site the user agrees that Caltech makes no warranties or representations with respect to its ownership of copyrights for the images, does not represent others who may claim to be owners of rights in the images, and makes no warranties as to the quality of the images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Park Tour of Shoreline Geology	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site provides links to shoreline geology fieldnotes for National Parks, Monuments, and Recreation Areas. When appropriate, fieldnotes include visitor information, geology, maps, photographs, multimedia resources, geologic research, and teacher features (lessons for teaching geology with National Park examples). Some of the parks included on this site: Acadia National Park, Everglades National Park, and Padre Island National Seashore.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web-site, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Jay	Green		Mr	Big Science Productions		216 Boulevard of the Allies	Pittsburgh	PA	15222		412-471-2400	412-471-4337	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Ann	Trondle-Price			Everyday Science									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Everyday Science Radio Series	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemistry,Geology,Natural hazards,Physics,Space science	Description: This radio series explores the wonders of science found in our everyday lives, and is dedicated to advancing science literacy across the United States. Topics cover a broad spectrum, from insects to how things work. The user can search by keyword or radio show title, or even find a radio station nearby that broadcasts the show. Show titles include: Why is Mars red?, What causes a tornado?, Fault Line, and La Nina. Also included is a Fun Stuff section with activities for the home or classroom.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©2000 Bayer Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	509 National Center	Reston	VA	20192		1-800-275-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: What is a Topographic Map?	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This resource describes what a topographic map is, how to read a topographic map, and lists dealers and maps available to buy through the United States Geological Survey. Contour lines, intervals, depth curves, and color meanings are discussed. The symbols of a topographic map are also covered by categories: elevation, boundaries, land surface features (mines, vegetation), water features (reefs, channels), buildings and related features (airports, schools), and roads, railroads and others (pipelines, bridges).
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Census Bureau		Washington	DC	20233		301-457-4601		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: United States Census Bureau: Statistical Abstract of the United States	Keywords: Agricultural science,Environmental science,Human geography,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This publication is produced by the US Census Bureau, and provides the most recent census findings as well as older abstracts (1995 to 2000) so that comparisons between years can be made. Relevant topics include: population data on race, religion, and immigration; geography and environmental concerns regarding water, pollution, and land-use; park uses and sizes; energy types, supplies, consumption, imports, and exports; science and technology information on shuttle launches and current research; and natural resource endeavors such as forestry, fishing, and mining. A general description of terminology as well as sources of information is given for each category. Statistical findings are given in data sets, graphs, and charts.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SEDS: Students For the Exploration and Development of Space	Keywords: Space science	Description: SEDS is an independent, student-based organization which promotes the exploration and development of space. Hosted by the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, the website offers a virtual tour of the solar system, Hubble Space Telescope images, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 archives, astronomical maps, constellations, telescope information, Arizona astronomy, a rocketry site, Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) details, and software infomation that relates to space science. SEDS also provides numerous links for further research, including more images, exploration information, future missions, all the planets, and the universe.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2000 SEDS.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jeffrey	Blanchard	A.	Mr	University of Arizona			AZ					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: Space Research and Technology Transfer (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This section of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) covers the impact of the space program on our daily lives. In particular, "spinoffs" or the development of products as a direct result of the space program, are explored. These include items such as certain food products, sporting goods, and healthcare items. Users can download a Spinoff Technologies book by NASA and the Space Educators Handbook. Links to relevant sites are also given.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2000 SEDS
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Harmut	Frommert		Mr	University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: Mars Exploration Page (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: The Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) provide information on the history and future of Mars exploration. Links are offered when necessary to cover as much information as possible. Hubble Space Telescope images of the planet are given, as well as other images. Life on Mars and Martian lore are also explored. A comprehensive look at investigations covers missions and observations from 1958 to 2016, including the latest data from current missions.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2000 SEDS
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721	520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Harmut	Frommert		Mr	University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721	520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christine	Kronberg		Mrs								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: The Messier Catalog	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Space science	Description: Messier Objects are covered with images, links, and descriptions on this Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) website. Detailed information is given on Messier and how he discovered these objects, which include nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies, all cataloged by number. For each Messier Object known, the user can access an image, proper name, location, additional links, and description with history of the object. There is also a Messier object of the week, and a clickable icon sheet to view objects. The information is available in English, German, Italian, and French.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 1995-1997 Harmut Frommert. The SEDS Messier Catalog database as a whole is the collective intellectual property of its creators, SEDS, and in its present form, of its maintainer and his co-author. Materials not restricted by above regulations may be freely used for non-profit, educational purpose, if the SEDS Messier Catalog online database is properly acknowledged as source, under the following conditions: No further restriction of their distribution or use is implied. It is not implied that SEDS or one of the authors endorses a product, service, activity etc which was not explicitly stated by us, or any other misleading way. No false rights are claimed, in particular of authorship, ownership, copyright, etc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Phyllis	Barnhart			Project CATS (Coordinated and Thematic Science)	University of West Virginia	Morgantown	WV	26506				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Inclusion in Science Education for Students with Disabilities	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: Disability accommodation in science education is addressed through topics such as strategies, learning environments, and technologies that will be useful for science teachers of students with disabilities or disorders. The site specifically addresses behavioral, intellectual, communicative, and attention deficit disorders. The site also gives detailed information for teachers of students with hearing, learning, motor/orthopedic, or visual disabilities. Tips cover general courtesy, teacher presentation, laboratories, reading, group interaction and discussion, research, field experiences, and testing. Some 800 teaching strategies are presented within this site. Parent and teacher resources on and guides to creating Individualized Educational Plans (IEP’s) are also offered, as well as links to related sources.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721	520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): R.	Elowitz	Mark		Applied Technology Associates	Kirtland Airforce Base	Alburquerque	NM			505-298-6977		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: Hubble Space Telescope Images (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science	Description: The "best of" images taken from the Hubble Space Telescope are presented here by the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS). Links to the latest images as well as the Space Telescope Science Institute (makers of the Hubble) are given. Image credits, as well as a detailed description of what is being seen and where it is located in the sky, accompany each image.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These images are copyright by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc., for NASA. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Guy	McArthur			Students for the Exploration and Development of Space			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: The Space Images Archive	Keywords: Space science	Description: This part of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) website highlights dated images of space. The user can search the image database with keywords, or browse by subject, such as: planets, asteroids, comets, the Sun, deep space, spacecraft, moon missions, skylab, space station, and eclipses. When available, a small description is given with the date and title of the image.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2000 SEDS
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721	520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Terrescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062			USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: The Web Nebulae	Keywords: Space science	Description: Nebulae are highlighted with images and credits to the photographers on this Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) site. A glossary informs the user of any terms they may need to understand the photos they are viewing. Types of nebulae are explained (emission, reflection, dark, planetary, and supernova remnants). Famous nebulae are shown, such as the Crab, Dumbbell, Cat's Eye, Ring, and Horsehead.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright Bill Arnett. These pages are my intellectual property. You are free to copy and to redistribute unmodified copies for non-commercial purposes without restriction from me, but many of the images herein are copyrighted. Any other use should be consistent with normal copyright law and your conscience.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christine	Kronberg		Mrs								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: Constellations	Keywords: Space science	Description: This section of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space website contains information on all 88 constellations. A general description about constellations is followed by a database of them, all viewable in either alphabetical order, or by family (such as the zodiacal family of constellations). When viewing a constellation, an enlargable map is shown so the user can locate its stars. Information for each constellation includes abbreviation, English name, brightest (alpha) star, coordinates, mythology, and other stars or objects in the constellation. This site can be viewed in English as well as German.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2000 C. Kronberg.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence	Keywords: Space science	Description: This Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) website explores the possibility of life beyond Earth. SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is a group of scientists dedicated to this research. This site highlights some of their work, including what type of signals to look for, the Drake Equation (with calculator), the "Wow" signal of 1977, habitable zones, and known planets beyond our solar system. Graphs, charts, and other data are given in support of the theory that there are other lifeforms in the universe. There is also a link to SETI which has an at-home program for the user to search for life themselves.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2000 SEDS
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jeff	Foust		Mr	Massachusetts Institute of Technology								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9	Keywords: Space science	Description: This section of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space website highlights information about Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and its impact with Jupiter (July 16-22 1994). This page gives general information and links regarding the comet, as well as many images with descriptions from different places and times. Pre- and post-collision information is covered.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2000 SEDS
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christine	Kronberg		Mrs			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: Astromaps	Keywords: Space science	Description: This Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) site highlights astronomy maps and the constellations that are in them by providing interactive screens. The maps are divided into the northern and southern hemispheres. The northern hemisphere includes maps for east and west in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In each map, the user can click on a star to find out about the area of sky it belongs to, as well as the constellation.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1996-2000 C. Kronberg
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: An Overview of the Solar System	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Space science	Description: This section of the Nine Planets provides a general understanding about the solar system. Divisions, orbits, sizes, and classification of objects are all covered. Links to images of the solar system are included, as well as a chronological look at the discovery of the solar system and remaining unanswered questions.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: The Sun	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This page of the Nine Planets gives detailed data about the Sun, including diameter, mass, temperature, how energy is made, mythology, composition, and recent data collected from spacecraft. Layers of the Sun are discussed, including the corona, chromosphere, and photosphere. Images and links to additional images and movies are provided, as well as questions still unanswered about the sun.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett You are free to copy and to redistribute unmodified copies of my work for non-commercial purposes without restriction (but it would be nice if you give credit). Note, however, that there are some additional (mild) restrictions on some of the images. Please see the TNP copyright and TWN copyright pages. Any other use should be consistent with copyright law and your conscience. You may make links to my pages without restriction.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-627-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Venus	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page contains details about the planet Venus. Information includes planet mass, distance from the Sun, diameter, orbit, and mythology. Also covered is planet composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, temperature on the planet, and results of exploration spacecraft. Includes links to images, movies, and additional facts. Discusses unanswered questions about Venus as well.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett You are free to copy and to redistribute unmodified copies of my work for non-commercial purposes without restriction (but it would be nice if you give credit). Note, however, that there are some additional (mild) restrictions on some of the images. Please see the TNP copyright and TWN copyright pages. Any other use should be consistent with copyright law and your conscience. You may make links to my pages without restriction.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Earth	Keywords: Geology,Space science	Description: This page contains details about the planet Earth. Information includes planet diameter, mass, distance from the Sun, orbit, and mythology. Also covered is planet composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, temperature on planet, and data on its satellite: the Moon. Links are provided to more images, movies, and information about the Earth and Moon. This site discusses unanswered questions about Earth as well.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett You are free to copy and to redistribute unmodified copies of my work for non-commercial purposes without restriction (but it would be nice if you give credit). Note, however, that there are some additional (mild) restrictions on some of the images. Please see the TNP copyright and TWN copyright pages. Any other use should be consistent with copyright law and your conscience. You may make links to my pages without restriction.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Mars	Keywords: Space science	Description: This Nine Planets page contains details about the planet Mars. Information includes planet diameter, mass, distance from the Sun, orbit, and mythology. Also covered are planet composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, temperature on the planet, and results from exploration spacecraft. Phobos and Deimos (Mars satellites) are also covered in depth. The site provides links to more images, movies, and facts about Mars and its moons, and discusses unanswered questions about the planet.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emeral hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Jupiter	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page of Nine Planets contains details about the gas giant planet Jupiter. Information includes planet diameter, mass, distance from the Sun, orbit, and mythology. Also covered are planet composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, results from exploration spacecraft, and temperature on the planet. Jupiters' moons are also covered in detail, including Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, and others. The site provides links to more images and facts, and discusses unanswered questions about Jupiter and its moons.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Center	Tucson	AZ	85721		521-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Saturn	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page of Nine Planets contains details about the gas giant planet Saturn and its moons. Information includes planet diameter, mass, distance from the Sun, orbit, and mythology. Also covered are planet composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, surface temperature, and results of spacecraft exploration. Saturn's moons and rings are also detailed, including Titan, Iapetus, Tethys, Rhea, Dione, and others. Unanswered questions about the planet are discussed, and links to more images, movies, and facts are given.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Uranus	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page of Nine Planets highlights details about the gas giant planet Uranus and its moons. Information includes planet diameter, mass, distance from the Sun, orbit, and mythology. Also covered are planet composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, surface temperature, and results of spacecraft exploration. Uranus' moons and rings are detailed, including Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel, Miranda, and more. Discussion of unanswered questions about the planet and links to more images, movies, and facts are also provided.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9097	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Neptune	Keywords: Space science	Description: This Nine Planets page contains details about the gas giant planet Neptune and its moons. Information includes planet diameter, mass, distance from the Sun, orbit, and mythology. Also covered are planet composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, surface temperature, and results of spacecraft exploration. Neptune's moons and rings are also detailed, including Nereid, Triton, Proteus, and many others. Unanswered questions about the planet and its moons are covered, and links to more images, movies, and facts are given.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Pluto	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page of Nine Planets contains details about the planet Pluto. Information includes planet diameter, mass, distance from the Sun, orbit, and mythology. Also covered are planet composition, surface features, atmosphere and magnetic field data, surface temperature, and information about Pluto's moon, Charon. Unanswered questions are discussed, and links to more images, movies, and facts are provided.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Small Bodies	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page of Nine Planets contains links and information about asteroids and comets in our solar system. It includes information on Comet Halley and Shoemaker-Levy 9, as well as the Asteroid Belt, interplanetary matter, the Oort Cloud, and the Kuiper Belt. Also provided are links for more information, movies, and images.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Planetary Science Spacecraft	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This Nine Planets site highlights the history of spacecraft and discoveries they have made. It is divided into three categories that lead the user to specific mission information. Past Missions discusses the Luna, Mariner, Apollo, Pioneer, Venera, Viking, Voyager, Magellan, and Mars Observer. Ongoing Missions includes information about Voyager, Galileo, Hubble Space Telescope, Ulysses, Mars Surveyor and Pathfinder, Cassini, and Stardust. Future Missions highlights upcoming missions, including the Pluto-Kuiper Express.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-8721	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Arizona, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space	Box 174 Space Sciences Building	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-621-9790	520-621-4933	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nine Planets: Appendices	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Space science	Description: This Nine Planets page offers additional information not included in any other pages of the site. It includes tables of solar system data, discovery chronology, a brief look at the origin of the solar system, planetary linguistics, explanations of astronomical names, a master picture list, and links for more information.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by William A. Arnett.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Tammy	Payton		Ms	Loogootee Elementary West	Costello Drive	Loogootee	ID	47553	812-295-2833		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Rock Hounds with Rocky	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Soil science	Description: Rock Hounds is a group of activities, puzzles, literature sources, and quizzes that may enhance any K-12 geology unit. Rocky, the Rock Hound, leads learners through an adventure and gain an understanding of the rock cycle including how sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks form. A lesson plan included in the Teaching Connections section compiles these resources into a progression that could be used as a mini geology unit for learners K-8. The lesson plan begins by suggesting an introductory activity, entitled Rock Swap, where learners collect rocks, then swap the rocks with other classes or learners world wide. Guidelines for the collaborative rock swapping are provided within Teaching Connections. Other activities include a slide show that describes the tools that geologists use and how to collect rocks safely, an online safety quiz, making a volcano, creating a rock collection, and specific activities that place emphasis on how the 3 rock types form.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997­1999 Loogootee Community Schools All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				National Wildlife Federation		11100 Wildlife Center Drive	Reston	VA	20190-5362	800-822-9919		U.S.A.
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Educator Resources	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: National Wildlife Federation (NWF) offers an array of resources and programs useful for both formal and informal K-12 educators. NWF offers educator professional development workshops, a variety of resources, and a Schoolyard Habitats® certification program. Free downloadable sample activities from NWF's new Habitats NatureScope Kit are available by filling out an online form. There is a cost associated with some resources and programs, but soon this Web site will offer a searchable database of hands-on, interdisciplinary K-12 activities.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: © 1996-2001 National Wildlife Federation. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): A.	Finer		Mrs	California Polytechnic State University		San Luis Obispo	CA	93407				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bill	Arnett		Mr	722 Temescal Way	Emerald Hills	CA	94062	408-947-9790	408-947-1350	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Nine Planets for Kids (title provided by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science	Description: This site is a version of The Nine Planets, made simpler for younger kids to explore the solar system. It discusses overall characteristics of the solar system in general, then by planet and object: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Comets. General characteristics include size, diameter, moon information, spacecraft explorations, and other interesting facts. Each of these is described with images, and a page of planet notes with understandable information and links to relevant topics. It also includes a temperature converter (for Celsius, Farenheit, and Kelvin) and a distance converter (miles and kilometers) to make understanding measurements easier. A photo and movie gallery are available as well.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Facts on File, Inc.	11 Penn Plaza	New York	NY	10001	800-322-8755		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Science Projects for ALL Students	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,Mathematics,Physics	Description: Science is for ALL students. Whether students have learning problems or physical challenges, they should be able to experience hands-on science with their fellow classmates. Thissite offers access to selected science projects that have been modified so that all students, regardless of disability, could perform them in the same way. The modifications are seamless so that students would not realize adaptations had been made. The experiments are not new or novel, but rather familiar activities modified for a wider audience. Four activities available at this site look at how friction is used to slow down an object, how momentum affects objects, density as it affects a submarines position in the water, and how scientists design experiments, introducing the concept of variables. Safety guidelines are also highlighted. A wider range of activities in Earth, life and physical sciences, as well as general skills, are compiled in a text entitled Science Projects for ALL Students which can be purchased from Facts on File.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Contents and design copyright ©1997 Facts On File, Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Karen	Milchus			Barrier Free Education, Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access	Georgia Institute of Technology College of Architecture, 490 10th St. NW	Atlanta	GA	30332-0156	404-894-4960	404-894-9320	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Accessible Laboratory	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Educational theory and practice,Physics	Description: This NSF-sponsored project proposes to make chemistry and physics experiments accessible to the disabled community. This website contains high school and college level laboratory experiments, accomodation advice, and other information which will facilitate accommodation for a variety of disabilities. The site has links to lab experiment procedures modified for disabled students and their teachers; the links require user registration but it is free. Laboratory access strategies listed are for safety and general information, visual impairments, and mobility impairments. There are experiment simulations for biology, chemistry, and physics. There is also information about computer access technology and computer-controlled laboratory system combinations.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This page is not a publication of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Georgia Institute of Technology has not edited or examined the content. The author(s) of the pages of this site are solely responsible for the content. Materials on this site are not intended to alter existing copyright ownership. That is, the authors of information mirrored on this site retain their original copyright. Materials created by Barrier-Free Education may be reproduced for educational purposes or non-profit use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Carmela	Cunningham			Equal Access to Software and Information	P.O. Box 818	Lake Forest	CA	92609	949-916-2837		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Tom	McNulty			Bobst Library	70 Washington Square	New York	NY	10012	212-998-2519		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Information Technologies and Disabilities	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This is a special edition of the Information technologies and Disabilities Journal. Articles focus on science, math, and technology issues for K-12 students with disabilities. The material in this edition has been contributed by individuals who have been working in the K-12 science and math arena. Article titles are: Science, Technology, and Math Issues for K-12 Students with Disabilities, Peer Support: What Role can the Internet Play?, Project Gold: A Club for Girls with Disabilities, Perspectives on Inclusion by Design: Science Curriculum Reform and Special Education, K-12 Web Resources for Science, Engineering, and Math, and Virtual Reality Tactile System for Access to Graphics.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright (c 1994) by Information Technology and Disabilities (ITD). Authors of individual articles retain all copyrights to said articles, and their permission is needed to reproduce any individual article. The rights to the journal as a collection belong to Information Technology and Disabilities (ITD). ITD encourages any and all electronic distribution of the journal and permission for such copying is expressly permitted here so long as it bears no charge beyond possible handling fees. To reproduce the journal in non-electronic format requires permission of its Board of Directors (contact the Editor).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sheryl	Burgstahler		Dr	University of Washington Computing and Communications	4545 15th Avenue NE	Seattle	WA	98105	206-543-0622		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Teaching Lab Courses to Students with Disabilities	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This site dicusses specific challenges faced in teaching laboratory science to students with disabilities, and the corresponding accommodations for dealing with those challenges. Included is a list of potential barriers for both gaining knowledge (learning) and demonstrating knowledge (testing). The list focuses heavily on the use of assistive technology for disabled students.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995-2001 University of Washington. Permission is granted to reproduce this publication for non-commercial purposes as long as credit is given to the source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Osterhaus, M.Ed.	A.		Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired	1100 West 45th Street	Austin	TX	78756		512-206-9305		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired	1100 West 45th Street	Austin	TX	78756		512-454-8631	512-206-9450	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Teaching Math to Visually Impaired Students	Keywords: Mathematics	Description: This page has the following resources for math teachers of the visually impaired: teaching strategies, math education and Nemeth Code, tactile math graphics, abacus information, calculators, math tools, math resources, adaptive tools and technology for accessible mathematics, suggested adaptive tools and materials for low vision students in algebra and geometry, suggested adaptive tools and materials for Braille students in algebra and geometry, and adaptive tools and technology for accessible mathematics equipment.
Publication 2-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, National Mapping Division	508 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: United States Geological Survey: Topographic Maps Illustrating Physiographic Features	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides an index of topographic maps on this site. The index is organized by state as well as by physical features, which allows users to find maps that illustrate a particular feature of interest, such as those resulting from water, glaciation, tectonics, volcanism, and others. A link provides information on how to obtain the maps.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, some USGS pages contain material that is copyrighted by others and used by the USGS with permission. You may need to obtain permission from the copyright owner for other uses.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Analysis of Trace Elements	Keywords: Chemistry,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: These United States Geological Survey (USGS) publications cover issues surrounding trace elements found in streams, ground water, reservoir bed sediment, fish tissue, and clam tissue across the US. The research is part of the National Water Quality Assessment program (NAWQA), which studies 31 metals and radionuclides present in our nations water resources. These include arsenic, lead, zinc, radon, and mercury, among others. Contaminant sources, concentrations, and distributions are foci of the research. This site includes the latest news, data sets, publications, links to more information, as well as current and past studies surrounding the issue of trace elements in our water resources.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Water-Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) program addresses water quality in the US. The goal is to develop long-term consistent and comparable information on streams, ground water, and aquatic ecosystems to support sound management and policy decisions. The program assesses over 50 river basins and aquifer systems, and helps to inform decision makers about the state of US water resources. Issues addressed include how and why water quality varies across the nation, trace elements, pesticides, nutrients, volatile organic chemicals (VOC's), water protection and management, and human health. This site links the user to articles, maps, data sets, and other sources of information. A glossary defines over 150 water related terms.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				McREL Genesis Education and Public Outreach	2550 S. Parker Rd., Suite 500	Aurora	CO	80014		303-337-0990 x5605		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Genesis Science Modules	Keywords: Chemistry,Space science	Description: The Genesis Mission is NASA's mission to collect solar wind particles. These education modules connect the real-world science of the mission to classroom instruction. Aligned with the content, instruction, and assessment guidelines set forth by the National Research Council, they can be easily inserted in place of traditional units within a typical secondary school science curriculum. Each module takes students through a six-part learning cycle in which the student experiences general introductory, interactive, exploratory, didactic, and assessment processes in order to learn. Each includes lesson plans, teacher guides, student activities, suggested assessments, and lists of additional resources and references.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: You are free to use any materials from this Web site, text or image, that do not contain a copyright statement for educational or other legitimate purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences	Hengelosestraat 99 PO Box 6	7500 AA Enshede	31-0-53-4874-444	31-0-53-4874-400	Netherlands
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Gondwana Animation (title provided by cataloger)	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This is an animated look at Gondwanaland, the supercontinent made up of: Antarctica, Africa, South America, Australia, and India. The animation begins at the present day and goes backwards in time to around 500 million years ago (Cambrian), when Gondwana existed. The map has several versions so that most computers can download at least one version. The maps indicate different features such as distinct plate boundaries, hot spots, and present day margins. This site also provides a slide show presentation about historical events that formed the Indian Ocean.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service	PO Box 2890	Washington	DC	20013				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: State of the Land	Keywords: Agricultural science,Environmental science,Hydrology,Soil science	Description: The Natural Resources Conservation Service (part of the US Department of Agriculture) developed this site to provide data and analysis on land use, soil erosion and quality, water quality, wetlands, and other issues regarding the conservation and use of natural resources on non-federal lands. It includes relevant book and paper summaries, a water quality issues section focusing on farmlands and solutions, and a maps section. The maps are extensive, including many representing findings in the following topics: agricultural productivity, basemaps, grazing land, water supply and quality, wetlands, land cover and use, land capability, private forestland, soil and soil types, soil erosion, urbanization, and conservation needs. The maps are of the US, and highlight changes, trends, and current issues.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents. Users of our maps, data files, and basemap coverages are solely responsible for interpretations made from these products.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Walker		Mr	Autodesk, Inc.									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jef	Poskanzer		Mr	ACME Laboratories								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Astronomy and Space: Interactive Web Resources	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This site provides useful interactive tools for teaching astronomy and space science. It includes an Earth and Moon viewer where users can set the time and a variety of points to view the Earth and Moon. Orbits in Spacetime is an interactive program highlighting the work of Kepler and Newton. Solar System Live allows the user to view present locations of the sun and planets. Different dates, times, and locations can be entered, between 4713 BC and 8000 AD. Asteroids and comets can also be plotted on this program. Your Sky makes custom maps of the sky for any location by latitude and longitude from 4713 BC into the distant future. The program also allows users to aim a virtual telescope by selecting sky coordinates (right ascension and declination). The calendar converter tool allows the user to find different calendar dates from the Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew, Islamic, and Mayan calendars. Three Inner Planets offers tools for observing Mercury, including a Mercury finder calculator and charts for viewing. There are files of images and documents regarding the 2001 solar eclipse in Africa, the 1999 solar eclipse in the Middle East, viewing Venus, and the Moon at perigee and apogee.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1989 by Jef Poskanzer. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. The Graphics Interchange Format© is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Thomas	Kucera			American Chemical Society		1155 16th St. NW	Washington	DC	20036				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Frank	Walworth			American Chemical Society, Committee on Chemists with Disabilities	1155 16th St. NW	Washington	DC	20036	202-872-6070	202-872-6338	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities	Keywords: Chemistry,Educational theory and practice,Physics	Description: This bibliography lists 77 articles that would be of interest to science teachers of the disabled. Despite this web page's title, the references pertain not only to chemistry, but to physics, laboratory instruction, and general science. References are to specific disabilities, such as visual, hearing, or mobility impairments, and to disabilities as a whole.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lynn	Fichter	S.	Dr	James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science	Harrisonburg	VA	22807				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science, MSC 7703	Harrisonburg	VA	22807	540-568-6130	540-568-8058	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Wilson Cycle	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This site provides an in-depth and interactive look at the Wilson Cycle in a nine-stage sequence. The Wilson Cycle explains the opening and closing of ocean basins and how certain landforms result; plate tectonics and the rock cycle play a large part in understanding these events. Boundary types are covered, and a series of cross-sections are given to fully explain the cycle. An interactive self-test is also available to assess how well the user understands the rock-cycle and rock types.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site was put together for GenSci 102A: Environment Earth. The material is copyrighted (text, images,etc.), and cannot be used without permission of the copyright owner. For details, please contact Lynn S. Fichter © 1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lynn	Fichter	S.	Dr	James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science	Harrisonburg	VA	22807				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science, MSC 7703	Harrisonburg	VA	22807	540-568-6130	540-568-8058	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Igneous Rocks	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site explores igneous rocks in-depth through descriptions and pictures. The formation and distribution of this rock type are covered, as well as magma types associated with them (mafic to felsic). Classification of igneous rocks covers their texture and composition, including the difference between intrusive and extrusive. An alphabetical listing of rocks connects the user with a description, picture, tectonic association, and mineral composition of the rock. Bowen's Reaction Series is covered as well, with associated rock types. A self-test allows the user to identify rocks by picture alone. Links are provided to sites with further information.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This material is copyrighted, but may be used by anyone for personal or educational purposes as long as the source is acknowledged. For further information, please contact: Lynn S. Fichter © 2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lynn	Fichter	S.	Dr	James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science	Harrisonburg	VA	22807				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science, MSC 7703	Harrisonburg	VA	22807	540-568-6130	540-568-8058	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Metamorphic Rocks	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Here is an in-depth description of metamorphic rocks, from their classification to formation and identification. It covers types of metamorphism (including Barrovian, or regional rock changes), classification by foliation, and metamorphic processes (facies and zones). An alphabetical list of rocks with picture, composition, description, tectonic association, and type of metamorphism is given. Common metamorphic minerals are covered as well.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This material is copyrighted, but may be used by anyone for personal or educational purposes as long as the source is acknowledged. For further information, please contact: Lynn S. Fichter © 2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sheryl	Burgstahler		Dr	DO-IT: Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking & Technology	University Of Washington, Box 355670	Seattle	WA	98195-5670	206-685-3648	206-221-4171	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Increasing the Representation of People with Disabilities in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This academic paper identifies three main factors that cause individuals with disabilities to be under-represented in science, engineering, and mathematics fields: preparation of students with disabilities; access to facilities, programs, and equipment; and acceptance by educators, employers and co-workers. This paper explores the role of information technology, describes a campus program designed to positively influence each of the factors, and makes a series of recommendations for action.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1994 Sheryl Burgstahler. Reprinted with permission, Information Technology and Disability, December, 1994, 1(4).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lynn	Fichter	S.	Dr	James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science	Harrisonburg	VA	22807				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science, MSC 7703	Harrisonburg	VA	22807	540-568-6130	540-568-8058	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Plate Tectonic Primer	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This site gives an in-depth look at the theory of plate tectonics and how it works. The structure of the Earth is discussed, with brief rock type descriptions. The structure of the lithosphere, plate boundaries, interplate relationships, and types of plates are all covered in detail.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This material is copyrighted, but may be used by anyone for personal or educational purposes as long as the source is acknowledged. For further information, please contact: Lynn S. Fichter © 2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lynn	Fichter	S.	Dr	James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science	Harrisonburg	VA	22807				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science, MSC 7703	Harrisonburg	VA	22807	540-568-6130	540-568-8058	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Minerals	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site provides an in-depth look at mineral properties and identification. An alphabetical listing of common minerals allows the user to see a picture and view physical properties of the particular mineral. Properties of minerals are explained, including cleavage, hardness, crystal form, and luster. There are also downloadable labs for crystal models and mineral data sheets. Dichotomous and hardness keys are given for easier mineral identification.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This material is copyrighted, but may be used by anyone for personal or education purposes as long as the source is acknowledged. For further information, please contact: Lynn S. Fichter © 2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lynn	Fichter	S.	Dr	James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science	Harrisonburg	VA	22807				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				James Madison University	Department of Geology and Environmental Science, MSC 7703	Harrisonburg	VA	22807	540-568-6130	540-568-8058	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Geological Evolution of Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic Region	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Structural geology	Description: This in-depth look at the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States covers the origin of the geological history, as well as prerequisite knowledge for understanding the history. The geologic provinces are discussed, including the rock record with a geologic map and cross-sections, and subsurface geology. The history of this region includes rifting, volcanoes, and orogenies.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The material is copyrighted, but may be used by anyone for personal or educational purposes as long as the source is acknowledged. For further details, please contact: Steve J. Baedke © 1999 or, Lynn S. Fichter © 1999.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Allen	Collins	G.	Mr	Laboratory of Kaustuv Roy	University of California at San Diego	San Diego	CA	92093		858-822-0633		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geological Time Machine	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology,Structural geology	Description: This University of California site provides an interactive geologic time scale to explore the history of the Earth. Beginning in the Precambrian Eon (4.6 million years ago) and ending today (Holocene Epoch), each Epoch, Period, Era, and Eon are covered. Information provided includes ancient life, dates, descriptions of major events, localities, tectonics, and stratigraphy. Links to additional resources are also available.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994-2002 by The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California. All materials appearing on the UCMP Web Servers (WWW.UCMP.BERKELEY.EDU and ANNIE.UCMP.BERKELEY.EDU) may not be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher and in no case for profit.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sheryl	Burgstahler		Dr	DO-IT: Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology	Box 355670, University of Washington	Seattle	WA	98195-5670	206-685-3648	206-221-4171	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: DO-IT Training Materials	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: The Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology program offers teacher training materials, including text and video presentations for teachers and others who work with disabled students. The items were developed for teachers to use individually, as well as part of training workshops for teachers and others who work with disabled students. Print versions of complete packets are available for a fee, though much of the material is also freely available at this site. Text includes an overview, background and general strategies including access issues, legal issues, general teaching strategies, and mentoring. Information on computing access, including general guidelines and accommodations, a student abilities profile, a reading list, and math and science resources are also offered.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is granted to reproduce any of these materials for non-commercial, educational purposes as long as proper credit is given to the source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jared	Woodfill		Mr	National Aeronautics and Space Administration	Johnson Space Center	Houston	TX	77058				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration	Johnson Space Center	Houston	TX	77058				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Space Educators' Handbook	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Mathematics,Space science,Technology	Description: Over 5,000 files comprise the Space Educators’ Handbook, published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Users can download files from this site along with instructions on using this handbook in the classroom. The files are indexed alphabetically, and designated by grade level. Resources include classroom activities and labs, video resource guides, an aerospace dictionary with thousands of entries, and a space events calendar. Also available is a 'page of the week' recommended by educators, a space movies cinema with clips from space, a space robotics section, space museum galleries, and more than 100 downloadable NASA publications for teachers with activities, articles, and labs.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on a server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted on those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey Mineral Information	983 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Minerals Information	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) presents data and publications relating to economic mineralogy around the world on this site. Mineral commodity summaries, industry monthly indexes, industry surveys by year, and country statistics are given. Document topics include materials flow, recycling, and mineral industry by state. Links to many other publications are provided. This site also has maps indicating processing plants and minerals mined in the U.S.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey Information Services	Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Natural Gemstones	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) site highlights information about gemstones. The geologic environment of formation, as well as gem terminology are discussed. Descriptions differentiate organic gems (such as pearls), and mineral gems (such as amethyst). United States production of gemstones, including amount of production and location, is discussed. Facts given also include birthstones and chemical formulas of some gemstones.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Minerals Information Team	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: An Overview of Production of Specific U.S. Gemstones	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Gemstones mined within the United States are listed on this site. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) explains the gemstone market (including how it began and how it is currently doing), provides mine locations in the U.S., and describes each of the gemstones in detail. Production values and other uses of gemstones are covered, and additional links are given for further information.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Diane	Fisher	K.	Mrs	Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mission Execution and Autamation Section	M/S 301-270 4800 Oak Grove Drive	Pasadena	CA	91109		818-354-9105		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Space Place	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical geography,Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) site is especially for younger children to actively learn about space science. It involves hands-on computer and classroom activities to give children a clearer look at space. "Make spacey things" contains instructions on how to make devices like maps, space vehicles, planet models, and gravity devices. "Do spacey things" has puzzles, board games, mazes, crosswords, and dot to dot's involving vocabulary and concepts of space. “Space science in action” includes experiments and activities for further understanding. The facts section provides explanations for why certain things happen, such as how telescopes work. The Goodies for Teachers section has more activities for the classroom and many images of space and spacecraft to download for classes.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. U. S. Government Sponsorship Acknowledged under NAS7-1260.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Skip	Theberge		Mr	NOAA Central Library	1315 East West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910	301-713-2600	301-713-4599	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: NOAA Photo Library	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Biology,Ecology,Physical geography,Space science	Description: This National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website provides over 16,000 images, divided into topics such as: Severe storms and weather (lightning, hail, tornados, clouds, Doppler radar), Space (satellites, launches), Undersea (coral, animals, coastlines, fisheries, marine sanctuaries), Animals (polar bears, seals, walrus, birds, caribou, whales), Flight, and historical images. Each photo gives (when available) the date, photographer, and location, and most pictures have a high-resolution version.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Most NOAA photos and slides are in the public domain and CANNOT be copyrighted. Although at present, no fee is charged for using the photos credit MUST be given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce unless otherwise instructed to give credit to the photographer or other source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Edwin	Bell II	V.	Dr	National Space Science Data Center, Mail Center 633	NASA Goddard Space Flight Center	Greenbelt	MD	20771		301-286-1187		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: NSSDC Photo Gallery	Keywords: Space science	Description: This site from the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) highlights images from spacecraft of many extraterrestrial bodies. This includes planets, certain planetary features, moons, asteroids, the Sun, stars, galaxies, nebulae, comets, and spacecraft (Apollo, Voyager, etc.). High-resolution versions are available, and captions to the images explain what is being shown. The images are also grouped by the spacecraft that took the image.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All of the images presented on NSSDC's Photo Gallery are in the public domain. As such, they may be used for any purpose. NSSDC does ask, however, that you acknowledge NASA and the NSSDC as the supplier of the data. In addition, where the source of the image (by project or as a specific person) is credited in the text, you should acknowledge that, too.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Becky	Bray		Mrs	NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center	AD43	Huntsville	AL	35812		256-544-2219		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: NASA Kids	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Physical geography,Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: This site, sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is dedicated to helping children learn about space and technology. Games, images, graphics, and simulations help to get tough science ideas across to children in a fun way. Topics covered include moon phases, waves, light, gravity, life and death of stars, quasars, rockets, seasons, weather, planets, the solar system, meteors, living in space, and plate tectonics. There is a coloring section, weight and age on other planets calculator, rocket locator, and many images to look at. The Teacher’s Corner also offers links to other NASA resources, an explanation of site features, and a site glossary of terms.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Planetary Data System	4800 Oak Grove Dr.	Pasadena	CA	91109		818-354-4321		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Welcome to the Planets	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This collection of the best images from NASA’s planetary exploration program includes descriptions of images with an audio format if desired, planet profiles with data sets, spacecraft exploration information, and a zoom-in feature to view the image at closer range. There is also a glossary with hundreds of entries, and an explorer section to learn about past and future space missions.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001, California Institute of Technology. U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Welcome to the Planets is a trademark of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): A.	Sohus	M.		Jet Propulsion Laboratory						818-354-4321		
This is a(n) person.
Title: Solar System Exploration	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: Solar System Exploration, a NASA Office of Space Science site, is dedicated to information about the exploration of our solar system. Press releases, latest images, and late breaking astronomy news discuss the most up-to-date knowledge. The planets section has facts about all nine planets, as well as a comparative data table (for mass, orbit, volume, density, rotation, etc.). Each planet is described in detail, and links to additional information are given. The missions section highlights the dates, objectives, and general overview about each spacecraft. There is also a technology and research section, as well as a timeline illustrating the history of space exploration.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics	4201 Wilson Blvd, Suite 965	Arlington	VA	22230	703-292-8774	703-292-9092	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering 2000	Keywords: None of the above	Description: This report is the 10th in a series of Congressionally-mandated biennial reports on the status of women and minorities in science and engineering. The report documents both short- and long-term trends in the participation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering education and employment. The document may be viewed in one of the following three formats: enhanced HTML, accessible HTML, or PDF. The online versions offer additional features that take advantage of Web technology to assist in finding and displaying information.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: National Science Foundation. Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2000. Arlington, VA, 2000 (NSF 00-327).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Geological Institute	4220 King St.	Alexandria	VA	22302			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EarthComm: Earth System Science in the Community	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography,Space science,Structural geology	Description: EarthComm is an Earth Science curriculum developed by the American Geological Institute (AGI) and supported by the National Science Foundation and donors of the American Geological Institute Foundation. Through EarthComm, AGI focuses attention on the national deficiency in high school Earth Science education (grades 9-12) and on development of a complete high-school Earth Science curriculum. The EarthComm vision is the teaching, learning, and practice of Earth science by all students in all U.S. high schools. This website contains resources for teachers, students and parents as well as information on the development of the curricula. Subjects in this curriculum include volcanoes, plate tectonics, earthquakes, land use, rivers, bedrock geology, oceans, weather, cryosphere, astronomy, and natural resources. Each unit has a set of objectives listed, as well as numerous links to activities, maps, videos, books, magazines, and CD-ROM's.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: © 2001 American Geological Institute. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Science Teachers Association of Queensland	PO Box 2173	Graceville	Queensland	4075				Australia
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Science Week Activities	Keywords: Ecology,Biology,Environmental science	Description: Students can explore biodiversity through these printable coloring pages of Australian arid, open forest, and freshwater ecosystems. Accompanying the illustrations are activity suggestions for early childhood, elementary, and middle school students. These include ideas for assessment, building observation and identification skills, and other hands-on activities for further understanding.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Science Teachers Association of Queensland.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: GNIS: Geographic Names Information System	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides information on almost 2 million physical and cultural geographical features in the United States. The U.S., its territories, and Antarctica are searchable by name, location (state or territory), topographic map name, elevation, population, and feature type. Information about the location, including latitude and longitude, and links to maps of the searched area are provided.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our homepage and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	509 National Center	Reston	VA	20192			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Elevations and Distances in the United States	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: Using surveys and topographic maps, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has determined distances between points and elevations of features, and put them into a data format at this website. Elevations of the 50 largest cities, highest and lowest points in each state, summits over 14,000 feet, summits east of the Rocky Mountains, geographic centers of each state, length of US boundaries, and extreme distances are covered at this site.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Working with Maps: What Do Maps Show?	Keywords: Physical geography,Human geography	Description: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides map lessons for teacher use. Four lessons, involving reading and understanding maps, include key points covered by each lesson, materials and time needed, follow-up activities, and suggestions for teaching the subject. A teacher guide explains how activities are related to the following geographic themes: finding locations or positions on the earth’s surface; the human and physical characteristics of places; human relationships with places; human movement and interaction on Earth; and how regions form and change.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our homepage and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Education, Office of Education Research and Improvement	400 Maryland Ave. SW	Washington	DC	20202-0498		1-800-872-5327	202-401-0689	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Helping Your Child Learn Geography	Keywords: Physical geography,Human geography	Description: This resource for teachers and parents highlights activities and ideas to help younger children understand geographic principles. These include the use of maps and directions to find locations, climate, near vs. far, physical regions, and cultural regions. Activities are hands-on and interactive. Further reading and resources are also given.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michael	Goodman			NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Global Hydrology Resource Center								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Danny	Hardin			University of Alabama in Huntsville, Information Technology and Systems Center	S339 Technology Hall	Huntsville	AL	35899				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center			Huntsville	AL			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				University of Alabama, Huntsville			Huntsville	AL			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Remote Sensing Systems		438 First Street, Suite 200	Santa Rosa	CA	95401	707-454-2904	707-454-2906	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: PM-ESIP Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Physical oceanography	Description: This is NASA's web site for the Passive Microwave Earth Science Information Partner (PM-ESIP) which enables science researchers to interactively customize and receive hydrologic data sets derived from the newest space-based passive microwave instruments. The PM-ESIP is a collaboration between NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and Remote Sensing Systems. Users can track hurricanes and typhoons over the globe; find tropical sea-surface temperatures, water vapor, wind speed and rainfall; view recent atmospheric temperature images from the surface to the stratosphere; compare atmospheric temperature changes; interactively subset and view satellite sensor data; and search, subset, order and download custom and predefined data sets.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Wendy	McCann	Sherman		ERIC Clearinghouse for Science Mathematics and Environmental Education	1929 Kenny Road	Columbus	OH	43210-1080	800-328-0272		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Science Classrooms for Students with Special Needs	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This paper addresses the issues surrounding students with disabilities in regular science classrooms. Concerns discussed include effective inclusive climates, special needs and science classes, preparing the classroom, adapting the curriculum and assessment, and inclusion and teacher attitude.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Digest is in the public domain and may be freely reproduced.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Randy	Lundquist			Oregon State University, Physics Department, Science Access Project	301 Weninger Hall	Corvallis	OR	97331-6507	541-737-4631	541-737-1683	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: TRIANGLE: A Mathematics Scratch Pad for the Blind	Keywords: Mathematics	Description: TRIANGLE is a DOS computer program designed for print-impaired students and professionals in math, science, and engineering. This program uses a linear notation for representing mathematical expressions, and provides means for evaluating and plotting expressions. The graphing calculator feature displays graphs and functions in visual, auditory, and tactile formats. TRIANGLE's table viewer allows users to read, navigate, and edit complex tables in an easy-to-use manner. Output may be viewed visually on the DOS text screen, audibly using a screen-reading program, tactually using a Braille screen access program, or through use of any or all of the above simultaneously. Users may download TRIANGLE for free.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: TRIANGLE was written by the Science Access Project at Oregon State University. It is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Triangle may be freely distributed as long as no fee is charged and all of the files are kept together and intact.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ronald	Greeley		Dr	Arizona State University, Planetary Geology Group	PO Box 871404	Tempe	AZ	85287-1404		480-965-7029	480-965-8102	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Planetary Geology Group: Educational Activities	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This Arizona State University site provides a number of activities for teachers to use in their classrooms, all relating to space sciences. Subjects covered include planetary geology, volcanism, tidal flexing, and satellite photography. Example titles include: Life on Europa? and Mars Pathfinder Rover Exercise. The activities consist of instructor notes, objectives, time required, materials, standards, questions, and answer keys. Some files are available in Spanish.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jack	Williams		Mr	USA Today	7950 Jones Branch Drive	McLean	VA	22108				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: USA Today Weather Index	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: USA Today provides comprehensive information about weather, including the latest news, storm information, extremes, US and world forecasts, weather warnings or alerts, past weather, and a photo gallery. El Nino and La Nina are discussed, as well as how forecasting is done and how weather works. Brief articles cover hundreds of concepts, from "why the sky is blue" to "how snow forms". Users can also present their questions to the weather editor.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 2001 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Denise	Jarrett			Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Mathematics and Science Education Center	101 S. W. Main Street, Suite 500	Portland	OR	97204	503-275-9500		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Inclusive Classroom: Mathematics and Science Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This online book explores the unique educational needs of students with learning disabilities and provides strategies for meaningfully engaging all students in mathematics and science curricula. Drawing on key principles of inclusion, special education, multicultural education, and standards-based reform, the book guides K-12 teachers in creating optimal learning environments where diverse learners can thrive. In addition to offering instructional strategies, the book suggests ways to adapt textbooks to make texts and materials more manageable for students, and describes a variety of assessments that enable diverse learners to demonstrate their knowledge.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission to reproduce this publication in whole or in part is granted with the acknowledgement of the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory as the source on all copies.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sam	Gon III	M.	Dr	The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii	923 Nuuanu Ave.	Honolulu	HI	96817				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Guide to the 8 Orders of Trilobites	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: Trilobites are an ancient life form which became extinct during the Permian mass-extinction. Every aspect of this arthropod is covered, including morphology (the body plan), eyes, size, internal anatomy, feeding, reproduction, and classification. There is a glossary of trilobite-related terms, a self-quiz, and photo gallery of the 8 orders. A geologic time chart reviews the history of this creature, and a paleogeography section covers the environment in which it lived. Additional links, fact sheets, and references are provided.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©1999, 2000, 2001 by S. M. Gon III
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Mark	Brooks		Mr								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Live Weather Images	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: Hundreds of live weather maps are available for viewing and comparison. An interactive section lets the user determine sunrise and sunset anywhere in the world, as well as calculate heat index and wind chill factors. Maps are sorted by subject, such as temperature, drought, dew point, or pollen index. There are current weather maps, forecast maps by time and region (i.e. Mid-Atlantic 12 hour forecast), weather-cams, storm maps, Doppler radars, infrared and satellite maps, as well as maps by state. Other viewable maps detail seismic activity and volcanoes. This site also provides weather humor and books, as well as additional links.
Publication 12-2001
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996-2001 Live Weather Images all rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Alexandria	Moore		Dr	Hartwick College, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences	Miller Science Department	Oneonta	NY	13820				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Virtual Field Trip: Oneonta to the Hudson River	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This computer activity highlights the geologic history of central New York state. As it takes the user through descriptions of rocks and events that shaped the geology of the area, optional stops can be made to view photos and more descriptions. Side trips and questions are given for each stop. A geologic map of New York is provided for visual reference.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Dirk	Schmid		Mr	Canadian Rockhound Magazine								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Canadian Rockhound Geological Magazine	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology	Description: This free online earth science magazine serves as an educational tool for beginners and educators, and as a resource tool for professional and avocational collectors. It offers current news, clubs, dealerships for specimens and equipment, and over 120 online articles and various resources related to Canadian minerals, gemstones, fossils, geology, and rockhounding in general. The junior section features information about fossils, dinosaurs, rocks and minerals, mining, geologic time, plate tectonics, and more.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 Canadian Rockhound
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				New Forum Publishers, Inc.		555 North Lane, Suite 6040	Conshohocken	PA	19428		610-832-0230	610-832-5799	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Beyond Books: Earth Science	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geologic time,Geology,Hydrology,Mineralogy or petrology,Physical oceanography,Space science	Description: Beyond Books is a subscription-based source for online educational content that parallels state and national curriculum standards. The Earth Science section offers links, a dictionary, do-it-yourself and interactive activities, study questions, and beyond-science topics. The teacher section has lesson plans, correlations between curricula, guest expert sessions, and strategies for resource use. Topics covered include: volcanoes, earthquakes, the rock-cycle, minerals, Earth structure, cycles, climate, weather, and more. There are also life science and physical science sections available.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: © 1999 - 2001 Beyond Books, service of New Forum Publishers, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patent Pending.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Marianne	Weingroff		Ms	UCAR/DLESE	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307	303 497 2658	303 497 8336	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Meteorology Education and Training: Case Study Template	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Ecology,Geochemistry,Geology,Geophysics,Hydrology,Physics	Description: The Case Study Template (CST) is a PC-based software tool for creating computer-based case studies. It is intended for use by educators, trainers, and scientists as a lecture aid, a tool for creating laboratory exercises and self-paced learning programs, and a graphical interface for scientific presentations and training. Completed case studies can be distributed over a network or on CDs or the Web. The CST consists of a set of templates for creating title, menu, and section screens. The sections can be used to display unique time periods, locations, events, or sets of products, etc. Each section can contain product groups with accompanying products (satellite, radar, observations, etc.) and product descriptions, pages of information, questions for learners to answer (made from a choice of 6 templates), directions, and links to related programs, such as Web sites and tutorials. The Template comes with all of the files required for creating a case study, including the runtime files for Asymetrix ToolBook 11, the authoring language used to create the Case Study Template. (Asymetrix ToolBook 11 itself is not required.)
