/build /home/user/loncapa/ 0644root:root systemfile 0644root:root systemfile 0755root:root directory 0755root:root directory loncom/build/Makefile Makefile system file Makefile for LON-CAPA doc/loncapafiles/configurable.gif; doc/loncapafiles/directory.gif; doc/loncapafiles/emptydirectory.gif; doc/loncapafiles/graphicfile.gif; doc/loncapafiles/handler.gif; doc/loncapafiles/interfacefile.gif; doc/loncapafiles/link.gif; doc/loncapafiles/rootscript.gif; doc/loncapafiles/script.gif; doc/loncapafiles/setuid.gif; doc/loncapafiles/static.gif; doc/loncapafiles/systemfile.gif doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml loncapafiles.lpml system file Describes the files that implement LON-CAPA on the filesystem doc/loncapafiles/buildfiles.lpml buildfiles.lpml system file Describes the files that implement the building of LON-CAPA inside the source file tree. doc/loncapafiles/installfiles.lpml installfiles.lpml system file Describes the files that help automate LON-CAPA installations on specific operating systems. doc/loncapafiles/modify_config_files.piml modify_config_files.piml system file Post-installation of MySQL and yum config files doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml webserver.piml system file Post-installation of web server configuration files doc/loncapafiles/reseval_fixup.piml reseval_fixup.piml system file Migrates reseval.db to nohist_eseval.db, deletes useless hist file doc/loncapafiles/clean_file_permissions.piml clean_file_permissions.piml system file Executes clean_db.pl on each file_permisions.db file to remove erroneuos keys. doc/loncapafiles/chkconfig.piml chkconfig.piml system file Checks that the webserver and loncontrol are properly set to run at startup doc/loncapafiles/html_parser_check.piml html_parser_check.piml system file Checks that the HTML::parser installation has the needed patches. doc/loncapafiles/math_random_check.piml math_random_check.piml system file Checks that the Math::Random installation has the correct phrase to seed generator. doc/loncapafiles/logcleanup.piml logcleanup.piml system file Cleans the .perm logs, removing useless spam messages doc/loncapafiles/accesscount_seed.piml accesscount_seed.piml system file Executes seed_accesscount.pl on each nohist_resevaldata.db file to move access count data to nohist_accesscount.db and compact the nohist_resevaldata.db file. doc/loncapafiles/clearoutoldspreadsheetcache.piml clearoutoldspreadsheetcache.piml system file Deletes all of the old spreadsheet cache files, the ones generated prior to version 0.6 were incorrect doc/loncapafiles/sanitycheck.piml sanitycheck.piml system file Checks LON-CAPA system for frequently occuring bugs. doc/loncapafiles/cron_lpmlcheck.piml cron_lpmlcheck.piml system file Checks that there is no lpmlsave file in the cron.d dir doc/loncapafiles/ntpcheck.piml ntpcheck.piml system file Checks server to determine status of ntpd. doc/loncapafiles/rpmcheck.piml rpmcheck.piml system file Checks server for rpms known to conflict with LON-CAPA. doc/loncapafiles/updatequery.piml updatequery.piml system file Checks LON-CAPA system for frequently occuring bugs. doc/loncapafiles/sendmail_fix.piml sendmail_fix.piml system file Checks LON-CAPA system for sendmail permissions error. doc/loncapafiles/ownership_fix.piml ownership_fix.piml system file Makes sure that /home/httpd/lonUsers and /home/httpd/html are owned by www. doc/loncapafiles/run_searchcat.piml run_searchcat.piml system file Makes sure that /home/httpd/lonUsers and /home/httpd/html are owned by www. doc/loncapafiles/update_queue_slots.piml update_queue_slots.piml system file Update the slots definitons from havin @ to having : doc/loncapafiles/wrap_setuid.piml wrap_setuid.piml system file Wraps the setuid perl scripts into a binary excutable wrapper. doc/loncapafiles/latex_fixup.piml latex_fixup.piml system file Runs /usr/bin/mktexlsr so LaTeX sees files added to texmf/tex/latex/base doc/loncapafiles/picins_check.piml picins_check.piml system file If picins.sty is absent, retrieves from CTAN and runs texinfo rehash and fmtutil-sys --missing. doc/loncapafiles/langcheck.piml langcheck.piml system file Check language used for root bash and OS, and warn if language other than English is in use. doc/loncapafiles/mimetex_version_check.piml mimetex_version_check.piml system file If mimeTeX cgi