--- rat/lonratedt.pm	2006/12/20 22:42:48	1.86
+++ rat/lonratedt.pm	2008/11/20 14:38:00	1.91
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Edit Handler for RAT Maps
-# $Id: lonratedt.pm,v 1.86 2006/12/20 22:42:48 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: lonratedt.pm,v 1.91 2008/11/20 14:38:00 jms Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -29,141 +29,6 @@
 package Apache::lonratedt;
-=head1 NAME
-Apache::lonratedt: simple resource assembly tool
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-lonratedt provides the routines and the handler for the Advanced
-    Resource Assembly Tool (RAT), and ties the various pieces together
-    with Javascript.
-=head1 OVERVIEW
-=head2 Map Representation
-=begin latex
-  width=0.55\paperwidth,bb = 0 0 200 100, draft, type=eps]{Map_Example}\end{center}
-\caption{\label{Map_In_Advanced_Editor}Example of a Map in the Advanced Editor}
-\caption{\label{XML}XML for Map in Figure \ref{Map_In_Advanced_Editor}}
-=end latex
-Fig. "XML for Map in Figure" shows the XML representation of the
-resource map shown in Fig. "Example of a Map in the Advanced Editor",
-which is the format in which maps are stored. In the figure, however,
-additional graphical map layout information generated by the Advanced
-Resource Assembly Tool is not displayed. This graphical information is
-optional to re-generate the same graphical layout when the map is
-brought up again in the Resource Assembly Tool, and is not needed for
-any other system functionality.
-Maps can be generated by tools other than the Resource Assembly
-Tool. In particular, an author might have some other representation of
-a course sequence, which can be converted into a map using scripts. If
-this map then were to be brought up in the Resource Assembly Tool, the
-Tool would automatically generate a graphical layout for it. Each
-entry of the map (resources, conditions and links) is stored in a
-separate tag.
-Resources and conditionsX<conditions> have to have unique ID
-numbers. These numbers are automatically generated by the Resource
-Assembly Tool when the entry is first created, or added to the entries
-when a map generated outside the Resource Assembly Tool is first
-retrieved. They can also be assigned by custom scripts or added in by
-In the XML example, entry 1 is the start resource of the map. When
-this map is accessed, the source (src) URL of this tag will be the
-first resource rendered. Entry 2 is the finish resource of this
-map. This resource will be the last resource in the sequence of
-resources. Entry 6 is a problem resource with the given URL and title,
-as well as the priority "mandatory". Entry 19 is a condition, which is
-used by the link between entries 6, the problem, and 9, a
-sequence. I<The final syntax for conditions has not yet been
 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
 use Apache::lonnet;
@@ -173,7 +38,7 @@ use Apache::lonlocal;
 use LONCAPA::map();
 use File::Copy;
+use HTML::Entities();
 # --------------------------------------------------------- Build up RAT screen
 sub ratedt {
@@ -274,7 +139,7 @@ function idxopen(mode) {
    var options="scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0,location=1,toolbar=1";
-   idx=open('$resurl/?launch=1&mode=$mode&catalogmode='+mode,'idxout',options);
+   idx=open('$resurl/?inhibitmenu=yes&launch=1&mode=$mode&catalogmode='+mode,'idxout',options);
@@ -282,7 +147,7 @@ function idxopen(mode) {
 function groupopen(url,recover,bookmarks) {
    var options="scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0";
-   idx=open("/adm/groupsort?mode=$mode&recover="+recover+"&readfile="+url+"&bookmarks="+bookmarks,"idxout",options);
+   idx=open("/adm/groupsort?inhibitmenu=yes&mode=$mode&recover="+recover+"&readfile="+url+"&bookmarks="+bookmarks,"idxout",options);
@@ -291,7 +156,7 @@ function srchopen(mode) {
    var options="scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0";
-   srch=open("/adm/searchcat?launch=1&mode=$mode&catalogmode="+mode,"srchout",options);
+   srch=open("/adm/searchcat?inhibitmenu=yes&launch=1&mode=$mode&catalogmode="+mode,"srchout",options);
 // ----------------------------------------------------- launch indexer browser
@@ -326,6 +191,7 @@ function idxcheck(mode) {
         if (editbrowser == null) {
             url += 'launch=1&';