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2000 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service		St. Paul Field Office 1992 Folwell Ave.	St. Paul	MN	55108		651-649-5243	651-649-5238	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Silvics of North America	Keywords: Biology,Forestry	Description: This US Department of Agriculture publication contains 2 volumes: Conifers and Hardwoods. The handbook provides scientific names, general descriptions, habitats, ranges, climate, soils, associated forest cover, life history, uses, hybrids, and genetics information for over 200 North American trees. A glossary is available, as well as a summary and explanation of general tree characteristics, insect and mite information, and a list of disease-causing organisms in trees.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1990 United States Department of Agriculture
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kent	Colbath		Dr	Cerritos College	11110 Alondra Blvd.	Norwalk	CA	90650		562-860-2451 x2662		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Cerritos College Earth Science On-Line Tutorial Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Chemistry,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Physical geography	Description: This site contains tutorials and practice questions about topics such as clouds, topographic maps, Earth processes, time, seasons, latitude and longitude, landforms, and Earth materials. There is also a basic chemistry and math review available. Other features include a volcanic tour of Hawaii and Lassen National Park, a caldera hunt, and an interactive place-name module for locations across the globe.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Science Learning Network								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SLN: Science Learning Network	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemistry,Geology,Mathematics,Physical geography,Physics,Space science	Description: This clearinghouse links to hundreds of sites pertaining to science education. Users can connect with science museums around the world, or visit one of the many websites chosen by Science Learning Network (SLN) for their educational value and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science. Inquiry resources have been developed by each museum in the SLN. Museum participants include: The Boston Museum of Science, The Exploratorium, The Finnish Science Center, and many more.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998 Science Learning Network
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Slaymaker	Clark	Dr	California State University, Sacramento, Geology Department	6000 J St.	Sacramento	CA	95819	916-278-6064	916-278-5787	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stereoviews	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Physical oceanography,Physical geography,Space science	Description: A collection of geoscience-related antique stereoviews, which replicate vision through photography, is available on this site. A tutorial explains the procedure for viewing these 3-D photos without special glasses. After practicing the technique, move on to a collection of astronomy, geology, meteorology, and oceanography images.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Slaymaker	Clark	Dr	California State University, Sacramento, Geology Department	6000 J Street	Sacramento	CA	95819	916-278-6064	916-278-5787	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Topographic Maps Illustrating Common Geologic Features (title created or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: Links are provided to topographic maps that illustrate common geologic features and processes, such as igneous activity, mass movement, streams, underground water, glaciers, wind, ocean basins, geologic structures, and waves or currents. Cultural features and map symbols are also covered.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Slaymaker	Clark	Dr	California State University, Sacramento, Geology Department	6000 J Street	Sacramento	CA	95819-6043	916-278-6064	916-278-5787	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Topographic Maps Illustrating Cultural and Natural Features (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: Topographic map examples illustrate symbols commonly used on maps for cultural and natural features, such as boundaries, buildings, caves and mines, coastal features, contour lines and elevations, dams, railroads, rivers, trails, bogs, pipelines, vegetation types, surficial material, and modifications for navigation. Each item links to a map that is enlarged and clearly marked for easy identification.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bill	von Ofenheim		Mr	National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center								USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: NASA Image eXchange (NIX)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) site simultaneously searches one or more of NASA's online image and photo collections. Each search returns thumbnail sized images, textual descriptions, image numbers, links to higher resolution images, links to more information, and links to the NASA Center that stores each image. Subjects covered include aeronautics, planets, the Sun, current and past research, Apollo missions, astrobiology, and historical photos.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NASA materials may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of a commercial product, service or activity, or used in any other manner that might mislead. NASA should be acknowledged as the source of its material. It is unlawful to falsely claim copyright or other rights in NASA material. NASA shall in no way be liable for any costs, expenses, claims or demands arising out of use of NASA's cassettes and photographs by a recipient's distributees. Photographs are not protected by copyright unless noted. If copyrighted, permission should be obtained from the copyright owner prior to use. If not copyrighted, photographs may be reproduced and distributed without further permission from NASA.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Ohio Public Library Information Network	1320 Arthur E. Adams Drive, 1st Floor	Columbus	OH	43221				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: What Tree Is It?	Keywords: Biology	Description: This online tree-identification tool was created by the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) and the Ohio Historical Society (OHS). Users work their way through qualities of leaves and fruits, selecting images that more closely resemble their sample. Fact pages provide instruction on fruit and leaf structures and terminology, close-up photographs of seeds, fruits, bark, leaves, or other plant parts useful in identifying the tree, as well as a picture of the full tree and information about its habitat, history, and structure.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997 Ohio Public Library Information Network and Ohio Historical Society.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michelle	Soucy		Mrs	New Scientist	275 Washington St. Suite 290	Newton	MA	02458		617-558-4939		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: New Scientist Magazine	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Geology,Physics,Space science	Description: The online version of this well-known periodical offers access to an archive of articles and the latest news, reviews, and scientific opinion. The News section covers the latest articles about science issues, while Hot Topics provides in-depth reports on the most exciting areas of science. The Last Word allows users to submit scientific questions, read answers sent in by other readers, or submit their own answers. Also included are interviews, book reviews, on-line conference reports, archives of back issues, and links to sites that deal with specific scientific disciplines.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 2001 New Scientist, Reed Business Information Ltd. Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, database rights and similar rights in all material published on are owned by Reed Business Information Limited. You are permitted to print or download extracts from this material for your personal use only. None of this material may be used for any commercial or public use. No part of or any material appearing on the site may be reproduced, stored in or transmitted on any other Web site without written permission of and any payments of a specified fee.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory		PO Box 451	Princeton	NJ	08543-0451				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Lawrence Livermore National Library	7000 East Ave.	Livermore	CA	94550				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Fusion Energy Educational Website	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This website covers aspects of fusion energy. The Sun and its layers, temperatures, sunspots, and solar wind are discussed, as well as galaxies, plasma, fusion reactions and how they work, and the trouble with creating fusion here on Earth. Users can search the site by keyword and link to additional sites for more information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: PPPL authored documents are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC03-76CH03073. LLNL-authored documents are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract W-7405-Eng-48. Accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for noncommercial, scientific, and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				USGS, Biological Resources Division, Eastern Regional Office	1700 Leetown Road	Kearneysville	WV	25430				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Biological Resources Division: Kid's Corner	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology	Description: Kid’s Corner contains biology project ideas, games, and quizzes for children. There are many links to homework help, biology magazines, stories, and coloring books. Other links take children to information about leaves, hummingbirds, fish, plants, whales, sharks, and many more.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Nebraska-Lincoln, National Drought Mitigation Center		239 L.W. Chase Hall, P.O. Box 830749	Lincoln	NE	68583-0749		402-472-6707	402-472-6614	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of Nebraska-Lincoln, National Drought Mitigation Center								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Drought Mitigation Center: University of Nebraska-Lincoln	Keywords: Climatology,Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: The National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) helps people and institutions in the United States develop and implement measures to reduce societal vulnerability to drought. Its emphasis is on preparation and risk management rather than crisis management. Among the topics covered are: drought science, climatology, planning, effects, easing impacts, monitoring, and helpful information for Media.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 National Drought Mitigation Center
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United Nationas Economic Commission for Europe, Information Office	Palais des Nations	CH-1211 Geneva 10				41-22-917-44-44	41-22-917-05-05	Switzerland
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Forest Resources Assessment (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Forestry	Description: This United Nations publication discusses forest resources in industrialized temperate/boreal countries. These include the countries of North America and Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The objective of this report is to collect and present the best possible information on forest resources of the 55 countries discussed, covering all aspects and functions of the forest. Ownership, forest areas (sizes), management status, wood supply, biological diversity, environmental protection, forest condition and damage, and protective socio-economic functions are all explained.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 UNECE. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Terry	Miller	L.		Oregon State University		Corvallis	OR	97331-4501		541-737-1000		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EXTOXNET: The Extension Toxicology Network	Keywords: Chemistry,Environmental science	Description: The goal of this website is to offer unbiased information for the non-expert about the occurrence of toxicants (such as pesticides or DDT's) in our environment. Users can access a Frequently Asked Questions section; the latest information about pesticides from the University of California at Davis Environmental Toxicology Newsletter; Pesticide Information Profiles for specific information on pesticides; and Toxicology Information Briefs containing a discussion of concepts in toxicology and environmental chemistry. There are also links for further details, and fact sheets for quick information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards	Research Triangle Park		NC	27711				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: The 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA) directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to periodically identify and assess the extent of atmospheric deposition of air pollutants to the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, Lake Champlain, and coastal waters, collectively known as the Great Waters. In this third EPA report to Congress (published in June 2000) the goals are to discuss the current state of knowledge regarding atmospheric deposition of pollutants to the Great Waters based on new research and program activities undertaken since the Second Report, and to describe any necessary revisions to requirements, standards, and limitations under the CAA or other Federal laws. The report details major trends, concentrations of pollutants, actions taken to address the problem, important programs and activities, as well as future directions.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 EPA.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Hipschman		Mr	Exploratorium Museum	3601 Lyon St.	San Francisco	CA	94123		415-561-0360		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Exploratorium: Science Fairs	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,History and philosophy of science	Description: This museum site offers general information about science fairs, including links to information about the scientific method, Ask an Expert sites, where to get supplies, and ideas and sample projects. The Teacher Resources section provides links to judging sheets, evaluation criteria, and flow charts on organizing a science fair. Also included is a list of books, videos, software, and other resources.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © The Exploratorium. You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, record, publish, modify, publicly exhibit or distribute any media files made available on this site without prior written consent from The Exploratorium. Any requests for commercial or journalistic use of the content of the Site should be sent to
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Hipschman		Mr	Exploratorium Museum	3601 Lyon St.	San Francisco	CA	94123		415-561-0360		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hubble: A View to the Edge of Space	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: Created by San Francisco's Exploratorium Museum, this site offers a look at the science and scientists who make the Hubble Space Telescope work. There are images, a tour of control facilities, and a feature to access live webcasts of Hubble activities.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © The Exploratorium, You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, record, publish, modify, publicly exhibit or distribute any media files made available on this Site without prior written consent from The Exploratorium. Any requests for commercial or journalistic use of the content of the Site should be sent to
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Hipschman		Mr	Exploratorium Museum	3601 Lyon St.	San Francisco	CA	94123		415-561-0360		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Science Explorer	Keywords: Chemistry,Geology,Physics	Description: This collection of excerpts from the Exploratorium Museum's science-at-home books provides entertaining activities that use simple ingredients and are accompanied by helpful information for explaining underlying scientific concepts. Some examples include: making a volcano, experiments with light, growing crystals, sunclocks, and rainbows. Each activity comes with full instructions and a materials list.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © The Exploratorium. You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, record, publish, modify, publicly exhibit or distribute any media files made available on this site without prior written consent from The Exploratorium. Any requests for commercial or journalistic use of the content of the site should be sent to
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sergey	Gershtein		Mr	Ural-Relcom, Ltd., Speck Design	227 Forest Ave.	Palo Alto	CA	94301		650-462-9080	650-462-9086	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Unit Conversions	Keywords: Mathematics,Physics	Description: This calculation tool aids in area, length, circle, pressure, speed, temperature, time, volume, and weight conversions. Values are shown in Metric and British units, as well as old Russian, Nautical, Astronomical and others, making this a very comprehensive tool.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				World Meteorological Organization	7 bis Avenue de la Paix, CP 2300 - 1211	Geneva 2	41-22-730-8111	41-22-730-8181	Switzerland
This is a(n) organization.
Title: World Meteorological Organization	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Hydrology	Description: From weather prediction to air pollution research, climate change related activities, ozone layer depletion studies and tropical storm forecasting, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coordinates global scientific activity to allow increasingly prompt and accurate weather information and other services for public, private and commercial use, including international airline and shipping industries. Within the United Nations, the Geneva-based 185-Member Organization provides the authoritative scientific voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere and climate. This site is a window to WMO programmes and research.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000, Geneva, Switzerland
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103	215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online Weather Science Hotlist	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: This organized list of weather-related resources includes links to online exhibits, El Nino and La Nina data sources, weather forecasting, historical weather, severe weather, atmospheric information, career connections, and real-time weather resources. All websites have been screened for their educational appropriateness and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103	215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online Wind Energy Hotlist	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Physics	Description: This website provides links to wind energy resources, wind weather information, and wind recreation sites. All websites have been screened for their educational appropriateness and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103	215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online Weekly Science News Hotlist	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Climatology,Environmental science,Geology,Physics,Space science	Description: This collection of science news links includes a variety of online magazines, bulletins, newspapers, and organizations. All websites have been screened for their educational appropriateness and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103	215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online Geography Hotlist	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This list of geography-related resources covers global information systems (GIS), maps, timezones, and more. There are teacher resource links for geography lessons as well. All websites have been screened for their educational appropriateness and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103	215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online Space Science Hotlist	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This collection of links pertaining to space science is divided into categories such as: the solar system, space exploration, images, distant stars, and teacher resources. All websites have been screened for their educational appropriateness and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.		University of South Dakota	Earth Science Department	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-5649	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Science Practice Exams	Keywords: Cryology,Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology,Physical oceanography,Space science,Structural geology	Description: This site contains on-line quizzes to test knowledge of physical geology, including rocks, oceans, glaciers, rivers, plate tectonics, paleontology, and planetary geology. There is also a practice geologic time scale with Eons, Eras, Periods, and Epochs to be filled in and checked. Each quiz is in multiple choice format and allows users to check for correct answers as the quiz is taken.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Arizona State University, Mars Education Program	Moeur Building Room 131, PO Box 876305	Tempe	AZ	85287-6305		480-965-3038		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mars Student Imaging Project (MSIP)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: The Mars Student Imaging Project (MSIP) allows students to participate in research, mapping activities, and labs relating to Mars exploration. The program, run by Arizona State University, offers students nationwide the opportunity to conduct authentic Mars research using data from the 2001 Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) camera. There are downloadable curriculum with National Science Foundation standards, as well as an application to be part of the Mars research team. Links access additional Mars information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency, Global Program Division	1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW	Washington	DC	20460-0001		800-490-9198	202-565-2158	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EPA's SunWise School Program	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Natural hazards	Description: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the SunWise School Program to help educators raise sun safety awareness. Topics covered include ozone depletion, UV radiation, and simple sun safety practices. A tool kit with cross-curricular lessons (some available in Spanish), activities, and background information is available. The site also features an interactive medium for students to share community-specific UV data, weather conditions, and information regarding daily sun-protection practices. Links to other resources are given.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Wendi	Dolci		Ms	National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Astrobiology Institute	Ames Research Center	Moffet Field	CA	94035				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: NASA Astrobiology Institute	Keywords: Biology,Space science,Technology	Description: The mission of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute (NAI) is to study the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life on Earth and in the Universe. Sections include 'Ask an Astrobiologist', news reports and links regarding life on other planets, and information regarding academic courses, internships, local science programs, and profiles of NAI Astrobiologists for students wondering how to become an astrobiologist. A teacher resource catalog with additional links, lesson plans, images, and videos is provided to guide incorporation of this subject into science curricula.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Education Program	NASA Headquarters (FE)	Washington	DC	20546-0001	202-358-1110		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NASA Space Link	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography,Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: This comprehensive electronic library, designed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for educators and students, contains current information related to NASA's aeronautics and space research. Educators can access materials chosen specifically for their educational value and relevance, including science, mathematics, engineering and technology education lesson plans, information on NASA educational programs and services, current status reports on Agency projects and events, news releases, and television broadcasts schedules for NASA Television.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Education Program	NASA Headquarters (FE)	Washington	DC	20546-0001	202-358-1110		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NASA Educational Products	Keywords: Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: Electronic versions of NASA educational products are available for printing on this website. These materials include: Briefs that provide short background information and an activity about a particular topic; Guides that outline topics with a matrix, standards, and activities for the class; Programs for teachers and student guides for entering NASA participation programs; Topics that provide bookmarks for students with quick information bits; Wallsheets or posters to download and print; Lithographs containing 8 x 10 images with information on the back for classroom reference; Slide Sets which are downloadable images for computer slide shows; and Videotapes that include video resource guides with background information and activities to go with NASA videos. Topics covered in these products include living in space, Apollo missions, planetary geology, the Moon, rockets, and more.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Harold	Kirkemo			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Prospecting for Gold in the United States	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication discusses gold prospecting in the US. The history of prospecting is covered, as well as where in the US gold can still be found and accounts of successful gold mining. Deposits of gold are also explained, including placer deposits and lode gold. Selected references for additional reading are given.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Building, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcanic and Seismic Hazards on the Island of Hawaii	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication discusses volcanic hazards of Hawaii, and where they exist. Hazards include lava flows, ground cracks, airborne lava, volcanic gases, and explosive eruptions. There are lava flow zone maps for the islands of Mauna Loa, Hualalai, Mauna Kea-Kohala, and Kilauea. Also included are historical earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as a list of selected reading resources for more information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Severity of an Earthquake	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication discusses earthquake intensity versus earthquake magnitude. It covers the differences between the two scales: Richter (magnitude), and Mercalli (intensity), as well as provides some photos of major earthquake damage.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Silent Reminders	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication is part of a series entitled "Geologic Wonders of the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests". Silent Reminders covers the iron industry in the state of Virginia, including why iron was found in this state, the types of ore found (brown, red, and specular), and why the furnaces were abandoned. The report also discusses how the use of minerals saved the forests. There are resources given for additional information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our homepage and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Learners Online	3131 Turtle Creek Blvd. Suite 1250	Dallas	TX	75219-5441		800-672-6988		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Learners Online Science Archive (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Geology,History and philosophy of science,Paleontology,Physical geography,Space science	Description: This archive contains a list of on-line lessons published weekly by Learners Online. Lessons are tied to current events and help learners extend their knowledge on a wide range of topics, such as meteor showers, dinosaur hearts, volcanic activity, and stem cell research. The lessons are in tutorial format: they guide students through links where additional information can be found. Questions tied to the links encourage students to search for answers. The object is for students to become active participants as they construct their own understandings. Each lesson specifies an appropriate grade level and subject area.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 1999 - 2001 Online Education, Inc.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Mountain that Moved	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication is part of a series entitled "Geologic Wonders of the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests". It discusses the landslides in Montgomery and Craig counties of Virginia. These are the largest known landslides in eastern North America, known as rock back slides. The brochure discusses how they were discovered, when they occurred, where they are visible, why they happened, and if there will be more in the future. Additional resources are suggested for more information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our homepage and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Glimpses of the Ice Age from I-81	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication is part of a series entitled "Geologic Wonders of the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests". The article covers an area from Strasburg to Harrisonburg, Virginia along I-81 that shows evidence of glaciation. A description of the Ice Age, block fields and how they formed, and uses of block fields are discussed. Additional reading resources are also suggested.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our homepage and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, National Soil Survey Center		100 Centennial Mall North Room 152	Lincoln	NE	68508-3866		402-437-4154		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils	Keywords: Geology,Soil science	Description: This field guide is useful for making or reading soil and site descriptions. The major sections address soil profile description, geomorphology, geology, soil taxonomy, soil map symbols, and field sampling strategies. Rock charts and timescales are provided to help with soil identification.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Nick	Micozzi		Mr	Plymouth Public Schools	253 South Meadow Road	Plymouth	MA	02360		508-830-4487	508-830-4485	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plymouth Public Schools Science Curriculum	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Geology,Physics	Description: This science and technology curriculum for K-12 students offers a vast collection of lesson plans, activities, standards, levels of proficiency, and unit summaries. It also includes homework projects, ideas, and assignments, as well as book and AP course information. Science fair details, a career center, student and teacher resources, and links all provide for a well-rounded curriculum.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000 by Plymouth Schools Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Slaymaker	Clark	Dr	6000 J Street	Sacramento	CA	95819	916-278-6064	916-278-5787	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Topographic Maps Illustrating Landforms (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This website lists landforms that are due to geologic structures, glaciers, igneous activity, mass movement, running water, groundwater, wind, and waves or currents. Each landform is linked to a topographic map example that has been enlarged. The highlighted feature is indicated for easy identification and understanding.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jason	Mathers		Mr	Union of Concerned Scientists, Sound Science Initiative	2 Brattle Square	Cambridge	MA	02238	617-547-5552		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Warming: Early Warning Signs	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: This science-based world map depicts the local and regional consequences of global climate change. It identifies direct manifestations of a warming trend (fingerprints), and events that are consistent with the projections for global climate change and are likely to become more frequent and widespread with continued warming (harbingers). These signs are linked to a full description of conditions in that part of the world which indicate warming. A curriculum guide engages students in an exploration of the impacts of global climate change.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, National Plants Database		Baton Rouge	LA	70874				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Plants Database	Keywords: Agricultural science,Biology	Description: This United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) database is a single source collection of standardized information about plants of the US and its territories. The database includes names, checklists, automated tools, identification information, species abstracts, distributional data, crop information, plant symbols, plant growth data, plant materials information, links to more resources, references, and other facts. A search tool and photo gallery display plants of interest.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: We would appreciate your courtesy in acknowledging the National Plant Data Center and the PLANTS database when using or reproducing these data. The images in PLANTS are free for scientific and educational uses provided the photographer (if known), copyright holder, institution, and the PLANTS Database are properly credited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dave	Gosselin		Dr	University of Nebraska at Lincoln	113 Nebraska Hall	Lincoln	NE	68588-0517		402-472-8919	402-472-2410	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Nebraska Earth Science Education Network	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Geology,Physical geography,Soil science	Description: The objective of the Nebraska Earth Science Education Network (NESEN) is to enhance the transfer of earth-science information to the K-12 teaching community. Many resources for the classroom are contained within this education website, including a section for teachers with activities, teaching tools, and web links. Topics covered include geology, the environment, water, astronomy, and mapping. The site also has data sources, weather projects, a lending library for videos and resources, newsletters, science fair information, and additional links and standards information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999-2001
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sandra	Clark	H.B.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Geologic Story of the Southern Appalachian Mountains	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication highlights the geologic history of the southern Appalachian Mountains. This includes the Great Smoky Mountains National Park as well as the Blue Ridge Parkway, and numerous state and national forests. The story begins with an exploration of the rocks, which are over 1 billion years old, and then discusses the supercontinent Pangea and the collision of North America with Africa, which caused the mountains to form. The subsequent formation of the Atlantic Ocean is covered as well as mountain carving during the Ice Ages and erosion processes that continue today. A video and teacher’s guide are available to order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USGS data be acquired directly from a USGS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USGS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USGS welcomes suggestions on how to improve our homepage and correct errors. USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that USGS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sandra	Clark	H.B.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Elizabeth	Romanaux			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dona	Brizzi			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jennifer	Thomlin			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Southern Appalachians: Teacher's Guide	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication is a teacher’s guide to accompany the USGS video “The Southern Appalachians: A Changing World”. A synopsis of the video is given as well as a geologic history of the region. Activities, labs, and discussion topics are available for teacher use on topics such as: geologic time, plate tectonics, observation of rocks, biodiversity, erosion, shorelines, and the life of a rock. The video describes the Southern Appalachian Mountains and how geologic events that took place millions of years ago influenced the landscape, climate, soils, and life forms that can be seen there today. Spanning an area from Virginia to Georgia, the Southern Appalachians are some of the oldest mountains on Earth. Molded and shaped over eons by volcanism, erosion, glaciation, and other geologic forces, these mountains are known worldwide for their unusual beauty and rich biological diversity.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25286	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sandra	Schulz	S.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Wallace	E.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: The San Andreas Fault	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication discusses the San Andreas Fault in California; specifically what has caused the fault, where it is located, surface features that characterize it, and movement that has occurred. General earthquake information includes an explanation of what earthquakes are, and earthquake magnitude versus intensity. Earthquakes that have occurred along the fault are covered, as well as where the next large one may occur and what can be done about large earthquakes in general.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gene	Feldman	Carl	Mr	NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD			301-286-9428	301-286-0268	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Observation Movie Studio	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) site contains animations and movie clips taken from satellites. Derived from different satellite sources, the animations demonstrate the types of parameters that can be observed from space. Images include the biosphere, clouds, ozone, rain, visible vs. infrared, land cover, relief, snow and ice, global temperatures, and oceans. Each image shows the globe rotating with different colors representing the data.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Population Reference Bureau	1875 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 520	Washington DC		20009-5726		1-800-877-9881	202-483-1100	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Population Reference Bureau	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: The Population Reference Bureau provides timely and objective information on U.S. and international population trends and their implications. There are articles, data sheets, reports, and world statistics on topics such as education, employment, fertility, poverty, race, youth, and more. The site is also searchable by specific region, state, or variable (such as age group). For educators there are detailed lesson plans involving the website information, as well as resource guides and standards. Links for additional information are provided as well.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001, Population Reference Bureau. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Nancy	McMillan		Ms	Mineralogical Society of America	1015 Eighteenth Street NW, Suite 601	Washington	DC	20036-5212	202-775-4344	202-775-0018	U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Title: Minerals 4 Kids	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Minerals 4 Kids contains four Web-based activities offered for K-12 Education by the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA). These activities are entitled: Minerals in Your House, Mineral Groups, Mineral Properties, and All About Crystals. Also included are links to Mineral Games, the Rock Cycle diagram that leads to descriptions of the three rock types, and Ask-A-Mineralogist that enables the user to submit a mineralogical question. Many of these activities are linked to other mineralogy-related Web sites. Minerals in Your House is designed to introduce the concept of how minerals are present in common household items found in the bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Mineral Groups introduces mineral classification according to chemical composition. The learner can explore each of the seven major chemical groups and several minor chemical groups. Mineral Properties introduces learners to the physical properties of minerals such as hardness, cleavage, streak, color, luster, specific gravity, as well as other miscellaneous properties (i.e., magnetic, effervescence, striations, etc.). Mineral Properties, additionally, contains a five-step Mineral Identification process that uses the physical properties to narrow down a mineral's identity that, ultimately, leads to a Mineral Identification Chart. All About Crystals enables the learner to become familiar with symmetry, crystal symmetry, crystal chemistry, and crystal forms. This activity includes online 3-D models, an activity that enables the user to draw and explore symmetry patterns, a variety of detailed descriptions with figures, and an extensive vocabulary
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All Contents 1997-2001 Mineralogical Society of America. All Rights Reserved. The contents of all material available on this Internet site are copyrighted by Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) unless otherwise indicated.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Cary	Roberts			EPA Atlas Team								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Wayne	Davis			EPA Atlas Team								
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA USA Maps	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Ecology,Environmental science,Human geography,Hydrology,Physical geography,Soil science	Description: The USA national maps included here feature environmental quality information collected by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal, state, and local agencies. They are organized by the type of information portrayed: air, land, and water. The air maps indicate quality and the presence of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, and emissions. The land maps show landscape types, climates, land use and cover, and threats to human and ecological health. Water maps indicate resources, water uses, threats, and quality standards.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site contains materials from ECOVIEW®, an applied research program in information innovations supported by the EPA. ECOVIEW® is a registered trademark of US EPA. Some of the clip-art used in this site is copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation (Copyright © 2001 Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond,Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. All rights reserved.). Any commercial name or product used on this site does not imply government endorsement.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Census Bureau		Washington, DC		20233				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: US Census Bureau: State and County QuickFacts	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This US Census Bureau site contains figures based on the 2000 census. The QuickFacts include information about people, businesses, and geography. Data presented on individual states can be compared to national numbers. Percentages are given for some values such as employment rates and income changes.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Hipschman		Mr	Exploratorium Science Museum	3601 Lyon St.	San Francisco	CA	94123		415-561-0343		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Exploratorium Museum	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Mathematics,Physical geography,Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: The Exploratorium's mission is to create a culture of learning through innovative environments, programs, and tools that help people nurture their curiosity about the world around them. As part of this mission, the museum has developed an extensive website with many on-line activities and exhibits, many of which include interactive online versions of activities and exhibits found in the museum. The site hosts topics such as Antarctica, astronomy and the Hubble Space Telescope, the science of sports, and mathematics exploration. On-line exhibits include Remembering Nagasaki, the Panama Pacific International Exhibition, and Mathematica. The Learning Studio offers activities, ideas, and resources for educators. Live webcasts and a science project resource page are also featured.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © The Exploratorium, You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, record, publish, modify, publicly exhibit or distribute any media files made available on this Site without prior written consent from The Exploratorium. Any requests for commercial or journalistic use of the content of the Site should be sent to
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Schlee	B.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Our Changing Continent	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology,Physical geography	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication covers the subject of North American paleogeography: how the continent has changed over geologic time in terms of location, climate, and other geographical factors. Clues for detecting this information include looking at fossils, rocks, and different kinds of maps. The geographic history of North America is traced from the supercontinent Pangea 200 million years ago (Mesozoic Era)through today, with emphasis on the coal, dinosaur, and ice ages.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Tilling	I.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Monitoring Active Volcanoes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication discusses the historic and current monitoring of active volcanoes around the globe. Techniques to measure deviations in pressure and stress induced by subterranean magma movement, as well as other technologies, explain the ways in which researchers monitor and predict volcanoes. Case studies of volcanoes such as Mt. St. Helens, El Chichon, Mauna Loa, and others are discussed.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Williams Jr.	S.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): James	Moore	G.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Man Against Volcano: The Eruption of Heimaey, Vestmannaeyjar Iceland	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication covers the 1973 eruption of Eldfell on the island of Heimaey in Iceland. Topics covered include the destruction, cleanup and restoration, controlling the lava flows, and how the town extracted heat from the lava. Selected readings are provided for further reference.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Eugene	Robertson	C.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Interior of the Earth	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication discusses the interior of the Earth, including the mantle and the core. The use of earthquake waves to determine the interior structure of the Earth, as well as how the Moon relates to the Earth's structure are explained.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Louis	Ray	L.		United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Great Ice Age	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: The Great Ice Age, a recent chapter in the Earth's history, was a period of recurring widespread glaciations. Mountain glaciers formed on all continents, the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland were more extensive and thicker than today, and vast glaciers, in places as much as several thousand feet thick, spread across North America and Eurasia. This ice age, the most recent in the history of the Earth, took place from 20 million years to 6 thousand years ago (Quaternary Period). The development of our understanding and the evidence for this worldwide event are covered in this United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Harold	Kirkemo		Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Newman	L.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Gold	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication highlights the mineral gold. The origin of its uses and its value, how it forms, and gold 'terms' (such as Karat) are covered. Properties of this precious metal and prospecting for gold are also explained.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Williams Jr.	S.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Glaciers: Clues to Future Climate	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication discusses glaciers and how they can be used to determine future climatic changes. An explanation of glaciers and how much land they cover is included, as well as information on floods, droughts, sea-level changes, and other glacial indicators of climate change.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Oldale	N.	Mr	Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute			Woods Hole	MA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Geologic History of Cape Cod, Massachusetts	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: Geologists are interested in Cape Cod, Massachusetts because it formed by glaciers very recently in terms of geologic time, and because of the ever-changing shore as the Cape adjusts to the rising sea. This United States Geological Survey (USGS) report covers the geologic history of the Cape, which includes glacial retreat, fossils, erosion, and the future of this area. Selected readings are given for further reference.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lucy	Edwards	E.	Miss	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Pojeta, Jr.		Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Fossils, Rocks, and Time	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This on-line book, published by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), discusses the use of fossils in determining the age of rocks. The publication covers how to place events in correct temporal order, a description of the geologic time scale, the use of fossils to indicate rock ages, the law of fossil succession, index fossils, and radioactive dating.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Tilling	I.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Donald	Swanson	A.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Eruptions of Mount St. Helens: Past, Present, and Future	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: This on-line book, published by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), covers the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state. There is a discussion of the events leading up to the eruption, as well as an explanation of the mountain’s volcanic history. Immediate effects are covered, including the ash falls, pyroclastic flows, and debris. Post-eruption topics include subsequent activity after the May 18th blast, comparison with other volcanoes, and possible future behavior. Additional reading resources are given for further reference.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Tilling	I.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Thomas	Wright	L.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes: Past, Present, and Future	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: The origin of the Hawaiian Islands, recorded eruptions, and eruption patterns are discussed in this United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication. The on-line book also covers volcano monitoring and research, landforms and structures, hazards and benefits, and a discussion of Loihi, Hawaii's newest volcano.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Dinosaurs: Fact and Fiction	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication covers current ideas from recent findings on dinosaurs. The pamphlet contains answers to frequently asked questions and uses recent evidence to correct some long-lived popular misconceptions, such as 'Are all fossil animals dinosaurs?' and 'Why did dinosaurs die out?'. Additional references are provided for further reading.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Withington	F.	Mr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Financial Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Building Stones of Our Nation's Capital	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The buildings of our Nation's Capital have been constructed with rocks from quarries throughout the United States and many distant lands. Each building shows important features of various stones and the geologic environment in which they were formed. This United States Geological Survey (USGS) booklet describes the source and appearance of many of the stones found in Washington, D.C.’s monuments, memorials, statues, and buildings. The geologic setting of D.C. and acid rain effects on the Capital region are also discussed.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jane	Hammarson			United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Geologic Story of the Ocoee River	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) highlights the geology of the Ocoee River, in the scenic Cherokee National Forest of southeastern Tennessee. This report covers the geologic history of the area, from 750 million years ago (Precambrian) to the present. Uses of the river, from dams to mining, are also discussed.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services		Denver Federal Center	Denver	CO	80225		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Elaine	McGee			United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Acid Rain and Our Nation's Capital	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology	Description: This booklet, published by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), covers the effects of acid rain on Washington DC's buildings and monuments. An explanation of acid rain is given, as well as the efforts made by the US to protect and preserve historic buildings and monuments. Photographs and maps provide a field trip guide, a small glossary contains geologic and architectural terms, and a rock key allows users to identify the limestone, sandstone, marble, and granite of Washington DC’s buildings. Additional reading resources are given for further information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Hipschman			Exploratorium Science Museum	3601 Lyon Street	San Francisco	CA	94123		415-561-0360		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Antarctica: Scientific Journeys from McMurdo to the Pole	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Cryology,Technology	Description: Featured on this Exploratorium Museum website are live Webcasts, stories, features, and notes from the field about scientific life in Antarctica. It discusses the McMurdo Station structure, Antarctic climate, the people who work there, techniques and tools to survive the cold, and ideas about what we can learn from the ice. There are also links to more information about the continent and its exploration.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © The Exploratorium, You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, record, publish, modify, publicly exhibit or distribute any media files made available on this Site without prior written consent from The Exploratorium. Any requests for commercial or journalistic use of the content of the Site should be sent to
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Hipschman			Exploratorium Science Museum	3601 Lyon Street	San Francisco	CA	94123		415-561-0360		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Exploratorium Observatory	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physics,Space science	Description: This is the Exploratorium Museum's guide to astronomy resources. Five sections include: Solar Max, a guide to class activities and solar sites as well as images of the Sun; a description of Solar Eclipses and a discussion on how to view them, why they occur, and the history surrounding them; Mercury Transit, a gallery of images and description of the last time Mercury passed in front of the Sun in 1999; Sunspots, an exploration of their nature and the history of our efforts to understand them; and Auroras, an explanation of why and where these light displays occur. There are also weight and age calculators for other planets, a model solar system activity, and information about the search for life outside the planet Earth.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © The Exploratorium, You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, record, publish, modify, publicly exhibit or distribute any media files made available on this Site without prior written consent from The Exploratorium. Any requests for commercial or journalistic use of the content of the Site should be sent to
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ron	Hipschman			Exploratorium Science Museum	3601 Lyon Street	San Francisco	CA	94123		415-561-0360		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Exploratorium Science Snacks	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Geology,Physics	Description: Science Snacks are miniature science exhibits that teachers can make using common, inexpensive, easily available materials. By using Snacks in their classrooms, teachers can join their students in discovering science for themselves. Snacks are divided into easy-to-follow sections that include instructions, advice, and helpful hints. Each Snack begins with a photograph of itself, a short introduction, and a list of needed materials. Other sections give assembly instructions, contain descriptions of how to use the completed exhibits, and explain the science behind them. A section called "etc." offers additional scientific and historic information. Topics available include water, radioactive decay, gravity, and magnetism.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © The Exploratorium, You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, record, publish, modify, publicly exhibit or distribute any media files made available on this Site without prior written consent from The Exploratorium. Any requests for commercial or journalistic use of the content of the Site should be sent to
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online Earth Science Resources Hotlist	Keywords: Ecology,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This collection of links pertaining to earth science is divided into categories such as: online exhibits, geology, volcanoes, earthquakes, rocks and minerals, ecosystems, and teacher resources. All websites have been screened for their educational appropriateness and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum, All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103	215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online Biopoint Hotlist	Keywords: Biology	Description: This collection of links to biology-related websites includes information about bacteria, microorganisms, viruses, anatomy and genetics, bioethics, and biotechnology, as well as online exhibits, biology news, images, and educational resources. All websites have been screened for their educational appropriateness and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	San Francisco	CA	19103		215-488-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online Energy Hotlist	Keywords: Environmental science,Physics	Description: This website provides links to background information about different types of energy, natural resources, and energy issues, as well as images and teacher resources. All websites have been screened for their educational appropriateness and ability to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Michael	Goodman			NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Global Hydrology Resource Center								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Danny	Hardin			University of Alabama in Huntsville, Information Technology and Systems Center	S339 Technology Hall	Huntsville	AL	35899				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center			Huntsville	AL			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				University of Alabama, Huntsville			Huntsville	AL			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Remote Sensing Systems		438 First Street, Suite 200	Santa Rosa	CA	95401	707-454-2904	707-454-2906	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: AMSU-A Real-Time Images	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This webpage provided by the Passive Microwave Earth Science Information Partner (PM-ESIP) project gives access to images from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A).The satellite-mounted AMSU-A is a multi-channel microwave radiometer that is used to derive global atmospheric temperature profiles and to provide information on atmospheric water vapor and clouds. Images are updated every two hours for each of 18 AMSU-A channels. Each image is based on the orbit files collected in the most recent 24 hour period. The land, ocean, and atmosphere all have different emitting properties at different microwave frequencies used in the channels. The amount of radiation measured by each AMSU channel is converted to a "brightness temperature" based on its real temperature multiplied by the substance's ability to emit radiation (its "emissivity").
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University Corporation for Atmopsheric Research UNAVCO Facility		P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000		303-497-8000	303-497-8026	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lou	Estey			UNAVCO	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Jules Verne Voyager: Earth	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This website provides access to the Earth application of the Jules Verne Voyager, a precision interactive mapping tool, based on GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) and Java functionality. The provider's original intent was to help GPS/GLONASS (Global Positioning System/Global Navigation Satellite System) users locate places where high-precision GPS geodetic data have been collected, and to show the relationship of those places to other world features, i.e. natural and man-made features and boundaries. The Voyager tool is versatile and can be used to make fairly simple relief maps. The site provides extensive links to other mapping tools and map websites.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994-2001 UNAVCO Facility. All Rights Reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Leon	Cych			On-line Museum Educator								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pieces of Science: Apollo 10	Keywords: Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: "Pieces of Science" is an online gallery of sixteen educational resources related to a collection of historical science objects. This section deals with the Apollo 10 mission. The history of the mission, gravity, and mission facts are covered. Curriculum ideas for ages 5-14 are given, as well as additional resources and labs. On-line activities include games and interactive docking activities.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tim	Hiley		Mr	Malton Community Primary School								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pieces of Science: Apollo 8 - To the Moon and Back	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: "Pieces of Science" is an online gallery of sixteen educational resources related to a collection of historical science objects. This section deals with the Apollo 8 mission to the Moon. Facts about the crew and mission accomplishments, as well as the new spacesuit designed for the mission are covered. There is an activity guide for teachers, an image gallery, and on-line activities for students. Also provided are links to more resources and a small collection of multimedia clips from the Apollo 8 mission.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Carla	Schutte			Morton Elementary School		Brooksville	FL					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pieces of Science: Grumman Lunar Module - Destination Moon (title provided by or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: "Pieces of Science" is an online gallery of sixteen educational resources related to a collection of historical science objects. This section deals with the Grumman Lunar Module and its development. Background information, activities, and lesson ideas are intended to help students and teachers explore the Lunar Module, Apollo Missions, and the Moon. On-line quizzes, trivia games, and links to more resources are also available.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Terry	Hongell								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pieces of Science: The Lightning Rod	Keywords: Atmospheric science,History and philosophy of science	Description: "Pieces of Science" is an online gallery of sixteen educational resources related to a collection of historical science objects. These pages discuss the history of Ben Franklin and the lightning rod. There are references for additional information and links to lesson plans and student activities, both on and off-line.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team	807 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Exploring Earth Hazards (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) Learning Web site is host to many websites dealing with natural hazards. The main topics are earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and landslides. Each section gives a brief description of the hazard, followed by a list of links to both USGS and outside sites. All of the sites in each category have been determined to be useful for educational purposes by the USGS.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team	807 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Land and People (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Human geography	Description: This environmental study project engages high school students in studying ecosystem resource issues. Students consider real environmental dilemmas concerning geologic and hydrologic hazards and provide solutions to those dilemmas. The project focuses on the interaction between people and the environment in three regions of the United States: Cape Cod, Los Angeles, and the Everglades. Teacher resources include a series of discussions, activities, calculations, and labs. The student packet provides maps, data, background, a reading about the region, and focus questions.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team	807 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Global Change (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology,Physical geography	Description: The Global Change section of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Learning Web concentrates on global cycles and changes over time on Earth. It contains activities about caves, fossils, time, the environment, cycles, change, and the Earth as home. Examples include mud fossils, successive diluting of a solution to understand parts per million, and using radioactive decay to determine geologic age. A teacher’s guide provides explanations for the activities, ideas for concept development, extension exercises, and background information. A list of resources is given for further research.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team	807 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Map Adventures (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) Learning Web site covers usage and understanding of maps. Basic concepts for visualizing objects from different perspectives, as well as scales, symbols, directions, grids, and view points are covered. There are 7 lessons at this site with objectives, teaching suggestions, activity sheets, and extension ideas.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team	807 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Exploring Maps	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) Learning Web site concentrates on maps. This section provides lessons organized around 4 main topics: location, navigation, information, and exploration. This includes using maps, plotting data, using latitude and longitude, and mapping techniques. There are small glossaries for each topic, teacher instructions and notes, extension activities, and a bibliography for further reference.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team	807 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Exploring Caves	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: Exploring Caves is an interdisciplinary set of materials on caves for grades K-3, covering geology, cartography, and hydrology. The core of this curriculum is an original five-chapter read-aloud story that describes the adventure of two children who get lost in a cave and are led to safety by a talking bat. Each chapter has a coloring handout illustrating the action in the chapter, and a set of lesson plans designed to reinforce or expand upon the scientific and environmental elements in the chapter. Also included are activities, a teacher's guide, and a multimedia resource list.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team	807 National Center	Reston	VA	20192				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geologic Animations and Paper Models	Keywords: Geology,Paleontology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) site offers a collection of animations and paper models to be constructed for educational purposes. Topics include: karst topography, sand dunes, Antarctica, oceans, fossils, globes, landslides, earthquakes, and volcanoes.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency	Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW	Washington	DC	20460		202-260-2090		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EPA State and Regional Atlas	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This state and regional atlas contains links to pages of geographic and environmental maps and information organized by USA state and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) region. For each state there are links to base maps, environmental quality maps, state agency programs, and state facts. Regional information provides water, pollution, and land use maps, as well as links to environmental conditions and environmental information resources.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Natural History Museum	Cromwell Road	London		SW7 5BD		44-020-7942-5011		United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Dino Directory	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: The Dino Directory, hosted by the Natural History Museum in England, gives a comprehensive look at dinosaur facts. An introduction defines which ancient reptiles were or were not dinosaurs. For more detail, users can search for dinosaurs by name, country in which they lived, time period, or body type. Each dinosaur entry contains an illustration (some with additional images), information about its name, taxonomy, diet, size, and any additional notes about the species.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994-2002 The Natural History Museum
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	115 West 30th Street, suite 200	New York	NY	10001		212-689-9923	212-447-5179	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: BrainPOP Science: How the World Works	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemistry,Environmental science,Geology,Natural hazards,Physics,Space science	Description: BrainPOP contains educational, animated movies about numerous science topics. Themes related to Earth studies include the atmosphere, pollution, crystals, Earth structure, storms, planets, rocks, biomes, water, mountains, and dinosaurs. There are also movies involving chemistry and physics. The movies include experiments, online quizzes to complete after viewing, timelines of events or discoveries, and activities. Three movies per day can be viewed for free from one location. A subscription is available for schools wanting unlimited access to the site. Information about using these movies in the classroom is available for teachers.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: All contents copyright ©2000-2001 BrainPOP LLC. All rights reserved. This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Myers								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: El Nino and La Nina: What's the Difference?	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This website highlights the weather phenomena of El Nino and La Nina, describing the differences between them. It includes weather reports, movie clips, descriptions of each event, when they have occurred, and why they occur. Imagery is used to explain the causes of these events and the effects they have on humans around the globe.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Karen	Walkowiak			Holy Redeemer Catholic School		Kanata	Ontario					Canada
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Wonders of Space	Keywords: Space science	Description: Wonders of Space was developed by a sixth grade teacher and her students to assist teachers in integrating the Internet into their classroom curriculum. Students explore space with an emphasis on astronauts, stars, and the planets of our solar system. On-line quizzes are provided as well as a planetary slide show. A project based on planet research is outlined in detail, and guidelines for a unit on space is presented. Many links are provided to ask-an-expert sites, classroom space centers, lesson plans, and activities.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved. © Holy Redeemer High School
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Owens			Marie Durand School			Vineland	NJ					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Delaware Estuary	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: Created by a fourth grade teacher, this site provides information and materials based on a study of the Delaware Estuary completed by his class each year. The importance of estuaries is discussed, specifically what they are, their functions, how humans affect them, and ethics surrounding them. The history of the Delaware region is also discussed, and a look at the oysters found in the area is given. There are online activities and games, and links for additional resources.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Franklin's Forecast	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: Weather related information that includes weather satellites (their history, science, and imaging), Radar (history, detection, and types), and lightning (how it happens and detection) can be found on this site. An interactive section allows users to practice forecasting. There are links to up-to-date weather information and a make your own weather station project. The El Nino section discusses major topics surrounding this weather phenomenon. For teachers, there are links to more activities and a curriculum connection section.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Franklin Institute Online: Kids Did This in Science Hotlist	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Geology,Physics,Space science	Description: This hotlist provides links to sites created by students for the sciences. The subjects covered include life science, earth science, space, weather, and physical science. The Franklin Institute has screened these resources for their educational appropriateness. Those sites included in the list stimulate creative thinking and learning about science.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Census Bureau		Washington	DC	20233		301-763-4636		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: US Census Bureau: Kids' Corner	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This section of the United States Census Bureau contains facts and information for younger children. There is information explaining the importance of the census, its history, how it is conducted, and how it is used. The facts section contains data about each state from the 1990 and 2000 census, including state flags, populations, ages, languages, education, and housing. The quiz section assesses students on their use of US census material on topics such as people and their homes, education, language, and ancestry, housing, employment, population, and income.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U. S. Army Corps of Engineers			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, DVL Manager								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Digital Visual Library	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Natural hazards	Description: This website provides images to visually communicate programs, projects, and events of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The library consists of photographs, illustrations, artwork, clipart, logos, maps, and posters of a majority of the Corps of Engineers civil and military projects from around the world. Users may search by Division/Center, District/Laboratory, Project/Title, Location/State, Graphic Type, or Subject. The library, which is divided into Photo, Historic, and Graphic sections, has over 5,900 images with more being added.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The images on this web site have been cleared for public release and are provided for free.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carol	Mankiewicz			Beliot College, Geology Department	700 College Street	Beloit	WI	53511				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: K-12 Earth Science	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology	Description: The Society for Sedimentary Geologists (SEPM) encourages all geologists to become involved in earth science education by sharing their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm with students and teachers. In this SEPM resource, the goal is to help K-12 educators improve earth science education by identifying activities that directly impact and enhance classroom instruction; to foster geoscientist involvement in K-12 education; and to offer information for students interested in careers in sedimentary geology. There are classroom activities about rocks and minerals, water, fossils, maps, and geologic time. Each activity gives background information, materials, time required, grade level, procedure, and additional activities for follow up. There is also information on careers in sedimentary geology, as well as ideas for geoscientists on how to become involved. Links to more web materials are provided for additional resources.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright or Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthforce	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Earthforces are defined as any push or pull that causes a change in motion, like eruptions, quakes, or floods. There are three categories of earthforces covered on this Franklin Institute Science Museum website: forces beneath the Earth's surface in the mantle and core, forces on the crust of the Earth involving plate tectonics, and water forces. Links are also provided for more information about volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and teacher resources.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Treasures @ Sea	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: Oceans are explored through literature in this interdisciplinary unit. On-line quizzes are provided, as well as a unit plan with lesson ideas and links for additional activities, reading, and information resources. Topics covered include ocean life, waves, and the water cycle.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th Street	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Rocks and Minerals	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Information and links for teaching rocks and minerals as a unit are provided on this website. The properties of minerals are discussed as well as a comparison of minerals and rocks. Links provide resources to discover more mineral information, deposit and gemstone explanations, and teaching resources.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Long Term Ecological Research Network Office	University of New Mexico, Department of Biology	Albuquerque	NM	87131	505-272-7316	505-272-7080	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network	Keywords: Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science,Forestry,Hydrology	Description: This site provides an in-depth overview of completed and on-going ecological research projects, including professional papers and research data. The studies include topics such as hydrology, metabolic rate of ecosystems, global change research, and climate data. Currently there are 24 LTER sites located in various ecosystems across the globe, from Antarctica to Alaska. This project is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and involves research sites in 21 countries. Within the LTER site links can be found to learn more about international ecological research programs and ecological programs for schoolchildren. A primary goal of these projects is to further the study of environmental systems across a variety of temporal and spatial scales. Documenting long term ecosystem studies aids in the recognition and control of ecological problems. Project areas include: primary ecosystem production, variations in trophic structures, accumulation and decomposition of organic matter, soil nutrient movement, groundwater and surface water movement, as well as documentation of overall ecological disturbances. This site also includes links for international projects and ecological study projects for use in educational systems.
