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Current directory: [LON-CAPA] / loncom

Current tag: loncapaMITrelate_1

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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[TXT] ConfigFileEdit.pm 1.4 17 years albertel - add in revision info
[TXT] CrGenerate.pl 1.9 16 years schafran short button names, consistent e-mail spelling,
[TXT] CrGrant.pl 1.6 16 years schafran bugfix: button names. "reset all colors to default" didn't work, escaping the do...
[TXT] LONCAPA.pm 1.31 13 years raeburn - Duplicated &try_to_lock() routine moved to one location (in LONCAPA.pm). - Try...
[TXT] LondConnection.pm 1.52 14 years foxr Add a 'ClientData' member to LondConnection and have loncnew use it to properly ...
[TXT] LondTransaction.pm 1.9 19 years albertel - pod style docs want a blank line after =cut
[TXT] TODO 1.189 19 years albertel - removing things from the diused TODO list
[TXT] UPDATE 1.2 18 years albertel - make sure rm doesn't throw a nut
[TXT] apachereload 1.7 13 years raeburn - Duplicated &try_to_lock() routine moved to one location (in LONCAPA.pm). - Try...
[TXT] clusteradmin 1.5 13 years raeburn - LON-CAPA dns_*.tab cluster table management. - Logging - Skip contacting h...
[TXT] development_dns_domain.tab 1.18 13 years www Development DNS Sanity and fixing MIT entry
[TXT] development_dns_hosts.tab 1.17 14 years raeburn - drop oscar (nscldev) temporarily from dev cluster.
[TXT] development_dns_sanity.pl 1.1 13 years www Development DNS Sanity and fixing MIT entry
[TXT] development_domain.tab 1.23 17 years albertel - switch to use dns - change host configuration to install and maintain dns_*.t...
[TXT] development_hosts.tab 1.77 17 years albertel - switch to use dns - change host configuration to install and maintain dns_*.t...
[TXT] htpasswd 1.3 21 years www Script to re-route traffic from one LON-CAPA server to another in case of weirdn...
[TXT] includepsheader.ps 1.1 16 years foxr Postscript additional header to support postscript job inclusion. gets installed...
[TXT] krb.conf 1.1 25 years harris41 which Kerberos server to contact for which Kerberos domains
[TXT] lchttpdlogs 1.1 13 years raeburn - Bug 6475. lchttpdlogs is script called by loncron to tail web server logs. ...
[TXT] lcinstallfile 1.5 14 years foxr Make this usable in fc13 which won't allow re-elevation of euid once euid is set...
[TXT] lciptables 1.6 13 years raeburn - Remove duplicate declaration.
[TXT] lcnfsoff 1.4 14 years foxr Make this usable on FC13
[TXT] lcnfson 1.6 14 years foxr Hopefully make thsi work right on fc13
[TXT] lcpasswd 1.22 14 years foxr Make this work on fc13.
[TXT] lcuserdel 1.16 17 years albertel - add in revision info
[TXT] loncapa.conf 1.13 20 years raeburn Include placeholder for Support E-mail address.
[TXT] loncapa_apache.conf 13 years raeburn - Backport 1.204.
[TXT] loncaparevs.tab 1.1 14 years raeburn - Control hosting of user sessions. - To accommodate multi-domain library serv...
[TXT] loncnew 1.100 13 years raeburn branches: 1.100.10; - Eliminate lone single quotes in POD which could cause pro...
[TXT] loncron 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate. - Remove reCAPTCHA perlvars from entries displa...
[TXT] lond 1.467.2.7 13 years raeburn - Backport 1.486.
[TXT] lonenc.pm 1.24 16 years raeburn - Regular Expression for both http and https.
[TXT] lonencurl.pm 1.4 17 years albertel - convert exisiting cookie reads/validations to use lonnet::check_for_valid_s...
[TXT] lonlocal.pm 1.7 20 years albertel - stop the log spew
[TXT] lonmaxima 1.41 13 years droeschl In case of a syntax error maxima 5.23 outputs "incorrect syntax" instead of the ...
[TXT] lonmemcached 1.7 17 years albertel - add in revision info
[TXT] lonr 1.6 15 years www Paul Rubin's interface to R. Works now. However, it needs additional Perl libra...
[TXT] lonsql 1.90 17 years raeburn - scope
[TXT] lonssl.pm 1.10 18 years albertel - more bad syntax bug#4975
[TXT] lontrans.pm 1.13 18 years albertel - more re fix ups
[TXT] managers.tab 1.4 20 years albertel - updating to be ready for distribution
[TXT] mime.types 1.4 15 years raeburn - Add Office 2007 Mime Types.
[TXT] ntp.conf 1.1 24 years harris41 File which configures time synchronization of LON-CAPA machines according to XNT...
[TXT] production_dns_domain.tab 1.104 13 years raeburn - Description updated for replate domain.
[TXT] production_dns_hosts.tab 1.143 13 years raeburn - educog hosting MIT relate domain.
[TXT] production_dns_sanity.pl 1.3 14 years www * Clemson University * Updated sanity-check to look for new host-table entries
[TXT] production_domain.tab 1.111 17 years albertel - switch to use dns - change host configuration to install and maintain dns_*.t...
[TXT] production_hosts.tab 1.191 17 years albertel - switch to use dns - change host configuration to install and maintain dns_*.t...
[TXT] pwchange 1.10 15 years raeburn --stdin option not available with system passwd command in debian/ubuntu - use ...
[TXT] rawhide_hosts.tab 1.7 22 years harris41 oh... let's make the domain name more specific
[TXT] request_ssl_key.sh 1.2 16 years raeburn - Need to check for the existence (an ownership) of /home/httpd/lonCerts if run ...
[TXT] serverhomeIDs.tab 1.1 14 years raeburn - Control hosting of user sessions. - To accommodate multi-domain library serv...
[TXT] smb.conf 1.6 22 years harris41 best wishes to all.
[TXT] spare.tab 1.5 14 years www Less machines with more power
[TXT] startup.pl 14 years raeburn - Backport 1.39.

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