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Current directory: [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface

Current tag: loncapaMITrelate_1

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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[TXT] coursecatalog.pm 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate - No domain selector for catalog if default doma...
[TXT] courseclassifier.pm 1.14 14 years raeburn - Institutional code compiled from selections in linked select boxes does not ...
[TXT] courseprefs.pm 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate - Backport 1.49.
[TXT] createaccount.pm 12 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate. - Different sections assigned to existing users...
[TXT] domainprefs.pm 13 years raeburn - Backport 1.160.
[TXT] domainstatus.pm 1.4 14 years bisitz No menu icons for sub menu "Status of domain servers" (should be currently suffi...
[TXT] entities.pm 1.19 15 years foxr This merger with head should resolve BZ 5969, 5970, 5732 5927 .. various problem...
[TXT] filecategories.tab 1.2 17 years albertel - add some more common file extensions
[TXT] filetypes.tab 1.37 15 years raeburn - Bug 5982 - Allow upload of MS Office 2007 files to CSTR. ---------------------...
[TXT] groupboards.pm 1.14 16 years bisitz Added missing CVS Ids for automatic version numbering to script header (Irrespec...
[TXT] grouproster.pm 1.8 16 years bisitz Added missing CVS Ids for automatic version numbering to script header (Irrespec...
[TXT] groupsort.pm 1.66 14 years bisitz Changes related to modification of LON-CAPA screen header. - Explicitly re-added...
[TXT] lonaboutme.pm 1.147 14 years raeburn - Use lonnet::get_my_roles() when determining if aboutme page is for user in a...
[TXT] lonannounce.pm 1.82 15 years raeburn - fix typo in texthash key.
[TXT] lonblockingstatus.pm 1.7 15 years bisitz Consistent Wording
[TXT] lonbulletin.pm 1.63 13 years raeburn - Eliminate duplicate, non-functional RichText/PlainText link.
[TXT] lonchat.pm 1.20 15 years raeburn - Bug 6082. - Enlarge width of pop-up chat window to 480. - Reduce text box wi...
[TXT] lonchatfetch.pm 1.38 14 years raeburn - pcl is the priv for chat (not pch); was reversed in lonchatfetch.pm from the ...
[TXT] lonclonecourse.pm 1.7 16 years raeburn branches: 1.7.12; Args in call to lonnet::dirlist() needed changing now propath...
[TXT] loncommon.pm 1.948. 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate - css style to exclude LON-CAPA inline menu etc....
[TXT] loncommunicate.pm 1.46 15 years raeburn - Term used for type of course used to facilitate collaborative activities, e....
[TXT] lonconfigsettings.pm 14 years raeburn - Backport 1.16.
[TXT] loncoursedata.pm 1.193 13 years raeburn branches: 1.193.6; - Fix POD.
[TXT] loncoursegroups.pm 1.112 14 years raeburn - Prevent script error in Internet Explorer.
[TXT] loncoursequeueadmin.pm 1.28 13 years raeburn - Remove unnecessary punctuation from message sent when course enrollment and/or...
[TXT] loncreatecourse.pm 1.145 14 years www Fields were too short
[TXT] loncreateuser.pm 1.358.4.1 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate - Include part of changes in 1.329.2.4 for GCI_3...
[TXT] loncss.pm 1.9 13 years raeburn - Response header generation that works with Apache 1.3 (RHEL4) and Apache 2.
[TXT] londocs.pm 1.434.2.4 13 years raeburn - Backport 1.453.
[TXT] lonerrorhandler.pm 1.23 16 years schafran consistent wording, email -> e-mail, catalog information -> metadata, e-mail vs....
[TXT] lonevaluate.pm 1.29 15 years bisitz - Added missing breadcrumbs - Replaced special styles by standard pick_box - Sim...
[TXT] lonfeedback.pm 12 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate. - Backport 1.357.
[TXT] longroup.pm 1.27 14 years raeburn - Typo in args passed to lonnet::dump() (longroup.pm rev 1.26).
[TXT] longroupchat.pm 1.10 16 years hauer edited: live chatroom => chat room chatroom => chat room chatrooms => chat rooms...
[TXT] lonhelp.pm 1.40 14 years raeburn - Link and Icon for PDF version of manuals on Help Intro pages.
[TXT] lonhelper.pm 14 years raeburn - Backport 1.182.
[TXT] lonhelpmenu.pm 1.39 15 years jms New "Help Settings" page added to Domain Settings, with ability to turn the "Sub...
[TXT] lonhtmlcommon.pm 13 years raeburn - Backport 1.294.
[TXT] lonindexer.pm 1.207 14 years raeburn - Bug 6251. - Third arg is now a ref to a hash, instead of a hash. - New (op...
[TXT] lonmainmenu.pm 1.8 15 years www branches: 1.8.4; Saving my work: lonmenu cleanup; more weird little menus shoul...