Publication 2-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 Long Term Ecological Research Network
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Death Star	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: Death Star, a program from the PBS NOVA series, probes the deep mysteries of gamma-ray bursts, the most powerful celestial explosions since the Big Bang. A description of what would happen to Earth if a gamma-ray burst occurred in our own galaxy, a celestial glossary, and a virtual tour of the electromagnetic spectrum are included. Additional websites and published works about space topics are given, and the accompanying video is available to order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation or Public Broadcasting Service or the owners of such trademarks, servicemarks, or trade names.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Doomsday Asteroid	Keywords: Space science	Description: This website is part of NOVA online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site corresponds to the TV program "The Doomsday Asteroid", and covers the possibility of an Earth impact with another body. There is a section on comets Hale-Bopp and Hyakutake with images and information, a guide to what a comet is, a section on Venus with images, and resources with a teacher's guide and a classroom activity. The accompanying video is available to order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. CONDITIONS OF USE PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer enviro
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Curse of T. rex	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This website is part of NOVA Online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This program follows the trail of legal and illegal fossil-dealing as the FBI tries to protect the best Tyrannosaurus rex specimen ever found from winding up on the shelves of a souvenir shop. The site covers other life forms that existed during the time of the dinosaurs, where to dig for fossils, and additional resources for further information. A teacher's guide includes program contents, and activities for the classroom. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation or 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Flood	Keywords: Hydrology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) NOVA program, through interviews with civil engineers, flood survivors, and floodplain management officials, examines the Great Flood of 1993, probes the issues generated by the flooding, and explores what might be done to decrease future flood losses. Major rivers discussed are the Mississippi, Nile, and Yellow Rivers. There is an audio file to 'hear' floods, a section on the positive aspects of flooding, and a teacher’s guide with viewing ideas and printable activities for the classroom. The accompanying video is available to order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation or Public Broadcasting Service or the owners of such trademarks, servicemarks, or trade names.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Hawaii: Born of Fire	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards	Description: This PBS NOVA program contains interviews with geologists and a biologist, where they explain the Hawaiian life forms that live with volcanism, the ins and outs of studying volcanoes, details about lava (where it comes from and what it shows), and predicting volcanoes. The Hot Rocks section contains an on-line activity exploring rock types. A teacher’s guide offers viewing ideas and classroom activities to go with the program. The accompanying video is available to order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation or Public Broadcasting Service or the owners of such trademarks, servicemarks, or trade names.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude	Keywords: Physical geography,Technology	Description: Corresponding to the PBS NOVA television program, this site covers the story of how humans developed a method for finding our way around the globe. It discusses today’s greatest scientific challenges, explores GPS and how it works, and describes how ancient navigators found their way without latitude and longitude. There is an online activity where students find latitude and longitude using time and locations, as well as an activity exploring GPS. A teacher’s guide offers ideas for viewing and activities for the classroom, as well as additional resources. The accompanying video is available to order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation or Public Broadcasting Service or the owners of such trademarks, servicemarks, or trade names.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: To the Moon	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: To the Moon, a companion website to PBS’ NOVA television program, chronicles the untold science and engineering story of how we got to the moon. There are images with captions from the Apollo missions, games and activities, journal excerpts from the last man on the Moon (Eugene Cerran), and a discussion of where humans may have come from. The Space Pioneers section offers audio and text about space from those who have experienced it, such as Jim Lovell and Buzz Aldrin. Additional resources are suggested for more information. The accompanying video is available to order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation or Public Broadcasting Service or the owners of such trademarks, servicemarks, or trade names.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Perfect Pearl	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This website is part of NOVA Online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site is the companion to the television program, which discusses both historical and current information relating to pearls. Topics covered include diseases killing oysters in Japan, the pearl market, and the history of how the pearl became a precious gem. There is also a teacher's guide with viewing ideas and activities, and additional resources for further information. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Stationed in the Stars	Keywords: Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: This website is part of NOVA Online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site accompanies the television program, and discusses the International Space Station (ISS): what it is, how the idea was formed, and what it will do. An interactive screen demonstrates the parts of the ISS with their function and where the part was made. There are videos and biographies of astronauts who will be serving on the ISS, activities about gravity and orbits, and links to additional resources. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Terror in Space	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This website is part of NOVA Online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site accompanies the television program and discusses the Russian space station, Mir. There is a tour of Mir with parts, functions, and videos of the interior, a description of a typical day on Mir, as well as mishaps that have occurred on board Mir and elsewhere. The International Space Station (ISS) is also discussed. A teacher's guide offers viewing ideas and class activities, as well as links to additional resources. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Time Travel	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This website is part of NOVA Online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site accompanies the television program and discusses the possibilities of time travel. There is an interview with Carl Sagan, an activity highlighting the speed of light and time, a glossary of 'timespeak', and a section explaining how time travel is theoretically possible. A teacher's guide includes activities and viewing ideas for the classroom, as well as links to additional resources. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02314		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Avalanche!	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This website is part of NOVA Online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site accompanies the television production, and discusses the making of the video. Topics include how to film avalanches, threats of avalanches, parts of a slide, how avalanches begin, safety on the mountains, and dangers of avalanches. There is a teacher's guide with ideas and activities, and a collection of links to additional resources. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Deadly Shadow of Vesuvius	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This website is part of NOVA Online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site accompanies the television program, and highlights the story of Pompeii and the risk Vesuvius presents today. Topics include emergency plans that help save lives when volcanoes erupt, predicting eruptions, the volcano SWAT team, and an activity about measuring the size of volcanoes. A teacher's guide contains activities, teaching ideas, and a viewing guide for classroom use. Links to additional resources are given for further information. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02314		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Into the Abyss	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This website is part of NOVA online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site accompanies the television program and highlights exploration of the ocean floor. Topics include the Remotely Operated Platform for Ocean Science (ROPOS), deep sea machines, adaptation of life in the abyss, as well as the ROPOS team, and expeditions of the past, present, and future. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02314		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Warnings from the Ice	Keywords: Cryology,Geologic time	Description: This website is part of NOVA online, which is produced for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by the Science Unit at WGBH in Boston. This site accompanies the television program, and highlights the subject of global warming and ice cap melting. Topics covered include ice core information, statistics on Antarctica, and possible effects of mass glacial melting. Also included is a teacher's guide, and a collection of links to additional resources. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. The use of any such material on any other Web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Public Broadcasting Service	1320 Braddock Place	Alexandria	VA	22314				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mysteries of Deep Space	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This site accompanies a three-part PBS television series. Topics covered include the formation and development of the universe, and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). HST information centers around how the telescope works and transmits data. There is an interactive timeline beginning with the Big Bang and continuing to the appearance of humans on Earth. Online quizzes and classroom activities highlight topics such as life beyond Earth, black holes, star distances, and red-shift. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Web site © 1995-2002 PBS Online. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WNET	450 W. 33rd St. 6th floor	New York	NY	10001		212-560-3000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Stephen Hawking's Universe	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Physics,Space science	Description: This website accompanies the Public Broadcasting Service's (PBS) series of television programs, based on the work of physicist Stephen Hawking, which address ideas and questions about the universe. Topics discussed include explanations of quarks, quasars, neutrinos, wormholes, ancient to current ideas about the universe, unsolved mysteries, and information about past astronomers such as: Kepler, Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Galileo. A teacher's guide and a list of links to related sites are also included. The accompanying video is available through mail order.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©1995-2002 PBS online. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Jessey	R.		California State Polytechnic University - Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences		Pomona	CA					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences			Pomona	CA			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mojave Field Trips or Mining Districts	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This web site hosts field trips to 10 localities in the Mojave area of southeastern California and southwestern Nevada. Most of the localities are mining districts or mines. They include: Calico Mining District, Waterman Mine, Mohawk Mine and Copper World Mine, Mountain Pass Mine, Colosseum Mine, the Goodsprings District with Red Cloud Mine and Keystone Mine, Snow White Mine, Beck Iron Mine, War Eagle Mine, and several stops in the Mammoth/Owens Valley area. The commodities include gold, silver, copper, zinc, iron, lead, barite, and talc. Sketches give the geology and mining history of the areas and may include cross sections and simple geologic maps.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Info Use	2560 Ninth Street, Suite 216	Berkeley	CA	94710	510-549-6520	510-549-6512	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Plane Math	Keywords: Mathematics	Description: The stated mission of this project is "To stimulate and motivate students with physical disabilities in grades 4-7 to pursue aeronautics-related careers via the development and delivery of accessible math education materials on the Internet." The genesis of this project is based around two issues. The first issue came from an awareness that, around the 4th grade, current mathematics curricula are highly reliant on students' ability to use manipulables, such as paper and pencil, calculators, or three-dimensional geometric models. Children with disabilities that affect their ability to manipulate objects (cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, specific hand/arm conditions, etc.), and who therefore find it difficult or impossible to use such manipulables, are clearly at an academic disadvantage. The second issue arose from the realization that physically disabled children may not consider or be prepared for career possibilities in aeronautics or the importance of mathematics in pursuing these careers. The Internet, with its multimedia and communication capabilities, holds great potential for allowing these issues to be addressed. This site offers many activities for students, most of which involve planes or flying, as the resource was developed in cooperation with NASA. These activities would be suitable for any students, not just those with disabilities. Information for teachers includes how the student activities align with current national math standards.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations		Viale delle Terme di Caracalla	Roma		00100	39 06 5705-2565	39 06 5705-3369	Italy
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Terrestrial Observing System	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Physical geography	Description: The Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) is used to facilitate communication regarding world ecological research networks. There are also tools on this website to describe the three regional observation programs in Southern Africa and Central and Eastern Europe. The shared information includes data on Net Primary Production (NPP), Terrestrial Carbon Observation (TCO), Terrestrial Panel on Climate (TOPC), and Global Observation of Landcover Dynamics. Users can also access Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring Sites (TEMS), which concentrate on remote sensing data collection from over 500 individual sites located in primarily mountain or coastal regions. The TEMS program began in the early 1990's and is the international equivalent of Long Term Ecological Research sites found primarily in North America. TEMS are used to link ground and remotely sensed observations as well as to provide temporal assessment of ecological conditions. Other general data collected includes land quality, water resources, climate change, biodiversity, pollution and toxicity, global/ regional/ national environments, and international conventions.
Publication 2-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 GTOS - Global Terrestrial Observing System
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory	4800 Oak Drive	Pasadena	CA	91104			818-354-4537	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NASA's Planetary Photojournal	Keywords: Space science	Description: This site, hosted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), contains NASA's best solar system images. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and other objects all have entries sorted by the spacecraft that took the photo. The site is searchable by date, feature name, ID number, or spacecraft. Each image contains a small description and credits.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: JPL images are available for use by the public free of charge. However, by electing to download images from this web site the user agrees that Caltech makes no warranties or representations with respect to its ownership of copyrights for the images, does not represent others who may claim to be owners of rights in the images, and makes no warranties as to the quality of the images. Commercial users (excluding journalistic uses) are required to copy the JPL Image Release document and return a signed copy to the Caltech's Intellectual Property Counsel, California Institute of Technology M/C 201-85, Pasadena, California 91125, who will countersign document and return a copy to you. Copies may be faxed to (626) 577-2528. This document will become effective when it is countersigned by Caltech.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Enchanted		PO Box 1807	Bellevue	WA	98009		206-232-4880		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Enchanted Learning	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology,Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography,Space science	Description: Enchanted Learning hosts activities, information, labs, and data relating to all areas of science in the classroom. These include astronomy (Moon, Sun, comets, planets, solar system), biomes (desert, arctic, tundra, taiga, forests, oceans, grasslands), dinosaurs (anatomy, extinction, fossils, behavior), geologic time (eons, eras, periods, epochs), Earth (size, orbit), oceans (water cycle, ocean zones, life), volcanoes (types, parts), and geography (maps, explorers). Each topic has general information, printouts, images, activities, and links to additional resources. Some topics also include quizzes, games, coloring pages, and dictionaries. The site is also searchable by keyword.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©2001-2002 We encourage using this site for non-commercial uses.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Enchanted		PO Box 1807	Bellevue	WA	98009		206-232-4880		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Zoom Dinosaurs	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: Zoom Dinosaurs is a comprehensive on-line hypertext book about dinosaurs. It is designed for students of all ages and levels of comprehension. An easy-to-use structure allows readers to start at a basic level on each topic, then progress to more advanced information as desired simply by clicking on links. The site contains handouts, dinosaur myths, etymologies, evolution, coloring pages, non-dinosaur creatures, activities, and links for more information. Each dinosaur page contains information on size, anatomy, body features, behavior, life span, diet, intelligence, classification, discovery of its fossils, and a diagram.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©1996-2002 We encourage using these pages for non-commercial educational use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Federal Emergency Management Agency	PO Box 2012	Jessup	MD	20794-2012		800-480-2520		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: FEMA for Kids	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This site, hosted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is dedicated to helping children understand natural disasters. It covers floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, wildfires, winter storms, and thunderstorms. Information is presented through stories, quizzes, photos, vocabulary, coloring pages, games, puzzles, and homework help. There is also a teacher’s section with curriculum tips and resources. Links for additional information are provided.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Raymond	Rye	T.		National Museum of Natural History	Smithsonian Institution, MRC-121	Washington	DC	20560			USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History: Department of Paleobiology	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This Smithsonian website highlights the museum exhibits and findings regarding paleobiology. It contains information about the Burgess Shale and its fossils, a virtual tour of the dinosaur exhibits with an index of dinosaurs and a geologic time scale, theories about the extinction of dinosaurs, foraminifera fossils, a shark teeth key, and a brachiopod catalog. There are also links for further information.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1995-2002 by Smithsonian Institution. All images contained in these pages are copyrighted by the Smithsonian Institution, and for use other than personal, permission must be obtained in advance and in writing, by contacting Raymond T. Rye, Information Officer for the Department of Paleobiology, at the National Museum of Natural History, MRC-121, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Map Scales	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This website is a fact sheet of the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Mapping Applications Center. It explains, with examples, why map scales are necessary, what they do, and how they work. It also discusses common scales that the USGS uses on their topographic maps.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Exploring Estuaries	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: Exploring Estuaries introduces students of various ages to the ecology of estuaries, places where freshwater rivers and streams flow into the ocean, mixing with the seawater. It is part of a broader effort by the National Estuary Program to educate the general public about estuaries and to restore and protect these sensitive ecosystems. It offers interactive games and activities as well as virtual tours of Long Island Sound and the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine Complex near New Orleans. A glossary page defines technical terms used throughout the site. Resources also are provided for teachers and students interested in learning more about related organizations, publications, and websites.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Discovery Communications, Inc.		7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Disasters You Can Play at Home	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Natural hazards,Space science	Description: This Discovery Channel site offers 3 educational online games, each with a different earth science theme. In 'Crumble California' an interactive timeline demonstrates what the San Andreas fault has done, and will do, to the West Coast. In 'Unleash a Superstorm', the player controls water temperature, winds, and pressure to study the formation of large storms. In 'Destroy Life on Earth', players launch fireballs at Earth while finding out what the impact would be.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 Discovery Communications Inc. The contents of the Internet service are intended for the personal, noncommercial use of its Users. All materials published on (including, but not limited to, feature articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips, also known as the "Content") are protected by copyright and owned or controlled by, Discovery Communications Inc., or the party credited as the provider of the content, software or other materials. User shall abide by all additional copyright notices, information or restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Louie		Dr	University of Nevada, Reno, MacKay School of Mines	1664 N. Virginia Street	Reno	NV	89557		775-784-4219	775-784-1833	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: What is Richter Magnitude?	Keywords: Geophysics,Mathematics	Description: This website contains class notes from part of a Geology 101 (physical geology) course. It describes the Richter scale, and how it measures the magnitude of an earthquake by expressing the seismic energy released. The site discusses the properties of seismic waves, mathematical equations used to help determine magnitude, and how seismographs work.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Louie		Dr	University of Nevada, Reno, MacKay School of Mines	1664 N. Virginia Street	Reno	NV	89557		775-784-4219	775-784-1833	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Modified Mercalli Scale of Earthquake Intensity	Keywords: Geology,Structural geology	Description: This website contains class notes from a Geology 101 (physical geology) course. It discusses the Mercalli Scale, which is used to rate the effects of an earthquake. Differences between the Mercalli and Richter scales are discussed, as well as a description of each intensity level, and examples of intensity relative to earthquake epicenter.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Meyers		Dr	Senior Instructional Designer, NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Avenue	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Yellowstone Fires	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Forestry,Policy issues	Description: Yellowstone Fires belongs to a series of online modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental earth science through problem-based learning, the module asks students to assume the role of environmental biologist, and help several government agencies resolve the debate surrounding “let it burn” policies in national parks. The government agencies would like to know whether or not to allow naturally occurring fires in Yellowstone National Park to burn to their natural conclusion. The agencies are particularly interested in student recommendations based on an Earth System Science (ESS) analysis of a fire's impact on the air, land, water, and living things. To accomplish this goal, students are given five links to find information pertaining to wildland fire. The ‘Wildland Fires in Yellowstone’ link provides students with a historical overview of past fires in the Park, provides specific information on the 1988 fires, and details fuel and fire management policies within the Park. The ‘Fire Science’ link provides information on combustion, ignition, and fuel, and introduces the concept of the fire triangle. The ‘Yellowstone National Park’ link provides a description of the Park’s geology and physical geography. The ‘Remote Sensing’ link provides a general description of remote sensing and a remotely-sensed animation of landscape change in the Park dating from September 1987 to October of 1988. Lastly, the ‘Wildland Fires’ link explains the causes and effects of wildland fires. Many of the pages within the site provide hyperlinked background resources to investigate wildland fire issues in more detail. A glossary, references, related links, and a general description of the problem-based learning model compliment the site.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997-2001 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future™. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies™/ NASA Classroom of the Future™ must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Meyers		Dr	Senior Instructional Designer, NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Avenue	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Florida Everglades	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: Florida Everglades belongs to a series of online modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental earth science through problem-based learning, this module asks students to predict the future of the Florida Panther based on their Earth system science analysis of the restoration of water to the Everglades. Five links assist students in their analysis. The Situation link provides students with their assignment. The remaining four links (Remote Sensing, Everglades, Wetlands, and Florida Panther) serve as research tools, providing current and historical data on the Everglades and its land use, waterflow, and habitat. Hyperlinked background resources offer more detail for student investigation. A glossary, teacher resources, related links, and a general description of the problem-based learning model compliment the site.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997-2001 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future™. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies™/ NASA Classroom of the Future™ must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Meyers		Dr	Senior Instructional Designer, NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Avenue	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: El Nino: The Child Returns	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical oceanography	Description: El Nino: The Child Returns belongs to a series of online modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental earth science through problem-based learning, this module asks students to give forecasting advice concerning the environmental conditions and economic impacts that will accompany a developing El Nino. In addition, students are asked how the El Nino’s impact could be softened. Four links provide assistance to students. The Situation link introduces students to the emerging El Nino, and asks them to provide advice to organizations concerned with the phenomenon’s effects. The remaining three links (Remote Sensing, What Is an El Nino, and The Spheres) provide students with the research tools they will need to provide an educated analysis. Hyperlinked background resources offer more detail for student investigation. A glossary, teacher resources, related links, and a general description of the problem-based learning model compliment the site.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997-2000 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future™. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies™/ NASA Classroom of the Future™ must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Meyers		Dr	Senior Instructional Designer, NASA Classroom for the Future	316 Washington Avenue	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth on Fire	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Natural hazards	Description: Earth on Fire belongs to a series of online modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental earth science through problem-based learning, this module asks students to examine global warming through supplying evidence for its existence, identifying its sources, and providing ways to minimize its impact. To accomplish this goal, the site provides five links that lead students to information concerning global warming. These links include information pertaining to the carbon cycle, possible culprits of warming such as greenhouse gasses, solar output, the Earth’s orbit, solutions to global warming, connections between global warming and natural disasters, and remote sensing. Various activities for students include a remote sensing analysis of burning biomass during the 1988 Yellowstone fires. Hyperlinked background resources are available throughout the site and offer more detail for student investigations. A glossary, teacher resources, related links, and a general description of the problem-based learning model compliment the site.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997-2000 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future™. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies™/ NASA Classroom of the Future™ must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Louie		Dr	University of Nevada, Reno, MacKay School of Mines	1664 N. Virginia Street	Reno	NV	89557		775-784-4219	775-784-1833	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth's Interior	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This website contains class notes from a Geology 101 (physical geology) course. It discusses the composition and structure of the Earth's interior. Each layer, the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust, is covered. Details about each layer explain their composition, temperature, depth, and state. Also covered is how scientists discovered what the interior of the Earth is made of through the use of seismic waves, plate tectonics, and the Earth's magnetic field.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Andrew	Gray	R.	Mr								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Great Circle Distance Calculator	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This web-tool calculates the great circle distance between two points on the Earth's surface. Users enter the latitude and longitude of two locations in degrees, minutes, and seconds, and the tool calculates the distance in kilometers and miles between the two points.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-2000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: These pages, from PBS Online, demonstrate how plate tectonics affect the Earth's surface. It includes a brief introduction to the four main boundary types (convergent, divergent, collisional, and transform), a series of pages with information about related people and discoveries, such as pioneer geologists Hess, Wegener, and Holmes, and an interactive activity illustrating plate movement.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 WGBH This site is owned and operated by WGBH. No material from or any website owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights. For purposes of this Agreement, the use of any such material on any other website or networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, servicemarks, and trade names are proprietary to WGBH Educational Foundation.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Getty Center	1200 Getty Center Drive	Los Angeles	CA	90049		310-440-7300		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This thesaurus provides a searchable database of approximately 1 million place names for the world. The database gives latitude and longitude (if available), general location (country, etc.), place-name references, and any available information about the origin of the name. This is a useful tool for finding specific coordinates.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2000 The J. Paul Getty Trust. All rights reserved. The TGN and the other Getty vocabularies are made available via the Web browsers to support limited research and cataloging efforts. Companies and institutions interested in regular or extensive use of the vocabularies should explore licensing options by reading about Licenses and Sample Data or by contacting the Vocabulary Program.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Carlisle		Mr								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Viewer	Keywords: Physical geography,Space science	Description: Earth Viewer was written primarily for elementary school students, and shows the daytime and nighttime portions of the Earth for any day of the year. Two views of the Earth are possible: a globe shows the planet as it would appear from space, and a map shows a flat view of the entire surface. The image can be animated or still, and set to any desired latitude and longitude.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The images used in Earth Viewer were provided by The Living Earth, and are solely for educational use. They may not be downloaded, copied or distributed without permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paul	Carlisle		Mr								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Moon Calendar	Keywords: Space science	Description: This web application, developed mainly for elementary school students, shows the phases of the Moon for each day of a selected month from any given latitude and longitude. The calendar can be set from 3999 BC to 3999 AD. Each day can be looked at individually, or can be animated to go through the phases. Other information includes the distance to the Moon, time of Moonrise and Moonset, and the distance to the Sun with sunrise and sunset times.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Wendy	Husted			North Carolina State University		Raleigh	NC					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Katrina	Staley			North Carolina State University		Raleigh	NC					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Lee	Carroll			North Carolina State University		Raleigh	NC					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Meridian								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Meridian: A Middle School Technologies Journal	Keywords: Educational theory and practice,Technology	Description: Meridian is an electronic journal dedicated to research and practice of computer technology in middle school classrooms. It is published twice yearly by an interdisciplinary team of North Carolina State University graduate students representing a broad range of fields, from education to forestry. The site features findings, practitioner articles, commentary, and book excerpts by educational researchers, technology designers, middle school teachers, and authors who wish to share and expand teaching and learning experiences with computer technologies in middle school classrooms and beyond.
Publication 1-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All rights reserved by the authors.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Bryant	L	Dr	School of Biological Sciences, Department of Developmental and Cell Biology	University of California, Irvine	Irvine	CA	92697	949-824-4714	949-824-3571	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Biodiversity and Conservation: A Hypertext Book	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geologic time,Policy issues	Description: Used as a textbook for an upper-division course in biological conservation, this hypertext book addresses the problem of preserving biological diversity. The history of life on earth is discussed, as well as the reasons for depletion and extinction of animals and plants, why we should be concerned about these losses, and approaches to preserving what is left. Sixteen chapters cover the History of Life, the Age of Mammals, Extinction and Depletion from Over-Exploitation, Whaling and Fishing, Overexploitation Threatening Living Species, Global Patterns of Biodiversity, Values of Biodiversity, Endangered Species Protection, Exotic Introductions, Forests and Deforestation, Endangered Aquatic Habitats, Islands, Protected Areas, Habitat Pollution, Captive Breeding and Reintroduction, and Human Population Growth. Where appropriate in the text, links to more detailed information on external sites are provided. Several links also lead to notable regional conservation organizations.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©2001 Peter J. Bryant
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research	Campus Box 450 - University of Colorado	Boulder	CO	80309-0450		303-492-6387	303-492-6388	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)	Keywords: Climatology,Cryology,Ecology,Geology,Geophysics,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: Based within the Graduate School of the University of Colorado, INSTAAR is primarily devoted to the coverage of its interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach initiatives emphasizing high-altitude and high-latitude regions of the world. The principle resources of interest to educators are found in the indices of the Institute’s publications, the abstracts from their academic journal, and in the growing list of INSTAAR-generated bylaws, reports, Occasional Papers, and other publications made available for downloading. INSTAAR’s research foci include: non-cold-region Quaternary studies and geochronology, earth-system dynamics, landscape and seascape evolution, and climate dynamics; the biological components of alpine and polar systems, global carbon and nitrogen cycling; the dynamics of biodiversity, and ecosystem disturbance and recovery; applied quantitative field and numerical methods in hydrology, glaciology, frozen ground studies, paleoclimatology, physical oceanography, and marine geology; and the reconstruction of the dynamics of paleoenvironments and past climate variability.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 INSTAAR, Univ. of Colorado, All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Donald	James		Mr	National Aeronautics and Space Administration		Washington	DC	20546-0001				
This is a(n) person.
Title: NASA Quest	Keywords: Geophysics,Space science	Description: NASA Quest's primary goal is to connect the public to the people and science of NASA through live-encounter Events: stand alone or serial combinations of webcasts, chats, forums, and classroom collaborations. To accompany these live events, NASA Quest provides searchable profiles of the experts, journals of their day-to-day activities, and background information on the projects in which they are involved. Additionally, some of the Events include a variety of lesson plans by which students can learn to better research a given area of expertise. Of particular note on the site is a search area for lesson plans and student activities, images, video clips, facts, and background information. Also searchable are 3,000 archived questions in the Q and A files. Official NASA press releases in Aerospace technology and design, Astrobiology, Deep Space Science, Human Space Exploration, and the Solar System are listed in the news section. An Educators and Parents area provides standards lists, a discussion forum for teachers, and a search engine specific to lesson plans.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Education Division - Office of Human Resources and Education		NASA Headquarters	Washington	DC	20546-0001		202 358 1110		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Education Division	National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters	Washington	DC	20546-0001				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NASA Spacelink – Earth Science (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Geology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Spacelink site is centered around a library of online NASA resources annotated and indexed by academic discipline. The Earth Science directory includes links to NASA projects and resources relating to atmospheric and environmental science, physical geography, geology, physical oceanography, and remote sensing. Also provided in this directory is a series of guides, products, and resources specific to Earth science educators. Off the main Spacelink page, users can access the Educator Focus pages to review subjects of particular interest to teachers or acquire electronic versions of new NASA educational products as they are released yearly.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): P.	Pissierssens		Mr	United Nation Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission								
This is a(n) person.
Title: The 1998 International Year of the Ocean Classroom (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Environmental science,Physical oceanography	Description: Organized in response to the United Nation’s declaration of 1998 as the International Year of the Ocean, this clearinghouse hosts links under four main rubrics: the Marine Ecosystem, with sites on biodiversity, coral reefs, mangrove forests, and marine life; An Endangered World, with sites on climate change, tsunamis, hurricanes, El Nino, and endangered species; Protecting Marine Life, with links relating to recycling initiatives and marine parks and reserves; and Explore a New World, with interactive sites on observation of oceans, coastal area imagery and data, the ocean floor, small islands, and legends of the sea. Accompanying the link lists are articles offering advice on bringing the internet into the classroom, a frequently asked questions (FAQs) section, and an Ask an Expert page.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Mountain Travel Sobek U.S.	6420 Fairmount Avenue	El Cerrito	CA	94530-3606	888-687-6235		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WorldTravel BTI - Corporate Headquarters		1055 Lenox Park Boulevard, Suite 420	Atlanta	GA	30319		800-342-3234		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				TerraQuest								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Virtual Antarctica	Keywords: Cryology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: For two weeks in December of 1995, the expedition ship Livonia sailed from Argentina across Drake’s Passage to Antarctica, the crew connected to online witnesses via satellite communications. Virtual Antarctica allows one to revisit their voyage while learning more of the Antarctic continent’s wildlife and ecology, conservation issues, history of exploration, and glaciology and geology. The Expeditions pages include maps, an itinerary of their trip, information on their vessel and equipment, and a discussion of travel concerns in Antarctica, while the Ship’s Log includes biographical sketches of the crew’s scientists, journal entries and photographs from the field, and daily dispatches.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: ©1995-1999 TerraQuest. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Antoine	Morin		Mr	Université d'Ottawa - Département de biologie	30 Marie Curie	Ottawa		K1N 6N5		613-562-5800 x4549		Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: BIODIDAC: A Bank of Digital Resources for Teaching Biology	Keywords: Biology	Description: BIODIDAC is a searchable database of free digital imagery and documents for use by educators in the biological sciences. Collectively, there are approximately 5593 items available in organismal biology (including sections for eubacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, and animalia), 367 records for human biology, and 535 items for histology. An annotated list is provided of additional sites hosting related imagery and didactic material, and a What’s New section logs incoming contributions to the database. Resources are available in either English or French.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The copying of material, either with modifications or adaptations, and its subsequent distribution, is permitted with three conditions: that it is not used for commercial purposes, that the source of the material is clearly indicated, and that its use is recorded in such a way that we can provide documentation to the sponsors of the project.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Office of Ocean Exploration, Attn: Ocean Explorer Web Site	1315 East-West Highway (SSMC3, 11th Floor)	Silver Spring	MD	20910-3282				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ocean Explorer	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: With the intent to publicize information on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) major ocean exploration efforts, the Ocean Explorer Website provides a platform to follow such explorations in near real-time, learn about ocean exploration technologies, observe remote marine areas through multimedia technology, and review NOAA's 200-year history of ocean exploration. Additional NOAA resources in the Library include related links, historical books and documents, expedition reports, and journal articles significant to NOAA's historical and current ocean exploration activities. The Calendar and Projects sections provide, respectively, a descriptive schedule of upcoming explorations and information on related activities and events.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House		Portland Place	London		W1A 1AA				England
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Blue Planet Challenge: A Natural History of the Oceans	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: Blue Planet encourages students to explore the world's oceanic environments through a series of interactive games and activities arranged according to seven themes: Blue Planet (marine ecosystems in general), Alien World (deep sea regions), Ends of the Earth (polar regions), Webs of Life (oceanic ecological communities), Four Seasons (seasonal fluctuations in ecological processes), and On the Edge (coastal marine ecosystems). Also provided are facts and figures on the major world oceans and oceanic zones; indexed descriptions of various marine life and phenomena such as bioluminescence and chemosynthesis; species fact files indexed by taxonomic group; and suggested reading lists and related websites. Teachers can access a reference page outlining the objectives for each of the site's games and activities.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All rights, including copyright and database right, in the BBC's website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to the BBC, or otherwise used by the BBC as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the BBC's webpages, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Geographic Society								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Geographic Society		P.O. Box 98199	Washington	DC	20090-8199		800-647-5463		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paula	Willard		Ms	National Geographic Society	1145 17th Street N.W.	Washington	DC	20036-4688		800-647-5463		
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Geographic: Wild World	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Physical geography	Description: A collaboration between the National Geographic Society (NGS), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Wild World features a pair of interactive and searchable maps of global ecoregions as characterized by climate, ecological features, and plant and animal communities. The first map provides a look at some of the world's richest, rarest, and most endangered terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecoregions, while the second map provides profiles (local history, special features, notable fauna, and conservation status and threats) and images for all 867 land-based ecoregions on the planet. Also included are optional full reports for each ecoregion (including references), a short glossary of biogeographic terms, and an Educator's Guide providing lesson plans and activities on such subjects as map fundamentals and biodiversity. A ‘Sights and Sounds’ feature highlights video, audio, images, interviews, maps, and conservation tips for different ecoregions around the world. Lastly, a general reference section includes descriptions of related resources available from WWF, a listing of environmental education programs, recommended books for students, and in-house links to related National Geographic sites.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Mountain Travel Sobek U.S.		6420 Fairmount Avenue	El Cerrito	CA	94530-3606		888-687-6235		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WorldTravel BTI, Corporate Headquarters		1055 Lenox Park Boulevard, Suite 420	Atlanta	GA	30319		800-342-3234		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				TerraQuest								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Virtual Galapagos	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology	Description: Recount the experiences of this shipload of scientists on their sail through the living “laboratory of evolution”, the Galapagos Islands. With dispatches from the field, a gallery of digital images and virtual reality panoramas, interactive maps, and team biographies, Virtual Galápagos also includes reference sections on wildlife, geology, historical exploration, and conservation issues in the archipelago. The Education Workbook pages include a glossary and additional resource materials for those who would like to learn more about the Islands.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©1995-1999 TerraQuest. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gene	Feldman	Carl	Mr	Goddard Space Flight Center, SeaWiFS Project						301-286-9428		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Goddard Space Flight Center	Code 130, Public Affairs Office	Greenbelt	MD	20771		301-286-8955		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SeaWiFS Project: Teacher’s Resources (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Physical oceanography,Technology	Description: The purpose of the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) is to provide quantitative data on global ocean bio-optical properties to the Earth science community. Subtle changes in ocean color signify various types and quantities of marine phytoplankton (microscopic marine plants), the knowledge of which has both scientific and practical applications. In addition to selected links to related external sites, the Project’s Teacher Resources page includes internal links to information on SeaWiFS imagery, related activities in the Living Ocean Teacher’s Guide, tutorials on remote sensing, images and notes on a teacher workshop for incorporating SeaWiFS into teaching curricula, a tutorial on classic Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) scenes, and the Colors of Life, a set of stories and animations about SeaWiFS and the Carbon Cycle.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Bailey	G.	Mr	United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service	2150 Centre Avenue, Suite 300	Fort Collins	CO	80526		970-295-5727		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Descriptions of the Ecoregions of the United States	Keywords: Ecology,Physical geography	Description: This United States Forest Service (USFS) site provides maps and descriptions of R.G. Bailey’s ecoregion designations of the United States. An ecoregion is a large area defined by climate, landforms, and native species. Many federal agencies and private organizations use a system of land classification based on the ecoregion concept. On this site, after a brief explanation and history about ecoregion designations within the USFS, the user is presented with three ecoregion maps. Each of the maps represents different scales of analysis used in ecoregional planning. The ecosystem domain map, the broadest of all the maps, provides information on four defined domains in the United States: polar, humid temperate, dry, and humid tropical. Domains are subdivided into more detailed classifications that are displayed in the remaining two maps. The second map shows each of Bailey’s nineteen ecosystem divisions, while the ecosystem province map shows the thirty-four smallest categories used by Bailey. Each domain, division, and province is hyperlinked to a general geographic description. Three appendices are provided throughout the site: regional climates based on the Koppen system of classification, climate diagrams of representative climate stations, and approximate area and proportionate extent of ecoregions at the province level in the United States. A list of references is also provided.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th Floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Liesl	Hotaling			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5019	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Gulf Stream Voyage	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This online multidisciplinary project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIRES) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. It utilizes both real time data and primary source materials to help guide students to discover the science and history of the Gulf Stream. Students investigate the driving forces behind this great ocean current, how it affects the Atlantic Ocean, and some of mankind's experiences in dealing with it. This project can be used as a complete tutorial on the Gulf Stream, however, the activities are presented in a manner that allows each to be used individually to supplement traditional classroom lessons. The project provides instructions, activities, worksheets, data links, reference materials, on-line help, back-up information, and a teacher area for help and ideas.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carol	Shields			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5070	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Wonderful World of Weather	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This online project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIRES) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. This unit was created for use by students in the elementary grades to allow them to investigate weather phenomena, both locally and worldwide. By using hands-on activities and real-time data investigations, this project helps students to develop a basic understanding of how weather can be described in measurable quantities, such as temperature, wind and precipitation. It provides instructions, activities, data links, reference materials, online help, and a teacher area for help and ideas.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th Floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mercedes	McKay			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-8663	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Down the Drain: How Much Water Do You Use?	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This online collaborative project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIRES) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. Based on data collected by their household members and their classmates, students determine the average amount of water used by one person in a day. They compare this to the average amount of water used per person per day in other parts of the world. The project provides instructions, information, reference materials, online help, and a teacher area for help and ideas.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Joshua	Koen			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5045	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Global Sun/Temperature Project	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This on-line project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIRES) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. Students measure the temperature, record the number of minutes of sunlight per day over a predetermined week, and determine their global coordinates. Each class then posts their data to this web site to compare and contrast results with classes from all over the world, thus learning how proximity to the equator affects average daily temperature and hours of sunlight. The project provides instructions, data links, reference materials, on-line help, and a teacher area for help and ideas.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th Floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mercedes	McKay			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-8063	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Population Growth	Keywords: Environmental science,Mathematics,Physical geography	Description: This on-line project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. This series of activities explores the mathematical and environmental aspects of population growth. Using archived census and demographic data as well as up-to-the-minute population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, students learn how to model population growth and study the implications of a changing population. The project provides instructions, activities, back-up information, data links, reference materials, on-line help, and an instructor guide.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carol	Shields			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5070	301-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Musical Plates: A Study of Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology,Mathematics,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This on-line project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. This project taps into some of the new applications of the Internet in education by having students access real time earthquake data, interact with experts on-line, and publish their own work to the project website. Students tap into these resources in the context of an authentic real world problem, which they will need to solve using science and mathematics. The project provides instructions, activities, data links, reference materials, on-line help, back-up information, and a teacher area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ihor	Charischak			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030			201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Measuring the Circumference of the Earth	Keywords: Geology,Mathematics	Description: This on-line project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) program which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. In the course of the project, students learn about Eratosthenes and his experiment, do a similar experiment by collaborating with other schools, and analyze and reflect on the collected data to determine the accuracy of their measurements and what they learned. The project provides instructions, activities, reference materials, on-line help, and a teacher area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Liesl	Hotaling			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5019	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Take a Dip	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science	Description: This on-line project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. This project involves comparing the water quality of local rivers, streams, lakes or ponds with other fresh water sources around the world. The focus is to assess the quality of water based on physical characteristics and chemical substances, and to look for relationships and trends among the data collected by all participants. The project provides instructions, activities, data links, reference materials, on-line help, and a teacher area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th Floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Liesl	Hotaling			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030		201-216-5019	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Global Water Sampling Project	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science	Description: This on-line project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. This project involves comparing the water quality of local rivers, streams, lakes or ponds with other fresh water sources around the world. The focus is to assess the quality of water based on physical characteristics and chemical substances, and to look for relationships and trends among the data collected by all participants. The project provides instructions, activities, worksheets, data links, reference materials, on-line help, back-up information, and a teacher area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	602 River St. 4th Floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ihor	Charischak			Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education	Castle Point on Hudson	Hoboken	NJ	07030			201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Asteroid Watch: Fireballs from the Sky	Keywords: Natural hazards,Space science	Description: This on-line project is part of the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) program, which has developed internet activities for the elementary, middle, and high school level student. It looks at meteors and asteroids, and the possibility of an Earth impact. During the project, classes explore the world of near-earth orbiting asteroids, the dangers they pose, and what preventative measures might be taken. Included on the site are instructions, activities, data links, reference materials, on-line help, and a teacher area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1999, 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education, All Rights Reserved. The Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology, Copyright Owner, provides the information on this server to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sue	Hirschfeld	Ellen		California State University Hayward								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California State University Hayward, Department of Geological Sciences		25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.	Hayward	CA	94542-3088	510-885-3486	510-885-2526	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tour of the Hayward Fault	Keywords: Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This photographic tour of the Hayward Fault presents images of some of the most easily recognized surface features, from the City of Fremont in central California toward the southern end of the fault, across the Oakland-Berkeley region, northward to Point Pinole on the margin of San Pablo Bay. The history of earthquakes in the region and potential damage is discussed.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995 Dr. Sue Ellen Hirschfeld
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Craig	Kasnoff		Mr	Craig Kasnoff Media Company								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Paul	Mossbarger		Mr	Electroglyph	3625 Kingsley Street	San Diego	CA	92106		619 223 0370	619 223 0481	
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Melanie	Rowland		Ms	National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Bagheera: A Website for Our Endangered Species	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: Bagheera has been designed as an educational site on endangered species with additional information on related advocacy efforts. In the Wild contains pages on the natural history and conservation status of 29 vanishing species as well as information on the the loss of 11 extinct species. Species descriptions are each cross-indexed with suitable classroom activities. The Spotlight section provides background information on numerous issues relating to extinction events and endangered species conservation, including Asian medicines, the Endangered Species Act, Species Survival plans, and Island Biogeography. Classroom Studies cover the extinction crisis, various causes thereof, and the emergence of conservation biology. Also available are a Glossary and Bibliography. Accessible from the first page is an Image Center and free image download section as well as a government resource section providing information and links to laws which protect endangered species and the agencies mandated to implement those laws.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All content © 2001 by Craig Kasnoff (CKMC). All design © 2001 by Electroglyph. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program		Menlo Park	CA					USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Types and Effects of Volcano Hazards	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website discusses volcano hazards by type (gas, lahars, landslides, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, and tephra) and by the effect volcanoes have on people and land. This site gives an overview of volcano hazards and links to selected case studies listed by country, volcano, year, and type of hazard. Links to more USGS information about volcanoes, such as a photo glossary, a site index, observatories, and an educator's page are also provided.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program		Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcanic Gases and Their Effects	Keywords: Chemistry,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website explains volcanic gases and their effects on the Earth and its life. The report discusses gases trapped in magma below the Earth's surface as the driving force of volcanic eruptions. Types of gases, such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, and their potential effects are described. A comparison of volcanic gas composition in three different volcano types is also given.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program		Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lahars and Their Effects: Pathways of Destruction	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website covers general information about lahars and their effects on areas surrounding volcanoes. Information given includes a description of lahars, what triggers a lahar, and the economic and environmental damage they inflict. Links to USGS websites documenting specific lahar case studies are found throughout the page.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program		Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcano Landslides	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Information given in this United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication includes a description of volcano landslides, how they are generated, and their effects on surrounding areas. Case studies of specific volcano landslides are linked from this page, including Mt. St. Helens, Otake in Japan, Huila in Columbia, Mt. Rainier, and Casita in Nicaragua.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program		Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lava Flows and Their Effects	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Lava flows and their effects on areas surrounding volcanoes are explained in this United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication. Examples are sited from the Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes in Hawaii, and the Unzen volcano in Japan. The site also links to specific case studies of lava flow destruction.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program		Menlo Park	CA					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Pyroclastic Flows and Their Effects	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) report highlights pyroclastic flows and their effects on areas surrounding volcanoes. It includes a description of what pyroclastic flows are, how they are generated, and their environmental effects. An animated video shows what a pyroclastic flow looks like, and the page links to specific USGS case studies about pyroclastic flows such as Mount St. Helens and Mount Pinatubo.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Glen Canyon Institute		316 E. Birch, P.O. Box 1925	Flagstaff	AZ	86002		520-556-9311	520-779-3567	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				The Glen Canyon Institute								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Glen Canyon Institute	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: The mission of the Glen Canyon Institute is to provide leadership toward restoration of a free flowing Colorado River through Glen Canyon and Grand Canyon. To accomplish this goal, the group proposes to drain Lake Powell in southern Utah and northern Arizona. The website includes news, speeches and testimony, scheduled events, books, photographs, videocassettes, and a citizen's environmental assessment.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 The Glen Canyon Institute
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NBII National Program Office, USGS Biological Informatics Office		302 National Center	Reston	VA	20192	(703) 648-NBII (6244)	(703) 648-4224	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: The National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) is a broad, collaborative program to provide increased access to data and information on the nation's biological resources. The NBII links diverse, high-quality biological databases, information products, and analytical tools maintained by NBII partners and other contributors in government agencies, academic institutions, non-government organizations, and private industry. NBII partners and collaborators also work on new standards, tools, and technologies that make it easier to find integrate, and apply biological resources information. Resource managers, scientists, educators, and the general public use the NBII to answer a wide range of questions related to the management, use, or conservation of this nation's biological resources. Access is available to information about current biological issues in the news, electronic journals and textbooks, and educator resources.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NBII-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of many NBII Web pages is in the public domain, some NBII pages contain material that is copyrighted by others and used by the NBII with permission. You may need to obtain permission from the copyright owner for other uses. Furthermore, some non-NBII data, products, and information linked, or referred to, from this site may be protected under U.S. and foreign copyright laws. You may need to obtain permission from the copyright owner to acquire, use, reproduce, or distribute these materials. It is the sole responsibility of you, the user of this site, to carefully examine the content of the NBII and all linked pages for copyright restrictions and to secure all necessary permissions.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Weather Service, Northeast River Forecast Center (NERFC)		445 Myles Standish Boulevard	Taunton	MA	02780		508-824-5116		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Weather Service, Northeast River Forecast Center (NERFC)								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Historical Floods in the Northeast	Keywords: Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: This site reviews major flooding in the Northeastern United States, as reported by the Northeast River Forecast Center (NERFC), a division of the National Weather Service. It includes photos, rainfall maps, and descriptions of record-breaking floods that occured between the years 1927 and 1996. Descriptions include specific causes of flooding, weather patterns leading up to flooding, as well as results and actions taken due to flooding in the regions discussed.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers is in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Soil Survey Staff				United States Department of Agriculture, National Cooperative Soil Survey	PO Box 2890	Washington	DC	20013				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service	PO Box 2890	Washington	DC	20013			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Keys to Soil Taxonomy	Keywords: Agricultural science,Soil science	Description: This United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publication (8th edition, 1998) contains taxonomic keys necessary for the classification of soils in a form easily used in the field. The book describes soils in general, how to differentiate between them, and how the identification process works. The taxonomic key includes all known soil types, including mollisols, oxisols, alfisols, and others.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Paul	McDaniel		Dr	University of Idaho	Soil Science Division	Moscow	ID	83844-2339				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Twelve Soil Orders - Soil Taxonomy	Keywords: Soil science	Description: This University of Idaho website discusses the twelve orders of soils, and provides images that illustrate the distribution, properties, and use of the soil orders. It provides general information on each of the twelve orders with a description, a U.S. map showing soil locations, and pictures of the soil type. A Global Distribution Map indicates locations of each soil type throughout the world.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information provided on this website does not constitute an endorsement of any kind by the University of Idaho. The University of Idaho disclaims all liability of any kind arising from the use of, or misuse of, any of the products, services, information or processes referenced on, or linked to, this website. The University of Idaho disclaims all express warranties included in any materials, and further disclaims all implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non infringement of proprietary rights. The University of Idaho further disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement of proprietary rights with respect to information about any method or process provided by any individual or entity listed on, or linked to, this website. The University of Idaho shall not be liable for any damages of any kind related to the products and services listed on, or linked to, this website. The
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NBII National Program Office, USGS Biological Informatics Office		302 National Center	Reston	VA	20192	: (703) 648-NBII (6244)	(703) 648-4224	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Ecological Society of America	1707 H St., NW, Suite 400	Washington	DC	20006	202-833-8773	202-833-8775	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ecological Information Network (EIN)	Keywords: Ecology	Description: The Ecological Information Network (EIN) is a database of ecological experts who have volunteered to answer questions or provide input on various scientific issues. The EIN is an on-line, publicly available electronic directory of biographical and professional information regarding ecological experts. It is open to all scientists with expertise in all areas relevant to the field of ecology.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: NBII-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of many NBII Web pages is in the public domain, some NBII pages contain material that is copyrighted by others and used by the NBII with permission. You may need to obtain permission from the copyright owner for other uses. Furthermore, some non-NBII data, products, and information linked, or referred to, from this site may be protected under U.S. and foreign copyright laws. You may need to obtain permission from the copyright owner to acquire, use, reproduce, or distribute these materials. It is the sole responsibility of you, the user of this site, to carefully examine the content of the NBII and all linked pages for copyright restrictions and to secure all necessary permissions.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Glen	Barry		Mr, Inc.		Madison	WI	608 288 8102	608 288 8102	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Forest Conservation Portal: Vast Rainforest, Forest and Biodiversity Conservation News and Information	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Forestry,Policy issues	Description:, Inc. works to end deforestation, preserve old-growth forests, conserve and sustainably manage other forests, maintain climatic systems, and commence the age of ecological restoration. Their website contains news articles, including international coverage, and resources on forest ecology, destruction, and protection. This is a site for activists.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Contents are for educational and personal purposes only, and are not to be used commercially.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Scott	Johnson			Lincoln Elementary School	400 Pakenham	Grand Forks	ND	58201				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Science Lessons	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This collection of Earth Science lessons, tests, and activities for middle school students is an accompaniment to the Volcano World website. Topics covered include plate tectonics, Pangea, plate movement, Earth layers, earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks and minerals, and prehistoric Earth.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2388	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Dinosaur Floor	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This Classroom of the Future (COTF) resource explores dinosaurs and the possible causes of their extinction, including orbital changes in the Earth, volcanoes, disease, a supernova, and asteroid impact. The site provides a brief, illustrated essay for each theory, as well as links to related sites.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2001 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future™. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2388	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earth Floor	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Geologic time,Geology,Hydrology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This Classroom of the Future (COTF) website highlights information about the Earth and its development through time. Spheres discusses layers of the Earth's environment such as the hydrosphere, Cycles discusses rock and water cycles, and Diversity illustrates different species and genetic variations that have emerged on Earth. Also covered are biomes, adaptation, geologic time, and plate tectonics. Each of these sections is an in-depth tutorial on these specific topics.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2001 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future™. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2388	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: K-4 Earth Science Modules	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Climatology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This Classroom of the Future (COTF) website focuses on Earth science for kindergarten through 4th grade students. Topics covered include biomes (forest, desert, grassland, aquatic, tundra, chapparal), weather (seasons and climate), remote sensing (sonar and radar), and the Earth system (spheres and cycles). A teacher's section contains online and hands-on activities, and topic overviews.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2001 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future™. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Franklin Institute Science Museum	222 North 20th St.	Philadelphia	PA	19103		215-448-1200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): E.	Walsh		Mrs	Bethune Academy			Houston	TX	77088				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Basic Oil Primer	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site, from Bethune Academy in Texas, discusses aspects of the oil industry. It begins with information about how and why the industry began, the origin of the spindletop drilling device, and where oil drilling is done. It also discusses oil reservoirs, petroleum traps, reservoir rocks, and the origin and accumulation of oil and gas within the Earth.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995 - 2002, The Franklin Institute Science Museum , All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Larry	Molnar		Dr	Calvin College	3201 Burton SE	Grand Rapids	MI	49546	617-957-6341		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lunar Phases Web Tool	Keywords: Space science	Description: Intended for use in introductory astronomy courses, this Java-based tutorial demonstrates lunar phases clearly and logically. It includes sections on time of day, time of month, and apparent direction of the moon. The Java demonstrations are meant to complement the explanations of concepts. A typical demonstration involves a stick figure human on the earth's surface, which can be interactively moved as the rotation of the planet is moved, to show how the phases change relative to time and direction. Teacher information and a quiz are also provided.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Mineral Information Institute	501 Violet St.	Golden	CO	80401		303-277-9190	301-277-9198	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Mineral Information Institute (MII)	Keywords: Chemistry,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This non-profit organization is dedicated to educating youth about the science of minerals and other natural resources. Each year MII works with interested professional and scientific associations, and various government and education agencies, to help classroom teachers develop materials that are directly usable by teachers in a variety of subjects and a multitude of grade levels. Supported by corporations, foundations, scientific associations, and individuals from across the nation, MII distributes these materials free to classroom teachers to supplement existing curricula. Resources include background information, lesson plans, activities, instructor guides, photos, maps, and references to other sites.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration	14th St. and Constitution Ave. NW	Washington	DC	20230	202-482-6090	202-482-3154	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Interactive Weather Information Network (title enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: The Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN) is operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and provides interactive weather information to the public. The maps and graphics supply local weather, national weather and warnings, and world weather, while additional information can be found through various links and videos of weather events. National weather summaries, flood summaries, temperature and precipitation tables, earthquake and tsunami data, hurricane details, and a current UV index for US cities are also provided. NOAA updates this site every 5 minutes for the latest weather information.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public. Before using information obtained from this server special attention should be given to the date and time of the data and products being displayed. This information shall not be modified in content and then presented as official government material.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			National Aeronautics and Space Administration	NASA Goddard Space Flight Center							
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth	Keywords: Agricultural science,Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemical oceanography,Cryology,Hydrology,Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: NASA's Visible Earth is a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. The images are also listed under the following categories: agriculture, atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, human dimensions, hydrosphere, land surface, oceans, radiance or imagery, solid earth, locations, and satellites. Accompanying each image are credits, data about the image, the satellite it was taken from, a description of what is shown, and a high-resolution viewable image.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue "meatball" insignia). For commercial use, the use of some images may require further coordination through a NASA corporate associate (for example, ORBIMAGE is the required contact for the commercial use of any SeaWiFS images). Images in Visible Earth that require further commercial permissions are so noted.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Cislunar Aerospace, Inc.	P.O. Box 16532	San Francisco	CA	94116-0532	415-681-9619	415-681-9163	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook	Keywords: Atmospheric science,History and philosophy of science,Mathematics,Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: This K-8 resource offers a complete text on aeronautics (Principles of Aeronautics) at reading levels for beginner, intermediate, advanced, and instructor, as well as in Spanish. The text covers topics such as fundamentals of space flight, the atmosphere, mythology of flight and the solar system, and more. A library of lesson plans for teachers includes experiments and exercises to help students understand the concepts covered in the text. Curriculum Bridges contains exercises and resources that link aeronautics to math, language, social studies, and literature. There is also an activities section to compliment the lessons, NASA tours of their facilities, a career guide to aeronautics, and a section about the Wright Brothers invention of the airplane.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1995-2001 by Cislunar Aerospace, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Don	Tarman			California State Polytechnic University-Pomona		Pomona	CA	91768				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Jessey	R.		California State Polytechnic University-Pomona		Pomona	CA	91768				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences			Pomona	CA	91768			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mineral Identification: The Beauty of Nature	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This website contains a set of lessons on mineral identification. Upon completing this exercise, the student will be able to identify many of the common minerals by using the following physical properties: color, streak, luster, cleavage/fracture, hardness, crystal shape, and specific gravity. Teachers will need sets of minerals and some tools for students to work with. Links are available for growing crystals, miscellaneous California localities of interest, and online galleries. In addition, several books useful to the mineralogist are reviewed.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Don	Tarman			California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences		Pomona	CA	91768				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Jessey	R.		California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences		Pomona	CA	91768				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences			Pomona	CA	91768			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Igneous Rock Identification: Nature's Fiery Cauldron	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This website contains a set of lessons on how to identify igneous rocks using their textures, minerals, and physical properties. The student, working with rock samples and tools supplied by the teacher, will be able to identify some igneous rocks and will be given access to more information on the rocks. Links are available for learning about well-known volcano localities and to more general information. Basic books for learners of different levels are described.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Don	Tarman			California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences		Pomona	CA	91768				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Jessey	R.		California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences		Pomona	CA	91768				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, Department of Geological Sciences			Pomona	CA	91768			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Metamorphic Rock Identification: What Lies Beneath?	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This website contains a set of exercises for identifying metamorphic rocks based on their textures and physical properties. The student works with specimens and tools supplied by the teacher. The website also has information on classifying metamorphic rocks and on metamorphism. Links are provided to other web sites of interest to learners of different levels. Several books are also recommended.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jennifer	Young			Carnegie Mellon University		Pittsburg	PA			412-268-5515		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Eventscope: Remote Experience & Learning Lab	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Space science	Description: Designed from the inputs of both students and teachers, this experimental classroom-learning tool allows students to actively explore three-dimensional representations of NASA mission data sites. With this program, students are exposed to many aspects of research, including scientific inquiry, the Solar System, Earth and planetary geology, computer-assisted remote exploration, robotics, as well as background on the history and nature of science. The information on this site deals primarily with the development and applications of this learning package, including a breakdown of the classroom curriculum.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: © 1998 - 2001 Carnegie Mellon University and the SFCI
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 													
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Institute for Computational Earth System Science (ICESS)	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Climatology,Environmental science,Physical oceanography	Description: The Institute for Computational Earth System Science (ICESS) works to address issues regarding global and regional climate changes by providing data and scientific interpretation through computer science. ICESS hopes to help governmental decision makers use observation and modeling information provided by long-term environmental research. Projects include: climatic modeling for weather prediction, hydrologic groundwater models, oceanic circulation models, conservation planning, and habitat management. ICESS also works with the development of new “smart satellite” technology that allows remote sensing devices to be customized for observation of a specific target. A new project of this organization is to facilitate interaction between researchers and educators to advance the presence of Earth science topics in school curricula. Some current intensive ICESS study projects include topics such as wetlands, earth systems, rivers, oceanography, Antarctic studies, snow hydrology. Within this site users can also access education opportunities for either summer or graduate level work in marine science.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright(C) 2002, The Regents of the University of California. Unless otherwise noted, permission to use, copy, modify and distribute content from this site for educational, research, and non-profit purposes, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted provided this copyright notice and appropriate acknowledgement appear on all copies. Any other use of this material without permission is prohibited. The Regents of the University of California are not responsible for third-party material appearing on this site, nor for content on any external site to which this site may be linked.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 													
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ecological Agriculture Projects (EAP)	Keywords: Agricultural science	Description: Located on the Macdonald Campus of McGill University in Quebec, Canada, Ecological Agriculture Projects (EAP) facilitates the establishment of food systems worldwide that are nutritionally sound, socially just, humane, economically viable and environmentally sustainable. Established in 1974, EAP provides expert analysis and advice to farmers, consumers, government, universities, agribusiness, and the media. They have established and maintained one of North America's largest resource centers on sustainable food systems, with over 2000 books, 100 journals and newsletters, 100,000 articles, and an extensive range of audio-visual materials. This site allows users to search the EAP library for any number of references regarding agricultural issues and includes an extensive collection of related links.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):		One Microsoft Way	Redmond	WA	98052			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Microsoft News Network - NBC: Environmental News Section (title created by cataloger)	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Policy issues	Description: Microsoft (MS) and NBC collaborated to provide a general on-line news source that covers many local, national, and international environmental issues. The information is updated daily and covers a variety of ecological and human concerns. Examples of topics covered include energy conservation, climate change, biological conditions of ecosystems, and human impact studies. Since this is a major national news source, much of the coverage involves political or economic discussions as well as presentation of scientific data. One useful aspect of this site is the archive tool, which allows the user to search past articles published by MSNBC. Users will also find interactive exercises and periodic quizzes on general environmental knowledge.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: MSNBC Terms, Conditions and Privacy © 2002 This site is owned and operated by MSNBC and contains material which is derived in whole or in part from material supplied by MSNBC, NBC, The Associated Press, Reuters and other sources. The material on this site is protected by international copyright and trademark laws. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way any material from this site including code and software. You may download material from this site for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Harper												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lynne	Stockman	M.											
