--- nsdl/build/Makefile	2002/07/14 06:39:06	1.6
+++ nsdl/build/Makefile	2002/10/12 16:48:37	1.7
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 # The NSDL to LON-CAPA Gateway Server
 # Scott Harrison
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.6 2002/07/14 06:39:06 harris41 Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.7 2002/10/12 16:48:37 harris41 Exp $
+# Quick usage:
+# Either type "make all" (compiles and installs code onto your system), or
+# type "make tardist" and use the distributable tarball.
 DISTPROBE=`perl ./distprobe`
@@ -20,11 +24,25 @@ VERSION=0.1
 	@echo "*** You need to specify a valid target ***"
-	@echo "NOTE: You can specify options to your Makefile target."
+	@echo "To get a list of valid targets: \"make help_TARGETS\""
+	@echo "To get a list of valid options: \"make help_OPTIONS\""
+	@echo " "
+	@echo "Typically invoked targets are:"
+	@echo "    make build"
+	@echo "    make install"
+	@echo "    make all"
+	@echo "    make tardist"
+	@echo "    make clean"
+	@echo "You can specify options to your Makefile target."
 	@echo "(option) DIST can be redhat6, redhat7, debian2.2, or default"
 	@echo "(option) CATEGORY can be runtime or development"
 	@echo "(option) SOURCE is an absolute or relative directory path"
 	@echo "(option) TARGET is an absolute or relative directory path"
+	@echo "Valid targets"	
 	@echo "build: compile the CVS source tree"
 	@echo "install: install from a compiled CVS source tree to a "
 	@echo "         specified TARGET destination on the filesystem"
@@ -113,7 +131,23 @@ statuspost:
 	@echo "Not yet implemented"
-	@echo "Not yet implemented"
+	@echo "Not yet fully implemented"
+	make MANIFEST_all
+	make MANIFEST_lpml
+#	cat $(SOURCE)/buildfiles.lpml | \
+#	perl lpml_parse.pl MANIFEST development default \
+#	'$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
+#	cat $(SOURCE)/testfiles.lpml | \
+#	perl lpml_parse.pl MANIFEST development default \
+#	'$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
+	cat $(SOURCE)/build/gatewayfiles.lpml | \
+	perl lpml_parse.pl MANIFEST development default \
+	'$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
 	@if (test -s WARNINGS); then \