Title: Fractions - Parts of a Whole - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Relates parts of a whole unit to written description and fraction. Keywords: Fractions, Parts, Whole, Fractions - Parts of a Whole, Part, Fraction, parts of a whole, whole, parts, part
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_102_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Relates parts of a whole unit to written description and fraction. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.partsofawhole.PartsOfAWholeApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_1" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Parts of a Whole - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Relates parts of a whole unit to written description and fraction. Keywords: Fractions, Parts, Whole, Fractions - Parts of a Whole, Part, Fraction, parts of a whole, whole, parts, part
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_102_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Relates parts of a whole unit to written description and fraction. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.partsofawhole.PartsOfAWholeApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_2" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Visualizing - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Illustrate a fraction by dividing a shape and highlighting the appropriate parts. Keywords: Fractions, Visualizing, Fractions - Visualizing, Fraction, visualizing fractions, visualizing fraction, fractions, fraction, visualizing
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_103_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrate a fraction by dividing a shape and highlighting the appropriate parts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.visualizingfractions.VisualizingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_3" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Visualizing - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Illustrate a fraction by dividing a shape and highlighting the appropriate parts. Keywords: Fractions, Visualizing, Fractions - Visualizing, Fraction, visualizing fractions, visualizing fraction, fractions, fraction, visualizing
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_103_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrate a fraction by dividing a shape and highlighting the appropriate parts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.visualizingfractions.VisualizingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_4" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Naming - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Write the fraction corresponding to the highlighted portion of a shape. Keywords: Fractions, Naming, Fractions - Naming, Fraction, naming fractions, naming fraction, fractions, fraction, naming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_104_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Write the fraction corresponding to the highlighted portion of a shape. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.namingfractions.NamingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_5" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Naming - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Write the fraction corresponding to the highlighted portion of a shape. Keywords: Fractions, Naming, Fractions - Naming, Fraction, naming fractions, naming fraction, fractions, fraction, naming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_104_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Write the fraction corresponding to the highlighted portion of a shape. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.namingfractions.NamingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_6" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Equivalent - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Illustrates relationships between equivalent fractions. Keywords: Fractions, Equivalent, Fractions - Equivalent, Fraction, equivalent fractions, equivalent fraction, fractions, fraction, equivalent
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_105_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates relationships between equivalent fractions. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.equivalentfractions.EquivalentFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_7" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Equivalent - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: Illustrates relationships between equivalent fractions. Keywords: Fractions, Equivalent, Fractions - Equivalent, Fraction, equivalent fractions, equivalent fraction, fractions, fraction, equivalent
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_105_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates relationships between equivalent fractions. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.equivalentfractions.EquivalentFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_8" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Equivalent - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Illustrates relationships between equivalent fractions. Keywords: Fractions, Equivalent, Fractions - Equivalent, Fraction, equivalent fractions, equivalent fraction, fractions, fraction, equivalent
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_105_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates relationships between equivalent fractions. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.equivalentfractions.EquivalentFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="405" id="vmid_9" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Adding - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Illustrates what it means to find a common denominator and combine. Keywords: Fractions, Adding, Fractions - Adding, Fraction, adding fractions, adding fraction, fractions, fraction, adding, add, addition
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_106_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates what it means to find a common denominator and combine. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.addingfractions.AddingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="500" id="vmid_10" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Adding - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: Illustrates what it means to find a common denominator and combine. Keywords: Fractions, Adding, Fractions - Adding, Fraction, adding fractions, adding fraction, fractions, fraction, adding, add, addition
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_106_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates what it means to find a common denominator and combine. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.addingfractions.AddingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="500" id="vmid_11" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Adding - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Illustrates what it means to find a common denominator and combine. Keywords: Fractions, Adding, Fractions - Adding, Fraction, adding fractions, adding fraction, fractions, fraction, adding, add, addition
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_106_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates what it means to find a common denominator and combine. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.addingfractions.AddingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="500" id="vmid_12" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Line Bounce - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Number line addition and subtraction game. Keywords: Number, Line, Bounce, Number Line Bounce, arithmetic, add, adding, addition, plus, subtract, subtracting, subtraction, minus, take away, away, take
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_107_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Number line addition and subtraction game. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberbounce.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberbounce.NumberBounceApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="500" id="vmid_13" name="vm" width="750"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Line Bounce - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Number line addition and subtraction game. Keywords: Number, Line, Bounce, Number Line Bounce, arithmetic, add, adding, addition, plus, subtract, subtracting, subtraction, minus, take away, away, take
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_107_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Number line addition and subtraction game. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberbounce.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberbounce.NumberBounceApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="500" id="vmid_14" name="vm" width="750"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Line Bounce - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: Number line addition and subtraction game. Keywords: Number, Line, Bounce, Number Line Bounce, arithmetic, add, adding, addition, plus, subtract, subtracting, subtraction, minus, take away, away, take
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_107_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Number line addition and subtraction game. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberbounce.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberbounce.NumberBounceApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="500" id="vmid_15" name="vm" width="750"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Line Bounce - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Number line addition and subtraction game. Keywords: Number, Line, Bounce, Number Line Bounce, arithmetic, add, adding, addition, plus, subtract, subtracting, subtraction, minus, take away, away, take
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_107_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Number line addition and subtraction game. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberbounce.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberbounce.NumberBounceApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="500" id="vmid_16" name="vm" width="750"></applet></applettag>
Title: Grapher - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: A tool for graphing and exploring functions. Keywords: Grapher, graphing tool, tool, graphing, graphing utility, utility, function grapher, grapher, function, graph
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_109_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: A tool for graphing and exploring functions. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, functiongrapher.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.functiongrapher.FunctionGrapherApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_17" name="vm" width="650"><param name="f_color" value="0,0,255"></param><param name="g_color" value="255,0,0"></param><param name="h_color" value="23,123,83"></param><param name="graph_color" value="255,245,225"></param><param name="auto_parenthesis" value="true"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Grapher - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: A tool for graphing and exploring functions. Keywords: Grapher, graphing tool, tool, graphing, graphing utility, utility, function grapher, grapher, function, graph