This is a(n) person.
Title: Blue Moon	Keywords: Space science	Description: Information is presented on Blue Moons, including what they are, where the expression and name came from, and which months have the most Blue Moons. A calculator is provided to see when past and future Blue Moons have and will occur. In addition, moon phases are charted for the next and last month, year, and Metonic Cycles. General Moon information is included, along with links for further information.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1995-2001 by David Harper and Lynne Marie Stockman. All Rights Reserved. Designed and maintained by Obliquity.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Chris	Dolan			University of Wisconsin, Astronomy Department		475 N. Charter St.	Madison	WI	53706	608-262-3071		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Constellations and Their Stars	Keywords: Space science	Description: This comprehensive site looks at constellations, stars, the Milky Way, and Messier objects. Constellations are listed alphabetically as well as by month, and data covers star names and Messier objects in the constellation, the meaning of their names, and stories behind the constellation. There are also links to a regular star chart, and an interactive star chart where the constellation can be viewed in a variety of ways. Stars are listed alphabetically or by catalog number, and link to star name, designation, coordinates (declination and right ascension), brightness, and spectral type. There is also a description of known Messier objects, Milky Way photographs, a constellation abbreviation table, a Moon phases demonstration, and references and links for more information.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Marc	Buie	W.	Dr	Lowell Observatory	1400 W. Mars Hill Road	Flagstaff	AZ	86001				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pluto, the Ninth Planet	Keywords: Space science	Description: An astronomer who has studied Pluto since the 1980's discusses his own findings and insight into the planet, and also points to interesting information found by others. A general discussion about the planet, maps of the surface of Pluto and its moon Charon, temperature information, and links to other Pluto sites are included. There are also journal entries from the author, highlighting his work with Hubble Space Telescope images of the planet.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: If you use or otherwise publish any of these images in any public format (such as WWW pages or printed materials), please include the following credit line: "Image(s) courtesy of Marc W. Buie/Lowell Observatory".
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Carla	Fantozzi			Museum of Television and Radio								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Keith	Nuthall			Poway School District								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Planet Earth: A Suite of Interactive Learning Activities on Ecology	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: Planet Earth introduces students to ecology and environmental issues, while encouraging them to identify the importance of these issues and challenging them to be problem solvers. The module is broken into lead-up activities and a follow-up webquest. In Earth's Treasures, students identify environmental issues in general, and in their communities. You Make A Difference focuses students on a particular environmental issue and allows them to go beyond the basic facts behind the issue. An Ecology Hotlist contains websites that support ecology curriculum. Additional discussion-based activities are offered, which were originally developed to support a videoconference with the Museum of Television and Radio. The follow-up real-life inquiry-oriented activity, Conflict with Wolves, challenges students to solve a current complex problem.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Fred	Espenak		Dr	National Aeronautics and Space Administration								USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Eclipse Home Page	Keywords: Space science	Description: This complete reference contains detailed information about recent lunar, solar, annular, and prenumbral eclipses. A map of the Earth with the totality path, time length, and Sun and Moon coordinates during the eclipse are provided for each event. A table of eclipses covers occurrences of solar and lunar events from 1951 to the year 3000. Information about time zones as well as phases of the Moon from 1999 to 3000 is also provided.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment: "Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC".
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11):			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Astronomy for Kids	Keywords: Space science	Description: This website takes the complex ideas of astronomy and makes them fun and easy for younger children to understand. The Planets Section highlights each planet in our solar system by answering the following questions: where is it?, how big is it?, can I see it?, how did it get its name?, what is it made of?, what's it like on the surface?, and does it have moons?. An image is included for each planet as well as planetary information for the current month with sky maps. A puzzle section has word games about astronauts, missions, and moons. The Sky Facts section gives general information about eclipses, meteors, and red shift. Links are provided for additional information.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This is a practice exam from a college-level geology course. The questions include the topics of igneous rocks and their texture, and volcanism types. The exam corrects as it is completed.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sedimentary Rocks and Weathering	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology,Physical geography	Description: This site contains 42 questions on the topic of sedimentary rocks and weathering including clast sizes, depositional environments, and products of weathering. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users select an answer and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Metamorphic Rocks and Processes	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site contains 13 questions on the topic of metamorphic rocks and processes, which covers foliation and grades of metamorphism. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users select an answer and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Matching Questions on Minerals and Rocks	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site contains 11 matching questions on the topic of rocks and minerals, which covers rock types (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary), mineral types (oxides, silicates, and more), and rock properties (texture, composition). This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answer and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geologic Time	Keywords: Geologic time	Description: This site contains 24 questions on the topic of geologic time, which covers dating techniques and unconformities. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mass Wasting	Keywords: Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: This site contains 12 questions on the topic of mass wasting, which covers mudslides, lahars, landslides and more. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Bailey	G.	Mr	United States Forest Service	2150 Centre Avenue Suite 300	Fort Collins	CO	80526		970-295-5727		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units	Keywords: Ecology,Forestry,Physical geography	Description: This website provides, in full, a chapter excerpted from the book entitled ‘Ecosystem Management: Applications for Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Resources” edited by M.S. Boyce and A. Haney, 1997. The hierarchical framework is a regionalization classification and mapping system for stratifying the Earth into progressively smaller areas of increasingly uniform ecological potentials. Ecological types are classified and ecological units are mapped based on associations of those biotic and environmental factors. Ecoregion and subregion levels of the hierarchy are developed by stratification as fine scale field classifications and inventories. The chapter stresses the connections between mapping ecological units and ecosystem management opportunities. A list of cited references appears at the end of the chapter.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Goudey	B.	Mr	United States Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region		1323 Club Drive	Vallejo	CA	94592		707-562-8737		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ecological Subregions of California	Keywords: Ecology,Physical geography	Description: This United States Forest Service website depicts and describes the ecological subregions of California as defined by the National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units. The National Hierarchical Framework provides a scientific basis for regionalization of ecosystems into successively smaller, more homogeneous units. At the Section level, these units allow managers, planners, and scientists in the Forest Service to study management problems on a multiforest and statewide basis; organize data collected during broad-scale resource inventories; and interpret these data among regions. Sections, the highest hierarchical level in the subregion scale, are the basis for chapters in this text. Each section is described by the predominant environmental and biological features used in its delineation, along with other pertinent or characteristic factors. Information covered in section descriptions includes geomorphology, lithology, soil taxa, vegetation, fauna, disturbance regimes, land use, and cultural ecology. Maps are prevalent throughout the site, including a hyperlinked section map and numerous hyperlinked subsection maps. Appendices include a glossary, bibliography, and a chart of subsection acreages.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Earth Observatory								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NASA Earth Observatory: Natural Hazards	Keywords: Human geography,Natural hazards	Description: The purpose of NASA's Earth Observatory is to provide a freely-accessible publication on the Internet where the public can obtain new satellite imagery and scientific information about our home planet. The specific focus of this Earth Observatory website is natural hazards. Earth scientists around the world use NASA satellite imagery to better understand the causes and effects of natural hazards. The goal in sharing these images is to help people visualize where and when natural hazards occur, and to help mitigate their effects. Natural hazards that are emphasized include dust and smoke, wildfires, floods, severe storms, and volcanoes. In addition, each week the site highlights major natural hazard events occurring around the globe. Links to satellite imagery and informational text concerning the natural hazard and image interpretation are included. The site also offers a link to unique imagery, such as earthquakes, droughts, and landslides, and features the latest unique imagery events around the globe.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Any and all materials published on the Earth Observatory are freely available for re-publication or re-use, except where copyright is indicated. We ask that NASA's Earth Observatory be given credit for its original materials.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Woods Hole Research Center	P.O. Box 296	Woods Hole	MA	02543		508-540-9900	508-540-9700	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: An Electronic Atlas of the Cape Cod Environment	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: Produced by the Woods Hole Research Center, this atlas is not only a collection of maps, but also a compilation of imagery and photos that illustrate important characteristics of the Cape Cod environment. The site offers a description of problems faced by this unique piece of land created thousands of years ago by glaciers, and continuously sculpted by the sea, the wind, and now by human influence. Focusing on three areas of immediate concern, the site covers current land use and land cover, critical habitats, and protected lands. The user will find several maps depicting land use and cover changes through time, aerial photographs that depict this change, and information pertaining to the region’s changing population. There are also 16 identified Cape Cod critical habitats, each with a photograph and description. Lastly, the user will be introduced to the crucial connections that exist between land protection and water quality, and various data charts and maps that explore the emergence of protected lands in the area.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright The Woods Hole Research Center, 2002. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Woods Hole Research Center	P.O. Box 296	Woods Hole	MA	02543		508-540-9900	508-540-9700	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Warming of the Earth: A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Issue of Global Warming	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Human geography,Policy issues	Description: Produced by the Woods Hole Research Center, The Warming of the Earth introduces the concept of global warming through the following topics: the greenhouse effect, scientific evidence, the culprits, potential outcomes, what the skeptics don’t tell you, and the Kyoto Protocol. The text relies heavily on reports published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Throughout the website, additional, but intimately related resources can be accessed through linked material. Examples include a link to the IPCC and a letter written by 2400 scientists to President Clinton. Several diagrams exist depicting the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and related atmospheric warming over the past several decades.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright The Woods Hole Research Center, 2002. All Rights Reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Smith		Mr	University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology	1101 Valley Life Sciences Building	Berkeley	CA	94720-4780		510-643-6378	510-642-1822	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology Exhibit Halls: Evolution Wing	Keywords: Biology,History and philosophy of science,Paleontology	Description: This online museum exhibit traces evolutionary thought as it has developed over time, considering the contributions of scientists and thinkers including Aristotle, Darwin, Wallace, and many others. Under ‘Explore the Theory of Evolution’ the user is introduced to the theory and science behind evolution, the writings of Charles Darwin, and links to a Timeline of Evolutionary Thought, Dinosaur Discoveries, an explanation of Systematics, and a Vertebrate Flight case study of convergent evolution. Under ‘History of Evolutionary Thought’ the user is given a list of 27 key players in the development of evolutionary thought. Each name is hyperlinked to a photograph and biography of that scientist. The site also provides a link to the University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology, Evolution Forum, a website where teachers can access and share information concerning the teaching of evolution.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994–2002 by The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California. All materials appearing on the UCMP Web Servers may not be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher and in no case for profit.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Salvatore	Engel-Di Mauro		Dr	University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Department of Geology and Geography	Science Building, D-327	Stevens Point	WI	54481		715-346-4718	715-346-3372	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Physical Environment Under Stress	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography	Description: The theories and case studies presented through lectures and assignments associated with this syllabus are designed to foster a basic understanding of environmental geography and to stimulate a critical perspective on human-derived environmental problems. The course integrates multiple scientific approaches to analyze the link between social processes and environmental degradation. This on-line syllabus offers numerous hyperlinked class notes concerning topics such as ecodynamics, energy flows and biogeochemical cycling, human impact and causal connections, the capitalist economy, human population growth, energy resources, nuclear waste, climate and global warming, soil formation and degradation, food productions, and toxicology. The user may also access assignments that relate to the class text.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Keith	Montgomery		Dr	University of Wisconsin-Marathon County	Department of Geography and Geology, South Hall Room 393	Wausau	WI	54401	715-261-6187		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Resource Conservation	Keywords: Environmental science,History and philosophy of science,Human geography	Description: This syllabus represents a course designed to immerse students in present environmental problems that have arisen through human use of earth resources, and outline and discuss the technical and social options available to society for solutions. Of special interest is the hyper-textbook, with each course topic hyper-linked to a lecture outline and outside websites of interest. Within each lecture outline appears assigned readings, specific sub-topics that will be discussed during each class period, and questions posed to students for their pondering pleasure. Some outlines have hyper-linked information within them, which provide more detailed information on a particular sub-topic. Main topics include changes in human population, society, and economy; perspectives on resources and the environment; public lands (forest, rangeland, parks, and wilderness); water; ecosystems; plant and animal species; minerals and municipal waste; non-renewable fuels and power; air pollution; climate change; hazardous waste; and water pollution.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 01/97
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): R.	Williams	S.	Mr	Denbigh High School	259 Denbigh Blvd.	Newport News	VA	23608		757-886-7700		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geo-Teacher's Geography Classroom: Internet Resources for High School Students and Teachers	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Geology,Human geography,Hydrology,Natural hazards,Physical geography,Soil science	Description: Geo-teacher’s Geography Classroom offers a clearinghouse of geography-related websites for a variety of audiences. ‘Geography Resources’ provides websites relating to country and regional studies, maps, world news sources, general geography, human/cultural geography, physical geography, and Africa past and present. There are links to sites especially for students pertaining to sociology, homework, research, studying, and planning for college and careers. ‘Just for Teachers’, in addition to listing Internet, technology, and web page design resources for all teachers, also highlights resources for geography teachers, sociology teachers, and social studies teachers. The Virginia Geography Standards of Learning are explained and four online mapping services are presented. Lastly, the ‘Geo-teacher’s Students’ menu provides numerous links to the publisher’s own Honors World Geography course.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright R.S. Williams, August 1998, 2000.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Linda	Freeman		Ms	College of the Siskiyous, Technology Learning Center	800 College Ave.	Weed	CA	96094	530-938-5514		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Biomes of the World	Keywords: Ecology,Physical geography	Description: Biomes of the World presents the user with a world map depicting nine identified biomes: tundra, boreal forest, temperate forest, midlatitude grassland, chaparral, desert, tropical savanna, tropical forest, and alpine. Users may click on any given biome and access a representative picture and general information pertaining to that biome’s climate, flora, and fauna.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restriction Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Linda	Freeman		Ms	College of the Siskiyous, Technology Learning Center	800 College Ave.	Weed	CA	96094	530-938-5514		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: World Population Slide Show	Keywords: Human geography	Description: The slide show consists of six choropleth maps and related text. The maps help users visualize data pertaining to global population density, total fertility rates, world birth rates, world death rates, global infant mortality rates, and world population growth. Texts help to further define the maps’ content. Photographs are also included.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1991, Population Reference Bureau. Reproduced with permission. May not be reproduced in any format without written permission from PRB.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Linda	Freeman		Ms	College of the Siskiyous, Technology Learning Center	800 College Avenue	Weed	CA	96094		530-938-5514		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Glacial History of Mount Shasta	Keywords: Geology	Description: Here is an overview of the material covering the glacial history of Mount Shasta. Major topics include the mountain’s location, its geologic history, Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation, existing glaciers, and Konwakiton Glacier Jokulhlaups. Surprisingly few academic papers have been published regarding the glaciation of Mount Shasta. The scarcity of publications concerning this topic can be attributed to Holocene volcanic deposits covering much of the Pleistocene and early Holocene glacial deposits, but also to the fact that Mount Shasta is not located near a major university. Most of the information presented within this website is gleaned from local papers and materials available in the Mount Shasta Collection of the College of the Siskiyous library.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997 Linda Freeman
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Linda	Freeman		Ms	College of the Siskiyous, Technology Learning Center	800 College Ave.	Weed	CA	96094	530-938-5514		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mount Shasta Companion	Keywords: Ecology,Geology,Human geography,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: The Companion is a collection of information regarding northern California’s Mount Shasta. The overall objective of this project is to develop a resource that can be used to provide information about Mount Shasta while enhancing the study of the sciences, humanities, social sciences, and the environment. To that end, the Companion offers several topics to choose from: geology, environment, Native Americans, Folklore, History, Art and Artists 1841-1941, Literature, Outdoor Recreation, Maps and Graphics, and the Mount Shasta Collection. The site offers comprehensive in-depth detail on each of these topics. Of special note is the Mount Shasta Collection, the largest repository of information and documents about Mount Shasta, located at the College of Siskiyous library. The collection consists of thousands of books, articles, manuscripts, photographs, maps, prints, and audiovisual materials, some of which are highlighted and searchable on this website. The Companion also highlights a ‘Lesson Plan’ option where teachers can submit lesson plans regarding the Mount Shasta area. In general, the Companion is well illustrated, thus users can study photographs and other various images while reading the accompanying text.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Each and every contributor to the Mount Shasta Project retains copyright to their text and images. The material found in this presentation may only be used for non-profit, educational use. This project as a whole is owned and copyrighted by College of the Siskiyous.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Linda	Freeman		Ms	College of the Siskiyous, Technology Learning Center	800 College Avenue	Weed	CA	96094		530-938-5514		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Beholding Eye	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography	Description: Ten people can be standing at the top of a hill overlooking a valley, and each can see the landscape before them from a different perspective. To illustrate this statement, The Beholding Eye is formatted as a slide show that presents the variety of ways people commonly observe what they see before them. Ten different ways of looking at landscapes are presented: landscape as nature, habitat, artifact, system, problem, wealth, ideology, history, place, and aesthetic. Each perspective is accompanied by an illustrative photograph and explanatory text.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All photos copyright 1996 by Linda Freeman, and may only be used with permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Linda	Freeman		Ms	College of the Siskiyous, Technology Learning Center	800 College Avenue	Weed	CA	96094		530-938-5514		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Black Butte, California	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Technology	Description: The purpose of this web presentation is to introduce Black Butte, Siskiyou County, California through maps, diagrams, and images taken from different perspectives, including photographs, air photos and images from space. Black Butte is a plug dome to the southwest of Mount Shasta in the California Cascades. It was formed 9,500 years ago at the same time as Shastina, a secondary peak of Mount Shasta. While dwarfed by the Cascades to the east and the Klamaths to the west, Black Butte nevertheless forms a prominent feature of the landscape. In addition to the visual emphasis of this website, the geological history of Black Butte is also covered.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997 Linda Freeman
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water and River Systems	Keywords: Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This site contains 22 questions on the topic of water and river systems, which covers the hydrologic cycle and drainage patterns. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Groundwater	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This site contains 17 questions on the topic of groundwater, which covers aquifers and water tables. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Deserts and Wind	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This site contains 20 questions on the topic of deserts and wind, which covers dunes, desert location and formation, and particle transportation. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Atmosphere and Ocean	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This site contains 23 questions on the topic of atmosphere and oceans, which covers tides, currents, layers of the atmosphere (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere) and weather. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Shorelines	Keywords: Physical geography,Physical oceanography	Description: This site contains 25 questions on the topic of shorelines, which covers coastal features, waves, and tides. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Crustal Deformation	Keywords: Structural geology	Description: This site contains 24 questions on the topic of crustal deformation, which covers folding and faulting, rock behavior, geologic structures, and types of stress. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate feedback.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earthquakes	Keywords: Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This site contains 22 questions on the topic of earthquakes, which covers seismic waves, earthquake characteristics, and earthquake magnitudes. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Earth's Interior	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site contains 22 questions on the topic of the Earth's interior, which covers layers and composition of the Earth. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Plate Tectonics	Keywords: Geology	Description: This site contains 25 questions on the topic of plate tectonics, which covers the development of the theory, crustal movements, geologic features associated with tectonics, and plate boundaries (convergent, divergent, transform). This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Oceanic and Continental Crust	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site contains 25 questions on the topic of oceanic and continental crust, which covers the physical properties and features of the two crust types. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Atoms and Minerals	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site contains 23 questions on the topic of atoms and minerals, which covers mineral types and characteristics. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Energy and Mineral Resources	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology	Description: This site contains 16 questions on the topic of energy and mineral resources, which covers energy sources, resource types, and uses of resources. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Solar System	Keywords: Space science	Description: This site contains 18 questions on the topic of planetary geology, which covers planetary position, composition, and characteristics. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				British Broadcasting Corporation		Broadcasting House, Portland Place	London		W1A 1AA			United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Walking With Dinosaurs	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: Part of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) learning series, this website contains dinosaur information, games, interviews with scientists, and virtual tours. The Chronology section discusses dinosaurs that lived from 225 million to 65 million years ago (Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous). Specific dinosaur information includes meaning of its name, diet, size, weight, geographic distribution, and a brief description. Fact Files provides a search tool to find dinosaurs by time period, type, diet, and habitat. Live From Dinosaur Island hosts a virtual dig to find fossils, demonstrates what its like to dig for fossils, offers a virtual tour of dig headquarters, where recovered bones are taken to be cleaned, prepared, and analyzed, and contains descriptions of pictured fossils. There are a number of dinosaur games that portray survival, habits, and features of different dinosaurs. Other sections describe how scientists determine aspects of dinosaur life by looking at their fossils.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © MMII, BBC All rights, including copyright and database right, in the BBC's website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to the BBC, or otherwise used by the BBC as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the BBC's webpages, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use. You can download and use the service on a single CPU at a time and you can print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the BBC's website for your personal use. Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of the BBC's website without the prior written permission of the BBC or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				British Broadcasting Corporation		Broadcasting House, Portland Place	London		W1A 1AA			United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Walking With Beasts	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: Part of the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) education series, this website looks at evolution from the extinction of the dinosaurs to the present. The Changing World section includes a timeline from 65 million years ago to today (Paleocene to Holocene), and looks at the changes Earth’s life and surface have undergone during that time. Fact Files contains a chart of animals that lived during different times and gives a description of each, including size, habits, closest living relative, and details. Fossil Fun provides games about paleontology covering topics such as skeletons, footprints, preservation, and fossils. A family tree relates all of the beasts to common ancestors. A section entitled “What Killed the Dinosaurs?” compares different theories and offers a forum and quiz. The Evolution section looks at the history of the theory. There is also a teacher’s section with activities and lesson plans on classification, evolution, climate, and tectonics. Some sections also discuss the site’s relation to the BBC TV series accompanying it.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © MMII, BBC All rights, including copyright and database right, in the BBC's website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to the BBC, or otherwise used by the BBC as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the BBC's webpages, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use. You can download and use the service on a single CPU at a time and you can print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the BBC's website for your personal use. Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of the BBC's website without the prior written permission of the BBC or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Earth's Crust	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This site contains 14 questions on the topic of the Earth's crust, which covers unconformities, geologic time, and lithification. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The World Ocean	Keywords: Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This site contains 34 questions on the topic of the world oceans (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic), which cover tides, ocean properties , salinity, waves, and currents. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Surface Water and Groundwater	Keywords: Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This site contains 25 questions on the topic of surface water and groundwater, which covers rivers and aquifers. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit their answers and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Changing Face of the Land	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This site contains 29 questions on the topic of Earth's changing surface, which covers weathering and erosion. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit an answer and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dale	Sawyer	S.	Dr	Rice University, Department of Earth Science	6100 Main St.	Houston	TX	77005	713-348-5106	713-348-5214	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Discovering Plate Boundaries	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Physical geography,Structural geology	Description: Discovering Plate Boundaries is based on 5 world maps containing earthquake, volcano, topography, satellite gravity, and seafloor age data. The novel aspect of the exercise is the "jigsaw" manner in which student groups access the maps and use them to discover, classify, and describe plate boundary types. The exercise is based only on observation and description, which makes it useful at a wide variety of levels; it has been used successfully in 5th grade classes, as well as in non-major earth science classes. The exercise is based on a set of wall maps that are not consumed during the exercise. Other inexpensive materials required include two 11x17 black and white copies per student and colored pencils. Because the exercise is not based on student access to the web, it is not dependent on classroom technology equipment. The exercise takes three 50-minute class periods to complete, and involves the students in making presentations to one another in small groups as well as to the whole class. The students come away from the exercise with knowledge of the key features of each type of plate boundary and a sense of why each looks and acts the way it does.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used in an educational setting as long as credit to Dale S. Sawyer is given.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Wayne	Powell	G.	Prof	Brooklyn College, Department of Geology	2900 Bedford Avenue	Brooklyn	NY	11210	718-951-5761	718-951-4753	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Asbestos Hazard Assessment	Keywords: Environmental science,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards	Description: This is a complete, fully virtual module that addresses asbestos hazards and their assessment. It includes simulations and introduction to the use of the petrographic microscope, and some introductory mineralogy. It is designed as an active learning exercise.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 May be used in educational settings as long as credit is given to W. Powell and Brooklyn College, and W. Powell is notified of its use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Earth's Atmosphere	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This site contains 12 questions on the topic of the atmosphere, which covers electromagnetic radiation and layers of the Earth's atmosphere (exosphere, thermosphere, and more). This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit an answer and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Winds, Weather, and Deserts	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical geography	Description: This site contains 17 questions on the topic of wind and weathering, which covers the Coriolis Effect and wind characteristics. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit an answer and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Global Ecosystem	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This site contains 11 questions on the topic of ecosystems, which covers food chains and organism characteristics. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit an answer and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Evolution of the Biosphere	Keywords: Biology,Geologic time	Description: This site contains 11 questions on the topic of the biosphere, which covers taxonomy, diversity, evolution, and geologic time. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit an answer and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H.	Dr	University of South Dakota	Department of Earth Sciences	Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Planet Under Stress	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: This site contains 12 questions on the topic of environmental issues, which covers pollution and population. This is part of the Principles of Earth Science course at the University of South Dakota. Users submit an answer and are provided immediate verification.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997 Timothy H. Heaton, Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Dakota
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				British Broadcasting Corporation		Broadcasting House, Portland Place	London		W1A 1AA			United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Extinction Files	Keywords: Biology,Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This site, hosted by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), reviews all the mass-extinctions in Earth's history, including the Cretaceous extinction that killed the dinosaurs. Specific organisms are discussed in relation to extinction, such as trilobites and mammal-like reptiles. ‘Theories of Extinction’ discusses those that explain why some species go extinct while others do not. These theories involve possible asteroid impact, climate change, and sea level fluctuations. ‘Big Questions’ covers issues that are still unanswered and explored, such as extinction patterns and will humans ever become extinct. This site is searchable, and contains descriptions of terminology, as well as links to more extinction sites.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © MMII, BBC All rights, including copyright and database right, in the BBC's website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to the BBC, or otherwise used by the BBC as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the BBC's webpages, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use. You can download and use the service on a single CPU at a time and you can print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the BBC's website for your personal use. Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of the BBC's website without the prior written permission of the BBC or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				British Broadcasting Corporation		Broadcasting House, Portland Place	London		W1A 1AA			United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: BBC Space Page (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science	Description: Hosted by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), this site provides comprehensive information about space science. There is the latest news about space findings and issues, and what's happening in the sky for the current month. Galleries show images of the planets, Sunspots, eclipses, auroras, and more. There is a night sky section with observation notes and a constellation guide for learning more about the star patterns. ‘Deep Space’ covers phenomena such as black holes, wormholes, and dark matter. There is a discussion covering the possibility of life elsewhere, planets outside of our Solar System, and astrobiology. ‘Origins’ explores the Big Bang, from the first few seconds to the future. ‘Cosmology’ discusses how our ideas about the Earth and Universe have grown and continue to expand. The stars section illustrates different star types, and the life of stars from birth to death. There is also a section of brief biographies on all astronomers who have contributed to our current knowledge of space, such as Galileo, Copernicus, Ptolemy, Hubble, and many more. There are links to additional sites, as well as space games to play.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © MMII, BBC All rights, including copyright and database right, in the BBC's website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to the BBC, or otherwise used by the BBC as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the BBC's webpages, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use. You can download and use the service on a single CPU at a time and you can print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the BBC's website for your personal use. Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of the BBC's website without the prior written permission of the BBC or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				British Broadcasting Corporation		Broadcasting House, Portland Place	London		W1A 1AA			United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: BBC Weather Centre: Weatherwise	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: Hosted by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), this is a comprehensive website about the weather. The 'Do It Yourself' weather center has games, projects, and activities, including how to make a barometer, observe clouds, and make a rainbow. A photo gallery holds many images of weather events. 'Living with Weather' illustrates how weather affects human lives, from severe weather to our planet’s dependence on the weather. 'Fact Files' discusses how the weather works, Earth's climate, forecasting, precipitation, and more. Chat rooms and message boards provide for interaction with others about weather topics. There is also a weather glossary and list of links for more information.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © MMII, BBC All rights, including copyright and database right, in the BBC's website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to the BBC, or otherwise used by the BBC as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the BBC's webpages, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use. You can download and use the service on a single CPU at a time and you can print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the BBC's website for your personal use. Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of the BBC's website without the prior written permission of the BBC or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Leveson	J	Prof	Geology Department, Brooklyn College, CUNY	2900 Bedford Avenue	Brooklyn	NY	11210	718 951 5330	718 951 4753	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Brooklyn College Geology Core 8.2	Keywords: Geology,History and philosophy of science,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: This course website provides interactive laboratory exercises and information on mineralogy, map reading, global warming, and the geology of New York City.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999-2002, Professor David J. Leveson May be used for non-profit educational purposes with the provision that the copyright be cited and the copyright holder be notified
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	Earthquake Hazards Program	Pasadena	CA					USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Did You Feel It?	Keywords: Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: The Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is part of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This site sponsors the Community Internet Intensity Map (CIIM), a project to collect information from the public about ground shaking following significant earthquakes. Archival records of past earthquakes include maps, magnitude, and intensity for different areas. The site also discusses the scientific background of the geocoded maps used to represent the intensity of earthquakes, and how intensity is determined.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jacqueline	Shinker	J.	Ms	University of Oregon, Department of Geography	107 Condon Hall	Eugene	OR	97403	541-346-0466	541-346-2067	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jason	Rahn		Mr	University of Oregon, Department of Geography	107 Condon Hall	Eugene	OR	97403		541-346-2371	541-346-2067	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Patrick	Bartlein	J.	Dr	University of Oregon, Department of Geography	107 Condon Hall	Eugene	OR	97403	541-346-4967	541-346-2067	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Climate Animations	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Physical geography	Description: The Global Climate Animations site contains animations of the Earth's climate system for educational and research purposes. Created by the Department of Geography at the University of Oregon, the animations on this page show the climatology of the seasonal cycle for selected climate variables for the time period 1959-1997, based on data from the NCEP/NCAR 40-Year Reanalysis Project. The individual frames in each animation show the map pattern of the long-term monthly averages for a particular climate variable, and reveal the temporal and spatial variations in that variable over the seasonal cycle.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright Department of Geography, University of Oregon
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				British Broadcasting Corporation		Broadcasting House, Portland Place	London		W1A 1AA			United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Nature: Earth	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) website highlights the natural state of the Earth and the environmental issues threatening it. The 'Natural Planet' section has videos and brief descriptions of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. 'Human Planet' discusses Earth careers and how environmental issues affect human beings. 'State of the Planet' highlights a BBC program about human impacts on the natural world and the future of life on Earth. The program identifies habitat loss, introduced species, pollution, over harvesting, and fragmentation as the main causes of damage to the natural world due mainly to over population and over consumption. 'Virtual Planet' provides debates about issues facing the Earth, and allows users to complete a survey commenting on the issues and action they feel is most important. There are links provided for more information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © MMII, BBC All rights, including copyright and database right, in the BBC's website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to the BBC, or otherwise used by the BBC as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the BBC's webpages, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use. You can download and use the service on a single CPU at a time and you can print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the BBC's website for your personal use. Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of the BBC's website without the prior written permission of the BBC or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				British Broadcasting Corporation		Broadcasting House, Portland Place	London		W1A 1AA			United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Essential Guide to Rocks	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) website highlights Great Britain's geology. An interactive timeline and global animation demonstrate the formation of 4.6 billion years of continental drift, fossil life, and rocks. There are 10 virtual trips around Britain highlighting the rocks of urban areas, with a rock primer to refresh general igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic facts. A program archive details the broadcasts and presenters of this program that aired on BBC. There is a section with field trips and experiments for home or classroom on rocks and the rock cycle, as well as additional links for more information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © MMII, BBC All rights, including copyright and database right, in the BBC's website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to the BBC, or otherwise used by the BBC as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the BBC's webpages, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use. You can download and use the service on a single CPU at a time and you can print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the BBC's website for your personal use. Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of the BBC's website without the prior written permission of the BBC or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jeff	Taylor			University of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology		Honolulu	HI					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Linda	Martel	M. V.		University of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of Hawaii, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST)		2525 Correa Road	Honolulu	HI	96822			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology							808-956-6322	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Planetary Science Research Discoveries (PSRD) Archive	Keywords: Space science	Description: This archive contains articles written by planetary geoscientists about current research on the planets and some related special topics. Specific topics include: Mercury, Earth, the Moon, Mars, Mars life issues, asteroids, the Jupiter system, Meteorites, comets, and origins of various bodies in our solar system. Users may subscribe to the PSRD mailing list, a secured listing, to receive e-mail notices of new issues of the PSRD educational web magazine. A listing of many related educational websites is also available.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Articles and stories created for this Web site are the property of PSR Discoveries and are protected by copyright. Information you receive through the PSRD Web site may be displayed and printed for personal, educational, and non-commercial uses, provided the PSR Discoveries credit is maintained. You may not otherwise reproduce the materials in electronic, print, or other publications without consent of PSR Discoveries. Furthermore, pages in this Web site may not be translated, transmitted, framed or stored in a retrieval system for public or private use without written permission from PSR Discoveries.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The EPA Student Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: Developed for middle to high school aged students, this Environmental Protection Agency website explores a wide range of environmental issues. It also provides students with help in answering questions and offers suggestions for project ideas. The site covers environmental basics, conservation, waste and recycling, air, ecosystems, water, human health, and local issues. Each subject provides a list of resources (both EPA and non-EPA) with a brief description. Links to other sections of the EPA, as well as information about careers, internships, and scholarships in the environmental sciences, youth awards, and environmental club projects are available.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Student Center: Environmental Basics	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: Here are links to EPA and non-EPA student resources for background information on a wide variety of environmental issues, including a glossary of environmental terms, an environmental atlas, and a list of major U.S. environmental laws.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Student Center: Air	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science	Description: Here are links to EPA and non-EPA resources to help students learn more about air quality and pollution prevention. These links provide information about acid rain, ozone depletion, the Clean Air Act, smog, indoor air quality, community air pollution information, UV radiation, and national air quality status and trends.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Student Center: Conservation	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Soil science	Description: Here are links to EPA and non-EPA resources to help students learn more about preservation, protection, and management of natural resources. This page provides information about the principles of energy, soil, and water conservation. Topics covered include endangered species, ecosystems, ground water, solid waste, and acid rain. Downloadable programs include Best Management Practices for Soil Erosion in the U.S. and Worldwide, and Water-efficient Landscaping.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Student Center: Ecosystems	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: Here are links to EPA and non-EPA resources to help students learn more about the relationship between biological communities and their physical environments. Topics covered include endangered and threatened species, oil spills, biomes, and watersheds.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Student Center: Water	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: Here are links to EPA and non-EPA resources to help students learn more about water treatment, pollution, and protection. Topics covered include watersheds, wetlands, aquatic ecosystems, marine sanctuaries, water science, and more. This site includes a downloadable program demonstrating how pollutants collect in fish, and a water-efficient landscaping program.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Ommundsen								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Problem-based Learning in Biology with 20 Case Examples	Keywords: Biology,Educational theory and practice	Description: Problem-based learning (PBL) is an exciting way to learn biology and is readily incorporated into large classes in a lecture hall environment. PBL engages students in solving authentic biological case problems, stimulating discussion among students and reinforcing learning. The example case studies suggested are mostly from human biology and medicine and are suitable for use in an introductory college biology class, though the method is applicable to any class size and educational level.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Peter Ommundsen
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Student Center: In Your Neighborhood	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: Here are links to EPA and non-EPA resources to help students learn more about what environmental issues affect communities in the United States, and how to get involved in protecting community environments. Topics covered include watersheds, air quality, estuaries, and waste products.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Environmental Protection Agency, Editorial Services Division		Office of Communications, Education, and Public Affairs, 1704, USEPA	Washington	DC	20460				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EPA: Terms of Environment	Keywords: Chemistry,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: Terms Of Environment defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications, news releases, and other Agency documents available to the general public, students, the media, and Agency employees. There is a definition of terms section, as well as a definition of acronyms and abbreviations section.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Ommundsen								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pronunciation of Biological Latin Including Taxonomic Names of Plants and Animals	Keywords: Biology	Description: The anglicized version of spoken Latin has been in use for centuries. This collection of rules describes the traditional English pronunciation of biological terms. Usage varies among individuals and continues to evolve, but the descriptive rules serve as a convenient pronunciation benchmark. Students who wish to correctly pronounce scientific names may find this site useful.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Peter Ommundsen
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Student Center: About EPA	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: Links to EPA resources help students learn more about what the EPA does and how its mission is carried out. These sites give a complete guide to the environmental issues that EPA addresses in its programs and projects. A regional office locator allows students to find the nearest EPA center.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Karen	Reshkin			Environmental Protection Agency	Region 5 Office of Public Affairs							USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Student Center: Fun Activities	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: Here are links to EPA and non-EPA activities to help students learn more about the environment. Topics covered include solid waste, recycling, pollution, and UV radiation. Activities include on-line quizzes, puzzles, games, interactive books, and more.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Ommundsen								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Critical Thinking in Biology: Case Problems	Keywords: Biology,Educational theory and practice,History and philosophy of science	Description: This page aims to illustrate how case problems can inspire students in an introductory college biology course to develop scientific reasoning skills. Brief quotations help students focus on the fundamental scientific issues without distraction and provide ample substrate for group discussion. Emphasis is placed on teaching students how to determine the reliability of information to which they are exposed in everyday life.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999 Peter Ommundsen
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Estelle	Condon			NASA Ames Research Center - Earth Sciences Division	Mail Stop 245-4	Moffett Field	CA	94035-1000				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Earth Science Division at NASA Ames Research Center	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: Focusing on the science issues associated with global change, the Division's research is particularly concerned with atmospheric and ecosystem science and biosphere/atmosphere interaction. Also of interest is the development and application of new technologies required to bring insight to these science topics. These investigations address some of the most fundamental questions of concern to the global community: what is the current state of our planet's environment; what natural and human caused processes are directing our planet's environmental future; and what can the record of past planetary environmental change tell us. Key components of the Earth Science Division's research programs include: the study of the physical and chemical processes of biogeochemical cycling; ecosystem dynamics of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; the chemical and transport processes that determine atmospheric composition, dynamics and climate; and the physical processes that determine the behavior of the atmosphere on the earth and other solar system bodies.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Karen	Fryer		Dr	Ohio Wesleyan University	Department of Geography and Geology	Deleware	OH	43015		614-368-3618	614-368-3999	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Project Primary Geology	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Geophysics	Description: Project Primary is a collaboration of professors from the departments of Botany-Microbiology, Chemistry, Education, Geology, Physics, and Zoology at Ohio Wesleyan University and K-3 teachers from Ohio's Delaware, Marion, and Union Counties to produce hands-on activities for the teaching of science. The geology activities are appropriate for children in grades K-3, but may be easily adapted to other grade levels. Collectively, the goals for these activities are to demonstrate the inter-relatedness of life and the physical planet, the importance of understanding scientific phenomena for all people, not just future scientists, to impart knowledge which leads through student curiosity to continued inquiry, and to spur creativity. Topics covered include earthquakes, behavior of Earth materials, plate tectonics, the surface of the Earth, volcanoes, and geologic time and the evolution of the Earth.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Peter	Mouginis-Mark		Dr								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lori	Glaze			NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Virtually Hawaii	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This site is based primarily on remotely sensed data covering the state of Hawaii on various scales. Users may view satellite and radar imagery, as well as access satellite and weather data. A customized viewer allows you to select the island, the scale, the specific area of the island, and the type of image you would like to view. Other options include a virtual tour of the islands. Once again, images can be selected for an area, and a caption describes what the image contains. There is a tutorial section that explains how sensors such as radar and spectrometers operate, and includes an interactive “spectral imager” where users pick their own band combinations to view the differences between chosen wavelengths in remotely sensed imagery. Virtually Hawaii became static on September 1, 1999. However, most of the links and information were still working at the time of cataloging.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996 All Rights Reserved. Dr. Peter Mouginis-Mark maintains all the copyright for all of the materials contained within Virtually Hawaii unless stated otherwise.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Florida International University, High Performance Data Base Research Center		11200 SW 8th St.	Miami	FL	33199		305-348-1706	305-348-1705	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: TerraFly: Virtually Fly Over the Entire United States	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: TerraFly is an interactive tool that allows the visualization and manipulation of spatial data. Accessed via a standard Web browser or customized CD-ROM versions, and independent of a user’s level of expertise, this system allows the integration of remotely sensed data with digital data while a user is seamlessly flying over and viewing the resulting imagery. Data currently available includes land, urban, and coastal imagery collected by satellites, aerial photography, and other remote sensing means. Features that expand TerraFly’s data manipulation capabilities include: a compass control that allows 360-degree control of flight direction and speed, access to a database of place/street names and their coordinates, complete descriptions of areas of defined interest, zoom in/zoom out capabilities, and information overlays that allow users to highlight specific features from the database. TerraFly's technology can be used in K-12 classrooms to promote the use of interactive programs that teach students about their world and its environment. It can be customized to show relevant geographic areas of interest; for example, you can "fly" over your neighborhood or an ancient ruin in Greece. Teachers can tailor the experience to their needs by choosing various overlays, homework assignments, and interactive games to be used in conjunction with TerraFly. Step-by-step and animated tutorials are available to help users get started.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 1997-2001, All rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Geospatial Applications Branch, U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Corpscon Coordinate Conversion Program	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: Corpscon is a Microsoft Windows-based program, which allows users user to convert coordinates between Geographic, State Plane and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) systems on the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27), the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), and High Accuracy Reference Networks (HARNs). Corpscon uses the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) program Nadcon to convert between NAD 27, NAD 83 and HARNs, and performs vertical conversions to and from the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Vertical conversions are based on the NGS program Vertcon and can be performed for the continental U.S. only. Corpscon will also calculate geoid-ellipsoid separations (based on the NGS program Geoid96) for the Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): David	Doyle		Mr	National Geodetic Survey	daved@ngs.noaa.govemail	301-713-3178		
This is a(n) person.
Title: NADCON - North American Datum Conversion Utility	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This software tool converts geological data from the 1927 North American Datum (NAD) to the more current 1983 North American Datum version. Data may also be transformed from either NAD 27 or NAD 83 to be compatible with High Precision Geodetic Networks (HPGN), also known as High Accuracy Reference Networks. Links on this page explain exactly how, why, and when to use such conversions, and describe the coordinate data that should be obtained before trying to use the software packages that are offered.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jean	Boulais			Natural Resources Canada	580 Booth St., 11th floor	Ottowa				613-995-1305	613-995-0693	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geodetic Survey Routine: UTM/TM and Geographic Converter	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This on-line tool converts between Universal Transverse Mercator and Latitude/Longitude coordinates, in either direction. This site is also linked to an online demonstration of how and why to use this tool. In addition, users may obtain a copy of the software through download or mailorder (charges may apply).
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The material on this site is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act, by Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The University of Texas at Austin		Austin	TX					
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Perry-Castañeda Library Online Map Collection	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This map archive, from the University of Texas at Austin, allows users to search or browse through thousands of maps of locations around the world. It provides an updated list of maps illustrating current areas of interest in terms of politics or events, as well as a collection of unique historical maps. Users may select various map scales for certain locations.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2001 General Libraries The University of Texas at Austin. Material on this site may be quoted or reproduced for educational purposes without prior permission, provided appropriate credit is given. Any commercial use of this material is prohibited without prior permission from The General Libraries.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Arizona State University; Department of Geology	Box 871404	Tempe	AZ	85287-1404				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Ken	Edgett			Maliin Space Science Systems			San Diego	CA			
This is a(n) person.
Title: ASU Mars K-12 Education Program	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This website is home to the Arizona State University (ASU) Mars Education Program. This program includes information about the MSIP (Mars Student Imaging Project), student visits to the Mars Space Flight Facility, educator workshops held at ASU and other national sites, and Mars hands-on activity guides. Red Planet Connection is a quarterly publication, which stimulates children's interest in science through the topic of Mars and Mars missions. The educator guides provide Mars-related information and activities for classroom use, including teacher resources, lessons, and information about Mars Surveyor, Mars Pathfinder, and Mars Global Surveyor. The website also covers ASU's involvement with the Mars program, including the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES).
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				The David Rumsey Collection								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This map collection focuses on rare 18th and 19th century North and South America cartographic history materials. Historic maps of the World, Europe, Asia and Africa are also represented. The collection categories include old and antique atlas, globe, school geography, maritime chart, state, county, city, pocket, wall, children, and manuscript maps. Genealogy and family history can be studied on the maps.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Images copyright © 2000 by Cartography Associates. Images may not be reproduced or transmitted unless for personal use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):		1045 Sansome Street, Suite 304	San Francisco	CA	94111		415-732-7000	415-732-7007	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ENature	Keywords: Biology	Description: This on-line guide is a complete resource for information about animals, plants, and the natural world. Field guides give detailed photos and information on over 5,000 species, including amphibians, birds, fish, insects, mammals, reptiles, trees, wildflowers, spiders, seashore creatures, plants, and butterflies. The Bird of The Day section highlights a species with tips for viewing, as well as audio files of its call. There are local wildlife guides to find out about species in specific areas of the US, and a park/refuge finder. Experts are on hand to answer any questions that viewers have about wildlife, plants, and birds. There is also a news section with a sky guide, nature watch, and wildlife information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright ©2002, Inc. All rights reserved. All content on this Web site, including photographs, text, illustrations, and maps, is the property of eNature, Inc., or our contributors. No portion of the material on this Web site (including text, photographs, and artwork) may be copied, reproduced, or reused without the express written permission of eNature, Inc. All photographs used on this Web site are under the copyright of the individual photographers. Please respect the hundreds of photographers who have contributed to this project by not copying or using their photographs outside this Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				USGS Mapping Applications Center	509 National Center, Reston, VA 20192, USA	Reston	VA	20192			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The United States Geological Survey National Mapping Program Fact Sheets	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This site offers a collection of United States Geological Survey (USGS) factsheets that introduce and explain a vast array of topics related to mapping. Each subject covers the history and development of that particular topic and includes any software or instruments that may be requried to utilize the information sources described. The topics covered on this site include: GIS, UTM, aerial photographs, map projections, map accuracy measurements, digital elevation models (DEM), satellite imagery, landcover mapping, hydrography, and numerous other components of maps. Information is available in several different formats (paper, html and pdf) and includes links back to other USGS services.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 													
This is a(n) organization.
Title: UTM Grid Zones of the World	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This map displays the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid across the globe. Links are provided to convert between UTM and latitude/longitude coordinates and for more details on referencing coordinates within each UTM zone.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Stern	P.	Dr	31 Lakeside Drive	Greenbelt	MD	20770		301-474-4527		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mauricio	Peredo		Dr	2010 Greenbelt Road, Box 17	Lanham	MD	20706				
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Great Magnet, the Earth	Keywords: Geophysics,History and philosophy of science,Physics,Space science	Description: This site provides a non-mathematical introduction to the magnetism of the Earth, the Sun, the planets and their environments, following an historical thread. It is also available in French, Spanish, and German.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Lenntech Water & Luchtbehandeling Holding B.V.						31-0-15-26-10-900	31-0-15-26-16-289	Netherlands
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lenntech: Water Treatment and Air Purification	Keywords: Chemistry,Environmental science,Technology	Description: Lenntech is a supplier of water treatment and air treatment systems for disinfection, filtration, odor control, and recycling of water and air. Lenntech uses environmentally friendly technologies such as ozone, uv, chlorine dioxide, biofilters, and Ecosorb, an alternative form of odor control. For each product and related process a summarized description, often using pictures and diagrams, is available.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey Learning Web Team			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Explorers	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Hydrology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: This portion of the Learning Web provides resources for anyone curious about natural science. It includes links to various natural science-related glossaries, maps, books, and career information. The Fun Stuff section contains links to science games and images for projects or research. Special Topics contains details about specific areas of geology such as rocks, natural hazards, plants, animals, water, and real-time data.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Hargrove	W		University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, GIS and Spatial Technologies Group	P.O. Box 2008, M.S. 6274	Oak Ridge	TN	37831-6274				U.S.A.
This is a(n) person.