+        url += 'inhibitmenu=yes&';
         url += 'catalogmode=interactive&';
         url += 'mode=edit&';
         url += 'form=' + formname + '&';
@@ -359,7 +225,7 @@ sub smpedt {
        unless ($fatal) {
 	   $targetmsg='<b>'.&mt('Saved.').'</b><br />';
        } else {
-	   $targetmsg='<b>'.&mt('An error occured while saving.').'</b><br />';
+	   $targetmsg='<b>'.&mt('An error occurred while saving.').'</b><br />';
    if ($env{'form.revert'}) {
@@ -602,10 +468,12 @@ sub smpedt {
        my ($name,$url)=split(/\:/,$LONCAPA::map::resources[$_]);
        unless ($name) {  $name=(split(/\//,$url))[-1]; }
        unless ($name) { $name='EMPTY'; }
+       $name = &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($name);
+       $url  = &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($url);
-       $name=~s/\&colon;/\:/g;
+       $name = &HTML::Entities::encode($name,'\'"<>&');
        '<option value="'.$idx.'">'.$name.'</option>';
    } @LONCAPA::map::order);
@@ -642,8 +510,6 @@ sub smpedt {
    function openview(entry) {
        var url=unescape((entry.split('='))[1]);
        var parts=new Array;
-       parts=url.split('&colon;');
-       url=parts.join(':');
        if (url) { open(url,'cat'); }
@@ -662,12 +528,6 @@ sub smpedt {
        var entry=(document.forms.simpleedit.targetdetail.value.split('&'))
        var oldname=unescape((entry.split('='))[0]);
-       var nameparts=oldname.split('&colon;');
-       oldname=unescape(nameparts.join(':'));
-       nameparts=oldname.split('&#34;');
-       oldname=unescape(nameparts.join('"'));
-       nameparts=oldname.split('&#39;');
-       oldname=unescape(nameparts.join("'"));
        if (newtitle) {
@@ -780,31 +640,39 @@ sub viewmap {
     if ($errtext) {
-	$r->print($errtext.'<hr />');
+	$r->print('<div class="LC_error">'
+                 .$errtext
+                 .'</div>'
+                 .'<hr />'
+        );
     my $idx=0;
     if ($adv) {
-	$r->print('<p><b><font color="red">'.&mt('Map contents are not shown in order.').'</font></b></p><br />');
+	$r->print('<p class="LC_warning">'
+                 .&mt('Map contents are not shown in order.')
+                 .'</p><br />'
+        );
-    $r->print( '<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4">'.
-               '<tr bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><th>'.&mt('Type').'</th>'.
-               '<th>'.&mt('Title in map').'</th>'.
-               '<th>'.&mt('Filename of resource').'</th>'.
-               '<th>'.&mt('Link to published resource').'</th>'.
-               '<th>'.&mt('Link to resource in Construction Space').'</th>'.
-               '</tr>');
-    my @backgroundColors = ("#FFFFFF", "#F6F6F6");
+    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table()
+             .&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row()
+             .'<th>'.&mt('Type').'</th>'
+             .'<th>'.&mt('Title in map').'</th>'
+             .'<th>'.&mt('Filename of resource').'</th>'
+             .'<th>'.&mt('Link to published resource').'</th>'
+             .'<th>'.&mt('Link to resource in Construction Space').'</th>'
+             .&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row()
+    );
     foreach (&LONCAPA::map::attemptread(&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$url))) {
 	if (defined($_)) {
 	    my ($title,$url,$cond)=split(/\:/,$_);
 	    if ($cond eq 'cond') { next; }
-            $title=~s/\&colon\;/\:/g;
-            $url=~s/\&colon\;/\:/g;
+            $title= &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($title);
+            $url  = &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($url);
             unless ($title) { $title=(split(/\//,$url))[-1] };
             unless ($title) { $title='<i>'.&mt('Empty').'</i>'; }
-            my $resurl = &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($url);
+            my $resurl = $url;
             my $resfilepath = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.$resurl;
             my $filename; 
             if ($resurl =~ m#/([^/]+)$#) {
@@ -812,23 +680,34 @@ sub viewmap {
             my $cstrurl = $resurl;
             $cstrurl =~ s#^/res/[^/]+/([^/]+)/#/priv/$1/#;
-            my $bgcol = $idx%2; 
-            $r->print('<tr bgcolor='.$backgroundColors[$bgcol].'><td>'.