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_109_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: A tool for graphing and exploring functions. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, functiongrapher.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.functiongrapher.FunctionGrapherApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_18" name="vm" width="650"><param name="f_color" value="0,0,255"></param><param name="g_color" value="255,0,0"></param><param name="h_color" value="23,123,83"></param><param name="graph_color" value="255,245,225"></param><param name="auto_parenthesis" value="true"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Grapher - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: A tool for graphing and exploring functions. Keywords: Grapher, graphing tool, tool, graphing, graphing utility, utility, function grapher, grapher, function, graph
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_109_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: A tool for graphing and exploring functions. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, functiongrapher.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.functiongrapher.FunctionGrapherApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_19" name="vm" width="650"><param name="f_color" value="0,0,255"></param><param name="g_color" value="255,0,0"></param><param name="h_color" value="23,123,83"></param><param name="graph_color" value="255,245,225"></param><param name="auto_parenthesis" value="true"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Tangrams - (Algebra - PreK-2) Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Keywords: Tangrams, Tangram, puzzle, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_112_g_1_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, tangrams.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.tangrams.TangramsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_20" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Tangrams - (Algebra - 3-5) Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Keywords: Tangrams, Tangram, puzzle, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_112_g_2_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, tangrams.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.tangrams.TangramsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_21" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Tangrams - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Keywords: Tangrams, Tangram, puzzle, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_112_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, tangrams.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.tangrams.TangramsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_22" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Tangrams - (Measurement - PreK-2) Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Keywords: Tangrams, Tangram, puzzle, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_112_g_1_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, tangrams.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.tangrams.TangramsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_23" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Tangrams - (Measurement - 3-5) Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Keywords: Tangrams, Tangram, puzzle, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_112_g_2_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, tangrams.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.tangrams.TangramsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_24" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Tangrams - (Algebra - 9-12) Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Keywords: Tangrams, Tangram, puzzle, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_112_g_4_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use all seven Chinese puzzle pieces to make shapes and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, tangrams.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.tangrams.TangramsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_25" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pentominoes - (Algebra - PreK-2) Description: Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. Keywords: Pentominoes, Pentominoe, patterns, pattern, dominoes, dominoe
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_114_g_1_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pentomino.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pentomino.PentominoApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_26" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pentominoes - (Algebra - 3-5) Description: Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. Keywords: Pentominoes, Pentominoe, patterns, pattern, dominoes, dominoe
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_114_g_2_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pentomino.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pentomino.PentominoApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_27" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pentominoes - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. Keywords: Pentominoes, Pentominoe, patterns, pattern, dominoes, dominoe
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_114_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pentomino.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pentomino.PentominoApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_28" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pentominoes - (Algebra - 9-12) Description: Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. Keywords: Pentominoes, Pentominoe, patterns, pattern, dominoes, dominoe
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_114_g_4_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pentomino.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pentomino.PentominoApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_29" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Polyominoes - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Build and compare characteristics of biominoes, triominoes, quadrominoes, etc. Keywords: Polyominoes, Polyominoe, dominoes, dominoe, patterns, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_115_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Build and compare characteristics of biominoes, triominoes, quadrominoes, etc. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, polyomino.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.polyomino.PolyominoApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_30" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Polyominoes - (Algebra - 9-12) Description: Build and compare characteristics of biominoes, triominoes, quadrominoes, etc. Keywords: Polyominoes, Polyominoe, dominoes, dominoe, patterns, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_115_g_4_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Build and compare characteristics of biominoes, triominoes, quadrominoes, etc. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, polyomino.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.polyomino.PolyominoApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_31" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Stick or Switch - (Algebra - PreK-2)(Algebra - 3-5)(Algebra - 6-8)(Algebra - 9-12) Description: Investigate probabilities of sticking with a decision, or switching. Keywords: Stick, Switch, Stick or Switch, lets make a deal, deal, make, lets, let, cards, card, price is right, right, price, door, conditional probability, probability, conditional
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_117_g_5_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Investigate probabilities of sticking with a decision, or switching. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, stickrswitch.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.stickrswitch.StickRSwitchApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="445" id="vmid_32" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Stick or Switch - (Data Analysis & Probability - PreK-2)(Data Analysis & Probability - 3-5)(Data Analysis & Probability - 6-8)(Data Analysis & Probability - 9-12) Description: Investigate probabilities of sticking with a decision, or switching. Keywords: Stick, Switch, Stick or Switch, lets make a deal, deal, make, lets, let, cards, card, price is right, right, price, door, conditional probability, probability, conditional
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_117_g_5_t_5.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Investigate probabilities of sticking with a decision, or switching. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, stickrswitch.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.stickrswitch.StickRSwitchApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="445" id="vmid_33" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Towers of Hanoi - (Algebra - 3-5) Description: Solve the tower problem and test your theory by varying the number of disks. Keywords: Towers, Hanoi, Towers of Hanoi, Tower, iteration, pattern, recursion, stack
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_118_g_2_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Solve the tower problem and test your theory by varying the number of disks. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, towers.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.towers.TowersApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_34" name="vm" width="610"></applet></applettag>
Title: Towers of Hanoi - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Solve the tower problem and test your theory by varying the number of disks. Keywords: Towers, Hanoi, Towers of Hanoi, Tower, iteration, pattern, recursion, stack
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_118_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Solve the tower problem and test your theory by varying the number of disks. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, towers.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.towers.TowersApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_35" name="vm" width="610"></applet></applettag>
Title: Towers of Hanoi - (Algebra - 9-12) Description: Solve the tower problem and test your theory by varying the number of disks. Keywords: Towers, Hanoi, Towers of Hanoi, Tower, iteration, pattern, recursion, stack
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_118_g_4_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Solve the tower problem and test your theory by varying the number of disks. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, towers.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.towers.TowersApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_36" name="vm" width="610"></applet></applettag>
Title: Reflection - (Algebra - PreK-2)(Algebra - 3-5)(Algebra - 6-8)(Algebra - 9-12) Description: Create shapes and observe changes in reflections. Keywords: Reflection, transformation
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_119_g_5_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Create shapes and observe changes in reflections. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, mirror.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.mirror.MirrorApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_37" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Turtle Rectangles - (Algebra - PreK-2) Description: Change variables to observe differences in spiral designs. Keywords: Turtle, Rectangles, Turtle Rectangles, Turtle Rectangle, Rectangle, iteration, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_121_g_1_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Change variables to observe differences in spiral designs. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, turtleroutine.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.turtleroutine.TurtleRoutineApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_38" name="vm" width="500"></applet></applettag>