[TXT] lonmanagekeys.pm 1.25 15 years bisitz - Added breadcrumbs - Added simple line feed -> padding between header and conte...
[TXT] lonmenu.pm 1.315. 12 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate - Sign-up for summer cohort. - Disable printou...
[TXT] lonmeta.pm 1.240 14 years raeburn - Bug 6251. - Third arg is now a ref to a hash, instead of a hash. - New (op...
[TXT] lonmodifycourse.pm 1.59 14 years raeburn - scope
[TXT] lonmsg.pm 1.232 14 years raeburn - Bug 6413. - Subject for notification e-mail uses subject from corresponding ...
[TXT] lonmsgdisplay.pm 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate. - Backport 1.158. - No domain selector for us...
[TXT] lonmysql.pm 1.39 13 years raeburn - TYPE=MYISAM was replaced with ENGINE=MYISAM in MySQL 4. - TYPE was deprecated ...
[TXT] lonnavdisplay.pm 14 years raeburn - Support for pop-up Course Contents window (remotenavmap) retained in 2.10.
[TXT] lonnavmaps.pm 1.444. 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate - Backport 1.479.
[TXT] lonnotify.pm 1.38 14 years bisitz Bug #5528: Explicitly send character encoding UTF-8 in outgoing e-mail to ensure...
[TXT] lonparmset.pm 1.505. 12 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate. - Correction to backport of part of 1.514 in 1....
[TXT] lonpdfupload.pm 1.20 15 years onken Deletes double declared variable ($result) in sub grade_pdf.
[TXT] lonpickauthor.pm 1.2 16 years bisitz Corrected typos (2x "you" missing)
[TXT] lonpickcode.pm 1.15 17 years albertel - data table the scantron action screen
[TXT] lonpickcourse.pm 1.103 13 years raeburn - Improve readability of "Course/Community Level" box in DC's create/modify us...
[TXT] lonpickstudent.pm 1.30 13 years www Show a little bit of something while collecting data
[TXT] lonpickuser.pm 1.5 14 years raeburn - Additional arg - $context - for loncommon::user_picker(). - Required domain ...
[TXT] lonpopulate.pm 1.68 14 years raeburn - Include co-owners as argument passed to lonnet::auto_new_course() whenever sec...
[TXT] lonpreferences.pm 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate. - Eliminate domain select box if user is in "re...
[TXT] lonprintout.pm 1.583.2.5 13 years raeburn - Backport 1.586, 1.587, 1.597, 1.598.
[TXT] lonquickgrades.pm 1.49 15 years www branches: 1.49.6; Mode to not display total parts.
[TXT] lonrequestcourse.pm 1.63 14 years raeburn branches: 1.63.6; - Bug 6287. Processing of requests for official courses que...
[TXT] lonrss.pm 1.49 15 years raeburn - Accommodate Communities - (C)course -> (C)community
[TXT] lonsearchcat.pm 1.324 14 years raeburn - Bug 6251. - Third arg is now a ref to a hash, instead of a hash. - New (op...
[TXT] lonselstudent.pm 1.14 16 years raeburn - Pass form object along as an additional argument to the following javascript f...
[TXT] lonsimplepage.pm 1.98 13 years www "Content" does not need to show up in print
[TXT] lonsource.pm 1.24 15 years raeburn - xhtml.
[TXT] lonspeller.pm 1.17 18 years raeburn Removing debug line.
[TXT] lonstatistics.pm 1.153 14 years raeburn - Bug 6119. - identifying information about user not displayed for problem par...
[TXT] lonsupportreq.pm 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate - Remove unused item - Fix typo
[TXT] lonsyllabus.pm 1.111 13 years christianto better separation of course personnel
[TXT] lontemplate.pm 13 years raeburn - Backport 1.45.
[TXT] lontest.pm 1.22 16 years jms POD comments added/altered
[TXT] lontrackstudent.pm 1.32 14 years raeburn - bug 6119 Anonymous Surveys. - Do not display submission data from a CSTORE tr...
[TXT] lonuserutils.pm 13 years raeburn - Typo.
[TXT] lonviewclasslist.pm 1.13 15 years raeburn - Bug 6239. Register "Course roster" (/adm/viewclasslist) if added to a course...
[TXT] lonwhatsnew.pm 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate - Move </form> tag after radio buttons used to t...
[TXT] multidownload.pl 1.38 16 years raeburn - Missing cookie message generated from &LONCAPA::loncgi::missing_cookie_msg(). ...
[TXT] mydesk.tab 13 years raeburn - Support for PDF Forms not included in 2.10.
[TXT] portfolio.pm 1.232 13 years raeburn branches: 1.232.2; - Duplicate declaration.
[TXT] printout.pl 14 years raeburn - Backport 1.147.
[TXT] resetpw.pm 13 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate. - Backport 1.27. - Replace LON-CAPA with Mech...
[TXT] selfenroll.pm 12 years raeburn - Customization for MITrelate. - Different sections assigned to existing users...
[TXT] slotrequest.pm 1.110 14 years raeburn - Clarification of slot reservation change process by student. - "Make no change...

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