Title: Estimating Temperature and Precipitation at the Last Glacial Maximum	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: Maps of the United States showing estimated temperature and precipitation during the Valdai last glacial maximum are presented, along with an explanation of the process used in creating the maps. Estimating temperatures during the Valdai glaciation involved a three-step process: interpolating a continuous delta temperature surface, obtaining a continuous map of current mean annual temperature, and subtracting the delta surface from the current map to produce a Valdai mean temperature map. Estimating precipitation during the glaciation required a similar three-step process.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Exploring Rocks (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) fact sheet is part of the Learning Web series, and contains information and images of rocks. It describes how rocks form, why they are useful, and what they can tell scientists, and includes an overview of the three rock types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Also provided is information about how to start and maintain a rock collection.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Exploring Maps and Images (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This section of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Learning Web provides details about maps and images. It describes topographic and geologic maps, including an explanation of what they show and how they are used. Links are provided for more information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Exploring Water (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) Learning Web site highlights information about water, including water use (power, supply, transport), and water quality (how it changes over time). Links are provided for further information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Felder	M.	Dr	Department of Chemical Engineering	North Carolina State University	Raleigh	NC	27695-7905	919-515-2327	919-515-3465	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Reaching the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: This article describes how students can differ greatly from each other in their styles of learning, as well as how teachers can also differ significantly in their approaches to teaching science. The paper describes the different teaching and learning techniques, and provides tips for teachers on how to make their classes more accessible to a broader range of students, not just those whose learning style happens to match the teacher's instructive approach.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Students	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) Learning Web site offers project ideas for environmental science issues, and links to homework help in geology, biology, geography, and hydrology. There are also links to on-line glossaries, clipart collections, paper models, and a trivia game.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Shannon	Sullivan		Ms	National Geographic Society	PO Box 98199	Washington	DC	20090			USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: National Geographic Xpeditions Atlas	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This site offers a variety of geography education resources. The atlas allows the user to find and print black and white maps of any region of the world and customize the image to fit their needs. The forum provides a location for students, teachers, and the general public to discuss pertinent scientific and educational issues. The Xpedition Hall is an interactive museum that takes the user on geography journeys. The standards section describes all 18 of the National Geography Standards for purposes of instructing young geographers. The Activities section provides individual and group on and off-line learning activities and may used for classroom learning sessions. Lesson plans may be selected from the lesson index and can be categorized by the standard or aspect of geography you wish to teach. These lesson plans were written by educators and have been tested in the classroom.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Timothy	Heaton	H		University of South Dakota, Department of Earth Sciences		Vermillion	SD	57069	605-677-6122	605-677-6121	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ice Age Paleontology of Southeast Alaska	Keywords: Human geography,Paleontology	Description: In 1990 vertebrate fossils were found in the caves of southeast Alaska, an area of impressive karst topography. Since then, large-scale paleontological and archaeological excavations have been conducted on northern Prince of Wales Island, and the research is now expanding to other islands and coastal mainland areas of southeast Alaska. The goal of this research is to establish a complete chronology of mammals, birds, and fish living in the region before, during, and following the Last Glacial Maximum, and up to the present day. This work is helping to establish the timing and extent of glaciation, the presence of Ice Age coastal refugia for land mammals, and the possibility that humans first entered North America by this coastal route. The results of this research are available at this site.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2002 by Timothy H. Heaton
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Lahr	C.	Dr	USGS Geologic Hazards Team	P.O. Box 25046	Denver	CO	80225	303-273-8596	303-273-8600	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earth Science Hands-On Learning Activities and Lesson Plans	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Physics,Structural geology	Description: This collection of animations, demonstration projects, paper models, and other teaching tools is designed to aid in the understanding of geologic processes. Topics include sea-floor spreading and subduction, earthquakes, seismology, magnetometers, volcanoes, and wave types. Links are provided to other sites containing paper models (i.e., volcano, trilobite, nautiloid) and other geology and natural hazard information. The earthquake lesson plan includes guidelines for teacher preparation, an "in-class inquiry," and a quiz.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Use of these materials on other websites or publications should be accompanied by a source credit, and a link back to the source pages.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tim	Barrows		Dr	Australasian Quaternary Association								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Quaternary Australasia: CLIMANZ IV Maps (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Climatology	Description: CLIMANZ is the acronym for the palaeoCLImate Mapping of Australia and New Zealand project. This web page presents the final maps produced by the CLIMANZ IV conference held in February 1996. Maps are of mean surface temperatures, hydrologic balances, and sea-surface temperatures of the Australasia area during isotope stages 1-7 and termination 1.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © Australian Quaternary Data Archive
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research	University of Colorado, 1560 30th Street	Boulder	CO	80303	303-492-6387	303-492-6388	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR): Tundra-Cam	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Hydrology	Description: Tundra-Cam is a live and interactive webcam located at an elevation of 11,600 feet in the Colorado Front Range. The camera is above timberline on Niwot Ridge, about 25 miles west of Boulder. This camera can be controlled by anyone; a robotic arm and special software allow the camera to be panned and zoomed from a web browser. The software allows multiple users to control the camera at one time. The camera is used for both research and educational purposes. It enables real-time monitoring of factors such as weather conditions, snow drifting and snow-melt patterns, and vegetation changes. Students can use the camera as a virtual field trip to the site, or to revisit the site after an actual field trip.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Will	Downs			Northern Arizona University									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jim	Mead	I	Dr	Northern Arizona University, Quaternary Sciences Program								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Translations of Chinese Paleontology	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This collection of sixty-six paleontology articles was translated from the original Chinese by Will Downs. They are available only in PDF format.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Stern	P.	Dr	31 Lakeside Drive	Greenbelt	MD	20770		301-474-4527		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mauricio	Peredo		Dr	2010 Greenbelt Road, Box 17	Lanham	MD	20706				
This is a(n) person.
Title: From Stargazers to Starships	Keywords: Geophysics,Mathematics,Physics,Space science	Description: This resource covers basic astronomy, Newtonian mechanics, the Sun and related topics (weather, electromagnetic waves, nuclear energy), and space flight. The material stresses space applications, history, and intuitive content, and includes a brief refresher course on algebra and trigonometry. It is also available in Spanish.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Stern	P.	Dr			31 Lakeside Drive	Greenbelt	MD	20770	301-474-4527		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mauricio	Peredo		Dr	2010 Greenbelt Road, Box 17	Lanham	MD	20706				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geophysics,Physics,Space science	Description: This non-mathematical, self-contained exposition of studies of the Earth's magnetic environment in space covers such topics as magnetism, electrons, eons and plasmas, the radiation belt, the sun and the solar wind, exploring earthspace, the dynamic magnetosphere, auroras, and interplanetary field lines. Many of the topics introduce the user to the related physics and astronomy, and are thus a useful supplement to high school or freshmen physics. This resource is also available in Spanish.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Fedor	Babanine			WWW Irkutsk		Irkutsk						Siberia, Russia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lake Baikal Homepage	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Human geography	Description: One of the deepest and most ancient lakes in the world, Lake Baikal is situated in the south of Eastern Siberia. Its age and complicated evolutionary history make it home to a wide variety of plants and animals. This site describes ecological problems, climatic conditions, geology, and cultural aspects of the region, and includes detailed maps and photographs. Portions of the site are translated into French and German.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 webmaster
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): 				United States Geological Survey-Kansas		4821 Quail Crest Place	Lawrence	KS	66049	(785) 832-3549	(785) 832-3500	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Significant Floods in the United States During the 20th Century	Keywords: Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: This website offers general and historical information concerning catastrophic floods in the United States. It includes USGS flood measurement techniques, an accompanying map and table locating and describing 32 of the most significant floods of the 20th century, and information on regional, flash, ice-jam, storm-surge, dam and levee-failure, debris, landslide, and mudflow floods. It also provides links to reports and journal articles, abstracts, fact sheets, and press releases.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Energy Information Administration	1000 Independance Ave. SW	Washington	DC	20585		202-586-8800		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EIA Kids Page	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Physics	Description: This site is part of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) website, and is dedicated to teaching children more about energy. General information includes the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy resources, and descriptions of energy types such as geothermal, wind, hydropower, uranium, oil, gas, coal, and more. Stories about recycling, fusion, and emissions cover current events, and biographies about pioneers in energy include Drake, Curie, Edison, Newton, and more. This site also provides a history of energy and its uses, an energy conversion chart, guidelines for energy education, and an online quiz.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Natural Resources Canada						613-995-0947		Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Natural Resources Canada	Keywords: Environmental science,Forestry,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards,Physical geography,Technology	Description: This website is home to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), a government agency dealing with natural resource issues important to Canadians. It covers energy, climate change, earthquakes, geography, geology, floods, landslides, minerals and metals, forest fires, mining, remote sensing, and forestry. This site links to numerous government agencies, including the Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Forest Service, and the Office of Energy. Also offered are a Kid's page with activities, information for teachers, and links to maps, databases, publications, and library resources.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The material on this site is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act, by Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Lahr	C.	Dr	USGS Geologic Hazards Team	P.O. Box 25046	Denver	CO	80225	303-273-8596	303-273-8600	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Fun With Science: Earthquakes	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Physics,Structural geology	Description: Created by a USGS geophysicist, this site includes links to Public Seismic Network (PSN) websites, informal groups of people from around the world who enjoy the challenge of operating their own seismic equipment. It offers links to USGS sites that will help in keeping track of current earthquake activity, as well as instructions for creating a model of a seismometer.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Use of these materials on other websites or publications should be accompanied by a source credit, and a link back to the source pages.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christopher	Kendall		Dr	University of South Carolina, Department of Geological Sciences	700 Sumter St.	Columbia	SC	29208	803-777-2410	803-777-6610	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: USC Sequence Stratigraphy Web	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: Sequence stratigraphy is a technique used to subdivide the sedimentary section into packages that are defined by bounding unconformities and internal surfaces, and are the products of changes in relative sea level and rates of sedimentation. Sequence stratigraphic analyses are made from seismic cross-sections, well logs, and outcrop studies of sedimentary rocks to infer changes of relative sea level and rates of sedimentation, and predict the continuity and extent of their lithology. This University of South Carolina website provides: animated cartoons demonstrating how gross sedimentary geometric relationships develop in response to varying rates of change of sedimentation, eustasy, and tectonic movement; movies of sedimentary simulations; video narration; films on location; 3D perspectives; simple interactive exercises on chronostratigraphy; fact sheets on world petroleum; historical perspectives about stratigraphy; the potential to simulate the development of geometric relationships on-line; links; references; and on-line papers.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 University of South Carolina - Geology Department. All Rights Reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gary	Bertram			Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 Office of External Programs	901 N. 5th Street	Kansas City	KS	66101		800-223-0425	913-551-7066	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Charlie's Corner	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: Charlie's Corner contains a variety of K-3 resources provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7. Charlie the Chipmunk is the main character of a story created for the EPA, and his story is used to show learners how important it is to protect the environment. The ‘Who is Charlie Chipmunk’ link contains his story and a downloadable coloring book and songs, which are also available in Spanish. Free Stuff includes two downloadable items: 1) a Virtual Environmental Lunch Footprint (VELF) and 2) an environmental screen saver. VELF allows learners to pack a simulated school lunch and view their resulting environmental impact. There are links to photos of Charlie and the EPA, a tour through the EPA building led by Charlie, more activities and coloring books, an art gallery, an Ask Charlie section, and links to other environmental information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ScienceMaster	1702-H Meridian Ave. #103	San Jose	CA	95125		408-266-1428		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ScienceMaster	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Natural hazards,Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: ScienceMaster's goal is to provide the best science resources for teachers, parents, hobbyists, and life-long learners. Their web pages include links to research sites, lesson plans, activities, and project ideas. Major subject areas in science are covered, such as Space, Earth, Life, and Physical science, as well as Technology. Each subject page contains quizzes, activities, links, and tutorials about various topics. Jump Start pages are one-page fact sheets to get teachers and students thinking about a particular topic. Learning Galleries are a place to learn, explore, and understand. From the microscopic to the cosmic, each one contains a collection of images relating to one science or nature topic. Homework Help contains tools for students to use for science classes, including glossaries for space, marine, and solar sciences. It also contains converters for length, area, energy, velocity, mass, and temperature, and calculators for finding sunrise/sunset, weight on other planets, and wind chill. A population clock and periodic table are also available.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 2001 The KGM Group, Inc. All rights reserved. All content, graphics, and proprietary coding on this web site are protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties and may not be copied without the express permission of The KGM Group, Inc., which reserves all rights. materials may be copied and distributed for noncommercial purposes only, provided that any material copied remains intact and that all copies include the following notice: "Copyright© 2001 The KGM Group, Inc. All rights reserved."
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	Wheeling Jesuit University, NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Severe Weather: Hurricanes	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: Severe Weather: Hurricanes is part of an on-line series of modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental Earth Science education through problem-based learning, this module asks student groups to track an actual (past) hurricane. Background information explains how hurricanes occur, how they are named, and the Saffir-Simpson Intensity Scale. Activities train groups on how to track hurricanes. Once they are given an actual hurricane to track, students must determine the speed of its movement and where it will come ashore. There are extension activities, a glossary of terms, teacher resources, a reference for the problem-based learning model, and links to additional resources.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2001, Wheeling Jesuit University/ NASA Classroom of the Future. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies/ NASA Classroom of the Future must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components. Mirroring all or any part of this site requires our permission and the permission of the copyright holder. Caution is advised in copying and distributing U.S. public domain works in countries other than the U.S., where different laws may apply.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Weiland		Dr	Stanford University	397 Panama Mall	Stanford	CA	94305-2210	650-723-8367		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): William	Chadwick		Dr	Oregon State University/NOAA	2115 SE OSU Drive	Newport	OR	97365-5258	541-867-0179	541-867-3907	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: New Millenium Observatory (NeMO): Explorer	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Geology,Geophysics	Description: This website explores an active submarine volcano just off the Oregon coast, Axial Seamount, on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. In the virtual field, users explore an interactive 3-D model of the seafloor and can view hydrothermal vents and fresh lava flows. At each of the six virtual tour sites there is an animated tour, an interactive panorama, links to video clips taken by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and a description of the geological and biological highlights of the site. The field trip also includes a multimedia gallery of video clips, a catalog of hydrothermal vent fauna, and a concept gallery.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used in an educational setting, with NOAA cited as the source.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	Wheeling Jesuit University, NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Volcanoes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Volcanoes is part of an online series of modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental Earth Science education through problem based-learning, this module asks students to look at four different situations involving volcanoes, research the situations, and make decisions about them. Information about the three volcanic areas under exploration (Mt. Hood, Kilauea, and Yellowstone) is given through maps, movies, and videos. Additional information covers plate tectonics, locations of volcanoes, volcano monitoring and hazards, how to deal with volcano threats, lavas, eruption types, and risk analysis. Once students have gone through the information, they make real-life decisions about building near volcanoes, and the possibility of eruptions in the near future. There are teacher resources, a reference for problem-based learning, and links for more information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2001, Wheeling Jesuit University/ NASA Classroom of the Future. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies/ NASA Classroom of the Future must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components. Mirroring all or any part of this site requires our permission and the permission of the copyright holder. Caution is advised in copying and distributing U.S. public domain works in countries other than the U.S., where different laws may apply.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	Wheeling Jesuit University, NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: UV Menace	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science,Technology	Description: UV Menace is part of an online series of modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental Earth Science education through problem-based learning, this module asks students to learn about stratospheric ozone depletion and its effects, then determine future measures that will be needed to correct the current situation. Students will find extensive coverage of the Earth’s hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, anthrosphere, and biosphere. They use this information to evaluate the current status of the Montreal Protocol and determine if it is adequate. If not, students must develop the changes they feel are necessary. There is an online glossary and links for further research and information, teacher resources, and a reference on problem-based learning.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2001, Wheeling Jesuit University/ NASA Classroom of the Future. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies/ NASA Classroom of the Future must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components. Mirroring all or any part of this site requires our permission and the permission of the copyright holder. Caution is advised in copying and distributing U.S. public domain works in countries other than the U.S., where different laws may apply.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Charles	Weiland		Dr	Stanford University	397 Panama Mall	Stanford	CA	94305-2210	650-723-8367	650-725-6566	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mineral Exploration at New Almaden, California (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology	Description: In this map interpretation exercise from Stanford University’s Geology and Environment Sciences department, students analyze and evaluate four types of geologic data (rock type, faults, anticlines, and silica carbonate) for the ability to host a mineral deposit, in this case mercury.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location: http://pangea.Stanford.EDU/GES/courses/GES112/index.html
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used in an educational setting, with credit given to Charley Weiland and/or Stanford University.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	Wheeling Jesuit University, NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Weather or Not?	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: Weather or Not? is part of an online series of modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental Earth Science education through problem-based learning, this module asks students to monitor the current weather and make predictions for up to a week. Using satellite imagery and monitoring resources, students predict the weather for an up-coming event of their choice (such as a sporting event). After the predictions are made, students track the actual weather that occurred during the event. There are links and resources for further information and research, as well as a reference on problem-based learning.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2001, Wheeling Jesuit University/ NASA Classroom of the Future. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies/ NASA Classroom of the Future must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components. Mirroring all or any part of this site requires our permission and the permission of the copyright holder. Caution is advised in copying and distributing U.S. public domain works in countries other than the U.S., where different laws may apply.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Robert	Myers		Dr	Wheeling Jesuit University, NASA Classroom of the Future	316 Washington Ave.	Wheeling	WV	26003		304-243-2368	304-243-2497	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mars Landing	Keywords: Space science	Description: Mars Landing is part of an online series of modules entitled Exploring the Environment. Emphasizing an integrated approach to environmental Earth Science education through problem-based learning, this module asks students to choose the most appropriate landing site on Mars by consulting low-resolution and high-resolution images. First, students must learn to enhance digital images in practice sessions and how to view images through pixels. Next, their challenge is to land within a given area that is a good, safe landing place. There are links for further research and information, as well as a reference for problem-based learning.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright© 1997-2001, Wheeling Jesuit University/ NASA Classroom of the Future. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. However, copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Center for Educational Technologies/ NASA Classroom of the Future must be honored as follows: abstracting with credit is permitted, but anyone copying information must abide by the terms and constraints of the copyright protecting all components. Mirroring all or any part of this site requires our permission and the permission of the copyright holder. Caution is advised in copying and distributing U.S. public domain works in countries other than the U.S., where different laws may apply.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University Corporation for Atmospheric Research	3300 Mitchell Lane, Suite 3202-3226 P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307-3000	303-497-8600	303-497-8610	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Lucy	Warner			University Corporation for Atmospheric Research						303-497-8602		
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Global Change Instruction Program	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: The Global Change Instruction Program (GCIP) produces instructional materials for teaching undergraduate nonscience majors about global change science and issues. The materials are in the form of printed modules, some accompanied by computer software, on selected aspects of the broad topic of global change. The modules are written by experts in each field for students who may not have much background in math or science but whose curiosity is aroused by concern for the environment.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Energy Education Development	8408 Kao Circle	Manassas	VA	20110		703-257-1117	703-257-0037	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Energy Education Development	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Physics	Description: The National Energy Education Development (NEED) project develops and distributes comprehensive, hands-on energy education programs to schools nationwide. Resources on this page include information sheets on energy types (biomass, geothermal, uranium, coal, electricity, wind, and gas), downloadable teacher guides with class activities for all grade levels, as well as downloadable student workbooks. There are energy education guidelines and an Energy Fair section, which offers project ideas.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 2000, 2001 National Energy Education Development Project. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	Hargrove	W.	Dr	Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Division	P.O. Box 2008, Mail Stop 6038	Oak Ridge	TN	37831-6038	865-574-1902		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Simulating Fire Patterns in Heterogeneous Landscapes	Keywords: Ecology,Forestry,Natural hazards	Description: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Science Division personnel are developing a computer fire simulation, an Ecological Model for Burning the Yellowstone Region (EMBYR), to investigate the causes and consequences of large-scale fires like those that burned in Yellowstone National Park during 1988. EMBYR is not designed to make predictions about single fire events, but will be used as a "what-if" tool to investigate possible landscape-scale effects of variation in fire frequency, fire management, and global climate regimes over time scales ranging from complete fire seasons to millennia. Data from the Forest Lake Fire was used to show simulation output by the model.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Documents provided from this server were sponsored by a contractor of the U.S. Government under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. Accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Chris	Dolan			University of Wisconsin, Astronomy Department		475 N. Charter St.	Madison	WI	53706			USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Planets	Keywords: Space science	Description: This tool allows users to find when planets are visible in a given year. The years covered by this site are 1900 to 2100. The positions given are for the 1st of the month, at 9 pm, and generally hold true for the entire month. Positions are noted by which constellation the planet is located in. The planets given are Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. Additional comments for Venus and Mars note their location and viewing times.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Indiana Academy Office of Outreach Programs	Ball State University	Muncie	IN			800-316-3163 x112	765-285-2665	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Messages from Outer Space Online	Keywords: Space science	Description: Messages from Outer Space is a live, interactive, televised electronic field trip for grades 7-12 to the Moon, Meteorites, and Solar System Gallery at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. This online edition can be used as an educational supplement to the electronic field trip broadcast. It also serves as a self-contained, Web-based resource guide to the topics and issues that are examined during Messages from Outer Space. Through this site, teachers can explore the many educational activities and resources related to the electronic field trip, including classroom projects and direct e-mail links to the Smithsonian scientists. Activities include topics such as age and weight on other planets, moons, solar system mass, comets, and galaxies. Classes can also view meteorites, moon rocks, and other specimens by taking a comprehensive "virtual tour" through the Smithsonian Exhibits.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All contents copyright © 1999 The Indiana Academy / Ball State University
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Indiana Academy, Office of Outreach Programs	Ball State University	Muncie	IN			800-316-3163	765-285-2665	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Stories Written in Stone Online	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: Stories Written in Stone is a live, interactive, televised electronic field trip for grades 7-12 to the Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. Set against the backdrop of the Rocks and Plate Tectonics galleries, Smithsonian scientists and researchers reveal how rocks, volcanoes, and earthquakes tell us about plate tectonics. The program content also focuses on how heat and pressure transform rocks within the Earth, as well as the surface processes that change rocks. This online edition can be used as an educational supplement to the electronic field trip broadcast. It also serves as a self-contained, Web-based resource guide to the topics and issues that are examined during Stories Written in Stone. Through this site, teachers can explore the many educational activities and resources related to the electronic field trip. Classes also can view many of the museum displays by taking a comprehensive "virtual tour" through the Smithsonian Exhibits. Also, to get a closer view of individual rock specimens, browse through the online Archives.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All contents copyright © 1999 The Indiana Academy / Ball State University.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Indiana Academy, Office of Outreach Programs	Ball State University	Muncie	IN			800-316-3163	765-285-2665	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: A Gem of a Story Online	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: A Gem of a Story is a live, interactive, televised electronic field trip for grades 7-12 to the Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. This online edition can be used as an educational supplement to the electronic field trip broadcast. It also serves as a self-contained, Web-based resource guide to the topics and issues that are examined during A Gem of a Story. Through this site, teachers can explore the many educational activities and resources related to this electronic field trip. Activities include specimen identification, properties of minerals, mineral uses and contributions to life, crystals, and the rock cycle. Classes can also view many of the unique museum displays by taking a comprehensive "virtual tour" through the Smithsonian Exhibits. Also, to get a closer view of individual gems and minerals, browse through the online Archives.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All contents copyright © 1999 The Indiana Academy / Ball State University
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gene	Moore								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hail Storms	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This website contains photos and information about hail and hail storms as a weather phenomenon. The images show hail stones, storms with falling hail, cloud formations, and damage from hail. Each photo has a description with information about the weather system and occurrence of hail.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All images and text © copyright Gene Moore unless otherwise indicated.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gene	Moore								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tornadoes	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This website is a collection of tornado images and descriptions. Descriptions cover tornado types (such as a wedge tornado) and specify how each tornado formed, its location, and wind speed.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All images and text © copyright Gene Moore unless otherwise indicated.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gene	Moore								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Wind Storms, Gust Fronts, and Outflow	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This website contains photos and descriptions of wind storms, gust fronts, and outflows. Each image contains a description of the storm, details about the winds, and location information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All images and text © copyright Gene Moore unless otherwise indicated.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gene	Moore								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lightning and Storms	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This web page contains images and descriptions of lightning occurrences. The descriptions detail information about lightning, such as when it may hit, where it has hit, strike types, and more.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All images and text © copyright Gene Moore unless otherwise indicated.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Channel Thirteen Ed Online			NY					USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Thirteen Ed Online: Original Science Lesson Plans (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Environmental science,Geology,Natural hazards,Physics,Space science	Description: Made available by Thirteen Ed Online Master Teachers, these lesson plans use internet as well as classroom resources. Some plans are designed for a single class period while others are for an entire unit. These plans give an overview with objectives for learning, procedures for teachers to put together the lessons, and student organizers to hand out during class. Topics covered include experiment design, weather, data gathering, biology, physics, deduction skills, evolution, global warming, plate tectonics, natural disasters, planets, volcanoes, and more.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Andy	Michael			United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team	345 Middlefield Road, MS/977	Menlo Park	CA	94025-3591		650-329-4777		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Earthquake Hazards Team	345 Middlefield Road, MS 977	Menlo Park	CA	94035		650-329-4668	650-329-5163	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS: Listening to Earthquakes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: At this United States Geological Survey (USGS) website, scientists have taken vibrations that occur during earthquakes and transformed them into sound files. Through listening, people can better understand the shaking that occurs during earthquakes. Earthquake properties that can be determined by listening include fault length, distance from the epicenter, and the type of rock the earthquake traveled through. An interactive listening quiz explains why the sounds change under different circumstances. The sound files can also be listened to and downloaded just for fun.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				SpaceRef Interactive		PO Box 3569	Reston	VA	20195		703-787-6567		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Whole Mars Catalog	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This website contains links, images, and text from sources across the web that pertain to the planet Mars. The site is searchable, or can be browsed by categories such as Mars News, Planetary Facts, Exploration, Searching for Life, Moons, Meteorites, Missions, and Mars in Fiction. Under each category is a list of links for information and images.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 SpaceRef Interactive Inc. All rights reserved
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Explorit Science Center	3141 5th Street	Davis	CA	95617		530-756-0191	530-756-1227	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Explorit's Science Quizzes	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemistry,Physics,Space science	Description: This website hosts a number of quizzes, all about different science topics. The quizzes are self-correcting, and some give a score. Most quizzes contain 5 questions. Topics covered include biology, physics, weather, astronomy, chemistry, and more.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2002 Explorit Science Center.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Christopher	Landsea	W.		Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory	4301 Rickenbacker Causeway	Miami	FL	33149				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: FAQ: Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Tropical Cyclones	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Natural hazards	Description: This website contains the answers to over 50 questions relating the characteristics of typhoons, tropical cyclones, and hurricanes. It covers a wide variety of topics, from basic definitions to myths, names, winds, forecasting, and historical information. The answers to the questions contain charts, graphs, text, and illustrations for a thorough explanation. When appropriate, links are given for more details. This site is also available in Spanish and French.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Judy	Willis			ProTeacher, Science Editor								USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): George	Hein			ProTeacher, Project Manager						408-864-8387		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: ProTeacher Earth Science Lesson Plans	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Educational theory and practice,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology,Physical geography,Space science	Description: This page of the ProTeacher website provides Earth science-related lesson plans, activities, labs, experiments, images, and illustrations for the K-6 teacher. Topics include geology, dinosaurs, physical geography, biomes, rocks and minerals, earthquakes, volcanoes, water, oceans, space flight, the solar system, weather, maps, teaching materials, and more. ProTeacher also offers reference links, theme ideas, and classroom management articles for teachers.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998-2002 ProTeacher. ProTeacher is a registered trademark.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Slaymaker	Clark	Dr	California State University, Sacramento, Geology Department	6000 J Street	Sacramento	CA	95819-6043		916-278-6064	916-278-6043	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Study Questions for Geophysics	Keywords: Geologic time,Geophysics,Structural geology	Description: This website hosts over fifty practice questions relating geophysics. Topics covered in these questions include gravity, earthquake waves and seismicity, Earth structure, geochronology, anomalies, viscosity, and polar wandering.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Kentucky Coal Organization			KY			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coal Education Website	Keywords: Environmental science,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The majority of the funding for the Coal Education Website is provided by the Kentucky Coal Council and the Kentucky Coal Association. Kentucky coal facts, history, and modern mining technology are some topics covered at this site. Teacher resources include a large glossary and lesson plans, covering such topics as rocks and minerals, mining, reclamation, and coal formation, properties, and uses. Coal-related papers and technical abstracts reflect the coal industry position on energy and environmental issues.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1996-2001 Kentucky Coal Association.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Gladys	Hansen	Cox		Museum of the City of San Francisco	945 Taraval Street	San Francisco	CA	94116		415-928-0289	415-731-4204	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Great 1906 Earthquake and Fire	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: Hosted by the Museum of the City of San Francisco, this site contains information about the Great Earthquake of 1906, including newspaper clippings, eyewitness accounts, police and fire department reports, maps, photos, seismograph readings, scientific reports, and recovery efforts.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site and contents ©1995-2001 Gladys Cox Hansen
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Liz	Lefrancois			Environment Canada	National Water Issues Branch	Ontario		K1A OH3			819-994-0234	Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Groundwater - Nature's Hidden Treasure	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This Environment Canada fact sheet highlights information about groundwater. The sheet starts with the definition of groundwater and aquifers, then discusses the hydrologic cycle, groundwater quality, contamination, and protection. A bibliography lists resources for further study.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 1999 Copyright © 1996-2001, Environment Canada. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ian	West	M.	Dr	Southampton University, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences	Empress Dock	Southapmton		SO14 3ZH		02380-592004		United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Title: West's Geology Resources	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Geophysics,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology,Physical geography,Structural geology	Description: This is one of the world's largest geological web sites, with more than 200 web pages comprised of geological field guides, with hundreds of full screen color photographs of varied geological features, and with associated bibliographies. All of the field guides are for geologic locations in England. Also included is a large directory of internet sites sorted by topic. Topics range from mineral and rock types, to geologic time periods, fossils, plate tectonics, geochronology, mapping, and geologic surveys.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2002 of Ian West.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sylvia	Cox			National Aeronautics and Space Administration	Ames Research Center	Moffet Field	CA			USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Lunar Prospector Education Page (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) site provides classroom resources about the Moon. A teacher's guide contains basic detailed information about the Moon, such as the lunar landscape, craters, and Moon rocks. The lesson plan and activities sections cover phases of the Moon, lunar landforms, a Lunar Prospector model, and orbits.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on a server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted on those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gary	Bertram		Mr	US EPA Region 7 Office of External Programs	901 N. 5th Street	Kansas City	KS	66101		1-800-223-0425	913-551-7066	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Envirokids	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: This U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 page is a collection of environmental information for learners in grades 4-8. It includes suggestions for student actions that might help the environment, including alternatives to common household products and a summary of an inner city school’s composting project that may be duplicated by other schools. Additionally, the site provides a student art gallery, games, EPA information, and links to other environmental sites.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Justin	Revenaugh	S.	Dr	University of California, Santa Cruz	Earth and Marine Sciences, 1156 High St.	Santa Cruz	CA	95064	831-459-3055	831-459-3074	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Mathematics in the Earth Sciences	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Mathematics	Description: This course homepage, from the University of California, Santa Cruz, contains problem sets, class notes, homework, lecture notes, labs, old tests, a syllabus, and lecture outlines. Topics covered include derivatives, vectors, differential equations, gradients, matrices, and the geological applications of these concepts.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Linda	Martel			NASA Hawai'i Space Grant Program	2525 Correa Road	Honolulu	HI	96822		808-956-3138		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Exploring Planets in the Classroom	Keywords: Geology,Soil science,Space science,Structural geology	Description: This site holds more than twenty-five hands-on activities for teachers and students exploring the Earth, planets, geology, and space. Topics covered include the solar system, Mars, the Moon, properties of planets, volcanology, craters, folding and faulting, soils, streams, and wind. Each activity details procedures, materials, objectives, background information, and follow-up questions.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Please contact Linda Martel prior to reproducing activities and information found on this web site. For general educational purposes, we require that the original URL and the Hawai`i Space Grant Consortium credit is clearly marked on each page or portion used.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Samuel	Borenstein			York College, City University of New York	94-20 Guy R. Brewer Road	Jamaica	NY	11451		718-262-2650		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Interactive Courseware for PC's	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical geography,Physics	Description: This website from the Institute on Climate and Planets (ICP), a division of NASA, is host to a number of software curriculum modules. These interactive modules have been developed as teaching tools to help students learn basic physical concepts as well as several meteorological applications. The modules cover topics such as sunlight and latitude, albedo and distance, Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Newton's laws of motion, the Coriolis effect, cloud formation, and the Greenhouse effect.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Courseware presented on this page is Copyright © 1996-1997 by Samuel Borenstein, York College, CUNY.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Museum of Natural History		Central Park West at 79th St.	New York	NY	10024-5192		212-769-5000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Nature Of Diamonds	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This website, from the American Museum of Natural History, highlights a former exhibition about diamonds. Beginning with a basic definition, it covers the formation, history, and mining & distribution of diamonds, as well as their use as gemstones and as an industrial material.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All text, images, and software code on this website are copyright property of the American Museum of Natural History and its programmers unless otherwise noted. They may be used for the personal education of website viewers. They may not be placed in the public domain. Any commerical reproduction, publication, or other use by electronic means or otherwise is prohibited unless pursuant to a written license signed by the Museum.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Sarah	Schoedinger			National Oceanographic Partnership Program, Project Coordinator								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Project NOPP Drifters	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: This site allows teachers to use data from ocean drifting buoys to integrate ocean science into their classroom science and math instruction. It offers educational activities and curriculum materials developed and tested by teachers. Alternatively, educators may opt to use only the data, background information and reference images. Data is collected by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP).
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001- 2002
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gary	Bertram		Mr	US EPA Region 7 Office of External Programs	901 N. 5th Street	Kansas City	KS	66101		1-800-223-0425	913-551-7066	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: EPA Teacher's Lounge	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 7 Teacher’s Lounge is divided into three categories: resources, classroom activities (K-12), and miscellaneous. The resources described in various links include: environmental education grants, environmental educator organizations and associations, EPA speakers bureau, information resource center, links to environmental education sites, and publications. The classroom activities are categorized as: air, solid and hazardous waste, and water. There is a collection of activities contained in each one of these categories that allow learners to explore water conservation, a ground-water model, radon, pollution prevention, chemical landfills, airborne particulates, composting, recycling, and air pollution.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Michelle	Hall-Wallace	K.	Dr	University of Arizona	PO Box 210077, Geosciences	Tucson	AZ	85721	520-621-9993	520-621-2672	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Bryan	Hance		Mr	University of Arizona	1230 N. Park Ave. Ste#201	Tucson	AZ	85721		520-401-8309		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Earthscope Education and Outreach (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology,Geophysics,Hydrology,Natural hazards,Policy issues,Structural geology,Technology	Description: EarthScope applies modern observational, analytical, and telecommunications technologies to investigate the structure and evolution of the North American continent and the physical processes controlling earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Imaging the crust and mantle at an unprecedented scale, EarthScope will integrate new observations from cutting-edge land and space based technologies to measure deformation in real-time at continental scales. These observations, integrated with geologic data, will yield a comprehensive time-integrated picture of continental evolution and will link surface features with their structures at depth. The site houses a number of original data sources (such as real-time seismic data and maps), a gateway to current seismic news and events, and Earth Sciences related community event calendars.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Resources may be used for educational and non-commercial purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sharron	Sample			National Aeronautics and Space Administration								USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: It's a Breeze: How Air Pressure Affects You	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physics	Description: An explanation of air pressure and how it relates to weather is highlighted on this National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) kids’ page. The site offers experiments, discussion questions, a word search game, and interactive computer animations that explain the relationship between weather and air pressure.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Indiana Geological Survey	611 N. Walnut Grove	Bloomington	IN	47405		812-855-7636		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Indiana Geology Today	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Hydrology,Paleontology	Description: The Indiana Geological Survey (IGS) provides an introduction to the geology of Indiana, with educational activities for K-12 students. This site discusses the IGS, contains a glossary with over 100 entries, and provides reviews of educational geology websites, conversion charts, state park guides, and lesson plans about rocks, tides, and other geology topics. There is also information specific to Indiana, such as the bedrock geology of the state, landscapes, tectonic features, groundwater, oil and gas resources, and field trip guides.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Emma	Place			University of Bristol, Institute for Learning and Research Technology, Resource Discovery Network Virtual Training Suite	8-10 Berkeley Square	Bristol		BS8 1HH	44-0-117-928-7183		United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Simon	Jennings			Resource Discovery Network	Kings College London, The Strand	London		WC2 2LS	44-0-20-7848-2935		England
This is a(n) person.
Title: Resource Discovery Network (RDN) Virtual Training Site	Keywords: Agricultural science,Biology,Chemistry,Geology,Paleontology,Physical oceanography,Physics,Technology	Description: A collaboration between 30 universities, this Virtual Training Suite provides 40 tutorials designed to help students, lecturers, and researchers improve their Internet information skills. Based on a United Kingdom initiative to offer free online training, these tutorials cover specific web skills for those in disciplines such as math, the history and philosophy of science, geography, bioresearch, earth science, and others. Each tutorial provides expert "tour guides" developed by universities, libraries, museums, and research institutes across the UK. Representative web-based resources are showcased, but the main objective is to teach users how to find the resources that match their particular needs and interests. The tutorials also focus on the critical and evaluative skills required to judge the merits of specific web resources. There is a glossary, a section for teacher resources, downloadable workbooks, and a discussion on how to cite Internet resources. Each tutorial includes quizzes and interactive exercises. Five hubs for tutorial development include: SOSIG (The Social Science Information Gateway), EEVL (The Internet Guide for Engineering, Mathematics and Computing), BIOME (Internet Resources in Health and Life Sciences), PSIgate (The Physical Sciences Information Gateway) and HUMBUL (The Humanities Hub).
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ILRT. The RDN Virtual Suite has been developed to benefit the further and higher education communities in the United Kingdom. It may be freely used for non-commercial academic and research purposes in the UK and elsewhere. Any other use is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright owner, The Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol, UK. No part of these pages may be reproduced or distributed in any material form or medium other than for the private purposes of users or in accordance with the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) without the permission of the University.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jonathan	Dehn		Dr	Geological Survey of Japan, Hokkaido Branch	Kita-8, Nishi-2, Kita-Ku	Sapporo		060		81-11-709-1814	81-11-709-1817	Japan
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Volcanic Homepage	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This is part of an ongoing project to model volcanic eruptions using a computer. There are links to over 100 other volcano websites, eruption photos from around the world, and volcanic animations, sounds, and movies. There is also an online publication of volcanic literature, reference materials on volcanic eruptions, a guide to volcanologists on the Internet, and safety information. This site also contains models of volcanoes, including a petrographic model, an eruption model, and a volcano-type model.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency	1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW	Washington	DC	20460		202-260-2090		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EPA Explorers' Club	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: The purpose of this Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website is for children to learn more about the environment and the ways they can help to protect it. Information on air, water, garbage, recycling, plants and animals, and Superfund are presented in an easy to understand and interactive format. There is an art room to make pictures, a game room with interactive games related to environmental topics, and a science room explaining how science works in our environment every day.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Kentucky Geological Survey	University of Kentucky, 228 Mining and Mineral Resources Building	Lexington	KY	40506-0107		859-257-5500	859-257-1147	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Rocks and Minerals Of Kentucky	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: The Kentucky rocks highlighted on this website are chiefly sedimentary, such as limestone and dolostone, since sedimentary rocks cover approximately 99 percent of the state. You will find an extensive list of minerals and mineral groups, such as oxides or halides, and mineral property descriptions that cover hardness, cleavage, color, crystal system, streak, and more. These properties are also discussed in relation to their use in identifying unknown minerals. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are covered in relation to gold and silver deposits, and the legend of the Jonathon Swift Silver mines. Information on Kentucky's state rock and mineral, museums, rock clubs, and mineral deposits are included.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997–2000 by the Kentucky Geological Survey.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Nick	Walker			The Weather Channel	PO Box 675754	Marietta	GA	30006				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Weather Dude	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This weather education website has been developed for kids, parents, and teachers from national TV meteorologist Nick Walker. Users can browse through his songs, definitions, weather proverbs, parent/teacher resources, and more. The site hosts an on-line weather basics book with information about clouds, thunder and lightning, precipitation, meteorology, snow, the Sun, air pressure, seasons, forecasting, and the water cycle. There are links to activity sheets on all of these topics, quizzes and questions about weather, forecasts and maps, as well as weather news headlines.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 2001 Small Gate Media/Nick Walker
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				University of North Dakota		Grand Forks	ND	58202	701-777-7011		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: VolcanoWorld: Mount Saint Helens (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Human geography,Natural hazards	Description: This section of VolcanoWorld contains details about the Mt. St. Helens volcanic eruption of 1980. Photos, personal accounts, and scientific information provide a look at before, during, and after the 1980 eruption. There is a section covering the eruptive history of the mountain, as well as the ongoing effects of the 1980 blast on the people, landscape, and wildlife of the area. A description of the geological events details the eruption, lateral blast, lahars, pyroclastic flows, tephra, and more. A virtual tour of climbing the volcano looks at the effects of the eruption as well. Other northwest volcanoes, such as Mt. Baker and Mt. Rainier, are also discussed. There is a section called the Living Lab Curriculum that looks at geology, human responses, and biology surrounding the eruption. The curriculum comes with instructional strategies and classroom supplements.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: VolcanoWorld is free and available to all.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	120 W 45th Street	New York	NY	10036				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ExploreZone: Weather Zone	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Natural hazards	Description: This section of ExploreZone covers many aspects of weather phenomena, including the latest findings and studies in the field of meteorology. Specific topics discussed include global warming, jet stream, El Nino and La Nina, hurricanes, lightning, Nor'easters, high and low pressure systems, fronts (cold, warm, and stationary), and wind chill (with a conversion table).
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: is owned and operated by Copyright © 1999, 2000, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All editorial content and graphics on this site are protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties and may not be copied or re-used without the express written permission of, which reserves all rights . You may download one copy, but only for your own personal, non-commercial use, and you must maintain the copyright notices and other proprietary notices. Modification is prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	120 W 45th Street	New York	NY	10036				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ExploreZone: Space Zone	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Space science	Description: This section of ExploreZone covers topics relating to space science and exploration, including the latest news and discoveries in the field of astronomy. Topics include the history of astronomy, eclipses (solar, lunar), comets (anatomy), asteroids (size, origin, impacts), meteors, the Moon (phases and features), data on each of the nine planets, and mission information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: is owned and operated by Copyright © 1999, 2000, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All editorial content and graphics on this site are protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties and may not be copied or re-used without the express written permission of, which reserves all rights. You may download one copy, but only for your own personal, non-commercial use, and you must maintain the copyright notices and other proprietary notices. Modification is prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	120 W 45th Street	New York	NY	10036				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ExploreZone: Earth Zone	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography,Structural geology	Description: This part of ExploreZone contains information about the Earth, including the latest news and findings in the fields of geology and environmental science. Specific topics include the atmosphere, earthquakes (waves, damage, plate boundaries, faults), earth's interior(mantle, core, crust), seasons, tides (spring, neap), tsunamis (triggers, recent occurrences, waves), volcanoes, and ocean waves (inside, measurement, breaking ashore).
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ExploreZone is owned and operated by Copyright © 1999, 2000, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All editorial content and graphics on this site are protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties and may not be copied or re-used without the express written permission of, which reserves all rights. You may download one copy, but only for your own personal, non-commercial use, and you must maintain the copyright notices and other proprietary notices. Modification is prohibited.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): George	Hastings			Math and Science Center	2401 Hartman St.	Richmond	VA	23223		804-343-6525	804-343-6529	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Jean	Hastings			Governors School	4100 W. Grace St.	Richmond	VA	23230		804-780-6086		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Classifying Galaxies	Keywords: Space science	Description: This interactive lesson on the Hubble system of classifying galaxies includes a teacher's page detailing purpose, objectives, procedure, assessment ideas, worksheets, and related lesson plans. The lesson itself provides a 'tour' of galaxies, with information, images, and descriptions of classifications. Students answer questions as they proceed through the tour.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©1997 The Regents of the University of California
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Klaus	Kelber	Peter		University of Wurzburg, Institute of Mineralogy	Am Humland	Wurzburg		D-97074		0931-888-5416	0931-888-4620	Germany
This is a(n) person.
Title: Links for Mineralogists	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This website provides annotated links to internet resources for mineralogists, petrologists, crystallographers, and geologists. These resources cover petrology, thermobarometry, mineral descriptions and classifications, mineral and ore deposits, geochemistry, gemology, and materials science, and include software, literature, databases and glossaries, drawings, labs, organizations, and teaching documents.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Great Lakes Collaborative		Belleville	MI			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				University of Kansas, UNITE			KS			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Explorer	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemistry,Geology,Mathematics,Physics,Space science	Description: The Explorer (TM) is a collection of educational resources for K-12 mathematics and science education. These resources include instructional software, lab activities, lesson plans, student-created materials, and more. They can be browsed, or searched by keywords. Science topics covered include space, hydrology, the atmosphere, geology, physical science, chemistry, and biology.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Council on Environmental Quality		722 Jackson Place NW	Washington	DC	20503		202-395-5750	202-456-6540	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Environmental Quality Statistics	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: Hosted by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), this site contains updated monthly tables with statistics about United States environmental quality. The major topics covered in these tables are population, economy and the environment, public lands, ecosystems, air quality, aquatic resources, terrestrial resources, pollution prevention, energy, transportation, and the global environment. The tables indicate data sources, and an archive of statistics for earlier years is provided.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kristen	Williams			Teacher Features								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Teacher Features: Moon Unit	Keywords: Space science	Description: This page presents a two-week (10 classes) unit outline for 3rd grade students on the topic of the Moon. It provides day-to-day objectives, materials necessary for each class, and activities. This unit covers topics such as Moon features, phases, and the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Links are provided for more information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©Teacher Features - 2000
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Leni	Donlan			Youth Net		Washington	DC					
This is a(n) person.
Title: World Weather Watch	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This website hosts an interactive global school program about weather. Classes must be registered to participate, and the project runs twice a year during the school year. Classes around the world track their local weather, then share their data with others on the website. This allows students to exchange weather information across climate zones. Students can predict, track, and research global weather by asking questions, gathering, and comparing collected data.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jim	Luhr			National Museum of Natural History	Global Volcanism Program	Washington	DC	20560-0019		202-357-4809	202-357-2476	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: The Global Volcanism Program (GVP) seeks better understanding of all volcanoes through documenting their eruptions. This site documents worldwide activity and provides weekly reports of events, a list of volcanic regions, and links to other volcano websites. There is also a gazetteer that includes volcano names and regions, and in some cases details such as volcano type, location, coordinates, volcanic history, elevation, descriptions, and seismic readings. A listserv is available for announcements or inquiries about any aspect of volcanology.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2002 Smithsonian Institution
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				USGS Information Services	Denver Federal Center, P.O. Box 25286	Denver	CO	80255		303-202-4700	303-202-4693	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Marine Geology: Research Beneath the Sea	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: This report by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) details the history of marine geology. The scope of this field, tools and equipment used, and methods of study are covered. The report also discusses resource potential of the marine environment, plate tectonics, the effects of marine processes, and new frontiers intended to expand our understanding of the oceans.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Kentucky Geological Survey	University of Kentucky, 288 Mining and Mineral Resources Building	Lexington	KY	40506		606-257-5500	606-257-1147	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology of Kentucky	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Structural geology	Description: This website contains geologic maps of Kentucky, with a discussion of geologic time in regards to the rocks, minerals, fossils, and economic deposits found there. There are also sections that describe strata and geologic structures beneath the surface (faults, basins, and arches), the structural processes (folding and faulting) that create stratigraphic units, the geomorphology of the state, geologic information by county, a general description of geologic time, fossil, rocks, and minerals of Kentucky, and a virtual field trip through Natural Bridges State Park. Links are provided for further information.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997–2000 by the Kentucky Geological Survey.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Kentucky Geological Survey	University of Kentucky, 288 Mining and Mineral Resources Building	Lexington	KY	40506		606-257-5500	606-257-1147	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Fossils of Kentucky	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: Information on Kentucky fossils is organized by type, age, and region. General fossil facts are given, and there are out-of-print technical reports available at this site. A fossil identification key helps users identify unknown fossils by shape or by descriptive terms. A Geologic and Paleontologic Cookbook offers directions for creating edible models that illustrate prehistoric and other Earth Science concepts (such as trilobite cookies and layer-cake geology). There are links to more K-12 activities and other fossil websites.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997–2000 by the Kentucky Geological Survey.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Natural History Museum		Cromwell Road	London		SW7 5BD		44-020-7942-5011		United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mike	Lowndes, Web Manager			The Natural History Museum, IT Division Web Team								United Kingdom
This is a(n) person.