Title: Circle 0 - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to zero. Keywords: Circle, Circle 0, number puzzles, number puzzle, puzzles, puzzle, number
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_122_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to zero. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, circlepuzzles.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.circlepuzzles.circle0.Circle0Applet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="436" id="vmid_39" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Circle 0 - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to zero. Keywords: Circle, Circle 0, number puzzles, number puzzle, puzzles, puzzle, number
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_122_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to zero. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, circlepuzzles.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.circlepuzzles.circle0.Circle0Applet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="436" id="vmid_40" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Circle 0 - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to zero. Keywords: Circle, Circle 0, number puzzles, number puzzle, puzzles, puzzle, number
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_122_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to zero. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, circlepuzzles.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.circlepuzzles.circle0.Circle0Applet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="436" id="vmid_41" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Triominoes - (Algebra - PreK-2)(Algebra - 3-5)(Algebra - 6-8)(Algebra - 9-12) Description: Manipulate the puzzle pieces and find multiple solutions. Keywords: Triominoes, Triominoe, triomino, dominoes, dominoe, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_124_g_5_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Manipulate the puzzle pieces and find multiple solutions. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, triomino.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.triomino.TriominoApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_42" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - (Geometry - PreK-2) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Keywords: Geoboard, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_125_g_1_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_43" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - (Measurement - PreK-2) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Keywords: Geoboard, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_125_g_1_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_44" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - (Measurement - 3-5) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Keywords: Geoboard, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_125_g_2_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_45" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - (Measurement - 6-8) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Keywords: Geoboard, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_125_g_3_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_46" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Keywords: Geoboard, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_125_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_47" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Keywords: Geoboard, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_125_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_48" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - (Measurement - 9-12) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Keywords: Geoboard, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_125_g_4_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_49" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Platonic Solids - Slicing - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Discover shapes and relationships between slices of the platonic solids. Keywords: Platonic, Solids, Slicing, Platonic Solids - Slicing, Solid, slice, crossection
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_126_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Discover shapes and relationships between slices of the platonic solids. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, slicingsolids.jar, mtext.jar, m3d.jar" code="nlvm.slicingsolids.SlicingSolidsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_50" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Platonic Solids - Slicing - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Discover shapes and relationships between slices of the platonic solids. Keywords: Platonic, Solids, Slicing, Platonic Solids - Slicing, Solid, slice, crossection
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_126_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Discover shapes and relationships between slices of the platonic solids. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, slicingsolids.jar, mtext.jar, m3d.jar" code="nlvm.slicingsolids.SlicingSolidsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_51" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - Circular - (Geometry - 3-5) Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Keywords: Geoboard, Circular, Geoboard - Circular, circular geoboard, geoboard, circular, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_127_g_2_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_52" name="vm" width="560"><param name="board_type" value="circular"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - Circular - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Keywords: Geoboard, Circular, Geoboard - Circular, circular geoboard, geoboard, circular, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_127_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_53" name="vm" width="560"><param name="board_type" value="circular"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - Circular - (Measurement - 3-5) Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Keywords: Geoboard, Circular, Geoboard - Circular, circular geoboard, geoboard, circular, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_127_g_2_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_54" name="vm" width="560"><param name="board_type" value="circular"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - Circular - (Measurement - 6-8) Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Keywords: Geoboard, Circular, Geoboard - Circular, circular geoboard, geoboard, circular, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_127_g_3_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_55" name="vm" width="560"><param name="board_type" value="circular"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - Circular - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Keywords: Geoboard, Circular, Geoboard - Circular, circular geoboard, geoboard, circular, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_127_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_56" name="vm" width="560"><param name="board_type" value="circular"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - Circular - (Measurement - 9-12) Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Keywords: Geoboard, Circular, Geoboard - Circular, circular geoboard, geoboard, circular, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_127_g_4_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use circular geoboard to illustrate angles and degrees. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_57" name="vm" width="560"><param name="board_type" value="circular"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Platonic Solids - (Geometry - PreK-2) Description: Identify characteristics of the Platonic Solids. Keywords: Platonic, Solids, Platonic Solids, Platonic Solid, Solid
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_128_g_1_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Identify characteristics of the Platonic Solids. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, platonicsolids.jar, mtext.jar, m3d.jar" code="nlvm.heart.platonicsolids.PlatonicSolidsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_58" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Platonic Solids - (Geometry - 3-5) Description: Identify characteristics of the Platonic Solids. Keywords: Platonic, Solids, Platonic Solids, Platonic Solid, Solid
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_128_g_2_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Identify characteristics of the Platonic Solids. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, platonicsolids.jar, mtext.jar, m3d.jar" code="nlvm.heart.platonicsolids.PlatonicSolidsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_59" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Platonic Solids - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Identify characteristics of the Platonic Solids. Keywords: Platonic, Solids, Platonic Solids, Platonic Solid, Solid
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_128_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Identify characteristics of the Platonic Solids. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, platonicsolids.jar, mtext.jar, m3d.jar" code="nlvm.heart.platonicsolids.PlatonicSolidsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_60" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Platonic Solids - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Identify characteristics of the Platonic Solids. Keywords: Platonic, Solids, Platonic Solids, Platonic Solid, Solid
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_128_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Identify characteristics of the Platonic Solids. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, platonicsolids.jar, mtext.jar, m3d.jar" code="nlvm.heart.platonicsolids.PlatonicSolidsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_61" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - Isometric - (Geometry - PreK-2)(Geometry - 3-5)(Geometry - 6-8)(Geometry - 9-12) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate three-dimensional shapes. Keywords: Geoboard, Isometric, Geoboard - Isometric, triangular, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_129_g_5_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate three-dimensional shapes. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_62" name="vm" width="560"><param name="board_type" value="triangular"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Platonic Solids - Duals - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Identify the duals of the platonic solids. Keywords: Platonic, Solids, Duals, Platonic Solids - Duals, Platonic Solids - Dual, Dual, Solid
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_131_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Identify the duals of the platonic solids. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, platonicduals.jar, mtext.jar, m3d.jar" code="nlvm.heart.platonicduals.PlatonicDualsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_63" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Platonic Solids - Duals - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Identify the duals of the platonic solids. Keywords: Platonic, Solids, Duals, Platonic Solids - Duals, Platonic Solids - Dual, Dual, Solid
