File:  [LON-CAPA] / nsdl / harvestsmete / lon-capa.xml
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Thu May 8 16:37:32 2003 UTC (21 years, 10 months ago) by www
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
SMETE side harvest code for LON-CAPA

<catalogdata url="/res/msu/botonl/b_online/e01/sachs.htm">
<abstract>Short abstract about J. v. Sachs; This resource is part of the LON-CAPA version of &lt;a href="/res/msu/botonl/b_online/e00/contents.htm"&gt;Bontany online - the Internet Hypertextbook&lt;/a&gt;</abstract>
<author>P.v. Sengbusch</author>
<title>J. v. Sachs</title>

<catalogdata url="/res/msu/mmp/kap18/RR447a.htm">
<abstract>Electric field lines -- rules and illustrations.</abstract>
<author>Multimedia Physics (Wolfgang Bauer, Walter Benenson, Gary Westfall)</author>
<generator>Claris Home Page 3.0</generator>
<owner>mmp@msu (Michigan State University)</owner>
<subject>Electric Field</subject>
<title>Rules for Electric Field Lines</title>

<catalogdata url="/res/msu/mmp/kap18/problems/cd462.problem">
<author>Multimedia Physics (Wolfgang Bauer, Walter Benenson, Gary Westfall)</author>
<owner>mmp@msu (Michigan State University)</owner>
<parameter part="0" id="11" name="tol" type="tolerance" default="5%" display="Numerical Tolerance [Part: 0_11]"></parameter>
<parameter part="0" id="12" name="tol" type="tolerance" default="5%" display="Numerical Tolerance [Part: 0_12]"></parameter>
<parameter part="0" id="12" package="numericalhint"></parameter>
<parameter part="0" id="11" package="numericalresponse"></parameter>
<parameter part="0" package="part"></parameter>
<stores part="0" name="awarded" type="float" display="Partial Credit Factor [Part: 0]"></stores>
<stores part="0" name="solved" type="string" display="Problem Status [Part: 0]"></stores>
<stores part="0" name="tries" type="int_zeropos" display="Number of Attempts [Part: 0]"></stores>
<title>Pith Balls</title>

<catalogdata url="/res/msu/mmp/kap18/problems/forceone.problem">
<abstract>Force problem where different situations are given and the correct answers must be 
<author>Gerd Kortemeyer</author>
<owner>mmp@msu (Michigan State University)</owner>
<parameter part="0" id="1_6" package="optionresponse"></parameter>
<parameter part="0" package="part"></parameter>
<stores part="0" name="awarded" type="float" display="Partial Credit Factor [Part: 0]"></stores>
<stores part="0" name="solved" type="string" display="Problem Status [Part: 0]"></stores>
<stores part="0" name="tries" type="int_zeropos" display="Number of Attempts [Part: 0]"></stores>
<subject>Summaries, Electrostatics</subject>
<title>Force between Charges</title>

<catalogdata url="/res/msu/mmp/kap18/picts/F1221.gif.meta">
<abstract>This picture illustrates that the force on f1 due to f2 is equal in magnitude, 
but opposite direction of the force on f2 due to f1.  </abstract>
<author>Multimedia Physics (Wolfgang Bauer, Walter Benenson, Gary Westfall)</author>
<owner>mmp@msu (Michigan State University)</owner>
<subject>Summaries, Electrostatics</subject>
<title>Force Vectors 2</title>

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