Title: Virtual Reality Fossils (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: The Natural History Museum of the United Kingdom converted real objects into three-dimensional data sets for this exhibition of virtual reality. A digital camera records the path of a narrow laser beam as it scans an object. Data from this camera is used to create the 3D model, which can be rotated and enlarged on a computer screen as if it were a real object. A number of fossil specimens have been scanned for this virtual tour, specifically trilobites and bryozoans. The tour describes where the fossils are found in the United Kingdom, and specific structures and features of each.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1994-2002 The Natural History Museum.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Elizabeth	Beckett			Sampson Christian School				AK					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Holly	Bernitt			Lakeland Senior High School				NY					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Vishwa	Chandra			Delhi Public School RK Puram									India
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Sun: Man's Friend and Foe	Keywords: Atmospheric science,History and philosophy of science,Physics,Space science	Description: This website is provided by ThinkQuest, a global network of students, teachers, parents, and technologists dedicated to youth-centered learning on the internet. This ThinkQuest site, one of over 4000 student created entries in the ThinkQuest library, discusses information about the Sun. As man's friend, the Sun helps life on Earth and gives us energy. As man's foe, it can be harmful to our health. The site discusses the science of the Sun: its parts, fusion energy, solar winds, neutrinos, sunspots, eclipses, global warming, the aurora, and its composition. Folklore and the Sun's influence on cultures, as well as astronomers who have contributed to our knowledge of the Sun, are also covered. There is a teacher’s guide with a glossary, class project ideas, games, and activities. A video section contains short clips and a virtual tour of the Sun.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©Copyright 1998 Elizabeth Beckett, Holly Bernitt, and Vishwa Chandra. All Rights Reserved © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice. Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to ThinkQuest.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Natural Disasters	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This website is provided by ThinkQuest, a global network of students, teachers, parents, and technologists dedicated to youth-centered learning on the internet. Natural Disasters is one of over 4000 student created entries in the ThinkQuest library. The site highlights the following natural disasters: famine, cyclones, brushfires, drought, volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Information provided about these disasters includes where they occur, how they occur, and case studies of each type. A worksheet is included for students to fill out as they navigate the site.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice. Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to ThinkQuest.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Birth of Earth	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This website is provided by ThinkQuest, a global network of students, teachers, parents, and technologists dedicated to youth-centered learning on the internet. One of over 4000 student created entries, the site discusses the origins and formation of the planet Earth. Topics discussed are geologic time, plate tectonics, plate boundaries, and evolution in zoology and botany. There are games as well as experiments for the classroom.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice. Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to ThinkQuest.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Get the Latest Dirt on Soils	Keywords: Soil science	Description: This website is provided by ThinkQuest, a global network of students, teachers, parents, and technologists dedicated to youth-centered learning on the internet. Get the Latest Dirt on Soils is one of over 4000 student created entries. The soil information provided includes: what it is, how it forms, different compositions, types, and conservation. There are additional links, experiments, and activities to further understanding about soils.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice. Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to ThinkQuest.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: This Planet Really Rocks	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This website is provided by ThinkQuest, a global network of students, teachers, parents, and technologists dedicated to youth-centered learning on the internet. This ThinkQuest site is one of over 4000 student created entries. It discusses what rocks are, describes sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks, identifies properties of these rock types, and covers the rock cycle. Mineral identification, Moh's Hardness Scale, and the uses of rocks and minerals are all described. Activities are suggested for use in the classroom.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice. Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to ThinkQuest.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory	4800 Oak Grove Dr.	Pasadena	CA	91109		818-354-4321		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: JPL Solar System Page (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) solar system page covers the Sun and nine planets, giving details about each body such as orbits, images, features, sizes, and other data. Mission information discusses mission objectives in chronological order from the 1960's to future missions. An image and video section contains images of the planets, stars, and galaxies, as well as downloadable videos of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, stars and galaxies, and comets. This site also highlights the latest findings in solar system exploration.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: JPL images are available for use by the public free of charge. However, by electing to download images from this website the user agrees that Caltech makes no warranties or representations with respect to its ownership of copyrights for the images, does not represent others who may claim to be owners of rights in the images, and makes no warranties as to the quality of the images. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	Landslide Information Center	Golden	CO			1-800-654-4966		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS National Landslide Information Center	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: United States Geological Survey (USGS) scientists are working to reduce long-term losses and casualties from landslide hazards through better understanding of the causes and mechanisms of ground failure both nationally and worldwide. The NLIC is responsible for distributing information about landslides to the lay public, researchers, planners, and local, state, and federal agencies. Current USGS landslide projects are discussed, including wildfire debris flow studies, and landslides caused by hurricanes. A search engine aids in discovery of USGS landslide-related documents.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Kentucky Geological Survey, Earth Science Education Committee	University of Kentucky	Lexington	KY	40506-0107		606-257-5500	606-257-1147	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Kentucky Geological Survey: Earth Science Education Network	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Paleontology,Structural geology	Description: This website contains educational resources for K-12 classrooms provided by the Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS). The purpose of this site is to provide educational Earth Science resources from around the globe using the internet. Earth science links, classroom activities, demonstrations, and a listserv for teachers are provided.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1997–2000 by the Kentucky Geological Survey.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Association for the Advancement of Science, Project 2061	1200 New York Avenue, NW	Washington	DC	20005		202-326-6666	202-842-5196	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Project 2061	Keywords: Educational theory and practice	Description: Project 2061 is a long-term initiative of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to reform K-12 science, math, and technology education nationwide through groundbreaking research and innovative books, CD-ROMs, and professional development workshops. Their website includes an online copy of their book, Science for All Americans, which sets out recommendations for what all students should know and be able to do in science, math, and technology by the time they graduate from high school. An Atlas of Science Literacy offers conceptual maps depicting how K-12 learning goals for a particular topic relate to each other and progress from one grade level to the next. Also available are resources for professional development, news, and articles about textbooks, teaching techniques, workshops, and testing.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2002 AAAS. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): James	Hansen			National Aeronautics and Space Administration	Goddard Institute for Space Studies	Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Global Warming Debate	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science	Description: This overview of a late 1998 public debate over the reality of global warming includes a complete PDF copy of the evidence presented during the debate by GISS director Dr. James Hansen. This page covers the basics of using science to persuade an audience with statistics and graphs, as well as key points in the debate over global warming. Climate sensitivity, model calculations, water vapor feedback, carbon dioxide, and planetary disequilibrium are discussed in terms of the causes of global warming, and whether or not it is a serious threat.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site is intended to be used by the public for information exchange.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Knox	A.		National Aeronautics and Space Administration		Goddard Institute for Space Studies	Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Forecast Factory	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Educational theory and practice	Description: This experiment in active learning draws from the real-life origins of modern weather forecasting as a means for having students role-play the various stages of the forecasting process. A discussion and summary of this teaching method are provided, as well as extensions to other topics, such as global climate modeling.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site is intended to be used by the public for information exchange.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest, Inc.								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Library	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,History and philosophy of science,Mathematics,Physics	Description: The library contains unique educational websites that have been created through ThinkQuest competitions and programs. It currently contains more than 5,000 websites built by kids for kids to use and learn. Categories of website topics include science and the environment, computers and the internet, education, health and safety, math, people and places, and technology.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1995-2002, ThinkQuest Inc. All rights reserved. You may download, copy and use materials providing that they are for personal and non-commercial use, and are not distributed. You may link to the site, and make ThinkQuest one of your bookmarks. No permission or notification is necessary. Visitors who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site for uses beyond personal, non-commercial uses are expected to notify ThinkQuest about linkage if for educational purposes or must request permission for linkage, use, or inclusion, if for commercial purposes.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Space Telescope Science Institute	3700 San Martin Drive	Baltimore	MD	21218			410-338-4579	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Star Light, Star Bright	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This Amazing Space science lesson teaches students about the electromagnetic spectrum and how its interpretation enables scientists to gather information about the universe. Computer activities help to explain the wave-energy relationship, and the color-wavelength-temperature relationship. Each section includes questions, 'brain teasers', and reference material for teachers.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Space Telescope Science Institute, Amazing Space	3700 San Martin Drive	Baltimore	MD	21218			410-338-4579	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Amazing Space	Keywords: Geology,Space science,Technology	Description: This website is part of the Space Telescope Science Institute, and contains a set of interactive, web-based activities and lessons designed for classroom use. Topics include the Hubble Space Telescope, galaxies, comets, black holes, light, and the solar system.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Markowitz	P.		Sudbrook Magnet Middle School	4300 Bedford Road	Baltimore	MD	21208				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Tippett	D.		Loch Raven Academy	8101 LaSalle Road	Towson	MD	21286				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Abhigit	Saha			Space Telescope Science Institute	3700 San Martin Drive	Baltimore	MD	21218			410-338-4579	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Astronaut Challenge	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This Amazing Space lesson highlights a 1997 service mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. The activity explains each step of the mission, later asking students to determine the order of the steps, using scientific thinking. Teacher tips outline concepts, skills, time requirements, and followup activities and extensions. Also included is a list of related links, and suggestions for classrooms without computers.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Space Telescope Science Institute	3700 San Martin Drive	Baltimore	MD	21218			410-338-4579	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: From Galileo to Hubble	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Space science,Technology	Description: This tutorial from the Space Telescope Science Institute covers the development of telescopes from Galileo to the Hubble Space Telescope, using images, animations, and text. Students must answer questions as they progress through the lesson. Telescopes covered include the Hooker, Hale, and Keck.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Betty	McCue			Fifth District Elementary School	3725 Mount Carmel Road	Upperco	MD	21155				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Connie	Flowers			Templeton Elementary	6001 Carters Lane	Riverdale	MD	20737				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Alex	Storrs			Space Telescope Science Institute	3700 San Martin Drive	Baltimore	MD	21218			410-338-4579	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Around the Solar System	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This Amazing Space lesson is an interactive card game which helps students learn the properties of comets, asteroids, and the Sun and planets. As students answer questions correctly about the solar system, they collect cards. Background information is provided for teachers.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				World Resources Institute	10 G Street, NE (Suite 800)	Washington	DC	20002	202-729-7600	202-729-7610	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EarthTrends: The Environmental Information Portal	Keywords: Agricultural science,Atmospheric science,Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science,Forestry,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This is a large website that provides searchable databases, data tables, maps, country profiles and written reports on a variety of environmental issues. Topics include coastal and marine ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems, water resources, climate and atmosphere, human population and health, environmental economics, energy and resources, biodiversity, agriculture, forests and grasslands, and environmental governance and institutions. The data and maps found within each of these topics provide useful information for research projects for both students and educators.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 World Resources Institute
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Nancy	Soreide	N.		NOAA/PMEL	7600 Sand Point Wy NE	Seattle	WA	98115	206-526-6728	206-526-6815	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				SEARCH Project Office, Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington	1013 NE 40th st.	Seattle	WA	98105	206-543-1394	206-616-3142	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Environmental Services Data and Information Management (ESDIM), NOAA Environmental Information Services	1335 East West Highway, Room 7226	Silver Spring	MD	20910	301-713-0816	301-713-0819	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Unaami Data Collection: Quantifying Arctic Change	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Biology,Climatology,Cryology,Ecology,Environmental science,Physical oceanography	Description: The Unaami Data Collection offers over 85 multidisciplinary time series which represent pan-arctic change over the last 25 years, including: fisheries, biological, terrestrial, oceanic, sea ice, atmospheric, and climate index data. The name Unaami derives from the Yup'ik word for "tomorrow" and is used in the Science Plan for the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) to describe the yet unknown complex suite of interrelated change occurring throughout the Arctic. The data were collected from published works and different individuals and the project is supported by the NSF Arctic Systems Science program.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: If you use data from the Unaami Data Collection, please acknowledge the Unaami Data Collection and the original source of the data. Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint and/or reprint of those publications utilizing the data for inclusion in the SEARCH Unaami bibliography.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Paula	Hendry	B.		North East High School	1121 Duvall Highway	Pasadena	MD	21122				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Greg	Helms			North County High School	10 East First Ave.	Glen Burnie	MD	21061				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Daniel	Steinby			Space Telescope Science Institute	3700 San Martin Drive	Baltimore	MD	21218			410-338-4579	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: No Escape: The Truth About Black Holes	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This computer activity provides information that will allow students to extend their understanding of basic physical concepts that apply to the study of black holes. They will see how physics and mathematics are used to predict the existence and properties of invisible objects. The assessment component is designed to provide students with an opportunity to practice communicating results of their Internet research to a specified audience.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Gina	Cash			Hammond Middle School	8110 Aladdin Drive	Laurel	MD	20723				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kirk	Fitch			Takoma Park Middle School	7611 Piney Branch Road	Silver Spring	MD	20910				USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ray	Lucas			Space Telescope Science Institute	3700 San Martin Drive	Baltimore	MD	21218			410-338-4579	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hubble Deep Field Academy	Keywords: Space science	Description: This Amazing Space activity examines the Hubble Deep Field image and allows students to simulate the process astronomers go through to count, classify, and identify objects, as well as estimate distances. It seeks to convey the importance of collaboration among scientists as well as the possibility of more than one acceptable answer to any scientific inquiry. Follow-up activities, links, and an instructor guide are included.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Space Telescope Science Institute	3700 San Martin Drive	Baltimore	MD	21218			410-338-4579	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Galaxies Galore	Keywords: Space science	Description: This Amazing Space activity will develop skills required in scientific inquiry (observation, recognition of pattern, identification of attributes, and classification), to gain a general understanding of the structure of galaxies, and to acquire knowledge about galaxy types (irregular, elliptical, and spiral). An instructor guide provides background information, links, and follow-up activities.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. STScI further requests voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Department of Energy	1000 Independence Ave., SW	Washington	DC	20585	1-800-dial-DOE	202-586-4403	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Fuel Economy for Cars and Trucks (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This government resources provides easy access to gas mileage (MPG), greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution ratings, fuel economy tips, and safety information for new and used cars and trucks. Data is provided for car and truck models from 1985 to the present. This information is useful for environmental science activities, such as calculating one's carbon dioxide emissions.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Photographs of vehicles displayed on this web site were supplied by the manufacturer or by Ward's Communications and are used with their permission. The photographs are owned by the manufacturer and are protected by United States Copyright laws.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Geographic Society	PO Box 98199	Washington	DC	20090-8199		1-800-647-5463		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Eye in the Sky	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science,Geology,Human geography,Natural hazards,Physical geography,Space science,Technology	Description: This National Geographic website highlights the history and use of satellites and remote-sensing technology to determine the state of the planet. A timeline covers the history of satellites from 1858 to 2000, including both accomplishments and failures. The Eye contains slide shows and images from satellites covering the topics of volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, floods, dams, ozone, deforestation, desertification, overpopulation, exploration of space, and human conflict. A section on classroom ideas provides activities for K-12 classrooms.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ford	Cochran			National Geographic Society	PO Box 98199	Washington	DC	20090-8199		1-800-647-5463		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Asteroids: Deadly Impact	Keywords: Natural hazards,Space science	Description: This National Geographic website is an interactive game about asteroids and Earth impacts. The activity covers impacts in New York, Arizona, Siberia, and Mexico. Players try to figure out what kind of impact may have occurred to cause the specified damage. Using photos, data, and scientific deduction, players choose between asteroid, meteor, meteorite, and comet impacts.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1997 National Geographic Society.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				StarDate		University of Texas McDonald Observatory, 2609 University Ave.	Austin	TX	78712			512-471-5060	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: StarDate Online: Teacher's Guide (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Space science	Description: These hands-on activities encourage children to explore astronomy concepts in a way that is fun, yet meaningful, and broaden their awareness of astronomy as they develop and apply new skills in other subject areas. Each lesson provides background information, a procedure for the activity, follow-up questions, and National Standards correlations. Topics covered include the planets, Sun, Moon, stars, solar system, rock cycle, light, and galaxies. A Spanish version of each lesson plan is also available.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2002 The University of Texas McDonald Observatory. Teachers, parents, scout leaders, and others may copy and distribute these materials for classroom instruction or related educational purposes. The material may not be sold or published in any other form without written permission from The University of Texas McDonald Observatory.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				StarDate		University of Texis McDonald Observatory , 2609 University Ave.	Austin	TX	78712			512-471-5060	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: StarDate Online	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This on-line version of StarDate astronomy magazine provides current viewing information, a sky almanac, Moon phase calculator, sunrise and sunset calculator, planet viewing information, and meteor shower updates. News and Features contains information and details on the latest findings and research in the field of astronomy. Resources contains an image gallery, an astroglossary, and solar system, constellation, and star guides. The Radio section contains past radio programs by date, or searchable by subject. Also available are an archive database of past StarDate articles, and a teacher's section with ideas for teaching astronomy concepts in the classroom.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2002 The University of Texas McDonald Observatory
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program	National Earthquake Information Center	Denver	CO			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Earthquake Lists	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website is part of the Earthquake Hazard Program (EHP), and is hosted by the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC). The Lists highlight the history of earthquake occurrences around the world. There are general trends and statistics, documentation of the largest earthquakes to ever occur, the most destructive in history, those with high death tolls, earthquakes listed by year, the 15 largest US earthquakes, and more. Specific earthquake information includes location, magnitude, damage caused, maps indicating epicenters, photographs of damage, and other details.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Survey Division		14th and Independence Sts. SW	Washington	DC	20250		202-720-1820	202-720-4593	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USDA Soil Survey Division	Keywords: Agricultural science,Soil science	Description: The goal of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Survey Division (SSD) is to assess the world's soil resources. This site provides soil surveys and maps by state, which indicate the agriculture and climate, descriptions of soil types, soil uses, and suitability for land use. Contact information for local and state soil scientists are given. Users can also access soil characterization information and classification data tables.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, National Soil Survey Center		100 Centennial Mall North	Lincoln	NE	68503-3866		402-437-5499	402-437-5336	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Soil Survey Center	Keywords: Physical geography,Soil science	Description: The National Soil Survey Center (NSSC) is a US Department of Agriculture agency whose mission is to provide state-of-the-art soil survey technology, standards, data, and expertise. This site covers the geography of soils, major land use areas, common ecological regions, fact sheets about soil quality, hydric and urban soils, facts and figures for the United States, an on-line Soil Survey Manual, the National Soil Survey Handbook, and information about on-going research and investigations.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, National Soil Survey Center		100 Centennial Mall North	Lincoln	NE	68503-3866		402-437-5499	402-437-5339	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Soil Science Education Website	Keywords: Soil science	Description: This National Soil Survey Center (NSSC) website provides details about teaching soils in the classroom. There is information for teachers about what soils are, how they form, how they are classified, and what the soil survey does. There are lesson plans and activities on soil erosion, organic matter, soil air, particle sizes, texture, and monoliths. The site offers downloadable poster and PowerPoint presentations, and instructions on how to make a soil testing kit to use with classes. There are also links to K-12 and university soil websites.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Survey Division		100 Centennial Mall North	Lincoln	NE	68503-3866		402-437-5499	402-437-5339	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Soil Orders	Keywords: Soil science	Description: Developed by the US Department of Agriculture’s Soil Survey Division (SSD), here are brief descriptions of the soil orders along with maps indicating where the soils are found in the US. Photos of soil profiles accompany descriptions of each order. The soil orders include: Alfisols, Andisols, Aridisols, Entisols, Gelisols, Histosols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Oxisols, Spodusols, Ultisols, and Vertisols.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Survey Division		100 Centennial Mall North	Lincoln	NE	68503-3866		402-437-5499	402-437-5339	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: State Soils	Keywords: Soil science	Description: Developed by the US Department of Agriculture’s Soil Survey Division (SSD), this website describes state soils and their significance. All states have chosen a state soil, which share the same level of distinction as state flowers or birds. Information includes a photo of each official soil, a description of major characteristics and formation, and a map showing the coverage of the soil within the state. There are also links to additional information about that soil series, including more specific characteristics, other locations, related soil types, and more.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Owl & Mouse Educational Software			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Owl and Mouse Educational Software	Keywords: Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This website contains both online and downloadable interactive maps and map puzzles for K-12 learners to explore continents, states, capitals, borders, physical features, and cultural monuments. The site includes other learning tools that teachers or parents may use to help K-8 learners explore phonics, build a model of a town, a farm, and explore many other subjects through games or interactive software.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 Owl & Mouse Educational Software.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Inc.	1440 Broadway	New York	NY	10018		212-204-400		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Andrew	Alden Geology								USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology: (title enhanced or provided by cataloger)	Keywords: Cryology,Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards,Paleontology,Structural geology	Description: This website hosts a large list of links related to the topic of geology. There are some articles written by the geology guide, on-line quizzes, a chat room, forum, and newsletter. There are hundreds of links provided for specific geology and earth science topics, such as geologist biographies, climate change, dinosaurs, earthquakes and volcanoes, caves, glossaries, maps, glaciers, minerals and rocks, fossils, and teacher aids for K-12 classrooms. The site also offers a homework help section for students.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2002 About, Inc. About and are registered trademarks of About, Inc. The About logo is a trademark of About, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain images used on the site are © 1996 Photodisc, Inc. or © 1996 Diamar Interactive Corporation. The material in this site is provided for personal, non-commercial, educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement with respect to any company or product.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program			Menlo Park	CA			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Location of Hazards Posed by Volcanoes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This website explains how scientists find volcanic hazards zones based on knowing the types of volcanic hazards, by studying a particular type of volcano, or by understanding a particular volcano's history. The distribution of volcanoes and volcanic risk is discussed on a general global plate tectonic scale, and in the United States. Users can access materials on volcanoes from Long Valley, California; the Cascade Range of Washington, Oregon, and California; Alaska; and Hawaii.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: Volcanoes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: Using the example of Mount Saint Helens in Washington State, this page explores why and where volcanoes erupt, what happens in the first few seconds of an eruption, the hazards that result, and the survival or return of plants and animals. Links are provided so users can access lesson plans and teaching activities; visit the U. S. Geological Survey's volcano observatories; learn about the contributions of the USGS's Volcano Hazards Program, and read other basic web materials on volcanoes.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School	500 Lincoln Drive	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Space Station (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: In this article, The Why Files examines the effects of living in space on humans. From bone-mass loss, to poor air quality and isolation, many argue that living in space for long periods of time has numerous ill effects on the human body. This article looks at the negative effects space can have on the physical and mental state of humans, as well as discusses the healthy aspects of space travel.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G.E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Fossils (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This Why Files article investigates the Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton named 'Sue' and the controversy surrounding her. Along with the new information Sue has given paleontologists about dinosaurs, this article discusses how fossils are found, excavated, and prepared in museums without ruining the bones.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburn			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G.E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Oil Prices Up (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology	Description: This Why Files article examines oil prices and the economics behind this enterprise. Oil is made of petroleum and natural gas, both of which are useful to us, but as time goes by the world is using up its supply, making it more expensive to extract oil from the ground. This article covers oil formation, oil exploration, extraction through drilling techniques, and the causes of gas and oil price changes.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Robots on Mars (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Physical oceanography,Space science,Technology	Description: In this article, The Why Files discusses the use of robots for space exploration and other work here on Earth. Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner are discussed in detail with information about how they work and their purpose on Mars. The Mars Global Surveyor is also briefly discussed. Transferring this technology to Earth has improved the development of robots to do underwater research, as well as ideas for automated highways in the US.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburn			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G.E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Infrared World (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: In this Why Files article, the world of infrared is explained and described for both its properties and its uses. This article explains where infrared lies on the electromagnetic spectrum, and how we use these waves. It also discusses the future of using infrared, such as in cars to detect animals along roadsides. Pluto and its moon Charon are used as an example to show how observing planets in infrared provides new information. The GOES (Geostatistical Operational Environmental Satellite) system is covered as well.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Light Pollution (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science	Description: This article is a Why Files short piece about light and radio wave pollution. These pose a significant problem to astronomers who use sensitive instruments to view the night sky. The pollution essentially 'drowns' out the signals from outer-space. This article explains the problems that exist, and explores possible solutions.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Sputnik's Legacy	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Space science,Technology	Description: This Why Files article reviews the beginning of the 'Space Race' with the Soviet Union launch of Sputnik - Earth's first artificial satellite. In this article, the US response to the launch of Sputnik is examined, as well as what the next Sputnik-type event might be.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Linicoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Brian	Mattmiller			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dinos 4 Sale (title provided or enhance by cataloger)	Keywords: Paleontology,Policy issues	Description: This Why File article investigates the controversy over 'Sue', the most complete Tyrannosaurus rex remains ever found. A timeline of the events is given that led to her final placement at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. Due to politics, land rights, ownership arguments, and other issues, her bones were unsettled and not completely studied from 1990 to 1996. This article also examines what dinosaurs really are, as well as different forms of fossils.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: X-Ray Astronomy	Keywords: Physics,Space science,Technology	Description: In this article, The Why Files examines X-ray astronomy and the recent history of this field. With the advent of X-ray telescopes, and the launch of the Chandra telescope in 1999, X-ray astronomy is finally gaining credit as a useful field of astronomy. This article discusses how X-rays, which are used to sense heat, are useful in astronomy, and how they view black holes, pulsars, dark matter, and neutron stars.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Agriculture	Keywords: Agricultural science,Soil science	Description: This site is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. The agriculture section contains images pertaining to aquaculture, crop and plant yields, irrigation, reclamation, soil moisture, and more. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and the photographing satellite.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Oceans	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This website is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section contains images pertaining to coastal processes, marine geophysics and sediments, ocean chemistry, circulation, optics, and temperature, and waves, winds, and sea ice. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and the photographing satellite.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Sensors	Keywords: Technology	Description: This site is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section contains images sorted by the satellite or craft that took them. These include aircraft sensors, Galileo, the International Space Station, Landsat 7, OrbView, Space Shuttles, Terra, and more. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, and date.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Locations	Keywords: Physical geography,Technology	Description: This website is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section has images sorted by location such as U.S. state, country, or region (hemisphere, continent, ocean, etc.). Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and the photographing satellite.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Solid Earth	Keywords: Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Natural hazards,Structural geology	Description: This site is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section contains images pertaining to the Earth's surface, including topics such as geomagnetism, natural resources, rocks and minerals, seismology, tectonics, and volcanoes. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and photographing satellite.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Radiance or Imagery	Keywords: Physics,Technology	Description: This site is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section contains images taken with various imagery techniques, including radar, gamma ray, and infrared. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and photographing satellite.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Land Surface	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This website is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section contains images pertaining to surface processes, including erosion, sedimentation, land temperature, land use, soils, topography, and more. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and the satellite that took the image.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Stevens Institute of Technology, Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE)	602 River Street, Fourth Floor	Hoboken	NJ	07030	201-216-5375	201-216-8069	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Bucket Buddies: Join Students around the World in this Environmental Study	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: Bucket Buddies is an online classroom project where students (grades 1-5) around the world participate in an environmental study. The project takes place during the fall and spring of the school year. Students will collect samples from local ponds to answer the question: Are the organisms found in pond water the same all over the world? Participants will identify macroinvertebrates in water samples; compare their findings with other participating classes; determine which, if any of the organisms are the same in other, more distant water sources; and look for relationships and trends in the data collected by all project participants. There is no fee, but participants must register and read the project information page.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2001 Stevens Institute of Technology
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Hydrosphere	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This site is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section deals with parts of the Earth's hydrosphere, which includes ground water, snow, ice, surface water (lakes, streams, floods, and wetlands), and water quality. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and photographing satellite.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Human Dimensions	Keywords: Environmental science,Human geography	Description: This website is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section pertains to human impact on the Earth, and includes images in the following categories: boundaries, deforestation, emissions, biomass, urbanization, water management, health, infrastructure, and population. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and photographing satellite.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Cryosphere	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This site is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section pertains to the cryosphere, which covers sea ice, ice flows, ice growth, icebergs, glaciers, snow cover, and ice sheets. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and the name of the satellite that took the image.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Biosphere	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology,Ecology	Description: This site is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section highlights the Earth's biosphere, which includes aquatic habitats, ecological dynamics, microbiota, dunes, deserts, islands, montane habitats, vegetation, phytoplankton, algae, biomass, wetlands, and zoology. Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and photographing satellite.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Tara	Hess			NASA Goddard Space Flight Center		Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Visible Earth: Atmosphere	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science	Description: This site is part of Visible Earth, which is hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and contains a searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. This section contains images of the Earth's atmosphere, which includes dust and ash, particulates, carbon dioxide, smog, emissions, ozone, hurricanes, cyclones, lightning, typhoons, storms, temperature and atmospheric variations, water vapor, winds, clouds, precipitation, and radiation (UV, solar). Each image is available in a variety of resolutions and sizes, with a brief description, credit, date, and the name of the satellite that took the image.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and Internet web pages. This general permission does not include the NASA insignia logo (the blue insignia).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jenny	Pearson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stellar Dynamics (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physics,Space science	Description: In this article, The Why Files examines our star, the Sun, and its features. It discusses how the Sun creates energy through fusion and the solar maximum that occurs every 11 years. Solar wind, solar prominences, solar flares, and sunspots are all described and explained. There are sections on sunquakes, which explains how we use vibration data to tell us about the Sun, on the Sun’s magnetic field, and on the Northern and Southern Lights (aurora borealis and aurora australis).
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jenny	Pearson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Natural Gas Shortage (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Technology	Description: This Why Files article investigates the current and expected decline of fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, and petroleum) as prices increase and amounts available decrease. This article looks at a possible solution: gas hydrates found in frozen ground around the world. What is known about hydrates and how they can be used, as well as possible downfalls of this new resource are discussed.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ultimate Impact (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Natural hazards,Space science	Description: This Why Files article investigates the possibility of asteroid impacts on Earth. The feature covers what asteroids are, why their orbits change to hit planets, and major impacts from Earth's past. Could a major impact have killed off the dinosaurs? What is the likelihood of a large 'global killer' asteroid striking in the near future? These questions became popular with the advent of impact movies in the 1990s. The science behind the questions, and findings from astronomers and spacecraft are discussed here.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jenny	Pearson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Snow is Cool (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This Why Files article examines the science of snow and its properties. The article discusses different precipitation types, and how snow differs in the way it forms and gets to the ground. Cirrus clouds are covered in terms of the ice they hold, and their possible relation to global warming. The jet stream is described in terms of how it moves, what causes it, and how it brings snow. Finally, questions about snow are answered, such as: Are all snowflakes really not alike? and Why is it quiet when it snows?
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G.E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Comets	Keywords: Natural hazards,Space science	Description: In this article, The Why Files investigates comets. Specific comets discussed include Hale-Bopp, Halley, and Hyakutake. The article examines details about each of these comets, where comets come from, what comets are made of, the anatomy of a comet, comet folklore, and comet impacts with Earth. There is also a recipe to make a 'comet' in the classroom.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Wildlife Federation		11100 Wildlife Center Drive	Reston	VA	20190-5362		703-438-6000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Wildlife Federation	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is the nation's largest member-supported conservation group, uniting individuals, organizations, businesses, and government to protect wildlife, wild places, and the environment. NWF's website unlocks a treasure-trove of conservation information, including updates on environmental issues, special kids' sections, information on how individuals can make a difference in their own area, educational resources, and an on-line library with photos and articles from NWF's award-winning magazines.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 1996-2002 National Wildlife Federation. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	57306		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Fossil Feces (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This article is a Why Files short piece about coprolites: fossilized animal feces. The article explains how fossilization occurs in feces and why coprolites are useful to scientists. Fossilized feces reveal a great deal about the eating habits of dinosaurs, as well as other extinct animals.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)	Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100	Rome	39-06-5705-1	39-06-5705-3152	Italy
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)	Keywords: Agricultural science,Biology,Environmental science,Forestry,Human geography,Policy issues	Description: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialized agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural development. An intergovernmental organization, FAO has 183 member countries plus one member organization, the European Community. A specific priority of the Organization is to encourage sustainable agriculture and rural development, a long-term strategy for increasing food production and food security while conserving and managing natural resources. The aim is to meet the needs of both present and future generations by promoting development that does not degrade the environment and is technically appropriate, economically viable, and socially acceptable. The site has specific resources on biological diversity, sustainable development, gender and food security, rural youth, organic agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. News highlights, statistical databases, a photofile, factfile, and links to related organizations, programmes, and conferences are also included.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is hereby granted without fee and without a formal request, provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and full citation on the first page. Copyright for components of this work owned by others than FAO must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or fee.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Emily	Carlson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Moon's Origin (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science	Description: This article is a Why Files short piece about the origin of our Moon. Approximately 4.5 billion years ago, scientists believe a large planet-sized object (named Theia) hit the Earth, forming the Moon. The article explains some of the pieces that are missing from this theory that would make it more concrete.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)		Washington	DC	20230			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NOAA Arctic Theme Page	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Cryology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Physical oceanography	Description: NOAA's Arctic Theme Page is a rich and comprehensive resource linking to widely distributed data and information, from research institutions throughout the world, focused on the Arctic. Available information includes relevant data, graphics, and forecasts, including historical perspectives and in-depth analyses. Also included are a selection of Essays by Arctic experts on key issues in the Arctic.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Deborah	Werner	A.	Ms	St. Catherine School			Seattle	WA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Organization for Community Networks (OFCN) Academy Curricular Exchange Columbia Education Center Science	John	PO Box 32175	Euclid	OH	44132	216-731-9801	216-731-9802	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Salmon Homing Instincts	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: Salmon Homing Instincts is an activity that enables learners to experience what it is like to be a returning salmon attempting to find its home by smell. Scientific research suggests that salmon use the smell of water to find their home stream; even after being out in the open ocean as many as six years. The activity allows the entire class to participate in the life cycle of the Pacific salmon and the hazards (i.e. pollution) of their journey.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All pages appearing on Organization for Community Networks(OFCN) World Wide Web Site (hereinafter "Web site") are under compilation copyright of OFCN unless copyright is clearly claimed by an individual or other entity in which case OFCN is using such materials as a page or in a or within a page on its Web site under an implied or explicit license from that individual or entity. Should you wish to use any of the pages appearing on the OFCN Web site that are held by OFCN copyright, please contact the page author by e-mail and in the case where there is no clear page author, please send an e-mail message to the OFCN webmaster. Should you wish to use any pages appearing on the OFCN Web site that are held in copyright by someone other than OFCN, please contact that individual or entity directly.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	Cooper	A.	Mr	Mooreland Elementary			Mooreland	OK					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Organization For Community Networks (OFCN) Academy Curricular Exchange Columbia Education Center Science	John	PO Box 32175	Euclid	OH	44132	216-731-9801	216-731-9802	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Outdoor Education	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Forestry,Soil science	Description: Outdoor Education is a series of outdoor activities that include orienteering, soil and water conservation, forestry, minerals, wildlife, and basic first aid disciplines. This program was designed to enable learners to have hands-on contact with the natural world as well as experience various facets of their natural environment.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All pages appearing on Organization for Community Networks (OFCN) World Wide Web Site (hereinafter "Web site") are under compilation copyright of OFCN unless copyright is clearly claimed by an individual or other entity in which case OFCN is using such materials as a page or in a or within a page on its Web site under an implied or explicit license from that individual or entity. Should you wish to use any of the pages appearing on the OFCN Web site that are held by OFCN copyright, please contact the page author by e-mail and in the case where there is no clear page author, please send an e-mail message to the OFCN webmaster. Should you wish to use any pages appearing on the OFCN Web site that are held in copyright by someone other than OFCN, please contact that individual or entity directly.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center	8711 37th Street Southeast	Jamestown	ND	58401	(701)-253-5500	701)-253-5553	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: The Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPWRC), located near Jamestown, North Dakota, is one of many science centers operated by the Biological Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior. The NPWRC develops research information on the quantitative ecological requirements for sustainable wildlife populations, designs and conducts studies of numbers and distribution of flora and fauna including identification of change resulting from habitat loss and modification, and disseminates the latest in technical information and research findings. Their site also offers identification tools and checklists for biological resources (biodiversity), and full-text reports and bibliographies.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center serves the resources on this Web site under a wide variety of agreements with authors, photographers, publishers, state and federal agencies, and private organizations. Some of the resources, or portions of them, are protected by copyright. We do not have the authority to give you permission to copy materials for use on a personal or organizational Web site. Only the author or publisher of the resource can provide such permission. In lieu of getting the authors' permission to use a picture or text, you may link your home page to ours and direct your visitors to specific resources of interest on the NPWRC site. You may also link your home page directly to specific resources on our Web site. You can also visit the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's Image Library for a collection of copyright-free pictures that are available to the public.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Claudia	Todd-Sonnichsen		Mrs	Ponca City School District			Ponca City	OK	USA				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Organization For Community Networks (OFCN) Academy Curricular Exchange Columbia Education Center Science	John	PO Box 32175	Euclid	OH	44132	216-731-9801	216-731-9802	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Crashed on the Moon	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology,Physical geography,Space science,Structural geology	Description: Crashed on the Moon is a decision-making activity where learners, who have researched the major environmental differences between the earth and our moon, can apply their knowledge to a problem solving scenario. The scenario of the spaceship crash enables learners to explore elements of critical thinking when considering various environmental factors including atmospheric pressure, temperature, weather, gravity, organisms, available oxygen, crustal movements (i.e., earthquakes, volcanoes), etc. The activity allows for creative expression for learners and may also be used to introduce environmental differences on other planets as well.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All pages appearing on Organization for Community Networks (OFCN) World Wide Web Site (hereinafter "Web site") are under compilation copyright of OFCN unless copyright is clearly claimed by an individual or other entity in which case OFCN is using such materials as a page or in a or within a page on its Web site under an implied or explicit license from that individual or entity. Should you wish to use* any of the pages appearing on the OFCN Web site that are held by OFCN copyright, please contact the page author by e-mail and in the case where there is no clear page author, please send an e-mail message to the OFCN webmaster. Should you wish to use any pages appearing on the OFCN Web site that are held in copyright by someone other than OFCN, please contact that individual or entity directly.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sharon	Freeman		Ms	Union Elementary				OR					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Organization For Community Networks (OFCN) Academy Curricular Exchange Columbia Education Center Science	John	PO Box 32175	Euclid	OH	44132	216-731-9801	216-731-9802	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Fossils	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: Fossils is an activity for grades 1-2 that enables students to apply their interest in dinosaurs to discovering how fossils tell us about our past. As a result of this activity, the students will be able to: tell a friend or parent who a paleontologist is and what he does; explain what a fossil is; explain how we use fossils to learn about the past; and make a fossil using clay, plaster of paris, and some sort of molding object such as a shell, leaf, bone, etc. A suggested extension of this activity is turning it into an archaeological “dig” by burying objects in plaster of paris and then using dull instruments to dig for the “fossils.”
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: All pages appearing on Organization for Community Networks (OFCN) World Wide Web Site (hereinafter "Web site") are under compilation copyright of OFCN unless copyright is clearly claimed by an individual or other entity in which case OFCN is using such materials as a page or in a or within a page on its Web site under an implied or explicit license from that individual or entity. Should you wish to use* any of the pages appearing on the OFCN Web site that are held by OFCN copyright, please contact the page author by e-mail and in the case where there is no clear page author, please send an e-mail message to the OFCN webmaster. Should you wish to use any pages appearing on the OFCN Web site that are held in copyright by someone other than OFCN, please contact that individual or entity directly.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ice in Antarctica (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Cryology,Natural hazards	Description: This article is a Why Files short piece that examines the movement of Antarctic ice sheets into the ocean. Both East and West Antarctic ice sheets are rapidly moving into the Southern Ocean, which could raise sea level by 70 meters causing massive problems for populated coastal areas around the world. This article looks at the evidence for these events, and what it could mean for coastal regions.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Neutrino Telescope (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This Why Files article investigates the neutrino particle, and why scientists are interested in finding them. The neutrino was 'invented' by a physicist to balance out an equation in the 1950's, and ever since, astronomers and physicists have been looking for these particles as traces to the early universe. The article looks at how neutrinos can be detected in Antarctica, and the universal clues they offer scientists. The project AMANDA (Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array) telescope is detecting these particles in the ice and is examined in this report. Lesson plans are provided that cover the subject of neutrinos.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G.E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Amber (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: In this article, The Why Files examines amber as nature's preservative. This fossilized resin has provided scientists with important clues and evidence for ancient life on Earth. The article investigates what amber is, how it preserves, where it is found, and the discoveries about ancient DNA that have been made by using amber fossils.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Renewable Energy (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: In this article, The Why Files examines the pros and cons of different renewable energy sources. The article investigates global warming and whether or not it is a valid threat here on Earth. Renewable energy resources discussed include solar energy, solar hydrogen, solar cells, wind energy, fuel cells for cars, and some odd ideas (such as dumping carbon dioxide into the oceans rather than pollute the atmosphere) that scientists have tried in the past.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G.E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Space Junk (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This Why Files article discusses the problem of space junk, which encompasses all of the man-made objects sent into space that are not being used anymore. These items are now lost in space, which could cause problems if future missions come into contact with the fast-moving debris. The article covers two specific Mars missions that went bad: the Mars Polar Lander and Mars Orbiter. Both of these expensive NASA projects went awry, providing no discoveries and costing millions to billions of dollars. This article examines missions that have failed, the consequences of leaving satellites and machines in space when broken or not in use, and what can be done to get rid of the garbage left in space.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Solar Electricity (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Environmental science,Physics	Description: This Why Files article covers solar electricity as a renewable energy resource. Solar cells, or photovoltaics (PV's) have been around for quite some time, but their use in harnessing energy has not been widely used until recently. This article discusses PV's, their usefulness, how they were invented, how PV’s have recently been used by cities, what it could cost to switch to solar, and other solar inventions that have been made.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Radio Astronomy (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This article is a Why Files short piece on how astronomers use information from radio astronomy. Contrary to popular belief, large radio telescopes are not looking for signs of life outside our solar system, but are making images of black holes, centers of galaxies, and gamma ray bursts. These phenomena cannot be seen in visible light, but emit radio waves which can be translated into images. The article discusses how this process works, and the information gathered from radio waves.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water on Moons (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Space science	Description: In this article, The Why Files examines the possible finding of water ice on our Moon, and the implications for this discovery. The article discusses why scientists believe there is water on the Moon, how a neutron spectrometer picks up the unusual presence of hydrogen on the Moon which could indicate water, what scientists hope to use this water for, and where this water may have come from. A moon of Jupiter, Europa, is examined as well, due to the presence of liquid water and ice on its surface.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jenny	Pearson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Water Woes	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: In this article, The Why Files investigates the world's water shortage problem. The problem comes from an increased demand (due to increased population) for a finite supply of water on the Earth. The article discusses areas that have been hit the hardest (such as China and India), controversy over water rights, how charging money for water could help solve the problem, how global warming could change the situation, and what needs to happen in the immediate future to ease the water shortage.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Region		Menlo Park	CA	94025				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Western Region Geologic Information	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This government portal provides information and links to resources about geology, minerals, mapping, water, biology, hazards, and energy in the western United States. The states covered in this region are Alaska, Hawai'i, Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Washington, and Oregon. This site hosts individual state information, Earth Surface Processes Team information, geophysical investigations, local geologic publications, and many links for complete state and regional information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): David	Russ	P.		United States Geological Survey	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-6660	703-648-6684	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Bruce	Hemingway			United States Geological Survey	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-6664	703-648-6684	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Geology in the Eastern Region	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: The Eastern Regional office of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) coordinates the cooperative geologic mapping program in the 26 States east of the Mississippi River as well as in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. It conducts research and maintains data and information about geologic hazards, coastal and marine geology, volcanoes, earthquakes, minerals, energy resources, and surface processes. Additional links are provided for USGS information about each state or region.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Central Division		Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25046	Denver	CO	80225				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geologic Division in the Central Region	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: The Geological Division of the U.S. Geological Survey conducts research on a broad range of disciplines that include such topics as geophysics, geochronology, earthquakes, landslide hazards, geochemistry, geologic mapping, climate change, oil and gas assessment, environmental monitoring and remediation, coal resource assessment, paleontology, and ecosystem analysis. The Central Region roughly equates to the region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. Links to facilities information include the TRIGA Nuclear Reactor, Core Reserach Center, Denver Bicrobeam Laboratory, and the National Ice Core Laboratory.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy	EEREMailbox@EE.DOE.Gov <EEREMailbox@EE.DOE.Gov>	Mail Stop EE-1, Department of Energy	Washington	DC	20585	202-586-9220		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN)	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues,Technology	Description: This U.S. Department of Energy site provides access to more than 600 links and 80,000 documents about renewable energy and energy efficient technologies, including such topics as: bioenergy, hydrogen, power from the oceans, and wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroenergy. Specialized resources include a collection of links to educational and training resources on energy, and a weekly newsletter covering news and events, new sites on EREN, and energy facts and tips. A consumer section offers advice on energy conservation and home weatherization.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy	EEREMailbox@EE.DOE.Gov	Mail Stop EE-1, Department of Energy	Washington	DC	20585	202- 586-9220		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Dr. E's Energy Lab	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: This collection of links to educational resources and activities about alternative energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal) is part of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN).
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environment Canada	351 St. Joseph Boulevard	Hull, Quebec		K1A0H3		819-997-2800	819-953-2225	Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Environment Canada: Ecosystems	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This website, hosted by the Canadian government, contains information and links about Canadian ecosystems (boreal, arctic, and prairie). Each section provides a description of the ecosystem, a map, selected topics of concern, studies, monitoring and assessment information, and related websites. The Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative is described as well. This site is also available in French.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information on this site has been posted with the intent that it be readily available for personal and public non-commercial use. Unless otherwise noted by the application of the copyright symbol (Environment Canada, Date), materials on this site may be reproduced, in part or in whole and by any means, without charge or further permission from Environment Canada. Reproduction of multiple copies of materials on this site, in whole or in part, for the purposes of commercial redistribution is prohibited except with written permission from the GoC copyright administrator, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey State Representative	Placer Hill 6000 J Street	Sacramento	CA	95819-6129		916-278-3026		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Programs in California	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Geology,Hydrology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication summarizes its programs and geological information about the state of California. Topics include earthquakes, floods, volcano hazards, landslides, marine waste, water quality, water supply, saltwater intrusion, geologic resources, mining byproducts, mercury sources, biological resources, resource assessment, the Sierra Nevada ecosystem, topographic mapping, and Earth Science Information Centers.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey State Representative		8027 Exchange Drive	Austin	TX	78754-4733		512-927-3500	512-927-3590	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Programs in Texas (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) fact sheet highlights geologic information about the state of Texas, as relates to USGS activities. Topics include: hydrologic conditions, water quality and wastewater, coal resources, oil and gas resources, fish and wildlife health, and mapping.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Leonard	Gaydos			United States Geological Survey, Mojave Desert Ecosystem Science Program Coordinator								USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Where Desert Meets City: Mojave Desert Ecosystem study	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication highlights information about the Mojave Desert ecosystem, as part of the USGS place-based studies program. With a focus on vulnerability and recoverability, this site provides abstracts, studies in progress, and summaries of desert projects and activities. These summaries include information about habitats, functions of desert ecosystems, soil details, mapping, invasive species, and desert vegetation. An ecosystem model demonstrates the relationship between hydrologic, atmospheric, and biotic processes. Also available are links to related USGS reports, and a timeline with the chronology of development in the Mojave Desert region.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center	7801 Folsom Blvd. Suite 101	Sacramento	CA	95826		916-379-3740	916-379-3765	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Western Ecological Research Center (WERC)	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) Biological Resources Division website highlights information about the ecology of the Pacific Southwest. Fact sheets provide specific information about various field centers in this region and research details about birds, hydrology, coastal issues, the desert tortoise, pintails, fire ecology, geospatial technology, habitat conservation, invasive species, ecosystem restoration, reptiles, and amphibians. WERC's activities are focused within ten major bioregions, which include the southern, central, and northern California Coast, San Francisco Bay, the Intermountain, Sonoran, and Mojave Deserts, the Central Valley, Moduc Plateau, and the Sierra Nevada.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin, Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Galapagos Islands	Keywords: Biology,History and philosophy of science	Description: In this article, The Why Files examines Charles Darwin, his theory of evolution, and his visit to the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. The article explains what Darwin really found, and how other scientists helped him develop his theory of evolution. It discusses the many mistakes Darwin made in his observations and methods of investigation, as well as how Darwin's finches are not as important to the development of the theory of evolution as once thought.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Karen	Schneller-McDonald	A.		US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Ecology Research Center		2627 Redwing Road	Fort Collins	CO	80526-2899		303-226-9407		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Karen	Manci	M.		TGS Technology, Inc.			Fort Collins	CO	80525				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center	8711 37th Street Southeast	Jamestown	ND	58401		701-253-5500	701-253-5553	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Riparian Ecosystem Creation and Restoraton: A Literature Summary	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This report looks at the riparian ecosystem (rivers, swamps, streams, aquatic environments) through its creation and restoration. Historically, there is not much information on this ecosystem, and this report is a compilation of many other pieces of work done on riparian ecosystems. It looks at the status of this ecosystem in the United States, as well as techniques for planning, implementing, monitoring, and measuring project success of efforts to restore this ecosystem. Case studies of the Lower Colorado River, Des Plaines, and Agrico Swamp are used to document these techniques. Riparian environments are looked at in terms of costs for restoration, their functions (fish and wildlife habitats, hydrologic flow, erosion control, water quality), planning design, and some techniques for restoration (planting, fencing, treating soil).
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center serves the resources on this website under a wide variety of agreements with authors, photographers, publishers, state and federal agencies, and private organizations. Some of the resources, or portions of them, are protected by copyright. We do not have the authority to give you permission to copy materials for use on a personal or organizational website. Only the author or publisher of the resource can provide such permission. In lieu of getting the authors' permission to use a picture or text, you may link your home page to ours and direct your visitors to specific resources of interest on the NPWRC site. You may also link your home page directly to specific resources on our website. You can also visit the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's Image Library for a collection of copyright-free pictures that are available to the public.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Fisher	N.		United States Geological Survey, San Diego Field Station	San Diego State University	San Diego	CA	92182-4614			USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ted	Case	J.		University of San Diego	9500 Gilman Drive	La Jolla	CA	92093-0346			USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Coastal Southern California	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This guide contains the scientific name, common name, size, adult and juvenile characteristics, dimorphism, similar species, and additional notes (behavior, distribution) for species of reptiles and amphibians found in the coastal southern California region. These include frogs, toads, salamanders, lizards, turtles, and snakes, both native and introduced species. The guide also discusses species’ habitats, such as sage scrub, grasslands, chaparral, riparian environments, and woodlands.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Chuck	Meertens		Dr	UNAVCO/UCAR	PO Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307		303 497 8001		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Exploring Our Dynamic Planet: Jules Verne Voyager, Jr.	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics,Natural hazards	Description: Exploring Our Dynamic Planet consists of a set of tools, notably the Jules Verne Voyager, Jr. (an interactive map tool), curriculum materials, and other supporting materials that enable scientists and students to better understand the relationship between geophysical and geological processes, structures, and measurements with high-precision GPS data. Currently, a module that explores plate tectonics using satellite geodesy to measure crustal motion is available.
Publication 3-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Earth Sciences Directorate		NASA Goddard Space Flight Center	Greenbelt	MD					USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Earth Science Educator	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Natural hazards,Space science,Technology	Description: This portal from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provides links to hundreds of NASA and non-NASA websites for educators, in an effort to bring earth science research to the classroom. Site categories include ask-an-expert, books, CD-ROM's, data sets, educator guides, educator programs, tools, games, glossaries, tutorials, activities, models, videos, units, simulations, slide sets, news, and more. Each website referenced contains a brief description, a link to the site, and the appropriate grade level (if any).