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_131_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Identify the duals of the platonic solids. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, platonicduals.jar, mtext.jar, m3d.jar" code="nlvm.heart.platonicduals.PlatonicDualsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_64" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Golden Rectangle - (Geometry - 3-5) Description: Illustrates iterations of the Golden Section Keywords: Golden, Rectangle, Golden Rectangle, gold, iteration
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_133_g_2_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates iterations of the Golden Section Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, goldenrectangle.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.goldenrectangle.GoldenRectangleApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_65" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Golden Rectangle - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Illustrates iterations of the Golden Section Keywords: Golden, Rectangle, Golden Rectangle, gold, iteration
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_133_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates iterations of the Golden Section Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, goldenrectangle.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.goldenrectangle.GoldenRectangleApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_66" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Golden Rectangle - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Illustrates iterations of the Golden Section Keywords: Golden, Rectangle, Golden Rectangle, gold, iteration
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_133_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates iterations of the Golden Section Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, goldenrectangle.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.goldenrectangle.GoldenRectangleApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_67" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Iterative Fractals - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Generate six different fractals. Keywords: Iterative, Fractals, Iterative Fractals, Iterative Fractal, Fractal, iterative fractals, iterative fractal, fractals, fractal, iterative, iteration, iterate
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_135_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Generate six different fractals. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, ifschaosgame.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.ifschaosgame.IFSChaosGameApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_68" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Iterative Fractals - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Generate six different fractals. Keywords: Iterative, Fractals, Iterative Fractals, Iterative Fractal, Fractal, iterative fractals, iterative fractal, fractals, fractal, iterative, iteration, iterate
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_135_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Generate six different fractals. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, ifschaosgame.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.ifschaosgame.IFSChaosGameApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_69" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Mandelbrot and Julia Sets - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Investigate relationships between these two fractal sets. Keywords: Mandelbrot, and, Julia, Sets, Mandelbrot and Julia Sets, Mandelbrot and Julia Set, Set, mandelbrot sets, mandelbrot set, sets, set, mandelbrot, julia sets, julia set, julia, chaos, fractals, fractal
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_136_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Investigate relationships between these two fractal sets. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, juliaset.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.juliaset.JuliaSetApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_70" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Mandelbrot and Julia Sets - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Investigate relationships between these two fractal sets. Keywords: Mandelbrot, and, Julia, Sets, Mandelbrot and Julia Sets, Mandelbrot and Julia Set, Set, mandelbrot sets, mandelbrot set, sets, set, mandelbrot, julia sets, julia set, julia, chaos, fractals, fractal
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_136_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Investigate relationships between these two fractal sets. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, juliaset.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.juliaset.JuliaSetApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_71" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Koch Triangle - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Change colors and pause this fractal simulation at any point. Keywords: Koch, Triangle, Koch Triangle, koch, triangle, iteration
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_137_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Change colors and pause this fractal simulation at any point. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, koch.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.koch.KochApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_72" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Koch Triangle - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Change colors and pause this fractal simulation at any point. Keywords: Koch, Triangle, Koch Triangle, koch, triangle, iteration
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_137_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Change colors and pause this fractal simulation at any point. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, koch.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.koch.KochApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_73" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Coin Problem - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Use deduction to find the lighter coin. Keywords: Coin, Problem, Coin Problem, counterfeit coins, counterfeit coin, coins, coin, counterfeit
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_139_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use deduction to find the lighter coin. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, coinproblem.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.coinproblem.CoinProblemApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="445" id="vmid_74" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Coin Problem - (Algebra - 9-12) Description: Use deduction to find the lighter coin. Keywords: Coin, Problem, Coin Problem, counterfeit coins, counterfeit coin, coins, coin, counterfeit
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_139_g_4_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use deduction to find the lighter coin. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, coinproblem.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.coinproblem.CoinProblemApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="445" id="vmid_75" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Ladybug Leaf - (Measurement - PreK-2) Description: Program a ladybug to hide behind a leaf. Keywords: Ladybug, Leaf, Ladybug Leaf, logo, turtle, programming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_140_g_1_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Program a ladybug to hide behind a leaf. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, ladybug.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.ladybug.LadyBugApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_76" name="vm" width="550"><param name="maze" value="false"></param><param name="leaf" value="true"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Ladybug Leaf - (Measurement - 3-5) Description: Program a ladybug to hide behind a leaf. Keywords: Ladybug, Leaf, Ladybug Leaf, logo, turtle, programming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_140_g_2_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Program a ladybug to hide behind a leaf. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, ladybug.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.ladybug.LadyBugApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_77" name="vm" width="550"><param name="maze" value="false"></param><param name="leaf" value="true"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Ladybug Leaf - (Geometry - PreK-2) Description: Program a ladybug to hide behind a leaf. Keywords: Ladybug, Leaf, Ladybug Leaf, logo, turtle, programming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_140_g_1_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Program a ladybug to hide behind a leaf. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, ladybug.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.ladybug.LadyBugApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_78" name="vm" width="550"><param name="maze" value="false"></param><param name="leaf" value="true"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Ladybug Leaf - (Geometry - 3-5) Description: Program a ladybug to hide behind a leaf. Keywords: Ladybug, Leaf, Ladybug Leaf, logo, turtle, programming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_140_g_2_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Program a ladybug to hide behind a leaf. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, ladybug.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.ladybug.LadyBugApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_79" name="vm" width="550"><param name="maze" value="false"></param><param name="leaf" value="true"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Ladybug Mazes - (Measurement - PreK-2) Description: Program a ladybug to move through a maze. Keywords: Ladybug, Mazes, Ladybug Mazes, Ladybug Maze, Maze, logo, turtle, programming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_141_g_1_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Program a ladybug to move through a maze. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, ladybug.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.ladybug.LadyBugApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_80" name="vm" width="550"><param name="maze" value="true"></param><param name="leaf" value="false"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Ladybug Mazes - (Measurement - 3-5) Description: Program a ladybug to move through a maze. Keywords: Ladybug, Mazes, Ladybug Mazes, Ladybug Maze, Maze, logo, turtle, programming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_141_g_2_t_4.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Program a ladybug to move through a maze. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, ladybug.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.ladybug.LadyBugApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_81" name="vm" width="550"><param name="maze" value="true"></param><param name="leaf" value="false"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Ladybug Mazes - (Geometry - 3-5) Description: Program a ladybug to move through a maze. Keywords: Ladybug, Mazes, Ladybug Mazes, Ladybug Maze, Maze, logo, turtle, programming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_141_g_2_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Program a ladybug to move through a maze. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, ladybug.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.ladybug.LadyBugApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_82" name="vm" width="550"><param name="maze" value="true"></param><param name="leaf" value="false"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Ladybug Mazes - (Geometry - PreK-2) Description: Program a ladybug to move through a maze. Keywords: Ladybug, Mazes, Ladybug Mazes, Ladybug Maze, Maze, logo, turtle, programming
