Annotation of doc/homework/homeworkdocs.tex, revision 1.1
1.1 ! albertel 1: \documentclass{article}
! 2: \begin{document}
! 3: \newcommand{\tag}[1]{$<$#1$>$}
! 4: \renewcommand{\arg}[1]{\texttt{#1}}
! 5: {
! 6: \LARGE \bf
! 7: LON-CAPA Homework Engine
! 8: }
! 9: \section{Tags}
! 10: \begin{itemize}
! 11: \item Output Tags
! 12:
! 13: This set of tags control how and when data gets sent to the
! 14: student, it also provides hints to the data's markup and when
! 15: it should be autoconverted, and when it should be ignored. All
! 16: of these tags except \tag{outtext} are valid and parsed by
! 17: \&parsed() inside a \tag{script}.
! 18:
! 19: Additionaly any perl style variables are replaced with the values
! 20: of the variable in the problem namespace.
! 21:
! 22: \begin{itemize}
! 23:
! 24: \item \tag{outtext} all data inside is assumed to be valid
! 25: html, the handler will attempt to autoconvert to the output
! 26: type. The only thing tags allowed inside are the ones listed
! 27: below.
! 28:
! 29: \item \tag{target} This tag specifies data that is not in HTMl
! 30: format inside an \tag{outtext}. Takes a required argument
! 31: \arg{type} and an optional argument \arg{dest}. \arg{type}
! 32: specifies a known valid output target which is the format of
! 33: the data. \arg{dest} specifies a list of possible output
! 34: targets that the data should be autoconverted for. The
! 35: \arg{type} of the data is assumed to be a \arg{dest}. If the
! 36: current target is not a \arg{dest} then the data is ignored.
! 37:
! 38: \item \tag{tex} shorthand for $<$target type=``tex''$>$
! 39: \arg{dest} is a valid argument.
! 40:
! 41: \item \tag{ascii} shorthand for $<$target type=``ascii''$>$
! 42: \arg{dest} is a valid argument.
! 43:
! 44: \item \tag{web} shorthand for $<$target type=``web''$>$
! 45: \arg{dest} is a valid argument.
! 46:
! 47: \item \tag{mathml} shorthand for $<$target type=``mathml''$>$
! 48: \arg{dest} is a valid argument, mathml may be passed along
! 49: unconverted in a web output target.
! 50:
! 51: \end{itemize}
! 52: \item Form Elements:
! 53:
! 54: This set of tags soley generate a representation of the proper
! 55: form element on the output device. Need to look at what should
! 56: be provided when an exam is wanted.
! 57:
! 58: \begin{itemize}
! 59: \item \tag{radio}
! 60:
! 61: web - provides a single button to check on and off, when checked on
! 62: all other radio buttons in the current \tag{answergroup} level
! 63: will be set to off.
! 64:
! 65: tex - generates a circle before the data inside
! 66:
! 67: \item \tag{list}
! 68:
! 69: web - provides a drop down box of all the possible options
! 70:
! 71: tex - the list is displayed an students can select the correct option
! 72:
! 73: \item \tag{textline}
! 74:
! 75: web - a single line of reponse is provided to type into.
! 76:
! 77: tex - a line is provided.
! 78:
! 79: \item \tag{textarea}
! 80:
! 81: web - a textarea form is provided allowing multiples lines of response
! 82:
! 83: tex - a configureable number of lines is provided, configured through
! 84: the argument numlines, defaults to 10
! 85:
! 86: \item \tag{check}
! 87:
! 88: web - either a checkbutton, or two radio buttons are provided
! 89:
! 90: tex - a small box that can be checked is provided.
! 91:
! 92: \item \tag{button} - Not sure this is useful
! 93:
! 94: \end{itemize}
! 95: \item Randomiztion
! 96: \begin{itemize}
! 97: \item \tag{randomlist} this tag will cause the parser to randomly select the order that it parses the next level of tags, tags another leveldown will be done in order though.Example
! 98: \tag{randomlist}\\
! 99: \hspace5pt \tag{tag1}\\
! 100: \tag{subtag1}\\
! 101: \tag{/subtag1}\\
! 102: \tag{subtag2}\\
! 103: \tag{/subtag2}\\
! 104: \tag{/tag1}\\
! 105: \tag{tag2}\\
! 106: \tag{subtag1}\\
! 107: \tag{/subtag1}\\
! 108: \tag{subtag2}\\
! 109: \tag{/subtag2}\\
! 110: \tag{/tag2}\\
! 111: \tag{/randomlist}\\
! 112: In this example, \tag{tag1} or \tag{tag2} will be done first, but \tag{subtag1} will always happen before \tag{subtag2}.
! 113:
! 114: \item \tag{foil}
! 115: \item \tag{showfoil}
! 116: \item \tag{showrandomfoil}
! 117: \end{itemize}
! 118: \item Answer Section
! 119: \begin{itemize}
! 120: \item \tag{answergroup}
! 121: \item \tag{*response}
! 122: \end{itemize}
! 123: \item Problem Contruction
! 124: \begin{itemize}
! 125: \item \tag{block}
! 126: \item \tag{part}
! 127: \item \tag{include}
! 128: \item \tag{script}
! 129: \item \tag{problem}
! 130: \item \tag{entryform}
! 131: \item \tag{survey}
! 132: \item \tag{graded}
! 133: \item \tag{while}
! 134: \end{itemize}
! 135: \item Libraries
! 136: \begin{itemize}
! 137: \item \tag{scriptlib}
! 138: \item \tag{parserlib}
! 139: \end{itemize}
! 140: \end{itemize}
! 141:
! 142: \section{CAPA compatability function Calls}
! 143: \begin{itemize}
! 144: \item random
! 145: \item random\_normal
! 146: \item random\_beta
! 147: \item random\_gamma
! 148: \item random\_poisson
! 149: \item random\_exponential
! 150: \item random\_chi
! 151: \item random\_noncentral\_chi
! 152: \item choose
! 153: \item var\_in\_tex
! 154: \item capa\_id
! 155: \item class, section, set, problem, name, student\_number
! 156: \item due\_date, open\_date, answer\_date
! 157: \item to\_string
! 158: \item sub\_string
! 159: \item strlen
! 160: \item get\_seed
! 161: \item set\_seed
! 162: \item init\_array
! 163: \item array\_max, array\_min
! 164: \item array\_moments
! 165: \item to\_int
! 166: \item format
! 167: \item pick
! 168: \item sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2
! 169: \item sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh
! 170: \item j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn
! 171: \item log, log10
! 172: \item exp, pow
! 173: \item erf, erfc
! 174: \item sqrt
! 175: \item min, max
! 176: \item abs, floor, ceil, sgn, mod, remainder
! 177: \item factorial
! 178: \item roundto
! 179: \item eval\_formula
! 180: \item capa\_id\_plus
! 181: \item seat\_number
! 182: \item duration
! 183: \item is\_open, is\_due, is\_answer
! 184: \item managermode
! 185: \end{itemize}
! 186: \end{document}
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