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Reed	Noss	F.		University of Idaho, Department of Fish and Wildlife			Moscow	ID	83844				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Edward	LaRoe III	T.		National Biological Service			Washington	DC	20240				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): J.	Scott	Michael		National Biological Service, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Idaho			Moscow	ID	83844				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Discipline			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Endangered Ecosystems of the United States: A Preliminary Assessment of Loss and Degradation	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: In this extensive online report, the authors give estimated declines of natural ecosystems in the United States, provide a rationale for ecosystem-level conservation, discuss decline and threat as criteria for conservation, and relate ecosystem losses to endangerment at species and population levels. They further recommend that integrated conservation plans for ecosystems be developed in partially disturbed as well as in pristine sites to restore native biodiversity to those areas. Ecosystem conservation is not considered a substitute for species-level conservation. The undated report appears to be from about 1995.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on USGS sites is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Steve	Lyles			The National Ocean Service Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services	1305 East-West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910		(301) 713-2877 x 176	(301) 713-4437	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tides Online	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physical oceanography	Description: The National Ocean Service (NOS) Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) collects and distributes observations and predictions of water levels and currents to ensure safe, efficient and environmentally sound maritime commerce. This website contains realtime and historical, downloadable ocean level data.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Lightning	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: Here is an interactive lesson that teaches kids about the weather phenomenon lightning and thunder. The lesson explains the science behind lightning and thunder, covers lightning safety rules, outlines experiments dealing with electrical attraction, and includes an online quiz to check student's knowledge.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project		c/o Research, P.O. Box 369	Makawao	HI	96768		808-891-1754		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				United States Geological Survey, Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center (PIERC)			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				University of Hawaii at Manoa, Botany Department			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Hawaiian Ecosystems At Risk Project	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This website is the homepage of HEAR, the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project, whose mission is to provide technology, methods, and information to decision-makers, resource managers, and the general public to aid in the fight against harmful alien species in Hawaii and the Pacific Basin. Users can read about the alien species problem in Hawaii, which includes weeds and frogs; look at several databases of weeds and invasive, harmful, or noxious species, including some material with photographs; participate in an effort to identify mystery plant species; and follow links to associated organizations and to other information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center	7801 Folsom Blvd. Suite 101	Sacramento	CA	95826		916-379-3740	916-379-3765	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coastal Ecosystems	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) report by the Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) highlights Pacific Ocean coastal ecosystems. The website outlines WERC studies that are providing insight into how coastal ecosystems function. The role of sea otters in coastal environments, white abalone (snail) reintroduction, the effects of invasive plants and animals, urban activity, industrial and agricultural pollutants, San Francisco Bay reclamation, population growth, and migratory birds are all investigated in these studies. Fact sheets about certain areas of research are provided for further information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): M.	Corn	Lynne		United States Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Council for Science and the Environment		1725 K Street, Suite 212	Washington	DC	20006	202-530-5810		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Council for Science and the Environment, National Library for the Environment								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ecosystems, Biomes, and Watersheds: Definitions and Use	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues	Description: This paper discusses the meaning and applications of the term "ecosystem" and of the related terms "watershed" and "biome". It discusses the pros and cons of all three as organizing principles for land management, and the major issues likely to arise in the debate over ecosystem management as an approach to management of land and water resources, natural resources, and biological diversity. This paper, a Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report, is produced to provide nonpartisan research reports to members of the U. S. Congress, and is also made available to the public.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Forecasting	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: Here is an interactive online lesson on weather forecasting. Students learn about forecasting tricks and are encouraged to try these tricks on their own. Modern forecasting is explained, emphasizing the technology and science used. An online quiz reviews facts given in the lesson. Finally, there is an activities page that encourages students to practice the forecasting tricks they have learned, and to observe the weather.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Deborah	Nordeen			National Park Service								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Everglades National Park	40001 State Road 9336	Homestead	FL	33034-6733		305-242-7700		
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Everglades National Park: The Everglades Ecosystem	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This Everglades National Park website focuses on ecosystem-related issues for the Florida Park. It includes: an introduction to the ecosystem, definitions of habitats, endangered species, animal profiles, species checklists, geology information, threats and restoration efforts, fire management, research projects, and the history of native peoples, settlement, development, and conservation. There are educational resources and activities for teachers and park information for potential visitors.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated , is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Lynn	Brewster-Wingard			United States Geological Survey	National Center, MS 926A	Reston	VA	20192				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Jeffrey	Stone	Robert		United States Geological Survey								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: South Florida Ecosystem History Database	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This website contains foraminifer, mollusk, ostracod, pollen, dinoflagellate, and diatom data from modern surface and core sites across the South Florida ecosystem (ranging back approximately 200 years). Users can view maps of the core and sample collection sites. Latitude and longitude information is available as well. Application of the database facilitates recognition of long-term trends in biota that will help determine the range of natural variability in environmental changes, such as salinity and substrate conditions, and help determine if changes correlate to natural events or human activities. The database also combines information about extant biota, environmental conditions, and modern sedimentation from specific sites across South Florida. These data can provide a valuable tool for monitoring the effects of changes produced by efforts to restore the South Florida ecosystem to a more natural state. The region is divided into three parts: Biscayne Bay and the Southeast coast, Florida Bay and the Southwest coast, and terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and southern Florida. The site is linked to the South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website, which provides managers and scientists with better access to information on South Florida.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): William	Steiner	W.M.	Dr	Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center	3190 Maile Way, St. John Hall, Room 408	Honolulu (Oahu)	HI	96822		808-956-5668	808-956-5687	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: The Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center (PIERC) is part of the Biological Division of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The mission of PIERC is to provide the scientific understanding and technologies needed to support the sound management and conservation of our Nation's biological resources occurring within the cultural, sociological, and political contexts of the State of Hawaii. The geographical isolation of the Hawaiian Islands has resulted in the evolution of a highly endemic biota, while human colonization has severely impacted native plant and animal populations. The PIERC website provides information and research studies about the Hawaiian Islands ecosystem, as well as staff projects that are currently in progress. Topics include birds, mammals, ecosystem diversity, genetics, wildlife health, plant ecology, and marine biology. There is an education section with outdoor activities, online activities, and a coloring book. Links are provided for further information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				East Coast Ecosystems		P.O. Box 36	Freeport, Nova Scotia		B0V 1B0		888-854-4440		CANADA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: East Coast Ecosystems: The Right Whale	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Environmental science	Description: The primary concern of East Coast Ecosystems (ECE) Research Organization is the fate of the North Atlantic right whale. The right whale is the world's rarest large whale: fewer than 350 remain alive today. Although right whales have been protected from whaling since 1935, the population has failed to show any significant signs of recovery. Conservationists and scientists are working with industry and government to find solutions to some of the problems facing the right whale. ECE provides users with guidelines for responsible whale watching and ways they can help the right whale. Descriptions of several individuals and families of whales include those the organization has helped to monitor over the years. The organization is based in Canada.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Flash Flood!	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: Here is an interactive lesson where students learn about flash floods and identify different types of floods. The website has information on how to prepare for a flood, how to interpret watches and warnings, an online quiz to review information, and an assignment where students look for and record flood watches. The material is in a guided format, and links enhance the information provided.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center	4200 New Haven Road	Columbia	MO	65201		573-875-5399	573-876-1896	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Columbia Environmental Research Center	Keywords: Biology,Chemistry,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: The Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) is part of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and provides data and scientific information needed to address environmental contaminant issues, and the effects of habitat alterations on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Their mission is to provide this data to help maintain clean water resources and habitat quality across the US. This site contains CERC research and project information, which addresses issues such as populations, contaminants in marine and estuarine environments, aquatic resources, at-risk and endangered species, ecosystems, status and trends, and wildlife. To provide an integrated approach to these complex resource problems, research projects are staffed with team members from six science branches: toxicology, ecology, environmental chemistry, biochemistry, field stations, and information technology. Details about research in each of these branches are provided, as well as many links for further information. Much of CERC’s research occurs on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Disaster Spot	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This website contains information and lessons about natural disasters. Divided into five sections, the first lesson covers Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Snow, and Tornadoes, and contains facts about each type of disaster. There is also a disaster glossary. The second lesson covers ways to protect and prepare for natural disasters. This includes sections on how to prepare your home or car, and how to prepare a supply kit for yourself, your home, and your car in case of a disaster. Each lesson includes a quiz. Students can submit their quizzes to have them scored on-line.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Cloud Case	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: The Cloud Case is an interactive online lesson about how clouds form through the principles of condensation and evaporation. Students learn how air pressure and air temperature affect the formation of clouds. ‘Mike Breezy, Air Detective’ delivers the lesson and tries to solve the ‘The Cloud Case’. His friend, Professor Less, gives both Mike and the students the facts about clouds. An experiment follows the story that demonstrates to students the principles they have just read about. Finally, there is a simple quiz so students can review what they have learned.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Janet	Overton			World Resources Institute									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Wendy	Vanasselt			World Resources Institute									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Gregory	Mock			World Resources Institute									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Public Broadcasting System		1320 Braddock Place	Alexandria	VA	22314			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earth on Edge: Ecosystems	Keywords: Agricultural science,Ecology,Environmental science,Forestry,Human geography	Description: This site provides information about the six ecosystems on which life on Earth most heavily depends: agricultural, forest, freshwater, grassland, coastal, and urban. It is part of a Public Broadcasting System (PBS) project, which includes a discussion guide. Ecosystems are described as communities of interacting organisms and the physical environment in which they live. The goods and services that ecosystems provide are said to form the foundation of human economies. Ecosystems purify air and water, help to control climate, and produce valuable soil-services. Site users may access a discussion guide to accompany the broadcast of the video/television program, which can be used in colleges, secondary schools, and in community groups. Case studies are taken from the companion book, World Resources 2000-2001: Ecosystems and People: The Fraying Web of Life, and from Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems: Agroecosystems (World Resources Institute). This online text includes profiles, case studies, and ecosystem assessments with references to ecosystems around the world. A list of additional resources includes links to environmental organizations, books, and periodicals.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: PBS permits use of hardcopies from portions of its website for non-profit, educational (i.e. a teacher or instructor offering a course at a university/college, within a school system, or at an adult education/lifelong learning facility, with no fee charged for the material), and/or personal activities. On any document of PBS Online content photocopied for distribution, please note the name of the PBS site, the URL (web address), and a copyright notice if available.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Alliance for the Wild Rockies								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Alliance for the Wild Rockies		PO Box 8731	Missoula	MT	59807		406-721-5420	406-721-9917	
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Alliance for the Wild Rockies	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: According to their mission statement, the goal of Alliance for the Wild Rockies (AWR) is to secure the ecological integrity of the Wild Rockies Bioregion through citizen empowerment and the application of conservation biology, sustainable economic models, and environmental law. The Rockies Bioregion includes wildlands in parts of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, Alberta, and British Columbia. At any given time, the group is working on several key issues in the Northern Rocky Mountains. These issues include protection of the bull trout and the grizzly bear, and bioregion-wide topics including wildfire and logging, and The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA).
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Content Copyright 2001 Alliance for the Wild Rockies, unless otherwise noted.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Climate	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology	Description: This interactive lesson teaches students about climate: the historical record and description of average daily and seasonal weather events in a certain region. Students will explore various regional climates in the United States, and gain an understanding of how climate relates to weather and why climate is a record of a series of atmospheric phenomenon. The lesson also includes an online quiz and various activities about the regional climates.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jane	Austin			Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center	8711 37th Street SE	Jamestown	ND	58401		701-253-5510	701-253-5553	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Mike	Fisher			Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge	74 Grays Lake Road	Wayan	ID	83285		208-574-2755	208-574-2756	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Grays Lake Ecosystem	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Human geography	Description: This case study looks at the marsh ecosystem of Grays Lake in southeast Idaho, and is hosted by the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPWRC). Grays Lake has been the focus of numerous research studies to understand factors affecting breeding water birds, habitat management practices, populations, and geological factors. This report gives general information about the Grays Lake ecosystem, including climate, habitats, plant communities, wildlife, water, and geology. More specific details are given through flora and fauna lists, historical and cultural overviews, details about the Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, and research information on management of wetlands.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center serves the resources on this Web site under a wide variety of agreements with authors, photographers, publishers, state and federal agencies, and private organizations. Some of the resources, or portions of them, are protected by copyright. We do not have the authority to give you permission to copy materials for use on a personal or organizational Web site. Only the author or publisher of the resource can provide such permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey, Fact Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Fact Sheets Listed by State	Keywords: Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology,Natural hazards	Description: This listing highlights United States Geological Survey (USGS) programs in each state, as well as fact sheets that deal with the US geographic area. This includes all 50 states, Washington DC, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. The fact sheets cover a range of state-specific topics, including natural resources, pollution, water resources, storms, climate change, ecology, volcanoes, and earthquakes.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole Field Center	384 Woods Hole Road, Quisset Campus	Woodshole	MA	02543-1598		508-548-8700	508-457-2310	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Boston Harbor Ecosystems	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) site is designed to summarize and make available results of scientific research conducted in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts since 1985. A computer image of the harbor indicates ecosystem zones with descriptions (watershed, estuary, inner shelf, and basin), sewage outfall sites, and rock types. Links are provided for more information on this region.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				United States Geological Survey	Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center Information and Outreach Office	Corvallis	OR			541-758-8758		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC)	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This multi-disciplinary research center provides scientific understanding and the technology needed to support sound management and conservation of our nation's natural resources, with emphasis on western ecosystems. Program areas include wildlife, fisheries and aquatic resources, ecosystems, exotic species, endangered and at-risk species, contaminants, and biological information management and delivery. This site provides a flora and fauna fact list, project fact sheets and summaries, and links to additional information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Toxic Substances Hydrology Program	412 National Center	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-6862		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Toxic Substances Hydrology Program	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: Initiated in 1982, this United States Geological Survey (USGS) Toxics Program provides objective scientific information on the behavior of toxic substances in the Nation's hydrologic environments. It conducts intensive field investigations of representative cases of subsurface contamination at local releases, and watershed- and regional-scale investigations of contamination affecting aquatic ecosystems from nonpoint and distributed point sources. The website covers contamination of surface water, groundwater, soil, sediment, and the atmosphere, and provides a photo gallery of contamination, which includes excessive nutrients, organic chemicals, metals, and pathogens. Other topics studied and documented include natural attenuation, models and applications, environmental measurements, abandoned mine lands, site remediation, and agricultural chemicals.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): D.P.	Krabbenhoft		Dr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): D.A.	Rickert		Dr	United States Geological Survey									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		1-888-ASK-USGS		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems	Keywords: Chemistry,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) factsheet contains information about US mercury contamination. Issues discussed include how mercury becomes a toxicological problem through bioaccumulation, human effects of mercury toxicity, and levels of atmospheric mercury. Mercury levels in fish are examined to determine how mercury gets into the environment and into the food chain.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center	12100 Beech Forest Road Suite 4039	Laurel	MD	20708		301-497-5500	301-497-5505	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Patuxent Wildlife Research Center	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: Since its establishment in 1936 as the nation's first wildlife experiment station, the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center has been a leading international research institute for wildlife and applied environmental research, for transmitting research findings to those responsible for managing our nation's natural resources, and for providing technical assistance in implementing research findings so as to improve natural resource management. Restoration efforts include maintenance of sustainable ecological systems, management and transfer of natural resource information and technology (federal lands, wildlife populations), and waterfowl surveys and research. This site contains summaries of research findings from completed and current projects.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-5280		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ecosystem Trends and Response: Chesapeake Bay	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) publication discusses environmental degradation in the Nation's largest estuary, Chesapeake Bay. Topics covered include symptoms, issues for restoring and managing this ecosystem, recent trends of the bay (discharge, anoxia, sea grasses, blue crabs), and what may be causing these changes.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ronnie	Best			United States Geological Survey	15631 SW 48th Street	Miami	FL	33185		305-553-0338	305-348-4096	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: South Florida Information Access	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Geology,Hydrology	Description: The South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) is part of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) place-based studies program. The program enables the USGS to assist resource managers in resolving environmental problems in ecosystem sites. This website provides the latest news, fact sheets, reports, poster presentations, a data exchange, and science forum regarding South Florida ecosystems. Florida time scales and geologic maps are provided for background information. The site is searchable, or can be browsed by region, program, or subject such as wildlife, ecosystem information, hydrology, and geochemistry.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Debra	Willard			United States Geological Survey	National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr.	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: South Florida Ecosystem History Project	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Geology	Description: The Ecosystem History Project is designed to integrate studies of terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems in South Florida. Projects cover Biscayne Bay, Florida Bay, and terrestrial ecosystems. Each project gives an introduction, investigation methods, evidence of past ecosystem changes, and modern distribution of flora and fauna. Recent ecosystem history is based on paleontology, palynology, geochemistry, hydrology, and sedimentology as seen in core samples. There are links to open-file reports, salinity maps, a database, poster presentations, and a Kid's Corner.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;4;5;6;7;8;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Heather	Henkel			United States Geological Survey	600 Fourth Street	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747	727-803-2032	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: South Florida Virtual Tour Photo Gallery	Keywords: Ecology	Description: Presented by the USGS South Florida Information Access (SOFIA), this website provides photos and a tour through Southern Florida ecosystems. The ecosystems include coral reefs, dunes, fresh-water marsh, fresh-water swamp, hardwood hammock, mangroves, pinelands, salt marsh, and scrub. Each ecosystem has a brief description, a photo, and a list of factors determining which ecosystem will develop in a given area.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Heather	Henkel			United States Geological Survey	600 Fourth Street South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747	727-803-2032	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades and The Southern Inland and Coastal System	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This is a USGS South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF) poster presentation about the hydrologic cycle processes in southern Florida that influence ecosystem functions. The Southern Inland and Coastal System presentation provides the ecosystem histories of the Taylor Slough and Florida Bay areas, highlighting the living resources in these areas. Vegetation classification and resistance, wind-effects, flows, topography, and bathymetry are covered. The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades section provides project objectives, sources of mercury in the Everglades, variations in water sediments, and the factors that affect mercury cycling in the hydrologic cycle.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center	1101 E. Tutor Road MS701	Anchorage	AK	99503		907-786-3512	907-786-3636	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Alaska Science Center: Biological Science Office	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) site provides summaries of biology projects in Alaska. Topics include ecosystems and habitats (Valdez oil spill, Glacier Bay National Park, coastal habitats, terrestrial habitats), birds, mammals (brown bears, caribou, polar bears, sea otters, wolves, and walrus), fisheries, as well as current and emerging issues in Alaska. This branch of the USGS is responsible for research of trust lands and waters in Alaska, and providing scientific information essential for resource management decisions.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environmental Protection Agency	1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW	Washington	DC	20460		202-260-2090		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: EPA: Global Warming Impacts	Keywords: Climatology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This resource highlights U.S. impacts of global warming, including human health, water resources (hydroelectric power, water supply and demand, flood control, environmental quality), polar regions (ice cap melting), mountains (glaciers, animal habitats), forests, rangelands and deserts, coastal zones (sea level rise), agriculture, birds, National Parks, state impacts (ecosystem, water, forest, human health, and coastal impact information given by state), and international impacts.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Environmental Protection Agency. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Thomas	Cronin		Dr	United States Geological Survey	National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Change and History Project	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This USGS project seeks to determine how Chesapeake Bay is affected by climatic and hydrologic variations, as well as human land use over various time scales. Most of the data that is collected for the project comes from cores of sediment collected from the bay. Other important factors include land use impacts, radiometric dates, and the rapidly rising relative sea level within the bay. The website offers maps, reports, and data, as well as links to related reference material.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Jeff	Bettany		Dr	University of Saskatchewan, College of Agriculture	2D30-51 Campus Drive	Saskatoon		S7N 5A8		306-966-7881	306-966-8894	Saskatchewan, Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: Saskatchewan's Environment	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This website highlights the ecoregions of the Canadian Provence of Saskatchewan. A detailed description of each ecoregion is given with landscape, climate, soil, vegetation, wildlife, and human use information. The ecoregions are: Selwyn Lake Upland, Tazin Lake Upland, Athabasca Plain, Churchill River Upland, Mid-Boreal Upland, Mid-Boreal Lowland, Boreal Transition, Aspen Parkland, Moist Mixed Grassland, Mixed Grassland, and Cypress Upland.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Office of Surface Water	National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr.	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Surface Water Information Pages	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: The Office of Surface Water (OSW) provides leadership in development and application of new techniques and tools for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of surface-water and sediment data. Programs discussed include national flood frequency, streamgaging, hydroclimatology, and river system management. Techniques for data collection are discussed, which include modeling, instrumentation, and collection of bridge scour data. Links to data about real-time streamflow and historical streamflow, as well as historical sediment suspension are provided for further information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Office of Water Quality	National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr.	Reston	VA	20192		703-648-4000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Water Quality Information Pages	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: This portal addresses issues concerning the quality of the nations surface and groundwater resources. It offers links to information about contaminants, publications about water quality in the U.S., and a field manual for collection of water quality data, which provides support in the application of techniques for collection, analysis, and interpretation of water quality data. Also included are links to specific state reports.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Department of Agriculture								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USDA for Kids	Keywords: Agricultural science	Description: This site provides links to agriculture-related sites of interest to children. These include food guides, weather sites, agricultural information, and gardening sites. There are also links to Smokey the Bear and Woodsey the Owl websites.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				USGS Western Ecological Research Center	7801 Folsom Blvd. Suite 101	Sacramento	CA	95826		916-379-3740	916-379-3765	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Fire Ecology Research	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website provides information gathered by the Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) about the importance of wildfires to ecosystem processes in the Pacific Southwest. Details are provided about fire history and ecology in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Nevada forests, California shrub lands, and Mojave and Sonoran deserts. Topics covered include the ecological impacts of fire suppression, livestock grazing, invasive species, timber harvests, and changes in climate.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				USGS Western Ecological Research Center	7801 Folsom Blvd. Suite 101	Sacramento	CA	95826		916-379-3740	916-379-3765	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Habitat Conservation Planning Support	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: The Habitat Conservation Plan is a program administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service that addresses ecological issues in the Pacific Southwest. The fundamental concern is to effectively plan for the long-term conservation of a species at risk and its habitat. Animal data such as habitat, genetics, breeding, populations, and physiology is collected in order to understand ecological processes that provide suitable conditions for the wildlife. An impact analysis looks at what factors limit the distribution and abundance of a given species, such as disease, habitat loss, and exotic species. Once a Habitat Conservation Plan is implemented, ecological monitoring assesses how the conservation elements of the plan are performing to achieve the stated goals of the plan. There is a section about reserve design that illustrates the sizes and configurations of protected landscapes suitable for sustaining species. Case studies outline habitat conservation planning efforts in Utah, and concerning the desert tortoise in Nevada.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				USGS Western Ecological Research Center	7801 Folsom Blvd. Suite 101	Sacramento	CA	95826		916-379-3740	916-379-3765	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Invasive Species Research	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website contains information about Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) projects concerning invasive species in the Pacific Southwest. Native ecosystems in this region are being threatened by invasion of non-native plant and animal species. This project is to detect, monitor, and predict the effect and threat of invasive species on the region. Case studies of particular ecosystems include the Mojave Desert, Sonoran Desert, Sierra Nevada Mountains, and San Joaquin Valley.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				USGS Western Ecological Research Center	7801 Folsom Blvd. Suite 101	Sacramento	CA	95826		916-379-3740	916-379-3765	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Sierra Nevada Global Change Research Program	Keywords: Climatology,Ecology,Forestry	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) website looks at mountain ecosystems and climate change patterns in the Pacific Southwest. Topics covered include climate gradients in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, controlling forest composition, and the structure and dynamics of this ecosystem. The relationship between fires and climate variations, and predicting climate change through paleo-vegetation, seedlings, forest demography, and forest modeling are also discussed.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Dee	Lurry			United States Geological Survey	8027 Exchange Drive	Austin	TX	78754		512-927-3571		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: USGS Activities in Texas	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This portal offers links to a variety of USGS pages containing mostly water-related information about Texas, such as: historical and recent water data, mapping sites, weather information, and summaries of USGS programs in Texas (agriculture, biology, modeling). Specific programs include the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA), the National Stream Water Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN), and the Edwards Aquifer. Biological information is presented for Big Bend National Park, Big Thicket National Preserve, the Rio Grande Basin, and the Houston-Galveston Area Watershed.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Teresa	Foglesong			United States Geological Survey	333 West Nye Lane	Carson City	NV	89706		775-887-7649		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: USGS Activities in Nevada	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This portal provides the latest news from the USGS in Nevada, including groundwater information, mercury contamination facts, natural hazards, district programs, and scientific summaries of USGS activities in Nevada. Links to information about biology, mapping, and geology are given for additional information and studies.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Chuck	Meertens		Dr	University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, UNAVCO	P.O. Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307				
This is a(n) person.
Title: Jules Verne Voyager, Jr.	Keywords: Geology,Geophysics	Description: This interactive map tool enables students and scientists to better understand the relationships between geophysical and geological processes, structures, and measurements with high-precision GPS data. It contains prepared images taken from the Jules Verne Voyager. Users can choose from a variety of base maps, add a number of geographic and geophysical overlays, and then superimpose both observed and model velocity vectors representing a compilation of 2933 geodetic measurements from around the world. Users can select from some 21 frames of reference, allowing a visual representation of both 'absolute' plate motion (in a no-net rotation reference frame) and relative motion along all of the world's plate boundaries. Users can zoom among at least three map scales.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Roger	Evans		Mr	KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Blizzard Attack!	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This weather exercise has been designed to cover the basic skills needed to stay safe during winter storms. The same principles apply to any region of the country. The lesson takes the form of a fictitious journey between two cities on a day when the weather is expected to be adverse. During the journey, students encounter an increasingly "hostile weather environment" as a winter storm quickly becomes a blizzard over the state. The students are directed to stay safe during their trip and/or reach their destination. The activity requires a user name and password to access the lesson. Teachers should register their classes (registration is free) and create passwords to protect their students.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Global Warming	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science	Description: This lesson gives students a working definition of global warming and explains why there are two divided sides that debate this environmental issue. The rest of the information pertaining to global warming is left for students to discover through independent research, or research as a class with a debate. Links are provided to aid student research.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				KGAN-TV	600 Old Marion Rd. NE	Cedar Rapids	IA	52402	800-642-6140		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Handle A Hurricane!	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: Handle a Hurricane is a decision-making activity where students assume the role of mayor of Pensacola Beach, Florida. Hurricane Opal is developing/approaching in the Gulf of Mexico. The students must decide whether or not to order a forced evacuation of the city. Students read actual news reports about the storm and review basic information about hurricanes. They then read "memos" from city staff members, which take various positions on the evacuation. Finally, students announce their evacuation decision by filling out a "press release." This activity requires a user name and password to access the answer key. Teachers should register their classes (registration is free) and create passwords to protect their students.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-2001 KGAN WeatherEye and the WeatherEye logo are service marks of KGAN.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 													
This is a(n) organization.
Title: ncBrowse: A Graphical netCDF File Browser	Keywords: Agricultural science,Atmospheric science,Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Climatology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Physical oceanography	Description: This Java application provides interactive browsing of data and metadata netCDF file formats written under a wide range of netCDF file conventions. It features flexibility in accommodating a very wide range of netCDF files, user assignment of axes, and interactive, zoomable scientific graphics displays, including a self-scaling time axis. ncBrowse can read network accessible files, and includes Distributed Ocean Data System (DODS) and OPeNDAP support. Supported for Unix, Mac and PC hardware platforms.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This software is provided by NOAA for full, free and open release. It is understood by the recipient/user that NOAA assumes no liability for any errors contained in the code. Although this software is released without conditions or restrictions in its use, it is expected that appropriate credit be given to its author and the NOAA/PMEL/EPIC group should the software be included by the recipient as an element in other product development. Please acknowledge NOAA/PMEL/EPIC group if you use these tools, applets, or applications.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Donald	Denbo	W	Dr	NOAA/PMEL - University of Washington/JISAO	7600 Sand Point Wy NE	Seattle	WA	98115	206-526-6728	206-526-6815	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Scientific Graphics Toolkit	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: The Scientific Graphics Toolkit (SGT) facilitates easy development of platform independent, Java applications to produce highly interactive, flexible, publication quality, object oriented graphics of scientific data. Features include user settable or automatically scaled axes, sophisticated, automatically self-scaling time axes, labels as movable, customizable objects, automatic generation of legends to explain the data being displayed, and many more. Includes on-line documentation, examples, and streaming video tutorial.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This software is provided by NOAA for full, free and open release. It is understood by the recipient/user that NOAA assumes no liability for any errors contained in the code. Although this software is released without conditions or restrictions in its use, it is expected that appropriate credit be given to its author and the NOAA/PMEL/EPIC group should the software be included by the recipient as an element in other product development. Please acknowledge NOAA/PMEL/EPIC group if you use these tools, applets, or applications.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service - Ozark National Scenic Riverways	404 Watercress Drive PO Box 490	Van Buren	MO	63965	573 323 4236	573-323-4140	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: More Than Skin Deep: A Teacher's Guide to Caves	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology	Description: This National Park Service resource contains information pages about cave safety and biology, how caves and speleothems form (stalactites and stalagmites), a glossary of karst and cave terms, and specific information about Round Spring Caverns in Missouri. The site also contains a number of K-12 classroom activities where learners apply both critical thinking skills and hands-on methodologies that lead to an understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of caves and karst topography.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Acadia National Park	Keywords: Geology	Description: This National Park Service website highlights the geology of Acadia National Park. The story begins 500 million years ago, and goes through rock cycles, formations (Ellsworth, Bar Harbor, and Cranberry formations), intrusions, the Ice Age, glacial features, and development of shore patterns. There are area and park maps, photos, and links to additional information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Buck Island Reef National Monument	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site covers the geology of Buck Island Reef National Monument in the Virgin Islands. It discusses coral reef formation and characteristics, as well as the history of Buck Island. There are links for maps, visitor information, and more details about this monument.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this web-site has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Cape Hatteras National Seashore	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) site highlights the geology of Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina. This seashore is known as the "graveyard of the Atlantic" due to shipwrecks that have occurred. This site discusses some of these, as well as the barrier islands that exist offshore. There are photos, and links to visitor information, maps, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Cape Lookout National Seashore	Keywords: Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website highlights the geology of Cape Lookout National Seashore in North Carolina. This seashore consists of 55 miles of barrier islands with dunes and salt marshes. The formation of these features is discussed at this site. There are maps and photos, and links for visitor information and more resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Cumberland Island National Seashore	Keywords: Ecology,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) highlights the geology of Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia. This area is a mosiac of ecosystems: beach, maritime forests, and saltwater marshes. The site discusses these ecosystems and the flora and fauna that inhabit them, and includes links to maps, visitor information, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Submerged Cultural Resources Unit	Adriane_Askins@NPS.GOV	PO Box 728	Santa Fe	NM	87504		505-988-6560		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Dry Tortugus National Park, Florida	Keywords: Biological oceanography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) publication discusses Dry Tortugus National Park in Florida. This system consists of 7 small islands off the coast of Key West. The site discusses the history of this area, as well as the marine setting of the park.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Fire Island National Seashore	Keywords: Biology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website discusses features of this barrier island in New York, including the seashore features of a sunken forest, abundant marine and wildlife, as well as interesting history. It offers links to park maps, visitor information, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Gateway National Recreation Area	Keywords: Biology,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website highlights Gateway National Recreation Area in New York and New Jersey. This park is an estuary, made up of Staten Island, Jamaica Bay, Sandy Hook, and Rockaway Peninsula. Each of these parts is discussed in terms of the wildlife, geology, and history of the areas. There are links to maps, visitor information, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Reza	Savabi		Dr	United States Department of Agriculture; Everglades Agriculture Unit	13601 Old Cutler Road	Miami	FL	33158	303-254-3363	303-254-2540	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Sustainable Agriculture	Keywords: Agricultural science,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF) page discusses sustainable agriculture in southern Florida. Issues include: land managers and farmers working together to support habitat restoration; providing the agricultural and hydrologic science and technology needed to sustain agricultural production and a quality environment; reducing phosphorus and restoring natural hydrology in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA); and Best Management Practices developed to address these issues. There are links provided for additional information on this topic.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Wildlife and Wetland Ecology	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF) page discusses how scientific studies enable land managers to ensure the preservation and sustainability of wetlands and wildlife. This includes restoration of tree islands; researching the links between water, aquatic animals, and birds to evaluate restoration needs; alligators and crocodiles as indicators of ecologic health and condition; and using computer models to aid the Florida panther. There are links provided for additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Our Coastal Ecosystems	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF) page highlights the coastal ecosystems of southern Florida. Research displayed from poster presentations covers the coastal area habitats, sustaining and enhancing coastal waters, major coastal challenges, restoring and enhancing estuaries, and using science for effective resource management. The six estuaries discussed are the Caloosahatchee, Southwest Florida, Biscayne Bay, Florida Bay, Florida Keys, and St. Lucie estuaries. Specific issues concerning each estuary are covered, and links are provided for additional information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Nutrients	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF) page discusses nutrient levels and loads that need to be achieved to preserve ecosystems in southern Florida. Regional issues include phosphorus concentrations and water quality. This study looks at phosphorus sources, controls for nutrient runoff, Best Management Practices for different areas (urban and rural), models of long-term transport and effects, use of natural solutions and chemical treatment solutions, and determining the effects of increased phosphorus loading on these ecosystems. There are links provided for additional information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Mercury	Keywords: Chemistry,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This South Florida Restoration Science Forum page discusses the problem with mercury in restoring habitats and ecosystems in southern Florida. This study looks at the origin of mercury in the water and atmosphere, and how Everglades restoration will affect mercury risks. Managing water quality and quantity to reduce risks, and understanding the food web to determine entry points and biomagnification are also discussed. Locations where mercury toxicity is above the healthy limit are identified. There are links for more information provided.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Landscape Synthesis and Ecological Modeling	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF) site explores how to understand, describe, and predict ecological changes at the landscape and regional levels. Issues discussed include the effects of landscape hydrology on specific animal populations, predicting ecological responses to landscape management, understanding changes in the landscape by studying vegetation patterns, and the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow's importance to understanding ecological changes. Links are provided for further information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Invasive Exotic Species	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF) site discusses the problem of invasive exotic species in southern Florida. Topics covered include what invasive species are, where they come from, where they exist at this time, what controls them, their effect on restoration, the use of natural enemies to tame some invasive plants, and what can be done about other invasive animals and plants. There are links provided for additional information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Hydrology	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF) site examines the problem of adequately meeting the increasing needs for water by the natural, urban, and agricultural areas of southern Florida. Topics covered include who uses the water, where the demands are, Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) and how it works, how modeling can help, getting hydrologic information to the public, and modified water deliveries as a solution in the Everglades. There are links provided for further information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Center for Coastal Geology	600 Fourth St. South	St. Petersburg	FL	33701		727-803-8747		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: SFRSF: Historical Settings	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: This website of the South Florida Restoration Science Forum (SFRSF), part of the South Florida Information Access (SOFIA), illustrates the environmental history of the Everglades area in Southern Florida. Pre-drainage conditions in the 1800's as well as how soils tell about the past and help researchers today, are discussed.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Environment Canada	351 St. Joseph Blvd.	Hull		K1A OH3		819-997-2800	819-953-2225	Quebec, Canada
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Narrative Descriptions of Terrestrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Ecology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This Canadian Government report is part of an information base, The State of Canada's Environment, and provides general information about ecology in this region, including climate, and physical and biological properties of each ecozone and ecoregion (piece within a zone), with comments about unique features that distinguish it from others. Climate, geology, permafrost, wetlands, vegetation, soils, landforms, wildlife, population, and land use are all discussed for each zone. The ecozones covered are: Arctic Cordillera, Northern Arctic, Southern Arctic, Taiga Plains, Western Taiga Shield, Eastern Taiga Shield, Boreal Shield, Atlantic Maritime, Mixed Wood Plains, Boreal Plains, Prairies, Taiga Cordillera, Boreal Cordillera, Pacific Maritime, Hudson Plains, and Montane Cordillera.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved. Information on this site is posted with the intent that it be readily available for personal and non-commercial public use.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey, Learning Web Team								USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Learning Web: A Model of Three Faults	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) teacher's site provides lessons about faults and earthquakes. This guide offers background information, materials and instructions for teaching this topic, and a three-part lesson plan about fault types such as thrust faults and strike-slip faults. Also available are activities, models, questions, and extensions.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Golden Gate National Recreation Area	Keywords: Physical geography	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website discusses the geology of Golden Gate National Recreation Area in California. Access to this area as well as the many valleys, forests, and water features are discussed. There are park maps and photos, as well as links to visitor information and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Gulf Islands National Seashore	Keywords: Biology,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website discusses the geology and geography of the Gulf Islands National Seashore located in Florida and Mississippi. It also covers the barrier islands just offshore: how they formed, weathering and currents, and the abundant life present on the islands. There are links to maps, visitor information, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Kenai Fjords National Park	Keywords: Cryology,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website examines the geology of Kenai Fjords National Park in Alaska. It highlights the glacier-carved valleys, 1964 Alaskan earthquake, nunataks (peaks), and wildlife of the park. There are links to visitor information, maps, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Olympic National Park	Keywords: Forestry,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website highlights the geology of Olympic National Park in Washington state. It discusses the mountains and rocks of the park, Ice Age features (Puget Sound), coastal features, and forests of the area. There are links to park maps, visitor information, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Padre Island National Seashore	Keywords: Geology	Description: This chain of barrier islands off the coast of Texas supports an abundance of wildlife, and is composed of a variety of environments, such as dunes, grasslands, and tidal flats. This National Park Service (NPS) site offers a brief profile of islands, as well as photos, maps, and links to visitor information and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Point Reyes National Seashore	Keywords: Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website highlights the geology of Point Reyes National Seashore in California. It discusses the San Andreas Fault Zone, which runs along this seashore, and the plate tectonics that have shaped the area. There are park maps and photos, as well as links to visitor information and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Redwood National Park	Keywords: Biology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website discusses the geology of Redwood National Park in California. It covers the history of the park and the development of the sequoia or redwood trees through time. There are links to maps, visitor information, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Virgin Islands National Park	Keywords: Forestry,Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website discusses the geology of Virgin Islands National Park, examining the coral reefs that line this park, forests of the island, and the history of the area. There are maps and photos, and links to visitor information and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Apostle Islands National Lakeshore	Keywords: Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website examines the geology of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin. The Ice Age impacts to this region, and quarrying for the sandstone bedrock in the area are very briefly discussed. There is a park map, and links to visitor information and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service; Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geology Fieldnotes: Isle Royale National Park	Keywords: Geology	Description: This National Park Service (NPS) website examines the geology of Isle Royale National Park in Michigan. It looks at the geologic history of this archipelago, beginning 1.2 billion years ago and progressing through volcanics, rock formations and copper deposits, to the Ice Age. There are links to park maps, visitor information, and additional resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law. Not all information on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS. If you wish to use any non-NPS material, you must seek permission directly from the owning (or holding) sources.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey; Woods Hole Field Center	384 Woods Hole Road, Quisset Campus	Woods Hole	MA	02543-1598		508-548-8700	508-457-2310	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Field Center for Coastal and Marine Geology	Keywords: Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: This division of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is located in Woods Hole Massachusetts, and is one of three teams conducting coastal and marine research. The project pages include research information about Boston Harbor, Stellwagen Bank, New York Bight, North Carolina, gas hydrates, coastal vulnerability, glacier studies, coastal sediments, transport, and erosion. Operations include coastal observations, modeling, videos, seafloor mapping, and a sediment transport lab. Also included is a photo and information archive with old samples, publications, seismic records, and field activities, as well as links to more information about USGS coastal studies.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey Fact Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Fact Sheets Listed by Environmental Theme	Keywords: Climatology,Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) page contains links to USGS fact sheets having environmental themes, such as groundwater, coastal environments, health impacts, climate change, toxic substances, and water reserves. USGS environmental activities include studies of natural physical, chemical, and biological processes, and of the results of human actions, in order to sustain the environment. More specifically, these fact sheets summarize ongoing data collection, long-term assessments, ecosystem analysis, predictive modeling, and process research on the occurrence of contaminants.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey Fact Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Fact Sheets Listed by Resources Theme	Keywords: Environmental science,Geology	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) page contains links to USGS fact sheets summarizing ongoing research related to natural resources. Research in this field seeks to inventory the occurrence and assess the quantity and quality of U.S. natural resources through understanding processes, and monitoring and forecasting changes in these resources. Topics include petroleum, oil, gas, hydrocarbons, water, asbestos, aquifers, and magnetics.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey Fact Sheet Team								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: USGS Fact Sheets Listed by Hazards Theme	Keywords: Natural hazards	Description: This United States Geological Survey (USGS) website contains links to fact sheets dealing with natural hazards. USGS activities in the hazards theme area deal with describing, documenting, and understanding natural hazards and their risks. These activities include long-term forecasting and monitoring, short-term prediction, real-time monitoring, and communication during a crisis. Hazards covered in these fact sheets center around these activities, and cover topics such as health hazards, biology-related hazards, volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides, floods, tsunamis, wildfires, debris flows, and subsidence.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kathee	Terry						425-823-2997		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Hugh	Anderson	R.		Science Applications International Corporation								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Douglas	Potter	W.		University of Washington								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): J.	Johnson	Lorraine		Science Applications International Corporation						425-482-3316	425-485-5566	
This is a(n) person.
Title: Athena: Space and Astronomy Curriculum	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This site provides curriculum and unit information for astronomy and space science education, such as worksheets, experiments, on-line scavenger hunts, science journal ideas, research topics, and classroom activities. Specific resources include information about each of the nine planets, a solar system tour, models of planetary systems and orbits, Hubble telescope information, electromagnetic spectrum details, infrared astronomy, and information about the Sun (aurora, sunspots, observing, sun physics). References and resources provide links to additional educational material.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Hugh	Anderson			Science Applications International Corporation								USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kathee	Terry						425-823-2997		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Tom	Crowling												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Athena: Earth Resources Curriculum	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Physical geography	Description: This section of the Athena education curriculum contains activities, experiments, and information about the Earth's resources, including details about volcanoes, earthquakes, landforms, wetlands, resource materials, and more. There is an earthquake log activity, a Mt. St. Helens activity, volcano comparisons, and global change and cartography information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Hugh	Anderson			Science Applications International Corporation								USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kathee	Terry						425-823-2997		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Janet	Wilson								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Athena: Weather Curriculum	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This section of NASA's Athena curriculum contains information, resources, and activities relating to weather. Topics covered include storms (hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones), clouds, weather observation and prediction, forecasting, and world weather.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Hugh	Anderson			Science Applications International Corporation								USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kathee	Terry						425-823-2997		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mark	Ahlness								USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Athena: Oceans Curriculum	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: The goal of NASA's Athena curriculum is to enhance the K-12 science curriculum, and facilitate use of the powerful computational tools in classrooms networked to the Web. This section contains activities, experiments, and information about oceans. Topics covered include ocean currents, the Gulf Stream, ocean color, whales, and El Nino.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change	P.O. Box 25697	Tempe	AZ	85285-5697	480-966-3719	480-966-0758	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemistry,Climatology,Environmental science	Description: The Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change was created to disseminate factual reports and sound commentary on new developments in the world-wide scientific quest to determine the climatic and biological consequences of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content. An free online magazine is published weekly containing editorials on topics of current concern and mini-reviews of recently published peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, books, and other educational materials. The site also gives access to world temperatures, U.S. climate data, and plant growth data from peer-reviewed scientific studies. Simple experiments are described to research potential CO2-induced environmental change.
Publication 4-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2002. Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dan	Satterfield			WHNT-TV		Huntsville	AL					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dan's Wild Wild Weather Page	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This website contains information, maps, photos, and links to everything about the weather. Topics covered include radar, climate, tornadoes, clouds, precipitation, lightning, humidity, temperature, forecasting, hurricanes, wind, and pressure. Each of these topics contains a brief description with links to weather maps, websites, and learning activities. There is a teachers section with links to specific lesson plan and unit resources.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001. Schools, Educational Institutions, Not-for-profit Organizations, and Private Groups may link to, print, and/or re-distribute material from WILDWILDWEATHER.COM without requesting prior permission. Please include a credit indicating that Dan's Wild Wild Weather Page was your source, and cite the proper URL to view the material on-line. For-profit Organizations are NOT granted automatic re-print rights. They must request permission for approval through a written (e-mail) request. They may, however, link to Dan's Wild Wild Weather Page website without requesting prior permission.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: T. rex: Walk like a tank, or sprint like a chicken?	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This short Why Files piece is about a recent discovery concerning the Tyrannosaurus rex. It presents evidence, based on biomechanics, that suggests that this dinosaur was not a fast runner, as once thought.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Pamela	Jackson			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G.E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Extinction and Size	Keywords: Biology,Paleontology	Description: This Why Files article investigates a possible relationship between extinction and size of animals. For most recent extinctions (50,000 and 12,000 years ago), evidence indicates that mostly large animals went extinct. The Why Files examines possible reasons for this, such as climate changes and the appearance of predatory humans, and what this tells scientists about evolution and extinctions on Earth.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Recycling	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: The Why Files uses news and current events as springboards to explore science, health, environment, and technology. This article examines the cost-effectiveness of recycling, covering such topics as the recycling market, new money-saving recycling techniques, and recycling industrial waste as fertilizer.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Trebach			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Troubled Waters	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Environmental science	Description: In this article, The Why Files examines the state of the world's oceans. Threats to our oceans include invasive species, sewer contamination, cholera, and algae blooms. These threats, their effects on humans and marine life, and possible long-term effects of these problems are discussed.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The Why Files	University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School, 500 Lincoln Drive	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-0370	608-262-5111	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Tenenbaum			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Terry	Devitt			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Amy	Toburen			The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Eric	Zuelow	G.E.		The Why Files									
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Year of Six Billion	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Human geography	Description: This Why Files article discusses the problem of an ever-increasing human population here on Earth. Topics covered include the mathematics of population growth, future projections for the world's population, depleting resources, and the need for education and population control.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©2002, University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Challenger Center for Space Science Education		1250 North Pitt Street	Alexandria	VA	22314	703-683-9740	703-683-7546	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Challenger Center	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: The Challenger Center was founded by family members of the Challenger 51-L crew to continue the crew's educational mission to use students' natural enthusiasm for space to create innovative learning experiences. Teacher and community resources are available in the form of clip art, student activities, teacher workshops, electronic fieldtrips, and classroom programs pertaining to comets, Mars, the Moon, shuttles, the solar system, the international space station, and general space science.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2001 Challenger Center for Space Science Education
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				National Air and Space Museum	7th and Independence Ave, SW	Washington	DC	20560	202-357-2700		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earth Today: Our Dynamic Planet	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Physical oceanography	Description: Earth Today is an exhibition located in the Rocketry and Space Flight gallery of the National Air and Space Museum. This website provides a quick look at the information presented in this exhibit, briefly describing the atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and the Earth at night. Links are provided to many of the near real-time data sets used to study the Earth, such as global cloud cover, earthquakes, global water vapor, sea surface temperature, and the global biosphere.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1995-1998 Smithsonian, NASM.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Rebecca	Brasket			The Bank Street College of Education			New York	NY					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Andrea	Perelman			The Bank Street College of Education			New York	NY					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The New York Times Learning Network			New York	NY			1-800-631-1222		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: What a Cosmic Web We Weave: Investigating Cosmic Evolution Since the "Big Bang"	Keywords: Space science	Description: In this lesson plan, students explore how the universe has evolved since the theoretical Big Bang and create dramatizations of various eras in cosmic evolution. This page provides objectives, resources/materials, a related article and timeline, activities, follow-up questions, evaluation ideas, vocabulary, interdisciplinary connections, and links to additional information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company. Teachers of grades 3 through 12, or parents of children of like age (collectively, "Educators"), may print and reproduce full in print format for students the crossword puzzle, daily news quiz, daily lesson plan, lesson plans from the lesson plan archive, the related lesson plan article and resources, as those materials are so labeled on The Learning Network (collectively, the "Content") for classroom and instructional use only and not for resale or redistribution. Educators may not sublicense the foregoing limited and non-transferable rights. Except as specifically set forth above, the Content may not be published, broadcast or reproduced without the prior written permission of The New York Times Company. Educators may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the Content or otherwise alter or modify the Content. Any reproduction of the Content is limited to the number of students to whom the lesson is directed.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Rachel	McClain			The New York Times Learning Network			New York	NY					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Javaid	Khan			The Bank Street College of Education			New York	NY					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				The New York Times Learning Network			New York	NY			1-800-631-1222		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Weathering the Odds: Learning about Weather Forecasting in the Science Classroom	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: In this lesson plan, students learn about the limitations of forecasting and how consumer-driven weather forecasting companies attempt to meet the demand for accurate, long-term forecasting. Students then act as meteorologists, researching the weather patterns of specific regions and developing their own forecasts. Lesson objectives, activities, questions, evaluation ideas, vocabulary, extension activities, a corresponding article, and interdisciplinary connections are provided.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company. Teachers of grades 3 through 12, or parents of children of like age (collectively, "Educators"), may print and reproduce full in print format for students the crossword puzzle, daily news quiz, daily lesson plan, lesson plans from the lesson plan archive, the related lesson plan article and resources, as those materials are so labeled on The Learning Network (collectively, the "Content") for classroom and instructional use only and not for resale or redistribution. Educators may not sublicense the foregoing limited and non-transferable rights. Except as specifically set forth above, the Content may not be published, broadcast or reproduced without the prior written permission of The New York Times Company. Educators may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the Content or otherwise alter or modify the Content. Any reproduction of the Content is limited to the number of students to whom the lesson is directed.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research		1315 East-West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910		301-713-2458		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Dempsey	V.	Dr	University of South Alabama		College of Education	Mobile	AL	36688	251-460-6101		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ocean Temperatures	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: A joint effort of NOAA Research and the College of Education at the University of South Alabama, this site seeks to provide middle school science students and teachers with research and investigation experiences using on-line resources. In this unit, students investigate ocean temperature around the world, and how it varies during the year and at different locations. This helps explain what causes seasons, and allows students to make predictions about future changes in sea and air temperatures. Students use data from the National Data Buoy Center to answer a series of questions, and complete related enrichment exercises. A downloadable teacher's guide, student guide, and necessary activity sheets are provided.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These World Wide Web pages are provided as a public service by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Ira	Sasowsky		Dr	Karst Waters Institute	University of Akron, Dept. of Geology	Akron	OH	44325-4101	330-972-5389	330-972-7611	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Karst Waters Institute	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science,Geology,Hydrology	Description: The Karst Waters Institute (KWI) is a non-profit institution whose mission is to improve the fundamental understanding of karst water systems through sound scientific research and the education of professionals and the public. Karst is explained in detail and in relation to water resources, water quality, geology, and ecology. Karst regions in the U.S. are shown, and a compilation of the top ten endangered karst ecosystems is available. Electronic documents on different aspects of karst, such as troglobites, stygobites, and groundwater monitoring and dye tracing techniques, are available to download from this site. Links to other karst resources are also provided.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001 Karst Waters Institute.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Roy	Stanley			Energy Information Administration	1000 Independence Avenue, SW	Washington	DC	20585	(202) 586-5839	(202) 586-9753	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Monthly Energy Review	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: The Monthly Energy Review contains many databases on energy production, consumption and trade. Categories of information include petroleum, electricity, natural gas, coal, nuclear power, energy prices, energy consumption, and oil and gas resource development. Within each category there are tables, graphs and spreadsheets. The database catagory allows the user to create custom data tables with selected data and dates. There are also energy reports, projections, and policy updates. This site contains a wealth of data that could be very useful for specific research or background information on energy trends.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research		1315 East-West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910		301-713-2458		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Dempsey	V.	Dr	University of South Alabama		College of Education	Mobile	AL	36688	251-460-6101		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Greenhouse Effect	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: This site is a joint effort of NOAA Research and the College of Education at the University of South Alabama. The goal of the site is to provide middle school science students and teachers with research and investigation experiences using on-line resources. In this unit students learn about what the greenhouse effect is and what causes it. By looking at greenhouse gas rates and amounts, students can propose reasons for trends and solutions to global warming. Parts of the unit include gathering information from other websites, applying the data gathered, and performing enrichment exercises. This site contains a downloadable teachers guide, student guide, and all activity sheets to make the unit complete.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These World Wide Web pages are provided as a public service by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research		1315 East-West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910		301-713-2458		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Dempsey	V.	Dr	University of South Alabama		College of Education	Mobile	AL	36688	251-460-6101		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Solar Events	Keywords: Space science	Description: This site is a joint effort of NOAA Research and the College of Education at the University of South Alabama. The goal of the site is to provide middle school science students and teachers with research and investigation experiences using on-line resources. This unit provides information and activities about the Sun, and solar events. Events such as solar flares, coronal holes, solar winds, and others are covered here. Students discover these events, their effects on humans and the Earth, gather solar data, and explain problems that occur with solar events. Parts of the unit include gathering information from other websites, applying the data gathered, and performing enrichment exercises. This site contains a downloadable teachers guide, student guide, and all activity sheets to make the unit complete
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These World Wide Web pages are provided as a public service by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research		1315 East-West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910		301-713-2458		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Dempsey	V.	Dr	University of South Alabama		College of Education	Mobile	AL	36688	251-460-6101		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Ozone	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Environmental science	Description: This site is a joint effort of NOAA Research and the College of Education at the University of South Alabama. The goal of the site is to provide middle school science students and teachers with research and investigation experiences using on-line resources. In this unit students investigate ozone as a gas and a major component of the Earth's atmosphere. Students use information to explain ozone depletion, the harmful effects of ozone at ground level, and look at the economics of passing ozone-related laws. Parts of the unit include gathering information from other websites, applying the data gathered, and performing enrichment exercises. This site contains a downloadable teachers guide, student guide, and all activity sheets to make the unit complete.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These World Wide Web pages are provided as a public service by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Dempsey	V.	Dr	University of South Alabama		College of Education	Mobile	AL	36688	251-460-6160		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research		1315 East-West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910		301-713-2458		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Forecasting	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This site is a joint effort of NOAA Research and the College of Education at the University of South Alabama. The goal of the site is to provide middle school science students and teachers with research and investigation experiences using on-line resources. In this unit students look at the science of weather forecasting as a science by exploring cloud, temperatures, and air pressure data and information. Students apply this information to interpret and relate meteorological maps to each other. Parts of the unit include gathering information from other websites, applying the data gathered, and performing enrichment exercises. This site contains a downloadable teachers guide, student guide, and all activity sheets to make the unit complete.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These World Wide Web pages are provided as a public service by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research		1315 East-West Highway	Silver Spring	MD	20910		301-713-2458		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): John	Dempsey	V.	Dr	University of South Alabama		College of Education	Mobile	AL	36688	251-460-6101		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Tornadoes	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This site is a joint effort of NOAA Research and the College of Education at the University of South Alabama. The goal of the site is to provide middle school science students and teachers with research and investigation experiences using on-line resources. In this unit students look at tornadoes as a natural weather hazard, and study when and where tornadoes occur, the Fujita scale for rating tornadoes, and safety during a tornado. Parts of the unit include gathering information from other websites, applying the data gathered, and performing enrichment exercises. This site contains a downloadable teachers guide, student guide, and all activity sheets to make the unit complete.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: These World Wide Web pages are provided as a public service by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Owen	Davis	K		University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences		Tucson	AZ	85721	520-621-7953		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Palynology	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: Palynology is the branch of science dealing with microscopic, decay-resistant remains of certain plants and animals. It has many applications including archaeological palynology, Quaternary palynology, and stratigraphic palynology. This web site created by palynologists at the University of Arizona compiles web resources with links to organizations, references, pollen images, definitions and illustrations, consultants, and products. Data files and bibliographies produced by the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists are downloadable from this site.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Anny	Chaves Quiros			Douglas Robinson Marine Turtle Research Center			San Pablo de Heredia						Costa Rica
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Leslie	du Toit	A.		Douglas Robinson Marine Turtle Research Center			San Pablo de Heredia						Costa Rica
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christopher	Baker						Oakland	CA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Richard	Garrulies												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Mount Arenal Observatory Lodge	P.O. Box 13411	San Jose						Costa Rica
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Public Broadcasting System			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Costa Rica: Land of Pure Life	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This website is one of Public Broadcasting System's (PBS) Living Edens. The site includes material on turtles and other animals including crocodiles and caimans, ants, monkeys, poison dart frogs, quetzals, snakes, and butterflies. Users can also read about Arenal Volcano, and about visiting parks in Costa Rica including Arenal National Park, Poas Volcano National Park, Palo Verde National Park, Tortuguero National Park, Manuel Antonio National Park, and Corcovado National Park. Viewers can also look at web resources, download free screensavers, and find two middle school classroom projects. One is about population dynamics; students grow frog eggs. The second is about volcanoes and soil formation; it involves growing seeds on volcanic rocks. The classroom projects also suggest exercises built around viewing the video.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright PBS 1995-2002. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest, Inc.								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ocean AdVENTure	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Physical oceanography	Description: This site is a virtual dive off of the Pacific coast to explore hydrothermal ocean vents. It is hosted by the ThinkQuest Library of Entries, a collection of educational websites designed by participants in the ThinkQuest contests. It discusses where the vents are, what they are, how they formed, and why they are important. The fauna, geology, and significance of these 'black smokers' is examined as well. There are biographies of scientists studying these vents, information about tools used to locate and study vents, and a variety of activities for the classroom.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors (teachers, educators, and students) who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice (record of linkage). Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to, with the required fields filled in. (Please check the site to see if credit is given to a source. You would then ask for permission from that source, not ThinkQuest.)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest, Inc.								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ryan	Weedmainer								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Daniello	Calo								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Limnology Facts and Fun	Keywords: Hydrology	Description: ThinkQuest is a global network of students, teachers, parents, and technologists dedicated to youth-centered learning on the internet. This site contains information about limnology, including what it is, background information, and its relevance. Topics covered include the water cycle, water types, catchments, algae, and limnology tests (pH, phosphate, salinity, turbidity, nitrates). There are experiments for the classroom and a case study on the River Torrens.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors (teachers, educators, and students) who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice (record of linkage). Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to, with the required fields filled in. (Please check the site to see if credit is given to a source. You would then ask for permission from that source, not ThinkQuest.)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				ThinkQuest, Inc.								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Soo	Chang	Ren		Kuala Lumpur						Malaysia
This is a(n) person.