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_141_g_1_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Program a ladybug to move through a maze. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, ladybug.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.ladybug.LadyBugApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_83" name="vm" width="550"><param name="maze" value="true"></param><param name="leaf" value="false"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Scatterplot - (Data Analysis & Probability - 6-8) Description: Plot multiple data points in two dimensions and determine correlation. Keywords: Scatterplot, interpolation, plot, data, statistics, statistic, linear regression, regression, linear, best fit, fit, best
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_144_g_3_t_5.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Plot multiple data points in two dimensions and determine correlation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, scatterplot.jar, mmath.jar, mstat.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.scatterplot.ScatterPlotApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="375" id="vmid_84" name="vm" width="660"></applet></applettag>
Title: Scatterplot - (Data Analysis & Probability - 9-12) Description: Plot multiple data points in two dimensions and determine correlation. Keywords: Scatterplot, interpolation, plot, data, statistics, statistic, linear regression, regression, linear, best fit, fit, best
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_144_g_4_t_5.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Plot multiple data points in two dimensions and determine correlation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, scatterplot.jar, mmath.jar, mstat.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.scatterplot.ScatterPlotApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="375" id="vmid_85" name="vm" width="660"></applet></applettag>
Title: Histogram - (Data Analysis & Probability - 6-8) Description: Use this tool to summarize data you enter. Keywords: Histogram, histogram, statistics, statistic, plot, frequency, graph, data
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_145_g_3_t_5.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use this tool to summarize data you enter. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, histogram.jar, mmath.jar, mstat.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.histogram.HistogramApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_86" name="vm" width="620"></applet></applettag>
Title: Histogram - (Data Analysis & Probability - 9-12) Description: Use this tool to summarize data you enter. Keywords: Histogram, histogram, statistics, statistic, plot, frequency, graph, data
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_145_g_4_t_5.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use this tool to summarize data you enter. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, histogram.jar, mmath.jar, mstat.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.histogram.HistogramApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_87" name="vm" width="620"></applet></applettag>
Title: Box Model - (Data Analysis & Probability - 6-8) Description: Randomly selects and displays draws from a box. Keywords: Box, Model, Box Model, probability, statistic, random draw, draw, random, random selection, selection
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_146_g_3_t_5.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Randomly selects and displays draws from a box. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, boxmodel.jar, mstat.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.boxmodel.BoxModelApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_88" name="vm" width="500"></applet></applettag>
Title: Box Model - (Data Analysis & Probability - 9-12) Description: Randomly selects and displays draws from a box. Keywords: Box, Model, Box Model, probability, statistic, random draw, draw, random, random selection, selection
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_146_g_4_t_5.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Randomly selects and displays draws from a box. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, boxmodel.jar, mstat.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.boxmodel.BoxModelApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_89" name="vm" width="500"></applet></applettag>
Title: Cob Web Plot - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Change variables and observe patterns from this graphing simulation. Keywords: Cob, Web, Plot, Cob Web Plot, logistic, tent, iteration
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_150_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Change variables and observe patterns from this graphing simulation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, cobweb.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.cobweb.CobWebApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_90" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Cob Web Plot - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Change variables and observe patterns from this graphing simulation. Keywords: Cob, Web, Plot, Cob Web Plot, logistic, tent, iteration
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_150_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Change variables and observe patterns from this graphing simulation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, cobweb.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.cobweb.CobWebApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_91" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Polygon Fractals - (Geometry - 6-8) Description: Change the parameters to create a new fractal. Keywords: Polygon, Fractals, Polygon Fractals, Polygon Fractal, Fractal, chaos
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_151_g_3_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Change the parameters to create a new fractal. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, ifschaosgame.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.ifschaosgame.PolygonChaosGameApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_92" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Polygon Fractals - (Geometry - 9-12) Description: Change the parameters to create a new fractal. Keywords: Polygon, Fractals, Polygon Fractals, Polygon Fractal, Fractal, chaos
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_151_g_4_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Change the parameters to create a new fractal. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, heart.jar, ifschaosgame.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.heart.ifschaosgame.PolygonChaosGameApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_93" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Base Blocks - (Algebra - 3-5) Description: Illustrate addition and subtraction in a variety of bases. Keywords: Base, Blocks, Base Blocks, Base Block, Block, addition, subtraction
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_152_g_2_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrate addition and subtraction in a variety of bases. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, baseblock.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.baseblock.BaseBlockApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="360" id="vmid_94" name="vm" width="590"></applet></applettag>
Title: Base Blocks - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Illustrate addition and subtraction in a variety of bases. Keywords: Base, Blocks, Base Blocks, Base Block, Block, addition, subtraction
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_152_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrate addition and subtraction in a variety of bases. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, baseblock.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.baseblock.BaseBlockApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="360" id="vmid_95" name="vm" width="590"></applet></applettag>
Title: Base Blocks - (Algebra - 9-12) Description: Illustrate addition and subtraction in a variety of bases. Keywords: Base, Blocks, Base Blocks, Base Block, Block, addition, subtraction
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_152_g_4_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrate addition and subtraction in a variety of bases. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, baseblock.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.baseblock.BaseBlockApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="360" id="vmid_96" name="vm" width="590"></applet></applettag>
Title: Venn Diagrams - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Investigate common features of sets. Keywords: Venn, Diagrams, Venn Diagrams, Venn Diagram, Diagram, sets, set, intersection, intersect, subset, union, compliment
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_153_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Investigate common features of sets. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, venndiagram.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.venndiagram.VennDiagramApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="490" id="vmid_97" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Base Blocks Addition - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Use base ten blocks to model grouping in addition. Keywords: Base, Blocks, Addition, Base Blocks Addition, Block, add, addition, adding, plus
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_154_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use base ten blocks to model grouping in addition. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, baseblock.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.baseblock.BaseBlockAdditionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="360" id="vmid_98" name="vm" width="590"></applet></applettag>
Title: Base Blocks Addition - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Use base ten blocks to model grouping in addition. Keywords: Base, Blocks, Addition, Base Blocks Addition, Block, add, addition, adding, plus
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_154_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use base ten blocks to model grouping in addition. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, baseblock.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.baseblock.BaseBlockAdditionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="360" id="vmid_99" name="vm" width="590"></applet></applettag>
Title: Base Blocks Subtraction - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Use base ten blocks to model separation of groups in subtraction. Keywords: Base, Blocks, Subtraction, Base Blocks Subtraction, Block, subtract, subraction, subtracting, minus
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_155_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use base ten blocks to model separation of groups in subtraction. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, baseblock.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.baseblock.BaseBlockSubtractionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="360" id="vmid_100" name="vm" width="590"></applet></applettag>
Title: Base Blocks Subtraction - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Use base ten blocks to model separation of groups in subtraction. Keywords: Base, Blocks, Subtraction, Base Blocks Subtraction, Block, subtract, subraction, subtracting, minus