-                      '<img src="'.&Apache::loncommon::icon($resfilepath).
-                      '" /></td><td>'.&LONCAPA::map::qtescape($title).
-                      '</td><td>'.$filename.'</td><td>');
+            $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row()
+                     .'<td>'
+                     .'<img src="'.&Apache::loncommon::icon($resfilepath).'" />'
+                     .'</td>'
+                     .'<td>'
+                     .&HTML::Entities::encode(&LONCAPA::map::qtescape($title))
+                     .'</td>'
+                     .'<td>'.$filename.'</td>'
+                     .'<td>'
+            );
             if ($url) {
 		$r->print('<a href="'.$resurl.'">'.&mt('Resource space').'</a>');
+            } else {
+                $r->print('&nbsp;');
             if ($url) {
                $r->print('<a href="'.$cstrurl.'">'.
                          &mt('Construction space').'</a>');
+            } else {
+                $r->print('&nbsp;');
-            $r->print('</td></tr>'."\n");
+            $r->print('</td>'
+                     .&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()
+            );
-    $r->print('</table>');
+    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table());
@@ -893,7 +772,140 @@ __END__
+=head1 NAME
+Apache::lonratedt: simple resource assembly tool
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+lonratedt provides the routines and the handler for the Advanced
+    Resource Assembly Tool (RAT), and ties the various pieces together
+    with Javascript.
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+=head2 Map Representation
+=begin latex
+  width=0.55\paperwidth,bb = 0 0 200 100, draft, type=eps]{Map_Example}\end{center}
+\caption{\label{Map_In_Advanced_Editor}Example of a Map in the Advanced Editor}
+\caption{\label{XML}XML for Map in Figure \ref{Map_In_Advanced_Editor}}
+=end latex
+Fig. "XML for Map in Figure" shows the XML representation of the
+resource map shown in Fig. "Example of a Map in the Advanced Editor",
+which is the format in which maps are stored. In the figure, however,
+additional graphical map layout information generated by the Advanced
+Resource Assembly Tool is not displayed. This graphical information is
+optional to re-generate the same graphical layout when the map is
+brought up again in the Resource Assembly Tool, and is not needed for
+any other system functionality.
+Maps can be generated by tools other than the Resource Assembly
+Tool. In particular, an author might have some other representation of
+a course sequence, which can be converted into a map using scripts. If
+this map then were to be brought up in the Resource Assembly Tool, the
+Tool would automatically generate a graphical layout for it. Each
+entry of the map (resources, conditions and links) is stored in a
+separate tag.
+Resources and conditionsX<conditions> have to have unique ID
+numbers. These numbers are automatically generated by the Resource
+Assembly Tool when the entry is first created, or added to the entries
+when a map generated outside the Resource Assembly Tool is first
+retrieved. They can also be assigned by custom scripts or added in by
+In the XML example, entry 1 is the start resource of the map. When
+this map is accessed, the source (src) URL of this tag will be the
+first resource rendered. Entry 2 is the finish resource of this
+map. This resource will be the last resource in the sequence of
+resources. Entry 6 is a problem resource with the given URL and title,
+as well as the priority "mandatory". Entry 19 is a condition, which is
+used by the link between entries 6, the problem, and 9, a
+sequence. I<The final syntax for conditions has not yet been