Title: Petroleum Science	Keywords: Geology	Description: ThinkQuest is a global network of students, teachers, parents, and technologists dedicated to youth-centered learning on the internet. This page discusses the properties and formation of crude oil, including exploration techniques and tools, platforms, refinery procedures, and where to find petroleum. There are interactive games and references for more information.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © 2000 ThinkQuest, Inc. All rights reserved. All education visitors (teachers, educators, and students) who wish to link to the ThinkQuest site and use the materials in classes or intranets are requested to send in a linking notice (record of linkage). Education visitors to these Web pages may download, copy or transmit any portion of the material in the web pages of ThinkQuest, Inc. for informational and non-commercial purposes only. The material may not be used in any publication for profit. Those that wish to link to the ThinkQuest site or a ThinkQuest page for commercial purposes (subscription web site, illustration or text in a book, CD-ROM producer, etc.) need to forward a permission request form to, with the required fields filled in. (Please check the site to see if credit is given to a source. You would then ask for permission from that source, not ThinkQuest.)
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Salt Marshes Field Trip	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This site focuses on salt marsh environments such as beaches, dunes, and estuaries. Specifics include the diversity of flora and fauna in coastal areas, the ecology of these areas, threats to these environments, and habitat information. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites as stops, providing a comprehensive overview of salt marshes. It outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Oceans Field Trip	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography,Ecology,Physical oceanography	Description: This site focuses on the subject of oceans, including basic facts and properties about oceans, plant and animal sea life, fishing in the oceans, coral reefs, ocean ecology, and tsunamis. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites as stops, providing a comprehensive overview of oceans. The learning objectives and concepts are clearly presented, and a teacher resources section contains links for more information.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Hurricane Field Trip	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This site focuses on the subject of hurricanes (typhoons and cyclones). Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites as stops, providing a comprehensive overview of hurricanes. Specific topics include how hurricanes form, preparing for hurricanes, hurricane season, storm data, and tracking instruments. It outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Dinosaurs Field Trip	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This site focuses on the subject of dinosaurs for younger school children (grades 1-3). Specific topics include what fossils are, extinction theories, what paleontologists do, dinosaur eggs, anatomy and behavior of dinosaurs, and dinosaur names and classification. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites as stops, providing a comprehensive overview of dinosaurs. It outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Desert Field Trip	Keywords: Ecology	Description: This site focuses on the subject of deserts, including the formation of deserts, where they are located, desert types, and animals found in deserts. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites as stops, providing a comprehensive overview of the desert ecosystem. It outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Antarctica Field Trip	Keywords: Biology,Climatology,Cryology,Geology	Description: This site focuses on the subject of Antarctica, including plate tectonics, climate, glaciers and ice movement, scientific research, flora and fauna, and how decisions are made about this continent. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites and outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcano Field Trip	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This site focuses on the subject of volcanoes, including how volcanoes form, the destruction they can cause, effects of volcanoes on the environment, where active volcanoes are found, volcanoes of other planets, and the different volcano types. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites and outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tornado Field Trip	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: This site focuses on tornadoes, specifically tornado formation, where tornadoes occur, windspeeds, destruction, and area they cover. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites and outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Temperate Forest Biome Field Trip	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This site focuses on the subject of the temperate forest biome. Specific topics include characteristics of the biome, tree types, seasonal changes, interdependence between plants and animals in the forest, and protecting the temperate forest. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites and outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Getting Green Field Trip	Keywords: Environmental science	Description: This site focuses on the subject of pollution and global warming. Specific topics include greenhouse gases, the greenhouse effect, the impact of climate change on the Earth, and creating a sustainable environment. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites and outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Persistent VISION	PO Box 20106	Spokane	WA	99204				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Natural Wonders of the World Field Trip	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This site focuses on the subject of natural wonders of the world. Specific topics include what geological and geographical factors formed many of the natural wonders found on Earth, ecosystems, the age of some natural wonders, climates, and weathering processes that have helped to form these features. Designed as an electronic tour, it guides the user through different web sites and outlines teaching objectives, concepts covered, and new vocabulary. There is a teacher resources section with links for more information, and questions for students to answer along the way.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2001-2002 Persistent VISION and Kim Foley. All Rights Reserved. © 1997- 2001 Tramline, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Christine	Ennis			NOAA								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Elizabeth	Sulzman			NCAR		PO Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307		303 497-1000		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Eric	Barron			Pennsylvania State University								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Glenn	Shaw			University of Alaska at Fairbanks		Fairbanks	AL					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Kevin	Trenberth			NCAR		PO Box 3000	Boulder	CO	80307		303 4971000		
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Arthur	Few			Rice University		Houston	TX					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Fred	Mackenzie			University of Hawaii			HI					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Judith	Jacobsen			University of Denver									
This is a(n) person.
Title: Global Change Instruction Program	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Biology,Chemistry,Ecology,Environmental science,Physics,Policy issues	Description: This series is designed by college professors to fill an urgent need for interdisciplinary materials on global change. The materials are aimed at undergraduate students who are not majoring in science. The modular materials can be integrated into a number of existing courses in, for example, the earth sciences, biology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, meteorology, and the social sciences. The materials have been written to capture the interest of the student who has little grounding in math and the technical aspects of science but whose intellectual curiosity is piqued by a concern for the environment. Modules include biogeochemical cycles, biological consequences of climate change, human energy use, population growth, international environmental law, and stratospheric ozone depletion.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright by the University Corporation for Atmospehric Research. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Simon	Crowhurst			Godwin Laboratory	New Museums Site, Pembroke Street	Cambridge		CB2 3SA			01223 334871	UK
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Delphi Project	Keywords: Climatology,Geology,Paleontology	Description: The Delphi Project is developing data storage facilities for marine geological paleoclimate research by maintaining a database of marine core data incorporating research results. Marine sediment core data, in particular oxygen and carbon isotope data, from a variety of different locations are available from this site. One mode of access is a clickable map selecting location of the core data. Other data available are age models, sea surface temperature models, and species counts. Palaeoceanography as a science is explained, and a slide show introduction to isotope stratigraphy is available.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Natural Resource Conservation Service								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Natural Resources Conservation Service	Keywords: Agricultural science,Ecology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Policy issues,Soil science	Description: The Natural Resources Conservation Service(NRCS)provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment. This site offers an overview of the agency's goals, history, and organization as well as information on the latest news involving or affecting natural resources and/or NRCS. Topics found on this site may include a plants database, farming and ranching information, widespread conservation information, and practical backyard conservation. More specific topics are covered in greater detail through government reports, conservation tips & techniques, and reports from NRCS research projects.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorized purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this system may result in criminal prosecution. The Government may monitor and audit usage of this system, and all persons are hereby notified that use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Natural Resources Conservation Service								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: S.K. Worm - Answers to Questions on Soil & Stuff	Keywords: Soil science	Description: This site explains the basic process of soil formation and describes some of the characteristics of soils for elementary school children. The information is provided in the form of 13 questions about soil, with the final questions addressing the issue of soil conservation. Once the student has read all 13 informational sections they are awarded a Soil Diploma.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorized purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this system may result in criminal prosecution. The Government may monitor and audit usage of this system, and all persons are hereby notified that use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Soil Science Society of America	677 South Segoe Road	Madison	WI	53771	608-273-8095	608-273-2021	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Internet Glossary of Soil Science Terms	Keywords: Soil science	Description: This site allows the user to search, browse, or use figures and tables to learn more about terminology used in soil science. The information is updated as new terms are developed or existing terms are redefined. The search tool allows the user to enter phrases or terms related to soil science and search for the definition. The search response will also include similar topics or words with suggested search words for further information. Additionally, a dictionary is available that can be used with MS Word to determine the proper definition of most soil science terminology.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998 by the Soil Science Society of America ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW OF 1978 (P.L. 94-553) Any and all uses beyond the fair use provision of the law require written permission from the publisher and/or author(s); not applicable to contributions prepared by officers of employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				WGBH, Public Broadcasing System, NOVA	125 Western Ave.	Boston	MA	02134		617-300-200		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Everest	Keywords: Cryology,Geology,Structural geology	Description: This website is an accompaniment to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) shows about Mount Everest, the worlds tallest peak, and highlights its history and science. At this site is information on expeditions and the mystery behind the disappearance and discovery of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine from their 1924 expedition. The history and culture of this mountain is also discussed from route maps to sherpas. Humans at Altitude covers the effect of high altitudes and low oxygen on the human body. The Earth, Wind and Ice section illustrates the science behind Everest: the birth of the Himalaya Mountains from 250 million years ago to the present, atmospheric pressure and the discovery of air, earthquakes in the Himalaya, and the mountains glacial features such as icefalls and moraines. There is also a compass game to play that demonstrates how to use a compass to tell direction.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site ©2002 WGBH Educational Foundation. CONDITIONS OF USE PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MATERIALS. This site is owned and operated by the WGBH Educational Foundation. No material from or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by WGBH may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of WGBH's copyright and other proprietary rights.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lisa	Wu	Lyle		Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology			Alexandria	VA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Fossil Record	Keywords: Biology,Geologic time,Geology,Paleontology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It centers around fossils found in the Burgess Shale in western Canada. Topics include body shapes of fossils found, the movement of organisms from oceans to land, and whether organisms existed that did not fossilize. This part of geologic history began in the Cambrian Sea about 540 million years ago. The resource includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Ice Age	Keywords: Biology,Geologic time	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It explains what ice ages are, what causes ice ages to occur, plants and animals that lived during the last Ice Age, and why some Ice Age animals went extinct. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order that complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Astronomical Scales	Keywords: Mathematics,Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It focuses on scales and numbers used when representing distances and sizes in the science of astronomy. This involves developing equations and using scientific notation for large numbers. The Earth, Sun, Milky Way galaxy and universe are all used to develop understanding of this concept. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3570		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Exploration on Mars	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. This lesson covers the exploration of Mars from the 1960s to recent times. Information includes mission findings, and the NASA 3 phase strategy of finding information (reconnaissance, surveillance, in-depth study). It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lara	Maupin			Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology			Alexandria	VA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Galileo's Dialogue	Keywords: History and philosophy of science,Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It focuses on Galileo's observations and conclusions about Earth's place in the the solar system and how this was a conflict with the Catholic church, as well as the subsequent scientific revolution. Students look at current scientific conflicts to see what it was like for Galileo. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Public Broadcasting System			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Living Edens	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This web site is the homepage of the Public Broadcasting System's (PBS) The Living Edens. This natural history series introduces viewers to isolated, undisturbed corners of the world. The Living Edens companion Web sites hold many resources for teachers. Each program has a listing of resources that enhance the content that was provided in the program. Classroom activities and guides are provided for each area. Teachers from around the country collaborated to create fun and interesting guides for all teachers. Regions covered include: Anamalai in India, Bhutan, Borneo, Canyonlands in Utah, Costa Rica, Denali in Alaska, Etosha Pan in Namibia, Glacier Bay in Alaska, Kakadu in Northern Territory, Australia, Kamchatka in northeastern Russia, Madagascar, Manu in Peru, Namib in southwestern Africa, Ngorongoro in Tanzania, Palau in Micronesia, Patagonia in Argentina, South Georgia Island in the Southern Ocean, Tasmania in Australia, and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright PBS 1995-2002. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Savage Sun	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It focuses on nuclear reactions, specifically fusion which creates energy on the Sun. Other types of reactions are radioactive decay and fission. Students look at these different types of reactions and learn about how they happen, and specifics about the Sun such as solar flares, neutrinos, and solar energy. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lee Ann	Henning			Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology			Alexandria	VA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3578		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: A Star Is Born	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It addresses the question of how astronomers know the evolution of a star without being able to see it happen. Students look at the different stages in the lives of stars, from protostars to red giants and black holes. The lesson includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Chris	Lozos			Natural Resource Conservation Service								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Natural Resource Conservation Service Photo Gallery	Keywords: Agricultural science,Biology,Environmental science,Forestry,Hydrology,Natural hazards,Soil science	Description: The Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Photo Gallery contains natural resource and conservation related photos from across the USA. Photos in the Gallery are available free of charge in two common image formats. The search function allows the user to search for photos by state and by type of scene shown. Most types of photos show specific issues related to natural resource management including techniques, research, and conditions of managed areas. The managers of this site are actively seeking more images and the library will continue to grow as they are received.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: If you use any of these photos in a publication, on a web site, or as part of any other project, please use one of the following credit lines: Photo by (photographer's name), USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Photo courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Photo courtesy of USDA NRCS. These photos may not be used to infer or imply NRCS endorsement of any product, company, or position.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquakes: Learn From the Past, Prepare For the Future	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. Preparing for future earthquakes by studying past earthquakes is a main concept covered in this lesson, as well as the physical processes that occur during an earthquake. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: A Geological Wonder: Niagara Falls	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It focuses on the geological history of the Niagara Falls area, as well as the physical and geological processes that have formed this region. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20804-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Desert Dwellers	Keywords: Ecology,Human geography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. This lesson focuses on desert ecology, geography, and development, with an emphasis on desertification and what can be done to prevent it. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Build Your Own Weather Station	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. This lesson focuses on weather instruments, and has students build a rain gauge, barometer, wind vane, anemometer, and a psychrometer. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ted	Latham			Watchung Hills Regional High School			Warren	NJ					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Stargazers	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It focuses on how astronomers use light properties, and the doppler-effect (redshift), to determine that stars are moving away from the Earth and the universe is expanding. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Big Wet	Keywords: Climatology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on a particular climate found in Northern Australia, known as the tropical wet and dry. This lesson goes over the 12 categories of climates, and looks at the specifics of the 'big wet', or tropical wet and dry climate. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Flood	Keywords: Natural hazards,Physical geography,Soil science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on how flooding can occur due to different types of soil and how soils are able to retain rainwater. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Lee Ann	Hennig			Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology			Alexandria	VA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Black Holes: The Ultimate Abyss	Keywords: Physics,Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the mystery of black holes, discussing the three basic sizes and how the characteristics of each type make them different from other black holes. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: On Jupiter	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the planet Jupiter, including characteristics such as size, surface features, and distance. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. Students gather information and become 'tour guides' of the planet to relay Jovian research to others. Videos can be ordered to complement the lesson. Vocabulary words are supported by audio-clips and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans are provided.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Planetary Profiles	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the characteristics of the planets and moons in our solar system. Students learn about these characteristics by creating profiles and reports about different bodies in the solar system to make a large class display. Characteristics covered include size, gravity, atmosphere, geology, and exploration efforts. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. Also available are videos to order which complement this lesson, audio-enhanced vocabulary lists, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bryan	Goehring			Blair Middle School			Silver Spring	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earth's Dramatic History	Keywords: Biology,Geologic time	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on Earth's past beginning about 4.6 billion years ago and takes students through the development of our planet from its formation, to first signs of life, to primitive organisms, to modern day humans. By creating a timeline students realize how recent an addition humans are to this planet. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. Videos are available to order which complement this lesson, as well as an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: T-Rex	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It discusses the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex, and whether or not it was a scavenger or a predator. After researching many physical aspects of this dinosaur, students explain their views on this topic to show what they have learned. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Dinosaurs in Argentina	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on recent dinosaur excavations in Argentina and why this is a good place to look for dinosaur fossils. Students read articles, conduct research, and complete worksheets to find out information about what is found in Argentina and why. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which compliment this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Dinosaur Detectives	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the science of paleontology, how scientists have made conclusions about the lives of dinosaurs, and the scientific techniques used for gathering information about dinosaurs. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): John	DeMary	E.		Loudoun County Public Schools			Leesburg	VA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: When Dinosaurs Ruled	Keywords: Biology,Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the Mesozoic Era, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Through research and activities students learn about the plants and animals that inhabited Earth at that time, and the changes in plant life that occurred due to the development of animal life. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: What's New with Dinosaurs	Keywords: Biology,Paleontology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on a current controversary among scientists over whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Students research both sides of the argument and then present a debate over this topic. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Destination Mars	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on a manned mission to the planet Mars, and how characteristics of this planet are challenging our existing technology. Students research the problems of sending a manned mission and then design a vehicle for travel on Mars surface. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Eyes in the Sky	Keywords: Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on satellite technology and how it has changed the way information is transmitted. Students discuss this technology and then conduct interviews with people who recall what information technology was like before the advent of satellites. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Pamela	Rushby												
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Gulliver Flim Productions		PO Box 371	Paddington, Queensland		4064				Australia
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Gulliver Film Productions								
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): 				Queensland Department of Education			Australia
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Australian Ecosystems	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology,Ecology	Description: This site includes a map users can click on for information on animals and plants and their adaptations for each of the Australian ecosystems: arid, mangroves and wetlands, reef, rainforest, dry schlerophyll (thick-skinned desert plants adapted to minimize water loss), rivers and riparian fringe, island, and remnant. These web pages come from the video series The Living Landscape - an Australian Ecosystems Series, coproduced by Gulliver Film Productions and the Department of Education, Queensland.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Karen	Kennedy			T.C. Williams High School			Alexandria	VA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Great Hubble	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and how far away it can detect light. Students look at this telescope and its images and then debate in teams over whether or not large amounts of money should be spent using the HST to search for other planets that may have life on them. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): George	Cassutto			North Hagerstown High School			Hagerstown	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Heavens Above	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on how star positions shift over long periods of time. By using a program called Skyglobe, students gain understanding of movements of the stars, and predict how objects will be different with different changes in time. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Elin	Whitney-Smith								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Pleistocene Extinctions: The Death of an Ecosystem	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: The materials at this site discuss the interconnectedness of ecosystems including animals, vegetation and climate, and the impact of extinctions on human perception. The site includes: the End of Eden, a brief description of the extinction model results; the Case of the Aboricidal Megaherbivores, a detective story with Skylark Holmes and Dr. Janet Watson; The ecosystem extinctions model which you can get and run yourself; and the model's implications, including the invention of war and the rise of information technology.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): David	Parsons	J.		National Park Service, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks			Three Rivers	CA	93271				
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Objects or Ecosystems? Giant Sequoia Management in National Parks	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science,Forestry	Description: This is a 1992 paper on policies and programs aimed at protecting giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in the national parks of the California Sierra Nevada: Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia. The policies have evolved from the protection of individual trees to the preservation of entire ecosystems. National Park Service management strategies for giant sequoia focus on the restoration of native ecosystem processes. This includes the use of prescribed fire to simulate natural ignitions. Basic research is being carried out to improve our understanding of the factors influencing giant sequoia reproduction, growth, and survival.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mars	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the possible future colonization of the planet Mars. After researching this topic, students debate whether or not we have the right to colonize other planets when we have not been able to maintain the resources of our own planet. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				U.S. Department of Energy	1000 Independence Avenue, SW	Washington	DC	20585	202-586-6503	202-586-5146	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: National Energy Policy	Keywords: Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This is the National Energy Policy report issued by the Bush Administration in 2001. The report discusses existing energy resources, options for new energy resources, environmental protection, energy conservation and energy infrastructure. The entire report is available for download and each chapter is available seperately as smaller files.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and other restrictions information is unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Planetary Weather	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the weather conditions on other planets. After learning more about weather patterns, students research the weather on a given planet and create a visual display of the conditions there. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Milestones in the Space Program	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on major events in the history of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Students research the U.S. space program and then make a timeline of the goals, heros, and outcomes of selected missions. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ted	Latham			Watchung Hills Regional High School			Warren	NJ					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Telling Time by the Light of the Moon	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the phases of the Moon. Students use information about the phase of the Moon and its relation to the Sun's location to approximate the time of night. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Understanding the Universe	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on star types and the lives of stars in order to understand the universe we live in. Students work in groups to research and learn about the life cycle of different star types. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Extraterrestrials	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on our attempts to reach intelligent life by sending messages into space. Students look at a visual of the message that has been sent from the Arecibo radio dish in Puerto Rico, and discuss what it means and the possibility of getting a reply. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Space Shuttle	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the advent of Space Shuttle missions from 1981 to 1986. Students research facts about each of the 25 missions that occurred during this time period, finding out what each mission objective was. They also look at the Challenger incident and what went wrong with that mission. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Mary	Cahill	C.		Potomac School			McLean	VA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Antarctica	Keywords: Cryology,Ecology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on icebergs and water salinity, as well as the environment of the continent of Antarctica. Students research this area and do an experiment demonstrating the relationship between water salinity and ice floating or sinking in the ocean. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Frank	Weisel			Tilden Middle School			Rockville	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Avalanche	Keywords: Cryology,Natural hazards	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on avalanches and how they occur. Students conduct an experiment, then discuss how lubricants and friction play a role in causing avalanches. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Birth of the Earth	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the history of the Earth from 4.6 billion years ago to the present. Students look at different time periods and major events in the Earth's history, putting it all together in a classroom display. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ted	Latham			Watchung Hills Regional High School			Warren	NJ					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Constructing Earthquake-Proof Buildings	Keywords: Geophysics,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on how earthquake-proof buildings are designed. Students build a tester, then model buildings to test and see what factors make a building more earthquake-proof than others. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tom	Whittaker		Mr	SSEC/CIMSS University of Wisconsin-Madison	1225 West Dayton Street	Madison	WI	53706		608-262-2759		USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Steve	Ackerman		Prof	SSEC/CIMSS University of Wisconsin-Madison	1225 West Dayton Street	Madison	WI	53706	608-263-3647		USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Applets for Atmospheric Science Education	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Space science	Description: This is a collection of Java applets that can be run through web browsers. Each applet is designed to present a concept generally related to atmospheric science and is highly interactive to encourage discovery. Topics include satellite image interpretation, the formation of contrails, a hurricane model and solar radiation intensity as it varies with latitude and time of year.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright(C) 1998-2001 Tom Whittaker and Steve Ackerman. These programs are free software; you can use and redistribute them and/or modify them but you may NOT repackage and sell them. These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The developers or their employers are not responsible for any and all ramifications, etc., which may result from using this software, or software derived therefrom. Furthermore, you agree to hold us harmless from any consequences related to the use of this software.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Continental Drift	Keywords: Geologic time,History and philosophy of science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on Alfred Wegener's theory of Continental Drift and the evidence used to support it. Using fossil types and maps, students view similarities between continents that led Wegener to conclude that they had once been together as a supercontinent, Pangea. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earthquakes: Getting Ready for the Big One	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Policy issues	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on large earthquakes hitting populated areas. Students learn about basic earthquake features such as seismic waves and how different places are affected differently by earthquakes. Then groups create a proposal for city government to prepare the city for a large earthquake. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Michael	Bell			State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut		79 Elm St.	Hartford	CT	06106				
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Face of Connecticut: People, Geology, and the Land	Keywords: Geology,Human geography,Physical geography	Description: This publication highlights the landscape and geology of the state of Connecticut. Regions discussed are the central valley, uplands, and coastal region. The landscape is discussed not only in terms of topography and geology, but also in terms of recent history of Native Americans and settlers. Photographs, geologic and regional maps, and illustrations help to convey details about this state. There is a bibliography for reference.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1985 by the State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Patrick	Barry	L.								
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Science @ NASA		Marshall Space Flight Center							
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Desert Dust Kills Florida Fish	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science	Description: This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) article discusses the connection between dust storms in Africa, and red tides along the Florida coast. Red tides are blooms of toxic algae that kill fish, birds, and mammals, as well as cause health problems in humans. Storm activity in the Sahara Desert region kicks up topsoil that winds transport into the Gulf of Mexico. These clouds fertilize the water with iron, which bacteria named Trichodesmium use to create nitrogen. The nitrogen makes the water a friendly environment for the toxic algae. This article discusses this process and research that is going on to help solve the problem.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level	Bidston Observatory, Birkenhead	Merseyside		CH4 7RA		44-01-51-653-8633	44-01-51-653-6269	United Kingdom
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL), hosted by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL), is the global data bank for long term sea level change information from tide gauges. The PSMSL data set is the main source of information on long term changes in global sea level during the last two centuries. This site contains data sets, and information on other services such as vertical land movements and air pressure. There are answers to frequently asked questions about sea level changes, packets on data use available, annual reports, and other contacts for more information.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Caltech Library System	Mail Code 1-32	Pasadena	CA	91125		626-395-6405	626-792-7540	USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geological and Planetary Sciences Library at Caltech (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geochemistry,Geology,Geophysics,Paleontology,Soil science	Description: This website is the home of Caltech's geological and planetary sciences library system. It is a collection of materials in the fields of Earth and planetary geology, geophysics, geochemistry, seismology, earthquakes, and paleontology. Links to sites for each of these subjects are provided, as well as links to agencies, databases, glossaries, other libraries, online journals, organizations, publishers, and specific subject information.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless otherwise indicated, Caltech Library System publications, including webpages, may be used by teachers, librarians, and students for purposes that are clearly not for profit. Express permission for such use is not required. This permission is in addition to rights of reproduction granted under Sections 107, 108, and other provisions of the U.S. Copyright Act. However, in cases where whole documents are used, please include the following credit line: "Courtesy of the Caltech Library System, California Institute of Technology."
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Maine Geological Survey	22 State House	Augusta	ME	04333		207-287-2801		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Geologic Photo Gallery of Maine (title provided or enhanced by cataloger)	Keywords: Geology,Hydrology	Description: This website is part of the Maine Geological Survey, and provides state photos of geologic features. These include mineral collecting, geologic hazards, water resources, and bedrock, economic, environmental, glacial, and marine geology. Each photo has a location and brief description.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Yaxin	Li			Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). The guide currently includes individual pages of approximately 100 natural enemies of pest species, and continued expansion is planned. On each of these pages you will see photographs, descriptions of the life cycles and habits, and other useful information about each natural enemy. Four different types of natural enemies are covered in this guide, including parasitoids, predators, pathogens, and weed feeders. This information is broken down by family and the user may then select descriptions for any number of species.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: ©All material is protected by Section 107 of the 1976 copyright law. Copyright is held by Cornell University. Use of this material for educational purposes is encouraged. Please notify the editors of such use and cite the author (if credited on the page you are using), date, site name, editors, Cornell University, and the URL (WWW address).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Frank	Weisel			Tilden Middle School			Rockville	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Glaciers and Icebergs	Keywords: Cryology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on glaciers and icebergs, specifically, glacial scraping and landforms left behind by glaciers, and information about icebergs in the oceans. Students do a lab simulating glacial scouring. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: The Grand Canyon	Keywords: Ecology,Geology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the ecology of the Grand Canyon area. Students act as scientists investigating the damming of the Colorado River by the Glen Canyon dam and experimental flooding that took place in 1996. They then write a proposal as to whether or not more experimental flooding should be done on the area considering the ecological effects. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: How Islands Form	Keywords: Biology,Geology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on island formation through water level changes, coral growth, or volcanism. Through class demonstrations, worksheets, and research, students learn the different ways islands form as well as how different lifeforms develop on the islands. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Landslides	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on how landslides occur and how scientists predict them. Students design and perform their own experiments using homemade stream tables. Using these tables they test landslide types and draw conclusions about water flow, timing, and other factors that determine how landslides occur. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Steve	Ackerman		Prof	SSEC/CIMSS University of Wisconsin-Madison	1225 West Dayton Street	Madison	WI	53706			USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Tom	Whittaker		Mr	SSEC - University of Wisconsin-Madison								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Verner Suomi Virtual Museum	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Climatology,Space science	Description: This virtual musuem is dedicated to the life and work of Verner E. Suomi. Prof. Suomi's interests centered around remote sensing of our environment, and so most of the rooms in the museum have this as a central theme. Topics covered include: how the air is affected by radiation (both from the sun and from the earth itself), learning about weather satellites, and a simple, interactive climate model. There is also opportunity to learn about how clouds form, and how satellite observations are used to determine winds. An applet explores the relationships between relative humidity and dew point temperature. A section on the analysis of weather data is planned.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Material presented is Copyrighted (C) 1999 by Steve Ackerman and Tom Whittaker.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mesozoic Murals	Keywords: Geologic time,Paleontology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the Mesozoic era of Earth's history, when the dinosaurs were alive. Students divide into groups to research one of the three periods of this time, and create a habitat mural for that time period. At the end, comparisons are made between the three time periods to discover how dinosaurs evolved during their time on Earth. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for custom making quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Mountain Barriers	Keywords: Biology,Geology,Physical geography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. This lesson focuses on the changes that occur when mountains rise, thus changing the climate of the area and the plants and animals that live there. Students perform an experiment to observe differences in hot and cold air that help cause this phenomenon. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Pollution Solutions	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. Its focus is on the pollution of water ecosystems. Students do group research on known pollutants and their impact on water ecosystems, and find out possible solutions to this problem. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Bryon	Goehring			Blair Middle School			Silver Spring	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Protecting Habitats and Species	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on predicting relationships between natural phenomena to help reduce the amount of damage done; protecting habitats and species from volcanoes, for example. Students research a specific volcano in this lesson, and report on its type, activity, impacts of eruptions, and magma types to learn more about factors helping to predict their occurrences. It includes objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Rocks	Keywords: Mineralogy or petrology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. This lesson focuses on sedimentary rocks and how they are formed. Students review the rock cycle and three rock types: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. They then write children's books about sedimentary rocks to explain the process to a younger audience. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. Also available are videos which complement this lesson, audio vocabulary, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Izolda	Trakhtenberg			National Aeronautic Space Adminstration			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Soil Science Education Homepage	Keywords: Geology,Soil science	Description: This site covers numerous aspects of soil science and addresses many soil related issues at a level that can be presented to school age children. Several sections are devoted to the relationship between humans and soil in terms of agriculture, society, ecosystems, and why soil should be studied. Also included are photographs of different soil types or soil horizons with descriptions that explain what is being seen and what processes may have contributed to the soil characteristics. There are a host of activities that can be performed in the classroom or out in the field. The features of this site appear to be updated frequently and present different issues, activities, and discussions relating to soil.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: This site is intended to be used by the public for information exchange.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Robert	Richter			Texas Agriculture Extension Service -Travis County									
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Dan	Lineberger			Aggie Horticulture			
This is a(n) person.
Title: Composting For Kids	Keywords: Soil science	Description: This site is a slide show that explains how to build a compost pile and why compost piles are important. Most of the slides use photographs and illustrations to describe each step of the process. The author includes examples of specific materials to use and explains why each of these materials are important. The entire presentation is focused on encouraging and instructing children to build compost heaps correctly. At the end of the presentation specific uses and alternative methods are presented as well as photographs to illustrate how composting materials should look. This site may work well as a classroom visual demonstration.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: No copyright information located.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Billy	Teels			Wetland Science Institute / USDA-NRCS	Bldg. #109 12311 Beech Forest Road	Laurel	MD	20708	301-497-5938	301-497-5911	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Wetland Science Institute: Wetland Delineation	Keywords: Biology,Environmental science,Hydrology,Physical geography	Description: This U.S. Department of Agriculture site functions as a guide for delineation of wetland areas using a variety of different informational sources. Comprehensive identification guidelines are presented for using soils for wetland determination. A large section of this site is dedicated to defining and identifying the plants found in wetland areas. These identification databases are broken down into different regions and numerous groups within those regions. Descriptions of each region include a glossary of terms used and species lists that contain photographs and detailed characteristics of each listing. Also included is a slide presentation defining the terminology associated with hydric soils. This site is very comprehensive in covering the aforementioned topics and can be used as a field guide or educational reference.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain. While the content of most USGS web pages is in the public domain, not all the information on our site is in the public domain. Some images/graphics are used by USGS with permission. For other uses, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder under the copyright law. You are welcome to make a link to any of the Web pages USGS has published on the Internet. There is no need to request permission. Use of the USGS visual identifier (logo) is restricted to official publications.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): Chris	Lozos			USDA National Cooperative Soil Survey	PO Box 2890	Washington	DC	20013				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hydric Soils of the United States	Keywords: Hydrology,Soil science	Description: The purpose of the information presented through this homepage is to make available the most current information about hydric soils. Four types of technical information about hydric soils are presented here. First is the current definition of a hydric soil. Second is the criteria for hydric soils and the lists which are generated from them. Third is the list of field indicators. These are morphological properties known to be associated with soils that meet the definition of a hydric soil. The fourth kind of information is Hydric Soil Tech. Notes, which contain National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils (NTCHS) updates, insights, standards, and clarifications.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions, and that will be noted in those documents.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Reading Satellite Images	Keywords: Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on satellite images and how they are made by active, passive, and remote-sensing instruments. Students analyze satellite images and answer questions about them. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tales of Terrain	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on topography and how to identify significant landforms in literature. This is a cross-curricular lesson where students use a novel they have recently read to identify and understand topography features and the geological terms that identify these landforms. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Susan	Hurstcalderone			Blessed Sacrament School			Washington	DC					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tsunami	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on tsunamis (tidal waves) and the destruction they can cause. Students design experiments to view the two types of tsunamis (fjord and ocean) and view the different wave patterns associated with each. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Mary	Cahill	C.		Potomac School			McLean	VA					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Understanding Oceans	Keywords: Physical oceanography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on oceans currents and their effects. Students do a lab activity to show that temperature is what causes ocean currents. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Frank	Weisel			Tilden Middle School			Rockville	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Understanding Volcanoes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the three types of volcanoes: shield, cinder cone, and composite. Students research each type and then make models of each one to learn the distinctive properties of each type. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Understanding Weather	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the naturally-occurring greenhouse effect on Earth, and its connection to global warming. Students build model greenhouses to see how this process works. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Frank	Weisel			Tilden Middle School			Rockville	MD					
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Volcano	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on volcanoes and the destruction that results from eruptions. Students are given a scenario of massive volcanic destruction and have to come up with a plan to help those affected by the events. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Water, Water Everywhere	Keywords: Environmental science,Hydrology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on data modules and students' understanding of the relationship between population growth and water shortages. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Discovery Channel	7700 Wisconsin Ave	Bethesda	MD	28014-5-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Where Life Began	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Chemical oceanography	Description: This Discovery Channel website details ongoing research at a deep-sea vent known as Nine North on the East Pacific Rise. It covers the evolution of this vent, and contains stories and information from a group of researchers studying the area. Animals discussed include worms, mussels, clams, amphipods, and crabs that grow around this vent. There are detailed journal entries about the work and research findings in this area, as well as specific crew and life-at-sea information.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1998 Discovery Communications Inc. The contents of the Internet service are intended for the personal, noncommercial use of its Users.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				American Museum of Natural History		Central Park West at 79th Street	New York	NY	10024-5192		212-769-5000		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earth Bulletin	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Geology,Natural hazards	Description: The Earth Bulletin is a series of stories that explain the science behind current environmental and atmospheric events on our planet. Four sections cover volcanoes, earthquakes, storms, and Earth imaging. The Volcanoes Section explains recent eruptions in terms of the volcano history, eruptions, lava balloons from the ocean, and formation of volcanoes. There is an historical perspective to volcanoes with an interactive timeline, and information about how volcanoes affect the ozone and Earth's climate. Volcanoes discussed are Kilauea in Hawaii, Mayon in the Phillipines, and others in Iceland and the Azores. The Earthquakes Section discusses large earthquakes from 1999-2001 covering the damage done, magnitudes, affects on the people who live in earthquake prone areas, and predicting earthquakes. Earthquake areas covered are Seattle, India, California, Sumatra, Turkey, and Honduras. The Storms Section discusses lightning, storm intensity, floods, cyclones, monsoons, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Locations discussed are Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Oklahoma, and Nicaragua. The Earth Imaging section features satellites and how they provide images useful for science. Satellites show maps of floods, fires, and hurricanes taken with the TERRA satellite.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 1999 American Museum of Natural History
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Pearson Education, Prentice Hall Inc.		Upper Saddle River	NJ	07458			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Tropical Storm, Hurricane, Cyclone, and Typhoon Activity	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Natural hazards	Description: Part of Prentice Hall's Planet Diary, this computer activity is a way for students to learn more about hurricane impacts. Using information from Hurricane Floyd (September 1999), students research the immediate and long-term effects of this powerful hurricane. Viewing links to graphics about windspeed, wind analysis, storm damage reports, and post-storm reports, students answer questions about this hurricane.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Libby	Kleokowski			University of Massachusetts Amherst, Biology Department	Morrill Science Center	Amherst	MA	01003		413-545-0524	413-545-3243	USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Connecticut River Homepage	Keywords: Biology,Geologic time,Geology	Description: This website contains information about the biology, history, and geology of the Connecticut River, the largest river in New England. The main source of information at this site is a web-based book about the river which details subjects such as animals, algae, plants, microorganisms, tributaries, habitats, history, ecology, and geology. Geologic information includes ice age details, and a description of fossils found in the area.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8;13;14	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright © 1997, University of Massachusetts.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Illinois Department of Natural Resources		One Natural Resources Way	Springfield, IL		62702-1271			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): Kathy	Andrews			Illinois Department of Natural Resources								
This is a(n) person.
Title: Illinios Department of Natural Resources: Stuff for Teachers and Students	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This website has been developed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources as an educational site for teachers and students. There are lesson plans, information and activities on plants, animals and biodiversity, as well as links to related websites and information on grants and contests.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Sam	Johnston		Prof	1500, 888-3rd Street S.W.	Calgary		T2P 5C5	(403) 243-7336	(403) 265-4573	Alberta, Canada
This is a(n) person.
Title: GeoScience: K-12 Resources	Keywords: Geology	Description: This clearinghouse links to relevant K-12 education websites, including classroom projects, activities, and field trips. This page has a petroleum and soft rock bias and focuses on the Alberta, Canada area.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Coasts	Keywords: Biology,Physical geography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the coasts of the United States. Students learn about primary and secondary coast characteristics and how they form, then do research in groups on a particular region of the U.S. to create a visual presentation to the class. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Desert Animals	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on adaptations that desert animals must make in order to survive in the harsh desert environment. Each student studies a certain creature and reports on specific adaptations it has made, and then a game is played to introduce students to these concepts. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Aquatic Habitats	Keywords: Biology,Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on aquatic habitats and how community wastewater-disposal methods can harm these habitats. Students research the harmful effects of wastewater as well as environmental techniques, then invite a guest speaker to class to discuss this subject and answer their questions. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): R.	Herzog	Mark		Harford County Public Schools				MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Ecosystems	Keywords: Biology,Ecology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on biodiversity within ecosystems and within species. Students visit a local area and collect leaves to demonstrate how diverse life can exist within a small area. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Water: To the Last Drop	Keywords: Ecology,Hydrology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the important role water has played in the history of the planet. Students research and create newscasts about events that have involved water resources. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Stormy Weather	Keywords: Atmospheric science,Physics	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on lightening and its causes. Demonstrations show students what static electricity is and how it causes lightning by building up in clouds. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Earth and Beyond	Keywords: Environmental science,Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-12. It focuses on issues facing the future of the Earth. Students investigate issues such as global warming, space travel, Mars exploration, terraforming, and lunar exploration, and develop plans for the future. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, performing extensions, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Classroom Planetarium	Keywords: Space science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. It focuses on the relationship of the nine planets in our solar system to the Sun by creating a 3-D representation. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Path to Mars	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. It focuses on the similar features of Earth and Mars, and how these features may be useful for supporting life on both planets. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): William	McDonald	N.		Montgomery County Public Schools			Rockville	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Discovering Dinosaurs	Keywords: Paleontology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. It focuses on how scientists have developed theories about what dinosaurs were like by using evidence that they have found. Students work in groups and as a class to discover what a theory is and how it is supported or disproven. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dianne	Hoffman			Montgomery County Public Schools			Rockville	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Unique Landforms	Keywords: Geology,Physical geography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. It focuses on three specific landforms: canyons, caves, and concretion. Students research one of these landforms as a team to create a visual display, illustrating how the landform formed and evolved to its present state. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Dianne	Hoffman			Bel Pre Elementary School			Silver Spring	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Understanding Volcanoes	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. It focuses on plate tectonics and volcanoes acting as a cooling vent for the inner core of the Earth. Students build model volcanoes and use them as comparisons for actual volcanoes. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Weather Maps	Keywords: Atmospheric science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. It focuses on basic information about the weather and how different weather maps depict conditions. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Ted	Latham			Watchung Hills Regional High School			Warren	NJ					USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: People and Space	Keywords: Space science,Technology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. It focuses on the diets of astronauts during space missions. Students bring in dehydrated foods to see how they are different from other foods, and discuss why it is necessary to have dehydrated food in space. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Frank	Weisel			Tilden Middle School			Rockville	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Dynamic Earth	Keywords: Geology,Natural hazards,Physical oceanography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. It focuses on tsunamis, or tidal waves, and how they are caused by a certain type of earthquake. Students work in teams to produce earthquake wave effects on water. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Sierra Club		85 Second Street, 2nd Floor	San Francisco	CA	94105-3441		415-977-5500	415-977-5799	
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (11): 				Sierra Club								
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Ecoregions	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Policy issues	Description: This website for the Critical Ecoregions Program of the Sierra Club aims to offer a practical, long-term strategy to buttress the "web of life" on Earth. Region by region, the Sierra Club develops multifaceted plans for every major land and water system in the United States and Canada. The 21 ecoregions are: the Alaska Rainforest, American Southeast, Arctic, Atlantic Coast, Boreal Forest, Central Appalachia, Colorado Plateau, Great Basin, Great Lakes, Hawai'i, Hudson/James Bay, Mississippi Basin, Interior Highlands, North American Prairie, Northern Forest, Pacific Coast, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, Southern Appalachia, and Southwest Deserts. Tailored to the particular needs of each ecosystem, these 21 regional plans were developed to help achieve the Club's global vision: to restore the ecological health of the planet through concrete local action. Users can read about each of the 21 regions, the plans, and relevant legislation.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Unless particular materials are specifically restricted as noted on the web page, it is the Sierra Club's policy to allow limited reproduction and distribution of the materials posted provided that: (1) the particular article or section is reproduced in its entirety in its original form; (2) all copies include a statement that the material was reproduced from with permission of the Sierra Club; (3) all copies include the following notice "Copyright ©2001 Sierra Club. All Rights Reserved."; (4) the copies are distributed only for the non-commercial educational or public policy purposes of promoting conservation of the natural environment; and (5) the copies are distributed at no charge, or at most, at actual cost. Under these conditions, the Sierra Club grants users a non- exclusive, nontransferable license to use the materials on our site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Wade	Hurt			NTCHS Field Indicator Subcommittee / University of Florida	PO Box 110290	Gainesville	FL	32611				USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States (1998)	Keywords: Hydrology,Soil science	Description: This report describes the characteristics used to define wetland (or hydric) soil types found in the United States. It is in text format and has one image showing the difference between hydric sandy soils and finer textured soils. The report identifies and describes the particular soil types and lists them by region. The information used for the report was provided by the USDA, NRCS, and Wetland Science Institute.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division	PO Box 25287	Denver	CO	80225-0287				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				United States Geological Survey	Western Earth Surface Processes Team			USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: North Cascades National Park Geology: A Mountain Mosiac	Keywords: Geologic time,Geology,Mineralogy or petrology,Physical geography,Structural geology	Description: This website of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS) provides detailed information about the geology of North Cascades National Park in Washington State. The story begins with background geological information about the American Cordillera, volcanic island arcs, sediments, basaltic ocean floors, the Earth's mantle, glaciers and volcanoes. The geologic tale of the park is then covered in great detail from 400 million years ago through metamorphism, shifting tectonic plates northward, stretching crust, faulting, volcanism, and erosion by water and ice. There is specific information about rock types, minerals found, differences within the Cascade Mountain Range, and descriptions of the tectonic terrain divisions (Western, Metamorphic Core, and Methow domains). Geologic maps show rock types, domains, and fault locations within the park, and there are three field trips describing different areas of this National Park.
Publication 5-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Discovery Communications, Inc.	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814				USA
This is a(n) organization.
Title: Understanding the Universe	Keywords: Space science	Description: This Discovery Channel website explores the features of our universe. There are three sections covering various aspects of the universe, as well as a section for teachers with tips for using the website in the classroom. The Stargazers section discusses the top ten astronomers who have contributed to our current understanding of the universe: Kepler, Galileo, Brahe, Copernicus, Hubble, Einstein, Newton, Lemaitre, Penzias and Wilson. The Galaxy Tour section provides a field trip beginning in our own galaxy, the Milky Way, then moving to the magellanic clouds, the Andromeda galaxy, the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, unusual galaxies, and information from the Hubble Space Telescope. The It's Awesome section contains further information for understanding the vastness of the universe, light years and time, and includes a cosmic calendar and a mind game. Resources and links are provided for further information.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: © Copyright 2002, Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo).
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Francine	Weinberg		Ms										
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Nancy	White		Ms										
This is a(n) person.
Title: Habitats of the World	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science,Physical geography	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades K-5. Research and project suggestions enable students to explore the physical, geographical, and ecological characteristics of the following habitats: grasslands (or savanna), temperate forest, tropical rain forest, desert, polar ice, and tide pools. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;1;2;3	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Audrey	Carangelo												
This is a(n) person.
Title: The American Prairie	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. Using research on environmental conditions of the prairie ecosystem (strong winds, hot and dry summers, cold winters, and plants and animals), students will design an imaginary animal, detailing how its physical and behavioral characteristics make it well adapted to the prairie. They will illustrate their animals and display them around the classroom with their written descriptions. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mary	Cahill	C.	Ms	Potomac School			McLean	MD					USA
This is a(n) person.
Title: Forest Food Webs	Keywords: Ecology,Forestry	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on the seasonal changes that affect life in a temperate forest ecosystem and how organisms in a temperate forest are dependent on one another for proper nutrition. Students describe the three major types of organisms that live in an ecosystem, three types of consumers, food webs, and food chains. They then create a food web diagram for display in their classrooms. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Audrey	Carangelo												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Frogs: Fact and Folklore	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. Students conduct research and field work to evaluate the importance of frogs in their local ecosystem and why a frog is uniquely suited to its habitat. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Mary	Cahill	C.	Ms	Potomac School			McLean	VA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Freshwater Habitats	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. Students conduct research by sampling organisms in a nearby freshwater habitat to determine how an organism’s behavior and adaptation relate to its habitat, and how freshwater habitats have different characteristics depending on whether water is still or moving. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Kirsten	Rooks												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Hyperlink Habitats	Keywords: Ecology,Environmental science	Description: This activity is designed to help students understand the complexity of nature by utilizing an online illustration of the ways in which various elements of a rainforest ecosystem are interconnected. Students will map the online habitat and create their own hyperlink habitat, either in print or on the Web, for a local ecosystem. When they are finished, they can submit their work to the Discovery Channel School.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Audrey	Carangelo												
This is a(n) person.
Title: Champions of the Land	Keywords: 	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 9-12. It is designed to introduce various publications that have had a profound influence on our attitudes toward environmental issues. Students write a brief essay explaining the effects these books might have had on science or society as well as their own personal reactions to what they've read. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Susan	Mealiea	L.	Ms	Woodbridge High School			Woodbridge	VA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Body by Design: Form and Function	Keywords: Ecology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. Students research three types of symbiotic relationships between organisms in nature: mutualism, commensalisms, and parasitism. They report their research findings and hypothesize about how symbiotic relationships might have evolved. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9):	7700 Wisconsin Ave.	Bethesda	MD	20814-3579		301-986-0444		USA
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Lisa	Lyle Wu			Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology			Alexandria	VA					
This is a(n) person.
Title: Apes to Man	Keywords: Ecology,Geologic time,Geology	Description: This lesson plan is part of the lesson plan library for grades 6-8. It focuses on primates (chimpanzees, gorillas, etc.) in the African savannas or grasslands and how they were the first animals in evolutionary history to exhibit bipedalism. Students observe, evaluate, and compare the gaits of humans and primates. They then discuss the possible reasons for such an adaptation. Included are objectives, materials, procedures, discussion questions, evaluation ideas, suggested readings, and vocabulary. There are videos available to order which complement this lesson, an audio-enhanced vocabulary list, and links to teaching tools for making custom quizzes, worksheets, puzzles and lesson plans.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Copyright 2002 Visitors to Discovery School may print an unlimited number of hard copies of lesson plans and quizzes for personal, non-commercial use or classroom, non-commercial use. Any reproduction must be unaltered from its original downloaded form (including, without limitation, the Discovery School logo). This includes, but is not limited to, colorization, cropping, editing or re-sizing. Any other use of the materials on Discovery School, modification, distribution or re-publication without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No electronic reproduction is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to another Web site.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				(Earth Ocean Atmosphere) EOA Scientific Systems, Inc.	902-477-6336		
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Robert	Paul			Internet Campus, EOA Scientific Systems, Inc.								
This is a(n) person.
Title: The Coriolis Effect	Keywords: Physics	Description: The coriolis effect is the apparent acceleration of a moving body on or near the Earth as a result of the Earth's rotation. This interactive example provides a simple map of the northern and southern hemispheres and allows users to shoot a cannonball from the equator toward a moving ship near the poles, taking note of the ball's curved path.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 3	Copyright: 
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (8): Annette	deCharon	V	Ms	Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences	P.O. Box 475	W. Boothbay Harbor	ME	04575	207-633-9600	207-633-9641	US
This is a(n) person.
Title: From the Top of the the Bottom of the Food Web	Keywords: Biological oceanography,Biology,Ecology,Physical oceanography,Physics	Description: This website illustrates how and why NASA's Earth-orbiting satellites measure ocean productivity. Materials highlight key scientific research topics such as harmful algal blooms and ocean optics. This resource help teachers and students discover linkages among marine ecology, phytoplankton, the behavior of light at the ocean surface, and satellite derived ocean color data. Exercises and concepts are also keyed to nationally accepted K-12 science education content standards to facilitate classroom usage.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 9;10;11;12;4;5;6;7;8	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: May be used in an educational setting as long as credit to Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is given.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (4): Ned	Horning		Mr	American Museum of Natural History	1993 School Road	Cambridge	VT	05444		802-644-6609	802-644-2513	USA
This is a(n) person.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 588			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				Center for Image Processing in Education			
This is a(n) organization.
Author/Publisher/Contact Information (9): 				NASA's Scientific and Educational Endeavors			
This is a(n) organization.
Title: NASA Image2000	Keywords: Technology	Description: NASA Image2000 is an image processing program developed by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center that supports the display, annotation, and analysis of scientific computer images on standard desktop computers. NASA Image2000 was developed using Java v.2 and Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) and can be run on a wide variety of platforms. NASA Image2000 is designed to meet the image processing needs of a wide user community by providing both basic and advanced versions. The software is suitable for classroom educators and students, image processing researchers, medical professionals, and NASA scientists, particularly those involved in remote sensing and earth science disciplines.
Publication 6-2002
Format: 0	Platform: 5	Location:
Learning Context: 17;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16	Intended End User Role: 0
Cost: 1	Copyright: Public domain
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