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_155_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use base ten blocks to model separation of groups in subtraction. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, baseblock.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.baseblock.BaseBlockSubtractionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="360" id="vmid_101" name="vm" width="590"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Line Arithmetic - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Illustrates arithmetic operations using a number line. Keywords: Number, Line, Arithmetic, Number Line Arithmetic, add, adding, addition, plus, subtract, subtracting, subtraction, minus, take away, away, take
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_156_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates arithmetic operations using a number line. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberlinearithmetic.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberlinearithmetic.NumberLineArithmeticApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_102" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Puzzles - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2)(Numbers & Operations - 3-5)(Numbers &Operations - 6-8)(Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Solve puzzles involving arranging numbers on a diagram so that they add up to a given value. Keywords: Number, Puzzles, Number Puzzles, Number Puzzle, Puzzle, number puzzles, number puzzle, puzzles, puzzle, number, numbers
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_157_g_5_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Solve puzzles involving arranging numbers on a diagram so that they add up to a given value. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberpuzzle.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberpuzzle.NumberPuzzleApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_103" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Sieve of Eratosthenes - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2)(Numbers & Operations - 3-5)(Numbers &Operations - 6-8)(Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Relate number patterns with visual patterns. Keywords: Sieve, Eratosthenes, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Sieve of Eratosthene, Eratosthene, pattern, prime
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_158_g_5_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Relate number patterns with visual patterns. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, sieve.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.sieve.SieveApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="382" id="vmid_104" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Comparing - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Judge the size of fractions and plot them on a number line. Keywords: Fractions, Comparing, Fractions - Comparing, Fraction, comparing fractions, comparing fraction, fractions, fraction, comparing
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_159_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Judge the size of fractions and plot them on a number line. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.comparingfractions.ComparingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="482" id="vmid_105" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Fractions - Comparing - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: Judge the size of fractions and plot them on a number line. Keywords: Fractions, Comparing, Fractions - Comparing, Fraction, comparing fractions, comparing fraction, fractions, fraction, comparing
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_159_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Judge the size of fractions and plot them on a number line. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, fractions.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.fractions.comparingfractions.ComparingFractionsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="482" id="vmid_106" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Percentages - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2)(Numbers & Operations - 3-5)(Numbers &Operations - 6-8)(Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Discover relationships between fractions, percents, and decimals. Keywords: Percentages, Percentage, percent, gauge, fraction, part, whole
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_160_g_5_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Discover relationships between fractions, percents, and decimals. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, percentgauge.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar, mattix.jar" code="nlvm.percentgauge.PercentGaugeApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="450" id="vmid_107" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Color Chips - Addition - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Use color chips to illustrate addition of integers. Keywords: Color, Chips, Addition, Color Chips - Addition, Chip, plus chips, plus chip, chips, chip, plus, add, adding, addition
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_161_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use color chips to illustrate addition of integers. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, colorchips.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.colorchips.signedaddition.SignedAdditionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="435" id="vmid_108" name="vm" width="640"></applet></applettag>
Title: Color Chips - Subtraction - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Use color chips to illustrate subtraction of integers. Keywords: Color, Chips, Subtraction, Color Chips - Subtraction, Chip, minus chips, minus chip, chips, chip, minus, subtract, subtraction, subtracting, take away, away, take
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_162_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use color chips to illustrate subtraction of integers. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, colorchips.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.colorchips.signedsubtraction.SignedSubtractionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="495" id="vmid_109" name="vm" width="640"></applet></applettag>
Title: Tessellations - (Geometry - PreK-2)(Geometry - 3-5)(Geometry - 6-8)(Geometry - 9-12) Description: Using regular and semi-regular tessellations to tile the plane. Keywords: Tessellations, Tessellation, pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_163_g_5_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Using regular and semi-regular tessellations to tile the plane. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, semiregulartess.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.semiregulartess.SemiRegularTessApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="415" id="vmid_110" name="vm" width="700"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pythagorean Theorem - (Geometry - PreK-2)(Geometry - 3-5)(Geometry - 6-8)(Geometry - 9-12) Description: Arrange shaded pieces to illustrate a proof. Keywords: Pythagorean, Theorem, Pythagorean Theorem, right triangle, triangle, right, hypotenuse
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_164_g_5_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Arrange shaded pieces to illustrate a proof. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pythagorean.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pythagorean.PythagoreanApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="390" id="vmid_111" name="vm" width="675"></applet></applettag>
Title: Similar Triangles - (Geometry - PreK-2)(Geometry - 3-5)(Geometry - 6-8)(Geometry - 9-12) Description: Build similar triangles by varying sides and angles. Keywords: Similar, Triangles, Similar Triangles, Similar Triangle, Triangle
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_165_g_5_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Build similar triangles by varying sides and angles. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, similartriangle.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.similartriangle.SimilarTriangleApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="425" id="vmid_112" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Transformations - Isometry - (Geometry - PreK-2)(Geometry - 3-5)(Geometry - 6-8)(Geometry - 9-12) Description: Dynamically interact with translation, rotation, and reflection transformations. Keywords: Transformations, Isometry, Transformations - Isometry, Transformation, rotation, reflection, vector, vectors, translation
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_167_g_5_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Dynamically interact with translation, rotation, and reflection transformations. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rigidmotion.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rigidmotion.flipslideturn.FlipSlideTurnApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_113" name="vm" width="610"></applet></applettag>
Title: Transformations - Composition - (Geometry - PreK-2)(Geometry - 3-5)(Geometry - 6-8)(Geometry - 9-12) Description: Explore the effect of applying a composition of translation, rotation, and reflection transformations to objects. Keywords: Transformations, Composition, Transformations - Composition, Transformation, rotation, reflection, vector, vectors, translation
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_168_g_5_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Explore the effect of applying a composition of translation, rotation, and reflection transformations to objects. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rigidmotion.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rigidmotion.composition.CompositionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_114" name="vm" width="630"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pattern Blocks - (Algebra - PreK-2) Description: Use six common geometric shapes to build patterns and solve problems. Keywords: Pattern, Blocks, Pattern Blocks, Pattern Block, Block
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_169_g_1_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use six common geometric shapes to build patterns and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, patternblocks.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.patternblocks.PatternBlocksApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="435" id="vmid_115" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pattern Blocks - (Algebra - 3-5) Description: Use six common geometric shapes to build patterns and solve problems. Keywords: Pattern, Blocks, Pattern Blocks, Pattern Block, Block
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_170_g_2_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use six common geometric shapes to build patterns and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, patternblocks.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.patternblocks.PatternBlocksApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="435" id="vmid_116" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pattern Blocks - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Use six common geometric shapes to build patterns and solve problems. Keywords: Pattern, Blocks, Pattern Blocks, Pattern Block, Block