has been updated will update version number in /home/httpd/lonTabs/mimetex-version and remove any .gif files from /home/httpd/cgi-bin/mimtexcache/ doc/loncapafiles/verify_domconfiguser.piml verify_domconfiguser.piml system file Determine if current machine is the primary library server for any domains. If it is create the $dom-domainconfig user for any of these domains if it is absent, create /home/httpd/lonUsers/$dom/1/2/3/$dom-domainconfig directory, assign author role if required, and create /home/$dom-domconfig/public_html directory, if required. doc/loncapafiles/latex_fmtutil.piml latex_fmtutil.piml system file Runs "/usr/bin/fmtutil-sys --missing" to create any missing TeX format files. doc/loncapafiles/removenolongerused.piml removenolongerused.piml system file Check for files and/or directories installed by earlier versions of LON-CAPA which are no longer used by the version being installed. Prompt the user to confirm deletion for each file and each directory, before deleting them. doc/loncapafiles/bash_config_check.piml bash_config_check.piml system file Check for distros with readline 8.1 or newer whether bash for user www has bracketed paste mode enabled, and, if so, include advice in WARNINGS to disable it by modifying /home/www/.inputrc. If no change is made from the default for such distros, R commands sent to the lonr daemon will not be processed. doc/loncapafiles/systemd_config_check.piml systemd_config_check.piml system file Check for distros/versions which use systemctl, and check if ProtectHome property is set to readonly or yes for web server (httpd.service or apache2.service, depending on distro). If so, attempt to set ProtectHome=no in /etc/systemd/httpd.service.d/override.conf or /etc/systemd/apache2.service.d/override.conf, as appropriate. doc/loncapafiles/lcmathcomplex.piml lcmathcomplex.piml system file Use perl core module Config.pm to determine nvsize and set value for this scalar in /home/httpd/lib/perl/LONCAPA/LCMathComplex.pm. LCMathComplex.pm is used instead of the core perl module Math::Complex in Safe Space, because the dependency on Config.pm is eliminated. doc/loncapafiles/valid_hosts.xfml valid_hosts.xfml system file Useful for extracting (and pushing/pulling) information relevant to hosts.tab. loncom/build/check-rpms check-rpms system file script for checking RPMS against an RPM repository loncom/build/distprobe distprobe system file for probing operating system flavor and version loncom/build/doc_template.pl doc_template.pl system file for making fancy install.lon-capa.org pages loncom/build/filecompare.pl filecompare.pl system file rigorously compare many different values associated between files loncom/build/getcvsdate.pl getcvsdate.pl system file script to get CVS commit date/time for a file from file's entry in CVS/Entries for directory containing the file loncom/build/loncaparestoreconfigurations loncaparestoreconfigurations system file intelligently restore configuration values loncom/build/lpml.dtd lpml.dtd system file DocumentType for LPML loncom/build/lpml_html_posteval.pl lpml_html_posteval.pl system file loncom/build/lpml_parse.pl lpml_parse.pl system file parse apart the loncapafiles.lpml and buildfiles.lpml loncom/build/make_domain_coordinator.pl make_domain_coordinator.pl system file make a domain coordinator on a new LON-CAPA system loncom/build/add_domain_coordinator_privilege.pl add_domain_coordinator_privilege.pl system file add domain coordinator privilege to and exisiting local LON-CAPA user loncom/build/expire_DC_role.pl expire_DC_role.pl system file expire domain coordinator role for exisiting local LON-CAPA user loncom/build/piml.dtd piml.dtd system file DocumentType definition for PIML (part of the LPML system) loncom/build/piml_parse.pl piml_parse.pl system file parse a PIML file loncom/build/pod2html.sh pod2html.sh system file make HTML documentation pages loncom/build/pod2man.sh pod2man.sh system file make UNIX-style manual pages loncom/build/verify.pl verify.pl system file wraps around filecompare.pl for posteval LPML statements loncom/build/verifymodown.pl verifymodown.pl system file double-checks modification and ownership on files loncom/build/xfml.dtd xfml.dtd system file DocumentType definition for XFML (part of the LPML system) loncom/build/xfml_parse.pl xfml_parse.pl system file parses XFML files