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_171_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use six common geometric shapes to build patterns and solve problems. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, patternblocks.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.patternblocks.PatternBlocksApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="435" id="vmid_117" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Geoboard - (Geometry - 3-5) Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Keywords: Geoboard, peg board, board, peg
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_172_g_2_t_3.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use geoboard to illustrate area, perimeter, and rational number concepts. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, geoboard.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.geoboard.GeoboardApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_118" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Histogram - (Data Analysis & Probability - 3-5) Description: Use this tool to summarize data you enter. Keywords: Histogram, histogram, statistics, statistic, plot, frequency, graph, data
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_174_g_2_t_5.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use this tool to summarize data you enter. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, histogram.jar, mmath.jar, mstat.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.histogram.HistogramApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_119" name="vm" width="620"></applet></applettag>
Title: Turtle Geometry - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: Explore numbers, shapes, and logic by programming a turtle to move. Keywords: Turtle, Geometry, Turtle Geometry
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_178_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Explore numbers, shapes, and logic by programming a turtle to move. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, turtlegeometry.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.turtlegeometry.TurtleGeometryApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="550" id="vmid_120" name="vm" width="700"></applet></applettag>
Title: Turtle Geometry - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Explore numbers, shapes, and logic by programming a turtle to move. Keywords: Turtle, Geometry, Turtle Geometry
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_178_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Explore numbers, shapes, and logic by programming a turtle to move. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, turtlegeometry.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.turtlegeometry.TurtleGeometryApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="550" id="vmid_121" name="vm" width="700"></applet></applettag>
Title: Mastermind - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2)(Numbers & Operations - 3-5)(Numbers &Operations - 6-8)(Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Use inference and logic to play a game and guess a hidden pattern of pegs. Keywords: Mastermind
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_179_g_5_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Use inference and logic to play a game and guess a hidden pattern of pegs. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, mastermind.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.mastermind.MastermindApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="484" id="vmid_122" name="vm" width="420"></applet></applettag>
Title: Pascals Triangle - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Explore patterns created by selecting elements of pascals triangle. Keywords: Pascals, Triangle, Pascals Triangle, Pascal
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_181_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Explore patterns created by selecting elements of pascals triangle. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pascal.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pascal.PascalApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="530" id="vmid_123" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Peg Puzzle - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: Win this game by moving the pegs on the left past the pegs on the right Keywords: Peg, Puzzle, Peg Puzzle
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_182_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Win this game by moving the pegs on the left past the pegs on the right Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pegpuzzle.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pegpuzzle.PegPuzzleApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="392" id="vmid_124" name="vm" width="660"></applet></applettag>
Title: Peg Puzzle - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Win this game by moving the pegs on the left past the pegs on the right Keywords: Peg, Puzzle, Peg Puzzle
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_182_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Win this game by moving the pegs on the left past the pegs on the right Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pegpuzzle.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pegpuzzle.PegPuzzleApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="392" id="vmid_125" name="vm" width="660"></applet></applettag>
Title: Peg Puzzle - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Win this game by moving the pegs on the left past the pegs on the right Keywords: Peg, Puzzle, Peg Puzzle
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_182_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Win this game by moving the pegs on the left past the pegs on the right Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, pegpuzzle.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.pegpuzzle.PegPuzzleApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="392" id="vmid_126" name="vm" width="660"></applet></applettag>
Title: Color Patterns - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Arrange colors to complete a pattern. Keywords: Color, Patterns, Color Patterns, Color Pattern, Pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_184_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Arrange colors to complete a pattern. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, colorsequences.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.colorsequences.ColorSequencesApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="460" id="vmid_127" name="vm" width="670"></applet></applettag>
Title: Color Patterns - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Arrange colors to complete a pattern. Keywords: Color, Patterns, Color Patterns, Color Pattern, Pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_184_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Arrange colors to complete a pattern. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, colorsequences.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.colorsequences.ColorSequencesApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="460" id="vmid_128" name="vm" width="670"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Patterns - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Arrange numbers to complete a pattern of numbers. Keywords: Number, Patterns, Number Patterns, Number Pattern, Pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_185_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Arrange numbers to complete a pattern of numbers. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberpatterns.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberpatterns.NumberPatternsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="295" id="vmid_129" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Patterns - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Arrange numbers to complete a pattern of numbers. Keywords: Number, Patterns, Number Patterns, Number Pattern, Pattern
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_185_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Arrange numbers to complete a pattern of numbers. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberpatterns.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberpatterns.NumberPatternsApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="295" id="vmid_130" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Spinners - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Work with spinners to learn about numbers and probabilities. Keywords: Spinners, Spinner
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_186_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Work with spinners to learn about numbers and probabilities. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, spinner.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.spinner.SpinnerApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="490" id="vmid_131" name="vm" width="450"></applet></applettag>
Title: Spinners - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: Work with spinners to learn about numbers and probabilities. Keywords: Spinners, Spinner
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_186_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Work with spinners to learn about numbers and probabilities. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, spinner.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.spinner.SpinnerApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="490" id="vmid_132" name="vm" width="450"></applet></applettag>
Title: Circle 3 - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: A puzzle involving adding positive real numbers to sum to zero. Keywords: Circle, Circle 3
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_187_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: A puzzle involving adding positive real numbers to sum to zero. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, circlepuzzles.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.circlepuzzles.circle3.Circle3Applet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="436" id="vmid_133" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Circle 21 - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to twenty one. Keywords: Circle, Circle 21
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_188_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to twenty one. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, circlepuzzles.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.circlepuzzles.circle21.Circle21Applet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="436" id="vmid_134" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Algebra Tiles - (Algebra - PreK-2)(Algebra - 3-5)(Algebra - 6-8)(Algebra - 9-12) Description: Visualize multiplying and factoring algebraic expressions using tiles. Keywords: Algebra, Tiles, Algebra Tiles, Algebra Tile, Tile
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_189_g_5_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Visualize multiplying and factoring algebraic expressions using tiles. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, algebratile.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.algebratile.AlgebraTileApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_135" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Bar Charts - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Create a bar chart showing quantities or percentages by labeling columns and clicking on values. Keywords: Bar, Charts, Bar Charts, Bar Chart, Chart
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_190_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Create a bar chart showing quantities or percentages by labeling columns and clicking on values. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, barchart.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.barchart.BarChartApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="380" id="vmid_136" name="vm" width="510"></applet></applettag>
Title: Bar Charts - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Create a bar chart showing quantities or percentages by labeling columns and clicking on values. Keywords: Bar, Charts, Bar Charts, Bar Chart, Chart
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_190_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Create a bar chart showing quantities or percentages by labeling columns and clicking on values. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, barchart.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.barchart.BarChartApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="380" id="vmid_137" name="vm" width="510"></applet></applettag>
Title: Function Machine - (Numbers &Operations - 6-8) Description: Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. Keywords: Function, Machine, Function Machine
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_191_g_3_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, functionmachine.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.functionmachine.FunctionMachineApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_138" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Function Machine - (Numbers &Operations - 9-12) Description: Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. Keywords: Function, Machine, Function Machine
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_191_g_4_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, functionmachine.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.functionmachine.FunctionMachineApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_139" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Function Machine - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. Keywords: Function, Machine, Function Machine
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_191_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, functionmachine.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.functionmachine.FunctionMachineApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_140" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Function Machine - (Algebra - 9-12) Description: Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. Keywords: Function, Machine, Function Machine
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_191_g_4_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, functionmachine.jar, mshapes.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.functionmachine.FunctionMachineApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_141" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Multiplication - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Visualize the multiplication of two numbers as an area. Keywords: Rectangle, Multiplication, Rectangle Multiplication
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_192_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Visualize the multiplication of two numbers as an area. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.RectangleMultiplicationApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_142" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Multiplication - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Visualize the multiplication of two numbers as an area. Keywords: Rectangle, Multiplication, Rectangle Multiplication
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_192_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Visualize the multiplication of two numbers as an area. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.RectangleMultiplicationApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_143" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Division - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Visualize and practice dividing numbers by using an area representation. Keywords: Rectangle, Division, Rectangle Division
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_193_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Visualize and practice dividing numbers by using an area representation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar, mxml.jar, xmlcom.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.rectangledivision.RectangleDivisionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_144" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Division - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Visualize and practice dividing numbers by using an area representation. Keywords: Rectangle, Division, Rectangle Division
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_193_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Visualize and practice dividing numbers by using an area representation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mmath.jar, mtext.jar, mxml.jar, xmlcom.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.rectangledivision.RectangleDivisionApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_145" name="vm" width="650"></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Multiplication of Fractions - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Visualize and practice multiplying fractions using an area representation. Keywords: Rectangle, Multiplication, Fractions, Rectangle Multiplication of Fractions, Rectangle Multiplication of Fraction, Fraction
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_194_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Visualize and practice multiplying fractions using an area representation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.rectanglefractmultiplication.RectangleFractMultiplicationApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_146" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Multiplication of Fractions - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Visualize and practice multiplying fractions using an area representation. Keywords: Rectangle, Multiplication, Fractions, Rectangle Multiplication of Fractions, Rectangle Multiplication of Fraction, Fraction
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_194_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Visualize and practice multiplying fractions using an area representation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.rectanglefractmultiplication.RectangleFractMultiplicationApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="410" id="vmid_147" name="vm" width="560"></applet></applettag>
Title: Space Blocks - (Algebra - 3-5) Description: Create and discover patterns using three dimensional blocks. Keywords: Space, Blocks, Space Blocks, Space Block, Block
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_195_g_2_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Create and discover patterns using three dimensional blocks. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, spaceblocks.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.spaceblocks.SpaceBlocksApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_148" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Space Blocks - (Algebra - 6-8) Description: Create and discover patterns using three dimensional blocks. Keywords: Space, Blocks, Space Blocks, Space Block, Block
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_195_g_3_t_2.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Create and discover patterns using three dimensional blocks. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, spaceblocks.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.spaceblocks.SpaceBlocksApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_149" name="vm" width="550"></applet></applettag>
Title: Number Line Arithmetic - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Illustrates arithmetic operations using a number line. Keywords: Number, Line, Arithmetic, Number Line Arithmetic, add, adding, addition, plus, subtract, subtracting, subtraction, minus, take away, away, take
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_197_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Illustrates arithmetic operations using a number line. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, numberlinearithmetic.jar, mshapes.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.numberlinearithmetic.NumberLineArithmeticApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="400" id="vmid_150" name="vm" width="600"></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Multiplication - Common - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Draw a correspondence between the common method for multiplying numbers and an area representation. Keywords: Rectangle, Multiplication, Common, Rectangle Multiplication - Common
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_198_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Draw a correspondence between the common method for multiplying numbers and an area representation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.RectangleMultiplicationApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_151" name="vm" width="650"><param name="algorithm" value="standard"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Multiplication - Common - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Draw a correspondence between the common method for multiplying numbers and an area representation. Keywords: Rectangle, Multiplication, Common, Rectangle Multiplication - Common
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_198_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Draw a correspondence between the common method for multiplying numbers and an area representation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.RectangleMultiplicationApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_152" name="vm" width="650"><param name="algorithm" value="standard"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Multiplication - Lattice - (Numbers & Operations - PreK-2) Description: Draw a correspondence between the lattice method for multiplying numbers and an area representation. Keywords: Rectangle, Multiplication, Lattice, Rectangle Multiplication - Lattice
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_199_g_1_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Draw a correspondence between the lattice method for multiplying numbers and an area representation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.RectangleMultiplicationApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_153" name="vm" width="650"><param name="algorithm" value="lattice"></param></applet></applettag>
Title: Rectangle Multiplication - Lattice - (Numbers & Operations - 3-5) Description: Draw a correspondence between the lattice method for multiplying numbers and an area representation. Keywords: Rectangle, Multiplication, Lattice, Rectangle Multiplication - Lattice
Creation Date: 2001-04-21 Publication Year: 2001 Publication Month: 04
Role: Author
Firstname: Richard Lastname: Wellman Email: rwellman@westminstercollege.edu Organization: Westminster College
Language: en-us
Format: 1 URL: http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_199_g_2_t_1.html Platform: 64 OS:
IntendedEndUserRole: 2 LearningContext: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12
Pedagogy Description: Draw a correspondence between the lattice method for multiplying numbers and an area representation. Difficulty id: 2 Interactivity Level id: 3
Installation Note: <applettag><applet align="middle" archive="mcore.jar, rectanglemultiplication.jar, mtext.jar" code="nlvm.rectanglemultiplication.RectangleMultiplicationApplet.class" codebase="http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/applets/" height="420" id="vmid_154" name="vm" width="650"><param name="algorithm" value="lattice"></param></applet></applettag>
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